Whilst I await the imminent arrival of my latest Brand new Production aptly served to you this Christmas week I would like to once more rewind music time to unlock a past Free-Style Mega Mix from within the past 22 years of My Soul-Unique audio Biography that is Soul A:M.
Dedicating this release from 2023 to all the True DJs who supported our recording musicians and artists by purchasing their record releases, Have trodden the original path beating the streets collecting the mother media from now historic locations that once were Record stores, Cut our way across a packed dance-floor not with a pouch or stick in hand! But armed with a 50Ib+ often X2 Milk crates or Alloy case filled to capacity with Solid Grooves ready to perform live the Art of Beat Matching…As I put it? Making Music…With Music.
We have lived the most Unique Decades in Music History and If I could I would do it all over a again… and I must probably will.
“Music is not about perfection…Its about being Soul-Unique”
DJ Master J
Soul A:M Records All rights reserved 2024