The Ask Your Oldhead Podcast

Good Brothers Big and Stevie

This week we take the recent birthdays of the Notorious B.I.G. and the great Stevie Wonder to share some of our favorites from their works. Stevie is on my short list to see perform live and as we know Biggie was taken from us too soon. We are doing our part to keep the past and alive in the present, but adding on from what they have given. Take the best part for yourself. Ask Your Oldhead is a creative project exploring modern manhood at the intersection of race, gender, culture, and class. We are specifically interested in capturing the stories of transition from child to young man to healthy adult. Please listen, rate, share, and subscribe. Peace   Support the Ask Your Oldhead Podcast by becoming a patron ← Click there.   Twitter: Instagram: Leave a message: 971-206-4010   ©2021 Justice Rajee
Broadcast on:
29 May 2021

This week we take the recent birthdays of the Notorious B.I.G. and the great Stevie Wonder to share some of our favorites from their works. Stevie is on my short list to see perform live and as we know Biggie was taken from us too soon. We are doing our part to keep the past and alive in the present, but adding on from what they have given. Take the best part for yourself. Ask Your Oldhead is a creative project exploring modern manhood at the intersection of race, gender, culture, and class. We are specifically interested in capturing the stories of transition from child to young man to healthy adult. Please listen, rate, share, and subscribe. Peace   Support the Ask Your Oldhead Podcast by becoming a patron ← Click there.   Twitter: Instagram: Leave a message: 971-206-4010   ©2021 Justice Rajee