SOUL A:M Pres-DJs Delight
Welcome music lovers of the very Groovy kind, I great you with one of my shortest synopsis to date, But warmest ever welcome to sample this free-styled edition reluctantly shortened due to the overwhelming challenge that stands before me days away, Within the next week I will embark on the coolest Journey back into time to reimagine what it was like when we celebrated the 1977 Silver Jubilee.
The fondest memories were forged for us during these years that...Star Wars was first released, Playing out was the best! Toys were physical! whilst needing your actual imagination to create and lets not forget! Sweets were really taste’e! Guy!
And then there was the Music…?
In our household come Friday 3rd, Silver will be more valuable than Platinum! As I hope this share this Polyester Production to Uplift your events and celebrations by releasing next weeks Production two days earlier for the UK festivities.
Back to business,
This Production is short! but potent if you are serious about Dance, Concentrated even further to immerse you in the true spirit of 86… Served My Way...Soul-Unique!
Enjoy Like and share.