Rebel FM

Rebel FM Episode 58 - 04/08/10

1h 34m
Broadcast on:
10 Apr 2010
Audio Format:

It's a short show for a busy week, but we fit in time to talk about Army of Two DLC, Again, Split/Second and more, then move on to more letters than usual. Too tired for metaphors!   This week's music, in order of appearance:    Panic at the Disco - The Only Difference Between Martydom and Suicide is Press Coverage;    The Postal Service - Nothing Better
(upbeat music) ♪ The Red Bull and Bell ♪ ♪ Once again, I didn't know ♪ ♪ Should I turn true ♪ ♪ The Red Bull and Bell ♪ ♪ The Red Bull and Bell ♪ ♪ The Red Bull and Bell ♪ ♪ The Red Bull and Bell ♪ - Hello, and welcome to Red Bull film episode 58. - I am Anthony Gallegos, with me is Arthur Geese. - Hi. - And Tyler Barber. - Hello world, and we're here to talk about the exciting world of video games. - Wait, this is about games? - And relationships. - Okay, that's what I'm here for. Did you say relation shit? - That's what they are. - Relation shit. - That's a dang cook joke. - So let's talk about things. - Oh, I see, it's funny until you know it's a dang cook joke. - Tyler, tell me about Toy Soldiers. - Well, yeah, if you-- - No floor play straight for the balls this one. - You're a dang cook fan. You might enjoy Toy Soldiers. Even if you're not a dang cook fan, you might enjoy Toy Soldiers. Not, I was lucky enough to get a free download code of Toy Soldiers. So full disclosure hooked up, but-- - Are we disclosing that now that we get free stuff? - I mean, sometimes it happens, like maybe-- - I really don't care. - I really don't care. There's no way to buy something. - Oh, okay. - So I'll tell you when I buy something. If not, you can assume I got a free one. - I'm so broke right now, there's no way I would have bought any of these games that I'm talking about on the show. (laughs) If I wouldn't be getting them hooked up. So anyway, as I was saying, Toy Soldiers, it's pretty amazing, you know, okay. So the quick sell of it is it's tower defense where you can jump into your towers and sort of use them. I mean, that's the sort of quick sell on it. So if you're not really turned on the tower defense games, this might not sell you, you know, it might not win you over. However, if you're a fan of like wars, like World Wars, it takes place in World War I. If you're a war buff, you know. - If you're a war aficionado. - If you make detailed, modeled tanks and put them on wooden plaques with fucking velvet on the bottom, isn't it? - In the interest of defending Anthony, those are Sean Elliot's tanks. - I'm not just saying it's Anthony. I know who's, I know who they are. - I like those. - And they're red, but so is it, it's turn based, right? - No, it's real time. - Oh, like dude, it's so cool. Sorry, I just tuned in and I'm ready to do that. Anyway, dude, Anthony, you would love it. Okay, I haven't played it though. Here's the thing. It sets you up sort of in a, imagine an ultimate sort of toy box war set and you know, you got your trees, there's bunkers, sandbags, ditches, you know, all kind of terrain elevation and when the enemy creeps sort of attack, you know, the first wave might be like infantry men and you'll hear them all like start like cheering and yelling like given their war cries and they run over the hill. You know, depending on what sort of turrets you laid out right in the beginning, you know, you could jump in and take them out. And it's just really, really rad. The presentation is fucking really cool because it sets it up all as if it's these little, like I said, toy, toy chest, little fields and you know, in the background, you can see like suitcases stacked up with like, you know, wallpaper meant to be the sky and stuff like that. - I think I ever actually noticed that. I'm not saying it's not there. - Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, it is. It's so fucking cool. But here is the main drawback of this games and games like this. Tower Defense games specifically that have designated tile sets that say turrets can go here and other parts of maps turrets cannot go. - Can I hazard a guess as to the downfall of this game? Having played it. - Go ahead, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's trial by death. - See, senior. - Yeah. - You have to fuck up the level basically before you can - You get $200, yes. - Yeah. - So you have to lose at least once before you figure it out. - It's, for me, usually it meant losing at least once. - But then once you figure it out, is it like, then it's not even challenging. - It's still not, no, it's still challenging. - It's tough, but what the thing is, is it's hard once you've made enough mistakes. Like once you've said, like, oh shit, instead of putting down mortars, I should have been putting down machine guns or instead of putting AA guns, I should have been putting out artillery guns. - Instead of upgrading my machine guns, maybe I should have upgraded-- - Oh shit, I upgraded the machine. I just spent that money on, you know, you fuck yourself that way. And in some of the stages, it sort of has a problem with the learning curve. I think the second stage you're presented with sort of what they call a boss character. - The giant tank. - Basically this big tank. And, you know, I was shelling the shit out of it with my artillery as advanced as I could go, but eventually it went to where it was out of the range of my artillery's fire. And I was like, well, fuck man, what do I do now? It just ran over my base. And I replayed it like twice before the hint just happened to come up and say, press the left bumper. You know how when it's a load screen, you get the hints, it says press left bumper to change the direction of your artillery. Whereas it had never told me that. Or if it did, it just told me once. You know, it never gave me any hints. I didn't see it again. But after that, I passed it. But so it has that, but I don't, but that's not such a turn off for me. It still has a little bit of the mind game. - It still gets you hard. - Yeah, yeah, a little bit. But I, you know, I would love more freedom, but you know, one thing I wanna say that really speaks to this game's strengths is later in the game. It goes from to where you're just sort of, you have these empty positions where you can put your guns and you're just defending waves to where you're on like one eighth of the map and the other seven eighths are occupied by enemy emplacements. So you have to take them over and defend shit in order. And so then it gets really interesting. And then I was kind of surprised too. I got to the end of the British campaign 'cause you play as British soldiers. I was like, cool, I beat it, man. That was kind of quick, you know, whatever. I'm gonna go back and do him an expert. And it unlocked a whole fucking German campaign that's been totally rad. Like there are nighttime stages where they're shooting up, where you can't see shit. But the flares like get randomly shot up and like lights up the battle thing. It's like totally fucking rad, dude. And I don't know, it's a lot of fun. And the way they sort of push the player into jumping into the towers and into the turrets is they give you a multiplayer bonuses on the cash rewards. - Cash rewards. - So say you jump into your machine gun and you mow down seven guys at once, like a seven guy streak. It'll multiply the money you're getting off those guys seven times. You're not actually controlling people. You're just telling them where to go. - No, you are, you can't control. You can jump into specific emplacements. - Otherwise they're AI controlled. Otherwise the AI will just sit there and like gun guys. And you get money for every dude they take out. But when you jump in, the towers have sort of different different ways that you can get multipliers. For example, the mortar, you can have a three, you can fire three rapid shots. Whereas the AI will only ever be able to fire one more at a time. - Sounds like battalion war is the way I'm hearing it, but I don't know. - I don't know, I don't know. I actually haven't played battalion wars. - Yeah. - But I mean, it's got like a whole multiplayer that I haven't even tried out. I think it's like 15. - Is it? - Yeah, I was wondering, I mean, if it's 15, I don't know, but pretend it'd be. - I mean, it's also got multiplayer. - Yeah, and the multiplayer is supposed to be really, really good. I haven't even scratched that yet. But I'm, you know, other than the fact, you know, and, you know, so I was, I hung out with Nick Suttner, you know, old old old old, you know, we went and saw hot tub time machine this weekend. - I saw that last week. - Yeah, yeah. It was like, it was stupid, but entertaining. - It was stupid, but entertaining. Fair enough. So we, you know, and I was talking to him about this game, and so he was telling me, he was sort of singing the praises of a game that I haven't played yet, that I need to play as pixel junk monsters. - Oh yeah, well, Nick will sing the praise of any pixel junk game. To be fair, pixel junk monsters is a good tower defense. - Right, yeah. - Really good. - And so that, it, it kind of to me seems like it, it plays a happy medium of giving the player boundaries where they cannot set towers, but then still giving them a lot of freedom where they can. So, and toy soldiers, I feel like I'm just figuring out the best tower placements for this particular map. Whereas in my, in my mind's eye, the perfect tower defense game would be something like company of heroes mixed with toy soldiers, where I'm like telling the guys where to take cover. You know, and then it started giving me think of like ghost recon and like wanting, like, you know, loving that sort of, you know, aspect. And at the same time I was, I was playing through the battlefield to single player. And now I'm jumping around a bunch, but it all seemed to sort of mix into this one big, like, delicious pie of like ultimate war game that I want. Like, I want to be able to like, get in and tell guys where to take cover and stuff from the ground level and then jump back up and then also have it all blow up. Right, yeah, exactly. - And it is, to confirm it is $15. - Oh, okay. I mean, but I-- - Could you get a gas mask for your avatar? - Yeah, and, and you, it has avatar awards that you unlock. So when I beat the British campaign, I don't lock the special helmet. And I assume that as soon as I beat the German, I'll get a German helmet as well. - I think that's cool. - I like it when games have unlocks that are beyond achievements to explosion men also had that with like gamer picks. - I need to play a Left 4 Dead 2 more to unlock all those Depeche Mode T-shirts. - I didn't know that you unlocked stuff in Left 4 Dead 2. - Yep. - Yeah, they have different shirts. - Have you been playing other things? - Man, a lot of a back company too still. - I finally jumped into some bad company too last night with Arthur, Matt, and Sal. - Yeah. - That's fun. - Yeah, I played all the way through the single player over the weekend, finished it and a man. - Da, da, da, da, da. - I enjoyed it. Yeah, it's predator of the game. - It is. - It really is. - I even described it that way to the dice producer and he's like, yeah, that's a good way to describe it. 100% is what it is. And it's badass, like it's one of, it's one of my favorite first person campaigns this generation. - The funny thing is a lot of people don't feel that way. - Yeah, I don't get it. - A surprising amount of people thought the single player campaign in Bad Company 2 was bad. - I enjoyed the hell out of it. - The first Bad Company single player was bad. I got through that because I enjoyed blowing shit up. - Yeah, they said, frankly. - When I was interviewing the guy recently, Gordon Van Dyke, who's now moved to... - Visceral. - Visceral. He was telling me that yeah, part of the reason with the, there was a problem in the first player in the single player game in the first game was that there was like this disconnect and that you guys were supposed to be like fuck ups and not very good, sent on suicide missions, yet you were like the biggest badasses of all time, which is why they kind of got rid of that idea in the second one. And they're just like, you are badasses, be badass. - Like unconventional badasses. - Right, not only that, but they tried to make all the single player levels huge. Like these giant wide open levels. - I mean, I think they're giant wide open levels insofar as Halo levels are giant wide open levels. - Right, but the thing is is that in Halo, people don't shoot you from across the map either. Like they did in Bad Company. - True. - Which was the problem. - I do feel like Bad Company 2 single player bears more than a passing resemblance in ways to Halo. - The first one. - Well, to Halo 1 and Halo 3. It was the sort of sandbox combat. - Yeah, and still playing a lot of online, really. God dude, just loving that fucking online play. - I like it too. It was fun. It was like, we had a good time last night, but it's like Arthur is like a fucking sergeant. Like Arthur is the sergeant when I'm playing with him. He's like, we're like, we just took objective and he's like, that's fucking great. And I'll take this one and I'm just like, all right. - Oh yeah. - It's like we reverse roles in this game 'cause that's usually you. - Yeah. - Like I'm not saying that to be a dick. You have a general chuff persona. - Yeah. Well, this one I was just like, I was like, yay. We took B and Arthur's like, well, we're losing C and I was like fucking all right. (laughing) - It's if they wanted that bad, they can keep it. Let's go get something else. - Yeah. - I mean, that match was super interesting. It went to the last kill. - It did, the very last kill. I hardly ever see that happen. Usually it's pretty one sided. - And we have been losing by like 30 or 40 tickets. - Right. - Yeah, it's always like, I love the feeling when I have like two of my friends and we join a team that's losing and then we win. You feel like you totally brought him back that round. I play a lot with this, with Loessner, H2O. I don't know if he wants me to say his name online. - Is he from Australia? - Yeah, he's from Australia. We play all of them. - Is he live in Australia? - Yeah, he lives in Australia. But man, we discovered last night, which maybe some people are gonna say no shit Sherlock. But I didn't know that if you threw C4 onto the UAV and the UAV flew in and you set it off, it wouldn't hurt the UAV. It doesn't blow up the UAV. - There's no friendly fire. - That's brilliant. I thought it would blow up the UAV. - So basically, UAV is a walking death trap to kill people in a room. - If someone hits the UAV with bullets and it detonates the C4, then it damages the UAV. - Sure, yeah, but if you get it in, it detonates. - What we were doing is he would fly into the crate that you're arming, the M-com station, and we would set it off and damage it. - I hate you and you're one of the problems with that game. - D'Amage. - No way, dude. - The typical battlefield of people finding the craziest exploit. - That's the point of Battlefield. It was like those sort of like creative little-- - No, the ability to destroy M-coms with explosives is hurting the game. - You guys can't see 'em under my-- - I don't care how much air you do. - Heavy metal air guitar. - No, being able to destroy M-coms with mortars or tanks or C4 defeats the point of M-com stations. - I didn't know tanks could destroy 'em, too. - Anything explosive can destroy them. Which is why you'll hear this. - Do they have like a health bar? Is that what the health bar is sometimes under him is? - Which why you'll hear me screaming when people on my team are firing fucking rockets into the room with the M-com. - It happens. - I took out a helicopter with a mortar strike this weekend. - Hell yeah. - A full helicopter flying. - Way to a field moment. - Dude, they're so hard to hit with rockets. - It was funny, dude. - It was the lighthouse on Valprazo. - Nice. - Like they, I was inside of it and they were trying to drop people on top of it. It was a fun helicopter and I just aimed at the ceiling and brought the mortar strike down on top of it. - That's awesome, yeah. I love that. I love going in there and murdering snipers that don't know you're coming. - The sniper rifle in that game is so satisfying, especially when it's a long distance kill when you arc it just right. - And when I see you playing when I also hit you, just a little bit 'cause then I'm like, "No fucking snipers, they're everywhere." - Yeah. - Yeah, but you know what? Honestly, it's, most people playing recon aren't very high scores because they're not using the full range of the sniper. - Commonly kill me in that game so far as always medics. Like it's like a team. - Medics, sorry, medics are very, very, because they're gun, it's so accurate. If you use it as a semi-automatic rifle, dude, that's all you need. And I'm glad that they gave some of the most powerful guns to the medic class 'cause it's like a support class instead of like the assault class because then they carry a lot of things. Like they have, not only do they have grenades that they could throw up but they had the gun mounted grenades as well or the gun mounted shotgun. - Yeah, the general consists of some line right now and I happen to agree is that, and dice happens to agree because this should be in the next patch, is the M60 is overpowered. - A lot of people are using that. - And they're gonna be nerfing it. I think they're gonna nerf, like the 40 millimeter grenades. I personally think that there should be, like you should have a limited amount of mortar strikes you can call in as recon. And they also need to-- - In a life, the mortar strikes to be on such a big deal because I'm, I always kind of get a boner for finding snipers. - That's fine. - That's just me. - It's just, I haven't seen mortar strikes abused quite as much lately but there was a lot, there was a period a couple of weeks ago where there was just mortars all the time, everywhere. - How do you get a mortar? It's just like, it's just like-- - You unlock the ability as a sniper. - But it's just a downtime of when you can do it again. Okay, so I feel like you're-- - And it's a pretty long countdown but the thing is, if you have a full squad of snipe of recon, you know, units, all-- - Right, you're cycling them. - Yeah. - And they need to buff AA because there are certain maps that are just totally broken. - 'Cause the helicopters are just impossible to take. - Like, out of common? - That's, the helicopters have been like, my number one complaint since like the first bag company, like give me some sort of a better heat-seeking rocket, the heat-seeking rocket launcher you eventually unlocked. - It's fucked. - It's terrible. It's horrible. - It's useless. - Yeah, it is. The best rocket launcher you get is the first one. That's the strongest one. Against vehicles, the Carl Gustav is good against infantry. - Yeah, but still, I mean, just-- - Still like a more than Modern Warfare 2. - Still loving it, yeah. I know other people that have sold their copy of Modern Warfare 2 and just kept battlefield. - I'm about ready to sell mine. - If any listeners out here playing bag company and two don't realize, Mark enemy targets. You do that with the back button on the Xbox controller which is you might know that I select. Or I guess it's probably select on the PS3 controller. - It is select on the PS3 controller. - Please Mark players. Yeah, although I guess some people were like, oh my God, the Modern Warfare 2 DLC sold more in a week than bad company sold in a month. - Except as that was Tina on a-- - And it's like, and it's like of course it did because there's already like a huge installment. - But that's not true because the 2.3 million figure that the bad company 2 guys released was for the first two weeks. - Oh, okay. - So. - I mean, neither way, it wouldn't surprise me though. - No. - Just 'cause it's Modern Warfare 2 and it has a huge install base. - True. - But. - I got the Modern Warfare 2 DLC for free and played it for about 10 minutes and have not touched it since. - Yeah, I haven't bought it. I don't want to-- - Is it just multiplayer maps and stuff? - Yeah. - To be two new ones. - It's dope. - No, it's three new maps and overgrown and crash. But I don't have the patience for Modern Warfare anymore. I really don't like that game. - Come back to you, man. - I would only want to play Modern Warfare 2 if I could play, like, strictly of the one where you only have one spawn per round. Fuck, I can't remember what it's called and you're just trying to set up mom's sides. - Dump, not domination. - No one hardly plays it. - Search and destroy. - That was my only mode that I could see myself coming back to. I don't know. I want objective-based gameplay, so. And I have it. - Yeah. - Should you decide to play it? You haven't played very much. - No, I haven't. I've also been trying to play some Just Cause, 'cause I know we talked about it a lot. I know we talked about it a lot last week, so I'm not gonna talk about it a bunch, but Ryan and Matt were in detail in the truth. It is fun. - Man, I wanna play that game. - Awful dialogue. - Oh my god. - See, here's, when I hear about Just Cause 2, you know, okay, and I'm sure it's always like terrible when we sit here and try to be like armchair developer, but like, I wish they would have done like the Saints Row 2 route, where they just completely let you, you know, style out who you wanna be, and for the dialogue so bad, just do a few different accents and let us pick a voice. Like, that was the great thing about Saints Row 2, is it lets you choose-- - It's supposed to be character driven, or that's what we're doing. - Yeah, this game still has a story that is about this guy. - Oh, well, come on. - Maybe for the third one, assuming this one does one, if they will just take it the next step, which is just like, everyone wants to play this just like Saints Row and just be dumb. - I'm surprised the first one's sold well, and after them to do the second one. - Yeah, me too. - I don't know, I did. - But from the buzz, it seems like this one will sell reasonably well. - I hope so. It is a really cool game, man. Just, I don't even play missions most of the time. I just roll around, destroying some stuff, and then occasionally do a mission. - I mean, that's the hallmark of a good open world game right there. - Right, it's kind of got the vibe that I had when I played the GTA 3 for the first time. Like, I just enjoyed jumping in, not even doing a mission just, 'cause in this one, it's like so easy to have one second be an airplane, be skydiving, jumping in helicopter, fall into the ocean, grab a boat. - Yeah, games like this, it makes me think I was reading on Joystick. They were talking about a recent talk that the guys from Felician gave about Red Faction Gorilla, and about how they had to sort of just jettison a lot of their feelings of wanting to control the player's experience, and just sort of letting that baggage go. And I think that's a big thing. A lot of game developers want to really control the player's experience. But I think if you're making an open world game, you have to really embrace the sort of the polar opposite. Like, just let the player, you know, just don't care about that shit. - Yeah, I don't know. - I agree, it's funny 'cause I actually played just Saints Row 2 for the first time this week as well. - Oh, really? What made you play just? - I had, Sal, she wanted to play and I had never played it. - Oh, okay. - So I played it. - Dude, it's fun, huh? - That was really fun. - Especially co-op. - Especially co-op, and especially because again, it's one of those games I can already tell. It's like a really fun game to jump in with a friend, but not to do missions again. It's just cool to do like the stupid mini games that they've added that I never thought I would like. - Is it because missions, all the little flaws of the game's design and mechanics, feel like they're conspiring against you to do a specific thing? - Yeah, maybe because it's like, you know, I hate when I'm playing GTA or something, right? And I have a mission that's like, follow this car and you realize, fuck man, I wish the driving was better 'cause I might have a time. - Or shoot 8 million cops? - Fuck these controls. - No, no, no, no, no, dude, this, I gotta stand up for Saints Row 2. - No, no, no, because, hold on, I haven't done any missions. - Right, okay. - And just saying so far in Saints Row 2, the thing that I enjoy the most are the silly things. - Yeah, I mean, I'm just asking. - Right, yeah. - Like 'cause Red Faction Gorilla, I felt like the controls were really good. - Exactly, and it's the same thing. Here's the thing, I mean, the shooting in Saints Row 2 is really good, it's just like Red Faction. - I don't have a problem with the shooting or anything. I just, so far it's like, to me, what is more appealing than doing those missions is, like the mini games, like throw yourself in front of a car to see if you can get this much money from-- - Right, for international claims. - And just share in the same thing of like when you played burnout and you're like, how big of a tumble can you? Or Tony Hawk games, how many bones can I break? And it's just like so hilarious watching someone get hit by a car and go flying, you know? - Yeah, sure. - I mean, just those little things are like the ones where you're doing like fake cop missions. It's just, and you're right, and it's just because it's so over the top, like you're not like sitting there worrying about cops chasing you for forever, it's easy to break away, and you can, and there is something to be said about how customizable your character is, it almost gets like the MMO part of me, the game like GTA where they really want you to beat this character. - Oh, you mean like APB? - Yeah, I'm definitely gonna play that game. I just can't wait, no, I'm joking with you. - I was gonna say, wait, wait, what? - No, I-- - Who the fuck are you, and what have you done with anything? - I have no interest in APB, but-- - APB has looked awful every time I've seen it, and I can say that because they've shown it publicly and they looked awful there. - Yeah, yeah, I'm not so impressed by the game so far. - I think when I played Saints Road 2, I reviewed it for one up, and I think if you go back and watch the game videos review or something, they used my character for the footage that I made, indeed, and he was like this character I got way into. He was like a six foot two, and I gave him the British accent, and he looked like a real dark-skinned-- - Of course. - And his facial structure was almost like a pro-magnal man meets like a Scandinavian man. - I feel like this is sitting a little close to home. - It was awesome. He wore this giant gold weed leaf around his necklace. - My guy was like, I tried to make him look kind of like me, but it's really hard. So eventually, it's just like you just kind of go, and I just gave him the silliest expression in the dumbest voice, and his standard walk was a pimp walk. It was like, the game just really does sell the fact that it's like the type of people that wanna play these games, it's like volition knows. They just wanna do dumb shit, so let them do dumb shit. Don't make it serious, just make it stupid. - I mean, the character creation is entertaining. Going through the expressions, like, oh man, I remember calling like Jody into the room, and we would just sit back and just like, laugh her ass and saw some of the ugly ass faces they would make. - Yeah, I mean volition, they've done a lot of games that I've really liked, but like the old red factions, this, the first couple of destroy humans, and it's like-- - They didn't do that. - Didn't they do at least one of them, I think? - I don't think so. - Huh, well if I'm wrong, I apologize, but that was another THQ game I liked. I wholeheartedly admit the first two destroy all humans games were good. - You'll wholeheartedly admit you liked the first to destroy all humans games? - The first two, the ones after that. - Wasn't it a Wii game the third one? - Yeah, and the one there was also a 360 PS31 as well. - They got canceled, right? - No, it came out. - Oh, really? Did you have to review that? - Nope, just the Wii one. Have you been playing anything else, Tyler? - Just like a few, maybe something I'll think of. - Okay. Yeah, I mean, I haven't actually been playing all that much. I mean, I played some split second last night. - Multiplayer for the first time, right? - Yeah, that game's actually really cool, man. I'm not a big racing game fan. I've said that my ideal racing game is something like Mario Kart, but this game has a total ease of playing Mario Kart vibe, right? You basically just have gas and brake. There isn't even an e-brake to do hardcore turns. It's just tapping the brake to initiate like an e-brake turn. - And the power sliding builds up your special meter. - Right, so drafting behind someone, power sliding, or doing jumps will build up a special meter. And then have you seen one second time? It's the game where you use like the environment to try and kill other players. - Reverse burnout. - Yeah, reverse burnout. And it's just like, there is something way too satisfying about knowing that you killed someone by like being like gotcha bitch. And it's like a, and saving it up where you can do like the big things. They really did a really good job with making the environment destruction look really good. Like, and not only that, but I was talking to the guy that made it, or helped make it. And you know, I was asking about the interface things. - The one guy who made it. - Yeah, the one guy. The guy that made the game's indie developer. - It's amazingly talented, this guy. - But they really did learn a lot. He said from games like Dead Space specifically, which is why the interface, with the interface. - Oh, right. - Because the interface is all on the bumper of the car. - That does kind of make sense. It's like a projected sort of panel. - Right. And so they were like, in a game like this, you don't need to know how fast you're going. There's no need for speedometers. - All you need to know is faster than that guy. - Exactly. And so that's why on the back of the car, it just has like your power meter and like your place. And that's it. And like, that's all you need to know. And I was like, that is, and it looked really cool because you're naturally looking right there anyways. - Yeah. - So it's right where you're looking. And the game just does like, I really like the way too that when you start a race, it's not like you start on a line. It's like the three, two, one, press the gas. It actually has you all rolling. And it just like comes out of like almost like a cinema into you going and you're just going naturally. - Cool. - But yeah, and it has like a thing that everyone was comparing to like death race or something, I think a movie. Or is that movie, death race? - Yeah, that's a movie. - And there's like this part where you-- - It's two movies. - There's a part where you have to like get past these semi-trucks, these big, burly looking semis. - Yeah, where it's dumping barrels out of the back that explode, yeah, I saw that. - Right. So it was like sudden death. So you'd be like, who can live the longest and not get blown up by barrels. - Cool. - Yeah, it was a cool little like pal racing games before that. - You know what? - Yeah, but they were bought by Disney to develop new IPs for them, so. - To me, you're describing this game. And if they were smart with the marketing, like, I don't know, I'm just thinking of like 11, 12 year old kids, like this is the ultimate like time of like virtual hot wheels, track or whatever, you know, like sell it to them, you know, sell it to like kids excited about fucking playing the cars and stuff like that. - It sounds like that, right? It's like this, it gets that same video that was like a little kid that loved to like throw your car off the curb or try it. - I was worried that it's gonna get buried, like that it's gonna get lost. - I do think it has a hard place, right? Because it's like, it's coming out and then there's blur. - Blur is like May 25th or something like that. And that's Activision, which is gonna, which is pushing pretty hard behind Blur, obviously. - And then there's also Mod Nation Racers, which, you know, it's a different game, but it is a PS3 first party game. So they might push it. - Right, yeah. - You know, who knows? - Who's doing blur? Is that bizarre creations? - That is bizarre. - You mean, yeah, blur is bizarre, which is like project Gotham with Killstreaks. - Yeah. - And Perks. - Yeah, for some reason, I, Jana, become the arcade racer guy. So that's also the one other game all the time. - 'Cause you said you liked them. - I do like them, but it's like, I don't wanna do them all. Yeah, split second so far, really cool. Like, I don't know that it's like a for sure purchase. Like, if I had other people to play with, it would be. Because I don't really see myself wanting to play much of the single player. 'Cause when you're dicking over like AI, it's like, yeah, I beat some AI out. - Right. - Or you've managed to trick one of your friends because you can kind of see the things that are probably going to explode coming up. And so you just gotta be ready to dodge them if you know someone's like gonna fuck with you. - And the AI isn't very good. It's very rubber bandy where you'll be way ahead and then all of a sudden it'll catch up. - Yeah, I mean, single player, it's like that too, you know? It can be like, I mean, a multiplayer only because, you know, in multiplayer generally, everyone actually stays on everyone's ass pretty well. So when someone fucks up, I mean, you really do have to be able to dodge and be on your toes. But there is something really satisfying about going through a bad ass warehouse and barely making like all these super tight turns. But yeah, cool game. I don't know. I'm kind of in the same boat as you as I could see easily being buried in this month. Especially, you know, Spuntersills coming out. It's like-- - Be a shame. - Yeah. - Interactive, man. They're doing some cool things. Has anyone else played games? - Yeah. Well, we had to play the Army of 2 DLC. - Oh, I've wiped up from my memory. - Yeah, as well you should. - Trappersills, don't buy it. - I would say don't buy it unless you really, really loved Army of 2 and really, really want some more co-op. - Talking about games, we sell to 12-year-olds. - It's just, I mean, it takes the worst parts of Army of 2 and just like fucking hammers at them over and over again. Like the endless enemy sequences, basically where you're just like, "Oh, well, you survive while you kill like 8,000 people that never stop coming." - And some really long checkpoints. - Yeah, or fucked up stupid morality things where like, no matter what decision you make something bad happens. - And the story that it takes place in is in between the beginning and ending of the game, right? - It's between like the middle and end. - It's like cutout chapters. - It's like after the hospital and before the last section. Jesus Christ, my cat is weird. It just, and then at the end, I mean, there is a point in the DLC where they do something that makes you like them even less. And it's not something that you have a choice on. It's just something they do. - It seems like everything you're saying is like, this was cutout for a reason. - Yeah, no, it feels like it was. - We're selling it back to you. - I mean, the way they tried to present it is that they started working on it after the game shipped, but I doubt that very highly. I don't know, I just, EA Montreal needs to go back to the drawing board because everything that they decided to arbitrarily change all their cool new ideas for Army of 2 were bad. - Is it just single player content or is it? - Well, it's co-op. - But does it have any multiplayer maps? - It doesn't have any new multiplayer maps. It has a new mask for multiplayer, I think. - Let's say you want to get a sort of modern day military shooter co-op game. What would you recommend? What's some of the better ones out people could kind of say? - I mean, how recent, yeah. Rainbow Six Vegas is like the first one. - Rainbow Six Vegas. - I mean, the better games play co-op. - Yeah, the first, I mean, both, both Rainbow Six. - Modern Warfare 2, that co-op. - And I mean, it has spec-ops, you know. - But not like going through the hole. - I mean, gears. - And then gears, of course. - That means gears, but that was just trying to think. I mean, you know, Crackdown is on the way, Crackdown 2, that it is, but. - I mean, there'll be, I mean, Medal of Honor will probably have co-op. - Or maybe spec-ops, we'll see. - Maybe. - Something. - The ice is doing the multiplayer. - I mean, there are things to like in Army of 2, the 48th day. Like the weapon system is so much better than it is in the first one. And it's a lot of fun. - Right, I mean, they did do some improvements. - Yeah, and it's a much better looking game. It loads faster. The pacing is better in the main game. The grind, it does add sort of an MMO grinding aspect to it. - Yeah, I would still never buy that game for full price. - Yeah. - So, that's a good thing at least like now, you know, oftentimes, I mean, this has been going on a while, but, you know, I even saw the other day, like Amazon had Mass Effect 1 and 2 on sale for like $50 or something. - I mean, you can get Mass Effect 1 new for 20. - I mean, I just think it's pretty telling me certain games, like I'm pretty sure both Arthur and I had the option to get a copy of Army of 2 for free. - Yeah, I let someone else have it. - And I didn't take it. - Yeah, I didn't take it. - I played through the whole thing. - Oh, I had no interest in playing that game. - We do play through, and we still take a copy 'cause we want it. You know, this was like a game that was like a bad school buddy. - Yeah. Like I kept, well, I was going to keep Bayonetta and I didn't really have any interest in playing it again. - So, what else have you been hitting them this last week? - You may remember, yeah, you may remember Ryan last week. It's about like, sporting his again erection. Again is a interactive crime drama. - Did you play any hotel desk? I'm just curious if it's like-- - No, I own hotel desk and I never played it. - I played like the first couple of hours and then I got stuck and I was like, eh. - Yeah, I could see that happening with again except for the fact that I have to review it. - Is it drawn all sketchy art and stuff like that? - No, it's actually, it's live action. It's like photos and video footage of people. And yes, it is just as bad as you think that sounds like it would be. - Oh. - Is it like, do people actually speak and stuff too? - It shows them in speaking poses, like-- - And then it just perfectly over acted. - Yeah, so there's them on the left side and dialogue on the right side. You hold the DS like a book. - So how do you interact with the world? Is it like point and click or is it like actually walking? - It's mostly like in conversations, it's like you select like conversation options with the stylists, whatever. And then you select areas to move to a crime scenes where you have to unravel a mystery, you use the directional pad to move around in the stylists to look and to select objects to pay attention to. - Sounds a lot like hotel desk. - And basically the way the main mechanic works and the reference of the title is that your character, Jay, has the ability to see in the past, like to see the area you're in in the present as it was in the past, so you have two screens. So you have to figure out what's different and a way to make those scenes match up. - Sounds like it could be interesting. - It's pretty repetitive so far. - And the story, I mean, it seems like a game like that, they want it to be an interactive crime novel. The story would really have to carry the puzzle things and I don't know. - Yeah, I mean, we'll see. I'm hoping to finish it the next day or so, but it's just really tedious. And it makes you go back and forth between places over and over again and, hm. - Dude, I don't know if I'm like the Neanderthal gamer or whatever, but I don't wanna read. Is that what you're about to say? - But I don't know if I can get into story on a handheld. And I was just thinking like, you know, when we were on the plane to Boston, what was that fucking game I put in the DS and checked out talks too much? - Infinite space, space, infinite space. - Infinite space, dude. - Infinite dialogue. - Infinite dialogue. - I must've been wrap-tapped tapping on the touch screen for like three minutes straight. - I know, and at the beginning of the game. - And then the beginning of the space about it, and like, that's pretty cool. - And then after it ends, it goes back into more dialogue and that's when Tyler was like, "Hey, you can have it back." - Dude, so. - Dude. - Dude. - If something I could smash myself in the balls with, that might be more entertaining. - Whereas I put in advanced wars immediately afterwards and played it for my first time. And they were throwing story that I didn't give a shit about in with constant gameplay tutorial. - Yeah, to pry that shit from Tyler's fans. - There's only two DS games that I've ever cared about the story and that's the Phoenix alright games. I like the story even though it's totally obsolete. - 'Cause that's, I mean, that makes sense. - And then that adventure game remake broke the story. - And adventure game, that makes sense. - But beyond that, you're right. I don't play a lot of DS games 'cause I won't story at all. I mean, I rarely get wrapped into the story of a game period. - I think, again, would appeal to me a little more if there was some way for me to play at one handed. It's just not feasible to do so. - You can't just like tap a button to get through shit. - It's the, your thumb is too far away from the screen holding it on its side like that to do that. - That's kind of, yeah. I don't know man. Hearing you describe it and it sounds so much like Hotel Dusk, I'm like, I know for a lot of people they love that fucking game, but for me, it's like, I don't know, Hotel Dusk, it just kind of wore me out after like the first couple hours. - I feel like you should add at one up to your statement that a lot of people liked that game. - No, I mean, I've talked to, that game sold pretty decently, I mean. - Because that company went under. - Yeah, but I'm still pretty sure that Hotel Dusk sold pretty well. I don't know. - It makes me think of like, you know, like demon souls. It's one of those games like people really are like super proud to like. - There's very first fact check. Even if we had access to IGMs, NPD numbers, we couldn't talk about it. - Yeah, I thought it sold all right, but I give you around. I have perfectly willing. - It reminds you of what now, Tyler? Demons? - You know, and in the way that demon souls is one of those games that are like, you know, it's like the hardcore crowd like, I like this game, you know, I just think people really want a point and click adventure on DS. - Yeah, and I really enjoyed my time with demon souls. Now, would you put these clothes pins on my nipples? - You know, it's like people really want to put and click on DS and it's like, in some ways, games like Hotel Desk and stuff are the closest they're getting outside of things that are like really great, like broken swords that no one's playing. So, and that's an old remake. You know, it's like new, there hasn't been like a really good new point and click adventure outside of like, maybe the Phoenix writers here is kind of close, but not quite what people want looking for that either. - Yeah, I just, I think that the problem with again, and probably a lot of these games, is that it's a Japanese company and Japanese writers trying to, in this case, they were very specifically trying to make something for American audiences. So, it's these people that don't necessarily understand like the dynamics or strengths of American crime fiction, trying to write a detective story for Americans, you know? - Yeah. - So, and it's the same problem with most video games to focus on story is that they're made by a bunch of nerds that think blowing stuff up is cool. Like, what do those people know about presenting an effective story? - Right. - And I'm sorry if that hurts someone's feelings. I still enjoy games, but that's one of the reasons why games stories are bad. - Well, I mean, it's like Battlefield bad company, right? Both you and I think the single player is great, but the story was dumb and forgettable. - Right. - It just feels like a mishmash of different shit. It doesn't flow very well. Like the dialogue is good. - Right, but it's like, even when I interviewed the guy, he wholly hard to admit that the tone they were going for was like summer blockbuster action movie, not like trying to touch you or anything. I just wanted to be like basically predator thing. - I mean, it was less insulting than the story of modern warfare. - Agreed. Yeah, you know, and you know, going back to like-- - Modern warfare too. - Yeah. - Going back to like Saints Row 2. You know, I love games that just embrace what they are. You know, Red Faction Gorilla presented a universe that was real easy to sort of like justify and fit in everything you're doing. - Although, Red Faction also has some story issues. Like it just like jumps. Oh, now the story, okay, yeah, sorry. I jumped from story to talking about the game World. Now the story in Red Faction I give a shit about. - Like the fiction is interesting. - It makes sense in the fiction. Yeah, this is what, I'm sorry, I should-- - Do you ever beat Red Faction? - I'm like right at the very end. I need to finish it. I was like, I'm out of the very last territory. - Tyler, I feel like you may think you're at the very end and all of a sudden there will suddenly be about six hours more of that game. - Really? I feel like I'm pretty glad-- - Did you just enter the last territory? - Yeah. - Oh, you have a lot more of that game left. - I feel like that happens to a lot of people with a lot of open world games where it's like, you get pretty far and then at some point, just like all of a sudden your interest for Peter's out. Like I did that with GTA 4. I got like three fourths away and then I was like, never played it since. - I think the, some of the only ones I beat was, I basically would be cracked down. - Yeah, cracked down. - I beat infamous. - Infamous, yeah. - And I beat Red Faction Gorilla. - I basically would be cracked down infamous and I also beat prototype 'cause I had to. - Yeah, that was review. - Well, the sort of things that push you in Red Faction and crack down specifically are the way that there are in-game repercussions to-- - Right, doing these things to make your character more badass as you would. - To either making your character more badass, be making the area more, you know, you can travel around easier 'cause there's less enemies. - Both cracked down and infamous did a really good job of making your character more powerful as you played. - Yeah. - Made you want to keep going. - And I feel like Red Faction does that too. They do a good job of dangling more advanced shit in front of you on that with the carrot on the stick. - Right, with the weapon upgrades and all that stuff. - Oh man, the nano rifle is my favorite weapon in that game. - I mean, I'm just asking, you guys feel like Red Faction may be your favorite open world game of this generation. - Yes. - It's a good question. - I don't know man, for me, for me, I would have to like weigh a few different things. It's, I mean, I haven't played enough Red Faction to judge, correct on probably still it for me. - Red Faction, I said this on co-op when we talked about it. Red Faction is one of the only games I've played this generation that feels like something that could only have been done this generation. - Maybe next generation. - I mean, maybe next generation, they'll do something different, like something more interesting, but just like the way that you affect the world in that game on a physical level is something that-- - Well, right. - I never would have imagined. Like that's the kind of shit that people are like, man, it'd be awesome if that could ever happen. - Right. - But my mind, like in terms of best, and of what I enjoy of this generation, my mind immediately goes to Liberty City Stories. Not GTA 4. - Right. - Liberty City Stories in particular, because-- - I know other people than Liberty City. - I feel like the richness of the world and those are the best mission designs in rockstar history. - I don't feel like that's saying very much. It's not, that might not be saying much, but it is definitely the best shit they've done. And it's gay Tony specifically, that really gave me what I was looking for, but you know, I don't know, but got Red Dead coming soon. - Yeah, I mean, the crackdown, you know, I'm just speaking from what's out right now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, from what's out now. I mean, it's a good question, something about-- - Red Faction is definitely the one I finished the fastest, and it's not because it was shorter, 'cause it sure as shit wasn't. - Yeah. - But yeah, Red Faction, favorite open world game this time. - It's a good stuff, dude, volition either way, man. - What else have you been hitting up Arthur? I feel like there's something else I'm forgetting outside of again. - I played a little bit of the Modern Warfare 2 maps, but the only maps I got into were Crash and Overgrown, and it was like, oh, right, this is Modern Warfare 2. - This shit that I didn't want to play. - Like you run into people, or people were hiding over the very edge of that building and sniping like crazy, right? That's why I hate this game. I do feel like there's something else. - Yeah, I feel like you went to a demo or something. - No, I did lost planet, but we talked about that. Battle shrimp. - Yeah. - Yeah, man, that's it, I think. - I am, it's funny, my good buddy at, Michael Manning suggested this game that I actually downloaded the game. I just haven't even played it yet, but then a listener emailed me about the same game, so I thought I'd drop it, 'cause it sounds-- - Is it free? - Really, yeah, it's free. - It sounds really fucking cool. It's called Drone DR-O-N-E, and it's tower defense, but it also, it's like a mixes action game where you're actually sort of, the way it sounds to me is sort of like pixel junk monsters where you're sort of like a little spaceship that can shoot in real time, I guess. I don't know. Drone. - Got to check that out. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of little games coming out that I want to check out. You guys still want to see grapple buggy. I'm really just pointing, I get to see that it packs. So grapple buggy's the next game for me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was there. - It was, I know. - I looked at it a little bit. - I just missed it, it was all, so. I really like that guy's art style, just 'cause it reminds me of like '80s trapper keeper style, like weird, combined with like crazy ass monsters. I don't know, I appreciate that. - You played some red steel, too. - Oh, yeah, I did, I read my second impressions on IGN. Everyone else was like semi-fawning over it, and they put mine last. - You were the naysayer. - And I was the naysayer. I was like, dude, I played this for like the first hour or so. And it, like, yeah, I'll admit it. Like, it's second opinions to why it doesn't have a score. I just played it for the first hour, and I was like, the sword controls are inaccurate. You'll swing, and you'll do something you didn't mean to. Even with the Wii motion plus, it's not one to one. And the sword play is boring because of that, and so much of the game relies around sword. And like, the missions, especially in the early game, are super boring, too. It's like, go here and kill all the guys. Then come back and grab another mission from the mission board and go kill all these guys. Then go kill all these guys. And it's just like, the shooter-- - There is nothing that that game can present to me on a bullet point list that would at any point-- - I'm gonna be honest, I actually played the first hour of it, and I am perfectly willing to say, I enjoyed the first red steel more than red steel, too. - Whoa. - So. - Wow. - Like, the new second rated steel has like, way cooler art style, like the cinemas and stuff, like really, I like the way the character looks and stuff. But it's like, the first one, at least, had a story. You were like a guy going for his girlfriend, trying to get like, save his woman. - Oh, Jesus Christ, please don't talk about the story of red steel one. - No, it was dumb, right? But it was like, you actually were like a character with a purpose, and then this one, I feel like, you're just like, basically a bounty hunter. - Are there power rangers, and it's still too? - There are basically like, in a lot of ways, yeah, kind of. - Oh, great. - I don't know, I mean, it's like, not necessarily power rangers, but you know, you're just fighting like these very stylized thug guys. - I just remember in the first one, like, there was a point where you're basically fighting power rangers, or so I've been told. - That's probably true, and I never beat the first one, mind you, but I-- - No, I know. - But in the sword battle, and this one, it's just like, so boring, it means just like, all you do is sidestep until they do some big slow attack, and then you just stab them in the back. I don't know, it's just like, the sword play, they want it to be such a big part of the game, but it's so boring. - Action games with the fucking we-moat swings just don't work for me. - Dude, I find the sword battling in Wii Sports Resort better than I find this sword. - That's one to one, isn't it? - It's pretty close, yeah, and you're not sitting there trying to worry about controlling or shooting or anything. - I'm just thinking of like, Mad World? I didn't enjoy Mad World at all. - Yeah, and in this one, because it has the Wii motion, plus you really have to make big arm swings. - Oh, great. - And I'm just like, this is not what I want to do, dude. They just, I don't know. I'm perfectly content with defending the fact that I enjoyed the first one more than the second one. Just 'cause I'm pretty much more about shooting, and I find the shooting in that game to be much better than the, yeah, I don't know, the people that are defending it are crazy to me. - But entitled to their own opinion. - They are. - I mean, the developer, like, what's their proven track record? Like, what's their batting average? - I actually don't know. - If they were a baseball player. - Would we be fucking sports announcer, hyping this guy, hyping this dude up to bat? You know, that's the way I look at it. Like, what have they done? - Yeah, I'm not totally sure either. I mean, don't get me wrong, it has such a cool look to it. And I like the music, and it's like, it has like, almost a very boring audience. - It was Ubisoft Paris. Is that his dude doing Ghost Recon Future Soldier? - Yeah, I think so. They do, they have done some good games, and it's like, and like I said, art-wise and stuff, and like, the feel of the world, it's really cool. - Yeah. - But maybe I didn't play enough, you know, to give it, like, long enough, but when I'm not reviewing a game and I'm playing game for fun, that game did not have what it took to draw me in and make me wanna keep playing. It was, like, so boring to me. So, and I like a lot of Wii games. I've testified that, I like a lot of Wii games that a lot of people don't even like, it's just red steel, man. Full me once, you know, full me twice. - Oh man. - What? - Nothing, they just, they're, they did ruse. I don't know. It says that they're working on a-- - Well, maybe it would be fair, is that neither of us have played ruse. - No. It says that they're working on spinner cell conviction. I thought that Montreal was doing conviction. - Maybe they're doing, like, a-- - Like multiplayer? - Or maybe they're doing, like, the PC port? - They're listed for both on the reliable Wikipedia-- - They might just be helping. I mean, it's getting more and more common for studios to have other studios help. - Yeah. - But yeah, red steel, man. Don't do it. - Don't, like, dude. - Just go by-- - I feel like we're, you know-- - Go by the little king story instead. - Yeah, we're almost like an anti-drug PSA. Like, red steel too, so just say no. - If you want a game that comes with a Wii Mush and plus thing, just get Wii Sports Resort, that's still like the best game that features that. Or Tiger Woods. - Tiger Tiger Woods, y'all. I guess-- - You know what? One more game that I played a little bit of is a mod that a user recommended to me for Half-Life 2 called Dear Esther. Dear Esther. - I like a lot of Half-Life mods, but I don't really know much about a lot of them. - This one has some cool ideas, and I think it came-- - Is it still first person, or do they really mod it? - It's still first person. It must have come out a few years ago as what I'm guessing. Because I think all you do in it is like walk. Like, that's the extension of the game. Excuse me, but like, what I get is that sort of the dialogue that's written along with it. Like, there's this guy that narrates over you, and he says some really interesting stuff. I don't know, I have not come across any puzzles, and the thing is like, you're just like walking across this island all by yourself, and there are like all these sort of trippy hieroglyphics everywhere, and the paths are just kind of hidden, but you walk super fucking slow. Like, imagine-- - You're not describing anything that sounds cool to me. - No, it's not that cool. A lot of people were saying it was cool. You guys should write into us and recommend some good, or at least tell them good half-life mods. - Wait, Ubisoft Paris isn't making spinner cell conviction. - Oh, okay. - It was just a very confusing Wikipedia entry. They did Rayman raving rabbits too, and red steel. - Oh, so they made the first trade steel? - Yes. - Oh, well, I liked the first one better. - No, look, don't care, don't care, too, and-- - They also made 13, I don't know if you ever played that. - Oh, yeah. - A lot of people like 13. - Yeah, that-- - I was considering pretty good. - But I know a lot of people like it. - 13 was smooth. - I had a lot of people love the way that it did the comic style insights. - Okay, yeah, that was cool. - Like, I had some cool things. And I think 13 was a game of cool art. And again, red steel too. - Yeah, cool art. - Cool art. - But boring game. - Went to hay. - You know what, I got my Civ 4 multiplayer working. I tried to play some online with Matt Changerine. - You tried. - Yeah, but then he figured out that his airport didn't allow him to go in there. - So long story short, as you still haven't had a chance to play multiplayer? - Correct, but I can now, so we should get on that. But I was looking up, and some people, I don't think it's done yet. Some people have been making a Star Wars mod for Civ 4, where it's like, dude, it looks really intense. I don't know, you should look into it. It's on the Civ 4 fanatics of forums, and it looks pretty interesting, but it's not, I don't think it's done yet. - All right, I'll check it out. I guess we'll take a break, and then we're gonna do a shorter show this time, and I'll likely hit only, 'cause we are gonna read quite a few letters today, 'cause we had a lot of really great letters, so we're just gonna go take a break, jump into some letters. Got some good ones to stick around, especially if you like relationships. (upbeat music) ♪ You're gonna listen or still, so, yeah ♪ ♪ Just before it's tension, I ♪ ♪ Ain't to be ♪ ♪ You're right, show me boys, show me why ♪ ♪ The word is thinking of me ♪ ♪ You're gonna listen or still, so, yeah ♪ ♪ Just before it's tension, I ♪ ♪ Ain't to be ♪ ♪ You're right, show me boys, show me why ♪ ♪ I'm buzz, I'm buzz, no way, wait ♪ ♪ Dear studio audience, I've been a mouth rich and nay ♪ ♪ It seems the artists these days are not who you think ♪ ♪ So we'll pick back up on that on another page ♪ ♪ And I believe ♪ ♪ That's what you call ♪ - All right, so we're back. Yeah, that was actually your cat finding a way to be annoying, by the way. - Oh, well, it's not like she, this is new for her. - No, she's playing with a cat toy, it's fine. - At least it doesn't squeak. - Jim writes in, and Jim says, "Dear Roblophone, I am a senior in high school, and recently I was accepted to UNC, which is the school I've always wanted to go to. The problem is none of my friends were accepted, and I'm nervous about going to a big school where I will know next to no one. I know this might sound ridiculous as college is the place where you meet new people and make new friends, but I'm really shy unless I'm in a group where at least no one person. Any advice on how to make friends in college would be appreciated. - Step number one, or thing number one, is the nice thing about college is... - Everyone feels like you. - Well, not just that, but when you're in high school and junior high and grade school, you have this history with the people that you're there with. Like, even if you weren't friends with them, there's this baggage that you're carrying with you because you grew up in that neighborhood. Whereas with college, no one knows you. No one knows anything about you. You can be the person you want to be without worrying about what people will think of you in comparison to the you that they thought they knew. - Yeah. - Does that make sense? - Yeah, no, totally. And if you're moving into the dorms too, it's like, although there's probably a lot of people moving in the dorms who don't really know anyone, so take that as an opportunity to be like, go see who's setting up their room and setting up a TV with some games. - Or be the guy who brings a TV with some games. - And leave your door open and see who comes behind. It's like, oh, he played games, and then that's how I made friends. - Totally. - So, hopefully that works for you. Also, check out groups. There's always groups on campus. Like, I'm not saying fraternities either. I'm saying like, like everything nerdy D&D groups to like fucking, like people that want to talk about religion in a non-religious way. Like, there's just always these groups of people that you could find that have interest in whatever your-- - If you can put together in groups and classes, then hang out with those people. Like, go meet at places to do your stuff, and then hang out. - Apple bottom appreciation groups. - Tyler is staring at a new issue of Rolling Stone with the cast of Glee on the cover, and one of them's ass hanging out, which Tyler's been appreciating for about an hour and a half now. - Booty, booty, booty, booty, rocking everywhere. - Yeah, the next letter's from Andrew, and he says, "I haven't owned a handheld gaming platform "since the Game Boy Advance, "but lately I've been thinking it would be nice "to have something to pull out, mess around with, "while sitting and waiting for the economy get better, "so I can sell my house and get the hell out of Michigan." The thing is, the games I like, I'm really interested in on handhelds, trend to be more toy-like experience, stuff like Scribblenauts, Korg, DS10, Flipknot Studio, et cetera. The closest thing to a real game I would likely play would be something like Civrev or Plants vs. Zombies. I would rather play platformer shooters and RPGs on consoles. Based on that, I've pretty much decided against a PSP, but between an iPod touch and a DSI, which do you think is better bang for the buck for these kinds of non-traditional types of games? - Hands down iPod touch. - Really, you think? - Yeah, 100%. It's more of a toss up to me. - I would say DS. - No way. - The only reason cheaper. - I would only tell you to get an iPod touch over to DS if you also plan on wanting to use it to listen to music. - Yeah, I mean, if you want chess for games. - Dude, it sounds to me the way he's describing though, he likes like toy type games. Dude, I mean, look at all the games he described were all DS games. - You had so many, no, they have Plants vs. Zombies. D-D-D. - Well, we'll be on DS soon. - This is true. - They will it? - I believe so. - Probably, dude. It's gonna be on every fucking-- - Not supposed to, not supposed to. - No, it's gonna be on urinals. It's gonna be on urinals. - I would say that. - But the core DS tends to scribble knots. - Right, but the thing is he might be saying these because he's more aware of what's out there on DS. He might not be aware of the sort of like iPhone and iPad games, you know? - You should do some research and look into some of the other games that are on iPod. - But not only that, but like with the iPod touch, you can get like all kind of crazy applications. Like there's this blog that I check pretty regularly called And it's like really cool, kind of artsy fun apps for your, you know, iPod, iPad. - Creative applications, if you will. Creative applications, if you But yeah. - I just feel like the-- - I would recommend an iPod touch. - The experiences on the DS are more fleshed out than what you typically find on the iPod. - Yeah, I guess it's a, I don't know, 'cause you can get Civ Rev for iPod touch. - Hell yeah, you can. - And the games on the iPod/iPhone are cheaper, but the device sure shit isn't. - No, it's not. - Yeah, for me, again, it would come down to whether or not you want this just to play games or whether you want it to be like a passing-the-time media device, 'cause if you want music, then definitely the iPod. - Yeah, if, yeah, if you're a music guy, if you listen to music, and if some of the more creative, kind of like funky applications, 'cause there's some really cool stuff that I check out, like I wish I could kind of fuck around with. - No, totally, there's like spray paint ones and stuff like tagging and-- - I mean, who knows, they very well may announce a new iPhone tomorrow, like literally tomorrow, because they're talking about the iPhone OS4 tomorrow. So this could all be moot in a day, but-- - Yeah, but it's not like what, you know, the iPad had just come out, it's not like it's gonna, you know, that all that stuff's gonna just go away. - Maybe. We will see. - Jeff writes in, and he says, my wife was a graphic clip web designer from Korea. After we got married, she moved out here to Vancouver, British Columbia. Since then, it's been a real struggle for her to find a work in her field, North America. She's really bummed out, and I'm desperately trying to help her break back into the industry. However, as an art-planned accountant, I don't know where to begin. Any advice how you can give on how to break into graphic design would be a great help. - I don't know, just get a webpage and look on Craigslist, I mean. - Like a webpage for a portfolio, you mean? - Yeah, I mean, that's kind of like we, you know, we picked up one or two clients here in San Francisco, and we've been quite a few jobs from just their recommendations. - The Gay Men's Chorus. - Network, network, network. - It's a real thing. All right, so now I got a kind of a silly letter. - What? - Where was this last week? - A silly, like W? - Well, it's from a guy who says his name is Grumpy Gravy. That's the first stuff it's from. It says, I just had an interesting fast story you guys might like to hear in a question to boot. I'm a junior in high school and recently started dating a 19 year old college student. She is also my first girlfriend. - One up for the men, getting the older women, y'all. Respect now. - So he says, I had her over at my house late at night and it was getting hot and heavy. I am obviously inexperienced. So when she started to turn my butter, I got overly excited. I didn't warn her and I accidentally jizzed in her hands and all over her pants. I was so embarrassed she had to sneak out of my house and into her own house covered in gravy. Do you guys have a funny first-time story? - No, but that's a pretty major party foul. - No. - Not to hear. - A, not telling her and B, doing it on her clothes. - Well, you know what? Number one, 'cause what that makes me think of, it's like maybe that's what she's getting off on. The fact that he has an experience in all like new bio and fucking, oh, I'm so, so, so, so, so boring to me. (laughs) - Yeah, I would say that's unlikely. - I don't know. No, I mean, if she still comes back, that's a good sign. - Yeah, that's always a good sign. But no, I don't have any embarrassing first-time stories that I want to fucking share to the public. - Yeah, no, nothing like that, really. - Nora, I mean, I remember in high school hearing stories from people about dumb shit, but. - All right, Mark writes in and he says, do you ever give up on a video game? Is there a game ever, is there ever a game so hard? You literally say screw it and move on to something else. I've only had this a couple times and I always feel a bit ashamed of myself. But how do you feel? Does quitting game tarnish your pride as a gamer? - Haven't we answered this recently? Didn't we have a question just like this? - I don't know. - I could, it sounds really familiar. - I don't have a problem with it. If it's a game, I don't want to finish, that's just it. Like I didn't finish on the chart in a time. - I either got a war game. - You didn't finish on the chart, it's you? - No, I just couldn't care to. - Huh, well now people can hate you instead of me. - Come on, I don't think it was that good. - I stopped, yeah, and we totally answered this. 'Cause brutal legend, I stopped playing brutal legend 'cause I just wasn't having any fun. - Well, there you go. We answered it. I mean, like when, you know-- - I forget. - When it's like, you know, especially when you're having like pay rent and shit and your time is like sort of really money, then it's just like, fuck man. - Anthony, did you have one? - I mean, I already said I stopped playing God of War, one and two. - I haven't finished God of War III. - But a lot of times for me, I just stopped playing games not 'cause they're too hard just 'cause they just like get old to me. - Right, yeah, it's not a matter of that they're hard. - Yeah, I don't find very many games that I've quit playing 'cause they were too hard. All right, the next letter to Mike, it's kind of a longer one. - What's up, Mike? - I've always considered writing in, but I never thought my chosen topic would be a relationship issue. This is not a simple situation, but I would try and condense it down. My name is Mike. I'm currently a junior at Furman University of Private Liberal Arts College in South Carolina. I was introduced to my now ex-girlfriend in my junior high school and we started dating practically immediately. After four years together, I thought that our relationship was as perfect as it can be, and I was even preparing to ask her to marry me. Then about a month and a half ago, she sat me down and said that although she loved me, she wasn't in love with me. She said that she didn't feel wanted and hadn't been happy for about a year. She explained some of the things she was feeling and honestly had no idea that she felt that way. She tried to make things normal for a while, but it was extremely hard on me. I tried everything that I was capable of to try and show her that I would change, that I understood what I did and that I did wrong and wouldn't do it again. - Mistake. - Then after about a full month of blaming myself for not being good to her, I walked over to my friends' apartment to hang out for the day and saw her walking from the shower fully clothed, thankfully, into his room, closing the door behind her. After composing myself, I politely confronted them. I discovered that he had had feelings for her since he met her about two and a half years ago and she had feelings for him for around a year. Knowing all that I do about the situation has made it a lot easier. I'm almost certain that the events leading up to and including the breakup are not independent from the feeling she has for him. I've been able to start to let it go, but it isn't easy. Lately, she has been saying things that imply regret. I don't think that her new relationship will last pass the summer, so I'm trying to prepare myself for the what if she comes back scenario. At this point, I'm not even sure that I want that. Part of me would love to reconcile things and have a stronger relationship, but I also think that the separation may be better for both of us. Now to my question, do you guys have any advice in the situation and where I should go from here? - This guy is what, a junior in college? - Yeah. - Let me just tell you, buddy. When you are 27, 28 years old, like I am now, and you're thinking about this situation, you're gonna look back. I guarantee I'm fucking to you. There's a girl in one of your classes. There might even be two girls. There might be three, there might be four. You got your eye on, and you're gonna be like, what the fuck was I doing wasting my time when I could have been going for these two hot, three hot, four chicks? Maybe I could have got them all in the same go, all at once. That's what I gotta say. - But the exception of the logistical challenges of the last part of what Tyler just said. - Hey, you guys said it earlier, college is a great place for groups, meeting groups. - Yeah, I'm just referring to me. - She should bang a bang with four people meeting group on half half a bottle. - I'm just referring to the logistical difficulties of managing that many people on a college student's bed. - This is true, 'cause they're often like bunk beds. - Yeah, other than, or a twin. - Yeah. - Never tried for that on a twin. - Nah, man, it already sounds like though, you have your mind made up, right? If she comes back, you're not interested in it, so maybe she should-- - No, it sounds like he, part of him is. - Right, but man, she's a, she's went and-- - She cheated on you, she's been cheating on you for a year. - Well, they didn't get together physically, it's like-- - Yeah, right, better. - Right, yeah, if you wanna believe that, what I'm saying is, go for that chick that you check out every day in class. - I'm calling bullshit on her, we didn't do anything until after we broke up. I'm sorry, I don't mean to break your heart, I speak from experience. She did not wait until that to do that. - Man. - Otherwise-- - Arthur's just got a storm cloud above us, I'd poo. - No, otherwise I agree with Tyler, I think that you're gonna regret not enjoying that time in college. - I would take some time apart from both of them, especially if they're together. - That's not something you have to try to be okay with, dude, you don't have to like, you're under no obligation to suddenly decide, no, I'm okay, I'm the bigger person. You don't have to be a little person, that's bullshit. - Yeah, I agree with Arthur on that one. And there's nothing wrong with hedonistic purges. - True. (laughs) - I mean, the slut phase, right? - Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. - Between the relationship where you just like-- - There is a certain amount of cleanse to it. It depends on the-- - I will sample the buffet. - It depends on the person though, you know? Like, it depends, that might be more damaging to him than good depending on how he is about relationships. - I mean, do what you're comfortable with. - Right, that's what I mean. - But sometimes breaking out of comfortability is where you need to go, that's the thing. - Go take some masculine. (laughs) - Drop some out of him. - All right, so I just have a quick question. It's mainly directed to me, but that's what I answered because this is something a lot of people have been writing about. - Knowledge. - Just as, it's from Justin, he says, "Hey, I've been listening since episode one to Rebel of M." He said, "But he just said, 'Maybe I missed something, "but did anything ever explain what happened "to the game spike crew and the debriefings "will there ever be another episode "and while I'm on this topic is Arthur still working "for Team Xbox, or is he now a part of IGN2?" So it's just, yes, both me and Arthur work for IGN now. - I am an associate at IGN, and so is Anthony. - But, that being said, we are, the plan is, and we actually just posted our first episode back today, we are going to keep the game spicy where everything's going with the two Brian's who also have now been moved to IGN and myself and Ryan, and then probably a rotating person each week, so this week we had Scott probably on. So, it will still happen. You guys should still stay listening to it, you know? Even if there's only one game spike person on the podcast. - As far as Team Xbox, I couldn't tell you what's happening with Team Xbox, I have no idea. - Right, well, he was mainly concerned not about Team Xbox, but whether you existed in Team Xbox or IGN. - Unless this has all been an elaborate ruse. Yeah, I'm working for IGN. - The large, high-drawn collider set out a plan to come back in time and erase your existence. Team Xbox and IGN, so-- - There's a world's most obnoxious transmission outside right now. - Okay, another relationship letter. - That's that motorcycle, isn't it? - Yeah, so he's probably just out there working on it. Anyways, welcome to-- Oh, well, where's the game letters? - I read through the letters and picked just the good ones. We had a couple of game ones, but a lot of people just wrote in a relationship. - Okay, that's fine, I'm cool with that. - Let's hit it. - This is from Jason. I'm in my junior year of high school, and I've been working on this girl for close to two months. We've become very good friends over the past months, bump, bump, bump. - Stop. - During that time, she's told me about a previous relationship she had almost a year ago. It was a complicated one, and it ended badly when he cheated on her. He is basically to be straight up a drug dealer. Now she isn't a bad person like him by any means. He torments her now. She's reported him to the police, but little has come from that. Now, after a little background info, I've asked her out, and she's told me she's interested, but her past relationship and her fear of my safety is what's holding her back. What can I do? - Stop. Stop. If you're two months in, and you haven't gone on a date, you are friends. - Well, they work together, so I guess they probably see each other mostly through work. - If you were two months in, and you have not gone on a date, you were friends. - Yeah, but there have been times that I've worked with someone for a while, and then breached the friend gap. - In general, I think what Arthur, you know, I'm picking up what Arthur's putting down. (laughing) You know, there's the, I mean, there's a whole thing like, are you gonna be just like constantly chasing this chick? You know, it's kind of like what you're getting at. Like, is she into you? - That's sick, calm bullshit. You see where people are chasing each other for years, and no one ever does anything until four years in. That is not real life. - That's not fun, but no, but no. What he's saying is that she does like him, but she's concerned that her psychopathic ex-boyfriend is gonna hurt him. - I mean, if he's-- - Drums, dude. - I don't think that's, I think that's an excuse. - No, I mean, if he's really is like a hardcore drug dealer or something, but do you really wanna be with some girl that's a good particular? - Dude, I've known a lot of drug dealers in my life, and none of them, I think, would be that fucking crazy. - I'm not saying she's not your friend. I'm saying she is your friend. - No, but if she liked him, she wouldn't care about his safety. - I think if she liked him, she would justify it to herself, why it's okay. - Ah, man, I guess that's a different way of looking at things. - Don't you know this story? - Yeah, I do. They died in the end. - Yeah, well, they died after fucking. - Sorry. - Yeah, that's all what it comes down to. - They made out, too. They got married, and then died. - Let's see, let's see, let's see. - Committed suicide. - I was trying to find out a non-relationship letter, 'cause, like I said, we got a lot. - I'm perfectly fine with the relationship letters. - Dude, here's one thing. I hope. I was thinking, you know, I'm playing a lot of bad company, and, you know, Brink is coming out, and it's got that whole sort of system where the characters sort of run over the environment really smoothly, 'cause there's a shit load of clipping issues. - There's some really bad collision issues. - Holy fuck, that is bad. Like, what I'm saying is, like, games, it should just be like, you know, like Altair, when he's moving past the wall, like, his arm sort of touched the wall, and he moves past it, like, I don't know, you should, like, move the tree out of the way, or something, when you're-- - I just feel like people abused the geometry in 1943 so much. Like, because you could basically run up nearly vertical surfaces in 1943. - Oh, really? I don't know. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. - Sorry, we're-- - I don't know, I want to do-- - Let's. - I just had a part in my brain that's just-- - No, it was the door slamming in the background that stopped me. - Continue. - What happened? - I just feel like they overreacted to people doing that, and now you can barely walk up semi-horizontal surfaces and bad companies here, but what did you want to say, sir? - I don't even remember now, that's fine. Then my brain freaked out 'cause I didn't mean to interrupt like that. - No, you didn't. - A letter from a Francois. And this is kind of one that he's direct to me, but it's really something I think you can deal with too, Tyler. It's called Jesus Freaks. It says, "Chef, you seem to know a bit about religion. "My brother is a hardcore, born-again Christian, "and this is why I think you could deal with a better Tyler. "What do you do when someone always brings up religion "in a conversation? "Seriously, we could be talking about fucking Ruben sandwiches "and Jesus and God always make an appearance. "How do you tell them to chill that shit out?" And I feel like I don't really have any hardcore religion, but I know you've got some. - Yeah. - How do you deal with it? Do you just like, share your bite, your lip, or do you just like, come on, shut up? I feel like it's your brother, right? You should be able to be like, chill out, man. - Yeah. - You're alienating me. I know you love God and you love me, but it's tough. It depends on where your intellectual capacity is, 'cause my sister is super religious, but not that bright, so I always sort of challenge her ideas, and it's really easy to sort of topple her. But if your brother's a little bit more quick-weighted about it, you know, I don't know. I don't know, it's tough because yeah, sometimes I do find myself buying my lip. My sister will be like, you know, they gave out those reimbursement checks if you bought like a home. You know, that was like a big Obama administration thing, and she's like, you know, Jesus delivered my check. And I was like, actually, you know, worker from the government delivered the check near Melvox, and that was actually from the communist president that we have, according to you know. - It was important here. - Yeah, who was the Kenyan president? - Yeah. - I don't know, dude, I'm, okay. Basically, I would just- - You know what I mean? It's your fucking brother, man. Tell him to be honest with him, like, dude, make him really uncomfortable, and I know you love God, but you do need to like chill out, 'cause I don't show your same beliefs, you know, and I'm not sitting here saying that you're wrong. I mean, if it ever gets to like, go ahead, sorry. - If he's like a newly reborn evangelical, that is an uphill fucking battle. - Yeah, that says to me quite a few things. Like, it says like, you could be going to like a stadium church, or it could be like, you know, putting a lot of your income into the church, probably, you know, wishing for the rapture of the world, the glorious ending of the world. - If he goes to tent revivals, it might be all over. - Well, born in a Christian, he says he probably does do stuff like that, but you can still get through to people like that, trust me, I have, so. - Some, than there were others. - Yeah, but he's your fucking brother, man, so good luck. Dominic writes in, I've been going out with my high school girlfriend for just over a month now. We are both 17, and love each other very much. - How long have you been going out? - Just over a month now, and they love each other very much. - It could happen, hey, man, I don't dare, let's hear it. - But there's one thing we disagree on, entertainment. She knows I'm an avid gamer, and she's totally cool with it. We had a prolonged make out session to the soundtrack from heavy rain, but I want to get her into gaming. Her fan, I was like, what can I clock? - She's cool with gaming, man, she makes out with gaming. - We made out in the soundtrack. - We fucked a Zelda. - Let me tell you, man, there are probably been times where the radio station just happened to be playing Creed, and I was getting it on the back seat. That doesn't mean that Creed is okay, I'm sorry. But I want to get into gaming, her family is a wee, and her and her parents play Wii Fit, but that's about it. Another thing that I'm into is that I'm into all movies except mentally challenged romantic comedies. That's all she watches. She's never seen Star Wars. - Whoa! - That's retarded to her, she says, who watches a movie about a giant slug. That's what she says. Who watches a movie about a giant slug. She doesn't like Lord of the Rings or any Quentin Tarantino movie. She's never heard a shot of The Dead or Kevin Smith. By the way, are you guys gonna be a Wondercon on Friday? Nope. - Jesus Christ, I'd rather have a phone book rammed up my ass than-- - I showed her the beginning of Pulp Fiction, and it looked like it piqued her interest, but I'm not sure. The last thing we disagree on, but I'm starting to accept is our difference in music taste. My favorite band is System of a Down. Hers is Tim McGraw. I don't think I have to say anymore. I'm starting to listen in light country though. Crazy Heart changed that. I love her and her family loves me too. I hope you're using it. - All right, wait, wait. Er, er, er, put on the brakes. Just, let's stop it there. Let's stop it there. - No, he's got a little bit more to go than I think you should hear. - Yeah, yeah, I think I think you will wanna-- - I think you wanna hear the rest of this talk. - Oh, I love her and her family loves me too. Even with my past weed use, which she got me off of three weeks clean. And although I have a very open mind, and I'll tell her whatever's on my mind, I tell her whenever I have an erection, and she likes that (laughs) The one thing I worry about myself is that she's never been with black dudes, but she and I are still virgin. - Wait, wait, wait. She's never been or only been. - She is, oh, she, that she has been with black dudes, but she and I are still virgins and whatever. - What is this letter about? What the fuck is this? - Yeah, just-- - And whenever her friends talk about black guys, I get a little uncomfortable. - Oh, my hat is exploding. What is happening here? - Is there more or is that it? - Just that he's been listening to the beginning. And he actually lives in Danville, California. That's like an hour away. - But there's also some pretty weird spots of California within driving distance up here. - I can't believe you just told us all that, Dominic. - Dude, okay, number one. Let me just say this, I didn't-- - Oh, I don't think so. - The phrase opposites attract, that's bullshit. That is bullshit. - Nah, that is not a bullshit. - I don't know if that's bullshit. - No, that's bullshit phrase. - I think it's-- - Opposites do not attract. - It's fraught. - It's fraught, okay, fraught, fraught. - I think opposites attract, though. - No. - I've been totally attracted to girls that were different, but-- - Liberal won't have to be enough similar things. - Liberal and conservative-- - Right, right, right, right, right. - It depends-- - No, it depends. - Country music, system of a down, no. Just that whole email, I'm just like, "Tom, do you wanna make yours?" - It depends what the opposites are, to be fair. It has to be like, they can't be like opposites in core values. - It does, it does, it does. And it is core values. I'm not saying I like ketchup. - Hold on. - My girlfriend loves mustard. - My girlfriend loves mustard. - And get back to the part where Dominic isn't comfortable 'cause she's been a black man. - But she looks bad about it. - Wait, so wait, she's been with black guys, but as a virgin. - Yeah, I don't. - What's the problem? - And what is this thing like, I love her family. - Also. - Fucking a junior in high school. - He's not. - Been dating her for a month. - Fucking a junior in high school. - Oh, he's my senior. - They're not fucking each other, as in they haven't had sex. - Oh, no, no, he was saying fucking as an adjective. - I was not as an F word as an. - Yeah, yeah, I know. Wow, Dominic, Dominic, Dominic, Dominic. - Arthur's mind always goes to the sex right away with the fuck. - Look, fuck, fuck. - No, he said that. - No, he was saying it like his own name. - Fucking as an adverb, okay, I'm sorry. - You're blowing my mind here, Dominic. - But she's not blowing you. She's not dating you for your penis. - What's in it? What is he not? I don't understand. - I don't understand. - I don't even know what the question was. Like, dude, get over the black thing, dude. - You love her, fam. What? - I don't think you love her. If that's even like something that is in your mind. - Can we, can we be real? - Let's be real. - So when they've been dating for a month, do you think that-- - What do you think about, give the real situation? - Dominic, you are infatuated. - Dominic, you are infatuated. - Yes. - I'm sure that she is a wonderful girl who likes romantic comedies. - Yes. - But give it some time before you throw around the L word. - Not just that, but the black dudes thing. - Yeah. - What is that about? - I had a girlfriend in high school that my one serious girlfriend, she dated black dudes, whatever. - Ordinarily, I'm like, Tyler, it's fine. But I'm the Tyler, like, what is that about? - I don't get it either. - I mean, if she's making out with you, then the black dude thing is not an issue 'cause she's making out with you. - Yeah, I mean, is it that you're not black and you think she only likes black dudes or is it that you just have a problem with? - Clearly, that's not the, if you don't like black people, that is pretty much your problem. - I don't get it. Someone, we met a listener, maybe an honorary black man at Hacks Boston. - Yes, it was very natural. - Speaking as an honorary black man, get over it. - Don't, why do you hate Tyler? - Why do you hate me? - As far as getting her into video games, why? Why do you wanna, why are you-- - You're gonna both go to college soon and she's gonna go marry a black guy. - Look, let me lay it down, let me lay it down, let me lay it down like this, let me lay it down like this. I am dating a much older version of your perfect girl, bro. Jody, my girlfriend, huge system of a down fan, grew up playing video games. - Really, Jody has some of that. - Jody loves his, if we go to a karaoke bar, the one band she is going to sing is going to be System of a Down all night. - I have System of a Down karaoke. - Yes, apparently he's so, Jody's a huge fan. What I'm saying is, fuck the tell McGraw chick. You know, it's just like my message to the guys-- - He's trying, Tyler. - But he's saying it's fine to girl with me. - No, no, no, don't try, you fucking cementing me. - And to hell. - No, but you're saying, but you're saying find a girl that has more accountability. - Yes, naturally. - I'm not even saying that. I'm saying that you guys can coexist with one person like in country and the other person liking different music. - That's possible, I'm not trying to hate on that. - If you guys are getting along and having fun together, you don't need to have all the same interests. - Right, actually, I think it's good to not, and more importantly, like Arthur's right, like every time you find out, I like this and she doesn't, that shouldn't be like, oh fuck, it should be like, okay. - I mean, unless it's like she likes burning crosses on people's lawns or something. - Yeah. - Clearly that's not the case. - Something that's definitely opposed to your happiness. I don't know. But to me, like, you know, being subjected to content. - What you're looking at me like that for? - I was trying to think of some way I could turn burning crosses into something sexual, but I don't know. - This is an American History X. - I'm only gonna read one last letter and it's not a relationship working letter. - Oh. - We've pretty much exhausted a lot of the good ones. I mean, I guess if you want, I could answer the question about 40k books a guy could read, but I left stuff like that out, you know? - Oh, I mean, you do them a public service to them about 40k books to read. - Just go find the Space Wolf's Omnibus. There you go. - Space Wolf's? - Space Wolf's Omnibus. - Omnibus. - Is it Space Wolf, apostrophe S? - It's Omnibus. - It's Space Wolf's. Okay. - Space Wolf's Omnibus. - Okay. - 'Cause all of the 40k books at this point, they have Omnibus as a model so you can just get all them collected in one and they're totally cheap, so. - Someone wrote in asking nay demanding to know why Rock Band Network isn't on PSN. - Oh, yeah. - And they're pissed off about it like they feel like they're getting fucked. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - And the reason that Rock Band Network isn't on PSN yet is because they're using the XNA architecture and the indie games backend to do Rock Band Network. There's nothing like that for PS3. That's why. That's why there will never be as robust a Rock Band Network on PSN as there is on 360. - But they did talk about taking the good stuff that sells from Rock Band Network and putting it on the PS3 and Wii stores. - Right. Just usually much later. - Yeah. I mean, it's, again, it's just something, it's a backend that Microsoft has in place that isn't there for the PS3. I'm sorry if you feel asked Hurt that you bought it on PS3 and can't get it. - Um, a guy named Kyle Rodin asking you and I, Tyler, and Arthur would know too, should he's cooked enough vegetarian food? He's like, I want to switch to vegetarian but I want some pretty easy to kind of maybe meet, like, modestly difficult recipes you could make. - Sure, yeah. - Are there fucks of some Fettuccine Alfredo? - Hell, yeah. - Lazania, vegetarian Lazania. - Mm-hmm. - Well, yeah. - Vegetarian chili is good. - Yeah, vegetarian chili is like super easy. - Yeah, that's really easy. - And also vegetarian chili is something you can put fake meat into and not really think about it being fake meat. - Yeah. I mean, there's lots of them. I would just, honestly, I would just, like, even, like, I, these days, I kind of hate PETA, but even PETA's website has a really good recipe book. So. - That's a vegan recipe book, isn't it? - Yeah, but you can also find just, like, I mean, just, it's true, but you could always put some cheese in there if you want. - Just remember-- - Just remember, like, okay. - No, go ahead. - I'll just say, like, some good, like, cheap tacos. You can get Morningstar Farms. They have a brand called, like, The Mill Starters and they sell these, like, they're, like, fake steak. So you take those, grill this up with some, like, garlic and olive oil. Throw it in a flour toward the end. Sometimes I use, like, spinach instead of iceberg lettuce. That's really good. - Okay, I have one. I have another relative, or we can read. It's a decent one. It's from Adam and he says, I had a few questions and thoughts for you guys. Feel free to answer any and/or all of them. Tyler, when you sit to pee, how do you handle pearections? - Dude, pearections are one of the number one benefits of peeing sitting down. It's one of the main reasons why I started peeing sitting down, especially after boom, boom time. 'Cause you don't know what angle the pee could come out from. - True, it's the garden hose effect. - Yeah. So when, okay, so let me tell you what I do. When I sit down and I have an erection and I got a pee, you lean forward a whole bunch. Like, you almost wanna, like, be chest to knees. - Can't you just tuck it back? - That way it, look, uh, yeah. I guess it depends. - I mean, I suppose the lean-- - I suppose the lean could work. - Yeah, the thing you have to, like, watch out for is piss coming out between the seat that flops down and, like, the bottom of the toilet. Like, 'cause a piss can come out between that crack right there. Which has happened to me. - Yeah, it's happened to me. And then you gotta clean that shit up. - Can an explicit podcast got delisted for my tunes? - I don't think so. - Okay. - Why? - I've continued telling it. - Yeah, but that, that's what I do to-- - I wish it. - Sit back and I lean forward, big time. - And then he said, "Arthur, is it just me "or this cast of wire everywhere?" Within a month of starting the series, I've seen them in random places. Beatty and Stringer were in the office. Carter was a cop in a random movie trailer, and Bunk was even on Tim and Eric. Sadly, no one around watches the social. They can't share my excitement. - A fuck a load of people from the wire have been on long order SVU over the past two years. So I think that a show runner from that moved to that show. You'll see a bunch of 'em on Trim. Is that how you pronounce it? The show about New Orleans post-Katrina? - That isn't out yet, is it? - No, it's coming out really soon. That's David Simon's new show. - Yeah, it's the next one. - But yeah, they're having a lot of different places. - What's the name of the guy who plays Stringer Bell? - I can't think of him, but he was on the office. Ours, apparently, does that have a few of the cast? - I'm not sure. But he's in a bunch of movies lately, like he was in Rock and Rolla, and he's in The Losers, which is coming out really soon, which also has the dad from Supernatural. I don't know, I mean, there are a lot of really, really strong, dramatic performances in the wire, and maybe people saw it. It's an incredibly respected show in the entertainment industry, so that would probably explain it. - Yeah, I can imagine these type of sitcoms, they call 'em four camera sitcoms. The ones like The Office. - I like the wire ones that are shot more like movies. I imagine those actors, that's like a fantastic portfolio for them. I was on the wire, like, sure, I can do the walk-on bit. - McNulty was in 300. - Oh, was he? - He was the sleazy senator. - They got stabbed. - That's right. - Yeah, huh, McNulty. - Is there more to that letter? - No, that was pretty much it. - That was pretty much the end of the good letter. Someone wrote about writing in actually like two minutes ago wrote in about being sitting down, but it's nothing we could read because they attached a graphic of why sitting down compared to standing up results in less piece-brae, so. - We have a lot more people than us. - No, I mean, that's true. I actually recently read a book about poop, and in Germany, they sit down to pee. - Huh, you know, my, I swear, dude, I go home to Houston and like, you know, I'm not bragging, but it's like, I know a shit ton of people in Houston, dude. I can't go a place without seeing someone I know. - That doesn't sound like bragging time where you are the most outgoing person I think I've ever met. - But, but here's the thing, out of all my friends in Houston, of everyone I know, only one person I know listens to our podcast, my old roommate, and he, and he dropped me and I am, and he was like, man, I fell off. He was like, 'cause he pees sitting down, too. We were roommates. It was like, I was like, you know it, buddy. - A lot of people-- - He's a ladies' man, too. - More than one person has written in this last week, saying they pees sitting down. - Yeah. - So, all right. That's your life lesson for the week. For real. So, you can write into us at RFM-- - Oh. - Sorry. You can also listen to our friends' podcast, the, and the And you can check out the final episode of Area 5's Co-op soon at - In a couple weeks, they just put up a new episode this week, too. - Yeah, and you can find me at You can hear me on the GameSpidey Briefings. You can find Arthur @ You can read my bad company, two impressions, and my USB on 360 impressions on IGN. - Not bad company, two impressions. - From the maps, from the DLC. - And you can find Tyler @ - Like the drink. - Yeah. And you can also find me at Gangster in the streets of San Francisco. - And a gangster shooting at you. - All right. Thank you for listening. We'll hear from you all next week. - Hopefully. Remember. I got nothing good to say. I was about to say something that I had to realize would be too festive. - Just cut it off, just cut it off. - What were you gonna say? - I'm not ready. - I'm not ready. - I stopped. - Are you saying? - I'm not ready. - I just cut it off, right? - I'm not ready. - Yeah. - All right. - What were you gonna say? ♪ Tell me am I right ♪ ♪ Two things that there could be nothing better ♪ ♪ Making through my pride ♪ ♪ And slowly growing all together ♪ ♪ Tell me the lies about some ♪ ♪ The idealistic future ♪ ♪ Don't you know me right ♪ ♪ If you keep tearing up the solutions ♪ ♪ I will, I have made mistakes ♪ ♪ And so I'm never on you again ♪ ♪ You got all the work I can't deny ♪ ♪ But you've had your chance ♪ ♪ So say goodbye ♪ ♪ Say goodbye ♪ (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO]