Rebel FM
Rebel FM Game Club - Republic Commando - Episode 2
We're back for episode 2 of our Game Club series on Star Wars: Republic Commando. In this episode, we play through the second campaign, the Ghost Ship. For next week, make sure to play through the end of the game and chime in with your thoughts on the third campaign on the Wookie homeworld of Kashykk. May the penis be with you!
[music] Alright, you ready? I think that's right. Alright, let's go. Alright, welcome to Rebel of Fame Game Club Episode 2 for Republic Commando. [sings] It'd be so much more fun if all the ships made that voice as they went by. [sings] It's true, at least in Republic Commando, it makes sense that ships make sound a lot of times because you're in an atmosphere. True. Whereas, you know, space, there is no sound. But I just think about how boring Star Wars battles would be, though, if it was just Epic John Williams' music. I don't know, because I feel like Battlestar tends to omit most sounds. No, Battlestar is a lot of sounds, though. [sings] But that's always the sound inside the cockpit. But even when they show externally, you can still hear it a lot of times. And the Cyclone ships don't shoot them. But it's super quiet, and muffled, and I don't know, it just handles... Yeah, but I would argue that Star Wars battles are ten times as dramatic as a lot of Battlestar ones, in my opinion. I think that's one thing that Star Wars always does, is that Epic Crazy Space Battle. Like, saying what you will about Episode 3, with the beginning of Episode 3, with the way it starts at the Space Battle, that is for a day. I like Episode 3. I actually like most of the prequel trilogy. I like most of them, as well. But I'm just saying... I'm not saying like... Two's okay, three's good, and one's asked, because I actually enjoyed a lot of one, as well. Oh, well, I didn't enjoy one as much. You guys. But anyways, it's okay to talk about Star Wars right now. Exactly. I'm just saying, no, it's fine to talk about Star Wars, I'm just saying it's not really okay to love on the first three movies. Oh, I don't care. But, yeah, the third movie, there is some really terrible parts, though. Like with some really bad acting parts, that is only in the third one. Oh, there's a couple. It's awful dialogue. Well, no, it's a combination of bad acting, some awful dialogue. There's sometimes a Hayden Christensen does a really good job, and then there are other times, it's just like... Okay, so the thing with George Lucas is that he's really good at saying, and then this stuff happens, and you're like, "Yeah, that would be awesome!" And then he's like, and then they say this, and you're like, "No, that's bad." Like the best Star Wars dialogue is stuff that George Lucas did not write. Like Empire and Jedi. But see, that's like the... And that's the conventional wisdom of it, and I largely agree. But like the weird thing is that I just can't help but wonder if it's the kind of situation where it's because you have actors acting in front of green screens. As opposed to being immersed in their set. And I still do. Because you have people like Natalie Portman, and she is a really good actress as she's in the right hand. Exactly, but I felt she felt flat on her face. She felt totally flat on her face. And the comparison I have is when they're on Coruscant, and they're running through the crowds, and it's like the bar scene and everything. And that felt so real and so alive, and that was like one of the best scenes in the movie. And then suddenly they're up in ships flying around in CG over Coruscant, and everything started to fall flat again. I don't know, I feel like the first in Star Wars episode four, there are only three performances that are worth a damn. Which is James Earl Jones voice performance. Alec Guinness is movie one, or yeah, right, that's correct. And Harrison Ford, and those are all people that have been renowned as some of the best actors of the past 60 years. Sure. Whereas Mark Hamill's dialogue is not good in Star Wars. Carrie Fisher's dialogue is not good in Star Wars. You shut up. I thought Carrie Fisher's was okay, and I thought Mark Hamill's stuff was okay as long as you understood the perspective that he's supposed to be this whiny little kid. Exactly, you shut up. Now the problem is that I didn't really believe him as at the time he became a Jedi, he didn't seem like a decent Jedi. He didn't seem like, I don't know, maybe it's because he's supposed to be half trained or whatever. Maybe it was the motorcycle accident. Yeah, maybe. It skidded all the Jedi out of him. Aw. I didn't know it was a motorcycle accident. I thought it was a motorcycle accident, but I don't remember. We did have someone in the comments specify that you were exactly correct and you're mentioned of the Millennium Falcon's making model number. That's awesome. I can't even remember when I said WYT-138 or whatever. I don't know. Wow. You're so hot to me right now. I also know that that was not the original design for the Millennium Falcon. Originally, it was very elongated looking and the original design for the Millennium Falcon got converted into the Karelian Corvette you see at the beginning of episode four. Oh. So. Weird. Yeah. Well, that makes sense because whenever somebody's like, "I'm going to draw a really fast spaceship." It looks as much like a wedge as possible. Right. So, we were supposed to play through, speaking of ships, through the capital ship. The go ship. Yeah. So it starts off with you boarding a Republic cruiser whose communications have gone offline. Which is the Republic cruiser that you started off on and that you retreated to at the beginning of end of the first section. Oh, it's the same cruiser? Yeah. That's the beginning. They say this place was our home for a long time. Oh, okay. Yeah. I totally missed that somehow. But yeah. That makes sense, actually. No wonder they're so concerned about it. Yeah. So you board the cruiser. Yeah. And there doesn't seem to be any signs of life. Duh-duh-duh. Except for some. What are those things? My locks. Oh, my knocks. My knocks. Yeah. As soon as I saw them before they said anything, I was like, "My not?" I keep wanting to call them merlocks. Yeah. They don't make quite... They make a... They make a... They do make a... Like a vibrating sort of sound, but it's not quite... Whoa! Whoa! So... Everyone has a merlock. Mm-hmm. But the... Yeah, the... Except for some my knocks and some droids that make your vision go all fuzzy. They make your vision go all fuzzy, and they can't kill you if they... Yeah. The kamikaze you. I was murdered the first time I met them. Me too. I'd marry it all. Take your shields down. Kamikaze. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And like, I hate how the kamikaze is totally unavoidable. Unless you're... Not totally unavoidable. It's not totally unavoidable. Unless you're already moving to the side by the time they launch, like, they're... It seems like they're fucking guided missiles straight for your balls. It seems like they're scripted to hit you. Yeah, exactly. I don't know. I guess I didn't really hit by them as much because I was moving all the time, like you said. Like, I didn't stop and shoot them at all. Which is also why I was out of my regular DC-17 blaster clips, and I had to use my pistol almost exclusively. I ran out of ammo a lot on this level. Yeah, me too. I did resort to my pistol a lot, and it was like, wow, this is actually really effective as long as... Especially against the turrets. Especially against the turrets. And especially against the, um, the lizard guys, if you hit them in the head. Yeah, headshots, the lizard guys. Yeah, you know, it weirded me out the first time that I saw a trans-dotion in the game, because I was always into the impression previously that trans-dotions were, like, generally as tall as Bosque. Who is the bounty hunter from Empire Strikes Back? Mm. One of the bounty hunters. I know that he's supposed to be uncommonly tall, but, like, not like that. Much of the difference. Like, these guys are, like, little dwarves. Five feet tall. Five feet tall. I mean, you have to figure the clone troopers are probably six and a half. I don't know. Yeah, maybe. With the equipment. I don't know, this mission, this felt like death by a thousand cuts of bad design choices for me from start to finish. Like, I was, I checked and I played, I played, it took me three hours to play through this, and it felt like six. Wow. Man, I actually really, really enjoyed this part, but... Let's hear it. Well, first off, we mentioned that we, I mean, I ran out of ammo a lot for the main blaster, and that's fine. Like, I understand that there's ammo and ammo management is a big thing, but if ammo management is a big thing, why can't I pull out a pistol at any time? Like, that started bothering me when I went... You can't pull out a pistol at any time. When? How? What do you hit to pull out a pistol? Because I don't know what it is to pull it out on the Xbox for fun. You can. It's just another weapon. Down on the D-pad is pull out whatever extra weapon that you picked up from, whether it's the shotgun or the machine gun or whatever. Left is the grenade launcher, right is sniper rifle. It's fair, but I assure you you can pull out your pistol at any time. Yeah. And, I mean, okay, I can see how that, but yeah, like, if I couldn't have pulled out my pistol at any time, that would have really frustrated me. Because once I figured out that I was running out of ammo all the time, I was conserving it by using the pistol wherever I go. But I also felt that there was ammo staggered. Like, I didn't ever run out of ammo that for like prolonged periods of time. It was like maybe one encounter at best. Same. I got ammo. But then you were able to resort to your pistol whenever you wanted to. So it wasn't that bad because pistol combined with telling my guys to focus fire wasn't so bad. Yeah. But, I mean, that only counts for when your guys are with you, which is not until much later in the situation. And it's like you spend probably half of the mission alone, you know? And I feel like you're fighting odds. I feel like you're fighting enemies that were designed, especially the joy that we're talking about that suicide against you. I felt like they're designed to be defeated by a team. And the traditions can really fuck your shit up too if they're getting close. Yeah. And you introduced them alone. I was going to say I didn't have as much of a trouble with the droids. Even alone, the traditions on the other hand, I had trouble with when they'd come at you with the knives. Because if you were low on ammo, even with just like your pistol was okay, but they'd take a lot of fire. You know how I would conserve ammo with those guys is I would just melee attack them. If I had any weapon, especially if you have like the shotgun, the melee attack is so fast. It's fine with the shotgun. I was going to say otherwise it's fine to melee them most of the time, but you know, when there's like multiple of them. Yeah. I just did, you know, like I talked about in our first episode how I feel like this game is resurfacing a lot of my dormant FPS skills from the classic days. And what I find myself doing is what I've always done in single-player FPS is when you start to get overwhelmed is backpedal. Because I backpedal as fast as I run forward, so the trindosions are coming at me and I'm just like melee, melee, melee, like just sticking out in front of me and they're basically just suiciding on my melee attack. Yep. And then this level is pretty bad with the monster closets. It is really bad with the monster closets. Walk up to a door. Like, and it's Call of Duty bad with the monster closets. I think, I think it's supposed to be more monster-closity because the guys jump out of you with knives. Well, I would hope that it was supposed to be fun. And the monster closets frequently were just frustrating. There was a point for me at the end, right at the end when you're fighting the other guys with the helmets or whatever. Where I literally would see this one guy just spawn over and over just out of thin air, like right in the middle of a hallway. And he was just on a loop. Like, I guess his spawn was never stopped. Near the end, there's this long hallway where there are turrets. Yeah, that's the one that the super battle droids that come from the end of the hall. Yeah, they just keep coming until you push through. Actually, they don't. Oh, for, I mean, for me, I ended up just kept coming. Like, I was moving forward so slowly because anytime I told anybody to move forward, they just get owned by the turrets. Yeah, wait, are you talking about the one where there's like three sniper positions? Yeah, like long haul. Yeah, it's the guy. I didn't see three sniper positions in a bunch of turrets. Yeah. I'm holding the turrets on the side. Oh, with sniper spots too, along the way. Like, yeah, you just post them all up on that and you'll clear them all out of it. You can't post. Like, I couldn't post the guys on that because as soon as I sent somebody forward, they get owned by the turrets. That's what I'm saying. I cleared all the turrets first, ran up there. Right, but that's what I'm saying is I was moving forward so slowly because I was trying to clear the turrets. That, like, we ended up killing every single droid until there weren't any left. And I was like, well, I'll just take out the rest of the turrets. But it did seem like it was endless spawning. I just assumed that it was going to be. I would just like to point out that I hope we don't ever need Rebel if I'm 26 again. 'Cause I accidentally distorted this recording over it. Just so you know. [laughter] We have a uncompressed audio file. Yeah, whatever. I just realized that. Um, I was like, this isn't Rebel if I'm 26. [laughter] Uh, but yeah. Uh, I guess, uh, I guess, well, but when we first started in this mission, I kind of felt a sense of relief 'cause I was like, oh, okay, it's just me fighting. I don't have to manage my squad at all. And that's sort of an extra level of complexity that it was nice to take a break from for a little while. And, uh, even though I did get those suicide droids killing me when I first ran into them a couple times, in fact, there's that one section, especially when you're in right in the beginning and you're crawling through the dark. And there's, you see one in front of you and then, like, two spawn behind you. They don't spawn behind you, actually. They're there. They're down at only the walls. They're there, but you have to find them on the wall beforehand or else they do come from behind like that. Yeah. But yeah, I died there like three times and I was like, no. So did I, which is why I then scanned the walls and I was like, there, you fuckers. I just had to keep finding until I'd be there. That was really weird about that enemy. And I generally have a problem with this in the game as a whole is it's hard to tell when you're getting shot. And especially with that droid, it's lasers, you know, make virtually no sound. I mean the sound is like very, very slight. Yeah. And like, you can't tell it's shooting you. There were a couple of times where I religious, I religious in that game, watched my shields more than I watched like indicators of hit. Yeah. Just to tell them getting hit. And see, I never do like, I never noticed that my shields are getting hit. I only noticed when I'm getting hit. I mean, near the end of this level, when there's something else that drove me insane, then I'll talk a little bit longer. But when you're constantly slicing terminals or placing demo charges, you know, the times when it takes a full minute to do so. Like, that's when I'm paying attention to my shield because I'm like, okay, well, fuck it. They can just keep taking shots at me, but I'm just going to keep typing in these numbers and just finishes. Yeah. And I'll pull back when my shield's almost empty, then rush back. I like that. Well, I think that personally, I was going to say, I like that they take a minute. That's why I didn't make them do them myself because that's how it's challenging that way. I don't know. I can still, you're hating. I did both. I'm not, I hated it. I'm not hating on it. Yeah. I think that it's a bad design choice when you're, when you make someone sit somewhere for a minute or tell them to do something and sit for a minute. That's not just like waiting for other things to happen. But where you're, if you, you can literally have someone sit in front of a console for a minute and hope things don't go wrong behind them. I don't, I don't. I think that's why you're supposed to do it yourself. Just saying. You can't do it yourself. I did it myself. Yeah. I actually, I actually thought it was kind of fun, but we'll, we'll get there at some point. We'll, we'll talk about those sections. Um, I, I wanted to talk a little bit more about like the single player stuff. Yes. Or the solo player stuff. Just solo player stuff. Yeah. Okay, my big problem with this, with this stage wasn't so much the combat because I did get used to it after a while. Um, my problem was the, the story. Like I didn't, I couldn't really keep track of what was going on between like the four different characters. I knew we needed to get some data, but I didn't know where they were in the ship. I didn't know like, oh, okay. Well, this guy's injured. Now we have to go get him. Well, I didn't realize that he was getting injured. There was just an audio thing. It was kind of, it was all very disjointed and it wasn't told very well. If you didn't stand there and watch him the whole time, like if you moved on, you didn't see him get hurt. Yeah. It was too much to say. Yeah. I did see the trandoshan is when he's coming down the, the top of the down core. Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't pay attention. I, I did see him do that, but I mean like he's not the only one. Like the other guy gets captured. Oh, when Scorch gets captured. Yeah. And I was like, when did Scorch get captured? You know, I just, all of a sudden he is. And they probably did tell me, but it's like there was something that just didn't get rejected. I mean, you're screaming over calm and you try to contact him and you can't. Yeah. And that's, but how did they find out that he got captured? I think they just assumed once they saw it. Well, and they found that he was captured because they looked it up on the computer and were like, oh, he's being held and so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Gotcha. I, I don't know. Maybe, maybe I'm just too used to having my, in, in modern games having my story like spoon fed to me that I wasn't paying close enough attention. It doesn't ever really tell you, like, besides like the initial thing, like, you know, the advisor tells you, like, hey, you're going on the ships, slice the computers, find out why the ships busted. That's it. That's the only time they tell you. And then after that, it's just like, I think the weird thing to me. I think the weird thing to me, story-wise in this mission was it seemed like he was talking to himself a lot, but not in a, in a, this is my external inner monologue, so much as, it sounded like he was talking to someone that wasn't there. That happened a lot, yeah. And, and it makes sense to know him was there because there's like the jamming signal so the advisor can't hear you and the other guys are offline or whatever, but, but there was an awful lot of talking that so much that I became, I sort of became conscious of the fact that wondering if I was supposed to be hearing something else. And it would have been nice if it, if it did sound a little bit more like an internal monologue, you know, like in the, in thief when Garrett talks to himself, you know that it's his internal monologue. I mean, he's a thief and he asked a whisper, but I guess I just, it would have been nice if the story was a little bit more cohesive throughout this section, I think. Yeah, for me, there's just a lot of points where I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the backwards compatibility slash emulation or if there's a problem with the game because this, in this level in particular, there were times when the framerate just got so bad. Oh, see, like, and for me on the PC version, this was the level where everything suddenly was okay. Yeah, all my bump mapping was there, all the textures were there. Yeah, exactly. I think it must be, maybe it is. I mean, I could play it on, on three on PC, like I did the whole edit the any file, like I can run it at 1920 by 1080, like with, with everything turned on, except for bump mapping because it doesn't work. And that runs fine, but for in interest of doing capture, I thought that I would try to do the 360 version again. Yeah. But I mean, for next time, I might just, like I have fraps, so I might just. Yeah, that sounds like a backwards compatibility thing because I honestly, even when I played it way back in the day and Xbox, I don't, I don't remember, like, ever being like, "Oh my God, the framerate's okay." Crippling bad, yeah. I feel like for the, for last gen, the framerate wouldn't have been as much of a thing. Like where we're like, "Oh God, the framerate is so awful." It's just like, "Oh, it's a shooter with a bunch of shit on the screen, so stuff is going to get choppy." Whereas we've, there's just so many things playing this game that feels like, "Yep, this is definitely a shooter from a few years ago." Well, part of that is that my, I'm still having problems with my guys getting stuck and not realizing that they got stuck. Like, they're pathfinding, they'll get, they'll get, like, stuck on a wall somewhere. I'll be like, "Shit, why do I only have, why do I only have two guys with me?" And I'll have to run all the way back to where he's, like, running into a wall, like trying to follow me somehow. I'm like, "What the hell?" It's like, "What did I take that corner too sharply for you?" I don't know, I guess it always seems like to me, like, I haven't had that problem as much, although I have had problems with them not coming when I tell them to follow. Yeah, and for me, it's hit and miss when they do that, especially when I tasked them to do something else before. So now, even if I didn't have them do something, I would just say cancel action and then center around. Yeah, I always do, I always do, stop what you're doing, follow me. I always, like, on the PC, it's always F4, F2. I never just hit F2. Right. And I actually was like, for a while that annoyed me, I was like, "Well, why do I have to cancel to get them to follow me?" But I actually started using it sometimes, if I had, and I think this is the reason why it works that way, is I would put a guy in an emplacement and say, "Okay, I really do want you to stay there, but I want everybody else to follow me." All right, now every, and then I would hit like, "Okay, F1, go aggressive." And then I'd use them to lure the enemies and I'd go, "Okay, come back and follow me." Right, and just those two guys would come back. Yeah, in a way it's a compromise to make it a console game is that, well, we're sort of streamlining the interface rather than saying, "Well, you hit this button to select this trooper, and this button to select this trooper, and this to select all, et cetera, et cetera." Right, well, it just felt like a little bit extra, it's an extra level of strategy that I think was put in there intentionally, as opposed to just being, you know, F2 automatically has everybody follow you, whether they're on an emplacement or not. So, like, I actually appreciated that, the more I started to use it tactically, where my tactics broke down was where I run into those fuckers with the miniguns, where I come around a corner, full shield, full health, dead. Right, yeah, a few missiles. I couldn't fucking believe it, and like the first time you run into one of those guys, you're by yourself. So, all you can do is like just peek around the corner and like fire your rocket launcher and go back. I'd just peek around the corner and chuck grenades, and the only other thing you can do potentially, if you want to be really patient, because he walks fucking slow, so just lead him down and shoot the boxes when he gets near him, but he has to wander so far. Yeah, that's an example, I think, of, you know, like Arthur was talking about, that's an example of bad game design. You just shouldn't have enemies that are like that. I mean, if it's to the point, you know, it's like being in, because you can't really take cover in this game, you can just move around corners and break line of sight. Can you lean on the PC version? No, you can't lean. So, it's basically your only option is to be out of the line of fire of this guy, because if you're in the line of fire you die, but you have to be in the line of fire in order to kill him, but he takes so much damage that you can't stay in the line of fire for more than a second. Which means that, yeah, one thing I figured out in this level, though, was that... Wait, just to clarify, are you talking about the big mercenary transitions? Yeah, I was talking specifically about the specific big mercenary ones that have the chain gun, you know, if I like two of them. I will say this for the design, is that when I beat that one, I felt clever about it, because the first one I met, I flashed banged him, and that stunned him completely. See, at first I thought, like, maybe I have to stun them, because you would damage them, and... Wow, there's a very big truck going by, actually. Frater going by. Yeah. So, there is a... I thought, because I was doing so much damage to him, I was throwing grenades, I was using my heavy rocket launcher thing on him, and he just was my sniper rifle, and I was like, man, this guy isn't dying, and maybe he's like some guy where I have to... The way I ended up killing the first one was like, because every time I would hit him with one of these powerful things, he would stun him for a little while, and he would bend over, and I was like, well, fuck, maybe I have to melee him. So, like, I stunned him, and I ran straight up to him, and I just started meleeing him. Like, melee, melee, melee, melee, you know, with your fist blade. You were trying to play it like chronicles of Riddick. And it worked, because I was doing it over and over and over again, and he was there, and I think I was... I think his gun would like the barrel stuck farther than I was, because he was like, and like, not hitting me at all, so I just stood there and melee him. You can do that with the rolling pulley droids, too. Oh, you can. Two arms for machine guns, you can run around up in between them, and they can't hit you. That's hilarious. Which is also not the greatest design move. But I discovered in this level that you can get up, you know, right behind a piece of cover, you know, if you're ducking. And even if you're reticle is on the piece of cover, if your gun is sticking out around the corner, it'll still shoot around the corner. So, like, with the first time I encountered the chain gun guy, I just got right behind, like, right around the corner, my gun stuck out. I couldn't see him, but every time I shot, I saw the indicators that I was hitting him, and I just laid on my triggers until he died. That's awesome. I use that tactic pretty much for the rest of the level, and it really helped me. Yeah. You know, I'll get through some of the hairier parts. That's brilliant. I mean, it was like one of those things I discovered back, but it worked. Or through necessity. Yeah. Are you finding a comment that's worth something? I'm just looking through comments. A lot of people were still talking about the last episode in the comments this time, and a lot of people were still trying to figure out how to get the resolution fixed to work. If you're listening, and you still have it figured out how to get the resolution fixed to work, and you've edited the .ini file, the trick is to edit those files, and then not to go to the graphics settings again, because that will automatically snap her back. So, don't do that. You can also make the .ini file read-only, and then they won't be overwritten. And they're sure they're getting- Who are a tool using monkey matching right there? It's because I've taken so many games and had to up the resolution manually. You were not capturing- You're a PC. Yeah, exactly. And when I was capturing footage of trying for co-op, I had to change the refresh rate to 60 Hertz, because the capture gear couldn't see it otherwise and stuff like that. Mmm. Anyway. You were saying, Tyler? I'm sorry. Are they- And just making sure that they're changing two files. There's two files. Yeah, there's the one in your user settings file, and there's one in the game. Same. Yeah, this in the save file that you have to change. Icefailed says, as I mentioned, the podcast, the field of the weapons is disappointing. An aspect of first person shooters that really annoys me, a lot of the otherwise really good first person shooters fail at making the guns feel sound powerful. Whereas I can think of a couple off the top of my head in which the guns were loud and felt hefty. I didn't read the games that he mentioned because I don't necessarily agree with him. He said in Half-Life 2 and Doom 3, the guns didn't sound powerful. I mostly disagree. Yeah, like even the pistol in Half-Life 2 has a- Half-Life 2 and I agree with him to an extent in Doom 3. Like the machine gun in Doom 3 and stuff. Those are all pretty weak. I never played Doom 3, but I agree with him on Half-Life. I don't think- I don't think a lot- I think most of the guns sound pretty bad on Half-Life. Oh man, are you kidding? Like the combine assault rifle? That one I like. That one I like. I do like that one, but like the other one with the little missile as the secondary fire. Yeah, like the maximum sounds cold or whatever. No, I don't know. Like I love those guys. The first little pistol sounds like- I feel like the pistol in Half-Life sounds a lot like a real pistol. Like the popping noise as opposed to the go- Oh, a lot of it has to do with the animations too. 'Cause like when I'm firing the pistol on Half-Life, like the recoil on it. Like watching the animation, like watching the slide fire back and forth and everything. All that together combines to make a really powerful weapon. It was funny that when we were talking about the Pew Pew Gun so much last time and somebody sent me a Twitter message and they're like, "That Pew Pew Gun you keep talking about? That's a blaster!" I don't know if he meant it like that, but that's how it goes. It doesn't sound badass, but he'll tell you that much. He's like, "But that's a blaster!" And it's like, "I don't know if that's how I meant to write it, but that's how I read it." 'Cause it sounded like really snug. Even the chain gun, like as fun as it is and as destructive as it is, is still pretty Pew Pew. It is. Pew Pew. It's definitely- I definitely enjoyed it when I, you know, killed the first guy with the chain gun. I mean, it's like you just aim it at their head and just- Yep. Yeah, it's almost every weapon you fire in the game sounds like it's about as deadly as a mouse fart. Yeah. I'm trying to- I'm not gonna- I'm just having my own nerd- internal nerd monologue about why laser guns would, in theory, be really Pew Pew. Because it's just like ionized energy and ionized energy, but then I was thinking, "So why do the lasers in Episode 3 sound so powerful?" But then I was like- Exactly, it's not- But then the big- But the big- But the general blasters- The handheld ones don't sound as powerful, but the ones shooting off the Capitol ship do. But the ones shooting off the Capitol ships also expel shells. Which makes me wonder if they really ionized- I feel like in Star Wars there's still an oomph. Like in the movies there's an oomph to blaster bolt shots that there's just not in anything in this game. And it's really weird. I mean with the possible exception of some explosions, but even the explosions are a little underwhelming. Like at the end of the first campaign where it blasts open the door. So it's just sort of like it was a wall made of soda cans. Well, and you also think that you also look back to kind of the area that this game was on the tail end of. And I don't remember too many games having decent explosions. I mean that's why when the first Call of Duty came out, everybody was so amazed by the set pieces because you were like explosions, audio effects. This is amazing, like the immersiveness of it all like really felt authentic. And I think it was just a difficult thing to do because you couldn't do particle effects to the degree that would require, you know, to the degree that we've come to expect from modern shooting game explosions. I wonder how close the release of Republic Commando was to a game like Black. Because that was a game that definitely got really kick-ass guns. Around the same time actually I think. I don't know. 2005, like June 2005. I mean either way, it was a different time and the game is still pretty fun. I feel like I'm complaining a lot, but kind of like Anthony, I had a lot of fun with this stage. I even had more fun than I did with the first stage. I just didn't like the part where I was by myself. I felt like as long as I had another person there that I could kind of command, that was fun to me. But I felt, you know, just like I said earlier, I felt like the enemies were designed to be fought in groups, you know, with groups of people. They brought me up in a tank to fight in a pack. So the clone troopers are totally like, whenever I'm playing it, I'm always thinking I had this thought when I was in the shower today. You often think about clone troopers and people. For at least an average span of about 45 seconds to a minute. That's longer than your dream. And then, yeah, I was thinking, you know what, the clone troopers, man, it is like this guy that I think at some point we'll talk to. I think he might be around our age, which would make sense because I think he watched Ninja Turtles a lot growing up and was like, I want to make a Ninja Turtle game. Oh, yeah, there were definitely people in the comments, so. And then they were like, oh, really? That shows how little I read the comments at times. I'm a dick. Anyways. I'm glad you said it. Yeah, because the character you are is totally Donatello, right? Wouldn't it be Leonardo? No. You're Donatello. I'm telling you, because even though you're not the leader, trust me, you're Donatello, let me continue. Because then, seven, seven, oh seven, or seven, he's Raphael, obviously. He's even red. Yeah. And then, and then, Scorch is Michelangelo. And then, Fixer is actually Leonardo, because he's, no, shut up for a second. Because he's the one, because he's the one that's like, because he's the one that's like, cut the chatter, guys. We gotta stay by the book. He's the guy that has the longest reach and fixes things, so your analogy falls apart. I'm just saying that you're Donatello. So, who else is Donatello and Fixer would be Donatello? No, he's not. Because his attitude doesn't fit Donatello. I mean, I would put Leonardo and Donatello both in the librarian camp. I'm just saying the Fixer, Fixer doesn't like Donatello at all. Donatello doesn't enforce the rules. Not like Leonardo. Leonardo's always like, "I'm gonna do this one by the way, Master Shredder says you." What? You said Master Shredder first of all. Whatever, I don't know. I fucked up my-- No, you're Ninja Turtles. This is what you said. I'm fucking ashamed of that. Okay, so this is interesting, this, yeah. I mean, that is an interesting theory to put forward. It's not a fucking theory. It's fucking too much backing it for 2-3. It's too much. You're forcing Will. Yeah. RetroBob says, "I played quite a few Star Wars games over the years, and this one is notable by the lack of the usual a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, followed by the opening crawl. I've always found this is a staple of Star Wars in all media, and it must have been a conscious decision to leave this out. So, I need to know why this was. Maybe a question for the devs if you get a hold of them. We actually should be having the creative designer. We had a conversation about this, though, on the way that we weren't going to mention it because it's the curse of the show to mention. The curse of the show to mention. Well, we're trying to have someone on the show next time that might be able to answer these questions. Leprechauns cast the curse on us. But I mean, this whole game is definitely trying to set a different tone than any other Star Wars game before it, and definitely a different tone than any Star Wars media other than possibly books before. Which they point out very succinctly when you go into that one vent crawl space and you see the lightsaber on the ground, and you, the main character, goes, what does he say? An elegant weapon for a different age, and he goes, "I think not" or something like that. I don't know, I don't remember that part. I don't remember that part. I don't remember that, I never saw that. Oh yeah, it's the one spot where you can, I'm pretty sure this is the spot. It's where you can set a charge to blow through debris and go down a hallway, or you can go around the other way. And if you go around through the vents, and you make, basically you make a right, and there's like a little dead end, and there's a republic trooper there, and there's a lightsaber on the ground, and if you look at it, I was like, "Shit, I get to pick up a lightsaber." And right over there, and I looked at it, and he just says that. He says that monologue, like he totally distains light sabers. I mean, they all are aware that they're going to have to kill the Jedi at some point. See, I didn't think that they were, I thought that was like a subliminal thing. No, because in the books and stuff, they make it clear that some of the Jedi's are like, "It's going to suck, we have to kill this guy," because I kind of like them. Like, they like, some of them have foresight about it, and that's why some of them choose not to. There's like lore about certain ones that didn't and fought with the Jedi until they were killed as well. Blah, blah, blah, blah. That's cool. So. Yeah. Right on. That's a piece of lore that I wasn't aware of. Yeah, I just thought that it was a subliminal thing that they were programmed with. So did I, until I read it, and specifically it's the Jedi. You know, in the third movie, there's that girl who's running on like the mushroom kind of forest planet. She's a twilight with the head tails and they all just fucking stand around her in a circle and shoot her like a hundred times. It's her, because she like saves them all, and they're like, "Man, she's kind of awesome. Too bad we're going to have to kill her." That would be a, I always like stories that are, you know, the ones that go against the grain in the entire universe or world or whatever, then has to hunt them down, so that'd be a cool story to tell. It would be the Republic Commando guy who goes against his programming and escapes with the Jedi and they're on the run. I don't remember which ones that are, wouldn't surprise me if in the lore it's actually these ones. I don't know, because this game doesn't take you as far as that. Well, someone else pointed out in the comments, I think, that clone troopers don't have more skills or aren't programmed with more skills than the normal troopers. They're just, like, built, like, programmed with fewer blocks, like fewer things that make them follow orders explicitly. You mean commanders? Yeah, I just think that also they're kind of like genetic mutants. Like, they notice, like, ahead of time, like, "Oh, this one kind of has a few enhancements that'll make him special in a way." Well, not just that, though. I mean, I also, like, you do, the thing is in the game, it specifies that you have things that the others don't like. Right, that's what I'm saying. I'm just saying that when they're looking through their fucking communal gene screens, they're like, "Oh, this one's going to be an OK clone." Like, the Republic of Commandos can process back to which none of the other clones can... That's because they get implants for it, so... And all Republic troopers at the end of each battle go into a bed which has a perfectly heated blanket that is at an optimal degree of somewhere around 70 to help them heal. That they sleep in naked. I know this. Wow. Is that what you think of in the shower? Yep. For the last three seconds of that one minute. We had a lot of people say that this level was just hard, but this whole mission was hard. It was hard. Yeah, well, the ending's supposed to be hard. The ending's like an alamo. We actually didn't have as much trouble at the end. Yeah. Yeah, neither did I. It was just, like, the mid part that I thought was the end. This was the mission that would not end. Everywhere you go, you're like, "We just need to do this one more thing and then we'll be done." Just one more thing. No. We'll get to go to this. Think of that. There's only three campaigns in it. I mean, it's like as long as the first one. It just seems a lot longer because, at least in the first one, you went in like a droid factory. You were on a planet surface. On this one, it's like ship the whole time. Inside the ship. But, I mean, for me, that's sort of a pacing issue. I mean, if you're... If it's at a point where you keep telling the player, "Well, this is the last thing you need to do." And then they have to do more than... I feel like maybe the design needs to be changed or maybe you need to break the game up more. Yeah. I mean, because it can be done well because, like, for instance, what you make me think of when you tell me that is like that mission in Call of Duty, right? Where it's like fall all the way back to the farmhouse. Oh, and that's not the end of the mission. Actually, it's getting all the way back, but that one still does it well. You know what I mean? It's like, you can tell the player like, "Sike, that wasn't really it." But that mission can be finished in like 20 minutes. Right. Whereas this is... I'd be curious to know, actually, how many miles of corridor you traverse in this level. And I'm not saying that to be a dick. Like, I'm genuinely curious, like, how much shit they got. There's a lot of corridor in there. Because it seems like you were walking for a long, goddamn time. I mean, yeah, maybe if they do break it up in the missions, to be fair. So you could say... You actually did a full scale of a ship of this size. I'm just saying, if you want to break it up by missions, maybe this mission really was only like 20 minutes. Because it does break it up into those loading spots that are missions. But... I mean, it's all the same campaign. And that's just, or I don't know, it seems like it's all one level with like broken up parts of the level. And that doesn't... It just seems like it goes on forever. Yeah, I agree, man. There were definitely several times where I thought it was going to... One time in particular was when they started flooding, like, poisonous gas into the hallways and stuff. I thought, like, okay, for sure, like, when I saw this problem, we'll be like saved. That was a part where I was so ready to be angry at the game and then I wasn't. Because I was like, oh fuck, poison gas. Now you're going to make me run through this fucking mission until... And hopefully I don't die from poison gas. But anyway, then they're like, just put on your helmet. Secure your helmet, troopers. Oh, now we know how long transdotions can hold their breath for. Yeah. I really like that, yeah. But the last scenes where you're going through the hangers and closing them off, they went relatively easy for me. The one thing that was like, place all the booby traps or whatever, I was like, fuck that. I'm not placing all these booby traps because what's going to happen is as soon as I go out there and try to place things on these canisters is when they're going to come in and start shooting me from behind. Which is exactly what happened the first time I tried to do that. And so like the second time I just positioned everybody and I just... I actually had my guys shooting everybody and then I just ran up to the thing... The droid dispensers? No, not the droid dispensers. To close the main door first. To close the main door thing. I just ran up to it and like started doing it right away and closed them off and then took out the droid dispensers. And then in the second one where you're like up on the balcony, as long as you put one guy in the turret and the other guy on the sniper, I just sent the third guy, I think in my case it was Sev, I just sent him down to go do it. And I just watched his back while he was doing it. That's how I usually do it. I usually put two on something. Did you get a third guy to do it and then I watched the third guy's back so he isn't just getting like shot point blank. Did you guys ever get to the point where you got like the rolly pulley droids to come out at you? The droid, are they, are those the droid decas? Well, that's what, that's what they call them. That's what they are called to the droid. Because like, you know, I could never shut the hanger in time. It seemed like I was always dealing with so much shit. But those ones aren't so bad because the dispenser for those is like ultra mega slow. Like it's like one at a time. Yeah, it is, but, but it puts them on the, um, in that particular, it puts them on the balcony. And so like I had, you know, one of my guys on the, I had one of my items on the sniper spot. And they took the balcony and they killed both of my guys up there. And then I was downstairs with my buddy. Right. Fuck man. I kept them all down with me for that reason because that's what happened to me. I was like, okay, it can't be up there. I think I, I think I closed it off quick enough that it just didn't matter. Cool. One thing I thought was really interesting, the first hanger I came across was, uh, I, I set one of my guys to clear debris. It was clear this debris and I wasn't sure what was going to happen because I'd never done it before. And then I, there were two spots of debris, so I told them to clear both. And the first one, it just cleared, you know, some shelving and shit in the middle of the battlefield. So like clear a line of fire and the second one, when you cleared the debris, there was a turret behind it. Did you guys discover that? Uh, I think I know. I don't think, unfortunately, I don't think I saw the turret until after I had finished that section. Yeah, I saw it and it was before any of the droid, uh, drop shots came and everything. I was like, hell yeah, I get on that. That's funny. Yeah. The back left corner, right? Yeah. Wow. Cool. The Grenadier spots are super useful. Yeah. Because they never run out of grenades. They just keep throwing them. Exactly. Those ones are extremely valuable. Yeah. I wish that I could... Yeah. I almost wish that I could just tell the guys like, yeah, everybody just throw grenades from now on. Just don't stop throwing grenades. Just the spam grenades button. Yeah. Just wanting to be like the AI and call of duty. Yeah, exactly. Um, one thing that I was kind of surprised with in this, and I haven't played the Force Unleashed, so I don't know if this is true or not, this is definitely the most violent Star Wars game I have ever played. Or heard of or seen. Yeah. Force Unleashed, I mean, this is a scheme that you kill a shitload of people in the Force Unleashed. But I mean, like, they're, like, clone troopers get torn apart. I've never seen them get torn apart. I saw legs and heads all over the place. Oh, well, I mean, they were, they were already torn apart. No, like, I saw a clone trooper get hit by something and its head get lopped off. Oh, yeah. See, I didn't see any of that. No, I saw, I saw legs and boots and stuff around, but I never saw someone actually get ripped apart from me. Like, I've never seen the Star Wars games where there are limbs from things. I mean, the, the Jedi Academy games, you could slice limbs off. That's true. I remember that stuff. So. I do remember that. But, uh, yeah, no, I mean, I, I didn't see that. I, I did see people die, but I, and, and body parts lying around, but I actually regret that I did not see anybody get blown apart. Yeah. So. Um, how did you guys feel about the shotgun? I had its uses and it was nice because you can carry, it was nice because you could carry it as a backup. You know what I mean? Like, for me, I felt like it was just, uh, my, uh, melee weapon. I didn't, I didn't feel like it was that strong. I mean, really, I was using anything that was at medium range. Like, if you, if the trindosians were coming at me, medium range headshot, they'd go down. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna headshot. We'll take them down. It was good against organics. Yeah. And it sucked against your own. Yeah. I didn't see much switch between that and pulled out my pistol for. Yeah. I was really disappointed when I pulled out the chain gun, which killed me in two seconds, and I'm trying to fire, I'm trying to shoot down super droids. And they're just like, "Doesn't hurt." I think that, I think in the scheme of things, the reason that is the shotgun, in terms of Star Wars, that it shoots projectiles and not beam energy, which projectiles against a metal droid probably aren't gonna shoot. I don't think, don't they clarify that it does shoot energy and it's just been duplicated to... That's what he says. He looks like a slug player. Yeah. He, he says to himself, like, he sits to himself, "Huh, an energy weapon that works, that fires, that works like a projectile weapon from the patch." I don't think these were that nostalgic or something like that. Exactly. Yeah. That's right. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, it's really weird. Um, I'll read a comment. Fredrick says, "My favorite moment of the game so far was probably the first thing that happened during the second mission, we were in Sev banter where this is a scorcher that says, "Did you hear that, Sev?" They think I'm fantastic and Sev says, "And there's two of you." Yeah. And they throw the R2 fist bump. And then they throw themselves out of the airlock. Right. There's a little more bravado in this game. There are other Star Wars games. I think you've been saving that around. You've been saving that? I want to know. What, bravado? No, actually, I just came up with that right now. It's a good word. I have a proof. I hate you for bravado. We could do a T-shirt of bravado. No. No one would think that we hated anyone for bravado except for ourselves. Uh, I don't know. Somebody would make up something. Like, you hate Nevadans because it rhymes with Nevada. Yeah. I don't know. You really stretch in there too. Yeah. Um. Bro. Well, that's also says some more great squadmate humor was, uh, after canceling in order more than once. Uh, are you trying to baffle the enemy into submission, sir? Yeah. Uh, or if we're all clones, why am I the only one with a sense of humor? Um, when I did hear at the very beginning of the next mission, because something I figured out is that it doesn't auto-save for you when a new mission starts. Mm. So I had to play through the very last part of the first campaign when I started playing, playing this again because I hadn't saved my second mission. And I couldn't figure out a way to go into just the second section, even from the campaign map. Oops. But, uh, at the beginning of the, the third mission, um, scorcher jokes that since you're going to rescue the Wookiee, is it a scorched, uh, scorched says, because you're going to the Wookiee to cash it to rescue the Wookiee chief, and he's all Wookiee life debts for everyone. Yeah. Yeah. That was really good. Wookiee life debts for everyone. Woo hoo. Yeah. You get to see lots of Wookiees die in the next one. Um, sweet. Hannessy says, this chapter made me yell way too many things at the screen that I couldn't repeat in polite company. Sometimes because I- Not like companies. Sometimes I- We repeat them. I think, I think Hannessy might be a mom. We get a lot of people that complain that we swear so much as it is. Fuck no, we don't. I've even had people tell me that they used to listen but stopped because we swear it's a fucking match. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It's really making me think of just putting the word fuck on our T-shirt. Quit making your fucking children listen to the podcast. I definitely saw the email from the guy that was like, I was in the van with my family on a road trip and I thought I'll put on some rebel of them. We talk about penis. That's a rebel. Like an hour of every podcast. Don't they have like explicit tags next to them? Yes. We've always made sure to put explicit tags as to invest in my knowledge, right? I think we were the first- I mean that's if you download it off directly off the website, that's one thing. True. That's true. It's noted as explicit on that as well. With an ID3 tag or whatever? I believe so. I guess maybe if maybe in theory these guys are downloading it and then burning it to a CD. I don't know how the fuck you're doing it, but your children- Well CDs. Your children, I guess maybe- The rebel of them bocks it. Maybe your children are enlightened enough, but I don't know. Quit hiding it from your kids that you cuss anyways. My parents did that with me forever now. It's like then I hit 18 and all of a sudden it was like the veil was lifted and I was like, "Come on. Why did we pretend for so long that this was such a horrible thing?" I think that it's good to encourage kids not to swear because swearing tends to make people take US seriously. And it makes you sound dumb. I agree. And it does make you sound dumb. I'm just saying that there's a place for it. And like right now when I swear, I don't think we sound that dumb. It's just a thing of conversation. Sometimes we sound dumb. We can't affect them if they think so. Excellent retorts. My friends used to have this like running joke about my mom that she ended her sentences not with a period, but with the word asshole. Tyler, get your food, asshole. You can't. You can't. She cuts us. Where's your poor card, asshole? Well wait, if asshole was a period, what's a question mark, is it like fuck face? No, she would always get offended by fuck that word. She wouldn't go there. That's funny. But she would say assholes like, right? She'd be, "Tyler, you asshole." I mean, your mom would call you assholes or something? Yeah. My mom never called me swear words to your face. Dude, I can't remember the first time I swore. You should've heard her when you were out of the room last time. I can remember the... Oh God, I'm peeking. Sorry for the times I've peeked in this. I can remember the first time I cussed in front of my mom. It was when our cat almost got hit by a car and we were all outside and rises the car, almost hit our cat and kept on going. I said, "Shit." And my mom looked at me like, "What the fuck did you just say?" The reason I swore in front of my parents was when I was like six and I had just gotten to the top of the flagpole in Mario. Okay, well, I'm saying like, yeah, there was a couple times before that I guess. Or something like that. When I was little kid and didn't know I'd be better. Yeah. So, have we gone through this one? No, we're not quite done yet. Right. What was left? So, after you rescued Scorsch and Sev and Fixer, yeah, you need to go through the different hangers and then you need to re-enable the laser battery. To take on the capital ship, that's outside. Right. And you figure out that there's no way that you don't think there's any way that help is coming so you figure that you'll try to fight them off yourself. Or die trying. Or die trying. I like how, like, where you fix the laser battery is basically, like, in the barrel of the gun. Well, you're right next to them, yeah. It shakes the shit out of you. I mean, you see the giant energy beam go under you. As soon as I walked into the last room. I totally missed that. Oh, I wish I'd seen that. Yeah, right there where you activate those three one-minute terminals with the spots where your guys are holding them off, you know? Yeah. Right after that, they start firing right there. I was so concentrated on finding the enemies that I didn't see any of that shit. See, once I finally activated those, because I'm capturing and I figured it would make better video, I definitely focused on the window. Yeah, because if you watch-- I went to the window too, but I didn't see anything coming. I'm like, am I supposed to be shooting at this because I don't see any lasers going out for you. You started shooting your rifle at the window. No, no, no, no. I mean, like, the ship. I didn't see the ship shooting anything. Yeah, because if you watch long enough, the other ship rolls up too, and they together blow that ship. Yeah, I saw-- I watched the whole thing blow very quickly. It's because there's like a giant flash on your screen, and that's when-- that's when the gun fires, and then you see these tiny little green lines. Yeah. Right. That's how I need to look at them. Are you shooting thread at this thing? The fucking silly string? What do we load into these things? What took me three minutes to fix? As soon as I walked into that room and saw three terminals, I was like, okay, there's no way those are going to be minute-long terminals, because it'd been hitting me with minute-long and 30-second-long terminals for like a third of the map, and I'm like, there is no way they are that fucking sadistic that there will be that many entrances on the other side, and this many terminals to have. But these? All minute-long. I thought these were two minutes long. They weren't-- I don't think so. Oh, okay. Maybe I should man them up. I mean, I thought they were two minutes. I think it's three one minute ones, but I did one myself, and then had the other guy just do the other two. Yeah. I had-- I was sitting there for a while, like, what the fuck? What's going on? Yeah, I had two guys doing them while me and one other guy held everybody off, and then I did the last one on my own with everybody else watching my back, and that one-- I actually thought it was fun, because I'm there like, holding down line, come on, hack, hack, and then occasionally my shields are getting hit, but then they stop for a little while, and my shields are generating-- It's that middle-- Yeah, and then I got hit, and my health went down quite a bit, but then they must have shot that guy or something, because it started to come back, and I was almost like, "Man, I wish I could turn my head around and see what's going on, because this must be pretty epic." At least, yeah, at least slide you to look around. Yeah. Yeah, but then how would you be hacking, Tyler? Fucking-- Because I'm a clone trooper. Hacking rail. Like, well, I mean, you know, you have it on your HUD, maybe they got the connection, you know? Yeah. Uploaded. I mean, if they did a game like that nowadays, they could do stuff like that. Practastic says, "I have never used a quicksave so many times in a game before, and I can't remember dying this many times in a game before." Actually, I don't think I use quicksave once. I use it a lot, actually. I use it a lot, because the-- this is where the checkpointing fell apart, for me. I don't know. I didn't know the checkpoints. I didn't notice the checkpoint, because I was quicksaving all the time. There were two parts in this mission that were the most frustrating to me. One was this part, because of the fucking men at long terminals, and the other was the room with the two rocket tarts outside of the trend ocean ship. It wasn't even the rocket tarts that were annoying. It was the mines that I did not see. The best way to see mines is just from learn through the painful experience you had, is just that you order your guys ahead of you all the time, and so your guys will eventually be like, "Nope, won't go." Then you see, "Oh, that's because there's a mine there." For me, the mine, as you walk into the lower level where the trend ocean ship is, and you break left, that's where you see the rocket turret. I would always fire on the rocket turret or throw a flashbang or whatever to try to get to it, and I would round the corner right to where I came into view, and I would blow up, and I'd be like, "Well, fuck. I guess I didn't take out the rocket turret." Finally, there was this one time where I was like, "You didn't hear the mine, though. No." Or maybe I didn't. I just didn't place it. Finally, I'm like, "Fuck. I know this guy is dead sweet. Let's do this." And that is when I finally hear the mine noise, and I'm like, "I need to stop playing for a little while." Again, for me, it was just, you order your guys, and the only thing that sucks is they don't tell you there's a mine. They just be like, "We can't do that," and you're like, "Why the fuck can't you do it?" You guys don't see a red circle around? Sometimes you do, but when there's like 10 million things going on on the screen, I just... And I have a problem taking out the rocket turret, guys, because by then I had that... I don't know what it is, the "Goss Gun" or whatever the equivalent is. That gun is ridiculously good. See, I mean... The thing that causes the detonation? Yeah. It hits, and then blows up. I really did not like that gun. Man, it is amazing for taking out super battle droids. What's the gun that? As you talk about... What? It's like a "Goss Rifle." It shoots a big slug. It hits, and then it explodes everything. Oh, man. I've been trying to... I was picking up guns this time. The gun that they tell you to, like, when you're going down the stairs in there with a trandoshan freighter, they say, "That guy's got a disruptor rifle, or something." Yeah. But you grab it. And then you grab it, and it works. Well, it doesn't. It works, in my case. In my case, in my case, in my case, in my car, I guess I'm just going to keep throwing grenades. And specifically, murder is really powerful droids very well. Yeah. And, like, I used it a lot on the droid dispensers, like, if there was... Because if there's two or three heavy battle droids standing next together, you fire it into one of them, and it hits all three of them. See, what I always did against droid dispensers, even when my guys are working on it, is throw the electric grenades. Yeah. So, it'll shock your guys, too, but it won't kill your guys, and they'll keep working right through it. Yep. So, it's a huge opportunity. Did you guys ever find the spot where you could take out one of the droid dispensers by, like, setting off the little speeder bikes? Yeah. Like, there's a little... No! No! There's a speeder bike, and it's like... Flies into it. And it's, like, rigged the speeder bike to go. Yeah, yeah. And then the speeder bike launches into it and blows it. Oh, that's awesome. I learned it randomly when I was telling you about that my two teammates were killed on the balcony above me. It was when I was down below trying to, like, "Well, he sees it, and he says something." Yeah, he does. I bet you we could use that speeder bike or something, and then, like, go for it. Oh, crazy. I told you. I told you. Yeah, me too. Yeah. It makes that room take time easier. Yeah. This is from John. Mission 2 was so up and down for me. The sections defending the hangers were generally excellent and really fun. I agree, actually, that the hanger sections were good. That's the point where you get into the walker and just destroy shit. That was, like, "Oh, fuck, finally. This is exactly what I want to do with this thing right now." The sections defending the hangers were generally excellent and really fun, but were way too small part compared to the rest of the campaign, which was pure running and gunning. There were a couple of times where I thought if I hadn't been playing it for Game Club, I would have just stopped. And I remember thinking that exact same thing at several parts of this mission. Not me. I don't think I ever got stuck long enough to-- I think part of that sometimes is that people, I'm not pointing blame on you right there, I'm just saying that when you wait till the last minute to play for Game Club and you push yourself to do it all in one sitting, then it does feel like you're kicking the balls. And I'm saying that as a person who is playing Little King's story and knowing that trying to make sure I remember in my mind how much more I would enjoy this, if I had the time to play it at a pace that made sense, that's kind of what sucks. You know, it's like what people said about Assassin's Creed, like people got burned out on that game because they had to play it in such a short span of time. I don't know. I played Assassin's Creed pretty quickly and didn't feel that way. But I'm saying a lot of people complained that they thought that was a problem with people that reviewed as well, that was one game where that came up. See, but when I heard those, I didn't think, oh, well, that person just had to burn through it and if they had had more time, they would have enjoyed it more. I thought, well, I mean, for some people, they reached a point in the game where they don't want to play anymore. Yeah. And I definitely had that in games. We reached that point in Army of Two and we tried to take weeks to play that game. So I reached that point hours before we stopped in Army of Two, but we kept going because we bought it. That's because Army of Two isn't a good game. Yeah. The shooting mechanics in that game were terrible. That's another game where the guns are kind of pew pew. Yes. Yes, it is. Yep. You know what? You know what, something that kind of, you know, we're talking about the up and downs with this game. I felt like sometimes the graphics were up and down and what I mean by that is I feel like there are some rooms you walk into and the lighting is really interesting and the room looks really badass. But then I feel like there are long stretches of the game where there's nothing interesting going on. And there are even sections where, you know, when you're walking through the detention blocks and there's light coming through the rafters below you and that's casting, you know, lights on your guys from below and it just looks really cool. I think that also, yeah, I mean, I think you know what I mean, I think, you know, I think. And I spent a lot of time getting to set pieces. I think a lot of that also comes sometimes that maybe with like too much of a reliance from the team drawing upon the movies because if you look at the movies, a lot of times like when the writing is the Death Star and stuff like that, this starts pretty boring looking. Yeah. And they're in the hallways and stuff. It's a little bit like a hospital. But the times when you see like the prison, the prison has like cool lighting and cool things going on and that free like the anti-room to the prison, I'm saying I think sometimes that a lot of that comes from them drawing so heavily on source material that stuff ends up being boring, like the hallways and the capital ships and the movies always look really drab. And in this they look exactly like that, just like drab slabs and metal. I mean, in other games they would just have like, well, here's the fun part and then we're going to have loading or some other thing that just skips you past that boring shit. And in this, which again is why I ask why I'm curious as to whether or not like they'd tried to model this on a real ship like as much time as you spend getting from point eight point B. Well, I think it was just because this is supposed to be a shooter and they wanted to make sure that people felt like they got their money's worth, like they had enough things to kill. It's just a shame that having enough things to kill often meant killing things in the same hallway over and over again. And I don't mean like the exact same hallway, I mean like the same cut and pasted hallway sections over and over again. To the point where sometimes it's hard to find your way around. Sometimes yeah. I didn't really have much of a hard time finding my way around the only because there's, you know, almost always there's like 57 meters until you like. I didn't know. There were a lot of times when I didn't see that actually. Yeah. Sometimes that's not. And maybe I didn't have the light HUD mode on. Plus not only that, but this game doesn't, I mean very rarely does it ever give you an option in which way to go. It's very much like turn here, make a left and it's only one way. And if you go another way, you end up in the same spot anywhere. Right. So yeah. Which is fine. I suppose everything being amazed. Yeah. I mean, I think the guys, the infinity words said that like the best shooters will always be on rails. Just how well they hide it like that makes it a good game or not. So they said something to that effect, but they were really big fan of the on rails thing as opposed to like, here's an open world for you to run around and shoot things. Oh, you mean directed? Yeah. But they actually, they've called it, I think in the quote they might have said, they said on rails, but they said it'll feel like you're on rails, but you won't know it. Like, so fair enough. Yeah, maybe I understand what they're saying. Yeah. I feel like there are shooters that handle sandbox elements. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I felt crisis does it pretty well. Like it manages to still guide you in the general direction well enough for part of it, well, giving you, well, I think a, I mean, and then it clearly goes really guided when you do the alien parts, but I'm just saying like, but then again, like one of my favorite shooter moments of all time is the end of Half-Life 2 Episode 2, the very end. That's kind of like just all open, like it's like just writing around in cars with the universe. It's an arena that still matters. It matters. You have to be very clearly defined. Yeah. And then moments like the twin, the two scare of fight in Halo 3, where you're flying around and landing in the scare. Right. Okay. So they're more arena-based. They're arena-based and in the sense they still are guiding you. Yeah, that's true. They're not because they're guiding you because it's either kill this walk or fail. Yeah. The Halo games are, aren't open world so much as they're a series of sandboxes connected that lead you in the right direction. Well, that's exciting to me because that means that this is a solution a designer will solve somewhere and then we'll have our example that nullifies Infinity Ward's. I would say that GTA 4 does a pretty good job of it in some missions. Yeah. Red Faction actually does a pretty good job of it. Red Faction does, too. Yeah. Anyway, so for the final part, you're going to play through. Wookie Town. Cheek. In the end of the game. Word up. As big as skyscrapers. Wookie Lifetets for everybody. Woohoo. And it's going to end on a cliffhanger. Ba-ba-ba-ba. Someone did say that you find one of the, you find 1138's helmet as an Easter egg in the Force Unleashed. Uh, sure. So there's rumors that there's a legit Republic commando too that is in the planning center. The Force Unleashed, so they're just rearing to make another big budget start with you. The Force Unleashed did really fucking well. Yeah. It's not only that, but they're re-releasing it. Did you see all the deals? It did. I don't think it performed nearly as well as they were hoping that it did because they laid off so much of the staff. I think that they planned to do that. But that happened. But I'm telling you, though, that it didn't perform like even any percentage of what they wanted to do. Because the whole thing, like when they first made the announcement and I, you know, it was like, this is going to be as big as any of the book releases as a movie release. We're going to make it so huge and it, like, I didn't really think about the marketing behind it to make it that huge. Yeah. Well, I'm sure money was supposed to originally, but I think as it got increasingly closer, they were like, no. I mean, I was pretty sure that it sold multiple millions of copies. Yeah. It seems. I would be curious to find out. I mean, I don't know. I don't think it did. But I'm sure it made money. I mean, it's really interesting what they're doing with the DLC, which is basically just continuing the story like it flew into the original trilogy where you're Starkiller and so did Darth Vader. Yeah, I don't know. So it's got to fight with you and Luke and on Hoth. In my opinion, if you want to play the Force Unleashed, you should play the DS version. That's the only one worth playing, in my opinion. Why is that? Because the DS version is excellent. I didn't know that. Really? Yeah. I liked it a lot. Weird. So the only thing about this is this combined with Comic-Con are making me really just want to go through and watch all the Star Wars movies again. Yeah, I think really you're telling me, and I'm also reading that chronology that Anthony borrowed, man. And that when I mentioned, I think I don't remember if it was on Rebel of Emma the Last Game Club that I had gotten a Star Wars book off Amazon, like on their King of Latver Free. It wasn't an actual book. It was a fucking excerpt, which I found out when I got to the last page and it was only like 30-something pages. And I was like, what the fuck? And then you bought it. No. Damn it. It wasn't those 30 pages weren't good enough to make it all right. Anything? All right, let's wrap it. Word. We out. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) [MUSIC PLAYING]