Sex Addicts Recovery Podcast

Ep 123 Allison W shares at the SAA/COSA Speaker Meeting

Broadcast on:
14 Mar 2024

Join us in this recording for Part 2 of the Bay Area SAA/COSA Quarterly Speaker meeting as Allison W. shares about her experience in recovery in COSA, living through covert incest, & finding peace after a miscarriage.


Links mentioned in this episode:

COSA website:   Adult Children of Sexual Addiction Meeting is open to anyone affected by sexual compulsive behavior including members of other Twelve Step programs. Especially helpful for anyone who identifies as being affected by childhood caregivers or members of your family of origin – or - if you are not sure and are exploring whether you may have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior in this way, you are very welcome!

Tuesdays 4:00 pm Pacific /  5:00 pm US Mountain / 6:00 pm Central / 7 pm Eastern 

Thursdays 1:00 pm Pacific / 2:00 pm US Mountain / 3:00 pm Central / 4:00 pm Eastern /  9:00 p.m. BST

 Zoom ID: 566 056 0930

Please contact for information and meeting passcode


Book mentioned in this episode:

Silently Seduced: When Parents Make Their Children Partners by Kenneth M. Adams, Ph.D.

Podcast mentioned in this episode: The Mental Illness Happy Hour: Episode #588 Covert Incest with Dr. Kenneth Adams


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To find meetings in the your local area or online, be sure to visit the main SAA website:


The content of this podcast has not been approved by and may not reflect the opinions or policies of the ISO of SAA, Inc.