Rebel FM
Rebel FM Episode 54 -- 03/11/10
It's a shorter show this week, but Tyler, Arthur and myself have found some time to do a shorter show for you. This week's show is a single, hour long segment that covers GDC. Join us as we discuss games like Lara Croft and Transformers, as well as give some initial PlayStation Move impressions.
[MUSIC] Hello and welcome to episode 54 of Rebel FM. >> I could read more like episode 53 and a half really. >> Yeah, we kind of have a shorter show just because GDC real life calls. >> We're, Anthony are both on deadlines right now. >> But we wanted to get you guys a show no matter what because we didn't get you one last week because of the MacBook failure. >> And Game Club didn't happen this week because Matt was booked like crazy and towers having technical difficulties with chaos. >> Mm-hm, and hey, I ran into some listeners at the show and they had the same problems. They couldn't get splinter cell off Xbox Live either. >> That's weird. >> We'll get it for you off steam if we have to. >> Or I'll just let him use the physical copy and we'll download games for Windows versions. >> Right, we'll work it out one way or another. So let's talk some GDC stuff. >> Well, are we gonna just do GDC or did we wanna do two weeks of what we've been playing? >> Well, two weeks of what we've been playing would probably take up every bit of time we had. I'd prefer to focus first on the GDC games, we played at least. >> Do you wanna go first or do you want me to first? >> No, I want you to tell me about Transformers. >> I didn't play with Transformers. >> Well still, you saw it though, I want to know about it. >> I saw Transformers War for Cybertron. Is that my cat or your cat? >> I know, that's what I was saying. I thought I heard a missing cat. >> There's pseudo like pussy girl warfare going on in our living room. >> How much of the game did they demo for you? Did that- >> Well, someone playing it in front of you- >> Yeah, no, they showed, there was someone playing it. They showed me all over the game, like they showed me the end of the Decepticon's campaign. >> Okay. >> So there are two campaigns, the Decepticon's campaign and the Autobots campaign. The Decepticon campaign is first. >> Whoa, that's kind of weird. >> And it explains, apparently they got a lot of carte blanche from Hasbro to make this a definitive origin fiction for G1 Transformers. >> Yeah, I heard that so much to the point where Hasbro saw what they were doing was like, we like it, we'll make toys. >> Yeah, that's what I heard as well. So, like it's got the story of how Optimus became a prime, where Optimus met Bumblebee. >> What is, well, first off, I asked one earlier, what does it mean to be a prime? >> A prime is a leader, like I think in the cartoons it was the matrix of leadership. Like at the end of the, like when Optimus died in the cartoon movie, like he pulled the thing out of his chest. >> Okay. >> Like Hot Rod got it at the end of that movie and became Rodimus Prime. >> Okay, now it makes sense, okay. >> It also explains like the relationship between Starscream and Jetfire, which if you watch the cartoon, I think they found Jetfire frozen on Earth. >> Yeah. >> And Starscream acted like things were cool and that they were still buddies and that they were good guys. And then Jetfire were in the theory evil and went to the other side. But it explains the Starscream, Jetfire relationship and the Starscream, Megatron relationship. >> That's interesting, but I'm sorry, I just wanted to digress a little bit on the Transformers canon. Last time I was at home over Christmas break, I was talking with my brother about the Transformers origin story. And we were both lamenting about how it's such a cool story, the War of Cybertron, and so it's really cool that some ways. >> They've never told the War of Cybertron. >> Right, yeah, but I mean, whoa. >> Anthony's attack is attacking, Anthony's cat is attacking my cat. She's an angry little thing. So yeah, I mean, the Decepticon campaign leads directly into the Autobots campaign. They showed me the last boss of the Decepticons campaign, which I could tell you about and you'd probably geek out. >> Is it the train station guy? >> I think it's a rocket station. >> Well, okay. >> Omega Supreme. >> Omega Supreme is the giant transformer, and they walked up and showed me, like I told them to pick Soundwave because you can pick Soundwave. And he walks up and he's like up to the ankle height of Omega Supreme. >> Whoa. >> So everything is scaled really well. The game looks pretty good. One of the things that they were really eager to show off, and it's actually really cool, was everything is sort of transformative. And that if you pick up a weapon, they're not just holding a gun like it integrates with their body. >> Hmm. >> Like their arm sort of breaks apart and integrates it in, and then that's how. >> So their G1, do they look like the cartoon? >> Their pre-G1. So their reminisce in a G1, like the style is similar, but it's modernized a bit, it's redone a bit. Like they're alien vehicles, they're not human vehicles as all they do. >> Weird angles. >> They're passing resemblance, except for Soundwave who's a truck, like an alien truck. >> So it's a shooter, right? >> It's a third person shooter. But it's not cover based. Like in the health system isn't completely recharging, it's like resistance or riddick where it's like four health bars. And like you'll lose part of one of them will recharge, but if you lose all of it, like you'll have to find health. And there's energon cubes that look exactly like the energon and the cartoon. >> Oh, cool. >> But it looks really good, like if you go up to a switch to interact with a door, like your chest erupts open and like your hands break apart. And you like interface with this thing and open the door, which breaks apart in a transformery way. It's just like everything is constantly shifting and transforming the way that you would expect the transformer homeworld to shift. Right down to when you go up to a turret, like you become one with the turret. >> Right, okay. >> You can transform whenever you want, they said that they made it, they were very careful to make it so that you could be whatever form you wanted to be at any time, even if one form would be more beneficial. >> That's a little nice shoe-horning you and you can always do what you want, and there will be times where it's like, well, maybe you should take that ramp as a car. But you don't have to, like it seems like all the Autobots have jetpacks and everyone has a melee weapon. But yeah, there's no cover. It's very action-based, like it's very constant forward momentum, like destroying like faceless robot dudes from the other side, of which there are many. And I asked about that and they talked about how they wanted to do something more distinctive and more unique, but like consoles right now just aren't capable of it. Like it was too resource-intensive to try to like mix them up. But it looks really cool. It's not the most graphically intense game I've seen, but it feels very correct as far as how it fits in with Transformers like the planet looks right. The performance looks good. It's coming out not that long. >> That's what it's going to say is like what, June or something? >> I'm thinking probably July, they say summer, and I assume that that means they're going to release after E3. >> Right. >> But it looks cool. I'm excited for it. There's a lot of Transformers to pick from, there's three player co-op throughout the entire campaign. There is online multiplayer, but they're not showing it yet. But yeah, I am excited for Transformers War for Cybertron now, which is surprising. >> It's kind of like just something you told me a year ago, it'd been like no transforming or something. >> What crack are you smoking? >> And it's being done by the Dark Watch guys, right? >> Yeah, High Moon. They did Dark Watch and they also did the Born Conspiracy game, which was pretty cool, like it had interesting ideas. >> I feel like the Dark Watch thing is more like a good milestone for them, or at least more fan-loved anyway. >> Like they did interesting things with the Born license and paid it a lot of respect, so there's that. But I played the Born Sprint, we're not, I'm really tired. >> Come on. >> I played Split Second. >> Yeah, that's a game that I'm really curious about. >> Split Second is like a cart racer without weapons or where instead of weapons, you blow up the environment around people to try to wreck them. >> Right. >> That is Split Second. It's a one trick pony. That is what it does, and it does it pretty well. But I have concerns as to how the longevity of that game will work. Is there like an ambush about to happen by my feet? >> There was an ambush about to happen. >> One of the more interesting things just visually about, I think it's Split Second. Or it might be blur, I might be confusing these two, but it's Split Second, the one that has all the HUD on the back of the car. >> It is, it's not on the back, it's like right underneath the tires. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's really cool. >> There's no HUD anywhere. And they do that because they say that they want you to look around the levels for like, triggers that will blow up. And yeah, you can see shit that's trying to kill you. Like you'll see a fucking helicopter airlifting a tractor trailer or like a fucking construction vehicle off the distance. You're like, that is probably going to be bad at some point. Like power sliding, like drifting is what gets you what builds up energy is the best way to describe it to activate, like environmental, like disasters. And also, if you save up all of them, there are certain points where you can change the track. Like where it causes so much devastation that it just fundamentally changes the way the course goes. Or you can use, you can use like a bar to trigger a shortcut. >> So really, it's still a racing game, but the goal is to basically out survive everyone. >> Well, I mean, the goal is to win, like to be first. >> Right, but if we're doing that, it's like. >> But yeah, I mean, when you wreck it just respawns you. >> Okay. >> So it's not like, like you're not going to eventually be out of the race, like you won't be able to continue, like you'll always be able to continue, I think. >> But, um. >> Would be cool to see a mode where it was like one elimination last man. >> Last man, yeah. >> Like the graphics are really sharp. The graphics, the backgrounds look really good. The cars are simple. And their points when that becomes a little more glaringly obvious, like when you wreck, it's like your car, like someone took a hot wheels and broke it. And like it's just like a couple pieces. And when I was playing like a wheel flew off of a car and you look inside and it's like a hexagon on the inside there, so a few polygons. >> Right. >> So it looks a little rough in spots. And it's out pretty soon. But it could be cool. I mean, it's doing something that no other racer is doing, like the environmental stuff, like, is its own thing. And if, and I can imagine it being fun and multiplayer, like causing, like a building to collapse on one of your friends ahead of you, or like all of your friends. Like, because you can really completely change the status of a race with one trigger. >> I like this. >> It's very much your game. >> I was going to say, yeah, it sounds like an Anthony sort of racer. >> Yeah. >> It makes me think, my friends and I, we were discussing the finer points between, you know, Bad Company 2 versus Modern Warfare 2. And this just makes me think, my friend drew the analogy. He was like, Modern Warfare 2 is like Mario Kart, where you're doing these killstreaks so you can get the red shell, which will hone down and get the guy in front of you. >> The blue shell. >> The blue shell. >> Or, you know, basically the wind shell. >> Yeah. >> You know, and I just thought that was really good analogy. Like, Call of Duty is more like Mario Kart. >> Yeah, I mean, Call of Duty can have some pretty serious rubber banding issues, just like Mario Kart does. >> Do you think? >> Well, sometimes, I mean, sometimes it's landslide, right? And then sometimes you'll have like one guy that brings the whole entire team back just because all of a sudden he gets like an AC-130 or a nuke. >> Or a nuke. >> Or a kobra or whatever, or a nuke, which really does just completely. >> And the game. >> Bring it around. I've never actually seen a nuke during all my time with Modern Warfare 3. >> Yeah, I've never had it happen while I was playing absolutely YouTube footage of it. >> What a thing. >> But at this rate, I will never see a nuke in Modern Warfare 2 because I have no interest. >> It is really, it just occurs and it's like game over. >> I have no interest going back to Modern Warfare 2, like period. Not even the maps that are coming out at the end of the month. >> I have interested in playing Battlefield someday when I have time. >> I traded Modern Warfare 2. >> You play Battlefield. You played Battlefield. You played it on PC, right? >> A little bit one night, yeah. That was mostly to make sure the PC one was most of the same. >> And now I also have the PC version in the event that we ever play it. >> Awesome. >> Wait, because Arthur has a Steampress account, yay. >> Because my boss fucking knows everyone. >> So Tyler, did you see any games during your short time with the GDC? >> Yeah, I sure did. So I was only able to check it out today for a very, very short time. But you know, I sort of made a B line to that. >> I gave you an hour, is that what it was? >> I made a B line to the IGF booth, the Independent Games Festival. And immediately saw a game that I had no idea was being developed and was like, "Whoa, where have I been?" >> Which one is that? >> The guys from, you may, so you folks may know these guys. They're called the Super Brothers. And if you're familiar with anything they've done, they did like this animation about cloud computing. And basically all their animations have this really cool distinct pixel style. And you know, all the music's like very 8-bit and retro. But they've only done like video things. So now they're making an iPhone game. And it's still the same like Super Brothers traditional style, which is badass. But they're making it, but it's an action game. And so when you hold the iPhone horizontally, you're in sort of the adventure mode where you can see sort of the overworld and you walk around these different paths. And like, you know, there's like deer hanging out in the background and they run off. And the whole game is just really centered around, you know, it's one of these games where it's centered around the art style and everything really gelling and just sort of like being a place, you know, I often talk about games like out of this world in this way where it's more of like your experience instead of the gameplay quote unquote. And then what's cool is like when you get into combat, when you find the enemies, you turn the iPhone vertical. And then it's almost like, it almost turns into kind of like punch-out is the way the guy explained it to me. So it might be like this crazy bear guy with like a sword and a shield. And in the same way that the punch-out villains tell you when they're about to attack and tell you kind of like what kind of attack they're going to do, like the enemies do that same sort of thing. So the jewel and the bear's turban blanks before it's about to hit you? Right, yeah, you know, I mean, it does a little something and you strike it down. But it looks really cool and it's just, you know, one of these games where the music is amazing and the art is amazing, you know, I think it could be a lot of fun. It looked really cool. But from there, I kind of like turned around and noticed a game that I had been looking out for was there. A vessel. And so it was cool. But man, this one guy, dude, somebody was playing it. He was hogging the controller. So I didn't get to-- Is the vessel the one with a bunch of liquid? Yeah, okay. That's the one where you're-- What's the premise of it? I always just see people tilting the world with liquid in it. Right, yeah. And so, right. I really don't know. Oh, no, no, no. So you're thinking of a different one with liquid where they're tilting the world. Yeah, so there were two liquid games there. There were two liquid games. But this was one where you're actually a person, a little bitty dude, and you sort of squirt liquid out of your gun, kind of Mario Sunshine style. But the liquid behaves in the game like you would think it would in real life or something. And that's just the thing about that game. It's like an adventure puzzler kind of game, adventure action puzzle. I don't know, sort of hybrid. That looked really cool. Another game that I saw there that I had-- You know, I'd seen screenshots of this game, but never played it or anything or seen videos. But a limbo. Have you heard? Yes. I've heard about it. I saw a limbo. That was actually one of the few things I saw. And that limbo looks kind of fucked up. Dude, it's like, did you put the headphones on? No, I didn't get a chance to play it. Like, the problem with the IGF booth is that there are a ton of fucking, like, nerds that are fucked around these indie gaming rock stars. And all they want to do is, like, play those games and, like, talk to those people. And so, us goddamn press can't get a hint of them. I feel like such a little bitch right now. I know, but in a way, like, I mean, what you're talking about is something very significant. I mean, I feel like this is a place, you know, it's exactly what you're saying. Like, the dudes, the creators are standing right there next to their game. And it's like these games that we all see and we love and think they're so creative and wonderful. And it's like they're right there. I don't know. I think it's like the indie music scene except with nerds. And I'm not saying that pejoratively. It's just like this culture. And also, if you have been to GDC ever, you know exactly what I'm talking about. There's only a couple of games that did have PR people there. Yeah, it probably did. Chank was the one. Yeah. Chank had it. And I think maybe the hero is a no-worth. Might have had it. Yeah, they had a surprise that that's a... Oh, I'm not surprised. They're going to sell that game. Yeah. I mean, there was also a couple of people asking like, "Why is Chank in this still?" You know, because they just... I thought so. It got entered in before they ever had to deal with EA. Yeah. I mean, they just got a publishing agreement with EA. So it's kind of like EA is paying to develop it. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, it is strange. Like, they are only one square space in the whole, you know, vendor people that are showing. Like, you figure the IGF should be like a huge chunk of real estate. You need to understand that they need a lot of 4 space to sell Cry Engine 3 Tyler. The reality, too, is that a lot of those guys that are developing these indie games probably have to provide their own PCs and everything to demo it. Yeah. So it's like, you know, if they were to like, "Well, you can have 4 demo stations if you can supply 4 PCs." They're like, "Uh, no." Right. You know. Fuck. I wanted to try Monaco. I'm going to try Monaco tomorrow to write it up. Oh, man, yeah, I kept on hearing about Monaco, and I kept on hearing about this one that was called, like, Super Alboy, or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That one was there. Monaco, to me, yeah, Super Alboy is cool. Like, that one has a really cool idea. But Monaco, to me, seemed more like one of those games where it's such a really, really smart idea on, I don't know, just a really basic concept. Top-down sort of Metal Gear 8-bit style, I don't know. With, like, bank robbery or something? Yeah, with, yeah. It's like a heist game. It's cool. Um, did you play anything else? Um, yeah. Well, let's see. Did you try the game that I found the name of? The one that's called... No, I didn't try that one. No, but that's the one I was... Yeah. It's like a really... It looked cool if you like adventure games, like straight up first monkey island adventure game style. Mm-hmm. But, yeah, that name, which apparently, it doesn't even say "violence group regret" is what that translates to. Yeah. That's very Japanese. I mean, for the listeners at home, like, we were eating, we were talking about this before we started recording. And Anthony, all he said was, I saw this one game that looked cool. I had this weird name, and I knew exactly which one he was talking about, because when I was standing there, I looked at the game, and I looked at the name, and I thought, "Why the fuck would you name your game that?" It is very cool. I mean, people remember that it exists, so I don't remember the name, but... Right. I know, but I was just like, no one's gonna remember that. I got the concept of it, I mean, I'm an adventure game horror, and I like the fact that you can switch between two characters at any time. Totally. And one's like this guy living in this noir world, and this other person is living in this what the creator, Joshua Nernberger, equated to, like, he's like in a portal type situation where he wakes up in a lab, and he doesn't understand what's going on. And there's all these other subjects running around doing all these experiments. I don't know. It looks like it could be up my alley, but who knows? Yeah, totally. You couldn't really demo something like that properly there, like when there's, like, people breathing over your shoulder, 'cause, like, an adventure game, you gotta dedicate some time to. A lot of the other games, like, what you're talking about, vessel and stuff, you could play, like, one level and be like, that was awesome. Yeah, you get it. Yeah. I played a... I just remember that there was one other minor indie title that I played as well. Yeah, is it really a minor indie title, or are you just bullshitting me? Damn it, you ruined the joke. You had this look in your face that I was like, he's not really... No, no, I just remember that I played it. And you were there. Play what? Oh, Street Fighter... Yeah, like, I played Super Street Fighter 4. Oh, cool. Yeah, did you actually get to try out the new guy that ever... No, I just got... I had the opportunity to get my ass beat by a tournament player using Hakon. Yeah, if Kyle's Dalek is his name. Kyle, okay. Hi, Kyle. Kyle is a listener. Kyle is really good at Street Fighter 4. Yeah. Kyle went to the semi-finals, I think, in the GameStop tournament with a fucking 360 pad. Wow. Like, not the fight stick, not the fight pad, with the directional pad on the 360 controller. If you've had on it, it already tells... Just... Yeah. What the fuck? And he was the guy I got to play against when I was doing that. I did have the opportunity to beat Ryan Scott at Street Fighter 4, though, and that was good. But you know what? I like to hear the fact that this dude went with the 360 controller because it's like, "You know what, all you shit talkers? Like, I'm throwing down game on this deep pad. What you got?" He's a Zangief player, so that could be part of it. Yeah. Zangief players. Um, but I like that the characters they've added to Super Street Fighter 4 make the game feel different. And I heard it's only 40 bucks, right? Yeah, it's only 40 bucks. All the characters are unlocked from the get-go, or so I hear, which is good because I never unlocked the characters in Street Fighter 4. I barely played it. And it's just... It got lost in the shuffle while I was waiting to get a fight pad. But, um, I used a guy who was always my favorite character in the Alpha Games. He's from Final Fight, Red Gee, like Nike. Oh. He's really the guy from Final Fight put in the Street Fighter? Yeah. Like, they put in a lot of people from Final Fight and the Street Fighter at this point. Oh. Like, 8 on, like, the big, the big linebacker looking dude with the samurai match. So, I also thought that the weird, like, 1920s boxer dude was a new character as well. But apparently he's from, like, Street Fighter 3. Yeah, or not Birdie, but, um, fuck. It's so hard to remember all their names. I think Birdie is actually from Final Fight as well, or he's from Street Fighter. But it's a lot of fun in the new characters. Mix it up because the Street Fighter 3 characters are all much more technical and difficult to handle than, like, Street Fighter 2 characters, which is primarily what was in the last game. And Guy is a much more complicated character. He uses a lot of throws and sort of, like, goes around attacks and has, like, the Chumlee wall jump and stuff like that. Um, but I'm, I'm looking forward to it and I'm no longer angry that it's releasing and I will buy it when it comes out. Um, and I also played Street Fighter 4 for iPhone. Yeah, Ryan tried that a little bit too and played one round and was like, nope, do not approve. Well, yeah, but Ryan hates everything. Yeah. That game is, is shockingly functional. I, I got the, yeah, I wasn't sure about that. I was like, you know, that, you know, there's, like, a digital analog knob. I, again, I, I was, I did Dragon Punches with it. And not just using the button that's like the special move button, like, I did the motion and it did a Dragon Punch, like, reliably. So I'm not going to tell, I, I am surprised at the iPhone rendition of Street Fighter 4. It's not bad. Do you know how much it costs? I don't. It just seems like if they're going to do Street Fighter 4 and iPhone, why not do, like, a PSP one or something where there's actually a little analog knob? Maybe because it's harder to pirate iPhone games than PSP games. Truth. Man, the MPDs came out today and I, the biggest surprise to me wasn't the fact that the 360 outsold the Wii for the first time in like 29 months, but that the PSP sold 114,000 units in February. Hmm. Weird. That's like 12,000 more than PS2. That is a problem. Oh. I mean. That game, that system is like, and meanwhile, the DS sold like 600,000. Like that is. Yeah, but that's, that's been pretty par for the course for the PSP. No, the PSP actually has been selling a little better. And it just like, it hit the floor like last month, I don't know, but um, anyway, Street Fighter, Super Street Fighter 4 was pretty good. Even if I was getting beaten by a bunch of tournament players because Capcom invited a bunch of fucking ringers. Well, I don't think Capcom, Kyle was brought in by Ryan Scott. One, I mean, they did invite tournament players. I know they had some that were there. Yeah. But Kyle got in because of Ryan. And then later on Seth, the guy who the characters named for came and beat a bunch of people as well. Well, Seth Killian, right? Yeah. So he showed up eventually and beat on people as well. Community guy, the one that Ryan wanted to fight and lost to. Yeah. Over and over again. But again, Ryan lost to me. So this is not saying much. Yeah. Ryan's pretty much, he's good, but only with Blanca. That's it. One character. He's a one trick pony. Blanca, and that's it. So yeah. What else do people play? I saw Lorecroft something, something, something, something, Sun God or whatever it is. Lorecroft, Colin, long title. Guardian of light or something like that. Guardian of light. That's what it is. Is that what it is? Yeah. And the Guardian of light. How did I remember that? Good question. Sorry. That was like, that was so funny that, you know, I didn't know anything about it going into it. Right there didn't either because he was like, what, it's a, like when I told him it's like an isometric over the head sort of thing, you know, immediately when I saw it, I was like, oh, this looks like Baldur's Gate for PS2 and they were both like, both people that demoed the game from it were like, not on their head like, yeah, that's, that's kind of like one of the influences right there. And they wouldn't quite get into detail about the loot system in it, but they, I totally was like, you know, a game like this would really benefit from like a loot system and like RPG leveling up and they were like, yeah, it would, wouldn't it. Right. I mean, they didn't say it, but yeah, it seems like kind of a foregone conclusion. They said that what they're shooting for is about a six or seven hour game. You know, they want, they know that certain games out there are like shadow complex and stuff of kind of set a tone for a longer game. Do they give a price? I think it's going to be 15, which is why they want it to be like a six or seven hour game. I mean, that's longer than most 15 hour games on Xbox Live Arcade right now. Right. But they just feel like certain games like shadow complex have really set a standard that they want to live up to. And it's a shadow complex. I think it was 15 as well when it came out, but it had a, you know, it has like really good looking environments, you know, it's their engine that they've made. I think scaled back for this, like, you know, like the engine they use for the other Tomb Raider games, I think. Oh, cool. And then it, so it still has like some destructible environments and stuff like Laura can drop little mines and when they go off, it'll like blow up the walls and shit like that. And so it's, it's made to be a co-op game. It can be played single player. If you played single player, Laura has more tools at her disposal to get through the environments. But if you play co-op, it's really the way it's meant to be played. It comes off as like, she has limited tools, but she plays with this other guy who's like this, this revived warrior from, from some fucking mystical, he's like somehow magically brought back to life. Because, you know, the Tomb Raider games never really actually, they've always kind of evolved mystical shit. Right. Yeah. And so you're fighting with him the whole time and you have to use each other's abilities to get to the environment. So there might be a ledge to the tire up. And so he'll throw spears like that Laura can then jump on to to get up, but he's too heavy to use his own spears to break. So then she- Wait. Blue spears? Spear spears. Like. So she does like the acrobatic run on the spears. Right. And so he, and so he can throw those for her to use and then like she'll like grapple onto his chest and pull him up, you know, like stuff like that. I'm like spoiling all the foreplay because I'm supposed to go see this game tomorrow. Well. I mean, you'll still see it for the first time seeing it is different. You know, and it's- I understand that there will be other scenery for me to- And it still has environmental puzzles that are classic Tomb Raider stuff, you know. Oh, perhaps want to wage war in another country. Standing on switches, you know, you, you know, rotating blocks. It has all the classic Tomb Raider stuff except now they throw in these two player puzzles that really require you guys to think and work together. And if that comes together with those like cool RPG elements, sounds like it could be really cool. Like they said that the story is told through like either camera panning cutscenes with dialogue, but most of it's going to be done through like comic book style drawn cutscenes that they weren't showing just yet. So it's releasing the summer, hopefully as a summer of arcade thing that Microsoft hasn't decided which games are making the cut for that yet. So they're not sure. There's been a lot of seasonal promotions so far like they're doing the block party this month. Right. I think that's smart for me. I mean, it seemed really appealing to me, right? Because you know, I think after like legend, I was like, Oh, Tomb Raider games are still pretty cool. And then under world came out and you know, it's like, so seeing them take like the lower craft name in a different direction, you know, one that again, they wouldn't confirm for me. But they did seem kind of hinting at the fact that if this does well, they could release basically like episodes of these little adventures and these. How are they? I mean, I'm surprised that they were just hinting that at you because it seems so fucking obvious. So that's what they're doing. No, it's, I think they're making this one. And then if it does well enough, they'll keep going with it. Yeah. I just think they're looking for different ways to make money as crystal dynamics rather than just cranking out Tomb Raider after Tomb Raider. I mean, I think it's, I think it's perfect. You know, I've been saying a lot like so many companies should be making more live arcade and more PlayStation that work games, you know, like I said that about Grinn, like, you know, they were just stuck to making those games. They might be better off. I mean, for some of these companies, right, um, you know, it's a, it can be a great way to make money and not have to spend millions upon million dollars, you know, exactly what I'm getting at with that. So, but yeah, I saw that and then, uh, I saw SIP 5, which said I saw it, you know, I saw it Tyler. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know. I wanted to ask you about it, but I was like, Oh, wait till the show. Yeah. So I heard they're getting rid of the road spaghetti. Uh, what do you mean, like, as far as like, cause actually they didn't really talk about roads at all during my demo, I hear the water is very pretty. The water is very pretty. Skip was not lying when he said that. Um, no, I mean, what do you, what do you mean, the road spaghetti? I read, uh, I, I read that, you know, how, uh, in SIP 4, when you make roads, like roads, oh, they all end up, they can all just look like bullshit, probably get as much into that. The things that big takeaways for me were that advisors are in the game. Just like apparently advisors were also in SIP 3, but, oh, okay, but they weren't SIP 3, and they weren't SIP 4, but they were big and they were in SIP Rev and I think they've learned from that. And so they're bringing them back to be just as helpful and ignoreable and in SIP 5 and the SIP, they're also bringing up this new notification system. So anytime things happen each turn, you'll get like a list of notifications on the side. Like a little circles, you can click to expand out if you want, but you don't have to, but they're also there to help you if you're like, Hey, you've left this worker idle, this settler idle for five turns that you might want to know. Okay, cool. Just like little things, because you know, it can be a lot to manage all that, but the big takeaway for me is just that you can't stack units on one space anymore. Oh, really? So all any military unit, basically each one can only take up one space. So when you get into battles a lot of times, it's more like five on five rather than these gigantic stacks where you're like, what do they really have? I only see one tank, but they actually have 800 units. Right. Right. Right. So how does that work then? Like when you're building units and stuff, I'm like, garrisoning them in your cities. Okay. So that's the other thing. Cities no longer can be garrisoned with troops at all. Whoa. Cities defend themselves only. So cities, cities have HP that's based on their total population and they do their own attacking and defending. So no more troops and cities at all blowing my mind. And so because city population determines the city's HP, it basically, I think the idea, they didn't explicitly say this, but the idea I got was they don't want you to spam a bunch of cities really close to one another to try and grab up a bunch of land. Because if you have one city that's really close to another, it can only expand so much, which means it's HP will always be low. Okay. So you need like a few really big powerful cities, just like now, since each unit only takes up a space, you'll have a few powerful units that you want to hold on to, you know, and get them better and see. And so they've changed certain things too. Like archers can now fire over the unit in front of them. So you'll put like a melee attack unit and then archers behind them actually shoot and soften up the guys. So there's more of actually like a combat, a tactical combat to it, you know, that's really cool because that's one thing that I felt was said for a lot of times, my tactical decisions were kind of like, I really didn't know what I was making like, it was basically like, I have more than they do, I'll just slam my big, my big thing against them until they're on. Yeah. And so I think that that could be along with the, you know, the obvious learning curve they've done with Civ Rev to understand that we don't have to make it quite as complicated. You know, I mean, it looks, it looks like it could be really cool. Like I walked in there being like, did we really need another Civ? And I walked out being like, okay, I will buy that right. And so what was, I know there was a little bit of a confusion because like George Washington was on the cover of like PC gamer or something as for Civ 5. Yeah. And that was Jason Wilson, they wrote that feature too, I think. Oh, really? I didn't know that. That wouldn't surprise me. I didn't know that. But is it like, you know, are they trying to focus like a campaign? No, no, no, it's just, it's just that, I know the big part of it is that all the characters in the game now are like, larger than life was the way they described them, which is just like. With air quotes. Yeah. Well, you know, like the way that you, in the previous games, when you deal with another nation, they pop up in Washington and might be like, yeah, yeah, you just do that one out. All of them have all their dialogue. Oh, okay, cool. So when he peers and he like tells you that you've made war against him, he's like, no, the show not stand and like full body now, they're not just like an image. Oh, okay. That's good. All they're interacting with them. I assume they're like real time cutscene type things. Right. Right. And so then they'll just pause for a second and you'll have the option of where you're going to direct the conversation. So they wanted to make all the characters and everyone, you know, and they all speak in their native tongue. So if you talk to Bismarcky speaking in German, cool, you know, so it seems like it could be. I mean, it's obviously going to be really cool. Right. It seems like it could be. I might bet on that, not my bet on that franchise. Yeah. You see anything else? I mean, I saw a true crime, right? I know. I saw a little bit mafia. Oh, okay. Yeah, which looked like GTA set in the 40s. Tyler and I saw one more, a little bit of one more thing today. Right. Deus Ex. Tell me about that shit. Deus Ex 3. What little we saw of it looks pretty fucking awesome. What exactly did they show at this? Was it just like, here's three screenshots or what? No. Well, they showed a screen of combat and the combat system uses a third person cover mechanic like Rainbow Six Vegas. That was specifically what this guy brought up as a point of comparison. So, sorry. Who is making this? I does Montreal. Which is the same studio, oh, okay. No. Brand new studio. Like, the studio was created pretty much expressly to do this game. Yeah. And like, started with five dudes. Yeah. I mean, a lot of the stuff we've heard about already, like, that it's like a Neo Renaissance Baroque kind of sensibility with Cyberpunk. Yeah, is it still supposed to try and focus on those RPG things that made Deus Ex popular? It seems like it does. Like, they showed us a dialogue section where you're talking with someone in first person and it has like a radial dialogue tree option. And it all, like, we saw very little of gameplay, but we saw some visuals and the game looks fucking great. Yeah. Like, really impressive. There were a few times. What if you use Unreal 3? No, they're using their own engine. It's their own engine, everything. I mean, and it really looks like its own thing, you know, just the fact that it's not made Unreal 3 just gives this game a whole nother level of its, and that was a big part of their talk was like, you need to have like your visual hook, like as long as it's yours, you know, it could be something really unique. And he brought up examples of like Team Fortress 2 of like having its own. And Bioshock. Yeah, Bioshock. Whereas like games like Cry Cisco for like more of a realistic look, they're going for more of an illustrated look. And so it looks like they're really successful thus far, like their characters look convincing and human, but they're not in the Uncanny Valley territory and like he did make reference to Heavy Rain, how he talked about how when he was coming out or when they were talking about it at first, they're talking about how they'd overcome the Uncanny Valley. And he said that, I mean, that game is a great game and these characters look great, but those character models are fucking scary. They can be. Yeah, I think we're going to see the game for real, for real tomorrow. So is it supposedly 2010 or is it like really, that's what Idaho said in their last earnings call, I think, is that it's still scheduled for this year? That could be like a dark horse for Game of the Year. Well, especially it comes out the end of the year, most games that win Game of the Year always come out at the end of the year without fail. It seems to be doing some of the stuff that we really love to see and like... It's pretty important you to say that it could be dark horse for Game of the Year with just a couple screens in the presentation. The adaptability of like BioShox combat with like the sort of dialogue stuff for Mass Effect and it's got a lot of potential. Yeah, I know. I mean, obviously if that's something that you'll, like you of all people would say that after seeing this presentation, it's like, you know, makes me kind of excited I don't know. I kind of wish I was going to the thing tomorrow. I mean, you can probably get them to let you go, but I mean, that's, I'm sure it's just like from hearing the guy talk about his game for an hour, like sold me on it a little bit and like hearing about the trials and tribulations of figuring out what they needed to do, but... That could be right there. That's nice exciting because that's a game that's like, you know... That was off everyone's radar. Like, that wasn't on any of the lists that I saw like the list that we all had to fucking make because that's what you do at the beginning of the year is make a list of games coming out that could be awesome. And no one said anything about Deus actually. I mean, as far as I knew, until they said that they were going to show it at a GDC, I didn't even know it was actually coming out ever. No one has seen anything of this game. Well, we've known it's been in development. Yeah. People have known that. Yeah. But since 2007... But that's how long they've been working. But they say that sometimes. Yeah. And then it turns out that it was never actually anywhere. Well, no, usually when they say that a game will be in development and development might get canceled. Like, maybe development though just meant like they had concept on it and they were working on a few test renders. I don't think there is any way that Ios would cancel this game because there's too much writing on it. Like, they created a studio for this game. And it just seems like it's like one of the potentially large franchises they still own. Yeah. Yeah. I'm skeptical that it will make it out this year. I don't know. Just because of how much little of the actual game they showed us. It depends on how it looks tomorrow when people see it. Yeah. I mean, they were showing us way farther than any of us think. Like video where you could tell like they had the Xbox controlled dialogue, you know, diagram in the bottom corner and you could tell like it was like probably an alpha build or something. So I'm more skeptical that it's going to make it out this year, but still looks pretty damn cool. And like what I don't know about you Arthur, but like one thing I really enjoyed about the talk was his, he mentioned how he wished he would have at first started what, you know, for their character art. I wish he would have started with a fashion designer instead of character artist to get the clothes character concepts because concepts artists have a certain vocabulary of certain of language, like visual language that they use. There's a certain motif that goes with most concept art these days, like a certain kind of over over arching like group think about the way that things are built and drawn. Instead of like thinking about fashion, like clothes, well, just thinking outside of the box. The only movie of the last like 20 years I could think of that had really distinctive visual design was the fifth element. That's it. Literally the one I was going to say if I was thinking a weird, distinct and like they had someone, they had someone design it that didn't, doesn't typically do concept art, which is Mobius, like who's a French, a French comic artist, but yeah, I thought, I mean, me being someone who's like way into fashion. I thought that was particularly cool, but I mean, it looks really cool. Yeah. I'm really excited to see it tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. I'm at the continuum, not continuity guys. The guys, if listeners, the ones I tried to pronounce all their names, the Swedes, I'm at three of them. They were very, very cool. They talked to you about meatballs. No, they didn't talk to me about meatballs. They didn't try to sell me on any meatballs. That was a hell of a joke. I don't know. Every time you get Ikea, that's all you see. Yeah, yeah. The bite meatballs. The meatball sauce. Or fish. So I also last, but I guess, and potentially the least maybe, I played so calm with the PlayStation move. Oh, yeah. PlayStation move. You went to the press conference, didn't you? Yeah, I was at the press conference. You know, and it wasn't that people were like, didn't care at all, but it was kind of like, it was kind of like people were, like, when they saw it at E3, right, and then they were just showing tech demos. There were actually some people who were like, whoa. And no one got to touch it, right? E3. E3, no, yeah. And so, but at this year, when they did the demos on stage and they were actually showing like software, it was kind of people were like, yeah, you know, I don't know. We're just sort of the exact opposite reaction I'm hearing that the people that are seeing it are having towards Natale. Yeah, you would say that T-Max box. Totally. But is it? No, actually, but the thing that we were all talking about afterwards actually was that, you know, it's like, Natale, right? The reason that Natale seems like so much smarter to me than the PlayStation move is that so Natale, let's say it's, let's say it's even like $150, right? Like, I have no idea what the price point is, but let's say it's $150, which I think is probably more than what it'll end up being. That's probably about $50. Yeah, I hear it's mostly going to be like $100, but anyways, it's like, let's say it's even $150. $150 one time. I set that shit up. I'm good to go. And it's like, but with this PlayStation move, it's, I think they said it was going to be like $100 for a game and a controller and the camera. And I was like, all right. So that probably means that each controller is probably-- A controller and a subcontroller. Each controller is probably going to be like, I'm going to guess $30 to $40. Subcontroller, $20 to $30. You know? So you're expecting whee pricing? Yeah. And so when you imagine like some of those games require you to use two of those controllers, all of a sudden the price point is like significantly more, especially if they want to do these party games, than then Talis, like way more. And it just, it feels tacked on. Well, I mean, this course is tacked on. I mean, it's the system that you weren't physically that going out. I don't just mean like, oh, what's an add-on. I mean, it feels like they're just like hammering all this stuff together and throwing it out there and saying, OK, well, now you can make games with this. So you go do that. Well, I mean, the guys that I talked to from Zipper, Makers, Meg, and more famously all the older SOCOM games who are now taking up the SOCOM flag again this year, they said they've had it for a while. And it did show. I mean, the game with the move did control really well. I mean, it wasn't like the best controls ever, right? Like I would probably end up still playing just the analog sticks, at least in the condition it was now. But they said they've actually only implemented it about three months ago. So I mean, who knows if it'll get, you know, I can't say whether it'll get a lot better towards launch. So far analog is still my preferred way to play. But for me, the only reason I will buy a move, just like pretty much the only reason I will buy, then at all, all comes down to the software that it comes out with. And the tall actually is an easier sell for me, again, because it's a one time thing, I get that and I have it set up, whatever, that's easier for me. This PlayStation thing, where I might need potentially more, all comes down to exclusive software, like anything PlayStation at this point, like whether it's my PS3, that's like the only reason I buy their stuff a lot of times is whether they get some really cool exclusive things. And that's what it's going to come down to. They're going to have to have really compelling games. And they're already seeing like their first Wii port in that game with like the War of the Rings game. If it's just that shit, I could care less. And you know, I'm just thinking of it, you know, then at all, it's just a camera. And if the developer decides he wants you to also use your controller, that's an option. Right. But like with the place, it's just like you're more bullshit, like, okay, so I have my six axis, or my DualShock Shake 3, I'm good. But now this game, I need to break out my motion controllers, you know, it's like the only thing I've heard anybody say positive about it while I was there, was that the augmented reality stuff. Yeah, that stuff seems like you could be really cool. Because it does use the PlayStation I, so they can get pictures of you doing things and then make a frying pan actually appear in your hand while you're doing it, rather than, you know, they can turn the controller into things, which in theory an etal can do too, right? I mean, tennis racket to your hand. So the augmented reality thing seemed like they could be cool if they did more of that. That being said, don't be surprised if after saying all the shit talking that I am, I end up buying one just so I can play with my iPad. Right. For sure. I mean, yeah, it's like that's all they got to do is find like the one or two killer apps. Well, I don't know the iPad would be a killer app for everyone. I think I just think it's unfortunate for Sony that they launched the way they did here. Because I mean, I understand why they did it, because this was Sony's chance to get in before the signal to noise ratio is just ridiculous for an etal, right? Like trying to like show that stuff at E3 again would have been a mistake. Right. And Nintendo is probably going to announce another Zelda game at E3. So like there's it's hard for some of the DS really. Yeah. That's what you're hearing. That's what I think a successor to the DS that actually involves an etal style motion things. So that'll be the third successor to the DS light. And 18 months, 600,000 DS is last month. Say hi. They don't give a fuck. I wouldn't. Neither. It's just unfortunate. Yeah. I've heard things like going around about the places move like we HD. Well, it's because right off the bat in the in the montage video, this is how people will segue from the we into the PlayStation three in the montage video. What do you see? You see bowling. You see our tree, like all the shit that we just played in we sports, except it looks like characters from home doing it. Yeah. Right. So it's like HD, which is why people call it that. Yeah. Oh man. Yeah. I mean, I did nobody. I know why. Sony doesn't seem like wow. They don't seem like a visionary company to me. They don't seem like visionary. They seem like people who try to like set like a. I don't know that that's true. I think that Sony can be forward thinking, but I think that Sony is at its best when it's out in front of people and has room to experiment because there's not that feel of desperation. Right now. Yeah. I think they're like, that's more of what I'm getting at. They've seen desperate like Sony is like, fuck, what are we going to do? We need to reestablish ourselves. We can't do this. This Jen. We need to come back ahead. This is their second motion control solution. Yeah. I mean, the six axis is the second time was a failure. It was a failure. Like let's say what it is the six axis is a failure home failure. There are less games. Come on. There are less games now that you six axis than there were when the system launched. Well, when the system launched, it was just like everybody shoehorned it in by almost like mandate. It felt like. And now I mean, we heard that it was a mandate. And now it is. I'm saying six axis is the use of six axis these days, at least nowadays, at least makes a little more sense. A lot of times when it happens. Yeah. Because they're using her strength. There are games that had mild six axis use three years ago that got a sequel last year that have no six axis. Right. So now that it is a mandate, they're not using it, but I'm saying that heavy rain is like the one game I can think of that I didn't mind the six axis. And they're supposed to add move support to that. Oh, well, like they talked about it before, like when it was known as arc or gem that they were going to add that support to it, and they had hoped to have it in at launch, but it got pushed back for me. That game feels like it was made for six axis. Um, I just so I mean, Sony helped publish heavy rain, like Sony is pushing very quirky original indie games. Like it's not that Sony is doing stuff like they're letting people like naughty dog, like really take a risk on developing IP like uncharted, they're letting like insomniac do ratchet and clank. It's not like Sony is afraid of risk. It's just, I don't think that Sony operates as well from third place, you know, like because that they've never been in that situation. Right. Yeah, whereas like Microsoft understands like Microsoft had to build themselves out of nothing in the console. I've also decided I think a great, like, like people drive people that just also just come up with awesome weird. Well, the people like the people behind it's all on the people behind Xbox or the people that are sort of revamping Microsoft corporate culture and Microsoft in general, their tech is getting a big, you know, the TED talk recently, they've been showing a lot of their photo searching stuff. That, I mean, even like in the last, you know, like a couple of years, the Zoon HD and that what's that thing called Arthur, you know, the thing that's like almost like their tablet, their concept. Oh, the courier. Yeah, the courier. The courier looks fucking awesome. It looks like a journal. Yeah, they basically, and you can switch throw it between the two pages and store it in the middle. I mean, just, you know, they obviously have some people that are just coming up with really fucking crazy tech. And all of these people are in the entertainment and devices division. This is like the, like once Jay Allard shipped the 360, like he moved up in entertainment devices. Wasn't that originally a third party thing? And then they thought it. I think Microsoft was working on the tall stuff first, and then they heard about that and brought the company and integrated it into the project knows I'm, I'm, I'm still not ready to 100% write it off, but I know that when we all walked away from the last night playing the games, we were like, you know, whatever, they can only fool you with the Wii once. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's how I feel. That's what sucks too. Yeah. I mean, that we basically ruined it for me a lot of ways for them. And I have to, I'm the same way when the tall too. I am too. I mean, I'm still, it comes down to the games. I am not. I mean, the thing about the tall is at this point, we know that if it's a natal game, it is a fucking natal game and it's not a game where you're like, Oh, well, you can use it if you want to. Yeah. Although I, although I think some games are going to be that way there might throw into towel controls as well as I think they're going to be games that have very heavy natal elements that are required. Right. Right. But I, it still seems like they were going to have like the racing game that could be a racing game and still controller racing game. Maybe. I mean, I, I fully expect that the reason we didn't hear about EA Sports active for 360 announced a couple of days ago is because EA is going to announce an active for tall. It just seems like such a risk for any company to dedicate a game to being like, like imagine a burnout game that is natal exclusive because you're already segmenting a huge chunk of your audience potentially. It's the same reason that they've never allowed mouse and keyboard support a lot of times because they don't want to segment their audience yet again. What for, for 360? For like, yeah, for home consoles, a lot of times, that's not why they don't want mouse and keyboard. Well, but I've talked to some people and they've said things like that other controller solutions are because they don't want to further segment their audience a lot of times. Well, you can say that Arthur, but I'm saying what I've been told. Okay. Well, that's damage control bullshit. So that's not why they don't have keyboard, but not just, but not just that. I'm just saying. But you're right. I mean, it's, it's dangerous. Because you could potentially being like, Oh, now our audience went from being X million to X hundred thousand. Mm hmm. So. But I mean, I think Microsoft is expecting to sell a couple million natal between launch and the end of the year. I hope so. I mean, like I said, if it has some bad ass games, I'm down to buy any of these. If there's some bad ass games that make me want to buy it. That's all I know. Man, the shit about natal I'm excited about is barely games. It's like interfacing with the system. Yeah. Well, that sounds cool too. Yeah, because honestly. On minority report control of my dashboard. Right. All that looks cool to me. Because they better redesign the fucking dashboard. So far, the games don't like all the games they've shown, like, kick the balls. They're novelty things. I mean, they haven't shown any games. That's something. All those things are just tech demos, novelty things that look like I see the potential now show me the game. It's going to make me fucking go out there day one and by this is the problem with move is that we started talking about move and it's segue into a longer conversation about natal. Well, there's no way. That's the problem. That's the problem. There's no way it couldn't because when you think about that there's these two solutions. Because Sony is sandwiched between fucking Microsoft and Nintendo, I mean, the reality of it is, like I said, for me, the route of the bat was one's asking me to spend way more money than the other potentially and like for an investment for a platform that isn't even going to be every game they make for the system. Like with the Wii, I bought all these controllers because that is the way you play all those games with Sony. It's going to be like, yeah, there's, you know, there's some move games, but then there's also all the games for your six axis. And then it just becomes just like the PlayStation I. Yeah. You know? All right. All right. Do you want to take a break and do some others or do some others? Well, there are two games I would love to talk about that I played that weren't GDC games if we have time. What battle field bad company to not either of them, but although I haven't been playing them. No, love and core tech command. Oh, you did play love. Yeah, let's just talk about those and then if we feel like doing letters, we can if not, we can't, whatever. But tell me, but I actually do want to know about love because I forgot the codes and I, we haven't had a chance to play a bunch. I have a fucking boar beta code that I haven't used yet. Well, you got to actually hang out and meet the guy that I was at school and it's really cool. So like just to get, just to go into the game first, so, so if you've never seen any screenshots of love, it's really sort of hard to describe the visual style, but it's basically like flat polygons, like there's hardly any textures in the world and everything looks just very abstract. Like that's sort of, you know, how I would describe it. The way everybody's sort of describing is like user generated MMO, right? That's, it's almost a misnomer to say that. So think of, think of love as a misnomer. Is that, do I use that correctly? This is called a Mizz. A Mizz. I think it's misnomer, but misnomer is, is fine. I like hearing you say misnomer. Okay. I pronounced a. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. A Mizz. Yes. I'm an asshole. Me letters. So, okay. So you do play with other real, real play with real people, but you never are playing against real people. There's like AI in the world. And so think of the world. That's for the sequel. Hate. Right. Yeah. The world is an actual sphere. And you can walk from the top of the sphere to the bottom in like 10 minutes or so. So it's actually a pretty small planet, and the planet's always kind of there. And so basically there's these like settlements. They're like AI settlements, which will always be there and like be in these different lands on the planet, lands, you know, they're like the jungle land and the ice land. And then you have your settlements that you create and that the other players create around you. So if like if I'm going in and just by exploring the world, I find these things called tokens and I can go back to my settlement and put down these tokens and now this token gives me the chance to like create something that I can use in the game like maybe it gives me a missile launcher or maybe it gives me the chance to like maybe it gives me the roof tiles. So like while you're building your settlement, like you're pulling up walls, putting in windows, you put it on the roofs, but you also need like power. So you got to like find these power wells and it's it's a very unique game and totally up my alley. Totally weird. It's totally weird, you know, totally out there, but I don't know, man, I'm I'm really loving it. I, you know, I love very sort of abstract games and games where you can build and and that's just what this game is all about. It's all about like creating a settlement and keeping it going because as soon as people stop working on your settlement and stuff like that, the game then goes back and he races everything or starts to degrade. So it's like you could be walking around the planet and you'll find these little sign posts and the sign posts will say players constructing a sanctuary at these coordinates. And so the game is coordinate heavy. So you go to those coordinates and like there's a little settlement and it's like, okay, go find tokens and add to the settlement, you know, it's just like one of those games. So it's all about everyone working together. Yeah. Yeah. And like one thing I, you know, I think that's really cool about the game is a it's first person and the way they deal with first person movement, I've never seen any other first person shooter or first person game do it this way, but it just feels extremely smooth. Like when you turn to look or looking around it, there's something something very there's a great finesse to it and and it's just the art style is beautiful. I mean, I'm trying to really do some point in life. It's a trip. It's a totally like real love, right? I mean, it's a discovery game. Like it's a game you go and just sort of discover things and then when I hung out with the guy, a school, he's like this real crazy guy, you know, he busted out his laptop and started showing me the tools that he made because he made the loves engine. He made the love, like basically 3D studio max. He made a model generator, he made love is what you're saying. Yeah. And I mean, this dude showed you how to make love. Right. Yeah. He showed me how to do it. He showed you the nature of love. Some kind of he did he's he's a brilliant guy, man. These are the mechanics of love. Sorry. We'll stop. Yeah. So the tools he made with like you can be in his model editor and like whatever you're doing in there would reflect real time in the game or like if you're in your texture editor, the texture editor to the model editor to the game, they're all completely connected. It's just fucking awesome. I am a 12 year old boy. I'm sorry. I keep thinking like the textures of love, but yeah, it was fun hanging out with him. What was the other one that you said you you got to oh fuck my new obsession core tech command. The core tech command fucking awesome was that about so it's it's a 2D side scrolling game and it reminds me a lot of lemmings. That's the impression I get a lot, but basically you're a brain because humanity has moved so much into like cybernetics. There's no longer any human bodies only brains. So your whole thing is like you need to protect this brain with all these droids and so it sounds like Deus Ex 14. Right. So you like send your consciousness to these droids that you can call down and basically like they control like kind of flimsy is how I would describe how they can you know like the WASD and everyone has jet packs, but they control kind of weird. So it like makes sense that your brain is just sort of going into these robots so they control weird, but the cool thing about the game is everything has different physics properties and sorts of things. So like say I have a drone and you can call in sort of new equipment to handle with every situation you need. And when you call in your equipment you know like a dropship will come in and you can pick all different types of dropships and they have their benefits. But like if the dropship comes and lands where my guy is like he will crush my guy like my guy will get crushed and totally fucking killed it and or if I'm walking and there's a guy shorter than me like on a ledge below me and I walk over him like I'll step on him and crush him. But like the graphics are really amazing too because it's got that kind of like 16-bit sensibility. Yeah, is this the one that you sent me videos for? Yeah. The one that looks to me it always kind of reminded me of like a worms game. A lot like worms. The graphics as far as the worms is like worms. Yeah. Because you can shoot into the ground and stuff too right? Yeah. Yeah like worms but not so much to where you're like messing with trajectories or stuff. They actually have really cool, a really cool system for like aiming and shooting like... This is out now too. It's out now. It's out now. You can play a demo for free or you can download and buy the game. But yeah there is digging so you'll see like specks of gold in the dirt around you and so you have your workers drones going and like digging tunnels. You could do cool shit like you can dig a tunnel all the way behind the enemies base and like just totally fucking lead all your dudes in there. And the whole thing about Cortex Command is like it's those crazy moments that just sort of happen and you're like well that kind of sucked but it was also kind of funny. Right when the ship comes in and crushes your own guys. Totally. Same thing and I mean not to go back to worms but as soon as I saw the game that's what I mean I mean that's what always made worms such a blast to play was when something idiotic would happen like you throw a grenade and bounce back in your face and blow you to pieces to me. Yeah exactly. That's this game a lot. The potential for bad shit to happen all the time is there. Yeah but it's cool but like even when you like like like say one of my droids gets destroyed and like you could see his head or his foot you know debris. If you walk over it like it will crush the little bits of pixels that you step on and only those bits of pixels. There's no sort of canned destruction. There's no canned anything like if you shoot a drone say on the left shin it will nick off a part of armor right there like couple little pixels. This is really badass. There's some really cool tech and I don't know I'm loving it like it's my new obsession. Cortex command. Yours from only $14.95. I think it's like ten bucks actually I think it's just ten. It's just weird sounding like commercial for a second. Entirely too occupied paying $44,000 Microsoft points for Dragon Age Awakening Tyler I'm sorry. Whoa. I actually think it's $3,200. Is that like the most expensive thing on live arcade? No I'm pretty sure that $40 is more than a is more than the shivering I was 30. That's the other thing I'm playing right now but I'll talk about that next week. Well word word word bird yeah Cortex command though dude it's like it really is awesome. Are we just going to end it? I was asking you. Yeah I think we are. We're going to read a bunch of letters next week but we're both on deadline but you should write us a bunch of letters to letters at to tell us about how we're idiots about the PlayStation move. I really wanted to make it a point not to talk shit about the PlayStation move because anything I say is suspect. Yeah but I got into it because I wouldn't actually play it. It's so hard and like yeah I would apologize to you like I don't want to sound like a Sony hater but like I can only speak to the things that make me say it. That's all I can do. I have not heard a single person who had their hands on that thing that thought it was good. I mean I didn't think it was bad I just thought it was yeah but I'm sorry dude we do tend to get down. Well it's just like I'm sorry it's just like anyone's just like anything I apologize. I apologize. When someone starts nitpicking anything it's easy to start nitpicking we used to get this talk all the time we all worked it one up that when we would start in on a chat where the game got like an A all of a sudden the chat would take this twist to be like the Mass Effect. The Mass Effect one in particular comes to an infamous one where it was like that game got like an A+ or something. I think it was yeah an A+ in the whole chat was just people being like with this fucking game I hated this part or this part and was like what the fuck so yeah so if you're frustrated at us right now Sony fans know that we still love our Sony exclusives and I have like a three foot boner for God of War III next week. Me too. But oh yeah and also big Sony announcement is that uh is that a fucking secret monkey on special editions coming to PSN. And is the second one going to be a send simultaneously? As well yeah so that one's actually coming to PSN and Mac the same thing. Big anti announcement Portal 2 is coming to Mac in the PS3 because Mac is a tier one platform. I couldn't believe him I couldn't believe I read that when I did it because he's like we're putting games on Mac's because Mac is a tier one gaming platform. Well I mean at least it's a better year to be a Mac gamer at least at least you get some shit. You'll get whatever pop cap puts out next so oh fuck enjoy your sim your sim city and Warcraft fuckers. I saw Bioshock one on Mac when I went to the Apple store last weekend to fix them laptop and Call of Duty 4. Remember to listen to our friends podcast friends podcast the Geekbox at which I was on the last episode and the mobcast at It sounded like you said pausecast and I was thinking that's that's that's the kitty cat podcast pause cat pause cat out for free you charge for your ideas Tyler so yeah we'll see you all next week twitter we have time with the proper show what slash Jordan and we should have their calm slash just money we should have a special guest next week yeah well well we can say it well no because if we say it then it will inevitably fall through. Well the goal is to get someone that's leaving a website before they go and move. We're trying to get David Ellis on the podcast because that's basically what you just said and he has said yes but the court nation I say David Ellis is here I said we're trying to get someone that's leaving a website leaving a website there was a seven page neo gaff thread on that people really yes people know that David Ellis is leaving one of such a weird thing to me congratulations to our friend David Ellis congratulations but that's still weird to me that any human being leaving a website it gets a seven page I think the garnet leaving thread was much bigger I just don't get it like if I even got like four posts on the neo gef thing I'd be like why how weird technically I think you got like a 51 page post for all the 1ipgm stuff okay so that was like a page for person I don't go to neo gaff for the same reason I don't go to church because I don't like talking to the wall word all right we don't we don't need no education yeah oh this is the line and time to go in the sun this is again the one is the line and the hope is all time and time to go in the sun this is again to me come with a price through the line and through the line the minus is king and he'll be sometime and turn me to goals in the sunlight this is a key you (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO]