Continuing last week’s Fab special edition, Dance Decade season finally arrives.
Introducing you to the Best Broadcast months of your life…The next 10 weeks for sure!
This Production will transport you back to the mid-1970s where Mustard & Brown was the base colour. Polyester was the rage! Women’s Libb Struggled to share equal stage with men, Banana skins were thrown at me from cars on the way to school! Whoopee! Free Food, Children played out all day! And a nation of fathers watched TOTPs for all the wrong Reasons…UK Perspective!!! Im Sure US Soul Train was just the same, Stateside TV portrayed crime was fine! Brothers were still Hustlin for chump change and everything! And I mean everything was bigger in the US of A, Or so it seemed?
I present to you my Definative series that will play out like an Audio-Biographic History lesson to your very own life.If you lived this Era you will love it, If however you didn’t …You will wish that you did. Welcome back to 1975 this weeks Dance-Decade.
Next Week! The Spirit of 1976 MJ.