Rebel FM

Rebel FM Game Club - Crimson Skies: HRTR - Episode 2

Broadcast on:
11 Nov 2009
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Bienvenidos! Thanks for joining us for episode 2 of our Game Club series on Crimson Skies: The High Road to Revenge. This week we talk about chapters 6-10, taking us through Arixo and Navajo territory into the first section of Chicago. For next week, be sure to play through chapter 15. Bombardier penis!
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> For Crimson Skies Part 2, you should have played up through Chapter 10. I'm Anthony Gallegos with me as Arthur Geese, Tyler Baba-Barber from Killer Instinct. >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> That is what Matt's normal speaking voice sounds like. >> Everything else is an affectation. >> I'm going to start this off with a comment real quick before we go into what we played through chapters. >> Whoa, whoa, whoa, I thought we totally got rid of comments. >> Six through ten now. >> No, well, let's not give anyone the impression that we actually care what the listeners have to say. >> So Bruce, it's usually your job, Arthur, to like, collate the comments. That why it hasn't happened in so long. >> Ouch. >> So Bruce. >> I'm just going to cut that part off. >> Bruce Campbell. >> Chalupa says, yep, he says, yep. Ryan was right in saying that things open up so far doing the missions in Ericso. Even the ones where you, all you do is shoot down in the new planes have been more fun and tense than most to see Haven. I can't wait to get to the next boss fight if the transforming zeppelin at the end to see Haven is any indication what's to come. I think that's a good thing to open with because I feel the same way. >> I know what we're right. >> Word. >> And I was wrong because, hey, Nazis. >> Yeah. [LAUGH] >> Yeah. >> Or fascists since we did. >> Right, right. >> They just called them fascists, but we know who they really mean. >> But, yeah. >> German. >> Yeah, it was right. It did get a lot better. I didn't enjoy the first part very much, but now we're coming. Maybe I psyched myself up, cuz- >> No, you hate it. >> No, no, it's just not bad, it's just like, I really thought we were close to getting to what I think is the really, really, really good stuff. And not that the parts that we played this week are bad, it's just, it gets a lot better. >> There are parts that are pretty tedious. >> Yeah, I think that's just indicative in like, well, I don't know. I mean, I think that most flight games like this have parts that feel really tedious. Because it's like I said, like all these flight games, especially from then. And even now, playing like, aisle two for 360, they still do all the missions. They're either like kill all of X or escort X. >> Yeah. >> Like, that's pretty much the extent of how they think of missions. >> No, no, they do have a variation of escort all of X, escort X while killing all of X. >> That's also true. >> Yeah, escort, then kill. >> But hey, man, come on, give it to the guys a little bit more credit. There's actually like a stealth mission in this game with the gyrocopter. >> That, you know what I mean? >> Yeah, that's true. >> Like, how many flight games do that? >> That's pretty amazing. >> Yeah, and it's nice, because the gyrocopter can stop on a dime. >> Yeah, this game really is just a flying FPS, though. I mean, you can look at the weapons, and it's like, you know, sniper rifle, shotgun, you know. >> That's why I was thinking that I wasn't having, it's because I forgot that I played the gyrocopter mission that you guys were talking about now last week. All right, now I'm on the same page with y'all. >> Yeah, that part of the game is fucking awesome. >> Oh, so wait, there's less fun parts awaiting us ahead. >> No, no, no. >> You already, well, you've played those parts as well, I would imagine. >> Since everybody played through chapter 10. >> What I'm saying is, like, the beginning part of a Rixo, where you're, you know, in that kind of open hub, and, I mean, you stay there for the next few missions, but that first set where you're doing the gyrocopter missions and kind of asking people incessantly about where the titanium mine is, are pretty fun, and I think that's the first reel. >> I mean, it's pretty worth, you could be asking about sailors. >> That's true. >> So, before we even get there, when we last left off, we left Seahaven to look for the last known person that Doc talked to, so we went to a Rixo. >> Looking for a titanium mine. >> Right. Is that how it starts? Yeah. Okay, that's how it starts off. >> Well, we destroy the Zeppelin transformer. >> Right. So now you start. >> You get there, and there's a sheriff who wants you to, you find out that there's a rival gang in town. >> Like a Banditos gang. >> Yeah, exactly. >> Yeah, and you immediately have to defend these oil tankers in that little mining town. >> Yeah, all those Banditos have like the La Victoria salsa girl on the side of all their shit, too. >> Nice. I didn't notice that. That's awesome. >> This first mission, I had to replay several times. Did you guys have trouble with it? >> Man, almost every mission I had to do at least twice. >> Protecting the fuel tanks. I mean, I'm playing on a normal, where I'll play on a normal. >> I think it's just that I jumped into the wrong turret on the right on the wrong side and didn't realize that I could switch over. >> Anytime. >> You had to switch turrets. >> Actually, I was actually in the turrets for that one. Only a little bit. And then I jumped out my plane. I just killed everything in my plane. >> Yeah, and then anytime I get overwhelmed, I find like the nearest turret, like always, because I have so much at an easier time. >> For me, it totally depends on which plane I'm in. >> Yeah. >> So when they upon which stage. >> Which plane at this point is your, at that point in the game where you first get to a rexo where you guys using the Bulldog. >> Back then. >> I was using the Bulldog. Yeah. >> I think I had upgraded the Dolphin, which is the one with the kind of rail gunner shot on it. >> It's dolphin. Right? Dolphin. >> Are we talking about the one that can land on water? >> That's D-A-U-P-H-I-N. >> It's like French dolphin. >> Dolphin. >> The phone. >> Whatever. It's a freaking dolphin. >> We are all mispronouncing it. So we are all together. >> Anyway, but I think the, not the coyote, there's, oh, you said the Bulldog. Yeah, I upgrade the Bulldog pretty shortly because it's got a shotgun on it. >> I generally don't have enough tokens, I'm going to be honest, I'm not going out of my way to look for tokens. >> Oh, I totally am. Because the planes, once I have one plane that's upgraded, I can't use the ones that aren't upgraded because I'm like, my mentally, I'm like, oh, these aren't. >> I just have two planes that I switch between that are both upgraded and that's all I use pretty much. >> As you go through the game, you'll get more planes that you actually, you know. >> Well, I have all my things full now, playing up to where we are except for one. >> I think that's right. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Wow. >> Damn, almost the most of you. >> Yeah, for me, like, I feel like the, the building is off the lily as far as upgrading the planes because judging by how far we are and how many tokens I have, there's no way that I'm going to upgrade every plane. >> No, it's not. >> And nor am I going to be able to upgrade a plane more than three to five times, like three to five upgrades over the course of the game. So I figure what is one upgrade? >> You only upgrade them once. >> Yeah. >> But what I'm saying is like, I'll only be able to upgrade between three and five planes total. >> I agree. >> Yeah, yeah. >> I'm only going to be able to do like two. >> That's why I choose wisely. You know, I know that I'm not going to be able to upgrade all of them, but there are planes that I really don't like. >> Which ones did you upgrade? The one I upgraded that this might now, my favorite choice plane to use is that biplane that you get from, like, Maria's mechanic. >> With the second very ultra-mishing. >> Yeah, so you can just hold the two of them and just lay away. >> That plane is rad. That's the one I was like, well, just wait until you get ahold of this one. >> If you upgrade it, it has all this armor on it too. It becomes basically like this really slow tank that just can sit there and barrage. >> I'm saying it has someone. >> It devastates Zeppelin's too. >> Yeah, that's exactly why I use it. >> I'm pretty sure that when I played through the first time that once I got that plane, that was the one that I used all the way through the end, because, it's like you said, kind of like track an enemy plane with your primary fire. And then as soon as you know you're hitting secondary fire and it's just like boom. >> And then firing them both at the same time is just like death, like how death in front of them? >> Yeah, I upgraded the Bulldog, and I upgraded the Devastator, which is your beginning place. >> Right, I upgraded the Devastator as well. >> The Devastator is really nice because when you upgrade it and you have like, I think you can hold over 20 rockets now, right? >> Yeah, it's probably 30, I think, maybe. >> And it becomes really effective in air combat because I'm just firing rockets all over the place. Anytime I'm lined up on somebody. So I really like that. >> I basically say it's one of the more expensive planes to upgrade. So I didn't upgrade it, because I remembered from last time that I didn't use it. It's like 14 tokens. >> I've gotten those other planes, but I'm not a big fan of most of the other ones, like the one you get from the bandits they're playing. >> Oh, I like the Alt fire on that one though, like the rocket fires, like it fires like a shotgun rocket. >> No, the fire is like a fireball. >> That's the Coyote. >> Yeah, the Coyote. >> Is that from the bandits, or is that from the bandits? >> It's from the bandits, and it's really maneuverable. >> The Navajo plane is the one that fires like the spread of rockets. >> Yeah. >> And I was pretty underwhelmed by the Navajo plane, even though looking at the stats it should have been better than it was. >> Yeah, I don't use it. I still nabbed it. But it's really nimble. I also like getting way ahead of ourselves, but I do like that German plane that you get or the fascist plane. >> Yeah. >> There's the tail gun. >> Oh, dude. That's so rad. >> The automatic tail gun? I had no idea that that's what was happening. >> But you can switch to it. >> You can switch to it. >> Yeah. So it's perfect for blimp strafing runs, you tack it from the front, go under it, jump up. >> Right. Get the back. >> It's like turning a simple autopilot. >> Before you. >> It's just super slow. >> Yeah. >> It's all. So where we jumped in, we came to Rickso. >> Right. So you help out the sheriff? >> Yep. >> And there's a variety of missions here ranging from like go here and take out these planes and guard this base to. >> I did a couple of race ones. >> Go do the race ones. There's, you know, you eventually find the, well, he tells you pretty early to go into the canyons and help his brother out and his brother is the one who you have to do several missions for you. >> That's the brother of the deputy that you save after you defense. >> Right. Okay. Well, still either way. >> Which is why I thought it was funny. It's like, well, you're going to help out the sheriff and then like five minutes later, you were shooting it on the sheriff's plane. >> Yeah. Well, you don't have to shoot him down. >> If they see you on that. >> If they see you, you get away and you manage to return to base without being seen. >> But it's okay. If you shoot him down, it's clear. >> Everybody just parachutes out anyway. >> Is anyone else like tried to go back and go through or like strafe a guy in a parachute? >> I have. I'm really disappointed. I know. >> Yeah. >> I do like it. >> It doesn't let us violate the genie. It is that side missions are really cool in the sense that the random scattered tokens, they generally point you in the right direction. Like when you do the race, the race will take you past a couple of the random level tokens. >> Right. I feel like a couple times I would start a mission and it would take me past a token that I had already collected when I was just wandering around randomly. >> They let you grab twice. >> Yeah. It's like they let me grab the same token twice. I don't know if that's true or if I just thought that- >> I'm pretty sure it's not true, but there's a lot of things that there's a lot of weird bugs in this game. All of the stuff we were talking about with the repair building, that stuff totally happens. Ordinarily, you can go into a repair building and A, your way through it and you'll come out the other side and everything's fine. But sometimes it'll bug out and it won't repair you. And sometimes it'll bug out and not give you your secondary ammo back. >> And that's a real bitch when you're in the gyrocopter because you can take two hits in the game. >> Yeah. Yeah. I also have this weird bug playing at like 360 emulated one where I get like these weird squares. >> Yeah. I think that's a VGA bug because we're both playing on over VGA cable on 360 and there's like this gray artifacting across the top. >> Oh, yeah. Mine has that too. >> Yeah. >> And also- >> Sorry. Go ahead. >> Well, the widescreen scenes, like they don't compensate for one-to-one pixel tracking. They just anticipate overscan. >> I get lots of weird polygon errors where it looks like the polygons don't quite match up with one another. And so it'll be like, it looks like there's like little flickering snow or white dust or something in the environment as I'm flying by. >> I just get the stuff on the top of the screen ordinarily. >> So you do those, so we'd say, so we do this first couple of missions. They're kind of by the book. You kill some bandits and then you get the gyro, you have to go and steal the gyrocopter. >> Well, first you have to fight helicopters, which as Ryan was saying are definitely different than Friday. >> Yeah, they are. >> And they're so nimble. >> They're small, they're freaking fast. >> They're actually, I didn't think they were that fast because they were super easy to take out with rockets. They just moved enough to make it- >> Well, it's hard for me to say- >> You make a turn and stop on and on. >> I say fast in so much as that, like, if you get to the point where there's one sort of near you, let's say you're tracking it on your minimap, and you try to start looping around to find it, you'll just never fucking catch it. >> It's better to fly away and then come back and shoot it. >> They have very high dexterity. >> Yeah, for those things it was definitely all about this shot. >> There's other dungeons on the bloodies for me. >> On the bloodies for me. >> They're dragon age too. >> Both. >> Well played sir. >> Yes. >> Yes. >> Yes, so you have to go and kill a bunch of guys in the gyrocopter and then steal one for yourself. >> When you finally get in one, you're like, wow, yeah, these things are tiny. >> I was like as a big as a person pointed to find out that I couldn't upgrade the gyrocopter. >> I know me too, man. >> I'm fucking bicycle with a helicopter. >> Well, in real life, real gyrocopters really do look exactly like that. They just look like little go-karts that someone asshole put a propeller on top of. >> A part of me hoped that the upgrade would have made it look like the Cobra commander, like little Cobra pods that you supply around in. >> I was hoping that you could get an upgrade that would just make the sniper rifle fire faster. >> Or at least make you live a little bit longer because, man, that thing is. >> It's just the plain simple fact of the matter is that that thing is useful for these missions and then- >> Nothing else. >> Maybe never. I'm trying to think there may be a couple missions near the end of the game where you use it again, but generally speaking, there's times to use it and then there are times to not use it. >> It's just it dies just way too easily. >> There are too many missions, even the parts that I played today, where I am kind of sitting, doing most of my fighting near the repaired depot so that I can do a few passes until my armor is low and then repair and then repeat and that just won't work in the gyrocopter. >> But they are good for re-conning upgrade tokens when you enter a new level. Like when I went into Chicago, I was like getting out of the gyrocopter. >> Because it's so easy to- >> Because it's so easy to stop so easy, yeah, you just stop. >> And they have a really long boost for a really long time. >> But not for combat. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. What did you guys think of that stealth mission nabbing and transporting? >> I thought it was too hard to tell if I could be seen. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> You'd suddenly hear over the radio that you'd been spotted in there chasing you. What? Why? Where? Who? How am I supposed to know? >> Even if you stayed like super low in the canyon, they still sigh you and I thought that was like the whole point. >> So I got spotted once. >> I got spotted once or something. >> Yeah. >> I got spotted once and I flew down and I hid until they lost interest and then it happened again. And when it happened again, I was like this is lame. And I just went straight for the box and then went straight to take it back and killed everyone's fine. I didn't even kill anyone. >> Well, yeah. >> And then you killed everyone afterwards. It's like get rid of the witnesses. >> Yeah, exactly. I did it once and then I can't remember if I died or something but I had made it pretty far without getting spotted. And so I wanted, I was like, oh, I can totally do this stealth perfectly and I'll be fine. But the next time I got spotted so fast that I just ended up beating the mission and I felt really disappointed in the fact that I couldn't pull off the stealth because I felt like I should have. So yeah, I wish there was some sort of indicator that let you, it's just that like, I don't know how far away you have to be before they lose sight of you or if, you know, if they can barely, like if I'm, it seemed like if you were in any of those building holes, they would always lose track of you, right? >> Right. >> So you could, so you could just dart between those building holes if you wanted to just go from one to the next. But it seemed that sometimes I could, as soon as I left one of those building holes, he would be like, oh, we got him. >> Exactly. And it was, it wasn't the parts in the middle of the denseness of the city that was hard. It was like going just from the city into the canyon. >> Yeah. >> And I, I, this is something that was reoccurring to me again today and I think we touched upon it really briefly last time, but it's, it's sort of a last gen issue that the, this current gen has fixed, which is that it doesn't give you a ton of feedback on when you're doing something right or if there's something you need to be doing that you're not, and it's perfectly happy killing you 90% of the way through scenario and making you do the whole thing over again. >> Right, exactly. >> And that's just not something games want to do because it's funny when that happens, I want to stop playing. >> Yeah. >> The funny thing is, is that, other than I think maybe a mission or two right in the beginning, right in the sea haven, I haven't failed a single mission, like I've gotten them all first try ever since. >> I've only ever failed because I died. I've never failed because I fucked up the objective. >> That, so after you do all of the- >> Now you got to ask a shady brother Zeppelin, his brother's cousin's former roommate or whatever, his brother's friend Zeppelin and I died, I didn't die on that part. The Zeppelin died over and over again. >> Right, this Zeppelin can't defend itself at all and your Zeppelin seriously decides not to follow. >> Also, there's, I realize that there's this sort of arbitrary range in play with turrets, where turrets will not go as far as you think they will or they won't go as far as maybe they will for enemy planes, but like there's a, when, if that's up in part, once it turns the final corner and the enemy's up when it comes up behind it with the lavictory thing on the side and you've got the turret on the platform opposite that, that turret can't hit it. >> I think by this point, yours Zeppelin shows up, right? >> No, because yours Zeppelin starts out where you are, like it, it's like it intersects the path of this up when you're guiding and then just goes off and does whatever. Which doesn't, made no sense to me, it's like, why, why are you over there? We're over here, the party is over here, guys, you should join us. And it just never did, like I felt unsupported during that entire time. >> Most of the escort missions, I mean, they're, I'm not like Matt, I failed a whole bunch of times for a variety of reasons. And usually, it was because I just get caught up fighting one dumb enemy, I like trail it for too long. >> He just leads you away. >> Yeah, I'm realizing I'm like, nowhere near the thing I'm supposed to be escorting. And as soon as you walk away, it just, you'll watch the health bar, just go, do, do, do, do. >> Maybe that's it. >> So you just got to stay right next to the thing you're asking. >> We can all be as good as Matt at video games. >> Well, I think that's, I think it's like what Ryan just said is like whenever I, whenever I do escort missions in games, I'm always paranoid about leaving them. >> You never leave doing that. >> So yeah, I would never leave it. Like I was always around the thing and like it, and it, and it seemed like if I was around it, they'll shoot you. >> They'll shoot at me and they don't shoot you at the Zephyr and so since they're flying straight at me, I'm like, oh, well, thank you for lining yourself straight up so that I can kill you. >> That's where the game really starts overwhelming you with the number of planes that it's throwing at you. >> In some games now, you only see like four or five things on screen at once. They're like 16 fucking planes around that Zephyr. >> Yeah, but you get, you get really good at shooting down the planes and then you get really good at hitting your boost and getting in there to get the, to get the ammo or health things and then fly right back to the Zephyr. >> If you're doing it right, you should just be flying immediately through the wreckage of what you killed and picking up the health. >> Exactly. >> I never am able to do that. I always have to turn around. >> See. >> I always miss it. I did it once and died and couldn't hit anything. I felt like I lost all of my Crimson Sky skills because I had done the, last week I'd already done the helicopter mission. So this is when I hop back in, this is the first mission for me and yeah, that was awful. I got the shit kicked out of me. But then the next time through, I saw exactly where the dudes were spawning from. I killed like three planes in the first three seconds and I was like, oh my God, I can't believe I did that. I couldn't even kill three planes the entire time last time. >> Yeah, if you can get them as they're coming in before their AI starts going into dogfight mode, you can just kill them straight up. >> Exactly. >> Is this the same blimp escort mission in this area where- >> He's killing a part underneath him the whole time. >> And they're like, and they're like- >> I feel like it's just like a stabilizing fin underneath or something like that. >> I thought it was, anyways. >> The one where like, there are trucks on the ground right at the very beginning of all the boys. >> Yeah, so that's the things you have to prioritize. Trucks first. >> Yeah. >> The first time I played this mission. The only reason why I failed was because I didn't realize there were trucks back there. I was ahead of the blimp taking the trucks out on the bridge, and they ticked my Zeppelin down a whole bunch. >> I'm technically thinking of a different escort mission. >> Because there's another one where you go to a whole different area. >> The same thing. >> I already did this. I don't think I had too many problems in this one, but it could have been the exact same thing. >> Once it introduces rocket trucks, it just never stops. >> Yeah. >> There's a lot of escort missions with Glimson, the one I'm thinking of is still technically in the Eryxo map, and it's just a couple of missions later. >> So once you get the brothers, cousins, significant other to the mine, or not to the mine. >> So after you do the blimp escort, there's a train escort mission? >> Yeah, which has an artifact that has a lot of artifacts. >> And so you do the train escort mission. Which has, again, a lot of trucks where the whole key is to prioritize the trucks. >> For me, the way I beat that was riding on the train. >> I actually got on the turrets. >> I rode on the train, except when the Zeppelins came out, and then I got off and destroyed those things. >> Yeah, exactly. >> As far as possible. >> I did the, no, no, I did do it. I'm thinking of the other escort mission. >> That's what you did in my way. >> Yeah, I think I did do it. >> I mean, the bad thing about using the turrets, you guys are right. They do shoot the train a bunch when you're in the turret, so you got to be like Johnny on the spot with it. >> Yeah. >> But yeah, I definitely. >> I didn't use the turrets at all. I just flew around. >> I feel inclined to use the turrets every time I see them. >> They're so nice. >> I just can't hit things as well with them for whatever reason. Oh, I know, I know exactly why, because like we were talking about last week, my controls are inverted when I'm in turrets, and so I'm like, fuck this, drives me nuts. I don't mind using them, I can get used to it. But I mean, at the end of the day, I'd rather be in a plane where it feels correct. For me, it's like the double whammy of that it switches the aiming on your left stick, and then also, I feel like I still see playing a flight game, like what do I do in a turret, yeah? Like, I don't know if you're flying. >> Yeah. >> I'm shooting into things that are- >> It's easier. >> Really? >> Yeah. >> The only thing that bothers me is the tediousness of switching between the different cannons and sort of getting lost and not realizing where in the sequence of cannon you are. >> Exactly. So you eventually kill the dudes in all the other enemy trains that are trying to stop the train that you like and- >> To the, it's a small world train over. >> And then you gotta fucking murder all the bandits, right? >> Well, yeah, and then you eventually take the Navajo artifact and put it on your blimp, and then drive that blimp away, which is the next blimp escort mission before- >> Which is way better. >> At this point have we already met and taken Maria with us? >> No. >> No. >> Okay. >> This is about to happen. >> Okay. >> And then you get the good point. >> Wait. You're not carrying the Navajo thing when you meet Maria, I thought, already? >> No, I think Maria is actually just before the trade mission. >> Okay. So Maria, you landed Maria's gas station and struck up Woody banter with her. >> Yeah. >> Before you get attacked. >> Before you get attacked. And I actually thought it was funny the way that that played out, like it was very matter of faculty as well. So you piss off some bandits before you came here and you see these two things in the background getting bigger. That was one of the few things in the cinemas in this game where I was like, that's well framed. So it's a good site gag. >> Yeah, and technically you lose your devestator, but I guess not really, right? >> No, no. >> They blow it up, but- >> How many devestators do you think? >> Yeah, well, you also lose your devestator when you fight like the bandit leader as well. >> And shoot him down in the devestator. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Well, that's how you get it back. Yeah, that's how you get it back is by blowing him up. >> When you go down and collect the pieces and put them back together. >> He's the world's best mechanic. >> It's funny that you mentioned that about, or that you mentioned that about the framing because generally speaking, I think that the cinemas and the voice acting are, they would be good if the voice actors were better and the tech for making cinemas, but like they're well-intentioned almost every time. >> Everything is just kind of stilted in a little amateurish. >> Yeah. >> The funny thing is, is that I'm watching this and I'm going like, wow, the lip-syncing is actually really good. >> Exactly. >> It's like the rest of the character sucks, but the lip-syncing is spot-over. >> I remember that when we were playing it too, thinking like, how's the lip-syncing so good in this game? >> Yeah. >> But I wonder if we're not missing some context because I'm like trying to think, like, for its time. Those are still some pretty decent- >> But that's- I guess that's- >> I guess that's exactly what I'm getting at, is that for the time, they were really good. And now in retrospect, looking at them, it's like, well, they're not perfect and these things aren't great, but it's because we've gotten a lot better at it. >> I don't even know that I'd say that they were really good at the time. I think that was actually the point in the Xbox LiveSpan where cutscenes started to use in-game assets just polished up and they started to be a little uglier, but yeah, I don't know. >> I wouldn't really call most of those in-game assets. >> And to me, it's not the assets, it's the writing, that some of the jokes are halfway funny in this and I don't remember ever laughing at many things before this in a game. I mean, it came out around the same time as Prince of Persia Sans of Time, so we're starting to get- it was around the time when there were a few games that sort of were nailing the voice acting in-game for the first time, I think. >> I wonder to myself how well Prince of Persia Sans of Time holds up voice acting wise. >> That's what I mean, that games has really good voice acting. >> Yeah, it does. I don't know. I feel like voice acting is okay. I feel like to some extent the writing's okay, but I feel like both of it was like they really wanted to capture this whole Indiana Jones style type feel and they went a little too far with it sometimes or something. >> Yeah. >> One-liners, like we were saying last week, one-liners after every time you shoot a guy down or whatever. >> Yeah, and half the time they're not very good one-liners. But like they, it does feel like you totally get what they were shooting for. >> Exactly. >> Which is more than you could say for a lot of games. >> I mean, these are a lot of times- this is back in the day when I don't think most games had real script writers or anything like that. >> That's right. >> It was like someone on staff. They're like, I can write a story. >> Yeah, and two guys on the team are the voice acting, the main voice actors for the thing or whatever. I mean, that's the period we're in, and I feel like it's almost good. It's like- >> It's right on the cusp. >> Yeah. >> I mean, if you- >> You're watching Decent. >> If you compare it to what we have now, it doesn't touch what we have now. I mean the voice acting- >> You consider how many years before that where we're hearing, I mean, even still at that time, Resident Evil games like Code Veronica and they were awful. >> If you want to be horrified while we voice acting, I strongly urge you to play Deus X. >> Oh, man. >> The original Deus X on PC. >> Even though I love that game like my own son, the- >> Or they'd talk like, "Wouldn't Mary not puppet like that?" >> Yeah. >> I still, at the time, knew it was bad voice acting, so like- >> It didn't even hurt me. >> Even in Invisible War had really bad voice acting. >> I felt like Invisible War was better, and it didn't hurt the- >> Well, you would hope it's better. >> Yeah. >> The AI construct was singing kidney thieves songs. That's true. >> All right. So what did we do next? >> So- >> We have the awesome playing with the secondary machines now. >> Yeah. You flee with Maria in a- >> You have to shoot down the Bendito boss. Your own thing. >> Yeah, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do it because you're shooting me like, "Are you sure you want to be shooting down your own plane?" >> And then the guy says, "As long as it's got you in it." >> Yeah. >> All right. >> All right. I am back to what I understand. >> See, that's a good one, Liner. >> Yeah, it was. So now, yeah, and then you escort the train, and now you go to present the Navajo artifact to the guy and be like, "I need passage through your thing, through your fucking lands, through your lands." >> I love the- >> I love the- >> I love the- >> In this alternate reality that the Navajo have their own particular kind of air force. >> And they have their own country. >> And they have their own country. >> They have their own country, yeah. >> Well, yeah. >> White man can't take their shit when they've got planes. >> Yep. >> Yeah, it's so weird. >> Except they don't have any guns. >> Yeah. >> I don't have any other planes. >> Yeah, it doesn't have guns. Okay, if you were a Navajo, would you trust the white guy with a plane with guns? >> I'm really glad though that they gave it, like, they still gave the Navajo, like, machine guns. >> Yeah. >> And shit like that. >> They fly blends the giant caterpillars. >> Yeah, it has machetes on the side for cutting planes when they're close. The secondary fire, like, throws hatchets exactly, I'm telling you, this is like the type of shit that people talk about in these meetings, though, you know, like how we make this like Indians, right? >> Let's put a bunch of feathers on the side, we'll make their planes look like hawks. It'll be great. >> Yeah, and that's the one they- >> I don't know, Pete, that sounds more mire than Navajo, yeah, that's true, yes. >> And you do see throughout the course of this game, that the world building behind this game, they really tried to be consistent, and they tried to be completed with it, and- >> I still love it every time it goes to the map. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, me too, I mean, like, the math's right, I wish we could see more of that. >> What other crazy fucked up shit happened in North America? >> I mean, if there was, like, really good fiction books written in that universe, it'd be really cool. >> Yeah. >> And the Navajo thing just like- >> Oh, that helps. >> The Navajo thing just helps complete the illusion, you know, because- >> Until he says, "You can pass through my land, won't you answer me these questions three?" >> Yeah, the three, the test of- >> And then they can- >> But does he say these questions, right? >> No, he says, but it's almost that bad, I mean, he really says like- >> Yeah. >> Because I mean, he, you, you shoot down a bunch of crap for him, and- >> And bring an artifact back, yeah, you bring an artifact back to them- >> But first, we must have you shoot down balloons. >> It's like, it's like, we'll let you pass, but only if you're good enough. Really, I can't just fly over your land, come on, you, your balls are mine, you owe them. >> Yeah, it's like Indians, all these, sorry, Indians, all these Navajo Native Americans are like smart enough to like, make, like, adopt all these planes and everything, but they're never like, you know, maybe we should adopt like a treaty. Like, do you think we can just have a signed-up piece of favor, not get out the fucking blimps. He's doing it. Right now. >> Tradition. >> Yeah. >> We've been doing this for generations. I can see how somebody would think that, you know, that they're playing to the noble Native American traditional kind of thing, like bringing it into their fiction, but it turned out just being stereotypical. >> It was extreme. It was fine up until that point, and that's like, wow, this just got super heavy-handed. >> Yeah. >> Not that the guys that sounded like they were from a salsa commercial point. >> Right. It's true. >> But it's like we were saying earlier, like at least they carry their vision through, like, when you get to Chicago later, it's still like everyone's clear, like, it's- >> Chicago is insane. >> Exactly. >> Like, I love the skyline of Chicago. >> Are we talking about Chicago already? >> Yeah. >> All right. >> Sorry. It's the same way. >> But he's right there. >> But I'm just saying, like, they exaggerate every- >> They're all Chicago-based. >> Yeah. >> Chicago land games. >> Yeah. >> They're all Chicago land games. >> Yeah. >> They're all Chicago land games. >> Yeah. >> They're all Chicago land games. >> Yeah. >> They're all Chicago land games. The balloon one, is it just that you have to hit X amount in the time when it was 19? >> You have to hit it as 19. >> Okay, I see. I didn't know that. Like, I just thought I had hit every single one. So I was sitting there, switching back and forth to all the turns being like, "Oh, fuck, did I miss one?" >> Yeah, I was hitting everyone too. And then, like, suddenly it was like, it's over. And I was like, "Oh, cool." It's like, "Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh." >> Oh, jaunty music. How sweet, we're done. >> Yeah. >> Now I just have two more stupid tests. >> Yeah. >> I don't know, that first balloon one annoyed me because I just kept switching back and forth between turrets and not knowing where I was. And even though there's only two turret spots and it seems really straightforward, I somehow was firing through them and it wasn't hitting them. But of course, I beat it after my third try or something, so. >> For me, the most annoying one was the- >> Followed the leader. >> Yes, the followed the leader because- >> Yeah, that was the- >> That was the favorite one. >> The thing about the automatic sort of flying for retards control arcade scheme of Crimson Skies is that as you turn it turns your plane, it turns the pitch as it should for your plane to turn. And the second you let go of the turn to let it just sort of take its course, it straightens out again. And I'm always paranoid. I'm going to crash into cliff walls. And that's nothing that anyone else ever deals with, like the computer never has to worry about that. >> That was the thing, it's like I kept watching him flying and I'm like, oh, it makes it look so easy. Look, it's perfect and at that point you realize I'm just a man holding a funny looking controller with two sticks on it. >> I know. >> My plane's going like this. >> But the right stick controls your pitch. I was totally doing those maneuvers where you're just like completely on your side going through the can. >> I just don't feel like it works that well because it's intended for you just to use the left stick. >> In combat I only use the left stick. >> I use both sticks all the time. >> I was using both and I still don't feel it's the same. I mean, part of it is like a camera issue. I mean, you're supposed to be following a trail and in this mission in particular, I'm not saying they should have done this, but whatever, like if the camera was pulled back to twice as far away from your plane as you are there, that section would be a whole lot easier to do in parts of it. And like other parts when you're kind of moving sideways through the thin canyon wall, of course, at that point it would be easier for the camera to be closer. I don't know. It's just the controls aren't perfect. >> It's important. >> Yeah. The controls just aren't perfect during that section and I died because I wasn't, at some point you'd be like, "Oh, you missed a turn." I'm like, "Missed what turn? I'm right behind you." >> Well, I was busy colliding with 17 different walls. >> Or I just, you know, sorry, I went a little slower, you know? >> I did. >> I don't wonder how many times it went through tests before they decided to add that fucking smoke trail. >> Smoke trail. >> Yeah. I'm really glad that was there. It would have been impossible. >> It would have been impossible. >> Yeah, it would have been impossible. >> Because there are times that I would lose him, but I would just have the tail end. >> That's what I'm talking about. That's why if the camera was pulled out a little bit further, at least you'd be able to see him at that point instead of just the smoke trail. >> Basically, I just, whenever I could, I just hit the Y button so that I could speed up and I was like right on his ass the entire time. I actually had a lot of fun with this one because it was like the most acrobatic flying I had yet done in the game and it felt really cool. >> There are a couple times where they really make you do feel like a badass is you like go perfect circle around like a column of rock or something. >> But I feel like I do that stuff so much during normal dark fighting, especially against Zeppelin's like I have become the fucking master of the strafing run on a Zeppelin then going forward and doing the turn all like back and doing it again. >> In dog fighting, I spend a lot of time just concentrating on my target and like holding in the B button and staying relatively still and like luring guys into me so that I can kill them that way because that seems to be the fastest way to kill enemy planes. I don't do a whole lot of like crazy acrobatic flying. >> Oh, I do because that's the whole fun of the game for me is to like, and even if even that sometimes yes at the expense of killing things faster because you know. >> Or the thing I'm escorting. >> Right. >> Speaking of acrobatic flying, did you guys notice that the plane you get from the Navajo? It's called the Fox, the Desert Fox. It has like a crazy ass acrobatic move. Did you guys do it? >> I didn't play with it. >> Dude, it does this thing where let me try to explain it to listeners where it like imagine you're looking at a star and like a star is rotating, you know, like rims basically like the plane does that so like flies and rotates like wing over wing like completely physically impossible like if you're still traveling forward like it tilts up vertical and this goes up vertical and then spins while it's vertically oriented kind of like rims. >> Are you sure you didn't get hit by an enemy because there are times like if a guy runs into you and this doesn't happen every time but there are times where you will just start splats. >> No, no, it was definitely like to me it looked like it was like a choreographed stunt thing. >> Do you remember what stick combination used? >> I want to say that I did the one where you click the stick in and both of them you move outwards which does the circle to sort of, I did something like that but then this crazy ass it was almost almost like the plane was doing cartwheels. >> I didn't know you could go, I flew directly up in the air and did the move that should have been the turn around. >> Oh yeah, you totally do that, you dive on the shoot out of things. >> Yeah and you just like, you just go and start to dive but I mean it did a totally different animation than the usual flipper round. It did like a kind of like a stall and fall but it was perfect like I know the game was helping me out because I hit right below. >> You can. >> Sorry, good. >> Right before I hit the ground it, you know, I was seriously skimming the ground it was like. >> Yeah, like I was going to say there's been a couple of times that I've been. >> If you try to pull a trick without enough fuel, like generally your tricks take half a fuel bar to do and if you have less than half a fuel bar and you do a trick you'll stall. >> Maybe that's what it was. Anyway, whatever it was, it looked fucking sick and it was perfect. I totally schooled whatever dude I was. >> So you do the trial shooting shit, you do the trial following and then you do the trial of getting the dude to come into the canyon. >> And when I was doing that I saw the second plane down there and I was like, I bet you that one as ammo jumped in it and I was like, nope, no ammo. >> Do I try dickhead? >> This was the first one I did. I passed up all the other ones and did this right off. >> It wasn't hard at all. >> It wasn't hard at all. >> I put on even some damage. >> I just found it annoying because like I kept flying too far ahead and I kept having to go back to get him. >> Yeah, come on. >> I just have their holding B and waving. >> That's funny. This is the one where I stayed close to the ship and was able to perfectly escort it in no problem at all. >> And then you shoot it down. >> And then you get to pass through Navajo lands. Just like that. There you go. >> So this to me is like that section of the game really weak compared to other ones. >> It would have been so cool to learn more about what the Navajo is like. >> We're not even done yet because then while you're in Navajo lands they're about to let you pass through like you're at their base and all of a sudden they get attacked. >> But not by, they take you to the titanium mine through the Indian lands, right? >> That's what happens and you find the red skull gang. >> Along with the Banditos. >> Are they both there? Because I always remember seeing the red skull people. >> Isn't it a three-way battle between you and the Banditos? >> It could be. That could explain why it seemed like I saw other planes shooting it. >> Yeah. The reds and the Banditos are definitely there as well. >> The locomotive centipede. >> Yup. That was a cool boss. >> Yeah. Yeah. First I couldn't figure out how to fight them. >> I have. >> Because it goes forever before he opens his eye. >> He can destroy the turrets on the little- >> Right. That I did do. But I'm just saying like as far as like, it doesn't do enough damage doing this. I was like, okay, so I'll shoot rockets, no, turrets, no. >> I just kept shooting the planes. >> That's such like a thing that you'll just never see in boss battles now. It's considered backwards and pardon the expression Japanese designed to have a boss that will just nail you over and over again without giving you an opportunity to hit it. >> Well, he doesn't really do any damage to you though. >> I mean, he can. >> He can. >> And also if the game has trained you at that point to think that if you're not defending a Zeppelin from something big that's coming at it, you're going to lose and have to restart. So I was just getting so frustrated, especially when it wrapped itself around the fucking- >> I know. >> I guess I'm just going to have to restart this thing and figure out when I can shoot it. >> You haven't beaten this before? >> No, I did, but you don't realize until after it happens that once it basically fucking destroys the Zeppelin, it's just going to sit there on the ground and stay on fire. And that's when you have to shoot it. >> And the- >> I just kind of understood right away that while it's not opening its mouth and firing stuff, I'm supposed to be taking out the planes. That's why it's invincible for that period of time. >> The mistake that they make is that they put a target on it, there's a targeting- >> On the side of the thing, you're supposed to be shooting out those gears. >> That's what I was doing over and over again. >> Yeah. >> I just remembered that it was a longer sequence or something and so I spent the time shooting down planes and stuff. >> And then all it comes down to is shooting it like two different times when it opens its eyeball. >> Right. And then it moves to the top of the cliff face going after the Pandora and that's when you jump on a turret and basically unload in its mouth. >> Like I understand the idea of having a mechanical- >> Which is the right way for something. >> Animal-like things. Right? Like having that spider thing or having this thing looks like a centipede, but I've never understood in these games when they react like an animal would, because I'm like in theory, it's just a dude. >> Because it's where I'm real backwards. >> I'm injured. >> Why is it history? >> Yeah. >> I'm italic-streamed. >> Yeah. >> Who is the guy that designed that? >> He is just a guy in a loudspeaker. >> A German dad who wears a spider ring. >> I just think that's kind of silly when they react on real animals to a good point. >> A lot of games do that there, like any type of big metal bust they'll act like it's like a dying dinosaur or something. >> Is that a three-way battle? I mean, that would explain why it seems like I saw enemy planes shooting enemy planes. >> Yeah, they were bandit. >> For sure. >> I just can't remember. All I know is I was shooting planes and trying to stay alive and I started referring to them as banditos, because I'm pretty sure they were bandits before. >> I thought they were banditos in the game. >> I mean, they are banditos. Let's be honest. >> No, but I thought they were. I thought it was what they call it. >> I just heard a poem Bandits, I thought. >> Yeah, I think it's just Bandits. You guys are liars. >> But I like that. I like banditos. >> I mean, they don't call the Indians red men. >> But Banditos. Banditos. >> Is the kind of awful microwave or pizza. >> There's Spanish speaking bandits. >> How do you say bandit in Spanish? >> Banditos. >> I don't know if it's Bandito. >> I don't know either, but I bet you it is. >> It would be. >> That's the rule of Spanish. You had an O on the end and it's Spanish. >> Hyla. >> Excuse me. >> Tylita. >> All right. So, yeah, I don't remember, I remember there being a three-way battle, I don't remember if this was exactly that point, but I remember it because I was going like, cool, three-way battle. >> So, Eryxo ends with a three-way that ends up with something being shot in the mouth? >> Yeah. Well, and you have to destroy like the, you have to destroy the red skull base, right? >> You have to -- >> Yeah, no, they do have a base, yeah. They have like a base there. So, you shoot the fuel tanks to blow up their hangers, so infinite planes don't come out. >> And I made the mistake of -- or what I felt was the mistake of having the Indian plane, I say Indian. >> This is where you can grab a whole plane. >> This is where you can grab the red guy's plane as well, right? >> No. >> Where's that in Chicago? >> That's in Chicago. >> Chicago. >> She. >> You can fly back to the airfield with a turret next to it and right next to the turret, there's a bulldog, I think. >> You also get the coyote here. >> Yeah. >> This is where I found the coyote. Yeah, that's right. >> Yeah, I found the coyote. >> Because it's also a bendy coyote. >> Really? >> Yeah, the super annoying thing is that right next to that plane is a fucking turret. So as you're flying down to grab that plane, you'll accidentally get out and get the turret. And for some reason here, it would not let me skip the little transition animations. >> Mm-hmm. >> Oh, right, this is the section. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. The section with the giant worm is the one part in the game so far where you can't ever skip the transition. >> Yeah. Everywhere else, like going from -- like going from Zeppelin to turret, skip it. Going from anything. >> I couldn't figure out if it was something where the game was like time -- I was like, why would they do this? Is it something with the worm being on a timer where you have to be linked to it in real time and see if this little skipping thing would break it, I don't know, or is it just a weird bug? >> I mean, the world keeps going when you're in that animation. >> Yeah. >> So basically it's cheating when you skip the animation. >> That's what I mean. So why wouldn't they let me cheat every other time, but not this one? >> Exactly. >> I think the cheating rules consistence is all I ask. >> Exactly. That's what I'm saying. >> Yup. >> That's what we did. >> And now back to you, Tyler. >> You're no clean. >> I'm no clean. >> Yes. >> So you kill a -- and now you kill a f- everybody. >> You clean it up. >> Everybody fucking dies. >> You clean it up. >> So you clean it up and everyone fucking dies. >> We'll have to tell you about it. >> And then you realize that it's the dude that owns the mine, you find out is your buddy in Chicago, right? That's who owns the mine. >> I mean, is he your buddy? >> Well, okay. >> So somebody you know. >> Con. >> I mean, he's your lando. >> From what I understand, it's like a Han Solo Lando. >> Exactly. He's your white shaven-headed Lando. >> So, yes. So you find out, I think he owns the mine. >> And the cloud city of Chicago. >> And so you go to him to be like, "Why the hell are you working with fascist shot town?" >> So what you're saying is we're going to Chicago. >> Would die spinner? Right? That's the guy's name. >> Is it? >> Yeah. >> What was the -- >> Clear shared German name. >> It was the mission where you -- it was the truck mission, where you had to guard the fleet of trucks, and you -- and you could get on the -- >> That's flying a tube. >> That's a Navajo truck escort mission. It's right before the -- it's right before the worm. >> Yeah. That's going to the marks. >> That's going to the trucks that you like get -- they have trucks that you have turrets on them that you can get on. >> That is also -- I think it's that same mission. >> That part is so weird. >> Speed up. Slow down, fight, fight, fight. Because I was just like, this -- basically I feel like I'm in a truck where someone turned the parking brake off, and it's sliding downhill, and I am shooting a cannon off of it. >> Thankfully, you don't have to control the way the truck goes, though it automatically just follows, like, a route. >> I did the same thing where I got it in the truck, and played with the turret for a second. I was like, eh, I missed my maneuverability, and then just got back out and did all that. >> I felt like I was doing something wrong, because it wasn't moving anywhere, except for backwards. >> Oh, yeah. You have controls up and down in the event. >> Well, moving up just made it stop. It just stopped in place. It didn't move back where it came from, so I just felt like I was doing something wrong. >> Right. I used the truck cannon to kill basically all the Zeppelins, because, like, three Zeppelins show up. >> Dang, I didn't use any of the turrets at all. I just stopped using turret. >> Eventually, it's got to fall together. I feel like I was just fucking up Zeppelins every time they came on, like, especially with the Bulldog, the shotgun really does a number on Zeppelins, for whatever reason. In theory, any bullet should be doing it around these Zeppelins. >> Right. >> It'd be like big, full of gas. >> In the reality of the game world, I mean, and it might just be because they're so big that every shot hits them and counts, but doing strafing runs along the sides of Zeppelins with the Bulldog is super fun, as long as you take out the rocket cannon first. >> Only you could strafe in a plane. So we go to Chicago. I don't mean like playing strafing where you dive in. I mean moving sideways. >> Yes, I do. >> Oh, like you're on a horizontal plane? >> Yes. >> So you go to Chicago and you confront Duchabag, and you're like, "Why are you working with fascists?" And then the other fascists are like, "I'm not a fascist." >> It's time for him to die. >> Then you throw the pin out, and then you're like, "I don't even understand the law." >> Window! >> This is like the truth. >> You say to the girl, you're like, "Get to the window." And like, how did he know that that rope was going to conveniently be there, right? >> It's like, basically, they turn the gun on him and wait for him to do something. >> Yeah. >> I love that they could have, they could have like set it up so that he was, he is Zeppelin that came by or his plane that came by, which would have made it logical, but no. It's just like, "I'm going to jump out this fucking window right now and see what happens." >> Something's going to be there. >> And not only does he catch the rope on the Zeppelin, he slides down the rope and lands on another plane. >> On another plane, yeah. >> I know, but even if that girl jumped out right behind him, she wouldn't have made the rope. >> No. >> Like he would have made the rope, but she would have just went falling past him. >> But then you could have done it on Rocketeer style and gone after her until you realized that the propeller was on the front and end of her. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. That was just, that part was so silly. >> Yeah. Some of the cutscenes in the game, pretty good. Some of them, not so good. I mean, the game is goofy and that's totally okay. >> This is actually the mission I came the closest to straight up losing. Was this one? My Zeppelin barely made it out. >> Really? >> Yeah. >> Because you're getting that plane and now it's like you're fighting off like 20 damn planes at the same time along with the also mega Zeppelin. >> Yeah, the uber Zeppelin. >> Yeah. >> Let's stop and talk about Chicago here for a sec though. All of a sudden now, this game looks gorgeous. To me. >> I think it looks like it's so black with lights instead. >> And also colors. >> Yeah. >> A Rixo is ugly. Like that whole section of the game is just ugly. >> The desert is ugly. >> It's just like pastel pinks for most of it. The dark canyon areas look fine, but the overground areas look awful. >> This is why Utah is a terrible state. >> I just mean, it's like a much better use of their like Matt and I were talking before. To me, it looks like a thousand times more detailed. Jay Fresh walked by while I was playing this and he was like, what are you playing? I'm like, it's still crimson skies, dude. It's just a different area. I've been waiting to get back here since I started playing the game. And Matt put it well. He said, you know, they're using a lot more polygonal details in the canyons. These are just a bunch of giant rectangles in the world. >> And they're black. So it doesn't even have to have like crazy. But the skyline is like the skybox is much better looking. There's colors and lights in the world in interesting ways now. They stand out when you see like the neon green of the repair shop. It's like visible from very, very far away. >> And it's got sort of a blade runner kind of vibe and ordinarily a blade runner is sort of a tired thing to be in video games, but here it works really well. It's just the city seems so vast and tall and alive. >> What I like is just like flying around in some of the buildings right in the middle of the buildings. You'll see they have like these many runways. And in my mind, that's like the richest people in the city like have their own private little runways built into this crazy thing or those that as soon as the fighting opens up. Everyone's just shooting. I'm like imagining all these people in their hires apartments. It's jacking animals. They're just fucking ripping through your shit. >> And it's once you get to this part, and I know we sort of talked about it last week, but where I really feel like, and then I would have loved to see another version of this game, a more modern version where because we've come so far in terms of the tech over the past few years, this game right at this point already looks really awesome, but what if you could like fly through crazy buildings with people living in them and you could shoot up windows and have people parachute out. It's like the chasing a minority report. >> The thing that pissed me off about this mission was during this mission, I got out and captured a police airplane. And I ended the mission with it and I didn't get to. Yeah, you don't get to take the police. What up with that? >> It's stupid. >> I thought that that was for sure me capturing a plane. >> Pirates got to have rules. >> No, no. The rules, you retain it. Yeah. That's the pirate rule. >> Yeah, I thought that was strange too, but not that the police airplane was worth anything. It was pretty terrible. >> Back to my, I went back to the other plane. >> But the collecting horn, you desired to have it hung up in your hangar. >> It was. >> Yep, that's a police plane. >> Yep. >> It was basically like the biplane with the Gatling gun on it, but your main guns were like the long shot rifle shots, sort of. >> Mm-hm. >> So yeah, I didn't think that big Zeppelin was that hard to take out. It was easy to take out. It was just that it was fucking my Zeppelin. >> Oh. >> Yeah, my Zeppelin got by with like, I was like, I couldn't even see the health bar on it anymore when it was like, we're good. We escaped. >> There's much tension because you know that if you die, you just go do that whole fucking part over again. >> Yeah, that's true. And there's not good. >> No, there was a checkpoint. >> The reason my shit almost died though is because I was dumb and I did like what you talked about where like, you miss a turret or something like that and you didn't see it and it's just been wailing on you the whole time. Like, I missed one of the building turrets. >> Oh. >> And the whole time it was just going nuts. >> Mm-hm. >> Yeah. >> And I didn't know it. So. >> Yeah, there was one nice thing about the plane that they gave you is that it has a lot of rockets. So, and one rocket takes out those building turrets so when you were flying it, I was just like rocket, rocket, rocket, rocket and they were all gone. >> And those are just normal rockets, right? They're not magnetic. They're just going as straight away. >> The rockets on that plane, I'm pretty sure have more heat seeking capability than any of the other rockets. >> Really? >> Yeah. They really seem to follow planes a lot better than other rockets. >> Huh. >> Yeah, they have magnetic rockets that's so dumb. >> Yeah. >> Because it's just like the plane is closer to anything. >> This family of four and like their sedan plane going by the battle and all of a sudden the rocket veers off. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. So that's where we play it up to. >> And now I'm happy with this game of game of Chicago. >> I know. We're going to play through that. It felt like a weird stopping point. I mean, we're doing it this way so that it's five chapters for each one, but right where we stopped them was felt like, like, we should have stopped when we reach Chicago because that should have been where it started because it obviously feels like it's one of their launching points. >> That's why like both of these times I've played, I've been off by one mission. Yeah. Like I played the first mission over Rixo and the first mission of, but it also gives you a taste of what's up next week. >> I'm just surprised that we all played it considering all the shit that's come out over the last week and a half. >> Yeah, it's true. I'm really, really glad that I played up until the. >> That you cheated last time? >> Yeah. I played through chapter nine last time. >> I'll tell you. >> I'll tell you what, I did the first Rixo mission last time, and like I said, that one was really long. I remember saying last week, this one mission chapter 10 or chapter five is a lot longer than chapters four, three, two, but the rest of it I played all today. >> I played it all. >> Fairly short on one sitting and it took me like less than two hours total. >> Yeah, exactly. >> I just feel like we have to be careful when we do that because my or at least I do, because my inclination when I have to play through a big chunk of a game in that title spot is just to get mad at every little thing they can't do. >> Well, let's be honest, two of us, who of us doesn't put it off to like the day before, like I put it off. >> When it was half-life, I don't. >> Usually I don't, but I had dragon age to play with. >> I was going to say this is a really bad, I mean, maybe this is a time where we should have done a game club on a game like that we were going to be easy because we'll have a good selection of games that will be out that we can do it on. >> Well, we're doing the thing next time. >> We don't have to. If we wanted to do a game that would come out. >> We have to do that. >> Dragon age would have been an awesome game to do on a really long game club because it would have been like a book. >> Actually, the game, the modern game that I was thinking of having us do was just have a tour. >> That's not a bad idea. >> Yeah. >> I know nothing about that game. So, really interesting. >> Yeah, I've only seen it 83 and that was it. >> I believe that Comic Con, it was a lot of fun. >> Yeah, I think it has potential. It's one of those games I'm on the fence about. Could be really cool, could totally disappoint me. I'm not sure yet. >> But we'll talk more about that next time. >> Yeah. >> Fair enough. >> So, thanks for joining us. Remember to listen to our fellow Hammership Podcasts at, you can listen to the Geek Box at, you can listen to, which is like former. All those are former one up people, EGM people, and then you can hear me on the Game Spidey Briefings at And then you can, most importantly, more than anything else, you can see co-op at Area 5.TV. Ryan always rolls his eyes, like he doesn't think they're sure deserves praise and it does. >> It's not what I mean. It's because you always like, you put it up on this pedestal. >> Yeah. >> It doesn't work or anything. >> Because the amount of work and love that goes into that is above and beyond everybody else's show that I was named. That is personal. >> No, it is true. >> Yeah, Area 5. That's U.V. >> So much fun. >> Cool. >> All right. Thank you all for listening. >> Thank you. >> We'll see you next week. Play up to Chapter 15. More. >> Thank you. >> He feels really like young. >> I am J.J. >> You are not J.J.'s. >> P.B. P.B. How about with the recording? You going to lay with Tyler? >> You fucking cheating whore. >> I knew what you wanted before you knew what you wanted, but she said to you. >> West Coast, North Coast, South, Brown's Breath is so bad. >> You're not going to be a kid. >> You're not going to be a kid, you're not going to be a kid. >> That was cool. >> What was that? >> I don't know. >> You fucking stoner, Tyler. Are we ready? >> Okay. >> Everyone be quiet, I guess. Are we ready? We're good. OK. Everyone be quiet, I guess.