Rebel FM

Rebel FM Game Club: Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich -- Episode 3

Broadcast on:
17 Feb 2010
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We discuss through level 13 (Achtung! Der Alchemiss!) for this week's show. See what strategies, characters, and frustrations we had during our time. Finish the game for next week's show.
[music] Hello, welcome to the Rebel OFN game club podcast for freedom force versus the third right. This is our first three fun times. Enthusiastic fun time part three. Where we left off, which was red sun set. So you should have played from red sunset through the mission called Aktan Dela. Red sun and sun set girl. Aktan del alchemus. Which, thematically, I kind of left us off in a weird point. Even in the halfway point. Yeah, it's just because I looked at numbers and really this whole time I should have been making us play like one or two missions longer. I just didn't know how long the game was because the final segment that for next week since we're finishing the game. That one's going to be a little bit longer. I hope you enjoyed that window startup sound. Yeah, my computer decided to restart automatically. Nice update so. So yeah, so we played red sunset, which where we left off was the pain in the ass tank mission. And now in red sunset. Which wasn't a pain in the ass tank. You're still stuck with just bullet and or is bullet been captured? Bullet's been not captured yet. Okay, yeah. You should really have a pack open so we know what we're talking about. You just played it today. I thought you'd be able to help me out. You know what? If I had my way, we'd be talking about Battlefield bag company too right now. We're not. Yeah, I actually played and since I accidentally played ahead because I read the fact wrong. Like I haven't played it for about a week and a half. So I don't quite remember what the stage is like. Through the magic of radio, this weight is going to seem shorter to you people. No, we haven't had any bad talk yet. We could sit here and talk about how we feel about the heroes in general of the past. Oh, yeah. Since we were just talking about that. People like heroes before 1963 largely suck. Yep. With the exception of RoboCop of the sky. Well, yeah, and this part of the game was also the most frustrating part for me because you have to do all these stupid missions with these characters that are really frustrating to use. Well, it's like you spend the first half of the game just getting stronger and stronger. Yeah. And then all of a sudden you're stuck with these heroes that are just so much weaker and less versatile than everything that you were using before. Yeah, and what really sucks is the whole time you're coursing out, like, okay, I'm getting prestige points and I want to unlock this superhero next because this is a really cool power that I want to use with this badass team I'm trying to make. But you can't use the team you want to make. I can't remember the last time I actually got to choose all the members of my team. You definitely, yeah, I don't think there's any not this one at all. At the end of this one, to use like this is the team you get, sorry. And, you know, I'm more or less okay with that except that I think that these missions, some of them just were like artificially extended. Like when I'm sure we'll talk about it, but the mission where homeboys learn how to fly and you have to guard him while he's figuring it out. He's not learning how to fly, but yeah. Right. It was the adjusting a suit. I was using his electronics to serve as a detonator for the bomb. Oh, that's right. I actually like that little item. Man, that's awesome. I hated it. Really? Bullshit. Yeah. That's awful, awful design. This is how you almost towards the end of this whole section. But yeah, so the Red Sun set is where you start off and there's a tank you can immediately take and you're destroying the center. This is that mission. The first couple of times I made the mistake of not taking the tank right away. Who wouldn't take the tank? I thought, well, I'll just take on these first few guys and then I'll use it for the rest of the level, but that is pretty much the level. I don't even know anyone else that just handles everyone else. It's good because everyone else got killed. Oh, really? I sent Blackjack into the tank and everyone else just got annihilated. Because tree core goes down like that. I think you have, I had tree core, Blackjack. You have tree core, Blackjack. Bullshit. And then whoever you selected, which is out there. Bullshit went down super quick. El Diablo finally went down when four Red Sun dudes were wailing on him at the same time. Because every time I tried to do a move, they'd hit him with ninja stars and he'd just get stunned and not do anything. Weird. I totally don't remember this mission being a problem for me. It's probably because you jumped in the tank immediately when like tank murders all. And also, I don't know what the fuck the deal is, but it's like none of my guys can hit any of their distance attacks. That happens a lot. Well, especially, I mean, if you have Blackjack training on the tank, it's not an issue, but Blackjack's card never hits anybody. And also like El Diablo, it feels like he used to be able to throw like his two magic bar fireball attack from a fair distance. And now he always runs up super close to do it. I've noticed that too. Like it just suddenly happened to where like Diablo is always, if you're trying to do inferno, then he'll go too close and he always hits himself with it. And it seemed like it was longer range before. I don't know what the deal is. And now, and since that always misses now, now instead of shooting at specific enemies, I always aim at a point on the ground. Oh, wow. Really? Yeah. Man, I just don't ever feel like I had too much shooting. Well, you know what, the ground, he never misses the ground. That's true. And if they're standing in the path like skits. Exactly. It's the same amount of damage. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's just the way you're supposed to, I'd say with quotation fingers, supposed to use it. Yeah, I mean, I guess I didn't really have that much trouble. It's just really slow going because the tank is extremely slow. Yeah. It takes forever to kill anyone. But once the tank's generally distracting him, then I would just go around with LD Diablo. Basically, the whole mission was everyone else hides tank and LD Diablo killer. I'm like cuddling all the enemies. Yeah, because once eventually you have to blow that bunker up, which is just like painfully slow. Yeah. And then once that's done, those two tanks roll out. For me, those two tanks, all I would do is have the tank go up and engage it and they'd be shooting front armor. And then I'd just have LD Diablo go around the back and blast it. Yeah. All of a sudden, LD Diablo is now become a tank killer. Like I had problems with tanks before, but now maybe I leveled up the right power or something. Yeah. Once I upgraded his like general like ranged attack, now it's like maxed along with his inferno or whatever. Well, it's like what we were saying last week with the last tank battle, I just infernoed the tank twice and it blew up. So he does become a tank killer. For sure. Yeah, on this one, I put everyone on one tank and just like destroyed it super quick and then went to the other tank. Really? I mean, you would, you would put like, except tree color, I always pulled her away because she has no ranged attack. What can she do? Other than blind. In front of the tank. Well, she can get run over. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, with like, with black track, I was having him use his ranged pistol attack a lot because, and since we talked about it last week that I've been using his distract thing a lot where he throws like the deco, and that is really good. Yeah. I actually thought it was completely worthless. I'd rather see him walk up and get the shit beaten out of him. You do that though and he draws just enough time for everyone else to like, wail on whoever is like, stick it up to walk over there, especially in the mission where you're, um, the mission map that you were hating on the one where the sky captain is trying to fix a suit. Yeah. Yeah. She's in that there. Yeah, I did. I mean, did anyone have any trouble with the tanks or use anyone? Because basically that like, that was a tank L. D. Obla for me. The other heroes were pretty much worthless. Yeah. And pretty much. Pretty much. I have a tree core in the next section. She's pretty good when she that she is. She is. Really strong. Yeah. Melee only guys. She's fine. Yeah. Especially if you use the blinding blade thing. Yeah. And blind people. Well, yeah, if you if you blind them, but then if you actually hit them with her rapier, it's a really strong attack. But the problem is, of course, is that she's like super weak. So she gets hit once. You have to run away. Grenadiers or whatever. They blow her up once and it's like, man, she's down. Yeah. Yeah. Being around your own tank in that last level was just exactly. That's why I'm saying I had him right out. What was weird? Like when I had blackjack to go, uh, when I have, when I sent him to get into the tank, he first hit the tank because if the tank hit him and bounced off and took damage like and there was no one in the tank, I was like, what the fuck like it glitched? I had to be, he had to stand back up and then get in the tank. It's no Bioshock. Oops. I swear that happened. Bioshock is so glitch free, right? So, so this mission ends with, uh, this is where Bullock gets captured by Blitzkrieg. Everyone else fails and then Bullock's like, I'm ready to go back and then it doesn't get to. Right. But I, I like using Bullock. He's a good character. He became good. I hated him. And then once you, you go through the mission, which we're about to talk about, we're free. I'm like, he's like my go-to guy now. Like he's so fast and I, and the reason he became super good for me is I gave him that innate ability to where any time he takes damage, he'll heal over time. Yeah. So basically he always is at full health. Yeah. So he's basically like run in, punch people a bunch of times and I upgraded his punches all the way to and they're really effective and punch a bunch of people and then run away and heal. And it's like, he's great. Yeah. Because you can always get him in and out of trouble faster than any other character. Were you guys giving the experience bonus as you find? It depends. It depends. I mean, in the missions and these ones, if any other time when I could, I was giving him to L.D. Yeah. That's just because I wanted to make him like my doom tank basically. Because that is what he is. And then after that, now it's been, and these missions have became minute man just because I was like, man, he's like, after he could heal himself, I was like, he's really useful and I wanted to unlock. Bullock. You mean, Bullock. His ability to do like the six strikes in a row that he can do, which is like lower on the tree. Yep. So. The other one, the ability I just unlocked with him, but I haven't been able to play him yet is the one where he sprints and it knocks people back when he stops. That's a good one when he stops. Yeah. So it does the damage. And then you're falling damage as well. Yeah. It's a good one. So the next mission is now where you get first access to this guy king and you all get to watch his. John Wayne. His story of how he came about. Well, that's after the first mission. Is it? Yeah. You always play a mission with someone before you see their origin story. Well, you play with Sky King, Tree Collar and Blackjack and that's it. Sky King, sort of a punk bitch at first. He is. Yeah. Especially because he's so slow. Oh yeah. Oh my God. Even when he flies, he's slow. I mean, he's always slow, but the thing is the only reason in this mission where you're trying to free bullet that I have found that he was useful was once I figured out he's basically like 90% vulnerable to bullets. That totally made him way useful. Like at first, I didn't realize that. Really? See, bullets weren't a big problem for me down here. I think it was. Well, maybe they were. Grenadines were a huge problem. Yeah. They'll just annihilate you right off the bat. Someone throws a grenade and they'll take like a quarter to a third of everyone's health. Right. So what I started doing was I started like in this mission where you have to find bullet cell and you know, you start going door to door. What I ended up doing was having Tricolor run up and open the door because she's fast and then that would make all the guys rush towards the door and then I would have Black Jack throw a decoy and then once they all came out, I would have Sky King roll up to the front and then after the decoy is dead, he'd just take it on the chin while everyone else, you know, picked their targets. Yeah. The Sky King. It is pretty cool how invincibly it is, but he is super vulnerable to explosions like an eight or two will just he's dead in a heartbeat. Oh, wow. I didn't know that. This is where we're introduced to the gorillas, right? They're called Quirilla's. Quirilla's. Quirilla's with what? Quirilla's. Quirilla's. A mix of human and ape. That was like such a weird thing to me. It's like, why did the Nazis want to make ape men? And they literally are like from an ape head thrown on top of a human body. Yeah, they look like something out of human arms and chest. Because that's what. It's out of a common book for the 40s or 50s. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. But anthropomorphized this body. These guys actually gave me a lot of trouble, actually. The first time I fought a killer, he murdered Tricolor right off the bat because he picked her up and threw her and just that was like instant death. I blinded them. See, that's what I wasn't, and once I learned that you use that or the fox flasher grenade or whatever, and they're like way easy to take down, but if you just try and run up to them, they're also a blackjack. So, you know, like I said, blackjack's poison card on the gorillas, man, takes them down to like half energy pretty quick. Every time I throw that card, it misses. Yeah. I can't think of it. I stop using it whenever I have a effect card. I use it all the time. He does miss. I just feel like he misses so much that he might as well not even have it. Such a... Maybe... Have you upgraded it? Is that why it's doing better for you? Yeah, I know. I am upgrading it. What's Sky King? Did you guys ever use his melee attack or did you pretty much keep him exclusively on that? No, not really. Not at all. I think it auto defaults to his melee attack. So another funny thing on this one, too. It does auto default to melee, but I would always purposely tell him to use the gun. I mean, you can set it so that he'll auto default to him. Yeah, I'll always set mine on the attack. So there was a couple of times, because uh... Mike... Mike... Sorry. Did Mike had to describe to her there? She jumped up to the corner of the thing and my arm happened to be there and she used it as a jumping off point. She'd high-five you if she could. Every time she moves, she just shakes this entire chair. But... Tricolor... You know, I don't know if you guys have discovered this about her, but I found out the hard way. Where it's like... I had her roll in, open up the door, and then Sky King was standing there, and then I had him shoot at some guards, because I didn't realize that when he does is auto fire, anybody that's in the way gets hit to many people. So then he nailed Tricolor like three times, and she frenzies if that happens. Oh, wow. And she turned into fucking killed him. I mean, I lose control of her, and she just chill-tack anyone. Right. Not only that, but she is super susceptible to like every spell. Yeah. That bitch goes down all the time. I never use, like any of the characters that frenzy, I just never use them, because it's so fucking annoying when they do, because it feels like frenzy lasts for a really long time, too. Yeah, and after all the enemies are dead, they're just chasing your guys around. Yeah. Yeah. It would be so bad, except that there were guys for her to still kill, and she just turned and was like, "Sky King, how dare you?" See, my combo was like, my kick in the door combo was Blackjack in Sky King. I would kick in the door. And then just haven't taken it on the chin. Yeah. I ran on both in the room. Who kicks in the door, because if Sky King knows it first, you're waiting for him to go through it. Oh, no. I have Sky King flying, because if you have a moment- No, you can't. He can't fly. Yeah, he can't fly. His whole mission is where he's walking. Yeah. Oh, that's right. Okay, but still, I sold the same thing. Yeah, because he has wings that don't actually work. Yeah. Jimmy Stewart needs his wings. I think that's the whole joke, is that he's the Jimmy Stewart impersonation, and somebody hasn't rung the bell so that his angel can have his wings. That's pretty high concept. I'm just saying. No, man. You know what? That's actually because at first, I called this guy John Wayne, but it is definitely more of that. Oh, it's totally Jimmy Stewart. It's not John Wayne. It is Jimmy Stewart. The voice. That's not accurate. No, no. Yeah. That's what it is. Oh, oh, oh. Things are terrible. We're all terrible. Jimmy Stewart impersonation. Well, we haven't done drinking in our lives. Yeah. Oh, I can't fly. Yeah. Even though I got these wings. I'll try. I'd rather do a good Gregory Peck than Jimmy Stewart. Sorry. I'll bless you. When he gets... You guys all sound eligibility. That's because he sounds elderly. Anyway. So, yeah, so this map... I'm 28. This is a pretty... This is a pretty sharp map. I mean, you just go room to room. Yeah. I swear it all. Kill a few killer-rillas, and then you eventually come up to bullet where he's trapped by these like two guns that are apparently absorbing his energy is what I want to guess. Something. Yeah. I imagine because his metabolism is so crazy. Right. That's what I was assuming. Right. Diabolical shit is going on. Yeah. Mad science. Right. Or hums angry science. Weird science. Yeah. This ending part is kind of anticlimactic because it's like you get to these guns and no one's defending them. Yeah. And you're like, "Hey, bullet was set up." No, they were totally going. Yeah. Well, yeah, there were a few of their were there. Yeah. But there's like no boss. You're right. I just don't remember because what happened is I had a tricolor run up and she threw the grenade and it blew up on her, but it blew up like blank tall them. You said, "Totally eat those chips in the mic after you smash it into your chair." So it all but downed tricolor, but it, but it also killed all the guys instantly. Well, now my mic stand won't stay up. You had to turn the base so that the tricolor is facing the tip of the tricolor faces you. It's Matt, people. I'm not, this isn't me. I'm not doing what you told me to do, fucker. So, so we've just saved. Why am I not surprised that a Seinfeld that happened at Area 5 HQ today? We just saved. Bullet. Yeah, we did. So, and now we get the, now we watch Sky King's origin story, which is like he was an actor and actually beat up a Nazi agent for some reason. And that's it. To save the girl who wouldn't do him. Yeah, because there's all kinds of Nazi agents in Hollywood. I only do nice things if it'll get you laid. Yeah, this is like his origin story. It makes me think like Sky King's outro story would be like him like, you know, he's all depressed in the future and he's just like holding a, he's holding a nine millimeter in his hand and just fucking puts it to the scene. Do you ever see the movie Kiss Kiss bang bang? No. Oh, God, there's this point where this guy who plays like a Robocop, Robocop type character breaks into this woman's house in costume and falls over the balcony and dies and that's what this reminds me of. He'd be like an old ass man or like in his 50s sitting in his chair being like, I used to be the Sky King. I'm a fly and then he just jumps off his balcony and kills himself. He seemed like the saddest superhero ever, he couldn't even get laid when he was a Hollywood actor. He was like, fuck it, a man. So now the goal is to get out of the building, but you've also bullet tell Sky King how he can actually make his jetpack work. So now he's finally flying at least, which you think is going to be great because flying characters up to this point have been really fast. I ended on locks. He's an afterburner still. He's a flying character. He moves an ass speed, but the ability he has is pretty incredible as long as your guys are nowhere near. Yeah, it's not an afterburner, afterburner has to go fast, blast off. First time I used it, there were two Nazis that come into the office becoming tortoise and everybody was running toward them and I had him do afterburner or not afterburner but blast off. Not everyone in my party down to have health and rocketed, I think it was blackjack into the lava. Nice. Whoa. That seems like something Sky King would really do. Yeah. Don't worry. I'll handle it. Where everyone dies. Like a secret mystery man or something. Did you guys feel kind of like the inspector gadget of the hero squad? Like he's going to fuck it up, but it'll work out. Yeah. Ryan Scott would insist you say Maxwell's smart. Did you guys do the side missions of destroying all the computers and looking for the documents and all that? He uses Christ finding the documents, makes that mission, the rest of that mission super easy. Yeah, I didn't understand this. I remember getting a secondary mission. So right off the bat, he tells you that there are computers that you can destroy. Yeah, I did that. To fuck him up. I don't know what that does other than give you just prestige. Right. So you start going room to room and you're looking for two Nazi officers because you have to get their keys to open a door. Right. And so you kill the one Nazi officer and then eventually when you come up around, you don't kill him. You KO him. Oh, well, you come up around the bend of that first area and there's a room on the left. And in that room, there's documents on the floor. And when you pick them up, it tells you that like if you attack Kilorels in the head, they go down easier. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which the only thing it actually does is decrease their health to like a quarter. That's what I was wondering. I was like, do I actually have to target a head or is it just that now it will assume that my guys are on. No idea why they why they had a quarter all that I was like, are those like half finished Kilorels? Well, I just don't understand how somebody doesn't know to go for the head anyway. Exactly. Right. Head attacks do more. But during the meantime, before you get those documents to you, so free a killer real and goddamn that decides to roll around with whoever frees them specifically. Oh, I didn't notice that. Yeah. So it was bullet. So no matter where bullet went, the killer real is like I was not right. Oh, I didn't know. Okay. Yeah, I kept that guy alive. Up. Yeah. Between bullet and the killer real, it was like, I didn't need anybody else's decision. The NPCs in this game are better than your heroes, better than the World War II heroes. Well, yeah. But I mean, oh, right. So the game. Yeah, more. Some more NPCs. The game was so glitched on me at one point. Like when you get to that first area, you find the first officer and then you come to a door that opens up a new area and it wouldn't open the door. And I was like, man, where's the second officer? I must need the key. And nope. I just could never open that door. So I started the whole mission over again and that was like, nah, you can open it. It actually glitched on me in that part a couple of missions ago where the two tanks came in because it just stayed at the cutscene where the tank comes in and is firing and he just kept firing and like fucking me up. Like it never left the cinema screen until I hit escape. Never had to run on window seven, I guess. So be after you go through that first area and you open that door that glitched for me but work the second time, that's when you run into the killer-rilla mark twos, which are just killer-rillas with guns. Yeah. I mean, did those give anyone trouble? Not for me. Because they only have more health. Yeah. No, and all you have to do is just have somebody run in there, have them attack them, then run around a corner so that they're kind of bunched up and then- So skiking. And then, yeah, and then send the skiking in and blast off the area, right, where they're about when they're going to get there and works every time. And blast off is super powerful. I've greeted that right away. It is, but even if you just wanted to send skiking in by himself, he's basically invincible to their bullets anyway. He's just through the roller-crop theme playing. Yeah, he just walks in and sparks go fine as he takes it. Did you hear the killer-rilla- Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! I'm not going to do that! Or if it's the made-for-TV version, it's- Oh, me! Oh, me! It's jungle out there, man. With really shitty gas mileage. Oh, man. I have that on Blu-ray, too. That's guaranteed. That's a completely derail the podcast, but it's like, that's such a weird movie to have on Blu-ray. Oh, hey, man. Criterion did a release of RoboCop. Criterion did release a RoboCop on DVD. It's like- Oh, really? What's the point of Blu-ray, though, is what I'm saying. Because it's the Criterion version of the disc, basically. So it's the uncut version in HD and it looks pretty good. It's just like one of those movies that's so old, it's like, how do you make that much HD? It was filmed at some point. So they go back and restore it. Have you guys seen that video on Vimeo? It's called, like, new RoboCop Hyper Reality video. Oh, no. It's like, I know what you're talking about, I haven't seen it. Dude, so rad. It's like a little concept video of, like, someone imagining what the future would look like, you know, with heads up display all the time, and it's completely, like, something out of RoboCop. It doesn't have prime directors, I'm not interested. It's a cool video. So, anyway, RoboCop of the sky saves the day. Yeah. That's pretty much the end of the mission right now. Which is where you get into a- Can you fly, Babi? They roll up and they, like, so this is the first time you get to actually pick a hero. But I mean, it tells you have to take Sky King, Blackjack, Chicolor, and then, uh, and then you get to pick one. And I, I don't know who you guys picked, but I picked, uh, I picked super-collider. And LDOBLO gets thrown in automatically. Yeah. Without it even telling you that he's gonna get thrown in. Right. And just like, you can't pick this hero. Aw. Yeah. Yeah. So I picked super-collider because I had never- Okay. I'll pick Tombstone. I had never taken him. Honestly, I don't remember. I had a Tombstone, and his guns fuck shit up now. They do when they're upgraded all the way, yeah. Like, Tombstone is also a tank killer, apparently, because his guns should be electricity. So you get three heroes plus alchemist, and my team, my team was, uh, super-collider, alchemist, uh, minute man. And I think my fourth, I want to say, was, uh, LDOBLO maybe? I don't remember. Okay. It was, um, minute man, alchemist, uh, Tombstone, and the Namor substitute. That's the Namor? I was in the Submariner Namor substitute, Aquaman. That's a war? Yeah, I know War. Oh, Manowar. Manowar, too. I bought him and I took him. Yeah, I bought him too. Yeah, I bought him too. One of Namor's, like, subtitles, like the Manowar. Dude, I thought Manowar sucked. Oh, man, his electric attack is really good if you just have him fly and do that. Yes, man. I've been having a lot of success with him. It seemed like he was beating ass when I was using it. Yeah, Sean Connery. Um, why did you use him until the end of the game, and maybe it was just a mistake. And Tombstone is also useful in that the level, which is actually after the one we're about to talk about, because he, I use him to possess the German officers, they give buffs to the German soldiers, and that immediately takes away their buffs. You saying that reminded me that I used Tombstone because I did the same thing, but I can't, I remember Tombstone, Alchemist, and El Diablo, obviously, was that all? Was that the four? Yeah. Well, I mean, you can't pick El Diablo because he is with the other guys. Right. Oh, that's right. So, like, I don't remember who I chose. No, I had super collider by this point because I bought him really early on, like, as soon as I could, basically. But I don't remember if I actually picked him for this. Man, there are just so many heroes that are off to the left that I just, I can't afford. Like, I feel like I will never afford to be able to afford all these heroes, and I feel like I'm doing everything I suppose to. You definitely can't afford all of the heroes, I think, like your first playthrough. I've just been buying the ones that cost the most money. Like, I figure they're the most expensive, they're the best hero. Yes. Yeah. Fucking American. I gave on this for the first time, for range. I thought she was great for range. I had her in the back and she does a lot of damage. And she can hold people in one place and then you just arrow the fuck out of them. Yeah. Yeah. I was very well. Wow. So, now we have to talk, well, this is the mission, though, that you hated because this is the first one where you have to have him adjust the suit. For me, I just had him start adjusting right there on the spot where he starts, which was a mistake. And then I kind of tried to fan them all out, but El Diablo is pretty much like the other two. I would do things like the blinding or stuff like that, but it really seemed like it was up to El Diablo to actually finish anyone off. Dude, I hated, hated, hated this mission. I felt like a blackjack. It was basically like I would pause, unpause, pause, unpause so that I could try to keep track of when somebody is coming in. I had my heroes spaced out. The first thing I did was fly flying dude. What's his name again? El Diablo? No. Sky King. Sky King. The first thing I do is fly Sky King over to the corner of the map so that I could know where people were coming in from, and I put him on top of a building while he was doing his adjustments. I mean, I spaced out people around so that I could see the enemies coming in, but if one even slipped through and got an attack off on Sky King, oh, no, I got to start the whole thing over. Yeah. And I don't know what happened. Damn it. First off, it doesn't do a very good job telling you that you need to activate it as a power. I had no idea. I was playing this for like five minutes in my suit. Yeah. I should probably start doing this some time soon and it's like, what the fuck are you talking about? What were we doing for the last 15 minutes? I'm feeling kind of like an idiot right now too, because I didn't even... I'll adjust the suit with your fucking dead body. First, I had no idea you had to tell him to do it, and then secondly, I didn't even think to move him. Like I just left him right where you started, so you can totally do it. I did it from there. That's what I did. I tried to... Well, when it failed the first time, then I tried to fly him up on a building and land him up there, because I thought he would be safe, but then I found out that Killerillas can totally jump up there and smack it the fuck off. Well, the first time, the first adjustment, I actually did just right where he was, but it was the next adjustment that really pissed me off because there were more enemies coming in. And it takes longer. And it takes longer. And he got hit several times and I was, "Fuck!" So after a while, basically all I could do was take Blackjack and try to throw a distraction. As soon as I saw somebody on screen, I was like, "Okay, I'm running Blackjack over there and I'm throwing a distraction," because if I brought El Diablo in, it always felt like I couldn't kill the guys fast enough, and they would get to Sky King before I was able to get off an inferno and then my ranged attack or something. It's like they gave you the worst heroes you could possibly be using for this. Yeah, exactly. I mean, of course I would try to blind them as well with Tree Kallor, but they always resisted. They didn't resist me all the time, they did resist sometimes, but it also didn't feel like it lasted long enough. They would be blind and actually there was times where I would blind them and they would still hit like they were scripted to head straight for Sky King. That was how they acted anyway. They'd be blind and they'd hit straight for him and hit him, and I'm like, "Yeah, you're so blind that you can still climb all the way up a building and attack me." Well, and then once he's almost done setting up a suit, he's like a German yells out, "Get the one in the metal suit." I'm like, "Motherfucker." It's like this is a situation where they weren't sure how much they wanted you to succeed. They're like, "Well, I like the idea of them doing this over and over and over again. We should put that in." That's like what did you guys do when they sent out the tank that comes for you? El Diablo. Yeah, as they say, I mean, everyone else has any time I see a tank, they all run. I remember at the beginning of the game, them saying something like, "If you destroy civilian buildings, then it lowers your prestige points that you're gaining at the end of the mission?" There's no way to kill that tank without taking out a mission. Yeah, this time I was just like, "No, that tank's going down. I don't care if I have to level city blocks in order to do it." I waited for the tank to get right by a box of explosives, and then I did the inferno, so it was like a lot, a lot of damage. You know, that never occurred to me, which is funny because I was just playing a game like for a review where I totally did that to somebody. But, yeah, the level pretty much notes that Arthur was pointing at himself. I really enjoyed this part. I felt like it forced me to use a lot of powers that I wasn't using in the first place, like a lot of the defensive powers and stuff. I don't know. But what if you didn't level those up? Because there was never any point. Yeah. You'd be effed. I don't know. It's like I felt. I mean, I didn't have too much trouble with it. Either. It took me two tries, but it was still frustrating. It took me more than two tries. And also, it makes you think that it's going to go on way longer than it does. Well, that's because then, all of a sudden, it just cuts to the other team. It's like, "Oh, I'm halfway done." And then that boom. I can eyeball Robot Pops. I'm like, "I am never going to beat this." Well, I feel like it went on way longer than it needed to because my Sky King kept getting hit. And every time it gets hit, you know, "I'm going to start all over because I'm an ambistle." And then it would just make the mission-- So I work at Scott Reset. It made it like twice as long as probably it needed to be. And then you go on to the other mission, and then you come back to him having to tinker with the suit again. I was like, "Oh, my God!" Well, and then the part after this where it goes into the past, like, you just fucking blow through that with your heroes from the future. Oh, yeah. It's like, as if you call it, you sharp focus everything that you and I have been saying. Yeah, because the next part that we were supposed to play, like, we didn't finish it, but it is super short. And you just roll up with your heroes, they steamroll over everyone. And then it's like, and back to the past, it's like it doesn't even-- and it doesn't even make any sense. Yeah. But I-- It's just the wrong fucking people back in time. Yeah. It didn't-- And then they make things harder in the future. Yeah. It did feel good, though, to go from that really frustrating mission to go to, "Now I'm going to just steamroll everything in front of me because I was really frustrated at that point. I needed the relief." So in this mission with your guys, you just roll over everyone on the map. And that's supposed to-- basically, you have to kill enough guys that they can access memories to kill them into making you look, oh, sorry. Knock out at guys that they can fool you into looking like Nazis. Which lasts for approximately 45 seconds. To convince the guy at the gate. What you do, but then again, it just cuts to the fact that Fortissimo rolls up. And then-- She smells too nice to be a Nazi. And then end. And isn't this the part where he calls her Chibella? Yeah. It's funny that-- Even though it's spelled K. It's funny that Chibella-- I love the guy that wrote the fact for this, too, is actually pretty clever at times. Because he just keeps getting frustrated with the time travel thing throughout it. And then at the end of this one, he's like, oh, no, what's that operatic tenor back to the future or past, or your past is the future of when you are now, and then he says time travel story should be illegal. [LAUGHTER] True. True. True. True. I agree. Just like it was all a dream. Yeah. I have to wonder, man, when they were really planning out of this game, no one at any point said, hey, maybe we shouldn't force so much on the players, force superheroes on these guys for so long? And they made a long-- I guess-- yeah, I agree with that, especially because it's not like these heroes have some power that is essential to getting through the mission. Yeah. Or they're trying to show us, hey, there's this really cool thing with these guys that you're not seeing. They were really tied into their story, apparently, like, yeah, kind of too in love with it, maybe. Yeah. Because the story is fantastic, really. I'm married to these characters in their-- It just seems so-- like, why give so many heroes if you're going to force heroes on them for it? I mean, this is a pretty big chunk of the game. The last two game club meetings that we've had have been forced heroes. The lamest characters in the game. Yeah. That's not cool. Maybe it's just-- Maybe it's just-- Maybe it's just-- I love the game. It's great. It's fantastic. Like, I want to use-- Like, I've seen more project than anyone else in the game with the possible exception of LDL. Yeah. And I don't want-- Yeah. And Alchemists, again, like another one I wouldn't choose on my own. I dig Alchemists. I'm-- She's really strong, but there's some reason I don't like that. I don't mind using Alchemists. I think we talked before about how I think her origin sucks and I don't like her accent. Right. Yeah. But, like, that doesn't bother me. Because you have something against other people. True. That's why I hate Tyler. Alright. Well, for the next show, you need to play up to the end. Through the ending of the game, you need to finish it. Did you finish it already, Matt? Uh, no. You're pretty close, though. I bet. I am pretty close. Like I said, I was reading the fact wrong. And so I got-- I'm, like, two stages from the end or something like that, or one stage from the end. Um, so, yeah. Finish the game. And then, you should already start looking for a Spunner Cell Chaos 3 since that's our next game. I think it's on-- I think it's on-- Yeah. But other people that want to play it on their PC. It's on Steam or something. Yeah. It's on Steam. I mean-- I think there's a PS2 version of it. There is. I don't think there was a GameCube version of Chaos Theory? I don't know. There might have been. How are the PC versions? Are there conversions? Uh, that was one of the games that Ryan gave the highest score at CGW, too. So, he loved the PC version. I don't know if there's controller support in the PC version of Chaos Theory in the game. No, I don't think so. I couldn't do it with the first two. Yeah. Oh. I don't know. Ryan seemed to like it well enough. Whatever that says, though. Okay. You can find it cheap used, too, if you could send it anywhere. So-- And we'll try to get in some co-op, too, because we won't be able to after April 15. Yeah. Real. It won't be utter Che-Hoss. Yep. You should listen to our Friends podcast, the mobcast, the And then you should go check out's video podcast at or at, which you can see their live show now every Tuesday at 4 p.m. Pacific 7 p.m. Eastern. It's called Bob. It's called Bob. Thank you. Thank you. That's the back of your eyelid. It's called-- and the official name of the show, is it co-op live? It's co-op live now, yeah. That's the new-- That's the new thing. That's the new deal. You can, like, go online and tell us that you disagree with us right while we're saying catch it live. We'll do, sir. You can still watch it. You can still download it. Yeah. You can still download it afterward. Yeah. It still goes out through the regular co-op iTunes feed, which is cool. All right. I'll watch it tomorrow if I'm not still with EA. Mmm. Chips. Let's all eat chips into the microphone. Okay. Bye. Bye. See you guys. I've only got crumbs here to work with. Mmm. Freedom force tastes good. Yummy. [music] (dramatic music)