The Future of Money

What You Need To Know About The U.S. FIT21 Bill

Broadcast on:
27 May 2024

Everything you need to know about the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21) that the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed and its potential impact on the digital assets ecosystem, from the legislative process behind FIT21 and the challenges of defining digital assets to the power dynamics between the SEC and CFTC, the role of LabCFTC, and the timeline for regulatory clarity.

Show Highlights

→ Key drivers behind the push for FIT21

→ How FIT21 creates clear lines of regulatory authority between the SEC and CFTC

→ Next steps for the bill after passing the House and what compromises or modifications will 

     need to be made to clear the Senate

→ The timeline for regulatory clarity for the digital assets ecosystem

→ The role of LabCFTC