Rebel FM

Rebel FM Game Club -- Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich -- Episode 2

Broadcast on:
09 Feb 2010
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Hello and welcome to part two of our Game Club for FFVTTR. For this episode you should have played through the eighth level (Red Sun Rising). For the next show, please play through the 13th level (Achtung! Der Alchemiss!). Enjoy!
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] Hello and welcome to the Rebel FM game club second part for freedom force. Versus the farts versus the third Reich. [LAUGH] For this episode, you should have played. >> I heard Reich is German. >> You should have played through the eighth level, starting with the Iceman Comet and ending, I don't remember what. >> Don't look at me like I was supposed to. >> My god, I played so far past that. So where we left off before was with the destruction of Red October's Cauldron, which I didn't do, but I did do it this time around. And it was easy after listening to all you guys and how you did, I did it first try. But you're right, the shamans are a little bit more of a pain in the ass than I thought. Once I actually had to face them instead of like one at a time, like having to do a bunch. >> It's funny cuz actually in Dante's Inferno, there's an enemy that looks exactly like them that is just as much of a pain in the ass and annoying. >> So yeah, so the first mission, the Iceman Comet, that's where you've now convinced Red October that she's been betrayed this whole time. Cuz she thought that God, what's his name? >> Nuclear winter. >> Nuclear winter, she thought nuclear winter was trying to protect Russia with all these failsafes for these missiles and actually trying to launch them. >> You're gonna launch one at Russia and then you think. >> Yeah, so she turns to at least to your side temporarily. And this is also the first mission where you get the ant to help you out so you can get past the ice walls. >> Thought of burrowing in this mission. >> Yeah, it makes me one, Anthony and I were talking, does the ant have very many real applications other than this one mission? >> Yeah, it seems like he was made for this mission and then beyond that. I would never intentionally take him. >> I would though because he's got the ant screen, which can stun everybody around him. >> Including your friendly fire. >> No, you have to buy it. >> Okay, you have to buy it. >> Yeah, cuz I was gonna say early on the only power of his that I really liked, besides the burrow to get to the level was that acid bomb was pretty good. >> These punches are pretty powerful. >> Yeah, they have a lot of knobs. >> He doesn't want to knock better. >> And so what I thought is maybe the burrow could be something used to close the gap so they're not taking any damage. >> Right, he can engage the terrain. >> The way that I see it is burrow in, if you have the screen power. So you burrow right into the middle of a group of guys. >> Yeah. >> And then you get out of the ground and they're all attacking and you scream and you stun them. And then you can burrow away and have somebody else lob in an area effect on the group of stunned guys cuz that's kind of the problem a lot of times as I find. I try to use my area of effect spells and the enemies are moving around so much that it's hard to hit everybody and not hit your teammates. >> Right. >> That becomes more and more of an issue actually just in general. >> Well, it becomes a problem with El Diablo just because his blast gets so big he hits himself all the time. >> And you can never quite predict where the enemies are gonna move or where your guys are moving. It seems like something always goes wrong. >> Yeah. But for this, this is also that when you get the chance to take Kutz Kwaddle, didn't even, I bought him and I did take him. >> I bought him but I haven't used him at all. >> Because I thought, well the reason I bought him is cuz if you look down in this tree he eventually gets the ability to bring back fallen players. And I was like, that's a power I totally wanna get. But in the end, after bringing him and using for this mission, now I regret it. >> Yeah, like he's a support character. >> He is a support character, but really he's not that good at doing anything that's supporting, besides that he can sacrifice some of his health to another player beyond that. >> He can also take away any sort of status effects you have, which I found am useful to do. >> Right, but I mean he doesn't have any, he doesn't really have any good output. There's no- >> For sure, he has none. It's like when you get into a fight, if there isn't effects on anyone, no one's really dying, it's like he just stands and twittles his thumbs. >> And I find my characters, they get hit by effects so rarely that it's not even worth it. >> True. >> And when they do. >> If I am, they don't seem to last long enough to really do any significant damage. >> I mean, if you had the green genie with you and you were really married to her powers, I suppose it could be an issue, cuz she's weaker to that kind of shit. >> Do you guys, did anybody have trouble getting up to the place with the rockets? I mean, at this point you have Red October and her, the shamans with you. >> Right. >> It's like you're just swarming them. >> Which was great, I was really hoping that she would stick with you for the whole time, cuz I liked having the shamans following you around. >> Yeah, I mean, I know that was like incidental to that level. >> What do you guys think of her, was there any particular? I pretty much just kept on her autocast range. >> Yeah, me too. >> Yeah, I mean, she was fine. She's another flying character. >> She had some special power that I can't remember that I used over and over again. I wanna say it was something like Alchemists's. >> It was a curse, it was like a hole. >> It was, yeah, it was like a curse of some kind and I used it a lot. So. >> This is what happens when we go two weeks. >> Yeah, okay, well, so you roll up to the missile site. And this is where you have to first take out the missiles before they get to a point. >> No, first you need to beat up the right guy and find out which of the two control towers at each missile you're supposed to take out. Because if you hit the wrong one, it'll just, it'll lock the missile and blow up whatever. >> Which happened to me by accident because I used an area of effect spell. >> And blew up the tower. >> And blew up the tower. >> Even though, even though the- >> You destroyed Washington. >> The dome wasn't anywhere near it. >> The area of effect actually affects wider than what the dome shows. >> This whole part though is like the easiest the game has been though. In this part for me, it was like. >> It actually does feel like it gets easier up until the time travel starts. >> Yeah, cuz you just walk all over these guys. Like even after you take out the first missile, right after you take it out, it's like now interrogate the next guy, but they all run straight up to you. And my guy, I didn't even have to tell them they just got attacked and basically wipe them out before I could do anything. >> Right. >> Who all did you have with you? >> So for this one, I had a quetzalcoatl, like I said, red october because you have to, the ant because you have to. And then Aldi Oblow was my fourth. >> Mm-hm. >> So really, the only damage output I had was Aldi Oblow. Well, into some degree red october, but the ant was a punch in people. >> Mm-hm, I had the grave guy. >> How do I forget the- >> Tombstone, Tombstone. >> Tombstone, but did everyone take Aldi Oblow? I feel like he's such a killer too. >> Yeah, whenever I get the opportunity, I always take Aldi Oblow. >> He's just so much damage output that it's hard to talk to him. >> Well, it's crazy, you look at his power output and it's, his attacks do double anybody else. It's like, why would you not take the Oblow with you? >> Yeah, Andy can fly. >> Yeah, Andy can fly. >> He's out of the way of a lot of attacks. >> And then Ant-Man in red october, but. >> So after you take out the three missiles, the last one, which it presents like it's gonna be, did you guys have any trouble with these missiles? Like even the shortest time or when it was like, immediately it was like you beat up the guys, you find out which one it is, like Aldi Oblow goes over there. >> Right, yeah, no. >> Yeah, it was super easy on, but yeah. >> I mean, I can see it being hard if you just had a bunch of guys running on the ground- >> Yeah, it's like a flying characters like a necessity, especially one that Aldi Oblow can roll up and do that, or even effect last, that basically watch out to it. >> I even found that my ground troops were able to get there in no time still. >> Yeah, I mean, I'm sure they designed it with the intent like what if you don't take Aldi Oblow? >> Yeah. >> But yeah, I do mean- >> Yeah, it would be that stupid. >> Yeah, this next fight actually against nuclear winter, I had a really hard time. >> Really? >> Yeah, because I gathered I was doing something wrong, later on, but I was basically, it took me a long time. So the first fight against him when he's like, not the ice guy, that one's easy. It's like a cakewalk because they want you to- >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> I thought, I really did think that was it too, but when he turns into the glacial form- >> Right. >> The reason I had such a hard time with that was he kept on throwing on that shield and it took me a while to figure out that by doing, it would just throw it off in a random direction. So I kept on trying to do Aldi Oblow's thing, and it kept on blowing the fireball right into the ant and stuff like that, and so I just kept on blowing the shit out of my own eyes. And that fight, really, the ant and stuff is pretty useless. >> No, I didn't think so. For me, Tombstone was the useless one. >> Really? >> Because he just didn't do much damage on- >> And he could do that some. >> And he's super vulnerable to radiation, I think, and nuclear winter was definitely firing out a lot of radiation. >> But the worst part about this whole thing, right, was I got him down like in the first shot to like 70%, and then I got him down to like 40. But sometimes just out of laziness, I would, when I shit was hitting fan, I would drag, click all of them, select all, and then tell them to do their default move on him, just to wail on him. But Quetzalcoatl's default move is to heal the person with his health. >> [LAUGH] >> So then he would heal, or he would kill him like 25% each time, and I did it twice, and I was like, my God, I barely won that fight with just Aldi Oblow. >> Fired from video games, sir. >> See, I made that mistake in the beginning of this level. Like I noticed I healed a henchman, and I was like, well, I don't want to do that anymore. But yeah, I mean, I didn't have much trouble either, because I had Quetzalcoatl with me. >> He can heal people, yes. >> Yeah, I just had him chilling in the back, dude. He was like Mickey and Rocky, dude, like he was just like sitting in the ring, yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, I don't know. I, for some reason. >> Cut me, Quetzal. Cut me. >> Yeah, because basically, the only person that does any real damage to it is Aldi Oblow. And I kept on trying to do that, let ranged attack. >> So, Aldi Oblow will also get his shit fucked up a good one, a good winner. >> The fact actually recommends that you go up and do the flaming fist instead of the fireball thing. >> Mm-hm. >> Just because I didn't bounce back at you. >> Yeah, exactly, because there was a couple times that the shield was down, and I would roll up, and the time it would take him to get there and cast it, the shield would come back up. >> Right. >> I had a really hard time getting him. Like, I don't know, that fight was just extremely, well, on top of the fact that I played like an idiot a couple times. >> [LAUGH] >> You know, it was just extremely difficult. >> I just don't remember how I did this fight at all. >> [LAUGH] >> Like, I remember fighting him, but I just can't remember the actual mechanics. It's tough getting old guys, let me tell you. >> Well, I mean, I figured the shamans are, they're beating ass too. >> Yeah, I do, assuming that you protected them. >> Yeah, and Ketsukwado will heal them as well, which I had him do too. >> Nice. >> I kept them around the whole time. >> I still had my two shaman with me. >> Mm-hm. >> They were like, sitting by themselves at the end of the cut scene. >> It's just hard for me to make that compromise to omit someone combat oriented or someone who directly participates in battle for someone that's like a Ketsukwado. >> Yeah, I agree, like I tend not to put support characters in my party. >> I mean, Alchemists, I can do. >> Yeah, but she's actually strong in combat as well. Especially when you upgrade her stuff, she gets really powerful. Like when she has an area of effect spell, like arcane blast or something like that, which is great. >> Yeah, I just find myself not taking her because I don't like her. >> Right. >> There's something about that shade of pink and her character. >> She sounds like a splacer. >> Yeah, it's just like she just doesn't appeal to me like some southern woman that just got way too much attitude. >> And her character origin sucks, like we talked about this last week, right? >> Oh man, the worst character origin I was blackjack for sure. Like myself, I was like, did you're just a guy who learned you could pour some acid on playing cards, come on. >> I still feel like Alchemists is worse. >> That's fair. >> Yeah, blackjack's is kind of lame. But again, blackjack is also a lame character. >> So now you think that the world's safe. You stop nuclear winter, but you find out that like the guy that you've been working for in the American government or whatever, which you could tell he was shifty right from the beginning. >> Yeah, they made him look like Hitler. >> Yeah, that's what he turns into. >> So obvious. >> Yeah, and then so now he goes back in time and fucks up the world. So when you get back to the Freedom Force headquarters, it's like Nazis are there. >> Right. >> And like there are Nazi jets in there, they try to shoot you down. >> It's so funny that they don't explain how come the freedom force and all their equipment is still there. Like the freedom force still existed, even in this world of Nazis, but it doesn't have to be explained. >> I thought they'd implied like it was shielding or something, but that could be me substituting comic book storyline A in this situation. >> Yeah, who did you guys take in this next one? >> This is the first mission in the past. >> This is the first mission in the past. >> He gets to choose one person, right? >> Right, so you start off with one because he can't stabilize the thing, but then eventually you do get three. >> Yeah, he only sends out three. >> He only sends out three. >> Yeah, yeah, you have to pick all three. >> You have to pick all three. >> At first, you have to pick all three, but he only sends tombstone actually at first. >> Yeah. >> That's tombstone is the guy you have to fight blackjack with. >> Which sucks. >> They make you choose. >> Fighting blackjack with tombstone sucks. >> I mean, it does, but they actually make that fight really easy, like basically it's like tombstone's invincible. >> Yeah. >> And they don't even, I mean, well, and I had, well, I had tombstones guns upgraded all the way and I felt like nothing was a challenge. >> I've never thought to upgrade his guns just because they seem so worthless. >> I upgraded them all the way and they seem to be pretty good now. >> I think what I upgraded with tombstone was his control ability because I wanted there to be as big a chance of success for that as possible at all times. >> It's true. I tend to upgrade the things that allow me to unlock the next power, even if it's something I don't necessarily want. >> Yeah. >> Because the power after that might be. >> But yeah, my three I took were the other two I took were the Minuteman and El Diablo just because I don't know, Minuteman's like my go-to bashing guy. >> I think I took El Diablo and Alchemis. I think that's what I did too. >> Yeah, I mean, we all took El Diablo, so it's really a discussion of who else you took to El Diablo. >> So who did El Diablo bring with him this time, guys? >> Yeah. >> I know, it might as well be like the Justice League and El Diablo is like Superman. Like he will always come. But yeah, so you go back, you beat up Blackjack. He figures out that you're not a Nazi and then finally Mentor is able to stabilize the time rift. >> Is this where you fight the Japanese guy? >> Yeah, that's later. >> Okay. >> That's in the racist section of the game. >> Yeah. >> Oh, there's only one. >> But yeah, so you interrogate Blackjack, but you know, and then he escapes to the decoy. But yeah, this is the mission where heroes are randomly being replaced as you play. Like all of a sudden, Tombstone will turn into like your next guy. >> Up to a certain point, I think eventually he stabilizes the time stream and then people start showing. >> Right, when you get to a nearby courtyard and the Nazis come out, Mentor finally gets his act together and all three of your heroes are now present in the past and that's when all the Nazis surround you and Blackjack comes out and that's when you finally get Blackjack as a playable character, which, I don't know, not a big fan of why he doesn't have anything. >> Okay, I just want to make sure I wasn't the only one. >> No, he's terrible. >> No. >> I, in fact, like the missions where you're forced to use them, I'm like, please God get me through this mission. >> What's the? >> Blind ability is decent. >> But it affects your party. >> I know. That's his blind thing. If you can get it into a group that's coming up, that is his only trick and after that. >> Half the time I felt like I would blind enemies and it wouldn't do anything. They'd still keep attacking as though nothing had happened. >> Yeah, he was always more effective against my own guess. >> The one power that Blackjack has that I used over and over and over again was his dummy, like his, you can throw out a fake version of Blackjack. Like I use that one all the time because the, no matter where you threw it out, it would always distract somebody and it actually had quite a few hit points, it could take a lot of damage before it would die. >> I'll say, I guess I was always saving his power to either throw the blind ging grenades or the occasional like acid card. >> Right. >> Acid card was like okay at least. >> I definitely used the decoy against the tank. >> Yes. >> So, yeah. But yeah, that's actually the end of that mission, it's a really short mission. >> All of these missions are really short. >> It's true, but the next one is the one that can be a bitch, like this is the one where you have to stop the book burning and ultimately you have to. >> Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, there's another one before that. >> No, there isn't. I think we're going through this. >> Don't you, what about the one with the French girl? >> That comes later after this. >> That comes after that and then you have to do like the worst mission in the entire freaking game. >> Which, I don't think we played for this one. >> She read Sunrise, I think we might have played it, I don't know, I think you might be talking about it differently. >> Yeah, I am talking about it differently. >> Yeah, that's where. >> Oh, there's a different worst mission out there is. >> This next mission is called The Voice of Doom. And so that's the one where you now have, you have to stop the Bible and the Sematheologica and the Shakespeare's first fully. >> Right, you have to stop all from Mario from setting fire to important historical documents. >> As well as a big fact, yeah, yeah. >> By the way, when Mario's around yelling all the time and he says to like Alchemists, he says, K. Bella, you know, it says like in the text K. Bella, but the voice actor says, Chibella, I'm like, awful, awful. So this is another mission with the invaluable blackjack. And you have to stop, I mean. >> Clever, I like you, you're so cool. >> This was not a hard mission either. Up until. >> The fucking Hank, yeah. >> Yeah, and so this is one where I made the same mistake as Arthur. Like I did the stuff with the Bible. I did, you know, I mean, I didn't, did anybody have trouble with that, like getting the various books. >> The tank part is the hard part. >> Yeah, right. The tank parts the hard part. >> I actually got really lucky with the tank because it, I just got like a really lucky strike from Diablo and then a couple of hits from Minuteman. But you're right, if the tank, like if you have like melee guys and they don't get it fast, then they just sit there getting run over the whole time. >> Yeah, they just sit there and get run over and they die. >> I took Tombstone again and this was one of the first missions where I'm like, you know, this probably was a really bad idea. >> But he possesses the tank? >> You can possess the tank, but you get it away and then it comes right back. You fail. >> This is the mission where after I lost, I selected Tombstone for it because I was like, I mean, he's with you anyways because you have to have him. >> This was the mission where I remembered that I was playing a PC game again because I got to the very end, failed and had to do the whole thing. >> Right. There was no checkpoints ever during this. I did the same thing. >> You can save though. You can save. >> Oh, no, you totally can. You just have to remember to do it. >> You totally can. It's just, I didn't, I didn't know when you get up to the fortissimo fight that it was going to be a thing where if he, I didn't understand that the objective, I thought it was just to kill him. I did not understand that it was to kill him before he reaches point X. >> But the problem is it seems like sometimes you'll stop him and sometimes you won't. Like you'll get to him and attack him, but he'll just keep running. >> Mm-hm. >> And then sometimes he'll lower to the ground and stop flying. >> Well, you can, you can possess him, right? That's how I ended up having to do this. >> You can, you can possess him and you can blind him. >> And Anthony has broke the chair. >> He's looking challengingly at Tyler to see if Tyler's got an answer. >> [LAUGH] >> Wow. >> In this battle, we both lose. It's like, universe predator, the human always loses. >> [LAUGH] >> But yeah, for me, the tank was definitely the hard part, but once I figured out that any tank will die after two blasts from Diablo's Inferno, then it's like they're not hard anymore. >> Not for me. >> Really? >> He totally took a ton of punishment from El Diablo. >> Dude, it seems to me like the tanks die instantly from fire attacks and they're resistant to every other attack. >> Mm-hm. It didn't work for me that way. >> I don't know, maybe it's, maybe it's like, it arbitrarily takes a new account rear in front armor and we managed to hit it for the rear. I have no idea. >> [LAUGH] >> Do you, uh- >> Maybe if Sean Elliott had worked for a rational before this game came out, I'd think that that was true. >> Yeah. >> Do you use the over power when you use people's powers? >> So wait, how do you do that? I sometimes see it say over power, and I'm like- >> Sometimes it just happens. >> Sometimes, but you can actually- >> You hold down control. >> Yeah, exactly. You hold down, it tells you that in the tutorial being- >> Yeah, it costs an extra power point, but it's some more powerful attack. I use it all the time. >> Yeah, we do. >> So you can throw like an extra, like powerful Diablo blast? >> Yeah. Basically it's like basically- >> You know, if you want to kill your entire party, it's hurting them. >> But yeah, it's essentially a, there you go, Tyler, there's the answer. >> That's true. >> That's what I was waiting for. But it's basically you do, you hold down control and you can do a manual critical. It's like a jazz club in here. >> I had no idea. I just always saw it and I'm like, yes. But the only thing is I've noticed it with the Diablo is you'll tell him to attack us pot. And have you guys ever noticed that sometimes he does it from like a safe range? >> Yes. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> He'll just go up super fast. >> He flies up right to it and allows himself up. >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> I don't get it. >> How is he not a vulnerable to his own power? >> He should be immune to flame. >> Why is he immune to flame? >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> That's like happened. >> Maybe he's not immune to his own shield. >> He has some explosions. >> So it's a concussive force of him. >> No, I heard from you. >> Did you guys eventually like I unlocked his doom blast ability as well? >> Yeah. >> It's Hellfire or something like that? >> Yeah. >> Oh, where it makes other objects that explode. >> Yeah. >> I took that one right. I was using it in this level all over the place on cars. >> I'm pretty sure I almost killed my entire party with that thing. >> [LAUGH] >> It's so good against enemies, man. I love it. I love it. >> Yeah. >> LD upload. >> They might as well call him nuclear winner since he can just nuke a thing. He really is the most unbalanced best character in the game, not even character-wise, I'm not that big of a fan of his personality, but the fact that he has such powerful abilities he can fly, he's fast, and on top of that, he gets two heroic revivals, even though some people only get one, like it just makes him like- >> It's like they expected him to die a lot, so they'd give him two heroic royals. >> I mean, he does take damage, he takes a fair amount of damage, and it's easy for him to hurt. >> Yeah, but he's true, but there's also enough healing things around the level that you can pretty much always make sure he gets it. >> It makes me wonder, towards the end of the development, the game was really difficult and they were like, well, you know what, let's give him one player right at the beginning, that's really badass. >> Yeah, because he was in the last one, too. >> Well, it was the same sort of, I mean, I don't know, I didn't play it. >> I don't know, I mean, I imagine it would have been the same. >> But if it was the same- >> Yeah, I didn't play the same. >> The severity. >> Did anybody else buy any additional heroes? Like, I know Arthur Bot, that M and Barney knew him. >> The Archer girl. >> Yeah, I always buy somebody, even if I don't like this one. >> So did I, I bought Super Collider. >> I bought Super Collider. >> Yeah, it looks like a toy robot. >> Dude, that guy's awesome. >> I haven't got a chance to use him for that. >> He is great. >> Like, he, his headbutt power is, basically, you walk up to somebody and it's just like Alka misses, what's her throw people back power or whatever that's called. It's exactly like that only, it does way more damage and it just completely knocks- >> I didn't understand how he wasn't like the best character ever, it was like he has extremely powerful attacks and he moves extremely fast. >> Yeah. >> I was like, how is that not like the best combination ever? >> He's like, in my opinion, he's the best tank character. Now, it does say he has an agility of one, so he's clussy. >> Yeah, he can stumble. >> Well, I've never seen him stumble, but he gets hit all the time, like, if anybody attacks him, yeah, he never dodges, but he's got like a ton of hit points, so it almost doesn't matter. >> And he likes him because he's a dwarf. >> And he looks so ridiculous, he looks like one of, he looks like a he-man toy. That's what I was gonna say, he looks like the, the one he-man toy. >> The guy with the spinning face. >> Yeah. >> And he had the red. >> Basically, I buy any of the, or recruit any of the heroes that require the most prestige points. Because I figured it out. >> I was having a really hard time. >> That's probably a good strategy. >> When I bought Supercliter, because I was like, should I buy Supercliter, or I was thinking about that, the black guy that's like a black paladin, you know what I'm talking about? >> Law and order. >> Law and order, yeah. >> Yeah. >> I don't think I bought him. I think I've had the chance. >> The cool thing about law and order is that if you buy one, you automatically get the other one. >> Right. >> In order, you get law automatically, if you buy law, you get order. So you get two heroes for the price of one, because they can change into each other, although law is useless. The only, the only one worth having. >> There's no law. There's only order. >> Yeah. >> I would love to see some of the other, you know, like ones that seem really cool, like, like I don't know, that guy microwaved, it's like the guy with like a, basically a microwave for his head. >> I bought him too. >> Man, how do you buy all these? >> Well, it's like I said, I played way too far. Sorry. Yeah. I played way too far. Yeah. >> No, no, no. At this point in the game, I'm sure-- >> I don't have enough prestige to buy one. >> I did buy super collider really early on, though. Like as soon as he became available, I bought him. So the fight against Fortissimo, did anyone lose that besides me and Arthur at the bet? >> I mean, what happened to me the first time is like, I tried to, to meet him instead of cutting him off, because heaven forbid, I try to actively intercept him, and he just ran right by me and straight to the fire, and that was it, and then I do the whole fucking thing over it. >> And he puts up that shield where you can't hurt him anyway. >> Yeah. And so then he gets like far away, but you just can't stop him. >> Right. I remember possessing him and making him run away more than once. I'm pretty sure that's not-- >> That was the only way I beat it. The second time I got to it, which this time I fucking quicksaved. >> Yeah, I would say about four times in this position. >> Yeah. When I got to him, yeah, I would always possess him and just tell him like, run as far away as I could make him run from the thing. And then I wouldn't even, I would just back everyone else off and just have the El Diablo whale on him and hope for the best. Like, I don't know. It just didn't even seem like the other, because I'm always, like Arthur said, I'm always scared to, I'm about to murder my whole team. >> You make an awful Justice League commander, "Oh, Superman, you just do stuff, we'll chill over here." >> Just let us know. Just let us know over needed. >> Well, I mean, if somebody brings out some kryptonite or something, I guess you could call. >> Right. But yeah, think about it. If you were in the Justice League, the only superhero you really need is Superman. You don't need anybody else. >> It's true. You're afraid of his kryptonite. You're like, "Ah, well, fuck's in Batman." >> Yeah. The only one you're afraid of is Batman, because he's always hanging out by himself with little boys. >> So yeah, the fight against Fertissimo, basically, it was just making him run away and everyone wailed on him. That is the bad thing about fights in this game a lot of times. >> Isn't there very, just like boring? >> Sometimes they can just be like whale on him. Everyone mashing. >> Everyone whale on him. >> Well, when it's a boss fight, to be fair, there have been some more complicated fights like the one against Red Octopus Cauldron. That was one that you actually had to look at. >> I actually feel like it plays kind of like an MMO in that respect that certain bosses will require you to actively manage your powers and that they're just like, "Click, click, click, click, click." >> Well, that's true. I think it does feel like a raid in MMO. >> Well, I think a big issue is that since the area of effect spells affect your party, you're afraid to use anything but basic attacks. So I find myself just highlighting everybody and clicking on the enemy to kill them because I'm like, "Well, I don't want to manage my powers because I'm going to end up hurting my own team." So, fuck it. They don't take enough damage for me to really care. >> That is a problem. I always catch myself trying to solve it in a brute force sort of way where I'm trying to manually grab all my heroes really quickly and click them out of the way really quickly. >> It's trying to be those star craft players where you see the video replays of their clicks and they're in a semi-circle or whatever. >> Right, where you're doing the little micromanaging your team. >> You're not the only person though, I'm just looking at the common center site and basically the way we're talking about tanks, me, Tyler, and Matt, everyone else had Arthur's experience with tanks where it was the worst fight in the whole game for them. >> Wow, really? >> Yeah. >> I believe it because tanks in that game, fuck it, suck. >> Yeah. >> On my balls. >> I mean, I guess I don't know what would do different. I have to imagine most of the people playing the game, it doesn't matter who they are, it must be taking El Diablo, like they are. >> I just didn't find myself having a problem with tanks as long as I used El Diablo, it was fine. >> I just don't understand how someone would be able to go through the game and not have like huge issues picking anyone but El Diablo in their party. >> Yeah, it seems because like let's say you only had a bunch of melee fighters and then you took on the tank, what were you supposed to do, just sit there and get run over the whole time? >> It's a very maneuverable little piece of shit. >> Yeah. Yeah. So. >> Oh, we skipped over the ambush, you get ambushed in that level two. >> Yeah, I guess it's true, A, because we played it in two weeks and B, because again, that's like another part, Nazis are so easy that it's like they ambush you and you just walk all over them. Like compared to the Russian guys with the rifles, like those guys would kill me and down me. >> Yeah, and it's like the Nazi guys have not been a problem whatsoever. >> No, it's weird that the game like gets easier from the beginning, I mean, it will except for the tanks. >> It does make it sort of less interesting, unfortunately, though, like to play. But it seems like they make up for that by like blowing through missions in five minutes. >> Well, I try to actually be creative with my powers and I try to like take the characters that are strong and use them to pick up objects and throw things. >> I've started doing that too, since you started saying how much better that made it and it's true. >> Because you do so much fucking damage. >> Dude, you do. You can take out anything and attack every time. >> Like I think even Eve can do that. >> Really? >> I mean, even with the strength characters. >> Eve is a really powerful character, actually. >> So see, I took her in one of the battles and like she didn't seem to be doing any damage at all compared to my other character. >> Like her boat is a pretty good amount of damage and she's got an entangle. >> Right. Well, the entangle's nice, but I just felt like the bow wasn't doing Jack. Maybe I haven't upgraded it enough. >> So after you defeat Fortissimo, this is now the final level that we were supposed to play to, which for us was the crappiest level we had played. It was bad, but so right off the bat, you have blackjack in tri-color. >> Tree-kolo. >> Tree-kolo. >> I kind of like tri-color, just like I like- >> She dodges like crazy, which is nice. >> Well, also just the character design is like it's a French chicken or white unitar with like the French flag on the front of her. >> And her rapier. >> And her rapier. >> Of course, that's what she is. >> Well, and her rapier does a shitload of damage too, because she can't take, like I've had her, the missions where I had her running up and attacking things, she would die faster than any of the other characters, like two hits and she's dead. But if she can get, she was the one that I had to micromanage the most, because I would have her run in, attack somebody, and as soon as she got her attack off, I would run away so she wouldn't get hit. And 'cause her rapier does a crapload of damage, but this- >> This mission just makes me want to go into the like, the system files of the game and change Blackjack's name to liability. >> Who did you guys take as your additional hero, because you get to select one additional hero in this? >> I think he'll do it again. >> I'm sure I would have taken L.D. >> And then you get the bullet, right? >> Yeah, you get the bullet. >> The bullet is forced in on you. >> That's right, I was going to say I took the bullet, but I forgot that he was forced because he wants to meet his hero. >> But the fact describes the fact that you meet a new supervillain called Red Sun, but I get the impression that Red Sun's not one guy. It's like all the soldiers. >> I mean, I think they're all counted as one guy, because as you kill one, the others get stronger. >> Oh. >> Yeah. >> So maybe it's just one guy with a bunch of bodies? >> Yeah, I got the impression that he was- >> I thought it was a whole army of guys. >> No, I thought he just like clones himself or something. >> Oh. >> He's multiple men. >> Yeah, exactly. >> He hits himself in the chest and boosh. >> I thought it was an army, too. >> I thought it was an army, too. >> I thought it was an army, too. >> I thought it was an army, too. >> They felt that this part was kind of racist. >> Yes. >> Oh, kind of. >> It was like, "Oh, I'm Frenchy McFrinterson's." And then there's also Japanese McJapsons. >> What about for T.C. Mo? Like the fat ball dude with the mustache that says opera and eats too much? >> So what I kind of determined about this game, because this doesn't change as you go on. It just keeps throwing the stereotypes at you, like, heavy, heavy, heavy, is it like, "Well, this is how 1963 saw the rest of the world, and that's what this comic is, that's what this game as a 1960s comic book is trying to ape?" >> I don't feel like the satire is sharp enough to really call attention to that, though, so it's not like, "I'm in on the joke, it's like Jesus Christ, this is pretty bad." I mean, I understand that the joke exists, but I don't feel like I'm in on the joke the way I feel like I should, if it were effective satire, but that could just be me. >> Yeah. Well, like you said, maybe the satire is just not strong enough. >> Or maybe the intent was there, but they didn't execute. >> Right. I mean, there's a difference between-- >> Well, that kind of movie, guys, such a hack. >> Like, there's, you know, like the racial satire in, like, South Park and Family Guy, stuff like that. It's like beating over the head with how fucked up it is. >> Yeah. But at the same time, I mean, like, you look at this game, and how is Freedom Force and the Third Reich not beating you over the head constantly? >> Right. >> You know, it's pretty obvious that they're beating you over the head with the kind of comic book that they're trying to ape you. >> Yeah, I mean, not to mention the commies. >> Yeah, the damn commies in like, you know, rah, rah, rah, America. >> I feel like it's almost like British satire, like it's so dry in points, like it's ridiculous, but it's so dry that maybe it just doesn't click as much for my-- >> Well, I mean, like, you know-- >> Stupid American sensibilities. >> Like these comic books back then that were written like this, they took themselves seriously, you know? >> Oh, totally. >> And, you know, we can look back at that kind of writing today and laugh at it. But, you know, this is clearly something where the game developers are trying to reflect a particular mood and a particular style of comic, and, you know, I don't want to excuse it away because I still feel like, especially the part that we're talking about now, just, it feels racist, especially like the-- and I think what makes it feel like that more than anything is the voice actor, because the voice actor is clearly some white dude, like-- >> It's only like breakfast at Tiffany shit, you know? >> Yeah, it's-- oh, that is a-- that is pretty accurate, though. It's like, yeah, I've ordered-- I've made fun of Chinese food ordering. >> Uh-huh. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> It was funny, like the irrational behavior podcast, the new episode, they actually talk about freedom force quite a bit and the voice acting in particular. >> Oh, wow. What did they say? >> Well, just that-- >> Yeah. Who ordered Chinese food? >> Most of the voice acting was the-- were the developers. >> Yeah, I believe that. >> Oh, yeah, that's the way it always used to be. >> Yeah. >> I mean, I'm surprised. The whole theme of the episode was the way things were, like talking about how the development industry used to be and how it was like the Wild West, but-- >> Before they all had money for voice actors, and then-- >> Yeah, but they never brought up the-- this game in terms of like some of the racial things that's doing, you know, for better or for worse, they never bring it up. >> I mean-- >> Really, for a rational Bioshock was like their chance to hit the big show. >> Yeah. >> Like because-- I mean, it's really just that like Microsoft and Epic sort of latched onto that show and they're like, this could really be something, we should sort of push this. >> Well, that and they were owned by 2K at that point, which is nice for them, so-- >> Mm-hmm. >> But-- >> Yeah. >> I mean, honestly, Red Sun isn't any more offensive as a name than say the Mandarin. >> Right. >> That's a villain. >> Well, I mean, or even, you know, if you want to just say-- or just even Chikolor or, you know, it's just like all these things that are stereotyping at all these nations. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, but Chikolor-- >> Well, even the Americans are stereotyping. >> Right. Minuteman is just like a hardcore person. >> Yeah, America person. >> Yeah. >> And all in El Diablo. I mean-- >> Yeah, well-- >> El Diablo loved the Chikas. >> Yeah, exactly. El Diablo. All he wants to do is have sex with your mom. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> And your girlfriend and daughter. >> There's actually-- there's actually-- never mind, it's later in the game, we'll talk about it later. >> Yeah, sure you will. >> In the beginning of this, you just have Chikolor and Blackjack, and she gets knocked out right at the bat and so you have to have like this stupid fight with Red Sun just with him and Blackjack. >> For anybody else, did Red Sun just keep running away? >> Yes, yes. >> And so then you just had to catch up to him and throw your fucking stupid card. >> Yes. >> Yeah. >> This lasted way too long. >> I blinded him sometimes. That enabled me to get off of it. >> I threw a thing at him and blinded myself. >> [LAUGH] >> Which really is pretty in character for Blackjack. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, it is. It's like hiding on the cake. >> I accidentally spilled an acid card in my pants, so the rest of the world is running around without pants. >> So this is where the level becomes a punk bitch, this is where you have to like-- after you take down Red Sun, then mentor contacts Chikolor and Blackjack and tells him that he'll send help, but only after you destroy those two towers that are blocking him from doing so. >> Mm-hm. >> And the one tower is not that bad, but the tower with the tank, not okay. >> Not from tanks. >> Yeah, because I mean basically Blackjack and Chikolor, it's like what? >> Is it that you knock out the first one and he can send one person back or do you have to kill both of them? Because I swear I recall using LDL blood against the tank. >> Right. >> And dying at least once. >> Mm-hm. >> Let me say, I do remember having two people in the tank battle maybe. >> Well, you have Chikolor and you have Blackjack. >> And Blackjack. >> For sure. >> For sure. >> I really love the way she heard that. >> Well, that's because that's the way she says it in her order. >> She does. So this is what the fact is getting reminded is after you fight the trucks that you have to fight, you head for the towers and one is guarded by a tank and the other one is guarded by Red Suns. >> Yeah. >> I was an idiot and went for the tank one first instead of the Red Suns one first. >> Stupid man. >> So that's why I barely beat that tank, but it cost me all of my heroic revivals and they were just getting run over the whole time because they're both punching it. >> I did the same exact thing now that you mentioned it. >> Yeah, so it's probably my own fault that I made this level so much more of. >> So when you beat the Red Suns one first, then does that allow you to summon the other character? >> Right. >> Okay. >> That must have been how I did it in because I don't remember, I remember Chikolor getting run over by the tank. >> A lot. >> Yeah. But I definitely killed it with El Diablo. So. >> Right. So after you destroy that, you get El Diablo and then- >> What is an El Diablo or do you get to choose? >> Well, it's whoever you picked. >> And of course. >> Which the fact says we all should have picked Minuteman because he is the most efficient tank buster. Really? >> Son of a bitch. >> I wouldn't have known that. I would have just assumed that he'd get run over. >> I guess I should start taking- maybe he's too buff to get run over. >> Yeah, but I mean, you can fly and the tank can't shoot you, so why would you take- >> I feel like I've gotten hit by the tank flying, like it's knocked me out of the air. >> But yeah. >> I could just be imagining things. >> But yeah, this is where- >> I just don't know anymore. >> Yeah, this is, again, this is a pretty short level, and the only reason it was hard was because I made it hard, apparently. I should have not attacked tank- >> No, it was hard for me too, and I didn't attack the tank first. I definitely lost everybody except for maybe one person. It sucked. Like the smission sucked. >> Yeah, because you don't actually even get bullet until you kill the other tower, and then after you get bullet is when the level ends. >> Gotcha. >> But it ends with the drama of bullet came despite the fact that his metabolism is too fast that he might not be able to come back for whatever reason. >> Right, right. >> And then he falls in love with Tricalor. >> Yeah. >> But I mean, it doesn't surprise you, right? When you meet him, because you see the way that guy talks and everything, and it seems like bullet belongs back then. >> I know. >> He was a man of the '40s. >> Also it was a minute, man. >> True. >> I mean, they all belong back then. >> Yeah. [LAUGH] >> You okay, Tyler? >> Maybe Tombstone. >> Did you just shit fire or something? >> No, I have to pee real bad. >> Tombstone is definitely probably an '80s character, I would think. >> That's true. >> Oh, like '70s. He looks like he belongs in an iron fist and cage, like heroes for higher comic. >> Right. >> Did you have any more trouble with this, Tyler, beyond taking out the tank? That was like the hardest part. >> Yeah, for me. >> Definitely. >> Because I did it first. >> Yeah, me too. >> And even the Red Suns fight. Even when I had El Diablo, it was like I didn't want to use his blast thing, because Tricolor and Black Checker, and they're mixing it up, and it's like his real life. >> I always just made my ground team run away and then fire off the inferno. >> But then the enemies run toward your ground team. >> Well, I know, I guess what I mean is I make my guys run away, and then I send in El Diablo by himself, and I attack things. And you can't run away. You can't run away from people. If you run away far enough, they stop chasing you. >> Basically, I don't like to take care of the campfly, if I can ever avoid it. I hate non-flying heroes. >> Yeah. >> Or at least if they can't fly, the reason I take a minute, man a lot, is because he at least has the jump high ability. >> I mean, he used to-- >> So most of you buy jumps for most of them. >> Right. I mean, you're having jump high as nice, because Tombstone can make it up to a second story building. >> I have a super-collider in bullet, because they're so fast on the ground that it totally doesn't matter. I mean, bullet is super, super fast, but super-collider's fast enough that, like, you totally don't care that he's grounded. >> I still haven't gotten super-collider. >> This part, I was using my ground people, like, I would tell them to go pick up like a lamp post or pick up a melee object, and when they would run away to grab that, that's when I use LD Oblow's area of effect attack, so try to midge. >> Yeah. >> So I try to get them-- >> Do you use the light post as the throne weapon, though, or are we using it as, like, a club? >> They use it like a club. >> Okay. >> Yeah. >> That's a good one, too. >> You can swing most things, but you can also throw it much, isn't it? >> Yeah, but that one, like, man, you really gotta watch out for friendly damage. >> Yeah, because, like, the whole arc will take out every-- >> Yeah. >> It's nice, though. It's kind of funny when you're, like, attacking somebody next to a building with a lamp post, and you take out half the building. >> And then it falls on your-- >> It falls on your fucking heroes next to the building. >> So-- >> But, man, I'm loving this game because I, you know, I'm trying to role play, I'm trying to play the way a writer would script a comic book hero fight, you know, and a comic book-- >> I bet it's intended to be played like that, too. >> Yeah. >> I mean, it seems like it to me, so, I mean, I don't know, I'm just trying to get in that zone. >> Yeah, I think I've actually had a less than optimal experience with this game because, like I said, I was reading the fact incorrectly, and I was thinking, "God damn this chapter five is long, but it's really it's because chapter five is the story, how to get through the levels, and in the fact it's like five, then level five is-- level one is 5.1, 5.2, so it's like-- >> Oh, because it's the section. >> Yeah. >> Because I didn't look at the fact the first time, and, like, so I kept-- so I was, like, just trying to get through the game, saying, "Man, there's no way I'm going to get through this in time. I have to get to chapter eight," and because I'm a fucking idiot, like, I ended up just really trying to power through these levels just to get through them so I could play them in time. >> We still love you, Matt. >> Well, I know, but I'm just saying that, like, I think I've had the non-optimal experience because I haven't been able to take my time and enjoy it because this game is actually really quick to get through. >> It's like you were reviewing it. >> For the next episode, you should-- so we can do it in four episodes, ideally, you should play through Aktong der Alchemis, which is the 13th level. >> Cool. >> That's unlucky. >> Are we recording on Monday? Monday is President's Day. >> More than likely, we'll see, I mean, maybe, unless we have something other crazy things planned. >> I work for myself. No, I don't get Mondays off. >> There you go. >> Man, your boss is a jerk. >> I know. >> So, you should listen to our other friends' podcasts, the mobcast at, which you can hear me on this week, the geekbox at, and then you should check out the Area 5 show, which will be on live tomorrow, for the first time. But by the time you hear this, it'll likely have already passed live, but you still watch the stream. >> This will be up before then. >> Okay. So, no, you should watch it live at 4 p.m. Pacific Standard TST. >> 4 p.m. >> Yeah. >> So, you can watch the new live form. >> 7 p.m. how it goes. >> TST. >> Yeah, it's going to be weird for us because we're so used to being edited, I'm wondering how it's going to play when people can actually watch us unscripted or unedited. >> I mean, whenever you're on the podcast. >> That's up here right there. Unscripted. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Whenever you're on the podcast, you're barely edited. >> Yeah, I know. So, yeah. So, thank you for listening. Remember to comment on it. I know I didn't read that many comments that time, but I'm sorry. I'm really no good at that. >> That's not even a sentence. >> Hi. >> Hi. >> We've been a little sorry. >> Fuck you guys. >> Yeah. >> That's Matt. That's cool. >> So, remember, our next game we're going to play also, by the way, is Chaos Theory. >> Yeah. >> So, you should start picking that up or looking for it if you plan on buying a disc version. >> It's available on Steam. >> It's available on Steam. >> It's available on Steam. >> It's available on Steam. >> Yeah. >> Since Xbox Live is getting shut down. For original Xbox titles. >> Boo. >> Yeah. >> Did you not know about that? >> No, I didn't. >> I've never lost my plate original Xbox game on that. >> They're ending all support for Xbox One games on Xbox Live. >> So, I guess that means no more Steel Battalion 2. >> Nope. >> It should mean a friends list higher than 100. >> See, that's something that you see people talk about. That shit does not matter to me. >> I, see, I thought the same thing, but then I looked at my friends list and I have like 84 friends. >> Yeah, and I realized that I also don't know 15 of them and I'm like, why do I have them? >> Uh-huh. >> So. >> I mean, it should also enable other stuff too, but maybe we'll talk about that one last week. >> All right. We'll see you all. >> Bye! >> Next week. [MUSIC] [SOUND] [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]