Rebel FM

Game Club: Bully Episode 3

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
15 Apr 2009
Audio Format:

We're back for volume 3 of our Game Club series for Rockstar's Bully! This week we discuss Chapter 4 and and talk about possible selections for our next installment. We've narrowed it down (ha), and will have a post later to discuss these possibilities, but for now, enjoy the ep, and play through to the end of chapter 5 for next time.
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> Good for them. >> Instead of revving kisses or sincerely, it's fat penis, such and such. >> Good, good for them. So yeah, this is part three, part four is going to be delayed because of people traveling out of town for pre-E3 madness. >> I don't even think it's a delay anymore. I think that we're just sort of adapting a schedule. >> Yeah, I mean, the reality of it is that employment for everyone and falling into real schedules, like the dream was nice when we were all unemployed and able to podcast on a whim, but that's kind of not going to be the reality of things. So get over it, thank you for listening. >> I think we're going to shoot for six podcasts a month. Does that sound reasonable? >> Yeah, something like that. >> And it'll probably air on the side of more rebel than Game Club. And we can also experiment with shorter- >> Yeah, Game Club doesn't always have to be four splits depending on the game. >> So yeah, all the people that are making comments about what they think Game Club should be and how they think it should be, like it's not like we're not listening and it's not like we haven't been talking about it already. >> Yeah, I guess we're just taking what the formula established but I want to put that in a way. >> Yeah, but we're not. I mean, moving forward will be adapting as we see fit. >> Right. >> And hope you enjoy taking the ride with us. >> And when you're not listening to- >> I enjoy writing- >> When you don't feel like you're getting enough Rebel Ephemer Game Club, you can listen to the Game Spy Debris Finks, which is the other podcast I will now be on. Or you can watch co-op. >> Exactly, it's an area of $5,000. >> Pimp your shit at the end of the podcast. >> Right, right, right, sorry, sorry. >> This is not- >> The Rebel Epems were typically where we do that, not- >> You don't say how much you're a pimpage. >> No, area of $5.TV, we can say all the time. It can be a sandwich, they can be at the end. Like, man, I love the mission with the lunch money area 5.TV. >> Basically, no, you should just change the name of the site to Fat Penis. >> Mm-hm. >> In that way, it's still here all the time. >> I don't think that domain name is taken. >> Yeah. >> Except maybe- >> Fatpenis.TV? >> No, that's probably taken. >> Yeah. >> Fatpenis does- >> You need to do >> That UK. >> Yeah. >> My favorite would be the Italian. >> Or TV. >> Not the best would be like- >> It'd be the Italian website, FatPenisIt. >> It'd be like Like, what's the organization for Fatpenis? >> That's true. >> >> They're like those Russian dolls that are like stacked on top of each other. It's like the thickest one on the outside, man. >> I'm sorry. >> So here we are talking about playing through the game through chapter 4. >> Yeah. So, first we're gonna talk a little bit about our next, the next game week. >> No, okay. >> We do for Game Club. I mean, this is the shortest chapter in the game by far. Chapter 4 and Billy. >> And I still failed to get all the way through it. >> You said you thought you were pretty close to the end. >> I think I'm like one mission from the end, yeah. >> I wouldn't worry about it. >> It just sucks because like, you know, as we'll talk about it, I ended up having to play a lot of the missions you guys already did, which is why chapter 3 seems so short to me. You guys talked about how long it was. I was like, dude, I blew through in like two hours. >> Well, chapter 1 and 2 were definitely the longest chapters by far. >> Okay, so did you guys have a chance to go through the comments on the site? >> I mean, I looked at them, but it's not like I left them. It influenced me as far as the game I want to play. >> So what you're saying is you don't actually care what anyone has. >> Well, the whole point was bringing to the table games we were interested in playing. >> So you're saying, you're not interested in this? >> I'm saying that my tastes might be better than theirs. >> Oh, okay, that's better. >> Well, I mean, just, you know, to me. >> Yeah. >> So that should make perfect sense, just like their taste is better to them. >> I was going through the comments though. There were some really good ones from this. >> Yeah, there were some excellent ones. >> There were some excellent ones. >> And some really bad ones. >> And some really bad ones. >> And some really bad ones. >> And some really bad ones. >> Which is why I stopped reading them. >> Aww. >> Aww. >> I, on the other hand, dug through all of the piles of shit and came away with several suggestions from the readers. >> Or read those before we say what it's going to be. >> Okay. >> I'll change mine. >> Okay, so this is, this is by no means all of them, but these are the ones that seemed most feasible and interesting. Cody H suggests Dead Rising. I singled that one out because I know that we both picked up Dead Rising and neither of us played very far into it. >> Don't have much. >> And the sequel will be. >> And there's the sequel. >> The sequel is on the way. >> On the Wii ones out now as well. >> Yeah. >> I don't, I'd like to, I'd like to that game. I think it takes, it takes some getting into and you definitely have to get around some of the annoying things. Like if you can pick up the things which make the magazines or whatever, which makes some of your weapons last a longer time, then the game becomes a lot more fun. >> It wasn't that I didn't think it was fun, it was just the, the save points were like stepping on my balls. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> It was very punishingly Japanese. >> Yes. >> And Spots. >> Very true. >> So. >> But I, again, I know that a lot of us have it and a lot of people didn't play through it. So I thought that might be. >> I think that's a good suggestion. >> Fleischer suggested, Fleischer suggested a metric, fuck ton of games. >> Well, let's just hear the ones that we've got. The one that I dialed in on was Deus Ex Invisible War, which is the severely under-appreciated sequel to Deus Ex. >> Did that come out on consoles as well? >> Yeah, it came out on Xbox and PC and most PC gamers will say that the Xbox version ruined the game. >> Probably true. All right. >> It still has like seven endings though. >> And that's another one that's, they're rumored to announce the sequel. >> Yeah, Deus Ex 3. >> That Deus Ex 3 rumor comes around like every six of us. >> I mean, I think it's safe to say that Deus Ex 3 is definitely in motion. >> Was there a story that somebody actually bought the license or rights to it back or whatever? >> It seems like something was in the headlines, I don't know that it's safe to say that it is. Why? Do people really still care about Deus Ex enough? Who knows? >> Yeah, I think so. I think they do. >> I think so. But I'm just saying. I don't know. >> I will bet you money that Deus Ex 3 is announced within the next three months. >> All right. And I'll bet you money that's a piece of shit. Like, I'm, I have no reason. >> Counter bet with that? That's like saying, okay, you're going to win, but here's my counter bet. >> I have no reason to bet that, but I'm just, I'm just betting against these people before they even put their time and effort into it. >> Well, given your track record of being wrong, that should actually be a good thing, right? >> You should look at my fucking fake, fake investment. >> Oh, you're like, what's that? Did you guys ever do that? That video game site where it's like you make fake stock investments, but you do it on like what a game's Metacritic score overall will be or like. >> How it'll sell. >> So you buy futures or like how it will sell? >> Or sell, like I should sold the fuck out of Hayes after playing it. >> I should sold the shit out of Hayes and I short sold another game that Ubisoft made and I, and I, and I, I could tell they were under selling Call of Duty and basically now and that, that was real like, like I would, I would fund area five for the next hundred years. >> I think I short sold the shit out of Unreal Tournament 3 as well, which I feel a little guilty about, but whatever, I was right. >> So Jeff suggests Fable 2. >> I mean, I still haven't played it and I haven't played it, and you won't be nice to have a reason to go through it. >> 30 minutes into Fable 2. >> I, I have beaten that game twice and it was good enough I would play it again. >> Wow, that's a, that's a ringing endorsement actually. Tyler, any thoughts? >> Um, yeah, I'm, I'm in the same boat with you guys about two, three, maybe hours in and um, I got at the same time I got Fallout 3 and just absolutely fell in love with Fallout 3. So, Fable 2 has like been this very storybook happy land that I didn't want to go to, I'd rather be in. >> For me, I got sandwiched between Dead Space and Fallout 3 and that was a bad sandwich for it to be in. Um, Phoenix 135 says I have to put my vote in for gun for the next game club, which we mentioned last year. >> Yeah, I still think gun would be rad, the gun is, I, I love gun. >> Yeah, that, that was a popular one on the end, it's available for 360 still. >> It's available for pretty much everything. >> Well, and for 360 you can find it new at like a fries for like $9. >> Or less at this point, you just have to look in a bin. >> Yeah. >> Um, Bee says maybe Bioshock could be a good one, Bioshock 2 coming out soon. I love Bioshock, I don't know that I- >> I wouldn't want to do it because I just beat it so recently. >> Yeah. >> And never finished it. >> So much of the charm of Bioshock is like on your first playthrough, like all the discovery and the atmosphere and the twists and that experience. But maybe- >> Which I still haven't had. It's been an experience I have yet to have. >> I'm, let's just say worth finishing. >> It's my life. >> No, it took us a whole like five minutes to get to sex. >> It's true in my case. >> Aww. >> Jeff J mentioned several games with the one that I've, well this will make you happy. >> So can I stop crying on me? >> Get your face off my face. >> Jeff J suggests Stubbs the Zombie. >> I mean, I beat Stubbs the Zombie twice and I would still play to- >> No. >> If we do, that would definitely- >> Do you mean endorsements in one section? >> Yeah, it was, I mean, it's super fun and really goofy and it would definitely be a shorter series on- >> I can play cooperatively. >> You can play it cooperatively. And it's on a- >> It's sunscreen, but it's still really fun to do it that way. >> It's backwards compatible on Xbox, is it an Xbox original? >> I think it's an Xbox original as well. >> It's on Steam. >> Huh. >> Fantastic soundtrack. >> Yes. It has a fucking excellent soundtrack. If we do Stubbs, we can have a contest for stuff I can give away from. >> The Ravenettes are on the soundtrack. >> Yes. >> It's like that Capricutio. >> Yeah, yeah. >> Wow. >> But I will say that the Ravenettes being on that soundtrack is kind of mitigated by the fact that they put that song on their album after that. >> Well. >> Those bastards. >> That, I mean, the Ravenettes to begin with, like they sound like that sound. >> Like a do-up. >> 50 sound. >> Like all the other bands on their album. >> They totally have like the Phil Spector thing going on, like, which is why it's funny that Ronnie Spector sings on their next album after that. >> Phil Spector got arrested today. >> Yeah. >> Well, no, he was convicted of her. >> Yeah. >> Well, there you go. >> Full. >> Stubbs a zombie. [LAUGH] >> Soon to be starring Phil Spector. Tom suggests Kingdom Hearts. >> Tom. >> Well, you know what? People keep telling me that Kingdom Hearts is a good game and that I need to play it. And I have this kind of irrational hatred of all things Disney, which makes me not want to play it only for that reason. But I feel like that's probably not fair to the game. >> If it had the Incredibles in it, I might think about it. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah. >> I'm sure the next Kingdom Hearts were. >> Yeah. >> Please don't talk about another Kingdom Hearts. >> Oh, there will be another Kingdom Hearts for sure. Yeah, definitely. >> Man. >> Well, no, there's like Kingdom Hearts spin-offs. >> There's anyone I was hearing like a buzz of me, man, I think for a second my eardrum is doing weird things. All right, guys, I might be going deaf. >> This is Anthony's tinnitus kicking in. >> [LAUGH] >> I'm not really super interested in playing Kingdom Hearts. It's also long, if I recall correctly. >> Yeah. >> But I would be more interested in playing the sequel, which I have heard takes care of a lot of the frustrating things that took place. >> Well, I want to play the Game Boy Advance version, so there. So moving on. >> Eric says you guys should consider playing Okami for Game Club. >> Yeah, I never beat that, but that's a long-ass game. >> That is kind of a long-ass game. >> Oh, that could be a good one, though. >> Jesus. I can't. Never mind keep going. I can just keep hearing this buzzing of me coming from over there. >> Wow. >> Buzzing of you? >> Yeah, like a sound of my voice echoing, but it's like, got that tone to it. >> Weird. >> It does, and blow out your ears. >> That's a terrible idea, but yeah, I do have some weird pressure thing going on. Anyway, it's moving on. >> So those are the suggestions I pulled from the thread. >> All right. >> So, why don't we, everyone has their picks, has some suggestions, right? >> Someone also suggested in the thread one of the Onimusha games, and those were all really fun, in my opinion. Those were the Onimusha 2 and 3, yeah, we're really, really, really, really in when you entered. In fact, those are some of the only two reviews that I did for games by back in the day when I still worked for them. >> Okay. Here's a question about Onimusha, though. Think about how you feel going back and trying to play old Resident Evil games, and how would you feel going back to play Onimusha after playing so many new characters? >> Well, Onimusha was fun Resident Evil. >> Yeah, I mean, I still think the old Resident Evil games are still fun if you get the Game Cube version of Resident Evil, that sort of thing. >> I couldn't even go back to the Game Cube Resident Evil after playing Resident Evil 4. >> I don't know. You hate it. >> Yeah, like playing Onimusha. >> God, you are the worst debater ever. >> Oh, yeah, well, at home in an attack, I can't finish. >> No, I mean, I don't, I can just say you hate, right? So that is a statement on its own. >> We asked by the rules of grammar, that is a fucking sentence. >> Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So you hate AK you are a hater, someone should make that shirt and mail it to me. Arthur is a hater, and I would wear it. >> I mean, I could draw a t-shirt for you. >> Yeah, I'm surprised no one ever picks like, I know it sounds weird, but I wouldn't mind doing like a handheld game in a way like a DS game or something. >> True. >> Maybe we could do retro game clubs sometime, just not this time. >> Well, I'm not even that rich, I'm just saying like, yeah, it just seems like there's some great DS games out there like, oh God, I can't even tell you how many DS games I bought and then not finished. >> Yeah, that happens to be a lot too. >> Yeah. >> I can think of a DS game to nominate actually. >> Me too town. Sorry, go ahead. >> I would like to do that game that John Davidson was talking about, but it just came out so it's not really. >> Yeah. >> I mean, it's a game club that doesn't have to be old, that's true, but I'm saying that game looks really good. >> Well, one thing we were talking about on the car on the way up here, Matt, that you brought up that I really like, what you're saying is how game clubs have really done an RPG before. >> Yeah. >> And then it might be interesting to consider something like that, and if we do a handheld RPG. >> There's lots of those. >> Yeah. >> But some of those can be really long, that's true too. >> That's true too. >> There's no handheld square RPG. >> Well, if we talked about doing an RPG, I still thought the idea of doing the first co-tour was a good idea, because I really played it. >> Yeah. >> Co-tour's amazing. >> Yeah, in the, we were talking about in the, like Tyler said, within the car over here, we were thinking like, yeah, the original co-tour is a really good game and I think it is manageable as far as length goes. >> Yeah, and some people nominated Mass Effect as well, as in Jesus Christ. >> I think I played, for me, I played Mass Effect too recently. >> Fair enough. >> I'm about to play through Mass Effect a month or a third time anyway. >> It's the hell I am, I'm ready man. >> It loads so much faster when you install it too. >> No, that'll really. >> Another one I was thinking was Jade Empire. >> Okay. Well, we're gonna, I think a lot of people missed that one. >> We're gonna go around the proverbial table and get some suggestions. So, Tyler is the resident FNG. What are your, what are your thoughts? What are your suggestions for game club this next time? >> Um, are we gonna put these on a poll? >> I don't know. I think we'll, we'll discuss it. I'm not. >> I make a decision. >> After how the last poll was gamed, I'm a little. >> The last poll was gamed? >> People cheated on the last poll and like our poll. >> Whatever. >> So what you're saying is the thing should win. >> They. >> The thing came pretty close to winning. >> They did, I know. >> So was it, I mean, like, did you just have crappy poll code? >> I don't think it's crappy poll code so much as it just, like, didn't update options as quickly as it should have or it didn't stay. >> So a bunch of people were able to vote more than once. >> Yeah. >> It was probably. >> Oh well. >> It's a ton. >> To me, just because I never played it and I downloaded the demo and liked it. Um, I have to go dead rising. >> Okay. >> Doesn't that, but that sounds like crappy poll code. >> That rising sounds like crappy poll code. >> No, like, I kind of, I mean, I can, I can tell you the poll. >> I was making, you know, the poll rising crappy. >> I don't know, Tyler, you're fired. >> I would, if I was going to make a pick, I would, I would want it to be between co-tour or gun. Co-tour being the game I haven't played and gun being the one that I have and know is excellent. >> Um, well, was that your only choice? >> You know, um, I like a lot of the choice, so that's the one I'm going to go for is Dead Rising. >> You bastard. Sorry. >> So Anthony, you picked gun and, gun is a great game and it's kind of more open world. We'd have to, I mean, but you do end up like GTA doing specific story missions. That one would be good and it's easy to find, but also, I mean, co-tours one I haven't played and I feel ashamed of. >> Is co-tour backwards compatible? >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> First one, I'm pretty sure is. >> That's fine. Because the second one is barely compatible on Xbox. >> And it has like one of the single greatest gaming characters of all time, HK. >> Yeah. >> It's 47. >> Yeah. >> So fucking awesome. >> Yeah. >> Oh, meat sacks. >> Matt? >> Uh, so I, yeah, I was thinking co-tour Jade Empire or Prince of Persia, Sans of Time. >> So Jade Empire or Prince of Persia, Sans of Time? >> Yeah. >> Um, are those, is Prince of Persia backwards compatible? >> Prince of Persia is totally backwards compatible, right? >> It's got to be. >> Okay. >> It's got to be. And it's on PC. It's on Steam. >> It's on Steam. It's on GameTap. >> Almost positive. >> It's pretty much everywhere, yeah. It is on GameTap, definitely. >> Yeah, so. >> It's like the one that they always have like up on their. >> Right. So I mean, GameTap makes it really easy. >> And so yeah, those are mine. >> Okay. >> I'm going to say this one because people kept bitching about it in the comments for the last few game clip episodes after I said that I wasn't going to. >> Mm. >> I'm going to nominate Vampire of the Masquerade Bloodlines. >> Cool. >> Oh. >> What's that? >> What the hell? >> That game has so many problems. >> It has two problems. >> It doesn't, the thing is like all the problems can be overcome just by using the console. And it's such a good game that it's almost worth it. >> All right, all right. >> I have to call Cthulhu and I am running out of patience. >> It's not, man, it's nowhere near as bad as call Cthulhu, like by any stretch of the imagination. >> Thank you, Bethesda. >> Who was sending me to London in like four days, so yeah, thank you, Bethesda. >> So maybe Oblivion might be a good one to put on there too. >> Oh, fuck that. >> I mean, but it'll be our 17. >> I mean, in this room we have like our 17 volume edition. >> Why don't we just do all of the Elder Scrolls game in a row? >> In a row, and then shit, what was the room? >> Did you ever play Daggerfall? >> No. >> That was the Xbox one? >> No, it was a PC one. >> Okay, no. >> It was, the Xbox one was Morrowind. >> Okay. >> Daggerfall, Daggerfall was kind of their first really big blowout in that universe, in that kind of Morrowind oblivion, that universe, whatever the name for it is. And Daggerfall was apparently like super, super huge and epic just like any of the others. And people keep telling me that I keep hearing from people that that's still one of the best games in that series, or if not the best one. But I don't know, because I never played it, anyway, it's not a good one for Game Club. >> Probably man, getting that game to work would be a fucking nightmare. >> Mm-hmm. >> I guess my other choice would, I would second fable too, just because it would be nice to have a reason to play through it. And I know that it's not super long unless you want it to be. >> Right. And we could do co-op stuff, we could probably coordinate. >> Co-op is so terrible in that game. >> It is, the co-op is really cool. >> Yeah, you're limited to the same screen as one another. >> Wow. >> Like old contrast style or something like that. >> So that was like one of Volonews, three great improvements of video gaming of all time or something. >> And the camera is super awkward when you're in co-op mode, because you like share the same camera. >> Okay. >> And that is retarded. >> It is 2008 when that game came out. >> It's one of the worst implementations of co-op I have ever played. >> What was super last minute? >> Even if it wasn't super last minute, you know, it's just- >> It was super last minute when it went into the game, but they've been talking about it for a lot longer than that. >> Yeah, it had been. And the philosophy behind the way that it's put together, I think, is just flawed. They shouldn't have even tried to do it the way that they did, because like you have the idea that you can have like your henchmen that comes along with you is kind of cool. But you could tell that there was never any thought put into how it would actually fit in with the rest of the game. >> It was a lion head experiment that should have been aborted. >> Yeah, it should have been aborted. Because the written, but I mean, the single player version of that game is absolutely top notch, the best thing mine you has ever done as well. Wow. >> So one thing I did want to ask is if there's any game that was mentioned that any one of us just absolutely didn't want to play? >> Well, not what we just named now. >> Okay. >> You mean out of the user comments? >> Well, no, out of, I mean, I mean, because they had some good suggestions. >> Well, out of any anything that's been said, is there one in particular that you absolutely do not want to play? >> Not really. No, I would kind of play any of them. >> Tyler. >> That vampire one sounds a little weird. Makes me think of Renaissance Festival. >> Oh, man, it totally is. It's vampires in Los Angeles, basically. >> Man, dude, remember the goth kids that used to hate in high school? >> You beat them all up. >> Hey, I was one of those goth kids that used to hate high school. >> I want to see fucking pictures, so bad. >> I never wore makeup or anything. I just had long fingernails that I colored black. >> I bet painted fingernails at some point in my life. >> Did a girl paint them? >> Maybe. >> No. >> I'm not sure. >> That's a no. >> There were girls around when it happened, but I think I might have painted them myself. >> Great. >> Bummer. >> Okay, so yeah, we'll put those up on the site. I'm not sure if we're going to have a poi yet or not, but we'll have some way of winnowing those down. >> Grabby poll code. >> It's like the poll that every site uses, so I was just like, man, this will work, right? >> Right. >> All right, so we played through chapter four. >> Okay, yeah. So some cleanup from last episode, could Anthony not getting the lunch lady be because he's not playing the scholarship edition. This is from Anachron. Paylay says, no, this is on the PSD version, and I had that mission. I'm pretty sure it's only available at some weird time during school hours. >> Yeah, so I ended up just going through to chapter four. >> Okay, so did you- >> But it had to be, it was during school hours, specifically. So I might have just missed it when I was doing all those- >> Yeah. >> Those rebel missions out in town. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Did you ever get busted by the principal for anything? >> No. >> Okay. It was postulated that maybe you had to get busted by the principal to do the lunch lady missions. >> Oh, yeah, cuz, yeah, I remember right, there was, isn't there a time where the principal calls you into his office and he says, go see the lunch lady? >> Yeah. >> I did do that. I did do that. >> Oh, it was something good. >> Yeah, it was something different too. >> Okay. >> That was when she wanted me to go pick up tainted meat or something like that. >> Right, right. >> That was man, so gross. There is another really disturbing mission in this chapter that I'll talk about later. Rabid says about two-thirds of the way through the podcast, just wanted Anthony to know that the reason you missed all those missions is that you aren't playing the scholarship editions and the lunch lady quests are most of the eight missions added in with the re-release. That is incorrect. The lunch lady missions are in the PSD version, but yeah, all the Santa stuff that we did is- >> The Santa stuff apparently is added. >> Is in the scholarship edition, so we were busting Anthony's balls pretty hard last week about not playing the game, but it's just that it wasn't in the version he was playing. >> Maybe they adjusted the pacing for whatever reason, I don't know. >> I mean, it was fun. Like I liked the Santa missions. >> Yeah, I thought they were good too. >> And also for Matt, Rabid also did the panty raid in chapter two. It might still be available in winter though, so there are just some missions that are available throughout different seasons. >> Right, gotcha. >> Last week we talked about Mike, the teacher who's experienced at his own middle school, made Billy look like Sesame Street. >> Right. >> Allen says, "Oh man, you guys totally screwed over that teacher." >> How so? >> His name, the location he teaches, his department, the unique situations that happened at his school. I hope he doesn't get in shit. You should have edited that stuff out. >> I'm sure you didn't edit that out 'cause I didn't get a chance to listen to the last week ever. >> No, I mean, whatever. >> It's okay. You can say you never listened. >> First off, he didn't send us that letter. >> No, he didn't send us that letter. >> No, he didn't send us that letter. >> He didn't send us that letter and say, "Don't use my name." >> Yeah, he posted in the comments. >> And second of all, I can't imagine that anybody from a school district listens to this bullshit. [laughter] >> So to follow up, Mike, who is the teacher in question, says, "Great episode is usual. I got a kick out of here in my letter on air and I doubt if anyone in my school, besides myself, is listening to the podcast. So all's good. Fuck you, Mike." [laughter] >> Or, "Mike you, Mike." >> Yeah, we totally might be. >> You can get Mike. [laughter] >> He says he loves the idea of his name being an expletive. [laughter] >> Oh, who doesn't? >> Mike you. >> So go Mike yourself. >> It's like a typical expletive. That's where his name comes from. So now we're fucking Mike's name is there. >> We're scaring with the Bible as well, the Archangel Michael. >> Great. Now we're fucked. Or, "Mike." [laughter] >> Jesus. Okay. So, chapter four, thoughts, like immediate thoughts. >> Uh, the game's still good. >> Yeah, I like, thank you. >> Thank you. >> That's awesome. >> How does it start off? >> Well, at least for me, like it started off with, I took out the nerds right off the bat. >> Yes. >> So, yeah, it starts off with, yeah, the, the observatory mission. >> Yeah. >> That was cool. See, I don't know. I kind of disagree. I felt like that mission was jank. >> Really? How come? >> Just. >> So, to clarify, we're talking about the mission where you, you need the, the nerds help to get the jocks. >> Right. >> And, uh... >> And you got to go take on the class president. >> Yeah, you go to algae, and instead of helping you, algae is all of a sudden a little cock. >> Mm-hmm. >> Which is weird to me. >> That was weird to me. >> Yeah, that was like a total, like, change of pace from this character from the rest of the game. He seemed like a nice enough kid that was just a loser, and then he turns into a prick. There's a lot of that, this, like, the nerds were, maybe it's just because it's chapter four and they couldn't get to the nerds until now, but, like, the nerds were totally fine for the rest of the game, and now all of a sudden they're all little assholes. >> Maybe it's because you've taken out more of the guys that were busting their balls, and now they're like, "Well, now we got a chance." >> It's sort of like, it's sort of like when you take out too many wolves, and then the deer population explodes. >> Exactly. >> That was the nerd population exploded. >> Yeah. >> Oh, God, um, so, yeah, so you talk to algae, he says, "Find the class president." You have to get the location of the class president out of someone. >> Yeah, multiple people, you beat the shit out of them, and then, like, get the key code to get to the door, and you just beat the shit out of that kid, and he gives it up in the heartbeat. >> So I was running, like, to him to try to talk to him, and I hit Y thinking I'd interact in it, so that I picked him up and threw him in the trash can, and then he told me. So it worked out. >> That's cool. >> I just, I didn't expect that to happen. I was trying to do that. >> You still told you. >> Yes. Now, while he was, like, bent over backwards in the trash can. >> Good. >> Um, so what didn't you like about getting to the observatory, for me it was getting to the fucking observatory, was a pain in my balls, like, finding my way there. Sucked. >> I don't know. Just to fight at the observatory was kind of cheap, the dude on the turret, and it was just, like, shoot out this, like, four spuds, like, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, and it's like, okay, I mean, it was very patterned, it was super easy to get through. >> Yeah, I mean, that's just what I was talking about. >> That's true. I still thought it was cool, assaulting. >> I did. I, like, there was someone, uh, that was complaining, uh, Pele, who commented earlier, um, the stuff with the nerds, just said, the stuff with the nerds having their own fortress was cool, but it went beyond cartoony and dipped into total ridiculousness. >> Good. >> In general. I noticed that the missions get more and more exaggerated, and crazy as the story progresses, the fun house section comes to mind, which I actually liked, I'm not sure if this is a good thing. >> I'm sure. >> I'd probably prefer if the scenarios were more rooted in reality, but maybe that's just me. I think it's just you. >> Just you. >> Um, I kind of liked that a lot of the missions in this seem more goofy, like, it reminds me of other games or other movies about kids that are younger, like, for some reason, I kept thinking of the sandlot, like, how they have crazy contraptions the whole time they're trying to get the ball back from the beast, and that's the kind of shit that the nerds make. >> Right. >> Like all the potato guns look like vacuum cleaners. >> Yeah. >> Have you never made a potato gun? >> No, I've made, uh, rockets and stuff like that. >> Oh, man. We had an awesome potato gun. >> Really? >> Like, most potato guns the way it works is that you spray hairspray into it, and that's what uses to build the pressure, and then you light an end of it, and the quick burning of the fire pushes the potato out. The one we had though-- >> Sounds kind of dangerous. >> Oh, it's totally-- it's 100% dangerous. >> Yeah. >> But the one we had though was, uh, it was-- we used a bunch of PVC pipe, and plumbers like glue, and we glued together, and we had-- we drilled a hole and put in a bike tire nozzle so we could pump it up with a bike pump. >> Right. >> And I saw ours was air-based, and it just had a quick release valve. >> Right. >> And we did a potato, like, 200 yards out of that thing. It was-- >> That's awesome. >> It was absurd. >> That's awesome. >> That's more like a potato cannon. >> Yeah, I mean-- >> I don't know what-- >> So, I was gonna say, I mean, that's fucking human ingenuity right there. >> Yeah, I'm kidding. >> That's a tool using monkey. >> That's it? >> That's a tool using monkey. >> That is a gun that I could use against zombies that I would never have to worry about running out of ammo for as long as my bike pump worked. >> Are you doing-- >> When you do the farm potato. >> That is because you never ran out of potatoes. >> Well, anything that you could wedge in there, you could fire out of it as long as I held a seal. >> You just gotta make sure it's not like the double whammy, idiocracy, and zombie apocalypse. >> You could fucking chop off a zombie's arm and shove it in there and shoot that out of their fist first. >> Sure. [laughter] >> You could, like, pierce a zombie's skull with his own fist. >> Yeah, awesome. >> It always comes back to zombies. It always does. >> Well, when I think about, like, why, what's the point of having a weapon like that for us, it was to shoot, like, street signs and bend them and shit like that, but really, you know? I don't know. I think about the weapons in a different life these days. >> How so? Just because of the pending zombie apocalypse. >> The pending zombie apocalypse, yeah. >> Yeah, I mean, hopefully it won't happen during my lifetime. >> But you should be prepared. >> Really? I mean, hopefully it happens during my lifetime. >> No, I don't want to deal with it. It'll be-- >> It'll be stressful. Haven't you read "Walking Dead"? >> Yeah, I'd rather just-- >> Well, yeah, but I mean-- >> I'd rather just let my children deal with it or my children's children. Fuck 'em. >> You'd rather prepare the next generation than have to deal with it yourself. >> No, I don't want-- >> You'll be the guy that we find in the house who blows his own brains out. >> I think he was done needing to be prepared for it. It's gonna be a fucking test of humanity. So anyway, we dominate the nerds. [laughter] >> Kind of, I mean, you kind of dominate the nerds. >> No, you do. I mean, at that point, they body your will, it's just that then after that, is that the mission right afterwards where you have to take pictures of the girl? >> Well, I actually got the "here's to you, Ms. Phillips" mission, which is where you have to-- Ms. Phillips, the art teacher, calls you in and-- >> And you mistakenly-- >> Thank you. >> And he mistakenly thinks that he's going out on the date with the hot art teacher. >> Yeah, that she's seducing him. >> Right. >> Oh, shit. >> Did you not do this mission? >> No, maybe-- Am I like-- Is it because I haven't passed enough art classes? >> No, I think it's--like, it's just--it's a right time of day. >> Because I have trouble with the art. >> Because I got it. >> I got it. >> I did an art class at the-- >> It's available after school. >> Yeah, I did an art class for, like, my second day of school, and then when I walked out, then the star popped up right in that same room. >> Yeah, I know. I guess--tell me about it, though. I want to know. >> Yeah, so-- >> Well, basically, she's got the hots for the English teacher. >> The drunkard? >> Yeah. And so your mission is to basically help her out in her date. Like, you think you're gathering all these things around town. >> For your date with her. >> For your date with her. >> But-- >> Yeah. >> She's manipulating Jimmy's-- >> One of the things you get for her is a pole necklace. >> Yes. It's true. >> I don't remember that. >> You do that exactly? >> Yeah, it is, absolutely true. >> The gentleman at Aquabary have purls. >> Yeah. >> I mean, it's almost like an exact copy of sort of what was happening with the lunch lady, where it's like you're running around and you collect stuff for the date. >> Mm-hmm. >> You weren't trying to get into someone's pants yourself. Some of them mature. >> Thank you for saying pants. >> There actually seem to be a lot more-- in chapter four in general, there actually seem to be a lot more, like, quick or action-based missions as opposed to, like, really more story intensive or character-driven missions. >> Yes. >> I felt like I was running around and fighting and shooting and riding my bike a lot more than I was in previous chapters. >> Although, one of the nicest character moments comes later in the chapter with the cheerleader, I thought. >> Oh, yeah. That's true. >> But we'll get there. >> Mm-hmm. >> So you go and find stuff and take it back to Miss Phillips and the English teacher shows about side and there's hilarious confusion as you realize that you are not getting any. >> It's very threes company. >> It's-- I kind of-- I was wondering if maybe I had just activated it late because I was confused as to why the greaser was there to fuck up my program after I dominated the greasers in the last chapter. >> Mm-hmm. >> But-- >> Maybe. I mean, because we've already determined that a lot of these missions can be done in other chapters. >> Yeah. >> Other chapters, yeah, so-- >> Who knows? >> So, after that mission, the next one that I did was the follow-up to that low story. I don't know what everyone else did. >> Nope. >> So you didn't-- oh, you didn't do any of the dating missions, so you didn't go into the sanitary of either. >> Nope. >> Fuck. >> I thought that was really interesting, the fact that this-- >> Talking about it though. >> Yeah. >> This scholarship edition thing, too. >> I don't know. I don't know if it's scholarship edition thing. >> Well, I think Anthony is probably because you're not going to your classes and these are missions that show up one year for at least for me and you're inside the building. >> See, I don't know. I feel like Anthony has finished more classes than I have. >> Yeah, I'm like on art four. >> Really? >> Yeah. I pretty much passed all-- like by the time I was on chapter four, I pretty much didn't have to go to school because every time the bell would ring, it'd be a little gray bell symbol like you've already beat this class. And so it's like-- >> Oh, shit. >> I'd gone through all five of just almost all the first ones. >> Your ones give me a lot of trouble, actually. >> Really? >> Yeah. >> For me, it's the biology ones that are the most nerve-wracking. >> Oh, yes. >> Like I just did-- >> I just did the squirrel one. >> Did you get some luxury of PC control? >> Yeah. No, I just did the squirrel one-- >> Yeah. >> --that ended with testicles. >> Well, I think that's a benefit of PC's controls, he's just not using them. >> Well, yeah. The only time I ever hate the controller in Bully on PC is it very small parts, but otherwise I love the fact that the controller is completely integrated into the game. >> Yeah. >> So there, I don't want to use WASDA to maneuver in Bully. >> I've actually gotten over-- I think halfway into chapter three and definitely by the time I've done with chapter four, not only have I grown used to the PC controls, but I've actually thought, OK, well, maybe they weren't just an afterthought grafted on to the console controls because I really started to get used to them and appreciate them. And I don't know. >> Maybe I'm just that good of a gamer that I'm able to maneuver-- >> It sounds like you're talking about it like a girl that isn't the hottest girl in the world, but man, can she cook. Or you could be talking about me. >> But I got used to it. Not only did I get used to it, but I got good at the game. I got good at the controls. >> Yeah. >> So-- >> Makes me wish that there was bully multiplayer, so I could prove you so wrong. >> All right. Let's get through the day mission so that I can have something to talk about again. >> So Galway way is the mission where one of the English teachers convinced by Mr. Hatrick to have himself committed because of his alcoholism. >> Yeah. >> Nice. >> Yeah. >> And so the art teacher convinces you to break into the asylum and nice sneak, sneak in there and have-- and tell him to like-- >> Get the fuck out. >> Tell him to get the fuck out that she's waiting-- because she's like, "I'll take care of him. He can get over his alcoholism through me," because, you know, she's dramatic and that's how she talks. >> Yeah. It's very sweet. >> And you actually do-- you sneak into the asylum and it's kind of cool. And like, as you're in there, you're like, "Okay, this is a really big building." And I only kind of go through one little part of it to get to the English teacher and break him out. They're probably going to have me come back here again. >> God, I hope not. I don't like the stealth mechanic in Bully. And so this part was kind of-- >> I didn't stealth. >> Really? >> I ran straight through, like, because like if they're backs or to you, they don't see you. It's not-- they don't have hearing in this game. >> I think maybe I was made paranoid because the panty raid mission in any mission that takes place in the girl's dorm, it's like they have eyes on the sides of their head. >> That didn't really happen to me, I just look at the minimap and look where their cone is looking. >> Yeah, I basically played the entire, like, break into the asylum thing in the minimap. I wasn't looking at the screen. Which is kind of a perennial problem of most rockstar games and you spend a lot of times looking at the-- >> Yep, there it goes. >> Oh, cat fight. >> Pussy warfare in the living room again. >> Here guys, keep talking. Break this up. Break this shit up. >> So yeah, I mean, the asylum-- I mean, the level was kind of funny and it was really kind of creepy and gross inside the asylum with all the screaming inmates. >> And also what's cool about it is you get access to a part of the map that at that time is sort of still shut off to you. >> Yes. >> Yeah. >> So it's kind of interesting. >> And then it's re-shut off from you again, I think, as soon as you finish it. >> Uh-huh. >> Yeah, I mean-- >> And it's interesting, like, there's a tunnel, like, on campus-- >> That leads to the mental institution. >> Yeah, it's like a straight shot directly there, it's like, hmm, what's this trying to say? Yeah, it's funny stuff. >> Might be a successful model to imitate. Realize-- >> So what's a mission that Anthony might have done? >> Well, the next one, as far as I can remember, that I definitely-- that sticks out my mind is the one where you have to take pictures of the cheerleader for the nerd kid. >> Right. >> Right. >> Yeah. >> Which was kind of creepy. The paparazzi. >> I thought that mission was kind of funny. Like, I don't know. >> Yeah. >> Because it was funny, like, how you have to-- the first couple of pictures were like, ah, whatever. That last one, though, when you got to get her in the shower, it took me four tries. >> Really? >> You can do it from-- you can do it from all the way out in the other room, though. You just zoom in. >> [LAUGHTER] >> It's like, oh, fuck, I just-- >> Damn, it matters. Used to video work, where we can make cool-made faces. >> I cannot get back. >> This is radio. >> I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking of that. >> For not thinking of zoom in? >> Yeah. >> Because you're usually so good at bit-maxing any fucking encounter in any game. You're like, well, I just did this, this, and this. I didn't have to deal with any of that shit. >> [LAUGHTER] >> Oh, it was-- yeah, I-- and then-- >> I didn't want to get close to her. >> [LAUGHTER] >> Well, and then it's like-- and then you find out that, you know, that the posters were made, it was posted, you know, on the internet or whatever, and a bunch of posters were made and put up all over town. And Jimmy goes and comforts the cheerleader, and it's like the only time that any of the female characters that you know Jimmy is going to get involved with-- >> It's sympathetic at all. >> --is actually sympathetic. And you feel like, oh, okay, well, he actually really should go. And graffiti over these posters for this girl, because that really sucks. >> See, I felt like the nerd girl at the beginning, the first-- the second girl you kissed, not the big one. >> Yeah, the one with the one with the diary? >> Yes. >> Yeah. >> I thought that was kind of like-- she's a little weird, bitch, she's sympathetic. >> Right, she's going a little weird, she was-- she was manipulating you into being-- >> She did blackmail you. >> Yeah, that's what I'm saying. [LAUGHTER] >> So fuck that chick. And she had some serious cold source. [LAUGHTER] >> Don't show up on her regular daily character model. [LAUGHTER] >> You'd look-- >> Hi, look. I looked before I kissed her to get behind me. >> I'm just saying-- I'm just saying that you can have cold source. You just don't need to make it a topic conversation when I'm about to kiss you, like just shut up about it. [LAUGHTER] >> I can take a hint. >> Mind over matter, but not when I have to fucking hear about it. >> I had this girlfriend in the seventh grade, and she went away for the skiing trip. >> Yeah. >> And I guess they went skiing all day without any goggles on or anything, and when she came back, she wanted to do our first kiss, but her face was so horribly sunburnt. [LAUGHTER] >> Are you saying she looked like she had an eye herp? [LAUGHTER] >> Her lips looked like they were exploding off her face. >> Yeah, it looked like she had been walking through the desert for like 10 years or something. [LAUGHTER] >> And you were like, I would kiss you, but I would prefer not to have my sensitive lips all cut up. >> Her face is like, have you guys seen "Mongol"? >> No. >> The gang is Kong's story. >> No. I miss that. >> It's a good film. >> But that's what her lips look like if I watch "Mongol"? >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> You'll know what I'm talking about. [LAUGHTER] >> You'll be like, oh, even though it's like a three hour epic or something, you'll find that one part. >> Yes. >> Just look out. I would rather make out with Pennywise the clown than kiss you. [LAUGHTER] >> Pretty much. >> But hold on, you didn't answer the question. Did you kiss her? >> No. >> Liar. [LAUGHTER] >> It's seventh grade. >> Tyler's a man of principles. >> Did not. She could have been bleeding out of her lips and you would have kissed her in seventh grade. [LAUGHTER] >> Jesus Christ. [LAUGHTER] >> I think I was still a little afraid of girls in seventh grade. It's like-- >> Really? >> Mm, boobs. >> I'm still afraid of girls. >> I had to get my first kiss. >> You should. >> My first kiss was in eighth grade. Aw. >> That was at high school. Flayed bloomer. >> Yeah. >> Well, I'm not sharing. [LAUGHTER] >> That's always 27 years old. [LAUGHTER] >> Anyways, way younger or way older. >> Aw. [LAUGHTER] >> Thank you for narrowing it down. So that's Amanda, right? Amanda's the name of the head cheerleader, I think. >> Something like that, probably. >> Something with an A or an anda in it. >> Oh, yeah. >> So you have to go around and tag the photos of her. >> Yeah. >> Which are so much more creative than I remember the photos. I took of her being. >> Yeah, I know. >> You're like, wow, that's actually a lot more revealing than the show. >> Yeah, my show. >> It's so fun. >> This is all steamed up. >> Yeah, no, you couldn't see anything, which I was kind of glad about. >> Yeah. I'm glad they didn't take it quite that far. >> Yeah, I mean-- >> I'm desensitized, too, guys. >> I think all the people that tried to complain about bullying then didn't just didn't get far enough into the game to find a really fucked up shit. >> [LAUGH] >> You take a picture of the girl in the shower or steal her panties. >> Right, exactly. >> It's hijinks. >> Hijinks, guys. >> [LAUGH] >> It's just boys being boys. >> So that mission was frustrating enough because it was, oh. >> Seriously, that's a type of shit nowadays, you'd be fucking registered in the neighborhood. >> Dude, yeah. >> And you'd be like, no, no, no, I swear. I just moved to someone. I just stole some panties when I was in college and they're like, yeah, I bet pulling their children away. >> Yeah. >> Take it from the man with the criminal record. >> So, I'll have a criminal record anymore, I just got my background check from Fox. >> Nice. >> That's good to know. >> Yeah, man, that is good to know. Like when you have some juvenile shit and then you find out later, all you-- >> Expons, bitches. >> [LAUGH] >> Trust me, I know. >> [LAUGH] >> All I'm saying is that Fox can't find out, man, I'm okay. >> Yeah, no shit, dude. >> You're safe from art out. >> Yeah. >> Especially for what you did. >> Yeah, I just, yeah, petty theft, political posters. You made it for a second that you make it sound like it's so much worse, especially since you've murdered 18 people. >> [LAUGH] >> But they didn't try you as an adult, so you got away with it. >> Yeah. >> I don't remember what the penalty is for sodomy on a house pedic. >> There's reason I'm vegetarian now. >> [LAUGH] >> I hate all the human meat I could stomach. So the mission where you're covering up the posters isn't knowing enough because it's a graffiti mission and I just really hate that mechanic. But then that little fucking bastard class president is running around. >> Ungriffeating. >> Ungriffeating you. And finally, I just had to find him and beat the fuck out of him. >> Oh, did you? >> Yeah, no, I definitely beat the fuck out of him. >> I just beat into the punch and you just punched him. >> Well, he did it like three times and people kept attacking me while I was covering up the posters. >> [LAUGH] >> I have a big fan. I've discovered rediscovered the slingshot in that game, two fully powered shots with the slingshot. I don't have to take any person out. >> Yep. >> I used the slingshot so rarely because I have the rocket gun and now I have the potato launcher. >> I am too. It's just that they run out. >> And the potato launcher? >> The potato launcher always seems to hit them in the balls. >> [LAUGH] >> Or in the lower stomach. They double over. That's all I care about. So there's that and then she makes out with you and that was like the one time where I didn't feel like a total whore and like Jimmy volunteered to do it for and she didn't ask him. >> [LAUGH] >> It's true. >> What do you mean you didn't feel like a whore because you were doing something just to get a kiss? >> Yes. >> Okay, I guess that's the only one that didn't make me feel like a normal guy. >> I guess I felt like a whore my whole life then. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> Whoa. [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> So, next up was the Fun House. >> Yeah, that one was a great mission. >> The Carnival Fun House? >> Yeah, I actually did the Fun House before that. >> Really? >> Yeah. >> It just seems so specific to this mission. >> No, I did the cheerleader thing just taking pictures of her and then I went and did the Fun House because they were like, we're in trouble because of those pictures. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I said, right? >> Yeah, but I didn't do the thing with the cheerleader covering up her pictures. >> Okay. >> What was the Fun House one? >> You go to the Fun House and you have to rescue like Algae and the other nerdy kid. >> Basically the nerds take over the Fun House. >> Yeah, I was thinking of the Freak Show, which is the last photography class one. You go into the Freak Show and take pictures. >> Not there yet, not there yet. >> To the last photography class? >> No, not even close. I think I might actually know finishing the game without finishing all the classes. >> I probably will too, some terrible at math, but. >> [LAUGH] >> For me it's English, it's the fucking word matching thing. >> Yeah, I used to guide for that one, I didn't work with it. Does Git mean something bad in the UK? >> GIT, yeah. >> Yeah, it means you're like an idiot, it's like stupid. >> If I typed in idiot, I'm pretty sure that the game would recognize it. I put in Git and he said, that one's not in the dictionary, Mr. Hopkins. >> Well, it's slang though. >> It's British dictionary. >> And it's still, it's a slang, I mean. >> Now, if you look at the guy and you look up those, the English test ones, there's definitely some words where I'm like, huh, I didn't actually realize that was a word. I was just putting letters together. There's a couple of words. >> Yeah, weird words. So yeah, actually I like the funhouse one a lot. >> Yeah, I do too. >> Just because I don't know certain things like the part where you're doing like the, with the sites that are coming down and it turns into like a side scrolling game. >> It reminds me of Odd World kind of in spots. >> Yeah, like where it turns sideways and it's very much like you're moving on one plane. Like it changes the field the game completely. And then doing the mini game of having to hit the jocks before they go and you only have so many sites. >> Yeah, that was also pretty cool. >> Yeah, let's see. >> Like finding and turning their own traps against them. >> Yes, and then there's the maze, which was kind of pointless. >> I mean, it was, the mini map basically negated the fact that it was a maze. >> Right. >> You knew exactly where the dead ends were. >> I mean, I'm glad- >> Jimmy, you're really good at mazes. >> [LAUGH] >> I'm glad it was easy because running around an maze in a game is never fun. >> That's- >> It's never, ever fun. >> True. >> That's very true. >> It's just Jimmy is like me with my blackberry with the GPS all the time. It's like, turn right here. >> Yeah. >> How do you know that? It's magic. >> [LAUGH] >> Then there's the miners. >> Yeah, well, you gotta get them through all those. >> It's just a series of hitting switches beating the shit out of people. >> Did anyone get hit by a miner? >> Nope. >> Man, those things almost kill you anytime they hit you. >> Really? >> I would not recommend getting hit by a miner. >> Wow. >> No, I mean, I was just up on the top part the whole time so the miners run over a threat to me. >> See, I thought that I had to make it past a miner to get to a ladder that got me at the top part. >> That's what I did and I ran all the way to the end and climbed up a ladder. >> Oh, see, I went up a ladder. >> Maybe they added challenge to- >> I went up there was a ladder. >> The ladder was right when I entered the room. >> Really? >> And I just did them all, yeah? >> Whoa. >> So maybe I just ran right past the easy ladder. >> You just blew my mind. >> Heck, it would be, yeah, and then at the very end I jumped down the ladder. So you guys might have just missed the first ladder. >> Yeah, exactly. Wow, that's really funny. So after the miners, there's the room with the mirrors where you have to find them. So much of that part just felt like really stupid and arbitrary. It's like go walk over next to them. >> So that you find them, yeah, I mean, a lot of it was stupid and arbitrary. >> Whoa, that was a cat. >> It's just the mission overall as a whole, I thought was still really fun. >> Yeah, it was really fun and like it was, I don't know, I mean, I enjoyed it. I'm still super enjoying the combat in this game. And now I think I've almost maxed out my abilities with the hobo. >> I have maxed out my, I know I definitely have maxed out my abilities because I got the last of the geography classes which unlocks radios, I think, on the map. >> How many are there? >> And I didn't see any radios. >> Like how many have you done, do you think? >> Radios? >> Yeah. >> Transistors, four or five? >> Yeah, I think I've gotten all the transistors too. Like I just got the five-hit combo. >> Yeah, I think that's the last one or something. >> Well, there's the five-hit combo, and then there's the five-hit combo charge. I think that comes, right? Where the last one you charge? >> Do you get that one from the hobo or do you learn that in gym class? >> Pretty sure. >> It's hobo. >> I don't know. It could be wrong. >> I have another one. >> It could be wrong. >> It's just fine. >> That's what guides are for on the internet. >> I've actually really enjoyed not using a guide playing through this time. >> I know, I'm just saying. >> It's such a refreshing change of pace. >> I'm just saying, Chris, where transistors go. That's not really that big of a deal. >> I only used a guide for the English classes, and I used it for something else. I can't remember. >> Geography? >> No, geography was easy. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I only used it for the English class. >> So what was the next mission after the mystery house? >> Cat, I will skin you. >> Make boots. >> You're ruining my podcast. Defender of the castle. So you have to fight the bullies off the castle, which again, was not that hard. >> No. >> No, I actually thought you were going to have to hold the wall for a lot longer, but you only sit there and do the wall part for like two seconds, and then it's like go man the gun. >> And then the spud gun doesn't seem to have any of the problems that it had fighting against you. >> No. >> And then it can just shoot all the time, it doesn't have a burst or anything, yeah. >> Exactly. >> Like you're not the boss. You are the protagonist still on the spud gun, which involved hitting a lot of jocks in the balls with potatoes. >> Oh, is that what you had to do? I just shot them in their body until they fell. >> Yeah, but every time I hit, every time I hit someone with a potato, they double over and hold their crotch. >> Really, you don't have any guys holding their knees or anything like that? >> No, no, it's all apparently my Jimmy is all about the balls. >> That sound worse than I thought it would. >> Well, to each their own, so yeah, you defend the castle. >> I don't call it Jimmy. >> Yeah, you shoot a bunch of jocks and then eventually they leave. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, definitely thought that mission was a fun mission in the castle. I felt like defending it was a lot more fun than sailing it. >> So after that. >> It was a good reuse of that area of the map, I thought. >> It makes you feel a kind of sense of ownership of the fortress. >> Yeah, true. >> You're going and doing that. >> None of the other factions, like once you're done, yeah, once you beat everybody up, they always talk about Jimmy being the leader, but you don't actually do any leading. >> Mm-hm. >> And I guess that's kind of something that I thought was going to be more in the game, but it never actually is. >> Yeah. >> Did anybody else do the jock challenge? >> Yeah, I did all the challenges because you unlocked safe points. >> I feel like the jock challenge is so far out of the way, the safe points, but yeah, Anthony, did you do the jock challenge? Have you done any of the challenges? >> I did the, the greaser challenge or whatever. >> Right. >> So. >> What's the jock challenge you got to refresh my memory? >> Are you going to the gym and a bunch of you guys try to beat the fuck out of you? >> [LAUGH] >> Basically, you go into the gym and activate it to get the jock hang out as a. >> Yeah, I know I've been doing the challenges, maybe I need to get to the jock one. I also thought it was funny that you could do the challenges before you actually own the group before you're actually the leader of the group. >> Yeah. >> So it's like, I get to sleep in the jock house because I kicked everybody's ass, everybody's ass, but I'm not the leader of the group yet. >> See that? That's right. I shit on the floor. It's my house. >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> I've just, I've found it kind of weird in this chapter that it's, in every other chapter it's been one click and in this one it's almost like you're struggling against two at the same time. >> Yeah, yeah, it's, I think they needed to get through the story in this chapter because of the stuff that happens in the last chapter, I don't know. I mean, it was, it was kind of nice because I didn't want to go through like two more full chapters to get through the last two clicks. So that was good. >> All right. >> What happens next? >> Next is the mascot. >> Yeah, the mascot. >> Yeah, that mission's kind of uneventful. All I did is went out to the field and shot him a bunch of my slingshot. >> I got up in the tree. >> And then the fight, the fight's super easy. Like he just does that charge thing and you dodge it and then kick the shit out of him. >> Yeah, yeah. >> I didn't like that it automatically changed me into his costume though. >> Well, I mean, I understand why I did it, which is because you're supposed to go right directly into the next mission, but of course I went and saved. >> But if you go into the next mission, they, they put you in the costume anyway. >> Yes. >> I actually annoyed him by just running up to him and doing the taunts over and over and over again. I just kept taunting the shit out of him. And then like anytime then like you said before the comment that gave me so much fun that if any of the jocks came to beat me up, I just beat the crap out of him and just keep taunting him. >> Yeah man. >> See, it sounds like what I did was like a complete mess. I went up there and started putting his ass and then I'm like, you know, so a few jocks were, you know, would have come to help him out. So I was like, okay, well, let me put some ground between me and them and I ran away. And then like a few more jocks like saw that I was like fighting jocks and then they came. And then like even the coach like started whipping my ass like, it was like this really epic battle where I was like snaking all these jocks in this coach like while trying to do the shoulder ram into the mascot. It was actually pretty epic for me like. >> How'd it work out? >> I did it first time, but I was just like, oh man, I just sniped the mascot from really far distance. >> Yeah, I mean, for me, annoyed. >> I did the best way. >> Annoyment hit in sensitive areas with high speed projectiles. >> Yeah. Yeah. Anthony, like you, you totally won. >> Yeah. >> I think these, these last couple of missions, you had the most efficient use of your, your time and skills. >> It's just because my reaction is always first pull out slingshot and shoot them far away. >> Right. Well, like I always thought that you couldn't climb the trees after you did the missions, but you can climb them anytime. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Which I just... >> That I did not know. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. And I've been finding like a bunch of little hidden spots because you know, you can climb a lot of the trees and there's like these, you know, the areas where you can tell like the lawn is uncut and it's like very, you know, disheveled pockets of environment where they usually hide stuff. >> Yeah. >> So after we kick the shit out of the mascot, the next mission, you get to do the stupid fucking dance. >> Yeah. >> Over and over again. >> Yeah. >> I only have to do it once. >> Okay. So I have to say that I had a lot of crash issues with this chapter. >> Oh, really? >> And one of those crashes happened on the last mission tree, which is what we're talking about right now. >> Right. >> And yeah, it was super, super fucking annoying. >> Yeah. All I had to do, I only had to do the dance once like everything else that I was doing in that mission, I just ran straight to where I needed to run to, did my thing, ran straight to the next thing. Nobody even bothered me. The only time I had to do, well, I had to do it twice. I had to do it once in front of the cheerleaders and I had to do it once in front of a group of jocks because there was like one of the pranks that you had to pull was like right in front of them, yeah. >> Right in front of them, yeah. >> But I like the structure of this mission. I like, you know, meet the agent and then go and like, you know, fuck with their world during the game, glue the guy to the bench and give them the bag with the explosive ball in it and stuff like that. >> Yeah, explosive balls apparently because after that, every football that guy fucking throws blows. >> Yeah. It's basically, you gave him an armory of that is like a bag from D&D. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> The bag of bottomless balls. >> Thank you, Matt. Thank you. >> I always like it when someone else takes it there other than me. So the thing that bothers me is I did all that, then I got to the part where you have to fight the guys and the game glitched in such a way that the screen was black and I could see my life bar, but I couldn't see anything else. >> See, did you just hold down the punch button? >> No, no, because it's, okay, so to go through this, you have to do the cow dance, get out there, but you have to put explosive balls in the bag. You have to put glue on the bench. You have to. >> Marbles on the field. >> But marbles on the field. There's two more, right? >> Either way, these people do it. >> Yeah, it's peeing the gatorade. >> Yeah, peeing the gatorade was a little gross. And then you have to hack the scoreboard. >> Yeah. >> That's it. >> Which reminds me that the peeing in the gatorade, the guy comes up, he drinks and he throws up. And later on I was running around and there's this, like one of the young girls, like the freshman on campus, she was in a group of bunch of people, she turned around and totally puked her guts out, which I'd never seen before and I'm like, is everybody drinking the gatorade now? >> Yeah. >> You need to put out a thing over the school PA system, do not drink the gatorade in the locker room. >> I'm curious if there was a big-ass thing gatorade you peed into, how they would even really know. I feel like that. >> Right. >> Yeah, I don't think they would. Do you ever see the movie Little Monsters with Howie Mandel? >> Nope. >> Goddamn you people. >> I feel like I have. >> It's got Fred Savage and his brother. >> Yeah, and he's the monster that lives under his bed and he takes the little monster world. >> Yeah, they come out. >> I did see that. >> Under the bed is the four of them. >> That would be terrifying for children. >> Yeah. It was pretty fucking creepy. At the end with like- >> The guy that rips his face off and he's graphic, yeah. >> But one of the pranks that he pulls is that he goes to the boy's house and he puts the cat food in his sandwich and pisses in his apple juice. >> Yeah. >> And then there's a scene at school after he takes a drink of the apple juice and spits it on the outside. "Piss! Who put piss in my apple juice?" >> Now, that I feel like you would taste, but I'm just saying gatorades already like, I don't know. >> Gatorade is kind of pissy tasting, is what you say? >> Yes. Tastes like pee. >> That was deep. >> I know. That's why I come here to eat your donuts and be deep. >> Well, technically they're Tyler's donuts. >> They're the each Tyler's donuts. >> I still haven't eaten any of those and I really need to get to them. >> Yes. >> Bob's. >> Bob's donuts? >> Mm-hmm. >> We should plug that at the end of the show. >> That's yours. Let's go. >> Polk Street. >> Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. So you hack the scoreboard and then the two football dudes come up to you and all of a sudden, it's nighttime and you have the quarterback throwing explosive balls at you. >> Yes. Which I thought, I thought this part was like super fun, like just like it's almost like going out for a pass and then, you know, throw it right back at them. >> Yeah, it was super easy to like every mission in this chapter seemed really easy. And I don't know if it's because they have just sort of a flat difficulty rate and if you do more classes like then you'll just power through the game more easily or if they just wanted something to be kind of a goofy, easier chapter. >> And there's also that factor of like every rock star game where there's this element of serendipity to it where it's like, you might have just got lucky and like something was really, really easy for you, you know, being, you know, because the open world nature of it. >> Mm-hmm. Well, I feel like Boli in general definitely has an easier baseline set through all of the missions which I was grateful for because. >> Definitely. >> In too many rock star games you'll just run into that bitch of a mission. >> It's not as punishing. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> It's definitely not as punishing. >> Except. >> Yeah. >> And I appreciate that. >> When you get to the last part of that whole mission and the game crashes. >> That's pretty punishing. >> And you have to go through and do everything starting from the mascot dance forward again. And you can't skip the parts where they do their little song and dance about, here's your mission, blah, blah, blah, I'm like, yes, I get it, it's a fucking quest giving the marbles. >> Right. >> I should stuff you in a trash can. >> I didn't even think to do that, that would be fun if after you got your mission you just picked up the nerdy show to me. >> They disappear. >> Oh. >> So you can't. >> Bummer, dude. >> Seriously, after that I was so fucking, oh, I almost threw my controller, I was so mad. And it just made me think, if they do another, I hope they do another Boli game with fucking mid mission checkpoints. >> So you hear the, you hear like the crowd and everything going crazy after this, like they're all cheering for Jimmy, like, because is it supposed to take place during an actual football game? >> I think so. >> Well, they're warming up for a game. That's the whole point. Like, that's why you're like sabotaging all the jocks, right? >> Right. >> Like, that's why you're gluing them to the bench, but. >> I mean, it's almost, when is homecoming generally? Is that in the fall? >> That's in the fall, yeah. >> Okay. So it's not, and it's not. >> Maybe it's not even football season. >> Yeah. >> That is, that's true. It's not really even football season when you're fighting. Maybe seasons are different in Boli world, right? >> Maybe this game was made by a bunch of guys that never played on a football team. >> I think that is more likely. So yeah, so that's the, the end of the chapter and then some other assorted crap. Did anybody else do the chemistry teacher's mission? >> Yes. >> Where he would go into his, his office and he's fucked up on some chemical. >> Yeah. He says, I need you to drop off some chemicals to my clients. >> Yes. >> I'm like, is this a fucking meth lab? He sends you to like trailer town and they're like, I'm delivering meth for this fucking guy. >> That's the funny thing is, is you totally think you're delivering drugs, but you're not. >> And then, so you deliver to people and you see all these old dudes that you're delivering to and then by the time you deliver to the last person who is the coach, I'm like, it's Viagra. I'm delivering Viagra and then you get back to him and it turns out that you're delivering hair, hair growth, tonic and I wish he had made a stop at my house. >> And I actually, I like that because I felt, I felt like that mission totally pulled a fast one on me. >> Yeah. >> I thought the same thing too. I was like, shit, I am delivering drugs and there's a, I can't believe I'm delivering drugs. >> Right. And then it's like, I just did this in Chinatown wars, like earlier today and now I'm doing it as a prep schooled kid. But no, no, you're just delivering hair tonic. Granted, it's probably this fucked up chemistry teachers, like bullshit hair tonic, but you're still, it's snake oil, it's just snake oil. >> It definitely, it was a great payoff because the whole time I was definitely feeling sort of turned around and weird about where Bowie had gone all of a sudden. >> And I think this, that's the thing that I've noticed so far in this game is that it always, it always does that, it always like keeps just enough of, just enough of the charm and the, like Anthony said earlier, kind of the hijinks nature of everything to keep it from going over some kind of edge where you're like, into the uncomfortable, you know, kids, like the movie kids zone. >> Yeah. God, nothing. Christ. >> All right, I'm not going around spreading the hurt. >> Yeah. >> Or the AIDS. >> Or the AIDS. >> Well, it makes you hopeful that they'll draw the same restraint on like Grand Theft Auto, you know, just because, you know, some of the things I've brought up in the past with making their protagonists a lot more consistent, you know, like a lot of people talked about with Nico. >> Yeah, so we, there were some, actually some really good comments just about the game in general. There weren't really a lot of people commenting on different parts of the chapter this time, maybe because it was so short. >> Well, hit us up with a few comments before you take us out. >> This guy actually had a pretty good observation related to bully in the GTA franchise in general. This is parsnipzilla. >> Nice. >> Yeah. >> If you're going to be a zilla to parsnip. >> Parsnip is a good one. >> Yeah. >> I bought this game on Saturday and played pretty much exclusively to catch up to Game Club. That's heartwarming. >> Nice. >> Bully's so far exceeding any and every expectation I had of it. It's compelling narrative and characters coupled with its comparatively contained world create a sense of intimacy lacking from most GTA or GTA clones. >> Totally. >> Which I agree. >> What was that? >> Just pro tip. Don't say compelling. >> It's true. >> Well, I think in this case he uses compelling in a context that-- >> Doesn't matter. Even if it's in the context of-- >> Okay. >> So is that all the words we can't use? We can't use-- >> So you need too much. >> The words we can't use describing games anymore include compelling, physicality, visceral. >> Mechanic is one that's-- >> Mechanic. >> The command at my work. >> Oh, really? >> Yeah. >> What the fuck are you supposed to say? >> I don't know. There's usually a better way to explain it in more detail than to say-- >> Okay, all I would do would be type in Mechanic and then right click on it and look at this-- [laughter] >> So-- >> So-- >> Can I say gameplay mechanic? Gameplay is another one. Can I say gameplay? There's a lot of words that are-- >> That's it. No more the-- [laughter] >> I feel like gameplay mechanic is a legitimate noun though. It's not like-- >> I'm not disagreeing with you. >> That's like camera angle. >> Yeah. >> Exactly. >> Anyways. >> All right. >> I'm going to do it. >> Okay. So compelling, whatever. He's not writing for-- >> I know what he means though. >> Yeah. >> I don't have a problem with your-- >> Still a good comment, sir. >> Oh, he's not done yet. >> One job in the future. >> I feel that this is the route Rockstar needs to take because judging from the loss of the dams praises for its short compelling storyline, it seems that gamers are much more interested in a six-hour storyline as opposed to a 40-hour post-storyline equivalent of a chain letter. Just like a chain letter, with GTA 4, the closer to the end you got, the less it had anything to do with the beginning. >> Yeah. >> That is every fucking GTA game ever. That is the greatest-- >> That's the people that use compelling or-- >> No. This is the same guy. >> I see. There you go. >> You shut up because he made the greatest GTA. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> That's the really good point. >> That's the greatest GTA analysis I've ever seen. >> I'm just saying he made an excellent point, but all I heard was compelling two times. That's why it's a bad idea. >> Okay. >> Just to throw this out there as a writing tip, you don't want to use an adjective that stands out like that so close together anyway, even if compelling weren't persona non-grata against those five. Any words that close together, sorry, nitpicking, I've been hanging out with Brian Scott too much. >> I'm actually-- >> No, it's a good point. >> I'm a giant stickler for repetition, even in sentences where it makes perfect sense, it just totally rubs me the wrong way. >> Me too. >> Me too. >> It's because if it's an uncommon word, it sticks out in your brain when you see it, which is great, because that sticks in as a description, but then if you see it again, it's already stuck in your brain and you're like, "Oh, I saw this already." >> Yeah, but I take it to an extreme though, you know. >> Well, I'm like-- >> It'll be like somebody will say, "I picked up the stick and then I threw the stick and I'll be like, "You stick twice." >> I lead a children's crusade against adverbs, so I'm not going to talk shit about your problem. >> That's a good word. >> That's a good word message. >> That loves me a good adverb. >> I mean, but ultimately-- >> It's fucking adverbs. >> It depends. I mean, sometimes like repetition can be used for like a point if it's like cadence or, you know, you're using it. >> Yeah, rhythmically speaking, it can be good. Going to TVT outfits make a difference. Outfits do make some small difference. No kissing bonus report tastes. Some missions acquire an outfit change, obviously. Other than that, I guess the Black Ninja outfit makes you invisible to authority figures. >> Yeah, you can get it by, I think, it's taking a picture of everybody for the yearbook or something. >> Oh, really? >> Yeah, fuck that. And the thing that I didn't like about the outfits in the game is that you end up with a ton of like silly, crazy, stupid outfits and very, very few that I actually want to see Jimmy wearing. And that's very-- >> I kind of like to shut your pie hole, T-shirt. >> That's true. It's very-- I also-- yeah, that was funny because it was a math joke. And-- >> Thank you for explaining it. >> Well, I was just in case people didn't get that picture. >> I didn't get it. I was like-- it sounds like a dumbass shirt, but now that you put the-- it's linked to math. It's kind of cool. [laughter] >> Math is hard. >> See, I felt Anthony, yeah. And so the-- >> I thought it was an American pie reference where someone did sex to a pie. [laughter] Because I'd tell her everything is about sex. >> With pies. >> He did bring something with holes in it. >> They didn't have holes before. >> Did you-- >> Mm. >> Did you mic-- did you mic that pie? [laughter] >> I got mic-- >> I mic the good. So I was thinking like the outfits, the way that they approach outfits in Boy is very like San Andreas by City GTA III and very not GTA IV. >> I mean, you can go and buy outfits. I just never have. >> You can. But that's what I'm saying. I bought almost every clothes I could in the game. I had all the outfits from the missions. I was constantly stealing stuff out of lockers, so I got all-- a bunch of clothes that-- >> You bastard! You're that guy. [laughter] >> So I got like a whole bunch of outfits in the game and like a good 80, 85% of it I never used. I just like flipped through the mail and I was like, "Oh, look, he's wearing a pumpkin on his head. That's great. I'm totally not going to go around kissing girls with a pumpkin on my head." >> Your loss, sir. >> It was my loss, actually. >> Uh-- >> The pumpkins are delicious. >> You got any more comments? Are we taking us out? We have more comments. We have the Evil Genius says, "Jimi should have been quarterback during the QB battle. I was able to throw explosive football 60 yards away with pinpoint accuracy." >> Yeah, totally. [laughter] >> Uh, let's see. Do, do, do, do, do. There was-- do we want to talk about the guy who had gay panic? >> Yeah. >> Sure. >> You can mention it real quick. [laughter] We're at an hour and 15 minutes. >> Well, we talked about a lot of stuff at the beginning. Uh, well, we'll skip the gay panic other than someone talked about beating up the only boy they kissed and stuffing him in a trash can. [laughter] >> I'm not sure how I feel and you got to pay. [laughter] >> Uh, Mitch Dyer, who comments a lot in our stuff and he plays-- he kills him with Anthony, says, "I'm a Tyler. I played through Billy twice and the only thing that made me want to quit was fatty fucking consumer." I hated that game so much that I based an article around it. It's an interruption in otherwise great game and it's tedious garbage. It's not fun. It's not cute. It's not damn broken. I don't understand what the problem with Katsumo was. >> But I beat it the first time. >> It was so really quick. >> I don't really play it. The detection of the game was a little fucked. >> I think maybe you just sucked a Katsumo and maybe Mitch started a Katsumo. >> I honestly thought, like, I got around the, um, the blowfish that, like, it still would bounce me or, not, yeah, blowfish bounce you, right? >> No, sumo bounce you and the blowfish kill you. >> Yeah. [laughter] >> I did think the monkey throwing poop game was total garbage. >> I didn't play that one. >> You're not missing anything. It's in the Jox HQ, I think. He says chapter four is easily the worst in the game. The initial rate on the nerd HQ is a pain and the boss fight wasn't very fun for me. I couldn't handle having to aim and shoot while on the open since I had to be on cover, limit your view severely. Basically, bitch, bitch, bitch. >> You hate. >> You hate? >> No, you hate. >> You hate. >> You hate. >> He brought that back around. So now Arthur isn't the only one that hate. >> Lonely Space Panda says my favorite thing about Bully is how intimate and believable it feels in contrast to the GTA series, this thing about how the seasons change is really remarkable in this game. Yeah, we've seen this on Go Down and Rise and Zelda and I'm sure there are other games who've actually had seasonal changes, but in Bully, there is so much detail. Seeing the talent up with Christmas lights and everyone wearing winter clothes really helped bring me into the world. No, in a setting up, but this game really feels like Harry Potter. >> Yeah. >> It kind of does. >> It kind of does. >> It kind of does. Definitely a comparison that I was going to make when we discussed the last chapter of the game. >> And as far as like the seasons go, I mean, as far as I'm concerned, when Sim City came out and you see seasons in there, as a kid, I was just like, all right, I want seasons in all my games. >> Yeah, exactly. >> I love it. I love to see it. >> Yeah. >> So yeah, I think that's going to do it. So for the next episode, which will be in two weeks, two weeks, you have two weeks to play through chapter five. So for fuck sake, finish it, Anthony. >> I have one mission from, I've done the mascot one, I've done the final one. >> Chapter five is the, I think the last actual story, chapter in the game, and chapter six is the endless summer part where you just go around and do whatever you want. >> Yeah. And chapter six is basically, I think, so you can get like 100% completion. >> 100% completion. >> If you want to, yeah. Although, I guess you can only do, some missions you can only do once, but I don't know that they actually count toward your completion. >> I actually looked in the guide to see if the 100% completion got you anything. It doesn't, doesn't get you anything. It probably unlocks an achievement, but that totally people in the comments that are saying like, I hated this game, because I went back to get 100% completion. If you're at the point where you hate something because you want to finish it completely, maybe you should just stop. >> Yep. >> On that note. >> Yeah, we'll be back in two weeks. Awesome. >> Game Club, we'll be back in two weeks, Rebel will be soon in that. >> And think about, you know, games that you want to play for the next game club. >> Oh, where? I mean, we did that already. >> Yeah, I know. I mean, I'm talking to the audience. Sorry. I was looking at you. I should have looked at the microphone as though I was talking. >> You look at the computer when you're talking to the audience. Look into the Internet. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] You