Rebel FM

Rebel FM Game Club -- The Thing: Episode 1

Broadcast on:
15 Dec 2009
Audio Format:

Matt, Tyler, Arthur, and Anthony (Ryan will join us again soon!) gather to discuss the first part of The Thing! This week's show covers levels one through three, and also includes the group's general thoughts about the game's main mechanics. Enjoy!
(dramatic music) (tense music) - Hello and welcome to the Rebel FM Game Club for the first part of the thing. (laughing) Yeah, so that's what we're here for thing. The thing. The thing, which is the part two to a, really it's like the sequel to-- - John Carpenter's the thing. - John Carpenter's the thing. - Which is a remake of the 1950s science fiction classic. - A re-imagining, really, 'cause the thing from another world is like a Frankenstein monster. - It's a plant, though. - Yeah, but it's just like a guy. It's not like a thing that turns into every fucked up thing - No, imagine. - Yeah, but there was definitely the whole, you don't know who might be the enemy. - Right, but it didn't turn into a thing that's like human dog face meat monster. - No, that was definitely a golden era of the 80s with the human dog face meat monsters. - So I'm Anthony Gaggle. - Yes. - With me is Tyler Barber. Hey, how's it going? Arthur Geese. - Greetings. - And Matt Chandranay from - That is I. - No Ryan Adonel this week. - He didn't pass the blood test. - Is he gonna be here next week? - It's unsure yet. We just had a really hectic weekend. - Am I gonna have to pick another Valve game to get Ryan to come back? - No, he really wanted to come. We just didn't have time to play. - I'm gonna have to pick a Valve game. - So I'm gonna have a real quick-- - One episode special on Portal, folks. - You guys should definitely keep commenting about this one 'cause comments are good. And while the last game wasn't particularly great for comment discussion. But this one, you guys done so well. And I'm gonna read a comment real quick right off the bat which is not related to the game. But I keep blowing this guy off an accident. And he's the guy that made So he just wanted us to pimp that guy. - Fuck that guy. - He's the guy that runs our Facebook group. And so-- - Yeah, we've been meaning to mention it, but it's like-- - I keep meaning to-- - We find it every time. - I hate Facebook and I don't wanna be associated with it. - Well, too bad you have an account there. So if you didn't wanna be associated with you, you delete that show. - I hate myself and don't wanna be associated with it. - I don't wanna be associated with me. - True, I mean, would you? - With me, yes. With you, maybe not. - See, I'm going around the same page. - But I appreciate the Facebook page. - It's okay, the only person that loves me is my cat. - That's really cool though that you got somebody that just maintains that for you. That's awesome. - There's a rebelFM steam group too, which I got an invitation to. That was nice of them, didn't you? - You should have a podcast group. - For this week's podcast, you should have played all the way through level three, which ends when you leave the Norwegian medical base and follow the guy that's like in a jacket running off into the distance. - Unfortunately, you have to go about another five minutes before you find a save point. - Right, 'cause I don't think it auto saves at the end of levels. I don't think there is an auto save feature. - No, it's very old school. It's Resident Evil, you must go to the typewriter kind of save point. - Several people commented and just said that they're glad they watched the movie first. Which as we start, I'm sure they're a little nods to it all over the place. Have you seen the movie, Tyler? 'Cause I know me and Arthur have. - I've seen, I know I've seen parts of the modern one, but I think I've seen just the whole black and white one. - We need to have a thing viewing party. - Yeah, it's true. - 'Cause I know I can picture it in my mind, bits of the modern one, but when you say man, dog face, that's drawing a blazer. - And like the most classic line from the movie that sums up everything that happens is you've got to be fucking kidding. (laughing) Which is what happens when they're burning a body and a head pulls itself off of the body and sprouts legs. - And it starts the arbiter. - It does have the arbiter. - It starts the arbiter and Kurt Russell next to each other. - The arbiter and the fighting off the flood. (laughing) - Dude. - More or less actually now that you mention it, yeah. - So, oh dear. - Okay. - And it's got Wilford Brimley. - And it does have Wilford Brimley as well. - So, right where the game picks up is where the movie ends. 'Cause the movie ends with the American base falling to shit, which is why you roll up on it with your guys and you're like a rescue team coming in to respond to, you know, why haven't they checked in? - And we won't say anything more about the ending than that 'cause there are people in the room actually who haven't seen the movie. - Well, certain parts of the ending are kind of spoiled anyways, just through the course of the game. - Yeah, but like I already know there's a UFO. - Yes. - Right, so that actually the UFO you find in the first part is actually the one that the thing is building in the movie out of like parts from the helicopter and stuff. Like they find that in the movie and they're like, what, he's trying to build a ship home, so. - And actually it's someone that they thought was human that was building this UFO out of parts of the helicopter that's broken outside. - Yeah. - Totally weird. - Whoa. - Well, you gotta get back home somehow. - Well, I was gonna say-- - He's actually not trying to get back home, he's trying to get frozen again. - Oh, weird. - 'Cause he's a danger to himself and-- - No, because it's afraid that they're going to destroy it. - Yeah, and it can freeze and it can survive being frozen and thawed, frozen and thawed. So, what were you about to say, Tyler? - I was gonna say when I rolled up to the UFO, you know, we're playing sort, you know, an older generation game. You know, the polygons were so bad. I was like, man, what could this be? - I know. - I could tell it's a UFO. It's hard to can, especially after they say it. I was like, maybe it's a UFO and then I heard the thing and I was like, okay, it's a UFO. But I was like, you know, at that point I was thinking, okay, my mind, I was like, they could literally tell me it's anything and I'd be like, oh, okay. - Suspension and disbelief. - So, yeah, so this game starts up and you're a team coming in to respond to why the American base hasn't. So, you roll up everything's on fire, burn to the ground. - And you're Blake. - And you're Blake. And for some reason, you're the only guy who is completely, like, unfazed by you. - Unfazed, dude, in my opinion, this guy's walking around poppin' pills the whole time. He's just poppin' downers. - Yeah, he just does not get phased. Like, it doesn't matter how much blood everyone else can be losing their shit and he's just like, standing around. - It's like he works on a cod fishing boat or something. - So, so, see, I see you roll into the base and immediately after the bat you have to get inside because cold is a factor in this game. Though they do give you a pretty long timer and they do a good job with the levels as far as like putting little shacks or like even like metal outcroppings that you can jump into and it only affects, that's another thing. Like, whereas psychology affects your guys and doesn't affect you, cold only affects you. - Yeah, and I noticed that, I noticed that 'cause like, I would walk in and there'd be a couple guys standing, still standing outside and I was like, huh, I wonder if I stand here if they'll freeze to death. - No. - If they're with you, like, if you have them falling and you go inside, I think it counts as having them inside. But if you tell them to wait outside in the cold, then they can freeze to. - Right, but as long as their meter is based off yours as well, so as long as you're getting warm, they're getting warm. - Unless you tell them to wait outside. - So, yeah, we're asked about the first thing we, I'm sure you all noticed is that the controls in this game are pretty hard to get used to. - Yep, well, they're different. - It was really funny 'cause I'm like, man, these controls are so messed up. And then I was like, oh yeah, this is back in the era where everybody reinvented control schemes every time they made a new game. - 'Cause no one had really figured, had decided that they'd figured something workable out. - 'Cause this isn't like a true third person shooter. - No. - You're not actually aiming your gun. It pretty much aims itself. - Right. - The only time you aim it is to blow up a box or something. - Well, nobody really caught on to the whole dual stick thing until Halo. I mean, they did before, yes, but Halo was the one that submitted it to everybody that like, yes, this is the optimal way to do this. So, I think that these guys, when they design this game, we're probably still thinking, well, we have to come up with some kind of alternate control scheme that only use the same stick to look and shoot, and then you have to hold the modifier to zoom in, so if you want to actually shoot from first person perspective. - Which becomes problematic in the later part of the game where you have to use a sniper rifle. - I think they were thinking survival horror when they were doing the control scheme. - Yeah, we have to stop to shoot. - Although, in this one, you don't. And for me, I actually put the aiming arc on easy, 'cause that doesn't affect how much health you have or anything, it just affects the aiming arc. - I've put it on easy too. - I just wanted to make it wide, just 'cause I've beaten the game twice. - I just give guns to the AI people. - Basically, I basically never shoot. - I always keep, or we're getting ahead of ourselves. - Okay, yeah. - So we drop in with you two guys, and they introduce you, like the first whole level or two is basically like a huge tutorial. - Yeah, it is. - Like even though it's not like as well laid out and thought out as tutorials are these days, like the fact that it never tells you like, this is ammo, this is where you get ammo. You just have to walk up to it and figure out that you need to spam it to fill up on ammo. I actually didn't do that the first time, had to restart, 'cause my guys didn't have enough ammo to kill things. - No, I remember seeing that. - So-- - You died in the snow. - Yeah, over and over until I was at fucking, I'm just gonna restart. - Wow. - Yeah, one thing this game did early on that really impressed me was I like squad mechanic games, giving people orders. - Yeah. - And even though it's like clunky as hell, like giving people orders, and this is so cool, like the way you have specialty units, like an engineer, a medic. - Yeah, I didn't realize that games did that as far as back as the thing was. So that is-- - Mark in the old days. - Yeah. - It's a privilege. - 'Cause, when did the two come up? - 2002. - 2002. - I didn't know about the squad combat thing back then. If I had played this game back then, I'm sure it would have seemed really innovative. - Well, the squad combat combined with the psychology thing. Like the first time I-- - Yeah. - It hasn't happened to me yet in the thing, but the first time I played a game and had a guy kill himself in front of me, I was like, what? - That is when I turned the game off the first time I played it and returned it to Blockbuster. (laughing) - So yeah. - So right off the bat, the first level is really easy. You're just walking through the American base, kind of finding out what happens. You find the UFO and you still don't know what that's about. And then you find the fucked up weird monster in the one room. And then the biggest thing that you find, well, biggest if you've seen the movie is you find the audio recording? Did you find that? - Mm-hmm. - It's not a documentary. - Yeah. - That's actually Kurt Russell's character in the movie. - But not Kurt Russell's voice. - No. - No, it's not. But in the movie, that's where verbatim, like what Kurt Russell says on the tape at one point in the movie. When everything's going really bad. And like, they've nobody slept because of that point, they're freaking out, like, who's the thing? So that first part's really simple. You know, it's just kind of closure on what happened at the American base. 'Cause the way the movie is kind of open-ended, I'll just say that. - Yeah. - And so you know, you set the explosives, you blow it up and then you find out that your team at the Norwegian base hasn't heard of. - It hasn't checked in, yeah. - And in the movie, the Norwegian base is what leads up to the American base being attacked. - Yeah, the way the, I mean, we can say how the first movie starts. - Yeah, the first movie starts with a dog and like a Norwegian guy chasing a dog. - In a helicopter. - Yeah, and so then he's trying to kill the dog and they can't understand what he's saying and he's waving a gun so they kill him. And the thing is in the dog. - Well, right. - Yeah, they're chasing in a helicopter, they land to try to shoot the dog. One of the guys tries to throw a grenade and drops it in the ice and can't dig it out and it blows him and the helicopter up. - And then one of the people on the thing shoot the Norwegian with the gun because he accidentally nailed somebody in the leg. - Yeah, 'cause he's so desperately trying to kill the dog before it reaches them. So yeah, so you never, you know, in the movie, you never really know what happened to the Norwegian base. - Well, I mean, you kinda do. - Well, okay, so they go to the Norwegian base. - But I mean, without revealing too much, they know that they found something there. - Yes. - And so that's kinda where the game starts. You never really get a look at it like you do in the, I mean, you know, the game straight up takes you through the Norwegian base, which is where the second level starts and you're finding the team. Which is really, if you were smart enough, when you ended the first level, after you planted the explosives, you should've taken the guns and everything from your attack. - I actually did that. Like, I took all their guns, but the only reason why I did it is because I read that in a fact. Like, right at the, like, I don't usually play games with a fact open, but like, I wanted to get through this first section and I couldn't figure out some of the controls. You may well need to use a fact in this game 'cause it is extremely obtuse in parts. - Right, well, I couldn't figure out, like, kind of what I was supposed to do at some point and I was like, I don't really have time to, like, figure this all out on my own. So, I went straight to the fact and it was like, take all the guys' guns 'cause you're gonna be alone as soon as it starts out. And I'm like, okay. So I took all their guns and they totally didn't trust me anymore. - No, they don't, one guy actually, I took it from him and gave it back to him on accident. And then I tried to take it again and it was like, you can't do this 'cause he doesn't trust you enough and I was like, fuck. So if they don't trust you enough, you can't even take the gun from him in the first place. - Which makes sense, you know. - I tried at first, I wanted to see if I could just give a guy ammo without giving him a gun to see if that would raise his trust. Like, I could just be like, hold onto these clips, have some importance, but that does not work. So they have to have a gun. With teammates so far, I found it, I generally like to give, like, one guy a machine gun, one guy a flamethrower. Like, I never used the flamethrower myself. - Oh, really? How come? - 'Cause as soon as I got, well, just because the flamethrower doesn't do the auto lock, like everything else does. And so I just find that generally they're a much better shot with it than I am. - Gotcha, gotcha. - What do you do at all during combat situations if you're typically not firing or anything? - Well, you guys use your machine gun 'cause that locks on. - Yeah, and the big guys, you have to just get down to red and then somebody just needs to flame 'em and they're trying. - Exactly. So I get 'em down to red for that, dude. Or now, in the game as far as we've played, I use the shotgun pretty much exactly. - Actually, one thing I like to do is take the blowtorch and set up a firewall so that they don't cross it. - Yeah, yeah, it's on the hint text that you can do that. - Yeah, and then my guys will do what needs to be done. - Right, so getting up to level two, sathel in, I think that's how you say it, says that to me, it feels like a PS1 title, not that's a bad thing. When I first popped in the game after having used Scotch tape trick to get it to work on my PS2, what's that? - I have Scotch tape trick, I don't know what that is. - Is that when you weigh it down or something? - As well as having to clear 2,319 megabytes of space in my memory card, what? - Weird. - K, I'm thinking. - Yeah, I'm like, yeah, yeah, what memory card is it? - As soon as my memory cards, I'm not familiar with it. - He said instantly he had no interest in the game 'cause the game does look kinda bad when they show faces. - Because they look like Mary and Netz with honest nails. - It doesn't actually look bad when you're seeing the environment drawn from far away, but up close. Any time they show faces like people talking, you're like, oh, well to me, it's not even the models, it's just the animation is so stiff or non-existent. - It's a game animation, that's all it used to be, you know? - Yeah. - They talk like wooden puppets, it's like they've got someone's hand up their ass. - Also, I like speaking, like when you're in first person shooting, like, oh dude. - Yeah. - He does say that he's very glad that he, excuse me, that he played through to the end of the first level and kept going because he said in level two is when you start to buy yourself and you meet the engineer whom you have to give a gun to in the medic and they stay with you for a long while. Calm these guys down, healed them, gave them guns and ammo. The way they talked and reacted made it seem as if these guys had my back. That's true, although sometimes they do say like the most ridiculous things. Like, we're all gonna die here. - Well yeah, but that's not 'til you get to that one engineer guy, like this first group that you run into turn out to be infected. - Oh yeah, both of them. - Yeah, both of them. - But they freak out still, like they still go crazy. They act human until they turn-- - Yeah, one of them is paranoid against you. - Yeah, well, and also if you walk into rooms with like seriously, if there's other corpses, they'll, not only will they barf, but you'll go to the status screen and they're like shaking like they're about to freak out. So you need to run out of that room as quickly as possible. - Yeah, that's what he said. That's actually what he commented. He said that he had freaked him out when they both failed the test because he said he actually cared about these characters while beings and was a little invested in them. And then it turned out they were what I was supposed to be weary of and what I was supposed to be killing. I thought they had my back when in reality, they wanted to rip my spine out of my asshole. - That's actually not the way it works. Like people don't necessarily know that they're infected. - I don't know, I kind of never was sure watching the movie. - It does explain during the movie to a degree that they don't necessarily know that they're infected until a certain point. And even then they might still have some of their conscious thought left, like it's not all thing. 'Cause the way it works is you get infected and it's slowly, the thing sells, take over your cells. So, like it's still you up to a point. - But you're still a part of like a hive mind sort of thing? - Yes. - It's survival is the biggest thing, all the survival and spreading. - I mean, I can't give examples of how it works without spoiling. - Yeah, I guess the idea is that everyone was just playing along. - Like there's a point. - But it was the thing was just playing along. - Where someone in particular that you think is totally legit and does things that seem like they're conducive to the group being safe is revealed to be the thing. - Yeah, I guess I always just thought that it was like pretty instant. But it's a little hard to tell in the movie when you've only seen like once. - I've seen that movie so many things. - That's what I mean. - So anyway, you get to level two and you find, first you find the one, is it the engineer you find? - Yeah, the black guy. - And he's like wounded and doesn't trust you. So even after you heal him, he won't do anything for you until you give him a gun. What do you guys think about like the trust mechanic and stuff? Like, I mean, I'm wondering how that holds up these days 'cause back when I played in like 2002 and I played, I was like, that is mind-blowingly cool. - I think it's really interesting and it's cool at times, but there are other times where you'll just get into this feedback group where you will be totally fucked. Like, there was a point where from my save, there was nothing I could do to keep an engineer from dying or killing himself, and I needed that engineer because there are times where you need your teammate, like where you can't go on. - Yeah, but if he dies, the end's the level. - Well, if he dies, yeah, it ends the game, but it would just keep doing that. Like, it would keep killing me or ending the game because he kept dying. - Yeah, that sucks. - That got frustrating. - That's the kind of thing that you would have to have really good level designers to make sure that didn't happen. - Yeah, so there was a point where I was with an engineer and he was freaking out, and so the only thing I could do, like I think that I tried to heal him but it didn't do anything. - You can take their guns away from them, which makes them less not trust you, but it keeps them from killing themselves, and then you have the adrenaline shots which you can pump them with. - Yeah, I didn't have any adrenaline, and he didn't have a gun, so he was freaking out, and I thought, okay, well, I'm gonna give him a gun, and that'll calm him down, and no. Like, he got calm and said, thank you, and then put it to his head and blew his brains out. (laughing) - And that is when I calmly put the controller down and turned off the Xbox. This was years ago. - Right. - I gave him a peaceful end. - Yeah, he was happy for that. - His peaceful end fucked up my zen. - So let me ask, at this point, like, when you're doing this first part and you're finally actually fighting little thinglings and stuff like that. - Thinglings. - Do you guys actually find this game scary? Like, I feel like calling it a survival horror. It's not like really scary. - No, it's not. It's more of a-- - It's definitely more action than it is horror. - I'm still in territory that I'm familiar with where I've played it before. I think it does create some tension. - Yeah. - It does. And like, back to your other question, is the trust mechanic, I find it awkward to implement just because like, the menus and giving stuff to people and everything is awkward. - Yeah, yeah. - But I really like the idea of it. I'm curious to see how it plays out further in the game. 'Cause if it's just the kind of thing where all I have to do is keep handing somebody ammo, then it's not really much of a mechanic. It's more just kind of an annoyance that's there to sort of make it feel like you have more involvement with the characters than you actually do. - There definitely does become points later on where you're like, I think where you're like, I really should take this guy's gun away because I'm almost positive. Although not that they've really made like that big of a downside of taking guns. 'Cause even if they change, the gun just drops on the ground with the ammo. But I know that fear becomes much more of a tangible thing. Even in the section we played, but later on, there's definitely rooms that you like have to go through that they will freak the fuck out in no matter what. So you like have to, like if they're really bad, you have to like shoot them all up with shots and be like, all right, we're going through it guys. Now that you're all, for some reason, a adrenaline apparently just makes you not afraid of blood and gore. Like I can understand adrenaline doing a lot of things, but making you all of a sudden be like, nah, see, you know. - It almost seems like it would make it worse. - Yeah, you just beyond your edge. - Where they just walk through the room, look at a corpse and like grab their chest and fall over. - Yeah. (laughing) - Like is it, can you, do you know if someone can die of fright in this game? - Oh, fright, no, I think they just kill themselves. Like they, it's always killing yourself. - Yeah, it seems to me like there's only two mechanics. There's freaking out and trust. - That's basically the two big ones. - Well, they could also turn on you. Like if they don't, if they're freaked out and don't trust you, then they will shoot you. - Right. So far, I haven't really seen much of a, like even my experience with it. Like while it does do really cool things with trust and it does do really cool things with fear, one thing it never really did a great job with is like making the classes actually feel like special in any way, except that only Guy X can do electrical boxes. It isn't like Guy X also has like an increased specialty with this gun. - It seems like soldiers might as well not even exist. - Yeah, like that's the point I was getting to. - 'Cause everyone is crack fucking shot. - That's the point I was getting too. - Is that the soldiers are like the most worth those classes 'cause it's not like they can carry more ammo. - Right. - It's like there's a gun that only they can use. - Having medics around is nice. - Having medics around is awesome. - Yeah. - 'Cause I mean they heal like you if you so much as get scratched. Which is good because it's super useful. - The menu systems on this are super clunky as well. - Yeah, it's right. - Like when you're like getting hurt and you're like, "Oh God, make it to a medical pack." And it's the same button to use it on yourself as it is to use it on a guy. So if you're even facing a guy, it'll use it on him instead of you. - And I thought it was really weird too. Like I would see a guy who would have a symbol over his head like he was hurt and I'd go, "Oh, I need to help you." And then like I'd look, but I'd look in my menu and he'd have full health. So I was like-- - Do you have full health or full trust? - Full health, his red bar was full. - I frequently confuse those two things. - You know, well no, the trust one is pretty clearly marked 'cause you know it's a gradiated line or whatever that turns green when they're fully crushed, when they're fully trustful. - You seemed like you had some trouble with the Health Packs too, Tyler. When I said that you were not in your head. Well actually I had the reverse problem that you had. I had full health and I was trying to give health to my teammate and ran up to 'em and gave it to myself instead of giving it to him. - It seems like it would have been so much better if you could have like given health the way you give ammo. Or it's just you do it through a menu system where it pauses it and you don't actually have to walk up to him and do it. Like there are so many things that this game did that were really cool ideas but executed really poorly. Like yeah. - I do like having to use flamethurs to put up fire. Like that's a cool idea. But having to sit there and-- - I mean fire extinguishers? - Yeah, sorry. Fire extinguisher. - That would be weird. - Having to like squirrel to a fire extinguisher, not to mention making sure you have one in your inventory. That's kind of a pain there. - Yeah. - And the fact that like items are left and right and then guns are like up and down. I get confused switching all that. - I do like as unrealistic as it is that you can just take away weapons and ammo by hitting the Y button instead of having to walk up and take it. - Yeah. - So like in case shit is about to go wrong or you think that it is, you just like go to the menu and take their stuff away before you issue your blood test. - Yeah. - That's what I'm saying but why can't at the same time that's where it gets like confusing 'cause you can't do that with med packs. You can't just go to the menu and magically give them to them from any distance. - Weird. - So, I don't know. - Yeah, yeah. - And I haven't discovered, is there any point to flares in the game? - They probably aren't. - They light the room up. - Yeah, but once you get a flashlight, it's like-- - Does they give off heat? - I just see the flashlight all the time. I don't know. Oh, maybe that's what they do. - You can throw them. Yeah, but maybe Arthur's right. Maybe it's a portable heat source. - I mean, I don't know if they give off heat. - Because I even have more than one flashlight and I don't understand why I have more than one flashlight. - I think you can give them to people. - Maybe. I don't know how. - You can't give items to people. - You can only give weapons, like there's no, I looked for that 'cause I was like, man, this grenade box is still full. I wanna see if I can give this guy some grenades, but you can't give people an idea. - That'd be such a bad idea. - Yeah, it's actually red herb rights. And he says, this game is one of the worst grenade throws I've ever seen in a game. Facing a door, even aiming through the door, reasonable distance from the door. Okay, fire grenade, go straight up into the right, bounces off a wall and lines in my feet. (laughing) It's true, I mean, it kinda just like, it looks like your guy kinda just rolls it out of his hand. Whenever I'm gonna throw a grenade, I always like, back up, tell my guys to stay put and then go forward and do it, 'cause otherwise they won't very able run into the grenade. - Right, I killed one of my guys, the flamethrower by accident. - By accident? - Yep. - I think I killed myself with the flamethrower by accident. - I hurt my lip of a flamethrower. - Something on fire and walked into it or something. - Yeah. (laughing) - Stood my own puddle of fire. (laughing) - Yeah, the controls in this game and the weapon controls are definitely awkward. - I did notice that, like Arthur said before, you know, why even shoot when I can just give all the ammo to my teammates and let them just kill everything, 'cause they have 100% perfect aim, so just let them do it. - I mean, not like your aim is bad, you just tend to use a few more bullets than they do. - Really, I felt like they used more bullets. Like, I gave one guy a pistol and I swear to God, like he would fire an entire clip into one of those little crawler guns. - And like, yeah, and then it all. - I don't think the pistols do too much damage, though. - The pistols can still kill them in like three shots. - Like, whenever I give them machine guns, they're just like murder machine. - 'Cause for a while I used a pistol, 'cause I was like, "Yeah, I'll give my guys really good guns and then I'll just be here just in case with the pistol." - Man, those little guys in particular, I feel like the thing is a game that could have done with much less enemies and much less action. Like, if they would have just focused on making it tense, like, I wish those little little guys weren't even in the game because it just kind of-- - They're a roadblock really, rather than like, it deflates everything. - I feel like it's so sloppy when you fight 'em. - Like, technically, I don't know that we were at the point in 2002 where they could have really pulled that off, though. - True, yeah, a lot of people then would have said like, "Man, there's nothing to fight. They give me these guns, I didn't get a killing thing." - Well, like, it works in Resident Evil because it's always, it was always in closed spaces, whereas this is like more about exploring a large area. - Well, I mean, the PS2 also saw that one photo game, right, where you would just go around and like, photo goes, so you really don't-- - Oh, Fatal Frame. - Yeah, I mean, stuff like, you know, I don't know, like, there's other ways to-- - That was Japanese. - Yeah, true, but I mean, what, but obviously the reason to play the game is the whole trust mechanic with your squad makes. I mean, I think that's really, really cool. I'm surprised that I haven't seen, you know, we don't see many other games using stuff like that today. - Well, the only other kind of team influencing stuff that you see, or like, an RPG and BioWare RPGs, you know, you don't, it's not a mechanic that I really see in any other game. - Right. - I'm surprised that it can't, I'm surprised, you know, that this game came out so long ago in terms of game years and has all of this stuff in it, that like I think of as like a recent modern invention, you know? - And BioWare stuff is always like so gradual, whereas this is very immediate, like the results of your, the consequences of your actions are generally felt pretty quickly. - Yeah, which in some ways almost feels more realistic because it's like, if there's a guy in my squad and I'm like, "Hey man, give me your gun." It's like, if you don't trust them with the gun, I'm like, you take it away, like right then that guy's gonna be like, "Fuck you." - Yeah, exactly, and especially in a situation where potentially anybody could be in the enemy. So going with that, so where we left, left off, we have our two guys now, and we're rolling with them, and you end up meeting up with the soldier named Pierce, and Pierce is like, "Fuck you guys, you ain't coming here "and I'll trust anybody." - You actually find the room with the ice block, as it's put, which is where, in the first movie-- - They found the thing to be killed. - They found the thing to begin with. Like, they cut it out of the ice, and brought it there, and thought it out. - But, see, how's it? - Well, I don't even know what room that was. - It's where you find the medic, or find him in a little-- - Yeah, he's hiding out his-- - It looks like an ice bathtub. - Ice bathtub. - Oh, okay, I saw the ice bathtub. - And that's where they originally dug out the thing during their-- - I thought the Norwegians dug out. - Yeah, they did. - Well, that's the, at this point you were at the Norwegian base. - Oh, you're right, you're right, you're right. - So, yeah, so that was the Norwegians. And, so yeah, so you get your two guys, you roll over a pierce, he doesn't trust anyone, so you have to get the blood tests. Funny thing about this is, like, I was like, "All right, I know where those are." He says, "We're by the kennels." So I roll over there, and I'm like, "The door's locked." "The door's locked." "The door's locked." And I didn't figure out that there was a fucking key in the room with the room for so long. It doesn't tell you that either. - No, that was awful. - Like, this is a part where I went back to the facts. I'm like, I thought it would just be around the kennel somewhere. Where the fuck is this key? - Yeah, I wanted around for 20 minutes. - I went to the fact, and it had, like, in that paragraph, and, like, in all capital letters, like, "Pick up the key next to pierce," or something like that. - I just assumed that when he told me, like, "Get the fuck out here, get the test." I didn't think I could actually hang out in the room. I figured he'd freak the fuck out. - 'Cause he had a flamethrower. Generally, when someone with a flamethrower says, "Go do this," you say, "Okay, sir." - Right, well, and then when I came back, 'cause I read that in the fact, I'm not sure how long it will have taken me to go back and, like, find that key. But, like, I went back, and he's like, "What did he say?" He's like, "So, where's the test? "What the hell is this shit?" You know, like, he got really aggravated with me for coming back without the blood paper. - Please don't set me on fire, sir. - I know, I'm like, "I'm just getting the key. "I'll be right back." - Forgot some toilet paper, don't let me-- - And, you know, that, again, that's just the kind of thing that, you know, that sort of find the key mechanic used to be considered good exploratory game design, because it was the kind of challenge that people, that was the kind of challenge that game designers thought gamers wanted, and it's the kind of challenge that gamers of that day probably thought they wanted to. I mean, I can imagine a review back in 2003 or 2002, if this game had been like, and the key's right there on the table, I can imagine somebody going in the game, told me where to find everything. I couldn't stand it. - Oh, yeah, definitely. - It feels like such an adventure game holdover that gets thrown into this game. - Yeah, but it's true that all other survival horror games and all that stuff, it was like a revolutionary thing when they actually did where your guy would look in the direction of something, as opposed to just like, and even then you still ran along the wall just mashing X to see if there's something you can pick up. So I guess maybe in 2002, when I first played it, the reason I don't even remember this key thing being an issue is probably 'cause I was still in the mindset of run along all walls, mash X to try and not missing item, which is like stuff now, it's like, yeah, it's like, why would anybody in the right mind run along walls trying to mash a button? - Yeah, and I thought of that too 'cause I found myself running along every surface, like just smashing on X, hoping that I would pick up something. And it did remind me that that was a very common gameplay mechanic and it makes me think about the evolution of game design and wonder, what's changed in the audience and what's changed in game development philosophy that has resulted in doing things the way that we do it now, and where it's like, you know, and uncharted, when you're finding guns, they glow and when you're finding the little hidden treasures, they have sparkles that you're looking for, so you have a sense of, you still have the sense of, I'm looking for something in this environment and I have to keep my eyes peeled in order to find it, but there's a little flash there that's gonna tell you where it is. - Uncharted is much more interested in forcing you to figure out where you can climb. - Yeah, that's true too. But I don't know, it's just, it just, I don't have any answer to this, it just made me wonder about like, you know, the changes and how these, they've evolved and why they've evolved. - Well, even something as simple as like, him mentioning in the, in the cinema that like, take this key, it's in the kennels over there. Maybe something as simple as a line, like a throwaway line. - Yeah, I mean, just him giving you the key, even in the cinema would have made so much more sense. Like, did you guys find the stun gun next to the computer? - Yes. - Yeah. - No, it's a-- - Oh, they're fucked. - Yeah, when you're next to the computer, there's a really quick camera shot that shows you like coming up to the computer and I was like, whoa, what's that on top of the boxes? And by then I had finally figured out that I could shoot the boxes, which I had to to get to that one. - I did do that, but I still haven't been, have you been shooting all the boxes? - No. - Okay, I've been too scared to use the ammo. - No, there's a stun gun on top, like you see it, it's on top of those boxes. - Yeah, there's a little cut scene that shows, that's the only way I saw it. - Yeah, so I shot the boxes and then the stun gun falls down to the counter and you can pick it up. - Have you used it? - Not yet, but they, but when I picked it up, it's told me what it's used for, how you can like stun a human if you think that they might be infected. - Yeah, and it'll incapacitate them, but when they come back, they won't trust you or something. - Yeah, it's said like you can incapacitate them to take their gun or something like that. It's basically so you can- - Maybe they said about to kill themselves, it'd be- - Yeah, you can incapacitate somebody instead of killing them is what it said. - Huh, that's fucked up. - Yeah, you know, another thing I noticed about this game that you really don't see very much anymore is the riding, all the riding, all the verbiage that explains the game controls and everything. It's really, it's kind of like Arthur Sederler, it's really obtuse, like they do not explain the concepts in the most simplest of ways. Like they have very round about long-winded- - There are cages and pages of text too. - It's not really long-winded to a person. - It's not to the bar one, then hit the left stick, then do this, and you're like, what? - Yeah, it's very complicated and awkward. There's like, they try to throw an occasional jokes here and there, and it's just like- - One thing I do like is using the cameras and stuff to find codes. Like key codes and things like that. Like finding, generally the codes so far have been in fairly intuitive places. I don't know if that keeps up or not. - I mean, it's nice that they don't expect you to remember it either. - Yeah, you just have to see it. - You just have to see it. - I commit it to memory. - Yeah, that's nice too. - But yet- - There are some modern games that don't do that shit. - So you meet up with Pierce, you get the blood kits, you take the test. - After, this is after the kennel, like, did you have any problems going near the kennel? - Yeah, there was, there's, if you turn on your flashlight and you look, there's like a mangled dog body in one of the kennels, that's like dog thing. - And you're- - And your guys freak the fuck out if they get close to it. - Yeah. - So you have to like leave them out in the snow to go grab the gear that's in there. - I'm still wondering how you could have kennels, which looked like they had out, which looked like they didn't have concrete walls all the way around. - It looks like it was destroyed. - Yeah, looks like some shit. - No, but that's what I'm saying. It looked like an open air kennel in the Antarctic. - Yeah, it was very well done. In the movie they do, the kennels, they have very much more like barns, like with hay everywhere. They look hardy. These things looked well, like really good pixels. - My thing about like the kennels area that was annoying is what you're talking about before, is it had a whole bunch of those little crawling thingies, like everywhere I went. - Thing beasties. - Yeah, the thing beasties, they were just annoying. At least they're easier to kill. I like the auto lock on in this game, 'cause otherwise the shooting would be really annoying if I had to go into first person every time. Like as I was shooting, I was just like, man, the lot of people's heads are fucking walking around over here. (laughs) - Assuming that's what they are, yeah. - Well, I know. - It's your stop, like their heads. - Are they? - They're heads with like finger feet that poke out of them. And I, like their eyeballs poke out like on stocks. - Yeah, head crabs. - So, see what I did there? - I did. - So yes, you go back to Paris and then you take the test, and this is like one little quick homage to the movie, 'cause when you take the test, the line that he delivers is the same line that Kurt Russell's character delivers when he tests himself in the movie. - Yeah, and the test in the movie is different. Like the Norwegian's apparently much more advanced than the American science test it was, because the way that they tested in the movie is they figure out that every little piece of an infected host has its own like-- - Self-preservation. - Yeah, survival and staying/self preservation. So they take blood samples from everybody and they take this role of copper wire and heat it up super high over a flamethrower and touch that copper wire into their blood sample. And they figure that if it's the thing, it'll get a reaction because it's still trying to survive. - Whoa, cool. - And then the movie does. - And then they go through a couple, and it's all, and I'm gonna do yours next, because it's like, well, that's obviously the guy that's infected, and as he's looking away and putting his, this needle or this wire into the thing, it like jumps the fuck out. - The blood, yeah, but he also says, I'll show you what I already know, 'cause he does his first in the movie too, just approved everyone. - It's an extremely tense moment when they're doing these tests. - Right, not so much so in the game. - No, no, well, I don't know. Actually, I think that there is that sort of moment where you're like-- - Well, it wasn't tense in the sense that you figured one of them wouldn't pass, but when they both turn. - Well, yeah, the first one fails, and you're like, "Oh shit, I guess all three of us are not sitting on this guy." - I did not see that coming either. I did not see that coming at all. Like, it made me wonder what would have happened if I had gone it, 'cause it tells you like to use the tests rarely. It makes you wonder what would have happened if I'd used it on one of the guys, like right after I found the test. - I guess we could find out, yeah. - Oh, I see what you're saying, like while we're still out in the snow. - Right, what would happen if I just used it on somebody? Would they turn right then, you know? - That's a good question. 'Cause yeah, 'cause turning seems like-- - Instantaneous. - It does seem instantaneous, but it also seems like it's triggered by like, you have crossed plane degree X, Y on the map. Therefore, a guy will now turn into thing if you have not tested him by now. So yeah, so you roll out with Pierce and-- - On to the next level. - Yeah, but this isn't that weird part, so weird, right? - And then you immediately lose it. - It loads, and then Pierce is gone. - Right. - It's like, I guess we lost him in the storm. - Yeah, maybe we lost him in the storm. - So do you guys have to hold hands or something to say again? - It's been 30 seconds, there are flares everywhere. - Yeah. - It's like, dude, he couldn't follow the blue lights, like you were. - To be fair, I guess we didn't test Pierce. So maybe Pierce is the thing. So yeah, then you're getting grenades thrown at you by your redneck friends up in the tower. - Yeah. - Who, for me-- - I did test him. - Where I saved, oh, you did, and he's fine. - He was fine. - Yeah, for me, by the time I ended the third level that we're now on, I had him at the end. By the time Arthur ended it, Arthur didn't have him anymore. - Arthur's guy lost it in a room and killed himself. I remember that. Remember, you didn't have any shots and he was just like with his hands and his knees? - Yes. - And you were like, what do I do? I was like, I guess you just leave him and hope for the best. - I came back around after I was doing doing stuff and I saw his legs peeking from under some crates with a weird collision issue. - Yeah, I was like, well, I guess he didn't make it. - This fucking asshole is actually the one that killed himself on me in that story, I told. And he killed himself right outside the building you meet him in. Like, because some stuff attacks, I think, when you go downstairs. And for some reason-- - Not to get to the other building. - I don't know, for some reason it was near here. - I do need a little bit of memory fresher. So you go up to the tower, you find him, and then you roll-- - That's where you find the grenades and some ammo and stuff. - And so then you roll out to the medical building? - Yeah. - That's what it is and then there's another guy in there. - Right, but when you get to that building first, it's, I went up and you do the control box thing and a bunch of the little guys jump out of vents and then you're like, yeah, then you get into that building and that's where the, there's like a pool table in there that's covered with blood and stuff like that. - That's right, this is the first time where you have to, you find that one guy and he says it'll let you in the room, but only after you take care of the walkers as he calls them. Which is really cool that it actually had a mechanic where it busts down doors. Like, you learned that that's like totally scripted and that's how they opened up new areas for you, but at the time, like enemies busting through doorways and stuff was-- - Well, and the weird thing, this is actually where I ended up dying three times. And I can't find a save point anywhere. It's, have you guys found one? Because I keep having to go back to the start of this level and this is actually where I stopped playing like-- - I don't think there's a save point-- - I wasn't that you get the guy to open the room and let you in. - Yeah, okay. See, I wasn't able to finish because I couldn't get him to open the room because what happened is I found him once and then, you know, I got the plan through her, I killed, I killed all three walkers and then like, the guy, and then he said, okay, I'll show you where it is. And then like, we started, then I went back out of the room 'cause he went out of the room. Like, he didn't go to that door where the communications room is, he went like outside. And so I went to follow him and I was like, oh, what the hell? And then we got attacked and I still had the flamer equipped and I just hit the button without thinking it and I killed him and it's mission over if you kill him. It's like, Williams is dead. And then the other time, I walked in there and did it and the cut scene played and I, so I went over to the kitchen to get the flame, to get the flamethrower, but for some reason, like, I don't know if I went too far toward the back of the room where you come in, where you kill the first walker or what, but by the time I turned around after I got the flamethrower, the walker was already on him and attacking him and killed him. And I went back to the start of the level again and then you guys came to pick me up. I was like, well, all right, fuck that. - Okay, I actually didn't have too much trouble with this at this point, only 'cause it was like, both of us had machine guns and we were just letting loose on him and then I got at least decent to the whole clunky mechanic. - Again, I was just gonna blowtorch to create firewalls. - That's the other cool thing is it does tell you you can make firewalls. - It does tell you that. - I thought that was cool. - I think that's a really cool mechanic too that if explored in like a game today, like, man, I think that could be, you know, utilized really like an aliens game. - Yeah, but you know, in a game that controls well actually. - Well, that you can sort of do it in Far Cry if you set the right areas on fire or-- - Yeah, but then the wind blows the wrong way and you were fucked. - Yeah, that's kinda cool. And then there's-- - I was thinking more like in a geometry-wise-type game, like that. - Oh, that would be cool. And didn't it happen in, what's that adventure game that was released last year? The one that Nick covered in the game? - Or not someone who alone in the dark? - Alone in the dark. Couldn't you do stuff like that in the alone in the dark? - I think there was some fire barriers. Stuff fires a big deal in the alone in the dark as well. I was curious if you guys had the same problem I did to Fob Washed says, I realized what? - Fob Washed? - Fob Washed is what it said. I realized, away into the second level, that my guns reload a clip at a time instead of magically transferring bullets from my clip into the next. I can appreciate this considering the type of conserve everything nature to the game, but I constantly reload my guns after only using half a clip. It's a habit developed from playing every other FPS game now and it's repeatedly biting the ass and also draining my precious ammo. That's true. - Oh shit, that drains right, I've been doing that. - Yeah, yeah, oh that just cards the ammo in it. - You reload my clip. - Yeah, whatever's left of the clip you just get rid of. - You know what else? I just realized just like talking to you guys since I was taught by the cutscene that they do the tests during the cutscenes, like I had no idea that we could actually test your-- - Yeah. - Any given time. - I thought that that meant-- - It tells you that in one of those like long, wordy text screens when you first pick it up. - Where you have to hit the directional pad or whatever to scroll down to see the rest of it when you're used to just mashing A to go to the next part. - Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Font's huge and bad, yeah. - Well, I mean the font was designed so that people could read it on like a standard death television. - It's just kind of just like your own-- - On a standard death television, yeah, but I mean like your font itself, yeah. Exactly, it's your own style. - That's the font, I don't like that font. - And it's a not, it's not a very readable font in all capital letters. - Yeah, that is not. So, so you get Pierce and you're in, you kill the three things, or not Pierce, Williams. - Oh, right, right, right. - The medical Williams. - You go into the column room, you save, you exit, this is the end of like half of the level. - And then you go to the next section of the level, which is its own section, which is basically just like a series of four rooms. - See that's what, and this part really threw me for a loop because I knew that they kept implying that you needed to get to like the communication room. - Yes. - And, but when you go into the room with all the ammo is when the things start attacking to begin with. And so I figured like, oh, I'll just go in here, grab the ammo and then I shut the door behind me and I get to see them all cluttered in there. And so I started exploring the other rooms and I'd always close the doors after me. I didn't know that this was like a part where you just have to hold out against X amount of waves to win. - Yes, neither did I and I definitely did it more than once because of this. - So, you, did you guys, I almost lost someone too and the really like, there's that one room that's just basically like covered in gore and you can't take your guys in basically 'cause if you do the little timer, I think that's what that is, right? There's like a blue and white timer that if they're really losing their shit, you'll start, it'll start like a going from all blue to white, white, white, white. - Oh, I thought that was like a reload timer. - Oh, I think I-- - Yeah, that's what I thought. - No, I think it's actually as if it goes all the way, like white, it means they lost it and they're gonna kill themselves. So it's like a warning, like, oh, you're guys about to kill himself, you better get the fuck outta here. - This is where I realize the fun trick of taking, like going to the ammo boxes, taking a bunch of ammo, giving them full ammo, then taking more than giving them full ammo, then giving myself full ammo. - Yeah, I just kept repeatedly running in that room and doing that. Like, I was like, when we leave here, we are awful on all. - Yeah, and I mean, that's when I got the shotgun and realized that you are essentially a fucking Terminator with that thing. - Nice. - Where you just fire it from your hip, pull or pull it out like a handgun. - It's just one handed all the time. Where is the shotgun, man? I got the ammo, but I didn't get the gun. - It's on a table or something. - I don't know, I think it's before here though, isn't it? - No, I think so. - Okay. - It's gotta be in that area 'cause I did the other areas so many times I would've found it. - I would know where that fucking shotgun was. You know, I think there actually is a safe point if you go exploring outside of that area. - No, I'll find it before we do it next week, I'm sure. - So the part that, yeah, the part that confused me was like, there's like that baby cut scene of like when you finally get through that really gory room and you engineer the power and it opens that door behind them. So I ran in there expecting like, oh, this is like, there's something in here I have to use. No, there's not. It's like the whole point of that engineering that door was like what to let in more monsters. - Yeah, so you can go into that room with the mattresses and stuff and then see a bunch of the purpleish red thing beasts that are apparently stronger than the normal head crabs as Matt put it. - Yeah, and so... - So you just had to kill like eight million of those things. - No. - Which sort of ruins the illusion of this being like a terse suspenseful thriller. - Yeah, because it's especially right there because it's not like there's any real survival horror part to it in the sense that you're not like conserving ammo or anything. You have boxes of infinitesimal. - It's horrified that I had to survive that part basically. - And yeah, so eventually the only way you know it ends is like I didn't know until that thing kicks open the door. - Yeah, so you go back into one last room after you clear out the rest because at that point you're exasperated, no, no, the fuck you're supposed to do. And you close the door and all of a sudden you hear a banging and it's one of the walkers that's beating down your door. - And yeah, and he comes through and then even after the Arthur was like, okay, now what do I do? And I was like, that should have been like, you know, that was ancient mechanic where it's like, now the door is open for you to go through. - Because they broke it down. - And so yeah, so you go through there and level it. - And that's where we're supposed to play through. But then I had to play for another five minutes to find a fucking save point. - Yeah. - During which time both of my guys were killed. - Well, during which time Williams turns randomly on, it turns out to be a thing. - And then a bunch of other things swarm into the room at the same time. Like that basically seems like when the transformations are timed when you're being attacked by a bunch of things and that's when one of your team will come. - So could you have tested Williams beforehand and found out? - I seem to recall testing both of them earlier. - I see, I haven't tried and tested anyone, so. I guess it's like, it's always like-- - It doesn't really seem to matter that much, so what they turn, you just kill 'em big deal. - Exactly, it always seems like it's in my best interest not to test them because so long as they're willing to wield a gun and shoot guys, it's like an extra barrel for me. - Yeah, they never act like they're anything but human until they turn. - I mean it'd be worse if they actually like changed into the thing and like grew a weird thing armed but still fired their gun, then they would actually be like a weird, difficult enemy. But the fact that they always just get all like cave man beat you smashed, right? It makes them quite easy in a lot of ways. They do do a lot of damage though. - Well, I mean in the movie, like biting you or like scratching you was enough for-- - Right, that's what I'm saying. - You know, if they tend to use parts of the DNA that you would expect them to like get like a thing armed to infect you and then use a gun still or something to like slow you down. - Like the flood. - Yeah, instead, they don't do any of that. Yeah, so this first part now that we're playing since we'll talk about it since everyone had to play it, you know, you go, you're chasing a Norwegian looking guy, you guess, because he's in like civilian looking clothing. And there's nothing else to do in the game but follow him. So you roll up into those rooms and the one where Williams changed is actually the one where Arthur lost a second guy. - Yeah. - Because the guy lost a shit in Arthur had used his adrenaline shot earlier. - On someone else that was losing their shit. - Yeah, and that part's actually really obtuse too because you walk over into the roof of that other building and you're like, what am I supposed to do here? You drop in and then it never tells you beforehand that there are greats you can shoot holes through. So it's like you kind of just have to, that's another thing like you just have to make that connection with your mind. And then they're like, they're explosive barrels down there that you can throw grenade in and activate but you would never know that. - And you do all that and the only reason to do it, you open a chest, a gigantic chest, key to another door. It's like, again, it's like, it's just one of those things. It's like, this is such like a funny silly old thing. I don't know. - It's quaint. - Yeah, and so basically now we're all cut up 'cause at that point you get the key, you enter the building, still chasing the Norwegian guy. But I saved and stopped. - I saved and stopped as well. This is all, that's where you should have played up too. - Cool. - So where are we going next week? - We're going up through level six. - Cool. - Which is called level six, is called unarmed and endangered. How did that make you feel? Unarmed and endangered. - Embivelant. - So yeah, so yeah, so I think level six ends when you enter an elevator. That's all I'll say. - What's interesting if you're actually unarmed because it's the kind of thing where so far in this game you kind of feel like nothing's really a threat 'cause you can just hold down the X button. - Right. So yeah, that's the other thing. Yeah, having X to shoot and stuff, I was like, what? - Yeah, well I played this. I think when I played this originally, like I was much less accustomed to the idea of like maximizing how long all of my ammo lasted. So for me, it was always much more of an issue. Like I'd always run out of ammo and I'd be worried about running out of ammo. - Yeah, I don't know, yeah, and so far in this game I walk around with like full ammo almost all the time. - Yeah. - How about L2 and R2 for strafing? - Oh, my dear. - I use control type C, which means that the left stick moves me around like it would in a third person shooter and the right stick strafes. - So yeah, I'm using the default one too, which has the strafing on the shoulder buttons. And again, back in the day, Matt's right because there weren't very many games that had done the dual stick that much. Like I just looked in the instruction book that saw how I was supposed to do and then immediately started to-- - It's like legacy controls in a Halo game is what it looks like. - This time I started it and I was like, I don't even know if I can play this. Like I was-- (laughing) - If you had to aim, I couldn't play this. - No, yeah, but yeah, it was like, when I started playing it was so bad, I was like, man, I hope Arthur can make the PC won't work. And so I was like, maybe with a mouse. - I could, unfortunately. - So my guess it's probably something even more fucked up on mouse. Like moved the mouse one right and left to stray for something. (laughing) - And this is just, I would just like to give a warning out to the listeners out there. Like this is not passing judgment or anything like that. This is not admitting to anything. But if you acquired the PC version less than legitimately and tried to find a no CD crack or exe, chances are you have a virus right now. - I don't know if I was the developer, I'd be happier with people just playing my game still. - Again, chances are you have a virus right now because if you do a search on the internet for the thing crack, exe, and virus, you will come up with an awful lot of hits. - I would gladly purchase this game on PC over direct to drive or steam, but nobody has it, so. - It's sort of a forgotten thing. (groaning) - I guess it was left behind. (laughing) So, yeah, next to you play through level six. - Cool. - Which is an elevator. - Yeah, it's an elevator. - And you'll be on our end probably. - And I think it ends right before you have to start fighting a new type of enemy that is not a thing. - Alrighty. - It's at 209. - With that being said, you should listen to our various other friends' podcasts, which includes the mobcast at, the geekbox at, and you can watch the video show co-op at or at - Or on Virgin Airlines, if you're on Virgin Airlines. - That's true. - Idea, and really you should be flying virgin 'cause they are awesome and cheap. - Well yeah, they just only go so few places. - They go to the places you want, good. (laughing) - Like I like. So, yeah, thanks for listening. - Thanks. - We love you. - We'll see you guys next week. They're from the round. - Oh, I'm gonna miss music. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Like all over Vietnam. - Or Florida. - Or Florida. - I will never live anywhere where there's a cockroach that will talk to me. - No, when I was in Florida, we went, we had to get a bunch of, 'cause it was, I was there, and the, so we were getting a bunch of her books out of the shed behind her dad's house, and the boxes were just, they had tons of cockroaches in them. But they weren't like the big fat ones, they were just like the normal cockroaches like you see around here. - Yeah, I mean, there are various breeds of cockroaches in Florida that might have pissing cockroaches in Florida. (laughing) I'm fucking, thank you. (laughing) - I don't know, but bugs don't tend to bother me too much. I mean, like, I don't like them crawling on me, obviously, but like, I don't get totally freaked out around them. - Bugs don't bother me. Cockroaches specifically bother me. - Yeah. - La, la, la, la, la. - I think it's because they're invasive, you know? And aggressive. - Is that a scientific way of saying icky? - And they don't, and they don't generally give a shit that you're in the room with them. - Correct. - Yeah. - Until you give them reason to. - Yeah. - And then they talk to you. Tyler, could you speak? - Hey, they also remind you of the post the apocalypse, the apocalypse to come. Because they will be the only ones that we'll all be eating them. (laughing) - We will all be eating them, yes. - I know they say that, but that's actually a myth. - Busted. - The only reason that cockroaches would live through a nuclear blast is because they'd be underground. Just all over the place. - And the small population that'd be left would reproduce super quickly. - That myths grew out of, because people, because I don't know if it was this actual scientific experiment or whatever, but you can put a cockroach in a microwave for a certain amount of time, and it won't die. - Immediately, anyways. - But a microwave has nothing to do with a nuclear bomb. - That's, but the thing is that, yeah, they'd just more likely live just like rats, just because they'd be in deep places. - Dwellers. - Yeah, it's not 'cause they're particularly radiation-hardy or fire retardant. (laughing) - Right. - Aren't so small to think. - Matt, can you move your mic a little, a little more toward your legs? - Great. - I know, I know. And give me your dulcet tones. - Games for Windows, the official magazine. World-exclusive, company of heroes opposing the fronts. - Tyler, that's better. - Yes, hello. There's a factory in the mountains that we can see by looking into the future. - Okay, we're good. (laughing) - If we can do this. [BLANK_AUDIO]