Rebel FM

Rebel FM - Episode 1 - 01/07/09

1h 50m
Broadcast on:
07 Jan 2009
Audio Format:

Join Nick Suttner, Philip Kollar, Matt Chandronait, Ryan O'Donnell, Jade Kraus and Arthur Gies for talk of the recent 1UP debacle, what they've been playing, and a taste of things to come.
[Music] You are now listening to Rebel FM. My name is Philip Buller, and I'm being joined by... Why don't I just go around and just show off, because I don't know your name. Wow. [Laughter] My name is Arthur Geese. I'm a hetero-wife-mate to a chef gay, I guess. [Laughter] I guess now people actually know that you have a roommate instead of an imaginary friend that you talk about on land party. Yeah. Hi, Anthony Gueggos. I'm also here on a really shitty mic. We apologize for quality. There's like some buzz and shit. That's because we had to make do with music recording equipment. It's not really made for content. And to be fair, this is, and this is Nick Zodner talking, this is the day after we no longer work in one-up, so... This is kind of the one-up project recording. We'll figure out better for next week. Yeah, we had to kind of throw this together, because everyone wanted to hear it, but... Yeah, so, I apologize in advance. And also in the room, not on the mics, but we'll be at some point. We have Matt Chanderne, and Ryan O'Donnell, and Jade Krause, who will be hopping on. Yay! So, yeah, we just wanted to keep this going and keep talking to you guys, and I think speaking for myself, one-up-of-em was by far my favorite part of the job by the end, and I think I'm speaking for folks when I say that. I did actually like the most parts of the rest of my job as well, but one-up-of-em was something we got to kind of do what we wanted and had, like, the power of being on the inside of the industry to organize stuff, and we had pretty good luck getting people to come on. And thank you guys, first of all, everyone who left, like, literally hundreds of car alarm. Oh, well, we are... Yeah, we're recording in Oakland. I mean, yeah, I don't know what to tell you. This is, like, right outside my apartment in Oakland. That windows are all closed. We're going to hear this. Yeah, we're unfortunately going to have to... I'm just going to keep talking. Yeah, it's part of a rebel. It's part of a rebel event. We got posted last week before we had any clue that we were going to lose our jobs. I posted that... That's why the one-up office is breaking in. [laughter] I posted four ideas for the 2009 season of One Up by Family. Got hundreds of responses, and most of them were fantastic, and thank you guys so much for all of that. And your ideas will not go to waste, whether it's in this podcast or some other, like... I don't know, staff of our podcast careers will figure out ways to implement those. And there are lots of great ideas, so those will certainly not go to waste. And I'm sure you'll also see some of them implemented in One Up's Future Podcasts, whatever they end up doing. I mean, the other thing I think that we should say right off the bat is just how thankful we are for, like, the insane outpouring of support that we've gotten in light of the unexpected news yesterday, and a large portion of the One Up staff was being laid off, including ourselves. But just the messages that everyone left, the forum posts, the number of people who added us to our 25 plus Twitter followers within eight hours or so. is mine, and at yours is N Suttner. I have no idea how you got that many Twitter followers. Okay, I put it on my Twitter, I was like, uh, I just put, like, follow Nick as you follow me, like a Jesus, like all caps, like I was Jesus on. I told David Ellis to put ours on there, and I know he, like, he does a lot of Twittering, so... There were a lot of posts on YoGaf with, like, lists down a lot of Twitter's. Lots of blog posts. And thank you, Gaf as well, for your, you know, 53 plus pages of support, mostly. I want to thank that guy for that song, dude, that rap song. Oh, yeah, the YouTube video, that was great. He got a lot of shit for that, but I actually thought it was, it was awesome. It was good. I think it's just a testament to how much people loved EGM and how much everyone loved one up. I mean, it was definitely in the same boat. And I just want to say thank you to, I don't remember his name, I was in a shitty mood. A fan of ours just stopped by at the end of the day in the lobby and brought two boxes of Krispy Kreme, and we brought them some EGM's and all of us like signed the cover. And took shit from Shane's pile of garbage. Not garbage. It was Shane's stuff. We were telling Shane that Shane should just throw it all into random boxes and then put it on eBay and say Shane mystery box. That's like an extra month of severance for Shane per box. You're on a gaming podcast? All that crap. Definitely someone that wants it. Yeah, well, that's a thing. To us, it's crap because we don't see it. But I remember even before I was in gaming press, I was like, you can get a sword from Zelda, a little diecast one. They have a stuffed horse head from the godfather. But thank you David for coming by, that was amazing. And it was a fantastic ending to the day. That was pretty much it. We were waiting to leave and last thing of the day. And they made me actually realize that in a lot of days, this is like one of the better days of my life actually because of all the response today. Like, you know, it takes leaving somewhere somewhere to realize how much you are appreciated by the people that are following you. And like, you know, you know, we get tons of great feedback every week on the podcast and on reviews and whatever. But like hearing kind of everyone at once who cares about you is ridiculously overwhelming. Yeah, Nick's never fired again before that he was considering firing one once yesterday. I mean, it was big. And the podcast takes a darker turn. And now he's, you know, not gainfully employed and live off severance. Actually, before when we went into a conference, we need to talk about who was keeping their jobs. I was making, there was like one seat by the window and I was joking that that was like the suicide seat. And this was before we really, there was lots of jokes in that meeting before we knew what was going down. Oh, yeah. Well, once I saw like some of the people that were in there, I was like, there's no way we're all being laid off. There's no way this can be true. But it was. I knew it was true because we were in the same room with the AGM people. And it's like being herded in with the plague victims. So I don't know. I mean, there's not too much to say about it right now. Most of it's. I mean, you guys know as much as we know about the actual process of who stayed and who went for the most part. Like, we were as surprised as users were for the most part. I mean, all we can really say, I guess, is just that, yeah, it's kind of a crappy situation. But just stay tuned to our Twitter, stay tuned to eat dash sleep dash game dot com. Eat sleep game dot com. That's where we'll be hosting. And that's where they'll find this podcast probably. Yeah, that's where they'll find the podcast. And we also apologize if they're outcast. And you know, you'll find out what we're all doing. Yeah. We'll try to keep people apprised of where you're going like high class posts. And if you work in the industry and you want to give us jobs. Cool. Yeah. All I want to do is write about games or talk about games or maybe work on games on capacity. Like, I want to do that effort money. Yeah. I mean, the good thing about all those people leaving one up over the last 18 months is you have contacts in so many places. Yeah. That's what you think I was scrambling for my business cards. I was like, where are they? Are those the up to date business cards or those the, no, no, not my business cards. I'm saying other people's business cards. My business cards this morning, I threw in the recycle. Right. No. So yeah, I'm just not too much else to say about the situation. I don't think people should be angry at like remotely at the people who are left in one up and the one up higher up. You know, Simon and Sam were like, always very honest with us about what they knew and a big corporate bull should take over thing. And Simon doesn't have a job anymore. Yeah. Simon doesn't either. Simon is a wayward bond at this point. Yeah. So, um, Matt, Ryan, do either of you guys have anything you want to say about, about this specific situation we can give you. You can come sit on this mic. We can totally move these mics in rocket, Stephen, time or so. All right. Well, I can miss Matt. I can definitely say that Ryan and I knew this was coming for us. Yep. Like the, the one up show really cost, costed one up a lot of money and there was not enough for turn on it. And there's like a million reasons for that and most of them aren't really worth getting into. But I mean, it's pretty clear that when, because I've been through this shit before, you know, I've been working in the games industry in one way or another. Games are games media since like 1995. So I've been through like several mergers and acquisitions and I've been both in the good meetings and in the bad meetings. And it's pretty clear that when somebody is trying to recoup an investment or when somebody is trying to get the fuck out of a particular hole that they've dug themselves, that the only thing that you look at is, you know, column A. Here's the things that bring in money. Call them B. Here's the things that cost money. All right. Fire everybody who's in column B or lay them off with severance. Thank you. I need the severance. And then keep everything that's in column A and that's all that they did and it's hard not to take it personally. But I mean, at the end of the day, there's really nothing that you could have done about it or nothing that could have prevented it from happening. I will say that we've, you know, there was a time a while ago, anyone who's been watching the one up show for a while knows that we used to have ads in the show. We had ads for a really long time. In fact, I remember shortly after we started getting ads in the show, the guy who runs IGN or one of the guys who runs IGN's editorial came up to me. He said, all right, we're stopping our weekly video podcast. You win because you guys got ads in there. And I was like, wow, that's cool. You know, this is going to be our livelihood. This is going to be what makes our thing last. So when we stopped getting ads, it was really scary. And Matt and I, and even before that, Kathleen and Jane and I had always tried to come up with new ways of trying to make money for our little show. So that's what we're going to try to do now is figure out if we can, actually, because Matt and I loved what we were doing. We still love it. We still want to do that sort of thing. And so we're going to see if we can figure out a way to do it and also make money at doing it. So who knows? Can I ask a question to someone who's sort of outside the one up circle? Like, and this is something I'm just kidding. This is something I'm seeing on GAF a lot. And I mean, it's something I've been curious about as well as that. A lot of people are saying, well, we'll just give you money directly for podcasts or we'll give you money directly for the one up show. Was there ever talk about going like an IGN insider kind of route for a lot of the video content or like directly monetizing downloads? So there's, you know, one, the thing that IGN insider does is they actually have, you know, their website is set up to accept a subscription. So that's a tech team, you know, production team sort of issue where you actually have to decide, okay, well, what's the pay content? Because if he, what's the non-pay content going to be? I will say at the end, we were toying with the idea for about the last season or two of trying to build an HD version of the show and then charge for that. So if we, if we would have done that. The HD version would have still been free. Right. Because we figured that, you know, the, the audience had already, they've gotten too used to an SD version of the show games free. There wasn't, there wasn't really any room to start charging for that all of a sudden. But an HD version of the show, you know, maybe we could get enough people that at least become a zero-sum game where we weren't, maybe if we weren't making tons of money, at least we could break you down. It's really hard to, you know, and, and so I hope you got anyone out there who is a fan of the one-up show who's listening. I hope people appreciate that. We really did fight to keep doing it for as long as we could. And my main goal as the director and creator of the show was that once we started delivering on a, on the show, you know, it's sort of timely fashion. What it was, you know, like 30 minutes, three game segments or four game segments earlier, whatever it was, I didn't ever want to get to start delivering less than that. Because I felt like we had promised a certain amount and we never wanted to go back on what we were doing. And there was a lot of resistance at different times throughout the course of those three or four years where people wanted us to cut back on what we were doing because they realized how much effort we were putting in and how little money it was bringing back to the company. And we just never wanted to do that because we do, we wanted it to be the best and we wanted it to be good for everyone who wanted to watch it. So right now we want to try to figure out how to do that and make money at it. So all I can say is that in all likelihood, if we continue to do it, you'll probably have to pay for it. And I apologize for that, but like, it's the only thing, it's the only way we're going to be able to do it and still make money at it unless we get someone who has a really good deal for us. But I doubt that. So I apologize, we tried to keep it free, but advertising just doesn't work the way it did like a couple of years ago. I think like a subscription model is looking viable to a lot of people where a lot of people have been saying that a subscription model is something they'd be interested in for. I hope so because I mean, you can kind of look at it this way and like the amount of people that say that they'll pay for something is going to, you know, is far less than the amount of people that will and then the fraction of those people actually will. And it's not through any, you know, malice or callousness on their part. It's just that, you know, when people look at things that depends on whether or not it's actually worth it to them personally. But I also, but I also want to say on the generally on the issue of the way things went down, I think on NeoGap and on other places, Sam Kennedy has unfairly gotten a lot of shit. Yeah. And you got to realize that he didn't know what was coming at all. He didn't know what was coming. He didn't have any decisions to make in regards to who was let go and who stayed. And so he was left kind of, you know, he was the one left holding the bag. He was the one that had to do all of the damage control. And in a sense, you know, what are you going to do at that point? I still wish he had used a lot different phrasing in his interview with the multiplayer. Yeah, like in Jeff Green's vlog talking about his reactions to the first Sam Kennedy post was a little harsh. No, no, well, I actually really admired Jeff Green for just going out there and saying all that stuff because, you know, it's the kind of embodies what a lot of people were feeling. But I just got to say that in general gives him a break. And I just also want to say too, like that's not like by saying that we're also not saying condemn UGO for making those decisions because we don't know what level those decisions were made or if it was hers and if you know what that was based on. So, you know, I don't want people to like, I guess they just hate them blindly because that's, you know, this is a completely good thing for them. And we still have so many and the people that are still left at one up are such great people and they have so much potential to do great things. And I think they're actually going to be in a really good position to execute on a lot of ideas that they have personally because UGO is going to be looking to them to come up with, you know, entirely new ways of doing things. And I'm really hopeful for those guys. And like I don't think it's worth, you know, like boycotting one up as it stands now or something like that because you're just going to be robbing yourself and potentially doing stuff. And I think it's good that now with us all kind of free to like do our own thing, you'll see an even wider range of ideas executed on because we're not like, you know, even before just as one up we were limited about what we could do obviously, but a lot of things. But now you're going to see, you know, one up doing their own thing and other people doing all sorts of different stuff. So since, I mean, clearly, like you guys are talking about what you want to do next, Ryan and Matt, do you guys want to quickly share your Twitter addresses as well so that people can keep track of whatever comes next for me, you guys? I mean, I'm sure you'll be back on whatever we're doing as well as far as podcast goes. Yeah, thanks Bill. Yeah. Backlog. Yeah, we're still on. Are we talking about that? Yeah, we're not. We'll do it. Next week, maybe. Backlog. We're totally in. Yeah. Might have a different name, but we'll do it. Yeah. Mine's just talking orange spelled like it sounds. My Twitter is talking orange, so yeah. We've got just like Bill and Nick and everybody else. We're all talking, all these ex one up people are talking about the stuff that they want to do, and I think our Twitter's are going to be the best way to keep up with it all. Yeah, mine is just my name, Ryan O'Donnell, ODO, and ELL. Yeah, I'd post a lot of stuff on there too, so come for the updates about what we're doing in the future and stay for the pretty pictures, because that's what I want to put there. I like how both the names that you use, like O'Donnell and Burrito, like you things are both things that have doubled consonants that I always forget. Fucking got his two ends too well, and Burrito is like, right, what, two hours, one tea? Yeah, fuck you Ryan. Okay. Did you get out of Spill Burrito? You live in California. Yeah, but he's a foreigner. Oh, that's a good point. There was something I wanted to say, but I totally can't remember what it is, but I do want to reiterate that, like, the outpouring support has been just truly amazing. Oh my God, it made me feel better, because when it all went down yesterday, I didn't feel anything. It's like, you know, you're still in shock, and like, I was just like, fun-loving and happy, and like, I went home, and everyone was like, you just got laid off, and I was like, yeah, well, that was the breaks, you know, whatever we knew, and we saw it coming. But today, after clearing our boxes out, and like, clearing our desks out, grabbing your boxes and saying goodbye to everyone in the office, that's what they like. You guys had some really good pictures up on the Twitter as well, like, throughout the day of just like, the game videos area as it transformed from what it was to like, being empty. Well, it was really, like, when they told us that we had to clean out our desks and everything, it was like, that was the first question that I asked, was like, well, how long do we get, because we always encouraged everybody, especially in the game video area, to put all of their swag and prominent display, so that it provided interesting backgrounds for the one up show. Shane and Milton filed for extensions on their cleaning out their office. Shane told me it's going to be around a while yet. I think it's funny that Ryan talks about it, like, and he was like, you know, you were like totally numb to it, because I don't know, but you guys noticed, I don't know how you could know. I went from like, joking to sobbing bitch, and like, in like, in like two seconds, once he said the word termination, I was like, oh, no. I really, really, really knew it was coming. I mean, I don't want to get into specifics about it. I don't know if people remember, but around our office, when we found out that someone was possibly buying us, it sounded exciting to me. I was like, this is great, this is what I wanted. So there was one day where I was really excited, but then they came in and there was a meeting where they met with our group and wanted to talk to us. And I really knew at that point, like, we're not going to, I had a pretty good idea we weren't going to stay on. So everybody in game videos knew that we were going to get the act. So we kind of, we just felt like no one said anything to us, you know, it's not like we had insider information, we could just feel it from the tone, and so at least we had the break. That's the interest. That's what I really like. It's like, you know, I think it would be very easy for me right now to be like, ooh vacation, I'm running out of my separates, you know, hell yeah. And like sit back and play some video games, but we just had a vacation. So I'm not feeling like it's time for vacation, I'm feeling like it's time for work. And so I'm glad I'm here, we're recording a new podcast, and like, everyone's ready to get busy and try to figure out what's next. The other thing that is kind of like, helpful about the whole situation is, I mean, I'm with Nick, I had no clue. Like, just being in that room with all the people, like, I'm sure everybody who's listening has probably seen the lists online of all the people. And I would just like to point out, are not totally complete, there are a few people that did get laid off, including Jade. People on gaff said fucking otherwise, Jade got laid off as well. I thought there were some questions to that, that sucks. But yeah, so like, I was in there with all those people and I was like, there's no way they're laying out everybody in this room, that would be insane. So it was a big shock, but the one thing that was nice about it is that like, at least it wasn't just a few of my friends from the office getting laid off. It was, you know, it was a bunch of people who I really respect and we were all together and it was like, at least, you know, like, at least I know it was a lot of really great people. And so it wasn't like based off of talent or something like that. Yeah, or personal feelings. Yeah, exactly. Like, I guess that was kind of what you were saying. And just speaking to like the friends thing as well, I mean, I've blogged about this on my blog and I'll end up with like, that for me is that far the worst thing is like, not getting to come to work and basically hang out with you guys all day, which is what I did. And it's like, go hang out with you guys and shoot the lineup show, then hang out with Bill and record one up FM. That's what it was. It was like doing what I love with the with my friends part. Like, that's what made it great. Like, and that's why, you know, if I do a lot of probably just in freelance stuff now or whatever, I end up doing like, I don't want to do a freelance job where I work from home all the time and just play games and talk to people on AM. Like, I don't want that. I want to work with you guys and I want to, you know. And I just like to take a second to say that the people that got to keep their jobs, like, there are definitely no hard feelings about them. Because I know, for instance, Justin Haywald thought that, like, he felt like he didn't belong with us and he thought we were kind of upset with him because he got to keep his job. And that's like not the case at all. Like, it's totally cool you got to keep your job. Like, it's just, I mean, if it, I'm just saying, if anything, I think the only reason that, I mean, it's easy to interpret like a negative attitude from all of us because we were bumming about packing up our shit as like him against him and it's definitely not. Like, you can feel survivor guilt or whatever you want to feel, but it's like, no one has any hurt feelings. I know it's really upset and I know a lot of us are like, have expressed that we're almost like more relieved that we're not in their shoes in a lot of ways because like, that's really hard for them. For us, it's easy. It's like, you know, we know what happened, this is done. We're going to feel, but we're going to feel everyone understands us being upset. But like, I'm sure they have so many mixed feelings and... Well, and like I said before, I've been on that side of the fence before too. I went, there's one company I was in where they laid off everybody but nine people and I was one of those nine people. And it's like, you walk into work the next day after everybody is really gone, sort of like what they're going to be doing tomorrow and they probably felt it tonight after everybody was gone at like 1 p.m. anyway. And you just look around and you feel kind of like, well, fuck, now what? And there's just as many questions in their minds for their future as there is for us in ours. And so like, I completely sympathize with whatever they're going through. The bigger thing is that, and I think everyone that's listening for this, but the audience is on our side, you know, that's the hard part. It's like, you know, people, and I think that's why we're trying to reiterate, please go to one up and look at their stuff if it's written by cool people that we like because we like those people. We're not bad enough. Don't stop going to one up because they're owned by UGO. If you end up going to stopping going to one up in the future, it should be because the content fails. Exactly, right. I mean, give them a chance. Yep, absolutely. And like, and we can say that we know personally everybody who's left and they are all great people and they are very, very good at what they do. And so it's like, I can't imagine at all that they're going to be able to do exactly what they did before because we were already working our asses off at the staff that we had. So they're going to change shit up, and I don't know how they're going to change it up, but you got to give them the chance to succeed or fail on their own merits, not based off some misguided vengeance towards, you know, a perceived slight. That said, I did. This is my joke. I came up with in the car and the way over here is I want to see. I want to see someone. Because I was thinking of like, I've made a huge mistake, and then I was thinking of Job, and I want to see like a Photoshop, but Job and a UGO shirt. I was thinking of him saying I made a huge mistake. So yeah, get on that or want to pour this something. This is what I require. And I also want to say, like, also personally from the bottom of my heart that the outpouring of support is far more than I ever knew it could be, and it was goddamn amazing. And I think we were talking about it last night, and I think Jay Fresh put it best. He was like, "Man, I wish I could just go out and give the whole internet a big hug." That being said, future packages of Candy, you guys can PM me on one up or on Eat's Game World and I will figure out an address for you guys to keep Candy stored. Oh, okay, so you're going to have Candy sent to my office. That could be. It's not a bad idea. Assuming I have one. So I guess that's just my final thought on this whole mess, is just gigantic fucking thank you to everybody that ever watched, listened, or read any of our stuff, because we felt it every day. Yeah, and along with that, I mean, you know, before we move on to other stuff, just, again, thank you to everyone and spread the word about this. You know, pay attention to what we're doing and spread the word about whatever we're doing, because, you know, whatever it is, right now we don't have the backing of a big site, so we need your guys help getting the word out there. So if you like everything. Oh, shit. And school on. Oh, God, and think about that. There won't be a PayPal button underneath to subscribe that you might accidentally click. At least it would happen when rent was due. When you mentioned ads earlier, but he wants to put ads on this podcast, you know, we'll have, you know, we'll get the quality up there. We will sell our podcast to ads. Oh, it's the greatest game I've ever played. Speaking of. This isn't the place you're talking about games. This isn't where you come for dignity. Let's talk about what we've been playing lately. How about what? Kick it off. Kick me. I've been playing anything except for World of Warcraft. Oh, shit. Lots of World of Warcraft. I'm going to go. Since you're not doing legendary third anymore, you can talk a little bit about. Matt Chandler, name knows what I'm talking about. I do. I've got my made up to level 78, so I'm almost to the new level cap. I'm working through Grizzly Hills. I finished all the dragon blight quests. Dragon light pisser awesome. Yeah. I don't play well, but is it not disappointing when you like get to the new level cap? I feel like I want to draw it out as long as possible before you get there. There's a little bit of a sense of disappointment. I mean, I'm sort of anticipating that, I guess. But the thing is that by the time I hit the new level cap, like I've been doing all the quests in every zone in the new areas. And that's the point with relative these days. Exactly. No, but by the time I hit the level cap, I'll still have like four zones full of quests to do and lots of like, like, I mean, you still have to grind reputation and save up money for different things. So there's still carrots for me to go out. Well, and it's like I said to Ryan a little bit after Wrath of the Lich King came out. I was like, man, I wish that you could play WoW, but that you could only play Northrend. I wish that like, I could sit you down in front of my computer and just have you just play Northrend because the rest of the WoW, I mean, burning crusade stuff is pretty cool, but old Azeroth sucks and there's no reason to play it. But yes, you can just play the new shit, it's called China, Chinese people that will work for you to give you an account. Many's a day. Man, fuck all that shit that sold 8 million copies of WoW, it's really good as the expansion. It's totally true. It's cool. That's why I'm waiting though. 11.5 million copies. You know that Blizzard's got more money than any other game company in the world except for maybe Nintendo. They're totally working on some other MMO. Wow, too. Wow. Whatever. It needs to be like the same side, only ours, everything gets a score higher for us. We have money. Do you guys try to higher score than A? Yeah, it's going to sound like we're not going to give him an A anymore. What was the last Blizzard game that didn't get a fucking A? That's because I don't play PC games. That fucking hell, they were like, if they plus guy I play PC games. I don't have any tunes in Blizzard games. But yeah, I'll totally put it next to them. They're next MMO. I'm really looking forward to Starcraft though. So what are you playing? Ryan, Slonomike. Uh, Street Fighter. Like that's it. Four. Four and HD remakes. Yeah. Both of them. Which one do you prefer? So I really thought I was going to prefer HD remakes because it to me is, I think it's probably the best version of Street Fighter II and that's probably, I don't know, I hate saying favorite game of all time or anything stupid like that, but it's the one that took over my life for the longest period except for maybe Quake 3 back in my college days. So Ryan Scott's favorite game ever. Yeah. So Ryan's thing. It's a Ryan thing. Yeah. I would understand. It's a great game. And Irish kids. The online works really, really well. It's awesome. But then we started playing Street Fighter IV over the break. I had some friends up from down south who were visiting. It was my old friend that I knew when I was a little kid and we used to play Street Fighter II together. And I was like, you gotta try out the Street Fighter IV. It plays a lot like the old one. It's going to look weird at first but just trust me, let's play it. So we ended up playing for like three days straight and it was a... He was fucking instant at it too. Yeah. Some of it, the timing in the game is so similar to the timing in two that he was able to do things that take a little bit of practice just because of the muscle memory was still there. He could do Shoreyuken's Dragon Punches from the ground after being knocked down which it's not that big. As opposed to Anthony who doesn't know how to do one but I can't make one of them too much because he's bringing us water right now. Oh, thanks for the water. I can give him shit. He's fucking embarrassed to be his roommate when he's talking to him. You don't know how to do a Dragon Punch? I can throw fireballs. My fucking sister knows how to do a Dragon Punch. I love it. I don't know how to do Dragon Punch. Oh. I have an awful lot of putting games. But yeah, you just have this muscle memory like ingrained in his soul and so he was able to pick it up and play and then once you start using some of the new stuff like the EX moves and the thank you very much and the focus attacks and the dash attack focus cancel or whatever the hell it's called. You just lost like half a listening. I know. What I'm saying is that there is, it's like on this base level it's just Street Fighter. So yeah, that's what I want to say though is like I mean I've been, I feel like I've talked on one up FM before about this about like I don't feel like fighting games have changed much in the last decade and for people who don't play them regularly I think that's pretty much fact like it's still you know it's one guy facing the other it's like with a list of moves and you know tweaks to all the juggles and cancels and all that but like those are specific things you care about if you play fighting games. Street Fighter 4 like I really like what I play before because I have that muscle memory plus the combination of it like looking really damn cool and those little, yeah like those changes which feel, which felt to me pretty different and this might be the first fighting game I've licensed Tekken 3 it's the first one like I've cared about like I really like what I played. So weird though Nick though that your main complaint about the fighting genre is that nothing has changed like you want things to change but that's Street Fighter 4 you love because it hasn't changed. I know but this isn't where, this isn't where I want fighting games to go and this isn't like an evolution but this is one that is so much like the best of what I liked about fighting games a decade ago and it just looks cool so it feels more enough that I'm kind of interested again in this game. Yeah I mean I did, I'm with you like I have tons of ideas for what I'd like to see fighting games do and none of them are doing it and I think it's mostly because Japanese developers and the people that make fighting games well and they aren't that good at innovating these days. Cool. You know they're still trying to in almost any genre and that's a problem. I think, I think it's turning around and at least we're seeing some really good games in these genres still popping up but yeah I'm with you I think fighting games could really truly evolve and I've got some really good ideas so if anyone who's making fun of this is going to be a recurring theme throughout the podcast, if you want to give us jobs. I've got lots of those. Well I mean I think a lot of people would argue that fighting games have almost taken steps backwards as far as like or have gotten worse over the last decade or so as compared to how they were in the 90s I mean. It's arguable. I don't know. I love Street Fighter 3 a lot of people felt like the parry system isn't it? Jade did you have something you wanted to say about fighting games? I do actually. I agree with what you just said that if anything they've taken steps backwards and I think that that's because I mean like when Mortal Kombat came out when I was younger I remember seeing it being like there is nothing like this. This is so new and different but then they were like let's make Mortal Kombat 12 let's make Mortal Kombat 13 and that's kind of what they've been doing. Even if they call it like a totally different game it still feels exactly the same. I would like to point out that the only fighting game, well I guess I didn't play Soul Calibur as well but the only fighting game that I bought this fall or the only fighting game that I probably will buy it. Are you going to say Mortal Kombat versus DC University's son of a bitch? Actually no I didn't buy it I guess I got it free from the game giveaway. Okay well that's a good thing. See I don't know I mean there's an argument to me made that Mortal Kombat was sort of the signal of the death spiral of the fighting game is like a viable like competitive genre like you never see a Mortal Kombat game at like most competitions because it's not that complicated. They're also like I mean it's a bit different of the Mortal Kombat 2 because that's been mid-ways like Red winner for a long time and it's like that they kind of have to keep the same so they can do new IPs not that they're the riskiest taking company but so they can do something like Psyops out of the blue or Stranglehold like they got to kind of keep Mortal Kombat the same because they sell really well for what they are to a very mainstream audience. The play in the simple fact of the matter is that fighting games are not a big genre now. It's the Virtua Fighter V says hello. Oh no but what I'm telling you is like it didn't sell. Oh no that's no that's what I'm saying is that I mean a lot of a big deal is made out of Virtua Fighter V as a PS3 exclusive until it wasn't a PS3 exclusive. Oh right well I think there's a difference between making a big deal out of it because there are a lot of like us gamers out there hardcore gamers and these are the people that listen to shit we make you know like we're the audience for that and I love Virtua Fighter I was glad that it was I don't care what console it comes to I didn't give a fuck anyway I just wanted to play that game and I wanted to play Street Fighter IV but that almost didn't happen. I mean that took some real fighting for Ono to do inside Capcom to get them to agree to make that game and that you know Street Fighter II HD remakes was like totally gonna get canceled like that was not gonna come out like three different times because they fucked up the art three times you know like it was in development longer than Street Fighter IV. Fighting games are so there's so much to the timing like the minutia is so important to the game when you get when you play it at a high level that it's it's just amazing that they even end up coming out it's like chess and people are trying to reinvent it you know time and time again and that's why the games do feel the same a lot of time and so I do wish that there were more people out there making game more making good new different fighting games but then again like all the people who try to make a new fighting game fail they suck there's actually that one XNA game that I played and there were a couple that looks similar so I forget the one I'm thinking of it wasn't maybe it was Coliseum maybe it was a calcium it at words like it was just like it was a pullback camera it was mostly slow one-on-one was all one-on-one I think of what I'm thinking of but it was just really like cool intuitive like movements and it was really deep but it all just felt really good and it like it looked kind of cheesy but is it for calcium for sure because you look sure go check that out it's a nice ending now I believe so Ryan I want to ask you I want to ask you a question about fighting games actually okay about your ideal fighting game then like so if I'm just curious like I mean you said you have a lot of ideas for what you want to see the fighting genre evolve into in the future would would it stay something that says complex is what we're talking about is like innately hardcore because that's the reason I can't really get into fighting games is can I answer real quick for you I just don't have like I can't do the whole like memorizing movesets and stuff and memorizing the timing and I think because of that I think fight night was actually the the best like innovation in fighting games in a long time. I was just going to say that yeah I was sorry only 100% agree I like that a lot yeah fight night that I steal the answer that with a question I was addressed to you the fight night fight night was great the thing that sucked about it was like all the EASms like the crappy menus and the fact that the Burger King guy was your like code and it's boring because it's boxing but but I don't know why the engine was off why I have an EA made like an over the top ridiculous character like a kakuto Chojin thing with them you know I don't think it needs to be over the top I just yeah I would like you know well cool not gratuity I guess I would love to see a fighting game that uses analog controls yeah you know like that would be a step and I think first person after seeing that table tennis works yeah like I can see fighting game work as like a third person from behind the character or first person like I think that's totally doable so like but I mean man they would take balls of steel to do an analog based fighting game especially considering how many fighting games just don't perform that would be really hard to get a publisher to green like I mean let's take something that I've only a very small niche of people like and then we're going to completely alienate the niche I just think we're talking about stuff like these are ideas that could work to like make fighting games interesting yeah whether they're freshly violated all of their I a lot's writing I mean sadly I hate talking about it like this but I think a lot's writing on Street Fighter these these two Street Fighter games if they do well maybe people will get back into playing fighting games for a little I don't even know if I wanted to do well then as much as I like it because I don't want this to be the example of hey let's take our old franchise and you know make it look pretty and take something that people can rely on it's not a new idea man people would know I know I know but so if they do that I mean I feel like that's this is kept we're on the at the kind of tail end of right people well who knows when people stop doing it but it's not nothing new to take your old franchise guzzy you know put pretty graphics and strip away some of the complex yeah interesting like new people Capcom's been experimenting so much with Street Fighter and Bonna Commando and Mega Man like they are my favorite third party right now that's like a big giant third party I mean my heart hardest with VAF software I mean they're I was listening they're far and away the best Japanese developer right now like hands I mean it's like I mean I don't know I'm gonna have some cool stuff I can think right now I'm sure Tekken 6 will totally change the fighting genre those here I just you know I really I really respect what's going on over there at Capcom they've done a great job appealing to people who liked games back in the 8 bit days and game people that like games now with the same title like and there's like five or six of them that don't mind that I'll do this and that's really incredible Jade what are you been playing? Oh what have I been playing? You've been playing it get closer to the mic game oh yeah mostly only really retro games I haven't really played anything I started playing Fallout though like Fallout and the first Fallout yeah no no Fallout 3 everyone and I was really hesitant actually to start playing it because I have I mostly play Super Nintendo game so my TV is one that works really well with the Super Nintendo but nothing else like playing Dead Space was impossible because I couldn't read anything so I was like I don't know if I want to play Fallout but once I put it on I realized these the voices amazing Quagangin is your dad that's amazing and I could read everything really well so I actually got really into it and I've yet to pick it up again so I've been distracted by those games. So how about you sit in the end of games I want to hear about it? Well I just finished playing what was it? Busta move from beginning to end yeah I know I have no way. No way busta move with the shooting bubbles? Yeah do do do do you? No no no no not bubble bubble. No no no not that what is the one where you run back and forth and shoot spears up towards bubbles that pop and bounce around the screen it sounds similar to that's no no no no not busta move. You're a little guy with a spear gun there's a little bit of climbing ladders and there's these big pink bubbles that split into smaller bubbles and smaller bubbles and small bubbles. It was an arcade it's also on I have it on PlayStation. I have no idea what people people listening I know what I'm talking about that guy was fucking awesome but which one is not not busta groove that was the dream casting. Busta move busta move. Busta groove was a game. That was a great game. That was a great game. That was one of my early like sexuality with games. I'm pretty sure that it was on the Dreamcast also. I know that one did come out for Dreamcast. Wait wait wait wait wait. Anthony just gave me this look. Anthony just gave his look and he's like don't let that slide. What are you talking about? What the hell? That was like outside of there's now. We talked about this un-retro-nots a couple of weeks ago. What were we talking about with Lumber Croft about how that was like kind of yeah I remember that was the first episode of a podcast that I listened to and was like it's kind of creepy guy. I'll see you guys in a minute. You looked at Nick like every day and you're just now coming to the conclusion. Yeah I just figured it out. Are you moving further into Unibomitry? What are we talking about? My girlfriend called you creepy last night at a bus stop. I mean I was being creepy probably. Your girlfriend called you creepy. My girlfriend called you creepy later. So two-writer was like a you know like boys growing up that was like a sexual icon in gaming and every guy like spun the camera around got the right boob angle and you know try to catch her in the shower and look at every guy. Okay a lot of guys who play games growing up. And you even got it and he was in a discussion. He was like really gone. No no no. I was just trying to throw her off really high place. Nice. So and she did that screen thing like you got her to get her to a cliff high enough she would scream that like horrible like gut wrenching scream that was also one of the things that turned Nick on. Yeah exactly. So a blonde girl in Bustamove was like very bust a groove. Was like super sexualized and like you know bouncy girl and that was one of the first girls like that. That's all I was commenting on. And look what it turned into. Which is the bubble popping matching one. Yes you you play as a pop in Bob. Well it's not really spear like it's like they shoot. Yeah yeah it's like a harpoon thing. And you yeah well I mean let me let me rephrase that. You can't really beat it like you just play through a ridiculous amount of levels of varying difficulties with the exact same music. I remember with you in the game cube one that came out like a year ago for one up. I forgot that anybody said people could find my review but there was an eight player mode and we actually played it. Oh my God. And it was really not. Yeah wow. It was just like man it's like five minutes like it was like who could press the button the fastest. Well the I was just playing the actual puzzle mode where you go through and you saw all the puzzles because I will tell you right now. I consider myself to be extremely good at puzzle games. But that game when you playing as a computer you get your ass fucking kicked. Like it is so hard. It is that game will kick your ass. And this game was like marketed towards children. And I'm thinking that I'm really glad I did not have this game when I was younger because there would have been controllers thrown. I would be like screaming and like picking up my super tender throwing out the window. It is so hard when you're younger. If you were like in the fourth grade or something you would have beat it in the weekend. That's true. I'm giving you a challenge yet which is I mean I don't even want none of a 360. Maybe you'll buy someone Anthony is you got to beat my hex X core. Oh yeah. That's my puzzle challenge. You can beat that. Then I will find out to you as the puzzle game master. Not that I had the best score on my friend's list even but I didn't beat the game properly which is looking at like two years. So yeah see it's a problem isn't I? I'm proud of that. I never really got any Tetris ever. Yeah that's true. I am fairly new Tetris which I know is like blasphemy if I consider myself to be good at puzzle games but that's it was not. I am trying to beat the Guinness book world record of Dr. Mario though. I'm determined I will beat it. Matt what have you been playing. I'm talking to people who are closest to the mic in order than Anthony is next. I did well I got my new PC put together just before Christmas so like over the break I played a shitload of PC games. And like Phil I paid a bunch of wow but I also played a fuck ton of Far Cry and downloaded Mass Effect because I was really curious how it would look on PC and it's gorgeous. Yeah we should. I'm curious. I just feel like I'm all my PC games that I played were already outdated because I was saving them all you know until I got my PC upgraded. That's fair. That's fair. But anyway. But I picked up Far Cry when it came out and played maybe five hours something like that and I haven't gone back and finished it and I'm sort of curious like part of me wants to and I'm not sure if I should like what do you think. How much do I play. I'll tell you what when you play Far Cry for like five hours you think you've seen everything that there is in that game and if you play a little while further you begin to realize like wow this game is a lot bigger than I thought it was. Well what platforms is everybody playing it on? I played the 360 for PS3 and your PC. I played it 360 and PS3. I'm just going to go out and live here and say it's a significantly superior experience on PC as compared to console. Well Brian would be a better answer that so it depends on what your you know PC is like that's machine is a crazy beast and we were running it in direct extent and we got really good. I would say it looks like next next next and not three jams. It looks significantly better than what consoles are doing. We played it for quite a while on the PC and we brought it down and we put it on our HDTV and yeah. We have the big TV in the living room that like the whole house uses and so during the break I brought down my PC and hooked it up to that and so I was doing my PC gaining from the couch. It was awesome and I thought I thought Far Cry 2 looked amazing and I was playing it on PS3 and this is before I'd seen the PC version. I really did think like wow this is a phenomenal looking game and I went back and started playing on PS3 just to put it in because I knew it was going to look worse than the PC version. And I was like I couldn't believe how crunchy it looked it looked like your character like it's on your hands are super blurry. And also just like the I mean the the load times I feel like it affect how you feel. The load times the load times are nothing on the PC. You can save anywhere. And being able to be able to quick save in a game like that is fucking fundamental to the game experience. Considering that you get fucking ambushed like every three minutes. Right. I will say that the game yeah the game is the same and it's a game that you're either going to hate or you're going to stick with it and just learn to not really care about the things that are bothersome. And I definitely didn't hate it with my time I just I mean you know it was that big season lots of releases so I just got distracted by something else and now I'm trying to figure out if it's worth going back but you're you're talking. I would I think I think narratively it's one of the by far one of the most interesting games that have come out this this year. See that's that's what I mean. I wouldn't say that the narrative goes in interesting places. Yeah I would say I would say that like Ryan is correct in that it is it is very adult and hardcore and that it doesn't it doesn't treat things with any kind of cake gloves it's not trying to sugarcoat anything. It's very morally ambivalent. Yeah and it like. I guess the thing that I would that disappointed me about it in the time that I like with the narrative in the time that I spent with it was just that they they hyped it up so much in the the previews and stuff. Like Ubisoft's big thing was saying like this is the video game version of the heart of darkness. I mean obviously they weren't going to compare that was ultimately bad marketing because there were a lot of TV commercials for it and I got the impression that the story and voice acting and writing was like terrible before watching that because it looked really like. I saw the ads. Yeah. I mean it looked like a like a like a Gears of War something like over the top and heavy handed but not remotely tongue in chief. No I would say I would say that it was minute that the all the storyline stuff is very bad. The storyline stuff is very minimal but it's very serious. Yeah. And it's and it's well done even if it's not particularly deep. So the part the main problem is basically the same thing I said at the one up show and it's compounded if you play it for as many hours as we've now put into it. Which is that there are in the world in the game world which is a very very very giant world. There are people that give you missions. You're buddies which there aren't that many of them but you know they come at specific times and everyone else in the world is an enemy that wants to kill you. They can see through the bushes. They can see you from millions of miles away and they want you dead no matter what. And that is frustrating because during the introduction sequence to the game where which is kind of like the Call of Duty 4 intro where you ride in a car and kind of see the world for the first time. Which kind of drags a little bit actually I feel like. See I got into it and the reason I like it is because you see things like there'll be a family carrying a bunch of crap and like walking down the side of the road. You know just like kind of things that fill out the world and make it feel like a real place. A forest fire but then you never see those things. You never see it ever again the rest of the game is like dry dry for 2 to 3 minutes kill everything dry for 2 to 3 minutes kill everything. Dry for 2 minutes accidentally run over a zebra. Right. No you can definitely go on foot but more it's really slow. Go on a boat that's cool. Yeah the boats are fun. The hang gliders are fun. We found a fucking hang glider. You will like just start unlocking safe houses and eventually run into them because they're always next to a safe house. See I was really disappointed when I found like one of the buggies that looks like it'd be super fast and then someone caught up to me in a jeep. Yeah and start shooting you. Yeah I was like why did I take that? I will say that the game also the gameplay the combat definitely improves when you get and you get more options if you unlock camo. If you buy the camo then you can actually crouch and be stealthy and like you unlock camo and you unlock the dart gun because this is the most lethal fucking dart gun you've ever heard of in your life. It's like it fires instantly from like impossible distances. There's no arc. It doesn't actually fire darts. It's more like the most ultimate stealths. Yeah but it's like a pinpoint rail gun that fires super silently. It's better than any of the other sniper rifles. I've got to bring up some of the topic real quick. Did you guys see that Inical knows post about Harry getting that laser? No. No one saw this. No. He had or I think it was Harry. He had this laser sent to him by some European country as like a product review. This laser that usually costs like $6,000 like a little handheld to handheld laser and he was like setting up. I don't know if it was him that he posted a video of someone setting up a row of balloons on the floor and just holding it down and popping them all in a row. And he was like up on a ledge and like pointing on like a satellite like forever far. Or I don't sell that out. I don't like dish like across the city and he was like burning holes through things. Holy shit. I'm forgetting this is, anyway so basically Inical is going to go read "I forgot if it's Harry" or whatever but it's on the website. I believe there is an instructable on how to make your own cheap laser that can set paper on fire from like two feet away and stuff like that. It seems like that only like manufactured and like super hardcore and worth it for like the ridiculous price that sounded so cool. So in case you were wondering, make sure to shut down with a laser or you could buy a lighter. You guys will know where those donations are going towards death lasers. So yeah, far right. Far Cry 2, get a dark gun, get the camo, stick with it. No, the more should you unlock the better the game gets. Because you can kind of, because then you can start approaching the repetitive combat in non-repetitive ways. So now what I do is I roll up like to a reasonable distance and then I stealth up. I take everybody out that I can from a distance and while they're all scrambling around then I start lighting shit on fire and firing rockets and everything. And it becomes really satisfying at the point. Alright, so here's what I like about Far Cry 2. The game is a slow burn. Yeah. What I like about Far Cry 2 is that with almost every decision that you can tell these the developers of this game made, they tried to make it as adult as possible while still making a game that Ubisoft could sell. Right. What I play Far Cry 2, it makes me wish that the game playing audience was more open to different types of gameplay, was less into killing everything they see. Because more sophisticated in general because this team would have loved to have made that game for you. But what they made is the game that they could sell. It's a shooter. Don't let anyone tell you different, it's a shooter. But if that game had a little bit more RPG in it, if it had a little bit more story, that is like a fucking awesome world to run around in. And it just, it could be so amazing if it was something that had a little bit more depth to do it. I mean they might as well have tried it because isn't it sort of underperforming in retail? Yeah, right. Far Cry 2. I thought it actually did quite good. I know Ubisoft was at least pleased, they put out press releases and stuff. Why don't I expect Ubisoft to say, oh fuck. Yeah, but they won't put out a press release. No, it sold fairly well. I mean I was still working on GameStop when it came out and yeah, it sold fairly well. We had a lot of reserves, a lot of people came out to grab it. Good, I mean I bought it on PC. I remember the press release saying they went over a million. PC came to us after the console once did and we had a lot of people coming in asking specifically for the PC version. So it definitely sold well. Well Anthony, are we done talking about Parker? Yeah, we're done talking about Parker. Why did he like it? Oh yeah, okay, okay sorry. We're going to talk. We're going to keep moving because we're almost at an hour. Oh shit. And we're like second out of six seconds, but we can. We're not. We're not. I know, I know. I'll just do a run down real quick. Well, also my machine's XP but I hacked in DirectX 10 so I can actually use DirectX 10. Which means it's not perfect, it doesn't work all the time. You're making eye contact with me and I have no idea what you're talking about. That's true. I should be looking at Arthur here. Or Anthony. In Mass Effect, what is amazing on the PC, but it crashes like crazy and apparently it's an ongoing problem that will never be fixed. I finished Call of Duty World at War on the PC and I got to say that it, Infinity Ward, they have the best controls, the best FPS controls on PC too, just like they do on console. Might hands down. And I finished Fallout 3 and I'm playing Aquaria and there's like three or four of the games. Tell us a little bit about Aquaria because that's one I haven't heard a lot about, but I mean the stuff I have heard intrigues me. It's a very slow burn game too, just like I said about Far Cry. I can play that. Nice. It's a very slow burn game as well. It's like it's a Metroidvania type experience, but so far the unique way that you do things like you're this sea creature, not quite mermaid, not quite a person, fish girl. You're an off-boarder. Fish-man girl. Yeah. Fish. That's bad. Exactly. You're something out of Metawakalib space. And it has this, then the cool thing with the PC controls is you can use a WSAD to swim around the world and it's a 2D adventure game, but if you hold down the right click then it brings up this wheel around your character and at the eight cardinal directions, each of those generate a different tone, and then you put them out to the different directions too and you learn songs as you go along and these songs mostly are there to transform your character into different types of characters that have different abilities and those different abilities. That would be really hard to do with a mouse. It's not an ocarina. And it's a lot of fun and like at first I thought it was really tedious because the levels are really, really big, there's a whole lot of game there and you have to swim long distances to get to places that you want to go, but after a while you start learning abilities which lets you travel quicker and get through places quicker just like you would expect in a Metroid where it's like you unlock the grapple and now you can get through this level so much faster than you could before and it also has a recipes thing where you get wronged medians and then you cook and as you cook things you make things that heal you or heal you and give you damage resistance or heal you and speed you up or make your attacks stronger, all kinds of stuff, it's a lot of fun. I recommend it. When we were still employed it went up and I got the message for that game was going to be coming out and I needed to put it on the site and I had no idea what the game actually played like because it wasn't out yet but just the way they described it it sounded like the weirdest fucking thing ever, like you're a mermaid that stings and cooks and you move and you swim around and then there's some shit, exactly what I was picturing like echo the dolphin but like without aliens and then every once in a while it was like an iron chef cook off against like other fish but I don't know, it was a crazy shit I never heard but then seeing it played it's very fluid but yeah no we were at what was that place in Alameda? Alameda Game Exchange. Alameda Game Exchange. We were there trying to figure out the fucking name of Odin's sphere and we just could not think of it and it makes me... It's true. It's true. We were distracted by a winter so it's a one vegetarian food. You just reminded me of bringing up iron chef, I mean I don't want to talk about my games yet but just one real quick is iron, I put some iron chef America for DS and it's comparable. I'm sorry. It is one of the worst games I have. I was curious because I like to show a lot of them. Do you have Mark the Cascus? It took me. I don't even know who that is. You should be glad. You should be glad. Oh yeah, I don't know. It was the chairman. The TV, the TV crow. I play it for like ever, my girlfriend and I were playing for quite a while, didn't even get to any of the iron chefs because eventually apparently you face off against them. But it's just, it's nothing but like really like poorly done boring like chopping up stuff and moving stuff and not even as much burying as variants cooking home or anything so. Like never soft. Did a cooking mom again. Ouch, that was a really random art, never soft for it. I'm sorry, never soft. We'll start off with your ads. Anthony you've been, you've been bringing us water and tea and playing with your kit and I'm just going to try and make sure that everyone's comfortable. Alright, now we appreciate it though. I feel like it's hard because when we're in the office it's one thing because it's in the office whatever fuck you guys but like here we are and we're in my house it's like I feel like the innate mix can in me need to entertain like I almost slip into Spanish to ask you guys if you want water and stuff like that. Quietly get piñata over her drink. Yeah, exactly. I just want to call you meat though, you know. But no, I've been playing games. I kicked the shit out of Bioshock over the Christmas break because I'd never actually played it myself. Did you finish it? Yeah, my 360 broke so I played it on PC. And it was actually very excellent on PC having the ability, I don't know. I mean I'm a little partial to PC for some things but Bioshock I think actually plays extremely well on PC. You can drop that for right now, you're not a PC editor anymore. Well, it's true. I mean I don't get wrong, I play shit out of concert games but I really do enjoy it. I'll tell you why. I'm just going to speak in the next video. Uh-huh. That's still as Mikey. Sexy. The reason that the version is better on PC is because it doesn't cause when you choose your 5 minutes. Exactly. On console you have to pause between each 5 minutes choice. Can you do quick pause mid change? I don't think it works that way. I think it always, when you're holding that button, I mean you can do it. Man, I need to play fucking Bioshock again. Our beard's going to enter a link by the way, you don't have to stay so far. It's like getting your braces caught. Please. I can't believe that Ryan O'Donnell is wrong on that. And if he is, you know, rank by or hell on him on gas. Fuck him. But uh, yeah, I've been playing a lot of Bioshock and then I was finally trying my first Japanese RPG with Chrono Trigger. Oh yeah. You've never played a JRPG, right? Yeah. I remember you saying this in the office, the first time you've ever played a Japanese RPG. So this is like if you've never played a shooter and then played Bioshock and you're like what the hell that I'm missing? Is this the same with Chrono Trigger? Yeah, so I went and I started playing Chrono Trigger and I was enjoying it and then the plane ride back was a little stressful and so I closed my DS and slipped it between my legs because I felt comfortable with it near my balls. And uh, the same as place on my body. And for whatever reason, when we came time to get the fuck off the plane, I just like I left it. When you were in a hurry, that was a nightmare flight, that was horrible. What happened? What was the most of the flight? I want to hear about that. It was just that the flight was shaking and stuff which I was mostly okay with. Some people do not like the flight. This was the day where it was super super windy in the city. Yeah, like they had to delay our fight for like three hours in way back because San Francisco was so fucked up. And it was intense. I mean, there was never any time like when the plane dropped out to two or anything like that. It wasn't too, too bad. I've been on worse. I wasn't ready to start calling my mom or anything like that, but it was like, it wasn't, it wasn't pleasant. Oh no, this is the same day when like Shane was stuck in O'Hare for 22 hours in the same day. I don't know if you ever got to tell the story or whatever you got to tell. I don't want to be yours, but he's been talking about it in the office for the last week. And some like fan came up and recognized him and then like came back to him like three separate times. Because they were both there for like 20 hours. Yeah. And Shane also, I think if he came up as a dick to you the final time you talked to him, he definitely said to us that it wasn't that he hated you, it was just that he had been there for 20 hours and didn't want to talk to a fucking soul. Oh, you're a dr- I thought you were addressing like all the fans and not just that guy. Just that guy. Just that guy. Shane Shane. I think we need an entire podcast. Shane probably just came out as a dick and he didn't. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on it. Because you might actually update it himself now. Yeah, Shane. Yeah. Shane is taking over that. So does, so does that much than Shane does have control over Shane watch now? It's not you guys. He's had, he doesn't yet. He's had control since he's found out. He just hasn't wanted to do anything with this. He does have to access it and he said that he's going to probably take over now. He's had the power. He just hasn't taken it. Exactly. He's been scared. That guy had the hardest time cleaning at his office, but that's a different story. And we might, I'm just gonna say it, we might have the exclusive reveal next episode, maybe. I don't want to say that yet, but I think Shane- Oh, where are Shane's going? Shane, I don't know for sure we'll have that. Well, maybe you did that. Shane will be on the show for sure. Yeah, I mean, we'll have him here talking. He has things to say. We want to have hard feelings if you're about it elsewhere first, but- Maybe you should say that whatever podcast you're horing yourself out on next might have the exclusive reveal. Yeah, well, Shane's just a nation. It's Shane's just debating between who he wants to give it to. He wants to help us out because he knows that there's a lot of Shane bots out there that would love that. But yeah, we'll see if they do another one up your reserve. How about you guys? Who knows if Shane can contain himself for a week from now, honestly? We should wait and see how badly this podcast rapes our bandwidth before we make an exclusion. Yeah, sorry if it's slow downloads this time, but like I said, we're figuring it out. Yeah, we'll polish things up for next week. Yeah, and if the downloads do get slow, please feel free to mirror it somewhere so you guys can get it one way or another. We don't give a shit. Yeah. We'll get it on iTunes, right? So people can subscribe. That's the goal. But tonight it might be the first to make just off our site. Yeah. We'll figure it out. And sorry for Mike swapping and all that. Like we said, this is like, we finished cleaning out our desks earlier today. Alright, we're having a weird like, while we're going back now, we should probably get back to that. What else are we playing? That's the best thing we've ever seen. That's the best thing we've ever seen. Yeah, that's the best thing we've ever seen. That's the best thing we've ever seen. That's the best thing we've ever seen. 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That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. That's the best thing we ever seen. I didn't buy any gifts because I knew we were going to get laid off. That valve set. Whatever you need to tell yourself to fall asleep at night, it's cool. Team Fortress 2 is great. You know what we're thinking about that? After we post the podcast and that gift that Karen's made of, or the picture Karen's made for Rebel FM goes up, people need to be tagging Rebel FM. Team Fortress 2. I've seen some really bad tags. Playing with the likes of Shawn Elliott, there is a website called My friend Alex made sure that I saw the guy that played Street Fighter with for this entire holiday break. The first thing he did was like, "Hey man, you got to see this site, man." Shawn used to love to run into the spawn point and spray paint that on the wall. Before people spray the tag over, let's make sure that we have enough bandwidth to support more downloads. Either way, if this first podcast ends up having bandwidth problems, we'll take care of it in the following week. We've already had numerous offers for people to help us out. We've got a lot of bandwidth. I'm just curious to see how it works out because this is definitely a lot more attention than I think we're accustomed to getting. I'm sorry. I mean, we're back in the day when it's a game existed before I even worked at OneUp Me and Arthur. We're like, "We got 50 fucking hits today." I have two fucking hits and two comments. I'm just wondering if I should be the graph of the traffic that we mentioned yesterday. It's like, "Oh, okay." Straight line, mountain. It's on January 4th, 97 hits. January 6th, 2000 hits. Speaking of which, did you guys see that graph with the steam graph? Oh, the steam graph. Shawn, if you're following him on Twitter, which you probably all are, I'm sure you... Much to your Segrin. I'm sure if you click on his links. He posted a link of a graph of steam usage for the past three or four days. And around the time that the layoff happened yesterday, there's this significant dip in the graph where it was already starting to slow down. It's that time of the day before people get home and it starts to pick back up again. But it dropped by about 500,000 users. It's funny that we can't see a correlating graph of a gap increase of usage. Oh, no. It's like it's static setup also. It was the moon. It was like NPD day on GAF yesterday. I like the fucking sight went down over and over again. I couldn't believe that it broke 50 pages. I went to bed after it broke 50 pages of it up until then. It did go down at some point because I remember I was looking at it and I started getting bored of course. I think one up probably had its highest traffic on the season as well. I mean, I'm sure that you do, guys. Oh, we have to do is fire people all the time. We get so much traffic. Sorry. One up survivor. Any other stuff you've been playing are there? I played through mirrors edge at the end of the year. Oh, nice. Which I think we can talk more about when we talk about games of the year briefly. Are we going to do that today? If we don't do this, we'll get to it next week. The podcast is going kind of long. I mean, it's flawed, definitely. But it's definitely one of the most experiential compelling games I've ever played. Would you sit in the meeting and vote for it for every single award? Because you might. Because you might understand how it goes. I mean, the graphics are the graphics and visual designer amazing. Like, the control is good. I actually didn't hate the fighting, but I also became a guard murdering machine by the end of it. Yes. But I just felt like it was really good. And the ending was very sweet and pretty good. I remember the ending. It's a good thing you reviewed it. Yeah. How's the line down again? Hey, guys. I'm giving you the mad fish eye right now. Oh, sorry. It wasn't that one. It wasn't the final issue of the jam. No, it was a couple of before that. Plus, it was like a long way of trying to review it. So, I played through it. I thought... I was going to say that the first time I played it, I thought when I really didn't like the combat much, I wasn't doing the run-off-the-wall-then-jump-kick move. Or the slide. No, the slide I was doing a lot. But the jump-kick one is particularly good because it spins the enemy around. Yeah. And then after that, you get a quick, easy disarm. And I think that totally changed the game and I wasn't doing that the first time. I disarmed one enemy in the entire game. So, you were a killer with guns? No, no. I required a shot. I was just that fucking good. So, you've punched people a lot? I slid, I punched, and then I jump-kicked a lot. See, I wanted disarms to be nicer. Yeah, I felt like disarms were a little sketchy on the console. The little bit of the PC version, I played the disarms were a little tighter. It's only that they show you that red flash when you're allowed to do it. I understand why. It works that way. Animation matching is a tricky thing. But I just wanted it to feel more fluid. When you play, I know they're totally different games. But Grand Theft Auto 4 has that whatever that animation system is that they, I can't remember what it's called. But euphoria. Thank you, sir. Yes, the euphoria physics or animation system, and it's pretty incredible to watch. Like I went back and played some GTA recently, and watching the characters like fumble all over themselves. Fly out of car windows. Exactly. And it doesn't look all stupid and rubber bandy like those old rubber bandy unreal demos. The best one was the name of the one that was like the first rubber bandy game of all time. Oh. The best one, minority report? Yes, too. Yeah. Yeah, that was great. Like mocking guards made it to car wheels over ledges. I guess that's what I want. I want the next Mears Edge to just be a little bit more realistic in that sort of way. Or, I mean, it was just another example of how unforgiving that game isn't a lot of spots. And sometimes it's fine to play a game like that. Sometimes it is. I would agree with that, but I think that that difficulty could have been mitigated a lot, and could have made you feel more skillful if there had been a lot, just a lot more disarm options. You know, like if you do the slide and the guard is bending over, you should be able to disarm it. If I attack someone in the balls with my foot gun like 30 miles an hour, it would be good if they dropped their gun. Right. It's just obnoxious to do it and want it to happen. And I'm the type of player that I'm stupid and I would slide tackle guys all the time. And then every time try to disarm afterwards, even though I knew it wasn't going to work and get mad every time. Like, dude, he's fucking bending over. Steal the goddamn gun. What's wrong with you? Well, and we bring this up all the time and I'm going to bring it up again just because, but it's a Assassin's Creed. Assassin's Creed combat was little input, big output, and I wanted more of that in Mirror's Edge. Yeah, I mean, and actually that's the game I thought of during the combat in Mirror's Edge because it's another game where a lot of people hated the combat and I fucking love the combat in Assassin's Creed. Let's see what else have I been playing because Mirror's Edge has been talked about a lot. Geometry War is retro evolved too. I came back to that after a while. I've been trying to beat my high scores since there's no one on my friends list right now with higher scores than me. Alright, give me this. No, I'm out of it now. I was playing a bit recently. I was trying to get that, we're going to King Achievement, which I didn't realize I didn't have. Or not the, or the little, is it called King? It's got to go to the different zones. Yeah, that's King. That achievement where you have to go to 30 zones without firing and I got 28 like 7 different times and 29 like twice and 30 just elitted. So, yeah, well, fuck you. Don't you have a smile achievement? No. No, I haven't even tried that. That seems like a hassle. No. I played Wayans no more. Two random notes, that's one remember. One thing too I wanted to mention, Skip, he's definitely going to come on the show at some point. Yay! One of the drums today, we couldn't make it. And, you know, all the stuff today, he's had a lot of shitty personal stuff recently. And I think, so the recent, you know, him not having a job anymore, probably pretty rough as well. So, you know, but we really appreciate his work putting the other podcast for a long time as well. Well, and hopefully when he comes over for the next podcast to help us out, we can like get him to help us make it sound good. Because we're like monkeys bashing on an electric board over here. Yeah, like, I don't know how many out there listening have actually tried to put together a podcast, but there's a tedious fucking process. And, I mean, the amount of podcasts that Skip put together, one up is astounding. I love Skip. I'm just going to say that. Who doesn't love Skip? Everybody loves Skip. I love Skip. I got a hug from him before he left today, and it was fucking fantastic. Damn, I didn't get a hug. That's because... I'm not going to throw tomorrow and hug him. He bought me lunch yesterday. I didn't get a hug. I didn't get a hug. Fish doesn't hug males, apparently, but some African males, oh, well, there's where I'm from. That's what he said to me. He said, "I don't hug males unless they're from and I didn't hear him." So I got a nice fish hug. He gave me the rock, though. Also, back to that. The terrorist fish jam. Terrorist fish jam. Nice. Are you done? Talk about my games? Yeah. He's done. Also, one thing I'll pin myself real quick, because you mentioned... Actually, this is a thing I should talk about, really, too, because you mentioned the last issue of EGM. EGM closing is kind of... This is a footnote of the solved situation for us now, kind of. We've seen the writing on the walls for a while, I think, and so readers are pretty open about us. We don't know the fate of it. People have seen other magazines close, but EGM closing is a huge deal, and when I tell friends about that, that's the big deal to them. It's like, "Wow." You know, when I first got the job, it was like, "Wow, you're--" Engad too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The responses were like, "About EGM." And I was going to say, when I first got the job, people were like, "Wow, you're writing at the place where I grew up reading, and now it's like, that's gone." I think, like, if EGM had closed, and I hadn't lost my job, that would be such a big deal for me right now. Just EGM being gone is such a, you know, that's just a huge thing. Or anyone into gaming remotely, that's been, like, so close, associated with gaming for, like, 20 years. That being said, the unreleased issue, what would have been the February issue. Which would have been the 20th anniversary. Which we're going to talk about, what's happening with that next week, I think. I think, yeah. Well, I think somehow it's going to come out digitally, but not only that, but I think that some of us are looking to put together money and print off 100 of them. Really? And, yeah. Is that possible? Yeah. We found a place where, I don't know how it's legally possible, but-- So, if you give them a PDF, we can publish them for $11 an issue. And so, the idea was to have past and present, like, past and recently present, like, members of EGM sign it, and then auction off a child play. You know, I do work at a place that lets you create books. Yeah, well, books is what we--a hardbound one would be really cool. And signed by all those people, and then auctioned it off. So that's the plan. Look for that in the future, we'll let you know. Yeah, I want that. Like, I gave it back, I always buy the coolest stuff with their, like, child's play auction. That's what I would do. I'd, like, put up all my money that I don't have anymore towards that. I would be super, super into that, because this was the only EGM that I was ever going to be in. In the review section. In the review section, because I did a small review on the World of Warcraft. It's just the 180 lousy words, but it was going to be the only time I was ever going to be in EGM, and now it's not going to print. But first, I never had any text in a GFW except for 90 words that don't even have a byline by me on it. But it's still, like, a super proud moment in my life. It was just, like, a wrap-up review, and when Ryan asked me to do it, it was, like, a horror game, which I'm terrified to play horror games by myself, and I forced--I didn't lie, lied to Ryan and told him I felt comfortable doing it, and, like, suffered through my computer by myself, like, wanting to stop all the time, but I was, like, "I can't let Ryan Scott down." That's funny. The only time in EGM my only time in print was the review, a small review, of a condemned one. With the co-reviewers were Kathleen and Jen South. They really didn't like that game. The game was amazing. Yeah. It was me. It was awesome. Just to give my EGM story, too, like, I mean, I grew up reading EGM, so the reason that I wanted to write about video games, so it was a huge deal for me when I got to come work here, as well, and when I eventually got to be in a couple of issues, and it's just--I'm just happy that I got to be part of the last batch of issues. Yeah. I think we produced some really good issues. I think so. And that's really what, too, well, I mean, you know, I love the work I did for OneUp. I love, like, you know, OneUp, as it was, I mean, it knows what it'll become, but, like, actually having those physical issues of EGM, like, that's what I'll keep for the rest of my life. Every issue that, since I've worked there, I've kept, like, three or four copies of a huge pile on my shelf, like, those that, you know, I want to keep them, like, her medical team, or something. And I hope we're gonna have to, Nick Sutton or signed EGM's today for that kid, Nick Mason there. Okay. Nick Mason, everyone. Dude, it went to the lobby. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. Didn't you? Well, and I was in it. Well, and I was in it. Okay, Jason signed him, and he's a copy editor, so if he can sign him, I can sign as a reviewer. Yeah, but Anthony hates people. It was also my cover story, which I was gonna pimp earlier. And I kinda came off, like, I hated that kid or something, and I didn't know I was just in it. I, yeah, and it wasn't that I didn't, like, I, I actually was really flattered by that. It was just that it was, like, shitty day, and I didn't know what to say. I was like, "I'm not good with that either, man." I was like, "I don't know what to do." I was like, "Thank you very much. I mean, thank you. I mean, I do appreciate it. It's just like, you know, I'll keep doing it." It's hard for me, man, to meet, meet people that like what we do, because I really am genuinely 100% thankful for, for them, but I don't know what to say. Unless, unless you want to come to my house and hang out for a little while and like play some games and stuff, and let me get to know you, I probably won't have anything polite or nice. Oh, well, I will be polite and nice, but, uh... I'm just going to use this game on a line. It just awkwardly stared at me and would turn around. It'll probably be more like Napoleon Dynamite or something, like, "Yeah, thanks!" And then I'll just, like, book it and bolt out, and do that, and I'll do that, and I'll not that. So, uh... So, I, I don't know. I was also earlier going to, was there a lot of, as well, because I was going to pin my cover stories. I mean, I was very proud to have the cover story in the lab. My first cover story, they'll ask the Shubie Jam, it's a bummer, and Wolverine, the game. Okay. Which I was glad I thought the game looked, like, pretty cool, and I'm a huge Wolverine fan, and, like, I was glad the game looked cool, because it would have been really hard to write a cover story. And that, not because I would have needed a share code, because it's, like, how do I slow write an interesting story? Then it would have had to be about, like, the fall of superhero games, which everyone already knows about her. I don't know if you need help seeing how to write, like, a cover story that's still, like, about something in kind of a negative, like, sea-rubber, Ashley story about it. It stands for a, which, like, yeah, people weren't happy about. Yeah. But it's past, it's past, yeah. But, anyway, I think I did, you know, a cover story, people want to check it out, it's actually on one up right now as well, I just got put up the day before all this news broke, so people can go read that, it's a cover story, so it's much longer than most other stuff you're going to read on one up, but go forward if you want. And I'm sorry the cover of the issue looks crappy. Why did that happen, by the way? Because Marvel are total jerks about their approvals process, and even, I think, at least, I don't know, I just don't want to get too much into it. Yeah. We'll talk about this later. But, you know, it's, I mean, it's, you know, understandable to stand, but, like, they want their, they provide you with certain things, you can do this, this, through this, and we wanted to make it, I don't know, as far as I know, something else, and just kind of what it turned out to. Yep. I don't know. But, okay, so games I've been playing, which I also can't really talk about, which sucks, because these are, like... Because you work for someone where Embargos matter anymore. No, but it's not there. No, but it's not there. Get Embargos. We get companies Embargos. I know. EA and Sony's Embargos. And I, you know. But, I'll talk a little bit about Skate 2, which I'll be playing. Hey, if anyone wants a Skate 2 review, by the way, you know, I'm ready to write. I actually might have on my first freelance job for one up, a preview up on Friday. But, if anyone wants to review, let me know. And the So, Skate 2, like, I was talking to Ryan, actually, a bit about this yesterday, I think. It's interesting, because the first game was very much like a game about learning how to skate, like, in a video game, obviously. But I think it had a pretty, like, not a steep learning curve, but it was like, the game was about the learning curve and getting to a point where you felt comfortable, like skating around the city and doing tricks, because you don't ever level up in the game. You know, it's a big open city. Phil's texting is very distracting, but it's okay. Look at it. I've been doing that, like, all day. I don't know. So... I think you can do it. What? Alright, let's shut up. We'll fight on here. We'll fight. Those people wanted to have the suggestions for one of them were, like, more fighting on here. I'm praying this. Call it up by more making out. So, anyway, you never level up the whole city. It's, like, open. You can do any trick at any time. You just gotta find a place to do it. The first one is very much about learning how to skate. The second game, for me, it doesn't feel like it eases you into it. Generally, in the same, the tutorial's quicker, it's more to the point. It just kind of feels like a game for people who now know how to do it, and so it gives you a ton of stuff to do. The game is, like, ridiculously huge, you know, all different sorts of objectives and, like, just a really large amount of them. So, it'd be interesting coming into it from never having played the first one. I feel like it would be a little more difficult, but it's kind of a totally different game in that regard. But it is good, it's, you know, the first one I thought was as perfect a game as I can break off the hand. Like, yeah. You said that yesterday. I did say that yesterday. Well, I just said, I think, at first, skate game, when it came out, you know, in the world that existed, which was this Tony Hawk, and that's it, the world of skate games, it was totally correct, right? It did everything so well. The only thing, the only problem in the first one is not being able to go off your board with the big phone upstairs. Or whatever. And you can do that now. It's always implemented so hot. There's some problems to do with dragging around objects, but there are really great parts about it. But anyway, I'm getting a little too review-y. But skate 2, if you liked the first one, remotely, check this out. If you didn't like it, rent this. If you're interested in it. And then Killzone 2, which can't really talk about it either, but I've not finished the game. Arthur S. Miller, if it was, if it is like a Halo killer, jokingly, of course. And I'd say it's like, you know, that's whatever that question now. But I think this is finally the shooter that Sony needs. This is a very good game, and this is now a franchise for them. And I don't know if it's going to sell for them, but it's a really good shooter. Is the review build much different than the preview build? The latter half of the game is much better than the first half of the game. I think that's kind of, because the first half of the game, I was a bit iffy on it, and it wasn't really my cup of tea. But by the end, I really like it. And also, I don't know if it's because I played the preview build. I felt like once I really got used to the controls, because they're very specific, I think, if they kind of get used to them, and all the cool weapons are in the latter half of the game. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get review either, and I haven't played enough to review it. But my thing was that the, I just didn't, in the first few stages, one, two, and three, or something like that, I didn't really feel the need to continue very much. Like, I thought the only thing that was pushing me forward was like, I should probably play more of this. That's kind of fun. But I feel like also even having the very basic setup in the beginning of like an intro story and cut scenes, and kind of better like bookmarking on the levels and stuff, like even that little difference really kind of helped me go through it. And I ended up playing through the whole game in like two or three settings, as it was all in the end. Even though I was totally like you in the beginning where it's like a wide, I don't really want to play more out myself, because like, it was engaging, but it wasn't like fun moment to moment. Yeah, I know. We talked about it before, and it's a hard thing to talk about. So it'll be interesting when the game finally does come out to see what the audience responses to it, because it's an interesting title. It feels really different than a lot of other shooters, even though it looks like when you're staring at it, you're like, "Ah, it's a first-person shooter." Yeah, and it certainly has some problems. There's also problems later in the game, but I really enjoyed it overall, and I'm really excited to try multiplayer. That's because I haven't touched it yet. So that's about all of them for now, right now, I'm listening down. Yeah, the only things I've been playing that we're not allowed to talk about is the same thing that I said I've been playing, which is Street Fighter 4. Oh, yeah. And the only thing that I haven't seen yet now is I still haven't gotten to play Seth Akuma or Gukin, the three, like, last characters that you unlock, because there's something wrong in the builds that we have that keeps Akuma from getting unlocked. And so we had earlier builds where you could play as those characters, but they feel really different to me. It's kind of janky. It feels like a weird arcade-emulated port rather than the actual console version, which is what the review builds feel like. So I haven't gone back and looked at that. So I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to finally getting the review version of that game. Can I ask you a quick question? What's your control situation on Street Fighter 4? What do you use? Joysticks. I have, when I'm playing Street Fighter on PS3, I have two of the Virtua Fighter Virtual Stick high-grade, that's what it's called. I have two of those. I got them when they first were released, and that is an outstanding joystick. I totally love it. I know there are people out there that do mods that allow it to work on both the 3 and 3 and 3 music. It's made of metal. It's like fucking this giant metal thing. It's got beautiful buttons. It's an arcade stick. I mean, using arcade parts, it's just, I love it. That's my favorite arcade stick. I've got two of them, but I have modded mine, so they only work on PS3. On Xbox, I have this Joystick, a Hori Joystick that came out around the time of Dead or Alive 4, so it's got dumb, Dead or Alive art on it that's really obnoxious and ugly. Yesterday, when I found out we were getting laid off, I canceled my pre-order for the Street Fighter Fight Stick, which is a $150 fighting stick that Mad Cats is putting out, but I've heard that some of the people at Capcom, including possibly Seth Killian, had some sort of input on it, I don't know what, but they really tried hard to get this stick right. Is that the one that they're showing at CES right now? Probably, yeah. It is the stick. They should ask Garnet to bring one back. Yeah, seriously. I wouldn't take it back to anyone, but if anyone wants to gift me a Street Fighter Fight Stick for Xbox 360. Give it to Mad, and make him give it to me. I'm just going to, yeah, I'm just standing because my back was hurting. Okay. I was going to wrap it up, but I think we should wrap it up anyway, because this is like hour and 45 minutes. And we're going to have to re-record on computers, that's going to take another hour. Yes. I'll end up going up after midnight, but with, like I said, on my Twitter like that's in tradition. I don't like that, but I mean, you know, we're not doing this on the, you know, paid to do it anymore. So we're trying. We're only getting paid to do the podcast before, but, well, technically I was making my hours in wage. It was. Yeah. But yeah, again, sorry for any random audio problems, whatever, switching mics all the time. I mean, we'll work on it. And eat sleep game with Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It'll be on your Twitter. Yeah. We'll promote it in our Twitter and we'll get a gap there and going on as well. We'll have something up on maybe a one up board, sir. We'll have something up. You're going to make me register a new domain for the fucking website, aren't you? It's too hard. It's actually. Is it taken? Is it? Eat Oh, God. Eat sleep game. Yeah. It was taken. Yeah. Okay. That wasn't taken in 2006. I wonder. Rebel up is taken. It is, sadly. So it's Really? Yeah. We were offered a bunch of sites by one. What was it? Like Super Monkey Robot Jesus? Yeah. Like Super Monkey Robot Or a bigger than J-E-S.US. That's good. All right. I had some closing thought, but I got nothing now. So we'll be back next week sometime maybe start backlog or something like that. Let's do it. If you're not. Let's start backlog. Yeah. Let's start backlog. It's a good time to be playing a backlog game. That's all I'm saying. Yeah. I love you all. I love you guys. I love you guys. I love you guys. I love you. And just to let everybody know, we'll be looking over the submissions that you've been sending and I've got a shit ton of stuff in my blackberry. So uh. We're writing for you. Yeah. We're writing for this site. Writing with Phil Coward and Nick Suttney. I just want to work alongside great titans. Seriously. Like the, it's going to my email so it feels a little weird, but the amount of support that everybody's sending in all their emails is pretty astounding. So I'll be forwarding that on all of you guys so you can take a look firsthand. Dude, I mean, fuck man, I was a one up and EGM fan too. Like it's not like it's not like I have to, I have to live with his fucking depressing ass and I get to watch it. It's true. And we were talking like, like 15 minutes before the meeting, he's like, oh, so I finally talked to Ryan. He just, he wants a writing sample from you. Yeah. Oh, sweet. That's cool. Cause I might lose my job in like three days and I get a tax message from Anthony like 20 minutes later. So, you know, I mean, I, I, I checked EGM out from the library when I was fucking in fourth grade. I'm, I'm definitely depressed. So. I didn't get the wonderful joy of getting to work for one up and jam very long, unfortunately, but it was easily the greatest job I've ever had. I met so many amazing people and seeing the fan base, I mean, I was also a big fan, but how everybody just like rallied together to have all these kind words and I mean, even, even I was getting tired of messages and I'm like, nobody basically, but I would get a message from people that were like, Oh, it's so sad. You know, you didn't even really get a chance to work there. And it's just a big thank you to everybody that was so supportive of, of all of us and all of our voices. So. Okay. So you say not just because you guys are, not just because you guys are here, but I was thinking and I was like, man, as far as all are covered, our current content, as far as stuff, I like looking at it because I don't read a ton of stuff on the side. Like I'm going to miss the one up show hugely, like I love watching it every week like at, at the office and at home. Like that's a big loss for me and I'm glad you guys are going to keep doing something. We'll do something. Hopefully that I can be a both of you know, I have to have a job so I have to pay my rent, so we're going to have to do something. We still don't know exactly how it's going to break down what's going to happen, but some video will come out of my computer at some point. I will say that working at one up was the, the best part of my life, like bar none, 100%. I mean, I could tell, we could do a story telling time about how I got my job, but it would sound literally like a child's tail going to, you know, how I got my job at one up. It's, it's beautiful. Maybe we'll do that next week. So I'll, I'll show you. There's a substance. And I said, dude, next week we won't just have a watch. We've been playing with seven people for two hours as well. We'll have a little moustache. We'll have a couple of things this week we didn't get to. We'll talk about game of the year of substance we didn't really get to. I totally agree with you. And also I guess we're on office with him. There's up next week. Oh, he's going up next week. Next week, yeah. That's good. It'll be perfect to talk about that. Yeah. No, no, nothing, man. I was, I was just going to say it earlier that it went, you know, talking about the one up show and trying to be something that we sure it's really interesting to me that tomorrow is going to be perfect. I'm going to say it earlier that it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went, it went