Rebel FM
Rebel FM Episode 62 - 05/13/10
Greetings! This week sees the return of the long lost middle segment, but first we talk about Bulletstorm, Split/Second, discuss Lost Planet 2 for what we pray is the last time, and more. Then we move on to your thoughts on games for the rest of the year, and close out with some letters, where Tyler finally reveals a long-kept secret. Reel talk!This week's music, in order of appearance: Interpol - C'mere; La Roux - Quicksand; AFI - ...But Home is Nowhere
(upbeat music) ♪ The rainbow, the bell ♪ ♪ Once again I didn't do it ♪ ♪ It's just my turn to ♪ ♪ The rainbow, the bell ♪ ♪ The rainbow, the bell ♪ ♪ The rainbow, the bell ♪ ♪ The rainbow, the bell ♪ - Penis, hello and welcome to Rebel FM. I'm Anthony, that's who I am, Anthony. - Hi. - Anthony Gallegos, with me is Tyler Barber. It's pretty, Arthur Geese. - Episode 62. - Oh, well I wasn't gonna worry about it anymore. At this point they downloaded it. - Episode another reason for you to stop listening to our podcast. - Yeah, 'cause if we couldn't get the numbers right, Jesus Christ. - Oh really? Masha Engineer, he's here. - Do you know that you sound like a condescending douchebag on our podcast, Matt? - Do I really? - Apparently. - Who's this? - The one internet user. - One user, which means-- - That's equal, exactly, that's equal to at least like-- - That's 100 times-- - Two people. - Yeah, that's 100 times condescending douchebaggery. - It's true. I mean I'm not saying I disagree with their assessment. - Oh, neither am I, actually. - I didn't say it. - It's right. - Although, you know what? I do have to say, did you guys catch that Kenny Strausser video that's been going around? - I have no fun talking about it. - The yo-yo guy who goes on news channels. - Oh, that pretends to be a yo-yo master. - Yeah, he calls himself. Okay, while I was watching it, I did think, man, Matt's voice kind of sounds like this guy's voice. And that's not pretentious at all. I mean, that's like the furthest from-- - Matt is a fake yo-yo master. - Is this guy condescending douchebag? - Not at all. It's hilarious. - I'm afraid he doesn't sound like Matt then, Tyler. - Yeah, exactly. - Well, I think you all sound like constant douchebags. - I'm afraid he doesn't sound like Matt then, Tyler. - Yeah, exactly. - I think you all sound like constant douchebags. - Well, to you, Brandon, douchebags. - Commenter who called me a condescending douchebag. I would just like to say good show, sure. - I'd like to say fuck you. - Very show stems right there. (laughing) - So we're gonna talk about some games. And then we're gonna have a middle topic that you guys could have responded to by now, but if you haven't, too late. And you're listening to this two days after you've recorded, yeah. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I'm still saying too late. - And then we're gonna read a few letters. - Cool. - So let's jump right into things we've been playing. Let's talk about Bulletstorm. - Oh yeah, let's talk about that game. - Do you guys actually-- - I'm trying to be condescending. - No one played it. - Okay. - So we played it onstage and we watched. - So it's what you saw being played, right? - Yes, yeah. - That's what this is. - I was just talking about games. Let's just talk about some games that we've checked out. - Yeah. - Tell me about the Storm of Bullet. - It's a next game from Painkiller People, People Can Fly. - Yeah. - And Painkiller was one of those games that people either really liked or just thought was stupid. - I never actually played Painkiller. - I didn't either, but a lot of my PC friends thought it was great. Like a lot of PC players thought it was such a great game. Like a Game Informer gave it a Game of the Month award back in the day. - Wow. - It's funny that Robert's not here today because that's totally the doom clone that he was asking about. - Right. And so Painkiller was known for being like way over the top, like having really, really crazy weapons instead. - Right, right. - And so, you know, that same philosophy is kind of being applied to Bullet Storm. And, but the premise of Bullet Storm is like, so the three things they compared it to immediately, the first one they was like, it's like burnout. I can see that because of the scoring stuff. - Yeah. - The second one was Duke was a... - That was nice. I love how you burped. - Well played. - Like while you were at the same time, exhaling and swallowing. Sorry. So the second one was Duke Nukem. And you could see that too because there's like really immature dialogue. - Yeah. And you kick things. - Yeah. And you kick things. - Serious Sam kind of like that as well. - It did have a little bit of a serious Sam way to me. But, but the third one they compared it to, which I was like, no fucking way, was they said firefly. And I was like, no, shut up. - Yeah, I don't get that at all. - Shut your fucking mouth. - So, so they said that, but like at this point, they haven't shown any plot things basically. Like they tell you you were like mercenaries that used to work for the government and then shit went bad and now your space. - Right. So it has like the firefly. - Exactly. And that's like as far as it goes. And the only dialogue that we heard was in game. - And it was all dumb. - Yeah. And it was like dumb and kind of funny but kind of cringe worthy too. - Yeah. Like there was one part where you're with this girl and she says something like, we got to get down to the plants roots. That's how we'll kill it. And all of a sudden the lead character, he says, suddenly the bitch is a botanist. - Yeah. - Like what? - Like what? - Yeah. Or there's like another part where the guy's fighting a big boss. And the girl's like, shoot it in the tentacles. Shoot it in the tentacles. And he's like, I hope you just said tentacles. Or something like that. And like not testicles obviously. So it has like. - Oh. - Yes. - Yes. Arthur just. - Oh. - It has these really juvenile like. - Look not all of us are thinking about testicles all the time. - It has this really juvenile humor that you would think listening to our podcast I would really be into. But when it comes to that in a game like it just came off to me at least. It came off kind of like dumb. Like I was like, that was cool when I was a little kid playing Duke Nukem. Now I'm not. - Right. And the funny thing is like right away even before they kicked stuff I was like, wow Duke Nukem. - Yeah. - And it's like it makes me wonder if this is kind of the game that Duke Nukem should have been because it also has. This game also has crazy weapons. - Yes. - And like their whole thing like you know like you said the burnout comparison is particularly apt because it has a combo scoring system where if you so the way that it works mechanically is if you kick somebody then they're kind of suspended in the air. - Slow motion. - Slow motion. - You have like special electric boots. - Yeah. Basically. But it's only for that one guy. Like everything else in the world is going around at normal speed. So it's not like you kick somebody and the whole world slows down in bullet time. It's kind of like only that one guy is floating in mid air in bullet time. And then you can combo him into. - Combo. - Combo. So you can do that. - So let's kill or instinct the guns is actually. - So you can kick them into spikes on the wall or you can shoot their heads off while they're in the air or there is this gun that they showed us that was basically a bolo with grenades on it. So you know think of a chain with grenades on each end and the gun shoots it. - So you could like bind them in mid air. - Exactly. You could bind them in mid air. And so like and if you do a combination of these things and you hit multiple people with it and all that then your points go up and these points that you collect by doing these particular creative kills you can then use to buy stuff. So like more weapons or upgrade weapons or I don't know if they're going to have a new abilities for the character or anything like that. - I think that's what it is. - They call it like the skill shot. - Is it almost like the skill shot system? - Is it almost like the sort of lift power and mass effect where you sort of knock a guy in the air? - Yeah, it's kind of like that except then it's like what you can kick him back into like real time speed if you want and then you can also once they're in the air you can lasso them and bring him back to you if you want with like an energy leash. - Yeah, the energy leash thing I thought actually was the most compelling thing that they showed because like you can pull guys towards you but you can also use it to pound the ground and everything that's in a specific radius gets launched up into the air and all those things are frozen in time or slowed down in time. So they had these things in the environment that they were just round balls they called them trash cans and you know they say trash on them or whatever but for some reason they explode. But it's like you can imagine where you can fire one of the grenade bullets at a trash can it wraps itself around it. You energy leash the trash can and you pound it on the ground in the middle of a group of guys and they all fly up in the air. You hit your right trigger to detonate the grenades and then they explode the trash cans explode all the guys in the air explode and you get massive combo points for that. So I think that's totally where the fun in this game is going to come from. The rest of it seemed a little bit generic like you know the enemies they're fucking locusts they're strong they're the same thing that we've been fighting since quake too. - Yeah, I mean that sounds exciting and new. - Yeah. - For me it just seemed like the only appeal of it is going to come from whether or not you can drive a long lasting appeal out of sitting there trying to find the next like crazy kill to do. - It just seems like they're trying to do the same thing that bizarre tried to do with the club a couple of years ago and couldn't manage to pull off. - Actually yeah in a lot of ways it is like that except way more gratuitous. - Although I mean yeah I never played the club even a lot of people never played the club. - I reviewed it. I mean it is like the club in that sense but it's a more gratuitous and more crazy in a sense because club had like conventional guns M16s that sort of thing and this is all about giving you like absurd weapons that are like blow the skin off of a person. - How does it look? - Like an Unreal 3 game. - Yeah it looks like an Unreal 3 game. - It's actually it's pretty. - It looks very pretty. - I mean yeah that's the thing is that all the art I've seen of it is very colorful which is not typically what you associate with the Unreal 3 game. - Exactly. I think that part of that has to do with the setting because it's supposed to be set on this side. - Like a jungle. - Yeah. - Although it is. - It's a pleasure planet and so everything is like really bright. - I wonder if they're getting access to the same new version of the Unreal Engine on the gears. - They are. - Yeah actually of course. - They said that. - Epic has a majority stake in them I'm sure they have. - Right and they actually said that when we were there is that they have requirements for new technology to make this game that's going into the Unreal Engine and when they're putting and when they first add a feature into the Unreal Engine it's going right to these guys to put into the game. - Right even if they don't want to. I think God gave an example. He's like lighting comes in and he's like putting your game. I don't care how long it takes. - If nothing else that should bode well for Gears of War 3. This is pretty much a beta test for that technology. - Yeah exactly. I mean not that anybody ever thought Gears of War 3 was going to be slouched graphically but I see what you're saying. - Is it third or first person? - It's first. - Yeah. - And there's no cover system or anything like that. It does have a slide. I didn't see an actual duck or whatever but you can do a slide tackle and you can kick people into the air that way. It's kind of funny. If the ground has a certain kind of frictionless surface or a high viscosity then you can slide really far. Like really ridiculously far. The kind of thing that you would see. You know in like Kung Fu movies and old Kung Fu movies when somebody does a jump kick in the air and it lasts a million years is that kind of thing. Like you can slide along the ground forever in the right part. - I mean like what? - Yeah exactly. And to go back-- - That's not fair. - And to go back to what I said with about the enemies those, they did say that they only have this one enemy type that they're showing us. So who knows. I mean like maybe it is more than just Strog but I kind of doubt it. - Yeah I don't know. And the enemies seemed like I know they want you to be able to play with them and to have fun with them like that but like they need to be difficult too. Or like have some sort of challenge to fighting them other like I don't understand. That seems like a really hard thing to balance. Letting you close the gap like that and have time to sit there and do things to them and not have them be just like a push over the whole time because the ones they showed in the demo just looked like they were all way too. - Well it looked to me like they were not only were the enemies weak but they were in god mode as well. And also you know and like they always do with these events they emphasize to us several times this is beta. Everything's still being balanced. You know we just wanted to show you what it's like to play with these creatures. - And they reverse that. - So I'm just doing judgment on all that stuff. - They rehearse that shit like they're trying to get into that fame high school. (laughing) - Everything is like very by the book. Yes. But I don't know. I think it'll look like fun and I'm I think it'll look like fun. What kind of sentence was that? - Did you come out of it more interested in the game or just sort of same? - Marge did in the game than I was based off the game in a former story. - Yeah exactly. - Fuck game informer. (laughing) - You said it on me. - Yeah I hate everybody that works there especially Philip Collar. - My issue right now with game informer that I've expressed to Phil and other people is that the quality of the paper is terrible. - Yeah it is. - But that's that. So yeah Anthony and I saw that game. - Anthony did you play anything else that you can actually talk about? - Last week no. I've just played shit we've already talked about. - You started poop-sucking Alan Wake. - I played exposure man. I played some more Alan Wake but we've already talked about that. - I beat Alan Wake finally. - Nice. I'm pretty close. Does it end well? I mean does it hold up all the way through? Just say if you like the ending. - I raised an eyebrow. (laughing) - Like what does that even mean? - I'm not sure if I understood the ending. - Oh so many fucking games. - But fuck does it end with like the best song choice for a game ending ever? - Nice. - It is so epically appropriate for the way it ends. - All right. - And it's a song that everyone knows and when they hear it they'll be like ugh. (laughing) - Awesome. - All right well how about you Tyler? - Man last week I sent my 360 off to get repaired so I've actually gone an entire week without technically playing a single game. - This is pretty much all of us this week. - I know it's been kind of weird. - But I've prepared a little something since I don't have any games to talk about. - All right. - Because loyal listeners might remember people that have been listening to us for a while. Anthony sang in the past how he was interested in getting into some voice over work you know and I was thinking how you know the game journalism industry it's not exactly the most buoyant boat in water right? - We were actually talking about this a couple of weeks ago that there are more people that are successful musicians like MTV style musicians than there are working game journalists. - Yeah you know so our game is priced if you prefer. - Maybe I could help Anthony out. - Because you know we because one major thing you need if you got to be a voice over guy you need a demo reel so this is real talk R E E L talk. - You want me to do a voice right now? - And now it's awesome. - What I got here is a script and so what so what we'll do is there's four parts. - Oh shit. - Everybody has a part. - Oh my god Tyler. This is fucking awesome. - This seems like a third segment kind of thing. I would be honest. - It's okay it's okay. - No this is a first segment. - And so everybody is going to sign a part. - Oh you fucking dick. - Do I get to be snake? - The scene that we're reading from is from Metal Gear Solid 4. - Is this actual dialogue? - This is actual dialogue. - I hate you so much Tyler. - Okay so Anthony what I want to do with this first one is really challenge your skills. - Oh man this is going to be awful. - So Anthony you will be reading for. - One of the shirts are turning to Tim and Eric. - You'll be reading for Naomi. - Oh god. - We got a scene. - Oh that's a challenge. - Naomi sounds like. - You don't well sound like you think a Naomi should sound like not like she sounds like. - Arthur you got a very important job. You have to be the job of the narrator. You got to read everything in brackets. You got to set the scene. Okay. Matt. - You have a good voice for that. - Matt you're going to be sort of the emotional. You got to be the emotional full of this whole. - Yeah so you're reading for Oticon. - Can I be condescending? - You can. Well no you can't. - Sorry cause Oticon's not condescending. - Snake only has one line so I'll read for Snake. - Oticon is simpering I think. - All right so real talk. - Oh you jerk. So my video douchebag voice. - However you want to be. - Yours is the most up to interpretation. You know you could do yours as if you're Colonel Campbell. - All right. - Or whatever. - All right. - Snake is shown covered with deactivated scarab units in the GW room. He eagerly throws them off of him. Really? - Sorry. - Okay. - Wait a minute. The worm is still spreading. - Oticon is shown examining his laptop aboard the Missouri. - And it's not stopping at GW. It is removing the other clones. No. Wait. I don't believe this. Naomi. - Arthur. - The scene shifts back to the GW room. - Oticon. What is it? JD is being erased. - The misspelled scene. - Just go. - The scene quickly shifts back to Snake. A video of Naomi suddenly appears on all the screens in the server room. - Snake. How? It's you, isn't it? - Oticon can see the video from his laptop as well as... as well as he falls to his knees when seeing Naomi again. - I hope you're listening. The virus you uploaded is using GW as a conduit to annihilate the entire AI network. It's set to destroy all four AI's along with JD. The core that tied them all together. I've set this video to play back once they're all gone. Sons of the Patriots was only the beginning. The Patriots are planning to use nano machines to implement the system over the entire population. I've had an obligation to stop it with a little help from Sunny. She helped me. She believed her talents could help you all put GW to rest. What she created was an anti-IE fox dye. But this virus's name is Fox Alive. It's the conceptual opposite of the nano machines that I created for you all those years ago. We wish to free the captured foxes to let them run free in the wild. By the time you hear this, I'm afraid I'll be gone. This is a strange feeling, leaving a message to be delivered after you've died. How? If you're listening. - They owe me. - I'm sorry. Sorry I had deceived you. It hurt me more than anything else lying to you like that. I wanted to apologize to you before, but I never got the chance. - They owe me. - Tears begin running down Audicon's cheeks. - And yet, in the end, you helped me feel the joy of living. Thank you, Hal. - They owe me. - Thank you, Hal. - Naomi reaches out and touches the camera with her hand. Audicon does the same to the screen of his laptop, with his tears falling on the monitor. He grabs this computer tightly as if he were hugging Naomi. The scene reverse back to Snake in the server room. - Snake, hear me. Our country is an innocent child once more. A new dawn is rising. Now she can build a new destiny for herself. - Snake, the time has come. - Snake falls to the ground and begins shaking. - You've earned your rest. The rose petal is about to fall. - The scene shifts to inside the nomad. A petal from Sunny's blue rose falls on the ground. She quickly turns around and looks at the flower. Snake is shown again inside Haven. He slowly begins to stop breathing. - Snake! Snake! Snake! - The scene goes black as Audicon calls out to Snake. - Man, all I can say is I'm glad I didn't play that fucking game. [laughter] - Can you guys do me a favor? Like, can we do like an exposition song where it's everyone singing? Exposition! Exposition! Exposition! - No, keep going. - Exposition! - I can go. - Thank you, Tyler. - Sorry. - I will totally loop that behind me. Behind this reading, that's like that two paragraph long Naomi thing. That's totally gonna have the exposition song behind it. - So, that was good. If anybody's looking for V.O. talent, contact me. [laughter] Chef money at Eat their sleep. - So this is the real '01. Does that mean there's gonna be an '02? - It'd be great if there was at some point. Something that challenges me not to be a female. - I mean, this could be returning. I would need probably some help from the listeners finding good pieces because, dude, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a scene with four people speaking. Dude, I swear to fucking God, every video game on the face of the earth has to do with talking. - Leave it to Kajima. - Leave it to Kajima. - Oh, God, it's so hard to find that shit. So if you listeners have some suggestions of particular scenes with possibly four speakers, that'd be good. - That could be fun. - I would want to read some Alan Wake at some point. - I like the dialogue in that game a lot. - See, I thought this was funny because the dialogue was really bad. - It is. That's why I thought it would be good. - Exposition? - I bet you people just turn the podcast off. - Fox alive. - Who the fuck else would write that shit? - Fox alive. That's so fucking terrible. - What you created was an anti-Fox die. But this fire's his name is Fox alive. - And this is exactly how we thought of it. Even though you're dying, you've got time to listen to that, right? - So Matt in the last week, have you played anything besides some Alan Wake? Yeah, actually some of my friends in Orange County convinced me to pick up borderlands again. 'Cause I actually never finished it. And one of our friends bought it for the first time. So PC version, actually. So I played it on 360 before. So I hopped on the PC version. - What'd you play? - And Bizurker. - I've never played Bizurker. - I really like the Bizurker. - Do you actually punch a lot with him? - Yes, all the time. - So that's what I've been wondering. Is borderlands a game where you can really punch? - With the Bizurker? - As the Bizurker, you can go down the explosives tree as the Bizurker if you want to have some range or whatever. But it really is all about the punching. The first thing you do when you run, is you build up your talent trees so that your cool down on your ability is really short. And then you also go up the talent tree so that it lasts a really long time. And as soon as you run into an area, the first thing you do is you press that button. He's really, he's pretty funny. The best thing is my favorite thing that he yells is he yells blood, but he doesn't actually finish the word. He goes blood. And then the best thing is though, is that when you punch things in the head, you get a critical on them just like if you shoot them in the head. So you're running up to things, you punch them in the head and you're just fucking explode. And so it's just, it's great. - All right, John, fuck that down. - And so we actually, because we were racing through the game, because we wanted to get to the DLC, because I haven't actually played the DLC yet, we got all the way through the game in record time. - Damn. - Man, just the fact that you beat it over the weekend is ridiculous. - Yeah, it was like over three play sessions of just a few hours each. - Jesus Christ. - What was the, you said you were playing with a friend? What would your friends play as? - A siren and another berserker. - Jesus Christ. - Oh man, you guys were like the Doom death squad. - Dude, that's how they say it. It'd be hilarious if it was all berserkers. - Totally. - And then everybody at the same time, because they trigger that power, and then they'll be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - My friend and I, who was the other berserker, we would do that. We would just crack in ourselves up, because one would always be way ahead, and then he'd run in and run behind, and you'd just have some guy sandwiched in between two berserkers just getting the shit punched out of him. - That's a class I always meant to play, but I've actually never really spent too much time with anyone outside of the soldier. - Yeah. - And the soldier is probably the most, the boringest of them all. - The soldier is really cool. - I have all of the DLC, and I barely played it. - Yeah. - Yeah, I played all of them except for the, the... - The Mad Moxie, which ironically is the one I spent the most time with. - Right, that one just didn't seem very appealing. - Well, that's what we're supposed to do, like, over the next couple of days is, and over the weekend is jump into the DLC. - Oh man, the other two DLC outside Mad Moxie is really good. - Nice. - So you guys should have a lot of fun, but I don't know how long it'll take you if you blew through the story of that fast shit, man. - Well, we didn't do any of the side missions. - Okay. - Basically what we did is we gave, one of my other friends has, like, two level 50s. Two level 50 characters, or 60, or something like that, wherever they raised the level, level cap two, and he just brought us into the game and leveled us up to, like, levels 35 in about, you know, half an hour, and then we just went through the game from start to finish on, on our new characters so that we could have, like, all of the story missions taken care of so that we could hop into the DLC, and we didn't do any of the side missions. - Oh, that's fair. I always did all of the side missions. - Right, and I've done almost all the side missions before, so I didn't really feel like I was missing anything. - That's cool. - I do want to play more borderlands at some point. I've been saving up stockpiling a bunch of items for other characters for reason, so. - Yeah, it totally reminded me that that game's good. - It really is. - It just got character, which is surprising, because that game totally looked like the dumbest game ever, with, like, a no character whatsoever. - And it does a good job with the loot stuff, making you want, and when you see things pop out, you're like, "Yay, my biggest problem with the loot stuff is I feel like I go a really long time without swapping out a gun. Like, I'll get one good guy, and then that'll be my gun. Like, I'll get a gun at level 19, and I won't swap it out until I get, like, a level 35 gun or something. - And it doesn't force the painful loot decisions that certain other games do. - That's true. Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I would like, if they're, I mean, when and if, I'm sure there will be a borderlands too, but it would be cool if there was switchable armor and stuff too. Like, more customization, more items to get. - Well, one thing that, well, one of the reasons why we had to go through the story missions was because we had to make sure that we got all the clap traps, the clap trap missions. So we had all of the extra inventory slots. So that was, that's a reason that you have to go through the stories. But it also reminded me that, like, while this game clearly is designed to be playable and co-op, the mission structure isn't. - Right. The missions assume you're playing by yourself almost. - Yeah. I just, I really feel like, cause, you know, you'll hop into somebody's world and it'll be like, they're too far apart from the story from you, you won't get mission credit. And that kind of bugs me, you know. I wish it was more, I wish it was more just like, I mean, I understand it from story reasons that like, you can't complete this mission before you complete this mission. Cause this one unlocks this stage of the world or whatever. But, you know, and so I don't have an easy solution to this problem. I just want it to be that if I hop into somebody else's game and do something, then I've already done it. - Well, the solution would have been for them to have planned ahead for this stuff. And they really didn't. I don't, they, I think they said that they didn't expect Borderlands to do as well as it did. - I just, the story wise too, the question stuff, I just don't think they thought, I mean, they admit as much. They didn't really have a good story going into it at all. - No, they really didn't. - No, they didn't. The story is so throw away in that. But the story in the DLC is a lot better. It's like more consistent in, cause they actually had someone that came in and was like, oh, I know what I'm writing, start to finish this. It was like, we have this game and we need a story. It used to be shit. - Yeah, so it'd be cool if the next Borderlands had a way cooler, like story that was actually a story rather than just a unique world to around this. - It was a coasting on Hillbilly charm. - Yes. - And I actually made the mistake of, because we had a friend, Miguel Lopez came up to visit about a week ago or two weeks ago or whatever. - Game trailers, Miguel? - Yeah. And he was telling me that they had a, well, he was up here for an event for like two days or something like that. - Was it the, we can't say event, never mind, sorry. - Yeah, it was that we can't say event. And he was telling me that George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series got picked up by HBO to actually be a TV series on HBO. And I'm like, well, shit, that's a fantasy series. I've never read. So I started reading it this weekend and like what always happens when I sort of dive into - Oh, really? - That was just my excuse for not playing other games. - So did you like it? How many, did you read just one of them? Or did you read several? - No, I'm into the third book right now. - Nice. - All right, there. - This week marked the end of my time spent playing Lost Planet 2. Thank Christ. - Done with that game. - Yeah, I haven't played it yet. - No, you really don't. - I would try it with you for like a short time co-op. - Co-op, okay. - I do have the disc. I got sent the disc. I just haven't tried it yet. - Yeah, they didn't send us retails. - Hmm. - I almost don't want to quote the source, but I mean, I'm not that there anything wrong with it, but just I saw a great headline on Kotaku talking about Lost Planet 2, and it was like bigger, not better. I just thought, from what you described, that sounds good. - You know what I actually, for some reason, because like, apparently there's such a really active fucking Lost Planet 2 defense force out there. - There is. - I've just been following all the reviews and like looking at comments and message word posts. Like not just on IGN, but for pretty much everything. And one of the things that I saw today, and I think it was on a feedback on G4, was they were talking about how it seems like it's a reaction to the success of Monster Hunter, as opposed to a true successor to Lost Planet, because this is, it pretty much is sci-fi Monster Hunter. - Really? - That's the way that this game works. Like it doesn't work without co-op, and like the levels aren't really designed as levels in a campaign type of experience, and like the lobby system is set up, like it was only an online game, and you know, like everything I've seen of Monster Hunter has made me completely uninterested in that series too, so maybe that's what happened, but it's weird. - It doesn't have like a loot system though or anything like that, right? - No, it doesn't. It's just the way that you play with each other. - Actually it does have the loot system. You kill bosses and enemies, and like these question mark boxes pop out. - What are they? - You just unlock like additional costume pieces, and emoticons, and emotes, like emotes, and shit like that, and possibly new weapons, so that never occurred to me until I heard that today, but I guess that means that I also don't care about Monster Hunter since Lost Planet 2 was not good. - Well what seems to me counterintuitive to that is Monster Hunter is a game that in my mind is really popular in the east, right? - Right, right. - And if they're trying to make Lost Planet more accessible in the west, why would they? - Well exactly, and that's one of like people, a lot of people will try to think of a lot of different reasons as to why I would give Lost Planet 2 the score I did, that I had nothing to do with how good the game was, and had everything to do with how idiotic I was, which is typical, right? - But it's dumb, because if they go and read other sites, it's not like you're sitting out the way far apart right now. - No, actually I-- - You gave a score higher than GameSpot. - Well, by .5 those fuckers. - I'm just saying it's not like you're like this alone. - And Giant Bomb gave it a 2 out of 5. - I hate score systems. - Yeah, I mean whatever, but regardless, like it's not that I hate hard games, it's not like anyone I know I've had a hard time finishing Lost Planet 2, like it just wasn't fun. And yeah, I don't know. - So how much did you play co-op, or did you play the whole thing single player? - I played through the entire thing single player and then played a few hours co-op. - Gotcha. - And-- - Right there we just-- - Why did a few hours of multiplayer? - Right there we just discredited review. - Totally, you know what? Whatever, that's fine. That's fine. It's out there, it's not taking it back, I firmly stand behind my review. - Well, yeah, I mean reviewing games co-op too, that's weird too because you don't know like how much are they facilitating co-op sessions before games are even out and stuff. - I don't know how much of that I can talk about, like I don't-- - I mean it's just like games that are meant to be played co-op, reviewing them is interesting kind of conundrum. - Yeah. - Because it's like me and Arthur played Army of 2 cooperatively the entire way. And that game would have been totally, I mean we also tried it single player. - I mean that was such a unique situation because I was reviewing it for Team Xbox and you-- - I'm just saying that that game was not fun by yourself. - It was doable though, I mean it was designed as a campaign. - Yeah, it wasn't broken but it wasn't fun by yourself, it was like totally needed a second person. - Yeah. - I don't know, like lost planet maybe it needs more people but no. - Or what about like the, I mean is the, 'cause I have never played Lost Planet 1, I've only looked over a few shoulders, I've only played some multiplayer sessions of Lost Planet 2, I mean is there anything compelling about the characters or story or anything? - No, there's enough about Lost Planet 2 or Lost Planet 1. - You're talking about 1, right? - I'm gonna talk about 2. - Oh. - There's no. - I guess I'm asking about the whole universe. - There's absolutely nothing compelling about the characters or story. - One had a story and one was like, the story of this one character and a couple of his friends. - Right, right. - And then like two, it's like no, it's like a bunch of different people, you'd never play the same people in each chapter, right? - You do actually, eventually it focuses on the former Nevic guys, like the former soldiers of the-- - But does it have like kind of over archer story that has like a conclusion? - Sort of. - To me that sounds cool, like I like that idea. - In practice. - You know, I don't necessarily have to have a central character to grasp onto. I kind of like that there are these different factions you play as but like a lot of things we talk in practice, you know, once you start hearing more things to me, like yeah all these things sound awesome but from what I've gathered from reviews, things like joining games with your friends can be really cumbersome or like the way you can't go in and out. - One of the things I see, I've seen in almost every major review is a mention of bullet points and lists and I think I did that in my review too. It's like there's this list of things that Capcom had to put in the game. Like they're like these are elements of popular Western games and these are all the things that we absolutely have to have in this game and I think there are a lot of Japanese games that have this but they just don't seem to get why those things are there, how they relate to each other, how to make them friendly or accessible. - What Arthur's trying to say is he h'd a pan. - Right. - Yes. - Definitely. - I've actually heard him say he hates Japanese people as well. - I mean granted, I don't appreciate the genius of like Metal Gear Online. - Well. - If you do. (laughing) - Yeah. - I played some Metal Gear Online. - I did too. - There are some interesting things but you had to have how many sign-in names like three or four like fucking Christ. - At least two. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So yeah no more Lost Planet to ever again. - Right. - I actually think I've destroyed all the review discs that were sent to me now. - Well. - Like I've gotten rid of them. - Yeah. - That's not company policy or anything. - No it is. - No it is. - It is company policy. - Arthur wasn't just like vindictively like putting him in a microwave. - Anthony's lying too. (laughing) - I mean I can't have 12 builds of Lost Planet to sitting on my desk. - I just thought that would be hilarious. - That would be. (laughing) - This is the only game I've destroyed this year. - And he just grabs a bunch of the boxes and stacks them up on his desk and just he's like standing right by the trash can. One, snap. Two, snap. Three, snap. These are for all the hours of my life. - Have you ever snapped a CD in half? - It's hard. - It's like a burned CD. - It's pretty hard. - They explode. - Yeah that's the answer. - Burned CDs and DVDs. Like I've done that in anger at a meeting once, like at the job I worked at at school. And I expected it to just snap cleanly right like quietly like a sort of a funny minor display of annoyance and yeah it just it exploded in my hands. - How did that work out in this meeting? - I think at that point people were used to me being angry at some of the shit that was going down. - I realized that it's hard to picture me angry about things, but it does happen every now and again. - Be careful snapping your CDs out there. - Yeah. - It's ravel warning to all of this. - Especially CDRs and DVDsRs. Anyway, I beat Alan Wake like I said. - Where did that? - And I have been playing Split Second for review this week. - Nice. - And Split Second is kind of cool. - I've been looking forward to that ever since it surprised me at E3 last year. - I'd only played a tiny bit of this before, like I played it at PAX last year. And I played a track at GDC this year. So this is the first time I've really gotten a chance to go through the game and get a feel for all the different modes and the way the story progresses or quote-unquote story. The way the season progresses because the premise, it doesn't even have a story, it has a premise, which is that it's a TV show. - I was gonna say the story part, so the TV show stuff, it seemed kind of silly. - It's like a, it's just a championship. It's like a American gladiators or some other kind of show. - But the music seemed really cool in it. - It's sort of like Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer present burnout. - It's true. Arthur would definitely leave it at the menu. Sometimes if people would walk by and be like, "The fuck game is that?" - It's like the most epic music 'cause he's sitting at the menu. - Dude, like, you need to put Will Smith as the main character and your character. - Yeah, in split second the movie, he would be. - Blur is populated by a lot of former criteria guys, so that probably has a lot to do with it. It definitely feels a lot like when some of the earlier burnouts before burnout went open world. - Wait, are we talking about Blurner or are we talking about split second? - Or Pure. - Oh, okay. - BlackRock Studios who did Pure has a lot of former criteria. - Oh, okay. - That's funny 'cause I was actually gonna ask you how, you know, 'cause obviously I think people are gonna draw comparisons between Blur and split second and be like, "How are they alike? How are they different?" - Blur seems more complicated. It's more of that like persistent online creation where you level up and-- - It's not about killing each other. - Game new abilities. - It's not about fucking each other over, but it's not that kind of violence. - Blur, your car has weapons? - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - In split seconds, you know, environment is the weapons, right? - The split second is reverse burnout, I think we said before, where you cause, you drift or you draft or you do a couple of other tricks that build up power underneath your car and you use that to trigger power plays, which cause destruction in the environment. - And I like the display of that, by the way, how your meters are on the bottom of your car and stuff. - It's really nice. - Very much designed by a bunch of British guys because the design of the UI and stuff is very good. - Well, they said it was all, like when I talked to them, they said that they learned a lot from things like Dead Space, obviously. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Does it have a first person camera? - It does, actually. - Oh, that's good. - It has a first person mode. - 'Cause I like driving in first person. - I don't know why you would want to use it. - I'm all about third person, so you can see the ship getting close to your car. - Yeah, you really, you need as much view as you can. - Gotcha. - But it, I mean, it's a lot of fun, and it has a lot going for it, and it's very accessible, and it's very pretty, and it's fun, like racing against the AI and fucking them over. Unfortunately, there are just issues in it that racing games have suffered from from a long time, and that a lot of games have sort of fixed over the last couple of years. Like, doing most of a race that takes, say, nine minutes and doing awesome for the whole thing until the last minute, and crashing once will put you from first to eighth. - Right. - So the games that you're saying that would affix that would that be like Forza with the ability to rewind? - Yeah, like Forza. - That one thing doesn't fuck you over. - Forza's rewind feature definitely took a lot of that frustration out of the picture with the rewind feature, and it affected the way that you interacted with the leaderboards when you did that. There was a consequence for it, but for people who just wanted to play through the game and have the fun of driving, it wasn't an issue. And even dirt, like, limited the amount of times you could rewind, but it's still one mistake wasn't going to waste a bunch of your time. - So like, so clearly the reason that the only way that could happen if you're doing perfectly is that it's got to have a rubber banding AI, right? - It does. So when I think rubber band, the concept is that it's like the enemies are tied to you with a rubber band, so if they get too far behind, they rocket forward, they get too far ahead, they slow down, they never slow down in a split second. If you fuck up in the beginning, you will never see the person in first again. - But they will catch up. - Yeah, they will catch up. So you are always at a disadvantage. - Well, that kind of sucks. - And picking the same cars as the AI, it seems an awful lot of the time, like they go faster than I do. - So the, it's not like, you know, I would say that MotorStorm has like the best rubber banding AI I've ever experienced in that regard, like I always felt like, because MotorStorm is so much about being in the pack that that was something that they had to get right. But you could still, you could still get pretty far ahead of guys if you were really running the track well, but the second, just kind of-- - I would say it's split second, it's like-- - It's split second, it's important to be part of the pack too. - It's got to be in part because no one's doing cool things. - Yeah, exactly. I mean, eventually you're relying on the people that are further up to fuck over the person in first, so you can sort of claw your way up. And the wrecks typically keep everyone close together, but there are definitely times where one car will just pull out ahead of everyone else, and if it's the CPU, those other cars aren't rubber banding toward it, and you aren't rubber banding toward it. - Yeah, I have no experience playing against the AI like Arthur is, but in the multiplayer did against other people, it was usually a lot better just because humans are like way more aggressive than the AI. - Right, of course. - See like the AI will pull its punches and stuff, and humans are just like, "I can blow you up, we'll do it every time." And so with humans, it was like way more back and forth, so, but I mean, to me that's kind of disappointing because I personally, I like to play racing games like this against the AI. - I mean, you still can, I'm still having fun playing single-player, but it is frustrating to, I mean, you don't have to get first in every race to advance, but we know. But we talked about this before, like I don't play racing games to get second, that is not why I'm doing this, like I play racing games to win, just like I don't play a fighting game to lose, you know? - That's why I have a tough time, like I don't think I've ever made it all the way through a, oh shit, no, why can't I think of it? - Burnout? - No, futuristic racer there. - Whiteout? - God damn it. Yeah, wipe out. I think I have made it all the way through a wipe out because I'm the same way I always have to get gold on everything, first place on all the wipe out stuff, but like it always gets to a point like in Phantom class where I like just can't, I can't beat it anymore. - And I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that with split second in time for the review because I've played through half of it on PS3 and now I'm playing through it on 360 retail. - Ah yes. - So I will definitely be playing a fuck ton of split second and the prospect of the amount of time it would take to gold everything is daunting, but you don't even have to get top three to get points. - Yes, I guess it just comes down to the type of person you are, I mean it's like as long as I've completed it, that is good enough for me to have. - You get points no matter what your performance that contribute to unlocking more tracks in that episode. - Right. - Yeah, it's like we were talking on the way up here. Like I'm not a racing fan at all, but for some reason, like I got a copy of Pure sent to me in the mail. - Everyone liked the game. - And damn dude, I've played that whole game. I've played it front to front to back, you know, that's so strange for me. So I'm interested in that. - And there's so many, I mean not a ton, but there's a fair amount of variety and the kinds of races you can do. I mean there's elimination, which is pretty-- - Elimination, I love that one. - Standard, which is where after a minute the last person gets kicked out and then 20 seconds tick down and then the last person gets kicked out again and over until there's only one person left. - What's the one I'm thinking of where there's like trucks with barrels that are doing? - That is survival. So survival mode is you're on the straightaways or like this course that just keeps going and there are trucks that are dumping barrels and all these drone cars. - Out of like death race, they look like trucks at the death race. - That's awesome. - It's actually like a Terminator driving it. It seems like something out of a Terminator movie. So they dump a bunch of blue barrels first which stun you and sort of make you lose control and then they send a red barrel which will wreck you. So the goal is to survive for as long as you can to get as many points as you can. - And passing a truck gives you quite a bit of points as well. - And once the timer runs out it goes into sudden death and the trucks just start pooping out red barrels like crazy-- - It eliminates a player permanently. So that way that last player could have a chance to catch all the way back up if he's really good. - Right. And that's a lot of fun. It can be frustrating but it's a lot of fun. There's helicopter attack or something like that. - I saw you doing that. - Which is where-- - I think there's like launch missiles. - Yeah, you're racing down the track as this helicopter is trying to lock onto the ground with missiles. And once it does, the goal is to maneuver between the missiles and you're competing for score. And if you die three times, your race is over. - So I assume this game is on like leaderboards. - Yes, I believe so. - Like I said, that seems like a big part of the lasting appeal to it. - Well, that's cool that it has like, 'cause those are-- when's the last time you heard of a racing game that had a helicopter attack mode? - And then there's an alternate mode. There's an alternate version of that where you build up enough, where you build up points by avoiding rockets and also by power sliding and jumping and all that shit. And you hit the power play button to rocket the missiles back at it. - Nice. - So the goal is to destroy the helicopter as quickly as you can. - Right. - Man, I love it when developers take something that you figure is kind of a same genre. Like, you know what people are gonna do with it and they just like completely do something that surprises you. - Right. - Yeah, I mean, how much stuff can you really do with racing? We've already seen like car combat games like Twisted Metal or something. This is a pretty unique take as unique as people I think can get with racing. - And before I was playing it, I was sort of concerned about the power plays and stuff as far as they applied a multiplayer because it's like, "Oh, well, someone gets ahead and you just hit a button and then they're fucked." But there's actually a fair amount of depth to it because there's a lot of timing required and you need to-- basically, you need to be looking at the environment and try to figure out what that power play is for or when the best time to activate it is. - Right, 'cause it definitely seemed like I watched sometimes if you just like mash it, it's like you blow it up and the car is fantastic. - You might do damage to them, but certain cars can take more damage or more shockwaves before they get destroyed. And everyone has regenerating health in that regard. So like, as long as your screen is dark, another shockwave might kill you, but once it goes back to normal, you're right back to square one as far as that goes. So that, from multiplayer, seems like it'd be super fun. I just haven't really had a chance to play multiplayer yet, so that's what I'm doing tomorrow before I write my review. And the achievements are fun. Black Rocker Dicks and added zero-point achievements for getting fucked over. - Oh. (laughs) - Well, at least you get a little thing that pops up on your screen, right? - Yeah, it's a zero-score achievement for like someone else's shortcut killing you. - It's so awesome. And all of your achievements are displayed on your car as stickers, and it's the same thing with trophies. - I think their games are really cool. I just feel like a lot of people, like, even myself, like, I find it hard to convince myself to spend the same $60 I would on another game on a racing game. - There are a lot of tracks, man. Or there's not a lot of tracks, there's a lot of seasons, and that's the other thing that I'm concerned about is not a ton of variety in the tracks, at least for the first half of the game. But now I'm in the second half, and all of a sudden, tracks are at night, and that definitely makes things more interesting. - Oh, I bet. Especially in a game like that that has so many... It looks a little bit like burnout, and there's lots of streaky, lots of things like that. - And it's a really great-looking game. The car models aren't super detailed, but the environments are very busy, and the explosions look really good. When was the last time you were talking about a racing game where you were talking about how great the explosions looked? - Yeah, because it's not a game that's not car porn, like, you know, force a word. - No, it's fake cars with the dumbest names ever, including a line that is "I shit you not" named after a character from a throwaway Sylvester Stallone movie. - Wow. - Which? - Cobra. - Oh. - Awesome. - Cobretti, I think, was his name in that, and that's the name of the line of car in there. - Well, Cobra, though. I mean, Cobra's named after... - Cobra's the type of... - No, Cobra's the name of the movie, Cobretti is the name of the car type, or the car manufacturer. - Why... how do you associate those two? - Cobretti is the name of the character in the movie. - Because Cobretti is the name of the character in the movie. - Oh. - It's caught on Cobra for his cousin. - Yeah. - He's the Cobra. He's got a Cobra on the hilt of his gun. - I'm a little slew today. - Did I just say hilt of his gun? - Yeah. - Okay. I think we're done. - I'm not putting two and two together. - But yeah, I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to give it yet, but I'm enjoying it. - Nice, dude. - And it comes out next week, so I feel bad for it, because it's going to get buried under Alan Wake and Red Dead. - And Prince Persian. - And Prince Persian. - Oh, man. - Yeah, it's good. - No. - No. - Nice. - Oh. - Nice. - All right, we're going to take a break, and then come back with the murder-percuss person so it can be made. - Oh, man. - So may you make time to try and find somebody else who has a line. - Now season with Alan, two letters walk the lane side by, try pleasing with stealth. - Yeah, go top it. - Hey, hey, hey, Tyler. - Anthony, yes, thank you. - So we had a middle topic today, which Arthur thought up. Let's see. - Which is why it sucks. - Yeah, with the big releases of next week, signaling the unofficial end of the first half of 2010's release on slot, you used on slot. We want to know what games you're most looking forward to. - No one understands that. - And what game you think is going to end up disappointing everyone. Okay. - Oh. - Did I say everyone? - Yeah, you said everyone. - The disappointing part of that one is the toughest one. - I've been so focused on what's been coming out in the beginning of the year, like right now, because I've been like, how can I afford all this shit that, honestly, I'm not even thinking that far ahead. Give me some examples. - Well, so far, the first few comments have been dumb. - I have two that I can put on the top of my list. - Fire awaits, Tyler. - If you guys would like me to go. - Sure. - Do it up. - And here's the other wild card. There's a chance that neither of these would come out this year, but if I'm talking about my two most excited ones, after seeing Deus Ex 3 at GDC, that to me, the level of detail that they're putting in that game, is that supposed to come out this year? - They didn't say. - Ostensibly. - Yeah. They didn't say so. There's a chance. - I don't want that game. - But there's so much detail going in this game, it could be like this year's Bioshock or some shit. I mean, just the level of design and... - You know what it could be? This year's Deus Ex. - Multiple people said fable three as the game they're looking forward to. - As well as, as I actually said, Rock Band 3, I just think that that guy's got to be alone in that for, I don't think a lot of people are looking for that much. - No, you don't think so? - No. I feel like the boat is mostly sailed on music games these days, of course. Maybe people buy this, but not hardware anymore. - Well, I feel like the mainstream audience though, I mean, maybe for us jaded people in the press and hardcore gamers, we might feel like that ship is sailed, but I think it's still a mainstream money maker. - I think harmonics is probably glad that they don't have to sell any more hardware bundles. - Probably, yeah. - I mean, I'm sure they'll still have a hardware bundle. - That's a hard sell now. - But yeah, I don't know. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, just more Rock Band 2 DLC would be fine. - And it would be... - Do we need more? - Yeah, right. I could see like the new stuff being just like functionality things. - Like, does it need to be a whole new game? - Right. - I mean, they've implied that they've got something major to add. - Harmony's to regular Rock Band? - Yeah. - I'm sure that that will be part of it. - I'm sure Harmony's will be part of it for sure, yeah. - Arthur, it's your topic, so now you get to use your cheap answer that you talked about at dinner. - Oh, yeah. The easy cheap answer. I was going to let Matt use it if he needed to. - No. - I think that I'm most excited to find out about the games that we don't know about yet. Like, because there's always like-- - One. - One. - No, I mean, there's always at least like one or two games that-- - Here, I'll-- - Microsoft and Sony's press conference is where we're like, "Oh, shit, I was going to say yeah." - True. - This is actually Arthur's other screen name that he signed in to write this comment. - Oh, there's someone say that on. - Which is Hardogram1028, which is why I was-- - Oh, that's totally my alt shit you found me at. - I think the things that-- and he said, "I think the things that excite me the most this year are the games that have yet to be announced." Will we see any awesome new games we've never heard of or perhaps a sequel to something you'd never expect? - Was that really his account name? - Yes, Hardogram. That's why I'm saying this is your fucking alternate account. - I'm trying to think if there's like a point today where I just don't have any memory of it happening. - So yeah. - So it was Hardogram, something that-- - Hardogram is a symbol of like one of Arthur's favorite bands. - Oh, really? - Yes. - So I mean, that's like, I saw it and I was like, "Jesus, it really is--" - I was wearing your shirt with a Hardogram on it earlier this week. - So, yeah, I mean, my second game on the list is a game that's unknown. It would be whatever the hell irrational is working on. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah. - If there's a chance that that would come out this year. - Yeah. I mean, as far as I know all the games, that's what I'm saying. I'm still wondering what could even really be announced. - It's not cool this year. - There should be another pixel junk game announced. - It's not cool to say Transformers because that's still almost sort of the first time we're shooting. - Yeah, that doesn't count. - But what about Portal 2? Anybody saying that? - They don't have a release date. - Yeah, man. - Oh, I thought that was this fall. I thought they were saying. - Really? - Of course. - Maybe I'm wrong about that. - I'm not setting myself up for the heartbreak of expecting a valve released to come out the year it's announced. - Yeah. - As far as disappointments, I'm kind of skeptical about Assassin's Creed. - What's the Assassin's Creed thing? - What has disappointed you so far in the first half of the year? - Oh, oh, right, because that's not the question. That wasn't our question. - No, you could also say what games could disappoint everyone. You think we'll disappoint her. - I mean, it's a toss-out probably so far this year. Dante's Inferno is pretty disappointing. - I mean, wouldn't you just say the loss plan I was kind of disappointing? - I don't know what I was expecting from loss planning. - I thought it was going to be better than that. - Well, yeah, I mean, better than shit is not a very high barrier. - Well, no, obviously you didn't think the game was shit. - No, I didn't think the game was going to be shit. - That's why you gave it to not say it was shit. - Yeah, well, that's a different topic entirely. - I don't think that I had high enough hopes for Ospenet 2 for it to be disappointing. But Dante's, I think Dante's had a ton of potential, and it just squandered it. So I think Dante's is probably my most disappointing game this year. - Trying to think of even games that came out this year that I played this year. - Yeah, we've been playing a lot of games that came out this year that you played last year? - No, games that came out last year that I only played this year or something like I don't know, what games have you even come out? Let's name some games. - This year? - The first half of this year. - Bayonetta, Darksiders, Mass Effect 2, Army of 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Bioshock 2. - Got it, worth three heavy reigns. - None of those, but the game that surprised me the most was definitely Darksiders. - Yeah. - Darksiders is good. - One game that hasn't come out yet that I could see disappointing, and you know, you guys brought up Lost Planet 2, what about Dead Rising 2? Could that be another fiasco? - I kind of wonder if anyone has any hope for that game at this point. - You know, I'm not going to be disappointed in it simply because I know I'm going to have a lot of fun playing it in co-op, and I know that some of the anachronisms that they refuse to get rid of are going to annoy me, but I think I'm still going to really enjoy it. - I guarantee there are a lot of people that are still looking for it, sorry Matt. I guarantee there are a lot of people still looking forward to that, though there's like a three-page spread about how awesome co-op is going to be and the newest game informer. I do think that there is definitely a lot of people that are like, "Yes, co-op," and I love the first one. - Yeah, I don't think that we're in the period anymore where co-op is the band-aid that automatically makes any game like a point and a half cooler. - It's true. I just think that that game is remembered fondly enough for enough people, like, annoying things aside. - The Lost Planet is a perfect example. The way you execute, how you handle co-op can kill or bring up the experience. - Right. - Well, Fallout 2 is like the ultimate poster channel for a failed co-op experience. - Really? Fallout 2? - No, not, sorry. Fable 2. - Oh, Fable 2. - Yeah, exactly. - Perfect point. - That's an excellent point. A mercenaries 2 is another example of failed co-op. - Oh, really? I didn't play that. - A mercenaries 2 was a train wreck for co-op. Like, you couldn't bring in your own character. - Oh, yeah. Fuck, I couldn't remember. But... - You tried to block it out. - Something you wanted to see. - Yeah, Fable 2's co-op was awful. - Dude, what if the last Guardian is terrible? - That's, some people have pointed that a lot of people in the comments pointed out to that being like, is the game that could make them buy a PS3 if it was good. - Yeah, I'm super excited. - Yeah, I'm super excited. - This is fucking Christ. What else do you want from a PS3 right now? - I know, PS3 has a great set of exclusives. - It really does. - Like, if you're just waiting for that one fucking game to sell you a PS3, at this point, stop. - No, like, no, come on, Arthur, I mean, like, look. - No, I'm saying buy one. What are you waiting for? - Well, no, I'm saying that, like, if that's the game that's going to make people buy a PS3 when they finally actually do it, then they're going to look at, then they're going to be like, they'll go to the store, they'll go online or whatever, and they'll be like, wow, there's a whole shitload of games that I can go get now. So I agree with you that, like, you should just go, if you want a PS3, you should go ahead and buy one. - It's just, I just don't understand the sentiment now that there are still people waiting to buy a PS3 because it doesn't have the game. - Right. Well, I mean, for some people, maybe, Last Guardian is just that game, you know? And I actually think that that's really cool that there are people that really feel that the Last Guardian could be a system seller for them, anyway. - Yeah, I mean, people that were in love with their past work, obviously, for a lot of people, Shadow of the Colossus was one of their favorite games ever on PS2, so. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Another situation where people just setting themselves up for heartbreak, line that game. - By the way, Shadow of the Colossus. - No, the Last Guardian. - Right. - Oh, you mean because you know it's going to end sadly? - Yeah, because that fucking thing is going to die and you're going to cry like a little bit. - There is no way that that game is not going to end tragically. You could just see it coming. - This comment from Craig cut my eye because he says, "I'm looking forward to Fallout New Vegas," which I think everyone in this room is. - Yes. - But is it just me? - A little bit. - Or who's worried because Obsidian Entertainment is making this game. - That's me. - And he says, "Alpha Protocol might change my opinion when I play it in June." - And that's me too. - Things I've heard about Alpha Protocol leave me to believe that if it's going to change your opinion, it's going to change your opinion to be very worried. Really? - It seems like Alpha Protocol is sort of being pooped out. - Random people that I know who have played Alpha Protocol through the many phases of its life have never said anything good about it. - That makes me sad. - You know what Alpha Protocol is to me, like this is a visual? Did you ever see Poltergeist 2? - Yeah. - You know the part where he drinks the worm and the vodka? - Yeah. - And then it tries to, it crawls out of him and it's like the rotting torso. So of a person, that's like Alpha Protocol and Obsidian to me. - Ah! - Hey, there's this new movie coming out all along. - You went a long way for that one. - Called the human centipede. - You can find that shit on YouTube. - First up, we're not selling my human centipede on this podcast. I'm fucking, this is me putting my foot down. We will not talk about that ever again. You guys have heard about that? - I've heard about it. - Who hasn't heard about that movie? - God, fuck that movie. Moving on. - Ask to mouth. Ask to mouth. - Oh, well, we'll-- - As far as following New Vegas, I'm not, I'm not super concerned about that at this point. - No, I mean, not at the right. We've know a couple of people in the office, obviously, who have seen it for IGN and they came back pretty positive and they loved the other one. - Then again, Eric Brodvik to give the original loss plan an 8.5. - And he also loves Halo Wars. - So because I keep bringing up tribes, I probably would have given the original loss plan something like that, though. I enjoyed that game. - I think you did actually give it something like that. - Yeah, I enjoyed that game. - I enjoyed what we say, Matt. - No worries. - No, because I keep bringing up tribes, somebody twittered to me and they said that I should really check out Section 8 and so I was looking at the videos for Section 8 and it's like I kind of don't see the resemblance. - No. - I mean, other than that there's jetpacks. - Other than Section 8 looks like it was made at the same time as tribes. - Ooh. - Ooh. - Wow. That's cold. I have sympathy for that developer because they got sort of fucked over by South Peak. - And the game just looks super jared. - How? - How'd they get fucked over by South Peak? - Distribution and South Peak didn't really follow through when it's advertising and it's marketing. - Man. - I don't even know if they've been paid. - Ouch. - Jarvey, what? - I was just going to say the editor, the free press, one of his friends works for them. I'll be able to get him on here. - Jarvey and Z says-- - How much does South Peak say? - Four words. - Little big planet too, that trailer blew my mind. I have not watched the trailer. - Oh. - But everyone I know should have said it looked really cool. - Yeah, that trailer fucking blew my mind. - And I liked Little Big Planet quite a bit. - They show things where somebody goes from a level from, they're on a platformer, a platformer stage like you expect from Little Big Planet and then they hop and then the camera turns and suddenly they're in like a space invader style shooter like without the level loading or anything like that. - Let me ask you something. Is someone who'd never really played very much of Little Big Planet because I just couldn't get into it? - Yeah. - 'Cause it was mostly a control thing. It's the way the game felt. - I agree the controls are kind of off. - What is Little Big Planet too need to do to make sure that the honeymoon doesn't end so quickly? - Well, what-- - 'Cause it seems like Little Big Planet sort of came, had some buzz and then just died. - I think too many other games came out. - In games press it had some buzz and then died, but like the people that have gotten into Little Big Planet, that is like an extremely vibrant community. There's still tons of fucking awesome levels coming out all the time. Like, I know that the developers themselves have been overwhelmed by the amount of levels that continue. - Over $2 million now. - Yeah. They just continue to come out for that game. It's unbelievable. So, it has probably, like, well, I'm just going to go ahead and use some hyperbole. It probably has one of the most robust communities out there as far as a game goes and, you know, like-- - As far as a content creation. - As far as a content creation. - Commonly their map became community manager. (laughing) - For media mall to go. - Especially on console. - I don't want to move to England. - I think that's very safe to say on a console. - Yeah. You can sell out, it becomes a community manager. (laughing) - All of them. - We love you, Jay. - Exactly. And the, but yeah, I think that it definitely needs, I mean, it looks like it's doing the right thing. It's allowing you, at least it's the trailers to be believed. It's allowing you to make all kinds of different game types, you know? But it's also not just, you know, platformers are really creative versions of platformers. So I think that they're definitely going in the right direction there to keep their community alive. And it just looks better. But, and also being a hundred percent backwards compatible with all the previous levels that people have made. - You had hats off. - Yeah, totally. That was really key. - 'Cause, I mean, they didn't have to do that. I mean, yeah. I mean, that would be completely shit asked to do to the community to be like, "Oh, all your levels are gone." - Right. (laughing) - You know? - Yeah, that's like fucking awesome. - As far as the generic, just the controls work, that game needs a vault, man. You need to be able to like grab onto something and then like just kind of pull your character up or grab on and then jump again. You know, something that allows you to do more than just hang by your hand. - For me, it just, it felt like you were controlling a puppet with like one of those cross things, the strings attached to it. - It did seem like I saw like a grapple hook arm. - They had that. - I was going to say, that's what it looked like in the trailer, in the trailer. - It looks like there's some kind of grappling hook. So maybe you can swing now and that would solve all of my control issues. - One of the really interesting things to me are the, they're allowing you to bring in AI behaviors into like by creating animals and stuff. Like you can see in the trailer, there's like this little cat they're riding on the back of. - Yeah. - I mean, that seems like- - We could already do some really basic AI stuff. - Yeah, super basic. But in the trailer, they alluded to the fact that it was going to be a lot more, I don't know. - Yeah. - Said make, I think there was like a friend who said like make smart friends or something. - Yeah, that's awesome. - Like this one commenter, IU Mogg, I just want to read his comment mostly because of the games he picked that he's looking forward to, or like he's the only person that said this. Because he said, "Golden Sun DS", because the Golden Sun GB games were fantastic. - I saw it. - I saw it. - I know. - He's talking about that. - I know what that is. - Golden Sun is a pretty popular game. - But this one also, Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. - You know what, I read the game, the full game pro article on that game and it seemed pretty fucking cool. - Yeah, but the first one seemed pretty fucking cool. - Well yeah, but they're, they're pretty, it was a very makolpa kind of like article about the shit that they wanted to do and the shit, the things that went wrong and they know what went wrong in the last one. - Did they talk about the entire management of that? - I was going to say, yeah, talk about the fact that everyone fails out of LucasArts, the first chance they get. - Yeah. - It's like, that's the thing. It's like, I'm just worried about that. - No, I mean, I think the thing that most people were most concerned about was the story which they explain right away and it makes sense and it actually is a pretty compelling thing. - How he can be back? - He's cloned. - Or he's been told that he's a clone and he's not really sure if he's a clone and he keeps having these memories that he's not sure if they're in the way. - The reason we're talking about this is because spoiler at the end of the first Force Unleashed, it's very much implied that the character dies, so how is he back in the second? - The canon choice anyway, because like you can choose to be people. - But it would make sense because in the extended fiction, the emperor comes back several times as a clone. - It would start in Kamino, in chains. - Yeah, that's true. - Hmm. - About that. - Yeah, clones. - I mean, to be fair, I played through the Force Unleashed probably only like what, three months ago or something? I finally did the whole thing and I did enjoy it. You flaws and all. - I still haven't played through it. - But it was still like, I'm glad I got it for free. - Right. - Right. And I don't know, I think the potential is there for it to be really cool. - I'm not saying it's my most looked forward to game, I'm saying that I could see that. - Oh yeah, just that he put this in his list, I was like, yeah. - That could be like the coolest starlet. - He has a good singularity. - I just like, that would not make any-- - Not really bad things about singularity, dude, I'm sorry. - And Metroid and other M, which I have played, and it was kind of fun. - Yeah, I agree. I don't know if it's, I'm kind of, I'm a little worried about Metroid and other M being able to hold up, but I could be totally wrong about that one. - A lot of people are pretty skeptical in this about Natal, a lot of people seem to think that that could be disappointing, just because I think some people seem to imply that we burned them pretty bad and so now they're skeptical of motion controls. - Yeah, and I'm just worried about like any of the software coming out for it being super gimmicky. - That's, I don't come down software, I want to see some awesome games. - I mean, I'm totally on board with these guys that got burnt with the Wii once, but the one thing that the video I saw that really started to push me over, I don't know if you guys saw this, but it was, I think there was some technology conference in India, I think, or maybe it was, it wasn't India. - Was it in Canada or something? - No, I don't. - I think I know you're talking about India- - Canada, it was something, but they were showing, basically they were showing on its haul and they were showing some software running on it and a female stepped in front of the camera and it would show you sort of like what the software saw and it showed you how the software like recognized that she was a female and then another guy stepped in the frame and it showed like the fidelity, like the anchor points, like say on their elbow, on their shoulder, you know, the skeleton that the software was producing, the fidelity of the movements and everything was extremely finite and they even had it down to the fingertips, dude. Like that shit. - I mean, I like it. - That's awesome. - I mean, I think that's, that's the thing that could sit in a tall part, is that it was track fingers, so very fine hand movement could be translated into a game and that could be kind of cool. - I have no doubt that no matter shitty games or not, there will be one in this house. - Oh, well. - It's between the horror of me and Arthur. - There will be two in this house. Let's be honest. - Sure. - Well, I can tell you why there's going to be one in every home that owns an Xbox because I can guarantee you most developers are going to implement it into their games as a secondary function. And not even own in a tall game, I just want to navigate my fucking dashboard like minority report. - Yeah. - I don't know how many times I have to say that. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yes, I'm a whore. - Yeah. - I bought the fucking blue, the Logitech Harmony adapter for my PS3. - I just don't want to have-- - Beautiful. - I just want, you know, after using touch screens, after using like Ryan's iPad and my iPhone and stuff like that, it's like, I, I really don't want to have to wave a wand around in order to move around the screen. I don't want Sony's motion. You don't want to have to hold, hold stuff. - I don't want to have to hold stuff. I just want to use my hands. - The biggest ones between everyone seemed to be Halo Reach and Fallout. - As far as the ones they're excited for. - No one's mentioned anything about other than a little big planet for Sony platform. I guess we don't really know what's going on with Sony. - No. - I mean, someone said so calm. So calm for-- - Can we, is it safe to say that we can expect a new resistance game this year? - No, I don't know. And Sony X is trying to get away from the releasing game every year. The Billboard, that Resistance 3 Billboard that sprung up in Louisiana while there was a film shoot going on. - Right. - Right. I don't know. Maybe. I mean, we're not going to get a new Ratchet game. That's for sure. - I'm just curious. Like, because Sony really blew their first party load at the beginning of this year. - Yeah. - What could be? - Yeah, but they usually have some-- - I don't know. - They usually announce their shit so far in advance. - Or yeah. - That's true. - Something else from those guys. They could very well be pulling a page from Microsoft's playbook for the last couple of years and announcing stuff the year it comes out. - Well, Microsoft has had such successful marketing and, you know, release strategies and press conferences that I would expect their main competitor to be paying attention. - Hmm. - Well said. - Do you guys want me to keep reading them? - Yeah, I'm gonna answer some more from the read. - Oh, guys. All right. - People predictably say Dead Space 2. I say. - That's not coming out this year. - No. - No. - No, it's actually been said that it's coming out this year. - EA's earnings call, I think, made it pretty clear that it's not coming out this year. - Oh, okay. - That'll have honor. It could be pretty cool. - Yeah. - Like that last trailer, I thought was-- - I didn't see it. - Extremely reminiscent of Black Hawk Down, but still kind of cool. - Several people, including Submit, said Brink, but that's one that I'm so skeptical that came up at this point. - I ran my head around Brink. - I've seen it and I've seen it being played by Paul Wedgewood several times because that's the only way it's ever been fucking shown at this point. That leaves me so skeptical at this point. We've seen it four different times. - Has it always been the same demo? - No, I think it's been a different demo once, but the fact of the matter that it's always the super guided thing with him where he's-- I mean, that guy's got it down to a science. I will say this, and I will always repeat the same script, and it's just like, it's so canned that I honestly am starting to not trust that game. - I have concerns about Rage. - Everyone I know that saw Rage in the other hand said it was the best looking game they ever seen. - The best looking is one thing, but a game that plays well is my concern. - I feel like I have faith in id if there's like a developer. I have faith in-- - With an open world game? - Well, it's not really open world as much as it is. - I have faith in id's technology. I don't have faith in their game design because Doom 3 was just-- - Shh. - It was a quarter-- - I liked Doom 3. - I liked Doom 3. - So did I, but it wasn't particularly innovative. I mean, like, I enjoyed it kind of from a classic shooter perspective. - I feel like Doom 3 pioneer was really aggressive in the way that it presented an experience. Like the idea of audio logs that play while you're playing instead of having to sit at a menu, those are from Doom 3. Like the whole idea of dynamic lighting, like that's Doom 3. - Well, no. I mean, like the audio logs thing, they did that in System Shock 2. - I don't know. The demo I saw of Rage looked really cool. - Oh, shit on me. - Including the car parts. - Yeah. Yeah, the Rage does look really cool, and I would actually, I mean, just because of when I went to school and did 3D stuff or whatever, it would be really fun to play around with their engine and be able to design a level and just paint on it and have one megatexture that just does your whole level. How fun would it be to design level? - I still don't understand how that's a good thing, like how megatextures are good. I guess I need to read up on those again. - Well, it basically just makes it so that you can just, like you don't have to unwrap. You don't have to UV unwrap your models, which is the process whereby, you know, imagine, you know, a box. Each side of that box, you have to unfold into a two-dimensional surface, and then you paint that two-dimensional surface, and that's how it goes back onto the model. And with the megatextures idea, you don't have to worry about that. You can use a 3D paint program and you can paint right onto your levels. You don't have to unwrap individual objects. You can just do, like, everything all at once and just paint right onto it. - My concern is just texture memory and memory limitations on pencils. - Well, that's the point, is that, like, their technology makes it so that that's not a concern. - They said that I seem to recall very similar sentiments talking about Quake Wars. And Quake Wars ran, like, shit on Xbox 360. - Well, yeah, but Quake Wars was... - Yeah. - But was Quake Wars developed by you? - No, Quake Wars is close to it as any company. - No, Quake Wars was developed by Splash Damage, wasn't it? And then it was ported to 360 by a third party. - Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Brink, the people that made Brink, did Quake Wars before they made Brink. - Anything that id Software has ever done first party has been beautiful technology. - Right. - And I expect no less... - You're right. It was Splash Damage. - Yeah, that's another reason. I'm not so, like, faithful about Brink because I did not think Quake Wars was that cool. - Wow, that was really bored with that game. - Yeah, I mean, I love online shooters, you know, it's sort of my favorite thing. And so Brink is doing some really different things that puts it on my radar. - Right, but what I'm saying is, if it's not playable by the time of this E3 comes around, that's a really fun game. - Yeah, you can see my Mirror's Edge boner from Space. - Right. - So anything that is like, that kind of shit in a game, I'm like excited, but Brink has just been like, cock teased over and over again so much that I just, I have nothing left for that game until I get my hands on it. - Yeah, but at the same time, you know, it's really hard to know if that's just a fault of kind of a flawed marketing and PR strategy, or if it's the game. - Right. - Did anybody play Brink at that last event? - No one's played Brink at. - They've been showing Brink for a year, and no one has played it. - Yeah, the first time we saw it was at E3 last year. - Yeah. - And we still know when it's played it. - So that was one of my surprises of last year's E3 when I first saw it, because like that game was bad. - Yeah, I thought so too. - Andy, the game he points out, which we're all forgetting, but I actually am looking forward to it as well, is a crisis too. So I enjoyed the first crisis, it was not without its faults, but the second one and what they're trying to do with it definitely looks cool to me. And you know, I think a lot more people were actually, I mean, let's be honest, a lot of people didn't play a crisis because they don't play PC games. - Right. - But now- - And I've actually heard people say that Crisis is the best-looking console game they've ever seen. - Yeah, to be fair, the people that have seen Rage and Crisis are not the same people in our office. - True. It's going to sound silly, but the thing that's made me most interested in Crisis 2 is who they hired on to write it. - Well, that guy is probably my favorite or in my top 10 sci-fi writers. - Wow, nice. - He's been pretty vocal about shitty video game stories. - I mean, that guy is super opinionated. - Say his name, because I don't think- - Richard, his name's Richard K. Morgan. - Yeah, there we go. - He wrote one of my favorite sci-fi books ever, which is called Altered Carbon. - Which sounds like a really cool thing, but I hate the character's name whenever I would be in Rita's name on the back of the book. - Takeshi Kovach? - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't know why. Just us peeing. - It's a combination of Japanese and Slavic. - Right, yeah. - Yeah. Okay. Now that I've exposed that I hate Slavic and Japanese people- - Right. - Combination- - Right, where are Mexican? - Where are Mexican? - That means you and Arthur have something in common. - Yeah. - I hate Slavic? - People? - No, you had Japanese people, remember? - I hate Japanese people? - Yeah. - All right, because they make games that suck. Right. - Man. Another person, I'm just looking through the comments, Chris Taylor also said Golden Sun DS. - Oh. - And so I was gonna say, I was reading the comments and there was a bunch of people that said it. - I'll tell you, the fucking game that I'm most excited for is whatever Tokyo Vikings announces at the fucking Microsoft press conference, because goddamn it, they better announce something. - Who's Tokyo Viking? Yeah. - That's Inagaki's studio that took everyone good from Team Ninja and are working on a game by themselves. - I mean, do we know who they took from Team Ninja? - Yeah, they took everyone good or was there. - They took pretty much all the major design leads from Ninja Gaiden. - None of us have said Starcraft 2, but that's also coming out in second after this year. - Oh, shit. - That has a release date at this point. - Wow. - Yeah, that's one I'm definitely looking forward to. - Definitely the PC game I'm looking forward to the most. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And it's certainly not going to disappoint. - No, I've already played it. I already know. - For me, the piece of my most-- - Man, you tempt fate when you say that shit. - Yeah. - I've already played it. I don't know. - Mine is at five. - You think that's coming out of the chair? - I thought it was coming. Again, man. - Okay, there are like four more 2K games that are scheduled for this year, and one of them is not making it. That's what we know. They've said flat out that their financials were forecast with the estimation that one game would not make you. - What are the others? - Max Payne, Civ 5, Mafia 2. - They're making Max Payne? Who's mate isn't-- - They're publishing Max Payne. Yeah. 2K owns Max Payne. - Yes, I mean-- - Okay. They're not publishing it. - No, they're developing it. - Right. - Or I take two. - Rockstar. - Take two is developing. - Right. Well, which one of the Rockstar studios I imagine is-- - Yeah. Rockstar West or something like that. - Yeah. One person put that as a disappointment. - Five. What, Max Payne? - Yeah. I just don't know enough about it. - Yeah. I know nothing about it. - Yeah, me either. - Game and spec ops. - True crime, man. Does anybody care about that game? - No. - Fuck. - And I don't think spec ops is gonna get pushed. I honestly-- Fuck, it makes me sad to say it, but I wouldn't be surprised to say it. Five doesn't count. - That's okay. Make it good. - No way. - I will wait for that game as long as it takes. Tyler, Arthur's just one person saying this. You took it like he just broke your heart like he just broke your heart. - I just-- - It seems like-- - No. - It seems like that's the game that they would push the least to get it out on time. - Right. I could understand. - Well, but I mean, in theory, it's just them working on their own game. - Right. - So-- - I just swear when I was sitting there with a hangover in their booth and they were showing me Civ 5 that they said this holiday. - I'm sure they did. I mean-- - Anytime-- - And you know, in theory, that team is just making that, right? They're not gonna have to wait on these other games. It'll just come out to whether 2K wants to put it out. - Anytime anyone says holiday of a year, I'm just like, you know, that could mean January or February. - Right, right. - Yeah. - I'm fine with Civ 5 waiting until like the beginning of next year because once that game comes out, it will consume my life. - Exactly, and they'll fucking release update after update for it and you will keep buying them. - Yep. - That's how I roll. - Does anyone have any personal picks for games that are looking for? - Did you pick one? - Well, I mean, I'm looking for the Red Dead a lot. - That's-- - That was-- - That doesn't count. - Disqualified, yeah. - That's how I can play it. - Well, yeah, but that's next week, that's first half, second half. - Well, so is June, shit. - Yeah, well none of us said anything in June. - Yeah, some of these people probably fucking did. - Well-- - Yeah, let's go punch 'em all on the face. - Um, no, I don't know, man. I don't even know what's coming out in the second half of the year. - I know it's-- it's-- this year is so heavily front loaded. It's almost like, I mean, you know, it's-- it's like we're just going through tall weeds and there's so much shit in front of us, we can't even see what's beyond, you know? - Well, and usually, you know, during this time of the year, we're getting all of, like, we're getting inundated by all the announcements for stuff that's going to come out in the holiday. - Usually, all this stuff from E3 has been leaked by now or it was last year anyway. - I mean, I guess, you know, I've said Fallout New Vegas, that's probably one of the biggest ones for me. - Yeah. - I bet you I know one that wasn't on your radar a month ago. - What the-- well, I'm looking forward to the next game from the Phoenix Riot people as well, but-- - Well, that too, but I was referring to the new Saints Row game that'll probably come out this year. - Oh, yeah. - I'll put that when it comes out. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Coalition. - That's pretty much the-- we've sussed up a lot of the user comments. - All right. - We sussed in-- - That was a good middle segment. - We sussed 'em good. - I feel like we talked very middling about that. - Yeah. - We'll take-- - There's very masturbatory. - We'll take the shortest of breaks and then come back with some letters. - That's just entirely-- - [SINGING] - [SINGING] - [SINGING] - [SINGING] ♪ I brought you all men ♪ ♪ Alone in the darkness ♪ ♪ My breath's a different line ♪ ♪ Your touch and sense of heart ♪ ♪ And I'm in the quick side ♪ ♪ I'm in the quick side ♪ ♪ I'm in the quick side ♪ - Fashion sense. ♪ I'm in the quick side ♪ - I've been watching co-op for a long time now, sorry. (laughing) Came off like I was reading a poem. I've been watching co-op for a long time now and every time I watch it, I can't help but think about how you guys are all dressed. I really hope Matt Changerine, or another area five guys on to help answer this. But where do you all, wait, where do all you find people get your clothes? There are a lot of T-shirts I wouldn't mind having, or Tyler's hat, thanks in advance. Che. (laughing) - Well, Tyler's the one with the fucking fashion sense. I just have a bunch of clothes that I bought. - Threadless is a good place to get T-shirts. You know what? - I agree, I agree. - It's the new thing at the IGN humor corner to make fun of Threadless. - No, I like to buy it all day. - But it's just because there are great Threadless T's and they're awful Threadless T's. - It's just a good way to buy a cool T-shirt that isn't like a brand. - I've never actually bought a Threadless T-shirt. Like, I do have some really prized T-shirts, but they were gifts and that kind of stuff. Like most of the crap that I have is just, I don't know, I don't really even think about it. I like orange, maybe it's 'cause I sort of match 'cause I buy orange stuff, I don't know. - I'm wearing a venture brother shirt right now. - I am absolutely not fashion conscious, so I could not give you any advice. - Actually, what's that? - You're a goddamn liar. - No, I don't care very much about your clothes. - I don't know, I care. I'm just not the best at picking them, so I often do what most people do, right? Which is that you look at what other people are wearing and kind of try and find your own way of doing that. And then to some extent, Tyler dressed me at some point too in some ways 'cause I was like, "Whoa, but Tyler, where?" (laughing) - Funny. - That definitely came up during packs as I had like a sweater and I realized the socks I was wearing were Tyler socks. - That's awesome. - Tyler does have an awesome hat though, this is true. - Yeah, it is super lucky. I mean, I only paid 30 bucks for it, though. Are you talking about the white one? - Yeah. - Yeah, I got it here in San Francisco, this guy like Tito's hat shop on Fillmore. And I'm just like ultra particular about anything I buy. Like I won't buy an article of clothing unless it's perfect, unless it fits perfect, unless it's the perfect color. And typically I only buy stuff on sale 'cause I'm poor. And if it, dude, and people can turn their noses up, but I'm telling you, peruse the sales at Urban Outfitters, peruse the sale racks. And just like their button downs are really good, they have really good slacks, like they have really good undershirts. - They have good sales at Urban Outfitters. - Yeah, yeah. - It's like it's cheap stuff and it's usually high in a ball. - When stuff goes on sale, yeah. - Do you ever go to H&M? - H&M is great too, if you have-- - If there's an H&M area. - There's very few towns in the US that have H&Ms. - No, that's the only thing, but they are great. - I like buying sweatshirts and hoodies from H&M. - Yeah, their sweatshirts are real good, but-- - I do try to stay away from the shame tarps. - Right. - Shame tarps, what's that? - Right. That's when you go to like E3 or QuakeCon or any of these other conventions and they have just a bunch of crappy T-shirts from like third party graphics card manufacturers and stuff that have like stupid logos on them. And a lot of times they'll come in one size fits all. - Right. - It's something Shawn Elliott made of, like he has a shame tarps collection. - Oh, okay. - Try not to buy shitty brand T-shirts that don't fit very well. Like ringspun cotton is cool. I like ringspun cotton. - Science. - And this has been your fashion advice from Rubble with-- - What's your name? - Talking about like normal cotton is the kind of scratchy kind and ringspun is like the soft kind that's like American apparel. - Yeah, American apparel is famous. They're sort of famous for the way they thread their fabric and so it's an interesting-- - So what do we got? I'm tired of talking about clothes. - Well, I'm looking 'cause a lot of the letters are okay letters to like if we were just like receiving them but to read online there's like no question to them. You know what I mean? But this one is from Jeff and he says, how do you feel Starcraft II be received in Asia, particularly in Korea? - Terribly. - I hate it. - They're gonna just, nobody's gonna play it. - I'll go out on the limb here and say, it might sell a few copies. (laughing) - You know how like big sort of credit, Starcraft I for partially contributing to the South Korean economic rebound? Starcraft II is gonna do the same thing. - He's just said 'cause when I went to Seoul, it seemed like all the PC cafes generally had older games. Everyone's familiar with these games because they've played them for years and have literally proper use of the word, I'm sure. Millions of other players to compete with at 3 a.m. while slurping Ramen Noodles, you're racist. Introducing a new game would mean all the small time PC cafes would have to shell out cash for a new game. Players would need to adjust to a new system and there won't be nearly as many people to play against, at least not for a while. There will be plenty of people to play starting up games. - Totally, I mean, I wonder if he's got a point, you know, if the players are gonna, you know, if some of the new balancing roles and stuff, if they don't like it, like you look at Counter Strike, that's a game that I think is very divided between the versions. - I don't think it's very divided. I think everyone still plays the old Counter Strike and hardly anybody plays so much. - Oh, okay. - We're actually doing an, like, a new version of-- - Right, but all the competitive Counter Strike players are right, you're right, they all play the old one. You know, so I could see that there will be, just like there were people that, you know, until they all played Halo 2, you know what I mean? They didn't switch to Halo 3 'cause Halo 2 was like their game. - Yeah, but Korea is different. - Right, I think that they're obsessed and it was Starcraft, they will all switch because they all want to be the best and to not jump in immediately will put them behind. - Yeah. - Everyone else. - And they're so into the competitive scene, the competitive scene there. - And it's not like Starcraft one will go away. It's just that Starcraft two will also be a thing and at some point will probably eclipse it even if not right away. But, you know, when you have a country that has championship matches in stadiums with 50,000 people cheering for a couple dudes sitting at a computer-- - Right, and that's exactly my point. I don't know if they can capture that. I don't know if that can happen again. - It seems like they're building so much stuff out of the back end to make that even easier now. - Yeah, well, yeah, the battle net integration is pretty much flawless. So, yeah, there's just no way that it's not gonna be huge over there. - I'm sure it will. The only thing I could see hurting it in some sort of short run is that they don't allow you to like clone the game like you could before. So like a PC cafe could have like two copies of the game and everyone could play. Now everyone has to have bought the game themselves to have a battle net account with the game on it. - That's true, right? - You know, battle net accounts are free, but to play the game, that battle net account has to have the game as they've purchased it. - I wonder if they're gonna come up with some sort of option around that where it's like if you are a PC cafe, maybe it's like you can run off like a cafe account or something and have different sub accounts that people can use. I don't know. - I think that's exactly what they do. - Yeah. - There can only be one login, I think, tied though to that-- - No, like they have a specific licensing arrangement for cafes, like that's what they do in Korea, I believe. Like just like Valve had specific internet cafe licensing. Like there was a big stink about that. Like that's one of the reasons that they broke off, I think, from Sierra and Vivendi. - Oh, really? Huh. Well, there you go. - Jack writes in-- - Hi, Jack. - Last episode you had somebody write in about going abroad and other life choices. And one of these was becoming a game journal. Surprisingly, all of you said something along the lines of anything but becoming a game journalist. I love to write, I love video games and I'm surprised to have you guys telling people to steer clear of this path. Is it really something people like me should avoid in life or am I just interpreting everyone's answers wrong and it was just an answer specific to him? No. - It's not easy to get into. - It's just that there's not a lot of money in it and unless you're looking to make a lifelong career out of it where eventually you could be, hopefully become, you know, a major player at one of the magazines, like, you know, a top editor, an EIC or something like that. That's the only time that you're gonna make enough money to say support a family. Like, the level that, you know, that we're at, basically, you can't. So it just kind of depends on what your goals are in life. - Yeah, I don't know. I just, I think it's fun to do like as a young male who's not married or anything, but it's like, you're right. Like, the idea of trying to raise a family while doing this, especially as people get laid off as often as they do and whatnot, not to mention, it's like Arthur said, it's a very small work. Like, there aren't very many options where you could work to make a living. Like, yeah, there are blogs and stuff too, but those definitely don't pay enough to make like a living off of, so. - Yeah, unless you actually are, you know, Brian Crescente, then you make enough money. - Yeah, bless you. - Wow, zoomed height. - Yeah, when I sneeze like that, it feels like my brain is about to come out. - All right, yeah, but it feels so good after me. - Maybe it already did. - This letter's from Enzo. - Enzo again, what's up, Enzo? - He says, oh, wait, hold on. He says, don't say my name in here. (all laughing) - Different letter. - Should we not? Should we read his letter anyways? - Let's just know. - I could bleep it, I guess. - Should we just say fuck him? Like, two bad Enzo, thanks for being faithful listener. (all laughing) - Every time you say that word, I have to bleep it out again. - All right, we're not reading his letter. - Hi, Enzo. - But didn't he write En a long time ago and we all loved his name? - Yeah, his name is Enzo, and the last name is C-N-O-P. - So you should read, you should say you're reading another letter, but in actuality, read Enzo's letter. (all laughing) - Wait on, this is it. First time dating from Alex. And the only reason I'm reading it is 'cause he put three stars and then in capitals, please read three stars. - Anthony actually winked at me as he said Alex and mouthed the word Enzo. (all laughing) - I've been getting a lot closer with a girl I know when we were juniors in high school. There are two issues. She's been dating a guy for a year, but broke up with him a few months ago. She still occasionally talks about him, so I don't know if she still cares about him, and I would just be a rebound. Second of all, she would be the first girl I would ever date. I've been pretty secluded the majority of my life, and just this year, I've been really gaining personality. I'm real good friends with her best friend. - Personality plus one. - So she is setting me up to go on a date with the girl on Friday. All three of us are going out to eat and then watching a movie back at her place. I'm pretty nervous about it, about if I become her boyfriend and if things lead up to kissing. (all laughing) Especially Tyler, since he is a love machine. (all laughing) - What advice would you have for me being on a first date? And yes, I do know her and make her laugh and we've hung out before. Go Tyler. - Well I'd say first thing off is just relax. Like your first date sounds like a great setup. - She's got a friend there that you're friends with too. - Yeah, that's gonna make both parties comfortable. So just take a breather, you're good for Friday. And then, I mean, as far as like, you know, getting over nerves of like kissing, like just don't even have a plan. Like who cares? Like don't even have a kissing. - If you don't kiss her on the first date as a high school, it's not the end of the world. - Yeah, like don't even think about it right now. Like that it might even be weird and more embarrassing if you tried, but just go with it. - Especially if you've never kissed anyone. - Yeah, I mean just just go with that. - I would actually wait until you have a date on your own without the friend at all. - Yeah, exactly. And he also said, can you hook him up with the secret smell? And the answer is no. - I was thinking about this, man. You got a girl, I think we should tell the scent now. I think we should throw it out there. - To the masses? - To the masses. Especially since I've pissed so many people off about Halo Reach and religion. - Okay, this is your piece. - This is my penance. - This is my penance. - Tyler's gonna reveal some secrets. - This is my penance. - Since we've been talking about it for a long time. - So the particular scent is amber, but the brand is Nemat, N-E-M-A-T. And you can get it at most Whole Foods. - Yeah, like Whole Foods are like really healthy, hippie kind of stores. - Yeah, and it's clear. There's a few different kinds of amber, not the brown amber. It's clear. - It is clear. And it comes in little bottles. Like maybe an ounce. - With gold caps. - With gold cap. And it is good. It just smells like clean. - Smell it, dude. Get that for Friday. Y'all be comfortable. You'll smell like clean. - A little bit on your wrists. - So is this like a... - It looks like so cheap and generic. - What do you use it for when you're not using it for male perfume? - Stripping engines. - It's just scent. It's just scented oil. Just put a little on your wrist and then just dab a little on your neck, maybe. - Where do that? Maybe a little drop in your drawers. - Yep. - Best for you guys. - But yeah, there you go. That was the secret scent. And I was wearing it. - Well done, Tyler. - The night I met the girl I'm dating. - There you go. - Oh. - Telling you, man, that shit fucking works. Wonders, dude. I would wear that stuff out in public and black women all the time would grab me. You're like, what are you wearing? Here. (laughing) - I am wearing awesome. Yeah. Okay. - Let's see. - Did you tell them secret scent? (laughing) - That's all awesome hippie shit. (laughing) - Man, we really got a lot of nut. We got a lot of letters in the last week about people hating on Tyler for the religion stuff, asking us to keep religion out of the show. - Oh, I knew that would happen. - A lot. - Yeah. - And we also got a lot that said Tyler's not alone. There's like multiple ones saying that, but of course it was the most. - I'm just curious as to whether or not people understand that it's not like, I don't think Anthony aren't necessarily disagree with Tyler's opinions about religion or like his, like his. - The thing is Ray is that I accept-- - Ambivalence. - I separate religion from the religious to me, which is like, there are shitty religious people, but I'm not convinced that all religion is shitty. There you go. - Right, whereas I look at it as not like there's shitty people, I just look at it as the things. But here's the funny thing about me. It's like, where people draw the lines, it's like vagina flaps, shitting my pants, crying while masturbating, murder, suicide. - Are these all the things that you've gotten people to stop subscribing? - No, no, no. Things we talk about all the time on the show, but religion don't insult my religion. - Well, it's just like politics, right? - I don't think it was just that. I think it was fuck those people and their religious beliefs. Fuck these standards that they hold for the house or living in. Fuck those people, go fuck their standards. Fuck what they want to happen in their house. - It was paraphrasing. - What's wrong with that? - Okay, anyways, moving away the fuck on. - I mean, we've said we joke no, no, no. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no. - Let him move on. - Dammy writes in all the time. - Oh, Dammy, yeah. Dammy wrote in after that tirade too, again. - Oh, did he? - And this was like the time where Dammy was like, no more. Who's Dammy? - Oh, Dammy. - Was that, has Dammy sworn off? Has Dammy sworn off a podcast? - Pretty much. - Oh, I'm sorry, Dammy. - You're not listening, but I'm sorry. - Okay, Andrew writes in, and he says-- - That is a wall of text. - Yes, he says, hey guys, love the show and appreciate your insight on gaming and other topics. I was just finishing up, listen, episode 60, and one of the relationship letters kind of relates to a situation I just got into with a girl. I'm in my late 20s, so this is no high school BS, but I've had little to no experience when it comes to dating and relationships. I recently met this chill, cool girl, who has no issue with the nerdy aspects of my personality, which is important when I'm looking for someone to date, and she is just a generally a really good person. I got to know her a bit through chatting online before her first date, but she sprung one detail on me that possibly could become a deal-breaker. She admitting to smoking weed on a semi-regular basis, you hold your fucking tongue. (laughing) Now, normally, I am really against drugs of any kind, and vices in general, but from what I can tell, this girl isn't what you would consider a stoner who lets the stuff control her life. She just uses it to relax and unwind when necessary. I feel like we had enough of a connection so far that I could be willing to pass this, but she also told me that, although it's something she likes to do, if she met the right guy, she'd be willing to give it up. - That's not true. - She also said she would never do it around me and would never try to get me to do it. The surprising thing about all that was that I never in a million years would have guessed she was into this kind of thing, and it really did throw me for a loop. But I'd really like to hear your opinions on the situation. Do I need to loosen up on my view towards weed? Not thinking everyone who does is a delinquent stoner. That's true. And just enjoy the fact that I finally-- - And we meant that to just Tyler as a delinquent stoner. - And just enjoy the fact that I finally met a cool girl, or could this be something that may end up being a problem in the future? - I'll tell you something that my mom told me a long time ago and that I actually struggle with, is that if you really like somebody, well, she said love. So I know you're not in the love stage yet, but she said if you really love somebody, then you love their fault as much as you love the person. So it's the kind of thing where, and what she was meant by that is like, you don't try to change things about them that don't need to be changed. And this sounds like something that doesn't need to be changed. So like I say, go for it. This is like that one thing is such a minor thing. Everything else seems so fundamental that I don't know. You'd be throwing away somebody that sounds great for you for something that's just really not that important. - I believe Matt's mom also told him once to fuck bitches. - Yes. And that is advice that I have followed the entire-- - Don't stay with this girl. - Don't stay with this girl, though, just to have sex with her. You obviously sound like you have a real connection with her that you appreciate and like. And that's obviously important to you. And he's right, though, that this one thing that is in the scheme of things, not the end of the world, shouldn't ruin that, and you should to see how it works out. - Well, if it keeps bothering you and she says she'll change, that's sort of setting herself up for disappointment. - No, I mean, you didn't think of it like that. Don't go into it thinking she's going to change or that you're going to change her. - Right, exactly. - Here's where I'm coming from, and here's my thing. I'm going to say something that might sound radical, but let me explain. And this might be the next wave of hate. - Go on. - Smoke a bunch of weed. - But I really think almost everyone on the earth should smoke weed once because then this guy would know that it is not a big deal. I don't think kids should smoke. You know, I'm not saying give a six-year-old a joint. No, but what I'm saying is alcohol is a much, much stupider fucking deadly, dangerous, you know, I like beer, you know, I mean, but it's-- - It's a drug. - It is so much something more to be concerned about than someone smoking weed, and that's my piece with it. - I feel like we're watching the breakdown of stoner talking points right now. (laughing) - No, it's not, I mean, it's not like, I mean, seriously, like if you think about alcoholism and its toll on society, it's not even a, you know-- - I've actually dropped them on the other side of this in that I had a girlfriend who was, you know, very much so not against people smoking weed. And like, I'm not a frequent partaking of the substance, but I do. - Occasionally smoke the weed. - Very occasionally. And the thing was, is like she said she was cool with it, but she really wasn't. So like, it's just one of those things. I mean, it's like if you're, you know, if you're really, really super hardcore opposed to it and you know that it's gonna constantly create this tension, then maybe you don't wanna go ahead with it, but I'm just saying that like, it sounds like everything about everything else about this girl is worth going for, so I would-- - And I think sometimes that being evolved to someone like that can also soften your opinion on things because I used to be much more like outwardly against it all, like way more, like I was like, man, I could never be involved with someone who drank or did drugs. - Anthony, you also used to be very judgmental about the casual sex. - Well, I mean, Arthur's taking that a little context in my opinion and saying that totally blanket statement, but-- - I could take it out-- - We do a lot of blanket statements on this. But yeah, so I mean, but you can get involved with people and then you realize that things aren't as important or someone can give you a different perspective on these things and it's important. Like me, I'm still not into it for myself, but like I could have a partner that did those things responsibly and it would not bother me. You know, I've just had, it's just that you've probably had experiences with people that have done this shit irresponsibly, you've seen it, but not everyone is like that. Just like not all religious people are crazy and same people, not everyone that does drugs is fucking batshit crazy and ruining their life. - And everybody that has a beer is a drunk. - Right, or an alcoholic, so. - In fact, I even know people that aren't smokers that it occasionally smoke cigarettes. - Yeah. - It's possible. - It happens. - And on that note, you've just listened to intervention. - We have. (laughing) - No, the worst though is if you don't smoke cigarettes and you date a girl that does, because man kissing after they smoke is fucking gross, dude. - It depends on the cigarette. - And if they brush their teeth they don't have some mants or something. - That shit's nasty. - I definitely made out with a girl who smoked and there was a certain kind of tang on her tongue and not the taste of cigarette smoke. - Yeah. - It's just weird. - Clothes or something. - Almost like if you chew, you know that if you chew like hyper cinnamon gum. - Yeah, sounds like clothes. - Yeah. (laughing) - So you've just wasted your life listening to us. More importantly, you can send in your own letters to us about your relationship drug woes. - Fears and video game thoughts. Two letters that - Can you use some fantasies? - You can also email in game scripts if you have some good ones. - Write some suggestions for real talk. - Including fanfics if you get really creative. - I hate you so much for that pun. (laughing) - You can find us at. - 'Cause you have to spell it because it's an audio form. (laughing) - You can find us on square. I'm at Tyler's at like the dream. Arthur's at and Matt is at You should also listen to our friend shows, the, And you should also check out all the cool content that's going up on, which is all cool video content. And that's it. ♪ Give me somethings ♪ ♪ Give me something ♪ - Both. ♪ Give me something ♪ ♪ Give me something ♪ ♪ Give me something ♪ ♪ Give me something ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ One thing's true ♪ ♪ I brought the car ♪ ♪ Can't stop ♪ ♪ This one's up every day ♪ ♪ Another spot ring ♪ ♪ Can't break ♪ ♪ From aerofive ♪ ♪ True ♪ ♪ I brought the car ♪ ♪ It's up ♪ ♪ One stop ♪ ♪ I'm at twitter ♪ ♪ The best is to get the wake up right ♪ ♪ And I ♪ - Hey, everybody talk at once. - Check, check, check, check. Hello, hello. ♪ Check, check, check, check, check, check, check ♪ ♪ Hello, hello, hello, hello ♪ ♪ Hello, hello, hello ♪ ♪ That we do when we make podcasts ♪ ♪ And talk about stuff ♪ ♪ And games ♪ ♪ Now take your foxhole ♪ ♪ And kiss your ass ♪ ♪ Goodbye ♪ ♪ Hello ♪ - I think that's good.