Rebel FM

The Rebel FM 2011 Game Music Spectacular

Broadcast on:
01 Jan 2012

Closing out this year, we're talking music! Specifically, reviewing our favorite game music of the year. Since this is a special occassion, we wanted to make this special, and have included a number of musical interludes in their entirety (along with a few extras in the background to boot). The track list follows. Am I trolling or serious with the final selection? You'll have to listen to find out.  Dead Space 2 - You Got to my Head (full) Dead Space 2 - Canonical Aside Swords and Sworcery - Clouds (full) Swords and Sworcery - Little Furnace Swords and sworcery - Lone Star Skyward sword - Ballad of the Goddess (full) Skyward Sword - Sandship Deck Variation 1 Skyward Sword - Flight Skyrim - Dragonborn (full) Skyrim - Whiterun Portal 2 - Science is Fun (full) Portal 2 - Turret Wife Serenade Portal 2 - Hard Sunshine Deus Ex - Icarus (full) Deus Ex - Opening Credits Gears of War 3 - Mad World (full) Gears of War 3 - Gears Keep Turning Shadows of the Damned - ‘til Death Do Us Part (full) Bulletstorm - Main Theme (full) Crysis 2 - Insertion (full) Bastion - Build That Wall (full) Bastion - Mother (full) RadBalls - White Knuckles (Neil Voss Lightcycles Remix) (full) Jamestown - War Upon the Eastern Frontier (full) THE GREATEST GAME SONG EVER. EVER. DON’T FIGHT IT. (full)