The Joel Gill Show

Bob Dylan

2h 34m
Broadcast on:
31 Dec 2024
Audio Format:

all right we're back today's theme is Bob Dylan so you should know that this stole this show is a ripoff of Bob Dylan's theme-time radio hour so the things Bob Dylan the artist has done for me indescribable indescribable I quit my job as a mailman I've got the government trying to destroy me trying to destroy my ability to make a living I've got that happening what do I do I listen to Bob Dylan I put on Bob Dylan's pressing on I listen to that three times ago for a fucking walk and I feel bulletproof I am pressing on but what I am pressing so I know so much about Bob Dylan it's insane it is insane I am the Bob Dylan expert I know everything about Bob Dylan do you guys know how he got the name Bob Dylan do you in his book chronicles his autobiography which is an amazing book which is genius he's genius everywhere so I like to make that joke about oh hey guys I'm just here I'll just shit out some genius I just woke up this morning I'll shit out some genius where did I get that from I got that from the great Bob Dylan I got that from the great Bob Dylan so here is something here are some things I like about Bob Dylan I like to call him the autist king so if you're fucking autistic you love Bob Dylan so I'm not autistic I'm not this way but one of my sister's friends was I won't say this guy's name because it was so obvious to everyone who wasn't a fucking complete morning more on that he wanted to fuck my sister I'm sorry it was obvious it's like 20 years older than he was maybe he'll listen to the side mission say anything to and he is a great guy I saw him he is a great guy but I mentioned in passing that I liked Bob Dylan he gave me every fucking Bob Dylan thing out I'm staring at Bob Dylan's lyrics this guy gave me a book on Bob Dylan's lyrics because I was like hey man I like Bob Dylan he's like yeah take everything you fucking one on Buck Dylan so that is the great joy of Bob Dylan that is the great joy of Bob Dylan that is the great joy of Bob Dylan - the community Bob Dylan fans are fucking cool we're cool we're hip especially in this day and age we're fucking hit man where have so but sort of motivated this is I guess a complete unknown is coming out the film by Timothy Shala May Shammelay whatever the fuck that guy's name is he's in everything he's in everything that guy and he likes Bob Dylan so you got to be like I forgot I like this guy now that's what happened well I'm I'm watching him this is how insane this is how insane I am watching Bob doing movie a movie a complete unknown coming out I'm watching the movie and I'm going it should have been me I'm not an actor I've never acted in my life but I'm going why the fuck didn't James Manny gold or whatever the fuck his name is why didn't they realize why didn't they go on my YouTube and see my let me die my footsteps cover and realize I should be playing Bob Dylan movie I should be doing it man the positive self-help angle is way more fun for this podcast but this is true this is true this is how I got into music I was like I'll just get into Bob Dylan I'll learn everything about Bob Dylan I'll model Bob Dylan and it worked because I am a genius I'm the innovator of music no no no so I was a bit I'll be real it's a bit intimidated to make this podcast the things Bob Dylan has done for me I can't even describe I can't even begin I don't know where to begin I know where to begin with everything but with Bob Dylan where the fuck do you begin it's like my brother with Bitcoin I'm like how do you explain Bitcoin to the average guy you can't how do I explain Bob get Dylan to the average guy I can't wait I can't what like what do I mean what do I mean what do I mean what I mean what I mean how do I explain Bob Dylan to the average guy you go deep enough on Bob Dylan you despise his studio albums his amazing studio albums bringing it all all back home which the it's all right but hey mr. Tamborine man gates of Eden it's all right ma I'm only bleeding those three songs as the end of an album is the best moment in music history it is that is the best moment I'm music history not even my favorite Bob Dylan album either not even my favorite period but that is the best music moment in history you listen to those three songs in a row it ends with walk upside down and hang cuffs all right kick it off to say I've had enough I wish I could remember the rest of those lyrics it ends with that and you go it's all right ma I certainly bleeding great song but when you listen to it in a fucking album sequence where it's hey mr. Tamborine man then it's gates of Eden which ends I listen to that song for the end lyric there are no truth outside the gates of Eden genius I can recognize genius because I ain't a genius so if you don't see that it's genius the shame on you so that is the best moment in music history Bob Dylan he just shits that out all right all right I'm a fucking degenerate it's all over baby blue I think it ends with I think it ends with it's all over baby blue I just messed that up did I I think I did man I think I fucking did shame on me I should listen to that album again because I'm on my media deprivation and the only musician I am allowed to listen to is fucking Bob Dylan that's not even a punishment to me that's fun to me that is fun to me and I could do a media deprivation and the only thing I could listen to the only artist I could listen to is Bob Dylan that would be fun you look at his paintings you go oh that's pretty cool look at his he's got paintings you go I can only look at this guy's fucking painting he's got paintings he's got what else does this fucking let's call them a Jew sorry that is one thing about Bob Dylan where you like kind of fucking weird that he is Jewish it is weird that he is Jewish and when he starts out all he's talking about is fucking Jesus you know man you're Jewish why are you why are you writing so many songs about or playing so as many songs about Jesus you know this guy he's Jewish isn't he which I think that could get me into jail where you go no opinion on it beyond that there you go it is weird that a Jewish guy is singing so much about Jesus and is he as he is he Jewish again that is the mystery of Bob Dylan we like my favorite period is the saved period that is my favorite period so if you don't know everything about Bob Dylan he he was born again he's born again of the spirit he's born again of the spirit that's what they say we're like all right except Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior he did that for if that's just like a fucking blip in his career he's like all right I'll fucking write the best music expressing love for Jesus ever ever I'll do that he has that because it's punk it's punk property of Jesus that is a song that is a song on Jesus where he goes you guys are fucking goofing on me wait that's not yeah no it is called property of Jesus no he's like you guys are goofing on fucking me for finding Jesus and living right seriously what have you got a fucking heart of stone you got something better or a heart of stone I wish I see this is the thing about Bob Dylan I wish my guitar I could I wish I could I wish I fixed my guitar so I could go and play that song because that is the thing about doing it motivates you to fucking learn music to play a song because it's that it's that simple way like all right I can fucking play this but it's that genius oh my god it's amazing and if you ever play a Bob Dylan song you feel amazing afterwards we like yeah whatever it is all right I'm only bleeding darkness had to break in new shadows even the silver spoon that the handmade blade the child's balloon eclipses both the Sun and moon to understand you know too soon there's no sense in trying and the do do do do do do do do do do do do I have got the lyric book in front of me I don't even fucking need it I don't even need it it's that in my subconscious now where I'm like yes I don't need it in my law in my last episode episode is such a fitting name for these in my last episode all right I what did I do in my last episode you know don't look back that's a Bob Dylan thing as well he's like fucking don't look back who gives a fuck about the past he steals that from the Bible you know what fuck my last episode what would Bob Dylan say it's fucking gone who cares who cares about the genius that about last episode was who cares now I had a plan to actually have a point I wanted to make it will come to me later it will come to me later it will come to me later it will come to me later darkness had to break the new shadows even the silver spoon the handmade blade the The child's ballooning clips about the son of a minute to understand, you know, there's no sense of trying, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, I get ashamed when I can't fucking remember a lyric, because it's genius. And the thing about Bob Dylan was since he's going to be back into the gazite guys, because that Timothy Shamalay, whatever the fuck that guy is, is back in a complete unknown, it's the movie, which I am gonna see, I am gonna see that movie. Since he's back in the cultural zeitgeist, or if he gets back in the cultural zeitgeist, I have to abandon Bob Dylan, I have to go, he fucking sucks, I have to do that if other people like him soon, as much as I do. I have to go, he's a fucking goof, Bob Dylan's a goof, John Prine's better, so we'll be doing that soon. If I go, fuck, he's kinda cool, he's no John Prine, he'll be funny, he'll be funny man. John Prine, John Prine, John Prine's got his songs also. And Bob Dylan, this is the great Bob Dylan, he collaborates with John Prine, no he doesn't collaborate, he goes and watches, he's a fan, that's the thing about Bob Dylan, I like he's a fucking fan of people, he is, he's the biggest fan. So he likes John Prine, John Prine, if you don't know who John Prine is, fucking shame on you. What's one song he has, that these fucking buffoons will understand and know. Hello in there, I think is his most popular song, I think. Hello in there. It's a nice little folk parable, that's what he does, he does parables where he's like, yep, there's an old guy walking down the street, that's a fucking human being, he has a part of me, he has a life story, maybe just say fucking hello to him. What's the other one John Prine has, illegal smile is good, that is a good way to describe being high, you've got a fucking illegal smile, that is good. You know what I'm lying, I do prefer Bob Dylan still, I can't fucking live this lie, it's been three seconds where I go, no John Prine's better, no Bob Dylan is the best. And Timothy Chamele, fucking goofs, and Timothy Chamele being cast or whatever the fuck, what the fuck, Timothy Chamele, one of my actual concerns was this man does not have the sexual charisma for Bob Dylan, that was actually, I was like, I don't buy it, I don't buy him having the sexual charisma of Bob Dylan because it's undeniable, and Timothy Chamele does not have sexual charisma, he's one of these fucking women, he's one of these guys who looks like a fucking bitch, that's his appeal, so you could, what's the movie I watched of his, call me by my name, so yes he's been in movies where it's like I'm gonna get fucked by, what's that actor again, that actor who turned out to be sending women messages like I wanna literally eat you, like this fucking playing around with cannibalism, so this guy was in a movie where he's fucking gay, getting fucked by him, and you just go, not my Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan is not that, he's not that, he's a fucking man first, Bob Dylan will fight ya, also that's the thing I like about him, he obviously, there's no way on God's green earth that he can fight, but he will fucking fight ya, so there's this, a bunch of amazing stuff about Bob Dylan, this should have been a Bob Dylan podcast, that's what I'm regretting, that's my big regret, I'm like it should have just been singularly on Bob Dylan, I could have done this for the rest of my fucking life and been happy, if it was just on Bob Dylan, God I love Bob Dylan, anyway, so Bob Dylan, he will fucking fight you, he will fight you, there's so many instances where he's like alright let's fucking fight, and you look at him, you go, he's a fucking tiny guy, what the fuck is he talking about, so one famous example is, I think his name is Damien, the producer, some guy who was producing his album, his fucking producer, everyone considers him a genius, and he gives Bob Dylan feedback and he's like I'm gonna fucking fight you, I dare you, I wish I could remember the whole story, but he's like I'm gonna fight you, then them is fighting words, I like that, and also you can listen to Bob Dylan talking to a stalker on the phone, and this is where you are like Bob Dylan is the coolest human being who has ever lived on planet earth, he is, it's him, it's him, in all humility I give it to him, he's one A, I'm one B, you know what, I'm sorry Bob Dylan, you're not fucking cooler than me, you're not, you're not cooler than me, I take that back, I was about to give it up to him being like you're fucking cooler than me, Bob Dylan you aren't, but you're not, because you're not a fan of me, that's the thing that eats at me, where you go, this guy's not even a, how all is he, so he's pretty cool, but he hasn't even become a huge fan of me, so I'm a huge fan of Bob Dylan, when he is a huge fan of me then possibly he will be cool, cooler than me, that would, I would give him one A then again, where I'm like alright he's a fan of me, now he's fucking cool, now he's hip, now he's the cutting edge, but there are so many amazing Bob Dylan stories that I do not even know what to begin, that is the tragedy of this, but also Bob Dylan gives you the keys for taking a creative swing, he gives you the fucking keys to taking a creative skin to the better that swing, where I'm gonna tie off that loose end about him fighting a stalker, I am gonna do that, because that is fucking cool, you do listen to him, you listen to him, talk about, you can go on to the internet and listen to him, I have a conversation with the guy who's fucking stalking him and he comes off as the coolest human being in that exchange, how do you do that, where he's like alright I don't trust you anymore, I'm never gonna fucking call you again and what's the funnier part, where this stalker, what's his name again, I won't mention, I won't mention him by name, but this stalker is like, you fucking suck Bob Dylan, you're a fucking capitalist pig now, you want fucking money, and Bob Dylan is a sensitive also, so he's like, you can tell, that does get him, you can tell he is like, that is kind of true, I did fucking sell out, I did stop making country albums which are amazing, but I did stop with the fucking, the childish, I'll be a fucking the voice of a generation, I did, I put that away, Bob Dylan is like, it's time to put away childish things, I'll stop being the voice of my generation, that was Bob Dylan, he's like, that is a fucking trinket, that is nothing to me, that is a child's dream, I'm gonna do Nashville skyline, I'm gonna have a completely different voice, which is kind of, I don't really like that voice, I'll be real, I do like the songs, but the voice is silly, and you go, it is calculated, Bob Dylan is a genius for how calculated he is, you can recognize his voice immediately, even his goofy voice, even his different singing voice, you go, ah, that's it, and you go, ah, that's what he was doing, he was trying to sound different, he was trying to be different, you can listen to Bob Dylan on a conversation on the phone with a guy who is stalking him, and he's like, hey man, stop going through my fucking garbage, you're freaking out, he doesn't even say you're freaking out my kids, he goes, you're kind of freaking out my kids, and then he's like, nah, that's a bitch move, to be like, think of the children, so he's like, nah, I didn't even mean that, just me, me, you're annoying me, because he's like, maybe he'll fucking kill my kids or something, he's like, you're fucking annoying me, stop it, cut it out, this guy's like, you're a fucking capitalist pig, used to be about the revolution, Bob it, Bob it, used to be about, what was it about, you used to be and he's like, buddy, I'm the fucking best songwriter on planet earth still, what are you talking about, who are you fucking kidding, he says this shit to this guy, where you go, yeah, Bob Dylan does have a fucking huge ego, that reminds me of a lyric he says where the size of your cock will get you nowhere, that's a Bob Dylan lyric, that's a Bob, I've got, this could be a thousand episodes, I could just go through Bob Dylan lyrics that make you scratch your head and go, this is fucking amazing, you know I'll give you a little taste of that, she could be in the mountains or the prairies, she could be respectively married or running a whore house in Brunes Aries, that's how you describe a fucking form of flame, that is genius, and that's an alternate take on an obscure song that no one's gonna even fucking know, which is the grimness still waiting at the altar, that's an alternate take, he's like, I'm not even putting that on the studio ville version, I'm gonna go through that again, she could be in the mountains or the prairies, you're like, who is this woman, she could be respectively married and you're like, you have, I have had that thought about, I have the bride of Satan, I'm gonna keep referring to her, I've had that thought about form of flames and be like, wait, what is up with her, what's she doing, she could be respectively married by now, or she could be running a whore house, a fucking whore house in Brunes Aries, what the fuck, that is genius, you're like, what is this woman, who is this woman, and then I've got so many balls, I've got so many things in the air, you're like, do I explain the grim still waiting at the altar and why that's a genius, because recognizing genius is 99.9% of genius, the grim still waiting at the altar is 99.9% of the fucking population, I'm not even gonna understand what he's talking about, the grim is God, the grim is God, it's a spiritual song, it's on his gospel albums, which one is it every grandest I am, no shot of love, shot of love, it's on a shot of love, which he considers his best album of all time, he does, which I consider his best album of all time I do, and there's some fucking shit songs in there, they're out, but I got into this, I'm not even an argument, but I got into it with a guy on my bug-dealing Reddit, I got him into argument with a guy on my bug-dealing Reddit, and he's a goof, he's a goof, he's like, would it make this album better to substitute a better song on to this album, and you go, you're fucking goofball, the shit songs are intentional on his album, they're intentional, it's a breather for a listener, where you go, all right, you're getting the fucking hit in the head with the fucking genius, genius, genius, genius, genius, genius, give you a little breather, catch your breath, boom, genius, so it's intentional, so Lenny Bruce is a fucking dog-shit as a song, it is a dog-shit, Lenny Bruce was, what have the fuck that song is, sorry, that's dog-shit, but it sets it up for the crescendo of every grain of sand, which could be in the Book of Palms, it could be in the Bible, that song could be in the Bible, you know what, I put, Bob Dylan has probably wrote better songs than David or Solomon, whichever one was the, what the fuck, whichever one was the musician, oh my god, this could be a five-hour episode, I've just realized, where I'm Bob Dylan, you go into one little nogget and then you run to another little nogget and then you run to another little nogget, but I will tie off that loose end of him fighting his stalker, so you can listen to him on the phone with this guy who's stalking him, yes, he's writing stories about Bob Dylan, yes, Bob Dylan is like, I'll fucking edit your story, so the guy who's stalking him is writing stories about Bob Dylan and he's actually a decent writer, so you can see Bob Dylan's like, oh he's an alright writer, I'll help him, I'll help him, if you're gonna fucking talk about me, I actually didn't even, sorry, does anyone know what I'm talking about, no, I always forget, I gotta set things up, no, I don't forget that, it's genius, what would Bob Dylan do, he'd go fucking work it out, there's too much fucking everyone's spoon feeds, that's where I got that from, Bob Dylan, he's like, there's not enough mystery in music anymore, everything's fucking, this is what this means, you need mystery, it's the job of the artist is to deepen the mystery, it's a fantastic cop out, where you go, where you go, what's the word, where you go, I can't be bothered setting this up, you know what, deepen the mystery here fellas, I'm almost about to finish my coffee, and every time I do that, a Bob Dylan song blares in my head, one more cup of coffee, sometimes you find music that speaks for you, one more cup of coffee, I feel that so many times where I just need one more cup of coffee, that's what I need, before I go to the valley below, whatever the fuck that song's about, it's, I don't even think it's about coffee, I don't even think it's about coffee, what's going on, what's going on, what's going on, sorry, I wish I had this studio, I wish I did, you know, this is another thing about Bob Dylan, where he's like, people are so worried about fixing their mistakes that they'll never be perfect, that's a throwaway line from Bob Dylan, so on his radio show, mine is just ripping off his, but his is different because it's him, mine's different because it's me, and he didn't do a Bob Dylan theme, so mine's better than him, his already because he hasn't done a theme on Bob Dylan, that's the theme the fans are clamoring for Bobby, so this guy has some sort of music song, I wish I could remember, someone did tell me what it was from, I put that call out to the Bob Dylan Reddit, and they were like, it's this man, because they're the most helpful community ever, I love them, anyway, and yeah, so it's a woman playing a piano, out of tune, and like next zero sense why the song is good, technically, but it's perfect, he goes, you know, fucking out of tune piano, some bimbo, you know, some woman, you know, just fucking knocking it off, goes through everything wrong with it, everything, everything wrong with it, and then finishes it with perfect, genius, he's like, yeah, yeah, everything's wrong with it, but it's perfect, it's fucking perfect, and then he goes, some people are so worried about fixing their mistakes, they'll never be perfect, they'll never be perfect, because all these fucks, the Beatles, all these, you know, the Beatles, fuck the Beatles, back on that, where you go, fuck the Beatles, all these musicians, all these artists trying to be perfect, trying to fix their mistakes, you will never be perfect, because the mistakes, I won't make it, maybe, it's what makes it you, and in the age of AI, that is actually going to be so true, where you go, yes, you can shit out the perfect song ever, it's going to be hollow, it's going to be fucking mean unless it's going to be corrosive to the soul, you need mistakes, you need the blemishes, you need the warts, so yes, I do need a studio, yes, I am talking onto my iPhone, but yes, that is perfect, yes, I put zero, yes, I put zero effort into this, beyond going, I spent fucking 10 years mastering Bob Dylan, I literally went through Dylan chords, Dylan chords, which is, if you want to learn guitar, you're full, just learn Bob Dylan, Dylan chords, so this is the thing about the Bob Dylan community, a guy goes, you know what, for a piece of piss, for a little bit of fun, I'll fucking tab every Bob Dylan song ever, he's ever performed, he goes deep into like covers that Bob Dylan's done, and he's like, oh Bob Dylan did this cover in 1985, how do I play it, he does that, shares it with the community and goes, you know, if you want to fucking play, I ain't going to help anybody, what's one of the obscure ones, if you want to play Bob, if you want to play, you know, if you want to play it, at least forget that no one knows anything about Bob Dylan's, I could just, I literally could just be like, if you want to play every grain of sand, take eight from the bootleg series, this is how you play it, this is how you play it, so I am going to tie off that loose end about Bob Dylan fighting historical, and I do think this is where Bob Dylan retracted from the public eye because he had this guy stalking him, and yes Bob Dylan is on the phone to this guy, and the guy is going, Bob Dylan goes, name a better song writer than me, name a fucking better songwriter than me, he says that to his store car, name one, name one, and he's like John Lennon, he's like John Lennon's a faggot, he'll say faggot a lot, but he goes through every person, he's like, he's a fagg, he's a fagg, he's a fagg, he's a fagg, they're all faggs in comparison to me, and then the guy lists George Harrison and Bob Dylan is kind of nice to George Harrison, man this does have to be like an entire different podcast, you just realize that way you could do a fucking theme on the relationship between George Harrison and Bob Dylan, you could do that, so this guy historical is like George Harrison, is he a better songwriter than you and Bob Dylan is like he's equal, and you can hear him snickering in his head like George Harrison, he's equal to me, and you're fucking a kid of me buddy, but he's a friend, he's a friend, so he's like you know what, I'm a good friend, he's a good friend, he's a good friend, so he's like alright, and you hear other amazing things about Bob Dylan, where you go this guy is a good guy, that's the thing, that gets me, where you're like this guy is good, he's got good character, that's the whole thing about his music I like, it's instructive, it's like how to fucking live life, what's one of them, the ballad of Judas Priest, I like that one, for yes of course me Bob Dylan could be fucking your wife and your mother right now, I could be doing that if I wanted to, but it's corrosive to the soul, I think that's the bite of the soul, yeah it is, I think it is, it ends with a Frankly and Judas Priest, Frankly, how did that end the game, what is the climax, he goes into some mansion and there's a woman in each window and he's fucking them all and he dies from it, that's the climax of that song, the songs are that funny man, the songs are that funny, the songs are that funny, you know that's the climax, it starts, it starts with him owing someone money and then it ends with that and he's like how did we get there and it makes sense, it does make sense, that makes zero sense, that is another thing, that is the other thing about Bob Dylan, the criticisms make sense, even to me a super fan where people are like he can't sing, yeah okay, I admit it, I go alright he can't sing and they're like it doesn't make sense here, alright okay, it doesn't make sense and I think those are the only criticisms, yeah yep I agree with you, it's still the best thing on fucking planet earth, that's what I say, I go yep you're right, it's still better than whoever the fuck you like, who can sing, Beyonce fuck Beyonce, sorry I have a photo of Bob Dylan wearing a cowboy hat with Destiny's Child as my cover photo on Facebook because that's how insane Bob Dylan is when you get into him and you're like only he has a photo of him with Destiny's Child fucking smoldering and smizing and what do you call it, fucking doing insane, being insanely sexy, he's out sexying Destiny's Child, in front of them, he's mugging them, I think that's what the kids call, he's mugging them, M-O-G-G-I-N-G, he's mugging them, Destiny's Child, we're in a cowboy hat, that's the thing, he's just a fun silly guy, is also the thing, where you're like he is a fun silly guy, I like that about him, one day he's like I'm going to start wearing cowboy hats and then another day he's like I'm going to start wearing bandanas, oh that shit, oh that shit, you have the fucking expert on you, he's a fun silly guy, that's what I like about him, and then you hear about Louis C.K., the comedian, when he's getting canceled he does a dedication, a thank you to Bob Dylan because Bob Dylan reached out to Louis C.K. when he was going through, whatever the fuck he was going through, public shaming, Bob Dylan, this is the character of this man, he goes yes I will reach out to the fucking comedian, maybe they have a relationship, probably not, and check in on him, this is Bob Dylan, this is the character of the man, that's what I enjoy, he's character, he's character, fuck everything else, his character, his character is impeccable, that's what I enjoy, I think it is, I just realized, I don't know anything about him really, that's the thing, no I do know everything about him, nope I don't, that's the beauty of Bob Dylan, where you can be fucking ten years in on him and go do I know this guy, do I not know this guy? Do I know this guy, do I not know this guy, that's how mysterious he is, he's a master of the mystery, mystery, he's the master of the mystery, that's what I enjoy, he's the master of the mystery, so yeah Bob Dylan's on the phone with the guy who's stalking him and he's like yes, John Lennon's a faggot, anyone he names as his equal, anyone he attempts to name as his equal, as a songwriter, he goes he's a fucking faggot, he says that, he's a faggot, he's a faggot, he says that, this is Bob Dylan, this is direct quote, I don't think it's a direct quote, but he says he definitely says faggot, you're a faggot, and then the guy who's like you're a fucking pig, you're a capitalist pig, I'd rather wash dishes than be a fucking pig like you, Bob Dylan, and then Bob Dylan turns it on and he's like nah man, you're a nah man, you're the fucking pig man, yeah the pig, you're going through people's garbage, you work for the fucking CIA man, you work for, I do actually think Bob Dylan is related to, is involved with the CIA, I do, which is an more insane tangent, there you go, Bob Dylan, the great Bob Dylan is still, he still takes emotional risks, like 40 years into his career, he's still taking emotional risks, trying to join bands he likes, he's like I like the Grateful Dead, I want to join their band, they reject them, they're like you can't jam, you can't jam Bob, we need fucking people who can jam, if you know anything about the CIA, I'm not going to do the Grateful Dead, I don't know enough about them, the fact that Bob Dylan admires them, maybe one day they'll walk him through them, he just goes ugh, fucking, and the other thing about Bob Dylan, he's everywhere, he's everywhere, what was that, he's everywhere, oh I just opened my eyes, I just opened my eyes, I got an amazing shirt, I got an amazing shirt, you know what, I just opened my eyes, I got self conscious because they're like maybe I should be being quiet, in my own fucking house, maybe I should be quiet, maybe I should be quiet, and then I think about Bob Dylan, now I think about Bob Dylan, when, there's so many amazing tangents on Bob Dylan, I swear, I swear I wish I could do this, man justice, that's the thing, I wish, I wish I could, but yes, he did master the folk music, yes, he did piss on it, he pissed on it Monday, he's like you know what, folk is boring, I'm going to play rock and roll, which I probably would have been one of the people doing him, I thought about it in reflection, I probably would have booed him, I would have probably done that, no stay the same, but stay, we like you as a folk musician, so me, his biggest fan ever would have booed him and he would have looked me in the eye and gone fuck you and that's what I admire about him, so yes, he did, he's the best songs ever, he was playing them and getting booed by his own fans, his fans were showing up to fucking boo him and he was like I'll still fucking play, I still got obligations, and yes, there was some weird thing where I think he was on heaps of amphetamines and benzos during that tour and there was some weird situation with the guy who was running his business operations, I think they were just drugging him and putting him out on stage in hindsight and yes, he got through it, yes, he, yes, he is the man, that's the thing where you go yeah, he is the man, what did he do with benzos, why don't I talk about benzos, one more cup of coffee before I go, you know what, I'm going to flick to a random lyric, oh my God, synchronicity strikes a fucking gun, synchronicity strikes again, where I go this is the archetypical, the prototypical Bob Dylan song, this is everything that is good about Bob Dylan if you're a Bob Dylan fan, all right, the song is I dreamed I saw Saint Augustine, I dreamed I saw Saint Augustine, so that is going to be lost on 99.9% of the population, the song, the genius of the song, you got to be a genius to recognize the genius of that genius, sorry, I do like to pop myself up, anyway, so I dreamed I saw Saint Augustine, the first thing about Bob Dylan music is dreams, anytime dreams are involved you know it's good, so that's sort of a calling card of Bob Dylan's, harmonica solo, this song does have a harmonica solo, which is also like any Bob Dylan song with a harmonica solo, it's fucking, it's lips, it's lamps, what else, what else is good about this song, without a straight seat, I can't even fucking read the lyrics without breaking into song, that's how good it is, I dreamed I saw Saint Augustine, oh, Saint Augustine, okay, this is probably the biggest point that is lost on most of the population, which I always forget, Saint Augustine is important, historically, culturally, I think I read this in Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a thousand faces, where Saint Augustine represents when they're like, it represents war, he was the guy who represented war, as like, all right, becoming the fucking war, it is literal warfare, but now it's literal warfare, I wish I could, I'd have to actually read that book again and get that, dig that out, for he's very culturally significant in terms or historically significant in terms of Saint Augustine meant fucking war or something like that, and it has a book called Confessions, which is good, I didn't read it, I lied then, yeah, Saint Augustine, he's pretty cool, but also you go, I think he actually is dreaming about Saint Augustine, this is the insanity of Bob Dylan, where you're like, yeah, I think Bob Dylan is dreaming about Saint Augustine, I may as well mention this, I don't particularly like talking about dreams, but I did have a dream about Bob Dylan once, I did, was that a party, there's an old man there, who looked like Bob Dylan, I asked him, are you Bob Dylan, and he went, no, which is what Bob Dylan would do, he'd be like, nah, I'm not Bob Dylan man, he's like, nah, I'm not Bob Dylan, and then at the end of it, and then like three seconds later, the old man was playing guitar, fucking had a Tom Monaco and shit, and I'm like, hey, you are Bob Dylan, you son of a bitch, he like winked at me, so Bob Dylan's, I do think Bob Dylan was legitimately dreaming about Saint Augustine, and I do have, did have dreams about Bob Dylan, I don't really anymore now, it makes me sound like a story, I dream, what was my dream this morning, don't like talking about dreams actually, don't like talking about dreams, I did do a dream theme, already, did, yeah, I'm not gonna talk about my dreams, beyond that, there you go, yep, to make a point, so I dream to say to Saint Augustine, also, obviously five believers, also, you know what, I'm gonna go through, I think my favorite album, Bob Dylan's, I might as well talk about that, John Wesley Harding, John Wesley Harding, why is this my favorite album, why is it my favorite album, of Bob Dylan's, why, I don't even think it is, I just reflected in my game, it's not, it's not a drill, you're lying, but it does make a point, it does make a point, on the genius of Bob Dylan, the time he released this album, and you go to, this album is him, a bass player, and drums, him on guitar, his harmonica, a bass player on drums, so it's like really minimal, it's a dark vibe to the album, that's the thing, it's dark, and just realizing, I'm fleshing this, I'm fleshing this concept out, I'm going yeah, this is it, it's dark, it's got great songs, it does have great songs, it does have great songs, so this is the one that has a, all along the watchtower, all along the fucking watchtower, you know what, Jimi Hendrix's most favorite famous song probably, and it's a Bob Dylan song, all along the watchtower, what is it, I want to get the lyrics, jeez Louise it's only, this is amazing, to actually look out in front, where you go that song, there must be some kind of way out of here, I said they're joker to the fiend, they're still most confusing, I can't get in there with me, if this man they drink my man, everyone knows that verse, I'm assuming, no reason to get excited, the thief he kindly spoke, there are many here among us who feel that life is a better joke, but you and I, we've been through that, and this is not a fate, so let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting like, what the fuck is the planet is this guy on, he's a genius man, all along the watchtower, princess kept the view, while all the women came and went, therefore it's servants too, outside in the distance, a wild cat did ground, two riders were approaching, the wind began to how, that song actually makes more sense when you go, it's not linear, so it starts with outside in the distance, a wild cat did ground, that's probably the beginning of this actual song, two riders were approaching the wind bit duke in the how, all along the way, it makes more sense being read backwards, no he's a genius, he's such a genius, although when we watched our princess kept the view, while all the women came and went, barefoot servants too, no reason to get excited, the thief he kindly spoke, there are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke, you and I have been through that, this is not a fate, so let's not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late, you know what, I don't think it's backwards, I think it is, see this is the fun, these little itty biddies you get, where you go, no it's not backwards, it starts out, the beginning of this song is outside in a distance, a wild cat did ground, that's the beginning, then all along the watchtower, princess kept the view, then there must be some, say, then it goes, you know what, that's the thing, that's the thing, the thing about Bob Dylan is he's pretty out there, or up front about his riding techniques, all that shit, he'll be like, you like me, I'll fucking tell you what I do, I don't fucking care, take it, take it all, I'm a giver, I'm a giving man, fucking take it, try it, you know, invoke the muse, whatever the fuck you want to do, so there is a video of him being like, I use the cut up method, so this is probably a classic example of him using the cut up method, where he takes whatever the fuck he wrote and cuts it up and then he plays with it like it's a puzzle piece, so that's probably the example of all along the watchtower, what was my point even going to be on all along the watchtower, and Bob Dylan is like, all my songs are about me, which is insane if you've listened to Bob Dylan's songs, where you go, how is that song about you, makes no sense, that made no sense to me, how is that song about you, how, then I read about Jung, Jungian therapy, and his little thing of like, yeah, just getting the Joker and the thief archetypes within yourself to talk to each other, that is fucking genius, that is, that's what, I think that's what he does, he's just like, all right, let's get the archetype of the Joker, let's get the archetype of the thief, there's mandelas of energy, and my word, this guy is genius, what's other things he does, maybe, what are other writing techniques he's talked about, if nothing of you, time passes slowly man, I love that song, which this is the insanity of Bob Dylan, I love that song, not the studio version, that's piss water to me, I need the 19th alternate take or whatever the fucking I'd listen to when I used to work, you just have a job walking, maybe fucking 40 miles of bad road, Bob Dylan lyric, if you realize, you just have a job walking, listen to that song on repeat, because there, I still haven't even got through the entire discography of Bob Dylan, I still haven't fucking done it, I still haven't done it, it's been fucking nine years, ten years, or whatever the fuck, and I'm his biggest fan, I still haven't, there's still fucking areas to explore that I haven't got around to, because that's the career this man has, that is the genius this man is, tears of rage, down in the flood, oh, down in the flood, I do have a pretty good version of the song myself, I must say, I must say, you ain't going nowhere, no Galaga has a pretty good version of that song, I must say, don't you tell Henry, open the door, Henry, wheels on fire, see, there's songs I don't even recognize to be honest, I shall be released, oh my word, like that's just a fucking throw away song to this guy, I shall be released, there's nothing to him, I forgot about that song, I forgot he wrote, I shall be released, what the fuck is this guy on, genius, absolutely fucking genius man, knocking on heaven's door where you go, yeah this is probably his most popular song ever, it's all right, it's cool, soft mama, all right, synchronously, new pony never, oh my word, geez, oh my god this Bob Dylan worship, I think he does, yeah, once I had a pony her name was Lucifer, these are weird lyrics man, I had a pony her name was Lucifer, she broke her leg and she needed to shoot him, I swear it hurt me more than it could ever have hurt her, oh he put down Lucifer, that's cool, but that was also the thing about, oh this was in a saved era, this was in a saved era, what's it, is this chronological, I don't think it is, street legal, I haven't even fucking listened to this album, I'm gonna be real, I haven't listened to this album, some people's favorite album, I haven't even fucking listened to it, so I'm like I'll get around to it, maybe I'll listen to that today, because what are the lyrics, midwives strobe between Jupiter and Apollo, struggling babes pause between sheets of destinies, fairs are fast, fast, fast, between the sheets of destinies, far, fairs, far, you know what, that's the other thing where you could rewrite Bob Dylan and be like a genius if you just mix up his things a little bit, I might do that, struggling between the struggling babes pause between destinies, fast, destinies are fast, I like that, what's the thing I was gonna talk about, oh Bob Dylan is actually pretty open with his songwriting process, there he goes, on the piano I like to play on the black keys, you go what, this guy's on ball and I know he's like yep, when I'm writing on the piano I like black keys, on the guitar I like what does he say about guitar, anyway, so he says this shit like that, he's like piano, black keys and you go this guy is a fucking rubbe, this guy is a moron still, he's a genius, he's a moron, I don't even know any moment, is he a genius, is he a moron, he's both, he's an idiot, so bad, no he isn't, what am I talking about, what am I talking about, what am I talking about, he's a genius, what was my point again, what was my point again, oh that, he does tell you how you're right so he's like I just fucking, you know, my melody is pretty simple, I have pretty limited talent, I just steal melodies, from places I used to listen to as a kid, so I just steal melodies, sometimes I like to write songs to people, to individual people, I like that, you know that's one of my moves, pardon me, that's one of my moves, so what's an example of that, you know what I could do the Bob Dylan sassy songs theme, where he's got the sassiest theme songs ever, so one of them is positively 4th Street, where you go did he write this to a fucking guy, you've got some kind of nerve to say you are my friend, when I was down you just stood there grinning, you got a lot of nerve to say you got at helping it and to lend, you just want to be on the side, that's a winning, you say I'll let you down, you know it's not like that, so me, I hear that song, I go I think this is a message to the folk community, where they're trying to drag it as coattails, drag it as ankles trying to kick him under the water, so if he would've stuck into the folk scene he would've been nothing, it would've been fucking a goof like the rest of them goofs, he's like, this is what I always thought, I'm like this is a message to the folk scene, being like alright guys you say you love me, but it was like two years ago you guys were saying I couldn't fucking sing, you were calling me fucking what were they saying about them, I remember that, I remember what it was like to be down and out, and how I had to fucking will myself to greatness, you guys didn't help me at all, yeah you bought the music, yeah you liked it, what is it the rain falls on the righteous and the, righteous and the sinner like yeah, you're fucking like my music, anyway that's like the rain, it's elemental, every, I fucking owe you anything for liking my music, what the fuck's wrong with you, so that's what I always thought it was about, but now I'm like was he actually talking to a fucking guy being like, oh my, I did listen to the song a lot as well with my own friend, friend and then I did, this guy fucking wants to, he's not a friend of mine, so it is good, it is a universal feeling that he's encapsulated, bottled up into a delicious fucking tasty song for you to process life with, yeah I got a friend, I don't think this guy's a fucking good friend, I'll listen to positively 4th street and I'll feel good about life after it, because yeah you go through that, who cares, who cares, who cares, who cares, also the thing about his writing process which he's also pretty open about is the new pony, once I had a pony her name was Lucifer, that is, that is blowing my mind as lyrics, but then he does go into slow train coming right off to that album, so this was before the save period, holy crow, he did worship, listen I think he did, he repented, well he didn't have his disease, he did, slow train coming, I think that is my favourite album, yeah that's my favourite album, man, because what, if I go to serve somebody, great song, John Lennon the fucking goof was like, he got to serve yourself, John Lennon's entire career was just him trying to talk about that, but John Lennon wrote a response to the song, you get the same yourself, and I thought it was good at the time in hindsight, buffoonery, absolutely buffoonery, precious angel great song, I do actually have a great version of that I must say, I believe in you, a bit of a slow train is fucking tasty, that's a tasty song, there's a slow train coming, and it did come, do that and baby, do have to, yeah that's got to change my way of thinking, da da da da da, see this is how ingrained this shit is into my fucking subconscious where you go, you've got to change my way of thinking, I didn't even have an opinion on that song, but I still remember it, which I guess is good, you do that to me baby, I do that to you too, you got to do it, that's the golden rule, that's another song which is kind of good, when are you gonna wake up, when are you gonna wake up, I like that song, when you gonna wake up, I don't actually like it that much, that's the thing about Bob Dylan, one of his fucking throw away pieces of piss, there'll be one line in there where you go, I got to listen to this song for the fucking line, it's like having a drug habit, I just need the line, what was it, you got some big dreams, but you gotta be a sleep to dream or some shit like that, which you go yes, amazing, man gave names to all the animals, you could play that to children and they'd fucking love it, when he returns, not that, I know I didn't really enjoy it when he was too literal, what am I too literal of like, yeah, that was the thing, about his saved music, where you're like eh, I like the, I prefer stuff like ain't no man righteous, no not one, where it's sort of different, a different take on being saved, I mean like, there's not one righteous man on planet earth, precious angel, eh, listen, how is that a no, you be the one, show me how it's blinded, show me how it's gown, and when he was in the foundation, I was standing up on, now this is one of the, this is one of those songs where I love the song, but also there's a line, that's the thing about it, there's a fucking line, a reverse where I could, I could soak in this verse for years and eternity, so what is it, my so-called friends have fallen under a spell, they look me squarely in the eye and they say all is well, which yep, relatable, been through that, can they imagine the darkness that will fall from on the eye, when men will beg a god to kill them and they won't be able to die, is there anything fucking more metal than that for a fucking lyric, and you find out, you're finally working out that he's stealing from the bible directly though, he's like all right, I'll fucking steal something from the bible, steal something from William Shakespeare, steal something from the blues, steal something from everyone, and then put it into a little me, or siphon it through me, and it'll be fucking genius, and then I'm like yeah, that's a great verse, but it builds to the sister, let me tell you about a vision I saw, and you're like, Bob Dylan has had visions in his life, he does talk about that, but he had the vision of him as a huge success, you were drawing water for your husband, what is the well, that is the thing about how mysterious his music can be sometimes where you go, be like I gotta read the fucking bible, that's, I think that is the great testament to testimony, to being a fan of his, you're like okay, I'll fucking look into God all right, you talked about it enough, I'll look into it, so yeah, I gotta look into the bible, and the well, what is the well in the bible, that is symbolically significant, there is a verse in there about wells, I am sure of that, you were drawing water for your husband, you were suffering under the law, you're telling him about Buddha, you were telling him about Muhammad in the same breath, you never mentioned one time the man who came and died at criminals death, the girdle, oh that's great, that's just great, that is just great, there's no, you slice it a million times, that's just great fucking writing, that is just great writing, that is visions, and also you're like, I've had, I wouldn't ever fucking talk about it to another human being, you're like yeah, I've also had fucking visions like that, so it's a nice little wink to you, the fucking genius, the guy on the margin walker, the guy on the outskirts, the guy on the edge, being like yep, I believe in you too, oh my word, and then that's the thing about this fucking guy, where I'm like I'll pick one verse from this song that I love, and then I'm like I forgot the second verse, now the spiritual warfare and flesh and blood breaking down, you either got faith or you got unbelief and there ain't no neutral ground, the enemy is subtle, how be it we are so deceived when the truth is in our hearts and we still don't believe, shine your light, shine your light, it's Christmas today, I just realized, it is Christmas today, it is Christmas today, it is Christmas today, it is Christmas today, shout out to Natasha, my biggest fan, who I found out her name means being born on Christmas, no you don't, don't shout out to Natasha, is it fake, this is the whole Astro Talk, a tough saga, I'm leaving it behind, I'm not looking back because I'm on Bob Dylan now, so that's one fucking gem and I knew the next album would be, I knew the next song would be I believe in you, how good is that to hear as a listener, I fucking believe in you man, I believe in you, oh my god, and this is the thing with Bob Dylan, I'm like I'll pick one song verse from one song on slow train common to go through and then you flip the slow train, you're like how am I not going to fucking dive into slow train, how am I not going to go into the tasty nuggets of that, ah the women, damn it out of ammo, she was a backwoods girl, but she sure was really this dude, she said boy what I would have doubt, I have to get your message straightened out, you could die, and this is the other thing, when you're actually looking at the lyric book, realize I've been singing 99.9% of his lyrics wrong, and then you go, even Bob Dylan doesn't even sing his lyrics right, he doesn't, he's like yeah I'll sing it, how I want to sing it today, who cares? Songs are never finished, that's the other thing, he's like the song is never fucking finished, so he's still tinkering, I bet he is still tinkering around with it's alright my heart's only bleeding, we're like ah finish it up here, so songs are never finished, they just end in interesting places I think, or creative endeavors are never finished, they just end in interesting places, oh my god, you could die down here, just be another accident, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this is the other thing about Bob Dylan, which Bob Dylan doesn't get enough credit for, maybe it does, I don't know, it was fucking 60 years ago or whatever fuck, no, 80 years ago, no not 80 years, 60 years ago, how old is he, I think he's in his 80s, 60 years ago, where people always give it up to the Beatles for being like, they were the first people who taught America and were like no, no segregated shows, no segregated shows, black and white people have to come to one concert to watch us, I will go into that, my Beatles conspiracy about how they are the and how they are the Antichrists, I don't believe that, I don't believe, it's fun to say that, about how they were the beginning of the end of the end of the end of music, the descendant to madness, I was working on a book, I'm not going to talk about it anymore because this is actually a genius idea for a book, this is my war and peace, you know what, I can't have that out in the ether, I can't, I'm sorry, I apologize, I can't forget everything I said about the Beatles and moving on. The people talk about the Beatles, the people who are the Beatles being like, hey, let's integrate society. Bob Dylan, you go to his early music, it's literally him being like, I'm fucking black women, I am in a town, there's a black woman, I want a fucker, I'm going to fucker, and I might get lynched for it, I don't fucking care, that's his early music, that's his throwaway ship, and it does pop up back here where he's like, I got a fucking woman in Alabama, maybe he's reflecting on his past, but I do think this era he did have a black wife, just kind of cool, it's just kind of cool, yeah, it's cool, black wife, what is it the black wife effect black wife to get, and then you go to the next album and it's Saved Arrow, which is Saved, Saved, yeah, I don't really care for this album, I do like Saved, I do like that as an opening for an album, and then you go on this album, which is not even a favorite of mine, it's a skip album, it has pressing on, it has the song pressing on, but you go just for that, it's one of the best albums of all time, just for that, it's one of the best albums of all time, just for that, it's one of the best albums of all time, for having pressing on, or not, but here we are, Reggae Bob Dylan, Shot of Love, where yes this album is amazing, yes I don't even listen to the album, I listen to the alternate takes of the album, yes, I'll go through all the songs on this album, I fucking don't even care for, which is just Lenny Bruce, and is, in the summertime, and is trouble, so there's three songs around, I'm like, yeah, these are skips, and these are skips, I need a woman, now why do I tell them out, three songs which are skips, Heart of Mine also, Shot of Love, Heart of Mine, I'm not crazy about them, but this is the other thing about Bob Dylan, the first time I listened to this album, those were my favorite songs, Shot of Love, Heart of Mine, everything else was a bit too out there for me, but Dead Man, Dead Man, that is a fucking song, watered down love is a song, the Grimm still waiting at the altar is a song, every grain of sand is a fucking song, this is his best album of all time, and I don't care what anyone fucking says, where's the joint, this is lyrics from the Grimm still waiting at the altar, so West of Jordan, East of the Rock of Gibraltar, I see the burning of a new stage, curtain rising on a new age, see the grooms, they're waiting at the altar, that's the thing, you can't even say the lyrics without fucking breaking out into the song on me anyway, see his own final, phones out of order, they're killing nuns and shoulders, the final on the bottle, why can't I tell you back for that, ain't seen her since January, you good baby, it's regularly married, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, so I do prefer that she could be in the mountains or the prairies, she could be respectively married, or running a house in Bernice Harry's, I prefer that as a lyric, but on his studio one he's got, I'll go with it, ain't seen her since January, ain't seen her since January, maybe that's true, maybe that was true, the true one for him, so he's like I'll go with the true one, and this is how deep I am in the song, well I can't even remember where the studio album begins and where his fucking live alternate takes end, whereas semi affection on things above, there's nothing standing in the way of love not even the rack of Gibraltar, yeah I think that's an alternate take, where you go my preferred version of that song is the alternate take, where he's like I'm gonna set my affection on things above and let nothing get eaten the way of love, not even the rock of Gibraltar, but if you're a rube you don't understand that's an allusion to the end of the world, because that's what the Rock of Gibraltar is, it's the end of the world, so instead of saying fucking Armageddon instead of saying the apocalypse you'll say the Rock of Gibraltar, and if you're cool, if you're hip you'll get that reference, if you're not, if you're a dork you'll be like what does this mean, I don't get Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan's lame, dead man, dead man, oh this is actually one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs, I've just realized dead man, because it is him just being fucking reggae, that is just weird, it's just weird that one day he's like I'm gonna do fucking reggae, and yes of course he's like a dupunk also, it's weird, he'll fucking steal from every genre, he will, he'll do it, he's fucking got sticky hands this guy, I love it, when he's like I'll fucking take from this guy, I'll take from this guy, I'll take from this guy, I'll take from them all, fucking care, I'm Bob Dylan, I'm gonna eat it up, so dead man, dead man, dead man, this acts actually triggered a theme, because I could go into fucking the dead theme, the dead theme, so I've got a book, you know what, I've got James Joyce, does relate to Bob Dylan tangentially, well he calls James Joyce Aragon, which you go that's just the most amazing put down of James Joyce, and he's like eh it seemed, I read Ulysses, he seems kind of arrogant, that is the joy Bob Dylan, where you're like that is the perfect way to shit on James Joyce, he'd be like eh, arrogant, alright you've got to fucking, what was James Joyce's whole deal, you've got to create a new genre, new, yeah it seems pretty arrogant to me, so James Joyce has a story called The Dead, the dead theme is gonna be good, the dead theme is gonna be good, alright, that springs, this is the joy of Bob Dylan, all the associations that come from just one fucking song, dead man, dead man, entering out of his every rep of a man, clinging to strange promises down on the man, never been able, separate the good from the man who I can't stand and I can't stand it, it's making me feel so sad, you know what, I'm gonna go to the, my favorite, you know that's the thing with these songs, you go I'll go to my favorite verse and then you go no I've got to read the fucking song, the entirety of the song, this is the one that packs the biggest punch I think, to me as a listener and to you the godless atheist, same got you by the hill there's a bird's nest in your hair where you're like well the bird's nest, I don't get the bird's nest thing, I don't get it, do you have any faith at all, so that's the thing where you go I don't even get, this is the punch, this is the roundhouse kick of the song and you go I don't even get the bird's nest in your hair, I get it, I understand what it means but it's not, it could be better, some people are so worried about fixing their mistakes that they'll never be perfect, it could be better but it's perfect because it's this, do you have any faith at all and you're like oh as a listener you're like do I have any fucking faith, do I, not really, I don't have faith, I'm still living in fear, even me now reading this going, even the fucking reading the lyrics is getting me going do I have any faith, what's wrong with me I don't, don't have faith, do you have any love to share, do I have any love to share, that's the thing as well, what are you like, do I, it's like kick, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, the way you hold your head, cussing God with every move, ooh I can't stand it, I can't stand it, what are you trying to prove, that wasn't even the fucking verse I wanted to bring out, and you go no this is still amazing, we'll go to the actual roundhouse kick of the song and then you go nope it's the entire song is a fucking roundhouse kick to the soul, it's fucking spiritual, what do they call it again, ECT, spiritual electoral compulsive therapy, that's not what I meant, I'll go for it though, that is actually what the song is, it is spiritual ECT, that is what I will say Bob Dylan is, he is spiritual ECT, so as you're having a fucking spiritual crisis or whatever the fuck you're going through, I go I wouldn't, I'd get you into Bob Dylan, that's what I'd do for you, I go Bob Dylan and he fucking be ECT on your soul, electoral compulsive therapy to the soul, God that is good, put that on a blurb, you know what, fuck Bob Dylan, that's what I'm going to say about me, about myself, I am spiritual ECT for the soul, anyway, so we go back to my favorite verse here, the glamour and the bright lights, this is actually my favorite verse and this song, the glamour and the bright lights and the politics of the sin, the ghetto that you built, build for me, see I've been saying it wrong, built, I thought it was built for me, the ghetto that you built for me, ah, that makes more, this is the thing about reading it, the ghetto that you built for me, something about the tenses has really thrown me off where this is optimistic, it is an optimistic read where you go, they build it but I'm not fucking there, is the one you end up in, the race of the engine that overrules your heart, I can't stand it, I can't stand it pretending that you're so smart and that is just the most amazing put down, all these fucking rich Dawkins types, all these Christopher Hitchens types, all these fucking smart atheist types where you go, all right, all these Jordan Peterson types, all right, you're smart, you're fucking cares, you're not even smart, you're a goof. I might do my Jordan Peterson theme one day, well I was in on him, I was out and I was never in on him but I, through, through, talking about my content, me being spiritual ECT, I was like I need to like this guy, that was the thing, for my own, the growth of my soul, I need to figure out how to like this guy, that's what I say, that's what I do, that's how, that's how fucking in tune I am, into highest spiritual frequencies. The spiritual ECT, what was I talking about, oh yeah but this guy, he takes the Bible, he's like, this is what the Bible really means, Jordan Peterson, and goofball, you're not getting the point of the Bible, you're not, you're not, it's not meant to be understood, I, me, the genius, cannot even understand Bob Dylan, how are you going to understand the Bible? And then I'm like, I want to fucking read this, the rest of the song, and then I'm like, I want to do the alternate verse where he's like the prettiest girl they could find, make up, you know what, I wish I could remember that. See this is the thing about his lyric book, you're like no, no, it doesn't do the job, they need the alternate lyrics, they need the alternate takes, they need to have little footnotes being like, all right, this is what he says here, this is what he says sometimes, he'll change it there, and then you go, you know what, who's the publisher, Simon and Schuster, they didn't fucking do that, they couldn't go through the effort, a Bob Dylan fan, he, what's his name, E L of, E L of, E L of, I think he's from one of those Scandinavian countries, so it's an, it's a name I haven't really encountered before, how fucking politically correct am I, I didn't say it was a hard name to pronounce, I said it's a name I've never encountered before, geez, Louise, give myself a round of applause for that, but no, this guy for the love of the fucking game, just being a Bob Dylan fan is like, I'll do that, so he does that, so Simon and Schuster won't even go through the fucking effort of being like, dead man, dead man, a true Bob Dylan fan will be like, all right, I need, it's not enough, I need the alternate takes, so a true Bob Dylan fan will do that, so you've got to go to the fans with Bob Dylan, that's what I, that's my one advice for you, get fucked, fucked Bob Dylan, don't even listen to Bob Dylan on Bob Dylan, he's a goof, when it comes to himself, take that back, don't even listen to Bob Dylan, go to the fans, go directly to the fans, let's keep it between us, see this is a song I haven't even encountered before, that's the thing, as well I haven't even encountered it, need a woman, El Angelina, El Angelina, and so there's infidels, I have listened to the song, I don't particularly like it, but I don't know if something happens, maybe he gets divorced again, maybe he's like, all right, being saved was a bit of a fad, maybe he started, he actually did start drinking again, and then you're like, maybe Bob Dylan was replaced with another Bob Dylan, that's another thing, maybe they swapped out Bob Dylan for another Bob Dylan, maybe he underwent MK Ultra Therapy again, so this is very out now, Bob Dylan is weird, you just encounter him in the strangest places where I'm reading a book called How to Change Your Mind, I read that by Michael Paul and I'll do a drug theme, how I done a drug theme, I don't know, I'm going to make these daily, I think I'm going to do that, because I'm taking a break from my YouTube, I'm taking a break, I do miss the sound of my own voice, that's the fun thing, I'm reading a book on Bob Dylan, no I'm reading a book on drugs and where there's Bob Dylan, he's like one of the first guys in popular culture to have shrooms, I don't even think he endorsed shrooms, they're just like, he went to the ceremony in Mexico, he went to the ceremony in Mexico to do mushrooms, little mushroom ceremony, and then yes of course after Bob Dylan was doing it, the rolling stands were like, oh, we'll fucking try it, oh, yeah he was the cutting edge of the hand also, yeah there's something weird about Bob Dylan, now licensed to kill, I'll return to that, so yeah, you know what, this is the thing about this fucking song, this about Bob Dylan, this is when he was in like his, I think neighborhood bully is a pro-Israel song, every empire that's enslaved, oh so this is where he's like fucking, yeah, let's go to the Jews, every empire that's enslaved and was gone, Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon, he's made a garden of paradise and does it sand and bed with no body under no one's command, he's the neighborhood bully, now his holiest books have been trampled upon, no contract he signed was worth what it was written on, this is the thing about Bob Dylan, you read the lyrics and you go, I slept on this album, maybe I'll go back on this album, because that is good, and this is a pro-Israel song, right, I don't even give a fuck about anything like that, but I think it is a pro-Israel song, so yes, I do think, I do think, that's the thing about Bob Dylan, when you're like, he was anti-war, is he pro-Israel, is he, what the fuck is he doing? Blind Willie McTel, these fucking, just looking at titles gets me fucking hard still, tell me, Empire Balesque, see, I never even got up to this pop bug building, Empire Balesque didn't check it out, I haven't, I know nothing about this album, but I still haven't even got through all of this fucking albums, because it just didn't catch me, it didn't catch me, knocked out loaded, what songs do I know from knocked out loaded, wait, Empire Balesque, I'm sure there's a song I'll move from here, I'm sure there's a, so tie connection to my heart, don't really know, seeing the real you at last, I remember you clink out kid, never going to be the same again, trust yourself, emotionally yours, when the night comes falling from the sky, emotionally yours is a good line, where you're like, emotionally I'm yours, but physically, I'm out there baby, but emotionally I'll be a loss, you know what, I might even fucking, that's the thing, you can just go like, that's a, that's piqued my curiosity, I'll see the lyrics there, maybe I'll, I have not heard this song so I'll imagine it, I'll do it in my own fucking, come baby, come baby, come baby, remind me, away my hands begin, come baby, show me, show me, know me, tell me you're the one I'm living for, and I will be emotionally yours, come baby, let me into the shadows of your heart, come baby, teach me, come baby, reach me, let the music start, I could be dreaming that I could be, keep believing the one I'm living for, and I will be emotionally yours, so I do think there was a certain point where Bob Dylan was like, you know what, I'm going back into dreamland, I'm going back into dreamland, I was saved, but you know, I'm going back to sleep, it's like my whole life has never happened, I see you, it's as if I never had a thought, I know this dream, it might be crazy, it's the only one I've got, see that's the thing, I kind of want to listen to the song now, I kind of want to listen to the song and maybe it'll be my fucking favorite Bob Dylan song of all time, that's the thing about Bob Dylan where you're like, it's been five years, ten years, whatever the fuck, maybe I'll stumble on another song, that would be my favorite song of all time, knocked out loaded, never listened to the album, I think it was, I just went by covers I think, I do remember the song Brownsville Girl, I don't really care for it, with Sam Shepard, of course Bob Dylan has a writing partner, of course the great Bob Dylan still collaborates with people, down in the groove, death is not the end, that song is, the lyrics are good, the lyrics are good, oh mercy, so this is where, what's this name, Daniel Linus, how do you pronounce him name, political world, I did listen to this album, I did enjoy this live album, what is, man of the long black coat, I love that song, I do love that song, it's funny, everything is broken, I do love that song, most of the time I do love the alternate take, and I think this is where they must have gotten to a fight where Bob Dylan is playing it acoustically, it sounds a thousand times better than whatever the fuck Daniel Linus wanted to do, you know what I mean? You know what, do you guys know what I mean, wiggle wiggle, under the red sky, wiggle wiggle, so that is a song that is famous for being every Bob Dylan's fan's favorite on Reddit, they go wiggle wiggle, this thing is like this is the one thing he can't do, he can't be sexy, you know he can be sexy but he can't be like alright bitch I want to see you bend over and fucking shake your ass, he can't, Bob Dylan couldn't figure out how to say that, so he went, wiggle wiggle like a gypsy queen, wiggle wiggle old dressed in green, wiggle wiggle to the moon is blue, wiggle wiggle to the moon sees you, wiggle wiggle in your boots and shoes, so this is a noble, what is the best fucking writer of songs ever according to anyone with a fucking brain, wiggle wiggle in your boots and shoes, wiggle wiggle, you got nothing to lose, wiggle wiggle like a swivel wiggle like a swivel of bees, it's funny wiggle wiggle on your hands and knees, jeez Louise that is good then, I do like the misdirection even still in this fucking goofus of a song, that is a great misdirect for a listener, wiggle wiggle on a swivel of bees, wiggle wiggle on your hands and knees, what the fuck is this guy up to sexually, that's what gets me, who has swivel bees, I pray that he's just like looking at them, looking for rhymes, he's never fucking fantasized about fucking a slumber bee, he's never got him hard before, then he like maybe it has, great Bob Dylan is a strange man, that is also the thing where you go, this guy's the fucking weirdest human being who's ever lived ever, but in a great way, wiggle to the front, wiggle to the rear, wiggle to you, wiggle right out of here, wiggle till it opens, wiggle till it shuts, wiggle till it bites, wiggle till it cuts, oh my word, this is bad fucking, wiggle wiggle like a bowl of soup, this guy is a deviant, this is actually the most sexually insane song ever, this guy is a fucking deviant, where he's looking at a bowl of soup and he's reminding him of fucking jiggling off, he's reminding him of good sex, it's reminding him of the night of his life of fucking bowl of soup and he's going yes, I'd fuck that bowl of soup, this guy is a genius, this guy is a genius, so even on wiggle wiggle I'm like yeah, this guy is still a genius, under the red sky, under the red sky, George Harrison plays the lead guitar on that song, I believe, don't particularly care for 10,000 men, cats in the well, 10 times Andy Dandy, God said like, I don't care about any of this, time out of mind, now this is a great album, this is a great album, what's the one I like, standing in the doorway, what can I remember, I do remember walking to the song, this is the thing about Bob Dylan, it transports you, it takes you back, takes your fucking back to when you were 19 and tap dancing through New York, it does take you back to that never did that, it takes you back to your memories and oh my word, talk about one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs, I do believe you won an Oscar for this song, I do believe you won an Oscar for this song and it is one of my favorite songs, because I play it, something I think about it, I think about it, it's the theme song, is the fucking theme song for so many, he's the theme music for my life, I'm listening, okay, well I'm going to Highlines, so I'm listening, you know what, I'm listening to Neil Young, I got to turn up the sound, someone's always yelling, turn it down, you go, this isn't happening, this isn't happening, shout out to Neil Young from Bob Dylan there, and this is the thing I go about Bob Dylan, he had beef with Neil Young, he's like this guy fucking sucks, he starts with that, he's jealous of him, he's like, I don't like Neil Young, I'll be up front, what's the song I like of his, "Harvest Moon", I like that song, what are there is other songs, that's the only song I like, I shit on that, I don't like that song, I like harvest moon there, I like harvest moon, Highlines, I do remember the song being hilarious, that's the thing, I remember this song, it's like a 10 minute song, 12 million, I do remember the song just being funny, that's the thing, he's such a funny guy that's the thing, but not in a funny way, he's just got a funny point of view, that's the thing, an interesting point of view. So alright, I'll just go through highlands for lyrics that strike a chord with me, synchronicity, the magic of the universe, and this is another thing I learnt from Bob Dylan, where on his, in his book he's like the way I read books is like the flick to the middle, if it catches me there I go back and read it, he goes, that's an amazing practical advice in finding books, he's got a million little itty bitty gems like that, food, alright, so highlands will go, I'm listening to Neil Young, I gotta tell the sound, someone's always yelling and turn it down, feel like I'm drifting, drifting from scene to scene, I'm wondering what in the devil could it all possibly mean, I like that, I just like it, and synchronicity is smashing up against my soul, you can say it was on anything but a role, if I had a conscience well I might just blow my tongue, what would I do with it anyway, maybe take it to a fun shot, and then you'd better start laughing, because this is the genius of Bob Dylan, this is the fun of Bob Dylan, where he pears on, what is it, porn stars, that show, like how many people are begging Bob Dylan to do things like artistic merit, he's like I'll get one in the fucking show porn stars, and sign someone's autograph, I think that was it, Chum Lee wanted a Bob Dylan autograph, and Bob Dylan was like, hey man, I like the show, if I can give you an autograph from the show man, hey man, that is the fun you have with Bob Dylan, where you're like that is fucking weird, he's watching porn stars, he's like I like that show, put me on there, what else is funny about him, Will and Grace, I guess that was funny, I guess he liked the show Will and Grace, so he's on it, he's like yeah, be on Will and Grace, because it's funny, and it also is purely just that his fans expectations, just to goof on us, the fan being like you would never expect me Bob Dylan to be on Will and Grace, or Dahmer and Greg, I think it was Dahmer and Greg, so I'll do that as a fucking goof, and then you remember reading that Bob Dylan wanted to have his own sitcom, he wanted that, that was one of his ambitions, I think towards the end of his career, he's like I'm gonna write a sitcom, and me as a Bob Dylan fan could be like that would be absolutely dog shit, it would, he's not that funny, he's funny in a surprising way, that's the whole fun of his humor, is you're like it's funny coming from a genius, the size of your cuck will get you nowhere, it's funny from him, the surprise of it, if he was straight up like I'm Bob Dylan, I'm being funny now, it would be fucking garbage, to me I wouldn't find it funny, but I would also be like this guy's got the biggest fucking balls on planet earth, that is what I would think, I'd be like yes I was the voice of a generation, yes I'm an amazing musician, yes I have an insane catalog, yes I can write music that lyrics that could be in the book of fucking palms, I can do that, but I'm gonna fucking write a sitcom, it's funny to me, it is, the sitcom would have been, I take it old back, I would have watched this shit out of that, please do it still man, and I think his son, one of his sons directed kicking and screaming, that Will Ferrell movie, and then you've got fucking the loose ends on his sons, where you go, oh my word, I could do the Bob Dylan being ripped off theme, so this is how the associations work, you know he has a son making and screaming, he wrote a song called For Every Young, about that song, amazing song, amazing song, gift of a song to a son, my father never did that, my father wrote my sister at poem, he did, he wrote her at poem, he never wrote me a poem, you know what, I would have liked the poem, I wouldn't have, I'd take that back, but yes, what was my point again, Bob Dylan writes an amazing song called For Every Young, yes Rud Stewart, I had a son who died, he had a fucking son who died, he's like, I'm gonna write a song about my son who just died, yes he just rips off for every young, he just rips that off, the most obvious way ever, he rips it off completely, and has the story about, now I wrote this about my son dying, so it's me now, and everyone's like, this is insane to do Rud Stewart, it is insane, it is insane, that was insane, you listen to his song, it fucking sucks as well, just fucking listen to For Every Young by Bob Dylan to remember your song, just do that, don't write your own song, it's worse, literally buddy, don't do that, don't do that, just listen to Bob Dylan, alright, so yes Rud Stewart did do that, there you go, that's insane, that's an insane thing to rip off, and then I remember there's something funny about this song, and I forget, there's something funny, that's the thing, I remember there being something funny about this song, I think it was when he was like, maybe I could be a fucking sitcom writer, maybe I could write sitcoms, because I'm the great Bob Dylan, you are a great Bob Dylan, you could probably could, my heart's in the highlands at the break of dawn, by the beautiful lake of the black swan, big white clowns, like chariots that swing down low, well my heart's in the highlands, only place left to go, big white clowns, like chariots that swing low, sweet chariot, I'm in busting town and some rest, this does get funny, at some point, I do remember listening to this song and bursting out fucking laughing for how weird the left time was, it's not a sexy song, it's like a dark ominous song where you're like, I feel fucking cool, I could drive with this on the highway, and then it goes fucking left time somewhere, I'm in busting town and some restaurant, I got no idea what I want, oh we've all been, even in this goof of a song, you're like, yes we have all been there, Bob Dylan, we've been there, you speaking for me again, well maybe I do, but I'm just really not sure, which comes over, nobody in the place, but me and her, this is where it gets funny, it must be a holiday, there's nobody around, she studies me closely as I sit down, she got a pretty face and long white shiny face and long white shiny legs, that's a weird way to describe women, she says what'll it be, this is genius there you go, that's such a weird way to describe a woman, but he's setting it up for a fucking rhyme, that's what it is, she says what'll it be, I say I don't know, you got any soft boiled eggs, this guy is a genius, you're like what the fuck would you describe a woman that way, I've got a rhyme coming, hold on, don't fucking tip toe, don't know the tread on my rhyme scheme, she looks at me, she says I bring you some, we're out of a, he picked the wrong time to come, then she says I know you're an oddish, draw a picture of me, I say I would if I could, but I don't do sketches from memory, what the fuck does that mean, that's the thing where you're like, is this genius, is this a goof, is this a thorough line, way a line, it picks my curious curiosity, it's so mysterious, that's the thing that gets me when I'm like it's a mysterious line, and I do remember how he says it, like his voice changes for the billionth time in his career as a different fucking voice, I would do it if I could, but I don't do sketches from memory, well she says I'm right here in front of you, she's like well I'm standing right in front of you, haven't you looked, I say all right I know, but I don't have my drawing big, okay so he doesn't want to fucking draw you babe, she gives me an afghan and she says you can do it on that, I say yes I could be, I don't know where my pencil is at, this is funny, but I want to, this is the thing I retract everything I said about Bob Dylan not being able to write a sitcom and it would have been bad, it would have been great, it would have been great for this, it would have been the sitcom, Bob Dylan being like yeah some fucking, some fucking nimbo with shiny legs wants me to draw, what do I do, fucking, well she says, I don't know where my pencil is at, she pulls out, she pulls one out from behind her, she says all right now go ahead you want me, I'm standing right here, she got him, got him and it also suggests that he could see that there was a pencil right in front of him and he's like, I don't want to draw you babe, all right now go ahead draw me, I'm standing right here, I make a few lines and I show it for her to see when she takes the napkin and throws it back at me, it says that don't look like a thing like me, I said okay I miss it, well certainly does, she says you must be joking, I say I wish I was good lord, he's funny, he is fucking hilarious, I take it all back, then she says you don't read woman authors do you, at least that's what I think I hear I say, what the fuck, this is actually, this is the thing about Bob Dylan as well he could, this happened to have happened to him, that's the thing, this had to have happened to him, remember reading that in a Bob Dylan song ride isn't song riding, he's like I'm not, these are just things that happen, he's like the images I have where you're like, oh this is a real genius, he's like yellow, yellow railway track or something like, some line like that, he's like yellow railway track, I was riding a train, I saw a yellow railway track, I saw the sun on it, I was like yeah that's a cool image, maybe my subconscious will vomit that out one day, so he's always, he was big on just like, you got to fill your brain up with good images to draw from, you got to live a fucking life, so that is why he is painting and shit, so like music, I don't even think music is his one joy in life, I don't even think it's his heart's calling, I don't, I don't, he's like, I like to draw, I like to fucking paint, I like to weld, it's the other thing where he's like, I like to weld, I think he gifted the Clinton's gates, he's like, gates of Eden, maybe it's a Bob Dylan reference, so he's like, I'll build you gates, you got to this guy, and it all does feel then, feed into, I guess, creativity, I guess it does, like he is drawing some from so many different sources in life, he has so many different interests, where it does come out into the song and you're like, what the fuck does this come from, his fucking life, it does, and I remember this wasn't even the funniest part of the song, well I say, you know, well I say how do you know what, but at least that's what I think I say, well I say how would you know and what does it matter anyway, well she says, you just don't seem like you do, I said you're way wrong, you're way wrong, and you're like, who says that, and nope, there's a rhyme scheme coming, she says, which ones should have you read then, I said I read Erika Young, I read Erika Young, which you think of, Fear Flying is a great book, it is, so you probably did read Erika Young and enjoys it, that is a nice little, like I had already read Erika Young, I'll put that at that point because I'm well read and I'm a genius also, but um, nice little nugget for a listener also being like, you check out Erika Young, she is good, Fear Flying is a great book, I haven't read it in a while, but one of David Foster Wallace's 10 favorite books of all time, so Erika Young is good, I think that was where I fell, I think that's where I was like, this is funny, no it does get more funny, but I'm not going through the entire one of the songs, and that's the thing where you're like, maybe I'll just go fucking listen to the song again, just reading the lyrics to recreate the fun, the silliness of it, that's the thing, and I slide up out of my chair, I step outside, back to the busy street, but nobody's going anywhere, I don't remember, the Highlands, it's a funny song, the song, sorry I was just reading there, where you're like, no, no, no, this is, I think always forget that this is a podcast, the song is shining, beginning to shine on me, but it's not like the song that used to be the parties over and has less, less to say, I got new eyes, everything looks far away, and then even in that fucking goof of a song, you go, that's an amazing verse, that is an amazing ending to a fucking song, it is, things have changed, this is probably one of my favorite bog-dolling songs, so I do think he read it, what is it, won an Oscar for it, I do have an amazing version of this song guitar, then I play, that's the thing, where you go, at a certain point with bog-dolling, you feel like you're being cucked by a bog-dolling and his songs, the songs he's singing, where he's cucking you, you're like, you get the fuck out of the way bob-dolling, I want to sing your songs, that's what happens, to all bob-dolling listeners, if you hang in there long enough, but you're like, I want to fucking shut up with your things have changed version, let me sing it, that's what happens, that's what I love about him, and I completely forgot another funny story of him and Andy Warhol, which I might, this is like at two hours, so I'm like, maybe this has to be multiple episodes, maybe this has to be multiple podcasts, maybe this should have been the fucking entire point of my podcast, you know what, I'm not gonna do it, I'm not gonna, I'm literally just gonna vomit out everything on bob-dolling, because that is what bob-dolling would do, he'd be like, just forget about it, don't look back on me, even bob-dolling, what are you doing wasting time, not much time on me, you're looking back kid, that's what he'd say, yes I can hear about that, yes he's a voice in me, no, um, you waste and do, how would he talk tonight, shouldn't he have the villain impression, that's the thing about bob-dolling impressions, there's like a billion you could do, and that was the thing about his sitcom, sitcom, which I never goofed on, where he's the worst actor on fucking planet earth, it's, it's ludicrous how bad he is at acting, but he's an amazing actor, in real life it's an act, bob-dolling is a character that he plays, and then you see him in a movie and you're like, this guy can't fucking act at all, what the fuck is going on, he's the most unnatural human being I've ever seen in my life, and then you go, no, no, no, maybe the act is that bob-dolling can't act, maybe he's that genius where he's like, I'll be an actor in a movie and pretend they can't act, to reinforce the act of bob-dolling, that's the thing about this guy, you go, what the, what the fuck, this guy's so fucking weird, that's the other thing, you just go, this guy's a fucking weirdo, he's weird, you love it about him, things have changed, I think this is a nice little bookend from the saves period, a lot of his music is him just directly to the listener being like, this is how to fucking live your life, no, I take a strike that from the record, that's not it at all, his save period a lot was like, come on guys, fucking cut the shit, and you go, that does need a resolution for you as a fan, how did he ever reconcile that, what happened when he started drinking again, what happened when he went from being like, we don't fucking drink in my church to, I'm gonna bring out a whiskey, what the fuck happened in his life? And then you're like, I don't fucking need him to tell me, because he's a bet, you can barely speak, I go, this guy, I thought it was a goof for a long time, I think he had some sort of traumatic brain injury, a stroke, whatever the fuck, seizure, from drinking or whatever, that is the thing as a fan where you go, did he have some sort of fucking stroke, that would explain his voice more, today, hey man, no, not even the hey man, be clearly man, not even that voice, the voice he has on the fucking radio show, he's got a radio show, it's amazing, it's fucking inaudible, he's not articulating anything ever, what the fuck, this guy's a genius, he's a genius move again, so what has happened, what did it happen, when Bob Dylan was like, alright, I'm saved, I'm not drinking, I'm not fucking covered in oxen, it's in all he cracks me up, and that's why I cannot do the Bob Dylan theme again, tomorrow I can't, so I'm doing a normal dog theme, who was a fan of Bob Dylan, you find that out and his whole, normal dog, he has fucking stomach cancer as a, I don't even like saying the see what, I take that back, but he, you don't know anything about normal McDonald, I was a bigger fan of normal, normal McDonald than Bob Dylan, I thought I knew him, he dies, you find out you don't know him at all, he's like a boy genius, he's pretending to be dumb the entire time, I believed he dropped out of a high school, I did believe he said that, he's like, I dropped out of high school, I was like 14, I related to him and I was like, I finished high school at 16, I didn't drop out, I never graduated, but you know, who the fuck knows, who the fuck cares, and then you find, then you read a fucking newspaper after he dies and it's like nope, he finished high school at 14 and was going to university at like 15, because he was a fucking genius, this is weird, and then you go that genius, normal McDonald was stealing the whole mysterious angle, fucking lie about everything about yourself from Bob Dylan, which in hindsight in reflection, I think a lot of it is self protection, so yeah, you want to be an honest guy, but even me or my fucking niche, no fact YouTube, whatever the fuck that was, even I got fucking enemies on that, like real bad, real weird enemies, I'm not talking about them anymore, even I got enemies, so yeah, I think lying is the move, even though lying isn't good, but I think the loophole is that lies are so outlandish where you've got to be a goof to believe them so that I think they comically they're good, because Bob Dylan, this is the other thing about Bob Dylan, where it's funny, it is funny, I read a print, a newspaper pressing or whatever the fuck it is, and there's a bit of controversy, because what was the book, I think some book maybe philosophy a modern song, I haven't read it, I haven't read it, that's the thing about Bob Dylan, I still haven't read his fucking book, I got three years ago, because there's that much material to go through, at a certain point he's like fucking telling you to get in the game, that's 99.9% of his music is a fucking invitation to you to be a fucking genius, to be an artist, that's 99.9% of his music is like, hey buddy, I fucking believe in you, I believe in you, me, Bob Dylan, and then all the parts are like idiot, you're a fucking idiot, idiot, wind, I love that song, I could be on the sassy Bob Dylan theme songs, themes, and anyway, then I started doubting myself, I did, I started doubting myself, I'm like should I structure these more, I actually get on a point, I finish the point, instead of going off into a billion directions, and I go nope, Bob Dylan is my fucking North style, what would he do, stream of consciousness, that's what he did, that's where his genius came from, and only later did he start to edit it out, because I do think that's still his thought process, it's just like get it all out, you see him riding like a rolling stone stone, which I haven't even mentioned, which is a great song, which I do have great theories and opinions on where that song is a trilogy of songs, if you listen to it correctly, or if you're like me and need resolutions, you can see him write that and he writes like ten pages on like a rolling stone, and then whittles it down to whatever the fuck it was, alright the trilogy of like a rolling stone very quickly is a I am a lonesome hobo, so that's the answer, so what does it feel like to be on your own like a rolling stone, he dances it, I am the lonesome hobo, and I threw it all away, is also an answer, and I threw it all away, what's his name Nick Drake, that's the song that every artist is like I wish I were, every other musician is like I wish I were wrote that fucking song, that's the song, I threw it all away, every other musician is like that is the bop bill on song I wish I were wrote, and nobody even fucking knows it except me, and nobody even knows that there's a, what's the alternate take of that, Budokon, I like the Budokon it's just so inside, there's a Budokon version, where he's singing I threw it all away like it's the happiest thing ever, ever, I threw it, I threw it all away like it's the happiest thing ever, and this guy definitely read Tolstoy, that's the other thing where you go, oh one piece, the truth just sleeps, eats, whatever the fuck, read Tolstoy, and yes sometimes throwing it all away can be the best feeling in your entire fucking life, and you're also like, it took me fucking five years of listening to that song to realize mountains, he's talking about mountains, they mean tits, and rivers is fucking pussy, never got that when I was listening, he's like, you can come out and say that right away, he's got to be like a wiggle wiggle like a bowl of soup, he can't be like get on your fucking hands and knees and fucking shake that ass, you fucking bitch you fucking dirty slazas, sorry, please get carried away, I am on like 280 days of celibacy, so I do get carried away sometimes, anyway, no I'm still going, I'm still going, I'm still going, I got to get to get to get to get every bog Dylan thought out of my mind, so this could be a fucking ten hour podcast, you could, yeah probably won't be, anyway I probably will end with things have changed, that's the thing, things have changed, and then he can go to the next lyric after that is Tweedle deed, Tweedle dummy, like what the fuck is that song, I haven't even looked at that song, oh my god you know what, I will end with the lyric book, things have changed, so this is one of my favorite bog Dylan songs, and I did listen to this when I was trying to convince people to fucking resist tyranny, no one would fucking listen to me, to me no one would believe me, so a worried man with a worried mind that went in front of me and nothing behind, there's a woman on my lap, she's drinking champagne, got white skin, got a Sassan's eyes, I'm looking up into the saffir tinted skies, I'm well dressed or waiting on the last train, I'm well dressed waiting on the last train, this is just me going that's a fucking line, it's a line, so standing on the gallows with my head in the noose, any minute now, I'm expecting all hell to break loose, that's the little fucking pre-chorus, and then you think that's going to be the pre-chorus, you think that's what he could build an entire great song around, standing on the gallows with my head in the noose any minute now, I'm expecting all hell to break loose, you could fucking build an entire song around those fucking lyrics, that's what I thought the first time I was listening to it, it's like I want to hear that again, and then you find out no, that's just fucking go back and you have to fucking read listen if you want to hear that again, people are crazy in times of strange, I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range, I used to care, but things have changed, come gather around, people will be your own enemy, and you're like oh nice little bookend, you know, he's not that smart, he's like I'll bookend my, but that song again, that's the thing about Bob Dylan, I'm so fucking deep, I can't even remember what the fuck the people actually clodged to for real shit, for like this is what he's known for, a watched watchman actually, and that song was there on it, a watched watchman, that song was on it, and watchman is a fantastic movie if you are literate of how the world works, that's as deep as I'll go into it, that's as deep as I'll go into it, but you're like oh my god, that upfront about the way the world works, that they'll put in a fucking comic book movie, whatever the fuck, and Alan Moore is a wizard, he said that, he says I am a wizard, he believes that, he's the guy who wrote, he's the guy who wrote a document, I always do forget that sometimes people aren't in my brain, they aren't, shame on you, shame on you motherfuckers, anyway, so I am reading a book, I think it's Providence by Alan Moore, and that was what piqued my interest, piqued my curiosity, well I'm like I'm gonna fucking check this guy out, I am, it's a good book, you know what, things have changed, I'm gonna wrap this up, I'm gonna finish up this podcast on this, things have changed, because things have changed with me, and this is the entire fucking point of Bob Dylan, which I'm gonna end with, where things do change, so people are crazy, time is strange, I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range, I used to care, but things have changed, so he was singing this in like 2001, he was singing this in 2001, this is the other thing about Bob Dylan, where you've got, I've got, I've got, burned into my fucking brain, YouTube videos of him, one is him, we are the world, that's funny, if you're a Bob Dylan fan, you're like that's funny, just for like how fucking autistic, people joke about him being autistic, and you're like I don't even believe in autistic and autism, that's the fucking weirdest thing I've ever seen for a musician to do, well like you're in a quiet, just saying that'd be fucking weird, but then you're like being weird was a thousand times better, and he's like, he's, he, he, I think he was nervous, that's the thing, that's the thing about Bob Dylan, but he like this guy wasn't nervous to do that, and he's like Stevie, Stevie keeps persevering to Stevie Wonder, clearly a guy he trusts, clearly, so I'm about to go into my Freemasonry shit again, I'm not touching that, he goes to Stevie Wonder, he's like Stevie gave me, please help me, so that isn't also another thing I enjoy about Bob Dylan, he fucking asks for help, he does, he does, he's a humble man, he's humble, there's a humbleness, a humility to him, that I enjoy, so he will, in all the humility goes Stevie Wonder, I fucking trust you, fuck everyone else, please guide me here, heh heh heh heh, I'm like what the fuck man, and that's, so that's one video that's been to my brain about Bob Dylan, the second is, I'm accepting some sort of award commemoration, well yes it's Bob Dylan trying to be funny, or is he trying to be funny, you'd go what the fuck is wrong with this guy, that's what you much, me a Bob Dylan time man, it's like what the fuck is wrong with this guy, me still I'm like what the, what the, who spent this much time in his world, in his orbit, because what the fuck is wrong with this guy, who accepts an award like this, but he makes some joke about like my mommy's, my papi used to say, well he used to say a lot of things, he said like you go what the fuck, I think he's just stealing something from the movie to say, or 99.9% of what he does, you're like is this a fucking bet he has with someone, his public person and shit, does he have a bet running with someone where they're like all right, you want to go out there and be the fucking weirdest human being on planet earth, you won't do it, you're a fucking bitch and you'll be like, I'll fucking do it, I'll do it, I don't care, I don't care man, I'll fucking do it, I don't do it, so he's like, what is he like, he's like, people aren't being mad mad mad papi used to say, they used to say a lot of things, then after that he does go into sincere great advice about man, I wish I could remember word for word, he's paraphrasing something from the bible where it's like no matter how dirty and the prey of you are, no matter how far away you go from God, no matter, you know, like prodigal son shit, it's like no matter how fucking a load down this world gets you, no matter what you've done, you can fucking go back to God, that's the thing, God will take you back, which is punk, that is a punk, the more I learn about life, that is a punk sensibility to say that in that degenerate fucking Babylon, he's moving in the vipers, he's in, it was another part of me where he's like, does he even fucking believe that, that's the other thing about Bob Dylan, he like, does he even fucking believe that, someone could be like, it turns out Bob Dylan actually worshiped Satan and was eating baby hots, I'd be like, as a huge Bob Dylan fan, I'd be like, eh, I'd be like, eh, crazy, crazy man, I wouldn't be surprised, that's the thing, I wouldn't be surprised, I wouldn't be shocked I'd go. And he was writing songs about having a pony called fucking Lucifer, he was doing that. So he goes, does he even fucking believe in this, this is the other thing, does he even fucking believe in this, I think he does, I think he does, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, but um, oh synchronicity, this place ain't doing me any good, I'm in the wrong town, no it's not a synchronicity, I'm in the wrong town, I should be in Hollywood, just for a second then I thought I saw something move, gonna take dancing lessons, do the jitter bug rag, what the fuck is the jitter bug rag, ain't no shortcuts, gonna dress and drag, ain't no shortcuts, gonna dress, what the fuck does this mean, that's the thing that gets me, what the mysteriousness of it, ain't no shortcuts, gonna dress and drag, and clearly it's just him fucking, and then strumming on a mandolin or whatever, whatever the fuck comes out, comes out, but what the fuck does it mean, so only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove, but you go, yep, that's a line you could build an entire song around and it would probably be better than 99.9% of the music out there, yep, that is it. A lot of water under the bridge, a lot of other stuff too, don't get up gentlemen, I'm only passing through, and then he goes to the chorus, and then this verse, I fucking love this verse man, I think this song was just for a movie or something, so these, he fucking, pissing this shit out, I've been walking 40 miles bad road, if the Bible is right the world will explode, I've been trying to get as far away from myself as I can, some things are too hot to touch, the human mind can only stand so much, you can't win with a losing hand, I won't comment on that beyond saying it's great, because I was about to comment on it, and then I went to the next line, the next line off to that is, if you like falling in love with the first woman I meet, again, the change of pace, putting her in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the street, what the fuck are you talking about, the fuck are you talking about man, he just drops the most prophetic like, orical at Delphi shit, and then he's like, I feel like putting her women in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the street is the next thing, you don't know, you can navigate your footing with this guy, that's what I enjoy, as a listener, you can navigate your fucking footing, you always got to be on your tiptoes, I didn't even get into the funniest part of the Bob Dylan's lies, I forgot about that, which I just remembered, but yes, there was a controversy where he got some sort of machine to sign his autographs, and if you're a true Bob Dylan fan, you knew he wasn't going to fucking sign a thing for you ever, he was saying that at like 20, he's like, I'd give you my autograph if you fucking needed it, you don't need it, you just want to take, take, take from me, I'm not doing it, fuck you, so that was it, if you're a Bob Dylan fan, you know the autographs are these kind of weird about that, so he got some sort of machine, but I'm sure that like, we can just get a fucking machine to sign an autographs for you, he's like, I don't fucking get, do whatever the fuck you want, I'm fucking welding, I'm fucking, whatever the fuck he's doing, I'm on a boat, I'm watching bowls of super wiggle, I can't fucking hard. This show is amazing, I just realized that I just hit clarity where this show is great, this is my show, my show, where you go, nope, I'm going to take a leaf out of the fucking Bob Dylan book where it was fucking funnier than me, who, I ask yourself, name my funnier person, fucking Lewis E.K. Faggot, absolute fagg in comparison to me, Andrew Tate fucking goof, who I even comedians anymore, I'm so out of the loop, you know, who's funny, who's funny again, who's funny again, me, I'm the, I'm the innovator, I'm the funniest man who's ever lived, don't you forget it, kind of, I want to go back into that, you list a funny person, please, who's funny at me, Adam Sam, Fagg, see those are the Tim Dylan Fagg, oh, so sorry, I forgot he's actually gay, all right, I forgot he's actually gay, I take, I retract that, but who's funnier than me, no one compares to me, I am the best, I am incomparable, and I didn't even touch on the funny part, the funny part of Bob Dylan's lies, is he's like, oh yeah, sometimes I'm an old man, sometimes signing things, it's like, I get vertigo, whatever the fuck, and then his next, his next print appearance, he's talking about loving both Gallagher brothers, and I'm like, this guy loves no Gallagher, this guy loves Liam Gallagher, me and Bob Dylan have similar taste, I love both, guy was both the Gallagher's, even, even when I was team no, verse team, whatever the fuck, I was both of them, I was, I was. And they're like, how do you stay fit, and he's like, I like the fucking box, I like to do 12 rounds of boxing, that's how me and 80 year old man's days fit, I like to box, he's like, this guy's a fucking liar, such a liar, just such a funny lie, the same guy is saying, I could not sign autographs because it was too vertigo, it was too much for me, is saying, yep, to keep fit, I like to do 12 rounds of boxing, that's what I like to do to keep fit, it's funny, it's funny to me, all right, I'm going to finish up with the things that changed, because I am actually craving that one more cup of coffee, I am, I'll be honest, and then you walk back to that line, put it on a wheelbarrow and wheeling it down the stream, and this is where you relate to Bob Dylan where you go, no, this guy is actually very, very fucking sensitive, he is, I heard easy, I just don't show it, you can hurt someone and not even know it, and of course he's sensitive, how is this guy going to be that much of a creative genius without having a tremendous sensitivity to life and the universe, you can hurt someone and not even know it, next 60 seconds could be like an eternity, I'm going to get low down, I'm going to fly high, all the truth in the world adds up to one big lie and you go, yep, he said it again, there is no truth outside the gates of Eden so I might as well fucking lie, but in a funny way, I'm in love with a woman who don't even appeal to me, I've been saying that, I've had that lyric wrong in my head all this time, which mind's better I think, I'm in love with a woman who don't even feel the rain, Mr. Jinx and Miss Lucy, they jumped and awake, I'm not that eager to make a mistake, who the fuck is Mr. Jinx, is the question I ask, and who is Miss Lucy, Mr. Jinx, this is the thing about his own, is that a Lucifer, is he eluding the Lucifer, and is the lake the river sticks, I think that is what he was saying, actually that is actually what I think, Mr. Jinx, Mr. Jinx, who is that, who knows, so people are crazy, times are strange, I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range, I used to care, the things have changed, I love it, I love it, love and theft, that's the thing, as I, I don't know love and theft, and then you go, Mississippi, I love that song, I love that song, I can't go through lyrics again, I can't go through lyrics again, I can't, I have to finish, I'm sorry I have to, nope, I flick the tangled up in blue, see this is the bob, this has to be multiple podcasts, I didn't even touch tangled up in blue, I didn't even touch this fucking blood on the tracks, I didn't even touch blood on the tracks, in a bob dilling out, I didn't even touch that, I didn't even touch, just the other one, I didn't even touch the times are changing, I didn't, I never really got into that album, I got to be real, because I love, on that I love I guess I'm doing fine, and then you look at this, look at this boy and you go, he got his, he's sexy, that's a lot of the appeal no one ever talks about, with God on our side, I even touch with God on our side, which this is a fun writing exercise, where, where I, I would play, I learned, I was learning this song, I rewrote it, to be better, that's the, that's the thing about being a bob dill in the fan, as you go, I could fucking improve a bob dill on song, so this is how I had improved, some people are so worried about fixing their mistakes, that they, what's the word, that they, they're not perfect, but this is me as a listener, I go, this is the line that is better, then bob dill on, and then bob dill is with God on our side, and this is the arrogance he invites into a listener, this is the confidence he gives you as a listener, where we've got on our side, you know, I'm a name, it ain't nothing, right, it just means that you know that one, the country I came from, it's gone a mere way, I started and brought up the laws to abide, and then other than us got on our side, and yeah, then he goes through all the history of wars and how it all is building to the crescendo of a, I do love that verse through many, dog how, I've been thinking about this, that Jesus Christ was portrayed by Chris Kiss, but I can't think for you, you'll have to decide whether Judas is scariot had gone on the side, why is a Jewish guy singing about Jesus like this, that is confusing to me, that is confusing to me, that is confusing to me, that is confusing to me, and then you go, is he even Jewish, that's the thing, maybe it was a long play, it was like I pretend to be fucking Jewish, who knows, and that's the thing I didn't like about no direction and one, from the film clip, from the trailer, the big nose they put on it, I'm like what the fuck are you doing, just giving a guy a big nose, it's kind of offensive, his nose isn't that big, I don't get it, well it's not even noticeable, I don't get it, so through many, so now as I'm leaving, I can remember listening to this song as I was fucking working, I can remember, it transports me, it transports me back to moments in my life, I was working in a cold, I'm gonna go the fucking Bob Dylan route, I'm just gonna come up with ridiculous lies and you're a moron if you believe this, so I was working in a coal mine and that's not as funny, yeah you know what, it's not as funny, I was like I'll talk about my real job, I was walking, I'll listen to this, after work where my fucking feet, that sounds like over dramatic, after work where I was walking backwards, because my body could no longer take the pain of walking straight, it could no longer walk straight, I'd walk backwards up hills, elderly people would salute me and be like oh we do this also, because it's fucking life, our bodies are that absolutely cooked also, I'm like yep, I'm there with your fellas, so this is the music I would listen to in these moods with God on our side, so now as I'm leaving, I'm wary as hell, the confusion I'm feeling and no tone can tell, the words fill my head and fall to the floor, if God's on our side, it'll stop the next war and I go lame, lame, Bob Dylan, that's a lame ending, so me as a listener goes, no Bob Dylan, keeping on, this is how you would write it, this is how Bob Dylan should have wrote it, so yes, so now as I'm leaving, I'm wary as hell, the confusion I'm feeling, ain't no tone can tell, the words fill my head and fall to the floor, that the God on our side is the God of war, that's a thousand times better, it is, and I have an alternate of that also, where you go, ain't no tone can tell, the words fill my head and fall to the floor, that the God on our side is Athena, Athena, Athena, Athena, Minerva, Minerva, you know, I don't know if that rhymes enough, but that's the God of War, so Athena's the Ramen, Athena's the Greek, Minerva's the Ramen, and he does mention Minerva in his novel, because of course his autobiography is just a fucking novel, he's just like alright, autobiography alright, a fucking novel, who cares, so I didn't even touch him on too many mornings, I didn't even touch on only a porn in the game, which I only recently got into the song, that's how I'm saying Bob Dylan is, I only recently got into only a porn in the game, and I disagree with his points also, like of course, blame people, it ain't him to blame his only porn in the game, no no no, it's you, boys, it is you, it is on you, boots of Spanish Lele, do like that, didn't get into it, I don't see, I haven't even looked at all these songs to be honest, passive victory, only I have a, guess I'm doing fine, I love this song, I actually love this song so much, I remember riding a train, I remember riding a train, Queens, the New South Wales Rail, Australian trains, I think must be some of the worst in the world, probably not, but they're not great, they don't even have fucking charges, they're like 40 years old, I remember riding a train and listening to that song on repeat, and the world was ending in my mind, I was like yeah I guess I'm doing fine, I was like yeah it's, yeah it'd be fine, and it was fine, so another side of Bob Dylan, I haven't even touched it on this, which is, I mean you got, mama you've been on my mind, as a fucking throwaway song that didn't even make another side of Bob Dylan, you got it ain't me babe, which, this is the thing about Bob Dylan, you're like is he talking to a fucking individual woman here, that isn't saying to say to a woman, it ain't me babe, and you go I think he might be talking to Joan, what's her face, who I, I, despite, I don't despise her but you just get a voice in the least me, I don't know, I don't get it, I don't get it, find a voice in the morning, I'm sorry, it ain't me babe, and then you got, I don't believe you, she acts like we never met, which as a listener you're like if you listen to that song, buddy you can't fuck, that's the real one, oh I really wanna do, I shall be free, this is a guy who likes freedom, this is a, this is a great man, this is a guy with an amazing profile, I'm looking at him, this is a guy who knows it isn't that big, I don't get it, and it's better, better looking to then Timitie Chamalet to me, I don't know, and in Natasha my fan was sending me emails being like I sort of look like a young Bob Dylan, she said that, it's like yeah I gotta say it, it's like you're kinda sexy, my back pages, I love that song, I love that song, that is a song I wanna play, I wanna, see that's the song, I can't even hear the title of that song without being like I wanna get my fucking guitar, I wanna fucking play that song myself, cause it's him going, I was a goof, I, this is the joys of Bob Dylan, it's him going, it turns out my voice of a generation shit was kinda goofy, I'm not gonna get through it, that's the thing, I'm like I've got to analyze this, I'm like no, I can't, I'll just tell you all the things I couldn't get to to end on the Bob Dylan theme, there you go, yes I couldn't get to it, it ain't me babe, and is that a message to the folk community, or is that him fucking talking to a woman who knows, he won't tell you, then I got to bring it all back home, which yes, yes, Mr. Tambourine man gets to be done, it's all over now, baby blue, that is probably my favorite moment in this music history, I do like Abbey Red, I do like the melody, she belongs to me, this always freaks me out, this always weirds me out man, who the fuck is he talking about, she never stumbles, she's got no place to fall, she never stumbles, she's got no place to fall, she's nobody's a child, the law can't touch her at all, she wears an Egyptian ring that sparkles before she speaks, she wears an Egyptian ring that sparkles before she speaks, she's a hypnotist collector, you are a walking antique, bow down to her on Sunday, salute her when her birthday comes, bow down to her on Sunday, salute her when her birthday comes, for Halloween give her a trumpet, and for Christmas buy her a drum, who the fuck is he talking about, that's the thing I'm like, is he talking about, I'm gonna say, is he talking about Isis, whatever the fuck, is he talking about Isis, you go Isis, who is that, the Egyptian goddess, who I believe was the hypnotist, and then you go, maybe not, and then I flick to, oh my God, synchronicity, I flick to Isis with Jackie's levy, and I mean Isis on the fifth day, it may sink her to Maya, if you, so it's a holiday, I don't know what that means. So yeah, I think he might have been talking, that's the thing where you go, was this guy, what the fuck is going on with this guy, that's actually the thing where you go, I can't stop, I can't stop, I got to figure it out, the mystery is driving me mad, it's deep, I got to stop, that's it, that's it, no McDonald theme coming tomorrow, this is now a daily podcast, all right, fairly well, bye bye bye.