Rebel FM

Rebel FM Episode 35 - 100809

1h 56m
Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2009
Audio Format:

Greetings, and welcome to Episode 35 of Rebel FM. This week we talk about Bowser's Inside Story, Lucidity, New Super Mario Bros, how broken Empire: Total War is, and more, then go for a doublewide segment of letters. Small penis. This week's music, in order of appearance:  Baroness - Swollen and Halo;  Cage - I Never Knew You
(upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ Nothing good on the radio ♪ ♪ Once again I didn't know ♪ ♪ Here's your hard time too ♪ ♪ The rebel of hell ♪ ♪ The rebel of hell ♪ ♪ The rebel of hell ♪ ♪ The rebel of hell ♪ - Welcome to Rebel Up In episode 35. I am Anthony Gallegos, co-host of the show from, with me is Arthur Geese from Eat Sleep Game. - Hello. - And Tyler Barber also of the same thing. And I'm a news writer for Game Spy. - Loser writer. - Don't feel that way. (laughing) You know, I had your news stories. Don't get a bunch of hate every time. Unlike every review we post. - Right. - So. - You're just doing it wrong. - Apparently so. Apparently it's all one big-- - Console exclusive, five stars. - Yeah. - Duh. - Yeah, I mean, you got for a bit. Like the last two things we gave five stars, actually, were both multi-platform games. - People seem to like the term that I pulled out of my ass and was frowned at for last week. Or on Game Club this week. Non-troversy. - You got it, you can't just leave it open like that. Not the same word. - Yeah, not, I coined non-troversy. I mean, I've never heard it before, so maybe I didn't coin it, but-- - Fuck it. - Yeah. - It's whoever says it now owes you 10 cents. - Enter it in Wikipedia under your name. That makes it official. - Actually, they'll delete your name on Wikipedia unless they feel that you're important enough. Like people have done a page for us and for a bunch of other stuff. And it's been deleted by admins. - Well, good. 'Cause we don't really need one on Wikipedia as families. So we're here to talk about games. It's gonna be a shorter show. Games, like we always do. And then skipping the topic segments, it's just gonna be a longer letter segment, which is half us and being unprepared and half us having a lot of letters to get through, so. - I mean, I don't even really think that we're that unprepared. I mean, we totally just decided earlier today to do a double long letter segment. That's like 12 hours of preparation right there. (laughing) - That's a lot more than a lot of shows. - Our format is just like requires preparation that really we should not be responsible for. - Let's talk about games we've been playing and I'm gonna kick it off because I have one in my head that I don't want to forget. - Is that a problem? - Which is today I went and saw new Super Mario Bros. for Wii. - Oh yeah. - And I got to play it. - I hear that. - That's good. - I can't think of the dude's name, but he's the dude that always gives the speeches at the Nintendo Press Conference. That isn't Miyamoto and isn't Reggie. - Tom? - Like, you know, he's like the guy that was like, "And now you're gonna be doing some fishing in Zelda." - He's the cracker that couldn't quite be Reggie in basketball this year. - Yeah. - Okay, yeah that guy. - So that guy, so I was playing with him the whole time and realizing that we were using all these, I said, 'cause we kept on swearing really loudly. And I was like, these are all non-Nintendo of America approved words that we're using here 'cause all of us were like, you fucking bastard. 'Cause you know, like when you're playing that game multiplayer, even though when you're playing through the story multiplayer, it is cooperative of get to the end of the level classic Mario, except you can do things like pick each other up and throw each other into a pit or into a monster or pick each other. Like, what you're supposed to use that to get through obstacles, right? Like, if someone gets a special suit, like a suit with a propeller hat and they can do a little extra jump but with just like, not even a shake of the Wii Mo, almost like just a movement of it, they can carry someone while they do it, but we were just doing it, like I said, to just pick people up and fucking throw 'em. - Were you playing with Ryan? - They're death, we were playing with me, Ryan, Will, Dana, this guy, Brian from Eric, Brian Otano, and that guy from-- - I mean, how could you not want to throw Ryan into a pit? - Well, I was always, and not only that, but like, when someone's in the air-- - Oh, yeah, you can talk about loss down at the bottom. - You can jump onto their head, you can jump onto their head and jump off them to get even higher, but when you jump off their head, it's like getting stepped on, it doesn't like take them down in size, but it does stop their jump, so all of a sudden they'll just fall straight down. So we were always like, I would always like try and time it like-- - Is it like bouncing off the jump and I'd be like, ah, off your head. - Is it like bouncing off a turtle shell, like if you bounce off someone's head, it gives you a higher jump? - Exactly, but it makes them immediately just stop and fall to their death. - That's great, that's great. - We were doing stuff, I mean, it is really fun, like if you're gonna play really aggressively though, it can be hard to get all the way through the level, 'cause when someone dies, the way that they come back is in a bubble, and they can shake their weem room up to float to you, and so you have to touch the bubble for them to pop and come back in the level, and I think part of the reason they're doing that is because then there are sometimes you won't want to pop a bubble for someone that's really terrible, if you know it's like a hard part, they won't get there, so you can leave it in the bubble. - Or a dick, okay, and they'll float past it. - Yeah, 'cause I can just hang out in the bubble of shame for a while. - Yeah, and so, and there's no real way to really lose, and if you guys all die at once, no one's alive, then it's level over, but even if someone loses all their lives on the level, when you exit out of the level, they'll get like five again. Like it is very friendly like that, but people that might think like, oh, this is like a baby game or something, this is definitely like Nintendo giving hardcore game or something, 'cause even on the first set of levels, that game is damn hard at times. - It's like tomorrow brothers to like legit Japanese or Mario Brothers too. - Yeah, even new Super Mario Brothers on the DS was no like walk in the park, I mean, that had some really tough, really-- - Right, that was like a real Mario game, and so was this one, except now you can play it with three other people and be antagonistic and stuff like that. - Are you implying that Mario Galaxy was not a real Mario game? - No, Mario Galaxy's a real Mario game, but I just think that sometimes people see these games from Nintendo and aren't inclined to think, oh, it's probably just, you know, not a real Mario game or something or this one, like if you don't know like maybe you never played the DS one, you didn't really know, but this is like basically like Super Mario Brothers, like for the Super Nintendo, but with prettier graphics and the ability to play four-player. - No, it's like Super Mario Brothers for Nintendo, right? 'Cause it's not like Super Mario World. - It is a lot like Super Mario World though. - Really, I thought that like new Super Mario Brothers was like sort of a step backwards from like-- - No, it's like Super Mario 3, I guess. It's actually what it's all like. - Yeah, new Super Mario Brothers and sort of like Super Mario 3. - It's like Super Mario 3 in the first one. - Yeah, 'cause it still has like an outworld map that you go to and pick which level you're gonna play. - Well, I mean, do you have like an inventory of items that you carry with you like? - You do have an inventory items you carry with you and then you can pick like at the start of the level, we're all gonna get fire, like fire things. And now there's like an ice flower. So like you have to use that sometimes like freeze things underwater so they make blocks, you can step up. - Can you freeze your teammates? - You can't, but there's also a penguin suit now. So on the ice levels penguins don't slide on the ice and they can also throw ice balls. It's just, are there ever any rewards for sort of griefing your friends? - No, I mean, there is a mode where it's like competitive coin collecting. - It's just like campaign scoring for Mario. - Right. And then alternatively there is like a competitive one where you go into a level and the goal is to make it through the level with the most coins and you can step on people to get coins from them and stuff like that. So that one's much more like be antagonistic. - I mean, are there rewards for working together? That's what I'm more concerned about, like- - Right, there are clear parts that you can get through 10 times more easy. Like you can get through them by yourself 'cause of the game's clearly designed where you can play by yourself. But you can make things so much easier on yourself if you'll work as a team at times. Like if you're willing to cooperate and do a jump where you help someone out, like all that works in your favor. And there are certain items that it seems like, like certain hidden coins and stuff that you can get single player, but they're way difficult. Whereas when you're, if you cooperate multiplayer you can totally get them much easier. - I don't know that that's enough incentive. - Oh man, I'm telling you, the multiplayer's gonna be the way to play that game though. Like if you like the S1 it'll be fun to play it's Mario game, but man it's so much fun shit talking each other and like maybe developing a rivalry with one other player where you guys just fuck with each other. - Is it online or local? - No, it's local. But I think it's in a way it's best that way anyway since the Nintendo doesn't really have a headset function or anything, you know? - I mean, there's the Wii chat. - That's what I'm saying. It's like such a function that most people don't have. Like the only time I would probably end up really playing that game is when people are over with me or I have like one person like you that I live with that we would play through it. 'Cause I really don't think I'll play through it by myself but the multiplayer's like by the time I left there I was like, I will buy this game. - I was about to ask. - Yeah, they asked us what we thought about it. I was like, man it's a bad ass game. Then they also showed us Cave Story for WiiWare that's coming out which I guess that's coming up on its fifth anniversary of being out as a freeware game for people. - Yeah, that they've just been constantly updating and stuff like that. - They've never played it and I guess it's freeware so you can go out and play it but it looks, the original game looked all like an NES game. NES like side-scrolling game. - Intentionally so. - And now the new one has updated graphics that bring it more up to like a SNES level. Like a little bit, like not quite as pixelated. - Did you get to play it? - Yeah, it's fun. It's like an SNES game. Like side-scrolling shooter. - Like almost like a contour game in some ways that there's so much shooting but at the same time you have to do a lot of platforming. - I mean, is there backtracking or is it all just linear? - No, I had some backtracking. Like you do go like in a hub world kind of and pick a level but the way it plays is like side-scrolling like a contour game but you're controlling the level of the scroll and you have to use things like your guns that level up and when they level up they might like the level up three machine gun gets the ability to like give you lift when you shoot so you use it to help you with your platforming and stuff. It's a pretty cool game. I mean, I heard the story is really actually why you play the game has absurd as it sounds for like an SNES game in a lot of ways 'cause it's like all about you wake up in a cave you don't know who you are, go. But I heard most people don't even figure out who they are in the first playthrough so I don't know how long it is but it's made by one dude in Japan who programs drivers for printers by day coded this game for fun. Now he's having it finally put out all we were. So those are the two games I saw it today. - What else have you been playing? - Motorstorm for PSP which I gave a 3.5 to in my review. - Is that game, has it been out? - Yeah, it's been out for like a week now. - Oh, really? God damn, I just feel like that game's been out. I don't know what's wrong with me. - No, I came out like the first week of October last week. I gave it a 3.5 which is a good, the word that is associated with is good. 'Cause the next step up is great and I don't think it's-- - Why did you hate it Anthony? - Yeah, that's the thing is people actually do try and look for the math and the cons. - Okay, well you know what, I'm just gonna say this right now, fuck those people. Tell me about Motorstorm PSP please. - I thought it's a great looking game. Like, you know, for a PSP game. You know, I don't even want to use that caveat. I'm just saying for handheld game it looks really good. They do cool particle, like not real particle effects but they do really good like snow effect when you're driving through it and stuff. And the racing's really good for my type of racer. Like I say in my review that I'm not the type of dude that likes to think about like the tire pressure and the way that the engine has torque and stuff like that. Like for me, the only things I want to think about, I don't even want to look at a speedometer or what gear I'm in. I just want to be like, am I going faster? Am I in front of people? Okay, I'm doing the right thing. Motorstorm breaks it down really well. It's like gas break. You basically need to worry about gas break in your boost button and that's it. And so you have a limited amount of boost but it recharges but you have to manage your boost 'cause it really does help you do tighter turns. Like if you boost when you're doing like a slide, it'll help guide you out of it. - It's just an arcade racer. - Yeah, and that's what I love about it. It's like so simple but the one thing that I looked around 'cause I was like, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't digging it as much as I thought I would. And like I do think it's really good. I just think like it's not the type of game that you'll just be feening to play over and over and over again. And I think it's because like I was telling Tyler on the way here, there are like three different types of levels in that. There's like mud and snow and they all start to blend together to the point where if you're gonna sit there and really play through the campaign, it really just starts to feel like you're doing almost like one long race. Like they really don't differentiate the levels like drastically enough to me that it kind of got boring but at the same time, it's like a game that I'm glad I have and I wanna keep because it'll be like the type of thing I'll play for like 15 minutes and a car trip and then put away. Like and for me, that's what I wanted an arcade game for. It's like back in the day when I put arcade games and I put quarters in, it was so I could have a really short, fun experience. So, but if you wanna spend hours in it, you can because it takes forever to rank up. - It's not a typical PSP thing where it is the entire console experience sort of condensed. - I mean, I do think it is that to an extent but I just don't feel like maybe the, I haven't played the other motor storms but I don't feel like these levels are like as totally compelling as like maybe they are in the other motor storm games. So, I mean, it's not designed by the motor storm team I don't think so, but it has some really good music too. Like, you know, some Queens of the Stone Age and stuff like that when you're racing. So, those sound pretty rad. And I mean, it's still a lot of fun and the online multiplayer works pretty well. And I have played some, there's quite a few matches. - Man, if you had told me like nine years ago that Queens of the Stone Age is gonna be in video game soundtracks all the time, I would have looked at you like you were stoned. - The only thing I noted that I didn't like about the online multiplayer was like, was that I think it's really cool that there's online multiplayer in it but not having a text chat option or even an audio chat kind of makes it more like you're just playing with the really smart bots rather than real people. - I don't understand how they could have implemented a text chat into that. - No, I don't understand either. It just becomes like more glaring when you start to play with people online, if that makes sense. - Does it support voice chat or anything like that? - Not that I saw, I mean, I don't even know if there is voice chat on any PSP games either, maybe, maybe so calm. I'm not sure though, but I'll check before the actual review goes up, but I looked in the instruction booklet and I couldn't find anything about voice chatting and I never saw any options, so I don't think there is. - You learned your lesson, huh? - Yeah, I mean, you know, but I don't think there's ever been any voice chatting on PSP, I wanna say. I mean, I know-- - I mean, you can do Skype on PSP. - I know that DS had it with like Metroid in a Pokemon game, but yeah, I don't know. And even if there was a chat option, no one would be doing it. Like, you know what I mean? It's just like, it's kind of like certain games on PSN lack that as well, because a lot of people don't buy Bluetooth headsets. It's the benefit of the 360 in that it, you know, that it comes with a headset no matter what. - Yeah, and everyone's got the same headset. I mean, that's the drawback to the fact that Microsoft makes their special little headphone jack the way it is, you know, that plugs into the controller. So everyone has the same shit. - I like to be so biased. - I mean, it's convenient when everyone has the same thing. - Yeah, you have a valid point though. I mean, it does suck that you can't plug in any headset in the way. - Bias. - But beyond Motorstorm PSP, I'm trying to think of it. - I mean, we can't talk about Borderlands. - No, and I played really, I guess I haven't been playing a whole lot else besides that. - I mean, you played some trials yesterday. - Yeah, but I don't even want to talk with that anymore. You know, trials, y'all know, it's good. Kicking the balls, but it's good. And-- - It's a good kind of kick in the balls. - You know, I got some games that I've been wanting to try like I got Obscure, which is like a survival horror game that-- - Is that for Wii? - I think it was terrible on Wii, but I'm kind of curious to see how it plays on PSP. - Oh, really? - Yeah. And yeah, I don't know, I guess I'm about to start playing a Saw, which came out this week, but I haven't yet. So we'll see how that is. I have all signs point to utterly terrible. You know, code thing one to me is like when a publisher doesn't get you the game. - Before it releases? - Yeah, and so like I kept on asking for Ryu Copy and I got married if you copy a day after the game came out. - For sure. - I was like, they're hoping to get the day one suckers. - Is that what platform is it? - 360 and PS3. - Is it full retail? That one store's already, you can buy it right now. - All right, I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. - I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. - I'm thinking Saw was on the Wii. Why did I think that? - Nah, I mean they-- - The night hunt, too, thank you. - You know what, I'm gonna tell you this, honestly, for a second, I wondered if it were a Wii game, but then I don't know why. - Yeah. - Actually, I have some ideas why, but I don't want to piss-- - I mean, there's many reasons that-- Another reason that it points to it being terrible isn't just that we got it late, right? Like Konami's not a terrible publisher, but they bought that game from Brash, the company that closed down, the company that made such hits as Space Champs and Jumper, the movie tie-in game. - To be fair, those were going off things that weren't that great to begin with. - Yeah, but that was the whole company that their whole shtick was, we're gonna make movie games that are finally gonna be good. Like, we're gonna put the time and effort, and I remember when I saw Jumper at that event where they told us that the guy was apologizing the whole time for how shitty it was. Like, the guy demoing, it was like, I'm sorry, this game's so crap, we only had eight months to make it. I was like, good science, so. - Way to sell it. - Yeah, so you can sell it. - This game was made by Brash. - They also sort of took on more than they could chew. I mean, that a Flash game that they were working on has been making the rounds of the internet today, the video of a Flash game and working on it. It looked pretty bad too. I mean, obviously it was like super early, but. - Yeah, I don't know. I mean, there's a reason Brash doesn't exist anymore. - Yeah, so-- - I mean, I don't think it's fair to say that it's because of the quality of Jumper and Space Champs, I think it's like-- - Well, quality of the early games sucked, and they burnt through a shit ton of money in a short amount of time. - I think it's mostly just that venture capital funding started drying up just as they were trying to raise more because of the economy. - They also spent like 100, I heard it was something like 120 million in less than a year, so you're doing something wrong. - Someone is doing blow. - Some gizmonda shit. - You were fucking favored by God. That is all I can say that that did not spill, yeah. It's open too, so it wouldn't spill everywhere. - But yeah, so I feel like I've been playing other things that I just can't think of, so now I'm bumbling. - I mean, anything at work? - No, I mean, that's the thing is that this whole week has been pretty much dedicated to playing through Mortar Storm, you know, and like, that's not a game actually, I admit it, I didn't beat it. - I mean, you played a lot of co. - Yeah, I did not beat Mortar Storm. Quote unquote, I played through a shit ton of the campaign, but it's so long that it's getting-- - Well, clearly you just invalidated your opinion. - Yeah, but that's honestly one of those games that I don't think you have to beat. - Just like I expect that Rory finished every track on Forza. - Right, it's just like the people that have reviewed Gran Turismo for PSP did not unlock everything. There's no fucking way. - Especially not that game. There's so much content. - Yeah. - And the way you have to unlock it is so stupid that they would have to play for anyways. - I mean, it's just the same as every other Gran Turismo game, right? - No. - Like Ryan was telling me the way that it works is like Ryan O'Donnell from Area 5.TV was telling me that you can only buy cars from certain manufacturers on certain days in-game. So you'll do a race and then it'll be like today, Audi and Lotus are selling cars. This Audi is this much money. Oh, you don't have enough? Oh, well, I guess you better do another race race the next day. Today, Lotus and Ford are selling cars, but I wanted the Audi. Oh, I guess I'll just have to play until they're randomly selling cars again. - That is sort of testicles. - Yeah. Yes. So. Hey, what have you guys been playing? What do you guys talk or think? - Tyler? - I downloaded the latest Uncharted 2 beta, the demo with the multiplayer edition, some of the extra modes there, and spent quite a few hours on that with my Bluetooth headset and my friends. - What modes? Like your friends or listeners? - Yeah, no, no, yeah, my real good friends from Houston, the twins back home. Anyway, we played, we crushed one of the modes we played the most was the, it's sort of like their horde mode, but they also have objectives in it, which makes it totally a lot. - Yes, that's not the one I play. I played the straight-up horde mode survival, which is like straight-up horde mode. - And you're just killing enemies. Well, this one is the same sort of waves of enemies, but you also have the treasure stilling, the idle stilling game. And that's just a lot of fun, especially when you get to where you're having like three of the minigun guys starting to spawn. And it's cool because what I like about the enemy AI is they tend to move in packs. So even though you're playing, even though the levels are relatively small, like they're not huge, you don't just stick to one corridor, you know, like winning corridor, 'cause basically when you have the objective of stilling the idle, you get it from one end of the map, bringing it back to the other, and then immediately another game starts. So it's like you're constantly sort of coming back and forth to the same place, but the enemies sort of force you down in different paths because they stick together and ship. So yeah, I had a lot of fun with that. Have you guys managed to check out any of the multiplayer stuff? - No, I mean, I had just the single player. - No, I mean, I reviewed it, so I had to play all the multiplayer. - Like I'm just, I mean, I'm sure that this is just gonna get me more hate. I just feel like everything I say is gonna get me hated lately. - But fuck that. - Well, why don't you feel like playing Uncharted multiplayer? - I just, I'm not interested enough in the gun and combat mechanic in that game to wanna play it against other people. Like I understand that everyone else will be equally at the same sort of conditions of success with those mechanics. I just don't find, that isn't what pulled me through Uncharted 2. Like the mechanics and Uncharted 2 are competent and they are better than Uncharted, but I did not, like the shooting and the combat isn't what I enjoyed about that game. It was all about the characterization and the story and the, the just sort of me is on scene and just like, it is a total package and single player was interesting to me. Like the shooting was not it. So definitely not enough for me to wanna like, focus a lot of time on it. - I mean, for me as far as like the gun play, I think two of the most regular weapons that you get the AK and the FA, what is it, I, FAII, the fall? - The fall, the FAL. - The one, the automatic rifle that has like a red dot sight that shoots like three bullet bursts. - Yeah, like those two, that one the fall, it's okay, long range, but I think maybe a lot of people might be getting turned off with the gun play because those weapons aren't very good, but there is that like M16 that you can pick up that always run to every time. And I, I have no problems with the shooting. - I mean, I, like I, that was the gun I stuck with through most of the campaign when I found it. I just didn't, I just don't particularly like the gun play very much and then charted. - The only thing I kind of don't like about in the action and uncharted is the grenade throwing mechanic. And maybe this is just like one of those things where I feel like you did not play the original and charted so much better. - Really? - Yeah, you don't have to switch to grenades and you don't have to use the six axis to throw it. What, to be clear what I'm talking about, it's not the fact that like, like switching to the grenades and everything, like I'm okay with that. But when you throw the grenades like the trajectory they make and like how much gravity the grenades look like they have are all real important to me. Like to me, it seems like when you throw the grenades and-- - It feels like the physics are a little wonky. - Yeah, like it feels like-- - Yeah, I could see that. - You're kind of like throwing like-- - But I mean, I-- - The grenades are like that though. - I have a hard time thinking of a game where killing people with grenades is gratifying as it is in the chart. - Yeah, I don't know, the only game I've ever played where I felt like the grenades had the appropriate heft as it were as like Rainbow Six. Like grenades in that never went very far and when they hit it was like a fucking thud. - I don't think it's appropriate heft so much as it seems like it obeys the laws of the game world correctly and I could see like there are definitely times where I would make a grenade throw that I didn't expect to or like it would fall short when I didn't expect it to. It's just like, it's this weird depth perception thing a lot of times like trying to gauge it correctly. - Like even as much as I love half-life too. Like I feel like the grenade would kind of smell. - I'm kind of like, it's weird. - I wouldn't mind the grenades if you had a grenade button, that's all. - Yeah. - I can get used to any grenade arcing. I like do it a few times and like now I have it, lock it down my brain but I'm having grenade button sucks. I don't care what game it is. So what else? - Grenade buttons. Also today I got to check out more of Rock Bambiels 'cause Jody got back from out of town so that's going to like be, yeah, to the people that-- - Reunite it. - There was even someone that commented asking if you had broken up with Jody. - Yeah, some sort of thing. - They thought that you were alone. - And I was like, I'm not going to comment on that. - Yeah, I know. - No, no, yeah. Yeah, she came back today and-- - She came to her senses. - Yeah, no. No, she was just on vacation and I checked out the vocals on my own just a little bit while she was away 'cause the game arrived while she was gone, even though it was like a gift for her. But when she came back, I was like, hey man, check it out, check it out. And she was like, well I don't really feel like playing right now, you know, you just sing a song and I'll just check it out. So I sung a song and instantly she was like, give me a mic. And so I was like, cool. So I ran and grabbed the guitar because I actually have not played any guitar. The only thing I've done on Beatles, Rock Bandit are the vocals and the drums. And so one of the interesting things that my experience with the game was I played guitar first. So I tried like on medium and I was like, ah, it's too easy. I tried on hard and it was kind of too hard for me because I've never owned a rock band or guitar hero game. So I'm not like-- - And some of those Beatles on a fish. - They get kind of crazy hard at three points. - Yeah. But and so I was like, man, you know, like, ah, I don't know if I really liked this guitar game thing. So I switched to bass and put bass on hard and I'm like, I loved it. Like it was exactly where I wanted to be. And I felt like it gave me just enough challenge, you know? - I mean, playing guitar in guitar hero is just, like the fingerings are just a little different in the way that they're implemented than they are in real guitar. Like there are so many like three note chords in guitar hero and rock band that you're like, three notes. That's like a fucking bar chord. - Right. - What the fuck? - Yeah. - I mean, they're real guitar bar chords. Let me that kind of makes sense. - Yeah, but I'm just like that close together. Like having a finger three notes for like an E, it just seems weird to me. But or it feels weird to me. - An E chord is three fingers. - But usually you're using like one finger to bar, like two strings. - Oh, if you're doing like an E power chord, okay, that's what you're saying. But yeah. - But yeah, so check those out and that's a lot of fun. And I also played some more of that indie game soul survivor, soul survivor. And I actually, I heard from the developers and they are, this is their first game that they've ever made. We were, we were arguing about that last time. - Were we arguing about it? - Well, we weren't arguing, but what we thought maybe they had all worked on games previously before. - I already know what Soul Survivor is. We had a conversation about this. - Yeah, it's that tower defense game and that was really good. - Have you tried the South Park tower defense game? - I have not. - You son of a bitch. I was expecting you to talk about that. - Well, I was gonna download it, but I was reading a review on Destructoid, Jim Starlings' review and he seemed like he really didn't like it, so I wanna download the demo and try it and see. - Because you could just download it onto your debug and not download a demo. - Yeah, but then you won't get cheap as though. - But that's what I'm saying. Download the full game instead of a demo. That is your demo. It's the full game, but I go buy it if you want. - Yeah, yeah. - But debug's like the keys to the kingdom for downloadable games. - Right. - Tyler, you really give me a run for my money on the achievement whore thing lately. - Well, no, I'm not an achievement whore. I really don't go after achieving that. - I could stop whenever I want to. - But it's one of those things like, it's enough to where, you know, like if there's the partner net version for free or there's that. - Yeah, no, I understand. There's the game. - There's a game we're both playing right now and like that's debug code. We're none of the achievements are kind for anything. And I do feel a slight sense of loss. - Especially since it's pretty generous with the achievements. - Yeah, it really is. And no, we cannot talk about the game in any way, shape or form. - That's why you shouldn't even brought it up. (laughing) - Now do one long beep for that entire person. - Now people just think you're dick. - People will? - You just pulled that podcast. No, no. - I have to solve some game. - But I can't talk about it. - No, that's a game that will, I, whatever. - Yeah. - You wouldn't want to hear me talk about it. - Lots of events going on this next week too. I don't know. - There's the Dark Void Capcom thing on Monday. - The Dark Void event, there's a Call of Duty event in LA. I try to know what they're gonna be showing, but I don't think I'm gonna go to that 'cause it's like go to LA tomorrow on Monday to go see this game and then the review event for it is later this month in LA for four days. - Are you fucking serious or getting a review event for Call of Duty for Modern Warfare 2? - I think that's a trend we're gonna see a lot more is all the, like the Super AAA games, you know, like the ones that are supposed to be events. When they come out, we're gonna start to see more and more review events. - Have they given you an embargo date for Modern Warfare 2 yet? - I assume it'll be the day it comes out or like the day before. - It just seems like review events are for stuff that have embargo dates that are before release. - Yeah, but even like payloads like three days before, you know what I mean? - It was the Saturday at noon and the game came out on Tuesday. - That's what I'm saying, three days before. So, I mean, it'll be like a day or two before I bet. Like it's not, most games aren't gonna be like Forza where the embargo's up two weeks before the game comes out. You know, that's, that is- - I'm not seeing as many Forza reviews as I expected to, so for me. - Yeah, most people probably are gonna worry about it. I mean, getting it done for now 'cause that's the reason we're seeing these things, these games that are out and the reviews come out so much earlier that can charge. It's 'cause they all probably have these release dates that kind of got set arbitrarily based around other game calendars, not based on when the game was gonna be done, so. - And they expected that people would need more time to finish them because they would have so many other games to review. - Yeah, hopefully, yeah. Although I still don't have Borderlands review code for 360, so that's gonna be pushing it for me. - I mean- - Get that done in time. - Can you just review the PC version? - Yeah. I mean, I wanna try all the platforms though. So, we'll see. - Tyler, what else? - Well, unfortunately, it was kind of like a busy week, so other than jumping back into bad company again, like I caught the itch, you know. - Is it still broken? - Not in my opinion. - You're the one that said it was broken before. - Oh, no, the only thing I don't like about it is the matchmaking the way, and it's the same way- - And like dropping players from parties and stuff like that. - Like, that's what I meant. - Although, the one game I did play with my one. - I can deal with matchmaking as long as the game itself functions. - Yeah. - That's, if that's breaking, that's like an utter deal breaker, when it's like that all the time. - Like Battlefield 43 was it first? - Yeah. - Man, bad company is one of those games where, you know, you always hear a lot of people talk about multiplayer games where they say, "Oh, don't go play online if you don't have friends." And that is not how I feel about bad company. - You know, I feel like you can go online and still, you know, make significant progress towards leveling up. - I mean, I play 43 by myself all the time as well. - Yeah, yeah. You know, I guess their games are better made for that. Maybe especially bad company because of the, 'cause, you know, they have a couple extra classes that have some more specialized maybe- - I mean, I don't know. There's not, actually, I'm having a hard time thinking of games where I've gone online just to play with random people where I thought, well, I hate my existence now. Like, even Halo 3, if you're not listening to voice chat. - Well, that's the thing, yeah. Halo 3, I don't like to play with random people. - Like, as long as, like, I'm not listening to people or if I just mute the people that are annoying, I don't have a problem playing Halo 3 with people I don't know. - Team Fortress 2 is another one that I don't mind playing with random people. - Right, yeah, I only over have, I guess, played with randoms. I know another game that I played, but will the Arthur go first and will finish off with mine now? - Tell me. - No, talk about what you've been playing. - This is what we call a standoff and you are Mexican. - Yep, so that means I went talk about what you've been playing. - Well, again, we've been playing Borderlands, but I guess we can't talk about that. - Have you ever been playing at co-op? - No, actually, we have not because Anthony sucks. - I just haven't really, man, honestly, I just don't really want to play the PC one yet. I want to play console as my primary one and play PC to check up on it. - Oh, what do you have? - Some PC copies, let's get it going. - It's a PC review builds. - Yeah, and I only had two. - I mean, all I'll say is that it feels like a console game. - Everything you've played is what I played in the preview part. - I mean, it feels like on PC it feels like a console game. Like, even playing with a mouse, it still felt like it was designed for consoles, period. - Yeah. - I mean, I think that's all that we can say, but. - Yeah, I mean, sadly, like even, well, I don't know if it's sadly or not, but even rage is, you know, they. - I mean, I don't think it's sadly, like, honestly, if those games were coming out for consoles, I don't know that they'd be being developed because the money isn't there for PC games like that. - Yeah, I mean. - Crisis says hello, it did not sell well enough to justify the expense. - And they're in developed, you know, cycle console version. - Right, but there are PC games that do just fine. But just not huge budget, like, blockbusters, like, rage is taking how many years and how much money? - Yeah, I don't know, I still think that there are some room for some big PC exclusives. It just depends what they are. And it depends what type of money you expect to make back from it, but continue. - So I tried to play Empire Total War because it was on sale on Steam this weekend and that game is still broken. And it crashed my entire desktop more than once. - Yeah, it's weird. I mean, what is broken about it? 'Cause I've never thought about it being broken. - I mean, there are bugs that will corrupt your save game like 12 hours in. - So yeah, 'cause I've had people who played it and never had, that's the funny thing about PC gaming. Hartford Red Faction, horror stories as well. - Yeah, like, there are just a lot of really serious issues with that game that have not been fixed. And I'm just, it's not the first time that Sega has published a game on PC that's been just a total rack and they've not fixed it. Like, and the thing that really bothers me is they have continued to release paid DLC for it. - Was it crashing to desktop for you over and over again? - If it was crashing to desktop, it would just lock up completely. Like, it would lock me up completely. - Like, not even able to go to like-- - Yeah, like, I couldn't alt-tab out of it. - Yeah. - Like, I would see stuff going on in the desktop on my other monitor and it would just not work. - That's too bad, the game's supposed to be fucking great. - Yeah. - Like, I didn't buy it months ago because it was broken. Empire Total War, is that an RTS game? - Yes, from Creative Assembly. - Yeah, it's just like have like, I wonder if it's problems with Windows 7 too. - I don't think so. I think that it's problems with every OS because all the research I've done has gone across operating systems. - Balls. - Yeah. So, fucking testicles in my face with-- - Yeah, you're not only paid for it. - Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. - Like, 15 gigs. - Yeah, it's like a 15. It took me like two and a half, two hours, I think, to download it. - Yeah, that's not that bad for 15 gigs, man. - Well, yeah, those games aren't that big except for like that and flight sim. - We also pay like 70 bucks just for an internet connection to have that speed. - Right, but-- - So, I'm not, like, that does not mitigate my fury paying-- - Time's commentary about that. - Yeah, about that whole thing. - Like, I just, I'm pissed off that I paid $25 or something I can't return. Like, yeah. - Man, you know what I did? - And I meet the fucking system requirements. I'm gonna have to start from around on iTunes and I swear God, man, I accidentally hit the buy now button on a CD I totally didn't want. - Well, why do you have it for one click? Why you got that? Why do you got it said for one click? - It's the one click, you give it for your health. - I didn't know there's a two click option. - Yeah, I'm pretty sure. - Yeah, I don't know that there is on my side. - On mine, at least, I have to enter my password. Like, it asks me to enter my IT password. - Yeah, it usually will ask me that if it's my first purchase of the day. And I was shopping around purchasing lots of stuff of which I got Kid Cuddies. - What did you buy? - Maybe you got me too. That's what I'm curious. - Oh, I can't even think of the name of the band. I didn't like them, it was just-- - Was it Breaking Benjamin? I heard they're excellent. - Oh, fuck, no, wouldn't them. - They got a small favor, son. - I think they were called the Lordian. I did not, it wasn't my thing at all. - I'm just avoiding the easy jokes here. - Are they gonna go back in time? - I was just gonna ask if you wish you had a time machine. - I wish I'd do it. - So that you can prevent yourself from buying that CD. Let's see, I, Anthony, put Star Wars, the Clone Wars Republic Heroes in my hand. - You said I want something to play so I can talk about it. And I said, I have this game that I don't know how it is. - And if there is any justice in the world, Anthony will wake up one day with that game lodged in his-- - He chose to play it. Don't even associate me with doing that. - Like, this is my week. Like, on Friday, I was thinking to myself, you know, I really need to play something that I can talk about on the podcast next week 'cause like, we don't, we're gonna talk about episode two this week on the show because that's for Game Club. I can't talk about Borderlands. I can't talk about other game that we wouldn't wanna talk about anyway. Like, so I have to find something to talk about. So I fucking put this monstrosity pressed on to plastic. - Yeah, I just had it 'cause it was, 'cause I'm just curious and you would happen to be the first-- - So, Star Wars, the Clone Wars Republic Heroes is set during the popular animated series. - It looks like Lego Star Wars to me when I see it going on. - It is not Lego Star Wars. It's just like, I can't, like, I've read some reviews and they said, like, it might be fine for kids, but I don't understand why people hate children like that. - Well, think about it. When we were children, we hated ourselves. There were a lot of games that we all swore were good. Like, Rhaegar, they weren't good. - I don't know. A lot of people still like Rhaegar, like-- - A boy in his life? - Not good. - Like, you will consistently miss jumps, even though supposedly, like, your Jedi is supposed to, like, magnetically walk on to small surfaces. Like, the depth perception is fucked. The controls aren't responsive. There's, like, lag when you try to turn. - I just think little kids have a higher tolerance for failure than we do. - Not only that, but, like, things die. - We next thing about jumping over a fence, and we're like, oh, it might get hurt. Little kids are like, boom, do it. Break out their fucking teeth, and they're like, ah! - I mean, you'll die over, you'll die over and over again, and you won't know why, but it doesn't matter, because you infinitely respawn, and I mean, fine, whatever, but there's not, like, there's just no real way to gauge how you're doing, except for, like-- - What's dead about it? - Nothing. There's nothing good about it. It looks worse than a PS2 game. (laughing) - And I should bring home the PS2 version. - You should, I'd be curious to see it, because it's like, all the models are just, like, dirty. - Maybe-- - There should be such an easy game to put on the console. - Maybe it was like a Wii port to 360. - I doubt it. - You don't think they made it first for Wii, that would make the most sense to me? - I don't know, honestly, I think. - I picture the people that, primarily, the Clone Wars Watchers probably own Wii's more than anything else, you might guess. - It's just like the textures are muddy, and everyone just looks dirty, and there's like these smudges all over, and it just, it looks ugly. - So what you're saying is it's artistic? - No, what I'm saying is that it is a piece of crap, and probably one of the worst Star Wars games I've played in recent memory. - That's surprising, I mean, you figured the way the, the way the animation series is style. - Yeah, I know the, I-- - I'll be able to leverage. - I've watched some of the Clone Wars show, and it's actually good, but this is not in any way. - Let's talk about a good game that you played. - I played the fours of three demo, finally. I finally got around to that, and had a lot of fun. I wasn't sold on buying fours of three, but now I am. - Yeah, I guess it just comes down to what you like. - I mean, what I will say is that all the assists and everything more than ever in this game sort of make it so that you can tailor it to the kind of game you wanna play. - Yeah, that's a, that's, it seems to be an ongoing trend. - Like even auto-breaking, like I didn't try auto-breaking, but I've read and online that auto-breaking makes the game a lot more arcadey, and you can turn off vehicle damage, which means you can ricochet around the track just like any Gran Turismo game. - Right, and shift does a lot of these same things. I, it's just funny that all these games are starting to do, you know, this degree of-- - Well, I mean, yeah, you see it in sports titles as well. Like, not just racing sports. - Which is a good thing. - I think this is, man, accessibility is one of-- - Yeah, if you wanna make it a part of games for a long time. - You can. - Yeah, I mean, you can make it the most difficult racing game that exists right now. I'm pretty sure if you turn off every assist. - Do things like change your tire pressure? - I mean, even on medium, like the enemy AI is still aggressive, but it's not stupid aggressive. Like, cars will jockey for position, but they won't bump you unless you bump back into their smart enough to know when a bump was accidental or on purpose. - Not wanting to damage their car. - Yeah, like they have self-preservation, but they also will, if you spend someone out or fuck someone up to get ahead and they can catch up to you, they will do all they can to make her life miserable. - It seems like the most hardcore players I know, they are also the type of people that would enjoy racing around a track by themselves, just trying to see how good they could do a corner based on how well they shift and stuff. I mean, it seems like Forza would be a good game for that. - I mean, I think you probably can. - Yeah, I mean, none of that is in the demo. - Race ghosts and shit like that, I'm sure. - I mean, out of all the cars I've played, I had the most fun with the Mini Cooper, because I just zipped around the track and was so fun to drive that I enjoyed it the most and also Turbo Negroes on the soundtrack, and that was pretty much like, okay, I'm gonna go buy this game now. Since I don't know who I have to fuck kill or otherwise molest to get a free copy. - You just sold everyone on the fact that we're whining the hipsters. - Why, 'cause I like Turbo Negro? - Yeah, I've never heard that this artist. - Turbo Negro is a band for hipsters? - I'm sure nowadays it is. - So like Major Laser? - No, they're like. - Wonderful. - They're like a Scandinavian, I think. - Oh, okay. - Like they're from Finland, they're a Finnish like sort of punk rock band with some metal influences. - It is weird though that a Major Laser has gotten picked up by hipsters. That's a whole other conversation. - No, it's not. They like dirty like house and dubstep. That's like ironic to enjoy. So of course they do. - Let's talk about Mario and Luigi Bowser's inside story. - It's Mario and Luigi game. - What do you think, I always hear good things about the humor though, I just wanna say it. - The humor is, it's really charming. Like the written dialogue is really charming and sort of, and very modern. Which I kind of wonder how these games age when the humor just seems so like current. Like as in they just use common colloquialisms and figures of speech and patterns of speech that are part of our lexicon right now. - I mean like if you pick up a game from like 1998 or '99 and it's filled with like Mike Myers type- - Weezing the Jews. - Or the best example, bad dudes. - Yeah, are you a bad enough dude? - Yeah. - Although we are sort of coming around sort of full circle enough to where that might be current. - So the combat is still like RPG, right? But like you still have to do things like time blocks and stuff? - Well, okay, so you select an attack and then you press the A button for Mario or B for Luigi to do it. And then you have to time secondary button presses to do extra damage or to do the attack correctly with things like the hammer. - I thought that's the way the original Mario RPG was for the SNES. It might have been. - It's extremely similar to the way the Mario RPG for the SNES. - And they're advancing it a whole lot. Just a new story. - I thought-- - I mean, and that would be fine. Because honestly, you do also play as Bowser. Like you split your time between the two. - Playing like as Bowser, like you're operating him as Mario and Luigi from his entire space. - No, like you control, like you just switch screens between the two. Like when you can control both, if you hit X or Y controls Bowser and if you hit A or B, it goes back to Mario. - Have you gotten to the part where you have to tickle Bowser's anus to escape? - No, no, I haven't met Lenny Winkshit. - That's not a true part, Tyler. - But I'm at a part right now where you have to trigger-- - Eyes were so wide. - Where you have to trigger a nerve in his arm for him to be able to pull this mountain closer to you. - Wow. - So, I mean, there's that. Which has a timing based element to it. Or you lose coins, which you used to buy items. I mean, it is a white RPG with like levels and gear and stuff like that. But it's still very much feels like a Mario game. Like there are side-scrolling parts that you use to get around and stuff like that. I mean, it's fun. I can tell you with almost complete certainty right now that I am not gonna finish it. - Not hooked, yeah. - It's not, it's just that there are so many parts that make you just pound on the A button to skip past a dialogue and eventually I just get tired of waiting for the game to sort of tell me its story at its own pace. Like certain people skip cut scenes and I am the guy that pounds through dialogue and RPG is not because I'm not reading it. But because I read faster than. - Oh yeah, you should always have the ability for you to just not have to watch it scroll. Just bring it all up at once. - And it just, I just feel like I'm trying to rush it past in so many parts that I get frustrated. I mean, the game is good. But I'm much like, I just never went back to Shin Megami Tensei on a DS. I'm probably-- - You were enjoying that, yeah. - I was until I had my DS closed and Ryan Scott pulled the cartridge out of the DS, asking me what I was playing. - Then he had to give it back to him unless you got AIDS. - Yeah. So there's that. I mean, the game that I've enjoyed the most is Lucidity. - Ooh, the EA sort of-- - No, it's LucasArts. It's from the team that did the remake of Monkey Island. - Is it a downloadable game or was it thinking of this? - Yes, it's on-- - You roll it up on it? - Yeah, LucasArts. - Yeah, it's a LucasArts game. - Yeah, he isn't publishing that. - I don't think so. I didn't see EA's name anywhere. - No. - But it's on-- - Plus the product of a contest, though, right? - No. - Of a, like, a company-wide contest. - Are you sure you're not thinking of a different game? - I have no idea what you're talking about. - 'Cause they're talking about it. - 'Cause they're talking about it. - A game coming out called Axon Pixel. - No, it's a 2K game. - No, I have no idea what you're talking about. - Just when you play like a little girl and you move little platforms and-- - Yeah, this is-- - Yeah, this is-- - That's 100% LucasArts. - That's 100% LucasArts. You don't move platforms or anything like this. The gameplay mechanics-- - You create platforms for-- - This is basically like Tetris meets Lemmings. - Oh, okay, yeah. Then it's the same game we're thinking about. - And like, gameplay-wise, it's an interesting thing that I haven't really seen very much of. Like, we have the Lemmings saying a lot now, like, Ella Funk and shit like that. - Yeah, where do you get the Tetris part of it? - Like, it will randomly assign you from a set of pieces. - Right, like, objects you have. Like, there's a fan, right, that blows her up in there. - Yeah, like, there's a fan that'll blow you straight up and then she'll drift a little bit to the right. There's a staircase, there's a platform, there are shoes of the spring that make you sort of jump up a little high and then-- - And so you don't have control over-- - You don't control her at all. Like, you have an item that you can get and a hold box. Like, I would have-- - Oh, so you really want one? - Like, it isn't like you could at any time be like, "Oh, what's bringing shit?" - No, you use what it gives you and you figure out the most clever way to do it. And then you figure out how you can manipulate those things. Like, I learned early on that you can say, put a fan down and then shoot her up into the air and then put a platform underneath her or you can put a fan down and then put the spring shoes like where she'll land and then she'll land into that and use them and you can then set down a slingshot where she's about to land and then she'll rock it forward and you can rocket her into another fan. - So, you know, people inevitably talk about things by comparing them to other things. It's just the easy way to talk about things to relate to people. And so I've heard a lot of people relating this obviously incorrectly to braid just because it's drawn. - Okay. - So, you know, the reason it's being related to braid is because it has something to say. - But that's what I was saying is so there's a storyline to it. - I mean, like every review I've seen has said this and I guess it's obvious to some people right from the beginning but it wasn't for me. But if you do not want to know anything about the story, then you should plug your ears for 10 seconds. - Well, should I? - Yeah. - I don't think so. I think that you'll still be interested in playing it just like if you, there are certain children's books that you can go back to and look at even though you know it happens or like fables where you know it happens. - I'll just leave it. If the story is relatively at all, I'm going to let you just leave it. I'll play it. - No, I mean, that is the conceit of the game. It's the most important part. - Can you give us a general-- - Yeah, 'cause Tyler doesn't want to hear it. - It's balls without-- - About a little girl experiencing and coping with and dealing with death. - Okay, that's all we need to do. - And loss. - And everything in this game just hammers at home. - Because not only can I tell it, I hear people don't want to either. If it doesn't know, no spoilers. - Whatever. God. - But the same way that this is the game. - This is the game I was thinking about. LucasArts set aside a week of production time on all their titles and had everybody-- - Pound it out. - Develop their own game and this was the one I want. - Do they divide them into teams? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, so I mean, the credits, I finished it and the credits, there's definitely like original game concepts and then it lists like 15 people. - Yeah. - Jesus Christ. But it deals with death and loss, like from the perspective of a child in a very interesting and a very sort of touching way. - All right, sounds red. - All right, there will be people who will get teary at the end of this game. - Sounds good. - It's like, I don't know, I don't think I've ever talked about this on the podcast before, but there was a period like in the '70s and early '80s where there was a lot of children's programming and movies aimed at children that were complicated and interesting and sort of dark and scary sometimes. Like the HR Puff and Stuff thing comes to mind and then there's stuff like Labyrinth and the Dark Crystal and even Fraggle Rock. - Or The Rats of Nim. - Yeah, like the Secret of Nim is another one. - I mean, it's called the Secret of Nim movie. - The Rats of Nim is the book and then the Secret of Nim. - Secret of Nim movie. - Like these are all things that had violence and really scary themes that were nonetheless aimed at children and it was thought that children could deal with it. - That died out with Lion King. - No, I think it died out during Reagan when they approved the thing that let companies make cartoons to sell toys. - I mean, Lion King still did it in some Disney movies, but I don't even feel like Disney movies do it the same way that they do. - I feel like the Lion King has some pretty dark parts in it too. - That's what I'm saying, that Lion King kept it going, things like that. - Honestly, the only kids movies I see now that do it sometimes are Pixar movies. - Right. - Right. - Which, I mean, do you wanna, I don't know if I'd wanna call them kids, but, well. - They're made for everyone. - I mean, they're animated films-- - You're towards children, 'cause they know parents will take their kids, but they're good for parents too. - Guy hate you when you say it that way, but you are correct. - Too. - It's just, the way that it tells its story and the art style and all of that, and like it tells its story through these postcards from someone, and it's very much about like this part of growing up for a lot of kids and like experiencing death and all of that, and the music sells it, and it's very melancholy, and sad at points, and scary, and sort of adventurous, and that's all fine. And honestly, if the game had been easier, it would be ideal as something for children to play. But unfortunately, the game gets really fucking hard. - Just by talking about this game you realize you've now become pretentious to the internet. - And that's the thing, is that apparently having something to say in a game automatically makes you pretentious. - Right, and then when something vap comes out, people say, "Why don't games try to say stuff?" - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, the game is really hard at some points, and there is a point where the difficulty just leaps up, because at first you can get through things at your own pace, but eventually this sort of veil comes up behind you, and if it covers you completely, then you die. You have to start the level over. - You have to start the level over. (singing) - I think you'd really like the music, too. It's actually really, really good. - All right, I'm down. - But I just feel like if the underlying gameplay mechanics had been simpler, and then it had, like you collect these, like these fairy dust or fireflies or whatever, to unlock more stuff, like if the challenge had been to get all of those instead of getting through the levels, then it would have been a game for more people. It might have been better at what it is. - Take it easier and put it on we were. - Maybe, but I mean, as it stands now, it's a pretty affecting game, and I'm glad I had the chance to play it. And there's not a lot of games where I'm like, "Oh, I really enjoyed this game." But I mean, like, this is a game that I would not have imagined would exist this year, and I am really super glad that I got made. - What do you mean? - It's just, I mean, it's not, I mean, I just don't feel like we're at the point in games is a medium where they can do stuff like this very often, especially from a company like LucasArts. - I guess we get one like a year though, right? That's like the title that actually has something to say. - Maybe, but I mean, we've had like the path this year and stuff like that, but from a commercial developer, I just didn't expect this. - The what this year? - The path. - What's that? - It's an indie game that involves like walking down a path and you age or something like that. - Oh, that's right, I remember that game now. - But that's not, that's an indie game. Just like Braid was an indie game that was picked up and published. I mean, this is a game from LucasArts where a bunch of people came up with it together and LucasArts said, "Okay, we'll make this." - Right, I mean, I guess maybe it just shows that these larger studios could do smaller, meaningful games. They weren't tied to an IP that's like, you know. - Yeah, in a way, it's like, there are two sides of a coin with experimentation. Like on one side, you have ODST, which is basically like they take an existing engine and a team and say you have a year to do something. And you can take a risk with it. And I mean, in a lot of ways, ODST was a risk. - Well, I mean, they took things from another game too. So I mean... - I mean, I don't know what they took for this. Like, I don't, I mean, they just used their engine or whatever. - I thought some of the levels were already made for the other. - I have no idea. I'm not familiar with the history of Lucidity. It was like... - No, I'm gonna say I'm talking about Halo at his team. - I mean, I don't think that any of that was taken from the Peter Jackson Halo project, but I could be wrong. But... - Yeah, Lucidity, that's such a cool experiment. I mean, dude, LucasArts, let's see. I wanna see runners up. - Yeah, I mean, I'm so grateful that LucasArts made it. And it's not a game for everyone. Like, some people were not gonna enjoy it. Like the Lemmings thing, like not having direct control of the character. That was gonna kill it for some people. But for me, it's an action puzzle game. And it's really fun. - I don't think there's any such thing as a game for everyone. - I don't even necessarily think it's a wide audience game. I think that there's a niche that will appreciate it more than others. But I mean, I did see one particularly annoying review where they docked to points because it didn't get your blood pumping like a good live arcade game should. - Yeah, well, who wrote that? - I'm not gonna say. - Why? - Because I don't wanna shit talk directly. - You're not shit talking right, you're saying you didn't like their opinion? - It was the IG interview. - Okay, you didn't like their opinion. - That's perfectly fine. - I didn't like their opinion on this one. I didn't, I am fine with people having an opinion. That is a dumb opinion. - No, you can say that, it won't matter. - But yeah, so Lucidity is definitely was a surprise. And I blew through it like as quickly as I could. I spent about six hours playing through that single player. And you can still go back in and unlock more levels by collecting more of the fireflies in them. 'Cause I definitely have at least 12 or 1300 more to collect. - Jesus. - Their achievements for 500, 1,000, 1,500. - You must, do you get them every step? - No, there's a ton hidden in the levels. Like in their multiple paths, there is no way to get every star in one go through a level. - Ah, so, is that it for you? - Yes. - So the last game that I remembered that I played this week was Risen. - How's that? - The PC, RPG that a lot of people were looking forward to, 'cause it's kind of like a third person. Like if I was just gonna describe in the most generic terms, it's like a third person of Blue Vian, almost. You know, it's like a world, you explore, you do quests. - It's an epic fantasy adventure. - Yes, and so you start off as a guy, a stowaway, and a boat, a wreck, so you lose your memory. And now you're washed up on the shore, and it's like, this one has like, you know, a Blue Vian, you can make your own choice about where you wanna go. This one's from the couple of hours. A couple hours I played, it's more linear, but it still has, it's still like, it's a much smaller game than a Blue Vian, but every choice you make, like it has so many different ways you can go. Like the first guy I met was like this dude in a rundown house, and he was like, you can either go to the city where there's an order that might try and like suck you into the fold, or you can go to my bandit camp where we still live like free men. And I was like, I do, I wanna live like a free man. So we start going there, and I also found out you could just kill him if you wanted. You know, you have to like go to this camp, you can murder him, take his shit. - Can you murder him and then go to this camp? - And so what happened is while we were walking to the camp, we ran into a couple dudes from the order, who's like the religious cult in the game or whatever, and they beat the shit out of us, killed him, knocked me out. And when I woke up, I was like, indoctrinated into the order against my will. And so now I was just like a prisoner in this church camp where I was having to learn to fight with the staff. And at the same time, my roommate got murdered. So when my roommate got murdered, I got put in charge of figuring out who murdered him. I like the head of the order as like a test. So that's kind of like where I played up to. - Is it fun? - Yeah, it's cool. I mean, I like all these branching paths, but man, it runs like shit on my computer. And I meet the system requirements. No problem. The game does not look that way. - Do you need the recommended system requirements? - I probably, I would imagine I do, although maybe it wants more RAM. But I've heard people say that game looks really good. Man, even when I haven't maxed out, I really don't think that game looks that good. Like it comes off in a lot of ways as a budget title or like made from a small developer. But it still, it does a lot of, it has a really, a lot of cool ideas and it's much better than when I saw all the early stuff where I was like, that game was gonna be utter shit. But it is kind of a cool fantasy. RPG, even with all its little quirks and its little things that is like, man, this is a European RPG. We're just kicking the balls at times. Like when you're training to fight with the staff, you have to fight guys in your school. And when they beat you and you get knocked out, your staff goes flying. And if it gets flying to some place where you can't get it, you got to buy another one. You don't have enough money? Better go steal some shit around the church so you can get enough money to buy another one. 'Cause like you're screwed otherwise. - PC gaming. - Yeah, exactly. So like the first time he beat me, we were fighting off on a platform and my staff went flying off the cliff. And I was like, oh my God. Now I have to go steal shit from everyone's rooms and hope I don't get caught so I can afford any staff. So, and then like when I finally beat a dude, I took his staff, I was like, take, I need every staff I can get. - Speaking of kicks on the balls, apparently I'm just becoming more and more convinced that I have to try Demon Souls. - Yeah, that's what I keep hearing of it. I keep seeing a lot of people talk about it. We got a copy of it today and I gave it away to someone else 'cause they were like, oh, Demon Souls, so. - Apparently it's hard to find too, like retailers are sold out. - Well, it's an atlas game. So atlas isn't exactly like a distributor of like 20 cut. I mean, each store probably gets like five copies. - I'm gonna buy this game and I'm gonna hate it. And then it's gonna be sitting on my shelf mocking me. This is saying this is what happens. - It's funny atlas games, like as soon as I heard about it, like the long before it ever came out, it was like, you got a package from Atlas. And I was like, I bet you this game has the word Demon in its name somewhere. Like go look at every game Atlas is released. Like they all say Demon somewhere in the title. - And this has a grammatically incorrect usage of Demon. - So, I'm actually probably gonna, I mean, this is in the game I've been playing, but before I wrap it up, just wanna let everyone know next time around, I will talk more probably about Operation Flashpoint, 'cause I'm gonna try it PC to be a multiplayer, 'cause I've heard it's a lot better that way. Not PC multiple. - With other people that are having a miserable time. - I just heard when you're sharing stories and talking shit, it can be a lot better. So we'll see. For me, either way, you know. - I on the other hand, we'll be playing Brutal Legend one way or another. - Right, I would like to, but I have this, you know, my upcoming games that I'll be playing and talking about are also like Grand Tofado, Chinatown Works for PSP, and I got a lot of shit I gotta play. - Eat. - So, yeah. Let's take a break and we'll do letters. - Word. - All right. (upbeat music) ♪ Burning ground ♪ ♪ Just ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ And we won't die ♪ ♪ Through the course ♪ ♪ Just ♪ ♪ We don't ♪ ♪ And we ♪ ♪ Could be great ♪ - There it is. (upbeat music) - All right. Man, you know what, like blew my mind? Well, not today, but blew my mind when I learned. You know how you have that book in the restroom, how to paint like the masters, and then it shows the four steps of that woman, and she's like-- - Yes, I do have a book on painting in the bathroom. - And so like, it shows like four different steps that this painting goes through, and it's like the hyper realistic sort of painting. I don't know what the term of that is, but what trusts me out is it shows her like skin as silver first. And I remember, you know, I never took any visual arts courses, but I remember I was probably like in college or maybe a senior in high school and one of my friends was taking some and he was like, man, you know that you would paint people's skin color like different, and then they paint the real color on top of that? - Yeah, that's called glazing. - Glazing, man. - I did that with the painting that I'm working on right now. - Ah, that blew my mind when I got that. - It's because it's easier, like you want to worry about, like value is black to white, like shadow and color is something different. I'm worrying about both of those at the same time. It's very difficult. So working in value first, and then putting color over that can be easier. And that's your art lesson for today. How about a letter, Anthony? - Well, that was boring. Let's move on. Robbie says-- - I mean, I didn't bring up my dick, so. - Well, that would be a lot more interesting to me. - I know it would. - Because I like that. - Your mom was saying the same thing yesterday. - She was, I talked to her about it on the phone before and I was thinking, "When can I get me some of that?" - Nothing is relationship concerns. I have a dilemma I'm facing, and I was hoping you guys could give me some input. I'm currently a fresh college. - Who has a dilemma? - I already said his name, but you weren't listening. I'm really excited. His name's Robbie. - Oh, okay. - Robbie has a dilemma. - I'm really excited for Uncharted 2, especially with all the great reviews it's been getting. It's currently the second highest PS3 game on Metacritic. Don't you fucking read that, despite Anthony's low score, tongue face. - Okay, you saying that he put that in there actually makes that better? - Low score. - I know, I appreciate it. - And he said tongue face as well. The problem, however, is that my dorm lacks a good television or surround system. My roommate has a 15 inch wide TV and that's about it. I was wondering whether I should pick up Uncharted 2 right when it launches or whether I should wait till I come home for the holidays where I have a 48 inch HDTV. Real quick menopause. You know what I think you should do, man? You should find, like, or something and look for a good Dell monitor that can-- - Yeah, I was about to ask, like, my monitor takes HDMI. - Right, or a monitor takes HDMI or even component, right? I mean, and just like, play it over your a mod, a computer monitor. - Or, I mean, like, from my receiver to my TV, I run an HDMI to DVI cable. - Right, you never receive everything, though. - No, but I mean, if you're gonna game when you're in a dorm and you don't want to invest in speakers, then maybe you should get one of those, like, headphone setups. - Yeah, just get, like, a nice turtle beach does a decent, it's called, like, a P21 headset, and then with that, like, a decent computer monitor, you know, which you could get for a lot cheaper than HDTV, you could still have an awesome dorm playing experience for games. - Yeah, I bought a refurbished Dell monitor, and it's pretty badass. Just make sure it has a headphone jack 'cause mine does not, so, like, I had to figure out it. - I mean, there are other ways to do it. - Yeah, I mean, you can work around, but that'd be the simplest solution. - I don't think, I don't know that you need to wait until you can play it on a big screen to appreciate it. I do think you should play it on an HD display. - Yeah, I do as well. I just think that you should look into maybe getting a computer monitor that'll last you through the whole time you're at college and could run at a, he has three at a great resolution. They're not that expensive anymore. - Yeah. - You see 'em for regular, like, all the time, for a week or two. - I highly recommend Dell monitors if you're looking for a good monitor. - Let's see, this is from Joe, and he says, "Hi, guys. "Sorry being a Star Wars fan, "I just wanted to point out misspelling of Tonton "as Tantan in my recent letter below. "Just realize this and it was really bugging me, "so I sent this retraction email. "Bope Anthony's not too accept." - How do you directly spell Tontons? - T-A-U-N, T-A-U-N. And he said, T-A-N, T-A-N, T-A-N. - Tantan? - But he looked, I-- - Tantan's no worse than the inside. - Yeah, me and Ryan just had a big argument the other day at work about how many pilots survived the first Death Star battle, and how many pilots could say that they participated in both Death Star battles. - Well-- - And it turns out it was eight people survived the first Death Star battle. - Congratulations, no one in this room will be having sex until next year. - And three, I think, participated in both. But Wedge is the only one that like lived, I think, through both, so. - 'Til next year. - I don't know. - Probably had a good run, Penis. (laughing) - Thanks. - Okay. - My penis sounds like Tyler. - This is Mark. - Go, Wincidence? - Mark says, "Between Anthony's civilization stories "and Tyler's new found love for the games, "Rebelofem has piqued my interest in the series." Civilization. A few months ago, I rented Civilization Revolution and played three or four civilizations before I had returned the game. Overall, I enjoyed the game, but one aspect turned me off quite a bit. I felt that I was constantly bothered by shakazulu and the likes to give them something or war would be raged upon me. This really took me out of the fun of building up my civilization racing towards victory. Obviously, the game is not completely realistic, but the notion that a country would demand, I teach them how to read, where they would murder my entire population is ludicrous. My question to the civilization of fishing out is, is this the case in the real PC versions of the game? The basic concepts in gameplay and civilization is fun to me and the stories that come out of it are fantastic, but at this annoyance is present in all versions of the game and mushroom, I can bring myself to play them. May leprechaun, blood, run freely through your streets. - I mean, can't you say no in Sivrevan? It doesn't necessarily equal war even if they threaten it? - It will eventually equal war, though. - Yeah, I mean, if you keep telling them in all-- - And that is in all the Siv games. And in a way, it does kind of make sense because throughout history, people have threatened over technology and stuff like that to other civilizations. - I mean, it's basically like, it's a part of the game is playing, is delaying and playing civilizations against each other. And occasionally you'll say, I can't give you this, but I'll give you this completely useless technology that I don't care about. - Exactly, and sometimes you can use it to leverage someone to go to war with you. I mean, it works both ways. It is annoying that you can't do it to them. Like, you can't just make random demands. Like, give me this. - Can't you? - No. - No, I know you can. - You can. - You can. - See, you can make-- - Well, you can trade, but you can't just make a demand with me. - Hey, you can. - You can demand technology. - Now, it might be on one of the expansions, but I know for a fact, on the original one, I could never find a way to just be like-- - Get me a rating. - I don't know, I'd seem to call me and we'll do it. - But I know there has been situations where I can demand-- - The question that he's asking isn't all the other, and it isn't all the-- - I mean, yeah, it's just a part of the game. Like, you need to learn how to-- - But yeah, if you were just focusing on building up your civilization without any threat or anything the whole time, it would kind of be a lot more boring. - Why don't you just put it on easy if that's what you wanna do? - Or, I mean, it just totally historically makes sense to me that people would make threatening remarks over technology and stuff. - Where the listeners' comments make sense to me, though, is that like, when I started playing it on the Xbox, I really didn't put a lot of thought or time investing to learn the whole trading aspect. So, like, to me, that seemed like a deeper level gameplay sort of scenario. So it's like something that just now, I mean, I've been playing for a whole, whole bunch. - It was more civilized than you were looking to get. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just now getting to the point where I'm experimenting a lot with trading to see how that stuff works out. So it's, I can see where he's saying like it, it is like one of these one annoying little mechanics that's constantly sort of drawing him out of it. - Yeah, I guess I just like, how do you deal with that? - I feel like that game is about having all these different things, nipping at your attention, and that's a big part of it. - So this is the other letter that Joe sent where he missed it. - Where he said tampons. - He says, since Anthony mentions at times that he has a 15-inch Tom-Tom, prominently displayed in the living room, I don't-- - It's not. - Let me, it's a closet. - That's correct. - I do have an original, an original-- - Roncor. - Rankor. - Rankor. - Yeah, with a big switch. - Wait, did you really not remember what it was? - I just had a brain fart. - Okay. - Sorry. - Is there a snow speeder next to it? - I do have like a seven-inch Tom-Tom up there. Just a regular figure one. And that's actually not a snow speeder, that's an a-wing. Anyways. - I can always see the nose from here. - He says, what is the most precious or rarest item that you guys own that you wouldn't give up for pretty much anything, such as a first edition of something or a limited run of a comic, et cetera? If there's nothing along those lines you guys can think of, what about your greatest moment in a video game? - I meet a moment that was so incredibly epic that you wish people were in the room to see it, or perhaps they were, such as beating a final boss with just a sliver of health left and limited ammo are going on impressive killing streak without taking any damage. - My, probably my most, you know, I don't know, I'm pretty non-attached to a lot of things like a horrible disaster could happen to all my belongings and I wouldn't care much, but my guitar and my bass, I would hate to be separated from just because, like, I've owned lots in the past and both of them are exactly what I want out of a guitar and bass. They're both maple necks, both fender, American-made. - Yeah, I got a lot of shit, but I'm trying to think of, like, certain things that would really bother me, 'cause I don't have very much stuff that's, like, super one of a kind. - Yeah, I also have this giant Bjort poster that is framed, it's huge, and, like, the frame would, if I would've had to paid for, it would've cost me, like, 400 bucks, you've seen it, you gotta have seen it. - Yeah. - How tall would you say it is? - It's like five feet, it's like five foot tall, yeah. - It's like five by three. - I'd be quite sure if something happened to that, for sure. - I mean, I guess if my paintings got destroyed, - Yeah, I mean, those are the closest thing you got to one of a kind. - I mean, they are one of a kind. - One of a kind. - That's, yeah. Yeah, no, my most precious treasure is my kit, so. - Like, as far as a material possession, the only thing I could think of that I'd be sad if I lost, and even that not much is like, I have the first version of the Fight Club DVD, the one with, like, all the cool shit, the cool packaging that they don't sell anymore. - Yeah, that has all the stuff that has all the-- - It has, like, the booklet full of negative quotes, yeah. - Yeah, I have that, I have that too. - That's such a good one. - Like, even that is just stuff. - Even that you could find on eBay, probably, yeah. - I mean, it's just, like, I've just had to move so much, like, and have lost so much shit that this is like, it's just a stuff. - Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't just get rid of it. Obviously, I still care about it enough that I'm not gonna go throw it on the street, but, yeah, I feel the same way. I can't think of any particularly great video game moments myself, like, nothing where I've ever been like. I can't believe I did that because I'm that skilled, that I just know that I'm doing it every time. - I mean, I generally feel like a badass when I'm playing Ninja God. - I can't believe you guys didn't call me on that. I was just being super arrogant and dick-headed. (laughing) - I guess we're just used to it. (laughing) - I just like to point out Arthur is he dick. (laughing) - Not as arrogant as Anthony, clearly. (laughing) - Well, no, 'cause you're more arrogant. All right, let's see. - That was really lame. - No, it's true, though. John says, "Hey guys, I just wanted to share a story "about something that happened to me from earlier today. "I'm a senior at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and was sitting in the somewhat boring lecture "about genetics in an auditorium. "I took a few moments to break from note, "taking to stretch and glanced around the classroom "to see where people were checking on in their laptops "as a customary, important college lectures nowadays. "To my surprise on the screen, a few rows away, "I saw from major city caricatures "from "Now I know you guys have a popular podcast "that I really enjoy, but it was still somewhat a shock "to see a fellow fan somewhere outside of the inner webs. "After classes over, I decided to test his fan "into him in the only way I could think of. "I walked up, I've walked up next to him, "and muttered fat penis under my breath. "The guy looks up to me with a strange look on his face, "and after a few seconds says completely straight faced, "fucking leprechauns. "We both started laughing, introduced ourselves, "and even had a quick chat about Half-Life 2, "as he said he is currently listening to your game club. "I thought you gents might get a kick out of the story. "And if you read it on air, ha, I told you, "I would write them a letter, Jeff. "I was wondering if you guys had any experiences "in college meeting up with other people "you didn't expect to be into games, "or was gaming still too dark you "when you were in college to be discussing it with us?" - "How fucking old do you think we are?" - "I believe in how to college not even five years. "Neither of us have." - "No, I graduated in 2007." - "Yeah, I graduated in '05." - "I graduated '04 bitches." - "So yeah." - "I'm not the oldest." - "And talking in video games, that is how me and Arthur met was we bonded over video games at a job that had nothing to do with video games. - "What was the tower? "I mean, we bonded over music and people." - It was mostly over games. When we talked about music, I just pretended to like it because you were my boss. - And like, we're at some-- - It's true. - I was his boss. - Where I went to college, it was like a, I went to college-- - It takes a good shot in the mouth. - Just like a commuter college. We didn't stay in dorms or anything, so I actually took a bunch of classes with my best friends from GP. So I remember vividly when Grand Theft Auto Vice City came out, I was a junior in college, and I bought it on the day of, and I had a class that day, and we had a test, so it's like, we all rolled into class with each our own copy of Vice City. We're out there looking at it, and some people were like, "Hey man, is that the new Grand Theft Auto?" Right, fuck yeah, it is. Step back. - I had, when a guitar or two for 360 came out, my girlfriend at the time, I heard two for 360 car forming and brought it to me at work on campus, so I had to carry that around with me for a little bit before I could take it home. - And you felt a little embarrassed. - I was a little so conscious, but generally, people were like, "Holy shit, that's out." - Carlos writes in. He says, "I enjoy your show. I was just wondering for no reason whatever happened to the epic and now Anthony on sections that he used to do along with the less consistent yet, no less awesome ever question and against and civilization stories. First off, I'll just say that the ever question and civilization things have to come organically. Like I have a lot of ever quest stories, but they're also easy to repeat because I forget which ones to tell. - Genius like that wasn't premeditated. - Yeah, I didn't say that. - No, I did, it was joking. - Maybe the Anthony on stories were one up FM only and he's trying to forget that slut. (laughing) Like how he makes the sign is, that slut. I don't know, but it's time to let it go and you should do things you love for you. Plus you made a lot of people's day with it. And with the ever question and civilization stories, I know you aren't like a literary of Babel with just an infinite amount of stories. Yes, I repeat, but I'm sure you got a bit more in there. You should listen to the games by the briefings. Since I myself never got into those games due to my relatively young age, I really enjoy hearing about those games and what I presume is high level play. I also, I'm not sure if I imagined it or not, but I remember there being an Anthony now on pandas and I can't seem to find it short of listening to all the one up of ems and forget that. Just wondering if you could at least narrow it down to an episode. I don't think I ever did one on pandas. - I mean, you did Kodiak Bears. - Kodiak Bears, but no pandas. - Which we did not see. - And if you ever want to listen to all the Anthony aunts, you can actually listen to just go to YouTube and type in my name and there's this YouTube username, Game Over Greco, that put them all up there. - Did he add animations? - To some, but most are just a picture of me like holding a bear or something like that related to what it's about. - Which is classic in its own way. - He says, on a far more urgent note, now that I'm aware of the leprechaun way. He says, on a farm, I am really worried about next St. Patrick's Day. The reason we all love that day was because the point of it was to get as hammered as possible and end up either passed out or rendered helpless due to almost spastic fits of throwing up. Isn't this the perfect time for leprechaun black ops to go out and perform the recon? This could also be the reason that there's such a lack of dollar coins and the reason that the, that's true, they are like gold plated. And the only way it seems to be able to get dollar coins anymore is change from a vending machine. Well, a lie goes on for some serious things. - Well, it's a little known that St. Patrick's Day is actually a holiday, much like Halloween and that you dress green so that the leprechauns don't know that you're there. - Yeah, they can't see green. That's why we also do things that they green screen. - No, it's, it's that they, they, they just think you're one of them. - I like that. - A lot also works. - Let me see this guy, Dogby wrote in. He said regarding the street fighter, super street fighter foretalk on last episode. Before you get non-plussed, read that in the most smart me pretentious way you can because that's how it sounds. Doosh, about them charging. Please read over all the new features. After that, let me know how redoing the netcode can be done in this. - Please don't after that. - Read his bullet list of features. - It's only like short. After that, let me know why people are writing in street fighter forequestions to a podcast whose hosts have probably played a combined 10 hours max of the game and that was probably only on a gamepad anyways. Thanks all. I take penises in the ass for fun. That's what he, that's how he ended his letter. (laughing) That's a weird letter. - First of all, I own a fight pad. So I'm gonna lie, played more than 10 hours of that. Third of all, I was probably playing street fighter before you were shooting your pants. - He also wrote in to say that law was the best game ever and that heroes in net worth is for the retards is what he wrote in. (laughing) I might have reversed several things he said. - I didn't say it was stupid for them to charge for DLC. I said that I am not sure how I feel about them selling a retail game of Super Street Fighter IV. - Right, do we even know exactly what Super Street Fighter IV is yet? - I mean, no, we don't know exactly what it is. - We don't know if it's this form or download. - No, I mean, it's pretty much, it's a non-confirmed confirmation that it's gonna be a disc. Whether or not there will be a retail or a DLC version of it has not been said, but it doesn't seem like they're considering it. But I'm just not sold on paying $40 for Street Fighter again. - All right, the next letter is from Michael an Australian living in sunny, red fucking cold NZ New Zealand, I guess. - He's a kiwi. - Ah, cool, so. - He says, "Greetings and salutations, weekly entertainment." - Good news. - Okay, so I have a little cash saved up and the pockets of my pants are well and truly full of holes by burn, time to spend it. My problem, there are a few things I want to buy. I've narrowed it down to these following choices. EP is three. There are quite a few games coming out or out that I've been keen on. Demon Soul's Heavy Rain Uncharted 2 and other games that are already out for it. I'm a guitarist and I have rough ideas down to 20 or 30 songs. I'm considering getting an Akai MPD32 drum pad thing and a midi keyboard. These things would help me a lot in making my songs. Three, a home gym setup. I've put on a few extra pounds this moving back in with my folks and I would like to get rid of them. The closest gym to me is about an hour and a half. Sorry, drive away. It's due to me living out in the fucking woop woop. A home gym is the only way I can really, the only way I can manly pecs. That's the only way he can manly pecs. So there you go, that's my dilemma. Help me decide. Get the music equipment because... I mean, does he even need that as a third? From the music, you get your workout and then when you get fat paid, you can buy more games. No, I mean, it's my third. It's because then you can get paid by a PS3 and it doesn't matter what you look like when you're playing music for people. Yep. Man, I just don't know what his priorities are like. I don't know, man, if he has 20 to 30 songs he wants to write, it sounds like maybe you should look into some getting some music equipment. Not only that, but I mean, do you need to buy those things? Are there software equivalents to do what you want to do? I don't know, man. I don't know, that's not a easy question to answer. This is a question. I mean, if you were just saying heavy rain. You can edit it out. You can edit it out if you don't want to. It's not offensive. Just, I don't know how you feel about it. Oh, Jesus. It's from Joseph. And Joseph says, "Rebel FM, I listened to episode 34 today "and you spoke about Rolling Stone branching "in the topics beyond music "and the possibility of gaming magazines "and content doing the same." With that spirit in mind, I decided to write in and ask you about men's health, particularly male baldness and how it affects your ability to advance in your careers. Have any of you ever experienced prejudice brought on by a lack of hair? For instance, which of you do have jobs and which you don't? During recent layoffs in your industry, do you find that baldies were let go first? Were bald people slower to get new jobs? I just feel like this is like trying to effectively troll me. Why? Well, I'm me too. I got a little bit of attention. I think it's a legitimate question that, have you ever found the thing that keeps their hair very short, like? That keeps my hair short. That you're so sweet. Well, you're not bald. I shave because I would be bald. I would have a crop circle on my hair. Right, but you're not totally bald. Like, you keep your hair short? No, but I mean really, like we talked about this yesterday. I would look like that embarrassing dude from the '70s if I tried to grow my hair out. Right, have you ever found that people have been prejudiced towards you because of your hair for a professional? Professionally, no. I mean, it's kind of an accepted thing at this point that if you're going bald, you shave your head. Plus in our industry, doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal with your hair. I think in our industry, there's a lot of people going bald. That's also true. So no, I mean, I don't think so. I don't think that that has anything to do with it. I honestly don't see any correlation in baldness. All right. Is it like a skin head thing? He's trying to angle at like-- I have no idea. I mean, I think you have. I mean, there have been one or two instances where someone thought that I was a skin head. It's good. Something that I, a notion I disabuse them of is quickly as possible. Thanks. You insulted me for something I can't help. No, I, yeah, as I say, I do not shave my head because I hate black people. I shave my head because God hates me. (laughs) That's good. That's a partial joke from the Venture Brothers. It is? No, no, dude, I said that way before I saw that on Venture Brothers. A joke from Venture Brothers is, I thought God shaved your head and he says he does, but he leaves the sides. Oh yeah, that's right. All right, Isaiah writes in and he says, "Hey, guys, just thought I'd write in and tell you guys specifically Chuff Money. You guys finally did it. You've stolen my girlfriend away from me. Her name is Julia and we've been together for a little over two and a half years. When she comes over to my place, it's always Anthony Guy goes this and Chuff Money that give her my email. (laughs) She's been hinting-- Chuff Money at She's been hinting around about how awesome it would be to get a special birthday shout out on your next podcast. Hopefully, this works twofold. She becomes an even bigger fan, possible roadie of you guys, which can't hurt. I believe the term is groupie. She is not carrying our equipment. Or is she? (laughs) For like 30 seconds. Actually, we didn't have to hold my equipment. We'd be like, she would reach towards and I'd go. (laughs) Equipment moved. (laughs) Anyways. I actually think your equipment moved just thinking about it. I don't wanna talk about it. Okay, but this could also prove how awesome of a boyfriend I am. It's hard finding a lady nowadays, even harder to find someone who likes and possibly loves some of the things I do. She reads my poorly written reviews and articles about gaming and only asks for a little Chuff Love once a week. I refuse to have her listen to both Game Spy and Rebel of them in one sitting. That's near, that's damn near an affair. Sometimes she listens. (laughs) Sometimes she listens mostly. I can't fucking believe you're reading this. You son of a bitch. She finds your voice soothing. So as a fan from a fellow man, could you do a brother? It's solid, dude, I'm doing it as a favor to him. Julia, my Spanish teaching girlfriend is also your first line of defense once the prince leprechaunicles wakes from his slumber. So I'm David Rem, shout out to Julia. Happy birthday, Julia. - From the cut all of this out. - Why? - Just 'cause. - Why? He was doing my favor, he wants. - He's doing him a solid once. - They'll never be heard, they'll break up and my plan will be complete. (laughs) - I'm not, I'm like just going down the letter. - I know, I understand. - Let's, let's. - All right, what's up? Ah, I was just gonna act like I was reading a letter that isn't real. - Oh, yeah, well the joke is ruined now. Retard. (laughs) Retard, retired. - Brian writes in, he says, "Hello, all this is my first letter Rebel of Fame." Though I've been listening since the first podcast started. In any case, I thought I'd reopen the topic of tattoos since I recently got my first tattoo and is an indeed a geeky one. I got a tattoo on my left shoulder of a 20-sided die. Yes. - Ah, cool. - I am a proud dungeon master and those who play tabletop RPGs will know what I'm talking about. Ever prose of this, I thought I'd pose a question. - Oh, you mean it doesn't work at the armory. - If you had to get one tattoo and I had to be a geeky one, what would be? I would get the firefly. You know, the story. What is our criteria for geeky? - I don't know, I'm nerd shit. You know, I don't think it's the art. Like I said, firefly. - So like the tattoo that I'm planning on getting doesn't count, you don't think? - I don't know, it's a music tattoo. - Okay. I've seen this tattoo before, but it's pretty awesome. So I would get the chains from the main character, Bioshock on my wrists. - What's his face has that, right? - Slinda Marco, formerly of Gautaku, proprietor of gay gamer, has those on his wrists and they're cool. - I've always wanted a stylized tattoo of the kid from Eco pulling the girl behind him, like running forward. I thought that'd make a cool tattoo. - Stylized how? - I don't know. - Jumping over your belly button. - It had to be stylized like with the windmill in the background. - Would she be like going toward the direction of your penis? - No, I was thinking like, you know, on the bicep. 'Cause I got big guns. - He need to make it to where it looks like. - I got a lot of real estate. - It looks like people's across the gap when you flex. - Yeah, he could be on your bicep and she could be on your forearm and then when you bring 'em together. - They kiss. - They're reunited. You really didn't need to make the kiss noises. - Um, Jay Josh writes in and he says, do you get to know our podcast host better? I would like to ask you what your favorite bands of all time, let's do that first. Fair band of all time. I'm just gonna go the easy route here and say Beatles. 'Cause that's probably true of my case. - I don't know, I have a favorite band of all time. - All right, he says favorite book. - I didn't say favorite band. - Well, I'm saying. - What's your favorite band? - Oh, my favorite band would probably be closest. The closest would probably be Radiohead. - All right. - It's a close segment would be like "Mong Why." - Books. - You fucking hipster. - I love "Mong Why" man. - Books. - Have for years. - Again, I'm not good at declaring favorite forms of media. - Ooh, books. The Bible. - What's yours? - No, I don't know. Maybe stealing Jesus. That's one that I'm a big fan of, and that's a total serious book, so. Or "For Christ's sake," that's another great book. I don't know, I'm in the catcher in the rye. Maybe. - Tyler's gonna murder someone. And Arthur does know him. - No, I-- - This is a favorite movie and/or film director. - Ooh. - Fuck, man. - Taxi drivers, probably one of my favorite movies of all time. - Jeez. - That one or not. - I'm just not good at declaring a single favorite. Like, I'm much more of the list. - Well, just name one of your favorites. Favorite's, not the bet favorite. Someone you really love. - Probably Aliens. - All right, that's fair. I think that's great too. I can stand by it. - Definitely. - Ken writes, and he says, "Good evening, gentlemen." I don't want to take too much time explaining my turn off the podcast relationship question, but I thought it was worth a shot. I'm on my last year of university. I'm British, so I'm guessing university is the same as college. - Yeah, no, I understood. - And I am currently living with some friends. However, one girl I used to go out with, he lives with. We're on the same, we're on the same animation class. We've lived together, including other friends for two years. We went out for almost a year, broke up a couple months back, and we even live on the same floor of the house we're staying in. My main problem is the re-emergence of feelings for her. When I was with her, I helped her on her confidence issues, and eventually she came out of her shell and even decided to drop the goth look. She even gets hit on. We all go out to the student bar, which he says has never happened to her ever. I'm sure you're feeling great about that. It's not like I just broke up with her for nothing. It's hard being a short black nerd going out with a white, red-headed goth without getting strange looks. Also, at times, it showed that we were incompatible. I did not see eye on stuff. I'm not laughing at my trip problem. I'm laughing because Tyler just blew it up. - That wasn't you, you just had some fucking snake sounding fart come out of your ass. - There was a time- - Hold on, all right. - So if you're from children. - There's a problem. So there was a time where we used to say that we'd be able to talk to each other on any problems and each of us would listen, but what happens when you want to tell that person that you still like them? So, as I have no one to really open up to, I shut up, take a walk or bike ride, eat sugary sweets or worse, I drink. At first, it was a little, but now I feel like I'm drowning my sorrows more often. Who knows, by the time you read this, I'll probably be a diabetic alcoholic. I'm pretty skinny, so I don't think I'll be getting fat anytime soon. His question, do I test, tell her straight up, or do I do my best to try and forget about her for the rest of the year? - Preliminary question, are the reasons that you broke up still there and now you just don't think you care about them? - Or are they still there and you've just kind of forgotten that part? - Yeah. - Yeah, it's a lot of times like relationships can dawn, or ex-relationships can wear the same rose-colored glasses that we put on when we think about like old games that we used to like. - I would just think maybe he should think about moving somewhere else. Do you have to live there with her? - Yeah, I mean, that's a bad scene. I don't know, man. If you're absolutely sure that you're still into her, try to find some way to gauge if she's still interested and if not, then I mean you're just gonna make it weirder if you try to re-engage her in that way without any certainty. - Word, that's-- - And please, for the love of Christ, don't have sex with her. So Selby writes in and says, "Laptop question for Arthur." - Oh geez. - Sorry for two letters in one week, but I really wanted to know if Arthur has gotten to review the new Dell XPS16 that has the Core i7. That's a no. - I haven't. - I was thinking of buying one myself, but I was wondering if the i7 was any good for gaming. Oh, and I do realize that a desktop is better for gaming, but I'm probably moving countries in a few months and don't wanna have to take a desktop with me. I don't know much about the i7. It's they're just much more their quad core processors that the memory controllers onboard the processor itself and bandwidth is much higher and they use DDR3 and basically, you should be looking at the performance gains you get from a quad core or dual core versus the i7 are not, you won't get as much out of it as you would for spending more money on a video card for your laptop. - Word. - So, I mean, if you're prioritizing, you should prioritize the graphics card over the processor right now, while not totally ignoring the processor. I mean, if you can get like a good speedy processor with decent benchmarks and that's fine, but I mean, if you have to compromise and I mean, it sounds like you would, like, did he say, is this for college or? - No, it's just, he's just buying, he's once you get a gaming rig, but he doesn't wanna get a desktop because he doesn't wanna take it with him when he moves countries, so. - I mean, the i7, yes, the i7 gives a performance boost on especially in certain games, but unless you have a limited fund, you'd be much better served going with a better video card, more RAM and a better display. - And a decent quad core or something maybe? - Yeah, well, yeah, I mean, just get, I mean, and the i7 has had the side effect of lowering the cost generally of the processors below it. - So Aaron writes in, he says, is generally held the games industry, both games and game journalism is considered young compared to other industries, but does it ever shock you to find out how a young and good majority of game journalists enthusiast press are? Yeah, thoughts? I don't know. - The only, I think the only correlation there is that the people that get older leave, like they go into development or they leave gaming. - I mean, it's not a super high paying job. - No. - So I think some people do end up leaving to higher paying jobs when they start getting a family. - Yeah, it's not, I mean, for a single batch where like. - It pays fine. - A 40 or $45,000 a year or whatever is fine, but for someone who wants to have the house with the white picket fence, it's not an option. - Especially not in the Bay Area. - I mean. - A single bachelor map, I make less than a half. - Well yeah, but I mean, we're talking about permanent positions. - I should let's be clear that you're not a single bachelor. - Right. - Well, I guess I was talking to me like in marriage. - I mean, as few positions as there are for associate editors and just like general editors for like the jobs that make a shit ton of money, there are that much fewer positions available. So that's why you don't see a lot of older people except in managerial roles. And even then we've had a lot of shake-ups in the industry this week. - So I haven't heard anything about the Billy Berghammer thing which you for? - Yeah, it wasn't just Billy Berghammer that was let go, I don't think so. - I mean, I don't know if he was let go or if he left like there. - Well, either way he's gone. Billy Berghammer and the guy that was underneath him directly like Padilla or whatever. I forget his last name, so. - I mean, Adam Sussler's been doing G4 in X-Play for 10 years now. - Yeah, Adam Sussler also does the video side. They've always, the G4 thing isn't that surprising from what I've heard G4 as far as their editorial staff gets rid of everyone almost every year. So for like the last three years. - I didn't know anything went down at G4. - I had his people left or got Lego that's not. - That was the, like the trinity of departures and moves, which is Garnetly going to Shaq News. John Davis and taking over for Gampro. Good for John Davis and I'm very excited to see what he does with Gampro and Billy Berghammer leaving G4. - What, that was, it's public. - No, I know, yeah, that would be cool. - What, I can't say that I'm excited. - No, you can say you're excited. - I understand. - So Jamie Jaime, I'm not sure what it is, Jamie. - Does he give the last name? - William's probably Jamie. - Yeah. - He says I really like the show. And despite being, people being assholes towards Arthur, I appreciate his insight. I appreciate that doing the show every week can be a pain, but I'm glad that you do it. My question. - I know that everybody else thinks you're a dickhead Arthur, but I think you're okay. - See, you act like I just read letters that pray. - No, I don't think that you pick that letter because it said that. I'm just like, I find it funny that letters that ever give me a compliment are always like, I know that other people think that Arthur got, should never have been born. - Earlier when I read that letter from that dude that was writing in about his girlfriend's birthday, I didn't want you to think I picked that because-- - No, no, I like giving you shit, which is why I'm gonna cut that letter out and people won't know what we're talking about right now. - One question, when God of War three is released, will we see a similar shitstorm to when some reviewers gave uncharted to a lower score than the Medicare to average? - It gave me. - I mean-- - And secondly, do you think that reactions become more extreme because it was a console exclusive game? - Yes. - And do you think that there will be a similar reaction that Anthony gave, called duty, modern warfare two, and Bioshock two a lower than expected score? - No. - P.S., Tyler's a sexy voice. - Yes. - Wow, thank you. - That was an easy one. Yes, yes, no, yes. - Yeah, a multi-platform game is in general. There will be the people that are passionate about that franchise, but it's not the same as people-- - Are we trying to justify their three or four or $500 purchasing decision? - A console, yeah. So this one is from Martin Petinho. How's the in-yay? First off, great show. It's a great escape from the usual suit-controlled gaming press. I don't think there's that much. I've just got a question for you guys. I've been playing games from a very young age and I've always been vocal about my views on games from technical crap just to plain preferential opinion. I'm currently working as an online solutions developer, but I've been thinking about starting your career as a game journalist. Are there any websites or companies that would take on new hires, whether it would hire or take on new journalists on an online basis since I'm in the Philippines? Or are there any steps I should take first before trying to get hired by a known gaming site? Should I start my own blog or site on gaming news and reviews, et cetera, first? You need advice to be awesome. Martin, I would say that you should start your own blog and try and capitalize on the fact that you will appeal to Filipinos somehow. - Yeah, first of all, I mean, I hope that you and all your family are okay after all the shit that's been going down in the Philippines over the last couple of weeks. Start a gaming blog, don't feel like you need to cover all of the news or whatever, just write about stuff that interests you, try to write about it well. Like make it yours, but don't be a douche. And I mean, try to get stuff on BitMob, I think right now. That's a good way to sort of break in and get some awareness. - Yeah, I just think if you could find a way that, then I don't know what games coverage is like in the Philippines, but if you could find some way to write about it, there would appeal to people in the Philippines who only get their games through ex-market or, you know, that you could capitalize on games that you know they're promoting and therefore boost your, like, I just think you should find a way to make yourself unique and living in a small country. - I mean, as far as getting a professional position, like competition right now for every professional position that's posted anywhere is absolutely fucking bonkers. - But yeah, but I mean, he wouldn't be able to get a job doing more like, I don't even think he'd be able to get a job doing freelance. - Like ordering internships. - For like any site when you live in the Philippines. Like, you know what I mean? Like we wouldn't ship packages to the Philippines. - Well, no, I mean, shipping to the Philippines is technically the same as shipping to the States for most carriers. - Right, but it's more expensive to do like an overnight to the Philippines than it is to like do an overnight to Canada. So, um, so he wants some Japan advice. - Who wants some Japan advice? - His name is Cell Shader. Let's see, he doesn't give a real name. Big fan of podcast, I'm sure you get enough fan praise so I'll leave it at that. I have booked my first trip to Tokyo for April of next year. I will be there for a week with my brother. Neither of us speak a word of Japanese but hope to muddle our way through. - I think you can. - Anyways, as gamers, are there any places that we must see besides Akihabara, any tips for first time Japan traveler, any stories or memories from your first time in Tokyo, none of us have been. - Yeah, that's more like the worst podcast I have. - But I have a feeling at least Arthur has. That's what he says. - What, Ben to Japan? - Yeah, for some reason, for some reason, he thinks that he went there to pick up some nerds at headbands. (laughing) - Son of a bitch. I mean, honestly, something I've been hearing a lot, like anecdotally from people on podcasts and just people we've talked to is that Japan as a gamer destination is just sort of drying up. Like instead of having to go from store to store, looking for deals, like you just go to one place and find everything. - Yeah. - And importing stuff is just easier. Like. - Plus a lot of the games you buy there, you can't play back here. - Yeah, and I mean, most of the good Japanese stuff that comes out actually eventually comes here. It's just. - But is there any gamer things he has to see? I don't know enough about Japan to be quite honest. - Well, I hear in Japan, they have these things. They have these things called arcades. You might try to check out one of those. - You will see some totally unique games. Like I know they have like Silent Hill like gun games. - Or the butt poking game. - Is there a butt poking game? - It's like this thing with Japanese kids where they like try to poke you in the asshole. - Yeah, like the controller is a hand with two fingers pointed. - Isn't it just like a butt and you poke it or something like that? - Yeah, yeah. Well, there's a button from the cabinet. We're not making this up at all, by the way. - A hand with two fingers pointing forward. - With like a trigger on the back or whatever? - Well, no, I think it's just a hand and you just, it's like how hard you can cram the fingers of the butt. We're not, again, we're not making this up. - We're not making it up. - I wish that we were that clever. - I mean, I don't know, to me, it seems like Japan, like whatever, like just be, you know, just go there and be immersed in the culture. - Enjoy the food, like try not to be the stereotypical obnoxious Americans, try not to worry about cockroaches in the subway. - All right, other cockroaches in the subway? - Yeah, I'll show you a video later. - The last one. - Oh, God, I didn't even know. - I seem to remember there was like an old one-up show episode when they were in Tokyo, where they went to some cool shops that had some neat stuff. You might be able to dig around and maybe during the old Tokyo game show. - I mean, we're really like the worst podcast to ask about this. - Yeah. - All right, we're gonna end it with a love, a little bit of love advice. - Didn't we do the middle with some other advice? - Well, his name's Jackson. And that to me sounds like someone that really needs some love. His name is... So, hey, guys, I know you've been talking about relationships a lot lately, but I thought I might try to get mine in before some guy chimes then complaining about it, or you guys get tired of reading it yourself. - True way. - I think it's kind of important only. - Too way I don't know on both counts. - Not bad 'cause sometimes this reminds me that there are a lot of people out there, man, who just feel like they ain't got no one to talk to. So, here they are pouring themselves out to the internet. - No, I mean, I don't mind talking about it, but yes, people are complaining. - I'm a high school student in nowhere, Kentucky, and I have an awful time getting the ladies to think of me as anything more than the guy who will talk to you about your boyfriend been there. But it's my fault, too. I lose interest in someone if they don't suit me. Everybody at school's favorite bands are Slipknot Metallica. Slipknot, ooh, Metallica, okay. Slipknot, I'm asking you some stuff. - Slipknot fans tend to be total fucking tools there. - Yes, mine are primus and flaming lips. I watch anime and read manga, but I'm not a weeaboo like that group of kids at school. So, I don't have my own group of kids staying out with all the time and can't find a girl who is part of that click to relate with, laugh with, listen to music with them most importantly, hate stupid things with, I like this kid. Tell me if I'm picky like Anthony and do him to the fate of my dad. - Like Anthony? - Of not getting laid till I'm 19, 24 here. Or if I'm just over blowing all this and need to calm down. P.S., I couldn't think of a way to make this funny. And sorry for the half minute of boredom reading this letter. - Dude, okay, so strike one right there. Like, that might be self-deprecation, but it's bordering on depressing like lack of self-esteem. - But honestly dude, I am a picky person, but I am not unhappy with the way things have turned out for me. So, first of all, why are you so fucking judgmental about the kids that watch the same shit you do, but you think that you're not one of them? Like, how do you know? Like, have you tried to engage with those people? Have you tried to be friendly? - Yeah, I mean, they watch anime and read manga, but maybe you would totally click with them and then all of a sudden find out that they totally listen to flaming lips. You just don't know it. Like, it's not like you're gonna find this click that does everything exactly like you do. - That is, okay, so as a personal experience of someone who used to be way more picky than I am now, and as maturity has come on, has realized that that is just dumb. And it's just that you're never gonna find, like, people, movies have all given this stupid thing that there's like that one person out there that is going to fit you like a fucking Tetris block, and you're gonna click in some stupid way, and that is totally not true. There's gonna be no one out there. And if you find someone and you guys get along great, but you're like, but you know what, this person doesn't feel like my soulmate, that's never gonna fucking happen. Just be, things can be good enough, and good enough is not bad. Like, that sometimes good enough is great. So, that's my advice. - Yeah, I mean, just don't write people off before you have a chance to sorta get to know them. - Yeah, I think Arthur's right on this. You should go up and fucking talk to those people and get them a chance to break through those barriers of you both being awkward and see if they're really cool. And you know if Anthony agrees with me about anything, he must really agree with me. - Yes, because I disagree with you all the time. - Exactly. - You cock hound. - I think you should approach the group. - Exactly. - And beat everyone up, so you establish dominance and you will be like, "Now you will like what I like." - And then you can make your one man who will pack into a wolf pack of two. - No, yeah, you should beat up everyone, and then once they've all beat up and submitted to you, you can have your way with whatever girl you choose, 'cause that's the way that mammals work. - Don't show fear. Just walk in, throw one over your shoulder at points. Say, "You." - I mean, like if you go to college, like this is something you're gonna learn in college too, is that like you're not, you're going to have to learn how to deal and relate to people who aren't exactly the same issue. - Yeah, several other girls that I did get involved with in college at one time or another, we never had like everything in common. Like none of them, none of them played video games that they didn't hate me about them, but it wasn't like I could sit there and talk to them. But you know what I could do? The most important of all those things you said, which you got right, hating stupid things together. You don't have to have everything common, but if you can hate things together-- - You don't have to like the same stuff, but if you hate the same stuff-- - Hate is what will bring you together. - Yeah. - Sounds like a Sith motto. - I think you can bond a lot over hate, that's my motto. So find something to hate together. - Over mutual disappreciation. - Yeah, that was the final letter we're gonna read today, because of the rest where we've kind of touched on either one's more about civilization revolution. A lot of people seem to be getting into that. So, thank you for joining us. Remember to listen to our other Hammersuit Partners podcast, including BitMob's, as well as the - Well done, sir. Also remember to tune in to co-op at and - Yeah, and then you should subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or whatever service you use, as well as review us on those, because that always helps out as well. And tell your friends, we're all about telling your friends. - For your health. - For your health. And also, where can the internet find you, Arthur? - - Tyler. - Not Twitter, I'm not having been using it. - The fuck is wrong with you? - My fucking PC is infected with a virus or some shit. - You could, Twitter just, you know, also works from a Mac. - I know, I know, it's just, I've been spending so much of my work time on my PC when I'm done with work. I usually hop over to console, so. - You could even Twitter from your PS3. - 'Cause it has a web browser, although why anyone would wanna do that? Why anyone would wanna Twitter from their 360, really, is just be on me. - Yeah, the next one. - So where can the internet find you, though? - Raj. - Nowhere. - - That's a goddamn lie. - You can also find Tyler at writing news. - No. You don't wanna read my news. - No, you don't. 'Cause Tyler makes jokes about layoffs in his headlines. (laughing) - So you can find me at You can also find me on the GameSpy debriefings, which is coming up on the 100th episode. - I also hear you were on what they play this year. - And then I was also on the new "What They Play" podcast that's being hosted by Dana Jean Ward, who is now in charge of the podcast. - The Jean-Govord. - So, yeah. - That's fun last night. - It is. - I was on there with I was Dana Jean-Govord, me and Parrish. - Sounds like an action. - And head of IGN, you know, Parrish Snyder. So, two people met her even different years ago, so. (laughing) Yeah, it was us three. I was the only one with that children. And I pretend to blow like children. Anyways, thanks for listening. We'll see you all next week. - In reality, I'm feeling very low. - Thank you. - Too much. All right, have a nice week. (upbeat music) ♪ Put your head over my head ♪ ♪ I've learned a breathing in ♪ ♪ Your eyes are screaming and you say you know ♪ ♪ Hey, you know me ♪ ♪ If there was a way out ♪ ♪ I think you would've taken it ♪ ♪ My hands and arms are the only way ♪ ♪ That you can win ♪ ♪ Face to face for the first time ♪ ♪ You feel what I'm feeling ♪ ♪ Selfishly no longer breathing ♪ ♪ Because of me ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (birds chirping) (upbeat music) ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Rebel refill ♪ ♪ We talk about games ♪ ♪ And our bows ♪ We are so smart, we talk about how small our dicks are. Small penis, rebelafins. Rebelafins. That was good. You are recording right now, right? Yeah. And I'm good. You did that for the fans, didn't you? Come out pee first. [BLANK_AUDIO]