The Pathless Path with Paul Millerd

The Nonlinear Life Path: College at 16, Med School in Cuba & Starting Over After Kids - Aida Alston

Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2022

Aida Alston is no stranger to alternatives to the default path. From testing out of high school at 15, to finishing college with no debt, then going to medical school for free in Cuba, Aida has been walking her version of a pathless path for a long time.

But she's at a transition point now. She decided not to pursue clinical practice as a physician—again turning away from the default path right in front of her. She's been a full-time stay-at-home mother since then to her two children, raising them bilingually after becoming bilingual in Spanish herself during her time in Cuba.

She's a self-described early AND late bloomer, having sped through milestones early on but now slowly figuring out what's next for her work and family. She understands many of the challenges of going off the default path—like the paradox of choice—and how decision-making and prototyping are skills to be learned and practiced while building a pathless path.

She is from San Francisco originally but now lives in New York with her husband and kids.

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