The Sheletta Show
Partnering to Help Those with Disabilities
Chatted with Sara Volkman of the Lacek Group. They are making a difference with Hammer & NER in taking one thing off the plate of those in group homes, those with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Sara and her team at the Lacek Group are helping provide meals to these people through the “Cooks in the Kitchen” program and utilizing their Wayzata headquarters to do so and looking to expand
- Broadcast on:
- 16 Sep 2023
Chatted with Sara Volkman of the Lacek Group. They are making a difference with Hammer & NER in taking one thing off the plate of those in group homes, those with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Sara and her team at the Lacek Group are helping provide meals to these people through the “Cooks in the Kitchen” program and utilizing their Wayzata headquarters to do so and looking to expand