Rebel FM

Rebel FM Game Club - Hitman: Blood Money - Episode 1

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
17 Jun 2009
Audio Format:

Welcome back to Game Club! As previously mentioned, our new pick is Hitman: Blood Money. For our first episode we covered the tutorial and acts 1-3. If you haven't had a chance to play along yet, the video below should get you caught up in the meantime (though it certainly doesn't cover everything). For the next episode, play through and complete act 6, "You Better Watch Out", colloquially referred to as the Playboy Mansion level. Post your stories and strategies by next Monday afternoon for inclusion in Episode 2!
(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome. - Hello and welcome to, sorry, Arthur's catist man. Hello and welcome to the first Rebel FM game club for Hitman. - Blood Money. - Blood Money, if you're joining us, you should have played up through the level called Flatline, which is the third mission after the tutorial mission. So I think everyone actually finished up to the point, except for Tyler. - Here's. - Tyler's halfway through the final mission. Tyler's also working on a review game. He's also only had two days to do it, and he had to download the game, which I don't know how big it was, probably like a gig or something I'd bet. - No, it's actually smaller. - Yeah, it was under. - Really? - Yeah. - Yeah, I downloaded it on Steam. - I think it was about 700 nights. - Something like that. Yeah, it's a small game. Well, it had to fit on an Xbox DVD. - And a PS2 disc. - And a PS2. - Again, though, those can be up to like seven gigs. - I guess they do a layer or whatever. - Yeah, but I mean, oh, I was gonna say like, Hitman, Blood Money's not that old. - Yeah, I mean, it obviously didn't take very long. - It didn't take very long at all to download. - I mean, it took like two hours for me to download. - It sucks, 'cause after we bought it for you, then we found out that it's a free on-game-tap. And it will be free on-game-tap till the end of July, I think. - July 18th. - July 18th. - And they did that just for you guys, huh? - Yes, they did. - Yeah, the community manager listens a lot, so he's-- - I guess I should say for us guys, 'cause I'm actually on, I actually have been on every set of the web, huh? - Yes, so, I'm-- - You are part of the Rebel FM. - I'm Anthony Geiger from RebelFM and, joining me is Tyler Barber and Arthur Geese from RebelFM and And then last, but certainly not least, is Area 5's Matt Shandernay, producer of Co-op. - Yay. - Co-op. - Resident grown-up. - Darn, you kids! - I was actually watching-- - Get off my virtual lawn! - Watching an episode of Co-op the other day, and yeah. - Yeah, well, it makes me sad, 'cause I don't always get to watch 'em as they come out. - Yeah, I was watching-- - I don't always get to be one with Jeff and everything in that. - Oh, that was awesome. - That was an excellent episode. - That was a very excellent segment, 'cause Jeff Green rules. - He does rule. - And then having Jeff Green and Tiff Chow and Jay Fresh in the same segment, and you can't really go wrong with that. - Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly. So-- - Hitman! - Let's lunch in. Let's lunch in with the first level. - Wait, let's do some breakdown first. What platform is everybody playing on? - I'm on PC. - Yeah, we have two PC, two 360. - Okay. - Yeah, this is like my first action game on the PC. I mean, I'm playing Crysis. - And Tyler said he can't get the controller to work for it. - Huh. - Seems weird, 'cause like, it was like made for controllers. - Yeah, that was the first-- - First thing weird. - Like not for PC, yeah. - That's curious. There might be like a patch or a mod somewhere for it, 'cause it is the PC. - Either way, I just think Tyler should suck it up and fucking get used to it. - Yeah, I am, and I am getting used to it. - I think it's probably a good game to learn the Wozdion if you're not used to it. - They will only help your team for each skills. - Yeah, so. At first, like I had to go and turn the sensitivity down below 50%, which I was just kind of like, ugh. (laughing) - Well, you have to, like, I've noticed the more modern the game is on the PC, the more I have to turn the sensitivity down on the mouse. Whereas like in the past, I used to turn the sensitivity back almost all the way up. So I don't know what the deal is, maybe mice are getting better or something. - I don't know. - Well, I mean, they are. - Yeah, mice are way more-- - Yeah, mice are way more precise now with the tiniest little movements. And a lot of times you can even turn up like how fast you want them to move. - Yeah, I have put it. - But the settings act is the lowest one. I cannot use the highest one at all. - I have the Microsoft Sidewinder, which is a fucking awesome mouse, by the way. It totally doesn't look like it. It's like this behemoth of a mouse. - It does look pretty garish. - Yeah, it reminds me of like the Xbox One controllers or how it looks, but like when I actually have it, those two little silver thumb buttons are the best thumb buttons I've ever used. - Yeah, it's too bad that we got laid off when we did 'cause I remember we had talked to the guy about going and seeing the R&D department and he was gonna let us see like the casts of all the failures. - Yeah, that would have been almost made it. I think that's pretty fascinating when you see like the fucked up stuff. Some guy was like, what if we make it look like an elephant in your hands? (laughing) - And I have it set to like the resolution of 1600 DPI 'cause it has the little thing. - I can't do that, yeah. - Well, it goes up to like 3,200. - Wait, does it have like the little like on the fly resolution switch? - It does, which I would never use. - Yeah, that's ridiculous. I'd never use that, but anyway. So, and it's actually served me quite well during Hitman 'cause even though the game doesn't really require precision unless you're playing it like a shooter, it's which I don't, and I guess we'll get into that. But I do find myself like looking around a lot at every little detail and like looking around and trying to see around corners and shit because you're always trying to keep track of all these people moving around all the time. Anyway. - So, it's good to have a good mouse, Tyler. - First, go ahead, Tyler, what were we about to say? - I was gonna say, yeah, I have a really good mouse. I have a great mouse for design. It's a Logitech MX Revolution or Revolution. - Is it made for design? - I mean, it's made for design. - I think it's just a desktop mouse. - A really good graphic designer friend of mine recommended it for me and it's great. You know, I have a fully customizable on my Mac. You know, I have to have side buttons. Yeah, has side buttons and, but it doesn't seem, but every game that I play on it on my PC, it confuses the mouse wheel because there's a wheel where my middle finger is and there's also a wheel where my thumb is. And like, we gotta get to your separate mouse just for your gaming PC. - Or, I mean, it might be a driver issue, like sometimes with multifunction mice, drivers kind of play weird with them. - It's easy as there to come up on. I feel like we gotta find you a gaming mouse, yeah. - Yeah, it's just weird. So, I don't know if anyone else has any problems with a Logitech Revolution mouse. They do holo-back. (laughing) - What difficulty is everybody playing on? - I think me and Tyler are doing normal and he's doing like professional or whatever. What, are you doing pro and he's doing one under pro? - Yeah, I'm doing the hardest difficulty and Matt is doing just under that. - So you're him at doing like harder and you're doing hardest. - Yeah, so that clarify for people listening, the difference in difficulty effects, actually quite a lot of stuff. The notoriety system is seriously affected by difficulty. On normal, if you gain a lot of notoriety, it doesn't have as much effect as it will on the harder difficulties, because on the hardest difficulty, if your notoriety gets really out of hand, which is basically when you murder tons of people and don't bribe people off for cover it up, people will recognize you and you'll be on a war almost. I mean, who doesn't pay it off? You might as well, it's like asking for trouble if you don't spend your money to pay off your notoriety. - I've been doing everything silent assassin, just because that's the way I play these games, I guess. And so I haven't really been affected by notoriety at all, but that's what I wonder. Like, they never explained to me what the notoriety system is or how it works. Like, I don't recall any tutorials or anything. - I mean, they, I don't remember if they actually explained it in the game, ever, they definitely explained it in the campaign leading up to the release. - I think it might say it on the notoriety screen when you say it like people will recognize you or you're easier to recognize. - Eventually, you'll see newspapers and stuff in the world that have your picture on it. - Yeah, I like that. And I like how the stories, like after you complete a mission, the stories are kind of formatted for how you killed people and, you know, and like you can see like an outline, like if you have a little bit of notoriety, it'll have an outline sort of what you look like. And I imagine, I assumed that they'll give like, police sketches of you or whatever. - Right, that definitely happens. - And the newspapers are also cool because they hide hints to missions down the line. And also a lot of stories that, the side story that's happening in the game, which involves the death of a vice president, is explaining a lot more detail in the newspapers and also-- - Oh, wow. - I was only reading the main article. - I was gonna say, most people don't pay attention to that little side story. Even the main stories is a little hard to follow if you haven't played the past 10 man's at all. Like-- - You think? - I think a little bit. Like, I mean, it's still fun regardless. Like even without story, they could have disjointed missions that are just fun to do just because it is fun to like try and pull off the objective. - I mean, the overarching story is that there's this guy from the government that's trying to find 47 because he's like the key to a perfect clone. - Yeah. - And he says that he wants to prevent that from ever happening. He's telling the story to a reporter. - Yeah, I got that from the cutscenes. I thought that part was pretty straightforward. - Right. - And the only thing that confused me was like in the, I mean, we'll get there eventually, but I guess now I'm thinking about it. I should bring it up. I didn't understand in the third mission in Flatline, the agent that you're rescuing. Like he walk in there and 47 goes, "You." - He's actually in the other Hitman games. If I recall correctly in Simon Assassin, you rescue him in the Middle East. - Oh, okay. - So that's what I'm saying is that like, that's an instance where I'm like, clearly this is somebody I'm supposed to know who they are and I have no idea who this is. - Right. There's a little bit of that. - It's one of the few people that have met 47 in the field that didn't end up dead. - Gotcha. (laughing) - The first mission is basically a tutorial mission. - Yes. - Which Arthur and me were talking about, like that's like the one mission that it doesn't really give you a choice but to do it like violently. - Yeah. - The first mission is weird and that it establishes all sorts of bad habits. (laughing) - Not necessarily. You can get through the mission playing like that. Just find you can beat the game playing like that. Establish his bad habits if you're going for achievements for Simon Assassin. - Well, I mean, the point of the game, going by the ratings and just the sort of the tone that it sets is that you're supposed to be the Simon Assassin. That's what you're supposed to aspire to. - I think that the point of the game is that you're supposed to get the job done when we're in other 47s. Yeah, 47 is that man. He's like, "But with it, he'll disintegrate people if you have to." - But they throw them into a trash compactor what happens to him. - Exactly. The first time I played the game, I was merciless. Like, I was like, trash men, just put them out and I'm like, "I don't need 'em waking up." And I shoot 'em in the back of the head. I'd always get like the newspaper that would say like, five people were brutally executed in an alarming fashion, I would, yes, they were. (laughing) - But the game also, like the game lets you play that way but it penalizes you for it too. - So it's almost like there's the developer, the creators of the game are saying, "Yes, you can do this, but shame on you for doing so." (laughing) - This brings me to a comment from the first post that we did for it. This is from Brian. He says, "I came to this straight after contracts which was the third Hitman game, which is basically just a sort of set of side stories that fill in story gaps between the games." - I actually tried to play that one and I only played the first mission. I was like, "Fuck this," and I didn't. - The first mission in contracts is really hard. That's where you're in the asylum. I think in trying to escape, there is no really good way to finish that mission. (laughing) If you can get past it and give the rest of the game a chance, it's awesome, including-- - Okay, we never got past that first. - The second level in that game is probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen in a video game. - Wow. - Anyway. - That's for any endorsement. - Brian continues, the game oozes atmosphere which is a combination of Jesper Kids score and the locations. The first time he played this game, it was a group of people sitting around, working together to figure out how to go through it and to get silent assassin into remission. This time I'm treating it like a procedurally generated assassination sim. If I mess up instead of reloading, I try my best to get out of the situation. - Exactly, which could be a really fun way to play. - That's how I played this first time, but it wasn't that I always went balls up, but if something went wrong, I wasn't like restarted. I was like, "I'm gonna get myself through this one way "or another, the job will be done." - Yeah, and I mean, there were moments the first time I played through it where instead of going for silent assassin, there was a point where I was just like, "Fuck this." I wanna finish this and did that. - Right, the thing that I don't like about it though is getting yourself out of the situation usually means murdering a whole bunch of people. It doesn't usually mean make a clever escape. I feel like if I'm going for silent assassin and I fuck up, my only other option is a fucking bloody brutal rampage. - Well, there's-- - For a short span, yeah. You'll have to kill everyone in the vicinity before they stop. - And I wish that there were some more clever in-betweens. - I think that there are small mistakes you can make. In the flat line, there's a point where you can be seen by a couple of people in certain areas and not have it completely screw you. - Yeah, that happened to me, yeah. But yeah, I mean, it is on, if you want silent assassin, if you want a perfect writing, especially on the hard difficulties, it is extremely unforgiving. - This is my first time to ever play a hit man game. So some of the concepts, like having your weapons on you or not, you know, like when you go to choose your weapons before mission has a big deal. Like I was carrying around the briefcase of my sniper rifle, like all the time. I'm like, "I really don't need this. Do I?" - No, there's only like two missions that the sniper rifle is actually like nice to have if you wanted to use it. - And that kind of, it really served me well in the first mission after the tutorial where I just-- - In the vineyard? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - A vintage year, I believe that mission too. - Over by the waterfall, there's this little like ledge that juts out and I just sort of went out on that ledge and waited for the target to go out on the balcony and have a smoke and just fucking popped him, right? - Okay, nice. - We're getting ahead of ourselves. - Oh, sorry. - No, it's okay, I'm-- - But yeah, and so to me, like I'm experiencing a little bit of learning curve just with the franchise, of just how, you know, it seems like why do they give you so many options of what guns you can bring on the mission when you can really just go with no equipment and everything is already-- - That's just, that's literally just for fun. Like if you want to go on the way like-- - At 10th time and literally go in there like Rambo, dropping guns as you fucking use them up, pulling up the next one. - I mean, later in the game, I will say this, there are missions where violence will be almost your only answer, unfortunately. And that gets, it becomes fun to play but it's still a little disappointing that later in the game, there are points where you're like, well, I guess I'm just gonna have to bring in the silver ballers, maxed out with silencers and scopes. - I don't think that's just pointing at all. That's like the moments where you're playing like Leon from the professional here, like this time. - It's like you finally know and everyone's gonna die. - But there is definitely a point like that in the next, and that we'll talk about next time, which is in the first level that you'll be playing through for the next podcast. - And just in general, a comment I'd like to make about the game, it brings me back to when I was playing out of this world for the SNES. Just the way I would kind of like go into one area, figure out what I'm supposed to do, and maybe start over and then get a little bit further. You know, 'cause I am doing the whole start over thing. I don't know. - Yep, me too. - Little trial and error. - Yeah, well, there's a lot of trial and error. And that's still my main problem with the Hitman series is the trial and error that's in there. - Which, to be fair, is better than it's ever been in this one, as compared to the other Hitman. - The last Hitman I played and played all the way through was the second one. - Which was good. - And I would say that this one definitely there, because the Hitman 2 seemed to only really have one solution to get you to your target and get out with your silent assassinating. This one, you can definitely go about it like your own ways, but there's still a trial and error period where you're figuring out the map, figuring out where you can and can't go with your different costumes, because it's not immediately obvious where you can and can't go. - I think this one is a lot more forgiving. - Yeah, I would agree. - If you're extremely patient, I think that it's possible to get through almost perfectly the first try. But there is an awful lot of waiting. - Yeah. - You feel sort of like you imagine a real Hitman where you're just sitting in a closet wondering when this guy is gonna shoot. - I know, I was telling Arthur, I wish there was like a time itself, but you could just make time go. If people are just walking over a routine anyways, like I just wanna be like, okay, I fucked up. - Which actually doesn't seem like a terrible idea if I ever gets to make another Hitman game. - Yeah, no, that seems like a really good idea. Another good idea would be some sort of indicator to tell me that my costume isn't going to work in a certain area. So it's like, you know, there's, I just need to, there needs to be some indicators that because I'm thinking to myself, I'm just as a security guard, I can go anywhere. No, uh, so, you know, how was I supposed to do? - Well, like, where there's different levels of security and... - Right, well, like if you, if you're a security guard, like, again, in the flat line mission, if you're a security guard walking into the medical wing past where only the orderlies are, then you can't do that. But I'm like, dude, I'm a fucking security guard. - You're a runner-cup. - So like, why can't I? - Okay, maybe if you were a, maybe if you were a Secret Service agent, they'd let you anywhere. - So like, I'm just saying that like there's, there are things like that, that the only way you can discover them is through trial and error, or to make a leap of logic that maybe the, the, maybe the level designers and the gameplay designers think is relatively easy on the player, but for some reason or another, aren't for me. - Yeah, no, I, I agree. And hopefully, again, if they ever get a chance between many ninjas in the next "Cain and Lynch" game, they'll make another hit man game. - Yeah, yeah, totally. - They'll fix it. So anyway, I'm sorry, but before we skip past the tutorial, I want to ask, I'm not going to skip past it. - Yeah, we're going to talk about it. - Oh, okay. Okay, so. - Yeah, we should do that. (laughs) - Okay, what were you asking? - The tutorial starts you on a Coney Island type scenario where you're tasked with killing the swing king who the insinuation is sabotage his own theme park for insurance money. - Right. - Yeah, something like that. - And about like 30 people were killed, including the son of-- - Some wealthy dude. - Yeah, the person that's hiring you. I, for some reason I get the feeling that he's like some old military guy or something because he has that number, but-- - Oh, maybe. - Yeah, or maybe it's just like a really high powerful ex-public official that worked with a lot of shady shit. - Yeah, either way. - 'Cause military people don't have the type of money, let's be honest. (laughs) - Like an admiral or a general or something. Either way, he's got money and he's spending it to have you kill somebody. - Yes. - To make sure that-- - Which immediately leads you into your tutorial level where you throw, where you want to have to throw your coin. - Yeah. - God damn that. - Yeah, see, that's what we were saying. Like we don't have to go over every specific instance in it, but it's like, yeah, they give you a gun and they're like now clear the room with the next room and there's like no way to like sneak in you. Just like boom, boom, yeah. Well, you know, they have to train you how to shoot, so I guess it makes sense. - Is there a way to save the lawyer that's tied up? - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I just never caught a guy and strangling him to death from left in there. - But you just leave him there? That's what I'm saying. - Yeah. - That's all you can really do is leave him there. - I mean, if you're doing your job, eventually the people, the police will show up and find him strapped to that. - More important than what the fuck do you care about that guy? - I was just curious if there was anything like secret you could do to him that you guys do. - I mean, I just said that you guys were trying to do things that different way. - I guess you could have killed him. - Yeah. - I mean, yeah, I definitely did. - Well, like for instance, what I mean, when a man Arthur did things different is like, when you reach the Swin King, you can like poison the girl's drink and then you can go in there and just like inject him with the poison to kill him. - Or... - Or Arthur. - Or Arthur found the baseball bat on the wall. - Yeah, so one of the things that I noticed playing through this time that I've never noticed before is during the cutscenes that show the Swin King in his office, you'll notice that he has a baseball bat that's signed on his wall, which makes sense because why the fuck else would he be named the Swin King if it's known as something to do with baseball? - So, when I got to the Swin King's office after poisoning a secretary, which is one of the, that's the only part in the game where you are just like told to kill a civilian. - Yeah, we're encouraged to kill an innocent. - Yeah. - Which is weird. - It was really weird. I was like, really? This doesn't seem like 47 style. - I mean, I would have knocked her out, but it didn't, it doesn't give you an aesthetic. - Really, why can't I put an aesthetic in her drink? - I mean, you can also smash her in the face, right? - Yeah, I beat her to death. - If you, there's a way to let her live, if you go up behind her with a gun and take her hostage, you can knock her out. But you don't get the manly way to do it. - So, when you have a gun-- - So to use a human shield, on the 360, you sneak up behind somebody with a gun out and then it'll show the context option to use them as a human shield. - As long as you're sneaking and you're walking up behind somebody, then like on the PC, it should, if your use key is the default E. - You have to have your gun out. - You have to have your gun out. - Yeah, you have to have your gun out. - Otherwise, you'll just sort of bump into them, they'll turn around and they'll try to shoot you. - Yeah. - Although, if that happened to you in the tutorial level, you might have figured out that you can tap the right trigger or whatever the trigger button is, the fire button is and take their gun. - Yeah, I like the disarm moves. That's new to this one too. - Yes. Although, you know, you have to be careful 'cause after you disarm 'em, if you continue to push the button, you'll shoot them. - Yes. - Right, so what you have to do is you have to like disarm 'em, hit Y to drop it and then keep punching. Like, you have to do it all in one motion or else. - Yeah, the melee combat in this game is still balls unless you're holding a weapon. - Well, it's a different button on the PC. On the PC, you can, I just hit the action button and it disarmed them and then I hit the space bar, which also works as like a push. And so I was, and like it did another move on them. So, maybe it's just 'cause I have more buttons available to me or something. - Possibly. - But yeah, anyway, the tutorial is weird because it does teach you to like to poison people and kill people and stuff like that. And I ended up just, how did I kill the Swin King? I don't remember how I killed him. - I beat him to death with the fire extinguisher. - And you beat him with the baseball bat? - I did, after hearing him beg for his life. - Right, I shot him in the back of the head. There you go. I'm pretty sure I used the garro-- - The fiber wire. - The fiber wire. - Which is your key to silent assassin ratings? - Yeah, it is. - I think actually silent, like the garro is better than poison when it comes to the silent assassin ratings. - No, I think they're about the same. They should be anyway. - I know that accidents occasionally aren't as good as the garro because accidents attract attention and people finding bodies lowers your rating. - Oh, that's gonna happen. - No, accidents don't lower your rating. - If someone finds a body, a lot of times it'll lower your rating. - Well, not if it's like-- - It didn't happen to me, like-- - I had an accident and I saw somebody find the body and ran over and discovered it, but at the end of the level, it didn't say anything other than accidents caused. - I guess it depends who's getting killed in an accident, right, like if it's the target, that's okay. But if it's like an additional person with the target. - No, no, I totally did that in the second mission. - On the harder difficulty, it just says fuck you. Someone aside from the target died. - Right, I can believe that, yeah. - So the tutorial mission, you're supposed to kill the drug award as well as Swinking. It teaches you that you can hide stuff in crates and stuff, which is nice because that's not really something, it's something you could do in other hit men games, but it never really explained it very well. - Though I still only do it a couple of times throughout the whole rest of the game, but really, I mean, most of the time, I just don't have a weapon on me. - Yeah, if you're gonna bring in weapons, you should learn how to hide stuff. - Yeah, I always bring the baller with me 'cause I spent the extra money to get the silent ammo and the silencer on it. 'Cause I was like, yeah, just in the event that I feel like shooting the guy instead of sneaking up behind him and strangling him. - I mean, it's worth it learning to hide things just 'cause hiding minds and things is such an easy go around a lot of times. So after you kill Swinking, you're tasked with killing two people at a vineyard. And when you first go, it makes it seem like you're really just killing like-- - When you have to kill the, you have to kill the drug kingpin person, you sneak in there and the fuck goes and everything like that. - Yeah, so you're going to sneak past like his brothel of drug cooking wenches and then they teach you how to use the mind to drop the chandelier. - Oh yeah, we're still talking about the tutorial. Yeah, I did think it was a nice touch that all the women working in the drug lab were in bronze panties as they-- - Are we talking about after you kill the Swinking? - Yeah. - You see them before the Swinking. - I was going to say, yeah, 'cause when I went in there and remember you saw me do it, I just rolled in there, shot the chandelier and then he pulled out a gun and started trying to fight me and Arthur-- - Oh yeah, because when you bring the chandelier down, if he's still in bed, it doesn't land on the-- - Right, it didn't land on him. - How do you stop me? - Little fingers. Yeah, if you drop the chandelier, that's actually a good lesson that dropping chandeliers will not always kill your intended target. - I mean, it took care of all the other guys who were gonna shoot at me. - Yeah, yeah, sure. - But you need to be careful with that guy 'cause he's got a desert eagle. - Which I took. - Right, yeah, I got spotted and he just like came around a corner and I just luckily had my hand gun for a ride at his head. - Yeah, SLP, or whatever. - Just fucking dead on him. - Yeah. - One of the things you're encouraged to do is to take as many weapons out of each level as you can because there's an achievement for finding every weapon. And the trick to doing that is not to necessarily carry them with you, but to stash them in the ICA black boxes that you find around the levels. - You can see that. - So the rules more or less for silent assassin now that we're done with a tutorial level where you can't actually get that fucking rating is there are two hard and fast rules which you can't leave your outfit behind. - You can't on your difficulty. You can on my difficulty. - Oh, really? - I can leave it behind. I just lose $5,000. - So for me, if you leave your suit behind, you can't get the silent assassin ranking. You can't leave any of your weapons that you bring in behind. Specifically the silver ballers because those are probably the things that you're most likely to bring in. Basically on silent assassin or on the hardest difficulty, you can't fire a shot, period. - Wow. - So I never even go in with weapons. - Right. - I don't go in with guns either. - Well, I go in with the silver baller mostly to human shield people and knock them out 'cause if you human shield somebody, it's a lot easier to sneak up on them, human shield them, drag them over to a body crate and then knock them out that way 'cause you move faster when you're-- - Too many shielding. - In a shielding than you do when you're dragging their body. - I might need to do that more often. - Yeah, it works a lot better. And the only reason I figured that out was when I was assassinating the guy in the wine cellar and I couldn't make it happen fast enough by strangling him and then dragging him. So I pulled out my gun 'cause I was like, well maybe if I pop him fast enough I can get away but then I snuck up behind him and I was like, oh shit, I can walk with him over to-- - And you're talking about the sun, right? - Talking about the sun, yeah. - Okay, so why don't we go over how each of us did that mission? - Tyler, how did you take down the vineyard? - So yeah, the vineyard was the first level where I really started to establish how I was gonna play Hitman and it was when I was really just sort of like learning all the rules, like a lot of the things you were saying, the cases that you find in the levels, like I was just sort of stumbling upon these things and having just to sort of figure it out myself, I felt like maybe they could have done a better job of explaining some of these things to players who had never played a previous Hitman game, but-- - I wonder if that's in the instruction book or not. - I never looked. - I don't have a booklet with the download, but what I did, before I even killed anyone, I was just trying to explore and I managed to basically explore the entire level with the exception of the main mansion, which you kinda need, I guess, a different uniform to get in. But eventually, I just had the guards uniform, or the, I eventually got the worker uniform, went into the wine house where the sun was, the guy in the pink shirt, and he just happened to be coming up the stairwell with no one in the room, so I just let him pass me turn around and strangle them. I didn't even fuck with doing anything with the body, I just left, jumped the fence, and then I went out to where the waterfall was, and I was looking, and I saw the target on the balcony, and I saw him go back in and I was like, "Ah, fuck," but that's when I learned that they kinda have patterned behaviors, right? Am I right in assuming that? - Yeah, it's like a puzzle game in a lot of words. - Yeah, and so I was like, "Okay, I bet if I wait here, "he'll come out," and so I came out, and sure enough, killed 'em, and it was super easy, and it killed 'em, and then I just went down the cliff and jumped on the plane and left, no problems. - Awesome. - And see, I killed a soldier that was wandering the perimeter, took his uniform, hopped the fence, went in there, blew up the charge over the thing. - So, okay, so what you did is you went into the wine cellar, right? - Yes. - And then you mined the chandelier. - Yes, there was a chandelier you could mine? - Not a chandelier, it's holding some barrels of wine. - I just, I didn't see anything. Oh, there was a pulley on the wall, you could mine? - Yeah, and he goes underneath it, so yeah, I mined that. - Oh, wow. - And killed them, and then I just wandered through the downstairs area, and found my way up into the mansion, and I killed a camouflage guard so that I could get into the mansion, and then I went upstairs, and I accidentally tried to open a door and didn't see the said pick lock. - I did that once, too. - And so everyone turned on me, and so at that point, I killed everyone, including the second target that I left. - Awesome. And I wandered around the whole outside of the perimeter first, and I found the path down the hill to where the escaped plane was, and there was a worker standing there on the dock smoking, so I just pushed him into the water. - Yeah, that's great. - I figured that'd be like an accident, you know? And it turned out it was, it was just an accident, but there was another worker down there who saw him, and like ran towards him, and I was like, oh okay, so maybe that's how I get that guy away from the guard, and then I can go steal that guard's uniform. - Right. - So I did something and fucked up, and I had to reload, and then so I went down again, I pushed the guy into the water, the other guy standing next to the guard ran out to look at the body, and then I went, I just went right past him, up to the guard, and I strangled the guard, dragged him around behind these boxes and stole his uniform, so that if that guy comes back, he wouldn't see the body, and then that guard's uniform let me walk through the entire mansion, so like, you can take an elevator from those docks up into the winery, so I did that, and I walked all around everything, making sure that I knew where everything was, and like I saw the targets a couple times, and I was like, oh okay, so this is cool, this allows me to explore everything, and figure out what all these guys are doing, and then I can figure out how to kill them. - You cased the fuck out of this joint. - I did, I did, because I was like, I'm gonna do this thing fucking, 'cause I only had three saves, you know, so I just saved once when I went up the elevator. - And if it's your first time playing through the level, you have to cased the whole area. - Yeah, you have to cased the whole area. - No way. - Unless you just wanna keep going a little further, and then fucking up, reloading, going a little further, fucking up, and reloading, I'm like, I'm like, I'm gonna do that. - Which isn't really a viable way to play the game, because you have limited saves. - Yeah, and it's an annoying way to play the game, and there are other things that they could do to help you through that process, I think. I think that's one of the ways that the game is flawed, and what I said earlier is that the particular guard uniform that I had, let me get through everything, and let me walk everywhere completely without suspicion. - So there needs to be uniforms that have just different colors associated with their different levels. - Yeah, or there needs to be a better indicator that some sign that says-- - Like clearance levels? - I'm sorry. - Like signs that say clearance level required, or clearance level required, or personal guard only, or something like that. So you know that if you're in the right uniform, you can go into this area. - Or it could be something as simple as just having some video during the mission briefings, kind of showing you areas. - Yeah, that was another thing that I learned. Yeah, the briefings, I feel like, like number one, I wanted them to continue playing without having to be at the briefing screen. - Right, do you get docked if someone sees you and just tells you like, hey, get out of here? - I don't think so. - I don't think so. - I was gonna say, usually that's the best indicator that you have the wrong type of uniform as you walk in an area and someone's like-- - And usually-- - Hey buddy, you can't be here. - Unless you're like deep in the heart of-- - You can usually not-- - It's supposed to be for your fill. - Yeah, yeah. It is kind of hard sometimes, 'cause you can walk by several people that maybe aren't concerned what uniform you're in, but then you step within, I shot of a garden, he'll immediately start coming over and you'll be like, get the fuck out, you know, and it's like, dude, I have to walk like 10 minutes back to get out. And you know, I had to sneak my way past three or four picked locks in order to get in here. What's going on? But yeah, it's like, I too, just like you, Tyler, I wanted more from the mission briefings. And it's like, they do like let you buy the little hints. - I was gonna ask if you guys buy Intel. - Yeah, what I would do, I totally like bought all the Intel and then reloaded the game. - Yeah, that's what's there. - 'Cause I was like, you know what, screw this. It's like, this is information that I feel should be given to me anyway. If this organization, the ICA, was anything close to what they make it out to me in the game. They should be able to offer me a little bit more than like going and kill this guy. - The premise is that you're paying for Intel from other sources, but I agree that more Intel would be nice. - Well, and it would be nice if there was just a few little hints too. Like something like, you know, you can use your, like we would recommend you not taking your sniper rifle on this level, you know, or something like that. - Or just some kind of vague thing at the beginning that there's no open spaces and a sniper rifle wouldn't be appropriate or something like that. - Yeah, exactly. So I mean, like the, I guess I'm just saying that I think, I feel like the levels and the way that you get through them and how you get to your targets, there needs to be more direct, there needs to be more indicators as to what you can and cannot do to get there. 'Cause otherwise it turns out to just be guesswork, which is why I cased the entire vineyard before I actually, and figured out my plan of action before I actually executed on it. And when I finished the level, I had something like 45 minutes in this level, you know, in the vineyard level. And like I feel like the stories that you tell are super cool, but it's just like what you're saying. You know, there's so much just sort of figuring out there, which, which, you know, is interesting. But yeah, I think it's a little more. - One of the nice things about the game is that it gets the heartbreak out of the way early, as far as establishing what you can and can't do and what you should or shouldn't do. - What do you mean? - As in, you learn the rules of the game quickly, that you're informed quickly that, oh, well, if I walk in certain areas with the wrong uniform, then I'm gonna get stopped or killed, or things like that. - Right, but I'm saying like I want indicators before I get to that point, so I don't have to reload. But anyway, I ended up like waiting until the sun goes into this little room where there's a body box right there. And so like I can hide next to these barrels, next to the body box where he's doing cocaine. And like the first couple of times I tried to strangle him, the guard was standing over there and I couldn't get to him quick enough, but there was, I don't know what the deal was with this one time, but I was able to strangle him, drag his body over there and like deposit it in the body box. And then all I did after that was I just seriously walked straight upstairs, wait until the guard's back was turned, picked my lock into the father's suites, and just walked straight up to him, and he was like playing on the cello and I strangled him. And then I just jumped out the window and went down to the plane. So like once I'd figured out what I wanted to do, it all happened in like two or three minutes. What about you Arthur? - So I have the benefit of having played the game before. - Right. - So most of my casing has been done previously. - Right. - It's not on this difficulty. So my strategy on that mission was to run along to the left-hand side of the vineyard, not to even go into the courtyard, and you'll see a guard, like one of the guards with the hats, like the straw hats and stuff like that, to knock him out with a syringe and take his clothing, then to hide his body, run back around and in the back left side of the wall, there's an area where you can climb over the wall that takes you into the courtyard in front of the mansion. If you're quick, you can run up the left side of those walls and there's a pipe up the side of the mansion where you climb up and then you get onto the roof and then you turn around and there's a window that goes directly into the side-- - That's the window I came out of. - The side anti-chamber of the dogado's room. - Right, right. - So I snuck in and fiber wired him. - Right. - And then I snuck back out the same way and then went back around and walked into the main courtyard into the vineyard and mined the pulley that hangs over him and the reason that he stops there is because he's snorting more coke. - Aha. - So you wait until he's there snorting more coke and I detonated it and dropped it and ran. - Cool. - And then I ran down to the sea plane. - The thing about the detonating things to fall on people, that seems to me like the antithesis of the silent assassin. - Because there's an explosion? - Because there's an explosion and because there's no way that nobody would find the explosive residue and all of that kind of stuff. And this game seems to pride itself on one of my looking for kind of a fantasy version of authenticity. So it seems to me that that's one of the things that they should have paid attention to. They're like, yeah, explosions really aren't the way to kill people, to create accidents, you know? Like fray the wire or something like that and maybe have a little micro explosive. - I mean, yeah, it doesn't point out every time too that they always know that you used an explosive. Like even if you do get a really high rating, it's still like, yeah, it's still like, we believe that an RUAP mine was used. - There you go. - So, I mean, I guess the point is that they can nose and maybe it's more effective that they know that there was an assassin involved. - Well, that's the thing too. What's really weird is that it'll say at the end of the mission, I'll have like all zero witnesses, zero this, zero that, and then it'll say accidents too, because I killed the two people on that stage. And yet the newspaper comes up. Silent assassin strikes again. It's like, how do you fucking know it's an assassin? - Well, I mean, the silent assassin ratings can be given when you fucking fiber wire their asses too. - Right. - Well, I know, but I'm saying that the tally at the end only says accidents too. It doesn't say like successful kills too or anything like that, which would imply to me that everybody else thinks that they're just accidents. But I don't know, maybe by the time it gets to the newspapers, they have found the explosive residue on the chandelier cable and they found it. - Oh, I ended up probably counted an accident when you pushed that dude into the water. - Yeah. - Yeah, that definitely counted as an accident, but it didn't destroy my silent assassin rating though either. - I mean, it'd be interesting to talk to the developers and find out for sure exactly what everything meant and what their reasoning was behind it. - Yeah, exactly. - I don't know that that's gonna happen with this particular game considering that they're in, I think, Finland or Iceland? - Something like that, yeah. Anyway, good game. - So next mission is curtains down, I think, or something like that. - Curtain down. - Yeah. - It takes place in the Paris Opera House. - Well, in a Paris Opera House anyways. - Right. - That was a good, yeah, this mission was fun because they give you, this one I liked a lot because I felt like I had agency help 'cause they were like, and the guy in the cloakroom has a package for you, you know? And they say that the firing squad scene would be a good way to dispose of this guy or whatever. And so as soon as they gave me that Luger, and then they show the split screen of him being shot by the guy with a Luger, and I'm like, oh, okay, awesome. Like, now I know what to do here. - And I think that's something that they added to this one, or maybe the last one where they'll show you certain scenes that are hints to what maybe you should do. - So how did you do it? Did you give the Luger to the guy? - Yeah, like, I got the, the first thing I did was like, I saw like this mechanic guy and a painter talking next to the bathroom, and I saw the mechanic walk into the bathroom. It's like, oh, okay, well, that's obviously where I can like get that guy. And sure enough, there's a body bin right there. Conveniently placed. - Right, right. - And I put my baller in the toolbox just in case, 'cause I didn't know if I was gonna get frisked anywhere. But I ended up sneaking all the way through into the, where the actors chambers are. - The dressing room. - And I ended up spending forever like waiting for like, the guy to come in and like, well, first actually, I tried to get on stage and I thought, I thought, well, maybe I can place through the same time or something. - I thought, well, no, I thought maybe I'm supposed to place it on stage or something, 'cause I didn't know where the props were being kept. I was like looking for a prop box or something like that on stage, but the moment I climbed up on stage, people started shooting at me and I had to reload. - So funny, 'cause I was wondering if there was a way I could get the gun into the actor's hand. - There is, there is. - There is. - Yeah, and what actually happens is that like, so I noticed that like, so I ended up like again waiting and like watching these guys and I was like, fuck, they're just gonna keep doing this on stage over and over and over again. Like how is he supposed to shoot this guy? But they do eventually leave. I was like, oh shit, okay, they do leave. Like they enact the scene twice, like they're rehearsing and then they leave. And so like, and if you're out in the audience, you can just stand out there and watch all this happen. So I was like, okay, where are they leaving to? And then like, I was like, then I found the two like rooms that are labeled, that have like the stars on them. So okay, this obviously belongs to the actors. And I saw which room that he went into and I went in there after him, like thinking I could sneak in there or something. He's like, ah, get the fuck out. And I'm like, okay, so I reloaded. And then I just went down there and I waited in his room, like in the closet and like took for fucking ever 'cause they act the whole scene out twice. You know, I got to see it happen twice in the screen and everything. And then he finally comes in and it's funny 'cause if you're in the closet, he's in there like, he'll stand in front of the closet door, like miming. Like he's holding the gun and he's all, he's all. Blah, blah. And says some other things in French like he's having fun playing around with the gun, but then he sets it down on a counter and leaves. And then you can replace that gun with the other gun. - You're gonna replace the prop with the-- - You can replace the prop with the dropped pistol. - That's great. - Yeah, and then he goes and he kills the actor for you. And then the other one, and this one took me for fucking ever to figure out. Like I could not figure out how to kill that fucker, the guy that's in the box the entire time. And as soon as the guy gets killed on stage by the other guy, he's like, ah, you know, my friend and fellow child pornography, you know? I'm like, ah, what am I gonna do? And he runs away from his box, run downstairs, runs through the aisle of the audience area, trips, and then he goes up to the body or whatever. I was like, well, how am I supposed to kill this guy? There's all these people around. He's running from his box where his security guards are. And, but I saw where he tripped. I was like, oh, there's a chandelier up there. And so I finally figured out that what you have to do is you have to go and you have to plant the bomb on the cord for the chandelier. Then you have to replace the gun in the actor's chamber so that when he shoots the guy, then the other guy runs downstairs. And when he trips, you detonate the bomb and drop the chandelier on him so that there's two accidents like right in a row. But you have to set it all up ahead of time. - Yes. - I seriously must have spent like, fuck two or three hours on this level figuring all that shit out. - Yeah, imagine doing it without saving at all. - See now, on the other hand, rolled in as the mechanic down to where everyone's doing painting and climbed up that like, that maintenance shaft elevator. - Yeah. - Climbed up there right into the backstage and I was like, okay, and so I climbed back down and then I worked my way up to where you can get on the scaffolding right above the stage directly above it. And there's a, there's a light. And so I mined the light and I dropped it on the actor that was like, you could get killed with the gun instead. So he got killed so the guy runs and gets up on stage and now he's on stage with his four guards. So then I climbed back up that shaft and I just lobbed a mine at their feet and fucking blew it up and walked out. - Nice. - And so I think the way that you're supposed to, the way that you're supposed to do this is you're supposed to switch the gun out and then lob the gun, lob a mine into the scaffolding that he was talking about and bring that specific scaffolding down because otherwise when you bring the chandelier down you're gonna kill a guard as well. - Yeah, and the one I bring down just kills just the guy. - See, now I saw him when there was twice 'cause there was one time when he was running down the aisle he ran by himself. There was no guard. But the time that I actually had the mine planted there was a guard and I ended up killing the guard as long as long as along with him, which on my difficulty level still gave me silent assassin rating. - Yeah, I killed all four guards in him with that second mine I lobbed up there. - Yeah. - So just from roaming around I found a passage that went back directly behind the stage where I had a clear shot. - That's what I'm saying, that's where I was. That's where I was when I lobbed the mine. - Right, so. - Right right behind the stage. - So, and so I saw that area and I was like, well okay, this is where I'm gonna kill that guy. And so I went and started searching around and then I found this spot that you were talking about placing the bomb so I was like, okay, well I'll place the bomb, went down, killed that guy and then saw the dude go up on stage and I was like, oh, just do the line from down here. - Mm-hmm, that sounds like a much easier way than the way I did it. Like I thought I, by the time I was done and by the time I did it the way that I did it, I felt kind of like I choreographed a ballet and like executed it perfectly. But it wasn't worth the effort. - You did, I had mine with Sloppy. I was like, ah, now he's up there. - Yeah, I'm with him. - Yours was more sloppy, but honestly I don't think mine was worth the effort that I put into it. - My first feud, oh sorry. - No, no, go ahead. - I was gonna say like my first few times trying it, I tried to pick the lock onto the balconies and I was gonna try to snipe them both 'cause I thought you had to have your sniper rifle. - I will see you up there though. - Yeah, they see me instantly, so it's the deal. - Yeah. - The way I did it is essentially the same way that Matt did it. But we actually had a listener who did it in a way that I had no idea you could do. Which is actually more clever than all of us put together. - Nice. - And more terrifying. So this is from Big Steven, I think Big Steven, he spills it with numbers. During the mission curtains down, you arrive in front of the opera house and you're supposed to go to the guard and get the real war war two pistol and have no weapons on you. If you equip the remote detonator before the mission, you can go towards the bathroom on the right from the front desk and you'll see a technician come up towards the bathroom, which we all know. - You're more machine where this is going. - He will then put his toolbox down on the ground outside the bathroom, go over to it and plant the bomb. Make sure no one sees you and then walk away. The guy comes back towards toolbox and then continues to walk through the security era and then a little comet cutscene happens to the bottom left and shows him walking by a tour of the opera house. You can then detonate the bomb and kill the whole security force or make them think that it's a terrorist suicide bombing or something. - Whoa, that's what they all rush over there? - Yeah, they all rush over there. You can then walk right in, shoot the target or dispose of them somehow and you win the mission. On the newspaper after the mission-- - Well, what about the actor though? - I think that it might kill the actor when the bomb goes off. - But how do you, oh, so when they're like on stage or something when a tour group is on stage? - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - On the newspaper after the mission, it says terrorist bombs opera house. - Dude, that's awesome, that's a really cool way to do it. - And then to add to that, another way he played off of that is after the bomb goes off, paramedics will come and then start to body bag the dead people. You can literally play dead and get in a body bag. - Holy shit. - I had no fucking idea that you could do that. - Dude, that's awesome. - How do you play dead? - And I guess you just go to a bag and hit play dead or something, like with a contact sensitive button. - So do they take you to a back room in the back of the opera house and from there you can wake up and go find your target, which is pretty awesome. - Dude. - I had no idea. - That is so cool. See, that's the kind of stuff that I love that they put into this game, but it would require so much experimenting to figure out unless like it just occurred to you. - A crazy chance situation. - Yeah. I wish there were just a few more hints and clues and stuff like that. Maybe I'm getting old and I want my gaming spoon fed to me where I didn't when I was younger, but. - I just think we're at a point where it's a delicate line for developers to walk between making people feel stupid and making them feel clever. If they tell us too much, we think, oh thanks, I couldn't have figured that out on my own and they don't tell us enough. It's like, how the fuck am I supposed to figure this out? - Right. - But it's a totally valid criticism and it is something that can be a challenge playing through the game. - Yeah. - But. - Still, that's awesome. - Yeah, I had no idea that you could go for a big Steven. - Yeah. Big Steve 3N or something. - I just want to notice like a joke article in the newspapers, something about like, Kat's spur killing something. - Oh yeah. - That an explosion was caused by a cat. - Some? - Yeah. - There was like a gas main leak and it was an extremely fluffy cat and it moved and sparks flew off. That's firm and killed five people. - Let's move to the next mission 'cause that's probably the one that takes the most flat line explaining. - Okay, so flat line takes place in a rehab clinic, which is kind of a fun spot. One of the Easter eggs I like are one of the sort of foreshadowing for Waiter missions is as you walk in, you hear guards talking about. - Albino? - Albino, yeah. - Albino doctor. - Yeah, yeah, Albino doctor. - And then you hear the nurse talking about it too. - Yes. - The doctor in the entryway. - I didn't hear the nurse talk about it. - And that actually plays into something later in the level. But I think it shows you the albino between missions between-- - I didn't see an albino at all. - There's a guy reading a newspaper that sees that you killed someone and smiles who's wearing glasses. - That guy was an albino? - Yeah. - That guy. - I couldn't tell by the art. - He's awfully yellow for an albino. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah. - So the point of the rehab mission is that you don't know your target and there's an agent that was in there before that's supposed to be reporting back that knows who you're supposed to kill. So you have your mission in this one, which is something that they do a lot in this game that they didn't do in other ones is to rescue someone and to complete an assignment. So, I mean, I'm curious as to how you guys did this mission. - Yeah, you two should go first 'cause I'm pretty sure me and Arthur did it in fairly similar ways because I've watched Arthur do it, which is kind of how I got you. All right, you go first, Tyler. - You've seen how I work. (laughing) - He knows your methods. - I mean, I beat it a long time ago as well, but I probably didn't do it as smooth as I did this time. - Cool, yeah, so as far as I've gotten, I'm actually to the part where you find the agent. So that's as far as I've gotten. But basically, what I did casing the joint was in the briefing, they mentioned two of the targets that you're supposed to get are drinking alcohol, right? And so-- - Well, I think the premise is that they're all alcohol. - They're all alcoholics, but the two that you're supposed to hit are sneaking alcohol. - And it shows one guy sneaking alcohol out of a globe-- - Out of a globe, and they're all in obviously colored robes as well. - Yeah, they're robes are different colors. I think, and if you look around the level, I actually think you can find other places where he's sitting out-- - Yeah, right. Well, the guy in the turquoise robe, the way I found out he was drinking, I didn't see it through a cutscene, but I followed him. You know, I just like, he was lifting weights, and he went outside by the pole, and he ducked down by the statuary, was like, stash the bottle and took a drink. So I was like, okay, that's another target. So for him, I just waited till all the guards were gone while he was doing the bench press. I just wanted to, like, the bench press and fucking choke them out, that's how I did it. - Yeah, me too, by knocking the weight over and crushing his history. - Yeah, but I show you that, too. In the, I'm like, they obviously showed me this scene in the movie to show that I can, like, or the, not the movie, sorry. They do the little-- - The attract mode, or whatever. - Yeah, well, no, they do the little split screen. - Oh, that he's lifting weights. - That is lifting weights. I'm like, oh, well, clearly I can kill him by dropping the weights on him. - Right, yeah, and the same with the guy who's sneaking alcohol from the globe, but there, I just kind of, like, looked around and saw the chandelier. And I was like, okay, go up there. - All right, I think I killed him as well. - And, yeah. - The third one's the hardest. So I haven't got to him yet. - See, I thought I could poison the alcohol. - You can poison the alcohol. - It totally wouldn't let me do it. Like, maybe I was, like, looking at the wrong area. - I, yeah, I mean, I definitely poisoned the alcohol. But you have to be super careful when you do it, otherwise I'm gonna fucking see you with a syringe in your hand and that will help, bro. - Yeah, I feel like the thing in the third guy that's cooking, the way I killed him is, sorry, Tyler. - Oh, no, no, I-- - Is that this guy too? - It is the guy that was cooking. I just walked up into his room and he left. And I think at the time, I was wearing a security guard outfit so I could go in and out. And so I walked in and I just sabotaged the gas so that when he came back and cooked, he couldn't get him to blow him up. - Cool, exactly. - And so, in the meantime, while that was going on, I walked out to go get the agent. I mean, wait, I was like, I'm already gonna be out of this building. You'll just kill yourself at some point. - Awesome. - What'd you do with pretty much everybody, except for the guy that's lifting weights, you can just lap, lay your trap and let them kill themselves. - Yeah. See, yeah, that must have happened to me because after I set the C4 with the chandelier, the guy who's standing over the globe, I found that room with the food there. And I was like, oh, okay, fix the gas. And so I just did it. There was no one in the room. I didn't know that guy was cooking. - Yeah, if he's not dead, he will be soon. - That's amazing. - He'll come back and he'll blow himself up. - I'm sure as soon as I load up, I'll see that. - Although I kinda wonder if that actually affects your rating on the difficulty that I'm doing it on. - What, blowing him up? - Yeah. - Instead of... - I mean, because they find his body. This is another situation where they throw him up. - So what I did also is I snuck past that. So the way I did it is I snuck past that security guard that's in the screen room, I was watching the TV, went out the window, broke the power box so that he comes outside, syringed him. So he passed out, took his uniform, put him in the guard can. And at that point I took the closed caption videotape, which is 'cause that affects your rating. - Assuming that the camera ever sees you. If the camera never sees you. - But I just take the tape, just. - Which I actually found the VCR in the tape totally by accident. Just because I did the same thing. You did Anthony is I snuck by that window and I did the fuse box and he came out there and I syringed him and took his uniform and then I signed it to the office. - You want to be careful that the door to that room isn't open when you take the videotape because if anyone sees you touch that VCR, you will go instant red and people will try to shoot the shit out of it. - Right. - Wow. Well, I'm glad that the- - So once I had the security guard uniform, I went down to the very bottom and that basement where it's all orderly is in security guard. - Oh, early? - Yeah, and I suited an orderly down there. It's what I did. And so once I suited an orderly, then I went into the thing and poisoned the agent, came back out, suited the guard again, went upstairs, left the whole premises because at this point, people were going to blow themselves up and then I got my main suit out by the front garbage cans 'cause I don't know, that's how I got in the hospital. - Oh, okay. So the way that you got an orderly or not an orderly, but a patient robe is that in the beginning, you went off to the right- - I saw the guy right by the dumpsters. - You used a patient robe? - Yeah. - I used the patient robe. - Like right past where the morge is or whatever? Like there's a little, there's a dumpster and some rocks and a guy that's sort of hiding over there and you can arrange him. - I switched him. - Did you pick up the admissions? - Yeah, see, I snuck behind the guy smoking on the the overlook and took his admission papers. - He has a patient card. - Yeah, see, I saw that there and I picked it up but I never used it. So I assumed that you can use that to like, in yourself. - Yeah, you use that and you go to the nurse at the front desk and you give it to her and she shows you into a room with patient's robes on the floor. - Yeah, I just never used that. - Yes, I didn't do that at all. I just syringe that guy out there and walked her in. They didn't care. They're like, all right, thanks. - Cool, see, but I mean, if you do it that way, if you take the admissions papers and suit up, you get fucking metal detector before you go into the building. - Yeah, they have to check. - Oh, well I got metal detector too but I didn't have anything, so it was fine. - I was super math sick. (laughing) - And so I did the silver bar. - And so I had the morgue. And then I went to the morgue and at this point, no, at this point I still had the security guard out of it because like I said after I got done with the orderly stuff, I sued the security guard, ran out there, that way I could go right into the morgue, gave the guy a shot, went back and got my hitman uniform. - And then back into the morgue. - But that's hard because then people can see you 'cause you're in your normal suit. - Today? - So I threw a coin and then just fucking went through and okay. - Today, did they give you shit when you were in your suit and tried to go into the morgue? - Yeah. - Oh, 'cause I totally, I was able to go into the morgue without them saying anything. - Me too. - Yeah, I walked, like, 'cause I learned from the last two missions to pick up my suit just to not lose the $5,000. - Yeah. - 'Cause I don't lose my silent assassin rating since I'm on the lower difficulty, but I was like, - That and man, you gotta figure that that would be pretty damning evidence if at all these murders, they find a fucking suit with a red tie. - Yeah, no shit. What the fuck is this? Who loses like a $5,000 suit? - And it's the same suit. - Yeah, man. - But I did, I did mostly the same as you Anthony, like I did do the, like, I killed the one guy with the dumbbells and the barbell, I mean. - You had to be super careful when you do that though. 'Cause I just walked into the room and did it. - Yeah, you lucked the fuck out because there are so many people that there's a lot of foot traffic around the show. - Yeah, there is. - And if you, I mean, if they, I mean, obviously, there's no way to back out of what you're doing. I mean, you commit once you're strangling that guy. There's no, it's like, oh, sorry. (laughing) I was trying to spot him in the bottom of my hands. Like in other places, if you fuck up, you might go to yellow and walk away. - True, but I had the security guard uniform and I used the security guard through, like, almost this whole mission until, like I said before, when I tried to go into where the, into the medical wing and like I got spotted or whatever. I was like, what the fuck? I'm in a security guard. - Staining on an orderly uniform. - So I figured I needed an orderly uniform. And like, I didn't know about the underground area. I looked at the maps eventually and I was like, oh, there's an underground tunnel and everything. I never used any of that shit. I ended up, all I did is climb through the window into the orderly's office. I syringed the, the orderly. - And this is exactly what I did. - Yeah, there's a body bin right there. - You just had to be careful that his partner doesn't see you. - Right. - And that didn't happen to me either. It's like, I didn't even know he had a partner. But anyway, like I, I dragged him out of his chair, stole his uniform, stowed his body. Nice. And then I went to the, then I syringe the guy, went back and got my suit. And just like Arthur, I walked straight into the morgue and then just got the guy and walked out the exit. It was super easy. - Yeah, you, I mean, another thing that I found out you, on this difficulty, you have to be careful with is when you hit the guy with the experimental serum, the agent that gives you the identity of the person that you have to kill. Even though you end up killing all of them, if you're smart, because it's free money. - Right. - If you're not careful, one of the orderways that are doing rounds in those other rooms will fucking see you and that will put you straight to red. - Wow. Yeah, actually I had already killed all the guys before I even got the target. - Because I mean, if you played through it before you know that there's no penalty for killing all of those guys. So I mean, the, if you're, if you're playing quickly, like you'll get your outfit, you'll poison the dudes, alcohol in the globe, you'll run upstairs to your room, run around outside into the guy with the gas stove, fucking sabotage his shit, go downstairs, take the guards uniform, rescue the dude, come back out, crush the guy with the fucking weights and then run out. - Oh wait, there were three people to kill? - Yeah. - I think I only killed two. - There's the dude who drinks out of the globe. - Right. - I got the chandelier on him. - Yeah, which, with your magically invisible explosives. - Right. (laughs) - There's the guy, the guy who is the actual target is in the room next door to you with the gas stove. - I thought I only killed two guys. - There's a guy in a blue robe, a guy in a pink robe and a guy in a green robe. Man, I do not remember killing three people on that stage. - You killed a component triplets. - You might have done what I did and like set the gas stove. - Without even realizing that you're like. (laughing) - 'Cause in this game, I think you should be the opportunity to sabotage the man. That's so quick, wouldn't you? - This looks like it might kill somebody. Oh, I have to do that. (laughing) It's like walking around and sticking forks and homes of newborns and shit and like in their power outlets. - Yeah, that's in the next Hitman game. She'll take the protectors off of outlets. (laughing) But yeah, then you, yeah, I just stood that way and ran out and grabbed that from work. - But I had to kill them to pass the mission, right? - Exactly, because he is your target. - I seriously don't remember how I did that then. - And to call attention earlier to what we were talking about as you walked in, the albino is the guy that pretended to be a doctor that knocked the agent up on psychotropics. - Right, yep. - 'Cause yeah, you hear the, I walked into the entrance and I didn't bother to get admitted or anything like that, but I did trigger the, 'cause I walked in from the other side as the skiing guard and I triggered the conversation between like the nurse and the doctor and they're talking about the albino doctor. - Yeah. - She's like, "I don't like him, he's scowy." - And then of course, the other thing that you're hearing as the game goes on is in the opera house, in French, you hear about the vice president dying in a car crash, which is also in the newspapers. - Yeah, I figured they were saying something on the radio and you hear like, (speaking in foreign language) talking about something. - And then you hear on the radio and the rehab clinic, you hear them talking about the Senate hearings over confirming a new vice president. - Okay, so where are we playing up to for next week? - I am trying to remember the order of the levels. Give me a second. (singing in foreign language) - Is it just me or does it seem like all like the guards and dogs have one face model? - Yeah, so does everybody. - There's like maybe three or four models at any one stage and then all of it gets very different. - Yeah. - That's what I'm saying, this is still a game you could tell was made like on a PSN engine that would work for PSN. - Exactly, I mean, this is one of the first games that came out on the 360 after the launch window and in some ways, in some spots, it looks fine. Like you can tell that they amped up the effects and like the lighting and stuff like that. - But there are other times where you're like (laughing) playing on my PC, you know, it's, especially the agent, his face, it looks cool. Like I don't know, they're, you know, it looks ridiculous though. When you see the people dragging bodies and body bags, bodies are fucking flopping everywhere, like it's a dead fish. - Yeah, I mean people talk about Kane and Lynch being, they're like, oh, it just looks like Hitman but if you fucking look at Hitman, blood, money and Kane and Lynch are like, they really did some work on their engines. (laughing) - We will be playing through a new life, a murder of crows and you better watch out, which are some of the best levels of the game. - Oh, cool. - So three more? - Yeah, three more. They're 12 missions, not including the tutorial. - It's one of these, the one that's like a crazy dinner party, they're like where there's a guy in a spa. I don't know, when we finally get to the mission. - The one, basically the one that takes place at the Playboy Mansion. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's the mission that we're playing through. - Okay, yeah, because you better watch out. - That one is the one I did the most violent out of any of them ever, so. - Awesome, since you guys have already played through, y'all will have to be sort of the intel for us. - No, man, that's, I mean, a lot of the fun is trying to figure out all the different ways and if we tell you how to beat it, then you're just gonna do it that way. And obviously there are so many ways to beat so many of these missions. - That's really what's amazing about this game and I think we're all it's flaws. I mean, it's really interesting, you know? - Yeah. - Very few games that are giving that much options. - Totally, there's clearly a very wide possibility space that they are hoping people take advantage of. It's just my problem with it so far, so that possibility space is too opaque for me to really enjoy as much as I would otherwise. - It also reminds me a little bit of my first experience with Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation 1, just how every room in the game and every sort of level in the game, there was, you were given so many options of how to advance, you know, but whereas here in Hitman, it's sort of like, you know, you have your targets. So it's a little more pointed, but yeah. - Awesome, well, I'm still liking it so far despite the little frustration. - I mean, it gets, the levels get crazier and much more open, so. - All right, so I guess that's where we're gonna start for this week. - We're on Rudy Tooty. - Another three missions for next week. - Get to it, it just, phew, back in it. - Back in it. ("Pomp and Circumstance") ♪ O say does that star-spangled banner yet ♪ ♪ O say does that star-spangled banner yet ♪ ♪ O say does that star-spangled banner yet ♪ ♪ O say does that star-spangled banner yet ♪ (singing in foreign language)