Rebel FM
Rebel FM Episode 36 - 101509
Bienvenidos! This week we've got a long first segment as we talk about Modern Warfare 2's SpecOps mode, Saw, Borderlands, and quite a bit more. Then we move on to your comments and opinions about where you think this console generation is going and where the next will take us, and then we close out with letters. ______ penis!This week's music, in order of appearance: Dethklok - Mermaider;HORSE the band - Science Police;Orenda Fink - Bloodlines
[MUSIC] Too bad with the microphone, just to pick up the fact that I was creepily breathing into it. Yeah, or creepily staring at me. So hello and welcome to Rebel FM episode. If I'm wrong about the numbering then I apologize, but I was too lazy to look it up on a website even though there's a laptop right next to me. Quick, say 36. It might be 36, 36 and or 37. No, so now if it's actually 36, then I'll just cut out you saying 37 and- But I want to say 36, so that way it gets cooked in a really horrible way. I'm Anthony Giggos, co-host of the show and writer for, contributor to With me is Tyler Barber. Hey, how's it going? Who contributes- I'm also a GameSpy writer and a co-host here at the show and then there's Arthur. Geez. Some random douche. He's just a random douche. [LAUGHTER] Who contributes to nothing in life. I'm a random GameSpy surf. Yeah, at this point, no. So that's Arthur Giggos, co-host of the show as well. And together we comprise Rebel event, fucking 18 that talks about Dix. It's like Voltron with one leg that's shorter than the other, so he just walks in circles. I retired Voltron. I feel like you're using that as a means to say retard all those times where before we would feel guilty for saying. It's only because I saw that movie and it stuck with me because that was one of the funnier things to me. It's just that small change in the tone of the word. Rain Man took Las Vegas and he was retard. Yeah, it's just like when someone says it with such conviction so wrongly. So let's talk about- Well that's actually how you would say, when you were talking about the musical aspect of retard too slow down. So let's talk about games and then after that, it's going to be three hours of relationship letters for the people that complain about it. I mean, that's really what we've wanted to do the entire time. This podcast has been going, it just didn't seem like it was the right moment. Yeah, I mean, that's why we continually talked about penises and stuff like that to try and get people in the mood for love. Anyways- How's that working out for you? Well, for about three minutes a day it works out pretty well. So let's talk about games today. I played Star Wars Battlefront. So, Squadron. Squadron Heroes? Not a good sign. No, it's just that it, you know, it's easy to think of it as a Star Wars Battlefront. The new Star Wars Battlefront PSP game. The old last one was called Renegade Squadron and this one I want to say is just called like it's squadron something as well, but I still remember what it is. Yeah, the last one they bundled with a PSP 3000 pack right last fall. They did a Darth Vader white PSP that I wanted, but I couldn't justify getting rid of my regular PSP for it. Doesn't the PSP 3000 have a really shitty picture quality too? I don't know. It's this weird interwacing. I mean to be fair my PSP 1000 as you and I can attest to, you can't find one of those new out of the box that doesn't have dead pixels, you know? Well, that's the same way with pretty much all the PSP's. People with PSP goes are saying they've got dead pixels. Yeah, that's two hundred fifty dollar dead pixel. Yeah, I mean like when me and Arthur, when I first got my PSP we returned like two or he was with me when I did because I was like there's obviously something wrong. No, that's just how they all are. I mean, you probably have a dead pixel or two on your LCD TV? Yeah, although it's nice on my PSP though. It's like dead in just the right place where it doesn't ever really bother me. So yeah, I played that multi-player only, although I do have a disc to play single player. It was pretty cool. I don't know. We had them hooked up to monitors, so I was mostly watching it on the monitor, which on the monitor of course it's not very flattering. Well, I think the big question as usual is how does it control? So, yeah, so since it's normally kind of played like a third person shooter on the home console versions, so you move with the analog nub and then you don't ever really do any looking because there's no strafing really, so it's like, so to strafe, yeah, I think, hold on let me rephrase that, there is strafing, but to strafe you hold the right shoulder button down and that's how you strafe. So there isn't like, you know, it isn't like the other face buttons are your look, your X and Y-X look. It's like playing doom. And so, and so, and so, you know, whenever you find an enemy you just run up and hit the right shoulder button and you lock onto them. So you are both locked onto each other, like a hundred percent locked on. Like it can, they can break lock if they do something crazy, but other than that you're just circle strafing each other. Like you're playing like tether ball or something. And some of your shots will miss sometimes and you can do certain roles to help you dodge hits. But really, it's more who gets the drop on who first in that way. And you would think that's not very fun, but actually... I was going to ask, I mean... I mean, we were playing like, I think it might have been like an eight on eight match. And it is pretty fun because so you don't encounter players that often, honestly, like, and that may sound like it's not that great either, but the NPCs and stuff are fun to play against and players tilt the side of the battle, like tilt the battle in their favorite, like going to the right places and being smarter than those AI. And there's so many things going on. There's like the ground battle, then there's the space battle, then there's the people and trying to board the ships. And all those things are influencing each other because each level centers on the fact that there's an eye on canon. And so whoever gets control of the eye on canon, they can put someone on it and shoot the capital, the enemy capital ship in the air, enough to lower their shields to where boarding can finally take place. And so even blowing up the capital ship isn't the end of the level. It's just like 400 points towards your team score because it's first to 2,000 points. So like how many units are running around on screen? Like how many players is it? How many bots? I don't know. I mean, anytime when I was running around, there was usually like between 3 and 4 enemy and allied NPCs or players on screen at all times, not to mention like, you know, people hopping into tanks and rolling around on those or walkers. Like it did have a surprising amount of stuff, not to mention, even on the planet's surface, people can be flying overhead in tie fighters, fighting and stuff like that. Any voice chat or anything like that? Not that I saw, but we didn't really have much of a problem communicating, not because we weren't talking like to each other in the room. But the game does do a pretty decent job of dictating like, you need to take the eye on canon to take the ship shields down or like if shit's going really bad on the ground and you're losing all the control points because too many people are in space, it'll be like return to the surface, we're having trouble, so I don't know, it's fun, but my one thing is I don't really at this point see like, if they're trying to appeal to people that really loved Renegade Squadron and really loved the Battlefront series and like sticking with it on PSP, you know, they didn't really seem like, like why? I didn't really see enough of this different from Renegade Squadron, I don't know, maybe in Renegade Squadron there wasn't like a space battle and ground battle that you could transition between. Can you play that one? I didn't, I didn't review it. Right, so I thought you did or you previewed it? I, maybe I did, man, it's been so long. I just don't remember any of the details about it, that's some of my games, I rinse, rinse from my mouth once I play them and move on, so, yeah, I don't know. Well last one like you could build up a character too, can you like you? Yeah, there was like a custom character classes and there's still custom loadouts in this that we didn't really experiment with that because it was just like go, go, go, level, level, and, but it was fun. I mean the battles take about 15 minutes to get through, I don't know, like I said fighting NPCs and stuff, they still would get the objectives done, like it wasn't like totally, I mean but players are smart enough to just tilt the battle, but NPCs could settle it on their own as well. I don't know. It's fun, I don't feel, it makes me, if anything, it makes me just kind of miss the fact that there isn't a next gen battlefront and I asked the guy about next gen battlefront and as far as, he implicated to me there wasn't any in development, so. I mean, I was under the understanding that rumors say that there is a next gen star role. Yeah, he said there's rumors. He said there's rumors, but he didn't say that there was one and he wouldn't even confirm to me that that leaked footage was a game that was a LucasArts property, he's like, yeah it was some weird footage, huh, so. Oh, like the leaked footage showing the leaving from the planet in a fighter and boarding a ship and like the concept art that showed evil Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yes, he was like, that was a weird footage, huh, so. You know, I don't know, maybe that went down so badly that they don't want to talk about it, I don't know. I mean, for radical, just crumbled, so. I think it was theoretical. It might have been. And either way, for radical, what was left of them got purchased by. Critic. Yeah, so. Yeah, that game. Maybe it was pandemic. It would be fun to play online, but I'm just wondering like how much of an audience is there to keep a community going for a PSP online game. I was wondering about that. I mean, it doesn't seem like a very portable friendly gaming genre, like the online multiplayer shooter, like that's objective based. Right, so it's to me, like until Wi-Fi is everywhere or something, like I would still be playing that at my house. And at that point, why would I not play like Battlefield or something? Yeah. Yeah. I don't understand like the single player and stuff in Battlefront, I've always played as well and kind of enjoyed, but if the focus of it as being multiplayer shooter, it just seems like the PSP is such a weird platform to do it with. Yeah, I mean, unless it's like you're in middle school or whatever and you and your friends all have it. Yeah, if you're going to play out of the game or something, right, although at my school, they would never have let us brought PSPs to school. Right. Time for changing. Kids bring cell phones to school all the time now. Yeah. Cell phones, I know. Yeah, even in my high school, they wouldn't let us have cell phones if you got caught with it. They'd take it from you. When I was in high school, it was pagers that everyone was sneaking. Yeah, the only people in my high school who had pagers were drug dealers, which is why they didn't want people to have it. Um, so yeah, Star Wars Battlefront, not that, I mean mixed feelings about that. It was fun when I played it, but I just don't know that I would go out and buy it because I don't foresee enough of an audience holding it and what do I have? If you came home and it was sitting in like a stack of games with like uncharted and brutal legend, modern warfare. Right. If I'm going to sit here and play a game, my house multiplayer there. So many other options that to me are much more appealing than playing one on my PSP. Like uncharted to co-op. Like uncharted to co-op as well. Like uncharted to or in the future, it would probably be things like modern warfare to co-operative spec op mode, which you also saw this week. Which I also saw on Monday, uh, spec op, it was cool. That's kind of like this is the mode that they wanted to take from the last mission and the previous modern warfare game. So they said that they make a ton of stuff that gets cut out and, uh, like mile high, the reason that was even in the game was it was they really wanted to find a place for it in the campaign. But they couldn't. And so they were like, I was put in the credits so that way it doesn't have to be associated with it because they had already made it. So spec ops, I suppose the air and maybe like some of the ideas that they had, but there wasn't really a good way to fit them in. Um, but spec ops from what I saw comes down to being like three types of cooperative matches, one of which is like Rainbow Six's terrorist hunt, kill X amount of infantry before the map ends, uh, reach point A to B and then the third one actually, I'm not even totally sure. They said that the feeling they were going for is they kind of wanted to go for that. The feeling that you get when you play those like, uh, the sniper, the sniper level in Call of Duty four, where, you know, you, you and him are trying to get through and get out and he's wounded. They kind of wanted to go on that same feeling. And I did see, for instance, when I would get down in the co-op mode, uh, and he would after revive me, I could crawl to him, like, so I wasn't like completely, I could still shoot, but when I wasn't shooting, I could, you know, try and crawl over to him to get him, him me back up. Um, yeah, I mean, it's basically like I was telling Tyler on the way here, it's kind of like a Call of Duty without, like, I don't mean crap in a bad way, but I'm saying it's like what you want without the crap, it's just like, pitch battle, go, ends in three minutes and it's just like these small little snapshots of, yeah, and you just, except you're playing it out in first person, you know, it's, it's just like these really intense firefights and then it's over and they have sort of, uh, the loadout rooms before they start, right? I'm, uh, and sometimes like in the one we played before we breached the wall and started the point A to B thing, there was like six weapons we could pick from and for, and like another one, there was like one where it was, you know, kill 45 guys and then that level if you went into the house, there was probably like a room with like 50 weapons or something laid out between tables and flooring. And you could just go there and pick what you wanted. One of the new enemy types that they showed was this thing called the juggernaut, which is, uh, apparently I guess, uh, I don't know who's doing the music for them now, it's someone famous, um, uh, I don't know, he's done a lot of famous movies and they joked about having him do it and then they actually got him because they have millions of dollars and, uh, and so when the juggernaut enters, he has like an audio cue, kind of like a left for dead style where it goes like, boom, boom, boom, boom, or something, some big old drum hit and you know that he's coming and basically I watched him, that dude can take like five 50 caliber sniper rifle shots to the face and he's like, and he looks like this. What is the premise of that? Like how do they explain that away or is it just like, oh, this is a completely ridiculous mode and we have what we want. He has this weird space looking body armor, like his face looks like a big old white dome. It looks like the suits from kill locker, he looks like the bottom squad, hurt locker, sorry. He looks to me like he should be fighting for Cobra. Like he looks like somebody out of Jai Jai thing and he just or like the shield guys and uncharted to right and so the whole premise, the whole purpose of them is when you're playing these spec op things, they or in single player, I assume they're there too, is they flush you out. Like if you like are like all hold up and you got like a really good thing, like they'll be the guy that'll come break up your shit in the same way a tank does, like messes up all the best leg plans. And actually I don't think they are in single player. I think I've heard them say that somewhere where they're just for the spec ops that that particular. Right. So I mean that could be another reason right because spec ops is kind of fantastical in its own way. So they're just in there to add that extra element so you don't find a really good place to hold up. It's Navy SEALs the game. I mean, yeah, it is so spec ops is what it is, you're not going to unlock any additional things for multiplayer, like you don't get experience, you're not going to level up in there. Do you do that during the single player campaign? Like I think I thought I heard them say that you'll actually unlock stuff now by playing through single player. I don't know if that's been said, I don't know. Because if that's not the case, then fuck you Infinity War. Well, I guess you could look into this, but right in single player, you unlock achievements. In multiplayer, you unlock a ridiculous Metacrap, and then in spec ops mode, you unlock stars. So you get stars based on what skill you're playing. You play it on like regular, it's one star, heart and two star veteran, three stars. So you know, you could see someone that has like all 50 something stars or whatever it is. They said spec ops is like a, he said that lengthwise it rivals. If you play all of it, it rivals single player in length. You know, how much of that is PR talk and how much of that is true. I don't know because when I watched it happen, missions were taking around three to five minutes. You know what, they could have a mode where like it just has terrorists masturbating curiously to see who can finish first, and I wouldn't tear because the rest of that game is going to be so good that it doesn't need to be there for me to think it's awesome. Would that be like a track and filled minigame where you have to like jam on the game? Maybe I mean it could be towards this game being good, even though you've never played it. No, I just understand the pedigree of the developers. Yeah, I don't care. Unlike other games that have sequels that just came out, the last Call of Duty game had really good shooting and level designing game mechanics. So I just don't think that, you know, it's funny because bitches, I really don't think that people realize like Infinity Ward made game X, Treyarch made game Y, like I don't think that ever interests people's mind. I think they're just like, oh, another Call of Duty game. I don't know. I think it enters people's minds more than more than a lot of people would acknowledge. I think it enters the minds of people that read gaming sites and stuff, but I don't think that it's already of people that go by Call of Duty, they ever even reel it because even back in the day when I used to this by games and I didn't read gaming websites and stuff, I never paid attention to who was the developer. The only thing that stuck out my mind was like the Activision logo, the EA logo. I never even thought about what that smaller one was, you know, to me it was an EA game. I never even thought that, you know, it might be published by EA to me EA where the people that made it. Yeah. So when they see the Activision thing, they're probably like, Oh, Call of Duty, same people. But yeah, Spec Ops mode, it's like a cool bonus, I guess. I mean, it's like a big, they want it to be a big feature. You know, when you start up the game, the interface starts up and it's Spec Ops, single player, multiplayer, like it's presented up there as like one of the big three features. So I'm sure they'd love to sell DLC and stuff for it in the future. Yeah. I know like when I, you know, when I used to live back in Houston, man, my roommate, he played that sky high mission probably more than any other mission in the game. I mean, he just kept playing over and over. He loved it. He'd, you know, he loved trying to beat his score or trying to beat it on trying to beat his time veteran. Yeah. Beat it on veteran. I still haven't done that. I don't know. I think that theoretically I could do it. I just don't hate myself enough to subject myself to that kind of frustration over and over again. Yeah. It's not, it's not necessary for me either. It seems like something cool you could play with friends. I don't know if it's really hardcore and tough. Like the, like just today I was playing some of the uncharted to co-op sort of horde mode stuff. And that gets, that game gets really tough. Really cool. Are we talking about the horde mode stuff? Are you talking about the survival mode or are you actually talking about co-op missions? Either or we, we, we were. But missions are pretty damn hard. They, they, they get tough. Yeah. And I failed it. I failed it. One. And then we failed at the second one. We tried last night. Mm-hmm. So. They're no, they're no shit man. You got out of your game, game plan locked. Yeah. And if you're playing with people that can't communicate, it could be pretty bad. Oh yeah. Especially because they have like those guys that come up behind you and slowly but surely choke you out. Right. Yeah. There's, there's a couple of that particular unit type. You can't melee attack him. Nope. He will always beat you. He'll always fuck you over. And the other body armor guys too, you can't melee attack those dudes either. Oh, I imagine punching someone in the body armor. They just be like, what are you doing? Yeah. I don't know though, man. The, the female characters have that one up close melee move where they like move under their legs and punch them in the nuts. Like up at their body armor. Oh, I know. Under their ear. Yeah. Give them a little taint shot. Have you been playing anything else? Uh. I mean, what from borderlands can we talk about? I mean, we could talk about the very like the very beginning of the game if we want, but I don't want to go a whole bunch, especially when it wasn't given to us. Okay. So about the very beginning, do you, how often do you think people are going to go back and make new characters given the direction of the introduction? I mean, even oblivion, you have to do like the whole prison scene and stuff before you can get out there and, but in oblivion, that's a game I never made more than one character. Yeah. I only did one character in oblivion. So I don't know that it's going to be that important. I think people are going to find a character and stick with it, especially if the game does, in fact, take as long to reach level 50 as I've heard. So I don't know that people will go back and create a character or they'll just create a character and play to like level five and be like, I don't like this guy after all, but I don't know. I think people will sink enough time into the investment that they'll stick with it even if they aren't sure if they like it. It's because playing the beginning part is kind of a little slow going when they're introducing to all the things like how to accept quests, it's kind of like a three or two hour tutorial. It's drawn. I mean, like people talk about the dumbing down of console games, but that is just like it treats you like you're a complete. Well, how do you think that though? I don't think it's necessarily dumbed down. It just takes a while to explain things. It's just another game where they sort of like baby step you through like they say, okay, well now you get your radar, your your compass to indicate objectives and now you have a weapon and now you do this and now you change your colors and now. Well, but never made as an objective. It takes like 10 or 15 minutes to to get to a point where you leave the initial area, like that's it's just there's no way to speed up the tutorial, like they do a lot of sections where you have to watch these sort of drug out cut scenes and not even cut scenes, but these sort of scripted sequences that take a long time to happen. Man, I don't know, I don't remember a bunch of scripted sequences that take that long to happen. Yeah, I remember one. The bandits. The bandits. Yeah. But even that last. The bandits attack. You have to wait for clap trap to come out. You have to wait for clap trap to open this. You have to wait from open that. You have to go fix him. Right. But all those things are like little storyline quips that all games have and it lasts like a minute. I mean, you know, think about it in a Halo game when you're waiting on the fucking little guide. Yeah, I disagree. I think that this game takes way longer to get started than most other shooters. Right. But I agree with that because it introduces like it has a lot of really slow, easy quests at the beginning. It's a gradual start. But I don't think that those little parts that you're describing are any part of that. I think a lot of games have that. I again, I completely disagree. I don't think many games take as long to actually get you started as this game takes. Yeah. I mean, not only that, but you can't skip the opening cut scene at all like the first time you do it. I don't know if you can't. No, you can't. Like you literally cannot. You cannot skip the intro cut scene. You can skip the character introduction cut scene, but then you have to go through another one where you get off the bus, then you have to wait for the sort of Cortana voice to go through her spiel and then you have to go through clap traps and then you have to go to the board. And there's a big thing. You're describing there are like less than a minute each, but they add up. They pile on top of each other and Randy Pitchford has gone on record repeatedly is saying that he expects that people will make multiple characters and play through this game over and over again. They keep comparing it to games like Diablo two. Well, I mean, how much of that is just like we want to make people. I mean, it's clear from the whole gear aspect and the quest aspect that that's what they wanted to do was to make to take what Hellgate purported to do and actually do it right. And in some ways it does, but like it just takes people are going to get impatient waiting for it to start. Yeah, I just, I don't know, I guess I just personally don't feel like those little segments are that long. It's really the quest lines themselves or the thing early on the drag out for me, like those little parts I just view them as like star introduction and building up the idea of what the world is, but the quests where it's like co-kill five of this. But it doesn't even do a very good job of building up the world. I don't know, I think that opening cinema and stuff is all kind of important for establishing that and the way and like little things like dealing with clap trap and dealing with the Cortana type character. These are all things that I think are going to be more important down the line. That's why they introduced them to you early. I just, I don't feel like it. It does a good job of establishing itself and even, I mean, like pushing the boundaries of what you're willing to talk about like it just takes a long time to get started like around level eight or so. That's fair. I mean, I've played it twice through level 10 now and I don't know, I don't really feel the drag. It's quite as much as you feel. I've sat down. I also like, I like drug you through like seven levels. That's true. The first time I, the first time I played it up to level 10 I did not play with you. I played it a long time ago for a preview event where I also sat there all day before. I mean, like I have, I've also played through that first section twice and it dragged both times. Yeah. Again, that's why it comes down to me and you just not feeling the same about that. I feel like I quest themselves for what drag, not necessarily that beginning story part. I mean, I see like, I want to think that I got to level 10 and one sit down with it. Does that sound about right? I mean, depending on how long you sit down. I don't think I've sat down very long with it, but I mean, it takes probably about two hours to get to level 10. Yeah. I mean, definitely the takeaway from Borderlands is it's, it's just ultimately, you know, if you're, if you're going to play on Steam where you get the deal where you buy four copies and get a little break on it, like that's the best way to do it. If you have friends, that's the most interesting way to play Borderlands. Otherwise, I think like, kind of like the things you're saying, Arthur, it is, it is a gradual start. I wouldn't say it's necessarily extremely slow, but it is no, it is like one of those things for me. The part that grinds, like I said, like I agree with Arthur, grinds is just the part to the part that grinds slowly. It's just not very fun. It's that is that opening quest, like kill five skags. Now that you've killed by skags, go talk to this dude. It's like, it's like, I would have preferred that right when that door opened, all these quests were available right off the bat. And I mean, you can't do a quest until you activate it, which is different than a lot of other games. Like, it just, it saddens me that Diablo two still feels ahead of so many of the games that try to do your stuff. No, you cannot like those hollow recorders. You can't even pick them up until you get that quest. Oh, see, I would have figured it would have been the opposite, like, right? You have an active quest and then beyond active quests. You can still do the other ones, it's just that the objective is not. You can't. No, yeah, you can do quests that aren't active, but you have to get those quests. So you'll see pickups for quests, but you, if you do not have that quest in your book, you can't do it. It's a very, uh, World of Warcraft style thing and World of Warcraft is the same way there will be items that you know are for pickups, but you haven't talked to the guy. So they aren't glowing. So you can pick them up. I mean, like, like, are those just environmental things like fruits or like the carcasses or whatever? I mean, these are like tape recorders that you see that you think that would be interesting to hear, even if I don't have that quest. Right, but you can't even interact with them. Yeah, it won't let you at all. Right. Yeah. That totally sounds to me like someone played a lot of WoW and was like, Hmm, this makes sense. Whereas like I was saying in Diablo too, like you could bypass entire sections of quests if you found the wait, the latter stage part first. And that just made sense to me and this doesn't make as much sense to me. And also it even on PC, it feels like a console game. Yeah, I mean, it's very clear that console is the lead platform for that to the fact that you can't mouse click like through certain menu options, you have to actually hit enter on the keyboard. And there's little things like that that the mouse can move around, but it doesn't interact with some of the buttons directly like the way you would expect. It does very much seem like definitely leading on console. The PC one just does a higher resolution. Yeah, I mean, you can turn on a few more bells and whistles, but even with those turned on, it doesn't really look fundamentally different. I mean, it does look better. Yeah, it's not like the thing that is the most noticeable or shadows aren't as jagged on the PC version because they use higher, higher quality models for the shadows. But yeah, that being said, I still, there is fun to be had in borderland. I just think yeah, for me so far, it's definitely the game to play with someone else rather than by yourself. Um, did you play anything else? No. Oh, I played saw. Let's talk about saw. Okay. Um. How about that saw? Did you finish your review yet? No, but I think I'm going to give it two stars as the review I'm playing for. So two stars on the game spice scale is fair, which says this game has some like near fatal flaws or something like that, but there can still be some fun. Is that a pun? Um, no. Okay. But a near fatal flaws. I hate you. Um, but saw is like a, you know, it's just, it's a, it has some really good ideas. Like, you, you really, if you've watched all the movies, you might have an idea of the storyline. But if you haven't, I highly suggest reading a Wikipedia about the saw storyline through movie five so that you understand what the fuck is going on. Because you play, I guess, as Danny Glover's character, detective tap from the first movie. Yeah. And who had his throat slip by Jigsaw and his partner was murdered by him? Yeah. So in the game, though, you don't have your throats. So you, you wake up from being shot and Jigsaw has taken the bullet out of you and sewn a key into your body. Well. And so everyone else who's stuck in this place where he's trapped, you knows the key for them to escape is in your body. So that's why they're all actively trying to kill you. Where in your body? Like wherever he sowed you shut from taking the bullet out. So you put the, you put a key in there. Yeah. So yeah, I know why wouldn't you just pull it out yourself and be like, take it. I guess my, my, my, my acting things out doesn't really translate well over the microphone. Right now. Why wouldn't you just pluck it out of your shoulder or whatever and say, do you good? I mean, you know, like I said, it has some really cool puzzle ideas like a, like, I don't know, things that the iron maiden composed of like buzz saws and to solve it, you have to use these little magnetic slides puzzles and, and you have to get the puzzle piece to the right thing, but if it crosses over any blocks with an X, they're like inches closer to, you know, crushing her, like little things like that where you really have to think. I like that, uh, where it fails though is the times when it just uses everything in between those big puzzles is like so repetitive, which is boilerplate sort of semi survival horror third person action. Like the first time it introduces an element like you open a door and, uh, a weight drops and you have to like do a quick time event to stop a shotgun from blowing your face off. That's cool. But now, every time you open a door later on and like every third door does that, it gets old. The first time you walk into a trip wire and it snaps and it shoots your head off like in the movie. Like, oh, that was like from the first movie, cool. But when it's like every 10 feet and you're having to move through the game painfully slow because you're afraid of running into a trip wire and getting a really shitty checkpoint, that sucks. How does the, the die hard mechanic work? I being barefoot. Oh, so yeah, you see your barefoot. And so yeah, every time if you're walking too fast, he'll walk on glass and walking on glass takes off a pretty significant portion of your health bar. So yeah, and it's funny too because they point out that you're like barefoot man, and I'm just thinking to myself, dude, the first dude I killed, I'd be checking to see if his shoes fit. I mean, at least some die hard, like he would routinely look at people's feet and they'd be like either way too small or way too big to explain why he didn't wear shoes. Yeah. And he even smart enough to find some tape and bandage his feet or something. But, you know, it's, yeah, so that's a constant thing where you're looking around. They do do some really cool stuff with lighting to make it scary. Like, there's different light sources you can find, like a lighter lights up area of effect around you, but very small, like you can't see in the distance. Flashlight lights up a beam in front of you, but then everything directly around you is still pitch black. And that's just the flash, right? No, it's a flashlight. Oh, flashlight. But then the camera. Yeah, but you have the flash that lights up the entire room, but it also leaves like a flash effect. Which is very much taken from the first movie. Like there's that extended sequence where the photographer is like setting off his flash to try to see someone in his apartment. Right. I've always seen the first two saw movies. So that was cool, but I never used the camera for that reason. Like, I would always take the flashlight over anything else. Just because being able to see down the hallway was so much nicer. The combat in that game is terrible. It's like so slow and clunky, but it's so visceral. And it's not visceral, you die in like two hits from someone's fighting you. So I found that it was actually better to not use a weapon and strike with my fist because I could hit faster than they could swing. So I could just kill everyone like that. But the only reason you would want to use all the weapons is because you find like probably 20 different weapons throughout the game and each one of them has an achievement associated with killing a guy with that weapon. So. Did you go for them? No, I mean, I did do some just because I was like I've never seen in some certain weapons kill differently, like a syringe is an instant kill. It's a one hit kill, but it's only able to be used that one time. You just jam it into someone's neck. And like a scalpel is also an instant kill, but that's reusable. But weapons break too. So you can't just find the win weapon. I saw how the baseball bat broke. You think that that would be more dangerous the way it broke? Yeah, it breaks into like a big old splintered bloody spike that's like ready to impale someone. Good for another go. I mean, can you or do you have to throw it on? No, it just eventually breaks. It just breaks. They do, that's what I'm saying. They do some really cool things like sometimes when you fight guys you won't, you know, since the melee combat sucks so bad, you'll be afraid to do it. So you'll try and find like a really cool environmental way to kill them. Like you might disarm Jigsaw's trap, like go get the guy to see you. So he starts chasing you, run past a trap and rewire it real quick. Then the guy runs by and gets his head blown off or there's like fuses you can put to like trigger electricity on water on the floor so you can set traps for people to kill them. And that's... Is it worth the time? That's kind of cool. I mean, it is sometimes because fighting guys can get you killed in the checkpoint system that game is so bad. But yeah, I mean, you know, for all those little cool ideas, I don't know. The execution list is something to be desired. Yeah, exactly. It was very low budget. Like, the fact that your character never actually physically does things is just really glaring. Like, what I mean by that is like when he stops those weights that are dropping, pulling a trigger on the shotgun, it's just a quick time event, but he doesn't reach out and stop it. Like, it just stops magically or like... The whole interface looks like it's from what fucking Resident Evil 2 or something. Yeah. I mean, it's very budget. And or like when you do a wiretrap and it says disarm, you just hit A and it just snaps and disarms. Like, it doesn't bend down and pull it. Right. Like, there's no there's no little interactions. Even when you go up to a water fountain, you can get health back by drinking some water. It's just the water turns on, but he never turns it on, never bends down and drinks it. Right. It's just like all of a sudden he's getting health back and there's water going. Oh, yeah. That's also like oblivion. Like, there was never any interaction with the world, really. It's sitting chairs. Right. But oblivion was at least, oblivion was at least first person. Yeah. I mean, exactly. I think it's easier to get away with that one's first place. Right. But when you can see his old character the whole time just standing there, it just looks... Yeah. Maybe he's just doing it with his mind. Yeah. I guess. He's powerful telekinetic. But yeah, they do have some really cool ideas, but they just beat you over the head with them so badly that... Just run everything into the ground over and over and over again. And there's just so many ways in that game you can instantly die. Like you fuck up and you're just like, "And you're dead. You fucked up. Too bad." Are the deaths pretty cool looking like Grissom and Stylize is pretty cool or... You know, it's funny because they're really previous they did it. It wasn't like all the little things that I think people wrote about and complained about that I know I complained about. That seems like they fixed, like the first time you found traps it didn't explain it. You know, you didn't know that it was coming and it just killed you and you went back to the beginning over and over again. So now like the first time they introduced a trap though, it's like they instead of doing a subtle set. Settly. Settly. Where there's like a note at the door and they'll be like, you know, you might read a note from an old person that survived his traps and it's like, he's been known to put dangerous traps behind the door with weights. I hope, just look out from studying something like that, it just like stops all the action and a big old message pops on the screen. Behind the next door is a trap. You will have to hit a face button to stop it. Oh man. And that's like how it introduced it for the first time. So it's like there isn't even like the surprise when you open the door and it's there. You know, they didn't do go for subtlety with it at all. And like, and the Grissom-ness wasn't there the first time, like when you got your head blown off, it would cut away and just like, bled it all. But now it definitely just, they're like, fuck that, we're not going to do that. Each time you die, it just shows it. Boom, your head just pops and you fall down and that jigsaw laugh occurs. So and same thing with other people when they get, you know, on your traps or you beat them to death. It really lingers on shit from what I saw, like it's like, that's right. See, this is a person dying. Especially on the big major traps, like the chicken, the iron maiden, when it closes on her and the buzz saw start carving, it doesn't, just like it. And she's being ground up, there's blood going everywhere. So yeah, like I said, if maybe if it had been in the hands of Konami from the start developed by Konami. Maybe if the collective had done it. But yeah. But instead it was, you know, I don't know who developed it, I don't even remember, but it was published. It was brash, remember. Yeah, I don't know if they developed it too, or I forget, yeah, I mean brash, who made such awesome games like Space Champs and Jumper, you know, I did not have much faith. So I was sad to see that it turned out the way it did. Anything else? No, that's it. Tower. You've been playing Uncharted 2. I have. Single player. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I picked it up yesterday. Yeah, yeah. You know, I put it in and it's really funny coming off of the, all the Half-Life 2 Game Club episodes because there were so many introductions and trains in the Half-Life series that, you know, Uncharted 2 starts with its own train introduction and, you know, does its own unique little thing and his badass in its own way. It Tarantino's it. Yeah, yeah. Well, in the sense that it starts, it doesn't start at the ending though either. I mean, it starts about, like, the scene is about two thirds of the way through the game. Right. That's what I get from it. Like, you're going to eventually get back up to this point and then you're going to continue on a little more. Also what I like about the introduction is that your character is injured. Yeah. Like the way it puts you in that, I don't know, I don't know what it is, but just something about feeling of a... It makes him seem more human, more interesting. Yeah. I mean, and maybe it makes the later scenes when you're more of a badass, like, killing small villages of people. You know, by the end of that game, you do kill, like, 500 people. I think that is a conservative estimate, sir. Even, I even heard Elena say something like, "Oh, we took out this, like, the population of a small village who said one of our co-op playthroughs." Like, I was just saying this to Anthony when I was playing it, it just seems so... It's one of the only disconnects I feel with that character is that he seems like a generally non-violent, happy-go-licky dude, but like, he's just fucking murders people non-stop. Especially in the beginning when he's being pitched the idea to infiltrate the museum and he's like, "Nah, no guns. No guns. No guns the whole time." And then when your buddy, Dush Kanu, pulls out the dark guns, he's like, "Ooh." Yeah, but at the same time, once they're soldiers, he's like, "Ah, they're soldiers. They're okay to kill in mass." Just imagining like, like, someone that's like, "Well, you know how that one crazy general took a bunch of people off to go do that mission? Well, I regret to inform you." And then he's just iroxing that for like an hour and a half, because of Nathan Drake. Yeah, it's just, I mean, it's a minor thing, but it is a tonally, slightly inconsistent thing that he's supposed to be the guy that's concerned with everyone else's well-being. Like, through, he just sort of finds himself doing the right thing, even though he's like a rake in someone who doesn't do the right thing. Yeah, I mean, I guess it's kind of like Han Solo in that sense, right? Like Han Solo cares about Luke and all those people close to him, but he would gladly walk through and kill much people. They trade kill more people in like three levels of that game than Han Solo does in every Star Wars movie. Yeah. True. Unless you count Han Solo having a hand and blowing up the Death Star, in which case, then he's an accomplice to fucking absurdly mental murder. And also, the battle star Galactica would lose to the USS Enterprise, moving on. But shortly after the train section, I came to a part that man I just thought was incredibly frustrating and horribly designed, terrible, terrible, terrible talk this morning. I was ranting about this and I'm like, "You heard Anthony and I say that it wasn't perfect. Welcome to where you started." If you've read reviews, they've all talked about how there's a stealth mechanic. But that part in the beginning where they introduced the stealth mechanic is pretty much the only part in the game where there is a right way to do it. And if you don't do it the right way, you're not going to do it. Right. And I guess I was doing it the wrong way every time for like 10 tries or something. And it wasn't even that. It was just that you weren't doing it the right thing fast enough. Yeah. And like, how would I know otherwise, you know? Right. That's like the one point in that game where it's like, that's like such a glaring part that you're like, "Man, I can understand why you got frustrated with that." I mean, there are some other parts too, like later on, there's a scene with a tank where there's only one right way to go, but it's not apparent to you. And I kept zigging the other way and getting just murdered by this tank over and over again. I mean, there are some parts where you get a little stuck like there was a part where Arthur got stuck later on the game and I came in and I knew exactly where it was because I got stuck there for like a half an hour. Nick. Nick Suttner, who works at Sony, like Tech messaged me on AIM saying, "Hey, there's this part like later on and uncharted in that village area that I'm stuck on. Could you tell me how you got through it?" And I was like, "Let me ask, is it this?" And just described the entire fucking party as like, "Yes. That is it." It's like, yeah, it's like focus testing failed there or something. But I mean, there are a lot of parts like that in that game. Well, the section that I got stuck on, it's 10 minutes into the game. How do you overlook something so glaring 10 minutes into the game? I don't know when you're sitting with QA people who know how to do it over and over again and can get past that part in one minute, you know, and sometimes I don't know. I mean, I don't know how much focus testing was actually. Well, now that I know how to do it, I can do it in like 10 seconds, but like exactly. The frustrating thing is, you know, there's all these cards in the area in this museum courtyard. I was getting around to the end of the little section where you're supposed to climb up onto this awning and my partner would then come and knock out the three guys who were like the most threat to spot you. But like when we would, but then I fucked up, you know, sometimes I guess they want him to go ahead of you during the climbing sections and I didn't know that your partner, the Gavin Rosidelical, like was supposed to go in front of me. So I went in front of him and killed you and he came up and killed me, knocked me off in the damn tower. That actually happened to me a couple times where the AIT mate, like I was standing where they were scripted to stand and it just displaced me off into the ether. That happened to me and Alice last night and co-op. I jumped into his butt and she jumped right behind me. And so I was like holding onto a ledge and it was like, I fell to my death and she was hanging on. I mean, just be prepared because there are many more spots in the game like that and there are spots where you'll be killed and you won't really understand why and how. But I mean, on a completely opposite note, like right after I got past that section, my friends from Houston texted me and were like, "Hey man, let's get some co-op, let's get some online going." And we jumped into that and I started thinking like, "Damn, am I going to enjoy the multiplayer more than a single player out of this game?" Dude, you need to abstain from that shit and finish the single player. You need to finish the fucking single player. That is the best part of that game. I don't know. I don't know if I'm going to get that. Story and the characterization in that game are its reasons for existing. Yeah. Though you haven't really tried multiplayer. Dude. No, I mean, I'm not interested in single player still the best part, but I'm just saying. Dude, I don't know, man. I've started to really, really like the shooting mechanic and Drake's like, "Man, I've been able to pull off headshots so much." I mean, there's no aim assist at all, basically. If you'd like to audition for the third chair on Rebel FM, please email me at letters@eat-the-sleep dash game. Well, I mean, something wrong with the shooting mechanic, and I still think it's fun. I think it's competent. I think it's more than competent in this one. And also the way I'm thinking of it is, you know, I'm spending all this time getting frustrated in the stealth section, like, I don't even have a real pistol, have a dark gun. It's like, whatever, I'll just go jump online with my friends and we instantly get to start mowing down dude's many guns, you know? That is the only part like that. Like the stealth actually works pretty well throughout the rest of the game, and in many ways it's preferable to firefight. Let's see. And you get rewarded for it, like it gives you bonus stuff. Yeah, it'll like, throw out an extra grenade. That's really good being not seen and killing these people without causing a ruckus. Here's a grenade. Yeah, like a magical grenade will come flying out of them. For the little blue ninja mask. I replayed this this courtyard section so many times that I got two, not one, two rewards for stealth kills because you did it because you did a certain amount of times. Yeah, I mean, how much further did you get? Did you just stop like a little bit after that? Yeah, yeah. I got to where the big turn of the turn, the turn of the turn. The twisties happen. Ting-ting. All right. Well, we'll leave it at that because people get- Was that twist as surprise to you at all, Tyler? No. Okay. People get very, I mean, people got mad last night because we said that there were people that betray you. And I decided again, no, no, what are we going to do in half-life? No. In a charted just for implying little things about the story. It's the story revolves around thievery. The subtitle is among thieves. What story that involves thieves throughout the history of the world does not involve some sort of betrayal? Robinhood. No, there was some betrayal down the middle of the- I'm sure there was some betrayal down, going down. Who didn't? Robinhood went to the sheriff and was like, I'll get some money for this shiz. Oh, really? He's got his bow hidden behind the tree. Give me some of that shiz. All right. Well, what else have you been playing? And I put on my pirate's cap and sailed the seas of Sid Meier's Pirates. Fuck, yeah, dude. That was my favorite game. When did that game come out like six years ago? No, wait. It wasn't that long. Really? It was. Wow. I played it on a pretty significantly way less powerful computer than now. I loved that game just because the fencing is so easy to understand. Just like three keys. On the keypads. And then, but more importantly, the ship to ship battle is like so cool. So cool. Like just, yeah, because it's real time and it's all about just like doing the little quick turns. It almost makes you wish that like some of the naval engagements in civilization would control- Why did you play like that? Yeah. Or, you know- That's the Irish Empire total war wasn't broken. So, yeah, I mean, if you're unfamiliar, you know, it takes place, you know, it's a Sid Meier game. And you basically start as a pirate and it takes place sort of- During the height of colonization in the Caribbean. Yeah, yeah. During the trade wars. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like basically you're always in your boat selling around and you can sell to different islands and dock in the town. If you're friendly with that nation. Yes. With the nation. Because you have to deal with like Spanish, French, Spanish, French, and Dutch and English. The Indians sometimes. Yes. Indians. I mean, are pirates their own faction or? Yeah. There are pirate islands that you go to as well. So, yeah. I never played this. I just watched my sister play. And so you earn favors. You can like join and for like killing X amount of like the other nation that is at war. Like if you kill a bunch of English for the French, the French will give you like a new title. And it'll hook you up and perhaps even ask you to marry his daughter. Right. Yeah. Like once you get enough prestige. And the whole thing is, you know, they want you to go around to a bunch of different colonies and woo the women there and it's, I mean, I, I went into it, you know, not expecting anything. I had no idea what it was that whatsoever because I bought it when I, when I purchased the big 2K pack. Yeah. So it was like one of the. The premise of it is that you're trying to find your family. You've been separated from your family. Yeah. Yeah. And so along with taking out all the other top pirates and trying to become the number one pirate. You're trying to find pieces of this map that will let you find your family. But like one of the cool things though, the way they set up that premise, I wanted to mention they do it without any dialogue, without any text. It's all just pantomime, but it's conveyed. It's perfectly conveyed. Like you don't. And I just think like, you know, I, I compare that to something like, you know, Metal Gear Solid 4 or the beginning of the movie up. That also starts with no. Oh, I think he was, he's contrasting it with Metal Gear Solid 4, which is fucking nothing but exposition for 30 hours and meeting you over the head and explaining it to you. Yeah. I've heard it. Think of it as fucking you in the face with it, beating you over the head. I can see that works, but you know, have you tried doing any of the dancing minigames to try and win yourself a wife? Oh, no. I haven't. I haven't got that yet. No. That's I've never successfully done a ballroom dance ever to win a wife and so they always reject me. And it takes life. Yeah. I'm sorry. That was mean. But yeah, I mean, really, I should just be on my pirate. I should just be able to take women, but it doesn't work that way. Also, have you tried assaulting any towns? That's like kind of like a turn-based strategy game when you, you have to have a shit ton of pirates to do it. So you got to build up your pirate crew for a while. That's such a cool thing. It's still got like the Sid Meier, you know, civilization style mechanic of like managing your resources as far as managing how many pirates you have, managing how much you hold. It's a manger cargo. Yeah. And managing how many ships you have, whether you're going to keep or sink ships that you take. Yeah. Yeah. And then buying the right sort of upgrades, pirate like whole upgrades to make it stronger, adding a can. Turns faster and stuff like that. Yeah. And then even like when you're in the, when you're in the ship combat, what I love is, you know, it has like this hidden depth to it, you know, like you have like three different shots you can cycle through initially. So it's like the, you know, just like the generic cannonball shot and then you have which damages like mostly the ship body. Mm-hmm. And then you have, um, what, what are they? Help me out here? There's like a cluster one. You have like a shot one that's like, yeah, it's like a shotgun and that kills crew. Mm-hmm. Great shot. Yeah. So if you reduce like their crew down to like one, they surrender. And then there's a third one, which looks like balls tied together by chains. Yeah. And that's to take out sales. This sells. Cause eventually you can reduce their movement to nothing and then they're just sitting ducks. And they'll usually surrender then, which if you're going to take out sales is a good way to take the ship and take it over and still get all the crew to join you as well. Cause usually when a, some crew will offer to join your group of pirates. Yeah. Yeah. As long as you don't kill, uh, kill a lot of the soldiers and, and, and what's even cool is even for a game as old as it is, as it is, it still has some nice water reflection and water textures and, and like when you do the attacks against the crew members, like you see the little crew sprites, like literally like fly off the boat and, you know, and there's swimming around in the water. That's another game where I'm like, it doesn't make any sense why I'm so ruthless. Cause I'm like a dude looking for my family, but me and like, some guys wish to join your crew and I'm like, nope, everyone dies. Keep her sink the ship. I'm like, sink her to the bottom. I, I don't, you know, I just, I, I don't, but I also in that game cause you progressively age. So I, I don't think, I, I don't think with that character, I'm actually going, you can beat the game, you know, or like end your career as a pirate and not offend your family. Like, I don't think I'm going to have found anything more than one sister before I die of old age because I've lived such a hard life. So it's a hard not to its life. Yeah. Anything else Tyler? Uh, ODST, I got ODST since we talked last time. And that's been talked to death, but I just, um, the campaign is really fucking awesome. Agreed. I like it a lot. I don't know. Um, but one thing though, does it seem like with every iteration of Halo games, all of the weapons have gotten weaker and weaker and weaker? No. Taking out brutes is such a pain in the ass now. Uh, intentionally so. They def, I mean, they, they nerfed certain weapons on purpose, like the needler specifically. Yeah. I'll tell you man, you use like a plasma rifle or even your standard machine gun though and you just do the switch, the take out of shield switch to pistol, it's the doom combo. Right. Right. I mean, you know, that's. If you can get it. Yeah, the old standards. Halo's, but it seems like, uh, in this one more than any other Halo, there's always, uh, a lack of ammo, even like firefight campaign. I don't really, I don't, I mean, there might be a lack of ammo for the weapon that you would prefer to use. Yeah. I mean, you pretty much just switch weapons on the fly. Yeah. I mean, that's what Halo has always been about forcing you to change tactics. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's okay, but then it usually comes down to like your only choice or laying certain weapons for sure, but, but I mean, they want it to be harder for you to kill things. They want it to be more intimidating fighting things when we played co-op that you still saw. I'm just an aggressive mofo. I just jump in there and just, I'm a murder man. And not only that, but like, you know, we'll, you know, we'll be done with an encounter and I'm like, walk around and grab an ammo and then I look over, look at my map and I'm like, damn, Anthony, you're like three blocks away. Slow down. Straight up for me, though. There's a frustration that's unique to playing co-op with Anthony, but it's like being tied to the back of a horse, dragging you through the game faster than perhaps you would like to go. It's just cause that's how I, that's for me, that's where that's where I'm having fun. I'm just not. But there were like quite a few moments where we would just straight up, like, G it up. Oh, yeah. Well, together we would just jump in the center of them and just like through a combination of like two sticky grenades and a couple punches from both of us. Yeah. It's the whole group would go down in like seconds, be like, yep, that's how it's fucking done right there. Yeah. That's some sweet shit, man, but I'm an aggressive, I'm a aggressive asshole. And man, we were playing a, I was playing a firefight, the, the stage where you use the warthog. That's a hard one to get like, man, that, that is the one that I've really never gotten the 200,000 with the 2000. Oh dude, dude, you, you, you just need me in the driver's seat. I was playing with Greg Ford and, and, and Mitchie D and, and a listener of the show, young team. This is Xbox. What difficulty were you playing on? I want to say normal. I don't think you were playing on her. I don't think we were playing on her. But man, Greg Ford got all the kills, dude. Like I was driving around the whole match almost. The most thankless like job on that map is gunner in the warthog because you get the fewest points for your kills. Well, driver. The gunner gets less points, I think than the, the driver does. Dude, he, Greg was racking that scores, dude. Like, I mean, I was driving and he was getting all these kills. I, I thought maybe I would get a lot of points. I don't know. I just wasn't driving assist or whatever. Yeah, excuse me, because, you know, like games like Battlefield still give the driver a pretty hefty, you know, amount of points. But, uh, I did not. So I did not get like 200,000 that round, even though they were all like approaching ungodly. So far, the best strategy I've seen on that map is for someone to camp the Spartan laser on top of that platform in the middle and take out the Wraiths as they win and they, and then everyone else handles the other one. Well, you just need me in the plasma horse driver's seat. You can kill Wraiths pretty easy too, because a fully charged plasma pistol shot will disable the Wraith. Except for the turret. Yeah, that guy, that's true. Someone needs to take him out first. That guy will kill you in a hard way. I learned that the hard way. Like Matt was saying when I was playing on Friday, I'm like, well, fuck, the Spartan laser is done and we were all down to our last life and it's like, all right, well, I am pretty much going to die right now, but I'm going to disable that tank and one of you better take care of it. That doesn't make any sense though, you think about it, right? Why doesn't that disable the gun too? I don't know. And that guy on the gunner of the Wraiths, why don't all of your guns stop working when you're hit with a plasma pistol? I don't know. Because it would suck. It'd be boring. That's why. Is it just me or like when you see a brute in that gunner position on the Wraith? Does it look like, does it just not totally remind you of like old G.I. Joe vehicles where you stick the G.I. Joe goes hard and it's charmed of the cannon, 100% because his elbow stick out. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. He looks like. Yeah, he does it kind of. I mean, the Wraiths weren't really designed for for boots to fit and then they were designed for elites to fit and then as far as like the game geometry goes. I mean, they're just shaped differently. I know, but right now you're being like me with Star Wars finding the fucking logical part. I mean, it just strikes me as them not changing the brute geometry or the geometry of the addition. The Wraiths only have a weight capacity of 345 pounds, which the roots excel. I will bludgeon you to death with that mixing board. Come on, man. I do the same shit with Star Wars all the time, all the time to the point where my boss sometimes walks away from me in shame. I find it difficult to think your boss or Ryan? Boss, not Ryan. Will. Yeah, will walk away because Ryan's the one who's going at it with me. We're having some stupid exchange. But they're important for that brief moment. What else? Is that it? See? That was a lot. Yeah, I've been seeing you all. You've been playing. We already talked about the border. I also played some ODST Firefight on Friday, finally, which is the first time I got to play it since PAX. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's like a little one too. We got to play some, man. It's really fun. And the more time goes on, the more inexcusable it seems that there's not matchmaking in Firefight. I will say that because I just, like, every Friday or, like, a couple of times a week, you'll just go on Twitter and you'll see, like, eight people gone. All right, guys. We're trying to get some Firefight together. Anybody want to play? Yeah. And it's just inexcusable, like, you shouldn't have to go through other social networking services to find players to fill your Firefight match. True. Especially at this time of year. State word. Especially from Bungie. Yeah. It's just, I don't understand the logic. The game was done in May. How could they not put matchmaking? Although we did notice, actually, when our time of playing ODST that weird, how, like, it sucks that you actually have to hit save and quit. Every fucking Halo game has done that. There's never been a Halo game that was not saving quit except for maybe Halo Wars. Well, whatever. Then all those games had that fucking terrible shit too. Yeah. You know, I hate that. Like, I was, they were talking about this in the giant bomb cast and I'm with Jeff Grissman. If you were the guy that just goes to the guy that turns off your console without saving and quitting at the menu for every game you play, then I, I cannot get behind you, sir. Well, that's okay. Because I'm the opposite that says "fuck people" to think that, because that is that, if it check points. Save and quit. And it says, and it indicates that it's saved to you. Right. And it should save every other game. Does that? Yeah. It doesn't ever trust anything. Always save and quit. So that's, that's what we get for being trustworthy people, trusting people. So you get for having short memories, because Halo 3 did the same thing. Yeah, but, but I don't know, because it seems almost like, it does seem like you, Tyler has like a weird thing going on though. Like for instance, Tyler did like mission four and then all of a sudden it acted like he never did mission one and we had to do it all over again. The helmet was there glowing and we had to do, even though we had just finished mission four and he'd done it before. You can go back and redo missions when you're in co-op and those things will glow. This was the thing glowing. This was the objective mark. Yes. Let's go here. And what I'm saying is that they will re-light up. But why would it do that when it wouldn't give us the objective mark for mission five? Which is what the game does when you're playing through single player. I don't know, all I know is that, after I beat the game and went back in to start finding the audio logs, it automatically highlighted a mission that I'd finished already and said it. That makes sense when you beat in the game. But Tyler just finished mission four and it went back to mission one all of a sudden. Like he had never done it. Yeah. I don't know. I thought that on my Twitter, a bunch of other people were saying that. Was it a different difficulty than you played before? No, I've been playing heroic. So a bunch of people were saying they've also had that problem. But I thought it did because it switched to co-op. There easily could be a bug. I mean, there's a bug from Halo 3 that never got fixed, which is that if you try to move your save game to another 360, then it will forget it. Oh, really? Yeah. Like you'll have to select a level, but it will not keep your checkpoint. It'll act like it loads. It'll go to the very beginning of that level and then it'll turn black and go back to the mini-screen. Crazy. Man, that's a man. That's such a fucking testicles is what that is. That's such a weird thing to find too, like, I don't know, I guess I've never even bothered to think about moving my game. I mean, generally the Halo games are super polished, but there's that bug in Halo 3 forever. Yeah. It's just one of those. I mean, those are such obscure things. It's like, at least it's something not horribly glaring that slips through, like things being miscolored or something like that, so. Or Giants wafts the soundtrack cutting out? Yeah. All right. So we'd-- I also played the-- I played what Tyler should have played last week, which is the South Park tower defense game. What do you think of that? I thought it was fun and it uses the license really well. Is it vulgar? It is very vulgar. Do they cuss a lot? They do cuss. It's not censored at all. I don't know if I'll buy it yet, but I-- the demo is actually pretty long. Like, I spent at least an hour playing the demo and I didn't exhaust it. How long is the actual game? 10 bucks or something? Yeah, it's 10 bucks for the game and there's a campaign and challenge scenarios and it has four-player co-op, so. Like each of you controls one of the children? Yes. Otherwise, if you're playing one player, you have to switch off. Because are there actual towers or are the towers in the kids? No, you build towers and the kids each throw snowballs of varying strengths depending on the character and they each have their own special ability. Oh, okay. So you have to balance using their special abilities at key times along with laying out the towers? Yeah. And upgrading towers and laying down different kinds of towers. So what type of enemies do you fight? I know you fight crab people. Yeah, that was what sold me on wanting to play the game as I was looking at somebody on my friend's list and it says, like, I'm level eight fighting crab people and I was like, okay. Do you play the South Park tower defense game? Yeah, basically the enemies are the casting, the entire cast from season one to 13 or whatever fourth graders. The first enemy you face are gingers, ginger kids, and then hippies. You do fight the kids that ride on the next fighters. Yeah. Yeah, the fourth or fifth graders. Yeah, yeah, they're on there too. I mean, if they've been an antagonist in South Park chance, sorry to fight them. And then mock video clips, like explaining. You fight Persians? I have no idea. I would be surprised if there were not Mongolians at some point. All right. I mean, it sounds fun. I just, yeah, I don't know if that's worth 10 bucks to me. I mean, it seems like there's a lot of content there for $10. I'd just say there. So this is actually when I feel like I have so much play. Dance with the genre. We'll find something to like. And super obsessed fans of South Park. They'll probably be interested. David Ellis was saying almost an up in his review that it's one of the few games like that that really exploits its license fully and I agree in that respect that it definitely. It uses the license to make itself a better game than it would otherwise be. Yeah, I suppose South Park is a good way to go. Throw in little comical things to make a tower defense game more than just a tower defense game. I mean, in a lot of it, like just the style reminds me of that episode where they have weapons, fun weapons, and it shows like the sort of anime backgrounds and like all those cliches. It definitely has like all these like Japanese video game cliches as bumpers to the levels and stuff like that. So it doesn't take it so seriously at all. It's fun. It's just like there's so much other stuff out right now like brutal legend for example, which is the other game I'm playing and I'll make it short because brutal legend has probably been talked about to death and because I don't want to give it quite a way. When people just barely got their hands on it. When I played it a comic con, I said that I feel like the basic mechanics of the game, especially for the combat felt stiff, like it's competent, but it doesn't feel as fluid as a 3D like third person action games have become. How would you explain that if you weren't using like stiff or fluid like what do you specifically do? Like you'll be stuck in an animation and you won't move and as that's happening, other people will be moving into attack you like basically you commit and you're stuck in that motion. So is it the fighting? Because the driving field. The fighting field stiff. When I was playing a comic con and at Penny Architects whether the driving felt slippery and not very accurate and they actually tightened up the driving a lot it feels like. That tongue boss, did either of you play the demo? Right, yes. Like the tongue boss where like you would constantly be skidding around and have a hard time real nearly the time like I did at first try for everyone this time and the car is actually fun to drive around. Have you had a chance to try the RTS? I have and it does not, I mean before you do any of that you have to go around and get each of the factions and I've done that and did the first battle where you use all of them. And it does, I don't feel like it explains how to order them around very well it sort of just throws you into the fire and expects you to figure it out. But I mean the gameplay is fine and I'm not saying that as a defense like it's not excellent. It's not amazing like it's fine to good. And then do you feel like the writing and stuff and the character of the world? All of that is what is pulling me through that game because I love, I love the environment. I love the characters. The voice acting is really really good. The characterization is really really good in its own way. The characterization and voice acting rivals uncharted in my opinion. And they hired a Pixar artist to supervise like the facial animation and stuff and it really shows. And Jack Black is not like the super obnoxious Jack Black that you've been seeing in all the ads, like in all the weird sort of viral videos that they've been doing and fucking MTV and all that shit like in his stupid muscle costume. It's actually Jack Black is pretty low key in his delivery of stuff. And it's an interesting sort of dynamic in that he is a hero but in some ways he's not trying to be the star of the show. He is an enabler for the person that he thinks is supposed to lead this army to success and it's an erosion. He is being that exactly he is he is a roady he is enabling and that might change. But I mean the the whole game is just like a love story to to a love of music and that's whole that whole aesthetic and it give it a score. I can't give it a score yet because I haven't finished. I mean it's not to do it right now. Right now it'd be a 3.5 or four out of five. Okay. I wish I sometimes wish we could do reviews like that like before I start the game. This point through the game and at the end it uses music like license it uses a license soundtrack better than anything I've ever heard well let's cover some awesome license music. Well not not just like oh well it uses the right song here it's like oh it cuts the bridges and courses and and versus up in such a way that it'll repeat certain parts until you get to a more a more urgent part or a different section where the tone changes and then it'll start the next part of the song. There's a level where you're fighting metal spiders and it starts with like the intro and like the first part of a verse for the first minute or so of it and then it goes pretty much quiet and as you fight the boss like the song kicks back in again like on the verse and much louder. So and the first song that the game starts out with is Children of the Grave by Black Sabbath and it it sets it up in such a way that I'm just this is the first game I played and longer than I can remember where I just want to keep turning the volume up. Yeah that I can believe that's how I feel when I play Beatles rock band. I cranked that mother I man like the music is so good and I'm just like constantly waiting to see how they work music into the game and it's just clear that there is a lot of love for all of that like they're not taking it super seriously but they're taking their love for it seriously. It's just a shame that the game itself isn't better but it's I mean again like I went in expecting the game to be competent and the writing and everything else to be amazing and so far that is exactly what I'm finding. Fair enough. Are we done? Alright let's take a break and then we'll come back and talk about future consoles and all that sort of bullshit. I'm baked and also took a few things. Donuts. Is that you possibly made a date on it? Yeah as I said. So we're back for our second segment. I actually didn't think that we were going to get that many comments for it but we've gotten... I believe the term is a metric. Fuck ton. A lot. Yeah so that's on American. Just clicking through the premise so I can read it to you. It says, "With Microsoft and Sony gearing up for their own motion and body-based control solutions and Nintendo working on their heart rate sensor, where do you want to see the current gen of consoles go next year?" And since we're now four years into the cycle, what do you want from the next generation of systems? So with that as a starting point, does anybody thought about something that they would like out of this gen before it goes away? To me the problem that the whole motion control thing brings up is what happens when the next playstation or the next Xbox comes out and they want to introduce another more advanced motion control. And then so you have all these games that use Natal and you have all these games that use the Sony... Or what if it was just a quarter of time in the box and they decided that that was good enough? Right. Well if that's the case and that's fine, then that's good. If it's good enough to hold this plug, look at the case of the Wii where you had the motion plus come out two years after the release of the system, splitting, and then will the next Nintendo be another motion controller? Oh I'm pretty sure that the next Nintendo system will integrate motion control in some way. Yeah. It would be stupid not to. Yeah, yeah. I mean it's been such a success for them. The first comment from Ian says, "The next generation of consoles should be a PC for your television, give me the control options, i.e. controller mouse and keyboard or motion control." He said, "I just want flexibility." Nope. Yeah I don't know. If they could make it to where you could only use the 360 mouse that plugged in through 360 interface. I don't think why Microsoft doesn't want their system to look that complicated. It's like I don't think Sony wants their system to look that complicated. You don't see them advertising heavily that you can hook a mouse and keyboard up to the PS3. Yeah. I think the most PCification that we might see happen to consoles would be stuff like mods are now accessible on the 360 and PS3 versions. You know things like that. I mean we already see this on PS3 with Unreal. You know you can already get some mods on there right if I understand. Yeah, I mean you can't create them on PS3 but you can download them from PC onto PS3. Yeah, I mean I'd love to see something like that. I just left a little bit because I saw a comment from Adam Dorsey who says, "I want my rock band songs to keep working no matter what in capitals. If I have to rebuy anything I'm going to fucking kill myself." That's something I could see instead of you know I think Activision's even hinted at the idea of how nice it would be for them if in the future they could really say console or at least a little box that was a rock band box and it didn't even need a system to play it. You'd be like a jukebox. So a progressive platform independent guitar hero. Right and it wouldn't play any other games. It would just be a guitar hero box but it wouldn't have to do any licensing. They would get all the money for it and they could have their download service integrated into that box. I think if Activision thought they could do it they'd be doing it already but I have a feeling that retailers have probably given them the stink eye on that because that would require that they carry at least two or three different iterations of these giant system controller combination things on shelves. Right I guess the whole thing would be if they decided to do this they wouldn't sell PS3 or Xbox versions. No but what I'm saying is like if they were their own platform independent versions that were self-contained that would still be these giant boxes that they would need to sell on the shelf and they would cost more and the margin on systems is so low. And you would have to have like some way of bringing new content into it you know either downloading to the internet or a disk drive to import the latest. Yeah I mean you probably just do like a Wi-Fi capable thing where you wouldn't have to hook it up but I just don't think that that's a feasible option. Like more consoles is not the solution. Well I guess it's like in theory this wouldn't be a console right it would just be the equivalent of like I don't know unless you use it. Like those Atari TV. Yeah exactly. Yeah just the thing that hooks up to a TV like and it only plays that one game although I guess in theory then what would it be like the next time they released a whole nother one you would buy a whole nother box. Yeah. That's why I was saying you have to have some way that you would have like you would have like guitar hero four five and six sitting on your wall which box do you want to hook up. And I mean also like what that's just another console it's a guitar hero console because you can't I mean people have a certain level of expectation of the way that the game will look and sound and feel and that requires hardware. And I mean also I just think like if anything the indication of the recent decline in sales of music titles in general like just points to the fact that that's never going to happen. Ziax says that he would want all XBLA games or PSN should continue to work at least as well as they do now. If they take a we DSPC-ish approach and just iterate on current hardware instead of building an entirely new design from scratch that'll be much easier. So along with that it should run all my current games but better higher frame at least. My prediction is that the next 360 will do that and the next PS3 won't. I mean they've worked to make lives such this like service and stuff that I would imagine that yeah I would hope that my XBLA games would have some way of transferring. He starts with live but then he sort of moves on to include all of his games. And I think that I mean one of the things that Microsoft well he just I don't know if he wants him to be able to transfer as much as they should be able to run right. Yeah and I and what I'm saying is that one of the QA things that Microsoft has instituted is that everything run through their API is through basically the 360 version of DirectX. And one of the reasons I think they're doing that is so that they don't get caught with their pants down as far as backwards compatibility goes and software development goes. So that essentially developing for the next Xbox will be identical to developing for the 360 except it has more resources at its disposal. Unfortunately I think that's also going to dictate that Microsoft kicks off the next generation of consoles before Sony does because. Oh man I've always thought that though. Well I think it's because people are going to hit a wall on the 360 sooner comparatively speaking than the PS3 because one of the ways that developers have always gotten more juice out of consoles was by skipping all the APIs that the developers released and making their own and coding. What is an API? An API is a programming method authorized by or a programming tool that is created by the hardware developer as a way to it's a shortcut basically. Is that like when the shout of the Colossus creator would talk about how he had to do some graphics processing on like the sound chip of the PS2? Yeah that's exactly it. I mean they did shit like that on God of War and God of War 2 as well. Like there were a lot of PlayStation games that did shit that the hardware was never intended to and Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Black on the Xbox like Team Ninja definitely created their own engine and coded directly into the hardware as opposed to going through Microsoft's APIs and so they can't do that on 360 because it's a cert requirement that they go through the DirectX stuff on 360. Whereas on PS3 they have to basically create their own tools like there's very little in that on the PS3 which is one of the reasons why it's so difficult to program for. So I also think that means that unless everything is exactly the same in the next PlayStation it's just a better Nvidia card and it's a better sell that backwards compatibility is going to be an issue for the next PlayStation 2. Yeah I mean I would fully suspect that the next PlayStation will I would imagine them still trying to use Blu-ray like I don't know just at proprietary format and it can hold a lot and that's been something like I can't imagine them going back to some layered DVD where people would give them shit for that. Yeah I mean I don't see any even if the format doesn't succeed for movies. Yeah I don't see any system skipping optical next time around except for maybe a success they're the Wii Nintendo might think that they can get away with that but. That could be true although then they would lose out on some licensing fees to get discs made instead. Also true. So I think that that's something that might keep them from doing that. That is a good point. So I'm just going to return to cartridges. I mean Nintendo even makes money on the discs that they force developers to use to burn debug copies of their shit like you can't burn a Wii debug game to a normal DVD like everything else like it has to be a specific kind made by Nintendo which costs like four or five times more than a normal DVD does. Where do you go to say Tyler? I was wondering if Microsoft's next system will virtually end the 360 the way the 360 ended the Xbox or would they can do a sort of PS2, PS3 thing and keep them going at the same time. I think they keep them going concurrently for a while. Yeah it seems like the 360 has kind of hit that level now to where they almost have to. Yeah then they make money on the 360 now I'm like the Xbox like they've been making money on the 360 specifically for a few quarters now. Yeah I'm just trying to think like when guitar hero 10 comes out of it. Like how do you find that out? Microsoft has released down there yeah well no but they've said in their investor like very investor calls that the Xbox specifically is but is in the black that it's making money entertainment and devices I don't think the same thing can be said. I don't think entertainment devices has always made money every quarter but the Xbox division is making money. I mean a lot of people seem to think that the current generation of consoles is good enough. Right and I don't know if that's for a few years. I know but I wonder to myself like how much of that is like the idea of making a significant hardware purchase is like such a scary thing that they're okay with like these games don't look bad so why not just keep them up and keep with you know. I mean I think we'll see improvements for the next 18 months but yeah I mean we can't have this discussion without talking about like the recession and like that impact on the next generation you know either in the way that it's going to stall it or you know push it forward and I don't know but Jamie spelled with it EY says I can tell you that I don't want 3D in the next gen. I think that it's not that great of an improvement in what it will do to the development time slash cost is only going to hurt the gamer in the end and I just bought a new TV two years ago don't make me buy another yeah I agree it's going to be too common. No I mean it's just like nowadays that even people like my parents are even thinking about not having a CRT TV you know I don't think that plus I just don't that's just like another divisive thing in the market like I don't think that maybe there will be some games like Avatar that will allow it but I don't think that it'll be like I mean Avatar doesn't require special hardware to do it though does it doesn't it just use glasses. I think you have to have a 3D TV as well though oh do you I mean I don't think I think Resident Evil 5 does 3D on normal monitors on PC I could be wrong now. I thought you had to have a 3D monitor as well but I think that's what Nvidia was trying to pivot to us. I don't think that's going to become common this console generation. No I don't even I think PC is where it'll happen if it happens anywhere it just seems gimmicky too I don't know having to wear glasses kills it for me yeah even when I go see like movies like up in the day it's like cool it's not something I would want to have to do with my house and it's disorienting and I mean a lot of people can't watch movies in 3D like even the so-called new improved 3D still has problems yeah like when I played the Resident Evil 3D at PAX like I got a headache almost immediately when I put the glasses on I was like oh no like this. So Kat was saying that for this generation she would like to see a more innovative use of online play I thought Demon Soul did a phenomenal job of combining single player with online functionality like so I guess I mean I guess I've heard Demon Soul's people can make notes that everyone else can see in that dungeon online yeah and you can sort of get help from other ghosts like because helping another player is a way to reward yourself like to become alive again I think or something like that I think it's interesting I mean it's definitely different and like with ass right but like with you know I wonder how about how third party stuff like Twitter and Facebook is going to change the way some of that stuff might function. I mean so far the only experiment that we've seen come to market as far as Twitter in a game goes was universally reviled and disabled upon release like Twitter stuff and uncharted to like naughty dog after seeing the reaction to certain game media personalities tweeting every fucking chapter they finished and in seeing the negative reaction that have disabled the Twitter functionality and uncharted it just says it works. They hated horse armor too but doesn't mean we don't want DSC. I just I mean maybe there will be a way to integrate that shit but I don't know I mean I'm not interested in tweeting from my 360 I wonder if that's audible yeah I don't know Arthur just can't keep making weird sounds who do says I would like to see a cheaper price in the next generation of consoles I don't know do you think that's likely do you think we'll see releasing 400 $500 $600 yeah yeah because us us dumb motherfuckers paid it yeah us motherfuckers are still paying consoles are more expensive now at this point in their lifespan than any console has ever been like the 360 has been out for four years in about five weeks and it is still $300 to the primary skew man yeah $300 is what I paid for my ps2 when it first came out yeah and the the ps2 dropped way faster than that the original I paid out the ass because that was when it was hard to find and the original Xbox like dropped price like it fell like like a stone and so did the game cube like everything has dropped way faster than this console generation has and they just keep trying to to incentivize to make the existing skew look a little better and people eat that shit up apple it yeah but I think that maybe Microsoft is realizing or will realize this year that they've tapped that market I think that Microsoft has sold about as many 360's at $300 is they're going to so Drew says you know the thing that I'm sure a lot of people the thought enters their head but I highly doubt personally we'll see which is a I want to see the option to buy all new releases via direct download I think a lot of console owners may be wary of this but the PC game market has really already made the sleep and isn't looking back I've opened my disk drive three times since getting my new PC last spring and only to install software for work that I have to close yet I have close to two dozen PC games on my computer also we need to stop using the term digital download now if you excuse me I have to send digital email I hear people say digital distribution not digital download um yeah I mean I think that I could see it happening in the next generation but not but not only not exclusively I don't think that download for $60 buying the store for $60 I yeah you see it on PC because PC game companies and developers have nothing to lose like they have no shelf space left to give up well not only that what big box retailers are like wow we're going to lose that on those PC stores so like you don't even sell it anyway PC is is such a non-issue at retail for the most part with the exception of things like wow in the Sims that that PC developers don't have anything to lose by undercutting or directly competing with their own retail product but you don't think maybe we could see like kind of how there are already some Xbox originals now that the game like people's been out but it's been out you know for almost a year but it's up for download maybe day and day releases of um that once but for the same price no because the way that fables being off fable to we're talking about is being offered as a digital download I think if you end up buying all of the content it ends up costing a little bit more than the discord new at retail so maybe maybe even then releasing games for five dollars more download but the option is there I don't think they want to do that I think they want to maintain price parity because otherwise it looks like a rip off I mean as it as it is now people think it looks it looks like a rip off of the price is identical but right I could see maybe a few games being the exception in the next next gen we'll see I mean maybe the PSP go we'll prove me wrong like maybe that'll just do so phenomenally well and they'll sell so many hardware units of it that it'll be winning on back into reality land um B voice it could happen I guess and I also might win the lottery from the lottery tickets I bought tonight both are about as likely um bboy isyla says there you go I give people reason to hate me and not you bboy isyla says uh he would like load times to go away sometimes it's cool just to put a disc in your system and play the game sans update or installation um how about the option of downloading that ahead of time and prior to putting the disc in so like the installation chunk so that when you get it you just have to pop the disc in and then you can play I mean without way less load time as long as physical media is involved they're going to be load times because the the speed at which your console can can populate a world and and fill out a character and all that will always be faster than the speed at which that data can be read off of physical media except for maybe SSDs and even then really it's faster to read it off a disc than to read it off a hard wait no it's faster to read it off of a hard drive but that's still physical media like they're still load times when you install a game to the hard drive on 360 or ps3 but they're reduced I mean yes he's just saying you know even reducing them so how about the option of downloading ahead time so when he finally gets the game day and day he doesn't have to install it uh that won't happen on consoles like you can do pre installs of stuff on steam right now not gonna happen on consoles would be a way to further enable piracy that's what I was thinking which is the same reason I saw someone commented to me on twitter I don't know if they posted on the thread that uh they would like to see the ability to use USB hard drives or USB thumb drives is a way to save games but that will never happen because that's just another vector for piracy and hacking the console well why not compared to a memory card like how does a memory card it's proprietary it's a proprietary file system like they don't need to share it with a pc like you cannot read an Xbox 360 disc on the average pc you cannot hook up a memory card and read it on the average pc you need utilities to do that kind of shit i find so i'm looking for a good comment i'm just trying to skip down a few because right now i've only been they're all really good mostly so i it's really easy for me to to just read the first seven and then call it a day yeah so mitch dire he writes in and he says that fucking guy yeah that fucking guy as right now i don't want the next generation of systems i think we're seeing enough substantial improvements in our current lineup of games that we don't necessarily need new hardware and charted to embroiderlands both a great and their own way and this holidays lineup is more than encouraging for the consoles i don't know why pause like that i thought it went on uh i'd actually like to take a step back so we don't get bombarded with bullshit motion games boy sure can't wait for totem ball in the tell edition i'm perfectly content with what i have never been happier in fact the absolute last thing in the world i want right now is to buy more video game hardware the games in tech are advancing without bigger batter console guts xbox 360 is five years old next month and i'd be perfectly happy four with uh three to five more years off of it four years old next month yeah it came out in what oh five yeah yeah yeah i mean i could yeah i totally agree with my chair like i think we'll see the next xbox within a year and a half of a successful natal launch and if natal will see it or we'll see it in i'll see it in public like we'll see it announced and i think that i mean it at the very latest two years after natal launches yeah and then and then dictate like exactly what's included with the next xbox and it'll be an identical natal i think it'll include if natal is successful it'll include natal so ryan ryan makes a good comment and he says uh for the next gen which is well at least one that i agree with anyways for the next gen how about return to good damn packing first throw in a friggin three dollar hd my cable with every console oh two second give us a game and i don't mean some kids game movie game bs either remember the s and the s they gave you freaking super mario world you want better console sales then ship them with all the cables you might need to play the game second if we are going further down the digital download rabbit hole the pricing to the consumer has to start reflecting the savings and packaging and transportation yeah that's not gonna happen no because i mean they need to maintain i mean they're still costs associated with maintaining digital inventory and a distribution system so they can easily say that they're still costs involved and i mean they're obviously are because if someone sells their game over xbox live microsoft takes a cut for them being the the retailer basically and again they console developers like cannot afford to alienate retail because we i mean game stop has already sort of insinuated a willingness to play dirty um and several retailers in europe said that they wouldn't carry the p s p p s b go because it's a digital distribution only model um it sounds like a bunch of sad sad stories sad wine what else did he want uh well like we i don't even remember now because i moved on what was the first part of his comment the whole like the cables i mean the 360 came with cables three originally the 360 came with good cables yeah now it comes now doesn't even come with component cables nope um because they don't have to i guess i think so greg says uh what i want most out of either last half of this generation or all of the next generation are games that actually utilize the strength of the system they are and we've seen too far too many games this gen that are designed for the ps3 or 360 and have been released on the we ds and psp the psp has never had a second analog stake you think the developers would realize that by now but no third person shooters and first person shooters are still being released every week on the system i mean jesus christ make a 2d platformer or any other game where you are not required to have a second analog stick the game that i've had the most fun with my psp would probably have to be n plus no joke it recognized what the system was and would and was not and would give me five to ten minute periods of fun not a full 12 plus hour full fledged gaming experience i just want game designers to design their games for the system they want to release them on is that too much to ask well yeah it seems like isn't too much to ask for you fucking assholes to buy 2d games instead of immediately going for 3d shit and fucking grand theft auto games on psp sometimes the reason they release them across all these platforms is that it's the only way for them to break even is to have enough sales across a ton of different skis but you know on one hand while you know why i don't want to disagree that i think designers should design for the console uh i i would almost say like maybe if anything this generation developers have been more conscious of the console you know there's especially like when you consider the ds i think maybe the psp is the victim of his i think sony is the victim of of that this gen yeah well i mean like i you know i can even think of like all the great the psn games would work great on the psp with just the one little stick like you know pixel junkieden or i mean they just they put 3d games and shooters on there because that's what people buy on the console yeah i mean you just came from star wars remember i just said that we're getting all these intelligent comments please read a dumb one all right the last comment is from big pick zell who just says i want a console that will suck my dick dude loves common denominator thing today about remote missus making sixty thousand dollars for the developer oh i no doubt if there was a console that would like interact with the flashlight i have no doubt that it would i mean it would sell shit then right i know i don't think it would sell a shit ton what's that controller i don't think they carry that it's sears that has like force feedback the novint falcon i wonder if there's like an attachment when you can like put your flashlight i'm just saying the flashlight so so much that if there were games that were more interactive digitally with a sexual toy they could do really well i don't think you'll see that on consoles um yeah they're obviously but um that's what pcs are for pcs are the enabler for weird shit um so frontier out there i mean yeah i mean shit maybe somebody's going to get way too rich off that like the dude that invented real dolls or whatever you know people are willing to spend a lot for physical pleasure i know my credit card says hello rj says uh i'd like each console manufacturer to create a steamlakes system if i bought a downloadable game i should still be able to play that on any future console made by the developer if a wee two comes out i should not have to buy ocarina of time one of the games i've downloaded again essentially i accept it backwards compatibility out of my downloaded content they keep my consoles so i'm not as worried about backwards compatibility between console generations guess what nintendo will never do that because you motherfuckers will keep buying ocarina of time yeah i mean it's i mean i just think it's just like square like the next generation of whatever the ds2 is they'll be like oh you know what final fantasy four is back i can't wait for them to start repackaging gameboy advanced games on dsi compatible cards and you fucking people will buy them what um yeah i don't know it would be good it would be nice hannah says uh i'd like more high quality games that are shorter with a reasonable price episodic gaming hasn't really been able to prove itself yet but i am still hoping that a breakthrough title will come along rockstar has been doing great with the gta download and the half-life two episodes would be wonderful if valve could stick to release schedule it's funny we do see uh you know a pretty obvious theme that makes perfect sense of people wanting price is a big concern i think we're inching towards a system where you'll see good more easily consumed content lengthwise on digital distribution platforms and eventually they'll package it together in release at retail i do think that people are having less and less time in their own lives to do the things they want so shorter games aren't necessarily a bad thing that's just everyone not just me yeah i feel like eight hours for single-player is a good sweet spot yeah for me and the shorter games i mean they're they're they usually have all the fat trim dot anyway so it's yeah i mean that's um there are games that like saw saw was probably like an eight hour game and saw should have been like a three-hour game how long did how long did it take you to go through uncharted to like eight or nine hours like it said 12 on your profile but total play time oh yeah see like i blew through it in eight hours too and people were like really how the fuck did you do that yeah it took me like eight or nine hours so um yeah i mean that's perfectly fine to me yeah like i just in fact at the very end of uncharted i was like isn't this fucking game over yet wow you just that was all the last boss though once wasn't that game is so we'll we'll read one last comment and this one's from jordan hi jordan and jordan says i'd like to see them go back to nintendo or i'd like to see them go back to nintendo at least having a better let me restart it and i'll edit him i'd like to see nintendo go back to having a better leg with hardcore gamers unfortunately i doubt this will happen since people have fond memories of their ps3s and 360s now there's nintendo where to step up their online multiplayer which seems like how most games are hitting these days they could be loved by more people than this generation and the last as for motion controllers it still seems more of a fad that will eventually die out but it could be cool if more people made voice recognition software like natal's i do think that that was a common thread through attitude that most people like at least in our audience see motion control stuff at this point is just gimmick i mean i'm totally microsoft seems really confident in what they're doing with natal and i think the ps3 one looks cool too like they both told me i feel like natal is showing more thought and muscle behind it than the ps3 motion stuff is just like it's a more cohesive strategy than what we're seeing from sony but i mean i'm not judging either until i actually get to play it like yeah i mean i don't i just think they both look cool in their own ways i mean the liabilities for both is that with the ps3 thing you're basically going to be holding a ps3 controller in one hand and your ice cream cone in the other and with the 360 there's a good chance you will be holding a controller in one hand and waving around with spirit fingers with the other yeah both of those could feel both of those could feel very weird in their own ways yeah all right well you guys wrote a ton of comments you guys should all go to and continue that thread because you guys have all said a lot and i think there's a good discussion that could still go on there but i just uh we could do a four-hour podcast just reading over and discussing the comments and i would like to put more bird legend tonight so we're gonna take quick break and then we're gonna be back with a few letters no relationship ones. [Music] fucking i don't know if that picked up so the first letter is from marissa she says hey guy and this is not exactly where the relationship question it kind of is kind of not but you're a goddamn liar is what you want no it's it's uh well fuck it this is gonna piss off those people so okay just embrace it i have some beef and i don't know how to cook it here's my dick my fiancee and i have recently moved in together and we don't have relations as often as we used to aka sex the reason being is that the majority of nights during the week his friends are over and stay two hours the night playing video games that don't get me wrong i'm a gamer too but i've got needs and mama wants to mama wants some baby making time um i don't want to come off as a bitch to my fiance or his friends he does have a tough time picking up my signals what do you guys suggest telling my fiance or his friends when they are over late at night and i'm in the mood remember it's more about getting his friends to leave than him actually neglecting me um and force a curfew no i mean i mean if you use your fiancee just talk to him be like hey i mean i mean i'm trying to think right which of us if a girl was like you know you're playing a lot of it against your friends and i'd really like to have have some sex a couple nights of additional week like what guys gonna be like but but my clan like i was thinking they you know they could devise some kind of hand signal like when you know if if they're over and she's are just just the drinking off signal i would say something a bit more you can just get something like a yeah yeah how about getting something like a uh a freeze pop how about a fog horn chev in that in your in your mouth and then emailing me pictures um i i don't know i mean i just tell him to say look i would like to do you so please your friends occasionally need to leave earlier than right i mean if you're married if you're gonna be married and he's your fiance and you can say that like i'm like i said i can't imagine i can tell you for sure i would not be like nah if you're old enough to have sex you're old enough to talk about it yeah james writes in and he says have any guys checked out any of the mods for company heroes if so do you recommend any no i have not yeah because for me i usually just play online and uh i'm not really interested in a lot of the mods um because you can't play online with them that being said i will do the occasional modded donkey game so that's an easter egg yeah yeah i always thought it'd be cool i don't know if there exists such a mod but i thought a company of heroes would make a good tower defense but what i'm sure that that mod is this interesting if you have a company of heroes mod that you think is awesome then please email us at letters that eat this yeah yeah yeah let us know it's uh there's a single player in company hero that's kind of like so david david writes in and he says hey guys i'm just writing in please remember we are all idiots most of the people online have oh i don't know half an ounce of common sense i know that listening to the fanboys online is a soul crushing endeavor however please remember that most of us are not fanboys and as such do realize that a 4.5 out of 5 is a great score furthermore a whole bunch of us listeners were around in the gfw days this subject has been beaten half to death and at least to me it's getting old listening to you guys give the online warms even a hint of credibility by responding to them uh now i'm sure the three will have a good response to what i'm saying and are about to school me so let it be said that i am indeed schooled i humbled mid defeat if not however and suck it down bitches yeah i don't know man you that you raised a good point uh now i mean that i honestly like when i do respond to this it is just sometimes me using this as a forum to vent my shit because you people all see these internet tards too but like we mean you people like our audience okay um but you know in general our audience it's been great i don't get any of those comments in the forums unless it's because someone on gf sees a link about where this podcast is located and then comes and joins our comments all the sudden and makes a totally gafferific comment people are much more occupied comparing me to chowiniki characters apparently what the fuck is that i guess we'll have to show you out to the show is chowiniki anime porn it's the muscle dudes with like the holes on their heads um don't know don't care so does someone just want to write in to tell us that uh he any links thanks to he just wanted to say crisis has sold millions of copies at this point but craytech has gone on record to say that it had a 22 million dollar budget and it made a profit on it so 1.5 million copies is not how many copies they'd hope to sell of crisis no and also that's after they lowered the price of crisis crisis did not sell as well as it was supposed to right he's just saying that it has made money and where it wasn't it wasn't in the red anymore also all of the shit talking that craytech did about console development and console gaming for them to immediately afterwards decide to make a multi-platform development tool that is specifically designed to make development on pc 360 and ps3 simultaneously easier speaks volumes about where their priorities have shifted as a formerly pc developer yeah i think that's pretty much everyone except for blizzard and star but they were flying the pc boner flag the highest out of everyone i think they i think they they had high hopes that this could be the return to form of pc exclusives that would sell bajillions and it did not happen nope but the point he's making is that it did make money so they thought they were jesus crisis saying something did not sell well is not saying it did not make its money back that generally means selling to what the expectations were right i mean 1.5 million copies is still i mean it's good over the course of like two or three years don't even sell 500 000 over the course of the course there's no cost 22 million might like without even talking about the advertising costs that you know nowadays though that's probably not true no it still makes news when a game's budget is that high um so ruby writes in it says dear teen crisis hotline how do you deal with performance anxiety i'm halfway through not sexual i'm halfway through my undergrad degree in english lit and i want to do the whole grad school thing but i'm worried about dealing with the pressure of constant writing it's not that i dislike writing on the contrary i love it so much i can't really see myself doing anything else when i go to begin a paper however no matter how excited and buzzing with ideas i am i freeze and or have a minor freak out my standard practice thus far has been to simply not sleep for a large chunk of time before even beginning my paper as that seems to dead in the sensation that i'm a teeny frog hopping towards oncoming traffic however even if even if my grades are good right now this can't be healthier effective in the long term so i've been looking for an alternate solution i'm a little curious to hear if this has been a common a problem common to people who write for a living and if you have specific breakthrough that eased your stress or a technique that you used to loosen yourself up in the beginning stages of writing a piece um brainstorming like just writing down sort of non cohesive non coherent thoughts about things i do that yeah stringing them together into something more more fully formed and uh good even writing down like key words like just words that you think like oh this is a cool word that describes this keeping like a notepad on you when ideas come to you about things is probably good idea too i've done that whenever it interviews something i would suggest that's like less concrete to writing is uh learn learn a little bit about meditation if you're having a lot of performance anxiety also a little bit of deep breathing even just learn to be mindful yeah don't even think about the religious sense of it just being mindful a lot of psychologists will do that with you too and now you know what now is the time to to get this through your skull especially if you're only halfway through undergrad and you're considering a master's writing is work writing for a living is not like oh i love writing so one day i just sat down and wrote for four hours and it was great it's like you have deadlines and these are the things you're supposed to write so you fucking better do it even writing like novels like writing reading a novelist talk about writing like writing is a job and it might be a job you love but it's still hard work and you still have to bump it down and bump it down and do it when you have no inspiration yeah for me a way that i get inspiration is i try and read things that are going to be similar to what i'm writing so if i'm going to be writing when i was in college and i might be writing a paper about christian vegetarians i would go and read another book that's like a highly educational look on christians and try and get a feel for what the tone they were going for whereas nowadays when i do games writing it's actually become my semi ritual to read gfw reviews before writing or review just to kind of see people who are better than me and how they did it so i don't know um definitely a big fan of that whole just writing disparate thoughts about something and then sort of string them together that's a way to find your thesis a lot of times this guy brian writes and he just wanted to let us know that uh you know that basically he hit the the summation of what he writes is only leprechaun's wine so he wanted to let us know that all the people complaining were essentially leprechaun could be a part of the menace yeah um turbo negro is from Norway yeah someone wrote in to come to that as well yeah i heard that about half a million times on twitter thanks so andrew says uh one thousand of you that wrote that to me one question one comment he's from sanitonia texas we're going to be in your fucking state next week uh question at pax anthony handed me four rebel fm stickers i had dinner with you guys and the other dude arlen on saturday i showed some friends back home at uh i showed some friends back at home all my pack swag but they seem particularly interested in the stickers i ended up giving away three of them and kept one for myself do you have any plans to sell these stickers in the future at a buckard buck or so for one to four stickers i bet these could be decent sellers i'd rather just give them away that was the point of them i mean those stickers were super last minute so yeah i mean we'll be at pax boston and i'll take them and i'll fucking hand out abundance yeah we plan on handing them about but kind of just felled at that wait there just wasn't a lot of time yeah i mean for every all the fans took them at our meetup at least right so that was nice um and he says comment on the latest rebel fm you guys mentioned the movie space chimps camberber exactly what but adds something to do with the movie looking like shit the movie didn't look like shit the game i thought you guys would appreciate the story my best friend works for microsoft in seattle he had a huge crush on this girl he met there's some friends one day he was flirting with her she asks him if he's her space chimps he says yes and goes on about how shitty and the r the movie looked she then explains that she helped animate the movie needless to say his little space chimp went home lonely that night and needed a good spanking oh dude yeah i've seen people do that before too you sometimes got to be a little you got to pick your battles and find out a little bit more about the person but honestly uh the movie whatever didn't that didn't seem bad it was the uh it was definitely the game the movie was supposed to be pretty bad too um let's see let me find let me see if i can find one good one to end it on because all these others have been really lame no no it's not that it's not that they're bad it's just that you sort of set yourself up for that as long as i'm saying yeah they're good especially you know andrews i like andrew we got to spend quite a bit of time with them and that was kind of cool mm-hmm so we we had pizza and talked about meditation as a matter of fact did you guys really talk about meditation yeah we did why and buddhism is that when i went to the bathroom no no we no that was like well tyler was separate from yeah it was just me oh so whoa um all right i can't read this but i should find a way to take a screenshot of it and post it someone wrote in this like official fbi like in document about hypercons i just i mean look it's awesome and the fact that people take that that sort of time and do it is just blows my mind what's that face for arthur nothing what's that face for arthur nothing i want you to tell me how you feel i burned out on hypercons oh okay well we can find a different one all right so marco writes in if you could find someone about dicks that'd be good marco writes in and he says anyone with a background in martial arts this is his title i recently started training kyokushin karate a form of full contact karate since i've always been very interested in all forms of martial arts even though i just started training i already feel stronger faster more alert it's a great way to stay in shape and has now become my biggest interest along with video games and cars my question to you guys is have any of you trained in a martial art before if yes which arts and for how long and if if not why what activities do you have in order to stay in shape arthur goes running to stay in shape anthony uh does a a rigorous schedule of furious mr british mr bation and crying um you know because crying takes a lot out of you mixes you want to eat kyla um well yeah it's actually funny like one of my best friends growing up he he started training in brazilian jiu-jitsu right around the time ufc started out so it was like there was one jiu-jitsu place in all of houston there's actually a gracey jiu-jitsu place in oakland it yeah and you're spreading like fire nowadays yeah yeah i mean but uh but he would always come back and basically school us all you know so it'd be him whooping all of our asses like five of us trying to team up on this guy but but what would come of that is we would learn the techniques as well and uh and and i was kind of an infamous little scrapper like like people would challenge me to wrestling you're like the perfect guy to do brazilian jiu-jitsu yeah yeah i mean like it's because because people wouldn't people wouldn't expect because back then people didn't know like triangle chokes arm bars so they weren't they weren't expecting the return string yeah yeah yeah the retard string and so yeah actually my my friends were we all like fighting and like one of my best friends is um he does mma and texas he's he's like a middleweight fucking belt holder for um for for renegades if there any listeners out there knows the texas league you have not lived until you've had someone who does brazilian jiu-jitsu demonstrate how to properly choke someone which means that they properly choke you yeah and basically shove your atoms out through the back of your neck yeah man i've trained in kimpo as well american and that was cool i trained for about six to eight months and i talked about it a little bit on the old one up fm days because it was particularly brutal got my tooth broken and all kinds of things but yeah i don't know i've i'd like to find a way to stay in shape but man i between the podcast and work i just can't see myself finding a lot of time to do martial art these days i studied judo for like a year um and did kimpo when i was younger but not for very long yeah at this point walking is what i would like to do to stay in shape i'd like a dog to walk a dog walking and maybe i'll start being a dog walker professionally i tried to to get anthony to go running with me but i got bad knees man yeah that'll do i guess it's kind of into my knees bad ankles yeah yeah it starts baby steps man baby steps took me from two miles to four so uh remember to listen to all of our hammer suit partners podcast you can listen to the mob cast at bit you can listen to the geek box at and you can listen to our other podcast uh which is called game club where we play through older games together and current games just but slowly just games we play through games together you can see that at eat dash sleep dash and we just finished all of half-life too yeah including the episodes one and two so and four and four which you guys haven't even played yet yeah we did it in the future but you play as uh uh never mind and so remember that joke was dead when it was born remember to dig remember i love abortions remember to dig the podcast subscribe to us and review us on iTunes or whatever download service use uh you can find me at as well as on the game spidey briefings and sometimes on the what they play podcast um you can find arthur at eat dash or eat dash leap dash and uh i write news at game spy that's tyler speaking tyler and if you don't update your twitter this week i'm going to pour soda down your pants next time and uh you'll also be able to find me on this week's episode of inside gaming when it comes out on saturday from and next week's co-op talking about unchartered um yes correct ooh and machinima they're doing something with unchartered too as well right they're doing some sort of music video i think oh cool maybe all right i will uh talk to you all next week remember to write to us at letters at eat dash leap dash game dot com. Good truth. If i catch you breathing. when the coldest deans my eyes attack his hand he says just let you find it to me just let your mind to me just let your mind to me just just let you find it to me the fuck is going on with that pop shield like being all on it yeah why why is it scooted so far back it's probably because someone pushed on it or when it one of those times when it fell it got so big that one is far back as well cue werewolf transformation