Sex Addicts Recovery Podcast

Ep 066 Christine C shares at the SAA/COSA Speaker Meeting

Broadcast on:
02 Sep 2022

Join us in part 1 of the Bay Area SAA/COSA Quarterly Speaker meeting as Christine C. from Indiana shares about her childhood sexual abuse,  Intimacy Avoidance and her experience in recovery in SAA, ACA, CoDA, and RCA.


Links to things mentioned in this episode:

Sponsors Helping Sponsors:[id]=168

To obtain access to our recorded podcasts, you can log into your MEMBERS account, locate this meeting in the list, click on the link of the PDF document called "Podcast Recording Archives 8-9-2021," click the link to the recordings and folders.  You can also email to request the link to be sent to you.

ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics):

CoDA (Co-Dependents Anonymous):

RCA (Recovering Couples Anonymous):


YouTube Links to music in this episode (used for educational purposes):

Dio - This Is your Life:

Avi Kaplan - All Is Well (ft. Joy Williams):


Since suicide was mentioned in this episode, if you are in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


Be sure to reach us via email:

If you are comfortable and interested in being a guest or panelist, please feel free to contact me.

Launching soon:

SARPodcast YouTube Playlist:


To find meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area, be sure to visit:

To find meetings in the your local area or online, be sure to visit the main SAA website:


The content of this podcast has not been approved by and may not reflect the opinions or policies of the ISO of SAA, Inc.