Rebel FM
Rebel FM Game Club -- Crimson Skies: Part 3
And we're back! This week's show covers chapters 11-15 of Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge. We apologize for the delays (real life and all was calling, folks), but we're back and prepping for next week's conclusion, where we'll play Chapter 16-20. Enjoy!
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] Hello, hello, hello, what are you looking at me for? Are there, are there looking at me like when you get a start and I'm starting? This is the Game Club podcast of the third episode for Crimson Skies. I'm Anthony Gallegos and with me is Tyler Barber. Crimson, if you didn't know, is another name for Red or Bert Sienna, as well as Arthur. >> Pothood, if you didn't know, is another name for Tyler. >> [LAUGH] And Area 5's Ryan O'Donnell. >> Sky's is another word for the negative version of ocean. >> Yeah, it's like Ocean with a minus sign in the heart of the blood, ocean. >> And Area 5's Matt Changerine is also with us as usual. >> Anthony's dad's moonshine is awesome. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, this show is powered by- >> Alcohol. >> AFN Crazy Mexican moonshine. >> And that's literally the name of moonshine. >> Yeah, it's a picture of my dad on their drunk with MS paint, so he should open on them. >> I think he should take a photo of it and put it up on the news post for this show. >> Yeah, really. >> I can do that. So we played through chapters 11 through 15 for this one. And Arthur, I'm going to leave that more to you guys to lead the discussion on this one, because I played it like three weeks ago, so I've read over it. Well, I played it when we were supposed to have played it, but then things got delayed because of various problems, yeah. >> Life happens, man. >> So yeah, so I just need a little bit of a refresher to help me. >> Chicago's someone kick it off. >> Yeah, that's the state. >> So yeah, we're in Chicago. >> Which is far and away my favorite setting of the game so far. >> Yes, well, it has its moments. This is where they start to maneuverability becomes more of an issue in Chicago than it's been in other levels, I think, because there are way more parts where I was like, I am ricocheting off buildings like crazy. >> Well, this was the section of the game where I really learned how to use my role. I was constantly shifting my plane sideways so that I could fly between buildings and get through and turning faster, and it was great. After I was done with Chicago, I felt like I could fly better. >> Man, I feel like you guys are ace pilots compared to me. >> I don't know. >> What ship was everyone using at this point? I'm still using the double prop, the double, I'm using the biplane. >> The Devastator? >> The biplane with the alternate weapon is just a chain gun. Yeah, so I just combined the two machine guns. >> I really keep going back to the Devastator over and over again. >> I use the Devastator and the plane you get in this mission specifically, the one with the tail gun. >> Oh, yes, the Nazi plane? >> The one with the tail gun. >> The German plane? >> I want to say Predator, but I think that's wrong. >> The fascist plane, exactly. >> Yeah, I want to say Predator, but I'm pretty sure that's wrong. That plane is awesome. I upgraded that one, near actually quite a bit after the section. >> Which is expensive actually, because I want to take 16 fucking upgrade tokens. >> Instead of 16. >> 12, so 12, yeah. >> It is, but it's so worth it. Because when you upgrade that one, it's rockets are as near as I can tell the most guided of the rocket. >> Oh, that would be good. >> And it's a tank. It has like the most health of anything. It's basically like an upgrade version of the Devastator that also can auto shoot behind itself. >> It is the Zeppelin murderer, is what it has become known as for me, which is good because you definitely get to kill a lot of Zeppelins in this level. >> My two favorite planes are two of the faster planes, the Desert Fox and the, you like the Desert Fox? >> I really like that plane. I feel like it's really fast, it's really nimble, and when it's upgraded, it's scattered, it does the scatter missile, right? >> What does that one it's before? >> Yeah, it does that before, but it has even more missiles when you're upgraded. You can get better shots with it that way, and then also like the one that shoots the fire missiles. >> Yeah, I know what you're talking about, but I can't. >> I like the two weakest ones to me, I like them because they're really fast. >> I think the cool thing about what we just talked about is that it shows that these planes can really appeal to different styles for different people. >> Yeah, very much so. >> Yeah, I specifically like the biplane because it's slow too. >> It's more methodical with the aiming. >> Yeah, I just like flying, being a tank and flying slow, taking them out. >> And that fucking machine gun just annihilates enemy planes. >> Yeah, I thought the biplane was one of the faster ones. >> No, it's pretty slow. >> I think it's got like five or six bars. >> I think the only one that's slower than it is the fastest plane. >> So what's the one that I'm thinking of like whenever I need to do the races, I always jump into this one fast plane. >> The bulldog. >> That could be the desert fox. >> The bulldog is very fast. >> Oh yeah. >> That is the fastest one. >> It's fast and it has the secondary fire as a shotgun. >> Yeah, it's basically about like using its speed to get in really close and use your shotgun blast. >> I say yeah, I suppose so. >> Like I use it because I just like, I need to move fast, you know, like I did. >> What's your go to plane, Ryan? >> Yeah, bulldog. >> Bulldog. And I did spend the 16 tokens to upgrade the new plane. >> The fascist plane. >> Yeah, the fascist plane. I used it in a mission or two. Every once in a while, I'll still go back to the dolphin, which has like the kind of like sniper shot, secondary fire. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know what it is about the bulldog. I'm just accurate with the shotgun in our middle of the plane. >> It's very much about finesse, the bulldog is. >> I wish you could upgrade the gyrocopter and make it like an armored tank. >> Right. >> Yeah, we talked about that last time. >> I would totally spend all my things on it. >> Why not? Why not upgrade? What kind of guy are you? >> What kind of guy is it that you are? >> What kind of guys you are? >> So what's the first mission now that we're in Chicago? >> So this is after we're looking for our friend who's been kidnapped by the fascists. >> Is it Betty? Is that right? >> There's a Maria, and there's a Jesse. >> Well, it's not Maria. >> Is it Betty? >> I think it's Betty. >> So Betty's been captured by the fascists. So- >> And you have to do missions to- >> We're doing missions to get in good with people so that they will give us an idea of where she's being held. >> I think this is the first time when you're flying around just doing nothing that you can actually be attacked. >> Yeah. >> Because the people around cons, the people around cons building who is the bald guy that tried to kill you. >> Mm-hmm. >> Beginner. >> Sean from Tailsman. >> Exactly. >> Yeah. >> Thank you very much. >> So what about this game reminds me of Tailspin? >> He was in Tailspin as well, though. >> Yeah. Well, everyone from the Jungle Book except for Moolle. >> I mean, he's exactly. I mean, his name is Con, but he's like, exactly like ShareCon. He's the same fucking office, as sure. >> I actually, I kind of thought he was like, Genghis Con. >> Yeah, no, no, I mean, I understand that. But I just thought- >> No, he's totally modern. >> I just thought he was- >> I just thought it was- >> Tailspin. >> Hilarious that he- >> I'm the asshole. >> Office looks the same as ShareCon. Anyway, whatever. >> Man, I haven't seen Tailspin in animals decades possibly. >> The thing that's missing from this game, of course, is the kit cloud kicker surfing- >> Surfing. >> Surfing maybe. >> Yeah. >> I want to do that. I'd roll around with a pistol. >> I wish we were playing a jungle ball game instead. >> I wish we were playing a jungle ball game instead. >> Thank you for listening to the "Tune Disney" radio. [laughter] >> No one else has great duck tails for NES, awesome game. >> Yeah, dude, time traveling popsicles. How could you not get behind that shit? >> Yeah, that game was actually to get a little sidetracked since we are. I didn't know that that game was made by the dudes who made Mega Man, like Ken Gino and stuff. >> It was an amazing, amazing game. >> That game is hard. >> Yeah, I just didn't know that it was like the same people. >> I beat that game on the first day I got it. >> Yeah, when you were a little kid, though, you were also like a master video game player. Nowadays you go back and you'll be like, "I can't do it anymore." >> I don't know. I think that there are certain games when I was a kid that I beat quickly and others that just confounded me for years. The Castlevania 2 is on that list. >> I beat Castlevania 2, but I had help with it. >> Okay. >> Did you call Nintendo Helperline? >> No, no, no, no. I mean, I had Nintendo Power Subscription. >> That's disappointing. >> I didn't know. >> But you couldn't have beat that game without it. >> I did. >> It was a total fluke that I did it, but. >> And speaking of help in the Chicago missions, you actually, good enough. >> So yeah, well, okay, so as we, before we started talking about the Jungle Book. >> Yes. >> So, when you fly around cons building, you will get attacked, which is kind of cool. It actually makes you feel like there's a consequence for your actions as opposed to it just being there. >> Although it does feel, go ahead. >> I was going to say, it wasn't that it was the end of the world, because you can kind of just ignore them and let them fly around, but it's on the timer. So eventually, the next leg guy will just come and start fighting you. So eventually, you got like three dudes on your ass instead of one. >> And it's at this point when it's kind of opened up and I'm allowed to go grab missions that I started looking for upgrade tokens because I wanted to have as many as possible. >> They were hard to find them. >> And they are really hard to find them, because everywhere you look is obscured by the release. >> I didn't find any that weren't given to me through the course of a mission. >> Where you'd see it in front of you during some dramatic. >> During, yeah, like it was like Chase's car and I'm like, ah, yes, and I'll grab that. >> Yeah, they're pretty sadistic with the placement of those tokens where you basically cannot get them without bouncing off a couple of walls. >> Or being an absolute ninja. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, there are some that are right on ground level too. So you have to, I mean, potentially, once you found one on the street basically. >> You're like, now every street could potentially have one. >> And there are so many streets. It's like so much more detailed in this space is so much more detailed than the other spaces in terms of places that you could go that it's, you can't really systematically go and find them all. I'm sure that there are a ton that I missed even though I felt like I found a bunch. >> Yeah, I don't know how many there are, but I did find several. I mean, I was pretty sure that when I was done in Chicago, I'd probably found all the ones that you could at least see from somewhat of a distance. >> At this point, I have let go of my desire to upgrade planes. If I get enough tokens to upgrade a plane, I will wipe that through when it comes to it. >> I've been saving mine because I don't know what kind of planes I'm going to get in the future, and I want to have like my full complement of planes. >> Well, by the time you finish Chicago, you only have two more slots. >> Right. But I'm thinking like, okay, I have, I think I actually had like 20, 27 or 28 tokens by the time I was done with Chicago. >> Have you upgraded any of your stuff? >> Yeah. I've upgraded two planes. >> And you have 28 tokens? >> Yeah. Well, I do. >> I met. >> Everywhere, every area that I- >> I've upgraded like five planes. >> Yeah. And like, yeah, because you get, and quite often at the end of missions, you'll get four or five upgrade tokens at the end of a mission. And if you're not using them. >> I'm gonna get like two tokens at the end of a mission. >> No, like totally, I'm almost positive that, that at the end of, oh, we haven't got there yet. >> Because I was going to say, I was going to say at the end of the island of missions. >> That's why you have to get tokens. >> That's why you have to get tokens. >> I was going to say at the end of the island missions, you totally get four upgrade tokens, but yeah. The- >> They're easier to find there, but we'll get there in a sec. >> Well, they're easier to- >> No, I was saying you get them just for completing it. >> Or they do get like two at a time or three at a time for some of the missions like Arthur was saying. >> Were there any of the missions you're just doing for intelligence gathering that people liked in particular? >> Well, no, go ahead. >> I think I'm skipping ahead, so go ahead. >> Well, I think the first one I did was the Protect the Taxi Cabs mission. >> Mm-hm. >> Which is where I think, is that where they introduced the Tesla planes? >> Mm-hm. I don't even know what a Tesla plane is. I don't think it's- >> I don't think the planes are until the- >> Well, no, you definitely, you fight Tesla planes at the end of this mission, for sure. >> And you can pick up a Tesla plane, too. >> Well, in the next mission, right? >> I thought it was in the Chicago mission. >> If you can, I didn't find it in Chicago, I didn't find it until the next section. >> Yeah, you can also pick up a police plane that you can't actually keep. >> Yeah, that would disappoint at me. >> Yeah. >> This mission for me was the first mission where I had to submit and get in the turrets. >> I could not defend the taxis in a plane. >> Welcome to the dark side, Tyler. >> I had to jump into the ice, I was just like my first instinct. >> Yeah. >> Or to fly towards your Zeppelin when you have the opportunity and getting its turrets. >> Yeah, so for Anthony, this game is like the turret game instead of the flying game. >> Mm-hm. I do some flying combat against Zeppelin's. Other Zeppelin's, I fight with my plane. >> Mm-hm. >> But other airplanes, if I have the option to use a turret. >> I can't wait till we talk about the boss for this section. >> And some of the great jokes to make. >> The mission that stands out to me was there's one where you have to go talk to a guy and then he tells you that they're holding Betty in a warehouse and you need to go and shoot all the three buttons. >> Ah, yes, yes. >> The three switches before you can go inside. >> I actually took the gyrocopter for that one. >> So I took the gyrocopter at first and just got raped every time I tried to go inside the warehouse once the door was open. It was easy enough to shoot all the switches because I was far away and I had my sniper shot. >> Mm-hm. >> But then as soon as I had to go inside or even start to make my approach, there were so many planes surrounding anti turrets. >> Take turns. >> So it was a real big problem. >> That's because it spawns three planes every time you open one of the doors. >> Right. Well, and there are flame turrets that can take you down like instantly if you're in range of them. And when you're in the gyrocopter, you're moving kind of slow and so I ended up, I thought you had to do the gyrocopter on this mission, but I ended up just doing it with my bull dog. >> I thought you had to use the gyrocopter as well. >> It's a little harder to shoot the switches because you have to use your secondary fire, primary fire doesn't work. And so, yeah, so it was just tricky to finally open the switches, but then once I could do that, I could easily get inside. >> That was one of the few objectives in this game where I was like, really guys, you honestly should have done like an out of the plane third person thing because having buttons for your security system on the outside of the building seems a little further than I'm willing to go in this land of planes and Zepplins. >> I totally stood out. And it's one of the only times that there's any sort of interaction like that in the game that I can remember. I mean, generally speaking, if you touch something in the world, you're touching it with bullets or you're picking up a crate, I guess. >> I mean, the only way it would have been dumber is that there would have been hoops I had to fly through on the outside to activate the gates. >> They've gone through the hoop keys. >> I can't follow Superman, guys. >> I can't remember. Is the mission where you have to take out, take boxes off the train and return them? Is that? >> That is before this. And that is in this mission. And that mission is also kind of a bitch. >> Oh, man, I did successfully do it first try and get all the boxes, but I didn't even bother trying to fight. I would just run in like full speed and just like do a swoop by grab a box. >> Was that is, but there was also a mission where you had to like fly into buildings and pick up boxes. >> Yeah, and that one was a pain in the ass because the buildings, they were set up kind of like airport bathrooms are where instead of having a door that you actually go and it's like this wall in front of a hallway that you have to go around the wall that they go inside. >> And this is one of the things where the field of view is becoming more and more of an issue in the game because you're so close in on the plane that you can't tell where you are in relation to walls. >> And they just, they have you fly into these indoor locations that are really tight depending upon what kind of vehicle you're using like you're, if you don't get in there with just the right angle, you're not going to be able to get back out without hitting a wall a couple times. >> Yeah. >> And I had a few unfortunate deaths. >> Yeah. And I would get disoriented like I would suddenly lose which way was up and you know I'm constantly holding on the B button so that I can you know crawl at a snail's pace of these areas and I'll be facing up and not realize it and I'll stall out and then end up crashing. >> So when you hit things in this level, I don't feel like it was like this in the other ones but in this one in particular when you hit things it's not like you're bouncing like a round ball, it's like you're a football bouncing off of something and all of a sudden you're pointing in a completely different direction than like a 90 degree angle ricochet would it indicate? >> It might just, it might just be that everything in this level has straight walls so you're hitting them differently. I don't know. >> You guys remember the mission where you had to blow up the columns that hold up the train track and the train crash? >> Yeah. >> I almost didn't do that one. >> That was cool. >> I liked that. >> I liked the mission in theory but it bugged out on me so it kind of stuck, I took the train the columns down so the train crashed and it was crashed there and I killed every red dot on my radar. There was nothing else I could do and there was no like location icon of where I should go. >> And the music kept playing. >> That happened to me in the next chapter and the defend the Zeppelin mission which we'll talk about later. >> And yeah, so I basically just ended up, I kept pulling up my menu and I'd see my objective was like destroy the columns to take the train down and I was like shit, I already did that, it didn't work so I ended up having to restart it and the next time it didn't bug out on me. >> How far back did it send you when you hit restart? >> It was a pretty long mission but the whole play session of playing through these whatever five stages, it was only like two or three hours so it couldn't have been that big a deal. >> The missions in the Chicago section feel paced a lot better than they did in the other chapters and I didn't, there were times when I felt a little bored or like things were getting tedious in the last section in particular and that didn't feel like the case. Part of it for me is the upgrade token thing like I just tend to systematically knock out stages so as soon as in this game for example, knowing what I've known because I've played it before, as soon as it opens up and I'm allowed to just like freely roam the world and gather missions, that's when I go find them all and I just couldn't do it in this one so it always, when I realized that I wasn't going to be able to do that, the only thing to do is to go forward and do the next mission and then I would constantly find more tokens as I was going through so it never felt like I had finished what I had started so by the time I knew it the whole part was over and I'd move on to the next area and I didn't feel like I had done everything that I could possibly do so it felt like it moved really fast. >> In a bad way? >> No, no, I mean it's kind of like what you were saying I just sort of understood at some point like I'm just not going to get all these things and it doesn't really matter if I do it's not like I'm getting an achievement for it and I only, you know, it would be one thing if the planes, if I could upgrade one single plane more than one time so that, you know, the money, like I felt really invested in one specific plane over any of the others but I basically don't use one that's not upgraded. >> Which I understand is actually how you do upgrades in the PC, Crimson Skies. >> You get upgraded by using them? >> Well no, you upgrade specific parts of the planes that you use as opposed to saying "No, I'm throwing tokens at you, magic." It's much more like MechWarrior or MechWarrior which makes sense since the same company. >> So you do these missions, you find out where Betty is and then I can't. So how do you rescue her in the warehouse? >> You break into the warehouse by shooting these three switches on the outside. You end in it and you find Betty, she takes out the guard that's on her and you both jump into a fascist plane. >> That's right. That's where you're running. >> As soon as this starts, I'm like, this is going to be a fucking Millennium Falcon section. [laughter] >> Yeah, exactly what it is. >> Yeah, it's hard to, this is when I barely barely made it. >> Really? >> I don't think it was that hard because for some reason, like, I was initially magically accurate. >> You have all the turret practice, Anthony, I figured you go right into it at some points. >> In sections like turret sections in games where I don't get to control my path so obviously she's driving, I'm just moving turret. And I realized that my field of view is super limited. I can only be looking this 15 degrees to the left. At some point, I can't shoot this plane because it's directly outside of the range of this turret. I feel like at that point, my brain is triggered to know you don't need to shoot everything. Just shoot as much as you possibly can and as long as you're not getting attacked too much, you'll probably make it through. >> At that point, any sort of tension goes away when I'm playing the scene and that's how I felt. I did it on my first try and it was just like-- >> I mean, I did it on my first try too, but by the time I did it, she was making all kinds of comments about how bad we were. >> Oh, really? >> Yeah. >> It was sort of shape weird and I was like, "I know, fuck." >> Get off my ass. >> Yeah. >> So after that, then your goal is to fuck with Khan as much as possible. >> Mm-hmm. >> Yeah, destroy his warehouse. And then destroy anything that comes out and then fuck up anything that tries to leave from there. >> Mm-hmm. >> Oh, yeah. You just go on a Zeppelin kill. >> It just escalates and escalates. >> Yeah. >> Like, first you're-- >> I feel that one a few times. Actually, because Zeppelins would get away, they weren't supposed to get away because I wasn't prioritizing. >> And the Zeppelins fired Tesla cannons. Like the medium-sized Zeppelins. >> Oh, yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> But I'll shut your engines down for a little bit. >> Well, then, it's just like a disabled boosting. >> I'll get in here. >> And we just do so much damage. >> Yeah, it does a lot of damage, I mean, fortunately, they can't just like do it over and over again. >> It takes them a while to recharge. >> But yeah, the-- it's weird because like, yeah, the disabled boosting and it disables control your plane for a little bit. So I did die a couple of times on this section and it would be because my plane would be in sorry shape and then I get Tesla'd and then other planes would come in and rocket me or something and die. >> Mm-hmm. >> One thing I did learn pretty quickly is you can destroy the Zeppelins while they're still in dry dock. >> Mm-hmm. >> That shot like so many Zeppelins and this was the part of the-- I think this is right around the mission we were just talking about where you take down the pillars on the bridge. It might even be renovated. >> I think that's part of it. >> That is the mission. And the second time when it didn't bug to where I couldn't finish it, it did bug in that most of the Zeppelins were still in their dry docks and I was able to just like kind of roll up to them, take them down before they even piloted off. I mean they will start shooting at you if you shoot at them while they're docked but-- >> Just shoot 'em real fast and if you're using the fast one, man, you just take those things out so quick. >> So you get back to bed and you start fucking up con, but then something changes, right, and con ends up like-- >> Well, so you do a bunch of stuff to devastate, con's forces, like you blow up his building, like, can we talk a little bit about that fucking part where you have to go around and pick up crates off trucks and fly back to the main building? >> Oh, the explosives. >> And you have to get them before they cross the river. >> And if you crash into something with half health, carrying a crate, your plane will explode. >> So, funny thing happening on that one actually is like I gathered, you need what, four crates and like, four, five, so I got the fourth one, had the fifth one on boosting back and it counts down to zero and then, but I drop it off, right, like half a second after it counts past zero and so it plays the cinema, shows me like punch con, shows them fall over. >> And then after I pulled him off the railing and it was like, all right, now we're okay. It was like mission fail. >> We already knew it, we already knew it, after it showed me everything. >> I didn't get, that was such a kick in the balls, dude. Such the decoy. >> That's where it's compatibility for the way. >> But it did the whole cinema and everything, so I thought, yeah, I got it anyways. >> That's awesome. >> That's really, really crazy. >> No, I do not. >> It's at these missions, like these kind of ones where there isn't that much combat and it's just about racing from point A to point B. I'm so comfortable, and my plane, like a ball dog, so it's just fast. >> I switch the ball dog for that, so it's really easy for me. >> I think my issue is just that every time I would get a crate and not fight the guys that were around it, I would max out my engines on the way back and then about two-thirds of the way there, I'd just putter out of gas and I'd be stuck like, I'm going real slow and there's four guys chasing me. >> That's the brilliant thing about the ball dogs, it takes so long for your turbo to run out. >> I think the only one that you can boost longer with is the gyrocopter. >> I think the trick for me was taking out the turrets, like the turrets gave me a lot of trouble. >> It's in Chicago in particular, the turrets are just assholes. >> That's true, I would fly low between buildings a lot because of that. >> So yeah, after you blow up his office, then you go in and threaten Kahn and he says he made a mistake, his bad. >> And you're like, yeah, we can still be friends. It's like Lando Karusian, he fucked you over, but you're like, all right, you still got something to offer me. And so then he helps you. >> Yes. >> You guys joined forces? >> Well, yeah. So his Zeppelin's are out, like his dreadnaughts or whatever, out there fucking shit up with you and you're supposed to, I think you're attacking, this is when you're attacking the Tesla Zeppelin. >> The fascist. >> You're just like not letting any fascists leave. >> Yeah. And then this is when the knob gobbling Zeppelin comes out. The scene where this Zeppelin comes out and opens its giant buzz saw mouth and slowly deep throats, the dreadnaughts Zeppelin is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in the game. >> Yes. >> It's Unicron. >> It is. >> That was the first thing I thought of. I wasn't thinking of, you know, like guy on guy porn. >> What am I always thinking? I was thinking Unicron. >> I wasn't thinking guy on guy porn either. I was like, why is it slowly eating this thing that's, you know, gas on the inside? It just, I just, the physics of it just drove me. >> I was just imagining gagging noises as well. >> I was like, what I want to see is it to like take one giant bite and the whole thing to like flop down and just like, just flate and. >> But I mean, if the mechanical worm from the last section didn't destroy the Zeppelin after it wrapped around it. >> That's true. That's true. >> Oh, what a little, a little easy mouthing to do. And so on this, oh, he brought out more moonshine. >> Awesome. Thank you. >> I was just rinsing out Matt's cup. >> And it's a good thing no kids are ever here because that shit looks just like apple juice. >> It tastes a lot like it too. >> So, so. >> I can hear it, it does to your voice. >> So thing gets eaten. >> No, but so this boss battle is, I mean, there aren't that many boss battles in this game. And it's. >> Yeah. >> But at this point, you know they're coming. >> Yeah. >> For every section. >> And it's, it's pretty fun. Like, I mean. >> I liked the mechanics of it. I mean, it was annoying to me that I couldn't quite figure out, like sometimes it really looked like the jaws were closed when they were open and vice versa. And that made it hard sometimes and also like the way that you ricochet off stuff like you were talking about before Arthur. If the jaws were like starting to close and I bounced off something, I would just keep bouncing around. >> Oh, how many times did you have to fly into his mouth? >> Was the greatest statement that's ever been uttered on this podcast. >> I'm having trouble, isn't it, you have to do it before it gets to the other dreadnought or something? Like, isn't it going to get to it? >> Well, no, it's it. So your Pandora is like, is there, and he brought, they brought out one of cons, like, I don't know what they call it, it's like ridiculous dreadnought. >> But I'm saying, isn't it a good time in some way that you're not? >> It says that it's timed. Like, it's got a life bar on there, but I think it's for cons dreadnought. Like, you hit it and it's, it slides off. >> Doesn't it, doesn't it come off of the zip on that it has, like, so you can fire at it? >> Oh, I don't know. I just- >> I never let it get in- >> Actually didn't even like, I wasn't paying attention, I tried to shoot it in, like, the other spots at first. >> Well, yeah, first you have to, you have to fuck it up on the sides first, you have to destroy its cannons, like, with the exposed cores next to its mouth. It's like a big fish. >> You don't need to do anything on the side, I just like, race straight for its mouth, and you have to take out the energy cores that are right next to his mouth. There's like, two locations where you take those out. Once they're gone, then the energy shield is gone and you can wait until its mouth is open, fly inside and shoot the core. >> Which is, and that's, Matt, go ahead, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it- >> I was just saying, yeah. >> Oh, okay. >> Yeah. >> I really wanted to say, yeah, totally, that's exactly right. >> I don't, I don't have to interrupt, sir, I want to give you a chance in between drinks and moonshine. The cool thing about it is that it's basically impossible to fuck it up once you fly into its mouth, so you feel like a total badass flying straight through destroying it and flying out the back of the newly exploding Zeppelin. >> Yeah, that was cool. >> Yeah, it did have a little bit of a Death Star moment, so yeah. That was fun. But I did, but there were a couple times where like I flew into the mouth, didn't destroy the core, tried to fly back out and kind of got stuck in his head because the mouth was closed. >> You just fly like ricocheting around. >> Yeah, I tried to do the 180 maneuver inside. >> Or that third badass X-Wing pilot who flew into the Death Star and was like, I'm going to do it too. >> It's definitely much easier if you're going in with a plane with weapons that are strong enough to take it down on the first go, so you don't have to try to get back out. I died my first time trying to fight it because it said shoot the energy cores or whatever, and I was shooting the like the wrong spot. There's these coils kind of on the front near the mouth, there's four of them and each of them have a crazy electrical band, like comes out and then those four form like a giant bee. >> Yeah, the giant Tesla bee. >> Like the focusing points for the cannon. >> Exactly. >> And they're blue. They're kind of the same color. >> Absolutely. >> So I was like trying to strafe around and shoot those and nothing was happening, and then I finally like right before I died or whatever on that sequence I noticed, oh no, not those. The thing right next to them and below, shoot those instead. >> Now that you mentioned it, the first time I fought this thing, I was shooting those because I thought I had to shoot all four of those to get the mouth to open. >> Yep. >> And then like I shot all four of them and it lets you shoot them, they go like when you shoot them or whatever. So I thought that I was supposed to do that, and then I thought I shot all four of them and then the mouth opened up and I was like, oh, I have to shoot all four of those, the mouth opens up and I can go inside. And then it closed again, I was like, okay, so that's the pattern is to shoot all four of these, but you know, of course that was one of those things that in modern games wouldn't happen as much because the color of the energy beams is sort of the same color as those four things and there's four of them, it just looks like you should shoot them in a more modern game that they wouldn't be the same color. >> They'd be yellow. >> The hilarious thing in them is that it's like, why is it all these Zeppelin's like, aren't they supposed to be filled with gas to get some smoke? >> That's exactly right. >> And like your Zeppelin and this Zeppelin, they're all filled with like hangers and shit and all this stuff. It's like, what is keeping things up there? >> Well, no, that's just it is that like, I thought with Zeppelin, it's not the entire thing that's floating that's full, it's you have a frame and then around the frame is you have like imagine like a membrane of the balloon. >> I don't see, I didn't know that I always thought it was the entire thing and then the only part people were in was like the bottom, like so. >> No, I don't think so. >> I really wish we could capture the ball-capping motion you're making, isn't it? >> Hey, well, that could be true, maybe magic got science on me. >> Well, why don't you show us how the one Zeppelin swallowed the other one? >> Yeah. >> Go grab a banana. >> Oh, sorry. >> Sorry, a banana. >> But no, I don't know if that's true. >> I don't know if that's true. >> Now, but that totally makes sense. >> But I think that's the way that it works, but obviously I'm not a Zeppelin. >> I'm sure that we'll have a very intelligent and kind of douchey reader right in and tell us what we've got wrong. >> Right. >> Possibly from the UK talking about how little Americans know about science. >> So yeah, so right. >> That's the truth. >> That would be correct. >> Our school suck, what are we going to do? >> We have to pay for higher education here. >> All of us are taught by television and film. >> But I learned some good things about television, I just got done telling you guys about guns. >> I know. >> We did. >> America. >> So yeah, so we-- >> Son of a bitch. >> You blow this fucking Zeppelin up, you win the day, you push the fascists out. >> And everyone celebrates. >> And then you celebrate. >> And you celebrate too. >> And you win. >> Your game is over. >> And you celebrate is you're going to bang Maria finally. >> Yeah. >> And she tells you that you should go and take off your tuxedo because you'll have to put it back on and it would be sad to wrinkle it. >> Mm-hmm. >> And you come out and say, I hope it's okay that I left my socks on. >> Yeah, that was a good one. >> I was like things wearing those awesome sock holders, I've always wanted them. >> Yeah, it's up to his knees or whatever, yeah. >> I'm like, man, life sucked before elastic, you know, when you had to like wear belts on your fucking calves to keep your socks up, man. >> But yeah, yeah, and then Maria's now stolen Doc's pants, but it's been trying to happen. >> But it's so great that the way that it tells you that the plans are there is that you look at your jacket on the couch and there's these plans that are way too big for your pocket. >> Right. >> Like sitting there. >> It's like really you couldn't have left those on the blimp for an sake or something. >> It's like Jesus Christ, what do you have in there, a King James Bible? >> Yeah, so Maria stole the plans. >> And was pulled away on a dice spinner. >> And she didn't even sleep with you before she stole the plans. >> That bitch. >> Yeah. >> I need self-respecting females, but I would take a shot in the mouth before she took off. >> There would be a swallow, that's the term form, by the way. >> We were talking about this yesterday. >> Just so you guys know, that's the term for a female spidey who uses sex. >> This came up during discussion while I'm here. >> A swallow. >> Really, yes. >> A female agent that uses her wiles, whereas a female agent that is placed specifically to have sex with a source to gain information or to kill them is called a honey pot. >> So there you go. Where did you get this? >> We're looking at spy terminology for game spy so we could think of kooky terms for articles. >> And if you like, you guys' name is GameSpot, too. >> Yeah. >> If you like, they also talk about honey pots and Munich, like there's a honey pot in Munich. >> So when they talk about honey pots, when they're talking about security as well, they set up honey pots for hackers to attack so they can identify what kind of attack. Anyway. >> So yeah. >> On topic. >> That's much less interesting than my honey pot, though. >> So Maria, Maria bales on you. >> Yeah. >> Now it looks like she's working for the fucking fascist. >> Hater. >> And then you have to follow her to the Caribbean. >> Which is because she's probably a Spaniard. And that's why she's working for the fascists, because fascists were in Spain. >> I thought it was communist in Spain and fascist in Italy. >> No, I was fascist in Spain, too. That's why Russia's, I mean Germany supported them. Anyways. >> For finding the bell tolls was not a fun book to read. >> So, so now you're going to go fucking track Maria Dan. But I don't know how, how did you know where she was going? >> You basically just follow her, like you follow her trail and she leads you to the lost city. >> Which is what the Nazis are looking into because all fascist and/or Nazis are lovers of super science. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, magic in science. That's the Nazi way. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, what? >> And zombies. >> When I arrived at this new spot and I saw that Zeppelin floating in the background, I was like, man, when did we arrive in the Ewok village, like, man, if there's not like a big celebration with fireworks at the end of this section, I'm going to be pissed off. >> I remember the first time I was playing this game when I got to this section, I think when I was playing it, the first time I was playing it a little bit slower, like over the course of a couple of weeks, I guess it has been that way now, but. >> It's been four. >> Yeah, I guess last week, five. But I also knew what was coming this time. I remember thinking that when I got to Chicago, I was like, ah, this is awesome. This is like the climactic moment. I've been in all these dumb, boring, natural locations and now I'm in the city. This is awesome. And then you go to the lost city afterwards and I remember thinking like, ah, son of a bitch. It's totally not as cool as Chicago. This time playing through it, I actually liked it a lot better because I feel like it's the best of the natural environments by a long shot. >> They're dinosaur skeletons. >> And not only that. >> That's my favorite race too. Right at the beginning, I was searching for tokens as I'm known to do and you are well known for that. >> Yeah. >> No, that's what I do. Ryan and Donna token circuit. >> Token. >> It actually comes over my house and comes in between the sofa kittens. >> Which is funny because that couch doesn't actually have cushions, it's amazing. >> I actually ended up finding the lost city like one or two minutes after being there. I flew into some spot because I went to the token and sure enough, I'm like in this like magical mystical world, I mean that I remembered for the first time I was playing it was still I was like, man, it's funny they don't block you off from finding this before in the story before you're supposed to find it like you can just fly right through all the tunnels and get all those. >> Oh my god, those tunnels. >> Yes, yes. And this is like the ultimate version of what you guys were talking about of what we were talking about. >> I was lost in that mountain for a good, yeah, yeah, it's like where the fuck is the exit. >> I can't go any slower and that's where I take the smallest plane possible. >> No, that's when you take the this occurred to me right now. I'm going back into that with the fucking gyrocopter. >> Yeah, I ended up having to do that at one point when I was searching for upgrade tokens because I was like, man, I just can't get through this shit. >> There are a lot of upgrade tokens in there. >> There is a lot of upgrade tokens in that stage and there was actually one really cool one. I liked the one where it's like kind of between these two statue faces and then you fly straight down like this volcano picture something like that, that was fun. >> Or fly into the mouth of the giant statue that whose mouth opens. >> Yeah. >> So anyway, so you get here and- >> There's several missions right off. >> Several missions right off. >> The tourists that are in a Zeppelin that need to be saved. >> First you have to save the explorers/scientists, Zeppelin. >> Yeah, yeah, that's right. >> And then you save the tourists. >> And then there's the, I think my favorite mission is that there's the supply station that doesn't work. You fly there and you're, and so this is the first time in the game where I'm where I really started to feel like, oh my god, my plane can't just be repaired as much as I want. There's a limited resource of planes around, there's a, you, you eventually, this is the area where you can finally get the Tesla plane with the electric guns on the front. >> Yes, they haven't got the name. >> Which I, I felt was pretty underwhelming. >> Yeah, it's an underwhelming. >> Yeah, it's an underwhelming. >> The good thing about it though is that like you can hit, you can, it, the, the Tesla burst has a, has a duration on it and you can hit it before a plane is actually in range and as long as you keep your sight on the plane when this, when the plane's in range, it'll hit them. >> Yeah. >> And it looks to me like it doesn't really matter how long it's on them, it does the same amount of damage. >> Which is like half. >> Yeah. So it's like you can, it's, it's pretty powerful if you can use it correctly, but I still didn't bother upgrading. >> I just, yeah, just, for some reason it doesn't feel fun to shoot it, I don't know why it is. >> It doesn't feel very fast. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. It's not the best plane. Just that, there's a, there's a dolphin or something and it's the, the plane with the machine gun special. >> Right. And there's a, that's it. And so there's a supply station that's totally inoperable, doesn't work. You can't repair it. And then you find out that there's another kind of like little village slash supply depot. You have to go there, grab boxes and bring them back and it's the classic like, I mean, this happens in Half Life Episode Two where Alex is like, Oh, Gordon, we should have just brought everyone the first, the first time we did it, it would have been so easy that time. You go and grab a box, you bring it back, you go grab your second box and all of a sudden, hey, there's turrets there. >> It's a trap. >> It's a trap. You can actually shoot the turrets on your first go. That's what I did. >> Yeah. >> Oh, really? >> Yeah. >> I noticed that because I actually died on this section. >> Well, they tell you that it's, go ahead. >> I'm sorry Matt. >> Yes. >> All right, go ahead. >> Well, they tell you that it's an abandoned, I spin a supply base. >> All right. So that's why there's stuff there. >> Yes. And the turrets are there the first time when you go grab the box, they just don't turn on unless you notice that they're there and shoot them, in which case they all turn on immediately and start firing at you. >> So yeah, I just killed them like the first time that I went there the second time I had to play that mission. >> Yeah, me too. >> Tesla turrets, aren't they? >> What's that? >> Some of them are Tesla turrets. >> Some of them are flame turrets. Some are Tesla and some are actual bullets, so you have to deal with all three types. And then, you know, some planes come in anyway, I died on this mission the first time. Because I was just running low on resources, my bulldog that I had brought in had like half health and no secondary ammo left. And since I couldn't take it to repair station to refill it, I like basically triggered, I died once. And then my second time through, I triggered the turrets right away, killed them with my primary fire on my bulldog without taking any damage. So I only had half health left and then was able to take the dolphin and the Tesla plane from the other two locations and do it. But it seemed like the guys were just fucking me up in this section. >> This is another one of those times where I died running out of gas, running away from planes. >> I liked the, this is the only other place where you get to do that high powered rocket control. You know, that you do a tourist mission. >> Yeah. >> From the turrets. >> Exactly. >> Yeah. But you're supposed to do, it's a competition between you and one of the tourists to see who can shoot down the most Zeppelin's. And I actually failed it the first couple times because they would do things like the tourists would shoot at the same Zeppelin that I was shooting at. But it looked to me like I could destroy a Zeppelin in one hit, but it took him two. But if he actually hit a Zeppelin first and then I hit that Zeppelin, he got credit for the kill. >> So it basically meant that, you know, you had to make sure that you were always shooting ones that he wasn't shooting at. So I had to do this mission like three times before to get it right because he was always shooting at whatever was closest, which is the same thing I was doing. So I was always just like handing him kills. >> Welcome to something that would never be in a game now. >> Right. But it was, but I like controlling those things. It's fun because you shoot them and then, you know, you're in direct control of the guided missile and they fly super fast and they're pretty maneuverable for how fast they fly. And it's just a cool turret. I wish more of those turrets were in the game. >> So that's pretty much it. >> Well, so the mission we played up to was you're supposed to find a semi-lost city, not the lost city, which is where Daispin is because you have to find the gold medallion for the scientists. >> Right, right, right. >> To find the lost city? >> Yeah, it's supposed to decipher it. >> Yeah. >> So you turn into where this first one is and of course Daispin is, they're trying to find it first. So you have to, you have a dog fight in this canyon with a bunch of Tesla planes. >> This is actually why my bulldog was damaged was because I did that mission first and then did the repair station mission. So my repair station wasn't available yet. So I took out all the Daispin and all the stuff and had about half health and no secondary MOF before I did the other one. >> Your bulldog was all used up. >> Yep, it was all used up and there was no place to refill it at all. So after you clear that area, Pandora goes over and pulls what is a fraction of the medallion out of the ground because where else would a big piece of a giant medallion being cracked in the ground? And then you're supposed to defend the Pandora on its way back to the scientists, people. And this is where what happened to you in the last section happened to me here, which is that I destroyed all the planes attacking the Pandora and the suspenseful whimsical fight music just never stopped playing. >> And the Pandora didn't reach its destination. >> Yeah, it just stopped. >> Yeah. >> And that was where I said, "Okay, I'm done." >> Bugs. And it's hard for me to remember. I mean, I feel like these are just the type of bugs that happened and I lived with back in the Xbox One era. But I mean, they very well could be caused by the emulation of the background. But I feel like, no, I feel like I remember this stuff happening and just dealing with it. And we just don't see quite as much of that. >> Well, I think one came out. It was the first console that introduced the level of bug-riddenness that you could often find in PC games until they were patched. >> And that's kind of the big controversy with the Xbox One was that these games are super, super buggy and we have to wait until they're patched and no other consoles ever have been like this before. >> Yeah. Now it's like commonplace. Like when I encounter bugs in the game, a lot of times I think I will probably patch this. >> Well, I don't know that it's the first time we saw games that were that buggy. I think it's the first time that we expected them to be fixed. >> Well, no, I think it's the first time that they were commonplace. I mean, because I remember because I was actually working at GameSpy at the time. And it was just a big thing that everybody was talking about. Consuls have never, if you had played a game on a console, you pretty much expected it to be bug-free. Of course, there were exceptions, but especially any big sort of like AA or AAA title, you always expected it to be bug-free, but no, no, on the Xbox. >> Well. >> Anyway. >> Beat the game. >> As far as we got. >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> Beat the game for next week. >> We should. >> Beat it. >> And then you should listen to our fellow Hammersuit podcasts, the mobcast at >> Which is good. >> The >> Were you on the fucking mobcast this week or something? >> No. >> But he has been a couple of times. >> I have. >> Fairly recently. >> And then. >> We're going to come back on our podcast. >> And then you can listen to the Rebel FM, you know, at >> That's not so good. >> And then, you can also. >> I'll be talking about a relationship. >> You can also watch the show that Matt and Ryan create and produce, which is called Co-op, and that's found at or >> Don't call. >> We talked about this, like, real, for real websites. >> Normally I say it's the most important thing you can do, but every time I do that, Ryan chates, no. >> I just don't think that any of the work that any of us does is more important than us. >> Well, well, I think the most important thing is that it has been a church. >> Well. >> Did we mention that area5 has a don't hit link? >> So, all right, well, thank you all for listening and listening to this. [MUSIC] >> It's a great day after I got there, they shut it off because it was the winter season. They were like, it's too cold for people to do it. >> That sounded beautiful though, man. >> It's great. >> It's never too cold for people to do it. Interlocking is super beautiful. >> And heavier? >> Sorry. >> I was just going to say, I'll never forget, when I was leaving Switzerland and the train was heading out of the mountains, and it goes up these cliffs, and you see nothing but like. >> Mountains that all around Switzerland, they seem like they go like straight into the town, they go check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check. >> Yeah, man, Switzerland. >> It's a beautiful dude. >> Have you ever actually been in the snow, Tyler? >> Been in the snow? >> Man, I've been, yeah, once, but not like, I don't know, not like ski snowing. >> What does, so what is your allergic reaction and tail of it? >> Like hives? >> Yeah, hives, yeah, it's a, it's a, it's an allergy. It's called, it's pronounced really weird. It's called like Eutria or something, huh? But I swell up, I'm picturing a doctor, because a movie about a guy who, you know, like, it's like speed, but except you have to be in the cold. >> Yeah, I'm picturing a guy like the doctor who told you about this, not that I'm saying it's not in real condition. >> But I'm picturing a doctor from 30 Rock, he's like, yes, it's a very documented condition, and it's just like people die all the time, and stay in boiling water. >> Okay, so I need everybody to talk at once. >> There's a, there's a, too many, there's a, so, you know, Switzerland is great. >> Yeah, there's, but, time check, everything's boring, and we're, yes, 20 of woods around. >> Anything, especially if you look, I had a really crazy experience, I didn't really know what to think about it, but everything, like, medieval cosplayers and hallucinogenics. >> So I had to do this to everybody, but that really happened here, and, like, I do it because you're, you know, okay, I don't think it's much like, you know, like, there's also, I don't know what to do about it right away, and the restaurant on the top of the mountain, that you can, and then it was like going, yeah, I do, like, three weeks, you want, and the tower, like, holy shit, the spoon of the pudding, I'm like, he's totally right. >> I'm totally gonna throw this in at the end. [Laughter]