Sex Addicts Recovery Podcast

Ep 082 Return of the Bay Area Retreat

Broadcast on:
10 Feb 2023

Join us in this episode as Jason, Tim & Paul enthusiastically share their experiences around the Bay Area Retreat. To help enlighten newcomers to the SAA program we talk about what the retreat is, what we get out of a weekend of recovery, and what are some of the fears or questions that people new to to the program might have. We were also joined by COSA member and Paul's wife Amy to share her perspective on what it's like to let a partner go to the retreat for the first time.


Information and registration links for the Retreat can be found here:

Retreat informational sessions held on Zoom, Feb 18th:


Be sure to reach us via email:

If you are comfortable and interested in being a guest or panelist, please feel free to contact me.

Launching soon:

SARPodcast YouTube Playlist:


To find meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area, be sure to visit:

To find meetings in the your local area or online, be sure to visit the main SAA website:


The content of this podcast has not been approved by and may not reflect the opinions or policies of the ISO of SAA, Inc.