Rebel FM

Rebel FM Game Club - Gun - Episode 1

Broadcast on:
05 May 2009
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Welcome to the first episode of our Game Club series on Gun! In this episode we give our general impressions of the game so far, and give it some context as we talk about our experiences up to the saloon battle with the Red Hand Gang, and read some of your comments. For the next episode, be sure to play through the fall of Hoodoo! And remember, the main storyline in Gun is short! If you want to get your money's worth, play through some sidemissions and tell us your thoughts.
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> [FOREIGN] >> [FOREIGN] >> Welcome, welcome to the game club. This is a first edition for a gun. >> We need to figure out our naming conventions for these things. It's like, is it addition or volume or? >> Does it matter? You're listening to it because you played up through the first part of gun. I doubt you could give two shits about the naming conventions which we use. >> And a volume can only be multiple editions of something else, right? Or multiple releases, you can't have like a volume one that is only made up of one part. >> Can you? >> Do you need to watch up? >> Yeah, to refresh my memory on all the shit that happens. >> Okay, so we played through the first part of gun. >> No, we didn't really play through a lot at all. >> It was a joke. >> Okay, I played up through where you defeat the red hand gang outside of the saloon. >> Right. >> So that's where you should be if you're caught up. >> And I actually found out that it wasn't a lot by the fact that my game crashed, and this game does not auto-save. So I ended up having to go back. And when I skipped all the cutscenes, because I didn't watch any of them, I'm trying to get back through to play it for Game Club. Suddenly I was like, wow, that only took me like maybe half an hour to get back to where I was. >> Arthur, take us into a lead discussion about general discussion of what everyone thought about the game so far in general. >> So the Anthony comments that I was all good and prepared before the show. >> By Anthony. >> We wanted to be professional, and we failed. >> Well, it's funny, Matt, that you mentioned that it crashed on you, because I got all the way to the point where we're playing, which is to the first saloon you encounter, which you're defeating the red hand gang, right? >> Yes. >> And I was in the quick draw session with the last guy, and the game froze, and I assumed it was auto-saving, it was not. >> Yeah, no, it doesn't do it all along. >> Yeah, this game had auto, okay, when did Gun come out? What did you do? >> November 2005. >> 2004, but like 2005 even. 2005 seems to me like it should, I don't know, how long have we been really expecting games to just auto-save our progress? >> I feel like Halo is the first game that people played that autosaved so consistently that you never had to save, because you couldn't save any other way. >> I don't know if it was Halo. Halo's probably the one that sticks out the most to us, but what's Halo the first game? >> Okay, so you say I don't know that it was Halo, but do you have any other suggestions as to what it might have been? >> No, I'm just saying that your natural inclination is to say that it was Halo. >> [LAUGH] >> Also, I played with consistency. >> Also Halo in 2012 will save us from the end of the Mayan calendar. >> [LAUGH] >> It turns out to be true, at least I'm not the guy masturbating to Pyramid Head, okay? >> I thought maybe Arthur was a little put off by the large obelisk I brought from his mom's closet. >> Wait, what, you? >> [LAUGH] >> I'm very sorry that you're spending that kind of time with it. >> No, actually, this is my back roller, that's all. >> You have a back roller? >> I'm like an old man. >> Look, I would just be happy that you were spending time with a girl. >> That's true. Okay, so what did I miss? >> Crashes, crashes, we were just talking about crashes. >> You guys had crashes? >> Matt, I had the same crash. >> Yeah. >> Or where exactly did you just crash? >> No, no, I didn't happen there, mine, you know, I don't even remember. No, it was on the Steamboat, it was on the Steamboat just before Ned gets killed. And I haven't had any crashes, it's been good to me despite the fact that it looks a little ugly. >> Is it bad that my inclination when you said Ned got killed is to like, oh, spoilers and then think, that's right, this whole podcast. >> [LAUGH] >> Well, Ned dies in like the first three minutes of the game. >> Yeah, he does. >> If we ever wanna rename the podcast, we can just call it spoilers. >> [LAUGH] >> Spoilers, session one. >> So before we get into general impressions of the game so far. >> First edition. >> Edition volume episode. >> [LAUGH] >> What platforms is everybody playing on? >> I'm playing on PC. >> PC, Tyler is playing on Xbox 360. >> And I'm playing on 360 as well. >> Yeah, I should have forced one of you guys to do PS2 or something. >> Yeah. >> Do you not like us? >> No, I'm just saying, you know, sometimes it's good to have a good sampling of. >> That's true. >> You know, I was gonna actually buy it for GameCube and play it on that. >> Well, we. >> Yeah, but it's actually $40 on GameCube used. >> My God. >> This was in 2005, so the print run was pretty minimal. >> Yeah, I know, I'm just saying who were the assholes that are like seeking out gun. They're making the price like so high. >> At this point, only people that are trying to build a complete GameCube collection, I'd imagine. >> Yeah, I guess so. >> That's gotta be a collector's price. There's no other explanation for it. >> Yeah, it was like priced the same as like Wind Waker. I mean, you know, it's like big on Wind Waker. >> Supply and demand. There is no supply and this is what they demand. >> So. >> Okay, so Tyler, let's start with you. What are your thoughts on guns so far? >> To me, it sort of, it totally makes me think of when I was a kid and I would go into the toy store and go to the toy aisle. And there, you know, you have your GIJOs and your space marines and your superheroes, and then there's like on the aisle behind all the current toys that all the kids want were the sort of generic cowboys and Indians toys. >> And that's almost how I view that game, this game. But I don't want to say that in a pejorative way. There's a charm to that. And that's the thing that even though my game crashed on me, to the right where the point I needed to be, I had no reservation going back. Because I don't know, there's just something really charming about this game in the same way that there's something really charming about like bully. Bully might have been more technically sound. >> Charm is what we aim for. >> Yeah, but you know, I don't know, it brings you back to going to Toys R Us as a kid. That's really my impression of the game so far. >> Wow, that's cool. >> Gun is a game I bought day one when it came out for the original Xbox. >> I never played. >> I fought, no, I've beaten gun. I've been going out of it because it's beaten gun. >> You bought it for the first Xbox, the first Xbox, the day came out. I remember watching it like an E3 trailer for it and being like I will buy and play that game day one because I had loved Red Dead revolver so much as well. >> And this one looked like Red Dead revolver but more serious, which in a way it is. Like it's still kind of like an action game before a serious cowboy game. But I mean the subject matters like serious, much more serious. >> Got preachers murdering horse right off the get-go. >> Right, although I don't think he's actually a preacher. So he just wears the robes that don't make you a preacher. And he has a giant cross on his chest. >> In case there was any doubt. >> Right, yeah. >> I guess the collar wasn't enough. >> It just scares my cross. >> I'm gonna wear the official armor of Jesus. >> I am Jesus man. >> And there is a bit of a verse that talks about putting on your fucking armor of righteousness. >> I think that's probably in call for us more than this. >> Yeah, yeah. >> Or he literally has armor of righteousness. >> I love gun, yeah, he doesn't hold up as well graphically as I thought the PC won. The settings you can change are pretty limited. >> Yeah, they're actually a lot of people that we're complaining about. The best resolution you can do is not even 720. It's like 12 something, I'm not even sure. >> No, I mean, I chose the highest resolution, I think the highest that was 1600 by 1200. >> No. >> Because on the steam version. >> Okay, I don't know, I don't even remember being that. Maybe it was the high, but. >> I mean, I was just disappointed that I couldn't do it in widescreen. Because there's no such thing as a Western, or in this case, a Western themed game. That shouldn't display wide expansive vistas. It's the, when I think Western, I think like the searchers. >> When you put it that way, that's fuck, man. >> [LAUGH] >> No, I mean, you're right. It is that is sort of the whole idea of the Western of these broad expanses of space. And like, the airplanes. One explanation I do have is that I was actually looking through Anthony's install of the game and the steam folder thinking, okay, well, I'm gonna try to look for music to use for our podcast bumps. And all the music is in a format I'd never seen before and I looked it up and it's actually an Xbox audio file format. >> Whoa. >> So basically it's an Xbox port. >> Right. >> Yeah, I mean, the PC one came out day and day with the Xbox one, I think. So it wasn't like they ever redid it when the 360 one came out, right? >> Well, they did redo it or they have different assets for the 360 version since everything is kind of interesting. >> That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying they redid the PC one. >> Yeah, yeah. >> The PC and the Xbox one came out day and day with Xbox. >> And then the Xbox 360 one came out like a month later because the system came out like a month afterwards. >> So is the 360 one, does it basically look like the Xbox one does or did they ask or are there any comments? >> It's higher as textures and it's in wide screen. >> Okay. >> Well, I wish that was the one they ported to PC then, that's a bummer. >> I think that it was at that point it wasn't as clear cut porting from 360 to PC. >> Right. Well, and I'm sure that at that point they already moved on from the project. >> True. >> And I'm not playing on PC so I don't know much about how much the resolution affects it, but judging from coming off Bully, which was also a original Xbox game, I have to say Bully's visuals I think are much superior to the visuals and gun, but still, I don't know, they're not really much of a problem, I don't know. >> No, it's actually really easy for me to look at the visuals and think, all right, these are last gen graphics, this is a last gen game, and even though the characters all make the same kind of general motions when they're talking to you and things, and there's no lip syncing and there isn't really any motion capture except in some of the cutscenes. A lot of that stuff, I'm looking at it and I'm thinking to myself that if somebody put this game out today, I'd be like, oh, this is shit, but looking at the game in the context of its time period allows me to look past that into the rest of the game, which I'm actually really enjoying, and I like the story and I like Anthony said, I like the more serious cowboy nature of the story, and I'm really hoping that it leads somewhere as satisfying as it seems to in the beginning. >> As the setup is, yeah, because the setup is really, really well done, I really enjoy the characters, and I gotta say that it gave me a little bit of a thrill that they say Montana in 1880, and they say Blackfeet territory, because my childhood was actually spent in Idaho and to a much lesser extent in Montana, and my hometown is actually Blackfoot, Idaho, so all these little name references kind of meant something to me, but then once you move past, like that opening area, then you're kind of in generic Western land, doesn't really seem anywhere specific anymore. >> That's what Montana looked like before it was development. >> No, because if you look in the vistas, it has the Utah's Monument Valley in the background, which is like, oh, am I now in Utah, or is it just because they just wanted to be everywhere Western all at once in one game, which is okay too, right? >> One of the things that helps, even though the graphics are obviously last gen, is that one thing that became more and more important toward the end of the last generation that seems to have been forgotten in a lot of cases now, which we've talked about before on Rebel is that they went with strong visual design, and there's really strong sort of character so wets to identify things, and I mean, they tried to make the most of what they have, and it may not be the most realistic thing, but there's character, it's almost all the moments. >> Yeah, and you've even totally tried. >> And just look at the first hour of gameplay where we played until it started off in a sort of heavy forest area with a lot of buffalo around, and then by the time you get to the town, you're in this desert area, so the variation's really welcome, and it's very soothing for the game. >> Yeah, I think so too. >> Well, and I did think that the voice acting sold me on the characters even more than the models did. >> I had forgotten about the voice cast in this game until we started talking about it again, but it was like a really great cast. >> Well, I mean, the two hero characters are obviously cast, but I don't know about the other ones. I don't know. I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just saying they're not as easily recognizable. >> Right. >> Well, I mean, I think for fans of genre movies, a lot of the names are well known. Like Brad Durriff might not be known to a lot of you guys, but for genre fans, he's pretty well known, and Lance Henriksen is pretty well known. >> Genre fans, meaning what? >> Like people who are into exploitation and horror, and like spaghetti westerns and stuff like that. >> Like Brad Durriff is known in the horror world pretty well. >> I'd be surprised if people don't know Lance Henriksen. >> Yeah, I mean, right, Bishop. >> Yeah, exactly. >> And he was also in another western, although he wasn't nearly as much of a badass in it. >> And he was a bishop in that, right? >> No, I mean, he was the quick and the dead. >> The quick and the dead. >> Yeah. >> He was Sharon Stone, Sam Raimi's western that wasn't that great, but it had its moments. But yeah, the voice casting is pretty inspired. >> Mm-hm. And it's funny to me because I feel like the setups of the story, you know, are this serious western movie. But then when I get into the action sequences, they're so ridiculous, and I don't mean that as a knock on the game, because I think they're really fun. You know, I like going into my slow motion and going headshot, headshot, headshot. And I think that the combat system is really well done. It makes you feel like a badass gunslinger. >> Right. >> And it's like if you don't have enough of your slow motion built up and you charge into a group of like five guys, you're going to get gunned down really fast. But if you can master the situation and use your quick draw and take care of it, then it's like, okay, I'm a badass gunner, but they'll throw like 30 guys at you, and then like that'll be the first phase of the mission, and then they'll throw 30 more. So like not only are you a badass gunman, but you are like, you are like the power of Jesus and Satan combined come to bring law and order to the west. >> Right. >> So very least wanton destruction. And strangely enough, I would have thought that if somebody had told me about the way that the action sequences break up the story sequences, I would have said, oh, that has to ruin the game. But it totally doesn't because I think they must just hold up on their own. >> Yeah, I like the shooting in it a lot, I mean. >> It's extremely forgiving the shooting, I feel like all you have to do is get a red mark on your reticle and that's it, like you know your shots going to hit. >> If it were harder, it might break up the story more. >> I think if it has to be really forgiving, especially when you're like riding fast on a horse and stuff because it would be impossible to hit anyone ever. >> Right, yeah. >> And there's definitely auto tracks too, especially, you notice it's really big on the PC version, I don't know about the other versions, but there will be some guy riding really fast on his horse and I'll point out my rifle at him and he'll run through my reticle and the reticle will start following him and I don't even have to move the mouse. And I don't know how far or how long that goes because usually I've shot him by then. But I actually appreciate that. >> Yeah, and just the strength of the game in general is that they sort of, every element of action that you would want in a Western is present, like we're talking about the shooting. It's got that very sort of copyright Western, you know, dug behind cover, pop out of cover, shoot a little bit, slide out to the side and even that looks almost like a shooting gallery. >> It does, I mean, you literally slide out like a robot. >> But in a way, I think it's a little endearing in that sense, I feel like some of the action sequences are supposed to feel like shooting galleries and some of them are supposed to feel like chase sequences and I think that's really one of the strengths of the game as the setting. >> I hate to bring up bully again, but I guess just because it's the last one that we talked about and we do kind of try to talk about our games and contexts and themes, you know. >> Right. >> That seems to me a lot like what gang club is about and this reminds me about what you said about this game being endearing in the same way that bully is. When we first were talking about bully, I think probably our first or second episode, we were talking about like the movies that it reminded us of and how bully was clearly a labor of love and I feel that this is the same kind of situation. These are like, this movie was made by people who clearly love the kind of philosophy and the kind of feeling that came out of this spaghetti western scene for lack of a better word. >> Well, it seems like it's -- >> It's halfway between spaghetti western and the sort of western revival movement that was going on between maybe '99 and 2006 and maybe not so much now, but movie is like open range and stuff like that. It's in deadwood of course, just in mind. >> Right. I haven't seen deadwood. I feel like I'm missing it. >> I've only seen little bits and pieces, but it's so infamous at this point. >> Yeah. >> It's infamous because of its over-abuse of swearing, like it really works. It's a point where just look on YouTube and people make montage videos of it because it's so absurd. >> Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck for a minute and a half. >> I think this is -- this may be one of the only new intellectual properties that never soft had the chance to work on between Tony Hawk and what they're doing now. >> Yeah. >> I can't think of anything between Tony Hawk and now guitar hero. >> Right. So, yeah. So let's jump into the game. Starts you off and you and your dad hunting. >> You -- >> Paul. >> Thomas Jane and Chris Kristofferson in the forest. >> Paul. >> Right. >> Which I pretty much read from the get-go, like, all right, this guy's going to get killed either for fake or for real. >> Of course, yeah. >> And the first ten minutes. >> He's entirely too cussed to make it through the rest of the game. >> Exactly. I also thought that it was a truly accurate depiction of animal exploitation early on the fact that you're just like, oh, we're going to fucking shoot these -- all these deer, then we're going to shoot these birds. >> Yeah. >> And then we're going to kill every wolf we fucking see. >> Yeah. >> And we're doing it all so that we can sell stuff to the people coming down on the river boat. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. It was like, that's -- that's exactly what happened. That's exactly what used to happen. I mean, there's museums up in Montana and Idaho with this kind of stuff in them, you know, that tell you about this lifestyle. >> Yeah. There's a tone of exploitation that runs through the game, if I understand correctly. But before people become too angry at Neversoft or the game, there's a tone of exploitation that runs through that part of our history. >> Yeah. >> I was going to say, yeah. I mean, the fact of the matter is if they get mad, if they get mad because all the women in it and our whores and stuff like that, it's because a lot of women back then did do stuff like that to get by and it's a horrible truth, but, you know -- >> Well, and, you know, to -- but on the same side, like, I actually have -- I have only seen one female model so far that wasn't a whore, and that was for this particular side mission. >> It's like, I think it seems to me, like, so far anyway, they've only made one or two female models, and they're both whores, and they're just duplicated around the town. >> They're all women in pedicots on the street. >> On the street. >> Yeah. >> Oh, on the steamboat, that's true. >> Yeah, it's just the -- most of the women -- >> I mean, like, on the street. >> -- most of the company you keep. >> [ Laughter ] >> It's the same company that Jesus kept. >> It's the circles that you're rolling with. >> Well, that makes an excellent point. >> Someone commented, I guess they heard -- I think they heard this while they were playing, but I didn't, is that later on during the fight with the Red Hand Gang, you hear someone yell out, "Well, I'm just attacking the whore, let's go save the whore!" >> Yeah, really? >> And, I mean, my slightly fuzzy recollection of my education of U.S. history notwithstanding, whores served a pretty important purpose, and were pretty valued. >> I mean, in the terms of the frontier and stuff, the ratio of men to women was pretty drastically -- it was like one woman to every 12 men or something like that, so I could see them becoming very attached to physical relations with a particular woman. >> Yeah. >> So, I mean, in a fucked-up frontier town, it's not that out of the realm of possibility that most of the women you would come across are of the oldest profession. >> I was gonna say, "Oh, I mean, why are they there?" Yeah, it's like, what were their jobs for them if they were married to the guy that did the storefront or something like that? >> Yeah. >> So, you and Ned, you shoot some elk. >> And you shoot some birds? >> And you shoot some quailies? >> And you shoot a fucking ton of wolves. >> It is pretty impressive that you're nailing quail with a handgun in the pedestal. >> And then it ends with you fucking -- it ends with you murdering a bear. >> Yeah. So, you're murder. >> You're like a bear. >> You're a face like 12 times. >> Yeah. That bear took a lot of headshots. >> Yeah. >> With the rifle. >> With the rifle. >> Yeah. >> And then gutting the bear. That's like when it goes to credit. >> I actually was hoping -- you know, I haven't run across -- because I actually played a little bit further than -- >> I think we all did from there. >> But I also, like, I was really hoping that there would be more, like, tracking kind of stuff in the game, like, because that was kind of the feeling that I got at the beginning of the game that, you know, maybe I was going to go and, you know, I could be a hunter as well. And, like, honestly, when I first started playing this game, I didn't know that it was an open-world game. Like, it's -- that's how little I knew about gun. >> I mean, I'm pretty sure later on there are missions that you do for an Indian, like, fur trader. >> Yes. >> And those are hunting missions. >> Yes. But they are. >> I mean, like, I just thought that it would be a little bit more stock and a little bit less Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I think it's definitely tilted more toward the latter. >> I feel like it's sitting in this place as far as accuracy of a movie, like "Tombstone." >> Yeah. >> Which isn't realistic at all in that respect. I mean, guns in the old west were not accurate. >> No. >> That's not completely true. There were pistols that eventually were much more accurate. >> Well, yeah. But they were rifled. >> That's what I'm saying. So it was so uncommon for a six-shooter to be rifled. It was a super expensive -- >> There were still some cults and stuff like that that were actually worth a damn. >> One of the things that Wyatt Earp was known for was his guns had, like, rifling on the barrels, and then -- >> So that's why you're accurate, and everyone else isn't. >> Exactly. >> You got a nice pistol. >> Well, speaking of, you know, rifling your pistols, it's super cool that -- >> It sounds like in you, Endo. >> Speaking of, this girl once told me that, like, if I really like that you can -- the whole weapon upgrade system that you can buy, then, like, that's the first thing I did is I went to the shopkeeper and I looked at the stuff, of course, and I was like, "Man, these are really cool upgrades. What upgrades did you decide to go with?" Because I sort of decided to, like, try and max out my pistols. >> Right. So, I don't know. >> The first -- the very first thing I did was I went and I bought a pickaxe and went looking for the gold mines that I'd passed on the way in. >> Yeah, yeah. >> So that's a good way to make money fast. >> Yeah, because they're only $10 a gold mine, but it's still cool, and, like, you can run across them. They seem to be pretty well scattered all over the place. And after that, I think I bought -- I bought both the rifle and the pistol damage upgrades and reload upgrades for both of them. >> Oh, so you had enough money for all that? >> Yeah. I mean, like, just the first level of both of those. That was it. >> Yeah. >> Because I also did a lot of the side missions before I did the story mission, you know? >> Oh, so you didn't go straight into the warehouse looking for Sadie? >> No. That's a good way to make money. So those wanted missions and stuff, because some of them are so close, some are in the town. >> Right, exactly. >> And they take, like, no time. >> Yeah, I think that this game club, people should be aware that if you want the experience to last, then it's going to require more of an investment on your part on looking for things to do. >> Yeah. >> It's not like Grand Theft Auto and that the story missions take you forever. The story can be gone through pretty quickly. >> No, I think you can actually probably blow through the story. If you just do story missions and you know what you're doing, you could probably get through it in, like, four or five hours. >> Which is fine, I mean, it's good that they have a movie type story that clips along at that pace if that's what you want, but I mean, if all you're doing is story, then you're not going to spend much time with it. >> Well, the train's coming to town. >> So after you kill the game, you and Ned get on board the steamboat. >> After you help to set species on their way to the end. >> And Ned. >> And Ned. >> Ned, what's up? >> Well, I was just curious, the guy that you ran into right after you got off the steamboat so the one who sort of introduces you to the, yeah, the horses, was he a part of the red head and gang? >> Dude, we'll get to him. >> Okay. >> He's just a part of his own, I think his own-- >> He's just a thug. >> Yeah. So you get on board the steamboat and, you know, your dad meets up with the steamboat board. >> The steamboat? >> The steamboat board. >> And then they look at something in the ship and say, yeah, and then you go to the back of the boat and the boat gets attacked by Civil War Indians. >> Okay, so this part, yeah. >> Right. >> So this is the Reverend, I don't remember his name, do you remember his name? >> I was just calling Reverend. >> That's the guy that's voiced by Brad Durif, the guy that did Chucky. >> Oh, wow, that's funny. >> Yeah. >> So he asked Sadie for where the item is. This is one of the few things in the game so far, yeah. >> Yeah. >> The item. I was like, oh. I've been video-game. >> Yeah. [LAUGHTER] >> You were doing so well done with your epic intro screen and your bare murders, you say the item. >> The item. >> Find me my McGuffins. >> Being of epic intro screen, did you sit there and just watch the background under the menu? >> No, it changes depending on where you are in the game. >> Okay, well, right in the beginning, it's really cool. I was just sitting there, because I was doing something else, and then I heard something going on. I look over at my computer, and there was some arrows that were going by, and then these >> Can we- >> No, no, I was trying to think of the animals run by. Or the Indians run by first, but I think like you see them run by and then the Native Americans. >> My understanding would be that the animals probably run by first. >> Right, but anyway, it's like these Native Americans going and hunting animals, and it's like this whole little scene that's just going on in the background, I thought that was cool. Sets a tone. >> There is, it just indicates a level of investment by Never Soft in the game, because you could tell that they really wanted to do it. >> So yeah, the Reverend Tom Hawks, Sadie in the back of the head through the bigger saw. >> Right. >> Yeah. >> And then Civil War Indians. >> Yup. >> Why, isn't it obvious immediately that they're crackers? >> That's the idea. >> That's the idea. >> As I'm saying, they're just guys that live by like semi, like fake ass Native American code. They're not doing it to fake that they are Native Americans because- >> Oh, really? >> No. >> Because they're still wearing Civil War caps and all that. >> Right. >> And they're not doing it for us. That's what's happening here. >> No, I just don't think- >> I just don't think they're ever supposed to assume that. They're just guys. >> Oh, yeah. >> I think they say something like that. Like those damn rebel guys or whatever, they call them rebels, they don't- >> Rebel confederates. >> Yeah, something like that. >> That's sort of a- >> And then you fight them off with a cannon. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Well, that's awful. >> I was going to say heads off of people and cutting them to pieces. >> Right. Which was cool. >> Partly over their heads actually, I'm actually disappointed because their heads don't get blown off as often as I remember. >> I don't remember who you'd use the rifle more. >> Yes. >> The rifle definitely- >> It's kind of the default controls in the PC are kind of a pain in the ass to zoom and do everything with them. >> Yeah, I had to reconfigure things so that they use all the buttons on my mouse. >> You're playing with a mouse and not the controller? >> Yeah. >> We have had people say in the comments that they enjoyed it a lot more with the controller than they did with the keyboard and mouse. >> But even the controller layouts pretty jank, like the reload on the left stick. >> That is an interesting choice. >> That's how it was on the original Xbox as well. >> For reload. >> Actually, you just get used to it after a while, I don't know. Plus in that game it was very common for me just to reload from running out of ammo. >> Which is fine but moving forward, never soft, reload is a face button. >> If I ideally hope you're hoping never soft gets a chance to work on an action game again. >> Yeah, I would really like that. >> Yeah, for real. >> Never soft. We like what you did. >> Moving off of gun, for real. >> You could talk to someone at Activision. >> They use the rapid fire cannon and blow up a million boats. >> Did anyone try to shoot the cannons in the fort? >> Yeah, you can't. You can't. >> I tried, but I tried. >> Okay, so I tried to. >> I mean, it's actually better to when the boats are approaching the canoes and you shoot the guys and not the canoe and you just see showers of blood. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> That was funny. >> Yeah. >> And it says like. >> Expensive kill times two. >> Yeah. >> Completely forgot about it. >> Yeah. >> It's like. Aww. >> It's definitely nice when you have, like I said, you run into a crowd of guys and you pop up your quick draw and if you're going like headshot, headshot, headshot and you're getting that combo, you can keep extending your quick draw. >> Right. The combo systems, how they recharge your quick time. >> It does make it, it does detract from the seriousness of the overall tone a bit when you see the score multipliers. >> Right. >> The action parts of it are very much detracting from it and then it's like from the seriousness. But then there are always like those weird moments where like you'll shoot a guy on the stomach and he'll be talking about like, he'll be like, dude, saying shit in agony. >> Oh yeah. >> And when you kill people, you don't necessarily kill them and they'll be like writhing in agony on the ground. >> And if I remember right about later in the game, it gets a lot worse too because I'm pretty sure when you reach the second town, there's a guy that will pay you for scalps. So then after that, when they're if they're writhing, you can walk up to them. >> Yeah, you can buy a scalping. >> And they scream in agony and they're like, it's like a terrible scalping. >> A lot of scalping. >> Jesus. >> Because I'm assuming that I can use it. >> Because you never know. >> Well, you make a ton of money. You get like a few bucks for every scalping. >> Wow. >> You scalping. >> I haven't killed someone. >> Witness or noticed anyone writhing in agony. >> Oh, if you shoot someone in the gut, a lot of times they'll just fall down and they'll say things like, I can't go on. >> Like you can't actually put them out of their misery. You just have to watch them right around these things. >> No, if you shoot them again, they stop. >> Not in my version. Like I tried. >> I shot them in the head, that might have been it. >> Yeah, like I shot them in like I, and then like he's writhing on the ground, I'm like. >> Bang, bang, bang. Have you guys still writhing on the ground? >> Blown limbs off besides the head yet. Like I don't know, I don't know, maybe the default rifle can't do it. But I know that later on in the game, when you do quick time, are you like, are you like slow down with a rifle and you zoom in? >> You guys will be running at you and you'll definitely take them off at the knee and just watch them tumble forward. >> Oh. [LAUGH] >> Amazing. >> This game. >> Some fallout shit. >> Or shooting a horse to the legs. >> So the guy comes tumbling like this and forced that. >> Yeah, I feel bad when I shoot horses in that game. >> Yeah, me too. >> Horses in that game are like cars in GTA. They literally appear at key points in the game. >> Yeah, they do. >> And they will always be there. >> Horses don't, cars don't nay or make sad noises when I ride them to the park. >> Trust me, later on when you have to do Pony Express missions for money, where you have to ride to X point by X time, you'll beat the shit out of that horse. There were literally times of the Pony Express that I would make it to my destination with the horse like falling forward dead. >> [LAUGH] >> Like I would be like, I'll just say it, boom, and the horse would just roll to death and I'd be like, all right. >> Okay, so now that I have a comment from someone on the thread, Reg says, I love the horse riding in this game. There's nothing more exhilarating than hammering at full speed through a tight canyon, and I think the controls find the right balance between realism and arcade. >> I don't know if I agree with that, because you can kind of power slide with your horse, which seems a little strange. >> [LAUGH] >> And also the fact that you can plow into buffalo and take them down with your horse seems a little. >> Which was really weird, because like, okay, so you're on the steamboat and then you find out, you know, Ned says, I hate your paw. >> Yeah. >> And then like, which by the way, I thought that was a really cool delivery of that line. And then- >> God damn it, that's what I'm trying to tell you. >> Yeah. >> I hate your paw. >> I heard for most grizzled voice acting, the comments of the game. >> [LAUGH] >> Yes, to Chris Kristoff or something. >> Right, exactly. >> And then like, you wake up and with honest, Tommy, he trains you how to use the horse. And one of the things he trains you how to do is to plow into buffalo and kill them with your horse. I'm like, I don't know if you've ever seen a buffalo in real life. >> A horse? >> Really? >> It's true about the horses, man. >> No, you can not plow into a buffalo with a horse and expect the horse to walk away afterwards. >> I mean, that's true. >> It's like plowing into a meter. >> Really weird. >> That's really weird. >> You can plow into a buffalo. You can plow into a man, though. >> Well, yeah, that makes sense. >> Man. >> Right. >> But I was like, he couldn't have trained me to like plow into like a thistle bush or something like that. Like he had to make me plow into a buffalo. I don't get it. >> That hurt. >> But I actually started doing that. Like, if I was in a horse battle with several guys, I would just start plowing into their horse and like kill the horse with my horse. It's like. >> Oh yeah, there are definitely times when guys would be in battles with me and I'd see them coming and I wouldn't even aim at the guy, just aim at the horse's face and then watch them. >> Jesus Christ. >> Okay. No. Does anyone in this room? >> Especially that that is the tactic that Anthony shows to Conan and the horse. >> Especially. Especially if it's a wanted mission, you have to take them alive. That's the best way. You just kill their horse. They fall. >> Like if you shoot the horse's front legs, do they rock it out of the saddle? >> As I'm saying, they tumble forward and the guy comes falling off and that's the best way to capture someone alive. >> First thing I think to do is shoot the horse in the face. >> I'm telling you, that game, horses are just fucking cars in GTA. >> Yeah. >> They really mean that. >> Yeah. To continue with what Rex was saying, you're kind of a whore with your horses, you're never going to attach just one. Always jumping in another one. >> That can be true. >> I'll be out of one almost to death and then just jump on to that game. >> I killed my first horse in the first race that you have. >> Why didn't you? >> Because I didn't realize you could hold down, even though it tells me on the PC version, hold down the L shift button to keep sprinting. For some reason, I was like, man, this guy is way fucking ahead of me. How come I can't catch him? My horse is going to die and I ended up killing him by sprinting too much. >> Yeah, yeah. I did the same thing, but then I realized like, oh, you just take the short cut since it's super easy. >> No, see, if you take the short cut, it mails you for cheating. >> No. >> I think you took too big of a shot. >> Maybe it was just like, I'll just cut to the net, though. >> Yeah. >> I didn't cut like across the middle of the thing. I stayed on the path like there are two breakaway paths in that first one. >> I was really satisfied with the horse controls overall. I mean, yeah, the plowing into things is kind of ridiculous. >> I'm just expecting to be cornered while I'm sitting in a saloon or something by a bunch of guys, I'm like, hanged for fucking horse wrangling. >> I actually, you know, and- >> They fucking hang horse thieves. >> Yeah, I know, but I did wonder that like I was walking around the town and I'm like, huh, I don't know where I left my horse, but I'm just going to take this one out in front of the saloon because I'll bet it doesn't matter. >> Yeah. >> It's not like an oblivion. >> I don't think they want it. I just think that you have to travel so much in that game. They didn't want that to happen. >> Yeah, whereas an oblivion, if you take one horse, guards will chase you to the ends of the earth. >> Yeah, I actually do really enjoy the idea of having a horse companion that's your own because like, you know, Otto, like in Shadow of the Colossus. >> Right, well, if they're going to do it, they needed a way for you to call it, is what they should have been. >> Right, I mean, like, it could have just been like, you know, he whistles really loudly. There's a shortcut scene where a horse runs up and then your horse is back. And like, that would make you feel like, I can't just charge into battle because they're going to shoot my horse until it's dead because that's happened to me a couple of times. >> On the other hand, I think they didn't want to encourage that kind of sentimentality. This isn't the lone ranger. >> True. >> Things are a lot bleaker. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> So maybe it's just context of the world that they're set up. >> So Ned throws you off the boat after telling you that he's not your father and giving you a token for a whorehouse. >> Right. And then you wake up. >> That's like mommy saying she doesn't love you and giving you a Chuck E. Cheese token or something. >> But yeah, we've basically already covered the next part. The next part is just really a source of horse tutorial from Honest Tom. >> Yeah. >> So it doesn't really get interesting until the gang comes out and turns on you. >> Yeah, and then he says finally. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> I thought I was going to have to ride with him somewhere. >> I mean, and even that, it was funny because it's like take out Honest Tom and his gang and Tom's like the first person I killed. >> Yeah, exactly. >> It wasn't like a boss or anything like that. >> No, it was like boom boom. >> You could just shoot him right in the head. >> Honestly, I was looking at Honest Tom and he was like red face. So I could tell like, oh, this guy's probably like an alcoholic. He's probably like a wild guy. I was like, I was hoping he would stick around. I was going to be an alcoholic if I lived in that time too. >> Yeah. >> I thought it was safer to drink. >> I wasn't minding it out. >> Yeah. >> Being around with a shabby alcoholic. >> You would have been a lot more fiend. >> So. >> Well, and also I do like how, the way that you heal yourself is you just take a chug of whiskey. >> Right. >> See, I knew I'd seen that in something before when I went to see wet, the way that Ruby in that game gets health back as she knocks back whiskey and through the air and shoots the bottle. I was like, where the fuck have I seen someone drinking whiskey for health before? >> Right. >> Let's see other game that's being developed right now that's sort of Western or depression era. It's like. >> Depression era? >> Like something in a 45. >> Oh, love in a 45. >> There's love in a 45, which is like on hiatus right now. >> And then there's another, yeah, it's coming out soon, which is another Western game. I can't think. >> Well, Red Steel 2 is coming out, which is this weird bastardization of anime in Western. >> And then there's Red Dead Redemption. >> Yeah. And there's Call of Waras 2. >> Call of War? >> Call of Waras 2? >> Yeah. >> Call of Waras 2, really? >> Yeah. >> Where you play as the two brothers before all the stuff. >> And then there's another one coming out where you play where it's published by South Peak, a camera, what it's called, but it's also a Western game. >> That's cool. I'm glad to see more in that genre coming out. >> Yeah. I mean, it's a good setting to explore. >> It is. And it's funny because you said, you know, during depression era, there are far and away eras in which video games are not set. And that would be another one. >> That is because it's hard to make them interesting, which brings me to another reader actually, or a listener actually brought this up. Mr. Justice says, of all the genres in gaming, I still think that the Wild West is far under used. It's America's fantasy setting of adventure, much like the medieval times of Europe or the base setting for so many high fantasy adventures. >> It's just that the fantasy setting of medieval times is more accurately, like, portrayed in the Wild West. There's never, like, a really big cowboy time or anything like that. That's, like, a such a -- it is very much a myth. So -- >> The Wild West's biggest problem is while I'm enjoying the overall feel and atmosphere of gun in the back of my head, I can't open think that somewhere in this world my ancestors are slaves on a plantation somewhere, and Native Americans are being kicked off their land and slaughtered. The reality of the Wild West is kind of a background boner killer. >> Yeah. >> And the reality of the Wild West is that cowboys were like -- there was only, like, a period of, like, 12 years where there was real cowboys that actually, like, like, lived that life of herding cattle across land because then that was all stopped when they discovered barbed wire fences. >> Well, it wasn't all stopped. I mean, they still do it. >> Well, they still do it. I think that's the thing. >> I think there were still some sort of range. >> I think it was -- it was a totally different thing once they realized how to mark property off of barbed wire. >> Well, and some of that change happened because of the railroad, which is what the -- a big part of the plot in this game is the expansion of the railroad. >> Right. The industrial revolution. I mean, it -- they did set it in the -- in the right time, you know, the 1880s because it's like, it really was, you know, like that -- that period from about, like, 1860 to 1900 where any of that stuff could exist at all. >> Mm-hmm. All right. So -- >> So -- >> You ride to Dodge -- Dodge City. >> Dodge City. >> And you ride at the bar and you talk to "What's her face?" I mean -- >> Jenny. >> It doesn't really matter. >> It's always got to be Jenny. You ride and you talk to Jenny. >> Jenny is a real respectable whore name. >> So -- >> I think it must be. >> And then, yeah. >> Apologies to anyone whose name, Jenny, who might be listening. I'm not saying you're whore. [ Laughter ] >> It's funny. >> It's a whore with the heart of gold kind of name for the old ones. >> It's funny because you killed those guys and all you guys got into a fight over was the fact that he thought you were going to do Jenny before him. >> Yeah. [ Laughter ] >> Or give her a poke, as he said. >> Yeah. [ Laughter ] >> You ain't getting your poke before me. >> Is that what you call it, Tyler, when you're at home? >> Nope. >> No. [ Laughter ] >> I'm not trying to get to your trouble. >> Not if he wants to get a poke out of his face. [ Laughter ] >> I'm sorry. [ Laughter ] >> Tyler's fine. He's got Belgian ale. >> Belgian. >> Yeah. So, yeah. So, then you kill those guys over the fact that they -- >> Well, they started it. >> Well, you kill them and then you kill their 30 friends that come in, too. >> I know. >> I'm like, what the hell? Were all these guys in line in front of me? >> Yeah. And, yeah. So, that's what actually prompts you having to fight the Red Hand Gang. >> Well, it's members of the Red Hand Gang that are -- >> Right. >> It's a pair of brothers that are in the Red Hand Gang. And you kill one brother because he's the guy that thought that he needed to get his poke first. >> Mm-hmm. >> Oh, man. I don't even want to think about how bad STDs must have been back then. [ Laughter ] >> Fairly. >> Right. You probably don't. >> If I remember my history collect correctly, syphilis was the big one. >> Balls. [ Laughter ] >> Man. >> Yes. >> Did any of you guys, like, blast in here the innocent, like, prostitutes? >> I tried. >> I did hit one because I went upstairs and I was going around the corner and there was a whole bunch of -- I think the AI was stuck in this room because there was, like, four or five guys. >> And you could see, like, red dots in the map, so you're like, yeah, they're here. >> Right. And so, I go around the corner and there's, like, four guys back there shooting at me. And right there in the doorway, no way to get around her. No way to shoot around her because, you know, like, the forgiving shooting that we were talking about. >> Oh, so that's where -- go ahead. >> Yeah, the forgiving shooting that we were talking about earlier means that even though my gun was clearly pointed to the guy behind her, I popped her right in the head. >> Yes. >> Did it come off. [ Laughter ] >> That's where you use Quick Draw because you flick to the target and then you can fine-tune it. >> That's why, you know, there was no way around shooting this. >> In a scheme of things, there was no, you know, ballistics people that were going to analyze the bullet. And you just say, "Ah, red-hanging." [ Laughter ] >> They spun her around and shot her in the head. [ Laughter ] >> Terrible. >> Those dirty fuckers. >> Yes, you know. >> So, I think she -- because I heard her screaming. I think she was supposed to, like, run down the hallway or something but got stuck in the door. >> Yeah, there was a horror too that ran down the hall. >> Right, yeah. >> Because there was poking. >> Right, but things that doesn't matter. Because there's no, like, you killed too many innocents. >> There's no penalty. >> There is no penalty. [ Laughter ] >> Not in this world. >> On the sliding scale of Old West innocents, I would imagine that they're pretty okay. [ Laughter ] >> So, yeah, then you fight all the red-hanging and then you have to -- >> Which I have to say, like, the part when you run downstairs and I start to set it on fire, like the smoke gets gradually thicker, you know, the longer you stay inside. But that was kind of a cool little touch. >> That part was luckily I was super prepared for it because I had had a really hard time doing that in the first time I played through it. Especially, like, the indoor parts not so bad because they come through those focused doorways. But when she starts, like, telling you, like, "Oh, now they're coming from the back." Man, if you don't get there, like, Johnny on the spot, like, those torches do so much damage to the whole part of the building. >> Yeah, the building was, I think, less than 25% after I killed everybody. >> Wow. Did you do it on the first try? >> Yeah. >> I'll see, at least you had that, yeah, I mean, when I was playing on Xbox, it took me more than one try. >> Yeah, I think this is actually when I first got done. This is where I quit at this part because I was like, "Okay, I'm going to do this again. Oh wait, it didn't auto-save." >> Yeah, and if you missed the horse, that's what really fucks you. Because if you can't get around the building fast enough, because you -- >> This is the first time I ran around the horse. I killed my horse for the first time here. >> Oh, really? >> I felt guilty. I'm like, "Oops!" >> See, I did it the first time. Like I said, I was successful. I got all the way to the quick draw, and then just froze. >> So, after you finish off the red hanging, you know, and you kill like 85 of them in the street. I couldn't decide. Was it implied that you did sleep with Jenny or not? >> Oh, yeah. I mean, you were getting dressed. >> In the cut scene, you're getting dressed. >> And on her bed, and she's in the bathtub, yeah. >> And then you flick a coin, and you see it. >> And she kicks bubbles at you, and it's romantic. >> Yeah, exactly. >> Paying for sex is romantic. >> I was going to say there's nothing romantic about it. >> That's like getting dressed afterwards and saying your money's on the table. >> I was just going to say, I mean, calling that romantic is like saying that next time I get Taco Bell, and they say, "Do you want hot sauce?" I'd be like, "That was romantic." It's her fucking job. >> Jesus! Wow! >> I don't know. >> I think in the context of the game, you're supposed to be romantic. >> Burritos to vaginas? You're saying that people that work at Taco Bell are constituting. >> Saying you're paying for a service. So that's pretty much where we were supposed to have played up to. >> Yeah. >> The next part gets a lot more interesting. >> Yeah. >> In my opinion. >> At this point, you should either, I mean, you can draw it out by doing a lot of the wanted missions, which is good way to make money and you need the money to do the upgrades. And the upgrades are extremely worth it because later on, when you get dual pistols and you can reload them super fast, trying to have them strong, it is amazing. >> Well, and you can do the missions for the sheriff. And you can do, I think at least the first Pony Express mission, where it's just like the little training one to the end of the town and back. >> So for next week, we are going to play up to the point where we take down Houdou. That is what it is called. >> Oh, nice. >> Houdou. >> I actually think that this might be a game club that we split into three. >> Yeah, no, we talked about that before. >> So, yeah, because it's fairly short. >> Right. >> And you can extend the game by doing all the side missions and stuff. >> Right, which I would recommend doing just for the upgrade bonuses. >> Right. >> Because having the upgraded weapons really makes a lot of difference being able to rip off limbs. >> Yeah, and every time you pass a mission, you get plus to your horse or plus to your quick draw. >> And there always are something different too. Not all the missions are wanted missions. Later on, you get some, you'll work for a rancher and it'll just be like herding cattle. >> Herding cattle. >> And they do get pretty diverse and kind of fun. So you can spread it out instead of grinding on one type of mission type where it's like, "Oh, kill another five guys and capture a guy alive. Kill another five guys and capture them." >> Yeah, if they don't, you can actually get a little bit of variation in there to help. >> I just want to say that I'm really impressed with their ambition in making this an open-world game. Because it's not the kind of experience, like I said, I wasn't expecting it when I went into it. >> You expected something much more arcadey and linear? >> Exactly, that's exactly what I was expecting. >> Yeah, I mean, like when I play Red Dead Revolver, it's like, that is what that is. >> I was expecting Red Dead, I was expecting Call of Juarez, which has a little kind of open stuff in some places, but not, you know, GTA, go get a mission style. >> Right. >> And I'm glad that they did it that way, because like, you know, it's the west. It should feel expansive. It shouldn't feel like this, you know, the equivalent of a corridor shooter, but out in the desert. >> And they manage to do it in a way that doesn't make it seem like it takes forever to get from point A to point B. >> Yeah, no, I mean, the world is pretty small, but they do a decent job of masking that. >> I mean, if you were walking, it would take a while, but with the horses everything that happens pretty quickly. >> Right. >> Some more comments, listeners. David B actually gave us a nice little bit of input. Most of the characters you meet are based on their real-life counterparts. The mayor of Empire, Houdou Brown, who we'll be talking about in the next episode, was the real-life founder of the Dodge City Gang, kind of like a police force for hire, and was the mayor of Las Vegas for a while in the 1880s. >> No shit. >> And his two right-hand men were J.J. Webb and Dave Rudolph, and he does have a pair of bounty guards in Empire, I believe. >> You do. >> Yeah. >> He does. >> And you kill them. >> Later you meet Chávez eachávez, based on Jose Chávez eachávez, a member of Billy the Kids Gang, did anybody see "Gun Guns"? >> Yeah. >> Lead down in Phillip's camera was Chávez eachávez. >> Young guns, one and two, were like, "Bad ass, fuck." >> Yeah, but that one was like, "I watched that one just under the amount of times I watched aliens." >> Yeah. >> That's impressive. >> Young guns, one? >> You mean one, okay? >> Yeah. >> I think one is one, the one where they're in the burning building, and they throw that full-out inside a chest, or is that two? >> One is the one where they all survive. >> That's one. >> Like two is the one where they all survive. >> Two is the one where they all survive. >> Yeah, that's true. >> That's how you know the difference. >> That movie is kind of a doubter, because it winds its way to the end. >> Two? >> Because not only does it imply that Billy dies at the exception of the dude telling the story, but that's also like Billy the Kid is murdered by his best friend. >> Yeah. >> Mm-hmm. >> Let's see, you also meet Clay Allison. The Clay Allison he's based on served in the Confederate Army and was a member of the KKK. >> Wow. >> He did a lot of vigilante killing in its gravestone reads. He never killed a man who didn't need killing, which we looked at online. >> See, this is the thing, you know. >> Like I knew the angel death killing all kinds of bad people, and all kinds of bad people and run around tours. You're a good person. >> I'm in the KKK. >> No, not you. That's not your character if I'm in the KKK. >> Yeah, but Clay, anyway. >> And Bruce Chalupa in reply to that said, "I want my fictional western character's grave to read. He always rescued a whore who needed rescuing." [ Laughter ] >> In return for a poke. [ Laughter ] >> Or he could just be subtitled no poke required, but appreciated. [ Laughter ] >> All right, I guess we're done. >> Awesome. >> I'd like to say that Houdou, growing up, that was like the code word between me and all my friends for like whatever sort of list it substance someone was carrying. Like, "Hey, man, you got that Houdou." >> Oh, I thought it was like code for girls. >> Yeah. >> That wouldn't even be the dumbest thing I've ever heard in reference. >> Like, get that Houdou. >> Or it was also-- [ Whistling ] >> Hey, man, you got the-- [ Whistling ] >> You have any? [ Laughter ] >> Me and my friends never had the illicit substance one. We just had that for a girl stuff. >> Yeah, like, what was the dumb way that you referred to any sort of action whatsoever with girls? >> Well, with my one friend, Joe, was checking the time. [ Laughter ] So the reason it was was because my friend, Joe, has ADD. And so, like, he could-- he-- it drives him insane if someone say he has someone, like, what time is it? And they just say, "Oh, we got plenty of time for the movie." Like, Joe has to know exactly when the movie starts. So it bothered him to, like, to have all these friends that had had sex, but Joe didn't know what it was like for himself. So he'd always-- after that, he always referred to it as "check in the time." So last night, I was checking the time. And, you know, and then with my friends in high school, it was code word. If you were, like, making out with a girl was listening to Zebra Head, for whatever reason. So my friends would be like-- like, if he was talking on the phone, he didn't want to, like, say he'd be like, "Are you listening to Zebra Head right now?" And I'd be like, "Yes, I am." All right, we'll talk to you later. So when you listen to the dashboard, be just at home by yourself. All right. Yeah. Look. Yeah. 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