Rebel FM
Rebel FM Game Club - Hitman: Blood Money - Episode 2
We are like a well oiled machine! That murders people for money!That sounded less creepy in my head. We're back with round two of our Game Club series on Hitman: Blood Money! For this episode, we covered acts 5-7: A New Life, The Murder of Crows, and You Better Watch Out. Again, the video below covers some of the possible exploits that we cover this ep. If you want your comments or email read on next week's show, be sure to get them in by Monday afternoon.
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> Bobs, I could tell you were gonna say something if I didn't. >> You can't leave Tyler to the awkward sentences. Welcome to the Rebel FM Game Club, part two for Hitman. If you're listening today, you should have played up through. >> Should you know this, consider hearing the name of the mission? >> You better watch out. >> You better watch out. >> The Playboy Mansion. >> You better not cry. >> Right. >> This is an April. >> I actually didn't finish the last mission of today, but I'll talk about that. I mean, I've played it in the past, so it's not the end of the world. >> And we'll talk about why that is. >> Yeah, the last mission took me a while to finish it too. >> The last mission is kind of hard because you potentially have to change costumes a lot. >> Yeah, it's extremely complex. >> And so I'm Anthony of a games by and each loop game and Rebel FM Fame joining me is Tyler and Arthur of each loop games. And writers at large, give them fucking work, word. >> The work would be good, okay. >> And then joining us is also area five, that TV's Matt Chandrone. >> It's his eye. >> Who also wouldn't mind work if you got it? >> Yeah, that's true. I don't mind work. >> Yeah, I mean, why not? >> I mean, we would be like, I'm sure the only people in California currently looking for work, right? >> Goddamn, did you see why did you see my tweet earlier? >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did it. >> Fourth worst job market in the United States. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yep. >> Goes behind Michigan. >> Yeah. >> Michigan is number one. Yeah, we're number four. >> Oh, there you go. >> Who's ahead of Michigan? >> No, Michigan is number one. >> Okay, and we're just behind Michigan? >> No. >> There are two other states. >> That's what I'm saying. I'm wondering what the other ones are. >> I can't remember. >> I was always bad. >> For what I really? >> Yeah, I never, job stuff's always a big deal to Iowa and presidential elections and stuff. >> I do know that like unemployment went to double digits in five states. Let's just look around to any place that might be involved in car manufacturing or parts thereof. >> Yeah, I'm really grateful that we're just getting the contract work that we're getting over at area five. It's been, yeah. >> Oh, yeah. I'm excited to see some of it, and I don't know, can you guys talk about it at all what you've been doing, or is it all? >> Honestly, I haven't been working on it, so I don't know what the rules are, so I don't want to speak out of term. >> That's fair. >> Yeah. >> Well, I mean, people can surmise what they will just knowing that Ryan went to Paris. >> Yeah, exactly. >> And I mean, there's a bajillion reasons he could have went to Paris. >> And there were some other people that people may follow on Twitter that went to Paris at the same time. >> Yes. >> Man, I want it. That is awesome. Like if nothing else, at least they got to like get out of the country for a little bit. >> They're so fucking cool, yeah. >> Paris is an amazing place. >> I would know. >> Have you guys ever been? >> But I know. >> Okay. >> We might go to Texas next month. >> Yeah. >> That includes in Texas. >> Home town. >> Home town. >> That includes your town. >> That includes your town. >> Fuck with us. We'll burn you down. >> Tyler. >> That includes you. We'll talk about it. >> I already talked about it. >> Oh, did you? >> Yeah. It's like Children's Miracle Network, Radiothon or something, and they want maybe us to do a special word of both of them out there. >> That's awesome. >> To like help us. >> I would listen to that. >> Our perceived audience to donate money to the fucking kids that aren't going to die or might die. So. >> That's an extremely selfish cause. I don't know why you guys would do that. >> All right. >> And tell the reality of the kids that might die or are going to die. Help them. So. >> Yeah. >> You know. >> Wow. >> I just made it. Let's talk more about death. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Let's talk about killing people. >> For money. No less. >> For money, yeah. >> No women, no kids. >> So the first mission starts off. >> Say you. >> What's the first mission called? >> The first mission is a new life. >> A new life. >> For housing community. >> Yeah. >> This mission was. >> It's an extremely small community too. >> It is. >> It's a coldest act. >> And it's a heated community. >> It's a heated community. >> I've seen a heated coldest act. >> It's very orange county. >> It's a dark. >> I had to go to a fact for this mission. >> Really? >> I'm not ashamed to admit. >> Mm. >> Yeah. It was fucked up. >> Well, part of it. >> I did not find a way to get into that goddamn house. >> Okay. Okay. Well, let's. >> What's that? >> You went to the FAQ tower. >> What's that? Tyler go first. >> Did you have any? >> You know, okay. >> Me and our 30 knew all the ways to get in this. >> I didn't go to any FAQ. I totally free-balled it. >> Nice. >> And fiddled. I did well. I did well. I did. >> So how did you do it? >> Well, I had a lot of start and stops, you know, a lot of mess ups, and I would start over. >> Yeah. >> But ultimately, like, I found, oh, you mean you were playing hitman? >> Oh. >> Right. >> That does require a lot of start and start. >> Do we ever set the stage for what the level was? No. >> What do you mean? >> So basically, the point of the level is to sneak in and kill a former Colombian drug lord who is under state protection and retrieve some microfilm from his wife and his wife's necklace. >> Yes. >> So, Tyler, tell us about your experience. >> Yeah. >> At first, I was just sort of like testing the boundaries of the level, and like, that's how I found the CIA van, where you open the van and there's a bunch of FBI guys in there like, "What are you doing?" But the first thing that really stood out to me that I needed to do immediately was take out that pesky jogger in the neighborhood. So, like, I waited for him to do his entire jog run and then come back around the side of the house where they couldn't see me. When I took him out, you know, I just knocked him out with the knockouts syringe, but then I like threw him down a manhole, so I don't know if that counts as killing him. >> I don't know if disposing of bodies counts as a kill. >> I think, I mean, it should if you throw him in the garbage truck. >> Yes, yes it should because you fucking turned it on. >> Which is like the very next thing I did, like, I ran over and then, like, I was like, "Okay," and then there are also these garbage men patrolling, and so I took out the garbage men first, but that was just like tending the garbage truck ahead of flat or something, and then took out the other one, and so, like, most of my bases were pretty cool, and from there, I just sort of went to the catering truck that's outside of this point you haven't taken on anyone's costume or anything that you're doing soon, okay? >> I haven't done nothing. >> Yeah, this is all just set up. >> And... >> I'll just random murder. >> Yeah, just random, and so I went to the catering truck and planted the bomb, planted the mine inside the catering dish, and then from there, it got a little bit complicated. Then, I found the clubhouse with the pump air gun, but before that, I found the darts in the ether, yeah, in a totally different house. There's people across the street, they had an open garage, so when I killed the garage men, I took their uniform, and so I was wandering around, because before, I tried to wander into the neighbor's yard with my suit on, and she freaks out. The neighbor who's like, yeah. >> Excuse me, I live here, at least what she says. >> No, I was in her neighbor's lawn, and she was like, "The trash is where it always is." But, like, it's okay, so I found the darts, and I was like, "Well, shit, what do I use this for?" So, I saw a dog, and I saw a lifeguard, and I was like, "That's two bullets right there." And so, I did them, and doing them then, I didn't know now, and I didn't know it at the time, but it ended up helping me a whole bunch later, which I'll get into, but so after doing all that, you know, I got the bomb inside the catering dish, and the dog in a lifeguard are now passed out. I go and I get the clown costume, which, like, there's no foot traffic, so no one sees me do it, and, like, it's pretty smooth, and then from there- >> Well, there's no foot traffic if you murder the jogger. >> Yeah, I couldn't get the clown costume at all. I mean, it was like, even with the jogger and nobody else around, I tried to get the clown several times, and the guy's guarding the door saw me every time, but maybe that's because I was on a harder difficulty. >> When I got it, they did come over there, like, it was probably was because you're on a harder difficulty. They were alerted, and they came over, but I just hid behind the van, and sort of, like, did the van dance. Like, when they went to the one side, I went to the other side. >> That's like fucking Bugs Bunny. >> Yeah, that's literally what I had to do, but it worked perfectly. Like, from there on, like, I had full access to the hat- well, not full access. You could- you could go to the kitchen, the backyard, and the pool shed. >> You're upstairs, but- >> Yeah, you can't go upstairs. And I was also- and I- so I scoped out the TV room, which is where the Target's hanging out, watching TV. And so I was like, well, okay, and then so I figured I was gonna wander a little bit more, and I wandered out to where the lifeguard was, and I pulled him inside the shed and took his costume just to see what would happen. >> Mm-hm. >> And I walked out of the shed, and the wife approaches me, and is like, it's time for some cleaning. And like, takes me upstairs, and I'm like, what the fuck? Is this happening? And so I can't remember what happens there, but like, she passes out. So yeah, she- nothing happens, and I can't find the jewelry, I'm like, what the hell? So I just go back downstairs, and I don't know, nothing happened for me. And what I ended up doing was tampering with the lighter fuel in the barbecue pit, and she ended up going up- >> So I ended up going up, yeah, she ended up going down there to flip some burgers and got blowed up. >> Yeah, that's what you were doing wrong, is that you didn't put the lighter fluid in the barbecue pit. >> Right, I figured that out later on. >> Yeah. >> Because you have to go and set the pull boy shack to find the lighter fluid. >> And then, yeah, and so from there, I just went up, and I believe the microfilm is on her body, right? >> Yeah, but the second you blow her up, they'd notify like the guys to come get the other dude. Like the second anything goes wrong, they're like, let's get that other dude out of here. So when she blew up, did like the two FBI cars like pull in to like extract him? >> No, he just stayed hanging out. >> See, I never saw them extract him, I saw a shit ton more guys show up. >> Okay, I guess that's what it is. I thought they were going to extract him, so he's freaked out. >> I like your idea better, I would prefer to think that that's the premise. >> What was funny is like I saw him like I definitely saw the raised level of alertedness in the house and like he was, you know, he was spouting off his thing, but then he eventually just went back to watch TV. So I just went and grabbed the catering tray that I had the mine. >> Set it in there. >> Set it right in there. Boom ton. >> That's awesome. >> I did that. I ended up having to redo it a bunch of times. So like one time I did it, I did what Tyler did except I got the dark gun and I didn't kill any garbage men or anything, I just snuck back in that lady's backyard just thinking. And then I shot the camera and shooting the camera made a guard run up, shooting the camera disabled first of all, so you won't get caught on CCTV. >> Which is a good thing to know for the rest of the game, which is on and shoot cameras. >> Which is on the, you know, it's right above where the dog's sitting. So you shoot the camera, you shoot the dog, a guard comes running over, find out why the camera shot. So you shoot the guard, now right there you just go into the backyard and you have a guard outfit. You're good to go through the whole house. >> Mm-hm. >> And so that's what I did. So then I went upstairs and I followed the main target. He goes upstairs to this computer room babbling about like where is it, where is it, and he goes in this room to find something and I just went up there and broke his neck, hit him around the corner. Eventually he got found and more people showed up and I couldn't get the girl to be alone. So all I did is I followed her and she'll like wander from the backyard and then she'll go into like that indoor pool and just walk into it. So one time when I did it, I just threw the explosive in the pool and waited for her to come in there and then just blew her up while she was standing in the pool. The other time I did it, I did but you did wait till she went upstairs and when she fell asleep I just poisoned her and took it. >> Wasn't there like sedated her or killed her? >> I killed her. That was an innocent death and then, and then the last time I did it, she really innocent. She'd fuck a clown or a pool boy. >> All right, let's now cross open. >> If you take the clown costume, she'll like, she'll hit on you still and she will take you back to her room. >> I wonder if she will if you're the caterer too. >> I don't know. I've never dressed as the caterer. >> I tried getting the caterer several times but I couldn't, I couldn't state him anywhere without getting caught. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, he's the one I did not try for. I didn't try to, I never tried to get the caterer. >> Yeah, it was basically how I did it. But I was also under the impression that he had to take care of them within very short spans of each other or else things would go bad. So I was like Johnny on the spot with like, break his neck, run down before they find her body. Take care of her. >> Which is, I mean, it's good to have that mindset because there are levels that are time sensitive. Like the next one there, shit can happen if you don't stop it. Matt. >> Continue. >> [LAUGH] >> How did you do it? >> Well, yes, I went to a fact and even though like part of me is a shame to admit it, the other part of me was like, fuck this. And at the time was like, I'm going to a fact. I have been trying to get into this house for nine on two and a half three hours. >> So what are the ways you tried to get in the house and couldn't? >> Okay. So, the first thing I found out right away was like, oh, there's the veterinary clinic. This garage is open, clearly I can go in there. I found the darts. I found the sausage. I found the ether. And the first thing I did was like, ran or just ran all around the neighborhood looking for a way to get in the house that like wasn't immediately like walk in the front door kind of stuff. And then I went and so I found the tree house. I shot the dog, but that creates an alert. And so I thought, all right, well, if I shoot the dog and it creates an alert, is that going to count against my silent assassin? And because like you shoot the dog and like your alert goes up into the red until the dog passes out. And so I was like, all right, well, maybe I don't want to do that then. And I was like, oh, okay. Well, I can sedate the sausage or I can like put the sedatives in the sausage, throw the sausage over the fence and the dog will eat it and then fall asleep. And I was like, okay, well, that's my way in there. But I was like, okay, well, I'm walking past closed circuit television. Well, fuck that. I'll just find the tape later. But I went through the house like trying to find a situation where I could get somebody without getting alerted. But you go into the basement right there where the dog falls asleep and there's guards patrolling in the basement too. So I would get caught every time and I was like, all right, well, fuck, that's a witness. And then I would end up having to kill him and there goes my silent assassin rating. So I really fucked you over on this whole needing to get silent assassin and everything, didn't I? No, I really, I wanted to do it anyway, you know, I get things happen how they happen. Yeah. And so I started doing that in the videos that I took for this section because I had to play through the levels a few times, right? And so I tried to get the, I tried to get the caterer a couple of times with, like I said, I couldn't get it without getting spotted. I tried to get one of the guards on the side of the house, but I always got caught by the closed circuit television and people would come running around after me. Then I like did like I bought all the hints, all the tips, all the intel or whatever. And it talked about a surveillance van and I was like, oh shit, that must be that van across the street. But I could not for the life of me figure out what to do with it. I walked all around it, I didn't see anything pop up anywhere to do anything. I'm like, what am I supposed to do with this? Like I tried like throwing the donut box at it because I'm like, hey, you're cops, you like donuts? Turned out I was actually someone on the right track there. But at the time I didn't know that and I ended up like getting a garbage man and like I didn't want to put him in the trash compactor because it would kill him right away. So like where you get that garbage man by the broken down garbage truck, I actually drug him all the way around the side of the house there and his body and then took the and then like I got into the side yard using the garbage man's outfit and like guards would walk by me and it wouldn't matter as long as I didn't go all the way in the backyard, I could at least get that far. But then I got caught by the guys under in the basement again. So like I just tried like I tried that. I tried several other things. I tried to get the clown, but I couldn't get in the clown costume because the guys at the front door would see me every time and they would come and charge me before I could like even change into his outfit. So finally I went to the fact and what the fact said to do was to put sedative in the donuts and then go and like leave them outside the van and then open up the van doors and the guys in the van will pick up the donuts, eat them and fall asleep. And then you can get one of their costumes and then you have the free run of the house. And you don't actually have to take the donuts over. You don't? Take them and then the catering guy will take the donuts and walk them over to the van. He will? Yes. Only after they're sedated though. So like why did like see here's a situation where what should have happened is you should see the caterer occasionally walk over to the van and take donuts, you know, like so that you know that that's even a possibility. I mean, right. The only way you would ever figure it out is just a random thought like maybe if I sedate these donuts something will happen. Right, exactly. Well, I mean. So like I ended up and the other thing is I got one thing to say about that. Maybe I just didn't see it. Maybe I just didn't see it. Oh, God. Oh, thanks, Anthony. Jesus Christ. I'm on the couch next to you. You realize that, don't you? It's not time for children's miracles yet. I mean, you couldn't point it somewhere else. I was trying to target towards the mic. So anyway... Somebody can't do that and hit, man. Right. You'd clear out a room. See if this was hit, man, then I would reload to about ten minutes ago and I'd hold a lighter up right then. I thought I would set the fucking couch on fire. Yeah. And that would be how my character would die. That would be a great frat boy mission in it, man. So anyway, like I ended up following the woman until she went into the bathroom. And then I just sedated her. Sedated her. Yeah, like in the bathroom and like stole her necklace. And the guy upstairs, I hid in the room that he goes into, just waited until he walked into the guard left and then I just strangled him. And then bumped up. And then before they found the body. And they ran out, yeah. I played it the exact same way, except for occasionally if you don't do it exactly correctly with the fiber wire, you'll walk up behind someone and snap their neck almost completely around. Yeah. And that is what happened to him. That's still fine, he killed him and it was quick. No, I was like, "Oh, okay." I don't know that that was the sound of the fiber wire, but we'll take it. I'm playing on the PC and a lot of times when I go to syringe someone from behind, I just end up punching the shit out of them. You have to make sure that the cursor is on them and red, because if it's not on them, but you're like, "I'm looking at them, but my cursor is not on them, it'll do something else." It has to be on physically over their body to search them. The really, before you get too angry, all I will say is that the fiber wire and syringe mechanics in this hitman are a million times better than the other games. It's totally true. I literally didn't fiber wire anyone in hitman 2 once. Well, and in hitman 2 also, the sedative didn't knock them out permanently. They got back up, which was made it basically. I think the sedative won't knock them out permanently and this one either just knocks them out for a long time. If you dispose of their body, then they'll be out for good. One thing I also like in this one is that other utensils can also be used for stealth kills the same way the syringe and the fiber wire can. If you pick up a kitchen knife and sneak up, yeah, you like stab it right through their neck. I wondered how you can use the kitchen knife. Yeah. You can also throw it. You can also throw it. Yeah. I saw Arthur pass someone out, but they weren't, like knocks someone out, but they weren't dead. And I was like, "See, you can throw a kitchen knife at him." He was like, right into their face. That's red. They had it coming. And this game is fucking cool. I look forward to painting every time. I know, right. That's why I wish I'd just have to do this. They should not make them. It's a diamond in the ranch. Can't eat lunch games. It is cool, but it's just, I run into these frustrating things where it's like, I just feel like with a few more easily planted clues or with an interface where I could tell that yes, I can open the door to the back of this van without concentrating on the upper left hand corner of my screen to see that split second where I walk by the indicator. Yeah. What do they call it in an adventure gaming, like pixel hunting? Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. I feel like I do that sometimes. There's, I mean, it is a lot of respect to puzzle games. Can I have a second? You said adventure games. You said adventure games. I would, yeah. I was only, the only thing I was going to say about pain and lunch is that I feel like I was put in a really difficult position with that game. Yeah, I'm just saying don't make them make another shitty game and lunch game. Make them. I'm saying that the next game and lunch game, which is coming because the last one sold really fucking well, like better than any hit man game ever did, that they will take the time to improve it. It sold a lot better, but I bet you they spent more on advertising for it than they ever did on any hit man game. But I mean, I'm a tarded guy. I think it sold more and more. I think it sold orders of magnitude more copies than hit man ever has. I do have to say, like the style horror in me really likes the style of the Kane and Lynch games. I don't know. There was something about it. Yeah. It's stylized like a Michael Mann movie, which is fine. Yeah. You mean stylized like the way the game is like the idea of the game, because the game is not good looking. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's not great, but I don't know. It's not even good. Yeah. It's not great. It's not even good. I know. There was stuff to like in Kane and Lynch, but it was a seriously flawed game that took me a long time to beat because I reached a part where I was like, fuck this game. Fuck it. It was a co-op game with with no online co-op. Because I thought the adversary and multiplayer here was more important. Anyways, we're not talking about that game piece of shit. Oh, fucking Kane and Lynch game that's come out, dude, it looks like Max Payne 3. That looks like the fucking the real deal, the real deal. Okay, so as far as a new life goes, goddamn you two, I'm done with your little conversation. On this playthrough, I did it basically the same way Matt did. I mean, actually, right down to where I sedated the wife I did, which is funny because she saw me. Yeah. I don't know if it's because it was the mirror she turned around, but she saw me before I knocked her ass out. But I was nice and turned out the light before I walked out of the room. I see the light switches and I try to turn them off every time. It's really hard on the PC, there's some stuff that I'm having trouble with on the PC. One is finding the light switches, and this is probably why I missed opening the door on the surveillance camera. But there's also like- I had no idea the light switches even worked. Yeah, and then on like elevator buttons? Oh, oh, those are the fucking works. Oh, God. Yeah, like seriously, you walk up to the elevator buttons and it's like open door. But if like if I back up like just a fraction of an inch, then it'll allow me to go to the other floor. But if I back up a little bit too much, then I can't press the buttons anymore. There's like this teeny, tiny little window in which I can press the right button. I would have to like turning right back to the button control. Yeah, that's what I do system like what? Yeah, it's really messed up. The same. Other ways to go about the level is that you can obviously murder everyone in the surveillance van professional style. There's a phone inside of it. I hit that phone, but I didn't know what it really did except make him get up and answer the phone. And if you have a sniper, you can like snipe the fuck out of him. Got you. And if you get caught on the camera, that's where you find the tape. Right. That's where I was running where the tape, I figured the tape would have been there. I got caught on tape and I did not. You can also, you don't have to take out the garbage man by the garbage truck. You can go through the window of that veterinary office. See I tried that, but I could never do it without him seeing me. See what? He wasn't there long enough. You stand on like the side path and he'll walk past you and then you'd sneak up behind him as quickly as possible. Some comments, Mogg says so far he's only played through a new life. In that mission he put sedatives in the donuts, just like we did. He followed the wife to the indoor pool and sedated her. If you leave her in the pool, she'll drown and that counts as a death, but it's an accident. A lot of people enjoyed blowing up the wife with the, yeah, I did that. I actually did that once by accident because I was like, oh, if I set this, maybe he comes out and barbecues, but then it showed her and I was like, oh, oops. Yeah, so to me, playing the game is a lot more fun playing as like a hitman rather than going for the silent assassin rank of just getting the fucking job done. But I feel like when I, if I just go through and I don't go for silent assassin, I feel like an inept hitman, like somebody who's like, somebody who's like, you know, demands this really, because the style of the game is, you know, he is the professional, he is the consummate professional and he can demand these sums because of the way that he gets the job done. But like, if I play it the way that I would play it, if I just went through every time I screwed up and just finished the mission anyway, then it would be like, you know, you might as well hire the guy down the street to walk in and kill these people. Don't get me wrong. I restart. I restart a lot. Yeah. But the mission after the one we're doing, which Arthur will now preface before I tell you. The other thing was that did anyone sedate the guard that was sniffing the panties in any way? I didn't see any guards. I did because otherwise he sees you when you strangle, when you strangle the target in his room. Oh, see, I didn't sedate him and I didn't get caught. But if you go into the daughter's room, there's a guard that is sniffing an underage girl's panties. Mm-hmm. That's what you put the ether on. Yeah. I only found that out by accident because it was like used either with panties. Oh, my God. I was like, okay. And then it showed a guard, sniffed him and like, pass out. I never even went to the upstairs. Yup, steps. I did my usual casing the entire joint before I actually figured out what to do once I got the right. Oh, that's right. You're all right. Yeah. Yeah. So the next mission, Preston. Uh, is the murder of crows. Don't forget it. Which is... The murder of crows in New Orleans. Yes, during Mardi Gras. Which... I remember being kind of impressed, technically speaking, when this game just came out. Yeah, I was impressed when I was like, this is a real fucking crowd. It is. They do it. They do it pretty well with like, in prototype, even though it's like so much more of a bigger environment, it's so much more obvious when they're recycling models. Yeah. And in this, they're recycling models, too. Oh, yeah. It's because they've got so many different hats. Yeah. There's often, and because they're so dense, you can't see through them and see like the six behind them. Yeah, exactly. And like, there's lots of noise and it just creates a very cool atmosphere, which again is one of the things this game does really well. So I have already beaten the game. So it's Arthur, but Arthur's playing a new save and I'm not. Yeah. Which means that it keeps the notoriety that you had from the last playthrough, if you're playing it on the same difficulty. Which means every time I did these missions, I was starting with the notoriety of like, 60. Wow. A lot of times. Yeah. So it does make, it does make for a very different play, play because now you can't ever stay close to any cops because if you stay close to them, all of a sudden they'll just be like, I know you. And then I'll... That's a much more charitable review than I was hearing over the weekend. Well, the final mission that I didn't beat there was because my notoriety was just too high because the previous time I played that, it was a, I fucking killed everyone moment. Right. But the murder of Crows started off, he started, you know, he followed that guy in the red suit and then I sedated him and he went the path where he goes by a dumpster for me. Okay, so yeah. She'll take one of two paths. There are no, there are three different directions that he will go. There are two to the left as he walks out of the hotel and one to the right. Wow, he went to the dumpster every single time I reloaded. Yeah, he did. Like every time. Yeah, occasionally he will break right and fuck your program up. Wow. What does he do? He goes to a different area that has a dumpster that is extremely well hidden, like it's not where you can't see it right away and there are still people that pass through that area. So for a long time, every time he would do that, I would just restart the mission. I guess that explains why there was a lot of back alleyways where I would find dumpsters just exploring and being like, "Am I supposed to use this later?" And I never ended up using them. Well, also Angelina walks all over the level too. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So... Arts are played long enough to memorize routes with people. I didn't do that shit. I just knew from playing it that they're in random clubs, the two of them. And then the one guy is always in the hideout. So what I did is I sedated the chicken dude, took a suit, grabbed the briefcase. This is the money chicken. Yeah, and Arthur also hides the money briefcase when he plays, but I keep it with me the whole time. I don't ever... How do you hide? How do you hide it? I'll tell you when I want to talk about it, there's like a place where I keep it. There are places where people don't find it, but... Because if you leave it on the ground, the police will pick it up. So if you put it up in the scaffolding or something? If you could find scaffolding, I'm sure that would work, but if you just... Yeah, there's scaffolding all over this level, I'm just saying that there's a room that Arthur knows of. Yeah, if you leave it on the ground where you take them out, the policeman that walks to that square will pick it up. Yeah, we'll come and pick it up. And we'll take it to an evidence box that's in one of the areas that are off limits. But there's a door in that same area where there's basically a room known it goes in. Yeah. So... But me, I took the briefcase with me because I'm going to roll up in that main area and act like I'm the payment guy, right? And so on this level, because my notoriety was already pretty high and I was having a hard time, I just packed one silver baller and so I rolled up in there with the briefcase and the guy was like, "Put the fucking thing on the table," because I was standing there for so long. So I was standing there because when I rolled into the main fort of the guys who were planning this assassination, you know, there's all the yellow suit guards and then there's the main guy. Yeah. And the one yellow suit guy won't leave the office basically, as long as you're in there with that guy. So I was like, "Fuck, I guess I'm just going to have to do this." And so right when he said it like a second time, like, "Put the fucking suitcase down." I was like, "Silver baller, doo, doo, doo, doo." Away. I was fucking out. Nice. Immediately. I killed those two and I was like, "Now?" Just from there, I just infiltrated every club, never fucking drop in that briefcase. And like, I found the guy in like the blue's club. The blue's oyster? Yeah. The blue's oyster. Yeah, I walked up there. He had his back turned to me. Silver baller. That's a police academy reference. And then it's nowhere. Yeah. And then the girl, I know she wanders too and that's where the mission went wrong at the very end for me because I saw her and Arthur told me like, "If you don't kill her by x time, she will kill the guy." Okay. So yeah, this is how it works is that if you, if the payment makes it to the leader, then the assassination will go down. Oh, I guess I technically never made it to him. So. Yeah. I think if once you set the briefcase down. Okay. I never set it down. Or once it's set down by the money chicken. Okay. I never set it down. I never let that happen. I never let that happen. But I was still freaked out that she was going to do it, right? So I'm wandering the crowd just looking for her because I've already checked all the clubs. I'm like, "Where the fuck is this girl?" And then finally I, because for some reason I would try and check my map, but I wouldn't see the icon over, you know, because I didn't have the walkie-talkie. Yeah. Because if you take the walkie-talkie off one of the three targets, you can then, you find out where all the other ones are. Which was really clever. But I didn't know that. Like, not only, I mean, if you do want to brute force it, if you look at the map, it'll show you where they are. I was going to say, like, I just found them by looking at my map. But if you take out the walkie-talkie and listen to them talking, like, Raymond will give away his position by the background noise. Oh, see, I thought, when I looked at my map, it wasn't showing me where she was. So I was just running around to the crowd looking for her, always having to watch out because every time I'd run by like guards, my noter-eyed would spike up to like, just under red. Like, every time, just by passing by them, like, that's how bad it was. And so eventually I saw her and she was walking straight for the dude, even though she was just wandering. And she very well may have been going to kill him. And so I just, like, right there in the crowd, I was like, "There's no time!" And I just pulled out my silver baller and, like, shot like three people before I hit her. And then was like, and then just nailed her, and then I just ran. I'm being shot at and made it to these guys. And that's where the game ends for Anthony because the contract association never calls him again. Like I said, you can hire the guy down the street to do this, or you can hire me, and I'll, like, take out just the two targets. The first two were fine, the first two made me feel like a pro, because I would just roll in there and shoot them before anyone even could raise their voice, but that last one went horribly wrong. Right, as soon as you got your double-a status. Yeah, like, I thought I could get her without hitting anyone else, and I, right, the shooting in that game isn't amazing by any stretch. See, when I played this mission, I got confused in a way that turned out to, like, sort of help me later. I thought the money bird that we were killing was, like... Tyler. One of the three. Money chicken. The money chicken? You thought it was one of the three? I thought it was one of the three. I thought that was, like, her boyfriend, like, her man. Oh, yeah. And the thing there is that the three assassins are dressed as crows. Right. But they're dressed like chickens, yeah, yeah, I get that. But, like, the thing is, is, like, I threw that first guy in the red suit. I threw him in the dumpster. And then I would wait for the girl to come by. And I would just fucking strangle her and drag her to a room and take her walkie talk. That is probably the room where I deposited her as well. Yeah, but you also keep saying this there. I would look at my dossier, I guess, anyway, so that dude wasn't dead. And it said he wasn't dead, so I'd, like, roll up to the garbage can, lift the lid and have, like, unload my fucking... I can still see this now. In, like, age of 47 throws up in the way and, like, turns his head away and just fires. It literally blunts platters out of the dumpster, onto the walls next to me and, like, going everywhere. I'm like, "This guy's a fucking guy!" It was, like, a scene on Luxe talking to you fucking... Or was that Snatch, yeah, where they kept trying to kill that guy, but... So I did it that way. And then, and even still, like, I figured out, like, and then I started looking at my map, and I noticed there were two targets left. And I was like, "Oh, shit, he was the money guy." And then I went... Yeah, and then I sort of, like, for me, the ringleader was the last guy I killed, and the way I did it, like, I kind of knew I was gonna fuck up one of my bonuses, but I just really didn't care. I just put the mind on the diamond briefcase, and he said, "Fuck 'em all." This man dropped it off, walked out the room, boom, boom, time. Nice. Um, I followed the money chicken, and I picked up the case, and I didn't really know where to go, 'cause, like, I don't know, the briefing wasn't clear enough for me or whatever. I didn't pay close enough attention. I don't know. But anyway, I saw the one red dot on my map, so I was like, "All right, I'll go over there." And then I walk up the door, and, like, the one of the... Big Bird stops you. Yeah, big... Well, Big Bird says, "All right, he's waiting for you. Go on in." So I go in, I walk up, I put the money on the table. I noticed that the guy wouldn't leave while I was there, so I went back out in the hallway, and I waited for the one chicken guard to walk out, and then I just sedated him, took his costume, walked back into the office, killed the ringleader guy, and then I picked up the suitcase, and I walked with it to the entire level, just like you did Anthony. And I waited till what's her face was in the alleyway behind the blues oyster, and I knocked her out. I actually... I human shielded her, and then walked all the way around the corner, because, like, several times when I... Several times when I was trying to knock her out and put her into the dumpster, there was this waiter that would come through with a garbage sack that would... And so I followed him, and I'm like, "Oh, he actually opens the lid and throws it into the dumpster, so I can't hide her in there." So I... I actually don't know, like, if he'll find it. I saw... Well, I saw him open the dumpsters, so I assumed he would find the body if I put her in there. So what... That's real-world logic, man. I know. So what I did was I took a human shielded her so I could walk faster, and I walked to the back door, and then just opened the back door and knocked her out in there, and then I just waited for the waiter to come around, because I figured out that I couldn't get into the blue oyster through the kitchen. And so I went back outside, and I waited for the waiter to come around again, and then I knocked him out and put him in the dumpster, stole his waiter outfit so I could get through the back door of the blue oysters, or get through the kitchen, and go up into the room where the last crow was, and waited for the couple that was up there making out to walk away. And then this was actually the first time where I figured out you could look through the keyholes, too. I'd totally forgotten about that thing in other games. Ah, yeah. Yeah, I've been doing that. Yeah, I totally forgot about that, and I was like, "Man, this is something that would have been nice in a tutorial," but I was trying to sneak through the door, and I ended up looking through the keyhole on it. Oh, shit. That's right. And if it wasn't a tutorial, I missed it, and I probably shouldn't. It wasn't. The keyholes. So, anyway, I watched the crow walk away and walk back, and then I snuck in, and he got up, and I was like, "Oh, shit," and I jumped into a closet, like, really quickly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I could just close it right there. Yeah, and then waited for him to walk back to the window again, and I just snuck up behind him and strangled him, and then I walked out of the level with the briefcase. It was that level went really clean and quick for me, compared to the last one. Did any of you guys find it strange at the blue oyster club, the bouncer at the front says, "Oh, costumes only allowed." They say it on all three. I'm wearing a chicken fucking costume. No, they have strict-- I think this is actually something that happens at Mardi Gras, that they're like, "hat," like, dress codes for different bars, which is basically why you have to sneak in either as a cop or as staff. Right. The part of the fucks with me is if you're inside and the door opens and the cop sees you, they go to red immediately. Or if they see you walk through the door, like out-- if you walk out of the door and they see you-- Yeah, I could walk through the doors just fine, into the clubs, wearing the chicken costume. I just couldn't go through the kitchen. Oh, well, that makes sense. Whereas, I was not allowed to walk through the front doors in the red chicken costume, but I didn't try the yellow one. Oh, I was wearing the yellow one at the time. Anthony. Oh, that's right. So because I've done this mission a lot, I wanted to fuck around with it, because one of the pieces of intel that you get is that a guard-- like, a guard in a yellow bird suit checked into the hotel that you start out in. I heard about that, yeah. You can find him and you can get his costume, but it is so much effort and there is no way you can get Simon Assassin and do it. Oh, lame. Because you go upstairs and you find his room and he's, like, passed out on a bed. And there are two girls that are dancing in front of him. So basically, you have to hope that they're facing the right direction, sneak up and syringe one and then syringe the other. Oh, my God. And then you have to syringe him and all this time, hope that he doesn't wake up. Oh, man. No, you know what totally happened to me? I think I found that guy, like, I was searching around a lot, like, climbing up rafters and like climbing up poles and I basically walked into this window where this dude was passed out and his-- excuse me, his costume was there and that was how I got my yellow bird costume. But there were no girls there. Oh, see. I mean, maybe it was a different-- It was just him. It could be a different hotel, like, or it could be a different room. Or maybe he waited long enough. That too. Yeah. I don't know that. But eventually-- The girls got bored and left. Like, I was at the second time where I opened the door and someone was walking by and freaked out because they saw two passed out sluts and a dead guy with no clothes on the bed and me in a chicken suit. Sounds like a outtake of the shining or something. Yeah, it had shut my alert up to red. So the way I did it is I followed the money chicken to the alley, knocked him out, took his clothes, waited in the-- it's like a four-way cross. Yeah. It's the alley that the money chicken usually ends up in that has him walk through it and then a cop walks through it about 30 seconds later and then Angelina will walk through it about 15 seconds after that. So you wait for the cop to walk through, then I hit in the corner. There's a door that's sort of cracked open diagonally that you can hide behind and Angelina walks in and I garrode that bitch and take her silenced SP, which is the gun I usually take. I don't take silver ballers into the missions with me. Why not? You can leave an SP behind and not have it affect your rating. You know what I also-- I still take silver ballers though, especially-- sorry, I hadn't played it before because I know that there's no point where you're going to have to leave weapons. If I know that, then I don't bother. If there isn't a checkpoint where someone's going to pat me down, I'm like, that's-- I mean, it used to be that I wouldn't take any guns at all, but for some reason, this is when taking human shields finally clicked for me. I've never done that on any other playthrough. What were you about to say? I found a room during my searching around right near the beginning, the room where I stuffed the female. And if you go up the stairs, there's this guy watching a soccer game, and if you take him out, you have a perfect view, like perfect sniper shot view to one of the crows. Yeah, that was in the intel too. They say that from the private apartments, there's a good view of the tops of one of the clubs or whatever. One thing I didn't do that I want to go back and try sometime is you can drop a piano on one of them. I saw a hanging piano, and I even put a bomb on it, but I didn't-- It's one of the alleyways. I'd never saw this. I think you can probably kill Angelina with it. You would have to get up on the scaffolding, though, to affect it. Gotcha. So I got the walkie-talkie and found Raymond. Yeah. So did I. I didn't know if I needed a walkie-talkie. Who was in the rock club? So I went into the rock club alley, and I waited for the kitchen guy to walk out, and then jumped up on the fucking scaffolding, and edged my way in, and went back down. And then this is the club that has the toilet stall next to the kitchen. So you've got the guy that's throwing up in the toilet stall next to the people making food. I didn't see that at all. So I picked the lock, and what just happened? Anthony killed himself. Oh, it was all good. Go ahead. Okay. That's another important. So I snuck upstairs, snuck in in piano wired, or yeah, I strangled Raymond. And this is the playthrough that we're putting video up of, because again, I did this a few times because I had to recapture the stuff I shot because I'm an idiot. So finally, I go back and grab the briefcase after I hit it, wearing my money-chicken outfit and go to take out the leader. And I go upstairs, and I put the briefcase down on the table and walk back out and hide next to the door and wait for the other chicken to come out. What I'd done in the playthrough before is I'd done the human-hot, the human-shield thing with that guy, taking him up to the corner of that, the balcony or whatever, and knocked him out, and it was no problem. But for some reason, this time, someone saw me with him as a human-shield, and then proceeded to run up the stairs and fire at me. So I killed him, and then three more guys came up the stairs and they killed them too. So that's when I walked into just the leader, the boss's room and just shot him in the head. And the really satisfying part about shooting chickens in that level is that feathers flying. Exactly. Which was like the coolest feeling, like, yes, yes, yes. So I knocked out the chicken I was holding hostage and grabbed the diamonds and ran out under fire from the other guys that were in the level and ran out. This is the only mission where I have left without my suit, but as I was running, he definitely took out people in the crowd. As I was running, I didn't see it the first time I went through, but Anthony saw this chicken hitting the hip. Oh, my God. Like the girl on Pulc Fiction, the Vang Rames shoots instead of Bruce Willis. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, this level is frustrating in a lot of ways because there are so many random things and there are so many targets. Yeah, and it sounds to me like the people can walk different paths, the assassins can be in different areas. But the whole, like, picking up a walk-- because I pick up a walk at Taki from the leader's room. As soon as I picked that up, it said, like, the locations of the other two are revealed and suddenly they were on my map where they weren't before. I'm like, that's a really nice touch, like, that, you know, if it makes you feel like you have access to the logic of the game world, and that gives you a path of what to do next. I thought that was really cool. So final mission. Final mission. I thought you'd better watch out where you're tasked with a murdering, a lecher-a-sold, Hugh Hefner guy and Congressman's son. Yeah, who murdered a stripper during Kinky Sex. Dude, you knew. Yep. And finding the Kinky Sex tape. That's right. Yeah. And the Kinky Sex tape. So this one, this one bugged me initially too because I couldn't figure out how to get into the place, but then I was like, well, fuck it, I'm just going to walk in and you walk to the elevator and they're all welcome, sir. And I'm like, oh, shit. I know I had to sneak in this whole time and I can just take the elevator up and walk in. If you're not careful, you will also get caught on CCTV. I did, but I took the tape. My note or idea was so high that I couldn't even, as soon as they all started the first person that saw me, I left the guards and I went to red. Shit, because you do start on the dock near a bunch of doors. Yeah, there's like three guys left, three guys left immediately just gotten to a firefight. That's why I didn't beat this one. Oh, that's awful. That is awful. Moving on. Do you remember any of the ways that you played through this level before? Yeah, I'll just add them in when you guys tell me how you did it. See, you guys walked in. None of you took the path to the right and found that little security station. I did. I did. Right. It's just when the other times when I tried to do it, I didn't do it that way because I knew I'd get caught on camera. So I would just go up the elevator and try and do it a different way. You can actually go that way. Someone's on your speaker phone. That was weird. You can go that way without getting caught on camera. Yeah, but I would say, how do you not get caught on camera? You wait till the camera pans all the way to the right and if you sprint past it, you won't get caught. Or you shoot it. Or you shoot it. Wait, wait, until I don't want to shoot it because there were guards watching it. You just creep forward a little bit and then shoot the camera and the guard comes running out of the security station. But I didn't, I didn't, I tried that way a couple times, but there's the security guard in the station. And there's another one that patrols in there and it was, and I was like, okay, well, the guy that patrols in there, well, what do I do with this body then? So I tried dragging it all the way out through where the laser gates are next to the elevator, but somebody comes down the elevator. Oh, no. There's, there's a section right by the coffee machine inside the office where you can just throw them over the railing. The completely obvious ledge, yeah, it counts as throwing him over a rail. Right. And then even if he's not dead when you throw him over the rail, like blood pools around them. As Richard said, I kept calling her when I was playing with my phone and so eventually that sound we heard was her yelling, stop calling me because she said she was really tired of hearing my dorky conversation. So. I can relate. Okay, so how did you get in? I just took the elevator up and walked in. Like the main elevator? Which elevator? The one on the left. The one on the left. Yeah. I was like, all right, I'm just going to get it. Clearly, I can't get in here without getting caught on CCTV or so I thought I was like, well, I'll just have to find the tape later. So if you hug the wall, yeah, I tried that too, but it never worked like I thought I could do that. I went in the elevator and murdered the dude that goes in it with me for his tucks. So you were supposed to take turns, take turns telling your story. I was going to, well, I'm just attending my, I didn't get to really play it. Yeah. Like I tried, I was going to do that, but then it was like, when you get to the top, they say, make sure to wear your heart to go into the VIP area. And I was like, well, this guy doesn't have a heart on his tucks. So I'm not going to kill him and take him. I guess I'm going to have to kill another guest. So I just, I went upstairs and I walked around like a bunch trying to figure out how to get in there. I ended up going, I ended up going to the bartender, talking to the bartender and getting the aphrodisiac. And I figured, and like after it took me a long time to figure all this shit out, by the way, I was like walking around this place, getting caught, reloading, walking around, getting caught, reloading. And finally I saw like the congressman's son, I saw like the cocktail galax next to him. I was like, all right, well, pour it in there, but I couldn't. And then I was like, all right, well, then I followed the waiter back to where the bartender is and I put the aphrodisiac in the cup while it's at the bar. Yeah, because he leaves the drink unattended for a while. Exactly. And then he brings it back to the, to the congressman's son, the congressman's son drinks it. The woman comes up to him and instead of getting backhanded, he goes like, yeah, let's get it on. So I followed them into the, into the back room area. And the first time I did it, I got caught by a guard. But the second time I did it, like I ran in before them. So I didn't get caught by the guard. I just followed to where they went and they were getting it on in this room, I guess. But all you have to do to trigger them out of their animation is open the door. So I just opened the door and then he gets up and he walks like down that pathway to this cliff overlooking a railing and I just pushed him off the railing. And that was like an accident right there. And then it took me like, I tried doing things like spiking Santa's drink and then stealing the Santa costume, but that didn't get me anywhere. And I ended up actually, yeah, I couldn't get up into the back areas of the, where all of the guards are. Oh, pass the elevator. Yeah. Okay. Like where all the guards are. I mean, like I can walk in the Santa outfit around like most of the other areas, but I was like, this doesn't get me to where I need to go. And so I actually ended up going through this one area, going into, how did I get the, I got some, I got a guards costume. So, oh, I know how I got it is that like after, after I pushed the guy over the railing, I had actually found that cliff ledge that you can like, cital along. Right. And it makes all the, these bats fly out the first time that you do it. I'd found that a couple times ago, but I just didn't think anything of it until I actually made the kill work. And then I went over there and there's a utility box on the other side of that cliff. And I hit the utility box, a guard comes out to check it. And there's also a body bin right there conveniently. Right. So like I, I, I, uh, uh, tranked the guard, stole his outfit, and then I had free run of the place. And it was pretty easy to go and kill the, kill the guy that pushed him off his own balcony, like the main porno king. When he walks into his rooms, and he's like looking out the balcony over the sea or whatever, you can just walk up and push him off. But I got caught by his dog a couple times. I had remembered seeing a sausage in the kitchen. Yeah. So I did the same trick that I did on the guard from a new life, and I tranked the sausage, threw it out there first, waited for the dog to fall asleep, and then killed the guy. And then I just ran out. Yeah. I'm pretty sure when I did this, I shot the dog and shot him seeing 47 take a fucking sausage out of his pocket is one of the most ridiculous things. So this is, this is sorry. Go ahead. I was gonna say, this is why my notoriety was so high because now I'm remembering. I shot the dog. The dog saw it. He turned around. I shot him. And somehow that got an alert, and I ran all the way down from where he was killing everyone that got in my way. And then I was, and then the other guy still wasn't dead. And when he was in the spot, it's ran by, and I was like, did you doosh? He just ran and jumped in the elevator, rode that bitch down. What did he do? When you ran by him and it went like nice to him and shot him. Yeah, I was literally running out from, you know, back at the VIP area. And as I ran by, I was like, there he is. Bam. And I just kept running. I just took one second to shoot on the wall in the spot. So one thing with this stage was, there's the, there's the, the playboy bunny or whatever. The woman that kills you. There's the counter assassin. She's a counter assassin. So you know when you're loading the level and it shows like the two people you're supposed to kill them and there's one that's blacked out. Yeah, question mark. I knew that was her after she killed me. But I was like, I thought I would get a mission to kill her or something. If you watched the cinema before the mission, they talked about having operatives in place. Right. That's the only, it's pretty poorly told though. I mean, the first time I did, I was like, why am I killing this girl? But I like it, but it didn't, but there wasn't any, but even an opportunity to kill her. If you go into a room, if you go into her room, then all it just plays an animation and you die. Well, she goes behind you and then like, there's like a split second where it goes back into a gameplay where you could either like, pull out your gun or pull up your mission. Or just turn like, walk a step away. Yeah. See, it's like, I guess I just didn't notice. And what I ended up doing was just like walking in with my gun drawn and just to hear it beg. No, no. Did she beg? Yeah. And then like you drag her behind the couch and there's the, and there's the other girl that she killed. And there's another girl that she killed. You guys missed my being creepy, man. Oh, sorry. So ruined. No, I was in Tyler's head. I wouldn't say I missed it. Tyler said she begged. I was like, hot. [laughter] Is there any reason to kill her? You don't get anything. You're doing it, do you? I don't know, actually. All I can do is sign an assassin rating and I kill, finish the mission and everything. I didn't have any objective space. It was my test to see if like the silencer that I just bought worked. It does. Because like before this mission, I realized I hadn't bought any upgrades for any of my guns whatsoever. And I was like, whoa, there's this whole upgrade system. I bought it. I bought it. Yeah. I bought a whole bunch of upgrades for the sniper rifle. And this was the first level. I walked around this entire level carrying my sniper rifle briefcase. Because like the, I bought the upgrade, which makes the briefcase undetectable. So nobody cared if I was walking around. That is a really big netbook. Yeah. [laughter] And I tried, I actually did try once. Giving the guy the aphrodisiac, sidling along the cliff and going out to the opposite end and assembling my sniper rifle and waiting for him. But as soon as he walks out the door, he saw me and got an alert. And I was like, man, I really wanted to use my sniper rifle. We actually had a listener post a comment about the assassin. This is from Red Swirl. Mm-hmm. What was that? Tyler blew it up. Oh. It was just acknowledging that he did so. The, the Tyler pooted. Yeah. It practically vibrated me on the couch. Something really funny and advantageous happened with the other assassin in that mission. I went in there, triggered the cutscene, but ended it before she killed me and ran out. It so happens that a guard was walking past and I guess saw her try to kill me and pulled a gun on her. Nice. [laughter] Did he win? No, that's cool. Yeah. I guess the guard killed her. So that's awesome. See, the way you guys did it is pretty different from, well, yeah, most of it's like pretty different from how I did the whole mission, really. How'd you do it? Well, you know how, like I said, from the very get-go, when you come off the boat, I went to the right, into that guard, guard shack and I got one of the Santa Claus guard suits and from there, like, that suit got me just basically everywhere I wanted to go except for the second half of the mission, which I got the black suits. I will say on the 360 version, occasionally, there's a glitch that won't let you suit that guard. Oh, really? So for the first half of the mission, you're saying it lets you get up to kill the old man? No. No, not all the way to the old man in the Santa Claus. Does he even get you past the guards, like, the guards into the VIP area? I was walking around everywhere except when you go upstairs toward the old man is. Okay. That's the only place I was not allowed to go. Well, how did you take care of the Senator's son? The Senator's son, I put the aphrodisiac in his drink and... When they were on the way there, I knew where they were going so I ran ahead of them, dropped them on, waited for them to go in, blew their asses up, and then from there what I would do every time is I knew where the videotape was because, like, I would get seen on the camera if I didn't do it just right. And so I would wait on the balcony just outside of that room where one of the guards goes for a break and I would just crouch behind the railing, shoot him in the head as soon as he came out there, changed into a suit, waited, make sure no one was around, threw him over the railing, went in, killed the other guy, got the videotape, and then went upstairs and noticed above the photo shoot there's a spot on the railing where you can plant a mine and that's how I also took care of the old man but I wish I would have had the sausage because I also killed his dog and I was thinking, like, well, you know, if I would have thrown the sausage before, like, the dog wouldn't have been in the accident, you know, that would have been... That dog can't open doors to find the sausage. Wow! That's amazing. That's amazing. Does it jump or does the door just, like... It just opens, like, a person comes in. Damn, that's telepathic, dude, he gets pinned too. I like that you cared about killing the dog but you didn't care about killing the, um, the Senate, the Congressman's son's date. Oh, right. Yeah, I know. Like, she deserves it but the dog doesn't. This is weird though. When you run into that very first guard tower I was talking about on the, on the, at sea level, you disengage a laser lock but I never found the elevator back down and like, something I wanted to bring up was actually my escape which was kind of fucking hectic. Like, after I killed the old man, I was good coming down all the way, you know, I had on the black tucks and I was good all the way until I got right to the elevator. They're outside the bar of the main party area and some people spotted me and so I ran into the elevator. I didn't spot you though. I mean, do you have no idea? I don't know what happened. I, I don't know how it would have happened or, you know, I'm not sure what happened but like, so I ran into the elevator and since I'm playing on PC, what we were talking about. Yeah, the elevator button problem. I'm on the fire trying to get that shit going, right? So I do it and, and in the meantime, two guys step in the elevator. So the elevator door's shut and they're shooting at me like point blank so I take them out and like luckily, like I said, I did all my upgrades beforehand so I had some paint pills, took paint pills, got down on the ground floor and I was like, okay, tight and there were two guards flanking both sides of the exit. I just boom, headshot, headshot but then immediately all these other guards come running in and I don't know how it happens but I somehow hit the switch to push the elevator back up. But this time, five guys came into the elevator and like, I like mowed all them down, headshot level. Holy shit. Door opens up again, guys out there killed the few of them back down there. It was completely ridiculous, it's like, oh, sir, the body count is needed. And like the elevator is covered in blood. Yeah, there's like bodies all in the elevator, I just, I get out of leave, I don't even get my suit, I'm just like, fuck it. That's insane. There were like 11 other kills besides the target which like, my whole assignment was pretty flawless. All right, up until the end, up until the end. I did get the, in the videotape room, I got that by waiting until, because there's two guards in there and I waited until one turn is, one left and the other turn is back. Then I tranked him and then like, there's a door that you can pick in the back there so I took the lock and I drug him in there and left him in there so nobody ever found the bottom. Right, yeah. And I got in the same place and that's how I got up into the old man's area without being like, without causing a lot of zing. But yeah, it was like, that level, that level was pretty cool too. I mean, I, I'm, the problem that I'm having with this game so far is that the general themes says, get the uniform of high level security and you're good to go in any stage. Like that's, that's been my goal is to get the, not to like, find the uniform of a delivery man. You're like an evil inspector too so. Yeah. And then like, find the, you know, find the uniformity of their man, get in there, find another uniform to go to someplace else, get another uniform to go someplace else. You know, it's like, it's except for maybe the hospital where you had to be an orderly and you couldn't be a security guard to go into where the orderly area was. The other areas, they all seem like just get the highest level security uniform that you can and you're golden and that changes starting next mission. Yeah. And almost every mission after that, like, starts having more and more different kinds of guards and more and more tiered levels, although I did have to get the waiters uniform in order to go through the kitchen and the Mardi Gras level too. So I mean, like stuff, stuff like that, I think is pretty cool, but like, I, I guess I just feel like I, like the, the, the opportunities that you have to make your, to kill things, the way that you want to kill things are kind of, they're, they're very, very narrow. If you're going for silent and assassin rating, you know, I can't, I can't just set up somewhere and snipe somebody from a distance, even though that seems to me like it should work just fine because I won't get silent assassin rating if I do that, because you were now hung up on silent assassin. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, I guess I just wish that there were the, instead of there being, you know, a trial and error specific path in order to get my silent assassin rating, I want it to be able to, I want it to be more open ended and it is more open ended than like hit man to hit man to you, which was the last one that I played, you had to go, you really did have to go like A, B, C, D in order to get to your target and get out in the, in the, there was only one way to do it. Yeah, it would sound like a game. I would want to play like the whole appeal of this is just the fact that we all have different stories of like things we drugged or things we rigged or. Well, I still have to tell my way through the last mission, because I don't care about your way. Oh, that's awesome. Because I can tell you ways to get upstairs. No, that's good. What is it? Tell me. So I went to the right, like Tyler did, I shot the camera and the guy came out and I knocked him out and took his clothes, went around, went up to the side. The Santa outfit will get you everywhere downstairs, took the aphrodisiac, spiked his drink, went through, um, killed the assassin, because if, again, if you'd step away at the moment, it gives you a chance that you can't kill her. I think I killed her by taking her gun and beating her to death with it, at least on one of the playthroughs. I played through this mission too many times. Then, uh, when the, the congressman's son gets done banging the bunny, he walks out for a cigarette break on the balcony and so I pushed him off that, uh, there is, in, in the VIP area, if off to the side, there's a photographer. I talked to him and he's like, "Man, these chicks will do anything to get on camera." Yeah. Um, behind him is a secret passage. Through water falling. Yes. Uh, you can sedate him and drag him into the secret passage. Why do you bother sedating him? Because his costume gets you upstairs. Ah. His costume gets you everywhere except for guards only areas. Wow. Cool. So he, I think with him you actually probably could place the mine in that scaffolding and not have a problem. Yeah. So I got you upstairs. Yeah. So that gets you upstairs. Uh, I found the tape, then, uh, poisoned a sausage, threw it, got the dog out of the way, and then went up to Havilland, the old dude on the balcony and he actually saw me as I was coming up. So I punched him once and then shoved him and he, like, sidesteped like three ways and toppled over sideways over the edge. Cool. Um, and then just ran back downstairs and got my suit and left. I was, um, I don't like getting caught on camera on that level because that, to get a silent assassin rating on that mission, it is a real bitch if you're ever caught on camera because that room is a nightmare. Yeah. You can't get that room without killing somebody without killing one of the guards or, I mean, because at least it seemed to me when I was in that room, it's constructed in a way to where you're always close enough to the guard where he's looking at you over his shoulder. No, that, that didn't happen to me. I was able to state him by going all the way back toward the locked door and waiting until that guard turned and I was able to sneak up behind him and see if he was just waiting on the other side of the room. Maybe yeah. I was talking with, um, Greg Ford, number of geek box radio and bit mob and bit mob. Uh, he was telling me that there's a way to shoot out the floor of the jacuzzi. Yeah. Or with a gun. With a gun. With any gun. But that's, that's amazing. In the, in the, uh, in the intel, one of the things you say is that like the glass bottom jacuzzi is 70 feet above the, the docks below. Yeah. So it's like, I, I actually tried like, hmm, I wonder if I walk into the jacuzzi, which fortunately my suit is waterproof. Right. And, uh, I wonder if I like pull out of mine, if everybody's going to see it or if I can like drop it under the water, but as soon as you pull it out, everybody like bails. That's why you have to pull it out immediately. They switched to the detonator and blow it while they're all in there still, right? Is there a way to shoot it from below? Yeah. You can shoot it from below. We're at from the docks. I thought you could shoot it from below, right? You thought you had told me that, uh, theoretically, I'm not sure where where you won't get seen. Cause you can't go, I tried finding it from below and I couldn't see it. Where can you see it from below? I think if you, the area where you get up on the, on the ledge or something, you can aim downward and, and take it out and shoot. Yeah. But can you see it absolutely from below? Yeah. So you can definitely see it. You can shoot it from below. I mean, like where from below, though, pretty much everywhere, like right as you start out, you can actually probably kill him within five seconds starting that mission. If you're quick, but you will alert every guard around you because you pull out a fucking gun. Right. Um, but, uh, but yeah, so where are we playing up to for next time? Uh, we were playing three more missions next time, which are death on the Mississippi, I think. Which I started that one. That level is awesome. That mission is fucking hard. That mission has eight targets. I haven't, well, I hadn't played it all yet. All I did is started up and look at it. I just think it's really cool. Cause you're on a steamboat on the Mississippi and it's like slowly, the landscape is slowly moving by. And you can throw people over. Just be careful that when you throw them over the rail, that they don't land on a platform to the right, because if they do, they can still be seen and there's nothing you can do about it. That happened with me in the last mission. Remember how I was telling you that guard, that was the guards that were guarding the videotape room? Yeah. Like, if you throw him over the ledge too close to the wall nearest the mansion, he'll just hit the ground like below you right where the elevator opens up to. You have to like drag him out of the way, like that would be twice. I'm like, why are they saying me? I'm like, Oh, uh, so there's definitely Mississippi, which takes place on a riverboat. Um, there is till death to this part, which takes place at a hillbilly marriage, which just to throw this out there, I have never gotten silent assassin on that mission like I have, I don't think I've gone to an FAQ for it, but I have never figured out a way to do it. Wow. That would work. Mm. And then there's house of cards, which takes place in a casino slash hotel. Mm. Cool. That's what we're doing. That was good to me, man. What next Tuesday? Bitches. Next Tuesday? Well, it was when everyone will hear it. Well, yeah, but we need comment. If you want your comments included, they need to be up by Monday afternoon because that's when we record Game Club. Yes. Bitches. Bitches. I'm, I'm, I'm excited to see like the constant procession of like characters that grow at the menu screen. Yeah. Yeah. That funeral. I, you know, I've never played it, so I don't really know what it's about. People disappear as you take them out. The people at the funeral are targets. Ah. Yeah. Like I noticed a few like Iranian looking guys or, I mean, I don't know, like, I thought like, oh, we haven't really seen anybody like this yet. Yeah, I wasn't paying, I wasn't paying that close attention. I thought it was people that I was killing, not people that like had, or not, I thought it was people that I had killed that were like, you know, I think that people disappear. As you kill them. Like by the last level, I think there's almost no one there. Huh. That's cool. And the assassin from you better watch out is sitting in the pews, I think, with her next to nothing on. Yeah. Fat penis. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. that's cool. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.