Pandora’s Box with Kaleah

Toxic Positivity (Don't Invalidate your Reality)

Broadcast on:
30 May 2024

Toxic Positivity is often found in the Spiritual and the Law of Attraction communities as people commonly paint a pretty picture over a painful feeling or circumstance.  Ignoring how we really feel can be detrimental to our mental and emotional well-being.  Ignoring how others feel is invalidating and damaging to their mental and emotional well-being.

In this episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into the topic of Toxic Positivity and why it is so important to be honest with ourselves and each other about what is really going on inside.  She debunks some of the law of attraction beliefs and how they can actual cause your negative circumstances to grow and expand by denying your inner landscape.

For more information on Kaleah's work go to: