Rebel FM
Rebel FM Episode 27 - 073009
It's a slightly nutty show this week as Tyler, Anthony and I start out talking about 'Splosion Man and the Predator, then the ball really gets rolling as I detail my game overload via Comic Con. We talk about Dante's Inferno, Bayonetta, God of War 3, Lost Planet 2, Spyborgs, Dark Void, Saboteur, Brutal Legend, and Singularity, and then close out with letters. Death to leps.This week's music, in order of appearance:Queens of the Stone Age - You Think I Ain't Worth A DollarKylesa - To Walk AloneFoo Fighters - Come Back
[dramatic music] ♪ Every day on the road ♪ ♪ There's nothing good on the radio ♪ ♪ Once again I do ♪ ♪ It's the right time to ♪ ♪ The rifle that fell ♪ ♪ The rifle that fell ♪ [indistinct chatter] ♪ Every day on the road ♪ -Welcome to Rebel of Heaven. -I'm alive! -27. You just heard Arthur and Tyler making the sounds of me crying and masturbating. -Oh, we're gonna leave that in. -Yeah. -Oh, buddy. -See, I often think, like, you know, people complain about the dick and the balls, but you can't take away the dick and the ball jokes. Honestly, that's... -Now, it's like Kevin Smith without dick humor. We got nothing left. -Exactly. In a lot of ways, it's like that. I mean, I think we also have intelligent conversation as well, but the whole thing is that, you know, this is who I am. -Would you also like to think that you're a successful journalist? -No, I'm just saying this is who I am. I make a lot of dick and ball jokes. I like to think that we're one of yours with less drinking and more balls. [laughter] -That works on so many levels. -Yeah. -I don't... I am not saying we're at the level of one of yours, so if you have hate, you can aim it at Anthony. What do you mean on the level of one of yours? I'll say it. Goddamn, on the level of what that we don't have is intellectually stimulating of a conversation. Having been on one of yours before. -Were you? -Yeah. -Once? -I would like to say that I think our podcast is definitely on the level of one of yours. And since one up can't track their download numbers, who knows how many downloads they get? [laughter] -Fuck. -Something to say. But I like one of yours. I just haven't listened to it since I got laid off over the year before that. -Because it caused you to go into violent peroxisms of anger and sadness. -Oh. -I had to turn myself down a little bit. -Was one of yours sort of the first gaming podcast that got really popular? Maybe. -I'm not sure-- -Because it's the first one I started listening to, for sure. -I think it's sort of the landmark that's-- -I think it was originally, it wasn't originally Jane Pinkard's podcast. -Yes, with some other people. -Okay. So in case you don't know us, I'm Anthony Gaigos. -I'm Tyler Barber. -I'm Arthur Geese. -Yeah, and we write about video games and stuff, and you should consider us authorities on it because we said so. [laughter] -Yeah? -Yeah, that sounds a bit pretty well. -That's basically the only qualifications I have. -Man, being full like I am from a pizza we just ate. -It makes you feel a little drunk. -Yeah, I guess. -You have to understand that we just got done eating pizza, Anthony's breaking wind, and they also were watching very strange viral, absolute vodka. -I need to quit pointing out that I'm the one who breaks wind because I would prefer to leave it up to mystery. -What mystery? -98% of the time it's you. -I think Tyler is lowballing it. -I would say-- -I was being conservative. -What, for all intents and purposes, is 100% of the time. If there's an audible poot, it's from Anthony. -I feel like just because all the people that hate on the farts, I want to mic my ass with that fourth mic that Matt normally uses. -I just not tell him when he's not here. -And just be like, did you have a comment about that game? Too bad we're not like a video show. We could just have the ass cam, and every time you fart, we'd just go to that camera, and then an impact font. -This podcast is off to a terrible start. -It's not off to a terrible start, it's off to. That's my ridiculous one. -No, let's recap. It started with us emulating the sound of you masturbating with the lubrication of your own tears. -And I generally find that with the exception of the few people that try and listen to the show with their family mistakenly, people think that people generally find that we're humorous. -Canna see who comments on our stuff a lot, who is a mom, and listens to our podcast, says that she cannot listen to this podcast around her three-year-old show. -All right, so we give-- -Otherwise, she'd be pushing him down in the car-- the grocery store, and he'd be saying, fuck, fuck. -Well, see, we give Hannah see some mom some personal time. I don't know, what I mean to the fuck, we're just-- I just like to make some digging fart jokes. I got to get it out, because at work I got to keep it on a non-creepy, non-fucked-up level. -So here's where I get to-- -New scrub does stand for tasteful. -Oh, man. Anthony also catnapped his cat a little longer than that. -I just threw a catheter, because I thought she'd like to play with that instead. -This podcast is just going to be a wreck from start to finish. -Why is it a wreck? You know why it's going to be a wreck? Because Captain Haderade over there keeps saying it's a wreck. -Captain Haderade. Well, it's going to be a wreck, self-fulfilling prophecy. It's going to be awesome. Let's talk about games we've been playing. Tyler, start us off. -Oh, shit. -And we're only going to do it in the what we've been playing part we're only going to do in me and Tyler. -No, because there's some stuff I've been playing that isn't comic-con related. -I thought we talked about this beforehand. -What, you mean you'd to create and expected we would listen? -I'm just saying that-- -That's not a conversation. -Shout it down from the mountain top. -Now we're going to have to have this conversation in front of the children. -Okay, Moses, where are your tablets that say I can't talk about what I've been playing? -I want you to click later on the fucking red hand print on your face when they turn into an abusive husband. -I mean, unfortunately, the only new game I would be able to talk about would have been playing Civ 4 multiplayer. But after trying for several hours of that, last week, it was Battlefield 2, this week at Civ 4. Couldn't get it to work. -Phasing gaming. -Fucking games by, man. [LAUGHTER] -Does Civ 4 use GameSpy? -Yes, this is hard by GameSpy. I mean, so I went through all the channels and emailed-- but according to get powered by GameSpy, they're saying it's a problem on, you know, for access the developers. -It's funny because Tyler was telling me when you go to the GameSpy Q&A, commonly asked questions, like half of them are specifically about Battlefield 2. -That doesn't surprise me. Battlefield 2 had a lot of problems. -Still and I think that there's a horde of people that still play it. -And surprising enough, those problems haven't been fixed. -Some listeners did send me some emails about how to fix my Battlefield problem. I just haven't gone in and tried it. -Well, listeners should send you emails about how to fix your Civ problem. -Well, I mean, he didn't say last time that he needed it, so Tyler could use some Civ 4 multiplayer assistant. -Right, because he can't seem to connect to the GameSpy service. -Yeah, you know, I even went on the Civ 4 forums and there were a lot of people experiencing the exact problem I was, and while there were a few users who were experiencing my problem were able to remedy with some of the, you know, some of the workarounds that people were posting on the boards, I was not able to try opening ports, stuff and things. -PC gaming. -Had to type numbers and dots and random lives. -He started feeling like a hacker. -You were wondering when you were going to see Angelina Jolie's titties. -I read it addressing. -I'd just say titties, man. I'd like to point out that I never say titties. -Right. -Titties. -It's ironic. -I think titties titties is such a pretty dirty word and it used to bother me so much that I dated a girl who would call her breasts, her tits. She'd say, "Oh, my tits hurt." And I'd be like, "Don't say that." "Time, my ears." -So my friends and I, we actually use, like, titties is kind of a short term, like, random feeling word. Like, "Oh, hey, man, you want to go to a store today?" Or, I mean, it could be, like, completely random. Like, "Oh, oh, you know, you're driving. You're telling your friend to watch out." "Oh, man, watch out for that today over there." You know, if you're, like, spare tire can't come into your brain fast enough, but titties does, you know? I mean, it's generic. -It could be anything. It's like you look up in our dictionary and next to titties, mattress, tire, bed frame. -Actions too. -Guys, we may also be a verb and then adjective. -Man, that is pretty titties. So you haven't played much besides sieve. -Man, no. -Did you play a little more dead space? -I played, um... -Did you play more dead space? -I played a little bit more dead space. After that, but not enough... Not enough that I want to. And then, other than just the battlefield 1943 segment that we filmed with co-op, co-op catch for a little... -Oh, yeah, that's up now, right? -Mm-hmm. -You guys should watch that at -Yeah, it is... -This is just a bad time for me for games. It's like the end of the month and I'm on, like, free press deadline and working nine to five. -Tower, you are on a weekly game podcast. -I know. -You need to get your shit together. Priorities, the podcast is not paying you anything demands your time. -Yeah. -But, um... -Yeah, I don't know. Just hadn't been playing the games unfortunately, man. -All right. Apologize. What have you been playing that wasn't comic-con? -[chuckles] -The disdain in your voice when you... -Nah, man. Just fucking tell us. -[chuckles] -I finally played some explosion man instead of watching you play it. -Did you buy it? -Yes. -Okay. -I felt the need to show my sister that game because it is so ridiculous. My sister actually, she bought a 360 because of Viva Pinata and she now has quite the arsenal of games and she was harassing me to play Halo 3 the entire time I was in San Diego. -Like co-op with her? -No. Like multiplayer. Online multiplayer. -Did she have two screens or something? -No. We would basically, you can split screen multiplayer. -That's what I asked you. Split screen. Halo 3 and I said split screen. -Well, you said two screens, right? Didn't you take two screens? -We're not gonna write you this. I thought you were wrong. -That's the pizza talking. -Continue. Right? -Tittie. -That's exactly... -I was a little sad because I brought games with me to San Diego and forgot my hard drive so instead I spent a lot of time watching my sister's roommate play games but I did manage to convince him to buy red faction and fable two after he spent four hours cutting wood and blacksmithing which that I proceeded to do when I got home from San Diego is play a bunch of fable two. But I mean like she's got a lot of the sort of casual-ish games like Guitar Hero 3 and stuff like that and she wanted to play Guitar Hero 3 and I went back to that after having not played Guitar Hero 3 for like a couple of years and that game is not good. It did not age well at all. Guitar Hero 2 has aged better than Guitar Hero 3 did like the note tracking and the way that it- -H12 it's like two years old. -I get fenced. -The thing is playing Guitar Hero Metallica which came out this year and then playing Guitar Hero 3 it's like night and day, how much they've improved. But yes, some more battlefield 1943 over the weekend. -Listen how quiet you are right now. You talking such you have the craziest voice ever. I wish I could just post pictures sometimes of the waveform of Arthur's voice because there's like times and then he managed to man you can get quieter than most people though it's fucking incredible. No you should leave your mic. Most of the time you're fine it's just when you get in this like really low voice where you start. Sounds like you're running out of air. -My sexy. -My sexy. -You keep talking beyond the point where you should- -Which is very very white. -You should think about breathing back in but you're still not breathing back in so then- -It's just because I hear that it- -Talk it then and have a fucking stuck and then you just keep on talking. -I get it. -You pass out. -I'm going to walk over there and punch you in the balls and you are two-wayed down by pizza to run. -I know I was just actually for some reason I was thinking of that forever singing clip from the Jack Black did. -I'm always fucking singing. -Oh man. I'm always fucking singing. -It's not really non-stop though because you stopped to take a breath. It is non-stop. -Yes. -Oh it's nay-saying in your fucking tower, in your fucking nap. -Yeah, explosion man is a lot of fun actually and it controls a lot more smoothly than it seems like it would watching someone else play. I don't know what it is. -I don't know what you mean. -I don't know why. Maybe it's because a lot of the game requires you to slide and stick the things and bounce off. It's just the way that you watch someone play it seems like maybe he sticks because that's just the way that it happens as opposed to what you're doing yourself but there's a lot more control than it seemed like when I was watching other people play and it remains completely ridiculous and charming. -Yeah, well you have to see the ending. The ending makes all the kick in the ball's parts worth it. -I'll spoil something. -No. -I'll be a spoiler. -No, I'll spoil that shit. -It's not like the ending has a real ending, it just does. -Well, I'm just going to tell you that it has a couple songs in the third epic, including one that's like a love ballad explosion man. It's like a 80s power ballad that's like, "I'm going to explode you because you explode me." Like, it's like, I just thought it was so good, like it was just so ridiculous. -Do you think there's going to be any DLC for explosion man? -I don't know. -Isn't there like a menu option for that? -Yeah, I'm sure there will be just additional levels. I mean, or more challenges or some ridiculous torture levels. It's funny because when you beat the game two, it offers you to do it on hard mode. You unlock hard mode. -What the fuck is hard mode? -Exactly. Well, hard mode is that there are no continues, like no checkpoints. So you either do the level in one shot or not at all, and it's like, and it's like, do not play this mode. It is cheap. We can admit it's cheap, and it's just not cool. Do not do it to yourself. -Are there achievements for it? -Uh, probably. I don't know. -I might do it. -I doubt it. Because of that game, by the time you get towards the end, it's like- -To be fair, yeah. I mean, I did give up on the last achievement in Call of Duty 4, not because I didn't think it was possible for me to get it, but just because I didn't want to- -Some of the later levels are just so long, too, that doing it in one shot without dying would be something we're going to see YouTube videos of, but I mean, that in the games- -Like the Mario speed run guys or whatever. -Yeah. -I have those type of videos as well, it's absurdly hard, but it's pretty rewarding. And I mean, it's super long, too, like, 50 levels, and each level will probably take you at least three minutes your first time through. So if someone will take you over 20. -It's a really good deal. And I've been hearing people bandy about, like, best side-scrolling platformer in years. -It's cool, too, because unlike a lot of games where they unlock, like, you just get an achievement. Like, in this game, you unlock gamer picks, and you unlock- -Yeah, I know when you beat it, you unlock a theme, which is the same thing they did with the mall, so it's been the same people, so that's not too surprising, but they actually give you tangible Xbox things. -Cool. -What were you about to say? -I was thinking that this was going to be the game that started rewarding you with items, but I don't think it is. -Oh, for the Avatar marketplace? -Yeah, it's not. -No. -No, you could just buy them. -I had the sneeze suspicion that that might be Batman Arkham Asylum, actually. -Hmm. -I would be surprised if Microsoft threw him a little money to develop that as some way to respond to the Joker challenge rooms that the PSER gets exclusively. -I don't know. Having known people that played it, I haven't heard them talk about it, or known people that worked on it. I haven't heard them talk about that as a feature. -Well, one thing I did check out, it's not really playing it, but I did get into, like, the preview of the new dashboard update. -Oh, you are in that? Yeah. How did you get in that? -Well, a lot of people got in there. -They opened it up to just anyone who wanted to be a part of it, and emailed a PR person about it. -You didn't get it? -Yep. -Did you take the survey and shit and register for it? -No. I went through different channels than what the public goes through. -Oh, heaven forbid. You go with the plebes. -I went through the channels that Alice told me to go through. So... -Well, we all know Alice is a much more important person than you. -Yeah. -I think... I'm looking around at this stuff. I think I'm going to have to buy a hat for my avatar. I might have to buy a little... -A hat. I mean, yeah, because I have a hat that's similar to the one that I have. -I might need to buy a different shirt. I'm just so sick of wearing the same black shirt as everybody else. -I just don't give a shit. -Yeah, I know, until I start actually showing up, I don't know, maybe make some kind of... -Wait a shot on everyone's good, consumer-y time. -I like a lot of the features, and I just... How my avatar looks doesn't matter to me. The coolest feature to me is hands down the Netflix party mode, where you can all jump in and watch a movie together. -Except there are a shit ton of movies that you can't. -Right. Stars movies. -And Disney movies. -And Disney movies. Stars who there's probably an ad for. -Which? Trying to watch a party mode. -Probably an ad that plays the same thing twice. So... Watch Chronicles of Narnia. -But not in party mode. -There's a scene too, because a lot of the best movies on instant streaming are the stars movies. -True. -Although they're... Man, one thing I have been doing more than playing games lately, because I just haven't had time since I got back, was watching a... They've added a ton of TV shows to the Netflix streaming. Leverage is really good. It's sort of... Someone on my Twitter feed called it a modern day A-team, with more tech. We can talk a little bit about this, but I'm just saying... -We're not the Geek Box. -We're getting dangerous and close to giving AIDS to people. -Is it just... -It's not smallpox? -Smallpox. Geekbox gives smallpox is better, because it rhymes. -Smallpox. -I finished. -Wired season four. -Yes, right. -I don't think they talk about the wire on the Geek Box. -No, they don't. Because the wire is gangster. -Because there's no chicks with green skin, or whatever, in the wire. -They talk about, I don't know, I guess lost is pretty nerdy. -Yes. Yes, it is. -The lost also goes into crowds that aren't nerdy at all. I mean, it does. -Oh, dude. -I feel like lost cares pretty much every nerd demographic. -What I'm saying, it goes into crowds that aren't nerdy as well. That's why it's wildly successful. -I watched the Lost panel at Comic Con on YouTube. Man, this guy got up there, and man, it was just a face poem on it. He was like, "I honestly think Lost is the greatest story ever told." -And you're like, "No." -That's the Bible. -Exactly. -Even the note, no one in this room is Christian. -I mean, not even that. I mean, sure, yeah, the Bible, that end of 100 million other stories that I think would come before. -Right. Well, the only reason you mean Arthur are you would say the Bible. -I had a partial to the shining. -Yeah. -The only reason you mean Arthur, you're going to say the Bible is because you know that's the greatest story I ever told was a Bible movie. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's Wistad time, but you know, I just like, are you kidding me? -I don't know, there's even Wistad time in the grand scheme of ancient stories. -And really, the whole scheme of the thing is that the Bible is a series of stories. It's not what you call a story. -I think the greatest story ever told is specifically in reference to Jesus, isn't it? -Actually, the greatest story ever told is actually more about Moses and stuff. -Oh, is it? -Yeah, the original movie is the greatest story ever told the movie is like the Old Testament stuff. -Oh. Oh. -So. -Yeah, a lot of stuff. -How we came to know the one true God. -Who was a very angry God. -And who didn't like it when they made a Golden Idol. Anyways, welcome to religious talk at like 89.4. -Or the butt sex, you had a real problem with that. -And. -Sottomy also includes oral sex. -Really? -Fucking sodomites. -You joking? -No. -No. -No. -Mm, I thought sodomites was only-- -Felling in Texas. -Felling in Texas. -The butt. -Sottomy is also technically oral sex as well. -I have never known that my adult life. -Yep. -Sottomy. -Sottomy. -Sottomy. -Sottomy. -Sottomy. -I need to find a confession. -Sottomy. -Sottomy. -Sottomy is amazing right. -Damn it. -Anyways. -Fuck is definitely the podcast. -Well, welcome to the Sodomigma Moore podcast. -The Sodomikast. -So anyways, you would be happy to be here. You've been playing a-- well, game where we've been talking about. -We were talking about Netflix and then the new dashboard stuff. -Yeah, this podcast can be a little off, but you know what? It would have been the option of not doing one at all this week. -True. So yeah, so other than just a bunch of casual shit and a explosion man, I think that's it. And obviously, it should tend to stuff for Comic Con, which we're going to talk about next segment. -I hear you were playing some red faction, Derilla. -Oh, yeah, that was fun. All the people that showed up for that and that impromptu Rebel FM get together. That was rad. Thank you for playing. It also will probably do some Rebel FM live stream chat things with video at some point, but not through the Twitter thing. -The problem with that is that we'd all need to be in the same room. -And not only that, but the Twitter thing, the fucked up thing about it is it only lets people comment every 30 seconds. So it kind of sucks like that, but I did it just to check. But that resulted in a good night of red flex multiplayer, which was fun. The backpacks in that game were crazy. Like I was not ready for, I didn't know backpacks played that big of it. -You were not ready for red faction, Derilla, to take it to 11. -Yeah, because when I played the first couple of hours of red faction, you know, I did stuff with explosives, took down buildings, took out cars, so there wasn't any like backpacks that could shake walls. -No, none of that stuff is single player. The only thing you get in single player that's in multiplayer is the jetpack. -Okay, so all those backpacks- -Which is pretty awesome. -All those backpacks are multi-players. You had to know that, yeah, there's like a backpack that shakes the walls and then there's another one that can blow everyone away from you. -Which is really fucking useful. -And then there's like the one that makes you invisible, which I called the Predator backpack, and then there's one that allows you to see people, even when they're in predator mode, gives you like predator vision. I was like, man, this is like predator game, and I said that and then everyone else started picking up on it, and we all started making predator references. Like I'm coming to Predator U, and then before I- -I was really a predator reference, exactly. -You shut up. I would say, here's my favorite lion predator, he's over there in the trees. One I did, one I did was, I saw someone and I was like, come on, kill me, do it, I'm here. -Do it now. -Yes, I did that one. -So there was- -Let's fall when I say no man. -And so eventually it started getting into like weird predator conversation. Like what do you, like people like all the start talking and people are like, what do you think it's like to be like the predators that just live back on the planet and like cook Thai food for other predators, that sort of thing, you know, just like they got the mundane job of just cooking fast food, you like the fast food predator. -And then we talked about this afterwards- -Shut up for a second. -I would have been the guy that ruined this conversation. There's like predators only eat raw meat, they do not eat cooked food. -And I asked him where the fuck he gets that from. -Some predator too. -He, oh, okay, so but humans eat sashimi, but they don't always eat sashimi. They cook food. -They like raw beef carcasses. That's when Gary Busey and his team go out and go in and he says, "Too late to go home now." They're like trying to freeze him around the beef. -Yeah, I know. I'm just saying that, you know, it's easier for him to get frozen beef than to walk into McDonald's and be like, slap himself together, a big man can walk back out. -He just walks into the McDonald's and all he can say is, "Walk you, motherfucker." -So I'm just saying that, you know, and so we started making all these references and then we started talking about like what it's like to be the predator who bitches out, like Pussy's Adam killing himself, like, you know, everyone else is like, "You got defeated, you didn't blow yourself." I was like, "No, man, I called for backup." I called you and I said, "Come fucking get me." -But if you're that predator, then they send the cleanup predator who dissolves you in blue goo. -See, Arthur's ruining it all again with his knowledge of watching shitty movies like Alien vs. Predator 2. -So? -It was pretty bad. -Predator 2 is almost time. -It had redeeming features, though, because it's basically like, "Let's take a slasher movie and put the aliens and predator in it." -Yeah. What were you saying Predator 2 was the first time what? -That Hudson and Vasquez were in a film together. -That was not Vasquez. -That wasn't Vasquez? -No, that was Maria Concito, Alonzo. Vasquez-- -First off, everybody should be asking themselves, "Why does Arthur know that?" -What the fuck? -Is that on that movie? -Okay, so Vasquez isn't even Mexican. -Oh, for a second. Let's just point out the fact that just because you own a movie does not mean you know every fucking minor character in it. -Okay, now Vasquez, she was in Terminator 2, right? -Yes, she was the stepmom in Terminator 2. -Yes. -But not-- oh, man, the whole time I thought that was her. -I'm pretty sure that Vasquez is Jewish. 'Cause her name is Jeanette Goldstein. -Probably. -So. -Maybe it's Stein. Gold Stein. -Can't believe that. -Goldstein. -But-- -Like the revelation of the red faction, you know, it's got the backpacks totally make the multiplayer. The guns and stuff are fun, but then if it just had that, it would probably just feel like a lot of others. They're like-- -Ah! I feel like the jetpack helps a lot. -But the jetpack, again, is a backpack. I'm saying the backpacks are what make the multiplayer. -True, okay. -That's what I'm saying. And multiplayer specifically, like, having the variety of backpack means that, like, when you roll up on someone, you may identify the gun they have, but you can't necessarily see what's on their back. So you don't know what's about to happen. You think, like, "Oh, I got this guy with the sledgehammer, 'cause he missed with the sniper rifle." No, 'cause then that bitch blasts you back, or runs into a building, then brings it down on you with the sonic backpack. -It also incorporates the best part of goldmine multiplayer, which is the remote mines. -True. So it is surprisingly difficult to kill someone with that. I would always plant traps, and then just wait in the corner and be like, "Come on, come on, come on, come on." -And then someone would come up behind you and break your neck. -Yeah, or hit me with the camera. -Right. I mean, I also thought it was funny that we played a couple of modes where there's, like, one where it's, like, people are the destroyers, and they have to destroy as much character. -Yeah. The siege mode, I think. -And so, and so once eventually, after it's gone on for, like, five minutes, all the buildings are destroyed. So then you guys have to bring them back up with your repair gun. -Just to break them again, because, like, we're just repairing the shit to break it again. Ridiculous. -I mean, but that's a pretty awesome thing that you don't get to see in single player, which is like the structure is rebuilding themselves, which is cool. -There's a lot of customization that you can do when setting up a match and stuff, too. Like even online, but it sucks because a lot of people will host matches and start people with sniper rifles and stuff, and then that really fucks the game up, in my opinion, because that game strength is not in being, like, a long-distance sniper battle game. -No. It's like being a third-person shooter. -It's good, like, being up close to the chance where there's always that chance that you might round a corner and someone's going to whip out their sledgehammer real quick, like, and, you know, just going in buildings and chasing each other through buildings and blowing out walls. -Well, yeah, there's nowhere to hide in a lot of the multiplayer maps, which is kind of cool. Like, you can't just sit there and camp because someone could totally just come through the wall behind you. -Right. And people can do shit, like, blow up stairs behind them so people can't get up there unless they take up their fucking repair gun or repair it. -Or jetpack. -Or the, uh, indestructible vehicles in the multiples? -No, there's no vehicles. -But it still is -- oh, it's a lot of fun. I mean, it's a shame more people don't have it, but -- -Apparently, it actually -- it's shipped a million units. -It's shipped a million. I'm just saying it's a shame that more people, like, that I want to play with multiplayer-wise don't have it, because a lot of people aren't playing the multiplayer of that game either. -I think the thing is a lot of our friends that -- that bought red-faction, like a lot of the media community aren't playing it online because they've got other stuff that they're right. I'm just saying that even most people have bought it. I don't think they're playing multiplayer. You know what I mean? That's not a game that in people's mind they think, like, "I'm buying this for multiplayer." Like, they're -- -I think it's because for so -- for the last couple of years, like, it's been the thing to add multiplayer to every shooter that didn't need it. -Right. -So we'd become accustomed to saying, "Well, I'm not playing the multiplayer, I'm not buying this for that." -Well, even a lot of shooters, I just don't think, like, you know, certain games people buy for the story and certain games people don't, and I think that's a more story-focused game. -What's on your phone? -Just being a jerk. -It vibrated. -So, yeah, played some red faction. -How else did you keep yourself busy in an empty apartment? -I played more Republic Commando to get that out of the way for the show. And then, do we need to stop the show or are you grabbing your pizza or are those grabbing his pizza out of the freezer? I just thought I'd fill everyone in on that. I'm trying to think of what else I played. I don't know. I already talked about IL-2 on the last show, but I have been trying to get into more single player that I haven't yet, but I just wanted to get all the other things out of the way potentially before I went to the ranch about Little King Street. -That's racist imperialism. -No, I wasn't even going to talk about any potential racism things. It's just, I just want to talk about how that game is awesome. Okay, he said racist imperialism. I say awesome. -No, that game is really good, actually. -You are the product of white colonizing. No, wait. You're the product of Hispanic colonizing white. -Hispanics colonizing Indians? -No, like your dad is Hispanic and your mom is white. -Well, yeah. -We didn't kill the joke. We had to murder it. -I just thought that it was fucking downright esoteric. -That's downright esoteric. -No King's story. -So, yeah, Little King's story, it's basically your king who gets inducted by this general who rules the land kind of, and then he makes you king because he figures out that you're like a good king, even though you're a little boy, and he sets you up and you start with this village of citizens, kind of looks like harvest moon in a lot of ways, graphically. And then you can get citizens to join you, and then in a very black and white PC game style fashion, you assign them jobs, like whether they're going to be farmers, whether they're going to be builders, whether they're going to be warriors. -I heard that they start out as kids and then you send them into the school building and they come out as adults. -Maybe. I actually haven't built the school yet. That's one of the things I still haven't bought, and I don't think I have any children yet in my place. It's all adults. Most people don't live long enough to become parents, because Alice, when she plays, when people fall in love, it tells you and she always removes them from her combat units so that they can procreate and stuff, whatever, I'll break up a family, husband goes to war, wife goes to war, husband stays home, whatever, if you have a lot of life and you can serve your job well, serve your fucking king for the end, are your citizens unique individuals or others? -They all have names. They have an individual name, and when they die, they go to the land of the dead, which is across the ocean, and so it's a good chance when they die, a couple of days later they'll wash it on the shore, and people wash on shore, that means they're back, they're alive again, but occasionally someone will permanently die, and then it's like, it'll say, "Sad news, Alice finally died, I have one named Alice, I don't get to name mine, there's just named Alice." This is dead, friends and family should mourn her at the church, and so you'll go to the church and there'll be all your little guys and top hats and stuff, like mourning the death of Alice, it's pretty intense, so you get all these different jobs and then it's kind of like Pikmin when you enter combat, you assign guys to attack, and you have different guys that might do different tasks, because some monsters might have like rock, be like a gala made of rock, so having a minor there that can do extra damage works out, and so the whole goal of the game is to kill like the other six kings in the land and conquer their lands, that's why it's like imperialism in the game, take their lands, expand your empire, and build more. And the monsters, they just kind of like roam the countryside and you get like quests, you get quests that are specific, monsters like bosses, mini bosses, but then there's also tons of like randomly generated monsters that you just fight or avoid if you want, and it uses all licensed classical music, what are you reading? Okay, I just thought you weren't paying attention to me and I don't fucking appreciate that. Arthur Geese, I'm just kidding, come on. You keep mispronouncing my name. Geese? Geese. Geese. Geese. Geese. Geese. Yeah. Me and Arthur just had a cool whip moment, like in Family Guy, cool whip, it's cool whip. That's all right, the listeners are driven insane every time anyone mispronounces Melee. Yeah, that's always me too. Actually, I'm going to be honest every time someone mispronounces something on the show, it's you. That was not always true, because there are times that you mispronounce things too. What? Oh God, I'm not going to be old remember, but there are specific things that you say that are totally wrong. Anyways, we recently had this conversation, there was like some drink too that you called something and everyone was like, "What the fuck are you doing?" We're totally getting off topic, but okay, sorry. So yeah, so you know, you conquered these lands and it's like super long, like right now I've probably put in 15 hours or more and I've only conquered four, no, three kingdoms and I still have another three to go. And so you have to gather, you do all these quests every day and you grind and the game plays through days where you have to go to sleep at the end of the night or work through the night and you get another day and then you go out and grind and you get money and the whole reason you need money is to build homes, buildings to build new classes of units, all that. And so you also have to build homes to get more citizens because you do have a finite amount of citizens to turn into different jobs and that sort of thing. So if you lose a bunch and they die permanently, then you could be screwed. But it's weird too, because like I remember when I was first building my town, a priest from a religion like this cult of soup enters your town and demands that you build a church basically for this religion, I was like, yeah, all right, I'll be able to church. And now like all the time he'll send me letters that's like, have you prayed lately? God knows when you don't pray and those who don't pray, pay later. And I was like, whoa, like you get some pretty fucked at me, like there were every king to my conqueror, I always take the princess as my bride. And so now I have three wives and I got a letter, I got a letter from my records minister who's a woman, who's the woman you have to talk to in order to save because there's no checkpoints or anything like that, the only way you save is by talking to her. And that's something I don't like at all. I mean, it has like a very archaic save system. You should be able to send that check letters. And so when I talked to her at one point, she sent me a letter that was like, I didn't know you were a polygamist, like I really don't like that about you. Wow. I was like, whoa. This is a lot of really weird parts, but it's a pretty weird, inventive game. When you fight bosses, it isn't always just sending a mob of guys to beat them up. Like one boss I fought was basically using my guys as pinball paddles to knock him into certain things. And then another one I fought in quotation marks was just answering a series of questions to do damage to him. And if you answered wrong, he sent angry chickens after you. Yeah. Angry cocks. Yeah. So this is one of those games that has sort of like a deceiving art style because I, you know, I look at it and it looks sort of stupid. Yeah. Um, casual, perhaps. Right. I think it looks dumb, but it sounds like it's a much deeper experience than it might seem. Yeah, it totally is. I mean, and you know, it allows you to play benevolently, I guess, if you want. My people are all super happy in my kingdom, but I get the impression that they can be unhappy because there are stats that tell you like how many out of what many are happy, how they rate your kingdom. I'm always like a hundred percent even, but I, I don't know what you have to do. The people of conquest. Apparently. You're not making them go to school. Yeah. I'm right. Stay home. Yeah. So you're happy. This is really happy. Your literacy rate is really lovely. I always take really. Yeah. And you know, I think the game's cool because it makes you plan and use a lot of strategy because when you go into like a new area that's completely unexplored, you got to have like, you can't just take all warriors, you got to take a big unit of mixed guys in case you run into certain like rock formations or logs or whatever along the way. So it's, it's really critical that you put a lot of thinking into how you're going to and you know, I think it's really cool, but at the same time, it's weird to me almost that it doesn't use the, the motion controls at all. Like almost like it wasn't a Wii game to begin with. It could have been a GameCube game. Like it could have, like, like it, it literally, there's nothing on the controller and the way you're doing it that couldn't have been done with a GameCube controller. Or a PS2 game. Yeah. Or, you know, any console, it's just a console game. Like it doesn't feel like it, like, they, and it's weird because they really could have used the Wii motion controls the way that overlord we did to point and send guys at the right targets. Because instead you just use the analog stick, which I have to say that when it comes to disrotating and sending it guys isn't always as accurate as being able to just hold the thing over them and point because just using a line going off of where you're guys facing is kind of tough. Can you use the classic controller? I don't know. I mean, using the Wii control feels just fine because at the same time, because you're not having to worry about motion controls or anything, you can just keep your controllers, your hands at the sides of you. You don't have to hold on. There's nothing like pulling your hands and keeping them for hours on end. So you're not standing in front of your TV like you're, you're doing a fitness challenge? Yeah, I know. You can just sprawl out and lay down and play for a long period of time, which is what this game requires. But yeah, no, no, it's a game of like, like you're saying, it's got a lot of deeper themes and, but I think children would play it and still think it was fun and while it is kind of, I guess, an evil in a way that it glorifies imperialism, in a way it is kind of fun. I mean, there's a reason why games like, like Empire Total War are fun. And so it reminds me of, of Pikmin meets Billy's first Nobunaga's ambition or something like that. You know, and there's something we said about those type of games, like I wouldn't, I hate imperialism in real life, but playing a game where you're conquering other empires and doing these things are fun, just like playing an overlord and being evil. Sometimes fun. I mean, Tyler plays as a bad guy all the time and Tyler's not a bad person. So in this game, you're not even really bad. It's always done under the guise of uniting the land. That's how imperialism usually goes. But I have a feeling that it has a deeper, it's going to have a deeper story than that because the guy that's always telling you to kill these kings is your military advisor. And a couple of times he slips up when he's talking and says like, "Ah, finally you've gotten more land for me, I mean, you." So I have a feeling like, after you try it, I'll buy a twist. Yeah, exactly. So, I have a feeling that it is going to be like, see, taking out these people the way you did it isn't necessarily good. I think it's going to say something like that at the end. Can you choose like the order in which kingdoms you want to tackle or how it's the world? Two degree, yeah. Certain ones are like blocked. Like I couldn't have fought the third king I fought until I fought at least one of the two, I think of the first two. Right. So. Can I ask you a question? You played fable two, right? Only about as much as like you have at this point. Really? I thought you played further. No, I really didn't. Did you play fable two? I played very little. Like there are points where you're supposed, where you're given the option to react a certain way to express like whether you're good or evil or whatever, like do quote unquote good or evil things. I'm having a hell of a time figuring out which is good and which isn't. Yeah, I don't know. I don't really, I don't think I've really got many of the situations. It's like one of the few games that has a morality system in it where I'm really not sure what the fuck I'm doing or like which direction things are going to go. That could be kind of frustrating, I'm sure. Cause I like playing as the good character generally. Right. Yeah, I just came up because you were talking about it. Yeah, I guess maybe there's something to be said about games, you know, we complain a lot of times when the binary choices are so obvious, but having ones that are too oblivious isn't the right answer either. No, I like the way mass effect does it's, it's quote unquote morality because it's not so much good or evil so much as a style of play. Yeah, I just always liked, I like Mass Effect 2 because you can play, I can play that game. Like really mixed and it isn't quite as dramatic as it is. Like infamous whereas like, like a Mass Effect that is due to how I would do like the guys being a dick to me, I'm going to be a dick back to him and actually I'll be nice. You can be totally magnanimous to someone else and help them. Right. There's a really good interview with Kasey Hudson about Mass Effect 2 on and they just finished it's a four part series, can't think of the writer's name, but it's the last one where they talked about the, your Mass Effect save and how it'll affect your effects. Yeah, that was in the first part. Like my, my Mass Effect boner was like 12 inches long when I ran that. No, Joe. Well, I thought that was the whole thing they've been saying since the beginning, is that you? No, like people, people thought that... They can talk a little bit. Oh, it'll like remember if it's a character or two die, but it's like, it's tracking like hundreds of decisions that you made in that game. A lot of, a lot of little stuff. Like, I don't know if you ever found the guy that like worships you, like that the hero worships you? I don't know. I don't think I played enough. You can, you can either blow him off or tell him like send him on a snipe hunt across the galaxy basically or do a bunch of different things and the game will track stuff like that and other little decisions that you've made and it will seriously affect what happens in Mass Effect. Yeah, they said like your decisions will even change small things like a, like if you're in the Citadel, like some of the stuff you might hear on the PA system would be different if you chose a certain direction or another, even like some of the signage on some, in some of the environments will be different. And that is like one of the most awesome things I've ever heard for a sequel. Like that is the kind of shit that I have, we have always wanted in a sequel. Right. I guess it's nice to be by aware and be able to afford all that and be able to have people believe in you. But they were talking about their morality system, you know, getting back to what we were sort of talking about and um, and they were saying with Mass Effect 2, they wanted to make the decisions even more like, you know, hard to make like just really, really tough decisions where, you know, kind of like what you're saying, Arthur is like you can't tell sometimes if it's bad or good. It's, and it's weird because I mean, it's obvious that they think that there's a very clear decision, but like I can't tell if the little face on my directional pad layout thing is happy or sad or hmm. It isn't like Mass Effect though, where it's like left is always good, right is always bad. No, I mean, I don't know that I ever really got that about Mass Effect. A Mass Effect, it was always the top is good, the bottom is evil like always. And then if it ever, anything on the left were sort of deeper inquiries into, yeah, I mean the Mass Effect, it was very blatantly mapped, you wouldn't pick up on that. I just took the skill points in Mass Effect that let me go deeper into conversation stuff. Like I definitely, there were a lot of situations where I just, I mean, that's what a lot of people ding the Mass Effect's morality for was that it was obvious that the top was always good. Well, it was paragon or like, well, let's just say good and bad. Okay. Well, that's a good man. Well, that's the thing though, I don't, they didn't really call it good or bad, they didn't. They didn't, but I'm saying we can't. Okay. Well, I'm not, but you are. Because it was good or bad, it was, are you going to be a dick and just be ruthless? Are you going to be like pragmatic and nice? But yeah, I tried to play a little bit more Mass Effect the other day, but I don't know. This point I need to start all over because I couldn't really remember what was going on. The inventory system really is pretty bad, like trying to go back into it again after beating it. Like when, as soon as you start it, like all the items that you got from the last section are in your inventory. So the second you kill something and the, in your new playthrough, like all of a sudden you have to destroy a bunch of stuff or like all the stuff you picked up, picked up is gone because your inventory is full of crap that you picked up in the last section. I didn't play it, but I watched a Ryan Scott plaking of fighters, the man that game looked like balls now. King of Fighters 12. King of Fighters 12 looks bad, I thought they completely redid King of Fighters 12. Yeah, I mean they did. But are you thinking of go? No. I'm talking about King of Fighters 12, the one that just came out this week because Ryan did the review on it. With marketing from Shane Betanhausen. Game spot. Yeah, when we saw it at E3, we ended up giving it our best fighter of E3 because at the time Ryan would say that he hadn't played Blaze Blue and Blaze Blue is really, really good. But Ryan's like in a market where they're Street Fighter 4 and Blaze Blue, there's like no reason to have King of Fighters 12. And like they did redo the sprites and stuff, but right now you'll see people commonly complaining that the sprites all pixelated. It's really weird. What system is he playing at all? We're playing 360, and the netcode in that is just like Ryan gave it one and a half out of five stars because the netcode right now is completely broken. I mean I won't say that in a market with Street Fighter and in Blaze Blue there's no place for it because there is like this subset of fighting game fans that love the way the SNK fighting game is very specific. I'm just saying that like to Ryan when he has to pick what time we're fighting games game. To the general fighting game enthusiasts. Like it's just there's so many better options out there plus most importantly the netcode is utterly broken like Kotaku and other places picked up on it too because right now it's literally like it's like watching a slideshow when you play online. It is horrible but this seems to be the year broken online play for games you know fighting games historically I mean that's always been the number one problem with any fighting game when it first came out online which is why like when Street Fighter 4 came out and had good netcode or Street Fighter. It was Street Fighter 2 Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD that had probably some of the best network code we see. Right and you know it's just that's something that fighting games I mean because I'm fighting games it really has to be like no fucking delay whatsoever so we'll see how Marvel versus Capcom is. According to Jeff Gersman and some other people I saw the netcode is excellent. That's good. That game doesn't interest me whatsoever. Yeah I'm not I don't like I don't like I don't like fighting games. I mean even people I know like fighting games you gotta like it's like a super super fast face fighting game. Well it's like and it's totally it's I mean it's the most mash friendly Capcom game like all any any Marvel related Capcom game has always been mash friendly yeah I would I know people my work that would I would say that's bullshit but they're wrong and I mean to the point where marvellous Capcom 2 eliminates buttons like there are four four attacks instead of six. Yeah I'm just saying that I don't necessarily think they're saying it's mash friendly is totally accurate. I don't know we have this one guy in my work he's uh he's ranked in like the top 100 worldwide for for uh that game in particular he's like ridiculous and it was funny because like he played Ryan I was like I just want to let you know I'm not that good at this wha wha wha I'm Ryan never even killed one of those characters in all their matches combined. I just I don't have fun playing most Capcom and I never have yeah I mean it's a pretty I don't know I also played a little bit by on a commando PC which is that the review is supposed to go up soon but I haven't gotten it up yet because the code I was given I couldn't play online so I haven't got to try multiplayer which I had a single player look in comparison to the 360 it is uh I mean it looks fine when you're not moving um it's like you know it looks just like the 360 version is the frame really bad it has really really bad screen tearing is there a visa and I want and that's not just me that was also the IGN guy said the build we had both of us were getting really bad screen tearing their granted it was not the retail but this was a reviewable code that we were sent the reviewable and uh and no there is no v-sync option well you can uh go into your your graphics settings with an Nvidia card and force v-sync right sucks okay hold on but again when I review products like that a lot of times I'm not going to tell people like this is what you have to do I mean because that is that's a ridiculous thing to ask people I think for us as people who play console games it's ridiculous but I'm more and more I'm seeing that in a lot of ways like the hardcore PC demographic are almost like winnicks users are in comparison to everyone else in the computing environment right okay but I'm not like that so I review it from my experience of it I mean that's my review is it's my experience and honestly I think it's ridiculous like to ask Joe Schmo that picks the game up at Walmart because he remembers playing by on a commando as a kid and he's like huh and this game just fucking tears all over the place I don't know how to force v-sync out of my computer I bought from Dell and also last week Matt was talking about how turning on v-sync in PC dead space or how the controls in PC dead space were awful but apparently if you turn off v-sync right that's like a magic fix but yeah so there's no v-sync option that's it that's the other thing is just that the option menu in general is super bare bones it's like you can change resolution but you can only change resolution at the main menu if you're in the game and you hit scapegoat options there's no graphical options at all so you have to exit all the way out to the main menu so it's very much a pea it's a port of the 360 it is extremely yet so to the point where even when you're running around the game and you run up and it'll be like you know you'll you'll latch on to something with your claw and you know like on the 360 game it has up in the top right corner xyab buttons and it tells you like right now if you hit a you'll do this it will when you do it on the PC version even if there's no 360 controller plugged in you're like latch on it'll be like hit A to zip out okay but what's the PC equivalent is it games for windows live no I don't think so I don't know though because I again I don't have retail well I mean I would think that it would be in the preview code as well oh no then it gets second windows live cuz I didn't have to sign in or anything I mean by on a commando isn't the same engine that Capcom uses for everything else that's Grins proprietary engine but I'm doing the whole ball it's the whole point of making those that there's it never tells you like when you first learn like this is how you jump this is how you swing this is how you do combat it doesn't say like hit this on the keyboard it just says like hit B and so you have to like go into the options and be like what the fuck is the equivalent of be ah it's F escape back out now I know that is fucking awful yeah so that's redunk yeah I mean that and I if if I'm wrong about that then I'm wrong but that game is fucking hard enough as it is but both me and the IGN guy had that experience on the build we had you know and they they told me like oh maybe like when I asked Capcom they said maybe it's because you have a 360 controller plugged in to the PC which I did because I had a fighting stick plugged in for Street Fighter 4 PC so I unplugged that restarted the game still did the same thing I was like yeah I mean that that just like to me that's just like the ultimate sign of laziness is when it doesn't even like when it's doing the tutorial it's just like do these 360's I mean like console versions of the game the 360 version had more tearing than the PSU version did right so that or I mean the PSU version I think yeah but he's just tearing is like really bad like like when you're swinging it's like watching almost a whole second screen wash across the screen like it gets really bad and then there were really bad graphical errors at times like you just look at a building and it would look like someone had taken that building turned it into a puzzle and mixed the puzzle pieces up which I occasionally they were spots like that in a 360 version so I don't know to me it's just like it's like a Resident Evil 4 is the infamous Capcom PC sloppy port and then there were things like Street Fighter 4 PC which was rad have you seen the Resident Evil 5 PC port stuff I have not it looks so good so see and then yeah and that games in 3d as well if you want it um I'm just saying and so and so yeah it's like then they have that but this game is like did you learn nothing like it's like I don't know I haven't given it a score yet because I don't know a chance to be multiplayer but so far I was I was not impressed I think it is definitely the weakest of the versions have you taught I mean have you told Capcom about that that all I told them that my problems were and they were like oh they didn't say anything about being it being fixed in the retail bill no no no yeah and I mean I'm gonna try it on Steam tomorrow to make sure is it out tomorrow is it it's already out on Steam right now so I just haven't tried it yet because it wasn't in my press account and before I buy it I wanted to make sure that work was going to allow me to expense it so but yeah not a command of PC no no fun times yeah I would definitely play it on 360 and if you don't have the choice then I guess you should plug in a controller because that's what it wants you to do so that's what we've been playing let's take a break real quick and then we'll come back and you can talk about your comic comic ventures word oh my god I'm a massive talk taste the dark give me a song and show me the door little heaven after the cold give me a toy give me some more give me some more I'm so I'm new to life deep right give me some more! I just played some worms too so why don't you tell us about worms too? worms there's not a lot to say that a new XBLA worms yeah worms too oh my god I think it's like ten bucks what do you mean that if you already have the other one more maps like a lot more weapons yeah I guess I have worms on so many platforms I prefer the DS if I'm gonna play worms anyways I mean the nice thing about worms is that you can play multiplayer with one controller or with several controllers yes you play worms multiplayer with one card so I'm just saying when I play worms I like to play the DS man anyways um you enjoyed stroking your stylist then you didn't mention it but did you check out the south part XBLA game I didn't and I would be more than happy to tell you why which is that the Microsoft booth was fucking insane for the entire show it's an expelli isn't it a it's a tower defense game yeah it looks rad to see if I'm gonna play a tower defense game on XBLA the one I would tell you guys to check out is a god damn it now I can't think of what it's called it's been out on I haven't heard of that one it's been out on steam for a while it was the game I was reviewing when I was laid off it does narrow down for me it's it's like a one that looks realistic it's coming out on a expelli this year as well and it's like a more realistic looking like space one where it's like a grid you can wreck these like really like like space future spacey looking turrets and I don't know where that no idea I don't know but uh the south part game that looks fun I mean like you control like you know the individual characters and they said they wanted to make it sort of like a cross between like geometry wars and the tower defense game so it's like you can actually run around throwing snowballs I mean I know how that I don't like thinking about how they would combine those two games makes my head hurt a little bit right it just look like everything like you just went a little bit faster it seems I don't know you should check out that they had they had video online yes good they're pulling them all 13 seasons like I think maybe it's because they were giving away like halo posters the entire time and they also had signings like I think they may have had some people from the guild at their booth but the Microsoft booth was consistently the most mobbed of any booth with the exception of the area where they were doing Street Fighter 4 and Tatsunoko versus Capcom tournaments and the line for God of War 3 which there there was always a line for God of War 3 I mean that's that doesn't surprise me that hanging out halo posters would make such a difference because like cons like that or where people that want free shit like really and those are also like limited edition posters they're not doing them anywhere else which is I mean a lot there's a lot of stuff like that at Comic Con where they post just for like halo legends no DST and reach and stuff or was it just kind of for halo legends for the anime stuff that they announced were you guys watching the news like covering the comic con stuff that came out last week because being on the show floor actually made me less likely to pay attention to that shit like was there anything that stuck out to you last week really no like there's the force unleashed stuff that they announced that is not available all of it for SDLC for existing owners of the force unleashed like the Hoth stuff and some other other content is only going to be on disk for the re-released version that's cheap that is fucking bullshit I think are the words you're looking for yeah screwing over the people that bought it initially the game I was talking about is called is called Defense Grid okay I was about to say did you just forget again Defense Grid the Awakening yeah okay that game is actually really cool tower defense it's coming out for XBLA finally this year in unreported game news I found out on the show floor some people may know of a game called the Red Star which was based on it's based on a comic called the Red Star which is a sort which is an indie comic like that's about crazy psychic stuff in a communist Russia alternate reality basically the gameplay is a lot like command of the recently released yeah with like upgradeable powers and stuff like that it's really fun it's also really hard top down shooter so it's like a like a 3d plane type yeah most of it's like kind of top down yeah scrolling it's a very old school in that respect and it's really good and it's really hard and it was PS2 it was finished in like 2004 and languished in limbo for two years did you come out to like almost 2007 it was 2007 because I claim the company that made it went into bankruptcy like two weeks before the game was supposed to release there was an Xbox demo for it and a PS2 final release that eventually came out but it's coming to we wear in PSP PSP is probably where I'd want to play it and they are also in talks to bring it to Xbox library kid yeah I guess they'd have to seems like it might be too I guess they have to size so maybe not I mean it's not the most media intensive game in the world I just imagine it's probably like I don't know 500 max or something I mean there the Xbox library is definitely cross that threshold for games right that's I'm saying but I thought that was really cool because it gives a game that we that I know that you and I both enjoyed and a lot of people went up like to like a second chance because it did sort of get screwed by the downfall of the claim well and the fact that it just came out so late in the PS2 life cycle yeah I mean it was the I think it was the only game aside from God of War 2 that I played for PS2 that year right so yeah so my main thing at Comic Con the show was to try to play as many games as possible because I didn't go to E3 and like they're just I knew that there would be a ton of games on the show for and I also thought it'd be interesting to just sort of gauge like public reaction a lot of stuff that I was seeing so I mean should I just write like list off the games I saw or should I just talk about them and had this is this is however you want to do it I think the game that had the most proof that I was impressed with was Don Taze Inferno I don't know if either of you played it I don't think they've actually they didn't have it playable at E3 yeah yeah so they had a pretty long segment playable it at Comic Con probably the demo version they've been showing us over and over yeah like you you're going into hell you're at the upper layers you fight King Minos like the guy who judges souls like who's blind like it's a one of the it's like a God of War type event boss which I'm pretty sure almost all the bosses in this game are going to be but they had the PS3 version on display which I was a little surprised by but it looks fairly good the textures aren't super great and there's some aliasing issues but the game is still about four or five months off I know I laugh because that's like the type of stuff that you would point out no it looks pretty jagged and it could just be the TVs that they were showing it on yeah I mean how often have we seen where it's like they'll have like a PS3 set up and they'll have it over composite gables into the TV or something I mean EA's booth had its shit together pretty well like they were in a pretty small spot but they were they were there like did you play my Sims agents I didn't play my Sims agents but I hear they don't like Mexicans not good Jeff I'm more trouble so one of the things that that a lot of games that have tried to rip off God of War in the past few years have have really not gotten through their heads as that's being good well I mean and a lot of that comes down to the controls and what games are you thinking of when you think games that ripped off God of War I know that Conan was there Conan tried the Ghost Rider game tried didn't know that Viking game to an extent in some ways kind of yeah and the thing that a lot of them just haven't had is a good sense of fluid movement and that's something that a lot of third person action games like in that sort of sub genre that's been carved out over the last four or five years a lot of games don't get there like one of my problems with Devil May Cry has always been that the controls feel kind of clunky and Dante doesn't move especially well and when you're firing you stand it's not that he stands still but he's just kind of stiff whereas God of War you're always moving you can always roll away you're constantly jumping and chaining things in the air and it doesn't give a shit about physics because it's all about giving you the tools to do all this crazy shit and making it feel epic and Dante's actually does that really well where you can move when you're in the air and you can circle people while you're in the air with your side and it gets good range and something that's obviously contrived to let you grab things like you could with the chains of Olympus or whatever your side stretches out like chains at the top and you can grab things in the air and fuck them up and if you hit the triangle button when you're in the air he'll bring it down and slam it just like he fucking doesn't God of War but whereas in God of War a lot of the times with the exception of certain spots where it suddenly becomes more challenging the fights in Dante's straddle a line between where God of War is and where Ninja Gaiden is is far it's not nearly as hard as Ninja Gaiden I mean don't get me wrong it's just that the enemies are much more smart they move around a lot and an enemy can be dangerous even the little infant the infant souls that are the souls of the unbaptized yeah that's still I don't know continue I'm just not too excited about potential game that could be a kick in the balls and that's that's definitely something that they're working on when I when I started it I'm inclined to play these games on harder difficulties just because apparently I like kicks in the balls and the ea rep stepped over really quick and said you don't want to do that when I went to hard and I said and I sort of shook my shoulders and put my hand up and he said no we're still doing a lot of difficulty tweaking and hard is way too hard and so I played on normal and he's right and that even normal is kind of hard it's not the punch in the balls at Ninja Gaiden is it's not like you will die for normal enemies within seconds if you let them get a chance but they're definitely a more than a few spots that have almost instant kills that don't feel like they should there's monsters in the second section of the demo I was in that are I think they're parts of lust where it's the sort of female demon that's got exposed breasts in the set of hands it's got mouths on the ends of its arms it's got exposed what breasts today's today and she's all slimy and gross and she'll vomit this acid forward and if you don't move it will take your health down to almost nothing pretty much immediately and I guess metaphor for when women talk to me oh and if you knock her down and you're behind her she will actually defecate on you she'll shit all over you she'll doesn't come out of her butt beer poop is it look like poop? uh yes oh man you might have to play this game with the door closed see now that now like when you just said that there it it sort of confirms what I was going over in my head when you first started talking is like so what what does this come to what happens when Dante's Inferno comes out and it's popular and it's like the God of War rival then is it like God of War and Dante's Inferno like trying to wanna be each other but the thing is the reason the EA is smart is that Dante's is coming out months before God of War 3 is so they don't have to worry about that competition there are other games that are gonna have to fucking worry about competing with God of War 3 which I'll talk about in a couple minutes but um so then God of War 3 has the chance to one up Dante's Inferno and have Kratos like eating shit how do you just get shit on? there's a lot of quick time events and I think if they had shown it on 360 it wouldn't felt as familiar but when there are quick time events to kill enemies and it's like you hit it's got the big icons next to the enemy that show a button from the PS2 or from the PS3 controller and it's like okay this is just like fucking God of War except for instead of hitting circle I'm hitting R2 because that's what he does to grab things with his side but I mean it's graphic and it's really fun and the boss sequences are clever and don't feel super cheap I feel like there's more of a possibility well the boss sequences you played I mean of which there are a couple I'm just saying and one of the reasons that people have really enjoyed God of War I feel are because it takes Greek mythology which we're all very familiar with and takes those tropes and sort of looks at them from different angles and does new things with them and very loosely re-interprets them and does really cool things with them and in a way this is doing something similar except it's taking tropes that are in some ways more familiar things like a lot of stuff in Dante's Inferno have become commonplace imagery for what our conception is of a western heaven and hell and what we think of is as as torment and demons et cetera et cetera like we talk about like there's a special circle of hell reserved for so-and-so and it's doing interesting things with them like the ferryman across the river into the lower level of hell you get onto this circular boat looking thing with these sort of ridges on the outside and it starts going down down the river and there's all this crazy shit going on in the background and there's a lot of really interesting detail and it's fun to watch and as you're fighting these harpy things eventually you get to the point where there's a ton of them and the craft the raft that you're on raises out of the are they also bare-breasted yes there's a lot of titty in this game like there's a statue I didn't see any penis but that doesn't mean it's not there like there are statues of people in torment like it treats its subject matter very seriously like it's less it seems less like sometimes God of War I mean God of War is very gratuitous but in some ways it's so over the top that it's funny and in this it's less funny there's no part where Dante's gonna go banging away at some chick I don't think so because like the only things I seem with breasts would more or less bite it off possibly with their hand mouths so anyway you're on this this raft and it raises out of the air and you realize you can sodomize her hand yeah exactly you're on the top of the head of this giant demon that comes out of the that comes out of the now I know you've seen the demo that other people have seen you said that that's something everyone always talks about and so then there's a quick time event where you're falling off its back and you swing over to this area and basically you have to keep moving forward so it doesn't smash you and or set you on fire any of this but anyway it's the combat is really good which is the most important thing in this game I mean considering that's what it is I mean yeah it's it's that kind of game and the biggest biggest question mark has been whether or not someone can take the God of War 3 combat formula and that spectacle and do something with it that is as successful as God of War and so far what I've seen leaves me really hopeful that they'll be able to do that next game Saboteur tell me about it um while we're in the EA booth Saboteur is I was pleasantly surprised in some respects and a little a little cautious in others actually that because I've I haven't played the part that you saw but I again I've seen this exactly Have you played any of it? No the E3 it was playable at E3 but I did not so there I mean there are a lot of game mechanics in play there's a melee combat mechanic they're shooting there's driving there's a sort of stealth mechanic which is predicated on disguises or sneaking when you're in a disguise instead of you just sort of being in disguise and you're good there's like this little circle around you on the map that if an enemy comes toward you or the enemies have a circle of awareness around them if they come toward your circle then you have an alert level that goes up and if it hits red then all of a sudden the entire base is alerted um and in the level I was playing there's no way to turn that alert off so once you're fucked you're fucked like everyone knows you're there um so the first or I mean chronologically the first part of the game that they had there was you're supposed to take out a cannon and so you start in this small little isolated area that's in color with your very pretty blue car and you drive into Germany or I think it's Germany or is it occupied Paris? I mean at the very beginning I think it's actually Germany and I think it's always in France no because they invade France at the very beginning of the game like you get captured and you're escaping and you see all these Germans and he says this can't all be for me and that's when they're invading France that's what I'm saying I think the whole game takes place in France though but this first level is not in France like this very first section that has the tutorial is in what is in Germany? I thought the whole point was that you race for a French team and it's taking place in France the whole time I don't know like you're there with I guess with a with another Frenchman and he gets killed and you get captured after this cannon mission and you have to race back to their farm to tell them and to save them in the game there are you a Frenchman or are you Irish okay that's what I thought yeah so anyway the the driving feels like it doesn't feel bad it feels a little floaty like you know how I'm grand theft auto games until the most recent one wouldn't I was gonna say wouldn't a more apt comparison be mercenaries because it's by the same completely different engine yeah I know but that doesn't mean that the driving does I actually I didn't think the driving in mercenaries is bad I feel like the driving in mercenaries felt a little more refined but I mean again this the game's not done yet it's not out for like another five months they said their waste windows December the game I mean it's very visually striking like obviously because it's in black and white for most of it with some color here there my question is there there are supposedly multiple ways to take on each level whether you want to take a disguise or try to be stealthy or just play it like a shooter and I tried to play the disguised stealthy route and could not finish the first the the cannon level because I just got I got caught because they're once you're in a disguise it feels like the Germans have this omniscient awareness of everything that's happening and if you're walking you're fine but the second you jump or do anything that's not walking they become aware even if they can't see you I mean it to be fair the demo you played might have been tuned to not make people want to I mean the dude from a from pandemic seemed really interested to see me try to do it that way because no one else had tried right I mean most people and they have five minutes to play a game and they're gonna sit down and play a demo they're just gonna go apeshit the nice thing about almost every demo at Comic Con the share is there were no time limits on anything it just seems like a mistake to me when there's that many people waiting people just waited especially for for Dante's people waited for a long time I'm a brutal legend but uh the the gun the gun the gun play feels loose for a third person shooter but it got I mean things died when I shot at them what does loose mean it doesn't feel as accurate or as nuanced as something like Gears of War did the cover mechanic is another auto cover mechanic and that has that works okay but I mean the personality of the game is already very clear and it's a fun world to be in I mean that sounds weird because it's not the occupied Paris but the it's just really a very amazing game to look at and the graphics are very striking and the things that are in color really stand out and it's I had fun playing it like I had a lot of fun playing it and I'm looking forward to it it should be a good antidote for an otherwise empty December December really looking that empty a lot of games got pushed all those you be soft games got pushed I mean November at this point is not looking is looking a little a little barren a game to you it's less barren than you think big games yeah but it'll probably be like now in November only 150 games are releasing I mean of those hundred or those 500 games every November like most gamers only pay attention to like 25 or 30 right and this year that is dropped significantly I think Sony only has Sony's only major fall releases uncharted to and that's pushed back that's definitely narrowed down from a much larger release group I don't know I mean the servitor has a lot of promise and I'm hoping that they can use the time they have to polish the gun plane and spruce it up a little bit but it felt good continue played brutal legend brutal legend is funny I was surprised I didn't realize that they were pushing so hard on the M rating but they definitely are because they say fuck all the time well fuck and I mean people get cut apart and well yeah but still like in a lot of games where there's an M rating like even in in Gears of War they don't say fuck as much as I heard think I heard fuck in the brutal legend demo I don't even know that they say fuck in Gears of War at all shit for sure but I don't know that they say fuck so it's still sort of a word that isn't used a lot in games yeah but I guess because it's Jack Black um it's definitely the I think it's it's the most realistically aimed of any game of any graphics style that they've ever done like obviously it's very stylized but still like it's less cartoony in a lot of ways it's it is very much like the metal metal album covers that they've been talking about it's still extremely cartoony though I don't maybe it's just the textures but like the the faces are much more human for the main characters well yes but they're still extremely cartoony even if they're human I mean they have more emotion to them but I think about like psycho nuts like they were human characters but they were all sort of freakish like every character in psychonauts yeah but I think in a lot of ways the characters in this look kind of freakish too they're either like long and gangly or you know the main character Brody has like the broadest shoulders of any human no demand I don't know like the the first the the girl that you that you meet that was in the priestess robes and then has like the twin swords or whatever like I'm like that's probably the cutest girl that I've seen in a double fine game before um it's funny the the comedic pacing is good the dialogue overlaps in a in a really good way like it doesn't feel disjointed and separated like a lot of game dialogue does and that's what really stuck out at me um the combat is kind of stiff and brutal legend um yeah I just don't I think you're only supposed to do so much fighting yourself too possibly but what they were showing was combat mostly by yourself and driving oh really they weren't doing the part where you ordered your metal head I never got I mean I didn't get that far I feel guilty for playing for more than half an hour when there was such a ridiculous line to play right so I mean a big part of it is that like a lot of it is is is like that overlord thing of commanding guys in the battle I mean a huge element of it is these these battlefields where you'll take on armies and a symbol of stage and I mean which is cool I mean there's there's a lot of gameplay to the title um that's sort of like a trumpet I know Tyler um there were I mean she did it uh did you guys get a city please don't associate those words and that and that together next time I got all takes her shirt off or you're out there I just want you to be um I thought there's a certain hearted it'd be the greatest thing ever dude no it really wouldn't if they just made how they just made the sound no I couldn't take them seriously that was fake by the way uh the the combat is is kind of stiff which is a little off-putting because it seems like it's going to be a big part of it and I realize that there are going to be parts where you command other people and that's fine and good but um there's a lot of when you can when you do a move you're stuck in it for a second afterwards yeah I'm not I'm not excusing it's just what I mean is sometimes I wonder when I think about things like that or whether or not it's like a design choice because if you were too bad asked by yourself you'd never feel like you needed to call the guys I don't know all I know is that if what what they're showing on on the floor for so many people to play should be a pretty good indication of a important piece of gameplay I mean you do fight a lot so you're right I mean it is important piece of gameplay I mean when when enemies do an attack usually they'll stay in that animation like at the very end of it for a second and they'll continue to just be like this obstacle that you can run into and hurt yourself instead of it being a fluid animation and like in a lot of other third person action games yeah I mean I do feel like a lot of times when they show these games at these cons it's like have to let people see what they think and have to focus tested as well possibly like well I'm just saying from from experience a lot of times even when they do press tours and they see they let us play and they're like oh god like I'll - like man you guys are just crashing all over the place like you can't seem to land a plane they're like we should probably change that yeah so hopefully I mean maybe if everyone kind of got was having the same thing you were I mean I don't know that a lot of people were paying attention to a lot of people could just be getting frustrated um there's a boss fight with this giant tongue monster where you're driving around in your car and that is also frustrating um because what you have to do is you have to hit the boost as it's about to slam down and you'll get away from it and it'll be stuck in the ground and then you need to boost into its mouth right so the part they were having you play it was like were they letting you play from the very beginning yes I was gonna say because of the part you're describing with the tongue monsters only like 20 minutes in yeah so but even then like using the car to try to beat a boss like the car doesn't control especially well especially when you're hitting boost oh the boost it makes it basically like you can't not go straight well even even without the boost it just doesn't the car doesn't control I'm just saying especially with the boost it's basically impossible to control and I'm hoping that they tweak these things because I mean I'll enjoy the game anyway because it didn't it did make me dislike the game but it made certain parts frustrating and then they part immediately after the tongue monster where you're driving along the crumbling bridge the girl in your car is giving you hints but she's giving you hints at a point where it's almost too weight to veer out of the way of the road that's crumbling so there's it becomes trial and error and spots I feel like I feel like that's mostly uh that might be easier and you're part of that one because I did that part and I did not have a problem with it other people have problems with that part well you guys all suck it could be let's watch you play ninja guide and asshole we have different skill sets when it comes to games um let's see I did not play G.I. Joe and then I like games that are good yeah I said ninja guide in is not good okay you have no taste ninja guide in anyway uh I didn't play dead space extraction although dead space extraction does look really good yeah it's just a like a game in which the we does good hey we drop and drop out co-op it seems like it doesn't seem like just a like a game like when they say guided experience it did seem like people were moving around an awful lot you do get to choose the directions you go and there is a little bit of limited movement you do it's almost like you're on giant conveyor belts that you can walk around on but they're still moving you forward eventually right you can move a little bit but mainly the experiences using your flashlight and looking around using your gun I think it's gonna be good it's just are they letting people play it yes see it's hilarious that they're letting all these people play these games at comic con that they've been like keeping us from playing for fucking ever now they're approaching like yeah it wasn't that much of a time frame between e3 and this I mean like a month right like how much is it does surprise me a little bit I didn't I would have figured that you guys would have played all these games they probably had events for it that I didn't go to let's see I played bayonetta which going going into bayonetta I expected not to like it I expected it to be bullshit super gratuitous TNA Devil May Cry I've never really liked Devil May Cry I've always been the guy to an extent isn't it still that super gratuitous me a second give me a second I've always been the guy that there's like these two camps one that likes Devil May Cry I'm on the likes Ninja Gaiden and I've always been the Ninja Gaiden guy I've been the guy that thinks that they're both not fun for different reasons I suppose or do you just think that they're too hard no Devil May Cry is not too hard Devil May Cry is not boring yeah whereas Ninja Gaiden is hard yeah Devil May Cry I just don't have any interest in and in some respects it is Devil May Cry with way more tits and hair but it fixes some of my problems with Devil May Cry which is a lack of fluid mobility like I was talking about before one of the things that a lot of the third person actually gets wrong is that you're just not very mobile and you don't feel like you can respond or react to things quickly enough and this game actually gives you that option it's sort of like a Ninja Gaiden game except not nearly as hard and with way more flash do you think Ninja Gaiden games you would describe as fluid mobility oh yeah I think they're mobile but it doesn't seem like it's very fluid it seems like it's very stiff in a way when you move around no it's it's definitely like it's extremely responsive responsive I will say responsive fast quick I don't mean like I don't necessarily mean graceful I just mean like I can get away exactly where I want to whatever I want to as long as I do it in time as opposed to being stuck in these animations and being getting cheap shots all the time okay bayonetta is a completely ridiculous ridiculous is right it's completely ridiculous like you're fighting these giant eyeball baby monsters eyeball baby monsters one like the the this demo takes place in paradise so there are these giant monkey demon things that are actually angels and like you there's large mini boss angel comes up and the way that you finish it off is you all your clothing is composed of hair and all the hair flies off and it turns in this giant demon dog head that bites it apart and yeah it is totally ridiculous but it plays really well like the the combat is very fluid you feel very empowered the movement is good it's very responsive it's not it doesn't have the things that make Devil May Cry boring it has a lot of character and it's not super annoying Dante character finding Nero character but again you that's from playing a whole long game maybe is the character how much of the character do you actually see in what you saw that isn't just her fighting like I'm saying like there were quite a lot of cut scenes there they're very like tongue-in-cheek like her posing and her winking and she looks like fucking Sarah Palin and great I really wonder if she had glasses before Sarah Palin came on this I think she always had glasses okay but like the resemblance is a little creepy but uh but I I enjoyed Bayonetta I held a lot more than I thought I would and people behind me who were watching were really impressed by the visuals like it is a very visually stimulating game and not just because there are boobs everywhere yeah to me it seems like visually stimulating the way that Ninja Gaiden was like the first one is like they have like these really great looking models on screen because the background shit doesn't matter for Bayonetta it's definitely the environments and the particle effects and all the other cursory effects that are happening as opposed to these super detailed models I mean the models are fine yeah you can find like videos that they released with like all their visual effects turned off yeah and it is it doesn't look good at all the video with the visual effects went on it's just like a bunch of like atmospheric sort of interesting effects so what else did you see uh I also saw dark ciders wrath of war and played dark ciders wrath of war is that the horse of the apocalypse you play as war it has character designs by Joe Madura who most people know from battle chasers or his work on X-Men or who don't know at all because I've never heard of him he was a really popular X-Men artist and around 95 96 he did the age he did like if you did you ever see the read the age of apocalypse or see anything from it yeah probably like he's the one most like if you think in your head of the character designs from that he's the one that did all those character designs all right so what did you think of it it is not good it is going to get it's ass kicked by every other third person action game like it yeah what would you say if it was the only game that of its type that came out it wasn't very fun like I didn't have a lot of fun playing it it didn't look very good it was also one of the only games in the show floor where they had the 360 version and the PS3 version right next to each other and the PS3 version looked like crap and the 360 version looked like slightly less jagged crap turn off um and again it was another game where there was just nobody waiting to play it did they show space marine at all th no I think space marine is so far from release it's true but even when me and Tyler were there we got to see like a gameplay footage where the guy talked about it and stuff I thought maybe it should I know they definitely didn't have that or I mean if they did it was somewhere offsite like there were a couple companies that were doing offsite public demos for games like EA did that right although I did not make it to their to their thing which makes me sad because I didn't get to play la Frieda too but I was just way too exhausted to try to go find it um I played singularity which I guess this is the first public unveiling of singularity anywhere um Call of Duty 4 meets Bioshock is what it looks like dude that's like you just probably made a bunch of people way too excited when you say is that fair stuff except the most the most mundane parts of both okay there we go because we had to bring that back down because you were like imagine if we mix chocolate and vanilla ice cream together and then cookies on the side of it and we called it Neapolitan yeah exactly um the premise is that there are these crazy time experiments that happen in the 50s on this island like the russian set controller they create a singularity yeah exactly um so you have this risk that you're a crashed air force pilot that apparently is like the best trained air force pilot ever of course uh and you have this wristband that can sort of control time so you'll run across these items that are very clearly outlined that you can either reverse the effects of time on or didn't they make this game last year wasn't it called uh what was that game called your sarcasm needs to have your facts prepared before that shooter that shooter you're talking about time shift time shift yeah didn't they make sort of time shift actually yeah um so you can speed them up I mean time shift was more about affecting the environment than about affecting objects and stuff like that right it was just about how you sped up time or slowed down time to make things happen in the environment exactly um whereas this is much more about affecting objects and people I guess so you can just speed up or slow down time for objects even though the rest of the shift is going on you basically speed them up or slow them down through their lifespan so like if there's a broken crate on the ground you can reverse time on it and it'll be a new crate and you break it open and there's ammo inside which is just as exciting as it sounds who makes this game this is Activision and they were definitely hard selling it as a BioShock like shooter on the floor were they using those words BioShock BioShock yes they were saying BioShock on the on the show floor there was not a lot of interest in singularity um I mean it's not it wasn't a very long demo it was probably about 20 minutes uh the shooting along for a demo to be honest that's about I mean like 20 a lot of it was just walking through corridors and listening to cinemas so gameplay wise there wasn't a lot there um the shooting is more sound than BioShock was but the the environment and the story just aren't as interesting so far like from what I've seen um there is a gun where you control the bullet after you fire it which isn't particularly inventive but it is very gory like the game is very graphic like you cut like shoot off limbs and head when you control the bullet after it flies out is it like fallout 3 type style or like you trace and it goes like in shows like people get ripped apart uh you control the bullet and it hits if it hits some like a pre-determined area then it'll do that the fallout 3 death cam type thing um the the palette is very dark blue and greening and in that respect is sort of BioShocky but it's not as visually stunning like we need to move on right there when you use the term BioShocky BioShocky it's just I mean I it was competent it was a competent shooter but it didn't have a lot to set it apart like all of the time stuff like you'd have to you'd see like this cloud with the sort of ghostly image of a fuse in it so you'd use your time power to to lock onto it and bring a fuse and bring it a fuse out of a time warp and then put it somewhere so it's pretty much just the McGuffin button it's like here's an item and you have to hit this button to make that item accessible that's going to be my new game term it's the McGuffin it's like uh it's like it's like Bill it might as well be like Bill and Ted's like man wouldn't it be great if only I had a quarter I have a quarter I must travel back in time put a quarter in my pocket and then just keep pulling shit out because it would be that they did it in the past exactly God they're at the very end of the demo and Ted license came because then I might have played it at the very end of the demo there's the implication that they're oh god there's the implication that there's these these crazy like taught like I'll shoot the glitter tires like there are there are these creatures that were taken over by these extra dimensional things that turn into a zombie type thing and they phase so they'll turn like transparent and sort of warp place to place it was such an asshole I want to talk about the Bill and Ted game term The Bill and Ted first person shooter where you shoot from your guitar and you say wild style you never tell you You know the guys at Activision are a little worried when I'm more interested in playing spyborgs for way than I wasn't playing singularity for 360 Um Let's see Careless, but yeah, I would just really just call it duty. I almost don't make my own duty seven. Yeah, modern warfare 34 So tell me about spyborgs and then we should probably any other games Okay, how what are we at right now? We're at an hour and 35 minutes, but it's also 946 It was a little late Spyborgs is a side-scrolling beat-em-up type game For Wii using the Wiemote and the only time that I use the Wiemote waggle controller Really? Yes, and it's got a kind of cool visual style They're different characters No, there's Capcom And it feels very much like a classic Capcom arcade beat-em-up game And I am totally okay with that Like is it like like is it like Final Fight style beat-em-up? Sort of or I mean like more like they're later 2d beat-em-ups like Alien vs Predator or Captain Commando and stuff like that Well, that's still like in the Final Fight type game where it's like you wander around environment You beat people up 4-player co-op It was just me and another person I don't know if it has 4-player At least as long as that is too at least right? Yeah, I mean like you and I could play spyborgs and have a good time for a day probably Why is it called spyborgs? I guess that's what the robots are called or something I didn't really ask. I wasn't interested in the story so much as like "Hey this is my robot" No. Is Capcom developing or just publishing it? I don't know actually. I remember when this game was announced there was excitement around it but I can't remember why? Because it was a Capcom action game on the Wii? Maybe. Capcom hasn't put out too much for the Wii. Yeah, that's true. I mean with the exception of like Umbrella Chronicles and that and Zack and Whiskey, which worked out really well for him. You shouldn't. Look, it didn't do well. It breaks all our hearts. Moving on. It's really fun. It's got the giant boss event boss battles. It's the closest thing to a really genuine action game I think you're going to get on the Wii until... Until Bill and Ted come out with an action game on Wii? Until they say we could really use Metroid Other M. Metroid Other M! Yeah, it was fun. Or an epic Mickey Mouse game that's coming out. I was super excited looking at the concept art for that until I saw that it was for Wii. And that's sort of a dream. And I understand like the demographic of the Wii is like it's super excited about a Disney game but I don't think that they're going to be into a Disney game like that. Yeah, but it could be good. No, I'm not saying it would be good. I'm saying that maybe there's a really cool art style that the lens, well, I don't know. Maybe I've been playing my Wii and enjoying it. Because you've had Little King's story. And I had Overlord, which was pretty good. True. And Wii Sports Resort, there's actually been more Wii games that you've enjoyed the last two months in there. I've been in the last two years. So. In the woods. There's been some games coming out. Spyborgs, it's a good time. I mean, I'm interested to play it when it comes out. I am too, but enough for $50 from what I've been hearing. I don't know. I think it would depend on how much content is there. I played Lost Planet 2. Which, what they had on display was the four player monster hunt. When you play your stuff? Yeah. And I mean, it's Lost Planet with multiple people playing. Can you grapple, let go, and grapple again, midair? No. I tried. Was that something you did in the original? I tried. You can't even jump in the grapple. Oh. Which is another problem. That's another thing. And the thing that, like, it's this giant salamander boss. You probably saw the stuffed creature thing that, uh, that they were, that they were giving away to certain people in the Lost Planet, like, in a Lost Planet raffle, like Comic Con or whatever. Um, like. It should be a tournament. A Lost Planet 2 tournament. Not competitive. That's good. Because I would have had to go fucking win it. True. He did? Did you win Tyler? You did it. You did it. You did it. Beat the Japanese team. Me and Arthur were involved in press or anything in any way, shape or form. We drove out to San Francisco from Davis for the Lost Planet launch event in San Francisco because they opened it to the public. And it turns out we were also waiting in line right next to Tom, uh, Nick's friend, the works at GameSpot, before he worked at GameSpot, he ran, at the time he was just running a little blog with Nick. And we didn't even know it, but we sat there and talked to him the whole time in line. And, uh, you know, then we got in and Arthur actually entered me in the multiplayer thing because I purposefully avoided it because I don't like to be competitive. And you actually just don't like to lose. So yeah. And so in the first, and so when we sat down, they did 16 players eight on eight and the top two, or no, it was just, it was a free for all. Uh, yeah. So, and then the top person, the top two people got to go to the next round and I ended up getting first place just because I found this gun and camped the shit out of it and just played super cheap because I wanted to win. Um, and then yeah, and then the second round, uh, only the top eight would get a prize and the top prize person, you know, got in. So I squeaked in at number seven, like after that, I was doing terrible. I was like 14. And I was, and then I realized that you got to copy the game in a harmony remote. If you kind of strategy good, if you made it in the top eight and I was like, fuck this man, this guy next to me is not taking that shit from me. So I squeaked in the seventh and got my free shit. Yep. Nice. Um, so anyway, it's, it's fun shooting at the big monster co-op awesome. It is really unclear as to what you're supposed to be doing to defeat that monster and we were on a timer. Um, at one point, it said, it's, it's a shoot the legs because they're giant orange things and so we all shoot the legs with our suits or rocket wants whatever. As we say, how is it hard to figure out what to do, isn't there? And then it says gain access to the, the, the creatures body or gain access to the inside of the creature's body. And it's like, how the fuck do I do that? I don't see a, an asshole and there's stuff coming out of the things mouth. Um, and there's definitely a point where I grappled on top of it and was shooting it. And that was fun. It's just, it wasn't very clear as to what I was supposed to be doing. So it's definitely, I hope that that changes because what I saw, I mean, it looks a lot better than the first lost planet did and that's saying something because the first one didn't look bad. Right. No, it didn't look bad at all. Yeah. And from what I've been seeing, like video and screenshots, the graphics are. I mean, I would say almost like significantly better. I mean, it's, it's another Capcom game where water means instant death. That's fine. So before we take a break, I haven't talked about tell us about the jetpack game. Well, there's also God of war three. Oh God. We're going to be. Uh, I played dark void for like five minutes. My, the short version of dark void is that the controls are very awkward. They're not particularly intuitive. You're either hovering and slowly falling or you hit a button to do a burst. And if you connect, if you run in anything and you're doing that, you hurt yourself, work and kill yourself. I like that. It was, it just wasn't a lot of fun. And that was disappointing because I kept hearing amazing things about dark void. Well, we'll see. So maybe I need to go through the tutorial level, but that wasn't there. So they got a war demo you showed. Did it, uh, did it end with him like flying at the eyeball of a big old guy? Uh, I think so. Like he's flying and just goes boom, like coming soon. I just want to make sure that we played the same. I'm pretty sure it's the same demo except this is the only thing that they were timing people on. They gave people like 10 minutes to play. Right. Probably because they figured the line would be so. Yeah. They had four stations and the line just stretched for like 60 people. So this is probably the demo that both of us played then. Yeah. Right. Okay. I think it's easier than God of War two was on normal. The enemies are a little smarter. I, you know what, I, I'd agree with that. I had a little bit of difficulty in the demo too. I mean, it basically it's just, it's, it's more skill based than God of War has been in the past. Like God of War on normal in the past has typically been about fucking shit up, giant spectacle, get to the end, fuck the girl, shoot it or whatever, and God of War on normal was still hard. I see. I didn't really think so. I didn't think God of War on normal was that hard. I thought God of War on normal, even the older ones was still pretty challenging and not hard. It's just really, really hard. And they've, they've definitely nerfed a couple of the things that you could do in other games to, to sort of dominate the playing field a little bit. Like the, the sky smashes and the air juggles aren't as effective and enemies will definitely attack you when you're in the middle of attacking someone else much more than they ever did. They coordinate against you with each other much better than they ever have. I thought, I think enemies always attacked you when you're in the middle of fighting someone else. It's just that they can't hit you when you're in the cutscene moments, but they just, it just felt like they were much more on your ass all the time than they were in previous God of War games. And also you can like the, the ledge after you take down Helios and like you fight the, the Minotaur thing and all those other things, like you could totally fall off the edge of that thing, which is weird because before in God of War, like when you touched an edge, if it wasn't like a specific gameplay moment, then you could usually jump off them, but you couldn't walk off exactly. And you can totally just walk off and fall to your death, but, I mean, it's a lot of fun. It's gory. That's very gory. There were, I, there were points where I could see what David Jaffe was saying about it having a very pain early look. It's another PS3 game where there's not a lot in the way of textures, but it does stuff with lighting and models that are very cool. A lot of cool camera angles. I love it when it like zooms in close or goes to the far out epic. Yeah. Either one. I'm really going to be curious to see the finished Dante's Inferno on 360 because I'm pretty sure that's the platform it's going to look better on versus God of War three on PS3 because they in a lot of ways, they're graphical. The way that it looks like they use tech is very similar. But obviously the subject matters different, but it was a lot of fun. And it was, I mean, it's, I just wonder like if it's going to frustrate more people because it's harder than God of War has been in the past and God of War is one of those games where like you power through like to see all the stuff as opposed to play it because it's like this serious gameplay challenge. I don't ever remember powering through God of War though, even the original one. I don't know man, I feel like, I feel like they were always hard. It could just be me, but I always had a hard time with them unless you played on easy in which case you just have giant health bar, but I don't know, even non-normal. The first one was hard and the second one I played on hard mistakenly, so. I like that there are civilians peppered in with the enemies and that you, you'll both kill them. Yeah. I mean, they did that a little bit in the other God of War games they were sitting in. There's isolated here and there, I mean, it just seems like there's a lot more going on everywhere than there was previously in God of War and I mean, they've always tried to do like giant spectacle scenes of God of War before, but it seems like they're really pulling pulling it off in this one more than they have in the past. I mean, out of like, Dante's Inferno and God of War 3 play very similarly. I still think that God of War 3 is a little easier and more about you beating ass and Dante's Inferno is going to be more about challenging you and really making you work for the kill. Bayonetta is just flashy and Darksiders is going to get the shit kicked out of it from what I've seen, but I mean, there's item, there's a lot more item collection in Darksiders that wasn't on display and a lot of sort of adventure elements so that could come together, but. So yeah, a lot of games. I didn't, I didn't get to play Uncharted, but they had White Knight Chronicles there and no one was playing it. But did they have a Uncharted playable single player? It was the co-op stuff that they haven't played. Okay, the co-op stuff. The new Ratchet, which looks really good, but I just didn't get a chance to play it. Was that playable as well? Yes. I see this is all the shit that they weren't necessarily letting people play B3. So fair enough. So that was nine games in 45 minutes? Well, yeah, I mean, I guess we would have contributed more if we had played them, but most of these games we didn't get to play. So. I mean, there's a lot of really good stuff. It's just like a bunch of that stuff isn't coming out until next year. Like Bayonetta had just gotten delayed. Like Dark Void hasn't gotten early state, although honestly, like I did not like what I played last planet isn't coming out till next year. Did you see anything at Comic Con, not game related that you enjoyed? Um. Your thought was shameful. I mean, you're surrounded by shameful shit at Comic Con. I know. Anything that fucking stands out in particular. Uh, I just lots of inappropriate costumes. Lots of. Oh, come on. I wanted to specific. Like some furry that was like, like had some giant painted vagina on or something. I didn't see that. I did see someone cosplaying as the greased up deaf guy from Family Guy to the point where he was an underwear and greased up and running around saying, you gotta run a cat to me. There was a dude that was cosplaying as Astro Boy. Okay. And he had like these giant stilts on that were painted to look like fire coming out of his feet. Oh. Oh. Crazy. Did you see anything that today while I was working at my desk, at my apartment, I looked at the sidewalk. It's like this woman. I don't know man. She looked like, you know, probably in her mid to late thirties. She was wearing one of those fucking shameful Yoda backpacks where it looks like Yoda backpacks. When I was at Disney Land with Tina, after BlizzCon, Tina kept on trying to get me to buy one of those. And I'm not going to lie, I wanted to. If you get one, I will totally like modify it to be Yaddle. So. Um, I mean, there's, there's a ton of shameful shit, but there's also a lot of awesome bullshit, like writers and artists that maybe whose comics you really enjoyed. Um, yeah, that's not what I want to hear. I saw a lot of people fan fangirling out over Joan and Vasquez. Um, I don't know if you have any idea who that is. Nah, I could kill this. Joan and Vasquez? Joan and Vasquez. He's a guy that did Joan and a homicidal maniac in Invader Zim. Oh man. Joan and Homicidal maniac is overrated, my opinion, but Vader Zim's good. Yeah. Anyways, let's take a break and do letter's. Word. All right. I'll show you the only thing I bought and try to kill. I'll show you the only thing I bought and try to kill. I'll show you the only thing I bought and try to kill. Yeah, I have to do some editing for this. How can I leave it in? Well, anyways, so now we're going to read some letters. I got a bunch here, but most of them are really short. A lot of people sent in really short ones. Okay. I know you guys play multiple systems, but which do you prefer? I've got a 360 overheating piece of shit and instead of fixing it, I'm thinking about building a PC. What do y'all think is the best idea of Sans doing both? Thanks. That's a better biscuit. Wait, between getting a 360 fix and building a 360 fix? He's not saying which system do we prefer? He's thinking maybe get a PC, get a PS3. He's not sure what to do, and he doesn't want to just fix his 360. Instead of fixing, he's thinking about getting a PC. Well, my question back would be, what's this PC experience? Because I know it's like me. I'm finding myself frustrated with the PC when I try to play online. I can't. It's because we had to get my 360 repaired only because, in my case, I have too much of an investment in the amount of games I have at this point, not to. That's true. I mean, at this point, if my 360 broke and I didn't get a fix, then I would buy another 360 because it's just... At this point, Arthur's using my 360 because his is out here because it was slowly breaking. I mean, I have a pretty decent gaming PC and a PS3 and a 360, but I still play my 360 more than... I use my 360 more than anything else, but lately, that's because of Netflix. It's not like you're playing more games on anything else than you are your 360, really. I haven't played a lot of PS3 games lately. Really? Yeah, it would be when infamous was out and stuff, and I don't know. Anyway. Tyler? Do you have a preference? I mean, to me, it's obvious, like the Xbox is the superior gaming system. Yeah. Period. Um, let's see. He's thinking about this, so this guy's talking about pack-ins and stuff, and he was thinking about how he thinks all these games should come with a poster, and his ideas. His ideas. There's Kat getting rapped outside, don't mind us. I know. I really feel like I should trap that cat and get it fixed because she's just going to keep doing that until she gets pregnant, and then we're going to have unwanted kiddies. That are adorable. It's not that they're unwanted. No. We can't take all of them. I'm just saying that they're unwanted in the scheme of things. It's like 75% of cats get killed. Damn. Yeah. Um, so anyways, think about it. Any game you can get has a poster you can hang on the wall. It's like you hang a poster to save this house. Features did space or buzz, quiz TV or whatever. This option would always be out for you and your guests to see. You might be kicking back on the sofa and glancing up on an old favorite and side-fired up. Where your friends might come over and see you have a new game to play. Uh, see, uh, this is Kasper. He's just saying, what do you guys think? Wouldn't you rather get a poster in every game instead of a manual? Nah. Um, I don't ever use the manual. I guess, given that if I could choose, I suppose I would, I don't think I'd hang them up though. Like at this point, I don't have any game posters hanging up anymore. I mean, here's why I say no simply because they'll have to fold it and like that would just annoy me. You don't have the halo one hung up? Nope. I don't have any game posters up anymore, except for the bass. Why is that? I don't know. I'm like, I'm, I don't like having all these game posters up and I mean, I've got like, I've got a giant loss plan and one. I don't know what it is, but- Are you saying you're too good for him? Yes. Yes, I think that's it. No, I mean, I didn't say that. I'm just, I just didn't want him up anymore. That's what he said. Um, what was I gonna say? Fuck. Um, so, so the next letter is from Ryan and at the very end he says, this is the right accounts in letters two, right? Which he sent it to me actually from now on trying to redirect a lot. You forget to remind everyone. It is RFM letters. No, just letters at Letters at Okay. Sorry, but that's the one you should send them out. I just forward all the ones you guys send to me today. I try to do the same thing. Um, so he's an aspiring level designer and was wondering what type of laptop he would be most useful. I prefer a laptop over a desktop because, uh, because of convinced, I'm convinced that the school I'm going to has computer labs where most of the work is done, but I would like the ability to work in my dorm. It's weird because, uh, you said, because, uh, you know, it might, I had a desktop in my dorm when I was at college. If you're, I mean, if you're going to a school that has workstations that you can go to, I would suggest a desktop because you don't need to carry your fucking work around with you on a computer everywhere. I think you get more work done if you went and did it in a lab anyways, to be honest. Um, I will say moving projects from one computer to another sucks, like, pretty much universally. So what he's asking is, if I'm not using my laptop as a gaming machine, do I still need all the materials to run programming software? And if I buy this laptop, how long will it last with the advanced technology? Because he's saying that some people were suggesting if you want to get into what he's doing, you really need to buy like a top of the line laptop. I mean, if that's, it depends on who those people are, but I mean, like, it also depends on what type of levels you're talking about designing. If you're designing flash and stuff, no, that's different. But I mean, if you're like using the unreal editor and stuff like that, if like you're using Maya, then yeah, like a better laptop is a good idea. Yeah, but a lot of times it seems like if I've ever seen a level designer add on Craigslist or whatever, it's usually, you know, they usually even allow submissions for games that have level editors in them, like you wouldn't even need to go out and have all this crazy. Well, again, though, I mean, you would need a good computer to run those level editors. You were right. Right. Right. You would probably need a pretty game. Yeah. What I'm saying is he doesn't need to go out and buy the Unreal 3 engine. Like if he's a good level designer, he'll be able to make a good level out of out of fucking code on the Xbox. True. What I'm also saying is that, for example, you need a pretty robust computer to do level editing in, say, the Unreal Engine 3. Like you can't do level editing on the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3. I'm going to be honest. I don't see you being able to do stuff like he's saying Unreal Engine 3 stuff unless you have like a couple of grand to spend on the laptop, at least. You can probably find something on like iBuyPower or like something on sale for like 1500. But you're going to be stuck buying a fairly decent laptop. Or for 1500, you could build yourself an almighty desktop. With a good and buy a really good monitor. Yeah. I don't know. Which, I mean, I can't stress enough that a lot of monitor real estate is very important for doing visual design work. Yeah, but I would just throw caution to an idea of buying the best and biggest will help. I mean, you know, I sort of think of an analogy with music. Like look at the way, you know, white stripes took a very simplified sort of broken down approach to songwriting and like rock and roll and did a lot of really interesting things. And I think that's where their sort of popularity came from. And in the same way with game design, it's almost more important to get the concepts of good level design down then. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I mean, if you want to design and stuff like Flash or older games, like he'll be fine. If he wants to design like an Unreal 3 and use Maya, some of that could be pretty... Even Flash development is becoming more demanding CPU wise. And also the new Creative Suite utilizes your video card. Right, but he wouldn't necessarily need the same type of stuff. I'm just saying that buying a lower and underpowered computer and if you're trying to get into game design is probably not the greatest. If you're going to do that, you should buy one that you know you can upgrade in the future. Which is not a laptop. Well, some are, but pretty hard to find a very good customizable laptop. Pretty damn hard. Especially when it comes to the graphics card. Yeah, well, it's impossible. There's no laptop around that lets you upgrade the video card unless you're considering the ridiculously expensive external video card solutions. I thought you could upgrade some of the ones with discrete graphics cards. No, because even then, that is a discrete chip that's soldered onto the motherboard. Oh, I thought the difference what are the integrated ones then? Integrated are just part of the motherboard. Right, so how is that different than a discrete one that's soldered on? Because integrated graphics are generally like part of the chipset for the motherboard where it's discrete graphics are like you have a motherboard and then you have like... Oh, see, I thought it was like on a PC and a desktop. It's like a discrete means a card. Let's see, just wondering what you guys think about the recent popularity of comics based on AAA titles. Are the publishers looking to make more money on the merchandise than on the game itself? Also, some people believe that the overlap of comic fans to game fans is significant. Thoughts? Gioff. Jeff. Jeff. Rock Paper Shotgun actually did a story about comic based video games based or comics based on video games. I wouldn't get half of them a fucking chance. Occasionally, they do something interesting like when they come out, the Halo comics have been pretty interesting, but their schedule has been so fucked. For the Mirror's Edge comic, Rihanna Pratchett, the girl who wrote the game's story, did the comic script. So, there's another one, but I mean, look for that rock. Do a search for Rock Paper Shotgun comic video game comics and he covers pretty well exactly what the problems are, which is that if it's a well-known character, then chances are you can't fuck with them. If it's a well-known setting, then what you can do is pretty limited. For WoW comics are actually... Crappy? Really? Yeah. I mean, the potential is there. You got the terrible. Are they really? Yeah. The potential is there for them to do something interesting because they've made the focus on in WoW, like on the acts of all these different, like, random individuals doing heroic things rather than these very clear cast of characters, but usually they're not very good. Like, am I expecting the Dead Space comic to be good? The anime was awful. Most of the video game comic books are terrible. Yeah. I think to, like, answer one of the other listeners' questions that asked about the posters, it seems like the graphic novel is the new video game poster. Yeah. The new cloth map. So the next question is from Enzo, who says, "In recent turn of events, I've run out of video games. I mostly play things in RPG, shooter genre, and all I have is a 360. COD4 is starting to become rather stale, and I've played through Dead Space, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, RE5, etc, etc, etc. Now, in full tier 8, I'm stuck playing World of Warcraft. I really want to find a good game to play in the time between now and September when I on AM. I don't know. I don't know. I on. I on. That's what I thought. This is released, but I can't seem to find anything good for the Xbox 360 and recommendations. You said, "Oh yeah, it was a 360," but then you also said, "You're stuck playing World of Warcraft, so you're a fucking liar." Easy. I'm just saying-- Is this the Enzo? Yeah. Hey. So Enzo, maybe you should-- I'll stop. I'm going to go to Steam and download yourself some plants versus zombies. How about that? I don't think that's going to last until fucking September. I'm just saying I'm starting to give him some recommendations. He says at the end any recommendations, and all I'm saying is you have a PC that can at least run Warcraft, which means you can play plants versus zombies, you can play peggle, you can go back and play the old-- You know what? --it starts adventure games. Enzo, if you don't have Fallout 3 and you're looking for a game to last you until September, that is an option, and so is a Blivian. Yeah. So I'm just saying you can go back and play all those point-and-click adventure games, Sam and Max. You like to play RPGs. They're not quite RPGs, but they're awesome at RPGs. Yeah. Some people have a really hard time going back to adventure games. I'm saying he can even play the new Sam and Max and stuff, I'm just saying. True. You know, if you have a computer that can run Warcraft, you can do that. True. But yeah, otherwise Fallout, Blivian, good choice is free as well. You know it also didn't say anything on there about Bioshock, so-- Which is a good game. I mean, Red Faction. Yeah, Bioshock, and Oblivion on one disc. What? On one disc or on one package? I think it's-- I don't know. I think it's one package. Is that for PC and 360, or just for PC? For PC and 360. Oh. No, there you go. Red Faction Girl is like a 20-hour game and has a really good multiplayer. Yeah. Like, we don't want this to be the Red Faction Dick Sucking Hour anymore, but it's a good game. You turn Dick Sucking into this thing like it's a horrible thing. Right. I don't think it's a horrible thing. I'm just like-- We waste so much time. Like, if we-- If we-- If we spend all the time doing the Dick Sucking that people imply, then like, we would eat up into time to do things that are interesting instead of self-aggrandizing. Clancy. Here. I understand. And Clancy says, "I'd like to ask you more personal questions." I mean, I like the Dick Sucking. Did he, did he? Did he, did he? That I feel most gamers do not have to discuss. Did you just say did he, did he? Yeah, because I wanted to get you guys to shut up. Have video games ever impacted a relationship in your life, and have you ever had to stop playing video games to keep a relationship intact? I pose this question because I have actually stopped playing my 360 a few times, even packing it up and putting it in my basement in order to give my wife more attention, and in the sense that she is the first in my life, a stake. While it may sound silly to those who do not-- Mistake is something that Anthony added in if this reader's wife is listening. Well, it may sound silly to those who do not play video games. That video games are hurting our relationship. To me, it is definitely worth putting my hobby on hold, sex, but I can be difficult to quit. It can be very difficult to quit a hobby that I am very passionate about. Welcome to being a responsible adult. I mean, putting things on hold, like setting priorities in your personal life versus your hobbies. I think his question was of any of us that were hard to do that. Man, I had a girlfriend who said she would break up with me if I started playing WoW. Like that was one of the reasons why I never started. You've met her. I'm just saying, that's a specific condition. She was so tolerant of everything else. She was like, I'll break up with you if you rape a baby. I think it's-- She's like, I'll break up with you. You should play WoW. I think it's because she had so many of her friends that she had seen like just become completely absorbed in WoW. I mean, otherwise, she was cool about games generally. She totally watched me play through all of Psychonauts and like wanted to watch me play. I definitely know like I was in this long-term relationship for a while with this girl and video games, I mean, it wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, but it was definitely-- Hey, straw. It's going. It was definitely a straw and it was actually right around the time. It was right when Halo 2 came out and, you know, like we had backpacked through your up together like for an entire summer after you graduated college, you know, came back, you know, we dated for like long, long time and she started teaching and she kind of changed I could tell and like I was still into video games. She was entering grown-up land. She was entering grown-up land like-- Well, some people came into your grown-up land and still being a video game. Yeah, yeah. Well, like grown-up land, I mean, like this is where someone makes a very conscious decision saying I am putting away my childhood since now. But it was definitely, you know, I remember going to the midnight launch of to pick up my copy of Halo 2 and it was near her place. So like I left around 10 from her place and, you know, and she was just kind of like looking at me like, like I don't understand, you're crazy and shortly after that, like we split up it was a-- and then, you know, I just came to a realization, you know, on top of that, it's more important to find someone that likes you for you and like Jody the grown with now has never, ever said any sort of thing put joratively about video, about my game enjoyment or anything. She even tolerates all of our fart humor and everything. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Your fucking keeper. Yeah. Um. You just have to, I mean, make sure that you're with someone that is totally accepting of games but also be prepared to set priorities as far as like what's important to you. Right. I mean, you got to be cool. Like every now and then, you know, it's time to clean the apartment. You know, it's time to turn off the games. I mean, addiction for a lot of doctors is defined as activity that the interferes with your everyday life in a very deleterious manner and video games can be that. Yep. This next letter says, "I just purchased a copy of Civ4 complete after hearing you talk about it so much in the podcast." Catch, bitch. I'm loving the game, but there's one problem I suck at it. I was wondering if you had any tips you could pass on. It would be greatly appreciated. Also, is there an expansion you like the most or you just play a standard game? First off, I just play a standard game. This is from Sergeant Debo. My first tip, who would say that? You're going to knock the fuck out of this. Who's from your friend in the anti-leprecon fighting force, ALFF, I would just like to point out that that's like what the animal liberation fighting force. Right. Yeah. But Sergeant Debo. That's a due jail for that shit. Sergeant Debo is actually a real Sergeant in the military. Oh, whoa. It's not just his, not just his gamer tag. My first word of advice would be don't get discouraged because there are things with a game that you just- I would just start doing lower difficulty too. Yeah. Yeah. That's exactly what I did with Civ Rev. Got much more familiar with the rule sets, and now I play it on the normal difficulty. There's also a training. There's a training mode, and honestly, I would also go to game facts and just read- Yeah. Read some game facts, because you know, you'll read stuff about units, and like one thing I feel like Civ doesn't do a very good job of explaining is like when you have certain types of units on the same tile. They'll reinforce each other and compliment each other, you know, go read about stuff like that. And yeah, I mean, I probably lost my first two or three campaigns, I remember. I almost feel like Civ Rev was my tutorial for Civ 4. Yeah. Very much so. I'd agree. But I mean, I've played every expansion now since I've bought it. I've played through a campaign on everyone, and you know, to me like which one you liked more. I don't know, it's me, the major difference, and I'm sure some people are probably going to call foulness is just you have different civilizations to choose from, like that's the major. There's other things to me. I mean, I'm just saying that the standard Civ is all I've ever needed. I mean, that is hundreds of hours of game by itself. Yeah. So I also have been leaving off the fact that everyone says something similar to what the next letter says. Hey Rebel FM, slow and tender dick sucking. Everyone has said something like that. I mean, I am, I, I'm not sure if I'm proud or ashamed that I have made dick sucking the new euphemism for compliment. This question is, man, I wish that that's how people wanted to give me compliments. Just go around sodomizing. Right. The question is directed at Anthony as he has brought up his love for Elder Scrolls many of times. I recently bought the oblivion Bioshock bundle, and I started the title both. This song has been pleasant, experienced thus far, but I can't say the same for oblivion and oblivion by a couple hours and a completely overwhelmed. There seems to be so much to do and learn and can't seem to get the basics that's causing me much frustration. I feel that there's great game in there, but I need help getting into advice much appreciated Jim. Jim, what you need to do is if you're feeling way too overwhelmed, you need to pick a quest line like the Warrior Guild or the Man quest line or the Thieves Guild and just stick to that for a while until you feel comfortable, but you can play a very focused experience if you want because the single player game will just be like go here, now go here, now go here, now go here. You don't have to go wander. If you're playing on 360 following the achievement, Blinds is actually a good way to get into the game because each guild has achievement markers for its quest line, and that's how I played through it. I played through, did a couple things here that are finished the main quest, then went through and did every guild quest. I wanted to if you just have a problem with some sort of standard combat things, I know when I started standing still and attacking, that helps a lot because if you're moving while you're attacking that greatly affects how strong your attacks can be. You may want to re-roll if you find yourself getting your ass kicked by the time, like some people just fuck up their character the first time. I did that. And also one thing I would do anytime before I would go on a big mission or something is just go around and do a lot of picking up flowers, pick plants and make sure you have a lot of potions with you all the time. The next letter is from Bart, and he talks about how I'll just summarize, and Europe and basically through DS, I mean through Paris, he realized, you know, he didn't have a laptop, DS, PSP or anything, and so he ended up buying a DSi, and then he bought a bunch of games, and then he basically had to ask his parents to give him money so he could return home because he had put himself in such bad shape by buying games and shit. I think he ran out of money and couldn't afford to buy a ticket home. Right, because he had spent a bunch of money buying a DSi and fucking games. So his question is this, has your love of games ever gotten in the way of real life left you stranded or made you act irrationally? Also, has there ever been a gamer system that you would sacrifice food or shelter to obtain? That was my time in college, to an extent, I mean I did not necessarily have the money to, I mean I never went without food, and I never went without apartment to live in, but there were definitely times that that month I ate cheap, or not as nice as I did other times because of that. Yeah, I did, I mean that was me when I bought the 360, but it was never a matter of like well I'm going to jeopardize my ability to return home from thousands of miles away or anything like that. That is, as we were mentioning before, that is actually what doctors would call addicted behavior. And some of that just actually is not even necessarily addicted behavior, sometimes it comes from other things too, like I'm not saying this describes you, but people that grow up in poverty a lot of times, this isn't universally true, but studies have shown that a lot of times they mis-manage money when they get it, and they're like, "Fuck man I got all this money, I got to buy something cool with it," because that's just how they get the gratification out of having things because they didn't when they were younger. So sometimes- I used to be that way when I was younger. Yeah. The only time I jeopardized myself with games was when I pre-ordered Mortal Kombat 2, and then I was at wall practice and my mom went and picked it up, I guess, while I was at practice. The day it came out and brought it to me, and I was good and in the car and saw it, and I was like, "Badass Mortal Kombat 2," and my friends were leaving, and I was like, "Check it out, check it out." My coach was right there looking at me, and then the next day, I practiced, he totally made fun of me, he's like, "You boys out there playing your Mortal Kombat need to practice more." And I was like, "Man, where ever you're the one that told the story about getting hit with the football or something like that, like your coach made you get hit with it or some shit?" Yeah. He would send me on. Well, does he make you less afraid? Well, no, no. He would send me on a pass play, you don't have to do it wrong. By doing pass drills? Yeah, but then he would just throw it before I was even supposed to turn around in the pattern. Didn't you? It hit me in the back of the head. It's sadistic asshole. Yeah. In Texas. Yeah. He used to be a rodeo clown named Bubbles, but if you, if anyone... Are you making madam? No, that's God, Donna's truth. He is. If Bubbles. And you know what? He was also the teacher. Like, you know, I'm watching the wire season four. Um... What's he like Bubbles in the wire? He was not like Bubbles in the wire, but he was like the policeman who did the classroom for the bad kids. Like, what was in little school? I had a... Oh, Chris. Wait, your football coach shot an undercover police officer? No. Maybe. Hmm? You can print him on Chris. Oh, no, not that teacher. Okay. Okay. The guy who works with the troubled kids. Oh, Cuddy. No. Oh, Bunny. Yeah. Bunny. Okay. Okay. Sorry. There are a lot of characters in the wire. So he's... I'm wondering about the Warhammer tabletop games. He talked about it every so often, but I'm not sure if you ever mentioned whether you pay fantasy or 40k fantasy for me. Second of all, if someone wants to get into it, how much do you think it would cost to start playing hundreds of dollars? Considering that you buy the figures table, hold on, I'll be in a scenery. So, finally, do you know of any places or books to get on tabletop game so I can learn about it? Uh, I mean, you can first, if you want to learn about Warhammer, you should just go to the game's workshop website and you can read all about it there. If you want to... Hold on. If you want to play expensively, you can buy all games workshop models. If you want to play on the cheap, you can just like type in generic Warhammer figures and you'll find other companies that do like Peter figures that are the same size, like on the metric scale, like centimeters and stuff as Warhammer stuff, but they are like half the price. Now, they don't necessarily have the same style or anything. Hell me and my friends, when we wanted to play for cheap, we would just cut out squares of paper that were the right size. So you can play cheaper, but if you want to play officially, it's going to cost a fucking load. My suggestion was going to be do a search in your area for a gaming store and ordinarily, first of all, a lot of those places will put together sort of Warhammer packages. Or if games workshop sells pre-made ones that they will carry as well. Um, a lot of times they'll be especially priced to get people in and also they will most likely run games of Warhammer that either you can play or you can sit in and get into it and have people show you what to do, basically you can find other nerds to help you get into the hobby. I mean, yeah. If you just are looking to even try it without getting a huge investment in it, like games workshop has actually gotten smart about that. And they actually sell for like $80 now or maybe somewhere between $15, $80 they sell a starter box, which won't let you play against anybody that doesn't have a starter box. Like it has two armies in it, enough that you can fight each other in these small situations. That's like more like elves and goblins. I think nowadays it's humans and orcs, but it still lets you play a game and fight each other and see how the rules work and learn it and decide if it's for you. That's how I learned. So, I mean, that's how a lot of people learn. It's a super cheap option and cheap speaking as far as Warhammer models go because if you end up getting into it as I did and wanting to build like a couple of thousand point army, you'll end up spending a few hundred dollars. So it can be very expensive. Let's see. Oh, I work in Japan as a teacher and doing some part time work at a daycare for kids age 0 to 5. This morning I decided to start using the boop boop boop sounds that you entirely use online and playing with your kids. It quickly caught on and I had about 10 kids throughout the day walking by me, a random times poking me and saying boop boop boop, they ran away. The highlight of the day was when one of the younger girls was in the pool and started shooting me with the blue squirt gun while repeating the phrase, her pronunciation was perfect. It almost brought a tear to my, just thought you might like to know that your words are spreading and affecting the minds of impressionable youth of Japan. Sean. As American culture should. I'm just picturing little Japanese kids. So this is the one I'm going to end it with and then we'll, I'll save the rest for next time. This one I just thought was kind of funny that I got this. This is from Jonathan and Jonathan says, I'm an industrial designer here at Bissell. Oh yeah, this one was good. And I look forward every week to your podcast. I was rather tickled to hear you guys talk about how your Bissell tackles pee-pee's pee. First off it wasn't pee-pee's pee. It was dusty. It was dark. We used to have the Nellows My Parents named Dustin. Which is also a horrible name for a cat. Thanks for the kind words. I really take pride in what I do here and I don't think there will be another time where my love for video games and my job designing vacuums and deep cleaners will ever collide again. Many thanks. That's amazing. Yeah, I read that while I was standing in line for comic on it actually made that day much more bearable. So, wow, Bissell in the house? Yeah. Didn't know about Bissell. It's a cheap solution to deep cleaning furniture. I mean it was that cheap. It's cheaper than buying an industrial strength like carpet. It was, yeah, that's fair. This podcast is sponsored by Bissell vacuums. No, this podcast is sponsored by stars, apparently. So, I guess we're done. Where can the internet find you? I recorded the co-op this week and we'll be on next week talking about Ghostbusters. Why don't you wait and talk about it until next week then? I will again. Great. Yep. And you'll like it. You can find our Game Club recap videos at Our YouTube account just beat Oprah's. I wouldn't even know what to do with that. You can find me at You can find my other work at GameSpy and I was also on this week's co-op show. I don't know what to do at Talking about Battlefield. Talking about Battlefield and about some other game. I don't remember what the other game is. The adventure game, right? We sports resort. We sports resort. Oh, yeah. We sport. How do I know this and you don't? I don't know. Because you have no short-term memory. Too much. I don't know. Tyler, where can the internet find you? Yeah, I was on the same talk with you on co-op, Battlefield. But my Twitter is You guys know Twitter addresses. like the drink. Yes. All right. On that note. Wait. Do we want to talk about T-shirts? What's it to say about T-shirts? We changed the design a little bit. I mean, are we going to change the design? Yeah. It's going to stay left instead of a dream. Or cons. In some ways, a distant cons. No, I like lips. It's just that we can handle leprosy. Never see. Never see. As we should. I thought those people would leprosy. Yeah. Um. We go Ireland. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.