The PursueGOD Training Podcast

Podcasts + Discipleship: How It Works

Broadcast on:
12 Feb 2024

PursueGOD is a podcast-based discipleship library. In this episode we'll give you a quick tutorial on how to use our resources with your family, small group, or one-on-one mentoring relationship.

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The PursueGOD Training podcast helps pastors, small group leaders, and everyday Christians to make disciples through healthy biblical churches.

Find resources to talk about these episodes at

Help others go "full circle" as a follower of Jesus through our 12-week Pursuit series.

Click here to learn more about how to use these resources at home, with a small group, or in a one-on-one discipleship relationship.

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  1. Pick a series from our homepage. There's plenty to choose from!
  2. Each series contains multiple lessons. Click on the numbered tabs to open each lesson.
  3. Each lesson includes an audio podcast. Start by listening to the podcast on your own, before you meet as a group. Take notes as needed, and listen again if it helps. Consider starting a discipleship journal to track what you're learning.
  4. Meet with your family, group, or mentor to talk through what you learned from the podcast. Each lesson includes shownotes, talking points, and discussion questions. Listen to the podcast below for tips on how to have a better pursueGOD conversation.
  5. Click on the # tab to explore additional topics when you're done.