303Endurance Podcast

Sam Long KOMs

Broadcast on:
09 May 2020

This week we caught up with professional triathlete Sam Long to chat about the KOM pins that he's been knocking down, see if we can help him pick his next KOM and what else he's got planned in his training.

Also in today's show:

  • What's new in the 303
  • Endurance News
  • Video of the Week


Sponsor UCAN:

My Chocolate Energy + Protein Tub is on the way along with a FREE SAMPLE: Chocolate Almond Butter Bar.  Last night I had my coaching session with Matt.  He had a rest week and went on a 4 day hiking and camping trip and he had just received his first order of the Lemon Lime UCAN Performance.  He said it kept him well fueled    UCAN gives you steady energy so you can finish stronger. UCAN Performance Energy and Bars are powered by SuperStarch®, which has helped thousands of athletes eliminate GI distress and prevent the bonk. Use in your training to fuel the healthy way and recover quickly!


Interview with Sam Long:

He's always had an aptitude for high volume and in the past year has really shown that he's more than diesel engine on the bike.  Sam Long (AKA the BigUnit), at age 24, shows a bright future for American long-distance racing. He has already won an Ironman, two 70.3's, a marathon, and is a CO State TT champion.  

Facts about Sam:

  • 6' 4 Inches tall
  • 175  Lbs
  • 2 Triplet brothers
  • 225 Longest solo bike ride in a day
  • 18 Age when he completed his first IM
  • 304 Avg Watts for an IM bike leg
  • 450 Calories per hour in an IM
  • 1 kg is the largest donut he's eaten

Post Interview:

– Rides must only focus on one hill or mountain per ride (e.g. you can’t base yourself in one location and ride multiple hills). You cannot ride different routes on the same mountain. If there are 4 routes, that means there are 4 possible ‘everestings’ (think of it like the North and South face of Everest).

– Rides cannot be loops. The descent must be via the same road unless you are prevented from doing so (e.g. one-way street or one-way trail). This is to prevent kinetic gain sometimes afforded by a loop, or an ‘easier’ descent.

– Rides must be full ascents each time (Strava segments or the accepted ‘traditional’ climbing route will generally be the best guide for this. You can’t commit to a combination of full and half laps). Acceptable is a shorter segment of a climb if it is recognised in its own right. If in doubt, ask.

  • Ryan Bolton is a US Olympian from Sydney 2000, an Ironman champion, and now coaches elite runners (like Caroline Rotich, winner of Boston Marathon 2015) and triathletes (like Ben Hoffman, 4th in Kona 2019).
  • The next KOM is going to be one of:
    • Lookout Mountain
    • Pikes Peak
    • Mountain Evans
    • Squaw Pass
  • Argon 18 is the same bike Crowie rides



What's New in the 303:


Roll Massif Updates Schedule, Elephant Rock Moves to Oct. 11th

Triple Bypass moves to Sept. 26th

We’ve been working closely with state and city officials on where things stand with COVID-19 and our event. While we had hoped that July 11-12th would go on as planned, the Town of Avon has officially pulled our permit for hosting our finish on those dates.

Endurance News:

Why It Still Might Not Be Safe to Return to Lap Swimming

So as the virus starts to (hopefully) slow down, maybe a return to the pool could be possible for those longing to dive in and be immersed in that environment on a hot summer’s day. But according to a recent report from The Mercury News in San Jose, California, it might be harder than originally thought to social distance in a public pool.

“There’s more and more research showing that coronavirus can be spread even more than six feet when people are vigorously exercising like running or swimming,” Contra Costa County’s Health Officer Christopher Farnitano said in a video interview posted by the county. “There’s a concern that even if someone is swimming in their own lane, when the person is right next to them is breathing heavily, they could be exposed. It’s hard to maintain that kind of social distancing in a public pool.”


Video of the Week:

Warren Miller Legend, Chris Anthony Highlights Package


Upcoming Interviews:

Pro triathlete, Colin Laughery is going to join us and give us a real transparent look at his life, being a pro, a husband and dad of two.

Chris Anthony perhaps most known for being a professional skier in the Warren Miller movies is joining us to talk about a host of topics including Colorado Classic, his connection to the 10th Mountain Division, Chris Anthony Youth Initiative Project and of course skiing.


Thanks again for listening in this week.  Please be sure to follow us on social media including @303endurance and @milehighendurancepodcast and of course go to iTunes and give us a rating and a comment.  We'd really appreciate it!

Stay tuned, train informed, and enjoy the endurance journey!