Rebel FM
Rebel FM Game Club: The Thing -- Episode 3
Matt, Anthony, Tyler and Arthur return to discuss The Thing levels seven and eight. Join us for harrowing tales of misadventure, off-topic talk, and all the silly banter you've come to expect. For next week please finish the game, and feel free to suggest what our next pick should be. Enjoy!
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> [LAUGH] >> Welcome to the sniffles podcast. Where you get to indulge your sniffles fetish, and hear lots of random sniffles. >> Like people who have the sneezing fetishes, didn't that, wasn't that a real thing? >> Is that a real thing? >> Anyways, you've accidentally- >> Of course, that's a real thing. >> On YouTube, people film themselves sneezing. >> In high speed, and other people watch it. >> Anyways, you've accidentally downloaded the Red Book and also a podcast, Game Club podcast, the third part for the thing cool to John Carpenter's the thing. >> It's good to know that you can remember the number we're on when we're doing four episodes series, at least. >> The thrust, that chest. >> These ones actually matter, these numbers. The other numbers don't even matter anymore at this point to me. >> I'm just another fucking podcast. >> I'm Anthony Gagos, with me is Tyler Barber. Hey, how's it going? >> They're trying to return to Tyler Barber, from GP in Texas. >> Back in the, in the Sunday, Sunday, Sunday state. >> Back in the public at Texas, back on Arthur Geeze. >> Hello. >> And Matt Changerney from >> Otherwise known as Maxie, Tyler. >> Right. >> Matt got a little Tyler. >> He is the Uber Tyler, and you are the mini Matt. >> Did you see that on Twitter? Somebody posted a picture of this. >> A photo where you guys looked like at the angle it was at, it was like you guys looked strangely alike. >> Yeah, we looked like exactly alike. We don't really look a lot at all. >> No, we don't. >> We don't look alike at all in real life. >> But if you want to start a crime, no, not a crime fighting duo. If you want to start a crime duo. >> Dude, crime duo, I'm down for that shit. >> You're like a fair of Batman villains from the '60s show. >> Yes. So where we left off last time was in the beginning of chapter seven. >> Yeah. >> And we had all gotten up to that point where you had to, we talked about how you had to engage those switches to burn those two big old things that were in the area to let your guys through. And so let's just pick up right from there, which is where you take your team to the end of the hall and you find a great in the wall and you shoot it. And, hold on, I'm reading the fact because I'm kidding, I'm reading a second where we have something. >> Is this part where you say, wait here and I'll find a way around. >> This is the podcast where you get to slowly hear Anthony's voice just disappear. >> Well, dude, well, basically at the end of the last podcast, we went to the elevator and left, right? >> Right. So you get in the elevator and this is one of the, this is one of the few times that you actually get to bring your guys with you. >> Yeah. >> And strangely that is because I have the time when the levels of this game, I never know. Are they coming with me or not? >> No, the funny thing was, is I actually brought more guys with me than I left with. >> Weird. >> Like, because like in the next stage. >> Not only that, but they leave a gun on the floor of the elevator too. >> Yeah, they do. >> Yeah, they do. Like, when I was in the elevator, I'm like, why do I have three guys with me? I only had two with me when I entered the elevator. >> Well, it's good, because yeah, because that happened to me too and then the third guy doesn't have a gun. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> But he totally trusts you, which weirded me out and not like that. >> I don't even remember having two guys right here. >> I had two engineers and I had a soldier at this point. >> I had a medic and a two- >> Yeah, full squad of everyone. >> No. Tyler? >> I just remember an engineer and a soldier. >> I think I killed a medic. >> Because the medic is the guy you find when you're unarmed. I think. >> Yes, he was. >> And he's one of the first guys you equip. >> Yeah. >> He was killed. >> There you go. >> So, there you go. That's why you didn't have a medic. >> It's always a sad day when you used a medic. >> I remember that. >> The medic's like the only one, I mean, the engineer is if you need them and you lose them, it's game over. >> Yeah, you can miss you. >> But medics are like the only ones that like they don't have a real purpose other than to just make sure that you never hurt, like a medics are the ones I always look forward to keeping around the most. There's so much about this game that reminds me of like left for dead. >> Really? >> Like the whole, just like the medics, like hold on buddy, let me patch you up. >> All right. >> You know. >> I need more ammo. >> I need more ammo. >> Lots of comments. There was one, there was one guy here. >> We're gonna die here. >> Yeah, there was one where some guys like, oh man, that reminds me of your girlfriend. >> When we were walking by a corpse, he was like. >> That is fucked up. Who would say that to someone? >> And there was like some other guy. He said something like, man, it sounds like somebody stacked a pile of shit right here. >> There's something like that, yeah, it was like really? >> Yeah. >> Not very clever, but originally I was reading that this article from Edge that one of our listeners linked us to that, you know, the company when they first started, it had all these grand aspirations and they really wanted like all these variables to be possible. Like it sounded like they wanted it like guys could change into the thing and it really would be random. Like if they got bit or something, they might just actually get infected. >> You can see the intent there. >> But they had to scale back because it was like it's not gonna happen by our date. So then all of a sudden it had to become like, guy reaches point X turns into thing, no matter what. >> Yeah. >> You know, you can tell that that's where they wanted to go with it when you're playing this game. You can see like the ambition that's there. >> Yeah, I'm sure that if, you know, nowadays it would be if I'm sure if they had time and budget, you know, maybe we would have seen a game where if your engineer dies, it's not critical mission failure. It's just like, well, now you're either gonna miss that room entirely or you're going to figure out some way around. >> Right. Yeah, exactly. >> I mean, okay. So the elevator takes you up to a furnace room. >> Or down to a furnace room. >> Well, yeah. >> Yeah. >> That's the reason I remember that. >> The elevator takes you to a furnace room. >> Yeah. >> Who really knows? >> Yeah. So yeah, so immediately you got to fight off a bunch of dudes, which I don't know. How do you guys feel about fighting the guys? They're kind of, I pretty much hate it. I think they're... >> The SWAT team? >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Usually it's fine. Usually when I see them, they die really quickly, but there are occasional times where they roll up and I hit A to fire and it doesn't fire, first of all, which fucks me up. >> Yeah. That is very often. >> Like that it just doesn't... >> Mashing the fire button and nothing happens. >> Yeah. That happens on the PS2 version. >> Wonderful. >> I'm reassuring. So doing that and not having, other than that, when I get just ripped apart by gunfire because I didn't shoot them when I was supposed to because they give you a pretty big window to kill them. Other than that. >> I found out that the best thing to do is like, as soon as I got the shotgun, it was like... >> That's all I would do. >> Yeah. I would just run straight at them. I don't even like flinch. I just run straight at them because you can rapid fire that thing too. >> Yeah. Arthur had good experience later on in this session with giving his guys a shotgun and the guy just became a Terminator. >> Yeah. Nice. >> Like he would just walk around and no one could get past him. >> It's a good idea, actually. >> It's the weirdest looking engineer. Like he's kind of skinny with like this kind of thin neck and head and like bigger head. I don't remember what his name was, but he was a... >> Nobody looks like one of the Inglorious Bastards. >> Yeah, he does, actually. And man, he just like stayed with me the entire time and would just annihilate everything. >> That's awesome. >> Yeah, like three like of the head crab things would jump out and immediately he would just be like someone pulled skeet, bam, bam, bam, and he'd be like, "Bring it on!" >> That's right, bitch. >> Yeah, he was like, "All right, this guy means business." >> Well, that's awesome because I'm actually frustrated when I have the shotgun out and those little head crab things pop out because sometimes they'll take like four shotgun glasses. >> And sometimes they'll take one. >> Right. Because only one pellet will hit them or whatever. >> Yeah. >> That she gets annoying. So in this first area, there's the boxes in the center with a bunch of explosive barrels in the middle. >> And as I read in the fact, you could trap the walker that's in the room and blow him up in the barrels. >> I didn't even try. >> I didn't even know he was trapped when I went in there. >> That never even occurred to me. He was already trapped for you? >> No, no, no, I think he's saying that you could open the door and lure him into that middle area or whatever, and then like kill him by shooting the barrels or something like that. But I mean, looking at the room, I thought that's the way that it was set up. Why are these explosive barrels in the middle of all these crates if not just to kill this thing? I was like, why would I do that? Why would I like mess with these shitty ass movement mechanics trying to lure something when I can just shoot at a bunch and flame it and stuff? >> Well, did any of you guys like make the mistake of opening up a furnace? >> I did. >> I did. >> I was like, well, at least for open. >> Yeah. >> It catches fire, yeah. >> And I love how fire in this game has an effect radius that can go through walls. >> Yes. >> Like, I noticed that if there's a room on fire and it's like on the other side of a wall, and I can see through the window, if I stand too close to that wall. >> At the end of the world, we can actually attack you through walls too. >> Wow. >> So if you get really close to a wall and his arm comes through, he'll swipe you. So you got to be careful. >> Yeah. And then of course, in the level of immediately following this, there's the room that catches on fire and you have to run through the hallway as quick as you can. >> Oh my God. >> I died on that at least twice. >> Yeah. I'll talk about that when we get there, I guess. >> So this is, I actually, once you said the furnaces, I remembered where we were. >> Yeah. This is where you go upstairs and there's that injured guy that needs a med pack. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> This is where I started leaving my guys out in the hallways before I went into rooms because I didn't want to take the chance that they just lose their shit in front of bodies. >> Mm-hmm. >> Yeah. Well, once you've had someone kill themselves, it's kind of like, "Oh, maybe I should watch out for that." >> It's post-traumatic stress, you're scarred forever. >> Well, for me, it was like the danger of them like running into a room and getting in some sort of close quarters combat that they couldn't manage and, you know, dying themselves. >> Yeah. That would happen to me. Like, if I went into a room that had a bunch of soldiers, I would always just like charge in first with my shotgun because I didn't trust my guys to stay alive if they went in without me. >> I once made the mistake of running up on about seven dudes with my shotgun and my guys left behind. >> See, this is the place also in the same room where you get the guy is where you're supposed to pick up a sniper rifle, which is why you didn't have a sniper rifle. I guess you just must have- >> Oh, you didn't find me before the rifle? >> It's really easy to miss that case. >> I can see how good it is. >> See how good it is. >> Yeah. >> And conveniently, at least when you finally need a sniper rifle, they do give you another one. Like, because when Arthur didn't have a sniper rifle, I was like, oh shit, is he gonna have to shoot these bombs with like his pistol or some bullshit? >> Right. >> Because I don't- >> His Arthur is gonna stop playing this game, I guess we'll find out. >> Where's the sniper in your- well, I guess we'll get to that. >> It's in that room with the guy that's downed. >> Yeah. >> I'm not even. >> Add one and play. >> Pick it up, didn't realize it. >> Yeah. >> But yeah, this is also the first place where you get a high explosive grenades. >> Yeah. >> Which Arthur didn't realize. >> I thought they were stun grenades, I never used them. >> Yeah, man, I was like, no man, those are high explosive, like they do ridiculous amounts of damage. They're pretty much the only grenades I will ever- >> And they have a huge blast radius too, so you- >> That's when I said, oh, and threw one and blew into chunks. >> You do really careful because on more than one occasion, myself and Arthur both injured our teammate. And when you injured your teammate with a high explosive grenade, it's immediate, minus 100% trust. >> Yeah. >> And they immediately change time. >> You must be the thing. >> Yeah. >> I had twice during this gameplay session where a guy ran in front of me while I was shooting a soldier and I shot him and then he turned on me. >> Yeah, that happened. >> And I'm like, you ran in front of my gun, you dumbass? >> I'm finding it much more common that I get shot by my guys. >> Yeah. >> It's funny because it says right after this, you get the first guy in that room. You know, and you go into the next hallway and there's another guy. >> Yeah. >> I know there's that guy, but it says he doesn't trust you. >> Yeah. >> And so you should use a blood test typo on him, but I always forget to do that, man. I never remember, like, if someone doesn't trust you blood test typo yourself. >> Yeah. >> Like, I don't bother. I just like, I give them a gun and then they trust me. It's not a big deal. >> Well, I think that they change, they drop the gun. >> The idea is that you want to keep guns for yourself, but honestly, the AI is just so much better at shooting things than I am. >> Yeah, great shot. Mm-hm. It's like 100% accurate. >> The only trade off with giving someone else a gun is if the event that you accidentally shoot them and I'll turn and shoot you. >> Yeah. >> Although, I've never ran around with someone without a gun, unless it's like the end of the level and through dying, I have figured out that they will not come with me. >> Yeah, right. >> Then I'm a ruthless dick and I take their guns away. >> Yeah. >> I think Anthony's cat is the thing. >> Yes. >> He's trying to bond with Matt. >> [LAUGH] >> But, yes, actually, you get the two guys, you go down the staircase, which is like one of the only times we've ever also seen one of those tripwire bombs. Like, that was the-- >> That was the only time. >> That's like another implementation in the game. It's like such a weird thing. >> Because that existed. >> I think I just armed it. You can disarm it, right? >> I just shot it. >> Yeah, I just shot it. >> Oh, you're right, yeah, I did do that. >> But it's like, why is that? >> They even showed us like the loading screen. >> Like, why was this weird that they wanted to put there? It almost seems like someone forgot to delete it out of the final game or something. >> Well, yeah, like Tyler just said, it's in the loading screen picture, too, for that level, which is really weird. It's some kind of major thing. >> Yeah. Someone was really proud. >> It's a bullet point. >> A bullet point on the back of the box. >> A bullet for mindless traps. >> Awesome. >> But, yeah, so how did you guys handle this next room? You come out in that big, like, black hallway, you know, the big car path. Like me, once I died right off the bat, because those soldiers wasted me and went too fast. I was trying to do the thing where I would, like, dance out, shoot a guy and then go back and let me medicate on me, but I died. And you still haven't found a safe point at this point, either. >> Yeah. >> I didn't have a medic at this point. He died and I have no idea how it sucked. Anyway. >> I have to par for the course of this game. >> Yeah. >> But, yeah, the second time went on, there's through grenades over the boxes. >> Really? >> And just blew everyone up. >> I did. >> And then finally figure out that you can hold down the button longer to throw grenades further. >> Yeah, that's really cool. >> I figured that out on this session as well. >> Yeah. >> Like, oh, if this is how you don't die with a right-- >> Yeah, I don't know if you can blow yourself up if you hold them long enough. >> Oh, you can. >> Question answered. >> Yeah, if you hold them too long, you'll blow yourself up. >> Okay. But, yeah, so, you know, after you throw that thing and you blow those guys up, did any of you guys like, okay, so when you come out of the door, out of the staircase, you go left and there's all the soldiers. To the right, though, I never even bothered going over there. >> I didn't turn it over there. >> Yeah, I didn't know that. >> Yeah, there's a, I shot the barrels around that truck and they all blow up and they blow up all the skitterers. And then you can go in there and I think there's like an ammo box for sure. >> Yeah, there's a fair amount of ammo. What I think I, did anyone else notice that a lot of, that you can shoot the flame dispensers, like the little fuel tank flame dispensers, because like it's where I thought I accidentally shot one of those. >> You mean like when the guys drop like a container for fuel? >> No, not the containers, but when you find the cases that you go up to and hit B and they just spend some-- >> You shoot the cases? >> I feel like I've done that. >> There's one there. >> Yeah, there's one there and that's what I shot and I think that that blew it up. >> Huh. >> There are red barrels though I think in this area as well. >> Maybe. >> There's one right in front of you when you step outside of the door. >> Yeah. >> I don't know, it's a possibility. >> No, I survived it. I went and turned on the lights immediately and then just busted out my sniper rifle because I could clearly see guys just taking a knee, you know, some team just waiting for me. >> Yeah, this is like the part when I was like, oh, there's actually parts in this game where I get to use my sniper rifle and so yeah, like right then I would like all those guys that are down the hallway there, it's like they're just sitting there waiting for you to snipe them in the head. >> I tried giving my sniper rifle to like my NPC guys thinking that that would be really good like it was in like Risenewa 5. It's awful. >> Really? >> They're awful with the sniper rifle. >> Yeah. >> They're not like headshot kings or anything like that. >> No, I never had a problem with giving them the sniper rifle. >> I mean, it gives them confidence but it was like for me it was like they were almost more effective with the pistol in general because at least their rate of fire was higher. >> Right. >> And it does take like several shots to the body to kill them with the sniper rifle. It does, you really need to get that headshot. >> Yeah. >> So you fight through this, these group of guys and then eventually you make it into that larger warehouse room, I mean, this is really a series of warehouses but. >> It is. >> And now you go upstairs and you kill a few things and get up there and use the junction box which now we're coming up on our second boss fight in the game. If you really call them boss fights in this, they're like so fucked up, they're not like a boss fight at all. >> They're really, really weird. >> They're more like a puzzle like how can you do this without just killing them a bunch of times. >> Yeah, you're like weird out. >> Something, well, like the part where you come out of the elevator and there's the dudes on your right and the dudes on your left, like isn't that at this level? >> Yeah, I was thinking about that too and where they set off the alarm and there's that turret. >> Yeah. >> Where you get the fire extinguisher. >> And the reason that comes to mind is because that's where that room that sets on fire that you have to run away from is. >> Yeah, I thought that was. >> And then you have to activate the furnaces. >> I thought that was after you killed the boss, but maybe I'm wrong. >> No, because so you kill, you fight the giant thing tree boss, which I think I did pretty quickly like faster than Anthony because for some reason I had way more grenades when I encountered him and also the grenade launcher which just fires your grenade. >> Where do you have to skip the thing tree boss yet? I wasn't skipping him. >> No, you, but I mean all of this happens before the thing tree boss because after you kill the thing tree, you, isn't that where you realize that there's a nuclear bomb? >> Yeah. >> And then you run to the elevator and you leave everyone behind. >> Right. >> So there's an elevator before you. >> It's I see what it says, and the fact it says you'll come to choice of two doors. There are a lot of scuttlers here, but you'll need to do the fuel drum at the end. Because the room sets on fire, wait a little while and enter the room when the fire stops and then fix the box on the other side. So I think you could have shot a drum to set it on fire first instead of it running in there. >> I think that's a different part. >> There's a different part. There's a part where it's like you go into this room and a fire starts and you basically have to run up this hallway and run past a walker. >> A walker. >> Because if you stop to shoot him, the fire gets you. >> Yes. >> And then you're in the room. >> And that happened before the thing tree boss? >> Yes. >> After the thing tree boss, you lose all your guys. >> Right. Okay. Well anyway, that room where you have to run away from the fire, that sucked. >> Yeah. >> Because I didn't figure out for like three times that I was like what the fuck did this guy just hit me twice and I just died, they never done that much damage before. This entire time I thought I was getting hit by the walker, I didn't realize I was getting set on fire. >> Oh man. Yeah, this is the part where you tell your guys you're like wait here and I'll find a way around. >> Under the grave. >> You go into an air duct and drop it in this room. I just busted out my fire extinguisher and as soon as you hit the square button, the fire stops. >> Oh see. >> And there's all kind of ammo. >> I tried that and it didn't work. Or I've tried it before where I was in a room that was on fire and the fire extinguisher did nothing. >> Yeah, it definitely works here. >> That's funny. I felt like I had to just, I just after a while I was like oh okay, I need to run away. Wow, I'm glad they gave me some sort of indicator that I needed to run away from the fire that was chasing me. >> Well, yeah, and they never give you indicators of anything in this game though. It's just like. >> And then this is the, then you're in the room where you see a typewriter but it's not powered up. >> Right. >> And you have to basically do a bunch of shit before the engineer can come in and fix the junction box. >> Yeah, this was, this whole section was like the longest that it's ever taken to get to a fucking safe point. >> Save, yeah. >> And it was really god damn annoying. >> Yeah. >> I'm so glad that people don't design games like this anymore. >> I'm pretty sure I played all the way up to the save point for the last one. That's why I don't remember it. >> Okay, yeah. >> Because this is the first save point. >> It was a long ass time till you get to that save point. >> So I mean, the kind of cool thing about that room is that you have to go down a couple of different hallways and turn some, some nozzles to, to enable the buttons. But if you, if you push the buttons in the right sequence in that room, if you activate them correctly, you won't actually have to fight the two walls. >> That's right. I did not. >> You can just turn on the flames in those rooms and. >> I thought that was cool. >> Destroy them. >> Which I did not do. >> No, I know where we go. >> I had the walkers in the room with me and had to throw down. >> [LAUGH] >> Well, meanwhile, my dudes were picking their asses and chewing gum in the other room. >> This is the part that we, we vaguely started to touch upon in the last episode, because some of us had played up to there. >> Okay. >> Because some of us had played as far as we were supposed to, and others, they would not. >> No. >> No. >> So you had to play a little bit beyond if you wanted to get to a save point. >> Got it. >> My save point was like right towards the end of stage six or whatever. So I just like, I was like, fuck it, and I went back to it. >> Yeah. So I mean, all of that is like the little moments where you feel like you're doing something correctly that you didn't have to do correctly or those, those are the moments I feel smart or less smart. >> Yeah, I feel like they wanted to do a lot of those, but yeah, it's basically, the game just became, oh, you died. >> Like the. >> Yeah. >> Where you rescue the scientist, like with the series of interlocking rooms where you open doors to get through, and that's another situation. >> Yeah. >> Well, and that one, I just opened all the doors and run in their guns. >> All at once. >> Yeah. >> I tried to open them in the proper sequence, so I wasn't like letting out monsters. Yeah, see, I thought about that too, and then I just got frustrated and just opened them all and it still worked. >> Can I also say that the part before this and the level before this where you have to hit the right buttons to deactivate the security sequence is really fucking annoying. Yeah. Yeah. We talked about that last time. Okay. Because it doesn't even tell you it's just like get it wrong. Not only does it not tell you it doesn't tell you that you only need to hit two and like I wasn't paying attention on the left. Yes it does. You think you need it all for? Yeah. Yeah. That's such a pain in the ass. And so I'd hit the right two and then like I'd never noticed that the lasers went down and then I'd hit another one and then it'd go beep beep beep beep beep. I get aced by dudes with grenades or the turret above me. So back to where we got all the game. Yeah. What did you guys like like this one? Okay. So for starters it took me like nine tries but more importantly Arthur you have an Arthur too that I had like three guys with me or at least two a medic and an engineer and every time I would go in the room at best I would get the engineer to follow me and the medic would never come through. I thought they were scripted to not come through. Arthur got the medic to come through at one point. They're not supposed to but you can glitch it. Basically it was a crapshoot that one of them would teleport with you into that. Wow you could actually glitch it because I had to do this boss like seven or eight times too and like every time I went in the guys weren't with me so I was like oh it's scripted that like I have to do this on my own. I mean the time I beat it the medic wasn't with me like the medic had no part. It's best that they don't go with you a lot of times because the one time I got an engineer to follow me he lost a shit. Consumed he's like oh my god oh my god. I was like follow me over to this corner and it didn't matter he could always see if it's just staring and losing his mind. So but yeah how did you how did you guys do this because the way I ended up doing it in the end is I I didn't even end up like Arthur didn't either. Arthur really didn't Arthur kicked a lot of ass. I didn't have any flame grenades at this point which was my one part of my name but yeah I only found one ideally I guess they want you to engineer that little box and then electrocute him and shoot him while he's down. But all I did is stood behind the box is you start right next to him and just lob grenades at him. Well that's what I ended up doing because that's what the facts said to do because like I tried like several times to kill him. Like I got him down to red by like I had something like seven or eight health kits and so I would like man I would I would sprint in there and I would just like shotgun it like press the pressing X as fast as I can like sidestepping just shot to shoot him and then I had like sidestep back and I would get hit once or twice by his arms which would take down all my health so I'd get around that little corner where the boxes were and I'd use a health kit and then I'd come back and I'd repeat you know and but I would die so much because I'd be trying to go around the boxes and I get caught. I'd get caught like there's a little curb there that like is really difficult for him to step up for some reason. Like what the fuck why can't I get up this thing so I I got really really frustrated because I died there so many times trying to do it. I was like I just need to get him down to red and then throw a flame grenade at him or something. The fuck to think about this is that I I lobbed my grenades by hand yeah because I totally forgot that at this point you have a grenade launcher where you had one where did you get it. I didn't get any grenade launcher in the office room where you save. Is there really? Yeah and not only that but the weird that have you ever even used a grenade launcher in this game? No. The fuck to think about it isn't like any other game where it's like grenade launcher has its own ammo. You have to select the grenade launcher then you have to scroll through to the type of grenade you wanted to shoot and then it just fires your grenade inventory. Otherwise it'll just pick one. Yeah right. There's also like a little um stash of flame grenades I think in the room right before you fight fight the boss like if you throw a grenade behind this box pile of boxes then the box gets knocked over and then you walk behind these flame grenades would have made it way easy because me once I used my high explosives to bring him down I had to engineer the box and go in there and electrocute him to flame him electrocute him. Man to be honest I had no idea what what the hell I was doing or like why I even beat the boss but like I just threw the grenade a bunch of time. I mean it took me a lot of times and and eventually I noticed I got him down to red and just spammed flame grenades you know I was just like that's exactly hopefully this will work. Well that's what Arthur did when he succeeded after failing by using the grenade launcher several times where I was like see I didn't even use a lot of fuckin fire this and like either it would bounce in the wrong direction or it would hit something like while I was using a high explosive grenade and jimmed me. Yeah until finally I was like you know what this is much more graceful to just throw these. Yeah I did that with like once I was too frustrated I just went and read the fact and it said stand behind the crates and throw the grenades that was the point when I figured out that you can hold in the the square button longer to throw to actually throw them so I was like all I do is drop them at my fucking feet what am I supposed to do so I'm like I'm trying to seriously I'm trying to like yeah I'm trying to run up to the boss and just like just like chucking me in his feet and then it's like a really horrible outdated stereotype of how a girl throws a football or whatever but I could never I could never get it like I was had the high explosive grenades I'm like I'll use those so I'd like run up to him I'd like chuck a grenade like try to chuck it over the fence in front of him or whatever like little dirty underhanded throw and like I could never get away fast enough so the grenade would always hit me. I'm like how do I throw these grenades and I finally figured it out. The fuck that thing for me was was after I killed him after I killed him and I finally got him down and my squad was there I was like okay now what like I was like where do I go like what was the point of this boss fight I could not find it. You'd see the button behind it. I did not see the fucking button behind it. Yeah I had to leave the room and come back and then like once you see it at the angle like when you're approaching you know it's like how are you supposed to know like what exactly like at this point like why are you heading this way yeah yeah it's it's really it's really funny because like most of the time I kind of don't know what's going on yeah I'm not sure why I'm doing I was actually going to ask if anyone else noticed the fact like they they essentially allude to how the ending is going to play out which is that in a medical report for your character it says that you have a cellular anomaly right that seems to make you immune yeah to the thing infection yeah oh when was that actually it's like right after you get all right captured yeah you can read the report on you in one of the computers in that level I mean yeah it's like it's like actually after you get off that medical table with that whole time after that it's kind of like what am I doing now oh you actually you actually read it on you know that room where all those guys are prisoners yeah there's a computer terminal down there that I think talks about I just don't yeah at this point I just don't understand like once I escape the facility why is it like you know it's like okay is that my goal or like am I have to kill Whitley like what is well it never properly explains why you're doing what you're doing although at this point playing up to where we're playing I think it's clear that what he wants to do is to destroy the entire facility and make sure no one can get away I mean I guess so because it's like you were just a search and rescue guy like now it's like you gotta blow up that cargo all right but yeah that boss was a I mean in general the bosses in this game are just designed super poorly yeah like I don't remember like being this like like when I played years ago I don't remember being like man these bosses suck but these bosses suck probably probably because back then a lot of bosses sucked this was seven going on eight years ago that you played this yeah and it's like yeah it was really weird playing these bosses and thinking to myself how could anybody play this and think it was fun if you were developing this game where you proud of these boss battles you know it's true I would just like to establish that uh they I think the executive producer for this game knows that we're doing this game club and has listened well it's not my fault that the boss battles suck he is a friend of Will Tuttle that's fine that's good to know I mean like we've already we've said like you know things that are good about this game and I'm not gonna pull punches when things are bad about this game I just quite frankly like even seven or eight years ago if you were playing this game and you thought these boss battles were good you were wrong that's just how we just coughed up a thing into the bag I agree I mean it's just like I looking back it's like I have no idea how he tolerated like most of the shit in this game I mean I mean sky is like Ryan had like gold memories of crimson skies then we get to the end it's like this is awful but yeah so well it's just because you know it's looking at it in context though I keep trying to think about what about the what are these boss battles in particular what would they have been like seven or eight years ago you know what was that what was out wow bless you what geez stop sneezing already god you're ruining the podcast I know I'm ruining the podcast exactly and I try to think like what are some other games that came out around this time and could you compare the boss battles with those was just was this part for the course or I mean this is in the time that we were still we had already played games like Resident Evil 1 and 2 and I would say those boss battles were way better than this yeah and like Zelda had lots yeah you could at least you could at least you could at least run around them and stuff and figure it out by the things that they present to your eyes like it was also totally willing to kill you with the drop of a hat and make you die no it's true it's just that it wasn't like this where you basically couldn't even like you had no option but to either stand toe to toe or lob grenades I feel like this is actually you figure it out the the only excuse that I can give is that this is sort of a transitional period where they felt like these developers feel like well we can do all this stuff that we can do last generation we're not really sure how to do it we're not in these pre-rendered background with polygonal character kind of survival horror things we're actually going to do like a fully polygonal world that you interact with and how do we do that like and so in that respect I think a lot of games from this time period don't age particularly well right and it's like it's like that thing I was reading an edge where it's talking about how this game came to be and you know they said they got pretty good license from universal to kind of write a new story that picks up where the old one left off and take you know obviously add an ending to the movie that ends kind of ambiguously show how the thing leads into aliens and uh and the fucked up thing is like if for all this like they got to write a script that time is it sure doesn't feel like they have a fucking script because all of a sudden you kill this boss you go into the next room and it's like a nuclear sign and now there's a bomb there why is there a bomb there and and why and I also I also love how like the the crate that the bomb is in has it conveniently punched all broken punched hole right where the numbers are so he can go like oh shit plus who has a nuclear bomb that still has like physically ticking numbers well this is supposed to take place in like 82 or 83 but I but I'm still wondering when the who put the bomb there I honestly I get the idea like a lot of games that we play that have fucked up and disjointed narratives that just giant I would like to point out that uh wait what year it was like like back to the future 86 oh never mind because they had fucking numbers I saw taking numbers and they could take it we haven't that's when an led readout was like this big amazing thing and also they were fucking huge no it's true but I but I think you're right Arthur I think it's probably just a sign of things getting cut out like there are games that I've played fairly recently that suffered very similar problems yeah who who here was smart enough to equip their guys I didn't I was like they'll make it with me well I'll make it on a jibbed yeah I didn't even think about it Anthony was in the room with me when I was playing through this part and I think that he actually told me you should just unequip those guys yeah the sad thing is so as you're running to the elevator like I think that you're just supposed to see the elevator closed as an explosion goes off behind you and you see a couple guys jib yeah you do whereas what I saw was like I had three guys with me I saw two guys get blown into pieces on the medic come up to the door and just stand there as a close yeah so the medic didn't get blown up and now he has no guns it's so hilarious because like it's so funny because like when I did that too like the guys are clearly scripted you just stop right there and like it takes a while for the doors to close and I'm like man I totally could have waited for at least one guy to get in there later guys yeah see yeah and yeah good luck with the whole nuclear thing so yeah so that's the end of that part and then basically you're you're on your way you're back out into the into the cold I mean it's it's true I just wanted to read a comment from Hannah who says uh I've had a couple points where I saved shortly after my squadmates turned into a thing no matter what and I then die before the next checkpoint have to restart so I spawned in and just proceed to shoot my squad members in the head as fast as possible so I don't have to deal with them turning it's kind of messed up and the reason I picked that comment was because don't you remember at one point I was like Arthur you're gonna have to leave them all anyways just fucking shoot them in the face and take their guns like we didn't even Karen you were just like Jesus oh where's like this disconnect like you eventually you really just don't give a shit about it I don't understand the panic that people feel about when their guys turn because you've seen me deal with with team members that turn like everyone to go oh shit and I'll turn around and they'll start shaking I was like okay gun unload clip as like bring up inventory screen select flame thrower dead right yeah they don't even move basically yeah they're the easiest enemy to kill one of the easiest I know it's just I think her comments pretty telling in the sense they're like yeah they do a really terrible job ever making you like the only thing is the only reason you ever care about them is because they're an extra gun or a med pack I think the thing is you expected that you're gonna care about them because at first the stuff you're immediately introduced to with the characters seems deep or on their team and they all have individual names and they had lines and cut yeah when it seems like it's pointing to more to come like you're like okay well this is just a surface man once we get really into the meat of this they're gonna do a lot of shit and it's like that is not that that is maybe maybe that was another example of like early aspirations to have like this squad you were with most the time and then maybe a few guys got lost in a few replaced because eventually it's just like you lose your squad so many times you're like yeah I mean and remember when we were playing uh oh shit and I can't remember what it was um republic commando yes thank you when we were playing republic commando and you know the the the squads there they didn't really do anything that was all that spectacular but we were talking about them as like man I totally liked the stuff that this guy says they totally had personality you know and like I really felt for them when things were happening to them and like you and again you know I feel like the aspiration is there in this game to have that kind of feeling but it just never went there and it just ended up because of the way that things are scripted and the way that like instead of having a finding out a way to keep your guys with you they just kill them off whenever it's convenient yeah this is gonna have to happen at some point anyway yeah exactly and since you just know it's gonna happen you just don't give a fuck well the early guys had so much more personality in my opinion in the game like the later guys you find these medics and stuff they say like two things whereas like the early guy that one guy that for Arthur killed himself the guy you find up he's throwing his hands at you and there's a cutscene that you see that gets into his character a little bit yeah and it's like yeah exactly nowadays they're really just faces that I hand guns to and then tick guns from when the level ends right if I know when that's coming since levels seem to end fucking like that right you walk on to and then ward never knows when they'll come upon a safe point when the next one starts so none of you guys started this next part I got someone in the elevator with me and I started the next part with him no I started this by myself as I said like I watch the medical you just get to the door and just watch it close you started the level in the snow with the guy 100 percent because I would have to turn around and tell him to follow me or else he'll stay out there even the guy at frostbite even FAQs say that you're gonna lose everyone so it's like that's okay you got like a mega I wait no I seem to remember being in a part where I was magically outside but I don't think you're outside yet you're underground tunnel aren't you no you're outside now the mom explodes now you're in this is like a new level right you're outside new level you're outside you're in front of a bunch of blue lights you gotta follow the trail of the lights now yeah okay the planes yeah yes I had like my engineer with me you had to do that's like you have to like go out and seek an engineer because they're like so hard to find again I feel like we're skipping something um now we're not we got the fire part that you wanted but now we're not okay um this is where I found my my godlike guy because no first this isn't the plane jet you have to go and get the c4 and then yeah that's right that's something we're now we're getting to the plane okay so yeah I was alone before that and then I found my soulmate I think in this level yeah I forgot his name I did too but he's the most useful like NPC I've ever come across so yeah you because of the shotgun could yeah he just destroys everything like I gave him a shotgun and he is like my savior I'm gonna have to do that because of uh time that working your way through this warehouse is really hard fighting guys all by yourself I don't know I had trouble with it I don't know I didn't have any trouble with it either actually I mean I died once from one of those big fat guys that charges at you right the one that's behind glass yeah but like um basically it's just as long as I as long as whenever I get in trouble the first thing I do is just switch to the flamethrower and lay down a flamewall and everything runs away from you so that is a really cool implementation of fire and I actually really like that yeah like a lot of games have never really used fire but I like that to like make walls no and a lot of games haven't had enemy AI that um you know we'll run away from danger in that particular way that it's like it's uh it really it really becomes like this tactical thing that you can use to be fair it's extremely important to the aesthetic and the feel of the movie yeah making a thing game like I know that the homework we gave listeners was to watch the thing and several of them did and I have a sneaking suspicion that neither of you did that me no they're when when I I don't want to watch it I went home with the holiday hey no one had the thing my parents don't have that I wanted to have a thing party so we could watch it together I get to you ask one of your GP boy if someone owns the thing that movie is a classic brother might have oh yeah your brother might very well have it um no it's too late man instead I watched a whole shitload of survivor man because that shows awesome dude I love survivor man because it's on Netflix on demand so this first part like you you have to go get that you know you fight your way into the building and then eventually you work your way to that one engineer um I know I didn't have very much trouble like getting him by and not having him injured I knew when Arthur got him though he got like really fucked up and you had to use like your last med pack on him I was like you better not turn you asshole and then I gave him a shotgun and all of a sudden it was like he came alive fighting your way to get to this engineer though is fine but uh what fucked me up is you know you take him all the way back to that room yeah and you can have him engineer that one that one super super bloody room with the hung up body and uh and I didn't know like what to do when he got in there and lost a shit I forgot I had an adrenaline shot because I mixed up the adrenaline shot with like a test kit oh I forgot about the adrenaline shot too and yeah he just lost a shit and then turned on me and murdered me yeah every time I went into that room like I did it twice I loaded a save and he'd go into that room and I'd get him to I'd get him to do the fuse box thing but yeah he'd he'd lose his shit and then he started shooting I think he was trying to kill himself with his with the with the mp5 but he wasn't he wasn't doing it because like he wasn't shooting the sky he wasn't shooting me because it wasn't hurting me he was just like they're going like shooting and I don't know if he's like trying to shoot himself and missing or what but once you started doing that I just like shot him and took the gun back he wouldn't even need to do that you just go to the screen and take it or was his stuff red axed or out or whatever I don't I don't know I just when that started happening I was just like fuck it I clearly I don't need this guy anymore because like now that he's dead my game isn't over so I guess I don't need an engineer to get through the rest of the game so bye dude his name was Powell by the whole yes Powell my buddy Powell your buddy guys I was telling Anthony like the whole time he was with me I would either hear the Terminator music or my buddy theme song to the to the toy did he do you lose his so he didn't lose his shit for you in that room no well I did well he gave him the adrenaline oh got you and so yes and then you go and get and if you you do have an engineer that door it unlocks the door that you can get a grenade launcher finally did you not get that that's where I finally got a grenade launcher was right there yep and I still have yet to use it and he's and just by now you should have also unlocked a door that would give you access to a pretty substantial armory yeah substantial for it has lots of ammo this far in the game yeah I bought the shotgun ammo which is good for me um let's see I'm trying to find this is where you meet the flame soldiers for the first time yeah it is and those are lots of fun yeah well you have to go all the way into the the bottom of this warehouse and then fight your way all the way back out just to get this fucking c4 well yeah because the c4 is at the very bottom yeah and it's funny because when you get down to the very bottom I remember Arthur fought all the way down to the bottom and then you entered that room and you like did the most amazing like you know how there's the key but it's there's the key but it's behind a glass encased big guy and two little guys yeah like test like two man how should Arthur do this are they're just fucking wailed on it with flame grenades and killed him like outright I was like okay well that's that's awesome I think I actually use the grenade launcher yeah you did with with flame grenades yeah that's awesome and I was like well that is a good way to do it yeah but then like the funniest part about that is like that's like this is like one of the only good moments of that game where it's like you go you finally get to the room with the c4 there's like that laser grid and you shut it down because you're like I'll shut it down and get the c4 and it sets the alarm off no matter what yeah I just think that's I don't know that's like one of the moments that to me is like actually a good scripted moment well this is also the level where you've got the the flood covenant dynamic start happening where you start seeing the the soldiers fighting the thing and I'll bet when this game came out that was like mind that was a really cool part of this game yeah I mean these days it's such it's not such a big deal to see things fight like that anymore but I remember watching the you know when we had the half-life two game club and we were talking about like you know Ryan and I we were watching the comments sections the commentary a lot and they talk about how in episode two or whatever they decided to have the zombies in the ant lines fighting a lot more because yeah got a good reaction from from testers and from people playing the game that they really liked seeing the enemies fight each other so it's like you know that was still a pretty new concept it makes it feel like it's actually more of a world yeah when there's like something going on that you're not necessarily a part of yeah yeah and it's also I mean it's awesome watching the flame guys running around and distressing and then saying thanks and shooting with a shotgun yeah yeah there there was a point in this situation where um where like I definitely saw some of the alien thing things in the SWAT guys in a room and like I just put like a little flame wall down at the door so like they couldn't escape and I was just like hug it out guys that's fucked up work it out work it out so at the point we got the c4 now all you have to do is get out of the building yeah and this point it's pretty much just a shooting gallery was this a was it in the the c4 room where you could turn on a turret or is that somewhere else i don't know i don't remember there's totally there's a place where you turn on the place where you turn on the turret was way before yeah it's where you got it was where the first fire extinguisher yeah there's a lot of places where you can find turrets but i just it was never in a position where i get to one and there'd still be enemies around to use it on right right and not just that but the turdsons game kind of suck totally i do they take for blood they take for ever to kill a guy whereas you can walk up two rounds of a shotgun yeah walk away it's like wow what kind of bolts do they put in these turrets because they suck so uh they're filled with love Matt i killed him with love it takes a lot of love to kill a thing so yeah this is where arthur's guy proved invaluable was like the fighting on the way out where arthur's guy just turned into the goddamn terminator like before arthur would even see him just done done done instead of me walking in he walked out of me and said come with me if you want to live it's funny because everyone fires every gun in this game one-handed pretty much yes so everyone's just walking around i'm like like firing shotguns from the hip it's like the music from uh the scene where the terminator is in the police station the first one right um so you fight your way up and then when you exit this is one of those magical moments where it's like level half level end where you just like leave the door and all of a sudden it's map screen what yeah i mean nowadays that would like never fly like any games that would break it up and most games nowadays wouldn't even break it up into levels like that it would uh it would be like loading while you were running through a big empty hallway or something no i think a lot of games still have that sort of interstitial like you're one place and now you're someplace else like it's it's a big deal i think when games take you from place to place yeah it happens all the time and it happened in modern warfare you know you go from mission to mission all the time like it's still a big thing in half-life too that you never really leave the narrative yeah that's true i guess it's just uh and i i mean i i look i really like it when they do something like assassins creed where if they have to load you know they they put you in a in a i guess i just mean run around most games wouldn't end it's so dramatic drastically like this like even modern warfare usually has like a mom or it's like yeah and it's the beginning it's over yeah it's like the cool down period and there's like even emotion graphic that will like take a camera and be like it's zooming out from afghanistan and now you're zooming into russia exactly where's this where's this it's just like it's just like all of a sudden it's just like someone cut turns off the black one screen start yeah you're blinked and it is different so this next part now we have to get rid of the planes this is actually the only place where i ever used a sniper rifle myself i made the mistake of trying to use it to kill the guards because i thought for some reason that if i tried to run up on them for some reason my mind 10 years ago said to me they would kill me no but what what actually does happen what happened to me is uh um i tried to snipe a guard and i missed it and he ran off and you fail and then and the level fails yep it's like the hanger is secure and i'm like what yeah yeah yeah there's alarms that they'll set off if you don't kill them in time yep this so but i but the second time that i did it like every single guard just got sniped in the head from like a mile away oh so you know i was definitely like are there just ran up the power like the engraver is that it's just shocking people rescuing stiglets it's like gatoosh but yeah this this level on top of having that annoying thing with the guards also has a really annoying thing where like when you go in the hangers because the hangers have end up having like supplies in them a lot of times it keeps doing that bullshit where it changes the camera angle but doesn't change the control but doesn't change the control yeah oh my god welcome to bizarro world asshole well then it also does it it changes the camera angle and it puts headcrabs on top of objects where they're clearly wouldn't have been before i mean it'd be cool if they change the camera angle for the time that it takes them to jump down and then switch it back but it just is on it yeah like that is some resident evil shit in a resident evil that was a big pain in the ass too i mean back in the day those games you would run a camera would changing all of a sudden you turn left and hit a wall because you'd be holding like the wrong way right such controls but i mean like at least they they didn't attack until after it was back into your normal camera no they totally attacked me while it was there well it never switched back to the camera angle for Arthur yeah like as long as he stayed within a certain radius it stayed in that camera yeah which was basically anywhere i could see them it would always do that but powell is there and powell is there so you kill the guards in the first two hangers plant the c4 which again it doesn't even tell you where to plant the c4 yeah but you can see the giant glowing red thing i actually didn't at first i ran around the entire running lane steer the plane like where i'm going to plant this where i mean it seems like kind of a random spot to put c4 below i mean it disables the plane it blows off the landing gear and not that much c4 probably both the cockpit too i guess but i mean like uh i saw it right i thought it was pretty well positioned in that like the nose of the plane is right there in the door and there's a red glowing thing you don't even have to enter the hanger if you don't want to yeah so now you go you get into the building yeah you do the first two and then i ended up i thought i because i saw the fences on either side i thought i was going to have to go into the tower before i needed another tour so i went into the control tower and fought a bunch of dudes you know yeah i did the same thing but i was glad that i did because that was where i found my first save point was yeah yeah i thought it was odd in fact that there's two save points so close together i was like what like i just hope they're expecting that you'll have trouble working your way through it yeah yeah and i don't know if you guys had this situation but like when i ran into the tower control room i immediately went to the left and i went i you know i had uh i think i had two people with me at this point you did wow i really know and so yeah right because you because he brought one with him he brought one with him and so i went into the save room but a door shut on me did is the door supposed to shut on you because then they got stuck outside yeah they were stuck outside finding the things and then one of the things broke the wall opened right that's supposed to happen the thing comes and the door always gets busted open oh i was at the save area but i was like trapped in there while i could hear my dudes outside fighting and i was like i would help you but i don't know if you have fire yep um so yeah but it is funny because for the longest time actually i couldn't figure out how to get to those other two hangers yeah i was like i kept on looking for like a way out and then i thought maybe there's like a way i'm supposed to snipe the airplanes from like up here took me forever to figure out that you just have to walk around and you can actually make it around i'm like wow most useless spends ever okay you're you got a base in the middle of act arctica do you really need to build these fences out there they seem so you know just incongruous in this setting all the strollers out yeah yeah so yeah so you get all four bombs planted yeah and now in there you'll end up uh and they tell you like i'm gonna have to find a place to snipe these from a distance right i ended up having a medic somehow during this point is there a point where you find a medic building in back of the area like if you go through the fence in the back area you can hear uh yes like can you say i i found him before i blew up the c4s and all that yeah i went i fought my way through there i found him too but uh like he goes give me a gun and i'm like oh shit somebody's getting attacked i go around the corner but he was dead i was like all right i'm not gonna even try to save this fucker i'm just gonna kill the thing and keep on moving well it's funny because arthur when he found him had blown up all the c4s already i was just doing the escape art and then he was right there and i was like fuck it arthur killed him and arthur did it was like a fucking science experiment where i just said do it and he did it and i thought that i just didn't heal him because i didn't have any med kits i just let him die no you you i thought you killed him and then your engineer got injured and now my engineer he was in the corner and then the thing came around the corner and killed my engineer which is a very sad moment oh yeah because of war power yeah i mean i didn't know it wasn't like it wasn't like in fallout three where sticky runs into the room with the explosives and comes out in chunks it wasn't that bad uh but it was it was pretty saddening but yeah so you go up to you finally get all the bombs planned and you work your way up into the top tower yep and at least this is like the one part of the game where it has the decency to tell you like as soon as i shoot that first thing it's gonna start like i it's okay it's gonna hit the fan you don't really know what i mean when they're telling you that i never saw that yeah when you walk up to the window he's he says like as soon as i shoot this thing the security's gonna be on this place like flies on show yeah that's what he said yeah that's he does he does say that that never happened you must it you know what like i i'm wondering if that cutscene only happens if you're in the right window if you're in the right window that did not happen so yes i was like what the fuck is happening who i did my mission for my window really yeah because it's such a kick in the balls like i barely did it i actually had to switch my control scheme to a control scheme that was more friendly to first person like oh you actually have a limited amount of time to yeah the doors the hangar doors start shutting oh man i had no idea like i i did it like no problem and i felt like i wasn't i seriously felt like i was taking my time i like i went and got extra sniper ammo out of the room after i was done shooting like i didn't see i didn't even see the doors closing i don't know maybe i know no i'm i had to do it i am so fucking awesome you guys i wanted to show you about how good i am before c4 and aimed at it i could barely shoot like the top left the reason why i don't like this game is because it's so easy for me no that's really your problem with every yeah uh no well that's the reason why they added more buttons under the controllers it's because they were just too easy for me uh but but the no the reason why um i wonder if i got a glitch or something because like maybe the doors never started closing yeah because i didn't have like i didn't even see them getting closer together like they were the same now there's no there's no way i mean i handled that's like a machine you did art there did a first try but uh yeah and i was still that i almost failed i think you had to have had a glitch i must have yeah because yeah because i mean there's no way that by the time you get to the fourth even if you're fast you can see that you only have like a few seconds that's actually what's happened to matt and every game he's played it's just glitched yeah it's making it easier for him it's actually matt's medium power he just hasn't figured it out yet um he's the scarlet witch of the video game perhaps but yeah actually you know this is like a place where i was successful after i blew up the fourth c4's on like my fifth try i made it all the way down there i had a medic and an engineer we made it all the way to the end and this was another fucking place where i did not take their fucking guns and all of a sudden i lost everything again because for some reason they're what they're not smart enough to crawl into the vent with you no this is another point it's turdie in there where there's just like the stupid disjunction like that just doesn't make sense throughout this whole game yeah like like like you the you the as far as you know the only three people left alive on this entire base and you're just gonna go like well he went through the vent see you dude bye bye he's let us through all this we might as well just save later yeah no see i didn't have anybody with me because like i went into the level i came into this level with nobody and then the medic like i said he died before he even got a chance to try and save it being born and dying so i'd like i had all of the guns on me so it didn't really even still it's like it's like at this point you've blown up the the planes yeah why go in that vent like what is your guys what is your guys job you know at this vent will take me somewhere where i can blow some shit up trying to find Whitley yeah Whitley is the general i mean i guess like i don't understand like what what would be below that vent i mean like does he automatically know that there's a base underneath here or something you went underground to find the base the first time remember and then you got pulled out right no well you left because you set off a fucking nuclear bomb i mean like no no that was above you above you yeah like when you set off that that bomb i think you take an elevator or maybe it is up it was it's up out of the earth yeah but i it makes it clear that you're looking for for Whitley in a lap underground so still i don't feel like it's that clear okay it doesn't make it clear but still anything sinister that is going on usually goes on beneath the earth's surface i mean at some point why wasn't this guy like you know what maybe in any of the radio just don't need help instead he's just like you know what i got to blow everything up well in the movie the the storm was too powerful for a new radio that's fine the outside world well i mean it just seems weird to me that like you know he somehow magically knows that this vent is the secret underground he does have a genetic anomaly it's true he is immune it's true so it makes ability is being immune to the disease right knowing where to go well it's like i just wonder why he couldn't like go to an elevator at the end of the runway or something like that and and go down to the base that way why why the vent i don't know man i mean he that's why he had me so uh maybe that's why he's always so monotone and calm because he's like psychic and shit and he knows where he needs to go exactly what i need to do what confuses me is what's gonna happen like alien monsters made of human heads running around and you're questioning how he knew where to go well that makes sense it's a crazy alien yes guys are human and they should be predictable within a standard range of but uh so yeah no man it's funny so we're done we're done i tried to play up to the safe spot in the next level i tried to do i couldn't it was a game far yeah um but for next week you should just beat the game cool or kill yourself and we mean actually beat it just take it out of your playstation drop some fifth board for the next game club we're just going to have you buy the disc and shove it up your own ass and then along with uh along with commenting about this pot you lay beating the game section in this when this podcast post you should also start uh sending some suggestions about games that you'd like to see us do in game club yeah we had a brief conversation today about it certain things came up like maybe siren blood curse um for some reason both of us insanely considered starcraft huh but that's kind of an interesting one but i mean what are you gonna say about starcraft oh i did uh i did four pull and then sent those guys over and then it was the end of the map i don't know i think starcraft could be really or or just an rts in general could be interesting the strategies i don't i don't know i'm particularly interested in freedom force because i own that game already as do i i never parted a 2k pack yeah never played it either the you mean the the sif four pack you won i i no i i actually played freedom force for like three minutes like a couple like a month or two ago should do pray so oh so thank you for listening to our podcast we're trying to doors forever remember to listen to our other friends podcast the mobcast a bit which i will be on this week um really yeah oh the one you recorded last week yeah and then uh and that will be on as well yes i will be too then i thought that went up last week that all went up in 2010 and then uh hey speaking otherwise it's not like that but i saw an episode of burn notice while i was at at home nice what does that have to do with that mob or no maybe that's the other other friends podcast which is a new called the geek box i think you're about they talk about that or geek not the geek box and then last you should check out uh matt's wonderful video show co-op which you can find at you're just reverted to six months or yep either way you're sick Anthony go to bed yeah thanks for listening you can email us at and uh we're out we love you so so so so so so so so so so