Pastor Dooba continues our series in the Gospel of John called "That You May Believe" with John 6:1-21.
Verses 1 through 14 recount Jesus' feeding of the 5,000. In this one miracle, Jesus displays His mastery over the phyiscal realm and demonstrates the kindness He has for those who seek him.
Verses 15 through 21 tell of when Jesus walked on the water of the Sea of Galilee. Sometimes we encounter hard times in the process of doing what God has sent us to do, but Jesus is powerful enough to save and never too far off to help us.
Both of these stories show us that we should persevere and be generous with our time and what we have, even if we alone are not enough to meet the whole need we see. If we are doing His will, Jesus Himself will provide the rest.
Sermon Notes:
Coming soon.
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