Rebel FM
Rebel FM Game Club - Star Wars: Republic Commando - Episode 1
Welcome back to Game Club. This time around our selection is Star Wars: Republic Commando. Republic Commando is a tactical FPS that puts you in the shoes of a Republic Commando, the elite unit of the Galactic Empire's clone army during the Clone Wars, set between Star Wars Episodes I and II. This week we talk about the first section, the Genosian campaign. For next time, be sure to play through the second campaign (this will be a three episode series, one for each campaign). May the Penis be with you!
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] It does. >> I worked at the notebook store, I just always said it was polite when they would ask if I was gay first. >> That's true, whatever they could hit on me. There's nothing wrong with that, right? I don't even care if they ask or not. >> When I was younger, it would freak me out a little bit more, I think, but now I'm just like. >> Yeah, Quinn Arthur used to gather a bunch of friends to drag someone behind a try. [LAUGH] >> Welcome to the rebel film game club. It sounded like you jumped right in the middle of a conversation because you did. [LAUGH] >> When you compared me to the guy's beat, Matthew Shepard to death. Jesus Christ. >> I don't know. >> We are a skinhead. [LAUGH] >> As I say, they're actually not. >> I don't share my head because I hate black people. >> I shave my head because God hates me. >> [LAUGH] >> There are actually non-racist skinheads. >> They're called just sharps. >> Sharps, yeah. >> Yeah, so. >> That's why you mine was one for several years. >> But then they're not skinheads, they're sharps. >> Right. >> So. >> It's just easy to explain them to people as non-racist skinheads. >> Right. >> Why they didn't just say sharps. >> Well, what makes a skinhead accept that they're racist? >> The lack of hair on their head? >> I don't know. >> Well, I'm bald. >> [LAUGH] >> Anyway. >> But you're not totally, are you totally shaved today? >> No, I'm not. >> Sometimes you rock the crown. >> Yeah. >> Sometimes you rock the hi-hatchy. >> Yeah, sometimes, yeah. >> So you should have played through the first campaign. >> [LAUGH] >> So for those who are unaware. >> So our new Game Club selection is Star Wars. >> See how I was about to say that? >> No. >> And then you interrupted me. >> The listeners might have thought they were going to be playing fireman for the first time. >> [LAUGH] >> Since you make it a habit of interrupting me whenever I say anything at the beginning or end of a podcast. >> Can I interrupt you guys? >> Yeah. >> This sounds like fun. >> [LAUGH] >> You just did. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, Republic Commando. >> Yeah, why don't you go ahead? >> Go, Arthur. >> This is Anthony's baby. Anthony has been championing Republic Commando for a while. >> Go, Anthony. >> No, no, I don't want to. >> True. >> Good point. >> I guess the podcast is going to sit here for a few minutes. >> Stand off. >> Wow. >> [LAUGH] >> You guys are so married. >> [LAUGH] >> You compared me to the guy who beat Matthew Shepard. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, it probably said the same thing to my girlfriend or wife. >> [LAUGH] >> There you go. >> That's explaining why you have neither. >> [LAUGH] >> But he's got you, he doesn't need one. >> Oh, don't say that. >> Who brought donuts to me the other day when I was sleeping. >> [LAUGH] >> That's true. >> Brilliant. >> And not to me. >> You were here. >> Yeah, if you were here, you would have brought you donuts. >> Yeah, I don't brought you donuts. >> Sounds like an indication. >> They were all fashion donuts too. >> Really? >> They like me some old fishies. >> [LAUGH] >> I did too, because you can break off little wings of them. >> Yes. >> So you should have played through the first campaign or pulled the command. >> I never heard wings use to discard the ends of a donut before. >> Well, they kind of look like little flaps or whatever. [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> Man. >> When you're breaking off like the fucking. >> Break off the donuts, air breaks. >> Yeah, you mean just like when you break off an enemy GNOS in a way. >> Enemy GNOS in its wings with your laser gun. >> I wish they had worked. >> I wish they had worked. >> Yeah. >> Your DC-17 blaster. >> Yup. >> So, okay. So you should have played through the first campaign which takes you all the way through the end of the GNOS's core ship chapter. >> Campaign. >> Yeah, I mean you play through a campaign. You'll know you beat it because it goes into like Star Wars text of. >> Mm-hmm. >> You know, like, you know, many months later. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So. >> For a while I was confused and thought I had. >> Played too much. >> Yeah, I played through too much because it kind of like takes you from the rock world of Geonysus, like inside the base and everything's like technological and there's lights everywhere. And then you're back out into Geonysus again and it's like, okay, I still have it. >> It's Geonosis. >> Geonosis. >> Just so we're all in the same. >> Okay. I can tell from now on. >> I think from here on out every time there's like a Star Wars fiction name. >> Yeah. >> Someone should fuck it up in a tiny way. >> So that Anthony's forced to correct them. >> Actually me and Ryan the other day were doing Star Wars trivia and there's a lot of stuff that I don't know, you know, just because, I mean, I know a lot, right? But I know most, more than most people, I'm not bragging. >> So you're-- >> But I don't know, like, everything by any stretch of the imagination. >> So you're a, you're a deacon in the Church of Star Wars, whereas Ryan is somewhere on the-- >> Oh, Ryan's-- >> Ryan's below me. >> Ryan's-- >> Lieutenant Pope. >> No, Ryan's way below me. >> Anthony's way below me. >> Ryan's like, Ryan's like a street preacher hoping to be indoctrinated. [ Laughter ] >> He's not talking about Star Wars anymore, he's just talking about Ryan. >> So, yeah, but I know way more than Ryan, but Ryan does ask you, like, really, he has, like, a set of fucked up questions he asks. Like, which 16 characters are in at least two Star Wars movies? >> Wow. >> So that's Ryan Scott, the Geek Box Radio. >> Yeah. >> Totally awesome, by the way. >> It gets pretty-- >> You're not allowed to say that on this podcast. >> It gets pretty into the-- >> It's totally on. >> Like, you know-- >> Yeah, but-- >> Captain/Admiral Peat is one of them. Seeing that's like someone you would only, like, they-- >> Wait, so there are only 16 characters that appear in two movies, and you have to name all of them? >> Yeah. >> I could not-- >> They appear in at least two movies. >> Wow. >> You can get the easy ones right off the bat, you know, lose Leia. >> Yeah, for sure. >> Yeah, sure. >> Just vodka. >> But I could not get 16. >> Or even, like, Wedge, Boba. >> Wedge is one of them. >> Do it goes for count? >> Can you say Yoda? >> Dengar. Well, Yoda appears in multiple movies, yes. >> Right, it counts. >> Isn't Akbar in two? >> Well, could you say Obi-Wan now? >> No, he's just in return. >> Yeah. >> Could you say Obi-Wan 'cause his ghost appears? >> Yeah, Obi-Wan's one. >> Okay. >> So, yeah, it's just-- >> The last couple are hard. The last two that most people don't get are, like, Admiral Peat/Captain Peat and Dengar. Dengar appears in multiple movies. >> Which one is Dengar? >> He's the bounty hunter with all the bandages in Empire Strikes Back on the deck, but he also makes an appearance in the Cantina, and he also makes an appearance in Java's Palace. >> Yeah, and he's mentioned in that book that I read. >> Yeah. >> So, depending on how traditionalist you are about Star Wars, can you say Java as well? >> Java doesn't count in this scheme of things. >> Giant CG space slugs are not the same. >> Yeah, well, he was originally filmed in the fourth movie as well, but he was a human, a human guy walking around. And when he did later decided he wanted him to be an alien, they cut out that part before the movie was released. >> I'd really like to lead a tour in George Lucas' brain where a guy goes from, like, a guy, some ugly king, to a giant space worm. >> It was the way he always intended. Don't question. >> Yeah. Anyways. >> Space worm shooter. >> Space worm shooter. >> So, you start off, and I don't know what your number is. I always forget. >> Yeah, I always forget. >> 'Cause they just thought you'd lead a man or something. >> 38. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> I like the way it starts off, though. The game starts off with you, like, in the Camino, like, schools, all those little children. >> It starts out with you in your larval stage. >> Yeah. >> It's a very, like, short, fallout sort of moment. All the other clones doing your studies. >> Mm-hmm. >> Learning how to kill people. >> And your accelerated learning processes. And then, but it is weird to me that they're saying, you know, you and your other four are extra special clones. >> That's how it is in the book, too. It's like, it's like, they pick out, like, 'cause the clones, all, like, a lot of times, have flaws and stuff like that, even in the cloning process. So, from what I understand, they're, like, the ones that end up being, like, the special ones are the ones that have, like, enhanced aggression, stuff like that. Like, they just have, like, specific traits that stand out to them. >> These are, like, the gray goose of vodka's they've been distilled. Kind of in a way. The only part of it that doesn't make sense to me is that they have different voices, which I know they did purely for a gameplay thing. >> Yeah, sure. >> But in scheme of things, they would all have the same voice. I mean, they would all have the voice of your guy, who has the voice of the actor that played Jango Fett. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. But, uh... >> Whose name escapes me right now, but he became briefly famous. For a while. >> Yeah. >> Who is that? >> He didn't go on to do anything else of notes, so. >> I mean, I think he's, is he from New Zealand or Australia? I know that people in both countries get mad when you mix them up. >> So, let's do, let's mix them both up at the same time. >> It's from a former British colonial empire. >> I'm just trying to remember where they filmed. [laughter] >> Anyway. >> Anyway. >> Anyway. >> Maybe he was Tunisian. [laughter] That's for the film. >> Tasmanian. >> So, yeah. And then you shows you going through your training stuff. >> Yep. >> And you got the special armor of the commando. Which is weird, because there's so many different levels of, like, clone armor. Because in the, in the cartoons you saw, like, not commandos, but, like, elite soldiers. And then, like, even a step above elite soldiers are commandos. >> Mm-hmm. >> I found it interesting that they named the armor that you're wearing. Katarin armor. >> Kyle Katarin. >> Yeah. >> Which is in the future in the Star Wars universe. [laughter] >> Wait a shit all over-continuated. >> Maybe. >> Well, I mean, it's not necessarily named after Kyle Katarin. Could be named after an ancestor to Kyle Katarin. They do shit like that all the time. >> Yeah. >> I mean, they always do. >> So, for, all right. I'm just now reading to the chronology of the Star Wars universe. So, I do not know this reference. Who is this guy? Did he make a armor? >> He's a later Jedi apprentice. >> Mm-hmm. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> He was in the Doom Star Wars game. He helps the Rebel Alliance extensively. >> Mm-hmm. >> And later on becomes a Jedi. >> And helps the school that Luke found. >> Right. He's like the person you play in in Jedi Academy. >> Yeah. >> No, no. >> Jedi. >> Jedi Knight. >> Jedi Knight. >> What's a Jedi? >> Okay. >> Jedi Knight games. >> I get him next. >> Jedi Academy, I think he plays a student, don't you? >> Yeah, and you pick which race you want to be in all that. >> Right. >> So. >> Word. we can actually totally go off topic like that because it's all still within the fiction so this takes place right at the start of episode the end of episode two really wait this takes place at the end of episode two yes that's what you just said at the start of the end well it does take place at the start of the end of the episode two is getting right when all the battle genosis right which is how the the clone war starts so it starts with the beginning of the clone war space right. And so you're you I like the way that you're introduced to your companions one at a time because it gets you used to sending them out as a you know here's your sniper position here's your you know your demo position and I actually didn't realize right away that that that each because they introduced them each is specialist and it took me a little while to realize wait why is the why is for zero or whoever the green one was going in blasting a door you know or the red guy why is he going in blasting a door when he's my sniper guy you know instead of the demo expert guy but it turns out that like each each guy and including you can do any job and I thought that that was a really nice touch I mean because it makes it a loss. It makes because they throw so many enemies at you at certain points that it's really important to be able to send your guys to their command spots and then just get right into the action or someone goes down to not have to be like screwed because they were down. Yeah is it that each one is better at their specific tasks than anyone else I think that that's how it's supposed to be in the scheme of things but I don't think that's how it plays out in reality because I feel like that's how that's I thought that I saw that and so I get super frustrated whenever I send someone to do something and it's not the person that's designed to do that job. As far as I can tell there's actually no tangible difference like fixer does not like splice a door like three seconds faster. It doesn't seem like and there are events that are very specifically timed to the amount of time it takes you to splice through something or open a door you know it's like is if I walk up there and do it I trigger the same thing that I do if I command somebody else to go do it and it takes the same amount of time to get through the encounter or something. But I do like that they do kind of line up into their specific goals when they're doing something like a door breach or something like that if they're all there. Yeah. So I wish you could take apart in the door breach. That's the only way we do. I always go off to the right. I stand back and I'm like thermal detonator bitches. Sure. I get my sniper rifle ready so as soon as I see heads pumped. So it starts with Extreme Prejudice is the name of the chapter where you're in the ship and you're told that you have to find Sun Fak who is the main bug that you see in the movie. He's in the same room as the droid commanders in a Khaduku. One is a Sun the arena when they're going to execute Obi-Wan and he has like what looks like a bug beard basically. So if bugs had beards which they do. The bug man shoe. So yeah. And then you start wandering through the canyons shooting bugs with your blaster. Yeah. Which is like your orbital insertion. Which is like your cool weapon to me. It's in the sense that I like the fact that it breaks into other weapons. Oh yeah. I like that too. I have a feeling that the standard sort of just assault rifle or the standard plasma rifle. It kind of goes into the pew pew ring for me. Yeah that's my problem too is that you don't get very good feedback. None. Like especially for a shooter that's supposed to be like a grittier take on Star Wars. Like for that kind of thing it has the the wimpiest sounding gun that I've ever fired in a Star Wars game. Because even blasters have that sort of base type kick. Right. I think there's that but I also think that's because they're commandos and they're supposed to be semi-silenced is what it is. But my exploding shot and sniper rifle aren't quite. Well that's true and the shit gets thick obviously right. I'm just saying that the main assault rifle I think is supposed to be. I mean that may be but it's. I don't know about that. Yeah. I mean all. For the sake of argument I'll say that that's possible but it still isn't. It doesn't feel as satisfying shooting that gun as it feels like it should be considering that that's the gun. I'm saying the other thing is it's not only like the sound and like how they feel. But for example when you go up against the super droid. It says what they call it. Super battle droids. Super battle droids. Like if you don't throw the grenades that are you know that the droids are really susceptible to. It takes like two or three clips. That's the whole point though. The sniper rifles. That's the whole point though is that is that they wanted the I mean those are supposed to be like the counter to you. Those are elites. Yeah. It's the elites of Republic commando. But they're even harder than elites in Halo are. I mean but they're like elites. Always know like all they do is walk forward really slowly. And like elites in Halo moved you know at normal speeds and also it like leap out of the way. Roll out of the way. When they're by themselves. They're not. He means metaphor. Yeah I mean more in their challenge level as opposed to how smart they are because this game's AI is testicles. Right. And to be fair. Yeah to be fair it gets a little different when you fight. Wookiees? Well you never fight Wookiees. But you will fight another race of alien later on. And their AI behaves quite differently than the droids. It becomes a little bit more of a challenge. But I mean the droids like it is crappy AI. I mean the droids also in the movie were just. Were stupid. Were beyond stupid. Right. I'm referring to even the bugs. The bug AI is stupid. You're the Republic commando AI is stupid. I have never had my teammates jump in front of my gun as often as they do. Or jump in front of me throwing a thermal detonator which bounces out the back of their head and lands at my feet. Yes. That happened to me once too. Yeah. Yeah I threw a thermal detonator like right into one of my guys as you jumped in front of you. But I found that that happened a lot less once I really started using all the emplacements. And your team is much more effective in an emplacement than they are like running around behind you and just taking random cover. Yeah I pretty much never let my team in that game ever just run out on their own. If they're not in a specific position I'm almost always using the function keys to tell them to hold the spot. So yeah. I've been doing the hold the spot instead of assigning them to specific positions because at first I was frustrated that I'd have to run all the way back to their position because I'd noticed they weren't following me and I'd have to tell them hey come off of that sniper perch and let's keep moving. But I was reading and there's like you can set the options to where they will automatically snap off of those emplacements if any of the listeners at home are playing that way and are getting frustrated there's an option you can turn that off. Right well I just usually hit like stop what you're doing follow me like F2F4 or whatever it is. Right I'm really fast too just snapping and looking at them like get off the spot you move to the spot. Well if you hit like if you hit like stop doing what you're doing then they all stop and will follow you. That's the big thing in that game though for me is that the part of the fun I have with it is that I don't kill very many enemies myself. I'm in games like that and then like Ghost Recon I almost always let my guys do everything like micromanaging my guys is like where I get the most fun so I'm always moving them from position to position or pulling one off and telling him to move here. Now when did this game come out. In 2005. 2005 yeah and it feel like I don't remember too many games back then that gave you that kind of option. Rainbow 60 on Xbox 360 was probably the first this kind of the first squad based shooter of this kind on consoles. Like because it was their way of taking the Rainbow Six formula and dumbing it down. The part that bothered me though or you're talking about Vegas or? No Rainbow six three okay the part that bothered me though that all those games that this one at least does is they never like Rainbow six. I don't know if Rainbow six I think they had a fix fix at the second one but not being able to have your team get you above the ground. Yeah it's like so dumb to me like when you could do it to them. Yeah so I appreciate the fact that this game does it to me. Yeah and the fact that they give me the options to whether you can say continue your orders or immediately. Or just restart from a checkpoint. Right I mean they will let you do that yeah I mean but I almost always tell them immediately pick me up. And they do maintain your current orders. To me it totally depends on the situation like if there's a nearby super droid and he's almost down I'll tell him you know go ahead and finish them off. I don't trust them to take out super battle droids because they always get a nice. I do as long as they're in their emplacements. They're in a position they're just fine. You have a couple of them like if you have a couple of them in sniper positions they can take out the super battle droids as quickly as you can. I just felt like there are so many parts in at least this campaign where there's no positions for them to take. Oh man I didn't feel that way at all. I needed to die. It's just like every battle is like pitched to where there's a range. Maybe you were trying to push forward quicker than we were or something. The part where it tells you you have four minutes until this whole level blows. Oh well that's a little different. That part's not I mean that part that part that's why every 10 feet it's giving you refills on all your grenades. Because you're just supposed to be a grenade lobbing fool all the time. Like I was switching through all four of my types of grenades. You know I know this is jumping ahead a little bit but the first time I played through that I just you know a lot of times we talk about gaming literacy and you know like what's the gaming language that we all know. And the way that I read that scenario was that I don't actually have a definitive four minutes. Or that this is just some that it will play out as if quote unquote four minutes had passed. But really they're just going to wait for me to walk through the door and then they'll say oh okay three two one you made it ha ha but no it's really four minutes. I finally finished that part like the timer was ticking down from ten. Me too. It was it took me on to the ship and I'm like okay and the fucking level the timer is still going. Yeah yeah yeah I was one too. It didn't hurt me but again all I did was I was non-stop. Well it does two things in that part that makes it like doable is that it gives you grenades and it constantly gives you the the the high explosive rounds for your gun. So if you're just running lobbing those to you and you can get high explosive rounds. The grenade launcher type one oh yeah okay that's something it's constantly giving you those. It is yeah. So those are the and you can pick up a genos and laser. How do you okay so how do you pick up weapons you look in it you look at it in your F. I tried that man I tried that. What do you pick up like a genosis gun. Oh yeah I totally did that. Yeah and fuck all for me. They're really short but they're great if you want to kill like a single big enemy real fast. No I found out that like if I can if I can control it just right I can take out like three. Like I'll fire it at them and then you lay off and it stays firing for a little while after you let off off the mouse button and usually have enough to kill them. Get out there and let your balls hang out for a few seconds while it charges up though. Or charge it up before you leave cover. Right but if those guys but if I've got all my like I'm thinking specifically at the end of the level we're talking about even though we are jumping ahead. That the when you're trying to slice open the door and there's all these guys pouring on the bridge at you and like I had to do it two or three times and then so but I took the G&O's and laser I had my guys in their positions you know. And I waited till they started shooting and distracting them and then I was able to just walk out there and use the G&O's and laser right on them. Anyway do we want to go back to where we were? Probably. I mean some of the parts are more boring than others so we can like you move through this area. I mean they're not boring to play but they're boring to talk about in the scheme of things. I mean you're slowly introduced to each of your brothers over time and while like we said the brothers aren't differentiated in their skill sets other than saying well this is what they'd like to do but they're not really any better at it. The nice thing about the way that they introduce us is with each of them they introduce a new mechanic which is good because otherwise it might be kind of overwhelming to say well you can do all this stuff have fun. Figure it out. Yeah I agree it's a good tutorial set up for the whole for the rest of the game. And when you guys started I'm curious to know how were your feelings about the HUD and the helmet and everything did you guys because I found myself I turned everything off at first until I learned the mechanics and then turned everything off. I don't know I was totally into it just because I played into my fantasy of being a stormtrooper. Yeah I mean yeah to me like that's really badass but I felt like you know I was having trouble figuring out how to get widescreen to work and later actually had a listener help me out. Again see I didn't have the same technical problems. I had problems a bit mapping which everyone had problems. Yeah I can't figure that one. But I widescreen and stuff I don't have any. There's a simple solution to bump mapping that it's by an old video card. Really that is pretty much the only solution to that. That's too bad because like my my yeah their armor looks all weirdly shiny with like this it almost looks like it almost looks like the plants off in spots. Yeah but and then it looks like but it they rubbed it off in like low res so it looks like pixelated camouflage but shiny. Yeah weird. I mean I'm seeing similar graphical issues to the game on the 360 and backwards compatibility mode. Like there are definitely parts where it's like oh yeah that's a bummer. But oh well. As far as the head goes I think that it feels like a reaction to the Metroid Prime stuff where it sort of emphasizes the visor and how that puts you into the game. I mean the novelty is cool but there's only so many times I can see the laser windshield wipers sweep by before I'm like okay whatever. Those are windshield wipers for just getting the shit off your face. It's actually year 4. It's actually year 4. After a while I was like I went from this is obscuring my vision to oh here comes this thing that's going to clear up my vision. I actually started enjoying watching a whiteboard. I appreciate that more than if you're going to have blood splatter effects I'd prefer that over just fading away or something like that I guess. It's a good notion. It's immersive. And the thing that I don't like about the heads up display is that I'm a big stickler for unnecessary elements and there's unnecessary elements all over the hood. There's like extra lines like encircling and fencing things in different areas and not that's neat. There's great outlines where if you scroll over your teammates they'll turn red, yellow or green like they're just faint lines and it's like is that really necessary. I mean it's just sort of indicative of like HUD design and visual design from that period which is something that we sort of have. I mean I think certain things are necessary like it's nice seeing what their numbers like down there that tell you like oh you know that's fine. This guy needs a life position this guy and how much health they have. Yeah definitely. All that's good. I'm saying I don't need borders around all this stuff. It's just it's really anachronistic in spots like in a lot of ways this game feels very old school shooter-y because well it's got the mild shield mechanic. It's still very much okay well you've got this much health you better try to make it last. Right. Until you can find the next of 18 million back to stations. Yeah that was another thing. I was unsure how I felt about that because at first I felt why put all these stations around just give this stuff. And then half bounce back health. Halfway through genius you're like fuck I'm glad there are so many eight stations. Well I think part of it is that is that you've experienced it I'm sure but also later on it becomes a gameplay mechanic of who can I pull off their position for justice. For just a moment to get health. Yeah exactly. Yeah which is what turned me back around to it because then it created these little circumstances where I felt vulnerable. But I knew if I could just survive it but I could find a nearby station and revive. Which is pretty interesting and it kind of makes you play on your toes a bit more than you would you know with health that's more forgiving. I think so too and the my only real problem with the back to stations was when you're in a downtime area and they give you a back to station and this is clearly meant to be an in between refill area. Give me more than one. Right they're like having to make them take turns is ridiculous. And then there are spots where there are where there's like four. Yeah I think like why would they not do it otherwise. Like the first time I saw I think the first time I saw a spot where there was three of them all next to each other was in the middle of a battle. And I'm like why aren't you putting this like when you give me some refill time. Going back to the interface if we get anyone we end up being able to ask questions about this. I'd be curious to know if the reason they design the interface with the borders and stuff that they do is because that's kind of like in the vein of how you often see heads up displays and Star Wars displayed. It's like they always look like even though it's the future you always notice that everything is archaic or like whenever they get transmissions from a particle it's always like. Right and it's never makes any sense right because it's like it's like wait or at least advanced technology anyway. Right it's almost like it's still analog technology even though it's really advanced. Well which makes sense when the movie was actually. But yeah it's like that always cracked me up. You never see like a stable like hologram or anything like that. Which is I think is like one of the you know endearing elements of it and it is the secret weapons of why it's so great. Yeah. Keep hitting my microphone. Okay so you're introduced all your brothers are told that you have to find Sunfak. One of the things that playing through this mission really bugged me were the endless monster spawning points that I didn't realize. There weren't very many of those though. Oh and Kenyon's outside and they were all with bugs. I don't know were they endless or was it like the end is. After having died on a couple of them thinking well I better have I where previously it was like okay well you have to kill all these droids and then doors are unlocked or whatever. I figured okay well I've got to kill all these guys and then I'll be told to take out such and such and I'll be able to keep going and that was not the case. I don't know yet I guess it seemed to me like they stopped coming at some point. They stopped coming if you move far enough away but I went back to them and like they started spawning again. Monster closets. Yeah but they were like one at a time monster closets so it wasn't really bad. Until the point where you you're going through a Kenyon and you come upon a crashed a crashed transport in the two guys and then one of the aliens drops down and takes out both of them and then you're surrounded by guys and you have to keep moving. Like at that part it's just they keep spawning. At that point I definitely there was a point for me where they weren't there anymore. I just threw a guy up on the gun until they stopped coming. Yeah me too. Because the ball turret kills all. Dude which is it's it's so funny like whenever there's an automated turret of any time of any kind the first thing I do is assign a guy to it. Right because he's 10 times better than you are. Oh yeah. Yeah. And it's like yeah I would be walking around those situations and I would you know be thinking to myself what are all these vapors of black smokes. Everywhere like oh it's just them getting blown away by this laser looking at the last moment. Where I was kind of I started having issues of the controls and I wonder if it's an issue with the backwards compatibility. One of the things that's different about the 360 controller of the Xbox controller is that it has a much bigger relatively speaking dead zone in the sticks than the Xbox controller did. And once you clear that dead zone the acceleration goes faster so I always feel like I'm whipping past things. I don't feel like I have very good control over my reticule. I can believe that. So at this point I've actually low my sensitivity set to like two of ten and it's the only way I've managed to be accurate. But it also means I turn. I don't remember if I had that problem when I played it backwards compatible. It feels like a lot of shooters that were ported to the original Xbox had sort of weird stick control because they didn't involve much in the wig of acceleration. It was just like well we're going to directly map our mouse inputs to a stick as opposed to doing something nuanced. That was one of the things that Halo did really well and one of the reasons why Halo was considered the golden standard of console first person shooter control is because it was much more granular and nuanced. And this doesn't necessarily feel like it has that or the backwards compatibility is fucking it. And it makes me sad. I mean I definitely feel like there are times with like my mouse and keyboard set to a really high sensitivity where I like do a full circle where I'm just trying to like look behind me. I don't want to turn all the way around like whoa slow your old turbo. I used to have my when I would play FPS's I would have my mouse sensitivity set really really high so I could just barely turn it and like turn all the way around. But as I've I don't know maybe it's as I've gotten older or whatever I turn the sensitivity down more and more and more so I have to make larger movements to turn around and that actually makes me more accurate. In the in the front game and you know like the the 180 degree cone or the 180 degree like sir sir your field of view in your field of view. That's what I'm trying to say the whatever it is it's usually like 75 or 80 degrees or whatever it is your field of view in front of you. That whole area it makes me really accurate if I turn down the mouse sensitivity and if I'm not in a multiplayer shooter I'll play on lower mouse sensitivity than I will when I'm playing multiplayer. And it works better so so you fight your way through the canyons. Yeah and what it all culminates in is the eventual battle at the robot with the spider droid does that what it's called I forget. Yeah is that before after the foundry that's before that's why you're trying to get into the founders. Yeah this is all they know isn't it foundry then ship and you fight the spider-daughters you're trying to get on to the ship. You fight two spider droids yeah there yeah there are two different so there's two different battles. There's two different battles. I feel like first you have to go into the foundry and destroy their their workings and then you go outside. No I don't know I think you find the spider droids first. Then you find the downed transport with its laser or something like that and then you move on and that's where you get the heavy weapons. Yeah that's right that's after the foundry and before the spider droids. Okay gotcha. So you have to take out the foundry not much to say about that except for that's where you meet the the drone warriors I guess or the bug warriors which are the ones with those heavy beam weapons. Is that one of the places where you split up? No that's on the ship that's on the first get in the ship. Yeah that's right with the racks and racks of super battle droids. Which was super cool by the way. So yes so you go in there and you take out their foundry it's pretty uneventful. It's pretty by the look right you said a couple of guys up to snipe you said one guy to slice the thing and you cover them. I mean it's a training level for a pretty linear shooter like a linear squad based shooter. So it's there's a lot of stuff where until you reach the sort of spectacle points there's not a lot to talk about. Right yeah actually yeah right the whole first section is really a training because later on they threw hordes of shit at you in ridiculous circumstances. I mean in a way like this game succeeds based on the certain moments. Like one of the reasons that movie games seem to have so much potential and always disappoint us is because they've got so much story and fiction behind them. Especially with Star Wars games because there's so much history and everything. And this game in a lot of ways succeeds because it has all that fiction that it utilizes really well. It creates these moments these Star Wars moments that you haven't seen before. I definitely agree with that because I know like when I was playing through for me I felt like in the beginning it was really slow to start. But then when we get to like the spider moment like that like those moments were really badass and I was like okay this game has something. Where you start where you recognize things and think oh so when those guys were all getting annihilated by those super battle droids this is why cuz fuck these things. Or why didn't they use sniper rifles to chip the chassis tops off of the super battle droids. That's because I actually really like that that the super battle droids have destructible areas that will kill them faster. It's because the standard guys don't get the good guns like you have they get the normal ass rifles. Those normal ass rifles are awful. Yeah but they sound cool unlike my pew pew. That's what I'm saying the pew pew is awful. We kind of glazed over it but earlier when there were those two sort of NPC AI characters is there any way to save their lives. No that's inscripted that they killed. I shot that fucking bug like 8 million times. I mean I was definitely one of those players in Halo combat evolved where I would try to like play sections over and over and over to try to keep like a big squad with me. You didn't play on legendary did you? I'll do it yeah I played all the I mean back then on Halo. I'm just saying in a lot of ways it's like called duty in that respect where if it's like scripted someone's going to die. They're going to die that guy is going to then be killable. And it's not like they'd really be much used to you if they survived because they just get killed. Yeah they don't have rechargeable shields. So yeah after you go you culminates that next part culminates with you fighting. Well first you go to the crash site and you find the transport with the armor piercing exploding awesome rounds. And the laser I think is that where you find the green laser? Yeah well all those transport ships you remember in the movie they always have that thing that goes like boom. Yeah it's like the big all being guns that are on each side of the transport. And see that I definitely had luck putting one of my guys on cuz fuck they fucked up everything. Yeah they do like nothing. They're so accurate when you put them in there in their gun and when you put them in an emplacement of any kind. It's like if any time there's a sniper emplacement I always make sure to assign the guys to the sniper emplacement because I'll be running ahead shooting guys. And like two guys in front of me will just die from sniper. Yeah I leave them in sniper emplacements and any time until I'm going to just barely not be able to see them then I call them out of it. I don't know if that's a sound strategy because your teammates they work so well close range to hand in hand combat. Like I know they're pretty much invulnerable against the bug race. I mean they'll fight hand in hand though and their sniper spot if someone gets on top of them. Oh really? They'll defend themselves. Cuz like typically I would send in them in front of me and I would hang back. Yeah it's just I know I'm not as accurate sniper rifles there and I have a finite ammo and they do not. I feel like they're not as aggressive tactically as I am with the sniper rifle. Like they'll shoot but they won't necessarily try to make a lot of headshots or like with the super battle droids they won't hit them. Like there's an order that you have to kill the super battle droids and to get them dead as quickly as possible. Which is you hit them on the red dot on their chest. Which breaks the armor plate off their chest then you hit them in the head. Which breaks the armor plate off their head and then you can hit them in the chest like to. Right but I mean even your guys will take care of it pretty well if you just tell them like this is your specific target focus on him. Yeah if they're snipers they'll do it. Right. I don't know. You can make your guys kind of more aggressive just by telling them like move up here take the spot take the spot and they will aggressively. Yeah typically instead of like ordering them to exact positions I've just been using the F keys which is like either assault, defend. Exactly. You know I mean I've never just had my guys just following me ever. Yeah because they're way ineffective when you do it that way. Yeah I find myself using the melee a lot too. Oh man because it's like it's like the kick and do new come it's just a doom boot. The only problem is that or not the problem but the thing that makes it different than a lot of other games with melee is that it takes so long to get that punch off. Like it wears other games. Really I thought it was like really quick you just like shank shank for me. It's like he puts his arm out blade comes out and then he pulls back but it's like that half second that it takes to do it. I've definitely had people like swing away from me. Which I'm not complaining about I just feel like it adds strategy to using it. Yeah it does. But I found myself like occasionally when I get in a really hairy situation and I had battled the heavy battle drawers. Well it's run up. I'll run up and punch them and then scoot back because then they try to punch you and they're not firing their rockets at you. So you can do this little dance back and forth on them and take them out with you. Yeah that melee attack they do deals a lot. Right but it takes a long time for them to swing it so it's not really. It hasn't been a problem. As long as there's only one or two of them around I can stay out of melee range. And like typically when I fight the bug creatures I just strictly use melee. They die instantly. They don't really do much shooting at all. Or any shooting. It is funny that the droids shoot are the warriors. Yeah it's true. It is funny that the droids spray oil all over your face. Right and they're totally useless and like suck and that you break them into pieces. I've had droids kill me though. Like when I was annoying attention. They take down your health. And like I was focusing on a battle droid and he shot me like one good shot. Dropped my shields and then they just tick tick tick tick tick tick. Yeah and in that way except for the fact that they don't throw grenades they remind me of like the grunts and halo. Like they're just these little like pesky. Mostly worthless but occasionally they'll catch you at a bad time. Yeah gross balls and really make a move. When you're by yourself and you have to face like eight of them you don't have grenades. They can be kind of a pain in the ass. But like one grenade. One grenade you'll get like all of them. Or you're or that or that it's the only time that your pew pew gun becomes useful. Because you can just spray it in front of you and take them all the way. Right I mean I use the pew gun a lot. Like don't get me wrong. And it and it does the job that it needs to and it's effective enough to where it's it's okay that it's obvious to me. That it's what I'm going to be stuck with throughout most of the game. But the whole game you never have anything besides your DC. But it's not like liking Gears of War like the sound of the Lancer. And even then like the sound of the Lancer in the first Gears of War wasn't especially greater satisfying. And they added oomph to it in the second one. True. I really like the I do like the idea though that you have this one gun that's modifiable and changes. Because it's I always found it to be more than a little unbelievable that somebody is walking around with like nine guns on them somehow. And you know Mass Effect did it well and that you had your gun on your back and your shotgun on your belt and then your one on your right. And they were all collapsible. And they were all collapsible yeah it looked really cool. But this one this one looks really cool too because you can take out your gun and like just put on the sniper parts and now I've got a sniper. It's like you've got a Megatron toy that fires. This is the type of weapon that most militaries are trying to develop. Yeah they're working on modular. That's what it should do is it should just make things a transformer so any time you change guns. I'm sure they would love it if it could transform itself. Really quick not like breaking away from the progression of the level. One thing the graphics in this game are okay. For the time they were great. I mean they weren't bad. They were still Unreal 2 which had its moments. Yeah for the time when an Xbox was out that was pretty good. I mean that was the way people were using there was an entry. Also to be fair we're all suffering through graphical issues playing this because they're definitely graphical issues on the 360 with backwards compatibility. I'm just saying when I play down my original Xbox. And I feel like and I feel like I'm missing a I feel like there's something wrong with the lighting too. On the PC version that I'm playing. I feel like there's not only are my bump maps not working which makes everything like way more PS2-y. Yeah exactly like way like not last gen but the gen before that. But also I feel like there's stuff missing in the lighting. And it's not just because I'm used to dynamic lighting even though I am. I feel like either the artist didn't put shadows in where they needed to put shadows in or I got shadows that aren't showing up. For me I have shadows that are displaced by three feet and then just cast on the wall straight. They're not bent or anything like that. Weird. What I wanted to say is that the sound effects as in almost every Star Wars game across the board are awesome. That's because it's Skywalker sound. Exactly. I mean you'll hear the fighters roaring over your head. It makes me look up. And it just reminds me so much of the audio visual feast that every Star Wars movie has been. And again this is somewhere where this is one of the movie games that really succeeds because of the movie it's based on. Because it brings in all that and works around it so well. And when you go from one environment to the other the soundscape is a huge part of that environment change and you feel it. It's cool. I really like those howling spider noises. Oh yeah. So you fight the spider droid. Yeah which is cool because if you go forward and the door opens you see this thing sort of lumbering toward your like oh shit. They're pretty easy though and the scheme of things. You don't even have to hit them in the eye if you just lob a bunch. You just cycle through your grenades. And even your pew pew will take them out. If you shoot them in the eye. What are the kinds of grenades that you have? I don't know what they're actually called but ones like the effect shock one which is great against droids. Yeah that's like an electromagnetic grenade or something. There's like the standard frag grenade. Yeah which is the thermal generator. And then there's the ones that's like the area of effect explosion and it just blows up on contact. Like those ones are the best against super battle droids. And then there's a flashbang. Which is worthless against droids. Yes. Wait. And shit's on you if you accidentally throw it looking at it. Everything is blue. What's the green one? I thought that was a poison grenade. No that green one's the best one. That's just the one that explodes on contact and does area of effect like spherical damage. The whole time I thought that was a poison grenade so I wasn't using them on that. That is the best one. That is the best one. That is the best one. You throw an electromagnetic grenade to stun those bitches and then you throw that one to take them out. Oh god. I like that. I didn't know what kind of grenade it was. I just know that when I threw it it exploded. Is that the one that looks like an hourglass? Yeah it's the one that looks like an hourglass. And the one that looks like a barrel. The one thing I think is when you go into the low light mode it does a really good job of the way it moves almost like looking realistic. It looks like real night vision. Yeah. It's really weird the way the guys move and stuff. It's almost off putting it first because it looks a bit fluorescent as opposed to green. Yeah. That is really well done. What's that? There's a point where it forces you to go into low light mode. And X takes you into night vision. So everything's like black and white. Oh I remember that. Yeah. I remember that now. In the next campaign you have to use that prediction. Okay that's good. Yeah because I remember thinking like wow this is a really good effect I had on to have it. You know it's kind of like fuzzy a little bit. Definitely liked it. Yeah. See if I think about it right now you enter the ship and you have to split up because all four you have different objectives. Yeah and it's cool the whole time you're doing it you're constantly hearing your teammates updates. Can we talk about one thing that we skipped over first which is Star Wars introduction of baby killing. I said no. What they're killing. Oh yeah. They're murdering the baby bugs like they have. They deserve this. They also attack you when they hatch. Wouldn't you? Hey if you're aggressive when you're born. I mean you've ever seen. Maybe close to them and they attack you. They don't talk about you have to bet. So I'm just saying some born like that attacks you. Good shot. Killed. Killed. I am pro genocide. I am pro genocide of G&O. Exactly. Yeah they shouldn't have joined the Separatists. So. I was for a second there I mixed because I bought Dead Space. For a second there I mixed this game up with Dead Space where I walked into a room of like baby fetuses. And jars. Oh I remember that. My non-secretary advice to you in Dead Space is mutilate everybody you come across. Ah okay. I have been doing so. Whether it's stomping or cutting their arms up. You don't have to but he's right occasionally. One might stand up. Not just that but like one of those things might come and possess their body and then they're that much more fucked up. Oh shit. Mutilation is encouraged in Dead Space. I heard it here. Should I be upgrading my suit? My gun? I told you when I saw it I upgraded in Dead Space. I upgraded three things. I upgraded my suit of course to give myself more health. And then I upgraded the main gun and the line rack gun. Like the line gun. That those are like. The fire is at the mines. No the line the line one that fires that's just the big wide shots. Yeah. The fire that shoots mines. Oh yeah the alternate fire. I never used the alternate fire on that one. Oh yeah. Just because I liked shooting the lines the best. Just because it was so effective. That is a different space game. And also fucking awesome. Yes. So yeah so you go through the, you kill the babies and then you go through the robot factory. And I like to get on the elevator and go past 300 lines of robots. They really make this, even though it's a very linear shooter and you're going through all these little hallways, those little elevator bits make it feel vast. Yeah. Yeah. And then like it was cool walking past the lines of robots and going like. Oh shit. At some point all of these are going to wake up. And they do little things like even after you like blow up the controls to the robot things. They like the first couple racks you pass like some like short circuit. You're like yeah it's going to come to life. Okay it didn't. And then some do. Right. The first ones came alive. I fucked up. I threw a grenade and which is a mistake. Because it blew up and like blew the panels off like four more and then they all came at me and I was like. And when you're by yourself that's pretty tough. I mean even one super battle droid is sort of challenging when you're by yourself. Yeah. Especially if you're out of sniper ammo. Yeah. Yeah I just use melee. I run up. When I blew up the core of that factory I saw one of the battle droids who was up on a higher level. Like you know sort of explode and he was going to fall out of his little cell. And like his foot got stuck. And so he was just like dangling through his leg. I was like rockin'. Oh God damn. I was a frequent listeners of game club to guess what Anthony just did to make Tyler react like that. Cause Tyler is sitting next to Anthony on the couch and having frequented that chair myself you'll notice that I am now sitting in a separate chair. I don't like some of the shuffling cards. I just saw that South Park a couple of days ago where the boys think Farts is funny and the girls don't get it. So there's a Canadian TV show about them saying that queefs are funny. And I think boys are all totally grossed out. Yeah exactly. Yeah. Yeah I could get behind that. Here we are four little boys laughing at Anthony's Farts. So you get together with your boys again. And guys proceed to take the goal to take the bridge of the ship. Yes. You know you guys have severely fucked up the ship. And this is like when you get the four minute countdown ride or not. No not at this point. This is when you first encounter one of those like the droid producing machines that drops down. Which you know that one is easy because it's just producing like the normal droids later on. This light spoiler they will fight like two at a time that are dropping nothing but super battle droids out of them. So as I'm saying the game really aren't like Arthas right. This is like a huge tutorial. Well until like the last third of it and when at which point it's like okay now we're going to kill you. Right now. Over and over again. I got to these last parts of the game of these stage that we play out. Holy fuck this is what shooters really used to be like. Shooters were hard. They were. The charging health is good. Shooters were hard. It is I mean it is anachronistic of that at this point where any game where that doesn't have recharging health is like wow. This is like from a time passed. Yeah. Bower shot. Kind of yeah it's going to say but not because. Bower shot gives you stuff to recharge your health so often. Yeah I mean either did resistance the first one. That's not that old either. Just saying. Yeah. Oh I mean again resistance was a game where people noticed and made mention of the fact that it didn't have a recharging health mechanic. In a lot of ways resistance felt very old school. Yeah. I mean Left 4 Dead doesn't have recharging health. I'm appreciating the. I'm appreciating Republic Commando. I'm appreciating like that. I mean I realize it's an older game but the fact that this is the first time I'm playing it makes it feel like a return to form. Right. And I'm like you know what I at first I was like fuck this is so hard. I like I'm not I'm sure I can do this anymore but then I started to get it and then like those old skill sets start coming back. It forces a certain kind of pacing. Yeah it does and it's and it's a pacing that I'm like oh that's right. I remember why I enjoyed this kind of game and it's because if I if I stick with it I can fucking kick ass. Yeah I mean this is my third time through it so for me I'm not I don't think I had nearly as much trouble. Like I think total like I've ever actually died my whole team has once so far. Yeah no I mean it's recharging health just encourages you to experiment and say why can do this and if I fuck up then I didn't lose anything. Yeah. Where is in this if you fuck up you could be hurting until the next back distinction. Well well this game also taught me the my another skill that resurfaced was my frequent quick saving like I quick save all the time. Does it not? It does. It does but with PC and you can quick save why not. I mean it has relatively good checkpoints. Well you can save anywhere in the Xbox. That's also nice. Yes. My problem with the quick saving is at least on the 360 it usually takes like three or four seconds and it the game just comes grinding to. And on the on the PC it's of course instant there's not even a frame rate hiccup it just goes quick save. Right well on our yeah there's these days who knows what it would have been like on contemporary hardware I don't know. True. I feel like I I wonder like oh like did it say when I quick save because like I don't see anything. Oh god. It's like I go and save it again. OCD. Yeah. Yeah I almost feel like I might stop playing the 360 version and start playing the PC version just because you'll have a better experience. There's so many the technical issues on the 360 at points were really frustrating. And like when the and when this game came out they hadn't yet figured out how to take a PC game and make it into a console game. To take a PC FPS and make it into a console FPS with any like decentness which is why Halo was so good when it came out. I mean I don't even for me it's not so much like the fundamentals of gameplay so much as the frame rate is just really. Yeah. When I play that I just don't I just don't remember being like that. It drops to to just over 10 man I wonder I wonder because I want to I wonder if there's like been probably playing on a on a standard definition TV when you replayed through it on 360. No I've had no I've had you were I've had my I've played it here at this house and I've had it. You I thought you played it in Davis. I'd honor the original Xbox and I bought it for you. No no and I've played it here too. I played on my console I just wonder if maybe one of the more recent backwards compatibility things like that would be that's unusual as I just don't remember any of those technical problems or maybe dashboard I don't know who knows yeah but the just the frame rate gets really really truly terrible. The only point where the frame rate is good is when there's almost nothing on the screen like when you're by yourself in one of the sections where you're aligned and you're in the elevator like man 60 frames a second sweet 10 robots around the screen. Yeah I also think that I'm way less sensitive to frame rate things than you like the frame rate things on overlord and stuff like eventually I just like it doesn't even like yeah I mean I'm the guy that's like oh frame rate take a hit I'm I'm the guy that ruins games for Anthony. Yeah like even when I said like overload on we either be times the frame rates are drop way down and it wouldn't even be a conscious thought like man frame rates but just keep playing Anthony was making fun moving stick motions I'm just saying yeah until Arthur comes in like man frame rates really bad and I'm like yeah it is. I think the most notorious thing I've I've fucked up for for Anthony is the sound quality in games. Yeah though again I just I have short-term memory eventually I'm like whatever whatever don't hear it. It's one of the things where once I pointed out people were like oh now I hear it and it drives me insane which is just like really bad compression making things sound like they're underwater which is mostly just you being a dick and feeling they need to share things like that. No it's not me feeling like a dick it's me it's not you feeling like a dick it's you being a dick. My friend Paul used to be the same way when we watch movies together. Anthony it's pronounced G and Nosen. My friend Paul would be like suffering an agony like like he'd be like the person that cut this movie together did it wrong there's this fucking line going up and down right there and I'd just be like oh my god why did you point that out to me I did not see it before. And now you will always see it you will see it in your dreams. So in my animation classes ruined Japanese animation for me because it's all done on fours and I can see it now I'm like that's awful. Like American animation is done on threes isn't it? Usually it's usually done on twos. Oh. But anyway. Twos and fours of what? Frames. Okay. Yeah out of 24 frames every two for every two frames will be the same thing will be the two pictures. Okay. Yeah. So in in most Japanese animation I mean a modern modern animation notwithstanding it would be every four frames was the same pose so it's very very jerky I don't think it's really gotten much better and most well TV TV is TV stuff is TV I mean like you watch like the Transformers and the Transformers had things had sections that were on six and eights you know but anyway so the public commando so you finish the robot racks here on the that's this is when basically you have all fucked the shit up on the ship and you're just trying to get the plans off the ship before blows what are you getting plans for I think just like well because you want to know what the separates are up to because this is the start of the war I so couldn't remember if they were plans or something specific or no I think it's just their plans in general because this is the core this is one of their core ships so you have to go and find their treasure maps basically you want treasure maps mm-hmm since you couldn't get some fact anyways yeah what the mission starts with your goal is to kill Sunfak at any cost right and then you finish the mission and all you didn't find fucking Sunfak we're going to take off the airlock you seem to take off but yeah then you shoot him down right maybe shoot maybe yeah your teammate shoots him down right so I mean he he dies one way or another basically but which explains his absence in the future Star Wars so yeah so now you go and you're working right up to the bridge and they take the four minute things start the right after you take the right after you get the plans oh that's when it starts and the taking of the bridge is fine the only hard part is you got to watch out for those turrets man those will wipe out your whole two like two seconds yeah let's figure that out the hard way like I died three or four times by the turrets until I realized oh shit there's turrets yeah those turrets are just relentless and you're guys able to stand there and take it I mean they die pretty easily they do if you die really see them they'll die they'll die with your regular blaster right in just a few shots so my my problem with this part is that in games where I have a limited amount of time normally they are good enough to show me a timer yeah and this this was it would just say the this place is gonna blow up and I'm like okay or it's only got so much time okay and then I just keep going and then like as I'm in the final room that is a fucking nightmare then I realize oh wait no there really is a time limit it's been counted all this time totally happening now yeah that happened to me too and I had to reload the checkpoint so that I could like start over with my new four minutes because I was methodically making my way through things and go like well there's no timer it's not they can't really be counting down you were playing the game as you have been taught to yeah and then you get punished for it right well that they didn't put a real sense of urgency on you but it is I mean you're playing the game that it taught you but it's not necessarily punishing you because they're trying to tell you hey you should be moving they just didn't make it clear enough that this was a real timer not like Tyler said where it's like four minutes I swear and that's that's one one and that's one of the few things in this game in this game where it's like okay that's just bad game design because right everything else in this game design I'm fine wow that's really clever wow that's really clever you should have put it on the head just like a counter yeah exactly and like man this is really solid game design right here little things like the turrets you can destroy them really quickly and you can destroy them really quickly with any of your guns and it's because they're really really deadly and they can ruin the game for you if you don't if you're not able to take over right away yeah if you overlook them so yeah so it's like oh well all right well we want the turrets in here we want them to be this powerful but as we'll balance it out by making them easy to kill and so there's you know little bits in this game that are in fact most of this game is really excellent game design but that kind of thing right there was like uh you guys really should have given me a timer yeah it's like I ran out of the same thing I was like killing all the guys on the I was like all right well I'll kill all the guys that are coming like I would totally make sense for them to give you a timer because you've got the fucking Cortana voice of God in your ear all the time anyway yeah so I was thinking I was thinking like all right I'll put a guy because I died once on the on the platform when I'm trying to get out anyway um by by the turrets and I was like all right I'll kill the turrets and I'll start the I'll start the the hacking sequence so that I trigger all the spawns of the enemies and I'll just kill all the enemies and then I'll hack the door and so I was like when I started hacking the door the door takes 30 seconds and I started doing that as like so this facility will destroy itself in 30 seconds and I'm like I just started hacking a 30 second hack at the same time although to be fair those seconds aren't real seconds because once it gets down to the last 10 I was also hacking that on one of my yeah and it goes like this right and you go down like five seconds on your hacking yeah exactly like I can do this I can do this no I can't screen goes white everyone dies yep but eventually you do make it through it even though that part is really really hard and they stand like right in front of the right in front of your escape vehicle for waiting for the cut wait who long I'm like go go go yeah there's no really good way for them to get to it there's no good way for them to show it yeah so they don't well yeah but you sit there like with the with the voiceovers going on while it's still going on I was three if I fucking died at that part I would have thrown my control right now see it's funny because I would have been like I didn't finish it yeah I'm gonna be honest with you guys I actually didn't know that it was a real timer until you guys said you died on it because I never had any time I got there with like a minute and a half to spare I never even heard it say 30 seconds it was just like I got the end terrible yeah but I think that's because it's hard as you no no I think it's just because I'm way more reckless like I just like send my guys and like as soon as I see like hack the door I'm not like I should take out these guys first I'm like hack the door we'll try and keep them off you I just send I just send the guy running past everyone that's like totally gives you the option to set up traps at either end of that corridor and I tried to set them up and I just never got a chance to use them I didn't send up traps either I just relied on my ability to just fucking and it would have I mean it would have worked God also I can't believe we made it all the way through the almost all the way through this podcast without an Akbar reference at that section if you just run straight to the terminal you have cover on either side of you there's like a little buy from that job as long as you duck yeah yeah and as long as you kill the guys that are below you and the droids never like walk in on in front of your you know I just I guess that you never made that connection I was always too busy going boom yourself I just ducked up pop up throw grenades duck back down and be like I'm not going to throw those those are poison grenades I there's just such tension that builds when you get knocked down and it's like a heated battle and you're like yeah oh god maybe I should just let him let him fight no bring me back when you see someone running toward you and then another guy drops yeah another guy drops and you're down to the last guy I really like that screen too because you can also like the feedback of your teammates health stays you know it keeps updating so like you can see if like they're taking damage you're like oh shit and then they say and then they say things like three eight is down yeah three eight is down somebody help him you know yeah there's some funny banter to like there there was a one particular moment man I can't recall it but it made me laugh I feel like the I feel like the guy uh the the red guy the sniper guy has said said he has the most interesting things to say yeah because like he's the most he's supposed to be the most badass hunter character he's traded yeah no I like it though like you'll do this he's the one that comments the most on my melee attacks yes I couldn't have done better myself nice take dancer yeah I mean we've got a few comments although not as many as I'd like because the post just went up today because someone who remained nameless sucks Arthur let the record show that Arthur is pointing at himself I I just got distracted by other stuff and I didn't put up a post and I'm sorry and this is after I made a big deal of telling people not to talk about it on the last podcast thus demonstrating that I'm an asshole just like Anthony's assertion that all games are released on steam or technically flawless and patched also made him look like an ass well a lot of newer games anyways get the latest updates is what you said true it's like getting company heroes through steam is 10 times better than buying co at the store and trying to find all the fucking updates yourself and install them sequentially no shit yeah yeah do it too bad they haven't fixed mass effect um but uh yeah one of the the comments from a tad calabash tad calabash good yeah that's kind of hard to read on this tiny little network it sounds like a star wars name actually yeah kind of there's no jet in there tad jet calabash that works jet had calabash uh i'm really enjoying the way camaraderie is built between your squad mates for example the way you're introduced to each one in succession opening a door to see one wrestling and alien and the banter back and forth throughout the mission such as your marksmanship as an inspiration to us all sir which is true um they do act like brothers which another another listener was kind enough to point out um that's a good even though they're all i mean it's weird that the way they tell it is that you're all parts of the same person mm-hmm they do say that one point don't they i forgot that yeah they during your your intro fetus school take down hologram section they talk about how you're all parts of the same person yeah but um and i think during one of the loading screens they uh they talk about how clones after six months have demonstrated their own personalities right which they didn't expect there's all sorts of cool little tidbits of trivia and in history that build upon the world of the game and the star wars part of the mythos i just want one of them to point at the other one and go you complete me god damn you um hannah c says playing this very straightforward game is nice after a summer of sandboxes uh that's true red faction and infamous and especially enjoyable after the choose your own adventure style of hitman uh she also gets a kick out of what delt squad says the tough guy talk is hilarious and much less annoying than if you're playing co-op with random people yeah she actually makes a comparison to left for dead and she's not the only one huh i never thought of that but that's actually really accurate because that's i i thought i thought one of my favorite things in in single player games is when you when you feel like you're not playing alone because your ai squad is actually good and they do their stuff and they have personality which called war is recently did really well yeah and uh left for dead does that really well and yeah i i didn't think to draw that comparison the comparison i'd been drawing all along is between this game and quake four because quake four is also a squad based shooter um and you have these campaigns along with you that all have personalities and do their own jobs and stuff except the level design in this doesn't suck like it doesn't quake four quake four isn't too bad i i didn't think quick four is level design sucks either i i think quick four is still one of my like first favorite games i first got from my 360 i think quake four is very underrated game me too i mean i played through most of quake four um both on pc and 360 but i just i felt like i was doing it because i didn't have anything better to play i liked quick four better than doom three how about them apples so did i so i didn't i like the atmosphere the doom three head because no other game had really done that that well before i thought it's atmosphere to be hokey it was it was why do you hate magic and wonder you know i was just thinking about the sniper the the red guy who said seven seven his his his little helmet paint reminds me of the volleyball and castaway uh it actually reminds me more of uh of the the you know we can go back to what we're talking about on the way here reminds me more of all the orcs that fight for the wizard i mean they all it's just a handprint on its head you know i could say that for sarma yeah you know they'd use the white hand that's what they use so he has has a big red handprint so can you more comments uh we have an email from front of the podcast michydee what's up michydee um only if only a friend of the podcast along is his writing stays strictly to us and not to geekbox if i if i sense any treachery will not be tolerated uh no lost fan which says this is my second time playing through public commando and what still sticks that must mean are the little things uh you start let's start out listening to tanhui who is the the gray alien mmm the femaleish i don't know if they're gendered but she's the female sounding gray uh the kimon i don't know if they come from the planet like kimon it starts with the k-e and ends of ohin yeah it's kimon i don't know see i don't know everything whatever it's hard to keep up all especially with the prequels man they tried to cram in so much more history than the the original trilogy so they could sell more toys true uh the funny thing is the people buying the toys are mostly adults yeah people have bought all the original toys uh you start out listening to tanhui babbling on about who you are and what you'll be as you advance through the stage of life from an infant through school and into adulthood i just like to reiterate that you are not even an infant you are still more or less a tube fetus and this kind of starts and it's the only game i can think of where you were still fetal and being spoken to uh and you can look around and see other fetuses you're doing celery growth you grow to be an adult in like six months but you know ten years like it's like it's like multiple years oh that's right it took a decade for them to do it you definitely come out of vaginas and pray but you die you also only have like a life expectancy of like three decades or something like that too but vaginas and pray we're supposed to be doors so i don't know if that counts so vaginas really there we go me and i've done the same page there doors to play a channel i'm glad we found something you guys could agree on one of us might have done more research on the topic than the other but some of us have a lot of lesser standards as long as it can walk you don't have to make fun of your standards on the podcast uh it totally reminds me of the sword fighting in mucky island okay uh i adored that you weren't heading in to win the war by blowing up every drug you could see the first mission was an assassination which is true not a slaughter it turns into that sure but i really like that i wasn't thrown into genos is to fight the war in the front lines um the introduction to each of the brothers is awesome we've already covered that um these dudes are hardcore and they're each a different kind of badass tyler's got the giggles um they really get along by brought like brothers and because they're unique they're incredibly likable um he he concludes by saying fixers voiced by the guy who does max in the new sum of max seasons oh cool i have scorched his voice by the guy who does caden mass effect cool which i think you might remember but i don't know if i had caden oh yeah he was the male probably the male companion that nobody chose dude yeah the guy that people sent to die he was born yeah he had to choose between him and actually actually i sent actually to die misogynist i'd like to three times i did them both really yeah wow i i wish mass effect was a game where you could choose an alien race to play as and it would alter your abilities i would have loved to play as a rex's race those guys are awesome yeah this is sterile stegosaurus yeah so anyhow that's that where do we play until next time at the end of the second campaign yeah which is through the uh through the capital ship that you find at the beginning of the second one and then through a slave camp i believe through the fuck i can't remember it's name i think it starts with an r just play with play play through until you see fucking credits like you saw at the end of the the first part it's easy yeah it's easy to um to tell the brain and the fiction is this still before episode three yes this part yeah there's the whole game take place before episode yes because the the uh the last area is fighting on on kashik yeah the wookiee home plan which is which is what happens in episode three yeah it takes place right up until like about the middle of episode three basically the where the game ends up ending is like right before they give the order to kill so funny i barely remember and we had a we had a listener who commented in uh on the post saying that he he really wished that they'd done a follow up that took place that included order 66 right well the game clearly you know it will so you guys know i mean something in the world just it does end with a there's going to be a sequel sort of thing and there never was so too bad i kind of wonder how well this did like it retail so yeah i mean there was definitely supposed to be a sequel it released it's sort of a weird time in the console cycle just like gun did yeah just like hitman did well well hitman was hitman was after the 360 came out this was like in the first half of 2005 like when the next gen hype was like snowballing yeah maybe this is a game that uh skips a generation maybe won't see uh the republic command could be it could be yeah it could be the kind of thing yeah the sequel comes like anything can happen look how well it took team fortress two to and they did say i mean when lucas start started releasing all these new games uh their older games and stuff it was kind of a test bed to see about how they might do other like maybe we'll do a new month yeah let's see how these games could very well be to gauge interest in a future title right so that's what we're going to do uh you know thanks for listening go to area five dot tv watch co-op we've lost the comments or revision three dot com slash co-op yeah either way do those things if you like us i mean and though it's called co-op it's not any kind of hit beat crazy and on that note may the penis be with you so you