Weird Island

5. WEIRD FOOD: Hot Wieners, Coffee Milk and Del’s

Rhode Island is home to some pretty unique and iconic foods. From Hot Wieners (NOT hot dogs) to Coffee Milk to Del’s Lemonade, the history of these iconic eats is as interesting as the tasty treats themselves. This is part 1 of a two-part episode. Tune in next week for more food history! To Visit: Olneyville New York System: 18 Plainfield Street, Providence, RI Del’s Frozen Lemonade: Everywhere in RI - Visit their site for a location nearest you
Broadcast on:
16 Mar 2021

Rhode Island is home to some pretty unique and iconic foods. From Hot Wieners (NOT hot dogs) to Coffee Milk to Del’s Lemonade, the history of these iconic eats is as interesting as the tasty treats themselves. This is part 1 of a two-part episode. Tune in next week for more food history! To Visit: Olneyville New York System: 18 Plainfield Street, Providence, RI Del’s Frozen Lemonade: Everywhere in RI - Visit their site for a location nearest you