Oro Valley Catholic

They Flew: Be Skeptical about Skepticism

Jesus comes home to Nazareth in Mark 6. He is met with skepticism and rejection despite all of his signs and teaching. Dr. Carlos Eire of Yale University has written a book challenging the ubiquity of modern skepticism. In They Flew: A History of the Impossible, Dr. Eire discusses levitation and other preternatural phenomenon amongst three Catholics, St. Theresa of Avila, St. Joseph Cupertino and Ven. Maria Agreda. Multiple witnesses and many fantastic experiences open up a discussion of what is possible in reality. Eire challenges the comfortable skepticism and its foundations with a discussion of the history of the impossible. Readings: Art: Saint Teresa of Avila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens Flemish (public domain) Music by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294
Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024

Jesus comes home to Nazareth in Mark 6. He is met with skepticism and rejection despite all of his signs and teaching. Dr. Carlos Eire of Yale University has written a book challenging the ubiquity of modern skepticism. In They Flew: A History of the Impossible, Dr. Eire discusses levitation and other preternatural phenomenon amongst three Catholics, St. Theresa of Avila, St. Joseph Cupertino and Ven. Maria Agreda. Multiple witnesses and many fantastic experiences open up a discussion of what is possible in reality. Eire challenges the comfortable skepticism and its foundations with a discussion of the history of the impossible. Readings: Art: Saint Teresa of Avila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens Flemish (public domain) Music by St. Mark Choir pursuant to One License Annual License w/Podcasting # A-726294