Kingdom Speak with Pastor Daniel McKillop

Quick Cut: Can You Pick One?

Broadcast on:
01 Jan 2025
Audio Format:

💡 Released every week in 2024, a fresh episode made its way around the world to the Kingdom Speak family. Our host can’t pick a single one as his top episode…can you?




This guy's good. This guy's good. They're they're buying fabric What are they buying from you? That's a cool story, but now it's time to pick your favorite They're all good. I'm still struggling. They're all good. I have highlights from all of them Yeah, oh Man, yeah, I really do that's I will agree. They are they were all very good I I because they all hit a different Geographic they did they all I'll give you that there was a reality like there's a full spectrum of yeah Obviously on a personal note the top (clicking)