Rebel FM
Rebel FM Game Club - Hitman: Blood Money - Episode 3
We're back after an off week with this week's episode of the Hitman:
Blood Money Game Club! This week, we cover acts Death on the
Mississippi, Til Death Do Us Part, and House of Cards, which you'll
find recapped in the video below. Post your comments for the rest of
the game below, and be sure to post any questions you might have for
the developers below or email us at letters(at)
(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Are we going? (laughing) - I don't know if anyone's gonna interrupt the magic. - I don't know, Game Club, we were making funny sounds with our mouths. (laughing) - We were playing with the new iPhone, Farta. - Hit man three. (laughing) Hit man, part three, up through house of cards. - You spelled that sound. - What's the on the line P? - If you were doing like the comic book writing. - Yeah. - For work. - It'd be like. - Or poo? - It'd be like PH, fit, F, G, H, T. (laughing) - Forgird. - Forgird? - Figured or something, you know? I don't know. (laughing) So you should have played up through house of cards leaving the last few missions, I guess, for one more final episode. - There, yeah, there are two more missions. - But they're kicking the balls. - They're kicking the balls. - Yeah, they're kind of long and extensive. They're kind of like two missions each time. If you're here in Karlarm right now, that's because it's two days after the 4th of July and people have been exploding bombs in our neighborhood. (laughing) - It's kind of, sometimes it's hard to tell between gunshots and fire crackers. - No, I mean, you can tell gunshots are not that loud. That's the thing is illegal fireworks are so much louder than gunshots are. - Yep. - Especially the illegal fireworks they have around here and in my neighborhood, the mission. - Yeah, 'cause it's not even like a real firework. I guarantee you it's just someone that cuts a bunch of them open and puts it in a coffee can with a fuse or something like that. (laughing) - I think improvised explosive devices. - Yeah, I mean, that's what we used to do growing up. We'd just cut open a whole bunch of piccolo peats. - You insurgent. - Empty them all out into a two liter bottle and drill the top and put a fuse in there. And it would be like deafeningly loud. So I did stuff like that when I was a kid and I ended up with fireworks exploding in my eyes and I had to go to the eye doctor and I sat there for probably an hour and a half to two hours. I don't really remember how long while he stuck these really long thing tweezers in my eyes while they were hoping and pulled out all the pieces. And to this day, I have a little floater in my eye that I like, if I look really carefully on a white surface, I can see it. - That's horrifying. - This has been a public service announcement about why you do not play with fireworks. - At least not until you're old enough. (laughing) - Which in my case was like 12. (laughing) - When we could steal away a couple from the previous night to fireworks and run out to a field. - I don't know if I've met anyone that I can recall that I trust handling explosives. - I mean, you would have been nervous around us. (laughing) - I'm nervous around you now. - Standard one for us was taking a piccolo peat and smashing it with a rock. And then you wrap it in duct tape before you smash it so that all the powder stays in but it also gets compacted to where it can't whistle. It just explodes. Then we would throw that inside glass snapple bottles so they would shatter. And we figured out like once we found this plastic tube and we dropped it in there and it shot out like a mortar. And we were like, that was awesome. So we tried to get it to repeat. We could never get it to repeat but man, it shattered a lot of bottles. That was about all we did. - Did you ever put Roman candles in a PVC pipe and shoot them like a bazooka? - I unfortunately lived too far from where I could obtain Roman candles, so. - It was pretty awesome because like, if you put them in a really long, if you drop them into a really long piece of PVC pipe then you could hold them like a gun or like a bazooka and you could fire them really far horizontally. - Amen, it's your friends. - Yes, with my friends. - Yes. - Graduated to probably in our college years was buying the fireworks that you have to buy the separate little like mortar base and stand with. And then so you would buy the ammunition separate. So these were like fucking huge bottle rockets that were really, really big and what we would do is we happen to have this empty artillery shell from like World War II. It was the bottom shell, you know, the tip had been shot. - You were from Texas. - And it just so happened that these, we called them bangers. We got, there were bangers and double bangers because the regular bangers had like one ball of bang and the double bangers had two duh. And it just so happened that the base of these fit perfectly in this artillery shell to where they wouldn't leave the shell until they exploded. So they would explode like three feet off the ground. And like we would stand near it and it would be just like, it would feel like, I felt like I was in platoon and it was like a fucking napalm going all around me. (laughing) - So speaking of illegal activities, that's what you do in hit man. - Five minutes into the fight. - You shoot people. I hit my microphone again. - So we started with a death on the Mississippi. - Right, yup. - Takes place on a river boat. - The setting was pretty cool. - Yeah. - I like the idea of it. You're on this river boat, mosey and down the Mississippi. - Reminding me a little bit of gun on our last game. - Yeah, a little bit. - Riverboat missions. - Yeah, same kind of crappy wood textures. - I don't know if it was the same for you, but this, it felt like my sloppiest mission. The mission I got busted the most. - It's a really hard mission to do quietly, just 'cause there's so many people. - Yeah. - In fact, this mission changed my complete direction of how I've been playing hit man from here. - Really? Wow, what happened? - I just got detected so much, I was just like, you know what, if people are gonna be seeing me and like I'm gonna have all this notoriety, I'm gonna be a feared motherfucker. (laughing) Now my goal in every level is to try to kill everyone in the level, literally everyone. - Wow. (laughing) - Goddamn. (laughing) - Eventually, I feel like you'd run out of bullets. - Right, that's why you gotta get creative. - Yeah. - I think, yeah, I'll talk about it later, but the most I've killed in a mission so far is like 54 or something. (laughing) - There are special rankings for some missions if you do stuff like that. Like there's definitely a special ranking in a new life if you kill everyone without ever being seen. - Without ever being seen? - Yes. - Wow. - Well, kill everyone is in the people you're supposed to kill. - Don't kill everyone in suburbia, basically, including like the backup FBI agents. - Jeez. - That would be a fun mission to try. - There are one of hidden ranks in that game. - Crazy. - So. - Someone. - Someone. - Why don't you walk us through the experience that made you a change to Sassan? - No. - Right. - Yeah, I changed you from a silent assassin to a mass murderer. - Yeah. Well, beginning this level was a little bit confusing 'cause I wasn't sure if I was supposed to go to the upper deck, like the second deck immediately, or if I was supposed to try to, you know, fuck with the electrical switch and get, you know, the uniforms so I could get access to more areas. - And-- - Wait, what electrical switch? - Like right when you walk forward, like from the mission start, there was like a-- - On the left side, I think. - Yeah, yeah. It's like, it-- - It was then if you hit that, somebody comes out and then you can-- - A guard comes out. Yeah, one of the top level guards, the like ones that are wearing like tank tops and pants, exactly. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so like, I got his uniform, but just, I can't remember what exactly it was, but I think, did you guys find like a lot of like weird security? Okay, I remember that this is the one where I eventually got a tuxedo and I remember hearing some of the other guys in the boat talk about like, oh, he's got the higher security clearance because, you know, he's a waiter that's been there a while, I don't know. Do you guys remember what I'm talking about? - Yes. - I never heard that conversation. - Well, I know what you're talking about though. There are certain waiters that have access cards and you can also use those access cards to get a VIP pass if you're looking carefully enough. - Yeah, yeah, so I think that's what I eventually did. Was just got the higher access waiter. And then from there, I just kind of kept that outfit and became frustrated and just pulled out my submachine gun and like opened fire on that first, the first lobby with all the rich people just kind of like dying. - Jesus Christ. (both laughing) - And, but right, the entrance right outside that room sort of leads you to the second balcony where I think one of your targets is, and so that's where I like took care of him and just got like higher security clearance in there, went up to the third level, right? There's three levels on this boat. - Yeah. - Yeah, come like that, yeah. - And yeah, again, just went ballistic when eight shit and that's when I sort of just embraced. (both laughing) - A mass murderer with that embrace the Sith. (both laughing) - You killed a young lynx. - What did you guys do right off the bat? Because I think maybe there's one guard in particular that usually me and Arthur suit right off the bat. And he's like, right when you start, you go around to the left up a set of stairs. - Up the stairs, yeah. - And then he walks into like a control room. - Well, yeah, he's taking a cigarette break. - Right, and then when he walks back in to go through the controls, you can almost always, oh, I say almost always because like, at least 30% of the time, when you stick 'em with a needle, you'll get seen. And then sometimes you want-- - By someone walking up the stairs outside the glass. - Right, there'll be another guard that'll walk. - So he was like, what I always did is like, I always got him, I was on the stairs doing a smoke break. 'Cause like, nobody downstairs saw him. - Okay. - And I was just telling Arthur to check the levels out. - Oh, okay, I didn't know what you're panting my name in. - With baseball signs. (both laughing) - He was like, he's great. - To check the levels or slide into home, I'm not really sure which. - I was just wondering. - No, we're good. - All right, cool. So anyways. - Yeah, well, I was just saying that like, that particular guy, I didn't get him in his room. I got him out on the deck and then drug him into the room. - And no one saw you? - No. - I mean, I guess no one really walks around like that. - No, there are definitely a ton of people that walk on both sides of that area. - Yeah, 'cause I had to be really careful when I fucked with the electrical box. - That's right, because there's a guy that passes through like the engine room. He goes back and forth. Yeah, but those guys are all downstairs. And like, if you get the guy on the upper level, before he goes back into the room and does his drink, I mean, like, it totally didn't matter. Like, I tested to see if I could leave the body there, just 'cause I wanted to see if anybody would find it. And I stood there for like five minutes and nobody saw me or the body just laying there. And I was like, well, I'll drag him inside this cabin just to be sure. - I had a memory of somehow getting someone, one of those early people and needling him and throwing him into one of the life-preserving boats. But I don't remember how I did that. That was a long time ago though. - I thought that I couldn't seem to get any one far enough away, like by themselves, even by throwing coins or whatever. - Right, it seemed to me like you should be able to put people in the life-preserving boats, so you actually can. - You can't make it. I know for a fact, you can, cool. Maybe that was one of the missions where I just kind of did it like Tyler and was like, fuck it, shoot it. So. - Yeah, this mission, I also opted to take my M4 assault rifle and-- (laughing) - And the first target, how did you guys kill him? The one that's like, he wanders through the engine room. See me, I just waited 'til he walked up to a railing. - Same. - And I shoved him into the engine. - Yeah, I just made it an accident. - Yeah, nobody ever sees the body. - There's a lot of brainwave. - There's lots of brainwave. - There's lots of brainwave. - The engine's the easiest way, although I suppose you could, you know, strangle him or do any number of things in there. - But yeah, there's so many people walking around now. - There's so many people walking around now. - The dude with the earmuffs on, that's walking around. - Right. - I went and I picked up, there's a, there's some kind of weapon you can pick up nearby. I think it's just a shovel. - There's a shovel. - A shovel. - Yeah. - I beat him to death with a shovel. (laughing) - Damn, Tyler, were you angry playing this? - No, Tyler plays the way I like to play this. I just, this time around, I tried to do it a little different. - Yeah. - I mean, I figure embrace. - Do you pay down your notoriety at the end? - Yeah. - Okay. - You know, and usually I'm really careful about like, not being seen when I'm doing my mass murderings. So like, for at least not letting anyone get away. - Yeah. - If you kill all the witnesses that see you, you don't have to pay to bribe them. - Right. - Man, so that nice tie, I killed. And then, like, I don't know about you guys, but then I wandered up and I ended up a, what I ended up doing was, you know, there's those two people that like are making out in the hallway, one of which is your target, one of which isn't. I think what I ended up doing was they went into the room and then afterwards the girl walked out and I kind of stood in the doorway and didn't let the guy get passed. - I did that a couple times to do it. - And then eventually I just punched him in the face and knocked him out in the room and then I needled him while he was on the ground. - Oh, that's funny. I snuck, I was actually able to sneak up behind him while he was in the room. I was just standing in the doorway and I snuck up behind him and I killed him that way. But the girl comes back eventually and finds the body. - Right, that was my one body that for sure got found when I was doing it. - Yeah, so I actually changed it up so that after a while he goes out onto the deck and is like staying there smoking a cigarette or something. - And you can shove him. - And you can shove him off. - 'Cause I had more shoving. - Yeah, more shoving. - Yeah, yeah. - I didn't even solve that. - Yeah, well he stands in the hallway with this girl for forever and eventually they'll briefly go into the room. - It's like one of those situations that they do a lot in this game where there's a couple making out and as soon as you step into their line of sight then they go into their let's go somewhere else animation and it keys that sequence that allows you access to your target. - Yeah, but again, I haven't found a way if you kill him in that room for the body not to be found. - No, there's no, there's no, 'cause she always comes back. - Right, so you can't get in her room. - I imagine that if you wanted to kill him in there you'd have to kill her too. - So from there I ended up, I somehow, I forgot but I ended up getting a key card. I ended up suiting one of the workers. - Okay, did you get him in the bathroom or did you run into one of the rooms? - No, I found a workers outfit that it was just in like a locker room or something. I ended up sneaking down there. - One of the, which are the workers? Like the waiters? - Waiters at this point, I was already suited as a guard. So I was able to get in an area and then I suited a waiter. And then from there I walked up and a guy gave me his room 'cause he wanted a key, he wanted champagne in his room, so I went in his room, got his tux and got his card and got his VIP pass which let me into the upper area. And then once I was in there, all I did is I walked out. Like there's that part where there's two guards standing with their backs turned to like an area that is VIP only. And really quick, they'll turn their back and right then if you just go out the door to the left real quick, they won't stop you even though you're not supposed to be there. So I just went out there and on this mission I brought my silver ballers. And then all I did is I would keep my silver ballers in my pocket and I would walk up to the deck where like the five targets are all up there and I would let one see me. And then I'd run back down the stairs and he'd be like, you can't be here. You need to leave. And so I'd be like, okay, I'd walk up to him, take his gun, drop it immediately 'cause I had it down. It was like, you know, you hit like punch, why to drop the gun or whatever it is on PC. - Yeah, that's why. - And then I beat him to death, shoot him with my gun, throw him over the rail, repeat, walk up there, let me see me, run back down. The only time I had to do it twice though 'cause one time I got fucked up 'cause the guy is carrying the cake, saw me. - Saw you, yeah, yeah. - And he ended up telling and I got killed. Other than that, this time I just waited 'til the cake guy left completely. And then I ended up having to kill the cake boy 'cause while I was up there, like trying to get the cake guy. I saw me and I was like, no, you don't. (laughing) - Awesome. - I actually had to do it differently than you guys because on my difficulty, anytime I was in a guard outfit, my alert level would just keep going up. - Yeah, that wasn't an notoriety issue this time. - No, my notoriety was zero going into the level. - So you're, it would just keep going up. - It would just keep going up. It wouldn't like leap up like they had found a body or something. It would just like slowly like spazzed out. - Said this made me sense me without nerve. - So weird. - And by the time I would get to the top of the stairs to go to the upper level, it would jump to red and they would just start, they would just open fire on. - Wow, weird. - Yeah, that sounds like almost like a bug or something. - Yeah. - I just, I think that those guys are programmed to be more suspicious than anyone else. - I don't know. - That's just never happened before though. I mean like, that seems like bad game design if it's made to happen that way. - Well, no, because all I had to do was I suited the guard that we've always suited. And then take care of the first gator, then I ran back and re-suited into my suit. - Yeah, you've been still though. If no one saw you, why should you have to re-suit? I'm just saying. - I don't know. I mean, to be fair, you are, you do have a giant barcode on the back of your head. - Right. But things you don't really look that different from a lot of those. - True. So I had to go back and get my suit after I killed the first gator and then go and start to go about my business of doing everything else. - Which by the way, if I were Agent 47, I would have had the barcode removed. - Yeah, that's what I got because I was thinking, right? Not down low. That is not decore, at least it's some really nice makeup on it before I hit that stuff. - I remember trying to, I remember in this mission, trying to test if I had the waiter outfit, if I could just carry the cake, you can't along the top. I had that in there. - You poison the cake. - You poison the cake. - Every time. - No, you have to have the right waiter outfit. - No, there's two kinds of waiters. - There's two kinds of waiters. - It's like level one and you eat the waiter outfit with like the funny hat. - Okay, so. - Short shorts. - So the shorts, that's the guy who kept saying, who kept talking shit to me and he made me snap. I was like, "Oh, this chump in these little white shorts here." He's like, "You're doing your fucking daisy, dude. "You could shove it up your ass." - That was the exact cake. - Yeah, yeah, there's the, yeah, those are the first class waiters. You have to be the first class waiter to walk around. - And it's the first class where you can poison the cake and you can kill the main guy with it. - So I had the poison cake, but I just thought maybe it was my past. And I was like, "I got the cakes, money ordered." - Now see, that's what I did is like, I. - I suited the ground. (laughing) Landshark. - I suited the first guard and I killed the guy in the engine room the same way that all the guys did. And I walked around this boat a lot trying to figure out where to go or what to do. And I actually ended up, and then I pushed the other guy over the railing and I snuck into, I snuck into an area and I found, and I went into this locker room and there was a first class, first class waiter uniform. - And that's the locker room that's. - It's on the third second deck or whatever. - It's like down where all this, there's a ton of guards walking or something. And in one room, if you go in there, there's a guard sitting next to like a sniper rifle or something like that, too. Like he's sitting next to a special rifle that's there that you can't take if you want to get to take him out. - I found the first class burser or waiters outfit in a room that was just past a couple of dudes playing cards. - Mm-hmm, right, down with all the guards quarters and stuff. - I guess so, yeah. - There's like a guard sleeping. - Yeah, yeah. But the way I did that is that after I pushed the second gator over the edge, after his failed attempts to hook up with the guests, which is really funny to me that like, the line you can hear through the door if you're waiting is like, what's something like keeping it in your pants, Romeo? - Yeah, and then you hear that same conversation over and over and over again, if you spend any time in the public areas. 'Cause everybody has the same voice and they always say the same lines back and forth. - Last gen game. (laughing) But after I killed him, I ran into the guest quarters area and saw one of the waiters go into a room to drop off something which may have been the champagne because he picked something up off the table and drank it. I snuck up behind him, took his clothes in his card, ran into another guest's room and suited and tuxedo and took the VIP pass and went upstairs. - Gotcha. - I did do the cake as my means of getting upstairs. - Mm-hmm. - But everything was going well and then everything fell apart. (laughing) I snuck, I wasn't looking hard enough and I opened a door behind one of the gators watching football and took him hostage but I didn't see that there was a waiter in the room. And rather than having to play through the entire thing all over again because there are no saves on my difficulty, it took me a good five or six seconds to decide well, I'm not doing this over again. - Yeah. - There's a sort of, I'm not going back to jail kind of moment. (laughing) I know, he cowered and then went like that and I shot him in the face and he fell backwards and flipped through the air over the pool table. (laughing) And then-- - Arthur, I just remembered why your level kept going up while you were a guard in this mission. Isn't the story with this mission that one of your targets is like sexually involved with like all his security guards so he knows them intimately? - It might be, he's gay because if you go in the bathroom in the very creepy looking captain's cabin-- - There's a guy shower. - And there's a dude shower. - That's where I eventually got the Daisy Duke outfit was I took out that dude showering in his bathroom while I was showering, it was just like desert eagle. And the guard also and the guy that you're supposed to kill, the captain or whatever also says like really nasty things to the waiters in the room with them too. - Yeah, I mean sexy things. - That's what I mentioned. - I remember like Anthony and I were like chatting and I told Anthony I was like ah, like I'm losing it in this level. Like as I was playing out, I think we were chatting and I was like ah, it's just so frustrating. Like fuck it, I'm gonna embrace that hit man as like this homophobic psychopath and he was just like fuck it. (laughing) - I had just made this game so much more disturbing than I did once. - I did that on that playboy mansion level. I just killed everyone at the end. Just got out inside. - That was the reason where I discovered that you could stab people through the neck, stealth kill style if you had a kitchen knife. - Yeah. - That would make sense. - Man. - There's blood everywhere. - But yeah, the ending of this mission, like it just turns so violent for me. Like when you guys were talking about there was like five targets on the top level. Like I totally forgot there was multiple targets, I think. - There are four. - Four. - No, three, 'cause there's-- - There's two other guys. - There's a guy you kill in the engine room. The guy you push over the edge after this failed romantic attempts. There's the guy that's patrolling the deck just below the captain's deck. So that's three. And then there are three gators and the captain on the top four. - Gators. - Right. - I think with me. (laughing) - I didn't drag the A, okay. (laughing) - I think I just had-- - Not that there's anything wrong with that. - Everyone on such a high level of alert, I just killed everyone in my sight. And eventually it was like all my targets were dead. And I was like, okay. - Eventually you just keep seeing check marks. (laughing) - I, the guys that I actually got the, when I got the waiter uniform, I walked through the first class waiter uniform. I walked through the kitchen. And the guy in the kitchen goes, take that cake up to him right now. And I was like, okay. So I took the cake and I poisoned it and I brought it up there. And this was actually another one of those missions where I, 'cause I bought the super upgraded sniper rifle case that's undetectable. So I was carrying this through like all of these levels. And I brought that up with me and I was like, all right. Well, I guess I'll have to leave this in the kitchen. I hope nobody picks it up while I take this cake upstairs. And so I took the cake upstairs and the guys all, I'm gonna have to search you, sir. It's like, shit. I have my ballers on me. So I had to like run all the way down to where I could find an IC7 case and dump off my baller. - And I'm just sticking in the cake. - Really? - Yeah. - Pretty much any food item that you can carry in a hit man game, you can hide things instead of them. - I didn't even think of that. - Shit, prison stuff. - Yeah, but anyway, so it's this place item, I think. - I think it did, but I think I was only placing an RU mine. That was the only thing I was thinking of. - Yeah, if you can put a mine in it, you can put a gun in it or whatever physics defined it. - That would be such a horrible thing. Like, a mine in a cake. - The frosting makes a better silencer. - Yeah, the cake is so exciting and tasty looking. If somebody blows you up, that's horrible. - But I ended up, I had a lot of-- - It's much worse than a gun. (laughing) - I actually had a lot of trouble trying to get all of the guards. I saved just before I brought the cake all the way up to the stairs. I had to reload that save, like, I don't know. Half a dozen a dozen times, something like that. While I was trying to get all the guards, 'cause they have such complicated patterns, and it's hard to get one without getting the others. I ended up getting searched, going inside, taking out one in the bathroom, 'cause I was watched long enough, and he was the only one that went in the bathroom. - That's one without the shirt, right? - The one without the shirt, yeah. - That's one I grabbed-- - And then the waiter for. - Gotcha. And then the other one, there's another one that comes in and out, like, all the time. And I kept trying to get the one that guards the door, but that one kept seeing me, like before I could dispose of the body around, like, the other side of the ship where none of them walked to. And-- - But after a while, during one of my saves, I thought, oh, there's this waiter that brings in a plate of hamburgers, and he starts eating these hamburgers, so I poisoned a hamburger. And that guard walks in, walked out with a poison hamburger, you see the cut scene where he falls dead, and then I was able to take out the guy that was out on the front door pretty easy, and I just used the cake on the big guy, the poison cake. But I actually had to take out one of the other waiters, the one that goes in and out of the captain's cabins. I had to knock out that waiter, because otherwise he saw the body before I could escape, and I didn't get silent assassin. So that one was a hassle. - Sounds like it. Tyler didn't have no hassle. - No. (laughs) This was the first mission where, like, several times I got frustrated enough that I would just, I'd say, well, screw it, my game is saved, I'm gonna go and kill as many people as I possibly can before I die. - Here's the thing, and maybe I'm just doing a game save system wrong, but we're in my frustration just led to whatever, I'm gonna kill everyone, and happen when I would try to like get to a certain point in the mission. You know, doing really well in the game, and I would save it, and exit out of the game, shut down my computer, and next time I came back, like, all my save files were gone. - Yeah, that's the way this game worked. - That's the way it worked, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, man, yeah. - That's what it was. - You're doing one sitting or not at all. - Yeah. - Yeah. - In one sitting, I was like, fuck this, man, I'm not going through all that again, I'm just gonna kill everybody. - Yep, yeah, the game is set up almost like they feel as though you're gonna play it like you would guitar hero, you know, where you're gonna go back to your favorite level and play it over and over again. But really, it's a linear game, and not having your saves preserved during sessions is, I think, a pretty heavy design flaw for the Hitman series, they've all been like that. And like, I realized that once you get up to like the level where Arthur and I are playing it at, well, where I'm playing it at, 'cause Arthur doesn't have any saves, but where I'm playing it at where you only have three saves, and I'm like, okay, well, this-- - Yeah, I think your saves is a luxury. - Yeah, it's like, oh, that's my choice to make it this hard on myself, but why can't the easier difficulties allow you to just plain old save your game just like you would any other PC game in history? - Yeah, because, I mean, if you know the levels, I'm sure you could do every level in Hitman in under 10 minutes, you know? - If you can do it quick enough, and like, well, there are, and, you know, except for levels where you have to sit around waiting a long time if you're trying to get silent assassin, but yeah. - You know, but it's just like, you know, your first time through, whatever, I mean, I would spend, you know, like 30 minutes inside of a level just wandering and figuring shit out, like, I wish I could save the things that I did that time. - Yeah. - You know, like, maybe I was doing much better than-- - Sneaking around and getting different, you know, trying to do the full execution. - Yeah, in fact, I would actually get to the point where I would have to restart the level so many times that I would get reckless because I was frustrated and I'd be running. - Yeah, exactly. - And I would screw up again, and I'd be like, God damn it, I totally forgot that that happens. - That's what I'm saying, like, that would happen to me. Like, my first time through, I'd be very cautious. Second time through, I don't have my gain saves, like, whatever I'm just trying to get back to where I was. It's just, like, a lot more reckless, you know. - Yep. - All right, let's move on to the next level. All right, there's going to introduce it. - Oh, this pizza here? - Yeah. - That's very exciting. - Yay, pizza! - So, next level is 'til death to us part, which is the hillbilly wedding. - The hillbilly wedding? (laughter) - They're fucking shooting shotguns at catfish, beginning and dropping dynamite into the fucking water. - Yep. (laughter) - So, Matt, why don't you start us off with your adventures in hillbilly wedding? - All right, well, it took me forever to find somebody to suit up. And I spent a long time running around just being like, all right, how am I going to do this? But I finally found the guy that wanders away from the party and pukes and then goes into the burned-out building. Yeah, and so I suited him up. And, but it was weird because I was actually suiting up a different guy in the beginning. There's a guy that wanders into this room next to the security station, and there's a body bin right there. And I'm like, oh, okay, well, clearly they want me to do this guy. So, I suit him up, but you can't get into the house. It's like, he's not accepted as a guest, for some reason, even though you're wearing this guest. - He doesn't have an invitation on him. - Yeah, yeah, and I didn't notice that. And I kept saying like, well, shit, what do I do? And I kept trying to like, get by the dogs and stuff like that, you know? - And that was not happening. - No, there's just no way to get in. Finally, I found that guy and I could walk, well, why the hell can I walk in? It's like, oh, he must have an invitation. - You mentioned the dogs, do you guys think that whole part of the level was like a red herring? Like, we're gonna put this over here and like, have the player think that it's some way to get through or something? - I mean, I feel like they put a lot of different options in each level as far as what you can do. - Right, so maybe I just wouldn't see the options. - The dog is just there to keep you from going through that gate, I think, to just keep you from walking straight into the backyard. And it's an interesting way to do it other than just putting a wall there. - There might be something that you could do about it. There might be food that you could-- - I looked all over for like, sausages or anything, but I could throw at the dog and there was nothing. - Or you could just kill it. - Yeah, but if you kill it, people notice. I tried that too. 'Cause I brought my, 'cause again, I brought my-- - I've been driving people to dog here. 'Cause again, I brought my sniper rifle into this level and carried it around with me the whole level. And I like parked myself way back far away where nobody could see me like behind the tents, unpacked my sniper rifle and hit the dog and people saw it. And so I could, that totally didn't work either. But I eventually got inside the mansion and I got out to the backyard to where the, is it the, I can't remember if it's the groom or the dad walking around in the backyard. - It's the dad. - It's the dad, yeah. - Who has gone completely insane. - Right. - Yeah. - If you're careful and sneaky, you can actually hear him ramble on at length about UFOs. - Yep. (laughing) - I never heard that one. - Oh, it's so cool if you want to hear it. - Oh, right. Yeah. - But yeah, I got out to that area and there's the area on the back deck where he has like that chum bucket or whatever it is. - I think it's chicken. - Chicken, is it? - Oh, it's a bucket of fried chicken. - Well, there you go. So he was out there with one of the guards and I was like, all right, just like every other hit man level, I need the number one ace guard uniform to get where I want to go. And he actually leaves and abandons a guard right there that you can get rid of. So like I, I popped the guard in the back of the head with a, or I strangled him or something like whatever. Anyway, I suited up the guard and it was cool because like if you throw the, any bodies over the railings and the alligators get them. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - And that includes Pappy. - Yeah. - The first time I played this level, my game glitched and the alligator model wasn't in the water and I threw my first guy into the water and I saw them just like rolling around. I was like, well, I guess they're trying to say there's an alligator in the water. (laughing) - That's hilarious. - I think that it's not so much a glitch, but if you look closely, like at a specific point, you can see the alligator. - Well, I mean, but later in my later lives, I can clearly see alligator. - That is some serious hit. - That is some serious hit. I apologize. - Well, no. (laughing) - See, like alligator, where you are. - Yeah. - The first time there was no alligator. - Right. - It was just like tumbling in the water. - That's hilarious. - You couldn't see it 'cause it was just off screen just barely. - Yeah. - But I actually like Star Wars movies. People used to do that for things like that. - Oh, don't I? - It was just off screen. - That's all. (laughing) - 47 only shoots first. - Yeah. - But I actually ended up killing Pappy by just falling into the graveyard and he stands in front of this open grave. I just took out my silver baller and shot him in the back of the head and he fell right into the grave, but it's like perfect. - I ended up suiting a guard that could, or no, I had the priest, which gave me free run over there. - Oh, that was, that, I totally forgot about that. That's, that is who I suited first. - And it gives you free run of everywhere. - Yeah, and that's how I got to the guard. Yeah, I suited the priest after I got in the house because I was like, I was trying to figure out the level long enough and eventually the priest rang the bell and I was like, well, clearly I got to shut this guy up first so that he doesn't go and ring the bell. Yeah, that's twice-- - I went in there and I managed to get the priest when he walked into a bedroom by himself. - Yeah, me too. - So that's where he could drink. I think he has like a flask inside of his Bible. - Right, and it's a hollow Bible. - And no one will ever find him there. - Right, no. - I can just do him there. And then I ended up getting frustrated eventually and I just went the easier out and poisoned the big cake, which the husband tastes and dies. - That's not the easy route though. When I figured out after much frustration is that you have to poison the cake before the ceremony? - Well, right, he just goes in there to taste it. - Right, but the ceremony-- - When I did it, the ceremony never happened 'cause I immediately went and took the priest, poisoned the cake, he eats it, but then he gets seen 'cause there isn't really time. - It's too bad because the ceremony is really funny. - It is, but I've seen it before. And then the pappy guy, all I did is I walked out to there since I was the priest and dropped a mine. That'd be great if he stands up and just blew him up when he walked over there. - I don't remember how I killed the groom, actually, 'cause I think I was gonna poison the cake. No, I did poison the cake. I poisoned the cake and I went to the boat and I waited until he got it. And then I just exited right as soon as he died. So it was like, there wasn't any chance for anybody to see the body. - I mean, there are a lot of chances to kill him. If no, if nothing else, after the wedding ceremony, the bride will weed him around the house for you to stop and kill him. Since she's in cahoots. - I mean, once I was in the priesthood open-- - No, she's in cahoots. - Yeah, you can open up-- - It opened up. - After the house, you can talk to her. - It opens up a whole new chunks of the level, too. Like, you can go into the atrium, which pappy also goes and hangs out in as well. There are opportunities to kill him in there, but I didn't, like, you can get up on the balcony up there. And actually, if you brought a sniper rifle in the level and you managed to suit the priest, you could go up in the atrium and there's actually an open window that overlooks where the ceremony is, where it's like, we could obviously just sit there and snipe people, no one would ever find you. (laughing) - Yeah, I tend to, like, I tend to be very direct in my approach in these games, and I try to, like, do the most practical thing. So it's like, okay, gotta stop the priest. Okay, kill this guy here, kill this guy there. And I think because I'm really intent on getting this silent assassin rating and not letting things get out of my control, I miss a lot of the cooler stuff that they've actually built into these levels because I'm afraid it's gonna screw up my ability to get silent assassin. - I mean, it doesn't hurt just when the first time you get too able to just say, fuck it, and say, well, I know that I'm not gonna succeed the first time, so I'm just gonna explore. - Well, the thing is that I succeed the first time, maybe, every time, but I'm not gonna get a silent assassin. There are times that I'll be doing, like, perfect, and then I'll say, someone goes wrong, I kill two people, and I'm like, I'm gonna keep going. Let's see how this ends up. - Yeah, an emergent assassination simulator. - Yeah, I just don't, I just think, well, if that's what would have happened in real life, now I'm rolling with it. (laughing) - Sometimes things are wrong, we must continue. - Yep, you gotta kill it one time. - Well, part of it, a big part of it though is the trial and error-ness of it because I do feel like if I let this play out and this screws me up, I'm just gonna have to reload anyway, so I'm just gonna go reload and do this the way that I know is gonna prevent this from happening. So it's, because I feel like you can get into situations that are irresolvable to be a silent assassin, then I guess I try to nip it in the bud ahead of time. - How'd you do it, Tyler? - Well, when I started this level, this was the first level I started with the full intention of homicidal maniac. (laughing) So when the level loaded and I was surrounded by four guys shooting their guns into the lake, I was like, oh, cool, they're not gonna freak out if I start shooting my gun. So it was like, I killed everyone in front of me. I threw them all into the river and the invisible alligator ate them up. (laughing) And then it was just holy luck. Like, I saw the drunk, oh, no, no, no. Okay, wait, I take that back. I saw the groom when he would come out of the house and he would shoot his gun in the air. - Yeah, yeah. - And so I thought, okay, well, maybe if I hide in this burnt out shack and wait for him to shoot his gun and snipe him at the same time, you know, nobody will freak out. - How'd that work out for you, Tyler? - Well, when I went to hide in the shack was when I saw the drunk guy stumble in. And I was like, well, this guy's gonna see me, so I popped him. (laughing) - Poor drunk guy. - Poor drunk guy. (laughing) That's what you get. You drink alcohol, you eat alcohol. (laughing) And then when I walked over his body to like move the body, I noticed that he had the guest invitation. So I was like, ah, we'll kick ass. And so I just got that. And from there, I didn't even try to snipe the groom. I was like, whatever, I'm just gonna go check the whole mansion because I knew I couldn't go there earlier. And then from there, I went into the little atrium where they had all the plants. And that's where I got the lieutenant guards uniform. And so I had sort of free reign of the whole house. And I eventually, I killed the father first. I followed him into the restroom and killed him in the restroom. But between killing the father in the groom, I was trying to kill every guard. (laughing) Which I was doing really well, actually. 'Cause there's, I believe this stage, the room that the father is chilling in, there's a sniper rifle, like a special in the wall, a special sniper rifle. - Ah, it's an elephant rifle. - Yeah, an elephant rifle. - Yeah, and I grabbed it and it's fucking amazing. It's so accurate and ridiculous. - Wow, 'cause it's made to kill elephants. (laughing) - And also, this level was a level where I started to collect guns and leave the level with them because you, you know, you can the guns and stuff. - Right, mm-hmm. - So yeah, after sniping a shit load of guards, I was like, all right, it's time to kill the groom. And I just sort of like, the groom and the bride were just making their rounds at the party. And like, I just waited until they came outside and sniped the broom from the rooftops. But what was funny is I was hoping there was a situation during the ceremony where the groom would be away from the bride. So like, I put a bomb inside a gift and put the gift sort of at the foot of the ceremony. And like, I kind of stood there waiting to cancel the break free. And I was hoping I could blow up a whole shit load of people. (laughing) - It's just be careful 'cause if you blow up the bride, you fail. - Yeah, exactly. That's why I didn't do that. But what ended up happening later is that I kept having it in my head. Like, I wanted to blow up the groom with the mine. So later, I placed the mine on the floor just by itself, like not even in a box. And a guard came and picked it up. And I was like, "Oh, fuck that." So I went ahead and detonated the mine. You know, while the guard was carrying it. The guard was carrying it inside the house at this point. So like every guard in the mansion came to investigate. Like, "Oh, what the fuck's going on?" And there were like 20 guards in this one little room. And I was out of the mines. And I was like, "Oh, if I just have one more mine, "it's just here, take out everything." - So what you need to do is you need to drop one on the ground, let that guard pick it up, and then drop another one on the ground, let another guard pick it up. Let the first one wander into the house, blow 'em up. The other one runs and then investigate. Blow 'em up. - Blow 'em up. - Yeah, great. I should try that. Yeah, you know, I ended up leaving this mission with like people shooting at me, you know, because I wanted to leave with a snipe-- - Well, a lot of the guests have guns too. - Yeah, like all of them pretty much. The first time I played through, I actually, you just went straight up to the ceremony, and you just started opening up, and like I didn't want to turn around, and it was like-- (laughing) - I actually tried to go into the attic with a six-shooter and snipe the groom after the ceremony ends, and everyone's firing their guns up in the air, and all I did was alert people in my presence. - You were too far away with a six-shooter. - I guess, I still, you would think that they wouldn't think, "Oh man, someone's shooting at us." - Right. - I hit someone. - They would think, "Oh, bullets are falling." (laughing) - That's crazy. - Yeah, I found the attic too, and there are like six different places you can put your mind, but I knew one of the rooms was over the father about how are you gonna know? - You, one of the rooms is over the piano, or one of the, or no, okay, so when you go to the attic, you know you can mine and bring the chandelier on top of him. - Yeah. - But the trick is to mine the right part. - The right one, but yeah, that's what I was saying. I was like, "Ah, I can't figure out which one it was." So, just come up in the bathroom. - I was gonna say, "Well, why did you care? "What if it killed other people anyways?" - I didn't wanna waste a mine, that's what it was. (laughing) - That was the correct answer. (laughing) - It could kill no one. Like, it could be in a room with no one. (laughing) - That's fair. - All right, so the last little we were supposed to play was House of Cards, which is the Vegas casino type level. - Yep. - Jenny, you wanna share the magic? - This one, there's like really easy ways and then there's hard ways to do it. The easiest way to do it is to play it a few times and know that the first thing you should do when you get in there before you can get your keycard or anything is just run into the elevator on the left and go inside it and crawl up and then wait for the scientist to arrive. 'Cause if you don't kill him right off the bat, then you have to, then you have to climb up like a scaffolding to get out to the ninth floor or the eighth floor. - And chances are someone will see you. - Right, and so the easiest way to do is just to immediately run into the elevator up to the left, which is what I did. The scientist comes in, you rope him, then you now, you have the suitcase, you go down, get your pass, go up to your floor and then all I did is I waited for the guy that has the DNA briefcase. I just waited for him outside his room. And then when he opened the door, he was like, what are you doing here? I was like beat down. (laughing) And then he has the silence. - Oh, I wish you were a video podcast. I see the pantomime of beating. - And then he has a silence pistol, so I took that and in my room there was an extra mine, so I took that. And then I left my suit in there and I took his outfit and I wandered downstairs to where the chic was. And I knew they were gonna pat me down so I put my gun, said the DNA briefcase, the silence weapon. See, it wouldn't let me do that. But no, I kept saying place item. And so I hit E on the PC to place item and then scrolling up and down to put whichever item you wanna put in there. And it wouldn't let me put anything in the briefcase. It kept going only between the top one which was silver baller and if I hit E, it wouldn't do anything. And if I scroll down, it skipped past the mines and everything just went to cancel. It totally wouldn't let me do it. - That's really weird. - That sounds like a bugtastic. - Yeah. - But see, they pat me down, they let me in there but I can't figure out how to get him by himself. And every time I've ever gone in there, like I tried it a couple times to give him the suitcase and he tells me like, why don't you go out to the bar or something like that? But then when that happens, all the guards turn on you and they shoot you. - So for whenever-- - He said, why don't you go out to the bar? He never said that to me. - Yeah, like when I gave him the briefcase, he was like, I wanna inspect the merchandise. - Why don't you go have a drink? Like is what he'll tell you. And if you stand there, eventually a 47 will be ignored rather not and then they'll instantly turn on you. And even when I would walk out to the bar, eventually they would just turn on me. - Really weird. - And I think if you look at the mission briefing, they give you the idea that there might be people that are trying to set you up. So I wasn't sure if that was part of it. - That's really weird 'cause like what happened to me is like I actually didn't kill the scientists and the elevator, I figured that out way too late. And I was already way too far in the game and I didn't wanna go back and start over. But I did get the guy in the DNA case. I, the guy with the DNA case, after a couple of reloads and figuring all that out and stuff, I actually got him and his elevator and strangled him up through the elevator and suited up with him. And then I took the case down to the chic and what happened is I wanted to inspect the merchandise and then I saw a little notifier at the top of my screen and I looked at the briefing and it said like the, the courier is on his way or something like that. And so the courier brings the diamonds from the scientist all the way down to where the chic is and then picks up the DNA case and leaves the diamonds and then goes away. And I was like, oh okay, well now I can pick up the diamond case and I've got those. But if I try to leave, I get shot. - I guess it was maybe that a-- - I think it's 'cause you killed the scientist. - I killed the scientist so you already knew something was up. - Yep. And so it was like, I ended up, I was like, all right, well what happens if I just stand here? And eventually like you stand there and the chic gets a phone call, like I think confirming the DNA stuff or whatever. And like he said some stuff and I have lots of audio problems with this game, especially when people are talking, like the surround sound just gets all kinds of messed up. - That's true, it was weird. - So I don't really know what the chic was saying. I don't know if he was saying like the merchandise is good or whatever, but he started to walk away and starts to walk outside to take his cell phone call up into this like-- - Oh, out in the back doors in the back patio. I was gonna have to fuck, that was four. - Yeah, that's just so you can kill the chic. And I picked up the diamond case and I followed him out there. - Shot him and left. - Shot him and left. - Yeah, see, for me I walked all the way out there and what happened to me was so you walk in there after they pat me down and there's, if you walk all the way to the door up to the back patio, there's one guard that can see you do it. So when I did the he ran over and was like, "You can't be here." And I was like, "Okay." And when he turned around, I injected him so he passed out and dragged him behind the far side so that no one would find him. But now there's two guards standing there with the chic and I was like, "How am I gonna handle this?" So I tried, at first I tried to, I figured out you could throw syringes. So I tried to-- - You can't? - Yes, I exploded. - I sprayed a poison syringe and I tried to like ninja into a syringe. (laughing) - When you throw syringes in the game, it pretty much works out what would happen if you threw a syringe in your car. It doesn't do anything. - He ran and bounces on, it tumbles and breaks. - Yeah, it's just all right. - Right, so I threw it and it landed underneath the chic bench though and the guard was going apeshit trying to get to it because he couldn't grab it but he could see it. So he's just wandering back and forth, bugged. And so the bench I was like, "Man, I'm not gonna redo all this." So I just wandered in there and the chic was like, "Oh, you're here." And I was like, "Yes, I am." (laughing) So I went silent. The front two guys that patted me down never even heard and I just left. I got seen though. So in the meantime, I went back up to my floor, got my suit because I was in the DNA guy's suit. And in the meantime, I killed a guard, I think, and got his outfit, went down, got the tape, so. - Yeah, I did have a tough time killing the scientists 'cause I left him alive. - Did you even have him to climb up? - Yeah, I had to climb up the IV. - The lattice. - The lattice. Up from the seventh floor to the eighth floor. - How do you kill him when he's up there? Isn't he like surrounded by guys? - He is, but you can hop from balcony to balcony. And so, but there was this one guard who's like standing in his living room window facing outward and if you jump from balcony to balcony, he sees you like every time. And, but then I was like, "That's right. "I've been bringing my sniper case with me "through all of these levels." So. - Just goes. - This was the first time that I was actually able to use it. - Pop it open, assemble it. - Yeah, I jumped, I went as far back as I could, so maybe that guard in the living room couldn't see me open the case 'cause if anybody sees you open the case, they're immediately alerted, of course. And yeah, the scientist comes out on the balcony and I just popped him from a distance. I was like, "All right, mission accomplished." And then left with the diamonds. - Did I wear? - I mean, should I say how I did it with asylum and assassin before we get to Tyler, the mass murderer? - Yeah, I mean mine was pretty close to asylum and assassin until I got to the scene. - Mine actually was asylum and assassin. - Yeah, I fucked up by killing the scientists first, I guess. - Go ahead, yes. So far, I've done a few things that no one's talked about. - Okay, so I ran in, got my keycard, went into the elevator, strangled the first guy, went to my room, dropped off my sniper rifle, which I brought with me, ran back to the elevator, strangled the second guy. I didn't go to the Sheik's room. What I did is I went to the floor that has the, I think it's a scientist that is in the room surrounded by dudes. If you go anywhere, basically anywhere on that floor, there are fucking firearms everywhere. - Yeah, you could, yeah, there are on both floors. So if you pull the firearm, everyone in his room runs out. - Right. - So I pulled the firearm, ran into his room, and there's a cell phone. And if you call the cell phone, you get an image of the Sheik answering the phone and going outside to try to get it. - Right, so he wanders out in that back lot area? - Yes. - And you can snipe him from the science balcony? - No, you can snipe him from your balcony. - Nice, yeah. - That is where my sniper rifle was. - Awesome. - So I called him, ran back to my room, broke down the sniper rifle, took it out, sniped him, and then took care of business. And you have to deposit the sniper rifle in the ICA case in your room if you want to bring the diamonds out with you. - See, that's stuff, yeah, 'cause that's like something you would have to play a bunch of times to know. - Yeah. - That, I mean, the way I did kind of two, I was obvious that I had failed more than once. (laughs) - Yeah, well, the way that I ended up accomplishing that level, like with having the courier bring down the diamond beast cave and everything, that was like, that was after many, many failed attempts at many other ways to try to do things. - Yeah, I mean, I've had much more catastrophic playthroughs of that level where I basically just murdered so many guards and had to fight my way into the room with the video cameras and videotapes to get it and hit a bunch of guys and yeah, that level can definitely get ugly. And that's one of the things that this Hitman does that the other games didn't do as well as it creates a real sense of these levels taking place in spaces that can exist. - Yeah, that's true. - 'Cause that's true of so many people. Like if you walk into the casino, there's fucking people everywhere. There's like people scubbering the force, there's guards walking around, there's like a girl dresses a harlot, like talking with a dude on a bench outside the elevator. There are witnesses everywhere that are where you would expect them to be. - Yeah. - Which is something that wasn't really the case. - Yeah, the levels are actually populated. - Yeah. - Which is not something you see in a lot of games like this. Like in this one or so game. There's not a ton of people. - Right. - In those levels. - But Tyler, how did you fudge it up? (laughing) - Literally. - My first playthrough, you know, I just started in the lobby and you know, I saw all the security guards, you know, sort of to your left on the opposite end where you get your key card. And I was like, well, you know, these guys might pose a problem later. So I'll just go ahead and do some preemptive. (laughing) Some preventative measures. And so I shot all the guards that are just outside in the lobby, like quite a few guards inside the guard shack in the lobby. But, and so every time I would shoot one, like a shit load of guards would come out and like inspect the scene to see what's going down. And so like, while they would do that, I'd run into the guard shack and drop a mine. (laughing) But yeah, I want to say there was a briefcase in the guard shack. Yeah, believe there was. And like when all the guards would return, I would just like detonate the mine and I would kill like three of the remaining five guards. And so after that fun, I went up to the elevators and noticed not the scientist, but the guy with the DNA was in the elevator. And I was like, oh, you're dead. I killed this guy. And I did nothing with the body because I guess I killed him in a certain corner of the elevator even when it would go to the seventh or the eighth floor open up. And there's a guard right there. They wouldn't see the body. (laughing) So I was like, I'm cool. And so from there, like I grabbed that guy's clothes and I thought maybe it would give me access to the chic where he was in the bar. But like every time I never got to where I could be face to face with the chic. So I said, well, how am I gonna do this? So after just trying a bunch of times and getting spotted on the balcony, like you were talking about Matt, I just decided, fuck it, I'm gonna kill everyone on every level. (laughing) And so I started on the seventh floor. And what I would do is I would clear out all the security guards and like the main, waiter or the main staff person for that level 'cause that staff person had the key card. - A card for the whole level. - Let you use every room. And I can't remember if it was like the seventh floor or the eighth floor, but there's definitely one room where it's like a bunch of dudes in the bedroom and when you open the room, open the door, whether you have a gun on you or not, they're like, no, no, don't. Oh. (laughing) No, what that's going on. And then like from the previous session. - Don't take pictures. - I've already accepted that hit man is like a homophobe, so I was like, (laughing) - Tyler, you make me so sad. (laughing) - It's so great. - You could have been playing this on the anniversary of the Stonewall riots. (laughing) And so eventually I would make my way up to the eighth floor and head sort of to the room where the scientist was and you know, he has the guards outside of his doorway, but right in front of his doorway, there's like one of those little like service hallways where maybe the bus boys or whatever, I don't know what matrices would bring like laundry or whatever to throw down shoots. So I would walk through this service hallway, open the doors right in front of the scientist's hotel room. And the guards would be like, "Hey, you don't belong here." And I'd run back into the service hallway. One of the guards would follow me and like I'd killed him and took his suit. So from then. - And his buddy is like, you look a little different. - Yeah, a little bit, yeah, but no hair. And from then like I went just into the scientist's room and just like killed him there, killed all the guards there. And that's where I saw this cell phone sitting on the side of the table and called the cell phone but all I had on me was my SMG and I couldn't and the range from the eighth floor wouldn't kill him. So I had to call, run down to the seventh floor and kill him. - SMG, yeah, SMG from there. But after this, I still had two mines left over because I found the extra mine in mine in my room. So I was like, oh bad ass like time to kill some innocent. (laughing) And so like, there's all these briefcases by the lobby but I don't think you can pick them up. - You can't have your guard. - Oh, you can't have your guard? - Yeah. - Well, I can't remember how but like I found some suitcase that you could pick up and I planted it right by all the poker tables and like that. I only got like five people and I was like, ah. (laughing) So like I set off another one in the middle of the poker game too and that mission, I think, was my highest kill count at like 54 people or something. - Jesus Christ. - It was in the fifties. - It's a good body count. - So did you have, what kind of notoriety did you have at the end or did you kill anybody who actually saw you? - I think, I think everyone, like Nolan, I don't think there were any witnesses. - You were like the black plague, you were the white plague. (laughing) - Basically. - That's like the least cameraed casino of all time though. - Yeah, there's like one camera in the hole. - I thought I remember there being a ton of cameras so every time I was walking around, I was looking real close for a minute. - In reality, there'd be no way to knock it on camera. - Oh, for sure, yeah. - And you would never get into the guard post either. Like, it's not like right there in the face. - Well, and they would, and it wouldn't be on, and all of their camera footage from every camera wouldn't be on one tape either. - Right. Thank God for, you know, level design and service to gameplay. - Right. Dude, I was even like killing all the guests that were on slot machines. Like, as soon as there was no traffic, I'd be like, (laughing) Like, literally in this level, anytime there was no one around, and there was another individual near me, dead. - I just love, 'cause like that, 'cause Tyler's playstyle is like where the simulation totally breaks down, 'cause there's like, these explosions going on, these people being murdered, but no, there's no SWAT team, there's no 911. - It'd be fair there, it's like, Tyler's like that makes sense in that universe, 'cause it's the same universe where you wander into the wrong area, and people immediately start firing on you, that are paid security. - Yeah. (laughing) - Like, they're just like mall security, and they'll pull guns on you and start shooting you. Like, it makes no sense that anyone would ever do that in real life. - Like, Paul, Paul Bart had a license to kill. - Yeah. (laughing) So, for next time, we're playing all the way through to the end. - Yep, you're gonna finish this bitch. - And then we're still trying to pick a game, though I've-- - Anthony is narrowed it down, I think, to one. - I've been championing between two. I mean, I still really want to play Heavenly Sword at some point, just because I've never played it, and I want to. But it could-- - It could be a good game, totally underrated. - It could very well be Star Wars Republic Commando, because it's available on 360, and as of Wednesday, we'll be available on Steam. So, which makes it considerably easier to get. - We were contacted by someone at I/O. - Yeah, nice. - So, we wanted questions for the developers, from peoples. - That Mike had answered, that Mike confirmed, 'cause he was like, "I can pass him on "to the right people and see what happens." - The team has scattered in a lot of different directions. - So, maybe we can get someone. But in the comments for this show, put your questions there. - Also, in the comments for the show, make sure that you discuss what we're playing for next time. If you want to talk about these missions, then you can keep posting in the same place that everyone already was. - Yeah. - But, and they basically Hitman 5 was announced last week of the week before. - Yeah, as long as it isn't a movie tie-in. 'Cause if that's-- - Oh, God. - As a movie tie-in. - Well, no, to release at the same time is the film. I don't know that they're-- - Wait, they're doing another Hitman movie? - Yes, they're doing another Hitman movie. 'Cause the first one was such a resounding success. - I guess it did okay internationally. - Yeah. - First one was a pile of dog shit. - Yeah. - As far as the type of-- - Dude, I didn't even see the movie. I could just tell from the trailer that it was gonna be the worst thing ever. - The highlight of that movie is that you see that one girl's boobies, that's a Bond girl, in the newest Bond movie. - Oh, that's right, yeah. She. - But beyond that, that's it. - That they're nice. I mean, that's-- - Oh, God. - But I'm just saying, if that's the highlight of the movie, is boobies. - Yeah. - Honestly, it's something I can go on the internet and see for free within like three seconds. - Yeah. - No thanks. - Not paying 10 bucks to see that. - I'll say this, and the hitman movie at one point, Agent 47, fights with swords against other agents with swords. - Yeah. - Like he's like-- - Wearing the world's most ill-fitting outfit. - He says something like, we need to settle this like warriors or something in the world. - Old warriors. - And they all just pull out swords together. - And they were magically just fighting. - Yeah, they just pull them out of their back somewhere, all of them pull out two swords. - One of them, it's when they're clung, they're built with sheeds. - Yeah, dude, there's not a single sword so far in all of hitman blood money that I-- - I don't think there's-- - I don't think there's-- - In this one, but there's definitely swords in the other ones. - Really? - You can fight. - Yeah, but I mean like-- - A plus in the movie, 47 develops like a thing for this woman and stuff, which when you see him in the game makes no sense. - Yeah. - Like Agent 47 may be a homophobe as Taylor's decided, but he also is just asexual. - Yeah. - Like I can't believe this guy-- - If you-- If you ever want ammunition to talk shit about Roger Ebert, although I'm not generally one of those guys, he actually wrote a positive review of hitman. - Wow. - I mean, I guess if you've never played the games then you don't. - And his reasons for it was the relationship between a old guy, I think her name was, and 47. - Really? - Because he felt that his performance as someone who had no experience with the opposite sex was very believable. - Mm-hmm, that would get competitive. - Okay, that's fine, but still. - Anyway. - That doesn't make it a good movie. - It's steaming pile of shit. - Yeah, no, I'm not. - Yeah, it's not even-- - It's not even an entertaining to watch pile of crap. - It's like a 17-year-old version of like-- - Yeah, actually doesn't look like a guy in his mid-40s. - In the movies, it's hard to do. - He doesn't look bad. - Yeah, but he looks too young, though. - He looks way too young. And in the games, he's lived. He's had some hard times in his life. - I love main characters that are old and sort of grizzled. Like, you know, you're for old snake, bad ass. A lot of times when I make custom characters, not only are they black, but they're usually older. I make custom characters tend to be older. - Tyler has an affinity for older black men. - Well, you know, hey, maybe, I don't know. (laughing) I was born on 2019. - Apparently, according to Anthony, Tyler also loves my cream sauce. - I do love it. - Well, and also like-- - Not the one that comes from inside. (laughing) The one where you made-- - Tyler. - All of my cream sauces made with love. (laughing) - Fantastic, but I was born on June 19th, which is like a holiday in Texas, which is the day word of the Emancipation of slavery got to Texas. - So you're saying that being born on that day somehow it inundated you with-- (laughing) - The guys, my dad, when my dad-- - It makes Tyler the blackest person. - Well, my dad found out, you know, in my delivery date, you know, while he was working, you know, way back. - They were gonna say, "My dad found out slaves are free." (laughing) - No, no, but like, he always told me all the black guys at work would tell him that baby's born on June 19th. He's gonna be born with soul. And it's like, "I love rap music." And he said, "Dreads." And he was like, "I love rap music." (laughing) - You were Ross trend. - And my dad would always tell me, like, "Son, you'd always tell me this." I see you marrying a black girl, you know? I don't know, I always tell me that. - This has gone into disturbing territory. - Why, what's wrong with marrying a black girl? - That's absolutely bad. - Arthur is clearly racist, as well as like homophobic and anti-handicat people. - I especially hate gay black people. (laughing) See? - I mean, I'm a nerd, like in Mass Effect, or basically in like every sci-fi like fiction, I love how they describe the way people's traits as this like mix of races. Like in Mass Effect, they talk about like people having like, you know, just a big, you know. - They've sort of turned into yours. - Everyone has a sort of orange-ish brown color. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's cool. I'm down, man. - One love. (laughing) - Okay. We're done. It's a fucking food time. - Peace, witches. - Fat penis. 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