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Rebel FM Game Club: Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich -- Episode 4
Welcome to the final episode of the Freedom Force Game Club. For this week's show we cover from the mission called Sky King's Starring Moment to the conclusion of the game. Join us as we discuss the tactics and characters we used, as well as our final thoughts about Irrational's superhero classic.
[Music] I think the windows open or something isn't. Anyways, welcome to Rebel FM. Rebel FM game club for fucking medium force. Medium force versus the third, right? This is our final part. I mean, I figure at this point, if you're listening to part four, and you haven't listened to previous ones, you don't know what you're listening to. What the fuck are you doing? You've already deleted this podcast. So yeah, we played through the end of freedom force, starting with the mission Beat the Clock, which is the second part of the Sky King adjusting a suit. I'm Anthony Gallegos with me as Arthur Geese. Tyler Barber. What is up? Everyone listening to podcasts. And who's been replaced this week by a robot? It's just like a melodious robot. And then match engineer. Hello. Of nowhere in particular. Nope, especially not France. So yeah. So this is the second part of the mission that everyone felt it was a kick in the balls. This second part, I will say, was a kick in the balls. No, I actually had an easier time of the Sky King adjustment part now than I did before. And that's because I was at a reader or someone else or one of you guys that said that you brought Spike King, Spike King, Sky King on top of the building and had him adjust. No, I tried that and he got punched the fuck off. I did that and I totally didn't have any problems like a gorilla went up there near the end and tried to shoot him. But every time he shot bullets, he just bounced off his armor. Right, bullets will bounce off. Right. And even if he gets hurt from bullets, it didn't seem to reset it. Right. But if he gets punched. Yeah. The gorillas have a whip attack apparently. They never, some have a whip attack. Mine was actually by a Nazi. A Nazi ran up and was like back. On top of a building? No, no, no. After, that was the first time he got hit off the building. So I didn't bother the second time. The second time I ran him to the bottom left corner of the map because I figured if he was in a very corner, I could see all the guys coming in. You know which way to come from, yeah. But even then, it got really rough. Because at some point when they, you know, like, when you just have like, I had El Diablo covering one and then I tried to have Tree Collor and Blackjack covering the other. But that didn't work out. Like, she gets, I mean, the gorillas can kill her no problem. Yeah, I was going to say those two don't exactly equal on El Diablo. Well, I ended up losing her at one point. Wow. So then it was just down to Blackjack and El Diablo. Right. You know, but I had not saved. So I was like, fucking, we're doing this one way or another. Right. So it pretty much came down to the wire for me. Wow. During the second time we did this was when I really started to exploit Tree Collor's blindness on the apes because man, almost every time it would blind them. See, that worked for me really well last time. But this time, fucking every time they resisted. Wow. I was using, I was using Blackjack's blindness because like, like I said last one, I couldn't get his acid card to work the first couple of times I was doing it. So I just stopped trying that. So I was just using the blindness all the time. And that seemed to be a lot of times like it was the only way that I could get them from, I could keep them from reaching freaking skiking. Can I? The eternal tinkerer. Does anyone, perhaps you can hazard a guess as to the logic that says that any useful power that Blackjack has requires an obscene amount of experience points to buy? I mean, Blackjack for me pretty much is only two things that ever made him at all worthwhile where that acid card and the dummy. Because the decoy, like since you can have multiple out, like any time he's full power and guys are around, you should just be throwing one out. Okay. It slows people down. It seemed to me like it took a really long time for that, for his energy level to build up though. I found myself a lot of times like just I can't do anything right now because Blackjack's energy isn't coming back. I literally never used this decoy thing. It's really good actually. It takes a lot more damage than you'd think it could take. A lot. Yeah. And it's sitting off to the side and it seems to have an automatic threat generator so that everything that's kind of near it just starts attacking it. It's like a decoy that's sticking up its middle fingers. Yeah. Basically that's the two fingers since he's British. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That's a bad thing. Yeah. Two fingers. Yeah. For your brief history lesson, the two fingers is representative of the fact that back in the day, guys would do it to be like fuck you, I could draw a long bow and kill you because I still have both my fingers because they used to cut people's fingers off so they couldn't draw a bow. Really? Yeah. Holy shit. So like is it still okay to like turn your hand around and go piece? Yeah. As long as it's piece but if you flip it the other way. Yeah. So all those times in the 90s when you would see one of the Gallagher brothers from Oasis like in a fucking picture and you think, man, they give the piece sign a lot, why is it backwards? Yeah. That's fine. But yeah. So what did you guys think? Like did anybody have trouble with the part where eventually he's like, oh my suit's being jammed and you gotta go out and murder those guys? I thought that was easy because you get to use him too. Right. Yeah. And really honestly through this last part of the game, Sky King actually became a person that I voluntarily took more than once. Yes. Yes. Although like. If I knew I was going to be fighting a lot of guys with guns just because he's practically invisible. Oh, well. Yeah. And once you once you have his, oh shit, what is it? Blast off. Blast off. Yeah. Once you, once you, the master, the use of blast off it basically kills anything in one hit. It's, it's, he sort of, he sort of my, my go to a guy when I can't bring in Diablo. Right. Which towards the end of the game you can't. Right. That's interesting. So yeah, I, I take it no one had, had any trouble with this. I only had a little bit of trouble. I think because when I, when I picked again, when I picked that bottom left hand corner to be my spot, it was bad because guys will actively spawn in that area. So there were times that guys would spawn and I would have almost no reaction time. Oh, right. Yeah. And really you need that extra time. Like, El Diablo really has to take out the killer Rillis. At least that was my experience. Like the other guys can't do it. Like, I don't know. El Diablo again, just like last time it was just like, okay, well I'm going to try to anticipate where they'll be. By the time he gets his power off and like Lodge in front of or something. But more and more often it seems like he want, he wanted to get super close before he threw himself. Right. Yeah. I don't, the pathfinding just got shittier and shittier with every AI character as I got towards the end of the game. And it also started crashing on me. Really? It crashed. It crashed desktop three times. Wow. Why do you have any of those problems? Yeah. It would crash would be specifically when steam would update for whatever reason. And all of a sudden it would change. When it would bring up the steam update page for where it's located. Yeah, like you updated. Here's our advertisement. Exactly. Every time it would crash it. So weird. But I mean, I also had weird situations where it didn't want to start if media player was running. Oh, weird. That's really weird. Yeah. So, so the next mission though, that one was the more interesting one. Like this one was kind of more of the same way we did last time. That one was the kick in the balls. And this one where you have to plant the bomb? Yeah. Where you're trying to plant the bomb, but you can't because they decided that to make the game a level longer you're going to have to do the fucking thing over. No, no, no, no. This is where you have to fly and plant the bomb on the little wrist. Oh, yeah. This was also annoying, but for a different reason. See, because of this one, like the guys that I took was I still, you still have the same ones that you took at Nachtung Dara Openness, but I had Manovore. So right off the bat, I was just like, "Manovore, go fly up there. Avoid everyone else and plant this fucking explosive." And then you're like, "Oh shit. Now I have to kill everyone on the level before they can get out the gate." Right. But that didn't end up being a problem for me because all I didn't even bother to fight the singer guy at all. I just ran from the whole time. Really? I thought you had to. No, I did too. I just ran from the whole time. Didn't you have an objective where I want him? No. I don't even think you fight him this time. I killed him. Yeah. You fight him until he falls. Or at least I did. Oh, yeah. I guess you can. Yeah. You do end up fighting. But I killed all the Nazis first and then fought for this. I killed him and then went up the side and planted the shit and then it's like, "Oh, we better take out these Nazis before they tell." Right. And so I killed the three that are near the top of the screen with the default layout or whatever. And I think, "Okay, I'm fine." And then all of a sudden two other arrows magically appear and they're most of the way to the gate. Right. So I have to try to run and chase them down and I fail. See? I failed too. I had, I believe I had, at the gate, I had Eve and I think I had super collider because super collider was who I chose before. Right. And so like between Eve and super collider, I was able to, and like I actually failed, but then I stationed Eve and super collider at the gate before I started, before I did this mission again. So they were basically prepared for it. So the second time that I did it, I didn't even need to do that because if you go through and kill every Nazi in the level before you plant the bomb, not a problem. And see, I didn't know that. I just thought that they generated out of thin air. I thought they spawned. Where I see, like me, I just flew right up there, avoided everyone, planted it and then just spent my time chasing out. So I killed Furtissimo, but it was only after I'd killed everyone else because he just does that, that echo attack that only throws you if you get in it. So as far as killing those guys that ran way down the field, I just had alchemist do it because that like, I had that ability she gets where she basically can just like do a huge area of effect throw up. Yeah. Yeah. So that was like, made it a piece of cake because that basically kills them out, right? Right. I feel like there's a lot of that in this game actually where it's a sort of trial and error game design school where it's like, "Oh, well, you didn't know this thing that'll happen. So I guess you're going to fucking fail when you don't know that it's going to happen." Well, this was weird. I got it first try. I was lucky. Yeah, me too. Because again, I think because I avoided Furtissimo. Can you at least acknowledge that it was a fluke that you did it first try? I think it was because I had two flying characters. Like I had also a man of war who could fly and haul ass up there to catch them. What happened when I did it? So I went through and I killed everyone on my way. And so I thought I took everyone out and when you said, as long as you take the Nazis out, they won't reappear. Well, they, you know, I still had to chase them down, you know, after I planted the bomb and killed those first three Nazis, nothing was going on. And I was like, "Wait a minute. Something's up." It's like, "Why isn't the stuff landing? I have no difference." Yeah. And so, and I had the thought. I was like, I bet there's more spawning towards the beginning. So I started running for the beginning and just so happened, they were there. Oh, wow. So I did it the first time. I think I just have less and less patience for game design that requires you to fail in order to succeed once. Yeah. Okay. And I don't know. Maybe that's my failing. I mean, I agree. It's like, that's why games have evolved away from that is because it's pretty much perceived as, I don't want to say that it's not good game design because I still think that you could design that way if that was your intent, but it's certainly less accessible game design. This is like a six or seven-year-old game. That's five. Yeah. Oh, five. So like game design has evolved away from that for a reason. Yeah. I mean, we're about to play another five-year-old game right after this. Right. So, we'll see. But yeah, I mean, it's a different, lots of vastly different sort of game. I mean, this is like a turn-based strategy game model. This isn't irrational Boston that made this game, I don't think. After finishing it and watching the credits, it seems like it's irrational Australia. That could be the first one. The first one. It would have been Boston, the first freedom force. That makes sense. And then this one. And then this one was awesome. There was an area Ken Levine to be found in those credits and I looked. But yeah, I know that if it was done by Australia, I think the voice acting was still done by the Boston guys. Oh, I'm sure. I can believe that. Because all the voice acting was done by programmers and stuff like that. Right. You can especially tell when in the case of the Ant. Yeah. Who? Not all the voice acting, but most of it. It seems like most of it. Yeah. From what I understood, they did get a chance to hire, like, one or two voice, like a religious voice acting. Yeah, I got the impression from people I talked to that it was like, well, I read Sun. Right. Red Sun was a professional. No, but no, I think the vast majority were programmers, but if you listen to a rational behavior episode, too, they say that they hire some money a couple. I'd be willing to bet that mentor was one voice actor because he totally sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon guy. Right. It was probably legitimately one of those kinds of actors. He's mentor and the announcer and man by think. I don't know. The man by guy hasn't. I mean, who knows? Yeah. Who knows? Nobody knows. Fighting against Furtissimo. How did you guys handle that? Because for me, my combo was man of war, a minute man, a super collider and alchemist. Tombstone. Yeah. See, if you have Tombstone, it's a piece of cake. Tombstone, always. You can make them land and beat the shit out of them. I just take them over and grow them to the ground and people beat the crap out of them. See, me, I didn't have that. So what I ended up having to do was, like, blow him to the ground. With man of war? No, I think I did it with alchemist and then after that, it was like, fucking go at him. Yeah, exactly. They're the fairies. And alchemist's curses work on him, too. Yeah. You know what? I'm sorry. No, I just had a question for you. How do you tend to use man of war? Like, I tried to use him as a flyer, you know, shooting his ranged attack, but really he's so much more effective if you get him up close, it turned out. Right. Well, as an attacker, yeah. Yeah. I mean, man or a waiter because he's resistant to electricity. But what I found is that in melee, if anyone else is around, they get hurt by just his standard attacks. Like they have an area of effect and like all just knows, oh man, that guy's taken an awful lot of damage with no enemies attacking. What's going on there? Yeah. I mean, man of war becomes a pretty important character later on because so many enemies are susceptible to electricity. Yeah. I'm sorry. No, no, go ahead. I use him as kind of like a specialty class. Like his entanglement snare, I think, works on fortissimo a lot really well that throws out the net. In general, that snare gets pretty useful towards the end of the game. I think that's what I was using to knock him down. Yeah. Although I did learn the hard way that it doesn't hold once somebody attacks. Oh. Yeah. If you if you stun somebody and then you hit them right afterwards, they they come out of it. I suppose that's only fair. Yeah. I just I well, I assumed it would be more like Eve's hold or whatever where you could still attack them while they were held. That's what I was doing. I had Eve with me and I was using her leaves of blindness on fortissimo. So I see you guys like came over to the side of Eve after last time. Yeah. I never used her still. I had the whole game. I never used her. Well, this was actually the mission where I didn't use her ever again because like I had I had her in this mission and I was just like she's not doing any damage. I could just I used her to hold people and that was it. And maybe maybe I just hadn't upgraded her enough. Maybe I got her too late in the game because you know like when you as soon as you buy somebody they're not upgraded all the way. It's like the people that you get at the beginning of the game are the most powerful by the end. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, no matter what. And they're also the people the game takes away from you towards the end. Well, yeah, it takes El Diablo away, but a minute man was pretty much my go to guy no matter what. Right. Until until I couldn't take him. And like minute man, like I it was hard for me to keep him alive because he had like so many hit points fucked up. The rates do hurt him later on. Yeah. But I mean, he's so good for that double attack. He does that smacks them really far away. Yeah, that's true. That's a good attack. And I was using his heroic band. Oh, yeah. He's great for that. He pumps up everyone else. Yeah. And then like their next attack does so much fucking damage. Yeah. It can take down a big fan of super collider like I took him whenever I can just because even though if a guy attacks him, he always gets hurt. Yeah. He can take so much. He was ridiculous. He has more. He has like twice the hit points of anyone else. Yeah. He took so super collider once and never did again because he was so slow. Like I felt disinclined. Well, he runs fast. But his attacks are painful. Oh, maybe I never did take super collider then. Yeah. He's super collider. He runs really fast. Yeah. But his attacks are done. And he also, but yeah, they take you him away from you at the end of the game. I think I know who you're talking about. I made the mistake of taking law. Yeah, I was going to say law. That guy on the other hand, law, law. Order. No, order is slow. Order. Order walks like his legs are broken. Yeah. Like he like does look like this weird robot. He's so slow. Well, you can turn him into law and he'll move normal speed, right? Which is what I would do. I turn him into law and then I would run somewhere and then I turn him back into order for the attacks. I never used that. See, what I would do is use her as law and find that she was useless and then I would turn her into order and find that he was useless. Yeah. They were both pretty useless. Yeah. I didn't use them more than that one time. But it actually worked out to my advantage on the next level with the hypnotism because what I would do would I would send law through the hypnotism thing and then I would have everyone else run through it because I knew that she could only swing her sword so everyone else would run by her and not get hit because she sucks so bad. So the next. See, you know what? That was the exact same mission that I took law and order on because I did that exact same thing. This next level of the one that we're talking about is called mind of a madman. Why chicks can't swing? And this is the one where you're going through Bill's King's lair now to try and find him. And this first part, I did, I had a similar thing. Mine was, was, who did I have, oh, I'd man of war. And so, and then who else? I had another flyer. I don't think you can take L. D. Oblow in this. I feel like I had L. D. Oblow, yeah. So L. D. Oblow and super collider would go up to the hypnotism things and super collider would run into it because he has no ability to attack air. And so then I would have my man of war and minute man go hide in a corner super far away. So the super collider would turn him to go attack them, but he would never reach them. It's like, meanwhile, L. D. Oblow would fly through and fix everything. I always had law and order go through first. You picked the kid that would get picked last for gym class to go first. Right, I mean, as long as they can't attack air and you're traveling with an air unit. It would have been nice if I brought Quetzalcoatl with me because then I would have just sent him through because he can't attack anything. What I tried to do on this level in particular was I would try to take over people with Tombstone and have them deactivate the switches. What does that work? Yes. Even the robots, like the tentacle robots, can deactivate switches. Well, I never thought of that. I've very rarely took Tombstone. There were some pretty hairy moments where I was like, "Make it to the switch before I move you. Make it to the switch." Right. See, I brought Eve and just because she's slow, she's really slow. I would send her through the hypnotizing things and I'm like, "Oh, her attack doesn't do that much damage anyway." See, Eve wasn't that slow. I think I had her with me here. I felt like she was really slow and I wouldn't even send the rest of my party away. I would just have them stand right by the door and just like, "Haul, ask past her." That's how slow she was. What I would do was I would pause it and order law through and then I would have paused it for a second and then I'd pause it again and select everyone else, and as soon as it looked like she was about to hit it, I would click on the other side. Yep. That's what I did. The fact actually it came, sorry, it just got really annoying when law would stay in the doorway and they'd all get jammed up there and she'd start attacking people and I'd have to do a little micromanage. It was especially great is when you find out you're stuck with her again to play through the entire level a second time. Yeah. The fact actually points out that you can just do a couple of things like you can either send a flyer through because a lot of times flyers can successfully make it over the globe anyways. I didn't know that. That happened to me once, yes, with mana warning. And then it also says that you can send a hero through the globe and just keep the rest of your team way far away because they'll go through the globe and recover and be able to go back through it before it recharges so you didn't even need to bring anyone else. I don't know about that. That doesn't like it. I feel like it would work. Yeah, I feel like it recharged faster than that. But anyway. But yeah, I just, I mean, we all seemed like we had the same idea, right? Yeah. Bring the tard. Yeah. No. Bring the what? It's hard. I said it. I didn't add the re part to it though, so. Not even a ruh. No. Ugh. You know, bring the gimped version. If you prefer. It's hard that one. The weak link. The gimped is voluntary, so that's not as bad as retard. No, I'm just fucking with you. Yeah. No, I'm thinking about this. I mean, this this mission is kind of a bit right because you get to the end. Yeah. And I get your ass. I knew because I looked at the fact that it wasn't like actually the fight with Blitzkrieg. There was no way. I didn't. And I was just like, fuck. I keep losing people. Fuck. I have almost more people. What do you mean last another minute? Yeah. Survive a minute when you get to that. What was the name? Yeah. I swear, if the name of it isn't, it should be the longest minute. It's just called mind of the madman. But yeah, so you get to the end and then that's when Blitzkrieg calls in the four portals that are bringing out enemies from the future to fight you. And even as you're going through the level, like someone points out, huh, it's funny that these are so heavily guarded with nothing in the room. Right. Right. And then let. Yeah. That is funny. And then I just didn't destroy all the bunk beds. Exactly. That's what I did. Yeah. The thing's got to be hidden. Yeah. That fucking bunk bed's got to go. And every computer in the leveling case, that turned out to be a secondary objective. But I didn't have very much problem with the last minute, just because between minute man is super collider. I mean, as far as any Nazis go, they were like toast in the robots, man of war is so good. Dude, he takes them out. So fast, hacks. Exactly. Man, the Grenadiers just fucked my shit up from start to finish. Really? They do so much damage. Yeah. It seems like that would have been a perfect opportunity for tombstone. I did take tombstone, but it's like I had to choose between two of the death robots on either side or the general or Grenadir. Ah. Right. Man, I just had man of war focus on the aliens and then the other three just took out all the, just did clean house, cleaned the rest. And then they just never stopped coming. Yeah. I mean, I didn't end up losing anyone. I did have to use heroic revival, for sure. I think I lost everyone but one, except for maybe tombstone because he was taking the least damage. Wow. He still did it though. Thumbs up. I was so mad by the end of that level and then it was like, "Now you need to do it again." And I'm like, "Oh." But needing to do it again isn't nearly as bad because now you can see all the things and you can go through all the rooms and destroy them. But it is kind of annoying. It's like, how many times, is this the second or third time we've had to walk all the way back through a level in this game? Right. Because you find out that you have to travel back in time now to before the things that are basically going to create those portals going visible. I mean, this is the start of a series of missions that are really tedious. Yeah. Basically, at this point, the game mirrors itself and starts going in reverse. It's just where it's like you end where you started, literally, those are the stages. But no, sweet, sweet Warthog jumps to compensate for it. Honestly, I was enjoying the game less and less as I approached the end. I felt that way too until I got to the last couple of missions and then those were enjoyable. Yeah, I agree. And when it was like, OK, play this one over again, you're back in time. I was like, oh my god, you were going to be kidding me. Every mission with the Wraiths was just like an exercise in frustration. Right. I'm specific in time about the last two missions. I thought the entropy fight was awful. So like, well, what level arm where were we? Where were we at? This is where it is. This is now the level where you repeat it. You repeat it right away. Yeah. And so now we're blowing up the six generators. Right. Yeah. Like he said, I mean, it's a complete crawl through the entire map again because they are all spread out. And the thing that frustrates me is like, there's no point to exploring the entire level the first time. Right. And so I-- No, you could have just ran into the blitzkrieg. Right. I went through every fucking door. Me too. And then this time, you have to go through every door, literally. Yeah. So I had to do that crawl through twice. Yep. And every time you go up to one of those doors, you're like, all right, law, take one for the team. Walk through the door. That's right. Blindy. Yeah. It would be different if it weren't a level like that where it was sort of this tedious thing. I mean, one time is fine. Yeah. You know, but twice fucking eight. I thought one time was kind of pushing it because it was a pretty big level, but okay. Yeah. But like, I mean, luckily for me, I wasn't scrolling the camera side to side. So there were quite a few doors the first time through that I didn't even see. Ah. Looking for me, I just didn't see that there were other doors to me to go through the first thing. Well, fuck, man, if I would have seen these doors the first time, I'd walk through them. That'd be much angrier person right now. But it'd be Arthur and you don't want that. How did everyone handle Blitzkrieg? Like again, that fight wasn't a problem for me because the portals go away and only like a few minions get out. Tombstone. So yeah, I was going to say, so you can take over Blitzkrieg right away. Me, I just was like super collider, go fight to Blitzkrieg while you guys clean up the four little turbines that come through. That's what I did. And then after that, it's just like Blitzkrieg wasn't even hard. Yeah, I mean, he's super easy and he has like no hit points. That annoys me about Blitzkrieg and a lot of the waiter bosses is that he has a version of his power for every kind of weakness, doesn't he? I don't know. I don't know. Like I took him over as Tombstone and I seem to recall that he had a version of his power for every weakness. So no matter what character you were using, he would have an over power option for your character. Well, characters that do well against him specifically are characters that are the least susceptible to mental attack. And like certain characters like super collider, for instance, or Man of War, they are susceptible. So at least a couple of times during the fight, even though again, it wasn't hard. I would never almost lost anyone, but they did do the thing where they would panic and run. Yeah, he made everyone panic except for Tombstone. Gotcha. I imagine that's hard for Tombstone. I actually know he made Tombstone panic once as well, which is yeah, it's hard. He has an ability specifically that you put points into that increases your mental persistence. Gotcha. Well, yeah, I mean, there you go. As far as the far as actually in general, the boss fights in this game with the exception of that one that's against Fertissimo where you have to fight him before he gets to one thing. They really aren't that hard. No. It's the race against the clock stuff that tends to be the most annoying or like you better prevent this from happening, especially because you never know it's coming. And so then you haven't saved. Mm hmm. Oh, dude, I save like seven times a level after the first two game clubs. I'm just like, it's insert mission title and then one through seven. Wow. I said, I just got done saying that actually that the bosses aren't a big problem because the next level actually was the hardest level in the game for me. This is, this is when this is called devastation duet. This is when Fertissimo is rolling around the city trying to destroy precious soullings. Oh, yeah. So story wise, this is when alchemist goes into the temporal clock to rescue man bot because now she can because she took time master's power and I'm like, great, the character I like the least is now officially even less likable. That's, that's actually admirable that irrational managed to take a character I hated making it like a less. I will say that it's cool now you get to use man bot. Yeah, definitely. But I was going to, but I was going to say that's what I thought, but did I don't know about you guys, but man bot proved to be like kind of not the greatest character because that laser tech he has is basically his main attack and it's super inaccurate. Well, he can actually, no, I used, I used his double uppercut all the time. Yeah, it was a double uppercut that was the way to do it. And he's going to throwing shit in case you never tried. Well, very strong mission. And dude, he can throw shit all the way across the screen. Like I was, I was clicking, you know, how it has like the, the, the ranged attack icon when you can throw something and like it seemed to me like I could throw it. Okay. Well, there was no limit on this mission because for me it was man bot and then it was a minute man and then it was super collider and then I made the mistake of making my fourth. I made it a bullet because, you know, he has the region and I was like, fuck it, bullet. So I have no guys that can fly except man bot and then, and then I don't have anybody that's really good at like crowd control, right. And that proved to be like a huge, wait, a man bot can fly, no, he can fly besides man bot is what I'm saying. Man bot can fly. What? You didn't know that? Not only can he fly, but he can do his like ultimate power in the air. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Are you still for the whole landing of the game? It's only worthwhile when he's flying because otherwise he's so slow and you know what I did to circumvent that. I was like, I brought him on this mission and I was like, God damn, I'm not even get to use this guy's power. I can't get him to the fight. So then I started using green genie and I was like, man, I'm, I'm a fucking brilliant man. You turn him into a flyer? No. Well, I know I would just have the green genie haul ass into a situation and then. Yeah. But she actually her powers became really, really good against the race and stuff man. She has electrical attacks and stuff too, which I suspect they're very sensitive to. I actually later in the game, I was finally forced to take the Aqua last. Oh, really? How come? Because she deals electric damage and like is totally resistant to electricity and mystic, which means she is ironically one of the strongest characters against the race. You know what one thing though, like the end part of this game, it matters much more that you are throwing your heroes against the enemies that they can like that the enemies are allies against. You have to be incredibly specific. Yeah. Unfortunately, there's very little way to tell that unless you fail a fucking mission. Exactly. Like I wish there was some way that they would do a set up beforehand like, you know, like a briefing, like, you know, the kind of like they do. It's true. It's true. I agree that that is a great idea and that they should have done that. But to some degree, as far as for game club, it makes for interesting things because then we all took way different things than we should have. Yeah. Honestly, I don't remember who I took for this Fortissimo mission though. I think I took. All I know is that I had Manbot. I took bullet, Manbot, Minuteman and Tombstone again, which is pretty lucky. Tombstone is great for Fortissimo, man. Tombstone is great for Fortissimo. Tombstone is also really useful for the fucking T-Rex that appears at the end. Well, the T-Rex, that would be easy, I beat the shit out of that. For me, the hardest part was definitely fighting Fortissimo because I got, I beat all the guys around all the other buildings, got to that final one outside the museum. And Fortissimo would never bring down that shield. Like I don't know how to take down that shield. And so everyone was shooting at him and I could never get him to come down to the ground. I couldn't knock him out of the sky because I think you can throw something at him. So that's what I started. I walked over to that parking lot where all those cars were so Minuteman and Bullet and Manbot and Supercliter all walking back like fucking cars. And then what ended up happening was like Minuteman got downed because they would get right underneath him to throw the cars and then the car would blow up. And so he got downed by my own cars. Which is surprising because again, the AI just gets worse and worse. That's what it was. So it seems so random that all of a sudden, Fortissimo would be like, "Now I'm in a land." And be like, "Why did you just land?" What bothers me is just that my guys will never take positions to actually attack, especially if they're a mix of ranged in melee. It's always like, "Oh, I'm just going to shoot that guy in the back then and hope he moves." Yeah, I started taking tombstone toward the end and I ran into this problem a lot at the end. Tombstone was killing all of my guys because I would be attacking and I'd see lots of, they'd be a cluster of guys around one person and there'd be a lot of damage going up and I didn't know who was doing it. But that's when tombstone would actually attack somebody. Half the time he would go like, "I can't do that." On this Fortissimo battle, for me it's like it was glitching out. And even my ranged attacks wouldn't attack. They wouldn't attack. I had to position them on these two very specific piles of rubble in order to attack him or they would not attack him on any anywhere else because it wasn't a shield up or whatever. That's something. How do you get through that fight? I always take them over. That's how I... Yes, I just can't protect... I just can't protect... I just can't protect... I did not bring tombstone immensely. I remember just attacking the shield a whole bunch and it going down. That's all I remember. The only thing was that bullet and super collider have no ranged attack. Well, it does have a ranged attack, whirlpool, whirlpool. Whirlpool. Oh, right. I was using that a lot. Wherever Fortissimo was, it wouldn't hit him was my biggest problem. But then when the T-Rex came, man, I got my shit wrecked. Like, minute man went down to the T-Rex because I had already used one of my heroic revivals because of the car. Right. So then it was just like, Andy's down. And then bullet was like, nah, I'm munched. And so then it just came down to the fact that man bought a man of war, like we were able to pull it out from a distance from... Yeah, I just... I'm like a broken record with tombstone. Wasn't that... I thought you said you had super collider. Oh yeah, super collider. Sorry. Because he had too many hip points to that. Right. I'm just a broken record with that shit. It's always just like, oh, and then I took him over to a tombstone and made him stand there while I beat the shit out of him. Right. I just want... I just really didn't want to worry about possessing people's own reason, but man... I actually found it interesting because it's like, well, who am I going to possess? These powers will do the most damage that I can actually do something with. Like, the Wraiths, Jesus fucking Christ, the Wraiths do a lot of damage to everything, including each other. Right. Well, if it's melee-close range, yeah. Like long range, they don't do much. Oh, they have a beam. Yeah. I know, but for me, it always seemed to... Maybe it was just the people I took, but they always seemed to resist the beam. It was a slowing beam. Slowing down. Wait, I mean, did you possess the Wraiths? No. No, I'm saying like, as the Wraiths. Like, taking over the Wraiths, like, they were very effective against each other. Ah. I was going to say that because, man, the Wraiths, Jesus Christ. One time I did the mistake of taking over a Wraith and attacking one of the big things with the tuning forks, and that created the Super Wraith, and I was like, "Oh." You made it. I did make it. I made it happen. I tried to take over the Super Wraiths, and I could never do it this time. I did it once, and there. You said you resisted every time. This one, on this mission, actually, is the next one where it's like, at first, you have to fight Red Sun. Right. And then you have to fight Wraiths for the first time and prevent them from becoming the super hits. I did not end up being able to prevent one. I could never do it. Oh, really? I prevented them all. Yeah, well. The trick is not to attack both at the same time, it's just to find, like, two of them and just take them out. Like, to go to the Wraiths first. Yeah, I always-- well, what I would do is I would-- because they didn't really-- it seemed to me like they didn't really start walking toward each other until you were on the screen. Yeah. What I would do is I'd like-- I'd send Manbot in after wherever the Wraiths were, and I'd just have him do his energy release, and it would knock both the Wraiths down to half health. And then who else did I have? Tombstone does a lot of damage. Right, that's a lot of damage to them. Oh, and I also-- and I had Tombstone, and I had-- oh, I had Quetzalcoatl on this one. I also started-- so after that mission where I lost two guys, the T-Rex, I was like, dude, I'm taking-- I'm going to start taking this guy just because he can heal. Yeah. And he's not good for anything else, so at least I'll just fucking sacrifice him for all I care. Yep. I-- this is-- I think this mission I actually was the first one where I ever-- I had the first one since Cuba, like the second mission where everyone I had just got wiped out. Wow. Like within the span of about 15 seconds. Wow. This is another mission where I-- Well, that happened to be the first time, too, actually. And then I-- I'm a good person. This is where I started, like, oh, okay, well, these are the-- I have to take really specific people now, because otherwise I'm just going to lose-- This is a mission where I took Sky King, and Sky King proved to be useless, because-- Right. --because I tried to have him fly in. Like, he was finding his red son. And he was afterburner. Because red son would try and shoot him and stuff and whatever. Yeah. He would afterburn and do his fine, but when it came down to the wraiths, I would fly in to have him do this afterburning. And they'd zap the shoot out of him. But they would do-- like, if there was two of them, they would do whatever that attack was, and it would be a bebamb. He's down. Yeah. It's like, geez Christ. Oh, Christ. Yeah. Yeah. And then, after this, because I didn't know he wasn't any good against the wraiths, I mean, like, his blast-off was still a good attack, but it was basically-- once he used the blast-off, he would just sit there and get pounded on. Right. Yeah. And not to mention that he has to be flying. And if he-- and that's what happened is I would have him fly in to try and do it. He got knocked out of here. Some would knock him, and he'd fall, and then he takes forever like that. Well, those-- like you said, the tuning for it, guys, they have a power density. Oh, that's why he would fly. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And that's when I'd get eradicated. Like, they'd nail Minimann with that shit, and he'd move, like, super slow, and he's getting married. I mean, you write them at-- for the remainder of the game, it basically became the man-bot show of him rolling in there and doing his power, and then running away until he could do it again, basically. Yeah. See? OK, so I'm going to put on the dunce cap real quick, because I didn't know man-bot could fly what I would do. [LAUGHTER] I remember that from the beginning that he could fly. I don't-- wouldn't that over the beginning? They teach you the very, very first level. Oh, he flies. He and Alchemists can fly. OK, so anyway, because he walks so slow, I would select man-bot and have him walk towards-- if I knew which one-- if I could tell which one the tuning for guys were, I would have him get a head start, and I would just kind of let him go. And this is when I would let the other three guys shop around for all the health canisters and experience boost. I definitely would discover this entire mission. Yeah. And then what I would do is, if I could find which ones the race were, is I would use bullet and man-o-war on them, so I would have bullet basically be the carrot on the stick. He was so fast, a lot of the times he would-- he could just move out of the way of their beam. And then I just had man-o-war attacking on the whole time, and he would take him out quick. I also had bullet in this mission, and that became such-- or no, he's super clear, I mean, he's also fast. But at the end of the mission, yeah, like this mission nearly killed me. I did a first try, but just barely, because it came down to the fact that Sky King died early on. Like I had to use his heroic revivals, and he went down, and then-- and then-- but then all of a sudden I just had super collider and man-bot, and it was like, fuck what the hell am I going to do? And because every time you'd think you'd beaten it, they'd be like, and there's two more race! And I'd be like, oh my God. I used-- at the end, everyone, I had died except for tombstone, and the only way I beat it is I would possess someone and start a fight with someone else. I was like, okay, I'm not going to take on the guy that's the most powerful. I'm going to take on the guy just below him and attack him and have him kill this. And then when that's dead, and I lose control, I'll take over the powerful guy and have him take on someone else. And also, his guns fuck up the tuning fort dudes. Yeah. Super hardcore, and he's so much faster than them, that he'll go away and start shooting and wait for them to get close, and then back up and shoot some more. I can't remember who it was, I found out the hard way in one of these missions that they also get enraged, because I had another situation where somebody killed someone else. Order gets raged, iron-offs or whatever gets raged, assuming-- this is when they started taking heroes away from you, like they just said, there's-- oh, where's-- where's Black Hawks or what-- no, fire person, who's now-- El Diablo. El Diablo. Where's El Diablo? They don't even explain it. He's just gone. Oh, this is-- is that your memories and everything in realities are getting fucked up. But I actually think what more what it was was, man, everyone's just taking El Diablo. I think someone else. Well, yeah. They're all men. We had-- they just ignore the fact that you have to pick certain characters to dump points into and to pick up experience bonuses with and to take on missions and level up. And so the person that I easily dumped the most points into is the one that it decides to take away. And then throw in your face in the next mission. They Marty McFlyed him. Or not the next. Do you have to fight-- Not until the end. Entropy. Yeah. As freedom force first. No, this is where you're trying-- the next mission is where you're trying to summon time master. Where you have to close the holes. Yes. You have to send the temporal signature through six holes to summon time master. But on the-- but we're on this mission before that real quick and like I just want to say that like this is only the second time that I use Quetzacodal and I've been upgrading him, you know, whenever I could, even though I hadn't been using him. So-- but I used him and like I was like, man, you are freaking useless. He totally is. I was like, you know what? Like I'm glad that you can sacrifice your own health to heal people. He does have one ability that I never got enough experience points to. I know it's the snake coil one. That one. And there's also one where he can-- like he casts it's like super, super sacrifice or something like that where like he can heal and raise up anybody who's knocked out. Right. But it's like-- I got that one. Oh, OK. Does it kill him? I never got that one. I don't know. I never used it because-- It doesn't-- I was worried that it would kill him first and then I was more worried about just keeping people alive with his own health, right? And I was wrong, actually. The weirdest thing about it is not the one where my group was eradicated. It was this one where you close the gut where you have to fucking touch the portals. Right. And every portal surrounded by wraiths. Yes. And this was the one where I chose Sky King, which I found out was a horrible, horrible horrible one. I mean, this next mission where it's just closing the portals. As far as closing the portals went, again, it was just the Manbot Show. Manbot fly in there and do the thing right on top of the portal, which would usually kill the wraiths that would-- For me, it was the Manbot and Manowar Show because Manowar's electricity attack was so good against the wraiths. And he's far enough away that he usually doesn't get murdered in like one second. Although Manbot, even though he has a lot of hip points on armor, he almost died several times to the wraiths for me, too. Like, if I-- Wow. If I did the thing where like, you know, like we've talked about, you would click and do the energy thing and then you'd fly there and not do it and you're like, what the fuck didn't you do? Do it, do it, do it. And then sometimes they would do it out of nowhere, like because the animation is so subtle when he's starting to do it and sometimes he'll give you a vocal cue and sometimes he won't. Right. Right. I actually-- crap. Who did I take on this mission because I killed them like twice with Manbot? Way to go, Matt. Yeah. But I-- oh, like, microwave. I thought about taking him because I wasn't sure if they would be good against radiation or-- They are really weak against him. His radiation is super good against the wraiths, but like, again, he was the slowest member of the party. Isn't he super vulnerable to magic, though? Is he? I think so. Like, he was the one I brought with that got killed fastest. The only time he ever got killed for me was because he ran into Manbot's energy release. But also I noticed Manbot's energy-- was it Skyking that when you do blast off, he ends up on the ground or does Manbot end up on the ground after you do energy release? No, Skyking I think that ends up on the ground or something. I don't know. I've never had a problem with Manbot, but Skyking just seemed like he was always on the ground on the side. When you figure out Manbot can fly, it's pretty much just fine with Manbot. Oh, God. No, I'm just saying like-- I don't know. If I hadn't realized that he could fly, like, I totally would have hated everything. No, but I actually forgot, too. Yeah. I actually forgot, too. But then I was walking around. He is so fucking slow. And then I right clicked on him. I'm like-- Which is why when he'd get density cast on him, it'd be like, well, now he's worthless. Yeah. Well, this is where I started using a green genie. And like I said, man, she kicks ass against those wraithss. Well, she can also urn out-- So was it her electrical attack, or did you do Polymorph people? Yeah, she just has a regular electrical attack, which normally is awful. Well, but you have to level the shit up out of green genie to get that electrical attack. It's her default. Yeah, yeah. Oh, she has something else like the Joy Buzzer. Right, which is like that one. Which is like a devastating, surprisingly devastating melee attack. Right. Yeah, no, I did not get that one. But the electrical one that is normally completely worthless is good against those, specifically. Yeah, totally. And again, she was able to turn like a lot of really high level enemies into like these flowers. Yeah. That's amazing. For crowd control, that must have been really nice. Yeah. For me, it was like either man bot got in there and killed the wraiths right away, or shit would get out of hand. Because if you don't kill the wraiths right away, they start turning civilians into more mobs to fight. All right, but those never did much damage. Right. I mean, they're usually like two hit people, but it just became really annoying. If I had man bots release, I never would have been able to beat this mission. No, never. Right. But I mean, I think it's funny because it's, man bot isn't forced on you, but he really should be. Yeah. Like, not only does it make sense story wise, but God, he's just like such an necessity for fighting your wraiths. Yeah. For me, it was basically, it was, it was the, I had bullet with me, but it was totally the, the, the, the man bot, um, microwave man or war show. Because like those three together were just wraith killing machines. Man. There was one, right? No, I didn't have bullet with me. Sorry. Oh, bullet, bullet and point of fact, it gets aced by wraiths pretty quickly. Yeah. I basically never brought bullet again, which made me really sad because I dumped a lot of points into after those early missions and the back in time when they made you think oh, he's going to be a big deal. Like an important part of this. I was like, bullet, I want you to be awesome and then, yeah. The character that it suggests you use the most is the one that takes away first. So, um, yeah, so you defeat the six portals. Yep. You summon a time master. And this is, see, this is a mission that I thought was really cool. This is, I actually, what I'm curious about is for me, I had Aqua last or whatever. And she is the one that lectures time master about what an asshole he's being. She wasn't mine too. Yeah. Oh, she is. Yeah. She, she comes. Okay. I don't have customized cutscenes. I, sometimes I felt like they did, but I mean, maybe not. Yeah. He, after he's like, who would there summon me? And then she's like, look, you're never going to be able to be a dick unless you help us. The world must exist for you to be an asshole, but yeah, I like this mission only because maybe after fighting those rates for so long. It's nice to feel powerful. Exactly. Again, I like, I like, I never even came close to losing any of them. No, and that's, and that right there, you know, it's, it's good game design. It turns it around and it makes you feel powerful again after a moment of like intense hardship. But then it makes you it's bitch again. Well, I, before we move on, like, there, there are a few times I would click on the biggest guy. Yeah. And he would say, he would say something like, uh, uh, you know, uh, you can give me a command but I will do it if I want to, uh, you know, or something along those lines. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. I didn't even hardly use the big one. Like even like the big one had all those other abilities. I use the big ones, like super ability. Oh, see, that's, that's what I didn't use because it seemed like it had a long cast time. It was awesome. So, so I, but he's impervious when he's doing it, like nothing ever breaks him out of that. Right. But it was just like the beam attacks they could all do were so useful on their own. Yeah. And usually when I would click them and go to click on an enemy, it would almost always be like the beam attack, basically, basically I had the, uh, um, big time master. I, I used his power, his super power on, uh, on, uh, entropy on entropy because it would not only would it do a whole bunch of damage, but it's like, blow her halfway across the map and it would take her forever to get back. And so while she was on her way back, I would just take out, you know, the Diablo. I was going to say, do you guys even have problems with the Diablo? They never even got attacked when I would see the numbers, like they would appear beam. Like a lot of times I would see new bodies of theirs because my, whatever I wasn't controlling just killed another one of them. Yeah. I was kind of curious. I was like, am I going to see an inferno or something? Like when I saw the Diablo first, I was like, Oh fuck. Yeah. I know. And I mean, then you just was nothing. I, I, I would like to say that alchemist, like as a character always sucked, but entropy is a cool or looking character in the past. I feel like some, in some way, this whole time master controlling thing would have been cooler if we had played the first game because I have a feeling time master was the boss of the first game. He was the boss of the first game. So yeah. So I feel like that might have been cooler. I mean, I mean, I'm fine. I figured that that's fine. Yeah. Like he's a prisoner in Nazi Germany. Did I get it? No, I'm just saying like, I still thought it was cool. I just feel like maybe it would have been even cooler if I had had to like do like what I imagine was a hard fight against him in the first game. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I entropy cooler character than alchemist still not great. Mm hmm. She looks a lot like the, uh, the, the spirit in, um, in the legend is Zelda win waker or not, not win waker. I'm sorry. Twilight princess. I know what you guys said. Yeah. She kind of looks like her camera. I think you had it right the first time that she looks like a combination of the phoenix and the black queen, which is like the phoenix, uh, in the hellfire club in the marvel universe. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that, that's what the story is. It is the phoenix story, basically. Man, I grew up in the 90s and 80s. Of course I fucking know the X-Men. Yeah. Jim Lee issue one bitch. So time master runs away. Yep. And now you find out that entropy isn't really defeated. Right. Of course she just had to unlock her real power. Huh? Well, she was going to steal time master's power and that's why he ran away. Right. Well, I mean, because he thinks he defeated her and then she's like, no, I'm actually way more powerful than you could know. And then she tries to, to fuck up man bot and man bot explodes in energy X. Right. Which is why there's, when you start this level, there's the huge crater. Yeah. It's mental. So who did you guys take for your final one? Mine again was a man bot, man bot, man of war, gets a quadal and super collider. I definitely didn't take cats a quadal. I took a super collider wasn't available to me. Oh, maybe super collider. Yeah, they take him away. He disappears. Yeah. Who is it? Oh, no. I took tombstone in my final mission, finally. Yeah. Because I was like, it was such a small roster that I was like, maybe possession will be nice. Yeah. I took tombstone as well. Yeah. I took man bot and tombstone and man of war and shit. I took man bot and man tombstone and man of war. I think I might have taken microwave again. I mean, once you figured I was so good against race, why not? I think I did take a good one. I never had luck with him against the race. It kept a quadal, man. He was such a worthless guy even in this one. The healing was nice, but in general, this level wasn't hard enough that I needed healing. Yeah. It was an easy look. I had to do this mission twice, actually. Really? Yeah. What happened? I just, I think that I approached the ending wrong and just got aced. Like I didn't strategize correctly and they picked off all my guys separately. Oh, man. At this point I was. I wanted super risk surrounded by Wraiths and then entropy. Oh, at the very last part of the entropy fight. Like fighting entropy like around the level, not a big deal because I just have man bot do us things. Exactly. And take out the Wraiths. And then everyone else rolls in and takes care of any other business. But how did you do it, Tyler? Yeah. I mean, at this point, man, I just, I was tired of all the decoy endings. Like, "Oh, it's the end." No, it's not. And so I was just like, "Fuck it." I just ran my dudes straight up to entropy and like, I didn't fuck with any of the other enemies or anything. I was like, "I don't care. I'm being this game right now." Your lack of patience was their lack of patience. Yeah. And I just used the same team as before, Green Genie, Manbot, Minuteman, and Bullet. Yeah. See, I mean, even in the final part where you defeat all the random minions and you get entropy to the final part of the fight, again, it was just man bot run up, do his power, and then everyone else roll in and take care of any stragglers. As far as entropy yourself, I mean, once you had Tombstone and you could possess her, it was like, "Well, she resisted every time I shot him." Yeah, she actually resisted a lot, but I would take over. I got at least once. I just took over other stuff, like, I took over one of the race and did a bunch of damage. I just ended up using his guns the whole time, even though he shot my own guys in the back half the time. I have to say, I was also a little disappointed about the fact that they, like, emphasized the whole man bot power thing, and he blows up like he's unleashing his power, but it didn't change the ability. Well, you said that he makes everyone more powerful. He makes everybody regain their energy cleaner for a long time. Right, but I thought it would have been cooler if it was like, like, I'm trying to think of another game that's done it where it's like, for one level, they just make, like, oh, like, you know, like the end of the half life, too, for instance, or something where you have the stupid... Yeah, these are the ultimate... The ultimate... Yeah, the ultimate zero. Right, I thought it was... That's how I thought it was about to go in. It had to be like, man bot is the goddamn RoboCop just sitting there, blasting everything that appeared. But... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But whatever. But that's just it. His man bot, even at the end of the game, he's all like... The difference between you and me is that I know how to use Restraint. No, he's a... We have friends to tell us to use Restraint. Well, yeah, but then he says, like, yeah, oh, you're right. Friends that tell us when to use Restraint, yeah. Oh, God, friends, you friendless bitch! So... And he's also ruggedly handsome. So then, instead of just ending the fucking game, instead of just ending it, Jesus Christ. Oh, God, I can only imagine... Like, in a real boss fight, they throw a time master against you. I can try to imagine how pissed off Tyler was when they had him. I'm telling you, like, for this whole level... I'm fucking beating this game. That's right... That's right, bit... Motherf... The whole level, I did two things. I pressed five, and I pressed the left mouse button. I thought it was... I thought it was kind of shitty, though, that, like, this fight against, you know... Time master, like, he doesn't even summon his minions. Like, he doesn't do anything... He's the dude you should ever... He just rolls at you. Like, he doesn't summon his little two little friends. Like, that's what I was afraid of. I was like, fuck man, those little guys are going to be tough. He's not... He doesn't pull the Scarface. He leaves his friends at home. Yeah, he just... I thought it... I thought it was supposed to be that, like, he was weak, though. That's battle with, uh, with entropy. I would say that as well, but I could see where you would say that it was boring, because he did die quickly. I mean, you didn't even have to. You could pretty much just tell everyone to do their default attack, I mean, but the thing is it's like, I'm really glad that he died quickly. Like, I didn't want that to be a long ass battle. There were points where I was like, "This may be another game club game I don't finish." No, that was it. But I did. That's right. That's right. You did. We all did. I think there's been one game club game I haven't finished. I finished them all. And that was called Cthulhu, because I got this weird... Yeah. Yeah. That's legitimate. The only game I didn't finish was the thing, because I'd finished Half-Life 2, like, three or four times. Yeah. Um... But the... Yeah, the... How about that ending? I don't even... Honestly, like... It's fine. I mean, that's the only point where Alchemis was an even moderately likable character where she like... Where she meets Energy X. That's right. That's a good color, Ashnell. Make it so she never existed. Oh, yeah, that. That's the only way I might ever actually not... Hey! No, no, no. That stuff was like... She never existed whatever, but yeah, the part where she meets Energy X, I assume that was because they were like, "If we make another game, Energy X will be like a deal." I'd be really interested to see what happens if they do another one of these, because this game looks really dated. Like, it's five years old, but I feel like... I thought it held it. I thought it held up pretty well. Okay, look, we might be talking about two different things. I think the art style dated yes, but graphically, the environments and everything still hold up all. I think the characters just don't look good. And I think they're their design. Their art style, yeah. For sure. And I think the fucking line. Certain things like the fact that the buildings can be blown up and everything, you know, for the time, that was still pretty cool. I mean, what an era of like, of like, Starcraft 2 and shit like that, like I'd just be really curious to see what a Freedom Force 3 would look like. Yeah. Man, it's just like some like, Battlefield heroes. I had... That would be great. That would be great. That would be great. That would be great. Like, like a rational... They don't own Freedom Force anymore, right? No, I don't think so. They don't sell it to make back some money or something like that. They have to sell the license. Yeah. I don't think they own anymore. So whoever has probably sent up to die. Yeah, whoever has the license. I mean, you never know. I mean, like, Deus Ex doesn't belong to Warren Specter anymore, but it would be soft Montreal, I think, or an Ubisoft company is making that game. Yeah, it's not a lot of you. And Ubisoft is. Yeah. So that... I mean, it would be really cool to see a new Freedom Force, but I wonder if they would keep the same '50s camp comic bookishness of it, because like, that's... It's like we talked about in the second Freedom Force episode, I think, like, we were saying that it has... They really took that particular era of comic book writing and applied it to their game, both to the benefits and the faults of that style. I think it'd be kind of cool to see them do '70s comics, because eras, like, the post-Silver Age, like where Wolverine was introduced and where the Incredible Hulk got more interesting and Doctor Strange came in and that kind of stuff. I think that that would be kind of cool, like the new X-Men. I mean, I don't know anything about comics. As far as Game Club games go, you know, this is another one of those ones that it's like, yeah, it was a pain in the ass to get there and stuff, but it's... Again, I've never played one of the games where I've been like, I'm fucking upset that we played that. Like, this is not one of those games that I feel like is an important part of my library. Like my literature. Like, I've read that. Yeah. I mean, I can't think of any Game Club game where I was like, I can't fucking believe we did that. Dude, there were times in the thing, if I'm being honest, I'm like, fuck this fucking game. Yeah. Okay, you're right, actually. I was trying to be nice, but no, the thing was awful, and... See, I like... I still am happy that we played it. Yeah, just like I said at the end of the things, like definitely not one of my favorite games, but I'm still, like Anthony said, I'm glad that I've got it in my mental library of stuff that I've done, because there are important lessons to learn from it and to experience in sort of the pantheon and the historic arc of game design. And have it as something, yeah, like a point you can draw from for comparison and for like, see where things have gone, like that's the thing. Definitely. In hindsight, should we have played the first 3-1? I don't know, I think maybe so, because I think a lot of people played the first one and didn't play versus the third arc, and it's funny because like when I talked to certain people, like not just Ryan, Scott, that worked with other people, were of the opinion that before arc of asylum came out, freedom force was like the best superhero game they'd ever played. Wow, huh. So. It's definitely not the case with third Reich. Yeah, right, well, but I mean, what other great superhero games have there been before arc of asylum? You know, it's like, really, there have been a lot of terrible superhero games. There have been a lot of terrible superhero games. And freedom force is like a great example. It's good. There are other games that are going in right now. Right, but back when they played freedom force, and I think a lot of people didn't play infamous either, so, you know, it's like up until then, there really wasn't very good freedom, you know, superhero games and freedom force was like great because it wasn't like a shitty license game. It was like someone's still like drawing upon archetypes like crazy for superheroes, but they'd have to pay for all those licenses either. Yep. Um, that's that. So next week, you need to play through the bank of splinter cell chaos theory. Play through. Through the bank. That's why I said through. Uh, 10 levels in splinter cell chaos theory, and we're going to do three levels, three levels, and then two and two because it seems like the closer we get to the end, the more stressful it is to play through the games. And levels usually get longer towards the end. True. Usually. And I, if I recall correctly, the last level of chaos theory is kind of a bitch. So are we going to record the first episode next week? Are we going to take it back? People have been asking for two weeks off between and, uh, we'll do one week off. Yeah, two weeks is a bit much. Mm hmm. And two weeks between now and when we record. Right. So a week off. Okay. All right. That gives people time to get the game and stuff like that. And then I actually will not be here though. I'm going to be at South by Southwest. Oh, can I? So because next week is GDC, right next Monday's GDC on Sunday morning. We could record earlier, maybe on a Saturday or something like we'll figure it out. Either way, as far as you guys are concerned, you won't hear an episode to at least two weeks from when this one released. Yeah. So, uh, of game club anyway, okay. So thank you for listening. Remember to listen to our friends podcast, the, the geek box at and to watch co-op, which you can see area or vision One more thing. Uh, there are pretty substantial differences between the PS two version of chaos theory and the Xbox and PC versions of chaos theory, so yeah, there are different level designs and mid level loads in the PS two version that aren't there in the PC and Xbox versions. So if you, if you have the choice, I would highly recommend the Xbox version of the PC version, both of which are available on games on demand or steam. Let's not forget that Arthur works for, uh, Team Xbox. Team Xbox. I mean, it's not like the original Splinter Cell is made as an exclusive to Xbox or a lightweight. That's right. It was. Um, and then they realize back then that they had to make it for PS two to make more money back then. Back then. Oh, how the world has changed. True. So. All right. We love you. This time we're not chewing into the mic. I appreciate you for listening. As a person. Audience. Thank you. Thank you.