Join me for an inspirational interview with Dr. Samantha Kesteloot as she shares her experience growing up as a twin in the public school system in Michigan with bilateral hearing loss. Samantha’s hearing journey led her down the path of educational audiology. Dr. Samantha Kesteloot is now an educational audiologist with Trenton's Oral Program for the Deaf/ Hard of Hearing in Trenton, Michigan. She graduated from Wayne State University's Audiology program in 2020 after completing her externship at the Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis, Missouri. Her hearing loss was identified at the age of 4 after which she was fit with bilateral hearing aids. In 2017 Sam decided to be implanted with a hybrid cochlear implant at Vanderbilt University. She enjoys spending time with her friends, traveling and staying involved with professional volunteer activities as well as those for kids/ families with hearing loss.