Robinson's Podcast
97 - Brian Leiter: Karl Marx, Ideology, and Historical Materialism
Brian Leiter is Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Chicago Law School, founder and Director of Chicago’s Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, and is best known in the philosophical world for his work on Nietzsche and legal philosophy. He is the founding editor of the Routledge Philosophers book series, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law, and Philosophical Gourmet Report, which is the canonical—as well as extremely helpful and illuminating—ranking of philosophy departments and PhD programs in the English-speaking world. He also maintains the world’s most popular philosophy blog, Leiter Reports. In this episode, Robinson and Brian discuss Karl Marx and a current book he is co-writing with Jaime Edwards for the Routledge Philosophers book series. Among the topics they discuss are Historical Materialism, ideology, Marx’s critique of capitalism, and exploitation. Brian’s latest book is Moral Psychology with Nietzsche (Oxford, 2021).
Brian’s Website:
Brian’s Twitter:
Leiter Reports:
Moral Psychology with Nietzsche:
00:00 In This Episode…
00:50 Introduction
06:38 Brian’s Interest in Marx
13:22 Historical Materialism
33:06 Big Business and Diversity
40:16 Ideology
58:04 Is Historical Materialism True?
01:01:45 Exploitation
01:11:38 Is Brian a Marxist?
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- 04 Jun 2023
Brian Leiter is Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Chicago Law School, founder and Director of Chicago’s Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, and is best known in the philosophical world for his work on Nietzsche and legal philosophy. He is the founding editor of the Routledge Philosophers book series, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law, and Philosophical Gourmet Report, which is the canonical—as well as extremely helpful and illuminating—ranking of philosophy departments and PhD programs in the English-speaking world. He also maintains the world’s most popular philosophy blog, Leiter Reports. In this episode, Robinson and Brian discuss Karl Marx and a current book he is co-writing with Jaime Edwards for the Routledge Philosophers book series. Among the topics they discuss are Historical Materialism, ideology, Marx’s critique of capitalism, and exploitation. Brian’s latest book is Moral Psychology with Nietzsche (Oxford, 2021).
Brian’s Website:
Brian’s Twitter:
Leiter Reports:
Moral Psychology with Nietzsche:
00:00 In This Episode…
00:50 Introduction
06:38 Brian’s Interest in Marx
13:22 Historical Materialism
33:06 Big Business and Diversity
40:16 Ideology
58:04 Is Historical Materialism True?
01:01:45 Exploitation
01:11:38 Is Brian a Marxist?
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