Rebel FM
Rebel FM Game Club - Heavenly Sword - Episode 2
Welcome back friends and neighbors, and thanks for joining us in our concluding episode of our Game Club series on Heavenly Sword! After this episode we'll be taking a few weeks off from Game Club due to PAX and scheduling, but we'll be scheming for the next game in the meantime. As usual, you can check out a video for this weeks section at Heavenly Penis!
(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome, welcome. - To the Rebel FM game club for Heavenly Sword, part two. - I am-- - Of two. - Part two of two, yeah. Up the way, all the way through chapter six. I am Anthony Gallegos, Rebel FM and Game Spy and joining me are Tyler Barber and Arthur Geese. - Rebel. - Also, of Rebel FM and It's a Game Howdy. Oh, joining us as always is's Matt Chandernay. - Hello. - And then our special guest from, I guess, did I say Game Helper? Yeah, Game Helper, Jose Otero. - How you doing? - What's your middle name? - Ramon. - Jose Ramon. - Nice. - I just joined your, I just, okay. I was gonna say yeah, it feels like when you got a name like Jose Otero, there needs to be like four parts to it. - Yeah. (laughing) - So, last time where we left off was right when Nerdico's captured. - Yeah, you killed a flip-tail. - And Bohan gets the sword. - Yep. - And that's where we pick up for this week. - Yep. - Who wants to fucking kick us off? - The very first section is the section with Kai, right? - Yeah. - That immediately follows. - Yeah, you start right into Kai's missions. - And it sort of just sets you on a bridge and this is where they show you, you can sort of hurdle over obstacles in the environment. - Those looked really awesome. - Yeah. - Like these really will do. - Her animations are so fun. - Yeah. - You know, I mean, there would be occasions where you might clip, you know, something awkwardly in the animation when kind of a stick to the object she's, you know, it'll move, but for the most part, it was fine. - Yeah, I agree. And like, and I love how she doesn't do the same one every time. - Yeah. - She'll tumble over or she'll leap over, you know. - Yeah, she'll do like the frog hop. - I was gonna say I was wondering what you probably, when you and your friends would do that, you don't line up. - Right. (laughs) And when we first, when I first got into this section, I was thinking, really, I'm gonna have to fight these guys on the ground with my, with my, whatever that thing is, or multi-shot crossbow. - You're between twin. - Between twin, yeah. - But it turns out that it's actually, these, the sections are actually really well set up. Like, the guys have to run a long way to get it. You can get away from them really easily. And so like, I found them really enjoyable. - And they made that whole like, hitting square to like, basically like, parry through a guy. - Yeah. - She's like, she's like amazing football player. - Yeah. - Just run right through them. - The story started to get really dark too. I mean, it was, it's a really dark moment that she lost a sword. And then when she wakes up, you know, she's, she's meaning Bohan, kind of face to face. And you know, when he drummed his, he drummed his cod piece. - Yep. - Did you guys notice? - Yeah. - Very suggestive. I mean, most games, you know, won't, don't seem cool. - The whole time, that's constantly making comments about how hot she is. - Yep. - Even, and even at the very end of the game, when he's like, how can I be overthrown by this beautiful girl? (laughs) - I mean, and he says it with like, disdain. Like, he doesn't, we even want to admit that it's beautiful. - Yeah, he doesn't want to, but he's like, he totally wants her. - And later, like, totally drops a pretty crazy comment about putting his thing in her mouth. - Oh, yeah, right before the big showdown at the end. Yeah, he says something about genitals. - Yeah, like this woman put my genitals in her mouth. - Oh, she's determined to, to sink her teeth into my genitals. - Yeah, that's right, that's right. Secret teeth. I couldn't believe that either. I was like, Jesus Christ. (laughs) - Did any of you get frustrated a little bit, though, that you had to kind of always, as soon as enemies got too close, okay, now I've got to run, I've got to hurt a little bit, like four or five objects, I've got to try and turn around, now I've got to try and aim at them. - It got, just felt a little clunky. - Yeah, it got too long, got clunky. It kind of just didn't feel as fluid as I would have wanted, but her animation, I'll agree with both of all of you that it was some of the best, I thought at that point in the game. - Yeah, it was really cool. And the, but yeah, those, some of those sections, like if they had just had less enemies, I would have been like, man, these parts, they're just the right length, you know, it's a nice breakup from all of the fighting that I've been doing so far with Noriko. - If it hadn't been too long, it would have been just the right length, it's like-- - Yeah, that's a ridiculous statement. - No, I understand, but that's sort of an issue that happens more and more as the game progresses. - Actually, I thought you were, man, I'm sorry, I took us to the gutter. - No, it's okay. (all laughing) - We were talking about both on Shenatalia. - Just if it wasn't to walk, it'd be the perfect way. - Yeah, so that's what I thought you saw. - We'd flip-pick what you were just thinking. Can we? Is that what you tell yourself every night? It's not too long, it's the perfect way. (all laughing) - That's what I fucking pay some girl for 95 a minute to tell him. (all laughing) - Oh, no, webcam. - For your talk about your heavenly sword. (all laughing) - Yeah, they just threw, they just threw a few too many guys at you in those Kai sections. They, if they'd been a little bit shorter, I would've enjoyed them. - Yeah, because even if you nailed the like, after touch on every single guy, it seemed like they were still too close that one or two would always get through and then you'd have to go run and do a quick turn and shoot. - Right, which was, which was fine. It was just for me, there were too many waves of enemies. - Well, and like I was saying before, Anthony started talking about penises again. - You were the last one to bring up penises, my friend. - I was just referencing his heavenly sword. It was a logical conclusion from where he was going. (all laughing) It just feels like in a lot of ways, as the game progresses, there's a lot of that where it's like, this is cool, this is cool. Okay, I'm ready for this to be done. Next section, and I kind of wonder if that happened because they thought, our game is kind of short. I really need to add like another wave here, another wave there. - I mean, initially when it starts, like the Kai parts are kind of too long, but then when they start breaking it up between the Kai and Noriko, Kai and Noriko part, it's actually really good. - Yeah, yeah. - I like the bridge part too, right after that room where you had to do a lot of hurtling, there's that long bridge, and they're unlocking the doors coming at you. - Oh, you had to try it. - Fish and a barrel, or shooting fish. It was the name of it, but yeah, you think fish and a barrel. And I found out a lot of fun, just trying to take them out. But the first time through it was, I didn't make it. Like they made it to me and smacking around a little bit. - Oh, for sure, I had to run back and forth up and down that bridge multiple times. - Oh, really? I actually, I killed everybody before they got to me. - But I did really like all the parts with Kai. I mean, I don't know if we're getting out of order, but like the parts with where you're taking cover behind things and shooting at the guys who are shooting at you. And it was like the parts where you had to catch your arrow on fire, and then you wanted to do it. - I mean, that was so fun. - That's an order, yeah. So that was an example of good design where it says, okay, well, so to open this door, you need to sink your air through the fire and blow up these fireworks. And it's like, here's a bunch of dudes shooting you. And hey, look, there are torches everywhere with big firework piles in the same conveniently placed spot. (laughing) - In the daytime. - Yeah, well done for them. Like for coming up with a good way to put an explosive barrel in a game. - Yeah. - As opposed to just being like a powder keg that's with like an explosion symbol on it or something. - Scholar cross phones on it. - And also speaking of Kai, I really like the cut scene where she's trying to get through the door and but she doesn't know the password. - Oh, God, that was hilarious. (laughing) - Yeah, that was really fun. - And the other guys' dialogue is funny too. It's like, intruder alert, I'm just kidding. (laughing) - What'd you think of the brother against brother moment where she was putting the pit to fight against? - Oh, that's a good point. - Yeah. - So to catch people up that don't know, you know, Noriko's in captured and then Bohan makes her fight her own people in a arena. Meanwhile, Noriko sent Kai to go retrieve the heavenly sword for her, which is what all this running around is Kai is doing. - And the game, narratively speaking, does something that a lot of books and movies do very well. The games don't so much, which is the idea of the split narrative where there's multiple threads that are sort of slowly coming together. - Yeah. - And it feels good and it feels natural. It didn't feel all disjointed or anything like that. - Yeah, there's only one part I can think of where I thought it was kind of paced strangely, which is it cuts off of you right as one of Roach's pets is coming in and then it goes back to Kai. And then it goes back to you and it's in the exact same place it was. It's almost like someone just threw a scene in between without really thinking about how they float together. - I mean, I imagine maybe when Rihanna Pratchett, who was the writer, wrote it, maybe it was like, you know, a lot of times books will do that exact thing where it's like in a creature appeared. - Yeah. - And then now it does the scene and now it comes back. As it ran towards her, it's like it's probably like-- - Well, and you're just supposed to assume that now we're rewinding time and looking at the same time span from a different angle. - But I do think that that kind of cut is, it's harder to do and it's harsher in a video game than it is in a book. - But that brother versus brother against brother part, I only killed two guys and the rest I paralyzed, but at first I was trying to paralyze and I fucked up and killed two. I did that a couple of perfect things. - And the only penalty is you don't get those points for it, whatever that is it, like, do they call it cheap points? I don't know what they call it, but that made her the writing points you get for each chapter. - Yeah, that's the only thing you don't get if you kill them, which I don't know how I felt about that. I would have kind of preferred maybe a different outcome, maybe a different cutscene. And I know that usually falls into sort of the binary territory that games seem to fall into a lot, where it's either you did the good thing and you got the good scene or you did the bad thing. And maybe you got a bad scene, but-- - I mean, I guess maybe, like, I don't know, did anyone here just outright kill them, Tyler? I looked to you. (laughing) - I killed everyone. - That's a terrible one. - But yeah, but the thing was-- (laughing) - Yeah, Tyler. - I didn't see a prompt on the screen that said how to paralyze them. I was like, how the fuck do I do it? And I kept trying, they were with my ass, and I was like, you all done that. - It says hit triangle to parry their strikes. - Yeah, it does-- - To incapacitate them. - There is a message on the screen that says, like, Nariko has learned, you know, to knock people out instead of killing them. - And to be fair, that part does make you kind of feel like a badass 'cause basically, like, I got good enough where I could do, like, eight in a row. - Yeah. - 'Cause I'd just stand there with my back turn to some guy and he'd be like, I don't know, I'd just be like, nope. And it would just look like the, what was that move at Kill Bill? You know, the fucking-- - Oh, yeah, I think you touched or something. - Yeah, exactly, it looked like I was doing that to them, and then they just, down. - I don't know. - It's funny that you bring that up. - No, I totally did not even, I didn't catch that mechanic. - Like, I was totally thinking about that, but because of a different game, like I saw a video of the Monk class and he had both three, and it totally looks like he does that fucking strike, and then the enemy walks away and five steps later, they explode. - Mm-hmm, that's-- - Well, you mean blizzard, you mean blizzard aping pop culture? - That never happens. - They prefer to consider it homage. - Aping. - Omash. - Rip off. - Well, no, I mean, if you watch the keynote where they talked about the Monk, they were just talking about how they wanted to throw on a bunch of like, Monk, you know, iconic things, which that's one, I think it's a scary game. - Kind of like a resort, but they, they-- I like that they threw that in at least as a twist, 'cause at this point they really nerfed your character, they took away the helmet sword, you're back to using one shitty weapon. - Yeah, they took away your two, your stances too. - Yeah, that's all gone, so if they're orange, you have to dodge. And so we've talked about how Kai has to get the password and gets the password, and she does end up getting the sword back, and then when she gets the sword, line fox. - Well, there's the cool thing, but just before that, there's the, at least, isn't it just before that when she needs to get the password where the big guys come out that you have to shoot in the head? - Yeah. - And then like, there's the, that section, that section like, it could have been really, really annoying, but they did the smart thing, which is they allow you to just like, run up to the rafters and jump all the way across in that one move. - Yeah, like the really interesting thing about that part in the earlier parts with Kai, where the guys are coming up toward you and you have to jump over the platforms to make them run, is that for her, it's all about managing the battlefield. - Yeah. - As opposed to engaging in direct combat, so you're always thinking, okay, so how am I gonna put myself in a position where I'm as far away from them as I can be and still hit them to really take them a long time to get to me? And that is totally different than anything else in the game. Everything else in Heavenly Sur, as far as Nariko goes, is totally immediate, and those are the strategic points in the game, that and the catapult sections. - I had a real hard time here with the aftertouch, and I just ended up, what I would do is sort of like what you're saying, Arthur, is corral them toward, they're all coming towards me, and I would just spam the attack until they walked into mine. - Yeah, I didn't tend to use aftertouch unless there was a considerable distance, because when you first fire it, it takes like 10 feet in game before it actually turns on aftertouch, so half the time is really close, it won't even aftertouch until it's like past them. - Like I tried to explode some of the, sorry, I tried to explode some of those barrels there, but couldn't get those here, did you guys have any? - No, I did, I used aftertouch all the time, unless the guys are too close, like Anthony was saying, and in this, in that particular section where you're in the rafters, and I let them get really close to me, and then I would go all the way across the rafters, and then I would aftertouch through a flame and explode a barrel, and the first time I did that, I took out like three guys all at once with one explosion, and I did that a couple times, so there's only two guys left, and then I ended up just spamming the arrows at their heads until it finally hit. - Yeah, you just hit their face over and over again. (laughing) - And then you find out that the password is monkey peaches. - Yeah, which is probably the greatest password I've ever heard. (laughing) - Especially coming from this game. - Like the whole segment where she goes up to that room and the guys a lot, I don't want her to find me. I'll just hide here, but you're all these explosives. (laughing) - And the self-referential where she's like, "I'll just hit you in your weak spot for a massive damage." - Yeah, that was... (laughing) I'm wondering if we're at the point where that's still funny, or where it's funnier, because of how long it's been since that? - It was, at the time I thought it was pretty cheesy, and I was like, "Oh, I'm not sure they should've put that "in a game," but playing it again for Game Club, I was kind of like, "That's pretty funny." - Yeah, maybe just a couple of it. - Yeah, and it's a reference that I think a lot of people have forgotten about by now, and will have totally forgotten in another couple years. - I don't even know the reference, actually. - That's from the first PS3 reveal at E3 when they were showing off Genshi, Genshi, three, and like, who was it? Was it Casserai, or was it Casserai? - Yeah, well Casserai, yeah. Well, Cass said race racer. Someone during the demo said, "Yeah, they talked about..." - Giant crabs, for a massive job. - Oh, see, I remember there was giant crabs, and I remember the comment about, this is historically accurate over there. - Well, the thing is, there actually are giant crabs in that part of the world, they're huge. - But they're not that huge. - No, but that was like the sad thing is that they're actually were giant crabs, and they were just exaggerated for the game. - Right, right, and then they say, yeah, like... - Yeah, you have to tip 'em over so that you can hit their weak spot for maximum damage. - Oh, see, I didn't, or massive damage. - I didn't realize that. - Like it's like that's some new kind of gameplay. - Well, I know, I know-- - I mean, the whole press conference was all about like-- - Just to go and tangent, I know in the IGN offices in the Game Spy area, there are still pieces of paper that just in gigantic letters are typed out. 599 gets you giant crabs, like... (laughing) - I mean, everything at that press conference was all about hyping things up as much as they could. And it became pretty notorious for being a really underwhelming press conference. - But is this the first time in a game we've seen sort of a reference to something like that outside? - I feel like I've seen it elsewhere, actually. - So anyway, so where we got up to with Kai is she gets to Heavenly Sword. And that's when Flying Fox appears-- - She pulls it off the wall and then she sees this mummified body and her memory like-- - It's her mother. 'Cause I think it's supposed to be her mother. - Yeah, it's her mother that hit her and then went off and died and Flying Fox is the one that killed her. - Oh, see, I don't know. - I think it's that I walk out of the room 'cause I do not remember anything. - That was a good part. I watch you play in that game where you're like on your computer and doing after touch with one hand as your type of aim message. - I think it's supposed to be, yeah, at least the impression that I got from the cut scene is that it's supposed to be Kai's mother and that Kai is the last member of her tribe and that Kai's mother is like just one of the trophies in there that Flying Fox/Bohan have in that trophy room. But I also wanted to bring up like real quick, the way to the trophy room when you're going on the gondola. How cool that part was with the convenient exploring barrels and then they destroy the cart and you do it upside down and it still totally works and it's totally fun. - Yeah. - I love that part I thought this was rad. - We'll put Matt, that'll part. I like that it sets expectations that oh, it's just gonna be like another part where I crouch and then I fire and then it takes away your cover. - Right, and it takes away your cover and turns you upside down. - So, in the trophy room, was that supposed to be a God of War easter egg on the wall? Did you guys catch that? Was that supposed to be the-- - I don't know, what was it? - Pre-tosses, it looked like the two blades and his in some kind of chest armor piece. - Huh. - Oh, you know what I mean? - Did you guys notice that? - I didn't notice it but we could go watch really well. - I mean, I've never played a God of War game so I wouldn't know it. - How is it that you notice that and we don't? - It looked like what I know from seeing screenshots. - I just noticed you could walk up to each piece and like get a little description but I didn't put that together. - Well, you see the description? - I would just like to point out that I'm pretty sure you're a liar. You have played a God of War game and it's called God of War 3 and you played a DD3. - Well, I mean, when I say play, I mean-- - Call that. - From start to finish. - I have not played liar. - I've been screamer. - I'm just saying, robed over right. - Mm-hmm. (laughing) - Damn both of you. - But yeah, so now you have Kai has the heavenly sword and at this point, you're not really playing this Kai, right? Like the next time you play his Kai isn't until after she gives the sword in Noriko. - I don't think you play your Kai again. - I think that's the end of it. - Oh, you do at that scene where she has to do something. - Okay, so you play Kai for like five seconds one more time. - Okay. - So at this point it cuts back to Noriko and now she has to fight Roach's pets. - Right. - Which are, I guess, they just look like malformed humans. - Yeah, look like a bunch of grindles. - They kinda look like gorilla men. And these were the guys where in the last game club where I talked about how there's that combo that's like square triangle, triangle, and then when you hit triangle again and she's like, does that spin move? These were the guys that move works every single time on. So I was just like, so that actually made this particular combat sequence really boring for me because I was like, all right, well let's try to mix it up, let's do this other stuff. And it's like, well, I keep getting attacked. The counters don't work, which is lame. I really hate it when a game gives you a counter move and then somebody attacks you and you can't counter them. It's like, you need to have a counter move for every enemy in the game, including bosses. But anyway, so they-- - You must have gotten way more mad as the game progressed because more and more often they're just like, they'll do normal attacks and you just can't counter it. It just, it stuns you and then you'll block again and they'll move into a move. You just can't move away from the move. - Well, I mean, yeah, the enemies that, yeah, the enemies that they take away counters on really bugged me. So I just kept doing that over and over again. - You know what I was doing with these guys? I found if you threw something at them, it dropped their guard completely and you can do any combo on them. - Right, so as soon as I killed one, I was picking up the dead one. I threw it around the top of the knife. That was my strategy, not only there, but later on when Noriko asked to fight the guys with the hammers, as soon as I would drop one, I would just kept picking up the hammer, throw it, run, go get it again, throw it. That was all about throwing items in that game, man. - Even if it were dudes. - Yeah, if it's after blocks of dudes. - Like later on during the flying Fox battle, I could leave myself, man, I'd kill for a body to throw right now. - Right. - Yeah, so those guys, yeah, I mean, those, the deep dark red attacks, those can't be dodged or blocked. - They can be dodged, but that's the only way you can get past them. - Yeah, they can't be countered or blocked, yeah. - Yeah, I had trouble with those guys, but it seems like when you first fight, yeah, I mean, the first one, okay, so the first one you fight of his pets, it's funny, 'cause you know, like one comes out, and then it clips back to you fighting with Kai, and then it clips back to you fighting a bunch at once. So the first time I did that, it was like the most anti-comagic thing ever, 'cause the guy came running straight at me. I hit triangle, did one of those instant kill counters. And then it just clip back to Kai. It was like the shortest, like, stuff to do with Noriko ever. - That was great. - I tried to do that again later on, and when I had multiple, and that was never gonna happen again. - I didn't know you could counter those guys at all. It was crazy. - I did one-- - You had a real legit samurai duel where it was just like one dude, like crazy. - Yeah, as he was running at me, it was just like you might as well have ran past me in his face, like, pushed up the dirt as he stood up. And that's why he unleashed a bunch, but it was like after that, when I fought a bunch, I had a lot of trouble fighting a bunch. I definitely had to ration the health-- - The health training. - Or whatever, yeah. See, then once you get the heavenly sword, you fight a bunch of them, kill them, and then you gotta fight Roach. - Who is not really that hard. - He killed me the first time until I figured out exactly what to do. - Why don't you figure him out? He's pretty good. - I think I got killed once 'cause I got greedy. I think I was telling you about this yesterday, and this is my problem in a lot of these games, which is that I'll be playing, and all the health power-ups will always be a full bonus, so I think to myself, I don't wanna use it until I absolutely have to. Wait, I'm almost to the next stage of the boss. I can just wait and get it after I do that, otherwise I'm wasting it. And then I zig when I should zag any nails me, and I have to start the boss fight all over again. - Yeah, yep, that's pretty awful. - But I mean, yeah, he is really simple. I mean, he basically does two moves, and then once he stands still, you hit him a few times, and on the third one, you get to fuck up his back plates, which I guess is where he gets his name from, is it? - Well, I would guess so. - I mean, it kinda looks like-- - More because he's gross, and... - I don't know, he kinda looks bug-like back piece, so. - Well, I'm also thinking about it real quick, is also when Kai meets Flying Fox, and she's running away from him, and she's clearly mortally terrified of him. Like, that whole Kai and Flying Fox interaction thing was, I think, a really powerful moment in the game, and it's not the kind of thing that you see a lot in games at all. - Yeah, it's true, even though the voice acting, when she throws you the sword, and the way that she screams it, is pretty, pretty. - That she's just shaking completely. - Yeah, I like that scene. - She's clearly desperate, yeah. - Yeah, it's kinda crazy, too, 'cause if you think about it, I guess Flying Fox was what he did to her mother was the thing to put her over the edge to make her think everything was a game, encountering him the second time, made everything real again. - Yeah, yeah. - So characterization in a game? What is this? Yeah, again, I just feel like, having my sword after finishing it, the story in the game itself, like the actual plot is pretty boilerplate. It's nothing particularly unique. It's the hero's journey and the hero's sacrifice, and like the lone warrior and all that, but the characterization and the voice acting is the best I've ever seen in the game, and I say that without qualification. - How does, refresh my memory, after you defeat Roach, how does Noriko get out of this? - Okay, so after you defeat Roach, and Nariko shows her first signs of sort of mercy and empathy, which is toward Roach, because she realizes that he's just a tool and a pawn. She turns away and Kai opens the gate to the Colosseum. - Oh, yeah, not. - And then she gets hit with one of Flying Fox's blades, and begs you to help her and runs away. - Okay, yeah, and then after this part, I had like one of the most fucking epic moments in the game. I was like, yeah. - What'd you want? - You know, I-- - Tell us about your epic moment. - Right, well, so it's that part. If you guys remember, you're running across a bridge. - Like a one made of stone or one made of-- - One made of stone. - Like it's a natural bridge? - No, I think it's a man made bridge. And the camera pans to like 2D sides. - Oh, yeah. - You guys remember that part, right? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Well, I had-- I wish there were more parts like that. - And they sent a bunch of guys at you. - Yeah, well, I had three of my power stones saved up for like my ultimate power move. And I just went up and grabbed the first guy and did my long range attack power move. And like her power move killed everyone behind them, and so they were just fanned out. Like totally like my-- - And that whole part was-- - And that whole part was-- - It was a nuclear blaster. - Yeah, like just like hit me when I set off the suitcase bomb in the club, right? - I feel like everyone fanned out. - You can tell that that mob is designed to make you feel like a badass after being weakened, because it's filled with the enemies that you see at the beginning of the game that barely block. They have no-- - And they fly off the bridge, easily. - Exactly, exactly. And even the like the captain one that was with them, when I hit him, I remember he went to the edge 'cause you know, there's no lip. And he went to the edge and he was like standing with his heels and he was like trying to wave his hands to keep his balance, and then he fell. I was like, yeah, that's right. - I feel like there's something in the gameplay model, and I'm not sure if it's intentional, which it could be, or just a byproduct of having a bunch of stuff on screen, which it could be, but the AI for enemies gets dumber the more there are on screen. And this is especially obvious in the last section where there are like hundreds of things on the screen at once, but it's like you can't miss. They never block, you will always kill something. - Yeah, they had the guys with the shields on that bridge with you, and they're usually pretty tough, or they'll block a lot more and you have to do a couple more moves to get them to break their block. - I mean, yeah. - But they're total pushovers on that bridge. - In the last section, I think that's because they give you those goals of like, you can't stop 'til you kill 500 guys, and they made them normal. You'd be there for like 25 minutes, instead they make 'em die. - What I'm saying is that even if it's just a byproduct of like the AI model that they have to scale it back with more stuff on screen, it still serves a purpose of making you feel more like a badass when there are a bunch of things on screen and you kill them easily, and still maintains tension because there's so many, whereas with fewer enemies on screen, they're smarter, and they're still 10. - So do you like the same? - No, God, this game is so much better than Dynasty Warriors. - Well, I can say that I think it actually is intentional the dumbing down of the AI in the large groups because I actually started it again and was playing on hell difficulty. - Why do you do that to yourself? - And they throw more people at you, like right in the beginning, you're like, you know how you don't get those shield guys until kind of a little bit later on, I think like chapter two or whatever, they start throwing them at you really early and they start throwing more guys at you and they're all like they're all attacking you like at the same time and stuff. So I think that that was probably intentional game design just to, like you say, to help you feel like a badass and certain section. - And screw that, screw hell difficulty. - No, yeah, I agree with both Matt and Arthur because at that point too, they had taken you short away, you just got reunited with it. I guess they're trying to just build up that confidence in the player again, that hey, you're fucking badass and this is the kind of shit that you can do. - I mean, chapter three might be the longest chapter in the game as far as the amount of time it takes you and you spend most of that time without your shit. - It's like 12 parts or something like that. Where's all the other like six or seven? - Like whether you're playing as Noriko with just like a shitty sword in one stance or if you're playing as Kai who has to run away from everything, you are weak and on the defensive of that entire chapter. And so to start you out in the next one with all your stuff and you feel good and all of a sudden you are just annihilating like 40 dudes in the span of a few seconds. It sort of brings the tempo of the game back up. - And it works 'cause it's also the darkest part of the narrative. So it makes sense that you'd be so weak and be on the defensive and really have to run from everything. It really makes sense. - It's also something that we talk about a lot on Game Co which is storytelling through gameplay design and it's effective and it feels appropriate to the scene. And so we finally catch up to flying Fox and he drops Kai and they make the sound like it totally snaps her neck too. - Right, well I don't understand how it doesn't. - I mean right, well she has her hand in the rope but she's falling. - Even still. - So it might hurt. - I mean that is the full weight of your body following like 14 feet. - Yeah. - When you did it, I, my head, I pictured you playing it and being like and doing what you always do which is like, "Jesus Christ!" Like that's exactly what I pictured you saying 'cause it comes out of nowhere. She's like, "Oh, here I'm gonna catch up to Kai." Nope. (laughing) - Well I mean between there, there's actually a lot of battles. Isn't that where you first meet the ninjas? - Right before that. - Yeah. - Just before that. - You're like a counter, you're a counter. - Fucking ninjas. - There's a lot of guy I like when flying Fox saying what he's gonna do to her if you don't catch up and yeah. - I liked fighting the ninjas the first time I fought them. When we get to the, to chapter five, I will start to rant about ninjas but not because of the enemy design itself. So yeah, you get to flying Fox who's in his, an airy, like a cage. And that I feel is the best boss battle in the game. Like that as far as like how it unfolds and the difficulty curve and all that feels better than any Boston counter in the game and that includes anything that comes after it. - Yeah, well not only because you do, you use your counters when he throws his flying Fox blades at you which is a lot of fun when you get them right. But you can after touch them so that you can hit the jars on the sides. - And you can hit him too. - And hit him with them, yeah. You after touch it, in fact, that takes off the majority of his health. - Right. - But you also get into good melee fighting with him and like you're, you know, lots of dodge and pick and attack and be really careful with judicious and how you're using your attacks and your counters. - And I wanted to say after last week, after you talked about the role being the intro move, I just throwing this out there. I don't think, I still don't think that the role is quite the sort of closing combat starter that I want to see in games like this. But after you told me about the role and the moves coming out of the role, I started using that and it completely changed the way that I thought in this game. - Yeah, I mean, you know, it's funny 'cause when you think about the fight with the road or the fight with Bohonti and it's like all those ones, I don't picture them having very interesting dialogue. I just picture them being long and drawn at fights. But this one, like, maybe I'm wrong, he didn't do that much speaking. But I just thought there was like such a great character to the fight the whole time. - There wasn't moments where it stopped and there was much speech. There were like one liners that we can thrown out sometimes. Like when, so you would fight him, you would after touch his stuff, he would come to the ground and fight you one-on-one after you did enough damage, he would spin out clones. - Yeah, I guess what it is is just that he's like my favorite character, maybe in the whole game. - Well, and the clones would say one liner stuff like, "Your father never loved you, did he?" And stuff like that, so that's fucked up. They do such a good job of establishing him is not just creepy in the one-dimensional video game. Oh, this person is supposed to be scary kind of way, but in a, and like, this person does terrible things and he enjoys it and he is devious and cruel and he even creeps out the other bad guys. - Yeah, you know, something I don't entirely trust about that one. - Yeah, and the playing with corpses part to torture a little girl is also pretty intense. - Yeah, does it say something about me that I like the creepiest guy the most? - I think he's-- - He's a very well-defined character. - Definitely, probably the most interesting, I definitely probably, he is probably the most interesting character in the game. - See, I thought Rohan, I like Rohan the most. I mean, Bohan, sorry, not to be confused at the kingdom of Rohan, I know, actually, yeah. - I just got to the chapter where they introduced the king of Rohan to Frodo. - So, on the way to-- - I'll satisfy it where you when it's Kai, who pulls the trigger to play. - Well, I mean, I honestly, that story-wise, narrative-wise, the way that that fight ends makes sense, but I felt a little cheated as Nareko's story. The game sort of side tracks into Kai's story and it does that for a big chunk of the middle of the game. And I understand that Kai is a playable character and in a lot of ways, it is her story. But I felt, as Nareko, who had done most of the fight with Flying Fox, I was a little-- - Thank you. - I agree with you a lot on that. I thought I would have been-- - There you go, there you go. - I felt it would have been more satisfying if Kai would have died. - I don't know if there was something about that. - I didn't say that. - Well, I'm not saying that, you didn't say that, but I'm saying that. I think, I don't know, I just didn't like that idea that she's oh, she's still alive, especially after you just see her drop, like what? 13 feet, I don't say. - But then you get to see her shoot him and then after you get shot when he's dying, he's like the hard style. - And yes, well, what did she say to him? Like, she says something to him after she shoots him and I'm trying to remember what, but it ends with asshole. She calls him an asshole. - Yeah, I don't remember that. - Yeah, she does say something. It's a weird pronunciation of asshole. Something like play times over asshole. (laughing) I'm like, "Kets, yes it is over." - Maybe I'm, and I think I missed the blocking of the scene, but how did he get down to where she was hanging for her to shoot him? - I don't. - She climbed up. - She climbed up? - She, I don't think she climbed up, she was hanging. - She was hanging, like, how did that happen? When was she supposed to be below them? - No, she was hanging, I'm pretty sure she's just hanging from the airy. - Yeah, from above. - From above, yeah. - I thought he threw all the bottom of it. - So did I, so did I. - I would have to watch it again, that could be a continuity issue. - See, it's like, how did that happen? - That could be a continuity issue, where-- - Continuity? - Yeah, or continuity. - Or continuity. I say, I'm used to saying continuity because of, like, books and fiction as opposed to direction. But, I mean, that's just, that would be one instance of many where it feels like there were things that were overlooked as this game got closer and closer to it. - That's what I was feeling like. - Yeah, it could be, it could've just been, yeah. You said a blocking error, but you had the-- - The person was wearing a watch in one of the shots. (laughing) - I did really like it, I liked that Kai came up and just plugged him right in the head, right in the end. Well, you did it, you know, you aimed it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's a weird thing to say before you die. - That's what he's all about. - He's all about sticking out of his head. - Well, I'm flying foxes all about, like, you know, like, beauty and style and stuff like that in his own twisted way. Like, I love that, you know, all the way back in the first battle that you had with flying foxes, so. - And I love style. - See, I went when you were saying, you know, this fight was your favorite boss fight. I almost feel like maybe the very first one was my favorite, just 'cause at the scene, itself was really interesting. - It's true, all the stuff leading up to the actual fight within the beginning, when he's like, volunteer. - Yeah, so maybe it's more than that than the actual fight with him. - I could just picture him on Project Runway now, so. (laughing) - Like, a bosses on pet peeve of mine, though, is the, oh, well, you'll meet him early, and then you'll beat him down to the end of his life bar, but then he'll escape, or say, oh, well, this wasn't a really fight, this is just me testing you, and later on you'll fight me again. - Yeah, also a lot. - And also, yeah, I just hate that. It's like, oh, well, we didn't have enough characters to throw in his bosses, so we're gonna space this bitch out a couple times. - Flying fox, at least it's the only one they do that with, right? - Yeah. - You approach the first time you fight him, first time you fight with Till, you fucking stab her. And with flying fox, like, the reason I found it more satisfying the second time, other than I just felt like the overall combat design was better, like, the parts of him floating and throwing his blades, the part where you're fighting in one-on-one, the part where you fight his clones, that was just really well paced for me, but also, when you beat him, you beat him, he is dead. The other nitpick I have with the way that Kai beats him is when you fire, you bring on after touch, right? With the arrow to try to guide it into him, I soon recall. It doesn't let you see the arrow sink in. It cuts to black and then shows a cutscene. I really wanted that sensation of me being the one that guided that fucking arrow into him. - I guess it's 'cause in theory you could guide the arrow, like, not quite to the spot where it goes in the cutscene. - But everyone was aiming for his head when they shot. Who wasn't aiming for his head? - It wasn't like he was moving, like the other enemies at other points in the game, like, you know. - Yeah, see, I wanna say, I didn't even after touch, I just hit the button, and then it just went straight to the scene. - I think I did too. - The distinct possibility that that happened. - Yeah, I'm pretty sure all you have to do is fire an arrow. - Yeah. - In his general direction, yeah. - Same. - I mean, that's a lot of this game is just in the general direction. (laughing) The show must go on, is the motto of this game. - And thus, that is the end of chapter five, right? Now it's-- - Four. - Chapter five is the entirety of the war, and then chapter six is your five bonus. - Oh, it's an awesome chapter. So flying fox is dead, Kai is in bad shape. You bring her back to the building, and then that's when they have the two speeches, like, Shen motivating his troops, and-- - I thought that was badass. - And Bohan talking about Nariko, trying to put her teeth into his genitals. - Well, I think he says the genitals line at the end when he's talking to the Raven spirit. But anyway, yeah, that back and forth between Shen and Bohan like talking to both their armies was a really cool scene. - Which is good because it's fucking four and a half minutes long. (laughing) - And in that scene, Roach is there, right? And I believe, I could be wrong, but I think there's a scene where he's sitting on the ground cross-legged, and he has like severed heads. - No, no, no, no, no, no, he's playing with flying fox's dead body. - Yeah, his is flying fox's dead. He's like, it's where it was just his head. - And I was flying fox. - It's his whole body, and he's just like playing, like tumbling his head back out. - I knew it before. - I didn't catch it was flying fox, I saw it. - I mean, I saw flying fox's head. I just thought it was just flying fox's head. - Yeah, no, he's got his whole body. He's been playing with him like he's a dog. (laughing) - Fuckin' weird people, man. - You know what? You know what, the villains almost remind me of. Have you guys ever seen that movie with Dan Aykroyd and the digital underground? - Oh. (laughing) - Fuck, I know what you're talking about. - It reminds me of like the type of people that are in that fucking junkyard. - Yeah, yeah, with the junkyard. - With the junkyard, Dan Aykroyd plays the judge, and yeah. - Yeah, I can't think of what it's called either, but yeah, they are like weird fucked up dogs. - Where they eat the hot dogs that are giant, like giant, long, gross, great things. - And they drink fruit punch. Like the fruit punch drink out of like the big fucking cans with an oil spigot on it. Yep. - I have not seen this movie. - Yeah, and the Dan Aykroyd's like, John Van Bie and Demi Moore, a penis or a nose. - Yeah. - I can't even, you have any way, sorry. - I'm sorry. - So, Jose, I bet you were really happy when you got to use the canons again. - Oh yeah, that's what you were saying the first time. - Yeah, I did enjoy that. Okay, although second time through motion, I guess I just wasn't doing as good, but I still really enjoyed it. I like that when she goes out there and starts ripping those things apart. So that was like, whoa. - Isn't that premature because you're on the canons and you have to kill a ton of dudes. - Yeah, first we got it. - And I will mention that for some reason, the first time I played through, I just could not kill the first catapult. Like I didn't realize that I had destroyed its body to show the last symbol. - Yeah, Arthur failed the first time. But the second time they didn't even get touched. - Yeah, and the second time I basically just annihilated anything that came within a certain radian. - Right. - And then you fight ninjas. - Right, they come in and you're fighting alongside Shin, and you can't get too far away from Shin and otherwise he starts to lose life. - Yeah, otherwise he has a health bar. - Yeah, which is fine. So the part about the ninja part that I want to rant about is that for the first three or four minutes of fighting the same ninjas over and over and over again and protecting Shin, it's fine. But it's those last four minutes where it starts to get tedious. - I didn't have as much trouble with the ninjas 'cause all I would do is the air attacks. - I mean, I didn't fling them into the air and then kill them on the ground. - I didn't have trouble with the ninjas. Like a lot of these points where I'm saying, I didn't like it's not 'cause I had trouble. It's 'cause I just got bored. - Yeah, yeah, you do fight kind of a lot of hordes of them. I love the fact that they drop in on hang gliders. I mean, 'cause really they could just have them run in from any number of area, but like-- - And that's how cool it is. - But did it bore you 'cause they just kept-- - It was just the same thing over and over and over and over. - It was not 'cause it was an expert mission. - No, 'cause obviously, Shin could take care of himself falling in it for me to handle whatever in his life bar wasn't tiny. But it just felt like another instance where they knew the game was short, they knew that people would say something about it. So in addition to chopping the last section of the game into two chapters, so in the box they could say six chapters of action-packed mayhem on the back, they also just said, "We need to add more enemies "to some of these encounters." - Which is funny 'cause we're gonna come to the point when we say it's too short, but let's go. - No, I don't think it's too short. - I don't think it's too short. - I think they are, I think they, I thought it was fine too, but I think there are maybe that might have been intentional because up to then my levels might be kind of low. Anyway, sorry. - That's fine. - Up until that point you know Shin's a badass, but you've never actually seen him fight. That's the only instance where you fight and you guys have just kind of made up, so it's like this bonding party where you guys are kicking ass together after you finally made. - And I feel like all of that is stuff they established in the first four or five minutes of it and in the last four or five minutes of it, it was just like, "Man, these ninjas just keep coming." Maybe it should have taken you four minutes total. - Oh, okay, so I'm sorry. How many enemies did you kill with the god powers? 300, how many did I kill? Almost a thousand. - Yeah. - Geez. - Yeah, thank you very much. Yeah, I think my problem with that part where you turn into a god thing, you start killing is I just kept on attacking and really a strategy if you want to kill a bunch is kill, run, kill, run, and you just-- - It's actually ranged whip attack. - Well, it went to ranged whip attack, running around with attack. - Yes, yeah, I just sat there and went nuts in one spot, so I'm sure. So people were watching, it was just a terrific scene of all these, like, people flanging in the air. - It was like a person tornado. (laughing) Just stayed in one place. - Yes, it was what everyone thought 99 nights was gonna be. - Hmm, I'm scared, sir. I'm scared. - You guys remember that game, right? - I did, I played the demo in Xbox Live 'cause I had high hopes. - I'm surprised that you didn't play that given how much of a Dynasty Warriors fan you are. - All right, I mean, I'm over Dynasty Warriors these days, right? - But that was like four years ago, or three years ago. - Yeah. - Anyway, so you fight ninjas, you fight ninjas, you fight ninjas, and then the ninjas land and plant a bomb that conveniently looks like a clock even though it's just made of wine. (laughing) Next to your, and no less next to your conveniently placed fireworks, just two towers moment? Like, oh. - Yeah, it was. - It's like, Sean, Master Sean, what's a good place for all these fireworks? - Next to the gate, you're the victory celebration later. (laughing) - Yeah, I'm kind of curious why those ninjas didn't just throw bombs from-- - Exactly. - Hang gliders, like Ewoks. - Yeah, but the same is full of that. - Or why do they even bother attacking you forever? Why don't they just drop bombs? - Well, because this is the Helms Deep moment and you had to get breached in the Helms Deep way. - Yeah, and you had the Heavenly Sword, so maybe they were like, dude. - I feel like the Helms Deep moment was at the beginning of the game. - When Kai had to go get the Heavenly Sword not to go back, but she could have shot Bohan in the fucking head, like right there. - That's true. I mean, you know-- - It wasn't part of the game, though. (laughing) - No, so-- - I mean, to be fair, I could see where that wouldn't even enter Kai's mind. - So after you escort in the bomb goes off and you go out front and you got to delay him with the rocket. How many did you guys, I ended up firing all five rockets, but I only actually got three rockets off before they got to me. And then after that, I had to like fight guys and then, immediately, I would just fire off random rocket. - I got off all five rockets. Like, I actually died twice on this section and the third time that I played it, I got all five rockets off. And it was because I had remembered something that I learned in our last game club, which is that you can explode the rockets whenever you want to. - Exactly. - So I go have to have to touch Kaboom. - Yeah. - Man, I let them all go my first time through. I would just wait 'til people were like, literally point blank and then I would shoot. (laughing) 'Cause in my case, I ended up only getting like 280 with rockets and then I had to kill like another 220 myself. - Yeah, I got isolated. - Yeah, me too. - I feel like I only did like 170 or something with the rockets and I was like, you know what, fuck this. - You did, you didn't even fire all your rockets. - No, I was, they got to me and I was like, you know what, to hell with this, let's do this. I'm a cashew. - And I love it though that like this is what, this is what people thought Dynasty Warriors was gonna eventually look like, you know, with this crazy fucking army coming at you. There's a whole bunch of guys all around you that are all genuine enemies, you know. - And they don't have a thick fog of war. You can see really far in the distance. - Yeah. - I mean, to be fair, it is a much more confined battlefield than Dynasty Warriors typically is, but. - Now one thing that I could not get to work in this whole battle sequence were the air combos. - You know, I tried to a bunch and I couldn't get it either. - Yeah, that frustrated me. Like I didn't, I didn't get that at all. - Just to clarify, because I had motion controls turned off because apparently I'm wrong. (laughing) When you talk air combos, does she go up in the air with them? Or does she, okay, so I just. - Yeah, you use the L1 stance and you hit triangle and it knocks them up into the air. And then if you have motion control, you shake the controller. If you don't have motion control, you just hit X or something. - I never did an air combo. - Yeah, well, anyway, you go up into the air with them and then there's a whole bunch of different combos that you can do in the air. You can do weak and strong attacks. - Yeah, so like that's so much attention to focus on what is there. - This whole game, I never looked up combos. I always just did combinations of scripture. - I never looked up and I was like, okay, I should try this one. - You unlocked a lot of combos in this game. - And they got crazier later. She's like throwing the sword in the air and it'll whip around. - Yeah, see, I guess I kind of missed that 'cause I just played it a lot more fun. - I mean, one of my favorite things would be to memorize a new combo and then just figure out who it works best with. And then to me, it helped expand. I don't know, maybe an adept for the game. - Well, I feel that actually one of the poor game design decisions in this game is that you don't unlock all of the combos by the end of the game. Because it was like, you know, when I started again on Hell Mode, I still had-- - Mood, that's indeed a blood too. - Yeah, when I started again on Hell Mode, half the combos for all my stances were still not unlocked. So how deep does the combat go? Well, I'm probably never gonna know because I'm never gonna unlock every single combo game. - And I'm sure someone thought that was a great idea. They're like, it's got replay value, right? It's got so much depth that you'll never see the first time and all I'm thinking is, you can just lop off the words the first time. - Right. - Because so few people will go back into this game and play it again, unless they only get one game every six months and this is the one that mom and dad bought them. - Yeah. - And it's too bad because there's, I would like to see what they did 'cause I'll bet they also saved some of the best stuff for last. - Yep, the hardest unlock. - But anyway, when we're out there in the army, this is one section where I found the, which stance is it again that like you can swing 'em all over the range stance? Yeah, the range stance. Range stance was really effective in these big groups of guys. - Especially when you roll and as you're rolling out, you're holding down L1 and you tap the triangle button because that's when she gets up and basically just swings her arms over her head and the widest radius of any move that she does. - Yeah, it works really well. - So you go, you kill 500 guys, you blow up the remaining catapults. - Yeah, so after it's said to get the catapults, I didn't even kill any more dudes. I was just like, I just ran right past him. So after you kill the catapults, that's when it cuts back to the very beginning. - Well, you have to run all the way back. - Yeah, you run all the way back to the corner. - That was weird, like you take out the catapults and then it gives you 40 seconds and it's Shen saying to come back. And I got down to like 30 seconds and then it just stopped and showed it getting fucking catapulted anyway. - Yeah, well, that's the thing is you get, when you get to a certain point, it cuts it off, not only that, but because I didn't attack any guys 'cause I wanted to make sure I got back in the time, I got like a one star rating. I didn't get like the three stars. - Was the time just away for them to add urgency to that moment? - I think so, because he has this emergency. So I guess you were like, ah, whatever. (laughing) - I'll get there when I get there. - So, see, you get back and then that's when the game-- - Well, and that's after you think, oh, well, maybe Shen and Kai and all of them are dead because it shows that the building that they were in destroyed. - Right. - And yeah, that's when you get head only sorted. - And, oh, wow. I'm sorry. - Okay, that's probably bad to use that as a verb given what it was related to earlier. - Yeah, if you get Anthony Penist. - So, it was this moment too where you find out who she's talking to. I thought she was talking to you. She's really talking to God, I'm assuming, or their God. - To the entity sword. - The entity sword sword. - Yeah. - I don't know. I think the sword was more an object. - The entity that's supposed to return and use the sword someday, but is also possessing the sword. - I feel like she's like her soul, like it, over the course of the game, it's, I don't, I think it's pretty clear that it says that the sword drains the soul of the wielder. So, that would stand a reason that like there's a life inside the sword, like there's some kind of consciousness and that's who she's talking to. She's talking to whatever resides in the sword that gives it its power. - Right. - And then she says, she says you have no power, you're wielded by me, I'm gonna go do this thing. - Yeah, I mean, she makes the point that once she's dead and all of her ancestors are dead, then there's gonna be no one to worship the sword and treat it like it's anything special. - Exactly, it'll live on in a trophy case and Bohan's army or whatever, because he wouldn't be dumb enough to wield it because he wants to remain a living. - So the sword was like, oh shit, I'm gonna be forgotten. - Sure, son. - So then you get to come back as the ultra-white. - And your objective is to decimate Bohan's army. - Yeah. - Which was awesome. - I will just say fuck shit up, three stars. - And it's so funny because like yeah, you use your range attack and everybody else has kind of slowed down compared to you. So it's totally a matrix moment if the matrix was actually good. - And that was the part where I just like, I wanna hit a thousand. If I do this right, I can hit a thousand. I can do it. - And then this sequence has a badass beginning too when the camera pans from a very high position over the battlefield down all the way down the line. You're just like, fuck yeah, bring it on. - Yeah, when you see her from super far away and you swing like your attack and all those guys fly away. - I almost wish they would have done more dramatic camera angles here just because it was really just, I mean-- - You couldn't be hurt. - No, you don't. 'Cause later they do what you're thinking, which is like say, you know what, fuck gameplay. We're gonna go for cool looking stuff. - Yeah, but the whole point is that he's making for this part in particular is that it's because you can't be hurt, it's not challenging. - In parts where you can be hurt, that sucks. - Yeah. - But in this part where you're basically invincible, it could have looked like wherever. Yeah, if they've just done a really far shot where I had to see guys-- - Right. - How bad that happened to that man? - I feel like they're partying. - There are parts in this last section where when you're fighting, the camera definitely spins around you. - Yeah. - Like when you're fighting, when you're in hand-to-hand combat with Bohan, the first section, I think the camera sort of spins around you too. And I didn't feel like that disoriented me because at that point, so much of what I was doing was just like tapping out combos. - Yeah. And even though it was so easy, you felt so powerful and it was definitely that signature moment where it was like, wow, this is that climax. - Yeah, I mean, again, it's just like when it gives you a prompt to like, fuck as much shit up as you can. It's like, okay, why I'm setting a number for myself and that is how much shit I must fuck up. - A thousand? - No. - I hit 890 and that was after, I spent like a good six or seven seconds doing just normal combos and then I was like, wait. Wait, I have a ranged attack. And that's when my kill number just started skyrocketing. So part of me wants to play it again so I can see if I can get more. - I love how when you do the power attack during this part, it's like Moses parting the red sea. It's like dudes just both, 'cause it's more of just a straight shot that shoots through the crowd pretty far. But it does just like splash away from it. - Yeah. - So good. - And it really, sorry, it knows you first. Oh, okay. Well, it really does remind me of the animated shorts that you can look at in the extras, you know. - Assuming you unlock all of them. - Yeah, well, I mean, I think there's two that are just unlocked right at the beginning. Like the history of the heavenly sword. And like, in those that you see guys like, you know, doing those power moves and like, just destroying whole armies with one swipe and stuff like that. - I kind of, I'm glad actually that I didn't see that because I'd much rather be sort of surprised. Like the stuff with the Raven, like I kind of was picking up that there was something weird with that thing over the course of the game, especially the way he talked to it and the way that it was fucking huge. - Right. - But I, in a way, having you tell me last week that the Raven King is a god and like, and that that will play in later. I was like, oh. - Actually, I'd like to have been surprised. - Until you said that either. 'Cause I hadn't watched. - Yeah. - You watched those videos. - They're bad ass, man. You all should check 'em out. - I mean, I'd love to now that they could be spoiled for me that none of that discovery is gone. But I'm glad that I didn't because watching like what she could do after she finally, for however briefly, conquered the heavenly sword and made it her bitch. - Right. - Watching what she could do was interesting to me and surprising and cool. - Mm-hmm. - And right about there is when the game started being really amazing and enjoyable and compelling. (laughing) And went into full on, fuck you. We want you to see this a very specific way. We're gonna discard all the gameplay rules we've established for most of the rest of the game. And not only that, but every new section of this boss is going to change the counter mechanic, just a little. - Well, once her counterpart shows up, the soil to her godliness. - Yeah, so after you decimate Bohan's army, it cuts to a cutscene, as it does, of Bohan basically blubbering like a whiny little shit to the Raven God, which is when it reveals basically that he's known all this time that the Raven is the Raven God and that he was acting under its impetus to take over all these towns and whatever. And then he becomes down with the sickness or whatever. (laughing) - The scene when the smoke is sort of becoming a part of him and a giant Raven smoke raises up from his back, looks so fucking rad. - Bad ass. - Like, totally puts the lost smoke monster to shame. (laughing) - The only thing that makes me sad about that whole sequence, like, graphically, everything is amazing from there on. But the one thing that stuck out to me from a technical standpoint is that something about their engine, they can apply depth of field or like, color filtering to particle effects. And when he's far away, like, everything else is obscured and really atmospheric and uses atmospheric perspective and the colors are washed out except for his wings. So they look weird and attached as he's coming toward you. - Maybe they're supposed to look super naturally dark. - No. - No, no. - I felt the only problem I had with his wings was, I felt like when you're fighting him hand to hand that I couldn't see where I was. - Exactly. - Yeah, that would happen. And that's the part where I'm like, mother, they're so into the idea, I can just imagine the design meeting where they're thinking, you know what I've ever seen in a game where you're fighting with the boss and like, his wings are flapping around you and it obscures your view and it would look awesome. And the reason you never see that in a game is because it's fucking annoying when you're, when you are fighting someone who can basically annihilate you in very short order and you can't see what color their attacks are until it's too late to dodge them or to counter them or to do anything about them. - You're facing a war. - Exactly. I felt like that was more because there were troops on the field though, there were plenty of times in the first game of the color came into play. - Every part of that boss fight has something that obscures your vision in an annoying way. Whether in the first part, it's all the people running by that aren't paying any attention to you that are obscuring your view, although Anthony made a good point to me last night which is that you can knock them away. - Right, I was gonna say I actually enjoyed it in the first part because it was just a simple, one swipe of the range attack and it was like mowing the lawn, like, oh. (laughing) - Not only that but it adds a lot because when he does his swooping down attacks and stuff, it hits them too. It just shows you guys are existing on this totally different field from these people. - I mean, they might as well not even exist. They are as particles of dust to you. - Yeah, they want to attack you. - And that's cool and that's my bad, although I will say that the reason I didn't do it is because every other boss fight, if you're doing a ranged attack, you're gonna get your ass handed to you. - It's true the range attack, yeah. - But it's worthless. - Except on Whiptail when you're blowing apart her wave. - And bow on when he sends the crows at you. - Yeah, really? I never do that with him. - Oh, you just dodge the crows? Oh yeah, when he sends the crows, you do it turns him to best, Raven's, I guess. - Yeah, you're countering magic with magic. - The, I can see having problems with the countering, like I've gotten really good at countering in this game and it got to the point to, like, when I got to where Bohan was throwing his fireballs at me or whatever, I would only get hit by one out of like every, I don't know, 20 of them. - Thank you, Lucky. - Yeah, like-- - Seriously, that's like, if you're not doing that, then Bohan is a really annoying boss. But if you're able to do that, you just take down his health so fast. - But for me, it felt like they changed the required timing for counters with every new projectile he threw. Like the timing felt different for what he was throwing. - He was doing them a lot quicker at you, but you did get a practice with that, with flying fox, arguably. I mean, you did have to send his blades back at him. - Again, I felt like flying foxes if you didn't counter it would block and you had more time to do a counter whereas in this, like-- - Oh, well, I was saying, so the counter-- - The timing of the counter was so specific. - And you couldn't really block it 'cause you'd get hit by-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, Bohan definitely has, there's quite a bit of time there where you can counter. It's like, it hits and there's like, I don't know how many tenths of a second or frames or whatever where it's almost like it's sizzles and crackles and like in that tiny little, in that tiny little time period, that tiny little window, you can counter anywhere within that window. - Maybe it was that I was trying to anticipate it too much. - That's the thing. And so I was swinging into it and just getting blown up. - Yeah, you have to wait 'til it hits you. Like, I wait for the audio cue, wait 'til the sound of it hitting you. And then, 'cause like, I had no problem playing Tron. To me, the difficult parts were-- - Well, playing, sorry. So far it's where when you would actually have to like, fight him hand-to-hand and that's where it's just like fucking-- - For me, fighting him hand-to-hand wasn't that bad because again, after like, once I had the roll down, I was just running circles around him. And I also figured out that using the strong attack against him is pointless and using the ranged attack against him is pointless. It's all about the speed. - That's all I would use to, man, that's all you-- - Yeah, and that's another thing that I don't like about Bohan, that I don't like about the bosses in general, is that like, if they're attacking me with a speed attack or if they're attacking me with a strong attack, I should be able to counter them just like I can counter anything else in the game. Just because they're a boss shouldn't mean that I'm suddenly unable to counter. - Yeah, and I find that-- - I'm gonna use this one type of attack. - Right, and with him, if he hits you with a strong attack and you block, you can't do anything. You are like, you're stunned. And then you block again and you're stunned and then he goes-- - It is nice to the red, and you can't-- And not only can you not block that, but it will not let you move. You can't roll out of the way, yeah. - So I just wanted to take a second to point out that this is the one part, we're me and Tyler. We didn't actually finish the game. - Yeah. - I got to the third phase of them and just got so frustrated. - Yeah, I quit on my fifth time because right at the beginning of my fifth time, well first like my frustration started to mount on the incredible load times that it takes. If you die, the amount of time it takes you to reload this segment, like some segments are really, really quick. Like for example, the bridge section where you're Kai and you're shooting the guys trying to attack your father. If you, if you know, if he dies, that loads snap, you know, snap here. Oh, Jesus. And then so when my fifth time loaded up, he flew up in the air and I was like right near him. So he was completely off-screen. I wasn't at the other end of the ring, you know? So it's like he was just, he nailed me with every one of his fireball projectiles. - Yeah, that was it. - Yeah, took away a start on my health and I was like. - And I feel like when they were near the end of production, they must have thought, you know what? This boss battle is pretty hard because this is one of the only boss battles where, I mean, with Whiptail, you weren't sent all the way back to the beginning of the boss fight, but it was also you fight Whiptail, Kai, you fight Whiptail, Kai, fight Whiptail. Everyone else, if you eat shit on like the third section of a boss, you start all over again. - Right. - And it was awful. - Like not only do you checkpoint after each stage, but I think if you quit, you start back at the part of the boss. - You do, yeah, I've gone back and at this point, I can start at the third phase all I want. - They treat it like it's own chapter. - Which, I mean, to me, indicates that they were like, okay, so maybe this is a little much to make somebody go through from start to finish because your wife bar doesn't refill in between sections. - No, it does. - Does it? Okay. - Yeah, it fucking does. - There's no way it would be possible, either way. - But yeah, I just, it seems like they understood that maybe there is a problem, but they didn't do anything more to fix it. - I do like the idea of like you fight on the battlefield, then you go up into the heavens or whatever, and then you fight back on the battlefield again after you knock him down out of that. That was pretty cool. - And they added spectacle to it when, you know, he would just kind of lose his energy from it and you'd hit circle and go through the QTE and then she'd put him through a catapult. - Oh, yeah. - The side of the castle. - Building it. - Yeah, and I thought, that was like that general zod moment in a Superman when he throws him into the coke sign. - Right, yeah. - Yeah, it kind of felt like that. - Those quick time sections were single button presses too, where it wasn't a long sequence where if you fucked up, you'd have to do the whole thing over again after he took a chunk of health. - Right. - 'Cause if that were the case, I would have spiked my fucking controller. - I was gonna ask you, Tyler, since you didn't beat it, like I at least had the benefit of having lived with Arthur, so I told him when he beats the third segment to call me so I could see the actual ending. - Which basically meant that I had reflected a fireball that was about to hit him and take away the last of his life and I paused it and I left it paused and I told Anthony, "Okay, I'm about to beat it "and he's all being there in 10 minutes "and I had to pause for an hour." (laughing) - I was playing League of Allegiance. (laughing) But did you, have you actually seen the ending? - No. - Okay. - Maybe we should take a break and show Tyler the ending and then we can talk about it. - Are we cool? - We can pause it real quick. - I dare to shoot it. - We'll come, we'll be right back. (upbeat music) ♪ Tall and tall and young and lovely girl ♪ - Quick! - Now we are. Hello, we're back. We showed Tyler the ending. So now Tyler can talk about it 'cause he's seen it. And also the blades of chaos are in Bohan's weapon room. We confirmed. (laughing) - Little Easter egg. - Yeah. - All right. - So you beat Bohan or some of us beat Bohan. - Right. And then it goes into the ending sequence. What did you think Tyler, since it's fresh in your mind? - I mean, I had to ask Arthur if the bird plucked the guy's eyes out 'cause I wouldn't share what was going on or if he just gave him like a friendly plucked, you know, a pat on the head. - I guess I realized like there's not really any blood in the game. - There's a little bit here in there. - There's very, yeah. - I think the watching someone get their eyes plucked out. - It's only teen, right? - Yeah, exactly. That would cross eyes with gore attached would cross the teeth threshold, probably. - The, yeah, it's kind of a shame that this game didn't just go for the M rating, but I needed that big fall hit, man. - They were really desperate to sell it. - And, but yeah, like he definitely does get his eye plucked out, like if you look really carefully, especially the second eye that's plucked out, 'cause you know, you're from the Raven's point of view. Like in the second one, there's like a couple frames there where the, where Bohon's eye is super big on the screen. Like it, like almost like the camera's inside the Raven's mouth going for his eye. - Awesome. - I mean, yeah, but like at the very first one, I was like, "Oh, headbutt, weird." I was like, "Oh, no, it's, like, I'm a, you're a terrible warlord." - He also speaks with like a soccer hooligan inflection to his face. - Bad, but a bird headbutt. (laughing) - Yes, we're just gonna Manchester United Jersey back at Bohon's castle. - I mean, he's wearing a gold-ass grill on his... (laughing) - And then maybe pull out a gat. (laughing) - Um, but I, and also it's in the groove of Jose, man. I kind of feel like Kai should have been dead, dead dead. - Yeah. - I feel like it would've been fun. - I feel like it would've been fun. - With the story that they wanted to tell, which is Nareko, not her sacrifice and saving her people, it wouldn't, it needed a sympathetic voice to close out the game and Shen wasn't that because Shen was a very flawed character in a way, Kai is the only innocent in that game. I mean, she kills, but she's also barely cognizant of it and it's always... - Well, I don't really think she's innocent, but I do think that she was necessary to the ending of the game because the idea is that, you know, this sword isn't an artifact of some heavenly being that's going to, you know, it's just a thing that has this power inside of this life-sucking demon or whatever it is, and that, you know, they say at the end that, you know, Nareko's voice over is, you know, people are blinded by belief. You know, Shen still believes that even after Nareko says, like, the sword is just a sword, I am the one who mastered it, everybody who's died for this sword is died in vain, you know, like, even after she says that, Shen still believes at the end that Nareko was the one sent from heaven to wield the sword. And, you know, Kai is the only one who realizes the truth beyond Nareko. So now, that's why Kai has the responsibility to look after the sword, so I think she was forever and hide it forever. So she's, like, the necessary end to the story. - Part of me wonders if the thing you see at the end, like, Kai is essentially motionless and it implies that she might be dead when she's laid on the ground and Nareko touches her and there's, like, this flash of light and this sort of booming noise or whatever. And part of me wonders if she was dead and Nareko gave her life force to Kai, like, is a way to save her, like, if she hadn't saved-- - That's the way I read it. - But isn't that the second person Nareko kind of saved? And she also saved Shen at that sequence where he's-- - Did she save it? - Right before he gets shot with arrows, then she, like, touched him. - Oh, she did. - Now Shen was dead. - You're right. - When she kind of hit him. - I don't know. - I mean, I like that theory destroyed. No, no, I like that theory better, to be honest, 'cause I think it would have justified more that she died. - I think that she healed Kai, but Kai wasn't dead, 'cause it said that she had grievous wounds, but she'd healed. - Yeah. - And so I think she was just, like, boom. (laughs) - I would have had more impact for me if Arthur's theory was right, to be honest. - Was the easy button. - Well, you know, life is generally more impactful when Arthur's right, but that's not always the case. - But I really love the ending of this game because-- - And I am modest. (laughs) - I really love the ending of this game, because it's always the obvious thing to be, to have something like, oh, this was prophesied, it was destiny, the chosen one came down and did all this, but it's very rare, the story that follows the traditional hero's journey, whichever those hero journeys you're ascribing to. It's the very rare story that treats all of the characters in the game, sympathetic or not, as being blind and wrong. - So it ends it with nihilism is what you're saying. (laughs) - It's very sick and it ends with nihilism. - No, it doesn't end it with nihilism. It ends it, this game is ended with the power of human choice and even more importantly in the games industry, the power of a woman's choice. You know, this isn't just any hero, it's the only female, pretty much in the entire game, other than Kai. You know, between Noriko and Kai, you know, they're the only two people apparently in this entire universe that's filled only with men capable of making the correct choices and seeing things for how they are and not being blinded by their esoteric and really strange beliefs. 'Cause even Bohan, you know, he's always talking about infidels and witchcraft and stuff like that, as though he has his own system of beliefs that he's blinded to as well. - Well, and during his speech, yeah, he talks about how they're a threat, like with their paganistic beliefs and how they're cannibals and all that. How do you feel about how she's portrayed, like do you think that she's sexualized, like objectified? - I think her costume is to a degree, but I think she is a character isn't at all. I mean, like other than by other than, you know, what you would expect from a villain in Bohan, you know, the only characters in this game that are really sexualized are the bad guys. You know, the-- - It's kind of creepy. - Which is kind of creepy. - Yeah. (laughs) - And, you know, I really enjoyed that. It's an unfortunate rarity in the games industry that we're told stories like this about powerful women and that are told so well. - Yeah, and I mean, yeah, yeah, you know, I agree to that point, Matt, and even to the point about her costume, I almost feel in a way that it's not, I don't know, it's not objectifying her body. I don't know, to me, it looks more of a design of looking cool in motion, you know? - Yeah, they could have definitely overdid breasts and overdid the ass and really went, you know, the Tomb Raider out and they, I guess they chose not to, but at the same time, they added so much depth to her character and so much strength that kind of, at least I thought it out shined, you know, the kind of skimpy outfit she was running around in. - Yeah, 'cause in the game, it kind of, if nothing else, makes her portrays her more like a goddess when she's wearing like those robes that flow off her and stuff like that, like a Greek goddess in a way, kind of like the way that Kratos kind of looks like a god in a way, like the, I don't know, I didn't really, I think the only time that her outfit is objectifying her is in the artwork for the game. They often make it much more objectification. - Yeah, it's like her in a very, like the cover. - Like the, the ass crease view of her looking upward. - Right, that's what I'm saying, stuff like that. - Yeah, in the game in the cutscenes and everything, none of them like linger on her body parts or anything like that. What they linger on the most. - Middle their form. - Yeah, yeah. And what they linger on the most always is her face because it's so expressive and because it shares so much. That's true with all the characters, fortunately. - Blemishes, I love, I love blemishes in this game. - And there's fours. - Yeah, exactly, there's texture to character skin and to the expression. - Black heads. - Yeah, well, I'm going to see black heads. - Well, and then it's, it's even really cool in that final scene when Bohan gets down with the sickness and. (laughing) - I'm sorry to the listeners for bringing that up. - And you see, no, it's awesome, dude. And then you see him get like, you know, he goes totally pale and all the veins pop out of his skin and they're all filled with black and stuff, it's cool. - And he also has the ability to somehow regen wounds. Like when Noriko stabs him with the sword, right? And it should be like he's cut in half. - Yeah, exactly. - And now he's alive and perfectly fine. - I was saying when he was falling that he should totally be falling like pulling a Darth Maul as he falls down. - I'm just saying to bring this full circle, there is the slight illusion there that the Raven might very well be a leprechaun incarnate. - 'Cause he was able to regen? - Regen and you know, and it had a preoccupation with gold on the headband. So I don't know, just throwing that out there. - That was pretty labored. - It was. (laughing) - You have to work, wait, you need to plan ahead of time for how you're gonna bring that into the conversation. - Not mostly, it was just the regenning of wounds, right? - Oh, okay. - That's the main leprechaun thing. It didn't have any obsession with shoes, no one really did in this universe. - There weren't really many buckles. - No. - Did you just say buttholes? (laughing) - No, not a lot of boas. - That's a much different game, Jose. (laughing) - I liked that she showed Mercy to Bohan and to Roach, like in allowing him to take the obviously crippled permanently and broken Bohan away. It was the non-obvious choice to have Roach come back instead of her just destroying him. - True. See, when I saw Roach leaning over, Bohan, I was like, man, she should just fucking drop the sword on both their heads, get two of one. (laughing) - I know, I mean, in a lot of ways, like what I said about Kai being in a sense and in some more ways, Roach can be... - Right, and yeah, you know what? When you guys were all talking about that earlier, I was thinking like, how funny would it be, like Roach is the one that comes in at the end because Kai's dead and Roach is the one that hides the sword because he's also, right? I was also thinking that way. - What about funny little and monologue too, and the way Roach talks? - And then the sword I will not forget you. (laughing) - See, maybe that would have been the binary choice, like, if you saved all your fans. - Then I would have been him playing with Noriko's body and that would have been creepy. (laughing) See, see why they didn't do it. (laughing) - But, I mean, ultimately, like, what do you guys think about, is it Ninja Theory or Team Ninja? - Ninja Theory. - Ninja Theory. - Team Ninja is the, for all intents and purposes, defunct, even if they still exist. - One Ninja Theory at this point is basically defunct as well. - They are. - Ninja Theory still exists. They're working on another game that's multi-platform. I don't know. - I don't know. - I don't remember what it's called. - I don't know. When I talked to Nick Setner about this game, he said that he might have been able to participate in this because Ninja Theory is all but defunct. - They are no longer a second party developer for Sony. - I thought they closed down on it. - I think they got a lot of people anyway. - I mean, that wouldn't surprise me because this game had an obscenely high budget, and they brought in a lot of people with a help of Sony to try to finish it, but. - I was just thinking, you know, it's kind of a shame that, I don't know, that Heavenly Sword got such a, I don't know, I felt like when it came out, it got a bad rap. And I felt like this game was really, really good. - Well, and like the-- - The length is no issue to me. - I agree, and I think a lot of it has to do with, you know, it's the fault of the meme that went around, you know, like, you remember when it first came around, people were like, oh, she's swinging chains, goddess of war, goddess of war, goddess of war, you know, and it's like, this is not a god of war clone. This game is not a god of war clone. - But to play devil's advocate, it's fair that people were disappointed that it wasn't because it was so positioned as that. And it's Sony played a big part in that because everyone was like, oh, well, Sony needs a god of war for the PS3 for it to move hardware, and the heavenly sword got caught up in the same cycle that every PS3 first party release caught up in, which is that this is the game that will make people want to buy the system. - And it's just tragic because this game, it didn't, it could have done better if it was positioned as a unique title as opposed to being positioned as a god of war clone. - If it had been released at a different time, like it was another game that got released in the meat grinder of the Christmas of 2007. - Do you think maybe also this was sort of indicative of life before downloadable games as well? The fact that maybe people felt it wasn't justified enough to drop $60 as a purchase on this. - No, I still think that-- - I think people talk now about game length just as much as they did then, and the idea of, I understand why coming out against what it came out against that fall like sandwiched between Halo and Assassin's Creed and modern warfare and Mass Effect and all these other huge games, and Uncharted on this series as well. - It came out that year? - Yeah, 2007, it was fall 2007. It was released into probably the most brutal holiday release schedule we've had this generation. - Yeah, portal. - Portal, like the orange box, even against the PS3, that was a banner year for PS3, first party titles. And it just, it got crushed because it's $60 and it's five hours long. - Well, then I still think that the narrative around it, the marketing narrative around it was just wrong. - Yeah. - And we see that happen to so many good games, and it's ruined a lot of good games, like Beyond Good and Evil. Beyond Good and Evil had, the marketing narrative around it was entirely wrong as well. - I expect to see the same thing happen to Dante's Inferno next year. - I can believe that, yeah. - We'll see. - But Dante's Inferno probably won't be released in the middle of the holiday season, at least I would. - No, it's being released like right before God of War 3. In the background in Spring. - The other thing about this game, that's a shame, is when you think about like a sequel, to me, my biggest concerns are the most things that upset me about this game, they're very easy fixes. It's stuff like we're talking about like the boss fights, like just getting boss fights, right? They have stories amazing, they got a good framework with the gameplay, the characters, we love the characters, you know? - I mean, it definitely, they should win some kind of runner up prize for best sophomore effort from a studio that no one cared about. Kung Fu, from Kung Fu Chaos to this, is a pretty big leap in ambition and quality. - Might have been too big though. - It will, I don't even know that it was too big a leap because it seems like all the parts were in place for Heavenly Sword to be this amazing experience on almost every level. It just feels like it got pushed out before it was, if they had had, and this is sort of the refrain for everything, I know, but I just feel like there are so many things that it feels like didn't get polished up at the last minute, if they had just been able to put it through some more testing and some more polish that it would have been a much better experience and that it would have reviewed better and that, I mean, I've read a lot of people saying in the comments and on Twitter that they never finished Heavenly Sword because of the end boss battle and other frustrating parts. And that kind of word of mouth deters other people from buying it. And I just, if it had come out in January or February of 2008, then maybe it could have had a better chance. - Right, well, and it kind of sucks 'cause it's not easy to find now. It's also still fucking expensive. - Yeah, it's still $60. - It's not a greatest hits game. - Yeah. - Like you guys, I mean, we'll be up front here, like you guys got used copies. - Yeah, but I bought one new one for us because that was the only way I could get two. - Yeah, they had one used one. - And they had one used one new and the new one was 60. And it's still $60 on Amazon as well. - Yeah. - That's ridiculous. - Do we know what dictates that real quick? I mean, even if there's listeners who are wondering like, why is this game still $60? Do any of us know? - I don't know the real reason behind it. My suspicion is that it never sold well enough to make up the budget that was put into it. - Didn't recoup. - Or they didn't recoup, yeah. - Not only that, but Sony didn't see a possibility for it to recoup with an aggressive secondary marketing campaign, like, that's definitely happened with other games where they've gone in later and cut the price. - Yeah, why does it make it a greatest hit? - I was gonna say it. - Because it hasn't sold enough copies. - I was gonna say you said this game was high budget. Like, where-- - I mean, I heard, like, between 20 and 30 million. - And it had high production value. - I'm not just looking too much speed. - And it was delayed over, was it supposed to be a launch game and it got delayed? - I feel like no one knew what launch PS3 was gonna be. - Yeah, and I mean, if it was launch, it was really only delayed, a pretty short span of time. - Like a year for that. - We don't actually know what our next game club game's gonna be. - Well, we had talked about maybe doing two human. - Yeah, I don't know. - And then we gotta do it in pairs? - That's tough to do. - Not only that, but we just did an immediately action game. I feel like we should try something else, maybe. - And I just sold on copy of team and-- (laughing) - I'm fucking broke. - Yeah, we'll figure it out. We're gonna take next week, the week of PAX off. - And maybe the week after two. - And maybe the week after, I don't know. - Yeah, I don't really need one week off. - We only need one week off, so Tyler says first. So we'll figure out what we're gonna do. We'll discuss it. - RPG, you should check out Eat Sleep game to find that out, plus me, Arthur and Tyler's Twitter. We'll let everyone know. We'll probably announce it on future mobile events as well. We'll try and get, we just gotta have a discussion. I'm still pushing for the things. - We might do another poll, like to get people's inputs. Something I did see someone bitch about today is that they were mad that we picked a PS3 exclusive as our game club game. - We did that on purpose. - I mean, yeah, we wanted to show the PS3 some tough level. - And I'm glad we did, because otherwise I wouldn't have played this game. - Yeah. - And I think it's the kind of thing that you can't always just choose the game that's the most widely available, because sometimes that will keep you from playing good games, like Heavenly Sword. - And we chose Republic Commando, and that was PS3. That was PlayStation Excluded. - Yeah, and also we picked the games that we were interested in playing, as opposed to thinking, man, 8 million people can play this. Occasionally that does enter into consideration like it did with Gun, which was on more platforms than anything else we've done. - Yeah, and it is nice to have stuff on lots of platforms so that a lot of people have the most opportunity possible to play along with us, but also Heavenly Sword, it was a short game. We only did two game clubs on it instead of four, so. - Yeah. - Yeah, at the rate we're going, next game club is just gonna be a one off. - Yeah. (laughs) - Maybe who knows. I mean, I wouldn't mind doing a one off for a really short downloadable game or something sometime, but we'll figure it out. - It ain't gonna be Shadow Complex. - Yeah, we'll figure it out. You should watch Area 5, I mean Co-op at, or - You gotta write this time. - Instead, it's a -, it's a - Thanks, Anthony. - You should always make sure you don't catch it. - Anthony, you're on the King's Story talk. - Little King's Story for this week, and then Arthur will be on next week's Wolfenstein talk. - Yeah, I mean, I might have something to say about Metroid, but I think that talks all full up. - It is, we actually have a ton, I guess. - I kind of figured that's why I didn't say anything. - Yeah, I mean it. (laughs) - I was like, "Fuck, you could just pull the retro knots "on and it'd be full." - Yeah. (laughs) - I don't know. - We could do Super Metroid as a game club game. - I was gonna say that, but I didn't want to. - That could be cool. - I mean, it is available on Virtual Console, so. - This is, and Sundry, other options. - But a lot of people have already played that. The part of the game club is like, play some things that people might have passed over. Oh, you haven't played? - I never played Super Metroid all the way. - I know. - That's right, I didn't do it until like last year. - You missed some of the best parts, man. That Brian Shrimp boss is one of the best bosses. - We'll figure out, I still push for the thing, personally, only 'cause the thing is the game that a lot of people didn't play, and it's such a cool game. - And they're working on a prequel movie right now. Plus, we could all watch the thing before playing the thing. - Isn't that the thing though? - 'Cause it picks up, right, where the movie ends. - That's a Pete Winart produce game, isn't it? - What the thing? - Yeah, the thing. - I don't know. - I think I'm pretty sure it is, he's real cool. - But it's out for original Xbox, it's backwards compatible, and it's out for PS2. - On PS2. - So it would be, you know, relatively available. - Is that on the game's marketplace, you know? - I know, I know, you probably have to go and find it on Amazon, eBay, your GameStop, if they're still carrying Xbox games. - Well, again, it's also on PS2. - Right, so I'm just saying it, such a badass game. - I'd play it. - Yeah. - Damn right, you would. - Basically, I was just trying to convince you in these last 30 seconds to just say that we would do it, but. (laughing) 'Cause you know, the thing's awesome. - All right, we'll figure it out for some time in the next two weeks. - The thing. - All right, bitches. - The thing. - All right, sorry. - Yeah. - That's it. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)