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Game Club: Bully Episode 4

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
28 Apr 2009
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After all your waiting, here it is: our final installment of our Game Club series on Rockstar’s Bully! We discuss Chapter 5, our own slightly disturbing high school memories, and our love of Zoe (and sad faces that she was introduced so late!). And, uh, we might even tell you what our next Game Club game will be, based on your suggestions and our inflated senses of self importance, and we'll dedicating a post to it later today. As always, subscribe, review, and submit to your favorite social aggregator of choice, and thank you for all of your support.
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> How are we doing it? >> Yeah, we're doing it. >> Welcome to the final game club episode for Bully. So if you're joining with us, you should have played all the way to the completion of chapter five, which is Pat Penis, which is the conclusion of the game. >> I've been getting people that are trying to be creative and emails to me now, so instead of Pat Penis, they're coming up with variations. >> I'm getting- >> I'll not continue. >> Beefy vagina is the one that's- >> That's amazing. >> You need to be careful with the levels, because man, the levels- >> Yeah, I remember- >> It was the worst. It has ever been. >> I remember. >> It includes when we were recording directly into the MacBook. >> I know, I know, but I'm saying, did you remember that 20 minutes in, then it got better? >> Yeah, no, I had to go through that shit with a fine tooth comb, figuratively speaking. >> Well, I'm just saying the reason it was like that was because again, I had completely mixed up with Mike Mitch. >> You were hooked up on goofballs. >> Yeah, it was just a mistake on my part. But it's fine now, I'm watching it right now and the levels are- >> Watching levels. >> I literally couldn't get it right last time, I was like, why can't I get it right? >> Because it's the wrong Mike. >> I hear you watch levels in bully. >> [LAUGH] >> I had no chance for the worst segue, it was two. >> I love how the- >> You must be great narrative meetings for the first day of the five. >> I am the master of the segue, friend. >> So, we played the completion, I was a little bit behind, so I finished chapter four. Did all the missions, the ones that I hadn't done, including the day one. >> The entire full football game thing, right? >> Yeah, the full football game, that was the end of it, so I had to finish that. And then yeah, chapter five, you start off and now you gotta take care of the townies. >> So it starts off with you, like everyone likes you. >> Kind of, except it's very much like it feels like. >> Everyone is desperate and afraid of you. >> Yes, you can tell it's all on thin ice, and we'll collapse very soon. >> I thought Jimmy was kind of a big pile of douche. >> Yeah, I mean I guess- >> For most of this chapter. >> He makes up for it, I guess. >> He was wallowing in his newfound power. >> Right. >> Which is, I mean- >> He's like a little George Bush. It's such, it's true. >> Yeah. >> No, it's totally fine. I'm just like, it gives me warm fuzzies to know that we can make that joke and have it not be the way things are right now. >> [LAUGH] >> It's just, it was like a pretty major departure for the character that didn't necessarily feel natural. And a lot of the chapter, I felt, felt a little forced and a lot of- >> Yeah, but I guess, I don't even think I felt natural for him in a way either. He seemed like he was kind of forcing, I don't know. And I guess he just seemed like he's just a kid and then all of a sudden having all that power, he just didn't know what to do with it either. And he just kind of did turn into a douche. >> Well, I think, I think it was one of those things that it was good that he started out having the power in the beginning of the chapter, and then he loses it. So he sort of like eats the humble pie. And later, you do see him sort of fall back into his remorseful self when he's trying to help out all the factions who have been wronged. And they all think it's Jimmy, but he's like, even though you're blaming me, I'm still gonna help you. >> And I think a lot of it had to do with the other characters too, like all the other characters, they're all still slime balls and scuzz buckets and they were coming at Jimmy with all of this like, yeah man, you're the best, you're the most awesomest leader ever. And it's because they wanted to- >> They favors and get favors. >> Yeah, they all became the Cortezons to the king. >> Right, it did have that feel to it exactly. How I'd imagine like an early modern European court would have been or something. I think they kind of turned him into a douche by being douche's to him. They inflated the Ziga in a way. >> And so it was a lot to cram in to one story chapter out of five. I mean- >> I mean, it's really short though, that whole thing falls apart almost instantly. >> Right. >> Within like the first mission, all of a sudden everyone's like, fuck you. >> Which I thought was all kind of sleazy that they would turn it so quickly. >> Yeah, I mean that I can kind of understand that like your empire crumbles super quickly because every other empire in the game crumbles. >> Well that, and it's high school. I mean, how quick do people turn on you in high school when people are fickle? And that way they're still immature kids. >> That was really depressing. >> No, but it's true. >> I'm not saying it's not. It's just that they fit that entire conflict his fall and him trying to recover into one chapter, did a disservice is what I thought. That it was an awful lot to cram like setting things straight with every gang and then introducing a new gang and then introducing like the end of the gary. >> I will politely disagree with you, Sir. >> Yeah, me too actually because I think for me, maybe it was because I actually played the last two chapters like back to back, you know, so I guess I kind of felt like I was ready for it to be over. And not like, not in the way that it's like, God, this game needs to get over. I'm so tired of it, but no way it's like, you know what this piece is. >> No, I think that there are definitely parts where I think Anthony was at the stage too, where we were both sort of, I'm really ready to be done. >> Yeah, and then yesterday I was just like, my weekend was very time limited. And so yesterday I was like, totally ready to just, I just wanted nothing more than to play World of Warcraft. >> So this game was an impediment to me playing World of Warcraft. >> Because you wanted to go pick up lots of chocolate eggs over and over? >> No, no, no, I'm actually not an achievement horn World of Warcraft. >> It was, I mean, we were just talking about it in the car and it's like finishing Grand Theft Auto game. >> Yeah, I mean, I've never, I've only ever finished one Grand Theft Auto that I've started as well. >> One thing I had to say about Bully is, I mean, I don't know how they match up hour wise, but to me it seems like Bully is a lot shorter than it is definitely after. And I feel like they're almost like the perfect chunks, like the chapters of how much gameplay, how much story I went from- >> And to be fair, the last chapter was relatively short. >> Yeah, it looks like maybe two and a half, three hours. >> And it all takes place on campus almost. >> I mean, if you rush through it, it can be a lot faster. >> So? >> Or not a lot faster. >> Are you saying you rush through at night? >> I did a little. >> Yeah, I did a little. >> In fact, I think this is the only chapter where I missed a story mission. I missed a story mission with Zoey. I did not end up with the Zoey picture on my wall and my dorm because I missed the final. She is my girlfriend in a mission. >> I guess I did too. >> I must have missed that too. >> Yeah, like- >> Son of a bitch. >> Which is sad because she told her I left her. >> I told her I left her girl in the game. >> Yeah, well, I think that's just part of the final story mission. >> Right. >> So like that, yeah, the final mission, like he gets the girl Zoey's on campus or whatever and it's awesome, which by the way, I thought it was really cool if you go on to the end of the summer afterwards, then she's one of the students now walking around campus. >> Is she undress coded? >> Yes, but like totally cool punk style that's coded. But yeah, I was like, all right, she totally had to be like the final girlfriend and I must have missed a mission. So I went back and looked it up and yes, indeed, I did miss a mission. And I looked it up on YouTube and it sounded like a really cool mission. It's a mission like where she, I think she, like you have to prove to her what a badass you are or something. So she like, I don't know, I can't remember all the details, but she like takes you into a warehouse or a building or something and the two of you smash up a bunch of shit together and that's like- >> No, see that second part of that statement isn't what I expected, but okay. >> You go into this abandoned warehouse and you beat the shit out of me. Why don't you take us into the first mission? >> Well, I actually had a comment to start us off with, which is rabid. >> Let's do it. >> Rabid agreed and disagreed with some of us, respectively. He felt chapter five is a lot more narratively focused in the last few chapters. I really like how they pulled together all of the clicks in order to build up the final battle. I have a few minor problems with the story though, specifically it seems like there is much motivation for all the clicks to turn on you. Each seems to have a reason, but it's not like you make one terrible move that turns everyone against you and makes them despise you. On top of that, as much as I love Gary's rant at the end, his plan to have you pull together the click so that he could destroy it and take over just doesn't make any real sense. >> It's a video game. >> It's a video game that makes narrative sense for the most part though. >> Well, I thought- >> I still thought that the click thing makes sense. Gary's doing a bunch of shit behind your back. >> Yeah. >> I thought it made sense too because as soon as that power structure collapses, and if Gary has actual- I guess maybe they didn't show enough of Gary working behind the scenes so you don't know exactly how that plan was supposed to come together. I guess maybe I just took it a little bit on faith or I suspended my disbelief enough to believe, okay, well maybe Gary is like a conniving, backstabbing son of a bitch just enough to have been working this all along so like you could step in. >> I think they gave you a good idea of that in the beginning of the game. >> Right. >> That's how he is that you just believed it when every time Jimmy would say to like Pete, like fucking Gary, you know, you were like it is Gary, but maybe Pete. >> I don't know, I'm still sad it wasn't Pete, cuz then- >> You're still thinking that if you finish the endless summer then you have a penultimate fight with PB. >> I would hope so, and I would hope that it would end- >> Like a go-kart race along the war for one of you that's pushed into the ocean. >> Like, Pete would be like the school shooter. >> I would hope that- >> He's in the trench coat mom. >> To be fair, just jumping a little bit ahead real quick, I'll wait, just keep going. >> Okay, well I mean it starts with everyone patting on the back and licking your asshole and then so there are a couple different ways of the game. >> In that order? >> Yeah. There are a couple different ways we can start, we'll start with the cheating time mission, which is where Mr. Galloway is sitting in the school parking lot and drinking again and you find out that Mr. Hatrick is again trying to get rid of him. So you gotta take photos of- >> Of people of Mr. Hatrick's flunky taking money for tests. >> And Mr. Hatrick accepting the money as the final part. >> I liked the way that that ended up, it felt really triumphant at the end of the mission. >> Yeah. >> It was like, yeah fuck you Hatrick, you know, little Jimmy Hopkins got the better of you. I thought that was like, I just felt really satisfied at the end of that mission. Did anybody notice whether or not there are math classes after that, because I'd already finished all the classes by the end, so I didn't really math. >> I don't know, because I'd still see it ceased going to classes. >> Yeah, I went to a math class after that mission. >> I didn't have any math classes then, I had a biology class and an art class. >> Because there was a- >> I can't remember if there was a voice track. >> Right. >> Like a teacher welcoming me now. >> Well, I played it today. >> Right. Well, the cutscenes were always Hatrick at the front of the class, so, I mean, you would have had to have seen him or some other teacher there, I just wondered if that was a little detail. >> If they had a substitute. >> If they had a substitute thing, it should have- >> Yeah, that would be cool. >> I mean, you could try going to a math class during the endless summer, I think they still have the classes. >> Yeah, classes are still. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> I mean, any particular stories or ways that anybody dealt this mission or it was pretty straightforward? >> Yeah, it was pretty straightforward. I just hit on top of rooftops and took pictures or, I mean. >> One thing bully made me realize is that I've not played many action games, or there's a lot of camera usage like the last game club game you guys did was Beyond Good and Evil. Just hearing about all the camera stuff in there, I'm now thinking like, yeah, man, excited for the next Beyond Good and Evil 2. >> The camera handles a lot better and Beyond Good and Evil, though, than it doesn't bully as well, though. It's a lot more intuitive of how you activate it and use it. >> Cool, cool. >> If you really want to struggle and go through a test of the human spirit, you could play Dead Rising. >> Boom, and if you just want to play the best photography game ever made, it's called Pokémon Snip. >> That's what I hear. >> I will stand by that to the day at Africa and that's supposed to be the new one. >> Yeah, if you want to import it. >> Right. >> So that actually ended up coming out? >> Yeah, it ended up paying, right? >> Europe, I think. >> Yeah, it came out in Europe. >> I wanted to play that game. >> Chain imported it, so I remember seeing it in the office. >> Wow. >> Yeah, Pokémon Snip, man. That game is phenomenal. >> Yeah, in Bully, the camera controls were particularly hard on the PC because in order to go into your camera and zoom in, you had to use the arrow keys. So my left hand is all the way over on the WASDA, and then I had to go over and use the arrow keys. >> Not if you're using a controller? >> Yeah, to use the D-pad on the PS3 controller, which became kind of a pain in the ass, so. >> Anyway. >> See, that's, I mean, I just hit up on the directional pad and then I controlled like a first person camera. >> Yeah, it's just, I don't know, I thought even the first person controls in that game weren't particularly good. Either way, camera controls, not the greatest. >> No, but I mean, you don't really need to do that often. >> No. >> So after you finish the mission, then you basically get Hatrick fired because you show the principal pictures of him. And instead of a English teacher getting fired, I did find it funny that he said that if Hatrick was gone, he'd never have a reason to drink again. >> Right. >> Right. >> And his other reason for drinking was the math teacher. >> Yeah, exactly. >> Well, that's just the true spirit of an alcoholic. >> Yeah. >> I swear, this is the reason. >> So I went to a couple of classes between that mission and the next mission, which is good because after the next mission, you don't get to go to classes anymore. >> You sure? >> Oh, because you get exposed. >> Yeah, you get exposed. >> Exactly. So the next mission is making a mark, which is where everyone has their tongue straight up your asshole again and everyone thinks that it would be a great idea to tag the roof of town hall. >> So is that part of that mission running out of spray paint or did that just happen to me? >> I think that just happened to me. >> That was so annoying. >> That was annoying. >> Happened to me too. >> I have his midway of the tag on top and he's like, "You need more spray paint." And I was like, "Jesus Christ." I climb all the way down. >> I jumped off. >> I bought a ton of spray paint like once. >> Well, the whole thing is that when I did this to the tagging mission, I never used my spray paint since then, I just assumed that it was infinite because I didn't know it was something you switched to and used. >> It totally happened to me and I was up there and I was like, "Fuck, I'm not climbing all the way down this ladder." So I just jumped off and I ended up kind of clipping onto the side of the building and landing safely. >> Oh, yeah. See, you base-drumped. >> Yeah. >> I used to do that shit in oblivion and the oblivion gates and just base-drumped my way down the towers after I was done with them. >> So you get to the town hall, you spray paint, you make it down, and then you have to run away from like 8 million police officers and take a picture. >> That was pretty easy. Once I jumped down, I ran like 10 feet and stopped chasing me and I went back and took a picture. >> Me too. >> See, I had to run way further than that. >> Really? Wow. Yeah. The cops just totally stopped. They gave up after I got to the end of the plaza. >> Yeah, exactly. Literally, I walked with an eyesight and they would have been like, "Eh, wait, he's coming back. He's taking a picture." Obviously even that. I didn't run very far at all, I just jumped in the nearest trash can and even though the cops saw me jump in and everything, they stopped chasing me immediately. >> Man, I just never hid in trash cans in that game ever. >> Neither did I. >> The thing is, because I realized early on, it's just instant, it turns the AI off of you instantly. >> Yeah, I didn't trash cans every chance I got. I mean, it works. >> I think the only time I ever hid in trash cans when I was supposed to pull the fire alarm in the school. >> Oh, yeah, yeah. >> I don't know, man. >> That's one of the little man missions. >> That's one of the little man missions. >> For reason. >> No, I know. I mean, there's a lot of stuff that's everywhere for a reason that I use. >> Perfect little bastard, hidey hole. >> Yes. I mean, you can hide lockers. >> Yep. >> Yeah, I guess, you know, the first two missions in this were pretty slow to begin with. I didn't really realize that, probably because I was still finishing Chapter 4, so. Next. >> So when you get done, you get back to your dorm room and P.D. tells you that all hell is broken loose and everyone hates you. And I saved and went to sleep at that point because it was late and there were no missions available, I think. >> Right. Yeah, I think I passed out. >> Yeah. >> Which is a bitch. >> Oh, you passed out? >> Yeah. >> Start hanging his head and the screen starts blurring. >> Yeah. >> My name just laid down in the street and I was like, okay. >> Yeah. >> Okay, I'll over twist. So you get the, you wake up and there's the announcement from the principal that is demanding to see you. >> Right. >> Everything that's happened has been blamed on you. >> Yup. >> So did you do any missions to try to get the other clicks to not hate you before you got expelled or did that all happen after you got expelled? >> I did all those before expulsion. >> Me too. >> So I did, because I went around and did them all one after the other, I rescued the guy from the asylum, I did the rat mission, and I, for the jocks, what was their gem of truck? >> The fucking burning building. Yeah, okay, so we'll talk about that. >> Well, well, I was just going to say that I actually didn't, I did it in the other order. I did everything after I got expelled. I thought, and I thought that's the way it had to go. I thought that it was like, it, you get expelled and then like you're doing all of this to get back into the good graces of everybody and the school. >> I guess it was just a, I mean, you can always, it was just the order in which I walked around the campus to do the missions. >> Yeah, I don't, I'm trying to remember which order I did it and it's all kind of fuzzy, which is really sad. So we're talking about the gem mission first, I was really surprised that that's, I was like, man, this game just went in really dark direction. There are people inside of a burning building, everything else was a silly little game. >> That's the whole goal. >> On top of some jock. >> Yeah. >> It's burning. >> Yeah. >> Oh, panning raids. That's fairly innocuous. >> Right, yeah. >> I mean, it got a little creepy when I was taking pictures of a girl in a shower. But that was, no one's going to die from that. >> I'm like, in the fire when it wasn't that dark you saved him and no one did die. >> So. >> But, I mean, he could have, in the reality that's set, it wouldn't, I mean, it would be surprising, but it's conceivable that someone could die. >> I know, but I'm just saying you did a heroic thing. How is it that dark of a thing? Fires happen. I don't associate you on this case, arson happens. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> It just goes a little bit beyond the slightly goofy, ultimately harmless, fun of most of the rest of the game. >> Right, because the people behind it are sort of the crazies from the town over. >> I guess so, yeah. >> Yeah, I think, yeah, I think it's just supposed to be intense, that's totally intentional in regards to, you just step into this next level shit boy, hope you handle it. >> The way I look at those guys, it seems like they're all the really big time losers, like way after high school where they're really insane. >> They're the bro who's. >> The scrunald, you know? Like the bro, yeah. >> Yeah. Like that guy that you went to high school with, they had a tribal tattoo. >> Yeah. >> And they all have tribal tattoos, all of the townies have really bad tattoos. >> Yeah. >> And you can go to a trailer in the trailer. >> I got some tattoos. >> It's like they did a really good job transporting you to New Jersey right there, like it's totally, it's tall. >> It is a knock on New Jersey, man, all these fucking, they call them townies, which is like what a lot of people are in Jersey, and they all live around industrial places and Ken plants and new factories, that's all Jersey is, so. >> And they're in summer, they go to the Jersey shore? >> Yeah. >> So, yeah, so you saved the guy and Mandy from the burning building, and then there's the finding Johnny Vincent, where Johnny has been escorted to the insane asylum. >> Mm-hm, which it kind of sounds like he kind of did need. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Like he saw me like he was losing the shit. >> He was like, he tricked me into being here, he's like, but you know, these guys said that they hooked up with her. So, and you know, I heard him, and he's like, but now I gotta go find her to find out if it was true. And they're just like, maybe I should have left your ass there. >> Yeah. >> Jimmy, did you bring my knife? >> Yeah. >> Like I don't know. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, poor Jimmy. >> So, I didn't have nearly as much trouble this time in the asylum as I did last time in the asylum. >> Yeah, see the Johnny Vincent when there was one guy in particular that kept seeing me, and it's the guy that he just looks back and forth, he doesn't, he just sits there behind the glass. >> Yeah, the same guy got behind me. >> That guy caught me every time. Like, I'd sit there and wait, and I'd be like, doing the crouch thing, I'd be like, kick the door. >> Mm-hm. >> And then I'd try and wait, but he'd catch me every fucking time, and it was maddening. >> I did the same thing that I did last time. I walked in, I stealthed by the first guy in the entryway, and then I just went all the way around to the left and ran straight to the cell and mission over. It was like instant, and I was like, I didn't even have to stealth. >> Took me four tries. >> [LAUGH] >> It was a little bit, but at least when you get caught the second time in the asylum, it just takes you out to the front. >> Mm-hm. >> And you don't have to go grab the mission again, like you did with the teacher. >> Oh, you had to grab it every time. >> Yeah. >> That one was a kick in the teeth. >> Yeah. >> For me, the pain in the ass was getting there. >> It wasn't so bad, you just ran out to the football field and then run through the McDonald's. >> Well, that's not the way I got there, but yeah, you can do that, but it's just to take so long to get there, and that's like my pet peeve and all the GTA style games is the amount of time it takes to get from point A to point B. >> Well, I found the whole Bullworth area set up really well, except for if you wanted to go to the carnival. That was the only one that was really hard to get to. Everywhere else I thought had really convenient shortcuts, like the nerd tunnels that go to the insane asylum. I don't know why they made the carnival so hard to get to because I'm going to go do something at the carnival. Well, it's 5 p.m., and by the time I get there, it's 9 p.m., and then after that, I can only do one thing, and I better get the fuck back, otherwise I'm going to collapse in the middle of the carnival, and we know what happens when that happens. >> They turn you into a midget. >> You wake up chained to a fucking throw a baseball milk bottle set up. >> Did any of you guys go into the freak show inside the carnival? >> Yeah, you have to for the last photography assignment. >> Yeah, I didn't do photography classes. >> I must be on the last one, okay, because I've done all the way. >> Yeah, I found a rubber band in there, and it's just weird, man. >> Yeah, the freak show is actually really cool, because it has the stereotypes. It has the bearded lady, the Siamese twins, and the Siamese twins, they're like, one of them is like, a prim and proper, and the other one is clearly abused, and it has this chisel- >> Yeah, like all her clothes are tattered and torn, yeah. >> Like, so one of the Siamese twins is major abusive to the other. >> And there's little people wrestling in there, and you can gamble on them? [LAUGH] >> A bitch, she'll miss this. >> [LAUGH] >> At first, I thought you could actually wrestle, and I was like, I love the boxing mechanic, let's go. >> Yeah. >> But then I was like- >> It would be the first little people I beat up in this game. >> [LAUGH] >> Or the first time I bet money on them. >> [LAUGH] >> But yeah, your last photography assignment, you have to go through the freak show and take pictures of all of them, and then you go back and you pass the class. >> I don't think, well, photography wasn't in the PS2 version either, so. You just take pictures of them because you like them. >> Well, speaking of the carnival, though, after the last game club when it was revealed to me, thank you, Arthur, that you could get the, I don't know if it was you or one of the- >> No, it was me that told you that Robert Ashley was saying that the go-kart's like the form of transportation you need in the game. >> And it totally is, like I played all of the go-kart races until they opened up the street race, and then I think is there only one street race? >> There might be more than one street race, but once you get those and you unlock the go-kart, and like that thing rules, it's so much fun. It's so fast, like at that point, every part of the town is immediately accessible to you just by how fast you can go. >> See, that's awesome. I'm halfway there. I just did all of the races inside the carnival, which they're actually kind of- >> I'd say you're more than halfway. >> It's pretty fun. I don't know. The races, I mean, it's pretty frustrating when you start bumping against each other, but once you start getting the power slide down, it's a little mechanic. >> It is. >> I like it. >> I actually was using the power slide once I was driving around the town, too, to corner really sharp. >> Nice. >> It controls really well. >> So what you're saying is it's no consumer. >> No. It doesn't feel broke-ass. >> Right. >> Did you ever accidentally run over an adult with your go-kart and then have your- >> No, but I did. >> Max. >> I didn't know what I did with a bike while I was on a mission once. I ran over an adult with a bike, and then I don't remember what happened. I think I hit a wall or something because something knocked me off my bike and a cop caught me instantly. When you have violence against adults, you don't have the option to run away. >> Yeah, there's no nut grabs. There's since a humor is absent- >> Yep. >> You're around against adults. >> Yep. >> That happened to me after the part where you have to take a picture of the trophies on fire. >> All right. That whole area is really confusing, but we'll get there. So there's Johnny Vincent, the gym. There are the rats in the library. >> Yeah, the rats part was pretty easy. All I did is just shot bottle rockets, and it killed like four at a time. >> Yeah. I slingshotted. >> Yeah. And they all, at least in the PC version that I was playing, in down where the librarian is, and she's all like, "Ah, yeah, get him." It's like, if you just stand next to the librarian, every single rat came there, and I shot them all right. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> They didn't even work for me. >> You chased them around bookshelves and everything. >> Well, I mean, I'd stand in one place and target as many as I could, but then I had to move on. And I'd feel bad because they wouldn't die with the first attack. They'd fall on their back, and like either they would sit there and die slowly, or you could hit them again. >> [LAUGH] >> I don't hate rats. I'm sorry. >> I don't hate rats. I'm sorry. >> You've clearly never had the plague. >> No. I have seen it is a little bit different having a pet rat and living in a place where like my friend Isaac in college, he definitely lives in a place where there was the rat. And we'd be like in his living room playing games, and all of a sudden you hear like something getting knocked over in the kitchen, you'd look, and there was this fucking like Chihuahua sized thing that would run, pull out a piece of bread through the plastic, and then just disappear behind the fridge. >> Yeah, the last department I lived in Davis had mice and rats. >> Yeah, I'll say, Davis was pretty notorious for having mice, I had mice, that was bad. But mice you could deal with. You would just find like you'd open a drawer, you'd open a long time and find poo, or you would like realize like, oh, my bag of rice got a hole punched in it. >> Yeah, mice are all fun in games until there's one or two in your room in the middle of the night scurrying back and forth. >> The rats, man. Rats, I mean, I can see why they bother people only because when you see one, it isn't like a mouse where you're like, did I see a mouse? I don't know. No, when you see a fucking rat, you're like, that is a gigantic entity that just like noisily ran across my floor. >> The only time I ever saw a rat in that house was when I was coming home really late from a concert, and I walked in and looked to my right in the kitchen, and I see blood all over the floor and a rat that's got its neck snapped in a trap. And I'm like, that is the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Well, it's like, yeah, if you've ever been to New York City, all you have to do is stand in a subway and you see the rats running around on the track and stuff. >> Yeah, it's not a cliche, it's actually true, and they are giant fucking animals. >> That's what I'm saying. I would not want my cat to fight one because it's loose. >> On the subject, there's an excellent episode of This American Life called Build a Better Rat Trap. It's very insightful. >> Is it about murdering rats? >> It's just about all the crazy patents that the owner of whatever that victory mouse trap, whatever it is, they get these crazy ideas of people's inventions of a better mouse trap. And they're all completely not a simple idea whatsoever. >> I have my rat repellent in my lap right now. >> Yeah. >> What do we mean? >> I'm pretty sure that in the scheme of things, Arthur's cat would be fairly worthless against rats. >> No, see, they don't have to do anything. They just have to be there. >> That is not true. I have definitely lived in houses where the rats figured out like, nah, this cat ain't going to do shit. And so they're just like, hey, what's up, cat? I'm just going to go, I just want a piece of bread. Is that cool? >> Yeah. >> Cool. All right. So. >> It's a rocket. >> Yeah. >> Where they paid off the cat. >> Yeah, where is my cat? It's like a vicious. >> I can totally see. >> A vicious rodent slayer. >> They're going to be paying off. Like, I accidentally paid, excuse me, that big bully accidentally paid him to follow me around. >> Russell? >> Russell. >> You haven't even followed you around? >> No. >> Yes, I accidentally did that. And then another bully, too. The bully's just in plain white tees. You can pay them? Yes, it happened to me twice. >> No, I didn't. Usually, when I see a bully, I introduce him to my fist. >> I knew that Russell could, but I thought that's because he thought you were a little guy. >> Yeah, I thought I thought it might have been exclusively him, but later on, there was another character that just eventually I was giving him a thumbs up and the money button came up. >> And you were like, all right, what's this? >> Yeah. >> And then I was just like, what kind of favors can I pay this boy for? >> What kind of favors can I pay this boy for? >> I don't know. Man, yeah. >> Yes, you do. >> What am I going on? >> I kissed the blonde bully. >> Nice. >> I didn't get a chance to kiss any boys. I didn't kiss many girls. >> I, the only girls I ever kissed were in the scheme of missions like it became like- >> Ever since I kissed him, every time I walked past him now, he says, you want to play shirts and skins? >> [LAUGH] >> Every time. >> That is a good word. Thank you, lifestyle. >> I started doing it because I didn't have art classes to get like a 3/4 health bonus if I kissed a girl. >> And I did all the art classes, so I got 100% health bonus, so I was kissing all the time. >> Yeah, I was kissing all the time. >> It's a nice overshield for certain missions. >> Definitely. >> Occasionally, I'd see girls on campus that I hadn't kissed yet and I would be like, hey, hey, hey, flowers, make up. >> You ever kissed one girl in front of another girl? >> Yeah, and they got in a fight and they were pulling hair. >> Whoa, you ever kissed one girl in front of two other girls? >> No. >> Because I did that once and like I was- >> And the other girls started making out cute. >> They got in a three-way fight, like imagine like one girl's left hand pulling a girl. >> And then that girl's left hand pulling another girl's hair and they had this three-way hair. >> So they were in a- >> They were like a triforce of women hair. >> Exactly. It was amazing. >> It was amazing. >> It was amazing. I was like, wow, so I don't know if this is intentional behavior or if it's just that the hand grafts onto this point on the head and all three girls just happen to be formed in that situation. But I was like- >> So basically at that point, you stopped progressing to the game and started seeing how many girls you could get in one place and make out with. >> That would have been a great idea. But it's probably the kind of thing I can never actually capture again. It was a special moment. >> All right. >> That was pretty special. >> So you do the missions to gain a little bit of respect back. >> Well, okay. So then there's the jocks mission. Is the last one, I think. Right? >> What, the fire one? >> No. Kind of damn it. >> It went the mission. >> It went the mission. We got to talk about the- >> Well, we are skipping a mission. >> So- >> Well, we did, yeah, we did, there's the greaser, the jock and the nerd ones, so we did those. >> Yeah. >> Mm-hm. >> Then there's revenge on Mr. Burton. >> Yeah. >> Right. >> Which is fun and kind of gross. >> Mm-hm. >> That's what we had to meet Zoe. Zoe is our favorite. >> Yeah, I didn't know where the, in that mission where the tractor lawn mower came from all of a sudden, like she, somehow she, she arranged that one all nice. >> God. >> She's like, go get bolt cutters, all right. And for some reason, bolt cutters just lying in the gutter, the alley would be way behind the street. >> Well, you go to a manufacturing building. >> I'm going to be honest too, those were the easiest to destroy a porta-potties in the world. >> Oh, right, three punches. >> Yeah, I was like trying to imagine myself trying to kick in a porta-pottie, and it would just be like the world's hardest task. >> And just sort of design it with stance and punishment inside and out. >> Yeah, I would have figured that I had to drop like a bomb or something, like one of my firecrackers. That's what I was thinking. >> Yeah, yeah. >> I thought you were going to have to like, you know, maybe, I don't know, run over it with something. >> I actually tried hitting it with the bat, I got a bat and I was hitting it with the bat and it wasn't destroying it. >> Huh. >> And like the bat broke and then I punched it three times and it broke. >> Weird. >> I mean, I figured that I decided to punch him because if I can take down Santa's like display Christmas, I fucking fuck up like a porta-pottie. So Zoe was kicked out of Bowworth because she had unwelcome advances from Mr. Burton, the gym teacher. >> Yep. She reported him and then they kicked her out. >> Yeah. Which is fucked up. >> Mm-hm. Welcome advances from a high school teacher to a high school student are fucked up in general. I, at my, at my high school alone, more than one teacher was fired for that during the time I went there. >> Wow. >> The high school ended up paying this one girl like $10 million. >> Wow. >> Yeah. >> After I left one of the teachers that were super popular when I was there was arrested for having sex with- >> Yeah, well, and the funny thing is that I was in band and my high school band teacher ended up, like we all knew that there was something not okay going on with this one girl at my school named, name Rainbow, was her name. >> Mm-hm. >> And, and then it turned out that he was a what, 'cause I said her name and- >> I have nothing to say. I'm just listening. >> Yeah. And then he ended up sleeping with her and getting arrested and then the, I knew this kid who I was in bandwidth and he got arrested and they shared jail sale. So they knew each other in jail. >> Wow. >> And when you were my student- >> I have some new things to teach you. >> The cop who headed up the DARE program in our community was arrested for advancements towards a minor. >> Tyler wins. Jesus Christ. >> Well, to be fair, I come from a really small town and the girl that went $10 million had a lesbian relationship with the teacher. And so that was an extra big deal on where I came from. That's why she got so much money. So. >> There was always, I was always sandwiched between drama at my school, like nothing happened to my specific class, but like the graduating class one year before mine, there was a fairly popular porn starlet that came out of that in a couple of years before their charisma carpenter went to my school and then- >> I actually have a memory of that being in college. My friend, my friend Joe called me in the room, he was like, "Anthony, Anthony, you gotta watch this porn." I'm like, I really don't want to watch porn with you right now. I'm not comfortable with this stage, but- >> Yeah, I'm sure, yeah, I'm never- >> This is the guy that would always show his balls. >> Yeah, this is the guy that he had this ability where he could move one of his testicles, like vertically two inches, and I'm not joking, on command. So people would always be like, "I don't want to see it. I don't want to see it." And then he'd be like, "No, no, no, I'm just show you." And then he'd do it and everyone would be like, "Holy shit. Do that again." [laughter] Like on command, he could literally move his left testicle like two inches vertically. >> He would have had him on a podcast once. >> He was insane. Every time he'd do it, too, he'd go, "Ohhhhhh!" [laughter] So yeah, he was my friend, I lived, he had like severe ADD, so he called me in his room. He's like, "Anthony, Anthony, you have to watch porn." I mean, I knew he wasn't going to leave me alone until I said okay. And so I walked in and he's like, "I want to tie a school with this girl. I'm watching her get banged. I want to tie a school with her." [laughter] I can beat that girl I went to junior high school with and had journalism class popped up in magazines while I worked at the adult bookstore. And then she came into the store looking for them. >> Do you ever sign them? >> No. I was just like, "That's cool." [laughter] Anyways, sorry. >> So anyway, you beat Zoe. >> Yeah, Zoe is awesome. >> Segue. >> She's out with one thing. >> She's out with one thing. >> Probably the girl that would end up doing porn. >> After her high school. >> Zoe would appreciate ball moving tricks. Hey, just 'cause she dresses like that doesn't mean she's going to do porn. >> Trailer park. >> No, man. I think the girl that was most likely to do porn was the cheerleader. >> The cheerleader? >> No, it was like the one girl that-- >> The one girl. >> The older girl. >> Yeah. >> Her or the other one, the high, high class, like girl that manipulated everyone to give a degree. >> The porn star from my school was a very weak. >> The nerd girl? >> The nerd girl. >> Yeah, exactly. >> The porn star at the porn star from my school was definitely a band geek. >> That was mine, actually. The porn star from my school was a nerd. >> Yeah, good point. >> Oh, fuck. >> All right, Mr. Soul. >> Tyler wins again. >> Any word of advice I'd have to give to anyone in high school right now. The hot cheerleaders, those aren't the ones, the nerds. >> Oh, yeah, it was Jody and Nerd. >> Uh, yeah. >> Jody likes Tyler's extremely attractive girlfriend. >> So a long time ago, I'm saying like this was way back in the day. >> Yeah, but think about it, I mean like as a nerdy guy, you would have been an easy target. >> It's true. >> And it had anyone had, you know, if girls thought that that was like something for them to do and they targeted a nerdy guy, it, yeah. >> Where were we? >> [LAUGH] >> Sully. Sully from porn star. >> Hi. So you did the next? >> So you fuck up the porta potties, then he goes to the last one. >> I kind of wish that, that, that wasn't done in a cut scene. I wish like the physics were operating and everything and- >> Where you could have like watched it go down? >> Yeah, and like you actually have to like hit it perfectly to make it go down. >> Yeah. >> I felt kind of gypped that it was a cut scene. I mean, I don't know what's- >> Do drive the lawnmower into it. >> Right, but at the angle I drove into it, Tyler's right, it wouldn't have gone. >> It wouldn't have happened, right? >> And this would have crossed it and killed Christopher. >> Or it would have like bumped it and he would have been like, what's going on? >> Yeah. >> Hey. >> I'm pooping here. >> Man, he is covered in poop when he comes out. >> Yeah, it doesn't even say like I got something in my mouth. >> I don't remember, I may have blocked it out. >> Yeah, that was kind of gross. >> Yeah, it was pretty gross. So was the images I saw work today on accident? >> Yeah, it reminded me of this gift that I saw recently a few- >> Wake up. >> Oh my God. >> What? >> Kyle. >> It's like, I look around my cock. >> Today, today, what I wrote a story about this peripheral that's developed by this lab in Birmingham or something in England, and it's a peripheral they're making for simulation, like military simulation games, that uses various containers of paraffin wax and blows over them at certain times to simulate smell. So they can train soldiers to know what bombs smell like and stuff like that ahead of time. And like what, like so they understand things, what are you rolling your eyes about? >> I'm not rolling my eyes, I'm confused. >> As to why we're talking about this? >> No, I'm confused as to the concept, continue. >> Okay, so yeah, so they're just trying to say that they want humans, they want to see how perception affects things. Anyways, I had to write a new story about it, I wrote a new story about it, and then I was trying to find an image of like a funny image of something that would portray smell for the blog role, and I ended up seeing someone eating shit off another person, like from the image I searched, and that just occurred to me that's like one of those things you should not be seeing while you're at work. >> Oh, it's one of those things you should not be seeing ever. >> Yeah, that's the thing, a safe search on from now on. >> Yeah, fuck. >> Anyways, back to bully, please. >> Point stars and poop eating, please, has become. So the mission that I didn't do, and that apparently a bunch of other people didn't do, was smash it up, which is the one where you go to Zoe and you. >> I think Matt was the only one who did do that, right? >> Did you just mention it? I said I missed it. Oh, everyone didn't do it. >> We all suck, basically. We missed the mission that makes Zoe your girlfriend, I guess. Which is you go to a warehouse and you try to see who can break more shit, apparently she starts at $3,000 or she'll get nearly $3,000 in damage, so you really have to fuck shit up. >> How awesome is that? >> Yeah, I'm trying to, I guess that's like one of those like weird shit turns her on. So for her, it's breaking shit. I can get behind that. >> Yeah, I can respect that. >> I would go buy plates every week for her, for a special time. >> See, I've actually got, I have to do the last two missions, so I can still go back and earn her. >> Maybe. >> Earn her as my girlfriend. >> You get over here, I earned you. >> One side mission I did in this chapter was- >> Who says misogyny is gone from bully? >> Right. Yep, this one mission I did was a lot of fun. It was for one of the towny guys, I think, and he was having me steal a bunch of bikes. >> Did you guys do that one? >> No. >> I was intense, man, because the cops were right on you instantly, and you have to still three bikes. >> Oh, I did do that one, yeah. >> That's a lot of fun. It made me feel like reminiscent of the GTA card theft. >> Yeah, see, I didn't do that one, and I didn't do the townies challenge, because I just- >> Yeah, I haven't done the- >> I did the townies challenge too, and it's like, you know, I'm locking on the save point. >> I sort of wanted to finish at that point. >> Yeah. >> So the- >> It's the point you don't need. >> That you deal with, so I was right, the other quick weeds directly into the rest of the game, which is the prepsies are vandalized. >> All right. >> And all their boxing trophies are stolen, and they think the jocks did it, and you think they're retarded, but you go and talk to the jocks anyway. And I guess that they- >> No, the preps think the greasers did it. >> Yeah, the preps think the greasers did it, yeah, sorry, the preps- >> You got to talk to the greasers. And they didn't, but they say the jocks or the townies did, those clicks, and brains getting confused. >> And then you go, you have to take pictures of them burning the trophies out on the garbage scowl. >> Yes. Well, first you go to the warehouse to get pictures of them stuff that's in the box. >> And that, I got spotted so many times in that section, I don't know if you guys- >> Is it a mission failure if you get spotted, or is it catch you it is? >> Okay. >> Really? >> You know, we were just talking about the mission where we spray painted city hall, and the cops give up chase so quickly. In this mission, I mean, I swear this one guy spotted me in the warehouse chasing me out of the warehouse all the way to the bridge to the next area before he stopped chasing me. >> Okay, so I didn't do that mission twice. The first time I totally got seen by both guys downstairs, but I didn't get dragged out, like I beat the crap out of them. >> Really? I should just- >> That's saying something about me that my first impulse in that game is anyone that sees me that's not supposed to, I just beat them up. >> Yeah, why not? >> No, see, I didn't even know that I was supposed to be super sneaky in there. >> People can hear that on the mic, by the way. >> Well, it's a good thing that Tyler is disgusting. >> See, I'm sitting on the same couch, couch food, something like Anthony is. >> I would love it when I was riding on the BART, and I'd be sitting next to someone and we'd be going through the tunnel, so it's like deafening, so I'd be like, I wonder if she feels this. >> [LAUGH] >> And I'd be like- >> Vibrations. >> I probably just, yeah, she probably just felt that in her ass. >> [LAUGH] >> One thing we would always focus on when we were making our fart tapes just like getting the perfect angle. >> Wait, you were making fart tapes? >> You need to listen to the last part, cuz. >> Cuz other people commented that they made them too. >> But we would practice getting the perfect angle on a wood surface or plastic band chairs at the best for the handbook. >> [LAUGH] >> Did you guys ever do duck calls? >> [LAUGH] >> How do you do that? >> So that duck calls- >> Do you like move your legs? >> No, no, no, I had a friend who was the master of this. Duck call is totally disgusting, by the way, I'll preface it with that. Duck call, you have to take your hand, you have to cup it. You know, like your swimming or something, and then you gotta fucking work that in your ass. >> You're trying to catch nature's bounties. >> So then you gotta work in your ass pack and you literally gotta open it at the right time. >> [LAUGH] >> So it's like a trumpet muzzle that you're, yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> Get worthy of a jazz musician? >> It works amazingly well. >> [LAUGH] >> Jesus, dude, just use a cup. So, that and I, God, that and I also have a talent where I can make fart noises with my back. I'll show you later on. >> Cool. >> I mean, I watched the movie Pink Flamingo when I was like 15. >> That was a mistake. >> So. >> We're not gonna talk about Pink Flamingo as on this podcast. >> Okay. So so we've got inside check on why. >> So yeah, so I put the crap out of the guys downstairs in that warehouse and that was my problem. >> My problem was that trying to find my way to the wharf. >> Fuck Anthony. >> [LAUGH] >> I mean, seriously. >> Who does that? >> Duck Call? >> Yeah. >> I learned it from my friend Keith Weaver in high school. I hardly ever did Duck Calls. >> Oh, God damn it. >> No, I'm being serious because I was not, I just couldn't. I wasn't good at it. But Keith Weaver was. >> I practiced and I practiced. >> Keith Weaver was the world's best Duck Caller. It was insane. >> He would do it and Duck would come. >> [LAUGH] >> We called it hunting season. >> So. >> Okay. I'm sorry. >> Finding the wharf was a pain in the ass to take the pictures and then the first time I did it, I got on my bike to ride away and collided with some lady that was walking around on the pier. >> Mm-hm. >> I bumped into plenty of people, but it never gave me violence towards adults. >> I hit her head on. >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> I flattened this lady. >> Gonna get out of the way. >> All of a sudden like seven cops materialized and I got caught and had to redo the entire thing from the beginning. >> And that's a bitch cuz that's a long. >> It starts with the fucking crappies. >> Yep. >> And then you go to the gym. >> No, no, no, no, no. >> That's terrible. >> That gave doesn't make sense to me because there were certain missions where it did do mid-mission checkpoints. >> Yeah. >> Like why wasn't that one of them? I don't know. >> It totally should have been, obviously. >> I mean, you're going from one end of the fucking game to the other. >> Yeah. It was, it was balls in my face, for sure. It was Duck Calls all around. >> [LAUGH] >> Would you say that you got doffed? >> Why? >> Why? >> There were some doffs involved. So the next mission is busting in part one, which is Brad, where you talk to Petey and you tell him you got expelled and you need help and you think of someone big who doesn't hate you and you think of Russell, he had a Russell's house and he has a stolen police motorcycle on his garage. >> Yep, which is super awesome. >> And a moped. >> Yeah. I love when Russell decides he's just gonna ram the fucking game. >> Yeah. I was like, okay. >> Okay, well, we'll find another way, Russell, where are you going? >> I like Russell a lot, man, he's like, he's one of my favorite characters in the game. He's not around. >> I would have liked him. It sounds to me like you knew people like Russell in real life. >> [LAUGH] >> I think I would have liked Russell better if like he wasn't so stupid. You know, it's just like, it's just like- >> He's unrealistically dumb. >> Yeah. It's just like, you know, you never know- >> Russell likes to hurt people. >> I never know who we are. Peace. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, I don't know. I knew plenty of dumb people. >> That was a good line, actually. >> Yeah. >> I knew dumb people in high school, but there was no one that literally talked like a cave man. >> Yeah. >> They were such dumb. >> I just felt like I had like a human King Kong with me or something. >> [LAUGH] >> Well, there never would have been anyone in your high school that talked like that. They would have been in the special classes. >> The special kids went to my high school like during certain parts of the day. That was like the integration program. So, anyways- >> Everything I have to say is so mean. So I'm just gonna move on. >> You should. >> What I liked about Russell though is that he can kick ass. >> Yes. >> Like he can really beat the crap out of it. >> Russell doesn't beat down, which comes in handy near the very end of the game. >> Yeah. >> So Russell crashes into conveniently piled explosive barrels at the front of the factory. >> And then just takes off. >> Okay, so when you did it, Russell heard a police siren and saw a police car turn around the corner. And then it looked like he was chasing a police car. >> He ran after you. >> He was like, what the fuck? >> That's totally what it looked like to me too. But for me, Russell got out first and the police car chased him. >> To me, it totally looked like he was- I'm like, why is he running- >> I liked it better you guys' way. >> Yeah, I thought maybe he's- >> That sounds much cooler. >> I thought maybe he's running toward the police because he's heroic and he's trying to distract them from me. >> He is that dumb basically. He did steal one of their motorcycles, a car is next. >> He is the future speechless guy in Grand Theft Auto 3. >> So you get into the warehouse and Zoe looks at you like you're retarded and asks what you're doing and you say you have to talk- you have to find out what's going on with the townies. And then this whole part is pretty straightforward like it's basically following Zoe around and her telling you you need to hit switches and calling you an idiot. >> You open doors for her. >> Yes, and she makes it sexy. >> It's almost eco-like. >> This is the part where I started dealing with some pretty major technical issues again. >> Really? >> Yeah. >> Did you have two copies of the game running out? >> No, this time I did not have two and this is the game coming like running at one time. I don't know, every time when I was underground in chapter two, with right before the first fight with Russell is the last time I had frame rate issues this bad? >> That's where I had frame rate issues. >> I'm playing out BST, there's constant frame rate issues. >> Frame rate is just bad. So that kind of hurt the whole section for me, but I see you get into the warehouse or you get onto the roof and you have to beat the crap out of someone and then you go into the warehouse and you have to beat the crap out of someone. >> Yeah, with the pipes, yeah. >> Which I wondered if that was like a commando reference or something. >> Well, you definitely needed the pipes because you can't block otherwise. >> No. >> And it's like that guy is the leader of the townies, whatever his name was and like. >> Omar, right? >> Yeah, that's what it was Omar. >> He's not the coolest Omar I've ever seen but he's a guy. >> No. But you do have to beat the crap out of him. But I did find it interesting that I like the whole idea of getting the townies together to go stop the violence toward the end of the game. >> Yeah, that is kind of, I mean, basically Jimmy is always like beating people into cooperation. >> Right. >> Well, he said that's the way America does it. He makes that joke at some point, first you try and drive them and talk them into it. But if that doesn't work, you beat them in submission. >> America, exactly, fuck yeah. >> So yeah, so you fight Edgar, Edgar is the last guy, Omar is his funky with the key to the warehouse. >> Okay, got you. >> So after that, you find it's always okay and you tell her that you love her and I think that's where she tells you that all hell is broken. >> Everything's broken. >> Yeah, so you're like, sorry. She's like, what about love and you're like, I gotta attend a business. >> Yeah. >> That's a really weird scene because like in the second sample, she goes like, you see. >> I hate you so much. >> You're seeing that, Tyler? >> Fuck yeah, I can't, it's one that makes sure, sorry, for some awful fraud. >> Come here, darn, so sorry, all right, so you go to campus with the talents. >> It's that scene was always really weird because he says like, I love you and then she's basically like, we don't have time for that. >> And then she switches. >> And then she switches right at the end, yeah. >> Yeah, that's how girls are. >> [LAUGH] >> On and off on a whim. >> Oh, Jesus, when it's at least convenient for you. Anyways. >> Anyways, you go to campus with Russell to beat some ass. >> Well, you go with Russell and Edgar. >> Well, but Russell's the only one that's like you. >> Yeah, Russell's the only one that you're about. >> Yeah, but I liked being on campus though and seeing everybody just. >> I think in this crazy melee. >> I thought they were all gonna come at me, but they completely ignore you. >> Yeah, they're all in their own shit, you know? >> Yeah, I would say nerds wearing off potato guns. >> Totally. >> Yeah, that's when you really realize the dynamic between the different gangs. I mean, the other gangs usually have strength, they're like, the preppies can box, whereas like the nerds are the ones with the firepower. >> Right. [LAUGH] >> Like fucking firing potatoes into people's balls. But I would sit there and just watch the fights, and it would be hilarious to see two nerds gang up on a bully and beat the crap out of him, and then turn around and see the opposite thing happening. >> Mm-hm. >> Right. >> Yeah, let's see if Rabid again goes on to say that I love the chaos of the school fighting all the different quick leaders one by one, skateboarding around while all the students battle out was awesome. >> Mm-hm. Yeah, I don't know, on that mission I thought it was cool, but I actually was kind of disappointed that it seemed like all you did with the different fractional leaders was beat them up. >> Yeah. >> Cuz when you talked about bribing and stuff, I actually thought that you might have to do other things, not just go around and beat each one up. And I almost died on the preppy one, that guy almost kicked the shit out of me. >> Wow. >> So I was watching you play for a while, and it seems like you didn't get much in the way of combat upgrades. >> No, I did. I got four out of the six transistors or whatever. >> Uh-huh. >> So I did have the sweep the leg. >> I just never saw you use it. >> Yeah, just- >> You never went to the Cobra Kai Dojo. >> I would sweep the leg when I could, but yeah, when I was doing that, Russell almost died. >> Yeah, Russell definitely got taken down to half health when I was playing. >> Yeah. Cuz he was usually taking on two while I was taking on the boss, like every time. >> Right. >> I usually found out- >> It's always a three-some one, Russell. >> For me, I found out it worked really well if I would just, when Russell was getting ganged up on it, I'd just go over there and beat him a few, beat the people that were beating him on him a little bit, and he'd finish them off, and then I'd go back to the boss. >> Yeah, I mean, he's a good thing. >> He's gonna hit Russell. >> No, but that was the good thing is that you couldn't actually hurt Russell as far as I could tell. >> You couldn't hurt him? >> No, as far as I could tell. >> I thought I did. >> I've done plenty of missions where you could accidentally like kill the person. >> There's this way where I laid him out. >> But I'm pretty sure like you couldn't actually hurt Russell. >> Yeah, when Russell was following, when I hired Russell to follow me around, there were a few times where I hit him, but he never like was aggressive towards me afterwards. But I wasn't watching his health bar. >> Do you guys think it's kind of, I don't know, there might be something that, like Bulli and San Andreas came out close to each other, right, and San Andreas? >> Two years, right? >> But they were. >> Was it? >> Wow. >> But it was Vice City, Bulli. >> I don't think it was two years between San Andreas and Bulli. >> San Andreas is 2004. >> Oh, was it? >> I thought it was 2006. >> I thought San Andreas was it, but there wasn't a rock star game in between, was there? >> No, no. >> That's the point. >> I stepped out of three in 2001, Vice City's in 2003, San Andreas in 2004, and Bulli in 2006. >> So, Bulli and San Andreas sort of being back-to-back releases. There was the end in San Andreas as well, where it was sort of like a riot had broken out. Did you guys play through San Andreas? >> I never finished it, because like I got to the last city in San Andreas, then we had a party at our house, and people were playing GTA, and somebody saved over my, my safe file with like one that was like right at the beginning. >> That's like trying to replay through a fucking Final Fantasy game. >> Yeah, yeah. >> Fuck that. >> Yeah, but yeah, it's the same scenario, where like the whole town is just in chaos and dudes run around with rocket launchers. >> It's a little different, yeah, but the gang's, oh yeah, just a little. >> And it was funny going on the nerds burning down the gym again, and they were dressed like one of the lame gangs out of the Warriors or something. >> They kind of actually reminded me of the way that the vampire hunter guy's dressed in the movie "The Lost Boys." >> Here's the frog brothers. >> Yeah. >> You have to go to the gym and beat the crap out of the frog brothers. >> That's the way they're dressed with bandanas and everything. >> That's fine, so. >> What in a game where you can beat the hell out of the Corey's? >> So, so yeah, so you beat the crap out of the four guys. >> And then you go find Gary. >> I was a little disappointed, but I was going to say earlier in the game if I was a Gary didn't die. Like I actually thought I was going to murder Gary, and I was like, no, you both should be fucking dead after the shit that you both do. >> That's what I'm saying. I thought he was just going to die. Like it wouldn't necessarily be like I killed him, it would just be like through the course of what happened. >> I thought Gary gets impaled on some wreckage. >> Or some glass? Yeah, we fell to that glass. >> Right. Well, they, you know, they, I think that, you know, I actually wonder if that's the way that it originally ended, and then they didn't get that teen rating for the teen rating. >> Yeah, it's like the original ending quirks, it didn't test well. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> So like, I don't, I did see that original ending to court. >> The one where Dante gets shot by a fucking mugger. >> Yeah. >> So yeah, I mean, it's just like- >> I didn't like that ending very much. >> Yeah, I mean, I guess I was just disappointed because it seemed like in the end, all that happened to Gary was like, he got beat up, and it just seemed like after all that, and you have that like epic yelling fight at each other, and he tells you all about how he manipulated you the whole time, and he really feel like he betrays your trust. I was like, this bitch needs to die, and I thought he was going to die. If you're fighting on epic fight on scaffolding, I was like, this is it, someone's going to die. >> Well, when that game being expelled is like the equivalent of dying, like all the punishments and everything that happens in that game are very much sort of in this parallel universe. >> Being expelled is not like dying. >> No, it's just every, the reality that game is in a parallel universe, yeah, is like, you don't kill other gang leaders, like you beat them up, you know what I mean? >> I'm just saying there was one person that needed to die, and it was Gary. >> Well, and like, I actually liked that he didn't die at the end, because I didn't want that, like I didn't feel like that was the kind of thing that I wanted on Jimmy's conscience. You know, like I felt like Jimmy had been through enough shit, and like- >> I already had a little dead rat on my conscience. >> Yeah, exactly. >> And like multiple girlfriends at the same time, and all that stuff. >> Yeah. >> That's all. >> 99 problems, Matt. >> Did anybody have any problems with the Gary sequence? >> No, I thought Gary was really, really easy to show. >> Yeah, crazy. >> All right, man, I beat the fuck out of that kid. >> I was glad it was easy, because like, you know, he clearly is- >> And there was so much of a lead up to that fight, and he clearly made it clearly on that his physical prowess wasn't there. >> Right, and his, all of his strength is through the manipulation of people. >> Right. >> And Jimmy was the one person that he couldn't manipulate directly. >> Right. >> So like he had to manipulate everything around Jimmy. So I felt it was really an appropriate way to triumph over his rival. >> I agree. I agree. >> All right. >> There's the ending. >> Game over. >> Bye. All right. Fun. Now some back flex week. >> Petey's made the head boy. >> Yeah. >> Which was really disturbing. I'm not comfortable with that relationship. >> Really? Like I really- >> A Petey being someone's head boy? >> No. I'm not okay. I really like that Petey kind of gets put in a position of power in the end because all along, he's the role, he's the Merlin, he's the advisor, he's the one that's putting the, he's trying to put the main character on the right track. >> Really, you think? >> Oh yeah. >> It's a warm tongue. >> He's a warm tongue. >> I feel like he's more like C-3PO. >> No, man. I'm still convinced Petey's evil. Fuck that guy. He should have died with Gary. Right after Gary fell and I realized he was still alive and I picked up a piece of pain glass and shoved it through Gary's back. I should have fucking then stabbed Petey with it and I came into the room to tell me it was all okay now. >> You're playing a much very different game in your game. >> Yeah, you're a scary guy sometimes. >> Dot call. >> Jesus. Okay, so after that, there's the endless summer where you can go and do whatever you want. >> No, I didn't bother with that. >> Yeah, no, I didn't. >> The guys came on and I walked out of the room. >> I'm glad to be done with Bully. I didn't hate it. I mean, it definitely felt like some of the rock star issues were present, but it was the most playable rock star game I've had the chance to spend time with. >> I super, super enjoyed the game. I really liked it a lot. I am glad that we did it on Game Club because I might not have played it otherwise. And I think it's a great game to have added to my experience. >> And I think that that's a good place to segue actually, Matt, you're now the master of segues. >> All right. >> We've got another game to play. >> I totally evolved throughout the podcast. >> We've seen you grow from bad segues and duck calls to now. So speaking of games that you might not otherwise have played that now you get to add to your collective experience, we have decided on the next Game Club game. >> Oh, do we not say this already? >> No, we didn't. >> I feel like we did. >> So we're obviously still experimenting with the whole Game Club format and everything, but last time we tried Democracy and while that worked out okay, there were some, some hitches and- >> You're just bitter because you're game to get picked. >> I didn't expect my game to get picked. I was a little surprised that Bully beat up the thing and it almost didn't. >> Really? >> It was a two-horse race there. >> Yeah. >> So long story short, we're doing, we're doing guns. >> Yeah. We've picked gun. Available for GameCube, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360 and PC. >> And PC. If you use a Mac, what are you doing listening to this podcast for games? >> So dude, big camp. >> It's super easy to obtain, it's a great game and this one, I don't know if we're going to break it into four, we might break it into three, gun is actually not a very long game. >> It's a beginning, middle and end game. >> Yeah. So right now we're playing up through the fifth chapter in gun, which sounds like a lot, but it's really not. So for gun, for the first show you're going to play up to where you defeat the Red Hand Gang. So it's pretty obvious when that happens. >> Okay. Cool. >> So that will be for the first episode. >> Yeah, this is a totally one that I wanted to play because there just aren't enough Western games. >> Oh, I was going to say, do you ever see the trailer, the opening trailer for gun was so badass? >> No, I am. >> Like the way it opens up. >> It's got Chris Kristoff isn't doing the worst. >> Chris Kristoff really? >> He's slowly reading a verse from the Bible and then it ends with the guy getting shot in the face. >> Right. >> There's a riff playing a priest that shoots women and shoots? >> Who's Brad. >> He played Chuckie among other things. He's the voice of Chuckie. >> I've never seen a Chuckie. You'll know his voice when you hear it. >> Yeah, and Chris Kristoffson, he's really obvious when his character, he's your dad. >> He's just really easily overlooked because it came out at the tail end of last gen right before the 360. >> Yeah, I actually played it on Xbox not on 360, but I thought I've played through it and I think it's an excellent game. So there is a very defined story, but then of course it's so easy to veer off to get a little bit of extra money and just do some bounty hunting missions and that sort of thing. >> So people can probably get this just about anywhere. >> Oh man, anywhere of any fries. >> Yeah, I would, if you have a 360, I'd recommend fries because for some reason they bought a metric fuck. >> So they were trying to liquidate them for like $4.99 new. >> Yeah. >> Wow. >> I mean, but any GameStop will have at least a used copy between the GameCube Xbox and PS2. >> That's by also. >> It probably has 360. >> It probably has 360. >> I mean, I'm almost positive I've seen it on Steam. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, it's also on Steam. >> It's on Steam. >> It's an Activision game, so it's still pretty easy to find. >> Yeah. Nice. So that is the next GameCube game. >> And hopefully everyone on this podcast will acquire a copy before all of our listeners do. >> Why? >> In my class time. >> I have Steam and Bully was hard to find was part of the problem. >> I think it's because everyone that listens to this fucking show bought it before we did. >> And it's just that Bully for 360 in the Bay Area for whatever reason was just really hard to find. >> What's that funny? >> So about Bully again though, what did you two think, Anthony and Tyler? >> I thought it was good in the end, but I'm glad I played it, but by the end I was ready for it to be done. I'm not going to go back to it now that it's complete, but I'm still glad that I played it. I still think it's one of those games. My vocabulary of gaming that I'm glad I have done. For me, I've always been a rockstar fan even back on the top down GTAs. I think Bully is, I'm really glad just like you guys that I got to go back and play it. And I hope Rockstar really pays attention to what they did well with Bully, because I feel that the setting was perfect for the size of the game and for the size of the scope of the story they were trying to tell. I think with their titles like GTA 4, they tend to bite off too much, it was very focused and everything felt within this world, nothing felt out of character even though it was a little bit over the top, you know, it was a little high jincy. >> But it seemed like everything was consistently, it was toply. >> Yeah, it was extremely consistent. >> Yeah, I would gladly play Jimmy Goes to College game, where I can have more serious themes, so when I get a girlfriend it isn't just making out. >> I feel like no, if I do another Bully game it'll take place at Bullworth Academy. I feel like they establish Bullworth in the town as, aside from Jimmy, like the most important care. >> Here's what it needs to be. Jimmy, foreign exchange student, European College, that's what it needs to be right there, man. >> Well, see, but that wouldn't happen because I think Rockstar's whole shtick and this game proved it to me pretty much once and for all, that they're, I think they have a goal in life of, you know, doing the whole fight club thing, where they sell Americans, fatasses back to them. >> Yeah, and they- >> And to extent, sorry, good. >> No, good. >> I didn't mean it, no, go. >> I already forgot. >> Hey guys, when you're done sucking each other's dicks, do you want to get on with this? >> That's like, it's a podcasting version of a reach around. >> Aww, this is the worst game club ever. I mean, the houses, like, and the, just the heads of Rockstar like really like American culture a lot, but it seems to be people from other countries that really like American culture better the best at really satirizing it and skewering it, so. >> I think they just say that they like it because it's all part of their plan. >> Their plan. >> Yeah. >> All right. >> Those people. >> Yep. >> So, we'll see you next time. >> Are we going to give one week or two for the first section? >> I don't know, one in theory, so, one, one is more than enough for that section. So yeah, last but not least, go check out and watch the club show, right here, we'll probably get it. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]