Talk with Fr. Barouyr
Episode 69 - Seminary Year-End Sermon on the Parable of the Weeds (ARM 🇦🇲)
This week, listen in to Fr. Barouyr’s sermon commemorating the end of the seminary academic year. Fr. Barouyr exhorts us to accept the invitation in the Parable of the Weeds to be like the Good Sower. The parable has deep spiritual meaning, which translates directly to the mission of the seminary, to prepare seminarians who preach the Word, serve the people, and guide Armenians to salvation.
- Broadcast on:
- 29 Jun 2024
This week, listen in to Fr. Barouyr’s sermon commemorating the end of the seminary academic year. Fr. Barouyr exhorts us to accept the invitation in the Parable of the Weeds to be like the Good Sower. The parable has deep spiritual meaning, which translates directly to the mission of the seminary, to prepare seminarians who preach the Word, serve the people, and guide Armenians to salvation.