303Endurance Podcast

Paralympic and Invictus Games

Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2024

Episode #454 Paralympics, Invictus, DoD Warrior Games


In Today's Show

  • Feature Interview - Zed Pitts
  • Cycling News/Updates - Colorado's Ride wrap up;
  • Triathlon News/Updates - Paralympics and a 303Triathlon update
  • Ask A Coach - Starting a running program (after 40 years)


Feature Interview - Zed Pitts

Zed Pitts is a dedicated US Army soldier who continues to serve with distinction, currently serving as a Signal Officer for the 407th Civil Affairs Battalion in Minnesota.

Zed Pitts is a role model and a leader in building a strong, well-connected, and active veterans community.


303Cycling News and Updates:

Recap Colorado's Ride


303Triathlon News and Updates:



Ask A Coach:


Athlete (Matt) I'm 62 and I want to ease into training for triathlon. I used to run in high school and college, but really haven't run much since. I experienced a stress fracture and planter fasciitis when I was younger. It was partly that I may be prone to injury, but was running in Converse. I know having foot and leg strength is important and my PT gave me some exercises to do. How would you recommend I get started?


Coach (Rich)

  • Update your running shoes; modern with current foam tech; shoe type for your gait; Runner's Roost 3 shoes and treadmill
  • If you have preventative PT prescribed workouts, that's a great place to start assuming the PT performed an athlete mobility and strength test to determine what you need
  • Let's start with a thorough run gait analysis and see if there are any movement patterns that indicate functional weakness or range of motion issues
  • Update strength and mobility program to work on issues revealed from the gait analysis
  • After a few weeks of working on strength and mobility, start with slow and easy runs (zone 2 aerobic pace run 1 minute, walk 1, run 1, walk 1 for 1 mile. Slowly build until you can run 3 miles easy without stopping.
  • Merge into a training plan with running volume and intensity appropriate for your experience and goals.
  • Work with a coach to build your training plan.
  • Continue doing strength and mobility



Thanks again for listening this week.  Please be sure to follow us @303endurance and of course go to iTunes and give us a rating and a comment.  We'd really appreciate it!

Stay tuned, train informed, and enjoy the endurance journey!

Train With Coach Rich:

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