Rebel FM
Rebel FM Episode 16 - 4/29/09
It's another three man circus as Anthony Gallegos, Tyler Barber and Arthur Gies (that's me) start out with talk of Red Faction: Guerilla, the rest of my trip to London to see Bethesda's move into publishing, Anthony's trip to Seattle to see MAG and his impressions of Dead to Rights: Retribution, and Tyler's musings on the new UFC title, then we move on to your E3 predictions and letters. Fat Penis (never goes out of style).This week's music in order of appearance:Bat for Lashes - Pearl's DreamAs I Lay Dying - ConfinedEmery - World Away
You are now in possession of the rebel captain. Thank you. You are now a Madison Jones woman. Bow. Bow. Bow. Take practice. Welcome. Welcome to rebel FM number 16. I'm so prepared. You know what one it is. I'm your host. Anthony Gallegos. And with me is Tyler Barber. Freelancer. Happy sweet 16. Raabal FM. And with us also is Arthur Gies, who won't do a clever voice. No, I'm not joining your persona. Although I've got to be honest, I kind of like your persona more than you. That's okay. My persona won't pay rent. Then we'll see how you like it. So we're here to talk about the games we've been playing like always. And then we're going to move into some shit about E3 predictions because everyone seems to love that. And E3 is less than a month away now. Well, just over a month I guess. You know about that three shit son. Cat on the soundboard. What? How are we doing this? Cat was literally adjusting levels for us there. Anyways. I mean, the reason we're doing E3 predictions now as opposed to later is because right about now is when people start leaking E3 stuff. Right. I mean, or even like I'm sure Sony would have preferred to save their PSP. Like the new PSP announcement for E3. I'm sure that was going to be a big part of their presentation. And somehow David else found out. What's, I mean, it still seems so anticlimactic. Like David was pimping it on his Twitter like a day before saying the internet will explode. And everyone thought it was going to be this big thing and be one people. I mean, a new PSP that's like a downloadable only is a pretty big deal. Yeah, it's fairly, fairly big break. I think that people have been predicting that for months. Oh, people have been predicting it's just the confirmation of it and the confirmation that it's like a sliding face when it's stuff like that. I think David was more of saying that it was going to explode the internet because David was happy to be writing an exclusive story. I'd be happy to have an exclusive story these days. How often does that happen in video game news where you actually have a genuine exclusive? It's pretty hard. True. So bad. I mean, sources that will not be named because I'm sure it's for the safety of their job. So yeah, conveniently David found that out this week, which makes me wonder who at what party was talking to so and so under the influence. Right. You know, it's like, yeah, so I don't even want to kick it off who's been playing some shit. So Tyler, we're going to let you go first. Cool. I actually downloaded a few demos that came out recently just to check them out because there are a few games on my radar that I'm now that I'm unemployed. I have to really gauge my purchases. I haven't you technically been unemployed for a long time. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. So I'm just saying, like, what happened to change that recently for you Lance Moneys drying up in a way? Well, maybe. In a way. Yeah. In the way of reality. Well, actually, before EGM shut down, I was writing for one up a whole bunch. That's what I was writing under. Yeah. I was writing under Ryan Scott. Right. And they were the ones who gave me all my assignments, but now that they're gone, I'm. It's harder to find work. That nice trail of work has dried, but on the bright side of things, I played the UFC '09 and disputed demo, and I'm pretty excited to check out the full copy of the game, actually. There's only two fighting styles available in the demo and two fighters. It's Chuck Liddell and Ninja Huwah's brother. I can't think of his first name. I don't know, man. You're talking with the wrong people. Yeah. I mean, I used to watch a lot of UFC, but it's been a long time. I mean, I lived with a person that did mixed martial arts, and he only ever had two fights that were actually professional in the sense that he was paid for them, not professional in the sense that they were for the actual UFC. These were for the little tournament things that people do to work up their way. Like a Valley 2-0 or something. Yeah. He went up to Oregon to do his, and in one, he beat the shit out of the guy. And in the second one, he came back and looked like an AS base alien. He got beat up so bad. This is Bryce, right? Yeah. Bryce, who is the nicest Christian boy you will ever meet. Yeah. But when he came back, he had been punched in the face so many times that he looked like he was seeing out of face armor slots. Right. That's how bad his face is. Well, Chittin' UFC, man. He looked like he came back from the Cantina at Star Wars. Yeah. The battle damage in UFC is very realistic, and it looks pretty badass. They take that cue from Fight Night and stuff like that. Yeah. They did that very well. One thing that seems really weird to me is the knockouts in UFC. It's almost like they hit fast forward on the animation. It's very awkward. And it seems like there's no impact when you knock someone out at all. Have you went through a... I'm wondering how it works when you're grappling, right? Because you know, in a knockout, it makes sense. You take the guy's stamina down far enough, you hit him, and he's knocked out. So it's like, how does that work when you're ground fighting? Like, the first grapple, and you're like doing an arm... I don't know the name of it. Yeah, like an arm bar or something. An arm bar. It's like, can you win with the first arm bar? Or is it like, you do the first arm bar and you're like, "This won't work," but it'll bring him down to 30% or something like that. I would think you can, because they said that there are one hit knockouts. But they're very rare. Yeah, it's gonna say, because in UFC, you'd watch sometimes, and you'd see the first grapple ends in a triangle... I can't think of the term of that one, but you know... The triangle choke? The triangle choke, yeah. I just beg that was it. That was the match, like the super electromagnetic. Right, yeah. And I think they've allowed for that, you know, which is great, because sometimes you do see that a lot in sport. But as far as really getting a feel for the ground game, I really couldn't wrap my head around it too much, because I was just trying to focus on understanding the striking mechanics, which are really, you know... I really like the mechanic they set up for striking, which is basically both of the left trigger buttons, toggle between high attacks and low attacks, and then if they're not engaged, it's just a medium attack, and then the attacks are just like your Tekken buttons, where the top two face buttons are your punches right and left respectively in the bottom to your kicks. So does it... I've always wondered, like, in a fighting game, like in UFC, even more so than boxing, a lot of time, stamina is what matters. So I always wondered if it's like, how do they handle that? Do you actually have, like, a stamina bar separate from a health bar or something like that? That's what before, right? Yeah, yeah, there is a stamina bar by default. The stamina bar is hidden. And just so I could understand how they work with stamina, I turned it on. And it seems like, you know, doing a flurry of punches or anything, and especially if they're all blocked, you know, they'll drain your stamina really fast, you know, as you would think. Right. So, you know, hanging back, we'll bring it back up. And, you know, they have different phases of your fighter. Like, your fighter can be rocked, which is, you know, you're standing up, but you're really wobbly. Right, right. Like, you got hit and you're on the edge. Yeah, yeah. You know, which... Joe Rogan do the announcing? Probably so. Oh, that's another thing I wanted to mention is the announcing seemed really well done, you know. Yeah. You know, I only played, you know, you can only play one match, but so I don't know how much we'll believe. I believe Sean Baby wrote the dialogue for that. Yeah, so. Oh, really? Actually, like a lot of it, if not a little bit. Well, oh, cool, because one thing I thought was bad as the first time... First thing I noticed was the announcer started talking about pride, because who... I can't think of... Who asked... Jujitsu guy. I can't think of his first name. You know, he came from pride, which is a Japanese fighting league. And they mentioned pride in the UFC game. I thought that was really cool that, you know, and, you know, the announcers would in their regular banter in a regular fight, so. Right. Yeah. So that was really nice. So, yeah, I'm excited to check that out a little more, especially getting to, like, create a player mode. Yeah. I want to create myself. Yeah. Fuck yeah. It would be like... Tyler with bigger calves. Five, seven, one, twenty-eight. (laughs) I'll just fight in the welterweight divisions, but... Skinny guys fight 'til they're burger. That's right, man. So, what else have you been hitting up? I also checked out the red faction demo for a little bit, and that seems to me what I get from that is it's a... is it's a bad impression of the game. The demo. Okay. So, I played a little bit of the demo as well. The demo is just a mission, right? Like a suggestion? Yeah. You're getting the Walker and putting it on a flatbed truck. Yeah. That is a... Well, go ahead. Elaborate further, Tyler, on what you thought of the red faction demo. Well, I just felt like it was sort of, you know, you're sort of awkwardly thrown into this mission where, you know, other demos, if it's a slice of a mission or a level, they kind of handle it a little bit more elegantly, I guess, with introducing you, you know, to what's going on. Like, one thing I noticed is, I guess, in my weapon select, you know, an area like I had, machine gun ammo, but do you get a machine gun in the demo? Like, I couldn't figure out how to pull out machine gun or... Well, I mean, the weapon select is done by holding down, on the 360 version, it's done by holding down the right bumper and hitting a face button. Mm-hmm. And I mean, I picked up a machine gun? Well, I... I was able to toggle between, like, my minds and my acts, but I could never figure out how to... Well, if you just tap the right bumper, it switches between the last weapon that you picked. Yeah. I guess so... So, yeah, but yeah, I was basically having fun, like, running around and throwing minds on buildings and just blowing them up, which I guess is, like, half the fun of the game. One thing I thought was a little weird is... I guess there's, like, a wanted level? See, and... the reason why I say it's sort of a confusing demo is, like, I'm sitting here saying, "I guess" on everything, because I really couldn't understand what was going on. Like, these guards were attacking me. Like, I didn't know they were the enemy faction. Oh, so, I was just shooting! You know? They didn't... I felt like it was not set up properly at all, you know? But once I started really realizing, you know, the guys shooting at me were bad, I started to have fun when I was blowing up the buildings and shit. Man, when you swing that hammer, it really looks like someone dies. Yeah. As soon as you swing that thing. Yeah. And the jump is really floaty in that. He jumps like a master chief. Well, you guys noticed. Maybe the gravity is a little different. On Mars, I guess. I think it's higher. Is it? I think so. I thought further away from the sun. Oh, yeah, that would be true. But I don't know, because the moon, it's definitely not as bad as the moon. The size of the planet in the distance from the sun, I think, affect it. Yeah, I was going to say, because yeah, it's definitely not as light as the moon. So... Yeah. So, yeah, I only played a little bit of that one. I actually played the UFC demo the most. And I also downloaded, which was released today, the Bionic Commando, multiplayer demo, and tried to get in a game, but there were no games going. Couldn't get a game going. Well, what time did you try? It was about five. Huh. Yeah. Well... I don't know. Yeah. Other than that, I just bought my copy of Gun for Game Club, and we'll probably jump into that tonight. It won't take you very long. Cool. So, after that, people should feel free to do side missions as they see fit. Raise a bunch of money for themselves. Play cards. Play cards. You know, there's lots of bounty hunter missions. There's always bounty missions. Yeah. So... Speaking of Game Club, actually, because I didn't finish Bully for the last episode, I went back and finished it that night. Yeah. And, man, that one segment where you're fighting the guy with the pole, and you have a shield, I felt like that controlled like horribly. I didn't... Oh, that was jank. Yeah, it was pretty bad. I mean, really bad. And when I finally fought the guy and I had a pole, I didn't mention it then, but I literally just beat the shit out of him. Yeah. You just like runs through his chest. There was no fight. It just was me beating him down with the pole. Right. And the thing about it is, in the first instance, he has a pole, and you're sort of forced to run and pry these metal doors off the wall. That are conveniently shielded, I guess. Yeah, but the arena is so small, he can get to you and like smash the shit out of you before you can even pull the shield off the doors. Right. It's so cheap. So, so poorly designed. It was terrible. You even play anything else? No, that's all. What have you been playing so often? We're recording again. We're back. I just had a minor catastrophe involving... How could I not? I knew. I knew that you would like that, Tyler. Ordinarily, we wouldn't stop for cat stuff, but... No, man, kept huking like that. That was pretty. It was an explosion flavor. It was either you clean it up now when it's like baby poop, or later on it turns into like cement that's also acidic, so it permanently fucks up the hardwood. Or this room would turn into that scene and family guy where they're all like taking turns vomiting over the floor. Yeah, well, that's because the family guy, they all drink a epi-cat. Yeah, a epi-cat. A epi-cat, yeah. I've seen a video online of a guy that drinks a whole bottle of epi-cat for like $40. And then he's puking and they're following him with the camera. And at some point he's like, "Fuck you, go ahead." It literally shoots out of him like a rocket of water. Okay, so red faction. Cylinder. Red faction. I can't talk very much about it because there's still some stuff under embargo until next week. But I also played some red faction. I played the demo and I did not like the demo at all. Really? Yeah, I was worried because I really didn't have a favorable opinion after it either. Yeah, but I mean it is missing things that are in the game that are just like bulleted on the back of the box. Like it's an open world type game that you can go to different objectives and all of that is gone. Right. So I'm kind of wondering why none of that is in the demo. Because... It's made by Volition, right? Yes. And the Saints Road demo was so great. Like they had an open world demo with that really well. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do the same here. I don't know. I mean it seems like it would break down in such a way that it would be easy to do a demo. But maybe they didn't have time. Yeah, it's true. It releases in a month, I think. Like June. Like right before E3. Which seems like a bad time to release a game. But maybe that's just me. Prototype comes out in June as well. Which... True. I'm extremely excited for. I finished Chronicles of Riddick finally. Like after we recorded our last podcast. And I didn't fall apart quite as much in the end for me as a lot of people seemed to have experienced for whatever reason. But I don't know, when I see videos of people playing through it, I'd see them playing through it in a way differently than I did. You're talking about Butcher Bay or Dark Athena? Well, all of it. Oh, okay. So you... Okay. I mean for me once I got the Trank Gun in Butcher Bay and then similarly in Dark Athena, I would just be shooting out lights like crazy. It's like I was playing Splinter Cell. And I just don't see people doing a lot of that for some reason. And I still did that when I couldn't Dark Athena and that led to more of a puzzle game than I got when I played the demo. So I don't know. I enjoyed it. It's a lot of game for $60. It's like 20 hours, I'd say. Like just single player content, although I have no interest in multiplayer. We played more Left for Dead. Like you finally got to play some Survival Mode, Anthony. No, yeah. I guess that was since last time. I mean, I don't know what there is to be said about it that wasn't said last time. It is all this shit going wrong moments from the campaign condensed into one area. It seems like this one capitalizes on. Every time there was a crescendo event and the other parts of Left for Dead and they went wrong, that is all that Survival Mode is. Yeah, better. I mean, I don't know. It's hard to say if you get better. It's also like a combination of like what happens as well. I think some of it, so much of it is luck. That's why my opinion is like fuck the setup. Just go in and just like play round after round after round and just like hope you get lucky. Yeah. One of the times we played, we thought that it would be a great idea to bring all the gas cans into the small kitchenette area and to hoard them there and just hold stuff off and it was working really well at first. And then for some reason, Lewis who the CPU was controlling turned around and shot them and the whole room exploded in flames and we were all dead within seconds. I'm having a moment of being sad because I just realized that while we were cleaning up Arthur's fucking cat, it's puke. You got bleach on my shoes. I see that. Yeah. Fuck. I'm sorry. It's a cone. He's bleached on them. It looks like I have blood on them in the spots where the bleach hit the brown. Yeah. It's going to be his fucking cat's blood in a little bit. Because of the bleach that you sprayed on them? The bleach that I sprayed on them because I was fucking cleaning up her vomit. You filthy bitch! No, I'm just kidding. It's not really that big of a deal. What else have you been playing because I, for Dad, is over talked about? I can talk about the stuff I saw, the rest of the stuff I saw in London really quick. Yeah. Really quick because from what I understand it's kind of not worth talking about. Yeah. So this is the, after being in London after all this money that Bethesda spent to... Yeah. And the answers for the closure. I was going to say, yeah, they did send him there. Yeah. They sent everyone there. A lot of people don't realize that that... Bethesda spent a... I'll get fortune sending people to London to see their line up and basically I think the conclusion that most journalists came to that were there was that more than announcing a game, this was Bethesda's attempt to sort of, it was their coming out party as a publisher of more content than just their stuff. Unfortunately the games they used to show that were Rogue Warrior and Wet. Right. Which begs the question, is it even a good idea to... I mean you bring a bunch of people out there and they're just like, well, thanks for the trip to England, bitch. We like that fallout content. Yeah. I mean, Wet could be okay. It's just the problem with Wet is when watching it in motion, I know I wasn't the only one that was just ticking off a list of other games in my head as it was happening. That's the case for a lot of games though. But very clearly, it seems like gameplay mechanics were directly lifted from this group of other third person action games. They're gimmicks. It was like Stranglehold and Tony Hawk and some Killer 7 and just that kind of thing. I don't know. The funny moment is when I'm trying to remember who it was. Dude, did you just hear the fucking combination you spewed right forth? When the Killer 7 followed those other two? Or Tony Hawk? Those things don't all go together. Okay. It sounds like all these other third person games except these three that are totally not alike. I tried to think of the three that were the most flattering to the title. Like Tony Hawk, when you say third person, I'm like Tony Hawk, the fuck. Okay, so there's slow motion and there are also wall tricks and there is a way that they didn't show but they implied that's her vision mode that shows where you can run and what you can do and chain tricks together. So basically, you're chaining together these slow moves and trying to get kills. Which sounds pretty inventive and practice or in concept but in execution didn't really come off very well. There's no time to play the game, they didn't give us a chance to play so that was kind of a bummer. But I guess I could write a preview but all the previews that you've read sum it up pretty well which is that I mean it looked like dead to rights and starting to hold in a bunch of other third person shooters and the points of personality that they tried to introduce were very hack neat and cliched and not especially good. They've tried to tone down the sexuality thinking that everyone has forgotten about their previous plugs for the game. The game's called Wet. Well, Wet is in reference to Wet work is what they said. Yeah, but that's obviously not why they chose that word as their female character. I mean they've de-sexualized it a bit. I mean there wasn't really much skin on display. I have to show skin for it to be sexual though. There is no humping, there's no implied, there's nothing overtly sexual about her. They've now decided that the character that she most resembles is the man with no name. All right. And I also saw a rogue warrior. Which uh... Did you say rogue warrior, not rogue warrior? No, it's not a game. Which would be exciting. There's no Mel Gibson. Yeah, not to be confused with something exciting. Instead, we have Mickey Rourke doing the voice of Dick Marsenko who is a real person who fought in Vietnam as how he decorated and founded Seal Team Six which is America's counter-terrorism unit, their first counter-terrorism unit. And it was like imagine some of the shooting mechanics from Rainbow Six Vegas thrown into an arcadey shooter with uh... I hate it in terms. But I understand what it means. What arcadey? I hate when people start throwing like de-y terms on all kinds of shit that it doesn't belong to. I could say ish. So. Arcade-ish shooting. Some of my ex-sententers is a fucking constant offender of that. It's like a really game-y. You mean more like... Arcade-y, like... like... Refrigerate-y. Um... I'm so nervous that I didn't say it, Nick. Anthony said it. Yeah, I just wanted to make sure that if he's on a bus somewhere fucking smiling, now you can Twitter. I was smiling and now I'm mad at Rebel of Fame. Uh, I've worked for Sony. Is that just how he finishes all the sentences now, are you Sony? Go save your hat if you need to. My cat is now... I think your cat's trying to mount my hat. You can go save your hat if you need to. You should. Tyler, you should save your hat. Um... So it looks alright. And so, I mean it's just... Both games looked rough and they didn't look in good shape and they're both supposed to release this year and I don't think that's gonna happen. If they're smart, they're looking at releasing this winter or I mean like in the fall for both of these styles. It's like our cats are having a murderous horror. Don't worry about it. I'll clean it up later, Tyler. My cat knocked over, my droid developer, Star Wars LEGO kit. Sorry. This podcast is not off to a good start. Um, other than that, yeah, I haven't been playing a lot else that I can talk about. I have, um, I mean the problem with us having the erratic recording schedule and the reality of it is that the last time we did this was Friday, which means I've had like four days in which to play anything. Were you onto a couple of events? Five days. Today doesn't count though because I was at work all day. So, I mean I haven't had it. I did not have the day to play games and one of the other days that I did have to play I was dedicated to Game Club. So what I'm trying to get to is I haven't really been playing much that would be that inch. I played a couple hours of World of Warcraft. I played some more Broken Sword, which is still very good. Um, I found out that I supposedly, I don't know if it's true, but I heard the animation and Broken Sword is all done by the guy that did Watchman, which, uh, would make sense of why it's awesome. Animation or art? Watchman the what? The animation, at least. So. Dave Gibbons. Yeah. That's what I ever told. Oh, the art. Yeah, at least the art. Yeah, I don't know. Dave Gibbons, from what I was told by a listener who sent me a code to download Broken Sword 2 from Good Old Games, told me that Dave Gibbons did work on the games. I worked on, I believe, animated seems like it's pushing it a little bit. No, he did, like, the drawing for it and stuff. So. That's what I was told. He just did it on a napkin and sent it into the developer. No, I'm just saying. I mean, I mean, these games were super high budget. Oh, yeah. No, I absolutely believe it. Just to who everyone would see them now, they'd be like, "What the fuck are these games?" But if you're, like, 30, you know, or close to 30, you probably remember those games. So. You just depressed me a whole lot. What? We are all here close to 30. Mm-hmm. So. Still depressing. Why? I don't know. What's wrong with being 30? I don't know. Tyler's got a girlfriend. She's what? She's, like, 30, isn't she? Mm-hmm. She is 30. And if... I hope my girlfriend... Definitely more attractive than any of us, yes. I'm just saying for, you know, 30 people are not old when they're 30 nowadays at all. For real. This is true. So, I mean, yeah, it's like back in the day where, if right now, if Tyler was his age and his wife, because she would be his wife, would be 30, and this would be, like, her second husband, and she'd have, like, seven children, like three of which would have died at birth. So, you know, it's like a totally... And she'd be like, you know, "I got four more years to pop them out before I die." So, it's a totally different world. Like, 600 years ago? Jesus. I don't know. I'm just saying, you know. You did go to some of the events this week, which you can talk about. Like, you went to the Namco. I mean, I went to the Namco thing, which I guess just got unembargued. But I mean, without being too harsh to people who work in Namco Bandai, I didn't see anything that particularly impressed me whatsoever. So, I saw, like, one game that was like a XBLA game that was cool because it was 3D, but you also need, like, a 3D TV to play it if you want it to be 3D, which does... I thought you meant cool because it's like, they actually have a game that runs 3D graphics. No, no, no. And then... And then there's... And then there's tech... There was tech in there, you know, and that's a big deal to a lot of people, but I don't really play fighting games, so that was lost on me. Do you see the PSP version? No. And Soul Calibur PSP was behind closed doors, so I didn't get to see that. But I mean, from what I understand, if you're into those games and you have a PSP, they're looking pretty good. That's what color PSP looks really good. And I have no interest whatsoever in tech, and I know that a lot of people do. Yeah, exactly. That's the thing. That's a lot of people I talk to. I mean, you know, there's just people that are die-hard, just like they're die-hard Virtuofighter fans, you know? Yeah, I'm more in the Virtuofighter camp than, like, for me, I was back in the mid-90s, it was like, oh, we have PlayStation with Toshan Den and Tekken, and I'm like, we have fucking Virtuofighter. Yeah, it's like our non-shaded polygons and like it, thank you. That's what that's what I'm saying. So, I mean, it just depends what you like, and again, I'm not a fighting game person, and that was probably Namco's biggest showing was they're fighting games, so that was kind of lost on me. But I also enjoyed checking out, I mean, I saw the new Dead to Rights reimagining, and that's like, it looks okay, and it's cool that you get to play as the dog now. Every time people say reimagining, I think of Zack and Mary. Well, I'm just saying, it is a reimagining, like, it's not like acting like, oh, the other games happened, it's kind of like a reboot. Yeah, yeah, I don't, but I haven't seen the movie, so I don't get the reference. That's all. I thought you saw Zack and Mary? No, I did not. Justin Long plays a gay porn star that does erotic reimagining with all-milk casts. So, yeah, I mean, can you start in such movies as Shut Your Mouth, or I'm gonna fuck it? It really redeems Justin Long, I'm sorry, I continue with your description. Oh, man. I remember the original came out like back when the Xbox originally released. Right, and that one was fairly well received at the time, but then they kind of like drove it into the ground with other ones from what I understand, which is why they're doing a reboot, and it looks like, okay, but to me, at this point, it comes across as like incredibly cheap, like everything about it. The animation looks like it was drawn by a guy that if you'd given him like two more days, he would have gotten like actual human movement, right, but that didn't happen. Well, the first one is sort of notorious for how awkward a lot of it seemed like it had the stripper pole dance sequence, I think. And it's like extremely violent at times, but like funny violent, because it'll be like as the dog, he'll go and buy the guy's throat and blood will go everywhere, but there's no like tissue damage that I could see. And as soon as they die, they turn like ultra super rag doll. So like the dog would shake him and his fucking knee would come up and like touch the top of his forehead, that type of shit, you know, it was kind of hilarious to watch. I mean, it still could be a lot of fun, but I just hope they're like, like no one has the illusions that they're trying to pose this as a triple A title because it's not. It's like a very much like if it came out and it was like 40 bucks, it could be something that I think people would check out. Which isn't going to happen. Yeah. Dead rights is one of those games that the guy at your high school or whatever that really doesn't follow gaming. Like it's the one that he's always talking about like, yo, dude, you've seen that dead rights game. You get to play as a dog, man. You rip out people's throats, man. So yes, it looks like it doesn't look terrible, but it definitely looks like it's being made on a budget to me. So that's my honest opinion. It's like it's like one of D three's budget titles, like Earth Defense Force and shit. It needs a it needs a lot of work. Yeah, but Earth Defense Force knew it was a budget title. Earth Defense Force was such a good game. So I don't know that this game knows that it's a budget title. And then they had a food network, we cooking game looked okay. I mean, especially if that's what you like, a lot of people love those. So but I didn't really play that or check it out. Is there any more stuff from last week that you saw in Seattle that you can talk about now? I mean, uh, I guess the embargo, no, they didn't have Uncharted there. Um, I mean, I guess I got to talk. I saw mag and I now, you know, I got to play mag, but, uh, how's that? It's okay. I mean, I, I just don't know how many people I was playing against. Like when I got the feeling I was playing, we were only doing like an eight on eight, but I heard other journalists say there, we were doing a 64 and 64, but I don't know if that's true. Like, I definitely didn't see that many people and I didn't feel like that. The game has a lot of potential to be really cool if they can get the scale of it down and make the game run smooth with that scale. And I mean, if anyone's going to do it for the PS3, it is going to be those guys because they have such a pedigree. I mean, they were the first ones to take the PS2 online, you know, super interactive. It was not kind of game. No, they were the first one to have a online PS2 game. I'm almost positive. Final Fantasy 11? No, this was the first one. I'm pretty sure it came out before funded. The first SOCOM that was multiplayer. Final Fantasy 11 is 2001. The first SOCOM definitely came out before Final Fantasy 11. I'm almost positive. For sure. So, I mean, I'm almost positive. This is true. Arthur's going to look that up right now. So, I mean, these guys come from a history of making military sims for the government and shit before they made video games for the public. So, but, yeah, it looks like it could be okay. Now we're going to have a few moments of awkward silence. No, I mean, does it seem like it's going to be dependent on them, getting the, the, the scale up or does the basic gameplay hold up well enough to where the 8v8 was fun? It was still fun. Yeah. It's just like, I just don't know, I mean, yeah, it was still really a lot of fun. Yeah, the way I, you know, the selling point of the game is being able to do big team battles. Otherwise, I don't know why I would leave other certain multiplayer games. Yeah, like what I'm trying to wrap my head around is, it's just how the way they try to describe it is, you know, how they're going to handle it is you will be fighting sort of smaller skirmishes with it. Yeah, it is how it is. Right, right. But then, you know, that begs the question, well then, you know, what's kind of the point if there's this battle going on that I'll never see? Right. I mean, to some extent you do see it, like, I guess squads in theory will run into each other while they're doing objectives and maybe it'll maps will be geared to where everyone gets converged in one spot, but yeah, from what I understood and the way they talked about it, they never do want it to be like we're all 256 people are running around in the same area. Right. Yeah, is their thought, you know, is, how did the matches work or are they like typical sort of death match or territory matches, like the one I played was like a had a aggression, it had an overall objective of stealing a car and getting it out of there without it being destroyed. So you had to like capture an enemy vehicle as a army and withdraw it without it being destroyed. And so they either had to protect the car or destroy it before it got back to safety. So it did have a little bit of a capture of the capture of the flag element to it, but it was it was different and along the way there always are constant objectives like your field commander, the guy in charge of the whole army might try and drop like airstrikes to help you out, but then like a there might be an AA gun that you didn't see. So then your platoon commander can give like a quick order, like take out that AA gun. And you know, like everyone thinks that they won't have a reason to do it, but in this game, they give you the reason that you get double experience anytime you kill someone around the current objective, your commander sets for you. So so the commander, this is an actual player, yeah, a squad commander, yeah, this is just like a guy leading eight people. There are a bunch of squad commanders, not a yeah, there's there's squad commanders, then there are platoon. So there's a squad is eight guys of platoon is 32, and then there's armies, which are up to 128 people, and there's people in charge of each of those. So like the 128 person commander, they're seeing the battlefield for more like a giant scale, and that's who's deciding like where to drop airstrikes and stuff, but the little like squad commanders, the guys of eight people, they're the ones giving the orders, like take out that AA gun and stuff like that, and enabling double experience for their eight guys and stuff like that. Man, that sounds awesome. So that's how that sounds pretty cool. That's how they encourage you to do like the stuff like, you know, and you know, like if when you see it is bright red, and in general, I did find that everyone would stick together and stuff like that. Because of the fact that you are getting double experience, like if, if you got 10 points per kill and call it duty four, or if you fought in this winter, you got 20, right? It kind of helps. That helps keep the action focused as well. So sounds like a good way to handle those, like FPS, RTS hybrid ideas, right? And that's what this is. I mean, there is a lot of leveling going on. Cool. So, and the big thing about that game is it's supposed to have persistence, which I'm not sure exactly how it's going to work, but they want it to be like where it is an ever-evolving battlefield world. And I assume it'll probably get reset at some point once the faction, like does enough. But yeah, so every battle will matter in the scheme of things, like who takes land and it'll supposedly have overall effects like, you know, like, oh, you guys captured a missile site, which will in future battles enable like something, something like that, like in-game benefits for factions that are doing certain, like very well. I might be wrong, but was frontline fields of war, did they have a similar thing going? For only a few of war, I don't think they, I don't think they had persistence. They didn't have persistence, but they had the big skill battles. Yeah. And they had squads and all that where you could spawn with your squad and stuff like a lot of it does feel a lot like that, especially because even in this game, I think the storyline is you're fighting over oil. So the storyline in this is much less significant, like front lines had a very clearly defined single player. This game doesn't at all. This game is multiplayer only, so strictly multiplayer. Wow. This is from Zipper specifically as opposed to an offshoot. Yeah, like the last so-com was done not by Zipper, so this is, was Zipper's been working on the whole time? Did you get to see the PSP so-com? Uh, no, I don't know if that's being done internally and if it is, it's being done by a tiny team because I think most everyone's pretty dedicated to mag at this point. So, um... I just want to play mag so I can see like a whole shit load of paratroopers. That's the thing. It is cool when you die and you parachute in. Oh, it's parachute in every time? No, no. There's only parachute in after a while, like within the first part, like because we hadn't taken out the A gun, there was no potential to parachute in because the A guns were still up and that didn't allow it. See, that's something cool. Once we fought and killed the A gun, it allowed us to, that was another reason they encouraged it because now it enabled you to spawn closer to the battlefield or like sometimes helicopters will come in and bring in a group of guys and then fly back out, like, but yeah, when you do the parachuting, you actually do have control of your parachute, kind of like Medal of Honor airborne to where you're like directing yourself to a degree. So like, yeah, I would see like three of my guys and like one guy over here and I'd be like, I'm going to go help those three. Cool. But yeah, I mean, well, mag, did you find what you're looking for? I did, which is that Final Fantasy 11 came out in May of 2002 and SOCOM was August. So 11 was first? Yes. 11 was first. Not by much though, and it's hard to get a, like that's the Japanese release date for 11. I couldn't find the American. Oh, see that? I can't. I can't find things. I'm just saying, they said in one of their, in their presentation, they were the first person to take the PS2 online. So is that how the, I mean, it's SOCOM one did come out earlier than I thought it was later than that. So yeah, so if anyone's going to succeed in pulling off a really big scale battle like that, I think it's those guys because I mean, literally, this is what they do. They make those type of games. They've been doing it for like 15 years and well, that sounds cool, man. It sounds like a true like next gen version of SOCOM. Yeah. I mean, it still needs a lot of work like like, like, I like it. How far off do you think? I heard. I heard someone say that they thought it was this year, but that would surprise me like from the state, the state I saw it in right now, the graphics and stuff. I mean, granted, this is, this is a pre-alpha build, but I'm just saying that it was like a lot of it is still like very low res to keep the frame rates up and stuff like that at this point. But that's also because the draw distance, like they don't cut back on that is and like I was like fighting in a huge fog of war, like in front lines. Like, you could see a ridiculous fog, yeah, front lines had a lot of haze and a lot of levels. And if the only levels that didn't have haze was because it was like a city so they could have your view instructed by large buildings. So yeah, they didn't have a very much haze to it, but you pay for some things with graphical fidelity. But I mean, they'll do what they need to do to make it run playably. Right. I mean, to some extent you can forgive certain graphical things if you're, if the game play of playing with that many people is so cool and unique, you know, that's what it takes. Yeah. I'm just the last time they tried to do such a team oriented game on consoles that didn't, which was a quick wars enemy territory, like it didn't. Yeah, but this one allows it to focus even more than quick wars did and have your commanders dynamically changing the battle, which quick wars didn't allow you to do. And quick wars didn't have squads either. No, it was a much smaller affair. Yeah. And I think this and didn't have any persistence. That's what it's going to be a big thing, how they pull off that persistence and whether or not they pull off. Yeah. Like if the persistence is really, really built in there and they, they stick to the double or the experience bonus for doing what you're supposed to, then that could really encourage it. So we'll see. Yeah. I mean, it worked all right in the game we were playing, but I don't know. I find the game journalists are disproportionately likely to work together in situations like well, especially when there's someone over your shoulder encouraging you to like guiding you through the experience. So yeah, I guess I really am playing a lot outside of that just because I have been swamped. I haven't had very much time. Yeah, but I have previews of mag and infamous up on games by currently and a preview for red faction up tomorrow and a preview of red faction up tomorrow of some sort. I don't know what it's going to be like, because it doesn't exist yet. It still needs to be created. Um, yeah, I guess I, man, I, it's kind of, it's always kind of weird when you realize you haven't really been playing a lot of video games. Well, and yeah, it has, it hasn't been that long since we recorded last and bullied it occupied day. Right. So I got to say we, we need to move our recording days off a Wednesday, man, because I'm missing loss tonight. Dude, the very. Oh, Tyler. I didn't realize that. I'm sorry. I would have made the kids wait until Thursday. No, no, no, no, it's cool because actually my loss viewing experience is better on the web because right now, can you see it on Hulu or something at least? Um, well, we go watch it on ABC. Okay. I mean, at least you can still watch it. That's all I'm saying. Yeah. It'll probably be on Hulu soon. I think Disney. I'm just glad that you're not missing it. Like I thought if you missed it completely, I'd feel like a douche. No, no. So. All right. Well, I think, uh, since, you know, this is Agman's a little bit shorter than normal, but it's because of time and shit. I wish I wish I had been playing something creative and cool. I don't know. I mean, that was a lot on Mag. Yeah. It sounds pretty awesome. Mag, maybe we'll play more than you think. You just need to be prodded in the right areas. Well, yeah. And it's just sometimes I get burned out and talking about it because I've already talked about Mag so much and written about it and thought about it. And I'm so tired, but uh, like a list that you can read off and say, Mag is a game with a lot of players. It's like a fifth grade book or plus from now on, I'll just bring the fact sheets in and read that to you. Exactly. So you want me to tell you about Mag? It's the most exciting action player experience to ever be released by Zipper and Rex. That's really exciting. Is that really what the press release is? I don't know. Doesn't that sound like it might be? Yes. That's why I was asking. Um, so anyways, let's take a break and then we'll come back and talk about RE3 predictions as well as comment on some of the insane ones that you've posed to us. 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my son ♪ ♪ I'm about to lose my son ♪ ♪ I'm about to lose my son ♪ ♪ I'm about to lose my son ♪ Yeah, I think it's just because, you know, is enthusiast press going to preview events and everything. How many games have they seen that are like the racer or the shooter? Mm-hmm. So when you see something that's like flour and actually pretty different, it actually does grab your attention in a way. Right. That those same shooters and stuff often grab, like a person that is involved in enthusiast press attention just because they don't see those things all the time, you know what I mean? They aren't made part of the hype machine for that particular game. Right. So, let's see. Tubbs Red says the believes the PSP will be shown fully for the first time. He means the PSP go, I assume. Yeah. Which, yeah. I think that's a safe bet. Yeah, I'm sure that'll be a big part of Sony's press conference. Yeah, I think that's going to be the big thing that Sony thought that they were revealing because they've shown so much of the reviews. Yeah, I'm sure they're still holding back a few pieces of their PSP library that's going to go hand in hand with the announcement like, not only do we have the PSP go, but here's like the first three games that are going to be downloadable only, you know, to be like, you know, some big games that we don't even necessarily know about. Like PSP sums or... Well, because I know even some of those other studios, like, you know, some of the first party, like, Sony studios, they've been working on other things besides the big games we're hearing about, so maybe we'll... Yeah, I mean, they have a really huge commitment to PSN titles. That's what I'm saying. So maybe we'll hear about something that up to here has actually been closed mouth. People have been keeping their mouth shut about. Yeah, I'm just curious as to what huge announcements they would have left at this point other than the new PSP. No, I don't. I can't imagine that there's much besides that either. A lot of people are still really holding their breath for a PS3 price drop. And I'm sure that... PS3 price drop, but I don't know that we'll see that, but... I'm sure that Sony will, like, internally is going back and forth and will be going back and forth right up until someone walks out on stage wondering if they can do it. It's the emotional controller for PS2. I don't know. It wasn't their talk of that at some point. Yeah. Mission controller coming out for the PS2 to reach the masses. I don't know what masses are left to reach with the PS2. It's still selling very well. Well, I know, but I mean, can you really expect all of a sudden the PS2 to suddenly hit Wii numbers again? No, I'm just saying it doesn't need to sell the console anymore if they could sell a peripheral, because the audience is already there. Maybe. Maybe so. I don't know. He also thinks we'll get more God of War 3 info, which is, I think, pretty safe bet. That's a good bet. Yeah. I think that'll probably be the cornerstone of their PS3 stuff is an extended God of War 3 demo. And just as my hope, more than a prediction, it would be really nice if this would be the time when Sony finally releases demos from E3, which they haven't really done previously. Nope. But at times, the Xbox one, like, the Lost Planet Worms kind of an exception, not the rule, as far as like releasing the demo that people were playing at E3. You know what I mean? Like, that's what made it so cool. Well, yeah, but they've still routinely released several demos for every event that happens. Right, I'm just saying. And that's not something that Sony has really gotten behind. Yeah, it's just demos aren't as big of a focus on the PS3. It would be, it would be, I think, not only would it be nice, but it could move some systems if they released a God of War 3 demo in some capacity. I mean, there will already be certain good demos coming out before then. Like, before E3, the infamous demo will drop on the 21st of May. Well, I mean, infamous comes out on the 29th. That's what I'm saying, though. I'm just saying that their demo is coming for bigger games already. Yeah, well, I just don't put infamous on the same level as I put God of War 3. That's like their last big gun with the possible exception of Gran Turismo. Oh, you mean for the year, anyway? Well, for fiscal year, I don't think it's coming out this year. Yeah, well, infamous is pretty big. I don't know. If there's been, go look at any site and see how many previews they've written for it. Just saying it is, it has had a lot of time and I put in. It's worth it, in my opinion, so. Did you play infamous? Yeah. And you didn't talk about it. Eh, I mean, you can go read the preview, but really it's infamous is another one of those games that even though I haven't talked about that much, it's been talked about to death. Yeah. So, I mean, because literally it's. But I like hearing your dulcet tones behind it. Yeah, well, all I'll say is infamous is a game I will be buying day in date when it comes out. And even if I could have the option to do it for you one, I will still pay for it. So that's how much I don't. The sucker punch could use a win, people. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So if I do get a free copy, maybe I'll try and give it away on the podcast or something. But I, for one, want to buy the game. Um, he makes some other predictions as well. He believes eight gears of worth three announcements will be made. I mean, an announcement, maybe. No, no, because they don't want to take attention away from ODST this year. Well, that, that and Microsoft has definitely demonstrated a, uh, a tendency to announce stuff closer to the release date. That's what I'm saying. And I think hands down ODST, they want all attention to be drawn to that. Um, so. Before we get away from Sony, though, really quick, um, I just want to address. Do we think Trico is going to be shot at E3? No, I feel like that's a game that they, a, I don't think that's coming out this year, because I think it would have slipped already. Yeah. And B, that's something that I feel like they'd announce or show at the Tokyo game show. It'll either be shown at a Tokyo game show or it'll be shown at a special event where they fly out. In Japan. A very specific, like, group of game press out for a very limited event. Yeah. So. Yeah, so no one here will be there for that. Hmm. I don't know. I might. Game Spy doesn't have that many employees, I'll buy for it. So. He'll go into the, into the Octagon. Yeah. I'll fuck someone up. Um. Yeah, I, I don't think there's going to be any, any more God of War 3 announcements. I don't think it's coming out this year. I think I'll come out next February. But um, Gears of War 3, we'll probably get announced next year around GDC again. And maybe that'll be multi-platform, but I doubt it. I don't see Microsoft letting that wing get away. Yeah. Which is another prediction that someone made for some reason. Um. He says maybe we'll see a WeHD. Which is? No. Not going to happen. Uh, and Half-Life Episode 3 shown. I don't think that's going to happen either. Maybe. That's one that I put in my email to you guys saying like. I mean, maybe it could or. I mean, for all we know, they could show Half-Life 3 episode. And Half-Life 2 Episode 3 for the first time at, at Leipzig. And it would be just as huge because normally would it be big here? But PC gaming's so huge in Europe. I feel like Valve would pick something that's friendly or to PC. And like, yeah, in Europe, Europe loves the PC, so. I mean, they're not doing game convention in Leipzig this year. Is it going somewhere else? I don't know. I'm just saying. The big gaming convention in Europe would be a better place than here for Half-Life Episode 3. Right. Um. Let's see. I say bullshit on that. Show me some Half-Life. Oh, yeah. I mean, but even if they show it, the chance of it being done anytime soon. It could be done this year. Who knows how far it is along in development. Valve's another one of those companies that's good at being like, we're not going to show shit. I mean, the only reason I think we saw as much, uh, Left 4 Dead and stuff we did is because EA was a partner on that. So. One also another company was people knew that Left 4 Dead was coming. Right. That's what I'm saying. I just think that Valve is another one of those companies that's actually really good at playing shit close to their chest. Yes. And making sure their employees do the same. Um, frequent contributor in the comments and friend of the podcast, Mitch Dyer made a few predictions. Um, he thinks Mass Effect 2 will be announced for release in Holiday 2009, but because they're firewall, it'll actually hit in spring 2010. Um, I don't think so. I think that Mass Effect is going to hit. They'll, they're not going to announce early state of D3, but they'll imply that Mass Effect is hitting next year. Yeah, I don't think Mass Effect is coming out this year. I think, uh, BioWare's like in full fucking gear right now to work on Star Wars. We'll also, um, Dragon Age. And Dragon Age, but I think Dragon Age is a lot. Dragon Age and Star Wars, I think, are their big pushes. And we're going to see Mass Effect on the iPhone? Well, that's, that's like an audio book, isn't it? Yeah, it's an, it's an, uh... I, I read that it's a shooter product. It's an interactive comic. Yeah, exactly. It's an interactive cartoon. It's like a Dragon, Dragon Quest, or Dragon Quest. Yeah, that's what I got the impression. Huh. Right there. And plus, I don't think that, I think that BioWare will announce early state that they're sure that they can hit, knowing what I've seen of their, uh, their development process this time around. Um, let's see. He, he makes that suggestion about it coming out this fall because there's seemingly nothing coming in '09 that's exclusive for Xbox. Microsoft will definitely want something as heavy hitting as Mass Effect 2 to make Christmas. Alan Wake. I, I mean, I don't think Alan Wake is going to be a huge game for Microsoft. No, I'm just saying I'm just trying to think of excuses. Um, I think that we'll see stuff that we didn't know about. It seems like Microsoft is sitting on some announcements. Yeah, I would hope so because right now, I'm not too excited to have my Xbox the moment. In the, for the future, I'm saying I still love my Xbox. There's been an awful lot of excitement sitting on yourself for the Xbox. So, I mean, but I mean, at this time last year was there a ton of stuff that we were expecting. That's what I'm saying. That's why I, I'm sure they have announcements I'm just saying right now at this moment. I don't know. Shit. He is predicting that Alan Wake will be announced for release in holiday 2009, but because it's Alan Wake, it will never ever be released. Uh, I think we'll see Alan Wake this year. Um, it may come out in the, in the estate that it could have used more time in the oven, but I think it'll come out this year. I don't feel like Remedy can afford to sit on it for much longer. Continue. Okay. Uh, he believes Max Payne will be big during both Sony and Microsoft's press conferences. I don't think so. I don't think Max Payne has enough. I feel like that's a Mitch Dyer personal desire. Well, yeah. And that's not to say that there won't be playable Max Payne on the show for because I'm pretty positive they're willing. I'd be willing to bet that it comes out this fall. Um, I don't know, man. Max Payne is a really popular franchise. I'd have to say like a lot of people would, would be really stoked about that. And it might be one that they would want to put out in front. I just don't know that it'll be playable. That would surprise me. I think it'll be playable. That's my, that's my mini prediction for, for Alan Wake, uh, or for Max Payne. Uh, he believes Sony will tell us a bunch of shit we already know, which I, I agree with. I think that Sony is going to talk about. I think every company is going to say a bunch of shit we know. And I predict that Nintendo will filate themselves for half hour. Um. Do you think, uh, in front of Newsweek and stuff like that? There's a big question on my mind. Like, is Sony going to show home again? Cause it's home still. We do have readers that are predicting that they will show home. It's still beta, right? So, so they're going to show like here's home. Finally. There's some kind of cool stuff. I would just like take a second and say that don't get me wrong. I do like Nintendo. I actually met the woman who's basically replacing parent Kaplan today. And she was very nice. So. Which one? The one that did the press conference last year? No. Oh. Moving on. Uh, I think he says Nintendo will embarrass themselves. I would name. Sell a Hojillion copies of whatever shit they're hawking. Um, that is probably a good, a good call. But, let's see. I, I expect a lot of Wii motion plus. That's true. We're going to see a lot of Wii motion. Like I wouldn't be surprised if during the press conference for Nintendo we see a live demonstration of Red Steel II using Wii motion plus. So. That is actually a good, a good prediction. Yeah. I mean, that's why they announced it today. They made it official. So they're going into the show. They already, because they already knew Nintendo power was breaking it. So, uh, but I think that, you know, the press release that came out about Red Steel II was all talking about how it's the first title. Ubisoft's developing to be integrated with Wii motion plus. And I think they're going to try and recapture some of the essence they had when they first showed it before the Wii launched. They're going to kind of bring that vibe and show how it's, how it's come along. And I hope for their sake it's actually come along. And it's not anything like the piece of shit they published a couple years back. Your launch goggles have been completely removed in regards to Red Steel. Yeah. And the game was a piece, yeah. The game was a piece of junk. Yeah, it was a piece of junk. You go and find it a GameStop now and it's like, it's like, please take this. Yeah. They'll pay you to take it. Yeah. Man, I remember that E3, man. That, you know, that was the first time they were showing the Wii. They were letting anyone play it. And the line for Reds to like, to play Red Steel was ridiculously long. I probably waited in line like an hour and a half. It's like a Disneyland ride. Yeah. But it'd be like Disneyland ride where at the end they just slap you in the face. Welcome to Happiest Place on Earth, bitch. With their penises. Dolls for everyone. Oh, man. Oh, okay. I hope it's good because, I mean, it sounds like a cool concept. Like, swords and guns. I wanted to like, the first game so much. Yes. I tried to play like, seven hours of it because I wanted to like it but I just couldn't. Right. Yeah. I think everyone is the same. So it's like, when we're shitting on the game, it's not like we're trying to shit on Nintendo Wii games or anything. It's just like, no, it was really a bad game. Although the last Wii game I played that I didn't like, it was the waggle was the only thing I did like about it. So there are Wii games I like. I love Zack and Wiki. I still want a Zack and Wiki 2 Capcom. Make a Zack and Wiki 2. I know you thought about it. Do it. And then they looked at the sales numbers. No, they still thought about it though. They still think about it. Zack and Wiki 2 make a porno. In the scheme of, I don't, but if they make it, I guarantee you, I guarantee you won't be called Zack and Wiki 2. It'll probably be called something like we adventure, so. Or we venture. No, I just think we adventure. And speaking of platform, you know, they've been announcing a ton of games. And also we, you know, they've said that there's still two more to announce at E3. Yeah, I mean, Dead Rising will be playable at E3, I'm sure, and Dark Void of course will be played. Do they announce that Dead Rising is multi-platform? I don't know. No, I don't know. I want to say, yeah. Multiplayer has been confirmed. I don't know about multi-platform. Yeah. That should be interesting. Loving that idea. It wasn't zombies on screen at once, which they showed. I thought the picture of him with the big moose head on his head, ramming through zombies was sweet. Shut up, Cat. And then there was like, my boss was telling me in a part he saw, he definitely saw like a motorcycle that had two chainsaws attached. Yeah, the sides. And he just drove through crowds, zombies, chainsawing them. And it's like procedural cutting or something like that. Yeah, so like now if you cut them like diagonally across the head, it'll slice off diagonally across the head. That's awesome. So. I mean, who cares that it's not especially inventive and adding anything new, which does it better? Yeah. I'm looking at this. Why? I don't know. As long as it has better save systems. They're non-committal on the save system. That's the thing that surprises me. They're like, you know, we know that a lot of people seem to complain about the save system, but then other people understand that it's the same. I don't know. I figure they probably still got some very important Japanese developers who have a lot of sway. And so if they don't want to do it, it's not going to happen. I don't think people are going to forgive Dead Rising 2 if it has a bad save system again. In Capcom, we'll laugh all the way to the bank. And poor standard def text or anyone with a standard def TV can't read. Yeah. Ryan Scott doesn't have an HDTV, doesn't have a PS3. We should use some of that donation money and buy Ryan Scott an HDTV. Fuck that. What the hell? Ryan Scott is a rival podcast. If I use any money to do anything, it's going to be fucking bomb Ryan's house. This is all sorts of bad news on my chair right now. So, anyways, let's see, okay, we have predictions from Ziax, who we've heard from before. Sounds like a drug. It does sound like a drug. I can use some Ziax right now. Number one, Kid Icarus will not be announced. This is a pository. No shit. It's a supository. Ziax is a supository for depression. Yeah. PSP Go announced, no shit. PS3, different bundle announced in lieu of price drop. I always, I feel like that's a no-brainer, but it's probably true. There'll probably be another PS3 bundle announced. And like 10, well, there wouldn't be any PSP bundles then, I guess no. Probably no more. In the last 3D3, there was like three different bundles there. I don't know. Maybe they could do like a PSP Go bundle bundled with Patapon download. Yeah, that's true. Damn it. Because well, and that actually might be a good idea, like a good way to get consumers comfortable. To check out the PSN store. Yeah. That way they understand that it exists. That's a good idea. Sonya, that one's for free. Arthur, don't pet my cat when your cat's sitting on your lap. It's like asking to have blood drawn. I'm scared. Yeah, well, P-P was there first. Modern Warfare 2 footage, which I think is a pretty safe bet. Yeah, I could see that. Someone else made this prediction as well, but I'm predicting that it'll be shown during Microsoft's conference. If nothing else, if they don't show it during a press conference, what it'll be is they'll do it by appointment to all the major game publishers. And then sometime during E3, you'll see B-roll footage show up on all the major trailer sites. I think Microsoft will be paying them a fair amount of money to have it appear in their press conference because it's such a juggernaut at this point. And you know that everybody's loved their presentation in the past with the sniper level, the first Modern Warfare. That was really cool. I mean, I'm curious to see it. I really enjoyed Call of Duty 4, obviously. Mm-hmm. Um, I'm curious to know whether or not it's going to be called just Modern Warfare 2 instead of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I think it's just called Modern Warfare 2. Modern Warfare 2, yeah. That's just permanently drop it. Yeah. Affirmative. Oh, he thinks Microsoft's magic waggle controller will reappear. I don't think so. I was thinking about this possibly, maybe. I've bundled with a game. Maybe. Some kind of casual game. Like, for one thing, like, you know, Microsoft always has a part in their press conference where they bust out some casual game that, you know, Sony. They completely. Going back to Sony first, I can actually, Sony could win over a lot of Goodwill with me if they were to show off the PSP, the PSN, like, camera games that they showed a while back. Like, remember there was that one that was, like, Family Pet and it was, like, it was, like, the crazy pet that you could pet through the camera and interact with the camera? I feel like they, that stuff got cut off when they cut their R&D budget. I don't know. I don't think that, that says, you know, it's got all this stuff when you need to get this home now. I don't think it has anything to do with R&D at this point because the technology already exists. Those were all tech demos, though, they weren't really full-fledged game content. But I'm saying, so you, the technology already exists, and now you just give that to companies to develop with the PlayStation i. So, I'm just saying I would, I would like to see more PlayStation i. I don't know how many PlayStation i's there, or PlayStation i's there are out there. They're, they're so cheap, though, in the scheme of things. PlayStation i's, they're fairly, they're much more reasonably priced. Yeah, they just never moved like the i-Toy did. Well, it needed the PS3 and the intent, so I'm saying true, though, is that this pet game is going to be, like, their flagship title, like, you know, what, what they would really hope to sell PlayStation i. Yeah, like, and I would buy, I would buy PlayStation i to, to play with the fake pet. I would neglect my own pet to play with the digital pet. So it'd be like the closest thing to having a real Pokemon. Just kidding. Let's continue. Is she giving you the stink eye over my shoulder right now? No. Uh, kind of asleep. The bullies will see Halo ODST footage, again, that's sort of a big no shit. I'm pretty sure that there will be ODST footage during Microsoft's press conference, including a bit of a playthrough, but there will never be a demo. There can't not be. There will never be a demo for that game, which I saw someone else predict. There's never been a Halo demo prior to release. Um. Do you, speaking of Halo, do you think we're going to hear of Peter Jackson's Halo project? Is that even existing? Oh, I'm sure it's existing. I mean, that's... Is that a thing? Yeah. Is it real? Yeah. I just don't know when we're going to see it. Yeah. Could be one of the big surprises. I think it'll happen next year. I feel like Microsoft is trying to prime it so that there's a Halo. Something Halo every year. Yeah. Yeah. And since Halo Wars actually sold better than I expected it to. Than everybody, yeah? Yeah. No one is playing the fucking thing online. I think that we'll hear about it next year. I don't think we'll hear about it this year. And finally, Duke Nukem Forever to use Crytek 3 Engine, which is a funny joke. Maybe we'll see Duke Nukem Forever. Maybe. Like gameplay. Don't look at me like that. I'm not looking at you incredulously. I'm looking at the person that wrote that. Yeah. A lot of obvious predictions from him. Jason has some very wishful thinking. I predict Sony will steal the show with the following announcements. A PS3 price drop. A fall release schedule with Ratchet and Clank at September uncharted 2 in October in God of War III in November. And Fat Princess will be available for download during the Sony press conference. Fat Princess is still always off, I bet, but I think it could be like an end of summer release. But uh... You know what I mean, I guess maybe we could see another announcement from Sony of a Ratchet and Clank game. Because I don't know. I thought it was pretty much confirmed. I mean, yeah. I mean, that would be a big announcement during the press conference though because I don't know. Yeah. I mean, what's Insomniac doing since the end of this? Time travel, right? That's what the new Ratchet and Clank game is. Yeah. Well, it'll be a follow up to the last one. The DLC. Well, yeah. But even the DLC, it'll mainly be a follow up to the actual retail release, which is awesome because it was great. Uncharted 2 is probably November and not October. I think it's probably November, yeah. I don't know. And God of War 3 is not coming out this year. So you know that perfect? In my heart, I know that. See, that's okay. So we're going, that's a prediction. Now, Arthur stating something like you've been saying. No, I'm not saying I saw that somewhere else. I'm just saying that I'm... I mean, it doesn't need to. The thing is that even a lot of publishers have been talking about now, how they are starting to learn that it's dumb to release in the November/December season. Like, it helps sales for sure. But over 200 games came out last November or something like that, you know, it was like they just got buried. So I think a lot of people are like trying to look for like, I mean, that's why we're seeing things like red faction that might have gotten held off. And Capcom releasing half of their stable in the first half of the year instead of 90% of it in November? Right. And just other companies in general too, like, you know, infamous coming out, like all these things that, like, are games that aren't necessarily super huge in the public eye and they're releasing them during summer instead of, like, people would always try and hold even games that weren't necessarily like the biggest games till November. And that's like a terrible idea. I don't know. Because in theory, like, infamous could do okay right now and then get a second breath during the holiday season. Right. Maybe. I don't know who knows. So... Agreed. I mean, we'll see also, I bet you will probably see maybe a trailer or something there for maybe the next Ghost Recon game. Yeah. That is what it counts. Yeah. There are a lot of Ubisoft predictions. Next. Ghost Recon. Ghost Recon 4. Ghost Recon. Maybe another trailer for another end war. Who knows? We were going to see Splinter Cell Conviction at Microsoft's press conference. Yeah. Yeah. That's been announced for this year as well, holiday. Yeah. That's your prediction that we'll see. It's actually been implied pretty heavily elsewhere, but that's another prediction that we're going to... Of mine that we'll see Splinter Cell Conviction at the press conference. And it'll look much different visually than we last saw it. Mm-hmm. It might even be a completely different game. I think it's all stick to the same concept. I think so. The whole... Beard. Bearded. The... The jaded... Maybe we'll find out what Game Relic's been working on because I believe they've been working on a totally different game that's not an RTS at all. So... That'd be interesting. Maybe we'll find out what that is. I mean, yeah. Because it's not... It wouldn't be the first time Relic, you know, some made... I don't know if it was a launch title, but it definitely came out in the launch window. And the outfit was a Relic game. So... For the Xbox 360? That was like May or April or May after the 360 one. Right. So just a few months. So I'm saying and maybe we'll find out what Relic's been working on because I've from what I've heard it's a project that is a step in an opposite direction from just cranking out Warhammer and games and co-games. So... That could be interesting. Parton, as I was saying, says Ubisoft will finally show material beyond Good & Evil 2. I would like if that were to happen, but I don't know. And I don't know where it would be shown, maybe in the Sony one, maybe just on the showroom floor in a special Ubisoft presentation. I think that some people will be shown some beyond Good & Evil behind closed doors, but I don't think that... Yeah, that might be something... Yeah, I mean maybe if you were a game performer or something and you're getting the exclusive. I just... Oh, I mean there's no way that Beyond Good & Evil is coming out this year. I'll fucking right here hands down if it comes out this year, I will do something drastic. Like, I don't know, but something will happen. I will give like a penny to every person I see it packed to recognize as me. That means I'll have to carry on a backpack full of pennies just in case. Anthony will be the guy you see crawling under the weight of a sack of pennies. I'm just saying, there's no way that games come out this year is the point of trying that. No, it would be a real disservice to it and hopefully Ubisoft realizes that Beyond Good & Evil needs to be released not in the fall. People said last time on the podcast they could hear the farts, they were slightly audible at times. Yeah, no, I know. I told you. Well, it's because I'm still working on a fart tape. I expected a dedicated fan to cut all the farts out that the Tyler is constantly doing. They're like Easter eggs. Yeah, all the Tyler's farts. String together all of Tyler's farts. It's the cat. It's the cat. It's the cat's. I had told Tyler one of these days I would educate him on duck calls. So. At the practice, let's see if I can. We will probably see the next Grand Theft Auto DLC, although I don't know if it's actually going to release this fall. See? I don't know. Man, I would love some of that. I mean, I don't know that Rockstar feels pressured to make any announcements at E3. I think they're contracted to release another Rockstar or another Grand Theft Auto DLC. 2K is like 2K is nothing. 2K's got a Bioshock that they can show now as well. They could probably show more Bioshock. Borderlands? Or they'll probably let us go hands on the Bioshock for first time. I think borderlands will finally see the light of day again this year and I'm really curious to see what it looks like. Borderlands? They've been announcing stuff about it. Well, yeah. But they haven't really shown much from it. They've shown like a screen shot. Well, they completely changed. Yeah. They changed the visual style completely. PC Gamer had the exclusive in their most recent issue. I know. And I'm really looking forward to seeing it in motion. That's what I'm saying. I'm just saying that there has been information, at least on it. You just got to look in exclusive venues for it. Some people are saying we're going to see a new dashboard update for the 360 involving the NXC and avatars, I don't think so because the turnaround is too soon from the last update. You think they might expand friends lists, finally? No. From 100 people? I doubt it. Yeah, why not? They said that they've been working on it and I believe that they have. I believe maybe they've been working on it. But I honestly think that it is an extremely small minority of people that 100 people becomes an issue with. Right. And the only thing is that that's an issue between people we know because just of the nature of the job they have. That's not an issue. It seems like it's a big deal to people like us because it's such a... because we know people. It's not like more than two person chat or anything like that. Right. That's something that lots of people will get something out of. Yeah. And I just don't think that it's probably low on the priority list. Yeah. I mean, I'm curious about what we'll see about as far as DS goes, you know, because DS games genuinely like always excite me. I think we'll see a lot of DSiware, like really disappointing looking DSiware. I don't think it would necessarily be all really disappointing. I mean, there's a lot of shit in Japan that's actually pretty cool that it's unfortunate that DSiware is actually region locked out of all the handheld stuff. You know, handhelds traditionally aren't region locked, but DSiware is. It'd be kind of cool if like with the DSiware that's something really neat that they could show something brand new at E3 and also say, and this is up, you know, ready for you guys. Yeah. I mean, if nothing else, I think maybe we'll see some DS games that at least maybe a couple of games that actually are like the first games that are DSi-focused, perhaps. Like I know that a couple of companies are working on games that are going to be DSi-focused, so using camera, the camera and shit, so I don't know. The vamp predicts that Star Wars Battlefront III will be, he says announced, I think that he means shown because it was announced. Yeah, it is announced. It was de facto announced quite a while ago. Yeah. Right. I mean, when I see it, because it will not be the stuff that Free Radical showed, which was fucking amazing. I mean, it'll still be cool, I bet, the, I mean, Free Radical got moved off in different projects. Well, but the, I mean, the stuff that I saw a Battlefront like that made it impressive, God damn you, is stuff that Free Radical took with them when the project was removed. That's what I'm saying. I mean, you know, I'm just saying it doesn't mean that the game that they come up with on their own might not be equally awesome. I mean, the Battlefront games have been pretty awesome, as far as console, like that type of console. Yeah. Mass battle type, battlefield type game goes. We're due for a new Battlefront game. DeAndre says Sony will announce the PS3 Slim. I don't think so, DeAndre. Microsoft will announce a new 360 SKU that will replace the Elite. I think that's possible. Yeah. I mean, I see no reason why I should object to that because at this point, I'm always like, they're not announcing SKUs. No, they're not. No. If anything, the big thing I could see maybe Microsoft doing is announcing a price drop to $149 for the arcade. On the arcade. I don't think that they're going to get rid of the Elite because it wasn't a JG4 bundle. It's not so much getting rid of the Elite, so much as replacing the Elite with a new SKU. Like, so just calling it something else, but I don't think we're going to see a price drop on the 360 because Microsoft just posted some not impressive numbers financially and they don't really need to drop the price. I predict that we could see some pretty cool iPhone games come out of E3 as well. You think? Yeah. I think that there are a lot of companies that are more and more starting to develop it and maybe we'll see some coming out for some of those. Let's see. He also predicts the Nintendo will drop the Wii's price of $200. That's not happening. Not here. There won't be a Wii price drop in the States for a while. I predict the Sega One Vail its new console. God. That's not funny. What about go live? You have a box over there that you did to say you're kind of on live. I'm sorry. On live. On live. I'm sure positive they'll make another appearance there. Maybe some more games from other publishers or maybe maybe making themselves actually more available to press this time to talk to them about what the features are like. I don't know. That would be nice. I don't think that's going to happen. They'll be there for sure though. I have no doubt. Yeah. I don't know that they'll be super playable, but they'll be there. Um, and they'll try to announce a big, a big partner. And then there, you know, there will like on minor things there will be like showings of a bunch of games everybody already knows about like no doubt EA will be showing Dante's Inferno some more. Probably letting people go hands on with a brutal legend. Dead Space Extraction will probably finally be hands on. You will not see Dead Space 2 however. No. I mean, that's, they're probably holding that for next year. Twisted Metal PS3 will be officially announced. This is another one of his uh, evictions. That's a good one. They could be, you know, David Jeffy's next. Yeah. I, I will be a PSN game if anything. I have a sneak and suspicion. I can see it as a follow each other at least. He's, he's said in interviews already. He's making something that's approaching Blu-ray size. I saw him in a, in the hip hop gamer interview. I wouldn't mind another one because I haven't played one since PS1 days and so I wouldn't mind. Uh, Rockstar's exclusive PS3 game will be shown. Maybe. Oh, that's right. I forgot they had an exclusive. I don't think it's LA Noir because I don't think that game is ever coming out at this point. I don't think so either. I'm trying to think of there will be any cool like PC exclusive announcements. Unfortunately, I think most of the PC exclusive games we see will all be from like companies like One C and Star actually, you know, as far as like kind of more obscure games that people will actually really care about though. I wouldn't be surprised if we actually finally saw the 360 Sturmovic game finally, the Battle of a Britain one, which actually looked awesome. We will not be seeing the Witcher console version since those are canceled right now. That's, that's kind of heartbreaking that I know that is, I'm really bummed about it. Speaking of more, cancelization was world in conflict finally killed for the 360. The RTS. Yeah. That's finally, ah, I just wanted to play that one. That's another PC RTS game that you can borrow if you actually get a PC. Yeah. So, um, do you guys have any other predictions? Yeah. No, I don't know. I, I predict me and Tyler will do a, a couple of podcasts during the three show together. Since Arthur probably won't be going. It'll probably, I don't know. Arthur doesn't know if he's going yet or not. It'll probably be me. Well, that's going to, it's going to, it's going to be fine. Cat sitters. Um, we'll, we'll be. Oh, so you're hoping I don't go. I'm kind of hoping Arthur doesn't go so the cats get fed at least every once in a while. The hotel that I reserved is pet friendly. So if you want to go there, there are cats that would require driving down with cats. And then my cat would freak out and shit everywhere. Oh, really? Like there's cats that throw up everywhere. Mr. Nigel drives well. Is that the name of your cat? Mr. Nigel? Well, Nigel, but call him Mr. Nigel. I think it should be renamed to Mr. Nigel right now. Yeah. I don't, I, there won't be any new hardware announcements other than the PSP two at the C three. I know that some people were saying that they're expecting Microsoft to release a new console or announce a new console because of they said that their announcements will change the way that people view entertainment. But I think that that's just going to be them showing more stuff in the vein of one versus 100. Right. That's why I was, I was actually going to call one versus 100 exactly to an example. Yeah, I, they're, that's just them trying to crack the mainstream more with services on Xbox live. I think I don't, I don't think Microsoft doesn't have a financial position to release another console. Do you think you guys think we might see a crisis for consoles while my mind is thinking about PC to I think that we would see that at the Lipsig equivalent rather than E three point that makes a little more sense. Just because that's where that's their geographic neck of the woods and they have their hands full with engines stuff right now. Yeah, no balls. Miles. It exists. I just don't think we're going to see it. Cody H wanted to know if we think that the swine flu is going to affect E three. Actually, didn't you see all the stories on all the fucking shitty websites about swine flu is confirmed not to work to affect E three. So all the shitty websites, yeah, your naming names or anything. I don't know. It might be a, for all I know, it's on my own site. So I'm just saying that swine flu stories are dumb, like the fact that that even makes it onto websites in any way that isn't joking and making fun of it is sad to me. I don't know. That's fucking investigate. I mean, fucking. That is some investigative video game journalism right there. It might as well have been swine flu at the end of GDC. Someone so said E three won't be affected by swine flu. Dip it up, get some clicks, $5 photoshopped image. All right. I think that's enough for predictions. We're going to take another. We're going to take another break and come back with letters. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. See, so it's not code. Hey, we're back on the minutes. Fine. What were you saying, Tyler? I was saying it's not kosher to ask. I'm pretty. I don't know shit about dig, so it's pretty uncool to ask dig power. Yeah, publicly asking for people to game your dig submissions is generally. In some ways, I think the idea of a dig power user is kind of shady in its own way. How are user? Yeah, literally because you go and look at, like, go look at this user and look at every story they've digged and see how many digs they get compared to, like, if Arthur and I were to dig something that could be equally cool, like, they just wield some fucking magical power over nerds. As of now, all our stories have negative numbers of digs just because of this. They're like the fucking Illuminati of the nerd world. That is pretty much exactly what they are. So did you want to start with a letter? Yes, so talk for a second. I actually have a couple of comments, and this is in reference to some of the fall out stuff we talked about in the DLC. casual alcoholic says I'm sad that fall out three on PS3 was one of my favorite games last year, and I really want to experience the additional content. Time exclusives are one thing, but the fact that it'll never get the get to experience that content saddens me. And then there are some other people that agreed and that were upset and feel like and use the word money hats and exclusives thrown around. As far as my understanding goes, it's not just like with the version of Oblivion on PS3. But a exclusivity deal, it's a technical issue. Just like they had a really hard time integrating DLC in the PS3 version of Oblivion due to the way that the PS3 handles downloadable content and the way that it handles content in general. It's just not something that they could get working. So it's not Bethesda or Microsoft that's keeping it from happening. It's just the nature of the PS3's architecture and a multi-platform game. This is Arthur's. No, I mean, Bethesda has said specifically that they could not get DLC working on Oblivion. I know, but I'm just saying that you don't know that that is 100% the fact of why they don't do a fallout. I'm just saying you're presenting it like this is... Well, but there's never been any talk whatsoever from... I'm just saying this is Arthur's opinion and his logical conclusion. I'm just saying it's not necessarily... But also it's fact that there's been no evidence whatsoever that there's any exclusivity deal with... I know. I'm just saying that you make it sound like you just sometimes make it sound like you're speaking with the air of authority. Someone told you this from Bethesda or something, which people could believe since you were just in England. But that's not the case. And someone else asked if you'd be able to get back into the vaults to get the bobbleheads that you missed. And I asked that question. They looked at me like I was a retard and insisted that you could always go back to get any bobblehead. There's one though that... No. There's two that you can never get again. Oh, there's two? Yeah, the one in the Enclave's main base where the president is and the one vault 101. So I have a letter. Okay. Okay. This is from Enzo. I won't read its last name. Enzo, because that's already... See from Italy? I don't know. He doesn't say where he's from actually. Hey, I've been listening to Rebel FM ever since the GM podcast you guys were on started to suck when you left. I have recently broken up with my GF and me and her played video games to Gither a lot. He spelled it the little wrong. I just like reading misspellings because you're a jerk. Most of my favorite games I only own in Xbox 360 such as Dead Space, COD4, RE5, PEGLE, Gears of War II, Fable One, Midnight Club, L.A., Halo 3, and many more Xbox 360 titles I can play because I think he meant to say I can't play because they remind me of her and I nearly burst out in tears every time I look at the cover art. I was wondering if you guys knew any good, diverse games that helped me escape my life in parentheses. Not wow. Wow. I feel as pain. I do. I've had stuff ruined for me by X's. I don't own this. This is why a wise person once told me you never have a song with the girlfriend. I will definitely have a song. Don't ever have a song or a band that's like your guys' thing. Yeah. It's just like don't have things. I never... Don't have fucking... That's my best advice to you when you get involved in the song. I've had the same girl ruin the second half of the second season of Dexter for me and Dead Space, actually. I'm just saying you... You know? So wait, let me get this straight. Like bang him and don't talk to him. Was this... I'm sorry. Come on. Okay, Jay-Z. Was his girlfriend into gaming and it's like that's what he's saying. Yeah, that's who it sounds like. He's associating these games because first I didn't get the connection that there was any sort of... No, I think it was just that I think what he was trying to say and maybe he was crying when he wrote it or something. I think that he's from Italy or something. I mean, either way, it was just that I think these games are obviously activities. I mean, there's a lot of games out there off of the diverse catalog that he named. He didn't say "left for dead" in there, so I don't know. And that'll make you make new friends. Yeah, I mean, maybe try some "left for dead" or... Viva pinata. Why you're so against World of Warcraft. Well, he has an Xbox, he said. Might not have a PC or PC. Viva pinata is a good game to completely suck your life away. Maybe you should start playing some fucking handheld games and get outside and enjoy. So wait, you want him to go outside and then have an object that forces him to not look at anything but that object? I'm just saying. Get out and have some sunlight. Maybe they have the potential to meet a new girl who will see that you're playing games and maybe ask you what you're playing. I mean, to me, if we want to get real here, it sounds like we got some codependency issues going on. Like, why does... Dr. Tyler is in. Right. Why does this become one of these games rely so much on the fact that, you know, he enjoyed them with this girl as well and now they're not together. I guess I can see that if he just broke up with her, though. Number one, just like... It's just like, who knows the conditions of what they broke up? Maybe she totally fucked him over. Like maybe, well, for all we know, he came home and he was like, "Man, all I want to do is play Midnight Club L.A." and he comes home and she's playing Midnight Club L.A. while she's doing his best friend or something like that. Now it's like literally like the worst. I mean, I understand why it's funny, but I totally understand where he's coming from. That's all right. I mean, there are totally things that like Arthur's saying that I've had completely ruined for me. So it's like, as far as games you should play, I don't know. I mean, honestly, how about you go trade in those fucking games that remind you of her and you go pick up something new that you never had together? Yeah. Maybe this is your excuse to get a PS3. So you know, or I'm just saying, or just go trade in a couple of those games that remind you of her and go pick up something that's coming out, then you should go get infamous when it comes out. But you need a PS3 to do it, so I don't know. Yeah, man. Totally switch tracks. Trade in everything. Trade in the Xbox and just go PS3. Just go PS3. Sometimes the best medicine is to just go and do those things without them. Like, find really good friends and have them go through it with you and that'll help rob some of the associations that you're making with her. I say you trade in the games and you get some games that interest you. Trade in fucking midnight club L.A. and pick up burnout paradise. So definitely be better off anyway. Yeah. That one. I'm just saying, whatever, I mean, as cool as it sounded that the squirrel played video games with you, you just need to lurk some IRC and find some other girl. And this also establishes that sometimes it's good to have different interests than the people that you're dating. It's true. I mean, you know, we all dream about finding some girl who's going to play video games and that'll be something but then, like, I don't know, like, I'm sure Tyler can speak to this to some degree as me and Arthur aren't currently, like, in relationships with people we live with or anything like that. And so it's like, it's like, you know, when you're living with someone, it must be nice to have, like, maybe that time that's like, oh, this is my time. This is Tyler's time. Like, she can come and watch, but it's not like something that you, like, do together in the same way that it's like, I don't know, that now I'm just like, I have this terrible mental picture of Tyler masturbating in front of a video game or something. It's Tyler's private time, honey. Yeah. It's Tyler's time you cause that door. And we're just like in one bedroom, too, so, like, really, Jody's, like, 10 feet away. You playing video games in the bathroom again? Yeah, Jody doesn't really play games, right? No, yeah. No, no, no, she does. Yeah. We do play games together, yeah. Oh. I guess I guess. So this could be a view of things to come, Tyler. Careful. Could be. Also, you know, Tyler doesn't cry like a punk bitch. What I'd have to say to Enzo, number one, cool ass name, so you got a cool name. Do you run really fast? Yeah. And to, you know, cultivate some non-attachment and be good for you. That's hard because we don't even know how long you dated this girl. Like, I don't know. Man. I mean, think about it. Dating someone for a long time, it can be, that can have some attachment. Setting things aside that you did with her can help for a while, but eventually-- Yeah, I have to imagine whatever happened must have happened pretty recently if seeing a game cover makes you get teary-eyed. I mean, eventually it should get better, although, again, like, I still, I never went back to watching Bexster after that relationship ended. Like, I still haven't-- I've never gotten past, like, episode six of season two of Bexster because of that. So I understand, but eventually it'll probably get easier. Ward, I'm going to move on to the other letter I got. Is this the last depressing? Yes. It's a lot less depressing. So, you know, we would normally have a lot more letters, but it's only been since Friday, and I mean, let's be honest, like, people always email us letters and always say, like, I know you get 100 emails, but we really don't. How many letters do you want me to read that so Tyler does not have a lame voice? Yeah, that's the thing. Is a lot of letters as flattering as they are and all that, they just don't make very good material to read online. So this is-- To Arthur, I can't believe people get mad at you. This is from Joseph Pampelon from Georgia. That's what GA means, right? GA is the-- is the shorthand for Georgia? Mine's own. Fuck, man. I don't remember. I didn't say anything, I guess. I believe it is Georgia. I don't ever look up Georgia. It's like this. I know it's like the second dumbest state in the whole tire. What I want to do is-- I want to take the last letters first name-- That's in true. It's like the-- I don't want to take this guy's last name and put them together. Enzo Pampelon. I just like the coolest name that I've ever asked. You didn't read Enzo's last name because you couldn't pronounce it. Georgia? No, I wasn't sure with, like, that personal letter that it was cool to-- Oh, OK. So, you know, yeah, I guess Georgia is supposed to be, like, the second dumbest state right above-- right above Alabama, Alabama is the dumbest state. At least you've got that, Georgia. Well, I know Mississippi's down there as well. So, yeah, maybe Mississippi's-- This guy. Maybe Mississippi's. Can we stop insulting people that listen to the podcast, please? Hey, just because you live in the dumbest state doesn't mean that you are dumb. Like, you know what I mean? Like, just because-- You have discerning taste in this-- I'm just saying, just because we live in California that is supposed to be a liberal state doesn't mean that everyone here is liberal because that's certainly not the case. All right, so Joseph Pampelon says, "Hello. "I was catching up on some older Rebel FM podcast, and I heard a segment where you were "talking about getting some gaming-related tattoos. "Kind of gaming-related." Without question, you should go out and get them done. They ratchet your cool level all the way up to super awesome and super awesome or capitalized. Only the first letter of each one, not the award. And that isn't sarcasm, by the way. Could you talk anymore about what you were going to get tattooed on the podcast as well? That would be sweet. Also, the attached files are my tattoos, let me know what you think, I've got four or five left to go. Oh, man, let me check these out. Oh, tattooed? Yeah, go ahead and look. He's got Chrono. Okay, okay. That is Chrono, right? Yeah, yeah. Chrono from Chrono Trigger, and then he's got a Triforce, but I don't know what's written in the Triforce. There's two characters in there. Yeah, I'm assuming it's probably Kanji, which I hope that you had someone that you trust and that knows Kanji read for you because I've seen-- Rather than it's saying I like penis. Yeah, I've seen horror stories like, you know, unless that's what you wanted to say by all means, if you wanted to say I like penis or fat penis, I would-- It's been really rare that I've seen video game tattoos that I thought looked cool. This Chrono-- I've seen bunch that I like. This Chrono one is actually really well done. Whoever did the line work and stuff did a really good job of actually being faithful to the art. Yeah, they're both cool. I've seen some people that got the tattoos from Bioshock done, and those were cool, but that's because those designs work apart from the game. My favorite gaming tattoo ever is hard to find on the net now because the girl asked that they take it down. It was posted on Kotaku a long time ago, and she has a Katamari tattoo, and there's like donuts and fucking rainbows and Katamari, and it's so amazing. It's on her shoulder. It's hands down the coolest gaming tattoo I've ever seen. So that's the thing is I guess the tattoos that I'm going to get, at least at first aren't gaming tattoos necessarily. They're just Star Wars tattoos, and I mean there are Star Wars games, but I mean Star Wars is much more of a movie franchise than a game franchise, at least to me. I want the symbols of the Old and New Republic, which would be the symbol of the rebellion and the symbol of the empire on my forearms, so that's what I want. Cool icons? Yeah, that's what I want to start with, and then as far as any video game related goes, I would have to put a lot of thought into that, because there's only a few franchises, like Silent Hill and stuff that I particularly like, and even then I don't know that there's anything from Silent Hill that's iconic enough that I would want a tattoo of it. Plus they'd all be pretty brutal looking tattoos, and I don't know if I'm quite ready to get some metal-ass tattoo of someone ripped in half or something on my body. I talked about the other day with my friend Allison getting a tattoo of a wookie that starts in between my pecs, and that's where his head is, and then his legs go down all the way to my knees, and then so my dick is his dick, and in the scheme- Would it be chewy looking shocked or disappointed? And in the scheme of, no, it'd be chewy looking fucking shocked, because think about it, even if I got a small penor, which I randomly, I regularly say that I do, you know, I embrace it. I've come to terms that a long time ago, but, you know, imagine that on a chewy that's scaled where his head is at the top of my pecs and his feet are at my knees, he'd have a gigantic hair right now. That was something's one way to work it. When I was talking to my friend Allison about this, sorry, I probably got a little loud there because I changed my angle on the mic. I would just think it's rather you worked and talk about your penis with your friend Allison. Oh, my friend Allison, it's funny when I brought that up to her because she's like, "Jesus, I haven't talked to you in so long and just like old times here you are talking about your penis." Anyways, I was thinking about that, and I was like, "How come we never saw Chewbacca's DONG in the movies, isn't where pants?" So, I was thinking maybe he's like a platypus because, you know, platypus don't. Look, he's lay eggs, which is fine. platypus don't have dongs that hang out as far as I know, but they're still mammals, so maybe he's got like a duck type dong. Anyways, if someone can answer that to me in a letter for next week, I would gladly read it. So, I'm actually curious. I mean, I consider myself an avid Star Wars fan, but the idea of how two wikis are breeding, I assume they get it on like people, but you know, like I said, I ain't seen a dong. And either, I mean, I guess maybe he just has a really small dong that doesn't even escape his fur. And then yeah, like a maybe like a dong, it just red rockets. Maybe that's why Chewie's angry all the time. Yeah, he's been, he's been, he's been a wookie neutered. So he has kids later on in the expanded universe, doesn't he? I can either confirm or deny that. All I know is he gets killed in the expanded universe. Yeah, and the author that killed him got death threats. Yeah. One of the authors of some Star Wars expanded universe shit is riding the Elderscrown novels. Yeah, the Elderscrown novels, or the Elderscrown novels, but they take place after the events and the Bolivians. Yes. So I call them a Bolivian novels, but yeah, I think the line that I used for it meant my games, my new story about it was you'll find a use for them on the toilet one way or another. So I see what you did there. Yeah, whether you're reading it or wiping your ass with it. Let me beat you. I really appreciate you making it clear that oh, man, sometimes I feel like I have to do that with the people that read my shit. That opacity was really giving me problems. Hey, you guys are generally bright people, but I have to be honest outside of a fair amount of our listeners, the internet is full of idiots. Yeah. So our comments consistently impresses. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying outside of our limited audience. Yeah. So do you have any letters to read? Because those are really the only two I got that weren't just like, hey, love the podcast. Tyler's got an awesome voice. No, there are a couple others, but I think that we can those can wait till next time. I had a letter that I wanted to read. Oh, yeah. Actually, let's bring that up from Karl Rosner. Oh, yeah. Um, sent me a message through YouTube. He has a video commentary on company of heroes, and I actually checked it out and he's really good. Yeah. So it's actually it's a who is spelled K-A-R-L-R-O-S-N-E-R. And he does videos that are like dialogue and like, uh, analyzation videos of company heroes and matches. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. And I played the one he sent me. Yeah, he does a really good job because, you know, I've never played the game. So he was really going into detail describing like why he's, um, spawning certain units and, you know, talking about his tactics and everything and, uh, was wanting to maybe set up a game sometime. So that would be fun. We could do that. If I could get a PC. Yeah, we'll have Tyler come over and do some playtime. Yeah. Um, so yeah, Karl Rosner. So I guess we can wrap it up with, uh, where people can find us on the internet. I mean, how about you go first, Arthur? Uh, and Tyler. as in the one you drink. One word. Um, yeah, you can find me, my writing at GameSpy, although finding out which articles I wrote was kind of hard at the moment because you have to click the read-through button to see my bylines. Um, you know, I have pretty much regular news stories going up there. Like I said, I also have an infamous preview, a mag preview, and tomorrow I should have something on Red Faction going up, uh, with some exclusive content that I'll tease, um, and then, uh, uh, I guess you can also hear me on the GameSpy to Briefings podcast, which also went up today. Um, that one was, uh, featuring Ryan Scott from And Will Tuddle and these- And Will Tuddle, but I mean, featuring Ryan Scott, I mean, really, you know, I had the staff of GameSpy. Well, you should enjoy it because that's going to be one of Sterling's last podcasts. Yeah, yeah, Sterling announced that he's looking for G4, so- Along with Andrew Fister and Patrick Rupple. Yep. So, uh, good luck to them, but, uh, yeah, you can find me also at, um, and I guess that's really it. I mean, uh, you know, that being- You're out, out, out. Okay. Okay. Okay. So, uh, yeah. Okay. So, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.