In the second in our series of recordings from the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon, we join Miguel Pink and Quinton Jacobs on the Emergence of New Run Crews.
Migz founded Me vs Me, a run crew he started during the pandemic to help himself and others improve their mental and physical health. Running helped him transform himself and at the same time, create a community space where people connect and do great things together. Q is a community organizer and connector who is passionate about the running community. He wants everyone to know that running is for them, and that they can find a space to support them: "Running teaches us that we can get through the tough parts of life, and keep going. We need to tell that story to as many people as we possibly can."
Follow Migz @migzpink @mevsmementality
Follow Q @quinton_jacobs @ubuntu.fam @escape_to___
EPISODE SPONSOR: Canada Running Series
Don't let the early bird slip by for the Move your Paws for the Polar Bear Cause! Register before midnight on February 16, 2024 to secure your spot. This fun and meaningful race is a great way to support polar bear conservation and enjoy the crisp winter air.
Register now at
THEME MUSIC: Joseph McDade