Sex Addicts Recovery Podcast

Ep 133 Gerry J shares at the SAA / COSA Speaker Meeting

Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024

Join us in this recording for Part 1 of the Bay Area SAA/COSA Quarterly Speaker meeting as Gerry J. shares about his experience in recovery in both SLAA and SAA; how he landed in prison for 4 years; and the service he has done to help out others that are incarcerated. Apologies in advance for how often I said "incredibly powerful" in this Ep, but it's true!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sponsorship Workshop in Sacramento July 6th:

SAA Prisoner Outreach Program:

Prison Writer Program (guidelines and sign up form): 

Further Guidelines: (for password, email


YouTube Links to music in this episode (used for educational purposes):

Heilung - Traust: (trigger warning mentioned in the episode)

Dead Can Dance - Sanvean (I am You Shadow):

Lisa Gerrard - Sanvean (2018): (not played, but still awesome).

Bloodywood - Aaj:


Be sure to reach us via email:

If you are comfortable and interested in being a guest or panelist, please feel free to contact me.

SARPodcast YouTube Playlist:


To find meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area, be sure to visit:

To find meetings in the your local area or online, be sure to visit the main SAA website:


The content of this podcast has not been approved by and may not reflect the opinions or policies of the ISO of SAA, Inc.