Stray Pointers

Chatting with Programmer, Author, and Former Dr. Dobbs Journal Columnist Jeff Duntemann

Broadcast on:
18 Jan 2024

Jeff Duntemann joins the show to discuss his experiences with various technical and non-technical endeavors.  Jeff was the first editor of Borland's In-House Magazine "Turbo Technix" which was supplied to purchasers of early editions of Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, and similar Borland products.

He was the Structured Programming columnist for Dr. Dobbs Journal for a number of years.

Jeff had established his own publishing firm, The Coriolis Group where he wrote and published a number of books and two technical magazines.

Jeff's Free  FreePascal and Lazarus e-book 

Jeff's Blog 

The Latest Edition of X64 Assembly Language Step by Step 

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